waspywaspy · 9 months
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OK last question, I swear but I was like In general wondering if any of the character might be neurodivergent, like have ADHD, or be autistic i’m just curious because I have ADHD 🩷💛🤍🩵💚
I mean characters can be headcanoned as whatever
All of them will probably have traits in one way or another cuz I can't not project onto my characters, but none of them are definitively labelled or created with anything in mind
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fallenclan · 1 year
do you have any pre-fallenclan clangen art? or warrior cats in general
i do actually! i have some various clangen art that i drew just for myself/friends, and a couple drawings of jayfeather that i made for an au. here are my favs :D (under the cut because i realized there's actually a lot)
also realized I put all these drawings in reverse chronological order to me drawing them. so the stuff on top looks the most like what my art style is like now, and it slowly devolves lol
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that's the end of the jayfeather au, here's clangen. this is Bonepelt and Cranekit, they were besties :D
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Cicadastar and Podswallow!! the sillies
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Bumblespot and Ferretclaw, who did end up getting together later on
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THE FAMILY EVER!! Snailpaw was their bio kit, Turtlepaw they found in the woods. i loved them, such a fun dynamic
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Gillstep and Raven!
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THE OLD LADY POLYCULE THAT I STILL HAVE FEELINGS ABOUT. this was before polyamory was added to the game so sadly they never were able to get all together officially :(
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the bird family :D Pigeonbranch adoped Eaglespots after she found him in the woods, then got together with Featherbite, who already had his kits. Love them tbh
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and finally, BEHOLD. my very first clangen art. I didnt even play the game at the time, I drew it because my sibling kept telling me about their cats and I got attatched :) this is the cranky old man Fallenheart and his adopted daughter Redkit.
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phloxclan · 1 month
Moon 84
Carnation's kits are apprenticed. Fruitpaw - Ottercinder, Fluffypaw - Cloverdust, Sorrelpaw - Beesechurgerleaf, Ratpaw - Beech, Carnationpaw - Flaxwhistle.
Lichenpaw is apprenticed to Splintergale.
Aspenswipe, Wisteriaheart, Beech, and Minnowpaw recover.
Umberstar failed to interpret a warning from Starclan and lost a life. She only has 3 left.
Honeyspider and Teaselsky have become mates.
Fruitpaw tells Ottercinder her dreams have been full of dark images, and Ottercinder promises to help guide her.
Sloenight and Springsprout find a recently dead cat and his newborn kits. Torque - Orange trans tom with dark blue eyes and long fur, 32 moons, ambitious, great hunter, kittypet. Flykit - Ginger molly with blue eyes and long fur, impulsive, lover of stories. Mudkit - White molly with pale ginger paws, dark blue eyes, and long fur, charming, moss-ball hunter. Firkit - White and ginger tom with silver eyes and long fur, noisy, avid play-fighter. Goldenkit - Ginger and white molly with green eyes and long fur, bossy, avid play-fighter Cranekit - Brown and white marbled molly with yellow eyes and long fur, sweet, splashes in puddles.
Honeyspider and Sneezepaw encounter coyotes. They run, but only Honeyspider escapes.
Moon 85
Oakpaw earns the warrior name Oakstripe.
Flashpaw is apprenticed to Ravenfleck.
Oakstripe, Quesadilla, Darkpond, Shiveringstripe, and Squirreldapple recover.
Umberstar lost a life to tainted prey - 2 lives left.
Bouncespeckle, Falconfade, and Mistlepelt all announce they are expecting kits.
Halfsnap sees Flaxwhistle stumble while hunting and thinks it’s cute. Halfsnap and Flaxwhistle become mates.
Peatwish noticed Fruitpaw is doing their best today. Lemonlily shares tongues with Carnationpaw Flaxwhistle asks Sorrelpaw how they’re doing.
Twolegs find the camp and capture Sloemallow, Graytooth, Storktangle, Birchfern, Halfsnap, Hollyshock, Beech, Brush, Lemonlily, Boulderbeak, Popburst, Paleflicker, Clawspot, Bluebriar, Fiercefern, Whisper, Shrubfoot, Bouncespeckle, Splintergale, Coppersight, Loudclaw, Sandspeckle, Windhoney, Mumblepelt, Fennelspeckle, Flykit, Firkit, and Goldenkit.
Flaxwhistle is surprised by Shrubfoot being considerate. - She expresses her condolences that Flaxwhistle's new mate has been taken, and does not try to get back together with her.
Lichenpaw is reassigned to Trouble. Ratpaw is reassigned to Teaselsky.
Weevilsun is named the new deputy.
Minnowpaw complains that Springsprout doesn’t seem to understand signs from Starclan very well.
Cloverdust, Ottercinder, Fruitpaw, and Fluffypaw are patrolling when they are attacked by a dog. Cloverdust dies saving the apprentices. Fluffypaw is reassigned to Dewglade.
Apex is killed by a wolf.
3 new cats join the clan - A sick kittypet, a loner, and a Curlclan apprentice. Quiverwing - Red speckled molly with emerald eyes, 53 moons, sneaky, Dark Forest affinity, good storyteller. Limebird - Black tom with pale green eyes and long fur, 91 moons, troublesome, helpful insight. Snowypaw - White marbled tom with gray eyes, 10 moons, daring, avid play-fighter, apprenticed to Umberstar.
Moon 86
Shiveringstripe is expecting kits.
Peatwish is visited by a Starclan cat - it's Whisper.
Ottercinder is Not Doing Well after Cloverdust's death and Clawspot's kidnapping.
Quiverwing and Ravenfleck recovered.
Flashpaw is scolded after sneaking out of camp.
Ratpaw comes out as nonbinary.
Sorrelpaw says hello to Aspenswipe, but he still seems sad.
A sick kittypet is found. Boo - ?? No sprite found, but they are in my notes as living for a while so I should have one??
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destinyclan · 7 months
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Clan Founder - Cranepaw
Name: Cranepaw Former Names: Cranekit (Kitten) Age: 9 Moons Fur Length: Short Pelt: Singlecolor Eyes: Green Gender: Female Trait: Childish Skills: Splashes in Puddles
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yarnclan · 1 year
8th Newleaf
The chill of Leafbare set in late and was slow to break. Braveblaze leaves camp to go on a walk and comes back with frostbite.
Ridgetalon announced that he and Racoonsnout are expecting their second litter.
Stonewhisker comes out as a translady.
Velvetclaw is made a warrior, he takes after Roachfoot quite a lot. And has come to regard her as a parental figure.
Midnight Goddess dies of greencough :<
Web goes missing and many in the clan are greatly worried. Via, who's still on her way to recovery mentions casually to Orange that she'd seen Web in her dream last night, all sparkly and walking away to join a crowd of other starry looking cats. Orange tells the other medicine cats, but doesn't say Via was the one who'd seen it. They are very shocked and saddened at the news, and Goldcreek is later able to confirm that Web had fallen into a hole and died.
Orange starts talking to Via a lot, as she's had visions and been able to sense "ghosts" for most of her life. As she recovers she decides that she might hang around a little longer, if she could get some answers to the nature of her "abilities".
Lowpaw comes out as nonbinary.
Tulipnose and Martenshine have become mates, Martenshine is happy to have a companion. And a moon later they announce they are having kits.
8th Greenleaf
Rosypelt invites Thornstar on a hunt, and the two of them end up relaxing in the sun. They talk happily about their kits and time in the clan together and all of the adventures they've had together. Thornstar would like to have another adventure with her. She purrs happily, and says she'd have to think about it. She's very proud of what they've helped build. But she's getting older. Thornstar picks up on what she's suggesting. It breaks his heart, but he knows he can't possibly deny her her very well earned retirement. Its a few days before they formally make the announcement, and Thornstar selects Shineclaw as the new deputy. She's not the cat Rosypelt would have picked, but she'll be a good deputy. Racoonsnout feels a little passed over, as he has a much more even temperament.
But he has something to be happy about as he and Ridgetalon welcome Raggedkit, Russetkit, and Badgerkit into the world.
Multiple eagle attacks happen? Cricketspeck is attacked and survives. Marbletail is actually picked up and dropped, but manages to survive. It's found on a patrol that a new large eagle nest has been constructed at the top of a very tall tree. There isn't much that can be done, Shineclaw, wanting to show off their worth tries to climb up to wreck the nest, but it's too high up to reach.
Lowfeather is made a warrior and honored for her devotion. She's always going out of her way to help her clan mates, but she has developed a bit of a self-focused aditude about it, that she's the only one who can do certain things the right way, so she must do them.
Via has another vision from StarClan, and tells Orange about it. Following this vision, Orange finds a kittypet named Saffron and convinces her to join the clan. On her first boarder patrol she attacks a twoleg kit, partly to show her devotion to clan life, and partly cause she wanted to.
Tulipnose and Martenshine happily welcome Lightkit, Cloudkit, and Cranekit into the world. The clan is happy to have such a bustling nursery.
Fishpaw proves to be a strong cat, and many are proud of her for overcoming so much tragedy. She's honored for her dignity when given the name Fishfalcon. She feels a little lost at this, and wanders away in hopes of perhaps learning more about her mother, or finding her father. But returns having found nothing.
Many of the older members of the clan mourn, as Duskspot succumbs to an infection that had taken hold of his mangled leg, but none more than Braveblaze, even though he'd only come to know him recently. It had seemed like the two had always been meant to meet, and fall in love, and it was a great misfortune that it had happened so late in both of their lives.
October also dies of heat exhaustion.
8th Leaf-fall
Roachfoot retires to the elder's den, where kits are sure to bother her to tell them stories of her time as a leader in the twoleg place, and she's happy to oblige.
Forestpool and Gustclaw officially become mates at last. They've been each other's rocks through all the drama and tragedy surrounding both of their respective sets of siblings. They aren't the type to be openly lovey dovey with each other, so it took a while for either of them to realize, but now that it's out in the open they certainly are. Hazelholly is quite moody about the whole thing.
As leaf-fall starts to turn to leaf-bare whitecough spreads through the camp, progressing to greencough for some. Unfortunatly effecting both Goldcreek and Tamale. Oh no, we only have... 4 able bodied medicine cats. But Spottedmint does help out in the den, going on a nostalgic herb gathering patrol with Goosetooth, and Shineclaw tagging along as well.
Tawnybird and Sunfox become mates, good for them.
A former kittypet named Fishleg joins the clan. Objectively hilarious name, changed it to Carpleg because look at her:
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Dusktooth seems to take to her pretty quickly, inviting her around the territory, and fighting off a fox with her.
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The somewhat aggressive herb gathering of late, especially by Orange and his warrior buddies, Via and Saffron have triggered some of the old disputes with ShineClan. Egretwing travels to try to resolve them, but fails.
Stan and Bigtail die of greencough...
Shadedapple dies saving Badgerkit from a hawk. She'd snuck out of camp, and he'd happened to be on patrol. She feels really terrible about the whole thing.
9th Leafbare
It doesn't feel real, Hazelholly heads into camp after another one of his long walks, that he takes for no particular reason, and thinks he must have passed out somewhere in the snow and is dreaming. Berrylight is standing in the center of camp, surrounded by cats. Thornstar looking happier than he has in moons. When she sees Hazelholly, her tail shoots straight up, and she runs to him. The moment she touches her nose to his, he knows its real, she really is home. She tells everyone that Chasingcloud guided her home, and Hazelholly feels overwhelmed with emotion. Berrylight's sister, and a cat that he'd come to love and trust, had reunited them both.
Gustclaw also announces that she and Forestpool are expecting kits.
Raggedpaw is apprenticed to Glowberry, whome is hopped to be able to get through to the very reserved and awkward cat. Russetpaw is apprenticed to Forestpool, and is excited to learn about the ins and outs of everywhere in the territory from the wise and observant warrior. Her experience with the hawk and Shadedapple has cause Badgerpaw to become rather fearful and careful, A patient cat like Carpleg can hopefully help her regain her confidence.
Wiggity Wacks fell into a sinkhole and vanished forever :<
Goosetooth, lead by a prophetic dream, finds Prancekit and Shrewkit, still holding on to their father's body. Peachheart, the dead cat, and the kits, had been members of a far away clan, that perhaps lived by the sea. Prancekit and Shrewkit have only vague memories. But they were captured by some very cruel twolegs, only barely managing to escape. Peachheart died of injuries he sustained while they were escaping. Prancekit is quite standoffish, understandable for someone with so much turmoil in her early life. Shrewkit is a little more friendly than her sister, but is still a bit too adventurous for her own good.
Jadeleaf freezes to death in a snow storm :< :< :< Glowberry is inconsolable. She's lost two of the cats she was closest to in the world. And isn't sure what to do. Marbletail is also distraught to have lost their daughter, who was their pride and joy. Glowberry does her best to keep up with training Raggedpaw, but she finds it very difficult to focus and manage with the younger cat's emotions. Cricketspeck sees her younger sister's trouble and tries her best to help out.
A queen named Rippleshine comes to join the clan, bringing her only surviving kit, Budkit. She'd actually come a long way, from another distant clan that was entirely taken over by a gang of rouges.
The only kit in Gustclaw and Forestpool's first litter is born and they name him Leafkit. He catches yellowcough very soon after he's born. Worrying his parents quite a bit.
Indeed illness continues to plague the clan. Petya, Stoatplume, and Spikeheart all die of greencough.
Apprentices! More! The apprentice den is quite a bustling place now!
Lightpaw is apprenticed to Leopardleap, and pretty excitable and somewhat immature combo. The two of them very quickly start having lots of fun running around, and doing cat parkour and stuff.
Lighpelt is very excited to be given Cloudpaw as her first apprentice. She's been waiting for the oportunity to train another cat and she knows she can get the very quite Cloudpaw to open up.
Cranepaw is chosen by Thornstar to be his apprentice. She tries very hard to to let this psych her out. She focuses on putting her clanmates first, and making sure everyone is fed and well cared for.
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Dark Forest Resident: Cherrystar
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Aliases / Nicknames: Crazystar
Gender: female
Sexuality: heterosexual, aromantic
Family: unnamed mother, unnamed father, Curlkit, Murkkit, Autumnpaw, Egretpaw, Springwhisker (kits)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, Scargoose, Heathpelt, Springwhisker, Owlholly (apprenticeS)
Clan: Hazeclan
Rank: leader
Characteristics: sacrifices kits to Starclan to prevent stragedy, strange, great teacher
Number of Victims: 16
Number of Murders: 16
Murder Method: ??
Known Victims: Oakkit, Mistkit, Curlkit, Murkkit, Coniferkit, Staglake, Minnowkit, Skykit, Ashkit, Gillpelt, Foxkit, Daykit, Cranekit, Crowkit, Flamekit, Shardkit, Marigoldkit
Victim Profile: kits
Cause of Death: greencough (first), badger (second), freezing (third), mortally injured (fourth), infected wounds (fifth), hawk (sixth), Birchclan apprentice (seventh), whitecough (eighth), greencough (ninth)
Cautionary Tale: ??
The first moon was Oakkit, a little thing that Cherrystar had found on the side of a Thunderpath, and took great care of until she got her ‘vision’ of her Clan failing. She had killed Oakkit, then lied and said she didn’t have a clue what had happened to him.
Moons passed, and finally, Beetlewhisker announced proudly that she was expecting kits. Three little bundles of fluff quickly reduced to two as Cherrystar sacrificed the eldest--Beetlekit--to Starclan, hoping for blessings.
Her pleas went unanswered, and she lost a life to greencough at the tender age of just thirty-four moons. Whispers scurried between the warriors, and soon, the two bundles of fluff at Beetlewhisker’s belly were reduced again, leaving only little Almondkit, spared for being the runt of the litter.
Then her own kits were born, at the same time that Applemouse had brought a litter of four home. He glared at the leader, unsheathing his claws as she drew near. He had held his sister, Beetlewhisker, as she had cried, and knew exactly what Cherrystar had planned for one unlucky kit.
However, no one expected that she would turn on little Curlkit--her own son. She had looked up at Applemouse with blood coating her muzzle, and said, in a happy voice, “Since I’m leader, it makes sense to send my kits as sacrifices.”
She stuck to this rhetoric as the next moon passed, and her other son--Murkkit-- was offered up to Starclan.
The next moon, as she readied herself for the next sacrifice, she was mauled by a badger, thus saving the life of Applemouse’s kit, Stagkkit. When she came back to life, she looked thrilled. “They said that my life was a good sacrifice!” she had crooned, crouching over Stagkit to keep them safe from the frigid morning wind.
That leaf-bare, on patrol, Cherrystar froze to death, only reviving when she was thawed in the new-leaf sun.
She staggered back to camp, grinning, and scared half the camp to death.
Her grin faded when she learned that Stagkit, by then Staglake, had been killed by a badger.
She sat vigil for two days, only snapping out of her trance when she heard Snailbite talking about how she was expecting kits.
The leader perked up, but didn’t say a word, until Snailbite gave birth a moon later to a pair of healthy kits. That pair, unfortunately, soon divided, as Snailbite found poor Coniferkit strung up on the brambles above the nursery.
She had tackled Cherrystar, who was bewildered as to why she could possibly be faulted, until she finally figured it out.
“I was making sure that Starclan won’t take the other one!” she mewed. “They only don’t take lives when they get fed. So I feed them!” It took the combined efforts of four other cats to pry Snailbite off of Cherrystar, and the leader was promptly confined to her den for three moons, in an attempt to punish her.
With the kit-killer locked away, two new litters were taken into the Clan, much to Cherrystar’s horror.
“We can’t have this many kits without a death!” She wailed. “Starclan will kill us all!”
She was ignored, but many cats unconsciously relaxed when Heathpelt was found dead on the thunderpath.
When she was released from her den, she was put under guard, but no cat can keep their eyes open all the time.
This time, another of Beetlewhisker’s kits was killed. Minnowkit, who had gone to the medicine den for a bee-sting in her paw, only to be smothered by moss by Cherrystar, who had hidden under a bed of the same moss.
Back in her den she went.
The pattern continued.
She was let out under heavy guard, only to slip away and throttle Hatchkit in their sleep.
Odds changed, however, when the fresh-kill was poisoned, and Applemouse-- Cherrystar’s anchor to whatever sanity she had left- -died, just as Cherrystar learned that she was expecting her second litter of kittens.
She had called a Clan meeting, something she had never done before, and announced that, to honour the nine cats lost to poison, there would be no sacrifices for nine more moons. Her face looked pained as she said it.
The next day, a patrol found her mortally wounded on the border with Birchclan, but they brought her back to camp, not wanting a repeat incident of her frozen corpse impression.
Cherrystar had three kits a moon later, and--predictably--was kept under strict watch to make sure she took care of her litter.
But tragedy struck again when four more cats were killed in a rogue ambush, and Cherrystar reluctantly added four more moons to the count.
When Snailbite and Snipkit died from poisoning, Cherrystar’s wails were loud enough to wake the surrounding Clans, who individually sent cats to check on the situation. Once the delegations were gone, Cherrystar showed some of her old fighting spirit, only to be kept in check and away from the kits by Gravy, who got a notch in his ear for his troubles
Her wounds from her fight with Gravy soon festered, and she lost another life to infection.
Soon after this, tradgedy struck the Clan again, when a patrol of four, including Cherrystar’s children, Autumnpaw and Egretpaw, were swept away in a flood, bringing the total number of cats in the Clan down to twelve.
Despite how low Clan numbers were, when Minnowfin had a litter of three, Cherrystar didn’t hesitate to sacrifice Skykit, citing all the recent disasters.
This seemed to work, to the horror of Cherrystar’s Clanmates. And when a litter was left with the Clan, their adoptive mother, Garnet, willingly offered one of them up for Cherrystar to kill.
The trend continued when Crouchsun, who previously had vehemently opposed the killing, followed Garnet’s example.
Gillpelt also willingly gave up a kit, eyes wide as she comforted the crying Ashenkit.
However, Cherrystar merely stared coldly at her. “You aren’t doing this for the greater good.” She had hissed. She had lashed out with unsheathed claws, and Ashenkit could only watch in horror as she watched her mother’s body drop.
The leader walked outside, taking a breath, only to lose another life as a hawk swooped down for the kill.
Another poisoned instance of fresh-kill killed off Coastivy and Cicadakit,
A few moons later, more poison killed off Cicadakit’s parent, Wheatblotch.
Cherrystar mourned the deaths, only to be shocked into action when a new warrior, Spiderpounce, left a stolen Birchclan kit outside her den for sacrifice.
Spiderpounce later took things up a notch when he killed an elder to spare a kit being sacrificed that moon.
This seemed to work, as no disasters befell the Clan for twenty-four moons.
However, when disaster struck, Cherrystar acted as they always had.
The next moon, a Birchclan apprentice took another of Cherrystar’s lives in a border skirmish.
A few moons later, a bout of whitecough took another life, and Cherrystar decided to increase the rate of sacrifices to one per moon.
However, this was stopped when the whitecough worsened into greencough.
Additional Information: 
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor​
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pikaclan · 5 months
Moon 395
Season: Leaf-bare
Overarching Events
Not enough medicine cats
Treestar gazes down proudly upon Ibispaw. They had spent their whole apprenticeship helping the Clan, and so they are named Ibiscall after their altruism
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Oddflight has been impatient for the end of Snapmuzzle's pregnancy, and when they hear Snapmuzzle has gone into labor, they drop what they're doing and sprint for the nursery, where Snapmuzzle is bringing a litter of 3 kits into the world
Quiverkit (female), Thistlekit (male), and Cranekit (male) are born!
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Biteflow died from a bite-wound
Silkmimic grieves but is not stricken
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Starlingholly always seems to have jay feathers stuck in their fur
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Other Clans
Hollynoise travels to FlightClan to resolve some recent personal disputes. However, it seems Hollynoise only made FlightClan more upset
Treestar's soreness is gone Avalanchebeetle's soreness is gone Riverfish got a scratch on their paralyzed half that got infected Scorchbud's broken bone is infected Bastettiger caught a cat from another Clan tresspassing and got a torn ear in the scuffle Charredpad's yellowcough cured Glowkit's running nose stopped
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Okay, let’s unpack this.
Aloefur and Flashkite are husbands. Dustlilac is Aloe‘s ex-girlfriend. Aspenstar is Flashkite‘s former mentor.
Deerkit is the baby Mousemist‘s wife JUST gave birth to. Literally a newborn infant child.
Pearfoot is the medicine cat. Cranekit is ALSO a baby that Mousemist‘s wife just gave birth to.
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snailpool · 3 years
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‘Don’t fear, kit. Rattenkönig is friend.’ some wcoc brainstorming
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hibiscuit-rose · 7 years
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70/100 @warriorsredux challenge!
only 30 days away! because of that, ill be adding an outline and a simple background (like this) to every new cat! (also that was a 69 joke in the dapplefur post)
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waspywaspy · 9 months
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I hate that first picture in the third one, never drawing a hissing cat for a while.
Eloquent speaker
Good teacher
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cebulik · 3 years
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a bunch of murder kitties i drew for artfight!!! snailpaw, viperpaw, fernpaw, cranekit and quietpaw
i’m wolpertingerprince on af, team cyberpunk >:)
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snow-stream · 3 years
RiverClan Allegiances
LEADER: CrookedstarーHuge light brown tom with a crooked jaw and green eyes
SUCESSOR:  LeopardfurーSlender golden dappled molly with white feet and brown eyes
DEPUTY: OakfaceーHandsome reddish-brown tabby tom with a lighter chest amber eyes (p: Oakheart) 
MEDICINE CAT(S):  TroutfangーLight brown spotted tabby tom with a white belly and golden eyes (p: Mudfur)
WARRIORS:  (toms and she-cats without kits) 
ShellstreamーTortoiseshell-and-white molly with green eyes (p: Petaldust) 
PebblefangーSleek-furred silver tom with green eyes (p: Voleclaw) 
BeetlenoseーBlack tom with a white chest, toes, and yellow eyes
BlackclawーLean black smoke tom with tattered ears and orange eyes (p: Blackclaw) 
StoneheartーHuge and muscular light gray tom with a ripped ear and blue eyes (p: Stonefur) 
OtterbellyーStocky and plump brown tom with a white belly and brown eyes (p: Loudbelly)
DawnpathーLong-bodied ginger-and-white molly with a ripped ear and blue eyes (p: Dawnbright) 
ReedheartーTall and lithe plain light brown molly with blue eyes (p: Skyheart) 
MaplecloudーSmall amber tortoiseshell-and-white molly with downy fur and amber eyes (p: Mallowtail) 
MistfootーStocky blue-gray molly with a lighter underside and blue eyes (p: Mistyfoot)
APPRENTICES:  (more than six moons old, training to become warriors) 
SilverpawーPretty silver tabby molly with a huge build and bright blue eyes Mentor: Otterbelly 
FlowerpawーSmall calico molly with fluffy fur and heterochromatic eyes Mentor: Breamflower (p: Mosspelt) 
FrogpawーGray-brown-and-white tom with green eyes Mentor: Beetlenose (p: Frogleap)
QUEENS:  (she-cats expecting or nursing kits) 
BreamflowerーSilver-and-ginger torbie molly with yellow eyes, Matriarch (p: Sunfish) 
DucksongーBlack tortie molly with a white muzzle and green eyes (p: Sedgecreek)
KITS:  (less than six moons old) 
CarpkitーPlump light brown tom-kit with yellow eyes Mother: Ducksong (p: Heavystep) 
ShadekitーBlack she-kit with yellow eyes Mother: Ducksong
Cranekit ーSilver tabby tom with blue eyes Mother: Breamflower (p: Silverpaw)
ELDERS:  (former warriors and queens, now retired)
GraycloudーSkinny dark gray molly with yellow eyes, has dementia (p: Graypool) 
HoneywingーGolden-and-white molly with soft, willowy fur and kind amber eyes (p: Softwing) 
PuddlefangーDark brown-and white-tom with a shaggy coat blue eyes (p: Whitefang)
ShadestreamーBeautiful black molly with a gorgeous sleek pelt, feathery tail, and yellow eyes. Nearly blind and deaf, oldest cat in the clan (p: Shimmerpelt) 
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chichips · 7 years
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Redesigned of Sedgeflower! Sedgeflower was born into Estuaryclan (tentative name) as a single kit. He had a sister before but sadly she died because of complications. Her name was Hornetkit. She survived for about 3 months before passing away. His mother was Falconclaw and his father was Starlingnose. His parents were both soft and quiet cats which passed down to him but left him behind to become loners. They decided to leave their kit (who was 5 moons, almost 6, back then) behind because he was unable to fend for himself and would slow them down. He grew up raised by Lichencloud (a fawn calico). She was supposed to go to the rest of the elders but continued to be a warrior to help Sedgekit. She eventually begged Waspstar (the clan leader) to become Sedgekit's mentor for fear that he couldn't handle anyone else as a mentor. To which Waspstar agreed to. Lichencloud raised him the best he could but feared for him always, believing that his parents leaving impacted Sedgekit too much. But this all disregarded when Sedgepaw/flower breaks the code (because of course). one day while out on patrol (I'm not sure if I should make him an almost warrior or a new warrior) he meets a rogue named Aufin, a she-cat with sleek blue fur. She's known around the clans for causing trouble so Sedge is wary. But after a number of ecounters they get closer. Eventually Lichencloud catches them and chases her out. Right before he is to be a warrior, Aufin returns saying that she is not taking care of his kits. He refuses and thinking that they aren't his. She says he either takes them our let them die. She abruptly leaves and doesn't wait for an answer. The rest of the clan finds out and all are furious. Waspstar wants to exile Sedge and his kids but Quailheart, the deputy, Rosina that their clan is already so small and that need all the cats they can get and sedge has been an upstanding cat. Waspstar reluctantly agrees to let them stay. Sedgepaw is therefore forced to become a warrior 3 moons late as punishment. He becomes more worrisome and a very protective father over Burdockkit, Nightingalekit, and Cranekit. He is afraid that because of their circumstances everyone is out to get his kits. And because of what happened to his parents he doesn't want them to feel abandoned as well. He gets violent if anyone approached them and stays in the nursery most of the time to watch over them.
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