#Crap I suddenly forgot what shows I like
catori-1 · 2 years
Hello Everyone!
My name is Catori! I’ve decided from here on out that, as a fellow fan in several fandoms to which I will tag them here, I will participate to bring fellow content to my comrades!
And by content I mean like artworks, fanfiction, animations(I’m asking for a drawing tablet for christmas so hopefully I’ll get one!!!!), and much more!!o>o
I also hope to start uploading videos on youtube too, my channel name, Catori-1.
If you have any suggestions on what to draw, animate, or stuff like that, to upload in my tumblr or youtube channel, please tell me! I have no idea where to start, I’m still getting used in using tumblr soooo I don’t exactly know how asks work so if you can teach me that would be great! 
Well that’s all for my first post, I’ll do a proper introduction of myself later! Anyway take care! Bye!
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starkwlkr · 1 month
“he’s here!” | logan howlett
an: this is inspired by the scene in x-men 97 where jean tells logan “he’s here!” because she’s in labor and logan’s all like “who? apocalypse?” and whips out his claws expecting to fight and jean just yells at him “the baby!” omg my favorite scene lol
mutant!reader (telekinesis baby!!!!)
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It was a quiet normal day in the mansion. Rogue was helping you set up the finishing touches to the baby’s nursery. With a wave of your hand, you assembled the last shelf where Rogue placed a the ultrasound pictures.
“So you still don’t have a name for the baby?” Rogue asked. Every day it was the same question, all she wanted was to know the name. It was a secret for everyone.
“We do, Rogue, we just agreed to reveal it after the birth. You’ll find out soon, everyone will.” You said, walking towards the door of the nursery. You took one last look at the room and sighed. In a few days, your son would be sleeping in that same room.
“Oh! I forgot to show you something! Bobby and I went to the mall the other day and I found the cutest outfit for the baby. I’ll go get it.” Rogue said excitedly. She rushed out the nursery towards her room.
“I’ll be in the kitchen!” You called out. Being pregnant was exhausting. At the moment, you were craving fruit so you walked slowly to the kitchen. Everything was hurting lately, but you didn’t think much of it. You still had a week left until your baby boy was born.
When you finally made it to the kitchen, you found Logan drinking a beer that he had snuck in. “I thought I told you to stay in bed.” Logan stood up from his chair and walked over to you. He placed a kiss on your forehead.
“I’m sick of staying in bed all day. I needed to move. Rogue was helping me finish up the nursery,” As soon as you said nursery, he was about to start scolding you. “I barely lifted a finger! She was moving everything, I just told her what to do.” You half lied.
“Sure, if that helps you sleep at night, baby.” Logan chucked.
You playfully hit his arm then walked to the refrigerator in search of a container of fruit that Logan had cut up for you. You found it with a note attached that said ‘baby howlett’s mom’. You smiled at the note. As you pulled it out of the refrigerator, you felt a sharp pain. It caused you to let go of the container, the contents of it spilling everywhere on the kitchen floor.
Logan rushed over to you quickly. “What’s wrong? Where is it hurting?”
“Logan . . .” You groaned. “He’s here!”
Immediately Logan’s claws came out. “Who? Magneto?” He looked around the kitchen frantically in search of the possible threat. “Stryker? Show yourself, you son of a bitch!” He yelled.
You couldn’t believe it. Did he suddenly forget you were pregnant? Maybe it was the beer finally getting to him. . .
You groaned once more as the pain struck again. “The baby!” You screamed. You waved your hand, his jacket and keys were thrown at him.
Logan’s eyes widened when he heard those words. He was about to become a father. “Oh crap.”
“Take me to the hospital, you asshole!”
After quickly finishing his beer in one sip, he helped you down the stairs. You couldn’t stand the pain. Each time you felt pain, objects around you would break. As you were walking towards the main entrance, you passed by a coffee table with a vase on it.
“Ah! Fuck!” You winced as a contraction hit you hard. The vase exploded as a result. “Shit!”
“It’s okay, Charles hated that vase anyways!” Logan assured you. In reality, the vase was a gift that was in his family for years. Maybe Charles wouldn’t notice.
“Logan!” The couple heard Rogue yell out. “I’m coming with you!”
Before Logan could protest, you scream once more causing several objects in the living room to break like tables and chairs. Even the TV screen had exploded. You didn’t mean to do that.
“Just help me get her into the car.” Logan instructed Rogue, who quickly ran to your side and helped you down the steps of the mansion.
“I really really hate you right now.” You said to Logan.
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
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papercorgiworld · 7 months
I don't want you to be my girlfriend
Blaise, Mattheo, Enzo, Tom, Theodore and Draco
There’s a big misunderstanding concerning your future together. 
Warning: no warning, just a very fluffy fluff thingy
This was brought to you thanks to this request, but I must apologize I changed some details, but I guess the essential plot is stil there. If you spot an error that hurts your brain, let me know and save another reader. And as per usual, my darling readers happy readings! I love you all, big time!
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“When we graduate things are going to change. I have big plans.” You hear your boyfriend’s voice and feel yourself get all giddy, convinced that you are part of these big plans, but suddenly you stop in your tracks. “I mean (y/n) isn’t going to be my girlfriend forever.” Next, there's silence. “Are you sure?” You hear Pansy ask and with a pounding heart you listen to your boyfriend’s answer. “Yeah. Never been so sure of anything in my life. She won’t be my girlfriend for long anymore. Things change.” 
Without making a single sound you turn down the stairs of the astronomy tower. Tears streaming down your face. You were so in love with him. All the two of you did lately was talk about your future together. When did he stop loving me? Did he ever love me at all?
The next morning you looked like crap. You looked like someone who had been crying all night, which is exactly what had happened. So you skipped breakfast and just went to class where you spent your time staring in front of you and avoiding your boyfriend’s gaze at all costs. He watched you from a few seats away. When he grew inpatient waiting for you to look at him he enchanted a little note and sent it to you, but to his horror you just looked at the folded paper laying on your desk without opening it, before returning to look at the professor. 
He truly doesn’t know how you managed to, but after class you just disappeared. He had immediately gotten up and walked towards you and yet you had somehow snuck past him through the other students. He picked up the unopened note he had sent you and felt his heart ache. First you didn’t show up at the astronomy tower last night, then you skipped breakfast and now you were obviously avoiding him. What did I do? I hate it when I don’t know what I did? Bad joke? Forgot about a date? Salazar, what if I did something so bad that she’s breaking up with me? 
He had searched every nook and cranny of the castle to find you, which was quite a lot of work, but to no avail. I don’t even know where she’s hiding? Have we somehow grown apart without me even noticing? I’m such a shit boyfriend, I’m gonna lose the love of my life.
Defeated, he walked back to the slytherin common room when one last possible hiding spot came to mind. How did I not check there earlier?
There you sat curled up doodling in your journal, back resting against the whomping willow. “Really not the safest spot to be. The tree gets mad from time to time.” He startles you and for a moment you stare at him with wide eyes, before relaxing. As soon as you process that it’s Blaise you roll your eyes. “Oh, really? After seven years at this school I really had no clue.” Your sarcasm is almost like venom and makes Blaise’s smile disappear. In silence he joins you, sitting too close to your liking so you move an inch away and he lets his head fall back in annoyance with your childish behavior. “I have no idea what I did, but I’m sorry, I always am when I hurt you.” His voice is soft and his hand reaches for yours, keeping you from scribbling in your notebook. 
You shake your head in disbelief. How could he be sorry, when he was planning on breaking up with you. You feel tears welling up and grit your teeth in an attempt to hold them back. “When we talked about our garden together, which plants and trees we would prefer and that there needed to be a little bench… I thought you meant it. I thought you really wanted that with me.” At your words he moves a bit away from the tree to face you properly. “I do. I do want all of those things. You know that. We were just talking about our future together yesterday morning. What makes you think I wouldn’t want that with you?”
Your eyes are angry. How dare he lie like this. “I heard you last night at the astronomy tower. You want to break up with me. You had big plans and I wasn’t going to be your girlfriend anymore.” Blaise stares for a moment, before chuckling and looking away. “Unbelievable, you seriously had me worried for a moment.” All your anger subsides and confusion takes over, eyebrows knitting together. “You won’t be my girlfriend forever, (y/n), because I have other plans for you.” Blaise explains, but you still don’t catch on to what he’s hinting at. “Darling, I bought a ring.” Your eyes widen and your heart feels like it’s going to explode. “That’s what I was talking about. I showed it to everyone last night.” With shaky hands you put your notebook aside and move a little closer to your boyfriend. “An engagement ring?” Blaise nods and smiles as he adores your utterly confused face. “After we graduate, on a random date, when you don’t see it coming I’m gonna pop the question.”
Even though you were sitting in front of him he’s still surprised when you suddenly wrap your arms around his neck. “Spoiler alert, I'm gonna say yes.” You whisper all giddy and he responds by hugging you tighter than ever. Gods, I hope so, because I really love you.
Mattheo sighs, relieved that he’s finally found you. Sitting against the whomping willow with your knees pressed against your chest and headphones on, probably listening to the same four sad songs on repeat. He watches you from afar for a moment as he worries about what’s gotten you so upset and worse why you haven’t come to find him for consolidation yet. Even when you were angry with him you came to him to figure it out. You rarely closed yourself off for so long as you had done today and it frightened Mattheo. 
Quietly he walks over to you and as soon as you spot him you turn to look away from him, making Mattheo almost reach for his chest. He decides to lean against the tree next to you, giving you some space as you’re still sitting curled up on the ground. The silence between you two is excruciating. Soundless tears run down your cheeks as you realize that this might be the last moment between you two. As painful as the silence is, Mattheo wants to give you time to start talking, it’s only when he hears you sob that he loses his patience and immediately gets down on his knees next to you. He takes off your headphones and looks at you with soft eyes. “I beg you, please, talk to me.” His fingers brush your cheeks and you savor the moment of his touch, before speaking up.
“It’s cruel Matt, making someone believe in a future together, while you’re planning a break up. I mean who does that. Yesterday morning we were arguing about marriage or kids first and in the evening you’re telling everyone that you don’t want me to be your girlfriend.” A pathetic sob escapes you and Mattheo opens his mouth, but you cut in before he can say anything. “I still love you, you know. I still want that future with you. Did I scare you away or something?” Mattheo’s heart squeezes at your painful sobs. Scare me away? How can you think of something like that? “No, no, you could never scare me away.” Mattheo wants to hold you, but you softly push his hand away. “Then tell me, what did I do wrong? Why are we breaking up?” Mattheo stares at you in disbelief, not following at all. “We aren’t. We’re never-” 
“I heard you, Matt, last night at the astronomy tower. I heard you say that I wasn’t going to be your girlfriend for long.” Something changes in the way Mattheo looks at you, but you can’t quite capture it, he looks almost disappointed. “Wow. Definitely not how I planned it, but okay.” Mattheo says dryly, but also amused. There’s this sweet mischievous glimmer in his eyes that calms you, but also has you frowning. He searches in his pocket, obviously being enchanted, it takes him a while to find what he’s looking for and you stare at him in confusion as he makes a funny face. “Matt-” He shushes you and you study him carefully as he moves from sitting on both knees to resting on one knee, before pulling out a tiny box. 
“If it’s up to me, (y/n), you will no longer be my girlfriend, because I want you to marry me.” You quickly shake your head and sit up a bit straighter to check if you’re really seeing what you’re seeing. Slowly, his free hand reaches to open the flannel ring box. “So (y/n) (y/l/n), will you marry me?” Your mouth opens as you stare at the ring, before looking at Mattheo whose smile is filled with love. You nod, ignoring the elegant and shiny ring, you lunge towards him and he wraps his arms around you. He quickly closes the box to keep the ring safe, before kissing you passionately. When you break apart, your foreheads rest against each other. “The answer’s yes by the way.” You whisper with flustered eyes. Mattheo licks his lip, smirking at the beautiful fiance in his arms. “I assumed that much.” He said, eyes shining with happiness. “But, dear future wife, don’t you ever assume silly things again, like maybe me dumping you. Never going to happen, understand?” Sheepishly you chew your lip, embarrassed with your own dramatics. When you nod, his smile grows brighter and leans in for another passionate kiss. 
As soon as Lorenzo spotted you, he came running towards the whomping willow, though carefully watching the tree so as not to get attacked by it. You were just laying on the ground staring up at the sky and the tree, but you knew Enzo was coming your way. You had been together for so long you could hear it was him just by his footsteps. You took a deep breath, trying to get rid of the weight on your chest, knowing that your relationship would all be over soon. With a happy smile Enzo’s face comes into your view as he stands next to you looking down at you. “Found you.” He quips rather proud of himself and you snort. Joking before breaking up that’s just rude. Did our relationship really mean nothing?
When Lorenzo notices your displeasure with his presence he kneels down next to you. “Everything alright?” He asks with a soft, worried voice as he scans your face for any hints. You chew your lip for a moment before sitting up, eyes wandering around, avoiding Enzo. “I really looked forward to it.” Enzo frowns and sits down next to you, his arm brushing yours. Before he can ask for an explanation, you continue. “Cooking together every evening. Going to bed together. Waking up and arguing in the bathroom, but making up at the breakfast table. You were going to make that boring adult everyday routine fun, you would make everyday worth it.” Lorenzo drops his head, looking down. She’s breaking up with. He heard you struggle to keep yourself from sobbing and looked back up.
He wasn’t just gonna let you break up with him. He grabbed both of your hands and pulled you towards him, now your teary eyes were forced to meet his. “Darling, whatever dumb thing I did, I love you too much to have done it on purpose, so please just talk to me.” You narrow your eyes at him, confused by what he was saying. You sniffle and he wraps an arm around your head pulling towards him, forcing you to rest on his shoulder for a moment. “Please, don’t break up with me.” Your boyfriend whispers, before placing a soft kiss on your temple. You pull away and look at him. “I don’t want to break up with you, you’re the one that’s done with our relationship.” Enzo’s eyes widen and his mouth drops a bit. “Wha- why? Why would you say something so ridiculous!” He sounds almost angry with you for suggesting something so outrageous. 
You frown and bite back. “Don’t play dumb, Berkshire! I heard you last night at the astronomy tower talking to all your friends and Pansy, who’s my friend by the way, about how I wasn’t going to be your girlfriend for long anymore. Hah!” You point at him, thinking you’ve cornered him, figured out all his lies, but he doesn’t look impressed at all. “Oh right, right… but tell me, darling, if I’m planning on breaking up with you then… uhm, why did I spend a ridiculous amount of money on an engagement ring?” With one swift move he presents you a small velvet ring box and judges you, before quickly tucking it back into his pocket. Your mouth just hangs agape as you watch him put the ring box away. “Miss I-have-it-all-figured-out, do you have any other crazy assumptions? Maybe you think I bought that for one of my other girlfriends-” You give him a soft push and he smiles at your flustered face.
“Break up with you? Have you lost it? Gods, I’m marrying an idiot.” Lorenzo laughs and pulls you onto his lap. You’re still trying to wrap your head around the fact that Enzo bought an engagement ring. “Marrying an idiot? Enz, I haven’t said yes.” You say, attempting to sound composed and he grins at you. “That’s because you haven’t seen the ring, yet.” You snake an arm around his neck. “So show me.” You brush your nose against his and he smirks, happy that you're eager to see the ring and say yes. Enzo steals a tender kiss from you before moving his lips to your ear. “I don’t think so.” You look at him with curious eyes and he explains himself. “I have this whole thing planned and it’s already bad enough that you know I’m going to propose. I don’t need you knowing about anything else I have in store for you.” Merlin, I love him. Desperately your lips crash into his, passionately kissing your future husband as he holds you tight.
He studies you from afar as you focus on your journal. He adores your elegant figure, small against the great whomping willow. He approaches you with a featherlight step and you don’t notice him until he speaks up with a serious tone. “You had me worried. Disappearing for a whole day.” Your heart jumps as his sudden presence startles you and you quickly close your journal. When you look up he notices your exhausted eyes and crouches down to your level. His fingers brushing your jawline before grabbing a hold of your chin as you try to turn away from him. With a firm grip he forces you to meet his eyes. “Have you been crying, dear?” Your eyes go dead at his question. “Don’t pretend to care. I know you’re breaking up with me.”
Your voice is cold and your words catch him off guard, dropping his hand and studying your face. “When we talked about traveling the world, I thought it was going to be you and me. Searching for the boundaries of magic, you and me… always.” His face goes cold as tears visually well up in your eyes. “I can’t believe you’re breaking up with me. I don’t understand. I thought we were happy.” Now you can no longer hold your tears back, instantly your hands cover your face and Tom grits his teeth at the sound of your sobbing. “Enough.” He says sternly, grabbing your hands and making you look at him. “I don’t know what’s gotten into your silly little head, but I’m not breaking up with you, not now, not ever!” 
He can spot a glimmer of hope in your eyes at his words and he sighs. “Quite to the contrary, actually. I’m planning on spending the rest of my life with you and I want to make it official.” You swallow and shake your head a little as you remember last night's words. “But- but I heard you talk yesterday evening… you said I wasn’t going to be your girlfriend forever.” Tom’s lips form a line and he cups your face, thumbs brushing over the stains of your tears. “You should know better than to eavesdrop. You missed out on a bit of context.” Your eyebrows knit together. “You’re not breaking up with me?” With a soft smile he shakes no. “I missed out on the context?” Tom nods and you feel yourself relax. “Okay.” You whisper and you lean towards Tom so he can embrace you. With your head pressed against his chest you wonder. “I don’t get it, what context?” Tom smiles to himself. “You’ll find out soon enough.” He pulls away a little so he can place a tender kiss on your soft lips. I can’t believe she almost found out about the proposal. If she had seen the ring last night the surprise would’ve been ruined. 
You were trying to focus on the book in your hands, but you had to reread every sentence twice, because your mind kept going to Theodore’s words. Frustrated with your incapacity to read, you sigh and look around taking in your surroundings, it’s then that you spot Theo slowly walking in your direction. “Here it goes.” You mutter to yourself as you mentally prepare yourself for a painful break up. “Where have you been all day?” Theo asks, noticing you looking at him. You shrug, not in the mood for small talk. “Here.” You say dryly and Theodore’s tongue darts around in his mouth as he tries to figure out what’s going on. “Why did you ignore my note?” You look away from him. Can’t he just cut to the chase. 
Again you shrug, eyes still staring into the distance. Theodore raises his eyebrows, a little annoyed by your attitude. “Okay, princess. I’ll play.” He goes to sit opposite of you, giving you all his attention, but you snap your head towards him at his words. “You are unbelievable, Theodore Nott!” Your loud voice makes Theo clench his jaw. “Right back at ya, sweetie.” He’s annoyed, but he tries to stay calm, seeing how upset you are. “Don’t ‘sweetie’ me, Nott.” You snare. “I know you’re here to break up with me. I heard you talking at the astronomy tower last night. I know about your big plans that don’t involve a girlfriend. So you can scurry off now. I’ll be fine.” Theo opens his mouth before closing it again and chuckling softly. You frown. “This isn’t funny.” You say, clearly hurt by his lack of emotion. You reach for your book to hit it against his arm, but your boyfriend ceases the opportunity to grab your wrist and pull you closer to him, much to your dislike. 
“It’s funny, trust me.” He whispers, chuckling as he closes the space between you two. “I’m not gonna scurry off, princess, and I’m not breaking up with your dumb ass.” You try to pull your wrist free. “I heard you say-” Theo snakes an arm around your waist to keep you close, before interrupting you. “You heard what exactly?” You fall silent and look up at him with watery eyes. “Because I’m not breaking up with you, I love you a little too much and I’ve invested a bit too much money in an engagement ring. So you and I, we’re not breaking up any time soon.” The sadness in your eyes is replaced by surprise. “Engagement ring?” You whisper barely audible and Theo nods softly, eyes focused on yours. “So did you maybe hear me say something like : she’s not going to be my girlfriend for long?” He leans closer to you, eyes moving between your lips and your eyes. “Because you’re not going to be my girlfriend for long, since you’ll be my fiance soon and then-” Your lips crash on his and his hand moves to your head as he kisses you back passionately. “I’m an idiot.” You whisper between kisses, only making him kiss you harder. “Yeah, you are. You’re lucky you’re cute.” You frown and he chuckles. “I love you.” 
With closed eyes you enjoy the sounds of nature around you. “Hey!” You recognize your boyfriend’s voice and turn to see him walk up to you with his usual flair, though carefully watching the whomping willow afraid of what it might do. You turn away from him, not ready to face him after hearing him talk about breaking up with you last night. “What’s got you hiding out here?” He watches you with crossed arms and you chew your lip, fingers playing with the grass by your side. You were rarely this distance and he gets more worried. He decides to sit down next to you. “If something’s wrong you can tell me.” You’re surprised by the softness of his voice and turn to him. His heart breaks a little when he notices your puffy eyes, but he stays quiet, waiting for you to tell him what’s going on.
“I feel stupid, Draco.” You confess and he frowns at you, before you continue. “I- I just thought that when we lay in bed discussing the interior of our mansion that- I guess I believed that you really wanted that. You really had me believing you wanted that future with me.” Your boyfriend’s face goes paler than it usually is, but you don’t notice the horror in his eyes. “I respect your choice and I won’t make any drama, but I want you to know that I really wanted that… a future for just the two of us.” With those words you get up, feeling tears well up. “What?” Draco almost yells as he instantly gets up after you. “You can’t break up with me.” He grabs your hand and you look at him, confused at his words. “I’m not breaking up with you, you are breaking up with me.” Your explanation almost hurts Draco’s brain as he tries to make sense of what you’re saying. “No. No. Why would I break up with you?”
You press your lips into a line as you now notice how utterly confused he is. Your eyes rest on his hand holding onto yours, he didn’t want you to go anywhere. You look up at him, frowning. “But I heard you… last night… you said that- that I wasn’t going to be your girlfriend forever. Pansy asked if you were sure and you said yes. I clearly heard you say that.” Draco seems to relax at your words and a soft smile creeps up his lips. “Oh, love.” He lets go of your hand, before taking a step closer so there’s only an inch between you two and slings his arms around you, hugging you as he softly chuckles. “I’m not breaking up with you.” The calmness in his voice convinces you of his sincerity and you feel all the pain and tension leave your heart, making you blink away soft tears of joy.
You enjoy his warmth and hug him back, but after a moment your mind goes back to last night. “But then, what were you talking about?” You move away from him as you feel a bit of doubt make its way back to your heart. Draco tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and adores you with the sweetest smile on his lips. “You won’t be my girlfriend for long because I intend on marrying you.” Your eyes widen and you feel the purest form of happiness rush through you. “Marry me?” You whisper in surprise, not really believing what you had just heard. “Yes and I’m sure of it.” An intense blush forms on your cheeks and your eyes get sparkly as a soft laugh of joy leaves your lips. “I love you, Draco Malfoy.” He kisses tenderly, before locking his eyes with your and wiggling his eyebrows. “I love you too, future Mrs Malfoy.” You laugh and bite your lip. “I like that.” Draco pulls you closer, happy to hear your approval. You break a passionate kiss when your mind starts wondering again. “When are you asking?” You ask with a cheeky smile and Draco scoffs at your question. “I’m not telling. It’s already bad enough you know that I’m gonna ask.” 
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tvhsleb3ww · 7 months
summary, akaashi helps you on a rainy day.
— mutual pining, minor swearing, fluff, akaashi being a geek in love
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they say that rainy days are the best way to see someone's love for them. at that moment, their love would be displayed to the public and everyone can see how much they love one another.
even if they shared an umbrella, there would be a certain angle where someone would be more exposed to the droplets instead of the other one.
and it was obvious that akaashi keiji displayed love for you.
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you looked at the grey clouds that are coming your way, your hands on your hips as you examine them. multiple coulds are nearing and indicates that they bring a huge storm.
a sigh escapes your lips as you crossed your arms, thinking wether to wait for the rain to stop or just run to the nearest store that are a couple blocks away. you should've watched the weather forecast this morning before going to work.
and then it hits you. you left your clothes to dry out on the balcony of your apartment. crap— and it seems like you can't be going home right now.
"something on your mind, (y/n)?" a familliar voice asked you to which you turned around.
a small smile forms on your lips to show that you're alright, although it's quite evident that it's faux.
"i forgot my umbrella and it looks like heavy rain is coming" you muttered to which he just nodded and walked towards you.
"you can borrow my umbrella, if you'd like" he says, voice coated with worry. you shook your head and flailed your hand.
"no, it's fine! how are you gonna go home if i take your umbrella, akaashi?" he pushes the bridge of his glasses and crosses his arms.
"we could go together, if that's fine with you?"
he really wanted to blurt that sentence out but the words got stuck in his throat. he wants to have a chance at helping and getting closer to you!
ever since you both started working here together, he's had a teensy little crush on you which eventually grew and drove him crazy. he's never felt like this before and he's so nervous right now.
he opened his mouth to talk but he gets nervous. what if she thinks i'm weird? what if she already has someone else? what if—
"but if you don't mind, maybe we could go together? you can just drop me off at the nearest store! i wouldn't want to bother you" you said sheepishly and he thanks the heavens that you were the one who said that instead.
"of course it isn't bothering me, i'd love to" he says with a small smile.
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how the hell did his umbrella got stolen? he could've sworn he put it in the basket with the other umbrellas but right now— he's looking at an empty basket.
he examined further, maybe it was buried deep inside the basket? nope it wasn't. he sighed and watched you looking at the rainy clouds. suddenly, an idea popped up.
"(y/n), i have another idea but it might be a little crazy"
which led to this.
"just a little more (y/n)! i can see 7E from here!" he whisper yelled as he ran with you to the 7E with him holding his jacket on your figure.
"ugh, you try to run in heels!" you pouted but ran anyways. he almost lets out a laugh when you whined in complaint.
maybe to some people the action of running together in the rain is stupid. maybe it was sweet.
but to akaashi keiji, he thinks it was the best rainy day that ever happened to him. he doesn't mind being drenched in the pouring rain if it means he gets to be your knight in shining armour.
he doesn't mind letting you use his jacket (which he offered in the first place) as an umbrella. he doesn't mind running together with you in the rain.
both of you walked into the convenience store, drenched. you laughed and before he realised it, he's smiling too at your laughter.
"thank you, akaashi" you mumbled and he just gives you a small smile in return. "keiji" he mumbles to which you raised a brow.
"call me keiji" he says, again with a small smile and red cheeks.
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the whole running in the rain act was worth it, even if it meant he had to take a sick leave the next day and rot in bed.
especially when you came for a visit and gave him your handcooked chicken soup that's perfect for headaches.
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wolfiesmoon · 8 months
Eyes on me
floyd x gn!reader
Its rlly hard writing this w one hand because i had a bit of a medical emergency last night (in fact i'm in the hospital as i'm typing this) but we survive
so imagine my surprise when i got my baby boy floyd in all his basketball glory (as a consolation from the sevens i assume)
long story short this calls for a floyd fic
(also i use the word stadium a lot here, by that i mean a more small, local stadium and not one of those big NBA league ones)
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"I told you, I'm not playing." Floyd crossed his arms and pouted like a little toddler. "Floyd. This is an important match. We have no time for one of your tantrums." Jamil tried reasoning with him, but it was all for naught. It seems like Floyd is inconsolable right now.
The coach was very close to losing it at this point. The match was drawing closer and closer and Floyd's mood was getting worse and worse.
The team could already hear the people coming into the stadium.
"What are you even so sad about?" Ace questioned, getting a bit annoyed with Floyd.
"Little Shrimpy promised to come see me but isn't here yet... " Floyd glanced at the people sitting on the bleachers, searching for your face in the crowd. When he didn't see you, his pout increased.
"... That's why you're refusing to play?" Jamil couldn't believe his ears. Neither could anyone else in the club right now. Is this dude really 17 years old? He seems like a bit of an overgrown 5 year old right now.
Well, the coach knew he was taking a risk when placing Floyd on the team seeing as things like this are very likely to happen. All he can do now is hope you actually show up so he won't have one potentially amazing player less.
"Oh crap, Floyd's match! I almost forgot!" You quickly got up, startling your classmates. You had to stay with some of them to work on a group project professor Crewel gave you. "Anyone wanna come watch basketball with me?"
A few of your classmates agreed to go while others said they had plans to get to.
And so you went.
"Can't believe you forgot it, idiot." Grim scolded you. "Oh yeah? and who was the one sleeping away in my lap while we had to do all the work?" you shot back and he grumbled something under his breath as a response.
The two classmates going with you huffed in amusement at your reply.
By now, you were already at the entrance to the stadium. You saw Floyd play before at practice and you know how good he can get when he's fired up. But you also know how he can be when the opposite is true.
You just hope he's in a good mood right now. If he isn't, you'll just cheer for him until he is.
You sat down on the bleachers, chatting with your classmates about the project as you waited for the match to start.
"Hey, isn't that the Prefect right the-ack!" Ace got pushed away by Floyd who's eyes immediately scanned the bleachers again. When he saw you, his eyes lit up and a wide smile spread across his face.
"Shrimpy is here!~" the sudden change in mood surprised even the coach. Well, he supposes the issue is solved now.
His eyes darkened, however, when he saw you laughing with your classmates. You're here for him, not some rando dudes from your class.
Suddenly, he feels determined to play so well you won't take your eyes off him for even a second. He'll make sure of it.
"Hey. We're going to beat the other team so hard they cry. Got it?" he suggested with a horrifying expression on his face. The entire team felt too afraid to do anything but nod in agreement.
That's the second mood change he had in a matter of 30 seconds. Now the entire team is just generally concerned for him.
As the NRC team walked out, you smiled at Floyd and waved to him, Grim raising his little paw to wave too. He smiled back at you widely, flailing his arms around like an excited child at you. When he looked away, however, his expression darkened once more.
Better keep your eyes on him the whole time or someone from the other team might not make it out unscathed.
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sopiao · 1 year
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how i think the 141 men would do when asked “can you watch my drink for me?” XP
Price would nod while happily accepting your request, snickering a little when he sees you almost trip on your way to the bathroom. He’d either keep it close to his body or have his other hand flatten over the rim, lidded from any weirdos trying to sneak a roofie in your fruity alcoholic drink. He’d suddenly sober up, to be more alert. The Captain usually never drinks, only enough to feel a buzz but never tipsy or flat out drunk. Someone had to be sober to drive everyone back, keep them from doing stupid shit that would hurt them— or get arrested from said stupid shit. A sudden sense of pride and warmth filled his chest when he saw how comfortable and reliant you are on him, shows how dependable he is.
When you ask Soap if he can watch your drink for you he nods mid-sip. He was ready for this. Setting his own drink down on a table to carefully look after yours. “Like a hawk!” He yells at you, you’re already across the room to the bathroom. He’d sniff the drink to see what you got, if it smells okay enough he’ll even take a sip of it. It’s a 50/50 whether he’s judge your choice of alcohol or not. One guy even had the audacity to ask for your drink, what did he plan to do with it? I don’t know, probably some shiesty shit. Soap will literally bark at the man until he goes away. He earned a couple weird looks from the people around, but it was worth it.
Gaz would of course be protective of it. Staying in one spot and just watching, observing the other people in the club. Whenever he drank it was always one or two beers or 10 shots, nothing in between. But if he’s beyond drunk and you hand him your drink, he’ll immediately sober up, only until you take your drink back. On more than one occasion he forgot he was holding your drink and even drank half of it. He only seemed to realize it when you wondered why half was missing. He, of course, got you another one. Except he gets you one of his own choice cause “You haven’t got the best taste”.
If you ask Ghost to watch over your drink, he’d decline at first. But you insist since you have to go to the bathroom. Shoving the drink in his hand, leaning him no choice but to watch over it. It’s not like he doesn’t want to.. he just.. doesn’t want to? He keeps it in the little cage of his arms that rests on the bar. Staring down every person that gets even 5 feet away from him. Doesn’t matter with the gender, looks, or level of sobriety. Anyone could have the ill intentions of roofieing you. He looks down at your drink, confused by the colorful and fruity smell. Wondering how you can even drink that crap. He eventually just orders another glass of what he got. Just straight hard liquor. He insists that it’s better than “Whatever fruit juice shit you had before”.
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xoxoxkisses · 2 months
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Muichiro x fem!Reader
warnings: reader has multiple insecurities, aged up appropriately (18+), slight angst-> fluff, little ooc maybe? Long paragraphs for the most part
a/n: I sort of related this to me this time using some of my insecurities! Hope you guys enjoy! ————————————————————————
I stood infront of my mirror as I was getting undressed from my training session with Tokito. I untied my hair from the low pony it was in and unbuttoned the top of my uniform. As I let the top fall down my shoulders, my eyes couldn’t help but wonder to the purple and red lines going down towards my hips. As I took my belt and skirt off, I saw how the lines had appeared a lot darker now as they continued to my thighs. I couldn’t help but also notice the dip in my hips that my skirt skillfully hid. I was standing infront of my mirror in nothing but my bra and underwear, staring at myself poking and prodding at every imperfection. The way my stomach stood out ever so slightly, the slouch in my shoulders that seemed to never go away, and the way my collarbone stuck out a little too much. I hated it all.
The week had been a rough one. I had started my period which had caused my emotions to rise. I never stood and looked at myself for more than 5 minutes, but I did this time and regretted it. I began to cry and I didn’t know why. Sure it was because of my insecurities, but they never made me cry, not like this. Suddenly my door swung open and Tokito walked in. I didn’t have time to cover myself or even wipe away my tears. “Tokito what are you doing? Why didn’t you knock?” I wiped my tears away and tried to cover myself as best as I could. It took him a moment to process what had happened and what he was seeing. “I forgot, sorry. I came to tell you lunch was ready.” I gave him a small smile as I wiped away the few stray tears. “Okay, I’ll be there soon.” He nodded and I turned back around to face the mirror as I thought he had left.
“Are you ok? Why are you crying?” I turned back around and noticed he had shut the door and was walking closer to me. “W-what do you mean? I’m not crying?” He kept getting closer, the distance between us getting shorter. “Cut the crap, your face is stained with tears so you were crying.” He was too smart for my liking. He could read anybody effortlessly, including me. I turned away from him again, I seemed to forget I was in nothing but my undergarments and a slight blush crept onto my face. “Look I-I’m sorry. I should get changed it isn’t appropriate as your Tsuguko to look like this infront of you.” Before I knew it, he was directly behind me, peering over my shoulder and into the mirror I was trying to avoid looking in. “I’m not worried about that. I’m worried about you.” I relaxed a little without even knowing I had tensed up, all the emotions riling back up as I burst into tears yet again.
“Well, i-it’s just, it’s been a really rough week and I just keep noticing things about my body and I hate them.” He had gently put his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into a gentle embrace. “Shh, it’s okay.” I turned around and had buried my head into his chest. “Can you tell me what you don’t like?” His voice was kind of soothing in a way. He caressed my head as my sobs had slightly gone away. I slowly backed away and faced the mirror again. I sniffled again as I showed him what was bothering me so bad. “W-well for one, my hips have dips and these stretch marks go from them to my thighs.” He watched as I slowly traced the lines one by one. “May I touch you?” I was confused by his question, but allowed him. I trusted him. He took his own hands and placed them on my hips. “I don’t think there is anything wrong with your hips. Matter of fact, I think they’re beautiful.” I was a blushing mess now. Tokito was touching my bare skin and didn’t even care. He copied my motions and traced every mark with his finger. “What else is bothering you?”
This time I pointed at my stomach. “This, I hate how it sticks out slightly.” His hands moved from my hips up to my stomach. I flinched with his movement, but relaxed. “I don’t think your stomach sticks out at all, I think it’s absolutely beautiful just like you Y/n.” I felt a blush creep along my face as I showed him my collar bone and my shoulders. Each ending with the same phrase “they’re beautiful.” My tears were long gone now as he continued to praise my insecurities. “Y/n?” He was looking at me in the mirror, I looked up and made eye contact with him. “Yeah?” “You know, I find you beautiful in general.” My mouth hung slightly agape, I could feel the blood creeping up to my face. “Y-you do?” He gave me a smile as he pulled me into him. “Yes, in all honesty I like you.” “I-I like you too Tokito.” He laughed quietly at his name. “Please, call me Muichiro.” I smiled at him in the mirror. “Okay Muichiro.” We both smiled at each other in the mirror, taking in the confessions from the two of us.
Just then, my stomach growled. Muichiro heard it and chuckled. “Well, I completely forgot about lunch, it’s probably cold now. Want to go grab something from town?” I giggled at his realization, and from my stomach. “Sure, let me get dressed though, I’m not going out like this.” He grabbed me tighter, pulling me somehow closer to him. “Well of course not, can’t have other people seeing the beautiful girl infront of me.” I smiled at him and turned around to face him. I put my arms around his neck. “So, it’s a date.” “I guess so.” He smiled back at me, grabbing my waist. We looked into each other’s eyes, just then he was pulling me closer to him, trying to close the gap. I pushed him away and crossed my arms. “You need to let me get changed.” He huffed and pouted a bit. I playfully rolled my eyes at him. “Maybe you can get that kiss later. Now get out!” I threw a pillow from my bed at him as he left. I forgot about my insecurities after he left, feeling a lot better about myself than I did before.
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lesbesapphic · 1 year
Mean Wanda AU
Summary - Wanda finds out about your crush on the scarlet witch. That's it.
A/N- Hey you all! Hope you are all doing well.
Just wanted to post this as a Birthday Gift from me to you all (it was my bday a few days ago). I know it's been awhile but I will try to be more active now.
Please stay on this journey with me and keep supporting me. It means the world to me especially when I disappear here and there. Just bear with me a little.
Buy Me A Coffee || Ko-fi
Warning - heavy makeout session, i forgot the name suddenly but throat grabbing kink? Can't recall the name just that it starts with C, and lots of quarrel between Wanda and you that's it. Please don't flag me. It is my bday.
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After finally being done with all your work, you decided to watch your favourite show before Wanda could get her hands on the remote though a part of you wondered where the older girl was, it's been hours since you last saw her but you were glad for her absence, having the evening to yourself would be peaceful.
Halfway through it, you heard the door opening and Wanda waltzing in, her whole attention on her phone as she typed with one hand while using the other to close the door, you sulked at the fact that you didn't take the batteries out from the remote or switch them up to stop it from working, before anyone ask, you had already tried fighting Wanda on remote, you easily learned that she wasn't as fragile as she looked. She had you pinned on the floor with the remote in her hand before you could even grab her hand. Ever since then you have been relying on your intellect rather than physique.
But judging from her appearance and her focus on her phone, it didn't look like she was aiming for the remote, regardless of it, your grip on the remote tightened until Wanda pretended to walk out but instead grabbed the remote out of your hand. You hardly fought back knowing it was pointless but that didn't mean you couldn't whine knowing how much it irritated her.
"I was watching that!" You shot an annoyed glance at Wanda who jumped next to you on the couch, sitting down and switching the channel after grabbing the remote from your lap. "And now we are going to watch something else." Wanda stated while putting on one of her sitcoms. You hated to admit that despite not being a huge fan of sitcoms, you knew the story of each character by heart and would find yourself asking Wanda about any unknown entry with curiosity. You blamed Wanda for it, making you watch all her crap.
"Turn it back." You protested and Wanda rolled her eyes at your whining, "No. It is boring crap." Wanda claimed while putting her feet in your lap, deciding to give you something else to whine about. Her plan working efficiently as your focus shifted on pushing her feet off your lap.
"You don't know anything about MCU." You brushed her feet off only for her to put it back on your lap, your mind momentarily noticing how gorgeous her feet were. The thought disappeared when Wanda spoke again.
"Oh please. I know that you have some weird ass obsession with.. what's her name red witch..? Scarlet witch!" Wanda's lips curled into a smirk when your face turned slightly red, "Plus.. shouldn't you be happy serving me since her and I share such resemblance?" Wanda flipped her hair to the side and you ignored her, focusing on pushing her feet away.
"Why can't you admit that you have a crush on me?" Wanda prodded further and you could hear the grin in her voice, you looked up at her with an expression that screamed if she was out of her mind, "Are you on drugs?" You asked and she laughed, finally curling her feet under herself as she sat up.
"Why? Didn't you want a kiss from me the other day?" Wanda asked the mischief in her voice taking a condescending tone as she added, "Or shall I say from your Scarlet Witch?" Wanda asked and watched as the colors faded from your face and you visibly swallowed.
You felt your throat drying up at what you were hearing from her. She was awake. She remembered.
A few days ago, you both had come home drunk from the party and you ended up sleeping in her bed instead of your mattress on the floor. You had been watching Elizabeth Olsen's movie that night and were having a beautiful dream about her that got mixed with reality when you woke up to find her ethereal beauty in front of you, her face inches away from you and in your hazy state, you moved in to place a kiss on her lips when suddenly the sound of Wanda's obnoxious ringtone startled you back to reality. Your breathing fast as the realisation of what you were going to do hit you with the hangover from all the drink you had.
Needless to say, you had been very cautious of Wanda that day, avoiding her at all cost and flushing red every time you would have an interaction with her, afraid that Wanda would bring it up but she never did and you assumed that she must be asleep when it happened until now.
"I-I don't know what you are talking about." You cleared your throat, your eyes falling anywhere but her. You sucked in a sharp breath when Wanda tilted your chin up with her index finger, your eyes meeting her emerald ones, "Saturday Morning, you were sleeping in my bed. You were probably dreaming about that actress. You woke up and leaned in to kiss me. My ringtone snapped you out of it.. didn't it?
You opened your mouth to speak but no words came out. You didn't know how to answer that. "And the worst part is.. that you regret not doing it." Wanda declared with a smug look on her face and you couldn't help but scoff at her wild statements that she was passing as if she knew everything about you. 
"Now don't get ahead of yourself." You grabbed her hand that was holding your chin before pushing it away, ignoring how smooth it was on touch. How would it not? Every night Wanda would spend an hour on her skincare, moisturizing each and every inch of herself after taking a shower. The first time it happened, it made you uncomfortable seeing her half naked on her bed, slowly rubbing the lotion on her smooth legs and arms. You were pretty sure she noticed it the second time it happened because she stopped putting it on in the washroom as she would usually do but started to purposely do it in the bedroom. Remembering the time she asked you to do it for. It almost resulted in a make out session.
"Why? Don't you want to kiss your Liz?" Wanda asked raising her eyebrows innocently as if she was asking about something as trivial as your studies. "You aren't anything like her." You grumbled, looking away from her when she started laughing, groaning when she got on top of you, her legs on either side of you trapping you completely with her weight. "Ugh, Get off.." You raised your hands to push her off but she grabbed your hands, pinning them to your sides.
You start to struggle but stopped after a second, all your past efforts of when you were in a similar position with her flashes in front of your eyes and you knew that it was useless trying to win against her physical strength instead you decided to retaliate with your expression, giving Wanda a cold look, "What do you want from me?" You asked, letting out a sigh of exasparation.
Wanda's smirk widen when she noticed how quickly you stopped your struggle, you learned fast. She liked that but she loved the fight in you more. She knew you all too well, it was still there. Just the right answer from her and you would be wriggling again, "Admit that you have a crush on me and want a kiss." She replied and watched as your faced turned red before you started struggling again.
"You are stupid." You growled the words trying to get your hands free or to get her off you but all your attempts were failing and the smug look on Wanda's face was only riling you up until you couldn't fight anymore, breathing heavily, you fell back on the couch, resting your head back while you glared at Wanda who smiled at you with not a single bead of sweat on her. "Aww Baby, are you tired? You want a kiss?" Wanda asked and you mustered up all your energy into your words, hoping to drive your point in, "I will bite." You claimed and Wanda raised an eyebrow, the smile dropping off her face and it, for a moment scared you, but you didn't let it faze you as you stood in a staring competition with her.
"Like this?" Wanda asked before leaning and biting onto your neck hard, her teeth digging and you yelped in pain almost throwing Wanda off you before you could complain or call her some colorful words, she started kissing the area she bit, sucking on it. You let out a soft moan before quickly biting on your lip to hold it in as Wanda slowly started kissing her way up, occasionally nibbling and sucking as she moved toward your ear before taking the earlobe in between her teeth, making you suck in a sharp intake,
"If you even think about doing anything like that, I will tie you up and have my way with you." Wanda whispered in your ear and your face couldn't get any more red, she squeezed your hands into the couch before letting go, with all your previous similar encounters with her, you knew she wanted your hands to stay there and you almost laughed internally as if you could even move them after what she said and did.
"And you will consent to it. You will beg me to take you." Wanda added and you stayed quiet, trying to not focus too much on the pool of wetness collecting in your panties, "Are you going to bite now?" She asked and you slowly shook your head, your stomach flipping when she whispered a soft, 'Good' before leaning in and placing her lips against yours in a surprisingly tender kiss and you instantly reciprocated.
It's been a while since you two had a moment as this. You didn't know where it would lead you to or how it will end or if it would ever happen again but in that moment you chose to stay in the present to feel her tender lips against yours, her fingers slipping underneath your shirt, feel her hot breath hitting your neck as her lips left a burning trail of desire.
You wouldn't ever admit but maybe it was better than the 'crap' you were watching.
Hope you all like it!
Although it is said that this au doesn't have a name! Feel free to suggest one! Bonus points for Taylor Swift themed name XD.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 4 months
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"Holy crap, you're even more beautiful in person," Richard told his Tinder date, Michelle.
She shot him a humored smirk. "Thanks.... um, not sure how to say this, I'm flattered, but....... uh..."
"I swear I'm not even trying to be corny, you're one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen. It never ceases to amaze me as a doctor the results trans girls like you get when you go on blockers and start high doses of hormones in your teens. You look phenomenal."
Michelle blushed. "Dr. Klein......."
"Please, just call me Richard. We're here to have fun, not be professional. And you look like a girl who knows how to have fun. Those breasts are just divine! And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see that pathetic little one-inch cock of yours. When I saw those pictures on your profile, it looked so feminine and cute. Sorry to gush like this, I just--"
Michelle giggled, suddenly pulling down her pants, shifting her legs, showing she had a thick, ten-inch erection. "I'm sorry I forgot to delete my Tinder. Ummmm, soooo....... I stopped estrogen like four months ago......"
"Oh.... my. Look at that growth. Why did you stop, darling?"
She bit her lip sexily, eyeing him confidently. "I'm detransitioning."
"What!? But why? You're so gorgeous, Michelle."
"It's Michael now," he lowered his voice, which began to crack and drop shortly after stopping estrogen. "What? Surprised? My profile had no updates for like six months, dude."
"Oh, shit. I didn't notice. I was so enamored by the videos of you flaunting those breasts, stroking your tiny cock, and talking about your transition and how happy you were to be a girl."
Michael stroked his growing cock, looking around to make sure nobody was looking. "Shhhh, yeah, I'm lazy, I really need to update that. I hope you aren't too disappointed."
"Not at all, you'll make a very handsome guy, that's for sure. What made you change your mind? You seemed so proud to be female."
"Well, I've always been a guy," he curled his voice naughtily. "I dunno..... one of my trans friends, a fakegirl named Lucy, just as hot as me, breasts almost as big, too. She detransitioned out of the blue and loved being a man. He started having sex with all these cute girls, going to parties, topping soooo many hot college girls. I got mad jealous. I figured it couldn't hurt, so I stopped my hormones. Male puberty happened in, like, the blink of an eye! I have a full beard now and everything, wanna see?"
"Sure. Might as well, darling."
Michael let go of his cock, which remained rock hard out in front of him as he very femininely took a makeup wipe from his bag and removed the foundation and concealer on his chin and neck. "Tada! See? Pretty cool, huh? My mustache is coming in, too. Wish it'd grow faster but oh well."
"I still can't believe my eyes.... What a shame, you were so gorgeous!"
Michael shrugged. "It's not a big deal. Anyway, I've done voice training," he said, back in his girl voice. "So I can sound like a girl if you really want..... And I still have these oversized boy boobs for another few days."
"You're getting top surgery?"
"Uh.... duh! Why would I keep them? I'm trying to see what it's like to be a guy, plus detransing is just so much fun I can't help myself! My cock is legit hard 24/7! See?" He stroked it a few more times, softly moaning in his girl voice for him. "I can't believe I was missing out on this for so long. When I cum I feel like I'm gonna pass out it's so intense! I don't care how much I pass or how pretty I am, as soon as I saw Lucy get such a big cock, get all muscular and hairy and, well..... so manly out of the blue! God.... it's all I can think of, giving up on being some pretty little fake girl and becoming a man!"
"Well, you certainly seem to have your mind made up. Would you do me a kindness?"
"Sure, sorry I didn't delete the app and dragged you out here. I'm happy to be a girl for you, if only for the day!" Michael playfully tugged on his cock, giggling in a perfect girl voice.
"Good boy, but let's have some more fun than that."
"OK....? What do you wanna do?"
"All day, I want you to pretend to be my trans daughter, who I'm forcing to detransition."
Michael blushed hot red. "Ummmmmm, er...... wow! I....."
"Flustered? Poor boy. I want to introduce you to as many affluent, wealthy men here as possible. I'll tell them you transitioned in college, and now you've come home, and I'm forcing you to take testosterone and become a guy. Of course, I'll fuck your ass in front of them, telling them what a pathetic sissy I have for a son, showing off those flabby breasts, telling everyone I'm forcing you to have them chopped off this week. And you'll serve all these men, and ask to be treated like a naughty femboy who needs to be punished for pretending to be a girl. How's that sound?"
"Richard...... I mean Daddy, just one question."
"Yes, my confused little angel?"
"Can we make it the whole weekend instead of just today? And..... maybe we can do this again after my boobs get removed?"
"Of course, darling. Now let's find some wealthy men to flaunt that big fat fakegirl cock in front of."
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sakumz · 1 year
「 yanagi x fem reader 」
a/n : I wanna rant lol
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" please be the romeo, yanagi. shu sustained an injury the other day so he's the narrator with me. we need you! " ishikawa clasps his hands together as yanagi smiles and agrees.
you, juliet is feeling nervous as the clock ticks. any minute now and it's showtime! where's your romeo? is he ready? all this thoughts running in your head that you fail to notice yanagi standing behind you. you let out an internal scream when you saw him, standing behind you. he just wants to wish you goodluck.
" h-have you memorised your parts, yanagin? " you ask but before he could reply, you heard the narrators, shu and ishikawa call out your name. that's your que to stand on stage and act your role.
" oh... why do our families fight with such hatred? I'm sure that if given the chance, they'd join hands and work together just like we have. if they could just understand half of how I feel about you, romeo... I'm sure- "
" AH-CHOO! "
" what was that noise? " ishikawa whispers to shu as the mics picks it up, making the audience laugh.
" what's this, a horror show? " someone from the seats say.
" that was pretty loud, " another say.
" man! was you, miyamura?! " shu shouts, making him peek from the curtains to shake his head, no.
" how embarrassing, " you whisper.
" crap, I forgot my lines. hey.. um what's next? " hearing you said that, made the audience burst into laughters.
" guess it wasn't horror but comedy? " someone say.
" hey juliet, that was an important line! " yanagi finally, steps onto stage.
" I can't help it, you sneezed and everything disappeared from my head! " you scolded him.
hearing your words, the audience laughed a little too hard for comfort.
" hey! they like it, next scene you two! " shu encourages.
onto the next scene, you're standing on what's supposed to be the balcony. yanagi standing somewhere below and next to him is the servant, miyamura dressed in a wig and maiden clothes.
" the capulets want your life, " miyamura says.
" no matter how dangerous it is, I need to go to her, " yanagi replies. " she's waiting at that balcony! "
" don't stop romeo, but this is when this servant shows her determination! " ishikawa announced.
" the truth is, she's in love with romeo! when she thinks this is their farewell, she gets ready to tell him how she feels, " shu follows.
" I don't remember this, being in the script? " miyamura whispers as yanagi sighs.
" well, just say whatever comes to your mind. I'm sure hori-san will deal with the two later, " yanagi comforts miyamura with a pat to his shoulder.
" um... romeo-sama, I've always loved you... crap, hori-san! I love you most! I cant do this anymore, " he runs away from the stage.
the audience burst into laughter once more. suddenly, a random hooded lady appeared on stage.
" oh a mysterious woman appears! " shu says.
" just who is she? " ishikawa respond.
" um, I am Josephine! romeo's true love! " remi says as she pulls down her hood. the crowd gasps and whispers, was romeo a player?
" this... you can't be my lover, you're my sister! " yanagi quickly thinks of a line.
" that doesn't matter if we're in love, " she replies.
" our family will be in bloodbath if they knew. besides, I'm sure the president loves you more than I do! go back to him. " yanagi fake cries, making the audience sympathise with him.
" he loves juliet! " the crowd cheers.
" I- you're right, onii-sama. " she runs off stage.
" you think, I'll let you have juliet that easy? I'm her older brother, Friedrich! " hori appears and charged him with her sword. he quickly ducks and run forward towards you.
" when I asked about you, you're a despicable man who cheats and make women cry, " hori says.
" you misunderstood the situation and exaggerated it! " yanagi replies.
" you want my juliet? fight me! " she charges at him as he runs around the stage.
" m-miyamura! take her, please! "
" even he can't save you! "
yanagi finally runs down the stage as she runs after him. yoshikawa and hori's father was next to them when yanagi ran up the audience.
" please catch her! " he begs as yoshikawa grabs her by the arm and her father takes the other arm.
" kyouko, why do you have to bully poor romeo? " kyousuke says out loud, making the audience around him laugh as hori freezes.
" now that they've finally caught juliets brother, what's next to come? " shu says.
" i-im coming, juliet! " yanagi shouts as he bolts towards you, climb the ladder to grab your hands at the balcony.
" o romeo, romeo! wherefore art thou, romeo? deny thy father and refuse thy name ; or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a capulet. " you read your lines.
" then I'll take you. in exchange, please call me your lover. if you do, I will no longer be romeo. my beloved juliet. " he says.
" okay... I love you, romeo. " you finish as you two hold hands and the crowd cheers.
the casts bow and thank the watchers as everyone slowly leave the place, you and yanagi walked side by side off stage. fellow classmates were congratulating you two for the heart felt work.
" ahem, juliet could you come with me? " yanagi says as he offers his hand out. you two haven't changed out of your outfits.
you take his hand as he leads you away from the stage area, he walks you to the quiet council room as you two enters he closes the door and take a seat on one of the chairs. you take a seat across from him.
" well? " you question as he swallow sharply.
" y/n l/n... would you take my hand and be the juliet to my romeo? " he asks, looking at your face as you blush slightly from his words.
" oh romeo... are you asking me to be your lover? if so then yes I'll be your juilet. " you smile as he leans in to kiss your cheek, making you both blush.
ଘ(੭ ᐛ )━☆゚.*・。゚ inspired by nisekoi lol
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dark-frosted-heart · 8 months
The Beast's User Manual - Clavis (Part 2)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
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Case. 2: How to get Clavis to listen to your request
Emma: Okay, Clavis. Come here.
I sat down in the middle of my bed and patted my lap.
It was a tried and true way to improve Clavis’ mood.
(I have to show him my sincerity if I want to ask a favor)
Clavis: Hmm…
However, Clavis didn’t immediately take the bait.
(Ah, darn it)
I quickly pull up my skirt to expose my bare legs.
It wasn’t just lying on my thighs, I had to pull out all the stops to maximize Clavis’ mood.
Clavis: Haha, as expected of my fiancee. You know what you’re doing, don’t you?
(I get embarrassed each time…)
Clavis rushed onto the bed and laid his head on my lap.
These days, Clavis, who believed in lap pillow supremacy and had a strong attachment to bare legs, had been turning his head to the side rather than looking up.
He said it allowed him to feel the warmth of bare legs that way so maybe it’s his favorite position.
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Clavis: Haaaa…How are your legs so comfortable?
It’s terrible for my heart because every time he speaks, I feel his breath on my skin.
Emma: Pervert…
Clavis: Too late for that now, isn’t it? This elasticity’s irresistible. 
Emma: Please don’t do anything weird?!
Clavis: Weird?
Emma: T-the way you’re stroking and nuzzling my legs right now…
Clavis: It’s skinship
Emma: Your skinship’s akin to perverted deeds.
Clavis: You don’t like it?
Emma: I wouldn’t say that…
Clavis: Haha, then what’s the problem?
(Need to coax him…Not a problem!)
To put Clavis in a better mood, I stroked his hair
As I moved my hand to fix his stray hairs, his golden eyes closed at the comforting sensation.
(I never thought there’d be a day where I thought Clavis was cute…)
(But if I tell him how cute he looks, it’ll spoil the lap pillow…)
Emma: Clavis, you’re pretty cool.
Clavis: Hm, what’s wrong? Why are you stating the obvious?
Emma: I’m always thinking that.
Clavis: What exactly is cool about me?
Emma: Your face and everything about you inside and out.
Clavis: Tell me more.
Emma: Well… Yesterday, you had business negotiations with all of those companies, didn’t you? It was so cool seeing your intelligent and strategic negotiation skills that I forgot about your perverted gentleman side. 
(Of course, there are a lot of other cool things about you as well)
Clavis: I see, I see. …Perverted gentleman?
(Crap, that slipped out)
Emma: It’s a compliment? For you, perversion is synonymous with love. 
Clavis: Oh, I had no idea my fiancee had such a deep understanding. Alright, from tomorrow on, I’ll be calling myself a perverted gentleman.
Emma: Please don’t.
(I was wondering how things would go, but it’s going well…)
Emma: By the way, Clavis, are you free tomorrow?
Clavis: Ah, sure.
Emma: Sure?
Clavis: I think you want to ask me a favor?
Facing up, Clavis smiled in amusement.
Clavis: You’re too obvious.
Emma: Was I that obvious?
Clavis: Yep. You’re usually so shy, but when you want to ask me for a favor, you suddenly become bold.
(He’s not wrong…)
Clavis: So?
Emma: A new cafe opened up in the city… It looks like something I’d like so I want to go. But, the problem is…
Clavis: Is it a place aimed toward women?
Emma: How did you know?
Clavis: Of course I do. I’m the one that invested in that shop.
Emma: Ah, I see… …Wait, what?!
Clavis: Haha, I know the owner. When I heard their plan for the shop, I thought it sounded like a place you’d like so I invested a lot of money into it. Looks like I wasn’t wrong.
(This is what Clavis is…)
I couldn’t help but smile.
Emma: Thank you, Clavis.
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Clavis: I’m a great guy, you know?
Emma: That you are. Can’t ever find a man that will surpass you.
Clavis: Naturally. And Emma, I believe you’ve misunderstood… How could I ever refuse a request from you?
Emma: I know that… Hence the lap pillow.
(I know he’ll grant my request…that’s why I have to thank him)
Clavis: Ahh, I see… Then, in addition to the lap pillow, how about you throw in a kiss?
Emma: Sure, why not?
Before he could notice the heat on my cheeks, I dropped a kiss on Clavis’ lips as he closed his eyes.
Then, naturally, he placed a hand on the back of my head and we started kissing for longer than I planned.
(Next time, I’ll add a kiss before you ask)
(I’m sure Clavis will do grant more of my requests in the future)
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bededebop · 3 months
I've been listening to the lazytown podcast (created by Mark Valenti), and man when I tell you they have interesting behind the scene stories. I'm gonna list some of the things i remembered from each interview:
Magnus Scheving:
-Magnus is aware that people prefer LazyTown season 1, but he himself prefer LazyTown season 3-4,. Because he said the background in season 1 is shit, and he always talks about it with his team on how can we fix this.
-Magnus is aware that he is a 'Pain in the ass' for the crew, but Mark Valenti objects tho.
-Magnus once ride the same car Madonna rides in back then, he was in Mexico I think. The driver had guns he said. Once he was passing a poor Neighborhood, he saw a bunch of people dressed up as the whole cast of LazyTown. He told the driver to stop there, and the driver said that the area is kinda sketchy and they never go there, but Magnus insisted. Turns out it was someone's birthday party, and they were gonna do a whole play. He said the costume was actually well made, so he goes there and told them he was sportacus. And he ends up doing the play as well.
-The Latin America dub of Sportacus has a very deep voice, he said they might have been confused on his voice because Magnus's voice is very high pitched and Squeaky? (I don't how to spell that sorry) . (Also he said 'Hi guys! ' in a high pitched voice you guys need to hear that lmaoo)
-His favorite episode is literally every episode, but if he has to pick it would be "Robby's dream Team" because Stefan was just amazing in it. (Wait I think this is true I forgot what episode it is exactly, but it has something to do with stefan being amazing in it)
Jonathan Judge Interview:
-They gave Jonathan Judge a few weeks to try produce/direct lazytown (I forgot which one). And jonathan said Magnus made him in charge when they were filming a scene where sportacus is Buggy Jumping. He said Magnus's face was very purple from hanging upside down. After that, they loved him and would not let him leave.
-Stefan and his wife was very sweet and would invite them to his house to hang out, watch TV, and fishing! Jonathan and Mark went fishing with stefan, right next to his salmon farm. They fished cods, and Jonathan asked what Stefan's father does for a living and he said "Oh he's a whale killer".
-And on the final shooting, Magnus picked Jonathan up with his car and drive him around town. Magnus pointed at a KFC and said "I built that" (Because he was a carpenter).
-Magnus said the people of icelandic belives in elf, Jonathan once asked a crew member if he believes in elf or not. The crew member said yes, he doesnt touch a certain part of his house because that's where the 'invisible people' lives (he meant elfs)
-Jonathan asked, "well are you an elf? ". Magnus was silent for a strange amount of time, Jonathan said it was like this one scene in twilight where this one guy reveal to bella he was a vampire (idk which scene that is lmao). And he was like 'is he gonna suddenly reveal that he's an elf?? '
Mark (Another Writer from LazyTown, also i forgot his last name im sorry)
-He said Magnus was very respectfull when it comes to writing. Unnamed crew once read his writing and told him it was crap, but Magnus never does that and only told him his vision of a certain things and that's it, he never really gave Mark a note.
-There was a director from Canada that Magnus have invited to dinner. She said the writing of LazyTown is very crappy and is ln the wrong track. And when she was rambling about how lazytown writing was crappy, Magnus just stayed quiet. But the he said something to catch her off guard, something about that at the end of the day LazyTown was his show that HE created and write, shoot on a studio that HE and his team build.
-Magnus likes to take his writing team on trips
-The crew member likes to have this activities together, they hike together and exercise together. But not all of them (including Mark Valenti) participates tho.
Ok so this part I wasnt from the lazytown podcast, it was from Chris Crow's interview from GetLazy.
So he interviewed David (The Voice Actor of Mayor Meanswell) and he was there when they shot the Lazy Dance episode. And there was this one scene where they're on the dance floor, and sportacus just lean on the wall like a sadsack (bc he doesnt know how to dance). And Stephanie was right beside him and she was very excited for the dance party, she was like 'oh! Oh! Sportacus hold my purse'. So sportacus did, and now he's sitting there with Stephanie's purse on his lap. David said it was funny because he looked like a husband waiting for his wife to finish her shopping. But David said Magnus didn't like that scene, and said this is not how he wants this character (Sportacus) to go. So Mark Valenti and the other writers set up some rule. Rule number one is to never show sportacus being weak.
Also one last thing, from the laytown podcast in stefan karl's interview
They won the BAFTA award because of the episode "Robbies Greatest Misses". And they we're quite suprised with the rising popularity of Robbie Rotten, and Stefan said they tried to 'die down' Robbie's popularity a little (Because you know, he's a villain you're support to make an example out of).
Also, Robbie Rottens make up quite literally ruins stefan's skin. And he have a specific step of skin care routine, so that his skin doesnt get ruined. But there were times where his body disagreed with him, the chin of Robbie won't stick to Stefan.
Man I am so going to draw a comic about that one scene in Lazy Dance episode
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7nessasaryevils · 3 months
We are back, my beloveds!!! Ep 8 what fresh hell awaits me??
- WE COMING OUT SWINGING SON OF A BITCH: yak's little smile and the immediate way he goes to take off the necklace cause he knows... his heart is someone else's now 😭😭
- bolster light effect my beloved... how I have missed you 🥺🥺🥹
- "if you take it back again, you're a dead man": tell me you're married without telling me you're married
- Dee taking accountability for how his words hurt Yak... ohhh emotional growth how wondrous you are
- man said "you broke up with me" SIR YOU WEREN'T EVEN DATING
- Dee leading Yak back home (count one of I'm so fucking fine)
- the Phadetsuk family is under my protection and if someone breathes on them wrong I'll sit on them NO ONE TOUCHES MY BABIES
- Yak's stomach growled and my dumbass thought it was my stomach growling....
- awwww family dinner time!
- Cher being fucking awesome as always
- Taem... darling... the sad glow in your eyes is hurting me 🥺 you had your chance with Yak...
- of course Yak didn't answer; he was too busy cuddling his Mho Dee ♥️
- Yak, sir... I see you... whatchu thinking in that pervy head of yours hmmmm? 🤨🤨🤨
- never mind... I know exactly what is going on in that PERVY head of yours 🤣🤣🤣
- gentlemen!!! Avert your gazes!!! 🤣
- awww Dee trying to understand more about Yak's world
- the most fashionable Grim Reaper is back.... and continues to scare the shit out of me
- Dee knows something's wrong!!! Yeah baby, get ready to call out your man!
- the fact that Dee knows about the hallucinations Yak saw... that means Yak told him!
- Ter... you lowlife dried up dog shit human turd crap being... may your scrubs always have a rip in them! May your phone never charge! MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE AN IN GROWN TOE NAIL!!!
- hehehehehegegege jealousy my beloved how wonderful you look upon Yoryak Phadetsuk 🥰🥰
- I don't know whether to be endeared about how excited Yak is to eat Dee's cooking... or fucking terrified because Yak is about to eat Dee's cooking
- the food is edible???
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- COSTUME FASHION SHOW (although Yak being unsure about the whole thing but still trying for Dee's sake 🥺🥺🥺 count two of I'm fucking fine)
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- the irony of Yak being able to coordinate fights but unable to dance in rhythm 🤣🤣🤣
- disappear comp- ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?!?
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- I'm about to commit violence... pretty sure Kao and Granmama would help me
- product placement... my goodness I forgot what you looked like 😅🤣
- nooooooooo cute product placement!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹 I'm suddenly violently thrown back to the Miscellar water scene from BBS
- "let's register for marriage" NO ONE FUCKING TOUCH ME (this show better end with Yei and Cher having rings on their fingers, that's all I'm saying)
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- you've never pro- oh gods oh gods is this happening is it it?!?!?
- speaking very honestly and seriously though: something in me breaks in the very best way watching Oyei ask Cher to marry him because they can. This is a thing that is very real for them. And it's beautiful.
- I love you Taem but girl.... you doing me a heckin annoyance- what is with that face???
- we're faking dat- sir when you start blow drying a dude's hair with that look in your eye YOU'RE FUCKING MARRIED!
- THAT'S A WEDDING GROOM OUTFIT YOU DUMB FUCKS WHY AM I SURROUNDED BY STUPID GAYS (all except Cher and Kao... they have all the brain cells)
- oh no... oh no no no no (remembers the scene from the trailer last week with Taem and Ohm) I do not like this nope nope no
- oh gods... the need in me to tell Yak to help Taem but also Dee's heartbroken face!!!
- fuck no fuck no fuck no go away Ter curses upon you you flip floppy cock
- just one word- here's TWO words: fuck you
- also, Ter is an absolute asshole because Kwan is the one he's here's with and yet he goes to Dee to essentially say "oh I'll drop her for you in a heartbeat"... tell me you're an asshole without telling me you're an asshole
- Ter and Ohm sitting in a tree, both being A S S H O L E!
- fuck yeah report his fucking ass!!!!
- WHY ARE THESE ASSHOLES TOUCHING PEOPLE- where's my machete I need to chop appendages
- push him away push him away push him away for fucks sake Dee push him away
- oh thank fuck (could have shoved him harder is all I'm saying)
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- Dee says it wasn't out of sarcasm... I don't care, I'm going to my grave with that broken look on Ter's face (honestly Dee, sweetheart, I'm so proud of you though; you know your worth)
- calling Ter pichai is perfect because Dee is finally distancing himself from this man; breaking the ties of familiarity and putting him where he belongs: in the trash as a fellow doctor
- if I had a quarter for every time I wanted to chuck my phone at a wall because a dickhead is touching one of my babies... I'd have a whole ass dollar... WHICH IS FAR TOO MANY QUARTERS!!!!
- Vivi.... remind me to erect temples for you too, my sweet desi wearing queen ♥️
- Kwan, you deserve better. The entire fucking hospital deserves better than that piece of shit quack doctor.
- wait is he.. he is... please let that be...
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- look at my princes dancing!!! My kings!!!
- do I take extra joy in watching Ter shoved off to the side? YOU FUCKING BET I DO
- ohhhhhh sir... sir are you gonna ask him to da- oh
- say it back Dee SAY IT BACK!!!!
- HPV info my beloved 🥰🥰♥️
- you're going all out to win him over: WHAT THE FUCK WAS HAPPENING BEFORE?!
- oh no oh no no no no that makes me scared...
Well, this episode had me wanting to bang my head into a wall thanks to two assholes but on the whole, a lovely episode!!! I cannot wait to see how next week fucks me up!
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eris-snow · 3 months
𝐀 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡 𝐀𝐢𝐫
Tags: Revelation (Deku's birthday series 2024), izuku x fem!reader, angst, fluff, comfort, period cramps
July 2nd. Even and Odd.
To say you were feeling shitty would be an understatement. For one, your period came early, and now you were stuck bleeding out with chronic back pain and cramps. A headache storms its way and makes itself right at home, and by the end of training, you’re stuffing Panadol down your throat like it's the last slab of meat at a buffet. It doesn’t really work, and you’re already used to how unproductive you are when bleeding week knocks on your door, but it’s still a pain in the ass. (Literally)
With the holidays hot on the heels, Aizawa has reverted to the basics, leaving them to run laps around the school to build stamina. Whoever ran the least number of laps would be in charge of clean up of the dorms for a week, and everyone was off before their Sensei could even say “Ready, set, go.”
Eyebags sag deep under your eyes as you run, but you weren’t last at the very least.
“Mind if I join you?” A full-body shiver envelops you as you startle. The light tone of the voice, tipped with eternal nervous energy; the voice of the Savior of the world. You turn, and your eyes are met with mossy hair, freckles and a boy who’s already turning into a man.
Izuku’s smile is gentle, and you can read him like a damn book because that’s the same look he had last year at the very place he forgot you existed. He wants something.
What do you want?
Lips pull downwards, and Izuku jogs beside you, passing trees that are flourishing in the heat of summer. His forehead creases, and Izuku looks worried, confused, and just the slightest bit offended. “What do you mean?”
Crap, you said it aloud.
“We don’t exactly…talk.” You say, forcing yourself to reply. “We only really interact if we’re working together for an assignment.”
Pity etches itself on Izuku’s face, masked with the horrified look you know all too well. “I’m…sorry you felt that way.’ He murmurs. “We’re like family, our class. I didn’t know you felt left out."
You hate him.
You love him.
“A-Anyway,” laughs Izuku, scratching the back of his head. “I found your note in the dustbin yesterday.”
“Kacchan was the one who showed it to me.”
I swear to All Might, that asshole just can’t keep his mouth shut—
“I’m…worried about you, L/n. You’re strong, and you’re smart, and I can see how you passed the transfer exam to U.A because of your battle strategy and your out-of-the-box thinking methods, but your note—”
If I tell you I’m not who you think I am…will you believe me?
“And the fact that you asked me to believe you—”
please believe me, Izuku
“What is it that you want me to believe so desperately?” His voice is firm, resilient, curious and you’re cursing yourself all the way to hell. You’ve been avoiding looking at Izuku’s eyes. Those emerald green pearls that held so many emotions—love, admiration, everything—for you, and once it’s gone you can never unsee what it used to be.
Suddenly, cicadas are chirping and you’re back in the clearing you dubbed as yours. Your hand is outstretched, and Izuku’s nothing but a mess of curls and tears, smothered with dirt and grass.
“Who are you?” He had croaked, bruised and scared.
Your breath comes out in short puffs, and this time, he’s strong, running by you side by side, scars littering every inch of his hands.
“Who are you?”
Everything hurts, and when you look up to finally meet his eyes, and, oh, they’re so beautiful. “I’m…”
Your lips curl into a smile, falling back into old, bad habits.
“Some that’s going to beat you in this exercise.”
Takeoff comes naturally because the only real thing you know how to do is run away from your problems like a coward. Izuku’s calling, and you know he can catch up to you faster than you can pick an eyelash, but you just run, and run, and keep running until your lungs explode with hissy, petty burns. Your world is turning black and grey, all the green, the colour of life, the colour of hope, is swallowed up by the monster. If your hope was a torch, you’d be grasping onto the embers. (Not your love, too bad, that torch is an eternal flame.)
As for the scoreboard, well. You were ranked first.
Someone is knocking at your door.
It doesn’t stop.
Looking around, it was safe to say that you did not want anyone to look at the state of your room. Balls of tissue were strewn all over the floor like it was seashells on the beach, clothes dumped haphazardly into your half-open closet. The air is still because you haven’t opened the window in ages, opting for the air conditioner. Your bed isn’t made, and even though it’s comfortable, it’s suffocating to be in a room this cluttered. The worst area is your desk. Once neat and organised, was now littered with half-finished assignments and sweet wrappers. Your school bag slumped on your chair, notebooks jutting out like bones of disfigured bodies.
A cluttered room for an even more cluttered mind.
Kacchan would be mad.
There are more thumps on the door, and you curl up even further. Maybe if you ignore it, he’d think you weren’t—
“I see the lights on, L/n, please answer me.”
The same voice that is bright and light, anchored by concern with everlasting patience. Izuku.
“I was thinking about what we were saying.” He continues like he wasn’t talking to a door. “I want to make you feel part of the class, um. So I was going to invite you to the movie night happening on Friday. We’re gonna be watching Inside Out 2, ‘cause Shoto’s been, um, ecstatic about its release.”
You cover your head with your pillow, groaning. Another movie night? Yeah, no thanks.
“I heard that!” He calls, and you have to fight back a smile.
You’re far too akin to orchids, sensitive to every little action or inaction dealt by the weather. You could be on your deathbed and Izuku would still find a way to make you laugh.
“L/n, please,” There’s a small thunk, and you can imagine Izuku’s head pressed against your door, mind whirling, trying to find the right words to say. “Say something. I’m here, to listen, at least. Not just a training partner. Kacchan, he’s…he’s worried about you. He said that only I can help, but…but I don’t even know how.”
There it is. The shadow of the boy who was just trying to live out his dream, under all the passion, grit and scars was…
Someone uncertain. Someone afraid.
Someone insecure.
You knew it was difficult living up to expectations, because if there’s one thing that this school does right, it was to force its students to rise to the challenges and surpass them, but Izuku always had a nasty case of Imposter Syndrome due to his previous status as a Quirkless person. Paired with Kacchan’s bullying from the past, and Izuku was left second-guessing if he really deserved everything he’s earned by himself.
You look at your ceiling, seeing grey. Everything was, from your clothes to your sheets, the walls you’d strip of pictures because looking at them made you want to rip them up and the tin box that held your Secrets.
Izuku’s silence was like a pressure cooker on its highest setting.
Fuck it.
Stumbling out of bed, you make your way to the door, carefully manoeuvring your way across the room like it was an obstacle course. Yanking the door open, Izuku startles, yanking back with a fierce blush crawling up his face.
“You opened the door.” He says dumbly.
Your future Symbol and Peace, ladies and gentlemen, still a hopeless nerd that is hopelessly awkward in social situations.
Before you could say anything in response, however, Izuku notices your dishevelled appearance. “Are you…okay?”
“Yeah,” it comes out cracked. Clearing your throat, you try again. “Yeah, I’m alright—”
“Your room!” Izuku looks past your shoulder, and you know what he sees. Just like you, just like everything.
It’s a gigantic mess.
“Do you mind?” Izuku taps the door frame, seeking your permission.
Say yes, say yes, if there’s anything you’re good for say yes—
You shake your head.
Izuku steps inside, and looks at you with an expression you’ve never wanted to burden him with: pure, unfiltered pity.
“We’re cleaning this room.”
Panic erupts in your veins, as you try to stop him, tripping over your feet. “What, no—!”
Izuku takes the remote and switches the A.C. off. “A stifling room means a suffocated mind. Kacchan’s taught me that.” He looks back at you, gentle smile right where it was supposed to be.
“What you need—” He pads over to the windows, unlocks it, and blows them wide open. “Is a breath of fresh air.”
A gust of wind sends your hair billowing behind you, your assignments fluttering around like it was a choreographed dance. You look out the window and startle. Out there, the flora is bursting with colour, the hues of greens, oranges, and blues welcoming you back to the world.
This time, as you respire, you feel like you can actually breathe again.
It takes hours before you can finally declare you’re done.
Izuku works with you in tandem, Arranging your assignments as you tackle the laundry, wiping surfaces tops while you change your sheets.
“Hey,” He says, not looking at you. “Does this mean you’re coming for the movie night?”
You pause, pondering.
Keeping you company, never overstepping boundaries, it’s a wonder that Izuku manages to get you even without his memories. He knows where things go without being told, knows what to touch and things to leave to you to clean.
By the time both of you are done, you’re sweating, cheeks flushed, with one huge garbage bag to bring back out to the dumpster.
All the while, the sun sets, the pretty light streaks through, lathering your once messy room with warmth and bright, orange tones.
It’s beautiful.
“Thank you,” you breathe.
Izuku turns his head, sweating just as hard as you, and pumps his fist. “Well…it’s what we friends do, isn’t it?”
You let out a breathless chuckle. “Yeah. Yeah…that’s…that’s right.” Nodding to the plastic bag, you avoid his gaze. “I should bring that out now, so—”
“I can do it!” Izuku springs to his feet reaching for it.
You’re guilty, and possibly a little embarrassed. He’s already done so much for you, you can afford to take out the trash. “No, I got it—”
As if sensing the tension, the plastic bag slumps down from its spot next to your desk and spews out the rubbish it holds.
The largest item falls out, and Izuku’s eyes are greeted with a watercolour painting of a glade that is grassy and an ageing willow tree, still big and strong. The water is crystal clear, and there’s a picnic mat haphazardly laid next to the tree, but with strangely no people in sight.
Recognition flares up in his eyes. “T-This painting….”
He looks up at you, mouth falling agape as crippling anxiety replaces the soothing calm from before. “K-Kacchan said that the picture was from Auntie,” Izuku said quietly, fumbling with his wallet, shaky scarred hands reaching for it. There it was, your gift to him from last year, right in front of you for the first time since you’d given it away. “I found it weird because she was never the photography kind of person,” He says, comparing the image to your identical painting. “But I didn’t question it.”
You can’t do anything. Everything feels numb. Suddenly, the warm rays washing onto you felt like cruel reminders of your mistake all those years ago. The world’s still turning, but you feel like you’re stuck in time. The world washes back into its shade of grey.
You should have never let him into your room.
“L/n…did you give me this Polaroid?”
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tyquu · 11 months
Here's the Ben whump rant i talked abt in my last post,,,
Ofc heed the triggers and what not: Blood, injury, ect ect
Also take everything here with a serious handful of salt, im being dramatic as heck. So if you don't wanna see me get serious abt something that's not that deep, this probably isn't the rant for you <3
Do you ever think about just how often Ben gets the absolute crap beat out of him? Like in Grudge Match, I forgot how many times he gets flung about in his human form. He's ten years old, his bones are way too weak for all that. The amount of head injuries he must get is insane, and Max never once seems to take Ben's injuries seriously. 
Like that time Ben gets sick after sitting in the back of an ice cream van for like,, twenty minutes. He's ill to the point it's actively inhibiting his ability to play hero, blinding wildmutt with gunked up sensors and taking the heat out of heatblast. He's pale and sniffly and looks like shit, but Max still makes the executive decision to drag him out on errands instead of giving him time to rest. 
Also just cause he takes the majority of damage in his alien forms doesn’t mean those injuries suddenly have no impact at all. I think in alien force they were toying with idea of his injuries carrying over becoming more of a problem for him, with his busted knee in season one, and black eye in the episode where he gets grounded. Either way, it’s still implied that wounds translate over after he de-transforms, even if to a lesser extent. Not to mention all the scrapes and little injuries he must get from de-transforming mid battle (on the occasions he does).
FUCK, I mean Ben actually displays short term memory loss as a direct result of getting hit in the head in alien force, and Gwen isn't concerned about it probably because she grew up with Grandpa Max not being concerned about it. She doesn't realise just how dangerous this level of head injury is, what the brain inflammation and possible bleeding could do to him. She's probably looked him in the eyes, with his pupils blown wide, dazed and confused about his whereabouts, and then buried her concern because it's nothing new right? Ben's been dealing with stuff like this since he was 10, and Max, the ever responsible adult, never shows the appropriate amount of concern for it, so it makes sense that both Gwen and Ben don’t consider these things serious until its too late. 
Like not to get all dramatic about this and over think it (more so than I already am lol) but I’m positive this stuff would have long term consequences for Ben’s health as he enters adult hood, or even before then. Trouble recalling things, ringing in his ears, migraines and headaches as well a light sensitivity, all of these are symptoms of repeated and serious head trauma. Not to mention, paired with my personal headcanons about the burning chemical sensation of having the omnitrix fused to his flesh, leaking fluid into his bloodstream and scorching his skin. Or the chronic nosebleeds I think he would have as a result of all these other health complications. There's just a LOT that can be done with Ben whump, and I’m surprised it isn’t talked about/thought about more? 
Folks love the idea of Ben being functionally immortal (at least from injury related death), and the power fantasy that comes with being the weilder of the omnitrix, but what about the fact that he’s just some guy?? That the omnitrix failsafe doesn’t protect him from everything, and that if the injuries are bad enough to have triggered the failsafe in the first place, then where does that leave him in terms of recovering from them??? Sorry, sorry, crazy moment. 
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thedevilrisen · 11 months
This is Embarrassing.
Word count: 1.3k
Description Jamie and Trevor help Trevor's daughter with her period.
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Hornet POV: 
Thunk. “MY KNEE!” My dad cried after running into the living room coffee table while playing Just Dance. 
“HA HA! That's what you get for being a tryhard Z!” His best friend and Teammate Jamie Drysdale teased.
“Well at least I’m not stuck on one star!” My dad, Trevor Zegras fired back, continuing to dance, albeit awkwardly with his now sore knee.
“Why do I feel like the most mature person in a room of adults?” I questioned brushing my knotted brunette hair out of my eyes in a short lived attempt to see the television screen so I could continue beating my Dad and my technically not Uncle, Uncle, Jamie. 
“Oh, OH, GET THE GOLD MOVE TO FINISH! LET’S GO BABY!” Dad cried while standing in the questionable ending position, his overgrown hair falling over his eyes. As the screen faded black then white to show the ending scores I moved to sit down and gritted my teeth as my lower abdomen cramped suddenly, moving to grab my water and take a seat next to an exhausted and couch-hogging Jamie I leant back and started sipping on my glass while pushing his feet away from me. He fell to the floor dramatically with a THUD, followed by an exaggerated groan. Jamie Drysdale the Professional Athlete my ass. This man can’t handle two rounds of Just Dance, how's he supposed to have the endurance to play hockey? I inwardly laughed at that thought.
“I’m going to get some more water, I’ll be back in a second.” Dad announced trudging off to the kitchen.
“Ok!” Jamie and I shouted back in unison,
I settled back into the couch and cringed when I felt a warm and damp sensation in my pants. I gasped and shot up, almost knocking a kneeling Jamie over as I rushed to the bathroom in my room.
“Sorry Jamie!” I rushed out shutting my room door.
“All good Kiddo!” He shouted back, still dazed from the dancing and falling on the floor. I rushed over to my wardrobe and grabbed a new set of underwear and a pair of black sweatpants so that way, if I had another leak it wouldn’t be super obvious. Groaning as I doubled over my dresser, I waited for a moment for the pain to subside before speed-walking into my bathroom, the cold marble tiles harsh against my feet as I recklessly put my clothes down on the stone countertop knocking over some items and even knocking my toothbrush off of the bench. I hissed, doubling over again this time leaning on the countertop, I yanked my top vanity draw open, eyes widening at the fact that the clear acrylic container that normally was full with everything I needed in this situation was empty. “Crap.” I mumbled under my breath, I completely forgot that I needed to get more pads and tampons as I ran out the last time I had my period. I needed to create a temporary solution so I changed into the new clothes and made a makeshift pad out of toilet paper while I figured out how to ask dad to go and buy me some. This is going to be embarrassing. 
Trevor’s POV: 
Wandering into the kitchen I walked over to the glasses cabinet and pulled down one of the basic IKEA glass cups with my right hand and opened the fridge door with my left pressing the glass to the dispenser button for the chilled water. Once the glass was nearly full I pulled it away and lifted it to my mouth and took a sip, “WHO WON!” I shouted back into the living room as I made my way down the hallway.
“WHO DO YOU THINK!” Jamie yelled back. I walked around the corner and saw my daughter’s silly-looking icon with her nickname Hornet written on the screen under the gold first-place badge, mine followed and as expected Jamie’s weird punk-rocker dude was last. I sighed out a laugh, 
“She’s too good, dude!” 
“I know it’s crazy.” he murmured looking up at me from his position leaning against the couch.
“What are you doing on the floor anyway?” I asked, the couch would be much more comfortable.
“Hornet pushed me off,” he replied. “Then, when I tried to get back up she rushed off to her room and knocked me in the process.” 
“Right then,” I extended my hand to help pull him back up, which he accepted gratefully and did just that, almost making me spill my glass of water over both of us. Once he was up I moved over to the hanging chair that Hornet insisted we get because it would be fun, I do have to admit though, the gentle swinging can be quite soothing. Jamie flopped down onto the couch and moved his hand around looking for something.
“What are you looking for?” I inquired.
“The TV remote, so I can turn this wretched game off.” he grumbled, continuing to move his hand aimlessly looking for the remote. “Z,” 
“Mm?” I hummed, turning my head.
“Is your knee bleeding?” he asked, lifting his hand, fingertips covered in a deep red substance. Glancing quickly down to my knee that was spotless, I looked back up with wide eyes.
“Where did that come from?” I shot up from my seat, sending the hanging chair swinging into the wall as I rushed over to the couch taking in the bloody stain on the gray material. “You're not bleeding are you?” I questioned as he got up and started down the hallway to the kitchen, I walked in after him to see him scrubbing his hand with soap.
“No, I’m not and have no reason to, that’s why I asked about your knee.” he explained.
“Oh.” I replied as I shuffled over to the linen closet across the hall to grab some bleach and cleaning rags from the shelves.
“Oh indeed.” Jamie replied from his spot in the living room, where he was using paper towels to wipe the excess blood off of the chair. Once he moved out of the way I knelt down and screwed open the bleach container lid, putting it on the floor next to me and pouring some of the bleach into the cleaning rag and using it to scrub the red-ish brown stain from the soft material. Putting my weight down through my arm I used the added leverage to scrub harder causing the majority of the stain to begin to lift, using some left over paper towel to wipe off the excess. I folded over the cleaning rag and poured more bleach into the soft fabric and turned back to continue scrubbing the stain.
“You're really putting your back into that aren’t you?” Jamie remarked, observing from the hanging chair on the other side of the room.
“It’s tough to get out!” I exclaimed, whipping my head around to look at him while still aggressively scrubbing at the material. “It’s almost out now though-”
“What’s almost out?” Hornet asked, awkwardly standing in the doorway.
“The mysterious blood stain that was on the couch.” I responded, “there, that is as good as we are going to get I reckon.” I threw the rag onto the couch and stood up, dusting off my knees. Reaching back down to grab the rag and bleach bottle, shuffling out from between the coffee table and couch to return the bleach bottle to its spot on the linen closet shelf and making my way into the kitchen to rinse the cleaning rag clean of the bloodied bleach.
“Hey dad?” Hornet asked, timidly for her normal self.
“Yeah,” I turned off the faucet and turned to hang the damp rag over the oven door handle, turning back around drying my hands on my shorts noticing the visible wince on her face as she moved to sit down on one of the barstools, “what’s up?”
“I-uh this is really embarrassing, but uhm y’know the blood you just cleaned off the couch.” she looked away embarrassed. “That’s uh my blood, because my period started early and I had a leak.. And I kind of don’t have any pads or tampons left. So, I was wondering if you could maybe go get me some… please.” 
“That solves the blood mystery then, doesn’t it?” Jamie conceded as he walked into the kitchen. Hornet's face was filled with pure mortification as she looked down at her hands that were clasped together. Jamie eased himself into the seat next to her and grabbed one of her hands from its bundle to hold it in both of his to assist in calming her down. 
“Nothing to be embarrassed about Hornet, it’s natural. Are you sure you have nothing left?” Jamie asked, stroking his thumb tentatively up and down her hand. 
“No, I was meant to get more the last time we went to the shops but I forgot.” Hornet responded quietly.
“That’s all good kid.” I responded in the same tone of voice “What do you need me to go get you?”
“I’ll write it down, just wait here.” She mumbled sliding off her chair and disappearing down the hallway. 
“It’s weird to see her so quiet.” Jamie admitted “I mean, considering half of her came from you.” 
“You say that like all I do is talk.” I replied, turning to face him.
“I mean, you are the enemy of silence.” He replied in an amused tone. 
“Wipe that smirk off your face.” I snapped back, walking around the other side of the island counter, pulling out a chair and sitting down as Hornet walked back into the room with a list written on a green post-it note.
“Here you are, that’s everything and the brands are important.” She emphasized pointing to the brand names in brackets.
“Okay, alright” I mumbled reading over the list. “I can do that.” I stood up and walked to the shoe rack pulling off slides and chucking them on the ground so I could slip my feet into them. Grabbing my keys off the wooden hook next to the door, I opened the door “I’ll be back as soon as possible.” Two voices responded in tandem with ‘Ok!’ I shut the door and walked down the short driveway to my car, unlocking it, swinging open the door and hopping in. The engine roared to life, I shifted the gear stick to reverse and pulled out of the driveway, changing the gear back to drive and speeding down the road. 
Hornet POV:
I walked down the hallway and into the living room, around the front of the couch and tried to sit down but a hand stopped me.
“Just wait a sec Hornet, let me get a towel just in case whatever you’ve done in the meantime falters.” Jamie requested, as he looked at me for confirmation, which I gave in a nod, and he rushed down the hall, heavy footsteps followed by the squeak of hinges as a cupboard door was thrown open and the squeak and slam of the door being forcefully shut. “Here we go, Hornet.” He stated, leaning over the back of the couch laying the towel over the soft gray material for me to sit on. Jamie walked around the couch to the large rattan basket that was against the wall in the little alcove next to the hanging chair and opened the basket to pull out the ashen gray weighted blanket. Walking back over and draping half of it over my knees for me to adjust how I want, he sat down next to me and pulled the other half up and over his knees and lap. “Want to watch a movie?” he asked, holding the TV remote and pointing it at the screen.
“Could we watch Shadow and Bone?” I requested. 
“Sure!” He smiled, opening Netflix and going into my account clicking on the show. “I like this show. It’s very thought out, like the story line.” 
“Eh, I prefer the Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom Duology.” I return, Bringing my knees to my chest. “Y’know, Ben Barnes kind of looks like Tyler Seguin.” Jamie laughed at this, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling the blanket up a bit higher on me so I could cuddle up to his side, and get as comfortable as possible in my current condition. 
“Do you need anything, or are you good for now?” He inquired, turning to look down at my head which was poking out of the blanket enough to see the show.
“No, I’m ok. I should be fine till dad gets back.” I mumbled in response.
“Alright.” he whispered back in the same tone, gently running his hand up and down my arm in a soothing motion.
Trevor’s POV:
Tick, Tick, Tick. I looked at the little green indicator around on my dashboard as I waited for a break in the traffic so I could turn into the parking lot. After the red car. Driving up the first lane I couldn’t find any parks so I turned left down another lane, three minutes of diving around the parking lot and one stolen park later I found a park under a tree. Grabbing my phone, wallet and the green post-it note I opened the door, minding the car next to me shut it again, locked it and ran towards the glass sliding doors. Grabbing a basket from the stack and looking at the list before deciding to take a quick detour heading to the confectionery isle I grabbed a packet of strawberry creams, snakes alive, melody pops, two Cadbury marvelous creations and two caramilk marvelous creations bars, as well as packet of milky bar kids. Each landing in the basket with a plastic THACK. Scanning the aisle for anything else Hornet might want, maybe something minty I thought,
“A-ha.” I whispered to myself reaching to grab a darrell lea mint-choc bar. Walking down the aisle I turn left looking at the signs hanging from the roof for the toiletries, wandering past a few aisles quickly scanning the signs sparing fast glances to make sure I wasn’t going to run into anyone. About five aisles down the overhead sign had toiletries in bold white on the black background. 
“That’s the one.” I smiled to myself, walking down the aisle at a fast pace, stopping at the feminine products and pulling out the list. Looking between the list and the shelves I determined what I needed and grabbed double what she wanted just to make sure Hornet had what she needed for the foreseeable future. Grabbing the last packet off the bottom shelf, I stood up and placed it in the basket with the other items and briskly walking to the self checkout lane, grabbing a paper bag as I walked past the shelf. Scanning all the items, I pulled out my wallet and from the pocket my card and held it up to the eftpos machine to pay. Seeing the green tick I slid my card back into my wallet and my wallet back into my pocket, grabbing the paper bag filled with items in my left hand and pulling my phone out of my back pocket with my right I sent Jamie a message as I walked to the car.
‘Got the goods + extras. On my way home now.’
Jamie POV:
PING, glancing over my shoulder at my phone on my right side which was haphazardly thrown onto the couch next to me when we sat down I noticed Trevor’s icon. Picking up the phone and swiping up to get to the home screen I clicked the green messages icon on my taskbar then Trevor’s icon, skimming over the message and then looking at Hornets small figure curled into my side I whispered,
“Your Dad’s on his way home.” She looked up at me, stretching out slightly, visibly wincing when she wiggled the wrong way.
“OK.” she mumbled, getting comfortable again. 
“Do you need me to get you anything?” I queried the small ball of girl who looked like she was actively trying to crawl out of her skin. 
“Could you get me a heat pack, please.” she mumbled.
“Ok.” I said, trying to  get up, “Y’know you’re going to have to let go of me?” Reluctantly unclasping her hands from my side and dragging them timidly back to her small, curled form, silently allowing me to make my way down the hallway into the kitchen to retrieve the wisteria coloured heat pack from the top cupboard and place it into the microwave, setting the timer for two minutes. My attention was drawn from the spinning glass plate to the front window when I heard a car’s engine pull into the driveway and the porch light turned on. 
“Hornet! Your dad’s home!” I called the living room.
“Tell him he’s not allowed back if he doesn’t have chocolate!” she called back irritably. I locked eyes with my teammate who was standing in the hallway with two shopping bags in his left hand and a pair of shoes in the other.
“Good thing I thought ahead then! I yelled out, placing his shoes on the rack and walking toward the living room with the bags. I heard some distant mumbling and then the shuffle of feet down the hallway along with a door opening and closing.
BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. Turning around to the microwave and pressing the button to unlatch the door I grabbed the purple heat pack out, throwing it up in the air a couple of times because it was too hot to hold in my palm. Walking back down the hallway and meeting Hornet at the entrance of the living room I handed over the heat pack and she moved to sit down in between the corner of the L corner of the couch and her dad who handed her a packet of strawberry creams. Walking around the couch and settling myself a respectful distance from Z getting comfortable, I looked at the two Zegras’s and asked. “All good?” 
“Yeah, Thank you.” Hornet responded with a weak smile.
“Anytime kiddo.” Trevor responded. “Now, what are you watching?”
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