#Cw animal violence
lackablazeical · 20 days
Leo looks like he REAALLY does not like Spot……. i got a bad feeling that he ends up killing Spot at some point. Would Usagi get genuinely mad at him and say something cruel? Would Leo even care to feel some sort of remorse thinking he just unintentionally distanced Usagi more from himself??
Leo does end up killing Spot!!!!
The thing is, Leo is under the delusion that Spot has somehow 'manipulated' Usagi into loving him, so Usagi doesn't realize that Spot is Evil and Terrible and The Worst Ever.
But because Leo does not see Usagi as a person who can make his own choices, Leo knows that he has to kill Spot in a way that doesn't villianize him, bc Usagi being 'manipulated', he wouldn't see what a 'GOOD' thing Leo did for him
So when Usagi is distracted, Leo lures Spot away and crushes him with a rock 😃 so when Usagi comes back, he thinks that it was his fault, because Usagi wasn't paying attention and Spot wandered off into the sewer, where danger is rampant
This also serves to isolate Usagi from his brothers (cus Ishi and Ken were the ones who got him spot) and make Usagi think he's not capable and needs Leo to help him fr
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emperorcandy · 2 months
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.. i'm going to be cursing this park by the end even more aren't I?(I expected it obviously but still)
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detective time today's entry has Marty having an encounter with a howler monkey over what he thinks is a lizard.
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Marvellous well done Marty
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dark-cynder49 · 2 years
Enter Stryker Part 13
Part 12 || Part 14
[CONTENT WARNING: Animal death and heavy amounts of blood]
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Please enjoy this random assortment of jashling alignment charts
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cyndaquixote · 3 days
In my hometown it's illegal to have outside cats, they have to be kept indoors, and a lot of people get really mad about that.
I live in Canada and I shit you not two bald eagles tried to carry away my dog, we get cougars here on occasion, and it's very common to find bear shit nearby. We keep the cats indoors so that they don't get eaten :/
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devileaterjaek · 14 days
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Far Cry 3 (PC) //Discord// //Twitch// //Ko-Fi//
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wyrdle · 1 year
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birth of a selkie
Some recent RP shenanigans with @ask-directorsada-and-friends, @ask-the-giant-professors @aquawolf1312 and @askaiclavell
Some context, though it’d still be tough to understand: Clavell lost his seal skin to hunters in this way. Buuuut due to some triggering events, his attempts to help some friends (whose souls got magically fused) goes awfully awry. He references what happened to himself to magically cut them apart.
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fredkinnie · 1 year
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god, please let me flog that horse!
its ms maple herself!! redrew a piece i've been drawing for 4 or 5? years now! based on an animation idea i've had for an equally long amount of time :] incitatus by birdeatsbaby is such a mapleshade song its insane
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old versions, left is the oldest, top right is second oldest, bottom right is the most recent (still 2+ years old iirc)
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angelic-ish-phantom · 2 years
Danny knows what his parents are. He’s seen things people don’t tend to see. He’s grown up around the arcane and unrealistic.
Doubting it’s reality was never something he did. Not the way his sister always tried to.
But then, Jazz had spent her early years in house, going to school and having friends, ignorant as the people they passed by. All Danny remembered was traveling.
Danny’s earliest memories were of the RV, of his parents doing government work.
That’s why Danny knew without a doubt, monsters were real. Every kind was strange and spectacular; Danny wouldn’t have minded the idea joining his parents professionally if what they did didn’t always end up so violent.
He thought of a writhing black thing, a cat with too many tongues and too many teeth, caught in a glowing green net.
He thought of seals strung up like butchers meat, skin pulling in places like a slow-falling coat.
He thought of a hydra’s fallen heads twitching, a harpoon thrust through their body.
Danny’s parents were hunters, and they hunted monsters.
This wasn’t something Danny was too-strongly opinionated about.
Sure, he didn’t like the way people would look at his parents like they were insane sometimes, and he always tried to avoid staying near the RV when things got messy. But, he got to see a lot of places. And he didn’t really feel like he was missing out on much, being homeschooled.
Really Danny’s life is good. Everything is fine.
Or at least, it was.
It was, before his parents took a boat out on sea, the shore still relatively close.
It was, before his parent caught some massive scaled thing that looked a little to human for him to be comfortable with, and he couldn’t go far as it’s screeches grew quiet, because they were on a boat.
It was, until Danny gone to the railing and focused on the waves, knowing from experience he wouldn’t throw up if rode out his nausea.
And then all of a sudden it wasn’t, because the boat was rocking, and Danny had tipped over the edge, and something much bigger than whatever his parents had caught was dragging him down, down, down.
If he didn’t panic, he might have lasted longer, but he thrashed and struggled and tried to swim up.
It was no use.
And the water filled his lungs. And the pressure filled his ears. And his throat burned as he tried to scream between each intake of water.
His eyes stung, both from the water and unshed tears, as his vision darkened.
He got one good look at the one that had pulled him down to this fate. A woman, he thought, with a salmon hide and green skin, and matted white hair.
“A child for a child.” She might have said, voice like venom.
Then everything went dark.
Danny dreamt.
He Dreamt of magic and moonlight making him new.
He dreamt of waking up, his eyes too round, taking in a world of darkness like it was made from light.
He dreamt of feeling every wave and fish around him through the twitch of whiskers.
And in that dream, he swims with flippers and tail, contorting through waters until he remembers the blinding shore. All blurry shapes and sand and sharp smells as he drags himself up.
And then he wakes up.
Danny will wake up and draw a too-far line of what were and weren’t dreams.
He will wake up and see himself shivering on the sands of a shore, his parents boat not too far in the distance, and he will think washed up on the beach after falling off the boat.
He will let himself think it was only an accident and will try to keep tears from his eyes as he thinks of drowning.
He will hug his coat comfort, only to realize he hadn’t been wearing one.
He throw the garment away from himself reflexively for its too-close resemblance to the seal skins his parents seemed so eager to destroy.
He will struggle to his feet, and try to stop turning back to see if the coat is still there, unharmed and safe.
He will receive help calling his parents back to shore, will face comfort and relief that soothes him.
He will think of how much more soothing the coat would be.
He will be wrapped up in the RV and be safe and tended to, inexplicably not sick, but he will still feel like there are a thousand grains of sand pricking his skin.
He will listen Jazz argue with their parents, unable to mediate or reassure, because all he can think of will be soft furs on a beach and a dream that felt too real.
He will wait until the dead of night, the day before they’re set to leave, and he will return to the beach.
He will dig for hours until he finds his coat.
He will feel hands running down his own skin as he gently dusts its furs clean.
He will see the spotted pattern ripple underneath his fingertips.
He will wear it and look to the sea and consider.
He will decide.
He will wrench himself away, and hide the coat so deep in his mess of clothes it’s suffocating, and try to never think of what happened to every seal his parents caught, to every cloak his parents found.
He will try not to remember dying.
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theserpentsnight · 2 years
My first student film
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moothebloo · 2 years
Very emotional, but overall good Christmas Eve morning this year. 💖
Took a morning trip to the grocery store with my mom which was both nice and very nerve wrecking with all the people. And then while me and her were trying to chill a little bit and enjoy the new snowy atmosphere, a bird hit our sliding glass door and sat dazed, possibly injured on our back porch railing. We were getting my dad, the family bird guy to check it out while I watched over him and just as he got there our local neighborhood hawk snatched up the bird right before my eyes and freaked me the fuck out. 😭
In retrospect, I realize that was legit one of the best outcomes of that situation now. If it was injured, it definitely wouldn't have survived with how cold it was outside, but it was still definitely dazed. The death would've been both painless and fearless, and also provided much needed food to our local hawk, one of the specific reoccurring wild animals around here I am emotionally attached to.
He seemed really hungry and desperate lately, so I am genuinely glad he got a good Christmas Eve meal in ideal circumstances.
Still, suddenly caring about the well-being of a random animal and then seeing it get killed right in front of you all of a sudden like that. I openly sobbed in front of my parents, it was just so much all of a sudden. Maybe that makes me a baby, but whatever.
Hopefully the day will get much better lmao. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to anyone who happens to read this weird inconsequential ramble. Hope you're doing okay, and know you are loved. 💖
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lackablazeical · 2 years
Addams! AU snippet 9: 'Lair Games 3- Sewer Gator Salom'
Felt like making some fluff for this snippet sooooo..... have some Bonding time for Mikey and Raph <3 playing Mario kart...
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Full snippet below the cut! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
“Remember,” said Donnie, “Stay in the boat.”
Raph gave a grunt that could have been either acknowledgment or annoyance, it was hard to tell. He kept his stare fixated on the murky water in the tunnel ahead of them. From somewhere down the shadowed corridor echoed the sound of sloshing water and guttural hisses.
Above them, safe on a maintenance platform that was riveted to the sewer wall, April trained her camera on the same tunnel that Raph was fixated on. The beam from her camera was hardly bright enough to illuminate anything other than the immediate area, so the tunnel remained shrouded. Even so, Donnie could see the mechanism in the lens focusing and retracting as she tried to zoom in and catch a shot of what lay in the darkness beyond.
“So they’re like pets?” she asked.
“They’re not tame enough to be considered such, no,” said Donnie. He adjusted the rudder. “We just make sure they have enough food to support their broods. And we keep exits to the drainage tunnels shut, so they can’t escape into the wild.”
“And why, exactly, does your family like to maintain a colony of sewer gators?”
“Keep out humans,” said Raph. “And for wrestling practice.”
“Yes, Raph does enjoy agitating the gators and tussling with them every once in a while,” said Donnie. “Which he is not going to do today, right Raphael?”
Raph shot him a dirty look. “I would win.”
“We all know that,” said Donnie. “But the point of today is to make sure our team wins. Both of us, in the boat, crossing the finish line. Those are the rules.”
Leo smirked as he set the oars in place on the boat he and Mikey shared. “Last year, Raph almost ditched our chances when he tried to dive overboard just to wrestle the alpha.”
“He looked at me funny,” said Raph.
“And I’m glad you had it in you to forgive him, otherwise we wouldn’t have won and I would have been angry with you all year,” said Leo.
“I still don’t see why we have to decide the teams with rock-paper-scissors,” Mikey grumbled. “I always lose the first round, and I never get to be on Raph’s team.”
“Don’t worry, little brother,” said Leo. “Things are going to be different this year.”
“Bold claim from the boat that doesn’t have Raph,” said Donnie.
“Mikey deserves a win.” Leo smiled. “So I promised him one.”
April quirked an eyebrow at the confidence in his voice. Even though this was the first time she’d witnessed the Lair Games, she’d heard enough of the boys’ explanations and retellings to have an understanding of how the events worked. Apparently, Raph was undefeated when it came to Sewer Gator Slalom.
Unlike a typical slalom, there was no set course and the waterway lacked any markers or flags for the teams to loop their boats around. Instead, the ‘slalom’ part of the game referred to dodging the gators themselves, as they were abnormally large, aggressive, and protective of their territory.
Raph, however, was able to keep any of the oversized alligators from attacking his boat just by sheer intimidation. He would growl at any of the approaching predators and lash out, chasing them away before they could attack. It left a clear path for the boat to sail easily through the tunnel, so whichever brother happened to be on his team was guaranteed a win.
Donnie latched an oar into its eyelet and swung it experimentally. He caught the side of Leo and Mikye’s boat, making it jostle in the water. “Mikey wins the firecracker game every year, so there’s nothing wrong with Raph having a signature event.”
“Except when I never get to be on his team!” Mikey fumed.
“Funny, you don’t seem to care about teams when it comes to your relay of chaos,” said Donnie.
“You all could still try and run if you wanted, you’re just too slow to keep up with me and you know it!”
“Shh-shh,” said Leo. “You’re riling up the gators.”
Sure enough, the booming echoes of the argument bouncing off the tunnel walls seemed to have increased the amount of splashing and hissing coming from the waterway. Leo turned the spotlight lantern on the prow of the boat towards the sounds. The beam caught a flash of a massive spiked and scaly tail as it disappeared beneath the surface.
Donnie watched as April leaned over the safety railing – probably trying to get a closer shot of the giant alligators. “If you go in headfirst, I’m not diving after you,” he called up to her.
“Are you sure I can’t ride along? Get a closer shot?” she asked.
“We need a perfect winner’s photo as we cross the finish line in victory,” said Leo. He struck a pose. “Be sure to get my good side.”
“You don’t have a good side,” said Mikey.
“Don’t worry about trying to get Mikey in the photo,” said Leo.
“I’m gonna torch your room,” said Mikey.
“Try it, and I will chuck you overboard before we get to the first archway.”
“Ah, team-building banter,” said Donnie. “Please, keep at it. If you take each other out now, Raph and I can go straight to the victory lap.”
As the boys continued to bicker, Splinter clambered up the maintenance ladder to join April on the platform and unfurled the starting pennant. “First team to retrieve their flag from the alligator lair and return to cross the finish line wins the event. Both members must be present and accounted for, and all persons and appendages must remain inside the boat. No explosives, quantum engines, or portals permitted.”
“Sound like you’ve already prohibited very specific methods of cheating that would apply to each of them,” said April.
“You understand us so well already,” said Splinter. He smiled and raised his arm. “On your mark, get set, ROW!”
Leo and Mikey each heaved on their own set of oars, while Donnie manned one array on his boat and extended the spider arms from his battleshell to reach the second. Raph never did any rowing. He crouched at the bow, eyes narrowed, a low growl rumbling intermittently in his throat.
With their boat riding higher in the water due to less weight, Leo and Mikey pulled ahead. Beyond them, tell-tale swells in the water outlined the shape of three submerged alligators as the first defenders of the lair veered towards the boat that was in the lead.
Leo hauled forward on one oar and back on the other, sending the boat into a sharp turn that would steer them out of the way. One gator turned to follow, while the other two swerved toward Raph and Donnie instead.
Raph’s growl crescendoed. One alligator diverted aside, heading back toward the first boat.
But the other, heftier and bolder than its companions, continued on a beeline towards them, its mouth gaping.
Raph bared his teeth, growled, and punched at the gator’s head.
The heavy smack snapped the reptile’s jaw sideways, and more than one tooth went skimming across the surface of the water. The gator let out what could only be called a yelp – a sound Donnie hadn’t known they were capable of – and veered sharply away, its nose crooked and bloody.
Donnie smirked as the waterway in front of them cleared.
Deeper into the lair, the situation only compounded. More alligators slinked off their concrete shoreline nests to crowd the water, torpedoing toward Leo and Mikey the moment they heard Raphs snarls or caught sight of his bared teeth. Soon, Donnie and Raph had pulled neatly into the lead while Mikey and Leo were slowed by the ever-growing swarm of gators encircling their boat. They practically had no clear water to steer through anymore.
Donnie gave them a sarcastic salute with one of his spidershell arms.
The far end of the tunnel was now in sight, and Donnie could see the flag dangling from its hook. No alligators blocked their way, this would be an easy snatch–
“Hey, Raa-aaph!”
Several yards behind them on the other boat, Leo dangled Mrs. Cuddles over the stern of his boat, the tip of one stuffed, rainbow ear pinched between his fingertips.
Raph gasped.
“Wait, Raph, no!” said Donnie. “That’s not your real Cuddles, it’s a decoy, don’t fall for it–"
Leo dropped the stuffie.
Mrs. Cuddles hit the surface, and the water churned with snapping teeth and thrashing jaws.
Raph dove headfirst overboard, thrashing through the water with all the grace of an elephant in a bathtub. He charged into the center of the mass of alligators, bellowing, throwing punches and kicks as well as was possible in twelve feet of murky sewer water. Gators snapped and writhed all around him, sending up geysers that caught Donnie in their spray, drenching him and slogging the bottom of the boat.
At the center of the living maelstrom, shredded pieces of colorful fabric and clots of sogged stuffing spread across the surface like the detritus of a shipwreck.
Before Donnie could even holler for his brother to get back here – to salvage the whole situation – an alligator rammed into his Raph-less, defensless vessel. It capsized.
The only consolation Donnie had was that Leo and Mikey weren’t far behind in taking a dunk with him.
Long minutes later, Donnie, Leo, and Mikey all finally managed to extricate themselves from the frenzy of the alligator lair and flounder back to the starting line. They dragged themselves dripping back onto the walkways.
“I hope you’re happy,” said Donnie, fixing Leo with a scathing glare.
Leo wrung out his mask tails. “I think Gator Wrestling should be a new event for next year.”
“That’ll just be another category for Raph to win!” said Mikey.
“If there are even any alligators left,” said April. She was panning her camera across the water. “I think you may have inadvertently decimated your colony.”
Scales, claws, and teeth floated across the surface. The growls and hisses from the gators had faded to almost nothing. From the darkened archway of the reptile lair came a nasty crack, followed by a heavy splash.
Out of the darkness, the bulky form of a familiar snapping turtle came cutting through the canal. Raph slogged up onto the walkway, the lower half of a gator’s jaw in one hand and the remains of Mrs. Cuddles’ ear in the other. He stomped toward Leo.
“Hey, buddy,” said Leo. “Guess what? Donnie was right, that was just a decoy. Your real Mrs. Cuddles is totally safe back in–gaaahh!”
The newest event added to the Lair Games was not, in fact, Gator Wrestling.
Instead, it was Punt-a-Leo.
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red-rover-au · 2 years
Ok for those who said they were interested in seeing that student film that I put off in favor of drawing turtle art- here it is
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lildarkvixen-art · 2 years
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day one - favorite
Strength · Vitality · Willpower
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code-word-grain · 2 years
CW// drawing with implied animal violence, doesn't show fighting but shows them with wounds
Drawing under read more
Day 6: win/lose
Constructive criticism allowed^^
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devileaterjaek · 2 years
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Postal 2: Apocalypse Weekend CW: POSTAL
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