#Cure minthe
flvtterbvgg · 2 years
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decided to start off my account by posting my fancures!!
Meet Cure Crème, Cure Minthe, and Cure Swirl!! They are from Sugar Rush! Precure. I havent come up with their civilian names yet but there will definitely be more of them soon!!
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a-french-coconut · 4 months
Travis Stoll (Part 8)
Persephone's garden is a breathtaking place, a gleaming spot amidst the grey shades of Asphodel and the charred earth of the Fields of Punishment.
It's gigantic, trees and flowers made of the most precious jewels spread further than he can see.
"Beautiful, is not ?"
"Did you do this all by yourself ?" asks Travis amazed as they walk trough the garden, each flower more exquisitely crafted than the other.
"Lord Hades gifted me this garden when I first arrived, he tried to make this place my home. As time passed, my garden grew more beautiful each winter."
They stop at a small clearing surrounded by small flowers.
"This is where grow all the medicinal flowers. Which one do you need ?"
"One that cures poison, my brother got attacked by a hellhound and he is set to die because of it. Only your flower can save him."
Persephone hums, a flower growing from her palm. It's small, fragile even. The green emeralds constituting the petals sparkling.
"This will cure your brother instantly, but unfortunately, I cannot give it to you freely."
"Why not ?" he protests, anger slowly boiling his veins. His brother's salvation is right there.
"You must understand the balance between life and death. If I were to give you the flower without receiving anything back, that balance would be broken. As Kore and Persephone, I cannot let this happen."
"What do you want in exchange then ?"
Beware of the price you are willing to pay
The prophecy echoes in Travis's mind, along with the promise he made to Will.
"What do you offer me, son of Hermes ? Your father is the god of trades, surely you didn't expect for me to hand you the flower without payment."
"Of course not." he lies, the small hopeful part of him that thought that Persephone would show compassion crushed like Minthe on the banks of the Cocytus.
It was foolish to think a divine being would understand what's it's like to lose someone they hold dear.
Not even the one who rules them and hears their sorrow constantly.
Hermes didn't show up when he prayed and prayed every night so that his mother would stop coming home drunk, passing out on the couch after screaming at Connor that he was a mistake.
Hermes didn't bother coming when he finally had the courage to call social services, his mother's screams about him being a bastard, a pathetic worthless son, resonating long after she left them.
Hermes didn't even knew they existed until they managed to steal from everyone at camp unnoticed, revealing the trick at campfire.
And despite all of that, he never hated him, never despised his father like Luke did. Because Hermes, certainly for him but nonetheless, gave him the best gift he ever received.
He gave him a brother, a person that would be there no matter what.
A reason to strive for a better life, one that wasn't on the streets or in foster homes.
A boy with the most beautiful smile and the loudest laugh, with the most unhinged plans and an atrocious crush on a son of Athena.
A boy dying ,with surely only a few hours left.
"Well ?", asks expectantly Persephone.
"Do you remember the wind, my lady ?"
"What ?"
"The wind caressing your face as you feel the sun on your skin. The wind blowing through the trees, whistling as you lay on the grass. The playful wind carrying you in the sky, making you dance with the clouds."
"I am a goddess, child. Those sensations you describe are meaningless to me."
He can see Persephone's hand trembling slightly, her eyes distant.
"Maybe now that you have grown used to Underworld my lady. But as a daughter of Zeus, have you never fly ? Perform tricks for your nymphs companions as your hear them laughing below ?"
Small, crystal tears drop on the ground, the Queen reminiscing a long time ago, one where she was named Kore.
"That's what I offer you in exchange of the flower, my wings. A divine part of me against my brother's life."
"I'm afraid it's not a fair trade little thief." whispers distantly Persephone.
"I think it is my lady. Those wings, they represent a life you lost when you became Queen of the Underworld. Not even when Lady Demeter greets you with spring do you become Kore fully again. I can help feel the wind again."
"Kore..." she whispers, "not even my mother calls me by that name anymore."
In front of Travis, Persephone shifts to a much younger girl, flowers braided in her hair, before transforming back.
Without a word, she hands him the flower.
As silent as she is, he takes it delicately and set it on the ground.
White wings flap on his ankles.
"Giving up a part of your godly essence is not a pleasant experience."
Travis gulps, a knot in his stomach tightening each second.
"I'm ready."
Quick as lighting, Persephone conjures a knife and cut off his wings.
Travis screams.
part 9 posted !
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motherplanted · 2 years
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with the experimental vaccine in hand, minthe returns home. but a woman of science, with questionable ethics, she decides to consume one of the bizarre fruits growing from the plants outside her cliffside home. to know how to cure the townsfolk, she must know exactly how the infection works, right? ... she found out, that’s for sure.
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beastofmoss · 2 years
I won't lie, I am both aesthetically attractive to both lore Olympus minth and demeter and I do adore redesigns of them (and any characters tbh). Like redesigns water my crops, clear my acne, and cured my depression.
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koraki-grimoire · 3 years
Ancient Hellenic Herbs, F-M
[Introduction & Index]
Fennel (Narthêx) Species: Ferula communis Identification: A tall, yellow-flowering plant with a slow-burning pith Associations/Uses: Transporting fire, Prometheus, Dionysos, thrysos, torches
Fig Tree (Sykea) Species: Ficus carica Identification: A tall shrub or small tree with edible fruit Associations/Uses: Demeter, Dionysos, Sykeus (titan), Syke (nymph), Phytalos, orchards, prosperity, abundance, agriculture, epilepsy
Frankincense Tree (Libanos) Species: Boswellia carterii Identification: A tree that secretes the resin-sap frankincense Associations/Uses: Helios, Leukothoe, religious ceremonies, the Theoi
Grapevine (Ampelos) Species: Vitis vinifera Identification: A vine with purple clusters of edible berries Associations/Uses: Dionysos, viticulture, winemaking, Ampelos (satyr), Ampelos (nymph)
Hellebore (Helleboros) Species: Helleborus genus Identification: A toxic perennial with dark, leathery leaves and yellowish flowers Associations/Uses: Treating madness, poison, Proitos, Dionysos, Melampos
Hemlock (Kôneion) Species: Conium maculatum Identification: A plant with hollow, hairless stems and tiny white flowers Associations/Uses: Execution of criminals (Athens), nekromankia, pharmakeia
Iris (Iris/Agallis) Species: Iris attica, I. germanica, I. pallida Identification: A large purple, blue, white, or lilac bent flower Associations/Uses: Iris, abduction of Kore, treating coughs, treating swelling, warm compacts
Juniper (Arkeothos) Species: Juniperus oxycedrus Identification: A small, needle-leaved tree with small berries that go from green to red, and yellow cones Associations/Uses: Treating viper bites, purification, healing poison, protection, Medea
Larkspur (Hyakinthos) Species: Delphinium ajacis Identification: A perennial with tall stems and toxic purplish blue flowers Associations/Uses: Hyakinthos (youth), Apollon, mourning, abduction of Kore
Lily of the Valley (Ephemeron) Species: Convallaria majalis Identification: A toxic shade-favoring plant with hanging, sweet smelling bell-shaped flowers Associations/Uses: Treating toothache, astringent, Medea
Lotus (Lotinos/Lotos) Species: Ziziphus lotus Identification: A small tree with dark yellow fruit Associations/Uses: Lotus-Eaters, forgetting, sleep, apathy, aiding menstruation
Manna Ash (Melia) Species: Fraxinus ornus Identification: A grey tree with creamy white blooms, secrets a sap known as manna or honey-sap Associations/Uses: Honey, bees, Meliae, Melissa(e), spear of Akhilleus, Kouretes, Zeus, Ares
Milk Thistle (Silybon) Species: Silybum marianum Identification: A large green plant with white marbled leaves, many sharp spines, and round purple spiky flowers Associations/Uses: Liver health, emetic, blood health, cleansing
Mint (Minthê) Species: Mentha spicata Identification: A herbaceous plant with hairless stems and aromatic leaves Associations/Uses: Minthe (nymph), funerary rites, the afterlife, death, drink of the Eleusinian Mysteries, treating headaches
Moly/Snowdrop (Môlu) Species: Galanthus (most likely) Identification: A poisonous plant with drooping white flowers Associations/Uses: Kirke, curing poisons, protection from pharmakeia, protection from poison, periapta
Monkshood/Wolfsbane (Akoniton/Lykoktonon) Species: Aconitum napellus Identification: Purplish-blue flowering plant, highly poisonous, up to a meter tall Associations/Uses: Medea’s poison, wolf hunting, Kerberos, death, nekromankia, pharmakeia
Mugwort/Wormwood (Apsinthion/Abrotonon/Seriphos) Species: Artemisia arborescens, A. absinthium, A. vulgaris Identification: A herbaceous green plant with a sweet herbal scent, leaves with silver undersides, and pale round flowers Associations/Uses: Artemis, protection, poison antidote, treating bruises, winemaking, post-birth baths, ending menstruation, anti inflammation, repelling venomous animals
Myrrh (Smyrna/Myrra) Species: Commiphora myrrha Identification: A spiny desert tree with aromatic resin gum Associations/Uses: Incense, Aphrodite, shrines, Smyrna (maiden), Myrrha (maiden), Adonis, funerary rites
Myrtle (Myrsina/Myrtos) Species: Myrtus Identification: A small shrub with edible aromatic leaves, white flowers, and edible black-blue berries Associations/Uses: Aphrodite, Demeter, love, weddings, aphrodisiac, anti fatigue, Eleusinian Mysteries, funerary rites, brides, astringent, preventing indulgence
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igniida · 3 years
Here’s a quick run down of my interpretation of Idia(’s) backstory
Trigger warning for child neglect, murder implications, child abuse, PTSD, death
Long ago Hades cheated on Persephone with the nymph Minthe. Another family of nymphes named the Shroud’s tried to hide Minthe from Peresephone’s wrath. Persephone tricked these water nymph’s from their homes and had Hades set their hair a blaze with a fire that if extinguished would kill them. So they could never return home without dying.
These nymphs went to hundreds of magic users looking for a way to break the gods curse on their lineage. Soon they discovered a thing called ‘Blot’ that was affecting many magic users. The Shroud’s began secretly researching into this subject so they could save magic in order to continue their search to break the curse put upon them.
Idia’s grandmother Aidon took over the family’s business and search next, taking the work into the future. She believed they could only find a cure for her family curse as well as blot by leaving the shadows to connect with the entire world. She even had aspirations to connect with the Valley of Thorns. She made connections in the Sunset Savanna and soon had her son as well as her wife working with her. She became very attached to her grandson, Idia, when her was born. Yet increasingly more detached from her son and daughter in law. It only got worse when they had their second child, Ortho. It boiled to a point where she was even threatening to remove her son and his wife from her will. Which would have meant she’d be leaving everything including their blot research and business to her grandsons, Idia and Ortho. If she meant this threat or not was never discovered as she was soon found dead of what was presumed to be natural causes.
Though Idia was only five when it happened it left a deep his grandmother’s death left a deep impression on him. A fixing in him a relatively constant feeling of loneliness and fear of being alone. These feelings were not helped by his parents constant travel, leaving him in the absent care of busy house staff. He only found solace from these feelings in his younger brother who he grew to care for more then he cared for anyone else in the world. He didn’t make many friends in school or keep many friends as a child. With his parents continually pulling him from private schooling so he can learn to work over his father’s rebranding of the family business, STYX. His only real friends were his younger brother Ortho and his cousin Nikos. While the only other children he knew who kept in continual touch with him was a bully, known as Ness, whose father worked closely with Idia’s parents. As well as a boy in Sunset Savannah named Leona( @makovu) who Idia sometimes met when his parents brought him along for work. The two children were never exactly close. In fact they didn’t even seem to talk all that much. With contact falling off completely when their parents weren’t bringing them around one another.
Idia discovered technology and the internet at a fairly early age as well. His parents would often gift him expensive gifts to make up for their absences. Idia soon found comfort in the internet as it offered him a chance to freely indulge in his interests with others with little fear of ridicule. It also connected him to people who shared his interests and without having to face people directly Idia found it far easier to talk with them. He even managed to make friends online. His most notorious and best friend being a person known as Belladonna( @unblot‘s Salem). They were friends for years, helped each other through everything. When Belladonna’s mother passed in an accident Idia was there for them. When Ortho passed from a mysterious illness, some believed because of the curse, Belladonna was there for Idia. When Idia was 14 they made an agreement to meet on Halloween in Belladonna’s hometown. Idia showed up, waited until sunrise and found Belladonna never showed up. When Idia returned home Belladonna never responded to Idia’s messages.
As Idia’s parents continued to leave him alone in charge of STYX so they could handle their own grief Idia found that loneliness from his childhood creeping back in. In his chest it bared down on him like a continuous pressure until on his 15th birthday he overblotted. He doesn’t remember most of what happened there. It was caught on security cameras and can still be found in STYX storage. But the Shroud’s generally agree not to touch or acknowledge it. After it took many guards to sedate Idia they put him in a cell where his parents kept him to research and watch his progress. A few weeks later he was better. His magic was weaker, it took a lot more out of him to do even the simplest of spells. But at least he wasn’t destructive anymore. Or he said he wasn’t.
His parents put him into therapy, expected he’d attend it on his own. He attended one session. Where his therapist asked if he blamed himself for what happened. A lot happened. He blamed himself for a lot. That question scared him. It made his vision darken and his hands shake and he felt so queasy about the answer. He never went back to his therapist after that. By that time he was to attend NRC. He knew he couldn’t go alone though and not with his magic so uncontrolled and weak as it was. He needed a conductor, he needed a supporter, an ally, a friend. So in a few simple months before school started he built Ortho.
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ofreflectedskies · 5 years
It was written in Discord to make things easier but now it’s here for all to see:
@ofreflectedskies & @ofhellworld present: this. 
She needed to find it-- somehow, she needed to find THE CURE. Her brother was dying. Her brother was dying. Sid couldn't picture a world without her brother in it. 1903 was falling apart but she was a God, one of the big three. She'd deal with it as long as she had to so long as she found the cure. There was a PAUSE. Someone else was here-- powerful and-- Hades. In a instant she ran into her brother's arms, relief that at least ONE of them were alright. Breathing. "Thank god."
The guilt inside of him was aching, blistering and threatening to knock him on his ass but still he moved. He needed to find the cure if it would save Zeus. All he had wanted to do was end Zeus' reign of doing whatever the hell he wanted to do and ruining the world as he did it. Hades knew what they had done as a whole, Poseidon included, was best in the end but it didn't make it better. At least they had made the decision together. Three could house the pain and guilt for such a crime but this? This was a different kind of crime. Zeus, Hades knew it was him, took Cerberus from him. Not just him but Persephone and Minthe as well. He needed the cure - not the inability to speak when Sidney rushed into his arms. All that came out were choked sounds.
Hades was hardly the hugging type, so little of the Gods were. However somewhere between her many many years, that was what Poseidon became. A person who hugged, who held onto those she loved with all her heart in fear of them slipping through her fingertips. She'd been attempting-- so hard, attempting so hard to keep it together. To stay calm as she looked for the cure. But setting sights on her brother was just too much and no longer could she contain it. she held onto him tightly, as if letting go would mean loosing it. Heavy breaths seeped from her lips as she finally washed out the words. "I'm so glad you're alright. So glad." Breathless and relieved but also still scared. Zeus was dying.
There's guilt, so much of it, and it's enough to wish it swallowed him whole. He needs to explain but how? What words would make this okay much less explain his reasoning behind such an action? "I'm alright," he lied knowing that telling her he wasn't wouldn't change anything. The hug was nice -- probably the last he'd ever receive. "but Zeus is not and that's my fault." His voice was steely even though his legs felt like jelly.
She froze, his words registering in her mind. Hands pulled back a smooth action, and then a step back to face him. Eyes were ride because Hades never lied, and maybe it was all true but not all all true. It had to not be. Because he would never do that-- he would never--- "What.... what happened?" She was scared, for whatever the answer might be. Eyes became glassy, tears forming for felt like the billionth time that night. "What happened?"
What happened? A rush of memories came rushing to his mind. Just the motion of stepping away from him made him tremble. "He took Cerberus." There's still hurt there. The way a parent mourns their child. A reminder of the uncertainty he felt when he thought he'd never get them back. How broken Persephone was when she thought they were gone. "I was angry." The truth was he wasn't thinking when the rage took over and blinded him. "I wanted to hurt him... We all wanted to hurt him. Make him suffer. Make him feel pain." Never mind the tremble. He was damn near close to sobs. Being blinded by rage caused him to lash out - and to let others lash out too.
"The-- the divide." Between their world and the one of 1903. A prison world, something created by the witches whose business they tried to keep away from. At least, Sid had. He took my daughter. the words desired to get out, to challenge, but they didn't come. She couldn't do it. The tears that made her eyes glassy- well, her vision cleared. It rolled down her cheek, silent and hot as her gaze set upon him. Not a glare. No. Sorrow, was in her eyes. Disappointment as well. "But you didn't want to kill him." Because if he had wanted it-- Sid couldn't fathom the thought. In fact she refused it. "Of course you didn't, so let's save him and then--- then I'll do all the--" All the yelling, and the sobbing her eyes out, the screaming. Of course, she hadn't given him the opportunity to answer because she feared his. "All of it. After."
That was the major difference between the two now wasn't it? Hades was moody and temperamental, and when the time came for it reactive. Explosive like a volcano ready to devour and destroy everything in his path. She wouldn't let him reply. She's talking but he barely hears the words. "BUT I DID WANT TO KILL HIM." he yelled at some invisible figure behind her, demanding they'd listen to him. "I wanted to destroy him before he destroyed us all!" That was hard for Hades to admit and the choked sound that followed was agony. The LORD OF THE UNDERWORLD was the youngest but he had always loved his siblings. He'd argue and fight but he always loved them just the same. Hades had never pictured the day he'd root for Zeus' death -- or Poseidon's. No he only wanted more than some dirty and hot realm he had been stuck with for so long. Persephone is what broke the camel's back. "And I couldn't even do that." No, he had the chance to do so and even delivered the weakening blow but he couldn't kill Zeus.
He was SCREAMING and the words felt louder then any thunder Zeus was capable of. They shook her to her very core. There was a moment where she simply stared at him. There were so many emotions. So overwhelming. Too much. She felt sick.  "How." Her tone was one that was small. "Yes, so many people were taken and he must of have had a stupid reason for all he did. But you wanted to KILL him." She was shaking because this was all too much to bare. Lips trembling as she stared at her brother whom she loved so much. Her younger brother who was scarily close to being responsible for the death of their other one. "You couldn't do it... ? Then what would you call this?" She asked so utterly simply, no accusation just... just heartbreak. "He is dying. I can't-- I won't let them happen. I just won't. I will find this cure, and if you plan to stand in my way then you need to leave. If you try to stop me..." A deep inhale. "Please don't try and stop me."
Hades felt his fists ball into tight knots. He was angry again and part of it was because of Sidney and being so accusing without saying anything. It's her tone not her words. The other part is angry because he had stooped so low. Then it wasn't accusing. It was whiplash. It didn't matter did it? Not that Cerberus had been gone, that Zeus had acted alone -- and would likely not be punished for such actions. "The ONLY reason those people returned was because this world is crumbling! What about that horrid Valentine's Day party? I could've ended it but he wouldn't let me!" She couldn't be this naive could she? So blind that nothing Zeus did mattered? "All of those people," my children, "are scared and afraid. They aren't ants! We aren't ants!" Not toys to be played with. Hades knew sacrificing the others helped the human world but had it? Had it really when Zeus fell deeper and deeper into this role he was playing? "I need to stop you. This world is failing. Ceasing to exist." Which if it did with them in it... They would cease to exist as well.
She stared at him, bewilderment and wonder twisted into a single stare. Lips parted, wanting nothing more then to scream and yell and tell him off. Instead, her lip trembled because she felt like she couldn't breath. "You didn't kill him. But you wish you had. Or someone else had." A pause. "Someone else did. This must be perfect for you then, mustn't it?" The anger, it was growing now. "Hands clean, Zeus dead. Perfect, for you and for Persephone too I bet. For all of them. Everyone in the city too. A beautiful gorgeous day because of a single man's death." It was a cycle, one after the other of tears raining down her cheeks and falling down. "Zeus is the one who saved them all. From us. He made that choice. You-- all of you, you could hate him. But without our brother's intervention humanity would be extinct. There would be no world except one of our own making-- or is that what you would of preferred?" Lips pressed together, strain in tone. You need to stop me. She repeated his words, her tone with empty laughter in it. "You have no problem in letting Zeus die. I---" CHOKED UP. She needed a pause before resuming. "I do. I won't be able to continue on knowing my brother is trapped alone in darkness. I cannot. If I'm not able to save him at the very least I will offer company." Tone displayed quite clearly, there was nothing to do to change her mind, she finished. "I am leaving with the cure. Or I am not leaving at all. There is no stopping me. There is no changing my mind. So leave."
No. Hades wanted to scream at her as he ripped out his hair. "I stopped because I saw him bloodied and beaten on that ground and I couldn't do it! I didn't want him dead, I wanted him to stop acting like an arogant prick he's been acting like." There's a flash of green up above them and Hades knows what that means. The world was crumbling. Hanging by tethers. Who even knew if the cure was real or not? "You can hate my guts for all eternity but I won't let you die here." and he meant that so much he had determination in his eyes. They had fought and sometimes it was physical but never to the point where Hades charged her. His hands gripping whatever fabric she was wearing and pushed her toward one of the cracks between this world and 2030. "If you don't leave you'll die."
"Except you did. You wanted him DEAD. It doesn't matter if it was a brief instance or it is something that became a regret. Hades, you wanted our brother dead. You planned the attack-- do not say you didn't that is a lie. You made the choice to strike, you made the choice to hurt, and right now you're making the choice to stand in my way." There was a SCREAM of the wind, a building beginning to collapse so close to them. "I'm sorry brother, that is not a choice that is yours to make." Then he was moving, he GRABBED her. They'd never fought like this, not ever before. Tapping into strength she usually left untapped, Sid tore his hands from her. "If I die, I'd rather die trying to save my brother from the abyss then living knowing of his torment." A statement which included Hades as well. Something she didn't need to say, because he knew. It was something she would repeat again and again, something she would always stand by.
Fine. He could be the bad guy. It wouldn't be the first time and he knew it wouldn't be the last time. Something like this was engrained in every fiber of his being. Maybe he wanted this. Wanted her to fight him the way he fought Zeus along side Persephone, Athena and Eris. He could take being the bad guy in Poseidon's eyes -- when had he accepted that? He wasn't sure. Her strength matched his own and despite that he kept pushing her toward that crack between worlds. "I can't let you kill yourself." That look of determination became mixed with something. Something so dark that even Hades knew there wasn't any coming back from. "We'll die together then won't we? The fall of the big three. Poetic as if Shakespeare wrote it himself." There's jabs and mixed choked sobs now. He can see the opening and it was getting smaller and smaller. The crumbling road beneath their feet shook with the threat of falling away.
Her feet dug into the street below, fighting the push and standing her ground. "Why?" She challenged, before emotion began tearing into her tone. Hurt. Because the fact that this happened at all was something that hurt. That their family had become so torn and wrecked. Her hands gripped onto him now, instead of touching fabric they took both his wrists in her hands. Strong grip, refusing to back down. "Why can't you let me die? Honestly... tell me why. What did I do that makes me better then Zeus? Would you like to compare our 'evil deeds' because I'm afraid by own list will outshine either of yours put together." In her voice was pain. Then, as he went on, it became fury. "That isn't fair." It was manipulative. Because he knew-- "You have someone who has been waiting to be by your side for over billions of years. Persephone loves you. Cerberus needs you. Even you naiad-" Though that bit she knew lesser about. A deep breath. "Leave Hades." Because her own death was acceptable. His was not.
Oh he knew it was manipulative and that was the point. Zeus taught him that. When you battled someone whether with fists or words, fight dirty. "Because you were always better than we were." She wanted to blame herself for what happened to Medusa but Hades knew it wasn't her fault what power hungry men would do. It didn't matter if it was in a god's name or their own. They only used her name to justify the means. "You don't deserve this." No more than Zeus deserving to die. Hades knew that now. Zeus didn't deserve to die this way and he'd have to exist knowing he was the reason Zeus fell. Not an enemy. Not even their father. Him. The little brother that so desperately followed him until he was blinded. "I won't leave you behind." Not this time. Not again. Not when he knew Poseidon had so much more to do, more than she realized. "I'm sorry." Never mind the tears. His hands were already working on draining her lifeforce by the ounce. Not enough to kill her but to weaken her. This was his curse wasn't it? "They deserve more than some god who could do this..." Weaken. Destroy. Harm. It became so much easier to close the distance between them and the crack now.
She looked at him, disbelief clear in her gaze. Not just disbelief, full on confusion because he was wrong. He always thought so highly of her. Even now, billions of years later, Sid struggled to understand why. Her expression morphed as he went on, pain abiding more then her heart but her whole being because he truly believed that. He truly believed something that was just wrong. "Hades--" Emotion churned in her tone because emotion was throttling her. Then she felt. A drain. A ability used barely ever, never often at all. Her brother never did this but he was, in this moment he was. Her grip on him changed, it became softer with the drain of life. Softer, with the love in her heart she had for him taking center stage because so much was happening so very fast. "You could do so much more."  How could he believe anything else? She said such words with conviction, such honesty, such belief. She felt it, the life draining from her before she almost crumpled to the ground if not for Hades' grip on her. Instead she fell into him, eyes shutting for a brief instance before looking up. "We can't... he can't die." Because she couldn't dream of living in a world without Zeus. It was unthinkable. Because she didn't know how to do it.
Oh from the first that the line got drawn It was poisoning the land it was on One red thread through the middle of a song
She was always the better of the three. He almost envied that. She should have ruled the skies instead of Zeus. She should've had the power to do something better than what they've been given, what they are... "No." he said sharply, unable to let her speak because he already knew what she'd say. Hades didn't need the reminder. He didn't need to hear her say it. More guilt washed through him as the floodgates came bursting open. This was it. This was the only thing he could do to get her to leave. Drain her of life. He could feel it not only in her but her aura. Death, it always left a fowl taste in his mouth. Was she pleading with him? He couldn't listen. As she shifted he nearly carried her in his grip. "Find a way. You always do." is all he could manage to say before he shoved her through the closing crack. Only enough time for one to go. His determination? It lead him here to this very moment as he watched the crack shrink smaller and smaller. "Goodbye, sister."
My only one My only one
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plasmaberri · 2 years
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Caleb discovered the cure to his - and their children’s - immortality and vampirism. It was tiring work, but something Minthe strived to find. Now their children can live normal lives with her!
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magicoldcottage · 7 years
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Properties : anti-viral, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal. Uses : muscle pain, fever, cold, headaches, allergic reactions, insect bites/stings, asthma, intestinal complaints (some IBS cures are just mint oil), culinary. Magic :cleansing, love, money, passion, prosperity, protection, divination. Planet : Venus Element : Air (spearmint)                Fire, water and Air (Peppermint)                Water (Water mint) Note : Peppermint was created by combining water mint and spearmint. So some still class it as water and air. But the ancient Assyrians used peppermint in their fire rituals. As it comes from the earth it is actually one of the only herbs to have ties to every element. This could be one reason it is valued for protection. Folklore : A favoured nymph of Hades named “Minthe” was transformed by Persephone into the first mint plant in an act of jealousy. Religious sites would have mint leaves scattered on the floor to leave a pleasant smell as people walked over it and to dispel evil. In ancient times mint was so highly prized that folks traded with it, rich ladies in ancient Athens would anoint their arms with mint oil as a perfume
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flvtterbvgg · 2 years
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CURE CREME!!! gonna make this my pfp
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poetics-tracy · 7 years
my strength is my wild nature, an inability to give myself over to darkness: I am opposite Persephone - bound to this world, ever growing, ever serving the living. I am a cure, and I persist, my roots stretching out, reaching up toward Olympus, toward dreams I will never achieve. I won't dwell in bitterness; I fight to remain sweet, to keep my breath coming evenly, without regrets. I comfort the wounded, the sick, the dying. Small gestures mean so much in this mortal world. I become more than hope; I am memory, awareness, potential. Appetite. An active choice to live.
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bholenathvalsan · 5 years
Bholenath Valsan’s & The Horror Vivarium — Sourced Images Attributions
Thanks to all these persons, without your media I couldn’t be bothered to blog:
[image pending]
Max-Leonhard Von Schaper Bago Games Lisa Zins Alvaro Tapia Andrew Kudrin Jen Light Natascha Randt Poster Boy Davidd reed-resized H. Michael Karshis Elio Yañez Mario Capone Mark Hillary Mark Turnauckas Third Chamber Tristan Bowersox Lord Jim Johnathan Powell Jill Robidoux _Tasmo Apoxen Austin Humphreys Minthe Nguyen Turner Burns Bixentro Louisa Billeter Derrick Tyson Vin Crosbie Rose Berch Rob Insomnia Cured Here Bo Jorgensen New 1lluminati Steve Baker Metrogogo Retrogasm mSoonjazz Hubble Heritage Stuart Richards Bureau of Land Management David Williams Sebastian Doris SAM Nasim Lucia Casillas Pedro Ribeiro Simões Hoshi Sae Moded Jack Zalium Hughes Songe Stiller Beob Marco Ram Gopal Varma Asian Curator at The San Diego Museum of Art Toni FolsomNatural Futurilla Lisa Zins Robert Couse-Baker Aaron Tanenhaus Alexander Mueller Nicholas Lucien Marian Princess Bharat Vasi Elojeador Esparta Palma Vinit Panchal Adrian Price John Gillespie Aaron Gustafson Davidd Joost Assink Romana Klee Nelo Hotsuma Richard Mortel Tad Zajdowicz Jasleen Kaur Mark Turnauckas Bob Bekian αℓνιє [Jυѕт вε...] Raphael Goetter Fernando Cesar Nox Nicholas Andrew jmube Jorge Figueroa Lewis Sherry Venegas Andrew Kutzensov Miemo Penttinen Deborah Swain Sam Howzit Pin Pon Mark Sebastian Tom Lee KelSo Ardi Muswardi Cory Doctorow David Williams Tikva Morowati Rennet Stowe Christian Stock David Barrie Jason Powers
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biofunmy · 5 years
I Never Promised You an Herb Garden: 6 Green Scents for Summer
Sometime near the dawn of the 12th century, the German Benedictine abbess and all-around mystical soothsayer Hildegard of Bingen became obsessed with the concept of viriditas, a word she stole from the Latin root for greenery but twisted into her own ecstatic definition.
For Hildegard, who was also, as of 2012, anointed by the pope for her early contributions to holistic medicine, the word was synonymous with health, of both body and mind. Viriditas was a feeling of lushness, of fullness, of overall well-being, and it could come only from an engagement with the natural world.
In other words, Hildegard was one of the original wellness mavens, pushing herbal poultices and ground-up seed pod pastes as the path to enlightenment. Her woo-woo cure-alls may not be with us today, but her viriditas has turned out to be a viral idea. Healing via plants is a seductive concept. If only we could solve what ills us by loping through meadows carpeted in thyme.
This year, perfumers have taken the concept of viriditas and transformed it into a bevy of zippy new fragrances. There is a hunger, it seems, for pungent, herbal smells that are almost medicinal in nature.
These are wearable green juices, wheat grass shots for your collarbone. Perhaps our digital lives have left us starved for sylvan fantasy, because the hottest trend this summer is smelling like a bouquet garni.
Diptyque Eau de Minthe
Some of the finest mint in the world comes from the Pacific Northwest. Oregon, for example, is the largest producer of peppermint in the country: More than 35 percent of the nation’s crop is grown there.
The Parisian house Diptyque looked to that verdant area to source the Altoidesque base for its new unisex cologne.
Eau de Minthe is a traditional fougère (a word that comes from the French for “fern”), which means it has the spicy, woody base of oakmoss and top notes of bitter florals and tart citrus that you find in many traditional men’s colognes. But the zing of cool mint turns it into something far more interesting.
All perfume is genderless, but this scent manages to have something for everyone. It’s like an ice-cold martini that slides effortlessly down the throat.
Heretic Dirty Grass
These days, cannabis is the plant most people associate with so-called wellness. While the varietals containing THC may not be legal in most states, cannabidiol (or CBD), a compound found in cannabis that doesn’t get you high but may help calm nerves and release happy-making neurotransmitters, is the health craze of the day. It comes in lattes, body lotions, gummies, even dog biscuits. And now, perfume.
“I’ve been wanting to develop a weed-inspired fragrance since 2016 but couldn’t find the right blend of ingredients,” said Douglas Little, a creator of Heretic. “I began looking at hemp-derived CBD for another project and was blown away by its aromatic profile. It had a distinctive herbaceous, green and sagelike odor that I fell in love with.”
Each 15 milliliter bottle of Dirty Grass, which smells a bit like an Arnold Palmer made with bong water, contains 150 milligrams of CBD, which the creators say the wearer can absorb through the skin.
Tom Ford Lavender Extreme
Lavender is the elegant, begloved lady of the herb world; it smells like both decadence and delicacy. Yet the scent is difficult to capture in perfumery in all its French blue glory. Most lavender fragrances end up smelling like bedtime tea or shortbread.
But this new offering from Tom Ford contains so much pure, unadulterated lavender essence that the smell is almost profane. It is bitter and absinthal and overwhelming. This isn’t lavender as a sleep aid. This is lavender that awakens you to new possibilities.
19-69 Chronic
The motto of the Swedish fragrance house 19-69 is “bottling counterculture,” which means that most of its perfumes draw inspiration from chaotic historical periods. (In other words: The revolution will be packaged and spritzed.) Chronic, according to Johan Bergelin, its founder, is a homage to the cannabis culture of Los Angeles of the early 1990s.
“In 1996, California became the first state in the U.S. to legalize medical cannabis,” he said. “But there has been a long history of cannabis cultivators and enthusiasts dedicating their lives to refining the herb.”
This perfume attempts to honor those weedy pioneers with notes of clary sage, petitgrain and, of course, a cannabis accord that smells like a room where someone smoked a joint 10 minutes ago.
Zoologist Dodo
The plant that animates this fragrance, which is inspired by the extinct birds of Mauritius Island, is the fiddlehead fern. “Dodo embodies the green and herbaceous elements of a traditional fougère, but mixed with something strange and unexpected,” said the Zoologist founder Victor Wong.
The scent also has a fatty underbelly of synthetic ambergris (an unctuous mineral material derived, glamorously, from whale vomit), which gives it something of an ancient, wet cement feel. This is a green that is sprouting up from the pavement.
Les Colognes Louis Vuitton Cactus Garden
Cactus Garden is one of three new summer scents from the Louis Vuitton perfumer Jacques Cavallier, who was thinking of California from his native France when he made the collection. (Alex Israel, a Los Angeles artist, designed the packaging.)
Cactus Garden is a mixture of zesty bergamot, earthy yerba mate and a rare, pricey varietal of lemongrass. “I love all the infusions, all those things coming from nature,” Mr. Cavallier said. The result is a perfume that smells like the essence of viriditas: lush, green and full of vitality, sitting on the razor edge of spinach and sublime.
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valgasnews · 7 years
Herbs are against neurodermitis.
Leaves of petasites cure, herb of geranium meadow, herb centaurea, icelandic moss, herb nettle, leaves plantain big, thyme, herb viola tricolor, fl, crataegus bloody red, are same. 6 gr of chopped till a powder mass adding in 450 ml. of hot water, warm bath on stewing for 15 minuytes, infuse hour,warem into, usde warm on 1/2 glass for 3 times/day after meal. leaves of birch, trefoil buckbean , herb oregano, herb hypericum, all herb of fragaria vesca, herb filipendula ulmaria, root couchgrass, fl. chamomile, herb horsetail, are same, and 7 gr of mass powder adding in 350 ml. of hot water, infuse three hours in thermos, filter, use an all, warm, for 4 times/day, in 20 minutes after meal. leaves birch, herb veronica, root inula, leaves epilobium, seeds flax sewd, leaves coltsfoots, roots big burdock, herb leonurus, petals roses are same, as 6 gr of mass powder adding in 450 ml. of hot water,warm on stewed bath for 15 minutes, infuse in warm for hour, filter, use 1/2 glass,warm, for 3 times/day after meal. As same as in eczema, dermatitis, chronic form neurodermatitis effect begining is not right away, but on a first three days are worsening process with skin radhes, itch, but not a stopping cure, as within 6 months therapy doing as  not stopping, every 2 minths change phyto collections, after cure on 2 months for 4 times/year. As on the pauses between of  many competent ollections use stanbdart infusions of individual herbs with needing effects are leaves of birch, trefoil buckbean, coltsfoot, cypress, valeriana , root of inula, , snakweed, licorice,calendula floiwers, viburnum, herb bidens, lamium, melissa, leonurus, sage and more, as of 5 gr mass ading 300 ml. of hot water. herb gratiola, fl. cornflower blue, leaves blackberry, bark willow white, seeds flax, leaves plantain, root ononis, are same, as 20 gr of chopped mass adding in 0.5 l. of hot water,warm bath into  stewing  fire for ten minutes, infuse in thermos for two hours, cool,filter, cold inmto keeping, wet ij cooled iknfusion gauze,squeezed,apply on damage skin, keep for 15 minutes, again wet, apply, repeat this within a hour, for 3 times/day,till acuting displays removing. herb geranium meadow, centaurea, icelandic moss, fl. tilia, leonurus herb, herb cudweed, herb bidens,are same, cook,use same. shoots of ledum palustre, root of snakeweed, fl. calendula, leaves raspberry, leaves alehoof, roots couchgrass, herb thyme, as 50 gr powder mass of, adding in 0.5 l. of water, boiling stewing bath into cooking till low in twi size, add 50 gr of butter oil, cook 15 minutes, add 50  ml of glycerine, all to mix, cool, use,like ointment apply on damage siders in out of acuting. leaves of petasites, herb knotgrass piperine, root of sand carex, leaves cypress, leaves coltsfoot, petals rose, herb viola tricolor are same, cook,use same.
from Blogger http://ift.tt/2sUcITs via IFTTT
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valgasnews · 7 years
Herbs are against neurodermitis.
Leaves of petasites cure, herb of geranium meadow, herb centaurea, icelandic moss, herb nettle, leaves plantain big, thyme, herb viola tricolor, fl, crataegus bloody red, are same. 6 gr of chopped till a powder mass adding in 450 ml. of hot water, warm bath on stewing for 15 minuytes, infuse hour,warem into, usde warm on 1/2 glass for 3 times/day after meal. leaves of birch, trefoil buckbean , herb oregano, herb hypericum, all herb of fragaria vesca, herb filipendula ulmaria, root couchgrass, fl. chamomile, herb horsetail, are same, and 7 gr of mass powder adding in 350 ml. of hot water, infuse three hours in thermos, filter, use an all, warm, for 4 times/day, in 20 minutes after meal. leaves birch, herb veronica, root inula, leaves epilobium, seeds flax sewd, leaves coltsfoots, roots big burdock, herb leonurus, petals roses are same, as 6 gr of mass powder adding in 450 ml. of hot water,warm on stewed bath for 15 minutes, infuse in warm for hour, filter, use 1/2 glass,warm, for 3 times/day after meal. As same as in eczema, dermatitis, chronic form neurodermatitis effect begining is not right away, but on a first three days are worsening process with skin radhes, itch, but not a stopping cure, as within 6 months therapy doing as  not stopping, every 2 minths change phyto collections, after cure on 2 months for 4 times/year. As on the pauses between of  many competent ollections use stanbdart infusions of individual herbs with needing effects are leaves of birch, trefoil buckbean, coltsfoot, cypress, valeriana , root of inula, , snakweed, licorice,calendula floiwers, viburnum, herb bidens, lamium, melissa, leonurus, sage and more, as of 5 gr mass ading 300 ml. of hot water. herb gratiola, fl. cornflower blue, leaves blackberry, bark willow white, seeds flax, leaves plantain, root ononis, are same, as 20 gr of chopped mass adding in 0.5 l. of hot water,warm bath into  stewing  fire for ten minutes, infuse in thermos for two hours, cool,filter, cold inmto keeping, wet ij cooled iknfusion gauze,squeezed,apply on damage skin, keep for 15 minutes, again wet, apply, repeat this within a hour, for 3 times/day,till acuting displays removing. herb geranium meadow, centaurea, icelandic moss, fl. tilia, leonurus herb, herb cudweed, herb bidens,are same, cook,use same. shoots of ledum palustre, root of snakeweed, fl. calendula, leaves raspberry, leaves alehoof, roots couchgrass, herb thyme, as 50 gr powder mass of, adding in 0.5 l. of water, boiling stewing bath into cooking till low in twi size, add 50 gr of butter oil, cook 15 minutes, add 50  ml of glycerine, all to mix, cool, use,like ointment apply on damage siders in out of acuting. leaves of petasites, herb knotgrass piperine, root of sand carex, leaves cypress, leaves coltsfoot, petals rose, herb viola tricolor are same, cook,use same.
from Blogger http://ift.tt/2sUcITs via IFTTT
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