#Damien Gavril Chirilă
horrorslashergirl · 3 years
Damien Gavril Chirilă
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Authors Note: This is Decebal's and @slashersins Son!
Name: Damien Gavril Chirilă
Nicknames: Dami, Gavi
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demisexual and Bisexual
Nationality: American, Romanian
Languages: English, Romanian, Italian, French, Russian
Voice: Damien's voice just like his father's, Decebal, is deep and has a baritone tint, giving off powerful and warrior vibes to say so, although he prefers not to speak too loudly. Think of his voice like the roar before a war.... His voice is calm and almost like feather-like touches, but once you cross him, his voice will get booming and taking you back. His voice is like a sword; beautiful, strong yet so sharp.
Occupation: Hitman and Martial Art Trainer
Hair: His hair is wavy and longer on top than on his sides, mostly like his fathers' hairstyle, and has a habit to always run his hand back through it when it gets into his eyes. The color of his hair is a very dark brown, almost black.
Eyes: Just like his fathers, pale grey, almost white, giving the impression he is blind
Height: 6'5
Body: Athletic type with some muscles underneath. He is not overly buff, but not slim either. Think of it like a 'swimmers body'; defined torso, long arms, and broad shoulders
Weapons/Fighting style: Just like his father, he is a master swordsman and a pro into hand-to-hand combat; his primary weapon is a big war sword that can cause heavy damage and he also beholds quite the brutal strength under these baggy clothes, after all... Mastering such a heavy sword requires some high strength.
Clothing: Damien is the type that thinks that clothes are clothes. He prefers comfortable clothing that isn't flashy like oversized hoodies, jackets with many pockets, jeans that can be also ripped on the knees, sneakers, and combat boots. Everything into dark colors or neutral ones like grey. Although, he does love to wear fancy watches and despite not being that into the fashion department, he managed to wear all these simple clothes with style.
Other characteristics: Damien has tattoos. His body isn't all inked up like his fathers but he does have his hands inked up with intricate tattoos and a tattoo of a bat on his chest.
Motive of killing: Being a hitman, he can be given all kinds of targets, but he is very selective into it. Most of his targets are corrupted people, abusers of the system.
Scent: It's intense and spicy pink pepper and citrusy lemon top notes followed by heart notes of orange blossom; impossibly seductive and romantic; alongside neroli and French lavender. Finally, patchouli, wrapping you up in its woody incense-like aroma, followed by ultra-masculine cedarwood.
Preferred Method of Kill:
Damien is very brutal and deadly into his kills, he will slash through muscels and bone like they are made of paper. One of his favorite is cutting off his victims legs, then heating up his swords so he can close the wounds, not letting the victim bleed to death, so prolonging the kill more. He will cut off each finger until the persons hands are fingerless then finally he will thrust his sword through the victims skull, killing them.
Unlike his loud and boisterous father, Damien is much more reserved and quiet, not necessarily self-conscious, but more so an observer; silent but taking in all aspects into a room. Think of his personality like a calm and full of tranquility field where you can basically hear the wind blowing.
He will be the listener, perking his ears at others' problems and trying to find a solution if the said person seeks so, but he will never try to force his opinions and beliefs on anyone. He is the type to respect personal boundaries and be aware of other people's feelings.
Although he can be soft-spoken and tranquil, that doesn't mean he is easy to push around, because he is not. If you cross the line, you will see his much more darker and deadly side which he inherited from his father. Once he turns 180 degrees around, he can turn into quite the big sadist that will make people tremble; deadly, and ferocious just like the lion he is. This side of him is mostly put deep down inside him, always being in control of his emotions.
He is not the most out-going guy you will meet; choosing an inside-night just watching movies, playing his guitar (which he learned from Decebal's brother Alexander) over a night out drinking and partying. He is a heavy sleeper and will take a nice nap over going out anytime, especially when raining, he loves the sound of it, its like music for this guy, a very soft lullaby.
Damien is the type of guy that will stay on the sidelines and just observing, taking into his surroundings, and be aware of the environment he is in.
This guy is also a helpless-romantic; once in a relationship he pours his whole heart into it, loyal and always supporting, he will let his feelings be known, not only through words but also through actions; giving flowers, giving his hoodie if they are cold, playing his guitar, giving gifts with deep meanings. He is traditional when it comes to courting.
Some of his habits may come off as awkward and shy, like nibbling on the strings of his hoodie, playing with his guitar pick nervously, but all in all, they are just some ticks. He also does taxidermy when he finds dead animals like bats or birds, putting their skulls on the wall on frames. You can say that he is on a much darker side when it comes to his vibes, but deep down he is truly soft.
He also has a soft spot for animals; owning a rottweiler and a black cat, like I said, his aesthetics are much darker tones.
Favorite Drink: Black vodka combined with coffee liqueur
Favorite Food: Mexican Food especially Chilaquiles (He adores his Momma Food)
Favorite Movies: Hitman, The Taken Series
Favorite Music Genre: Alternative Rock, Grunge Rock, Soft-Rock
Her relationship with her parents:
Damien's relationship with his parents is based on honesty, softness, and being as close as possible.
Decebal is very honest and warm with his son, always trying to be opened up about his history and letting Damien know who his father was and who he is now. Decebal doesn't want his son to find out the uglier things he did in life from anyone, but him, hench the honesty part.
The fact that Decebal and his brother, Alexander, pretty much didn't grow up with a father, both will be very welcoming and with open arms towards Damien, teaching him about sword-fighting, foreign languages, martial arts, and playing guitar (on Alexanders part).
Decebal will always make sure that Damien is happy and is welcomed everywhere he is, and he will always assure his son that he can ask him about anything at all.
Decebal is not exactly very proud of his history with women and he tries to teach Damien how to be a proper gentleman, that women aren't for sexual urges only, and that he should cherish them, because they do so much for men. Decebal tries to be a good influence on his son and doesn't want him to go through what he did.
He will also teach Damien never to give up, never to let anyone run over him, he will try to give as much of his confidence to Damien as possible, that when times call for desperate measures, the sword will be unsheathed and blood shall run in deep rivers.
Lion- a symbol of vitality, wisdom, ferocity, power, anger, and also self-control. Damien is like a sleeping lion, seeming harmless, but deep down under the wild mane lies a ferocious deadly beast that shall destroy anyone who messes with his pride (family and friends). He is wise in his words and what he thinks, being an observer and taking notes of everything.
Bat- this animal stands for communication, a long journey, swiftness, good luck, dreams, and also fear. Damien is the guy that will always be a listener to others' problems, despite not starting the communication first-hand, but he will listen intently. He is swift in his action when the time calls. It goes like this; observing in silence, takes notes of surroundings, senses danger, quick to jump into action. He is also a guy who spends a lot of time sleeping, dreaming, picturing his own fantasies, like living into his own world when he does that.
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