#Coronal plane
whilomm · 5 months
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huh. neat! potentially not great for planes if one of the airports has a fucked up ILS, but still. neat! the sun just said "fuck your GPS for a sec"
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aces-and-spades · 2 years
Love how shinichi had no choice but to be a detective. Goes on vacation? Dead body. Goes shopping? Dead body. Literally breathes? Dead body.
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dotnscal · 1 year
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was prepping slides for lab tmr and found this image and all i could think of was. is he in there? can we get him out?
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worldnewsforus11 · 8 months
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rboooks · 1 year
DC x DP Fic idea: The Royal Consort
Wesley Weston runs a blog after getting over his desire to expose Danny's secret- primarily due to no one believing him- and no one pays attention to it since almost all of Casper high school has one too.
The difference between the hundreds of other blogs is that one of his pictures of Phantom is clear. A perfectly uncorrected image of the famous ghost, whereas nearly all other pictures are blurry due to ghosts disrupting cameras. Even Wes isn't sure how he managed to capture him so well.
Another difference between his blog and others is that one of his followers happens to be John Constantine, who followed the kid a long time ago due to the fanfiction of the Bats and found them hilarious.
John opens his phone app, expecting a new chapter to the Bruce Wayne/Superman fic, and spits out his tea upon seeing the High King of the Dead casually in the human world. Horrified that the King has not been appropriately welcomed- which could lead to a war that the humans would never win- he calls an emergency Justice League and Justice League Dark meeting.
It didn't help that they had allowed a county to pass the anti-ecto laws, which ruined any attempt to appease the Ghost King once the news broke to the public. The League still worried about a declaration of war even after they demolished the laws and the United Nations had the States apologize on humans' behalf.
They quickly discover High King Phantom has been visiting Earth for almost three years. Before his coronation, Phantom had not been outside the Infinite Realms very often though he has appeared throughout history. Cave drawings date back thousands of years before the first ancient Egyptians, but he's visits are few and short.
Life would naturally send him back to the Realms because he had too much power and ectoplasm. After taking the throne, his powers only grew, which meant someone had to summon him as the only way for him to stay on Earth longer than an hour.
Now as King, he appeared only within the small town of Amity Park daily. Why?
John sighs. "He has an anchor. Someone is tying him to this plane. Like the helmet for Nabu, which allows Doctor Fate to exist here without being launched back to the Infinite Releams, Phantom has bonded himself. And I know who that is"
He pulls up a class photo on Weston's blog and points to a boy wearing a particular necklace.
"Danny Fenton is wearing the official Royal Consort of the Infinite Realms symbol and has been since he was fourteen. Phantom's husband may be our only hope to salvage the terrible mess the USA's bloody GIW placed the rest of us in."
Danny loved the necklace he found in Pariah Dark's old haunt. He inherited Pariah's haunt and everything inside once he was crowned and hasn't taken it off since. He didn't think it would be an issue. It's not like it would out his secret to his parents or anyone else since it was in Ghost Speech. Even he didn't know what it said.
Then one morning he comes down for breakfast only to have the most important members of the Justice League sitting in his living room waiting to greet him.
Desperate to keep his halfa status a secret, Danny must convince the entire world watching him, that he's just a human who scandalously eloped at age fourteen with one of the strongest beings in the mulitverse.
Jack's horrified "We were shooting my son-in-law this whole time" became a meme that has trended for months.
( Part 2 )
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riniworld · 5 months
heart stealer
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yandere! crown prince x maid! reader
warning|| mention of an injury+blood, humiliating(not to reader),i guess that's it?
reference|| you,she/her,y/n(one time),maid.
a/n|| i planed on making it longer but i lost motivation to complete it (╯︵╰,)
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you've been raised in this castle,your parents were servants under the royal family,your father was the head butler but your mother was an ordinary maid.
and you inherited this from them,at age 18,after a year from the death of the emperor and his wife,you became a maid working along side with your mother.
month after month you have been chosen by the court to become the personal maid of the crown prince himself.
you don't know if you should be excited or anxious,you've never meet the crown prince but you did hear a few things about him and it wasn't pleasing at all.
plus,it will be more work for you by this time as the royal coronation ceremony is close.
standing nervously outside the crown prince's room,you inhale a deep breath as you knock on the door,after two minute a "come in" was heard from the inside,you step inside and stand by the door waiting for him to notice you.
he was sitting on the edge of the window,his sword in his lap as he wip the blade, he glanced at you for a brief moment.
"who are you?" he asked as he return his attention to the sword.
you bow " I will be your personal maid from now on,your royal highness, i would try my very best to please you."
taron hummed in acknowledge "very well," he walked up to you and threw the sword at you "Clean it well."
"oh...ah! as you wish your highness!." you bow and run to clean it.
the next few days went the same, weird requests, trying to please him, and on above of all of that is the preparation for the royal coronation ceremony.
he wasn't interested in anything of it, not the choice of the clothes nor the food that has to be served, the food problem can easily be solved but the clothes, the accessories that all have to be his choice and you,as his personal maid, need to help him with these things but if you can't see him how can you help him??
you know he spend most of his time on the training ground, but it's forbidden for servants to go to this ground so you can't do anything but wait.
one day you stayed in his room after the work hours, you were determined to make him do what he has to.
but to your surprise he returns with an injury, you couldn't see how serious it is but you rush to his side, it was involuntary reaction (i don't know if that's true)
"your highness!,what happened?." you stops close to him but you don't dare to touch him.
taron glares at you clearly pissed "what the heck are you doing here until now?" you can hear the tireness in his voice.
"your highness,let me patch i-" "i do not like to repeat myself."
"i-i was waiting for you to return..." you back away a little in obedience.
taron heads to the bed with a groan and sits on the edge "you can go now then."
"let me patch your wound first."
"what did i say?."
"i know, but your highness...you are bleeding and it is my duty to help you.." you mumble the last part.
taron sighed "how annoying." he say under his breath.
you took this as an approval and take a closer steps to him, you sit down beside him and looks at him asking for approval to touch him, he turn to his side.
you couldn't help the faint smile that plays on your lips when he shows that side of him, he was always putting the tough face but in the few hours you got to spend with him through the days you've worked in under him you've come to know that he has a soft spot but he doesn't show it.
you hesitantly lift his clothes off and takes it to his bathroom and searched for few things that could help him until a doctor comes to him tomorrow.
finally you found alcohol and a white rag that you think it's clean. you return to him quickly putting the alcohol on the rag.
"This might sting,your highness, tell me if i hurt you."
taron scoff "you think something like that is going to hurt me?"
"oh-uh i did not mean to offense you in any way,your hi-!."
"just do your job."
you shut your mouth and begin wrapping the rag around his wound carefully, it was pretty awkward, taron didn't move nor talked, he was just looking in the space in front of him.
you couldn't help stealing glances from time to time, his body isn't that muscular, but his skill in sword is incredible, or that what you've heard.
you were lost in thought that you didn't notice your hand still laying on taron's body when you've finished.
taron moved your hands away jolting you out of your thoughts "are you done?"
your face redned in embarrassment and you stand up quickly taking a step away "i-yes, i wish you a quick recovery, now if you will excuse me, your highness."
taron nodded and you get out the room heading to the servants' suite. taron groan and lay down on the bed, putting his hand where was yours, the only thing he didn't get as an soon-to-be-emperor is affection wich you gave just now, and it's a foreign feelings to him.
the next day you make your day to the crown prince to check on him and to call a doctor, but when you entre the room you see at least eight of nurses and a doctor around him, you hurry to his side asking one of the nurses.
"what happening? is his highness okay?"
"oh miss, who are you?"
"I'm-..I'm his personal maid."
"ah very well you might give information....when did his highness get injured?."
"yesterday he came covered in blood, and i, myself,treated his injury."
"....oh no miss, so you are the one who bandaged it with this rag?" the nurse holded the rag to you.
"i am, it was clean, as i saw it."
"well, it was not, and his injury got effected."
"what?! is he okay now?!"
"i do not know what will happen after, but for now he has a high fever."
you gasped in horror, what if something happened to him?? then you'll be the killer of the only royal blood, your life will end there.
the next three days, taron didn't wake up, and you didn't leave him, yes there was always a nurse beside him, but you couldn't bring yourself to leave him, one because you need to make sure he'll stay alive for your life, and second there's just this feeling that toging you to stay by his side, so you stayed either working in the room or taking the nurse's place while they rest.
he sometimes would call names, like his brother's or some foreign names to you, but he never called his parents name,weird, is it a sin that you wanted to be one of these names?
rumors spreaded quickly within the castle, and everyone was talking about 'how the soon-to-be-emperor maid tried to kill him' you couldn't walk comfortably in the castle, everyone was giving you the nasty star and worse sometimes they talk shit to you or even hurt you, and what are you going to do to stop all that? everything scream that you tried to kill taron.
the forth day, exactly at noon, you were cleaning the desks when you heard a groan from taron, you hurried to his side thinking he got worse or uncomfortable, but when you got to his side, his eyes were opening, you didn't waste a time to call for the nurse as they were eating.
"thank god you woke up, your highness, we do not know what we would have done if you did not wake up." the nurse says as she checks on his temperature
"how many days have i been asleep?" taron asks, he closed his eyes from the sun, and you run to close the curtain.
"for three and a half now, your highness."
you can hear taron curses under his breath when he hear that, he turn his head and looked at you, raising his eyebrow as 'what are you doing here?'.
the nurse cleared their throat, and you knew where was that going to, you looked down in shame.
"your highness, this maid is the reason you are in this state, her dumb mistake to bandage your injury with a rag put you in danger." the nurse explained with a harsh tone
you started to tear up, you don't want to die nor you want taron to think bad of you, "your highness, i-i was too worried i wanted to stop the bleeding quickly i did not know it would....get to this." your voice cracked at the last sentence as you looked in taron's eyes, you know this is not an enough excuse, but how can you defend yourself in any other way? telling the truth is the only thing you can do.
taron stared intensely at you for a moment before a smile cracked his face, why is he smiling? have you said something funny?
"that's just an unbelie-"
"enough" taron cut the nurse off in annoyance,turning his his head to the selling "your yapping make my head hurt get out." you didn't quite know who he was talking to, but it was obvious wasn't it?
"well? what are you waiting for?" the nurse shouted at you.
"not her, you." taron point at the nurse
"...m-me? as you wish your highness." the nurse bow and left.
you start getting anxious, wondering why did he kept you here, are you in a problem? what a stupid question of course you are, taron isn't a forgiving person that for sure.
taron tried to sit up with a groan and you rush to his side to help him, after his sit comfortably he speak "trying to kill me, are we?." he joked.
"i swear i did not mean to,your highness!" you said quickly in fear.
taron only giggled softly, his dimple showing up, you stared mesmeraisedly at him, it was rare to see him smile or laugh that what you learned from the old servants, but to see this sight it was worth everything, "i know you would not dare do it." taron say.
"really? you believe me, your highness?!" you asked in relief.
"of course, a weak coward and naive maid like you would not even kill a fly."
"oh-at least you could have said it more kindly.." you thought. "i appreciate that you believe me, your highness." you say in happiness, after all if the soon-to-be-emperor believes you that's enough.
taron's smile fades away, did he lost himself with a mere maid? he can't believe what he's doing, you're really starting to get to him. he laid down back and cover his head with the blanket "close the curtain and get out." he ordered.
you did what he told you, despite his tone, nothing can change your mood now, before you can set your foot outside the room taron speaks again "and come tomorrow by the evening to complete the preparation for the ceremony.", your face lit up "gladly!" you say a bit loud.
"she is adorable." taron thought as you made your way out
you were heading to your mother to tell her that you've finally made the heir prince do what he has to.
the next morning you were too excited to prepare for the ceremony with taron that no one could change your happy mood not even the shitty talk around and about you.
you were heading to taron's room holding breakfast for him when suddenly a maid stopped you, she looks old.
"is that for his royal highness?" she asks firmly.
you nod "it is."
"get it back to the kitchen, no one can trust what you have put in it." she demanded like she's your boss.
"what? are you implying that i poisoned it?" you start to get angry, that's starting to get too much.
"you are not trustworthy, i do not know why the curt kept you untill now."
"that just prove that they see me more trusting than anyone here, even than the old ones!" you raised your voice a bit.
"you already tried to get rid of his royal highness once."
"that-! i did not-..." your voice trail on the end, what will you say? no one will believe you.
"now take it back to the kitchen if you may." she said coldly
you lower your head and went back to the kitchen putting the breakfast on the table frustrating, you've had enough of all of this, should you tell taron about that? maybe he'll help you...
other maids has cooked a new break and escort you to taron's room so they'll make sure your wouldn't "put something in it".
taron noticed your fallen face when you put his breakfast, you usually have a smile on your face whenever you're around him, you start rambling around in the room, getting outfits ready or organizing things in the room, taron couldn't help glancing in your direction ever so often, you just seemed...off?.
"what got into you? why do you even care? focus taron! " taron thought with himself,his eyes darting to you again "....there is no wrong in asking though, i have the right to do."
with that he grabbed your wrist when you walked closer to his reach "what is with you?" he sounded angry rather than concerning "i did not want it to sound like that! "
you hesitated to tell him about what happened earlier "no it is noth-" you cut yourself off, why would you cover their act up? if the crown prince himself is asking what is wrong, you should take this to your advantage "...your highness...the servants and the maids are treating me badly, they call me...names, and earlier before i bring the breakfast to you, one of the old maid stopped me and she forced me to go throw the food that i made.." you explained.
taron didn't say a thing but you could feel his grip on your wrist tighten, a second later taron was dragging you along with him heading to the hall, he stopped by your father, the head butler and told him to announce that he want every single servant and maid to come to the main hall, your father looked at you worriedly, you shrugged mouthing "i don not know" he seems to relax a bit when he sees that you're not scared or seem in trouble, your father bow in respect and went to do what taron told him.
taron dragged you to the main hall, where the throne was he climbed near it, and tugged on you to get up there with him, but you refused you couldn't just go near the throne could you?
"your highness, i do not think this is a proper thing to do!"
"you are going to teach me what is proper and what is not?" he says a bit mockingly.
"no..that is not what i meant.." you mutter.
taron sigh and roll his eyes before he pulls you over to him, you stumble into him and he wrap his hand around your shoulders, you tried to get away a little bit but taron squeezed your shoulder when he felt you slip, for a moment he only star at you before he exhale sharply and say something under his breath that you couldn't quite catch then he let go of you and sit on his throne.
before you can ask anything the room start to be filled with the servants, you catch your mother eyes looking at you worriedly, you smile at her in reassure.
taron clear his throat to get everyone's attention.
"..I have heard...there is someone who have been harassing my maid." he pauseed for a second, "do you all have a problem with her?" he suddenly took your hand and put it near his lips as he looked at you "Because from my side, I don't mind if she is the one who wants to kill me." you were so in shock to respond or do anything, taron then looked at the crowd without letting your hand "do you have something to say?" when no one said anything taron continue "If I hear that anyone bothered her again, they will meet the blade of my sword....everyone may leave now but the maids that on the kitchen."
the crowd start to leave,leaving the ones who work in the kitchen and the woman tha- "tell me who bothered you earlier." taron demanded
"...your highness it is not necessary anymore-" "did i stutter? tell me who is she."
you pointed hesitantly at the woman and she looked at you with wide eyes filled with fear, the next thing you knew, taron made her apologize on her knees in front of you.
what have you got yourself into?
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have a nice day/night♡
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sitp-recs · 2 months
hello!! i love your recs so so much, and i finally have something to ask. what about fics where harry is very good at something beyond just having powerful magic (love that trope tho) like commanding a classroom, solving a complicated puzzle, or idk even whittling. and draco notices and likes it? like competence kink. thank you!!
Oh I love this ask! Such a great concept, and not something I see often (competent Auror Harry is pretty popular though!). I’m sure I’m forgetting a bunch of fics and might add more later, but these are all great:
In Which Harry is Magnetic North and Draco Is An Idiot by bryoneybrynn (T, 13k)
For as long as he can remember, Draco’s been bringing fake dates to his family’s annual Yuletide celebration in order to evade his mother’s matchmaking. This year, Potter’s posing as his pretend boyfriend. But as the party gets underway, it gets unclear who’s playing who, who’s pretending what, who’s not pretending at all, and what the game really is. Confused? Yeah, so is Draco…
Unfinished Business by cupiscent (E, 20k)
Ten years after the War ends, Harry and Draco still haven't got their act together. But maybe it's not too late.
This is Never Happening Again by hpleems (M, 32k)
“Potter,” Malfoy said, shaking his head. “Do I look like I care about your holiday plans? Trust me: this is *never* happening again.”
Meet Me at Midnight by thestarryknight (T, 57k)
Harry was beginning to wonder if he’d ever make anything again when Malfoy stormed through the door of Harry’s furniture shop. Now Harry’s got an impossible Ministry commission to finish, and even less energy than ever to deal with his elusive muse. That is, until he stumbles upon the surreal and beautiful world of a mysterious fae creature…
A Room Up There (And You In It) by thestarryknight (T, 59k)
When Preservationist Draco Malfoy was assigned to work on Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, he was excited to delve into the gorgeous Black family antiques. His excitement quickly ended when something in the House decided it did not like his presence one bit. Featuring a grumpy antiques lover who most certainly did not sign up for this, encounters with a vengeful apparition, and a healthy application of Christmas spirit.
Among Ancient Pines by Theartfulldodger (M, 74k)
Every day, Draco Malfoy tries. With every fiber of his being he tries. But he doesn’t much think about what he’s trying for. In his final term of Healer training, Draco is unfortunate enough to find himself on a plane, the only means of traveling to a small, magical town in rural Alaska. Years of hard work have culminated in an opportunity to work with an experimental wandmaker to study the intersection of Healing and wand theory.
Azoth by zeitgeistic (E, 88k)
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care.
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) by nerakrose, dustmouth (T, 96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
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areacodefan · 1 month
Tomorrow marks the anniversary of the day my young daughter was killed by a driver under the influence of drugs. She was 8. She was exquisite.
The day she was killed began a living nightmare — and it was the second worst day of my life. The worst day of my life was actually three days later when the coroner released her body and we viewed it at the funeral home. I’ve never seen anything so horrific. The only reason I knew it was her was because I recognized her foot.
If you have children, the next time you grit your teeth at the hundredth retelling of a stupid show they watch or you just want to fall in bed rather than folding another pile of laundry or you can’t remember the last time you had any time for yourself… give thanks.
Please for the sake of me and my daughter. I’m not saying to shame yourself for these very natural moments of exhaustion or impatience. But just add a little pause and some context that these draining, straining bits are actually the stuff of miracles. Because I would give anything to fold her socks. Or buy her a new backpack for school. Or try to think up some benign chore for her to do while I make dinner so she can be a helper.
I miss her body. I miss her laugh. I miss her clever brain. I miss the soft sound of her sleeping. I miss her screaming for her daddy at the top of her lungs because she’s excited about a bug she found. I miss her smell. I miss the feeling of her hand in mine. I miss playing games with her. I miss reading to her. I miss watching her when she doesn’t know it. I miss buying her favorite juice pouches and putting them in the bottom drawer of the fridge so she could get them herself like a big girl.
And before you tell me she’s with me every day… I already know that. I live it. It’s my reality. Nothing will ever separate us, not even death.
But grief is about how much I miss experiencing LIFE WITH HER. She was taken from me so soon. She was robbed of her time, her life, her experience. Just because she has transcended the material plane and fulfilled her destiny does not make that any less painful for me, her mother.
My heart was blown into a million pieces 21 years ago. Something has grown into its place. Another heart, a different heart. I didn’t think that would ever happen but it has. I am grateful even while I grieve and feel so much pain.
My girl, my girl, my girl. I love you. Thank you for being in my life, for being my soul mate. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
What are your thoughts on the rumours that Meghan has been banned from entering the UK?
She isn't banned from entering the UK. If she was, then she wouldn't have been allowed into Heathrow airport to meet up with Harry and fly to Nigeria with him. If it was a private flight, she wouldn't have been allowed off the plane once it landed. If it was a commercial flight, she wouldn't have been allowed to board because her passport would have been flagged at LAX.
Most likely, there are restrictions in place concerning her access or proximity to the royal family, since she didn't do the coronation and that's something we know she really wanted to go to given all the PR she did around it. (I don't buy the gossip that WME told her not to go and she listened. Meghan doesn't listen to anything that isn't her own voice. She probably streams her Archetypes podcast 24/7.)
But there's definitely something stopping her from being in London since she didn't go to the Invictus anniversary service, after doing all the other Invictus travel with Harry. Is it the royals' doing? I don't know.
Gossip from reddit (remember all info is gossip until there are published, public receipts) is that Meghan is barred from royal property and cannot be within a certain proximity to Charles, Camilla, and the Waleses because the RPOs have designated her a "fixated person," meaning there are legitimate concerns for the principal royals' safety after the long lens pap photo from the night Her Late Majesty returned for a final rest at Buckingham Palace and after touching Kate at the funeral. (On the latter, Kate's status as Princess of Wales means no physical contact unless she initiates it.) YMMV.
Time will tell what's going on.
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alanshemper · 7 months
11 Mar 2024
John Barnett had worked for Boeing for 32 years, until his retirement in 2017.
In the days before his death, he had been giving evidence in a whistleblower lawsuit against the company.
Boeing said it was saddened to hear of Mr Barnett's passing. The Charleston County coroner confirmed his death to the BBC on Monday.
It said the 62-year-old had died from a "self-inflicted" wound on 9 March and police were investigating.
Mr Barnett had worked for the US plane giant for 32 years, until his retirement in 2017 on health grounds.
From 2010, he worked as a quality manager at the North Charleston plant making the 787 Dreamliner, a state-of-the-art airliner used mainly on long-haul routes.
[just a totally normal suicide of someone providing evidence against Boeing, nothing to look into here]
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thegrimalldis · 5 months
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Maximilian: The Wedding - Part Three
𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠| 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬| 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 |
Transcript under the cut
[Xavier]: You look like you can use this more than me.
[Eleanor]: I think I made a mistake.
[Xavier]: Honestly, you're not the first royal bride to say that.
[Eleanor]: What have I married into?
[Xavier]: A circus. A very extravagant circus.
[Maximilian]: Were you ever going to tell me?
[Luna]: Tell you what, Your Highness?
[Maximilian]: Don't Luna. Don't do that. Is it...is it mine?
[Luna]: No, Alexander is the father.
[Maximilian]: You're lying.
[Luna]: You don't know that.
[Maximilian]: I know you. You can't lie to me.
[Luna]: What good would the truth be anyway? We both made our choices and we didn't choose each other.
[Maximilian]: I have a right to know! You shouldn't have kept this from me. My own child!
[Luna]: What would you have done? Huh? Call off the wedding? Announce to the entire world that we had an affair and the baby is yours?
[Luna]: That would scandalize not just your family but mine and the Stenhams.
[Maximilian]: I...
[Luna]: Nothing would have changed for us, Max. You know in your heart that's true. We are just their puppets.
[Luna]: No one can ever know. It's for the best.
[Maximilian]: For them?
[Luna]: For your son.
[Maximilian]: I wish...you would have gotten on that plane.
[Luna]: I told you, no one in the Lapré family ever marries for love.
[Maximilian]: What happens now?
[Luna]: Nothing.
[Stacy]: Your Majesty, it seems we are missing both the Crown Prince and Princess.
[Morana]: Which Princess?
[Stacy]: The bride, Ma'am.
[Morana]: Yes, the bride. Proceed with the fireworks. That will distract our guests.
[Maximilian]: We are missing the fireworks.
[Eleanor]: I don't care.
[Maximilian]: What's wrong, Eleanor?
[Eleanor]: Today was supposed to be the happiest day of our lives and yet...you barely smiled once.
[Eleanor]: All those times you left for Melide...you were visiting the Duchess of Valencia. Weren't you?
[Maximilian]: Where did you get that from?
[Eleanor]: Just answer the question, Max. Please.
[Maximilian]: I swear to you, it's over.
[Eleanor]: I'm such a fool.
[Maximilian]: Please, I want this to work between us. I...I need this to work.
[Eleanor]: All of it was a lie. Every moment between us.
[Maximilian]: No, I care for you so much. You have to believe me.
[Maximilian]: I never wanted to hurt you.
[Eleanor]: Is the baby yours?
[Eleanor]: I think I'm going to be sick.
[Maximilian]: I'm so sorry.
[Eleanor]: Do you...do you even love me?
[Maximilian]: Please, don't ask me that.
[Eleanor]: I hate you!
[Eleanor]: I hate you!
[Morana]: They told me you are planning to delay your coronation.
[Helena]: I am. At least until we handle this...situation with Lord Montgomery.
[Morana]: You are your grandfather's heir.
[Morana]: With your father's indiscretions coming to light, it's best that we push the coronation sooner. The people need a distraction.
[Helena]: Did you know about the affair?
[Morana]: Of course not. Your mother came to me shortly after the wedding.
[Helena]: And what did you tell her?
[Morana]: I told her, as one day you will have to tell someone you love...
[Morana]: Divorce in this family can never be an option.
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jamneuromain · 9 months
Wild Child Chapter. 5
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Series Summary:
As the granddaughter of the sole Duke in your country, you know that you were going to marry some douche prince, because it is the only way to solidify the grasp the future king has on the Upper House. On the flight home, you come up with a brilliant plan to defy your upcoming matrimony.
Bringing a random man to your grandfather's place, and say you have a boyfriend already.
"Is there anything else I should know about? Before I meet your family?" Ari cocks his head to the side, watching you adjusting your cerulean Valentino dress when you wave your hand dismissively.
"Just say we're in love and help me get out of marrying this D-bag."
Ari Levinson x You
#i didn't know he is my fiance-douchebag-prince
#when i did, it was too late
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It was not the first time that he met you, while on the plane. Ari jogged his memory by going through the photobooks (back when printed photos and digital cameras were a thing, Christ, he sounded like someone from the 70s). He stared at a small photo which had you and him on it. It was the only photo of the two of you, at the start of the royal ball, where he was ordered by his family to act like a prince and agree to all photos taken for him.
Ari flipped to the next page, where people gathered at the end of the ball to take a picture together. He saw your father right next to his father, both smiling as fake as possible. But he couldn’t find you in this picture.
Where had you been?
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That ball happened a decade ago, when you had just reached your teen years and he was ending them. Looking back at his early twenties, He wrote essays about the burden of the king, and why people should vote for a functioning government rather than rooting for the royal family. Ari knew that he despised the monarchy back then, even though he was a prince.
Naturally, he was just as obnoxious regarding the planned marriage. Attending his coronation and the celebration ball with reluctance, he tried his best to maintain a stoic expression when his parents – the King and Queen – nudged him to smile and wave.
“I need a breather.” He grumbled as soon as the guests started dancing, ducked from his mother’s hand and slipped out from behind the curtains, turning a blind eye to his mother’s warning glare, stepping into the royal garden.
He hated the fucking crown. He hated the photo shoot before the ball that made him look like a monkey up for display. He hated the first dance with his mother which made him feel like he was a 6-year-old boy. He hated his fiancé who was allegedly six years younger than him, which means when he was starting his sophomore year at the University of Ancetol, she had just finished her 8th grade.
How on earth could he marry a fucking child?
He mumbled these questions to himself, but they travelled in his head and returned with no answer as he ventured further into the royal garden, surrounded by bushes and trees, in the middle of a small track.
“I know. It’s unimaginable.” Spoke a voice from his left softly, “You’re Ari, right? I’ve heard about the plan to arrange a marriage between you and the Y/L/Ns.”
Ari turned his head in your direction. He vaguely remembered you had taken photos together, meaning you were either a daughter of the ministers and ambassadors, or one of the young kids from the noble family.
Ari hummed, neither confirming nor denying what you said.
You didn’t look rejected by his indifferent gesture, merely opening the little purse in your hand and extending it to him, “Want some mini-burgers? I snuck them from the tables just now.”
Ari led you to a stone bench in the corner, facing the roses and tulip bushes, where you shared the slightly squished mini-burgers in your purse in silence. Faint music of the ball could be heard, but people were too busy to mingle, he guessed, that no one bothered to enjoy the clear moonlight and the beauty of the Royal Garden.
You patted the crumbs from your sparkling dress and stretched your arms and legs, untangling the buckle from your high heels before landing on the pebbled ground with your bare feet.
A few simple movements made Ari close to smiling. Glad to know he was not the only one who found the royal rules a huge pain in the ass – or in your case, feet. You looked like a kid, really, no younger than ten but definitely not as mature as a 20-year-old. Maybe somewhere around 13?
“Your parents set you up with someone else too?” He asked.
“Yeah.” You sighed, “My father said it’s all for the best, but…”
“He’s full of bullshit.” You swatted the invisible dust from the hem of your pink fluffy dress, “And I don’t believe him.”
Perhaps it was the food that you shared, having Ari feel like he was some kind of big brother, somewhat obligated to help, to resonate with your worry, “It’s probably wrong for me to say this, but have you thought about running away?”
You scoffed, eyeing him with a strange expression on your face, “I have no money, no skill to support me, and no connections that I can use and get away with. I’m 15, you can’t be serious about trying to persuade a teen to run away from her home.”
Damn, he sounded like a creepy kidnapper.
“Have you ever thought about running away?” You asked.
“All the time.” Ari let out a dry chuckle, “Can’t, though.”
“Let me guess, your skill set is too custom-made for being a Prince?” You cocked your head to your side, lifting the corner of your lips.
“Something like that, yeah.” Ari spared a glance in your direction. He didn’t notice that he was smiling too, which was … weird.
It felt odd, to have his spirits lifted so easily. Like you were meant to be close.
Ari felt like you were meant to be family. Brother and sister.
He’d love to have a sister like you.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure.” You flipped your carefully styled hair to the back, looking into his clear blue eyes under the moonlight, “Go ahead.”
“Do you know Y/N Y/L/N?”
His face burned for a moment. Deep down, he knew he should have met his fiancé and not probing answers from someone he had just met for fifteen minutes. But he’d rather have a fresh pair of eyes who could provide something more than the standard answer, “a proper lady”.
“Yes.” You lowered your head, so that he couldn’t see your widening eyes, filled with panic. If your thoughts could make noises, it’d be blasting sirens all over the Royal Palace by now.
“What��s she like?” His question grew more hastened. It was rumoured that his fiancé spent most of her childhood on the outskirts of Ancetol, and had recently moved back to the family house downtown. He missed the first few balls and banquets in which she took part, resulting in never meeting his future wife in the 20 living years of his life, and he was frightened over the possibility that his fiancé was indeed a “proper lady”, which scared him more than if his fiancé has eight legs like a spider (Don’t laugh, he once had a terrible nightmare about his spider-fiancé when he was 15).
“Do you want the truth or a lie?”
Your question caught him off guard. Noticing that you were not looking at him, Ari furrowed his eyebrows and answered, “Truth, please.”
Hope Mr. Prince will like the truth then, “She’s … stubborn. A thick-head, if you will.”
“Sounds like you don’t like her.” Joked Ari.
“I don’t. And she’s not a Princess material.” The first two words sounded heavy in your mouth, which was why you lowered your voice and continued the vile comments you plastered all over your image – your image as his future wife.
“What, you are?” Ari threw the question back to you.
“No.” You sighed softly, your nails fumbling with the diamond necklace around the base of your throat.
“Then what are you?”
Call Ari intrigued, but he did want to know you better. At least he wanted to know you better than his future wife. Hell, maybe he would ask you for your company at later events such as royal dinners and celebrations.
Considering that he still had zero clue as to who you were, you answered with sincerity, dropping a slice of sarcasm here and there, “A rebel, a black sheep, a wild child.”
“Wild?” Asked Ari in a tone of disbelief.
“My parents want me to study Art History – Hey, don’t get me wrong,” You raised your hands, a gesture of peace-making, when you heard him snorting out a laugh, “I love art and painting and stuff, but I love debating more. I want to be one of those sharp-minded broadcasters in the future, or reporters, taking down bad guys.”
The faint music of On the Beautiful Blue Danube reached Ari’s ears. As reluctant as he was, reacting to this music, knowing that it signalled the ball coming to an end after the next song, he must put this lovely conversation to a halt.
“I’m afraid that’s my cue.” He grimaced at the waltz piece, standing up from the stone bench. His legs were slightly numb from sitting still in the same position for too long, but he didn’t mind. The little fragment of time where he could let go of the prince’s duty was precious and worthwhile. Sadly, he had to pick the duty up again. “Would you like a dance?” His eyes lit up, and he extended a hand to you. It would be a brilliant defiance to his father and mother, dancing with someone who was not his fiancé.
“Maybe next time.” You shook his hand as if turning a blind eye to the gesture of starting a waltz, “Nice to meet you.” You lifted the hem of your dress and made a curtesy, “Your Royal Highness.”
After that, you turned your back towards him, put on your heels, and disappeared into the trees and bushes of the Royal Garden.
He hadn’t seen you since.
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Ari knew now that while he was studying at the University of Ancetol, you had applied for your undergraduate programme abroad. After that, he was dispatched to the Army to serve the country and also learn about the skills to command soldiers during battle.
By then, you had started your graduate programme at UCLA.
He seemed to have missed every event you attended, and vice versa.
Until now.
Putting the photobook back into place, Ari strode to the full-length mirror in the closet room, checking the two suits he had in mind to wear for today. Your text had sprung on Ari last night, informing him that your father has requested to see him, catching Ari completely off guard.
The business casual navy blue one, or the formal black one.
He did not want to intimidate your father, though that was what he preferred, knowing that your father treated you terribly because of this engagement. And the sudden “meeting” your father demanded was, without question, not your idea, or you would have warned him.
Or was that your purpose all along?
Maybe your father, after Ari called, thought you were joking about the new boyfriend? Maybe your father did not buy your carefully woven lie after all?
Ari threw these doubts to the back of his head, and finally decided upon the business casual one.
By the side of the large mirror stood a small table with a few things on it. His family ring - the golden crest with a lion, spear, and shield, a bottle of cologne he preferred, a folder with almost all of your information since birth (it might sound creepy, but you gave it to him), and last but not least, the to-be presents he had for you.
A small bouquet of roses, or a sapphire necklace.
The problem was, that he could not hold both gifts at the same time, while he was hoping that he would deliver his gift as a surprise.
A blonde emerged by the door to this closet space, clearing her throat, indicating her arrival.
"Do you think she'd appreciate the flowers more? Or this sapphire necklace?"
Ari consulted Rachel, his head security, who was standing by the door with her hand crossed. She could easily be mistaken as a statue if it weren't for her breathing.
"I think she would appreciate whatever you prepared for her, Your Highness."
"Less official answer, please." Ari shot her a pointed look.
Rachel sighed deeply.
Ballenia was going to be ruined by this hopelessly romantic and that cluster-fuck of a noble family.
"Based on the intel - the more sparkly one." Rachel pointed towards the velvet box on the table.
Despite the fact that you were raised away from your father and grandfather, you never lacked any material upbringing. You went to the best schools, the best universities, and had some of the best teachers the royal family could find for your education as a future Princess. Whenever you went out shopping for some gala, banquet, or ball, the jewellery store would be the first stop to visit – you liked sparkly gems and stones indeed.
And this necklace that he chose, with a dewdrop-shaped sapphire pendant and a ring of diamonds surrounding it, would look marvelous to go with your dress.
Still, he could not shake the feeling that you would appreciate the roses as well.
The roses seemed cheap and cliché, while the necklace seemed sparkly and expensive.
He should have gone with the necklace, right?
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To guarantee his safety, Rachel had two other cars escorting His Royal Highness’s vehicle while she flew a helicopter over his head. Due to Ari’s protest, she did not come along as she was supposed to – in case you recognized this dutiful Royal guard, and as a result, him, Ari argued – but chose her dutiful second-in-command, a man named Ethan to be Ari’s temporal bodyguard slash driver.
Ethan was just as quiet as Rachel on the way to your home.
It was an ancestral building since the 1800s and took quite a few renovations to be as modern as it could. However, your family was on the verge of losing the house around the 1950s, until your grandfather made a deal with Ari’s grandfather, helping him to stabilize the Upper House, and in return, asked for a marriage for one of his children.
You were waiting by the fountain in front of the house when Ari stepped out of his car, wearing a blue dress tailored to your shape.
“Morning.” You welcomed him with a warm hug, whispering, “Have to keep up the pretences. My father is probably watching by the window right now.”
“Morning.” His hand landed on your back with a soft pat, chuckling, “What do we have today, Miss. Girlfriend?”
You took a step back, quickly shoving a velvet box into his pocket, “The usual. Family drama, that sort of thing.” You eyed his bulging pocket as subtly as possible, “A watch. Give it to me after we meet my father. Shall we?” You gestured towards the house.
“One second.” Ari returned to his car, fishing the rose bouquet and the necklace from the backseat, and presented you the necklace first, “A gift.”
Ari popped open the larger velvet box with care, dazzling you with the necklace.
You blinked, stunned at first but quickly shook your head, refusing the gift, “You really don’t have to. We agreed that-”
“But I want to.”
The answer slipped out way faster than his brain could process, Ari added hastily, “I know what we agreed upon, it’s just that…”
After spending years learning how a diplomat and a proper prince would talk, Ari, for the first time in his life, was speechless, in front of someone he barely knew.
He wanted to give her something that could belong to her, not that the watch she prepared couldn’t, yet there was a minor difference that he perceived. The necklace was something he could have a say, something that looked good on you, he was certain, but different, from the watch.
He wanted you to have it, no matter if the marriage works out or not, even though this piece of jewellery could be interpreted by you – supposedly his real identity was unmasked – as bribery.
… a faint proclamation that he cared. He cared about you.
Thousands of thoughts ran through his head, but Ari simply said, “Considering what you offered, I’ve been taking your advantage.”
You raised your eyebrows, dragging your tone lazily, “So this is your getting even?”
“This is my thank you.” He murmured, making up his mind to shove this stupid necklace into your bag if given the chance. Or throw it in the darkest corner of the Palace. Whichever comes first.
Not intending on dwelling for long, he pulled the bouquet of roses out of thin air, twitching the corner of his lips.
“And the other thank you.”
You gasped in surprise, the twinkle in your eyes was visible like the sun in the sky, shining brightly.
You hugged the roses into your arms, dipping your chin to feel the soft pedals caressing your skin, blooming a large smile on your face.
“I like it.” You watched as he reciprocated your smile, your voice faint as the teary glint in your eyes, “I like it a lot.”
A sharp inhale and the water in your eyes evaporated. You held the roses in your arm, and made sure every hair on top of your head stayed in place, trying to present the best in you before your father.
"Is there anything else I should know about? Before I meet your family?" Ari cocked his head to the side, watching you adjusting your cerulean Valentino dress when you waved your hand dismissively.
"Just say we're in love and help me get out of marrying this D-bag."
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“Where have you been?” Queen Olivia, his mother, hissed in his ear, “You got me worried sick – Hello, thank you for coming. It is a great pleasure to have you here.” Forcing her face to form an impeccable smile as another guest approached and bid her and King Victor good night.
“A stroll in the garden. I came back, didn’t I?” Young Ari challenged her nerves when the Queen clenched her fists, “Anyway, I met -”
Fuck, he forgot your name. He forgot to ask. Well, he’d ask when you come up in front, to bid the King and Queen good night.
A servant whispered by the queen’s side. His mother glared daggers at him, announcing with a tone sharper than usual, “… Prince Ari’s suit has been stained; therefore, he went to another room in the palace to clean up just now.”
Behind one of the pillars of the ballroom, masked by the loud waltz, where the Royal family could neither see nor hear, your father slapped you hard across the face, “Filthy little liar. You heard that? The prince was changing his outfit just now. God knows what pig you have been flinging yourself to. Fucking imbecile, I gave you one simple task…”
He ordered one of the servants to bring you to his limo, for you had nearly disgraced and embarrassed him, while he straightened his tie and went greeting the Royal family.
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Taglist (also tagging those who might be interested: @irishhappiness @patzammit @identity2212 @lokislady82 @petalj @thezombieprostitute @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @magnificentsaladllama @xx-rennyxx @cringeycookies @autumnrose40 @hawkeyes-queen @vonalyn @theliheat @boo8008 @mrsevans90 @bradfordmyworld @delldenaro @molisighs @otpcutie
Find the Wild Child Masterlist here 👈
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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“The great god whose name is unknown’, ‘he, whose name is hidden’, ‘one whose true form could never be known’, ‘He, who hides his name and conceals his image, whose form was not known at the beginning’, and ‘Secret was your body among the elders, and you keep yourself hidden as Amun, at the head of the gods”. (Leiden Papyrus)
Amun ‘The Hidden One’ Talon Abraxas
Amun, the Egyptian “King of the Gods” was the Aurora
As proposed in my books and throughout my web, planetary chaos saw the plane of the ecliptic besieged with countless tons of dust, gasses and debris – this a natural consequence of any given comic catastrophe. From the perspective of earth, the ecliptic dust hazed the Sun red exactly as depicted on almost every tomb and temple wall the length and breadth of the Nile valley. A diminished red sun also allowed the Egyptian’s the luxury of wearing nothing more than a loincloth throughout the year, again exactly as portrayed (see Red Sun).
Throughout the Pharaonic period (3,000 years) tons of debris fell into the Sun’s atmosphere resulting in Coronal Mass Ejections, solar flares and prominences on a scale we would find difficult to comprehend. Courtesy of a red Sun this ‘lashing out’ was clearly observed and duly represented by the cobra which spat fire against Egypt’s foes. This being the very reason why the Egyptian Sun was many times depicted with a snake draped over it.
This ‘feeding frenzy’ dramatically increased the solar wind and gave rise to intense geomagnetic storms and global auroras unlike anything experienced in modern times. They were not restricted to the Polar Regions; they were a truly global phenomenon, observed at all latitudes especially during the night and at times, even during the day. The hazed red Sun, once again, granting visibility to the otherwise invisible.
These magical dancing neon lights were personified in the great Egyptian god Amun.
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charmandabear · 5 months
17 Shadowheart x Karlach
From @astarionfreak 's smut ask game ~ other entries
17. "I'm not wearing any underwear."
Perhaps a preview of what's to come for the Office Hours side chapter? 👀👀👀 (Notably, this isn't actually the Office Hours universe, despite being a modern au lol)
Shadowheart's dress is based on this art by @metal-junk, and Karlach's is from my own sick twisted imagination. If anyone wants to make art of her outfit, though, I won't complain 😍
Karlach checks her reflection in the mirror. Not too bad, honestly. The sleek high waisted trousers highlight the musculature of her abs, and the open cropped blazer shows off her glowing heart. She's come to appreciate this thing, once a death sentence, but ever since Dammon found the right parts to allow her to exist in the material plane, it's become a symbol of her survival. Plus, it makes her look cool as fuck.
She has some concerns about the jacket flapping open and flashing her boobs to everyone, but Shadowheart insists that the dress tape will keep it firmly in place, even through the natural heat of Karlach's skin.
"Love, are you almost ready to go?" Shadowheart calls from the bathroom. Karlach gives her hair one last adjustment before calling back, "Yup, ready when you are."
Shadowheart emerges from the bathroom and Karlach's heart nearly stops. Her long silver hair is out of its usual braid and flows down her back like a waterfall. Her dress is a stunning black silk that hangs over her curves perfectly. The bodice has straps that frame her breasts and meet up at a collar around her pretty porcelain neck. Delicate silver chains drape across her front and sides, and the ones around her hips gather at two waist-high slits, showing off her thick thighs. Karlach's mouth starts to water, and she can feel the arousal dampening the gusset of her underwear.
"Holy shit." Karlach can't find it in her to be any more eloquent than that. Shadowheart laughs, a light sound like bells, and grabs her clutch and her wrap from the dining room table.
"You look amazing too, sweetheart." She crosses to Karlach and stands on her toes to give her a kiss. Karlach, unsatisfied with a dry little peck, grabs hold of Shadowheart and immediately deepens the kiss, her tongue seeking entry between her lover's lips. Karlach slips her hand underneath that tantilizing slit and up around to her ass, delightfully surprised to find it completely bare. She breaks the kiss, panting, and stares at Shadowheart's cheeky grin.
"Oh, didn't I mention? I'm not wearing any underwear," she says in a husky voice, and Karlach's pussy clenches in a pavlovian response.
"Wha- I- and you tell me this now? Right before we need to leave?" Karlach splutters as Shadowheart giggles devilishly in response. "You expect me to sit through the entire coronation knowing that there's only a thin layer of silk between me and the promise land?"
"Think of it as your treat for doing something nice if murderously boring for a friend," she grins. Then she grabs Karlach's hand and drags her toward the door of their shared apartment. "Now come on, Lae'zel just texted me, they're all downstairs in the limo waiting for us."
Everyone, of course, looks absolutely stunning. Astarion and Tav look like gods damned super models in matching brocades, whereas Gale is wearing an understated but elegant deep violet suit. Lae'zel looks extremely uncomfortable in her silver blazer and leather body suit, the straps of her bra poking out beneath the lapel.
But Karlach only has eyes for Shadowheart. She chats amicably with everyone, and every time she laughs the silvery chain catches the light, bringing Karlach's attention directly back to her stunning cleavage. Karlach hides behind her champagne glass, worried that if she opens her mouth to say something, it'll be to tell the driver to pull over so she can immediately eat Shadowheart out on the side of the road.
But she manages to maintain her composure, even all the way through Wyll's coronation, despite the growing ache between her thighs every time Shadowheart uncrossed and recrossed her legs. When they finally make it to dinner, and after Wyll has made his appearance by their table to receive his obligatory congratulations, only then does Karlach dare to slip a hand onto Shadowheart's thigh beneath the table. She hears the other woman's breath catch in her throat, and the look Shadowheart flashes her is smoldering.
"Pardon, everyone, I need to use the restroom. Shadowheart, will you accompany me?" Karlach finally says in a stiff voice. Lae'zel makes a disapproving grunt.
"I do not understand your custom of women using the bathroom in flocks. Must I attend as well?" she glowers, and Astarion lets out one of his high-pitched giggles.
"Lae'zel, I don't believe they require your assistance for this one," he says, flashing a salacious smile at Tav who flushes a violent purple. Karlach doesn't even register Lae'zel's response because she and Shadowheart are already out of earshot of the group, making a beeline for the closest bathroom.
They barely manage to close the door to the single stall bathroom before Shadowheart has Karlach pressed up against the door, ravaging her face with kisses. She slips her hand beneath the hem of the blazer and runs it across the planes of bumps and scars along Karlach's ribcage.
Between breathless kisses, Shadowheart laughs, "They all know exactly what we're doing in here." Karlach runs her fingers through Shadowheart's silvery locks and gives them a firm tug right at the scalp, causing Shadowheart to quietly moan with pleasure.
"Frankly, I don't give a fuck. They all see what you look like, I don't think any of them will blame me," Karlach murmurs against Shadowheart's lips, punctuating her statement with a nip to her lower lip.
"Well, they're not blind, they can see you too," Shadowheart pants, moving her lips down Karlach's neck and to her clavicle. "I could not stop staring at your tits, love, they look amazing." She wrestles with the lapel of the blazer momentarily, before finally ripping the tape off and eliciting a strangled groan of both pain and pleasure from Karlach. Shadowheart immediately soothes the tender skin with her tongue. She cups one breast in her hand while she takes the other into her mouth, swirling her tongue around Karlach's nipple. Karlach drops her head back against the door, trying to keep her whimpering moans under control.
Shadowheart slides her hand down Karlach's abs and quickly unbuckles her belt, unzipping her pants just enough to slip her hand beneath Karlach's lace panties. She lets two fingers slide between her folds, and she chuckles when they immediately get covered in slick.
"Oh my, someone's been thinking about this," she coos, giving Karlach's nipple one last flick with her tongue before snaking up to her neck, nuzzling in the heat radiating off of her skin.
"Are you fucking with me? I'm pretty sure that coronation lasted six hours and I spent the entire time thinking about my head between your legs- ah-" Karlach grunts as Shadowheart slips her fingers into her cunt, curling them upwards slightly. Her knees buckle as she presses herself harder against the door, her hips bucking into her lover's hand. Shadowheart straddles Karlach's thigh, grinding against her while slowly pumping her fingers in and out.
"Gods, Karlach," she moans breathlessly, speeding her fingers up as her own need grows. Karlach hisses and roughly grabs Shadowheart's hair, pulling her face closer so that their lips are less than an inch apart.
"Fuck, kiss me while you make me come," Karlach pleads, and Shadowheart eagerly complies. She moves her lips against Karlach's, thrusting her fingers into her in time with her hips. Karlach loses her faculties as Shadowheart brings her closer to climax, clinging onto her long hair for stability more than as a tool of control. She wraps her tail around Shadowheart's calf to ground herself even more, worried that if she doesn't, she'll simply collapse. The two pound against the door rhythmically, certainly making a racket in the hallway outside but neither of them can be pressed to care. All that matters is bringing Karlach to orgasm, and when she can feel Shadowheart's arousal seep through her pants and dampen her thigh, she comes with an explosive wave of pleasure that reverberates through them both. Shadowheart continues to ravage Karlach's lips as she rides through the aftershocks of her climax, steadying Karlach's rutting hips with her hand.
Shadowheart breaks the kiss, breathing heavily. She doesn't have much time to recover, because within seconds Karlach has her spun around with her back to the door.
"Oh no, you don't get to give me a mind blowing orgasm and think I'm not going to return the favor," she hisses, pinning Shadowheart's wrists together above her head. She becomes putty in Karlach's hands, letting her lover mould her into any shape she wants. Karlach quickly drops to her knees, eagerly pushing aside the panel skirt separating her from Shadowheart's dripping cunt. She laps her tongue along her slit, relishing in the debaucherous sound that escapes Shadowheart's mouth.
"Oh you might want to hold on, Fringe," Karlach smirks devilishly. "Maybe grab hold with one hand and cover your mouth with the other, else we'll give anyone walking by outside a free x-rated show." The tip of her tail skates up the inside of Shadowheart's thigh, and Shadowheart catches the loud moan with her hand just before it tumbles out of her. Taking Karlach's advice, she grabs hold of the tiefling's one good horn and braces herself against the door as Karlach's tongue pushes its way past her folds. Karlach slips her hand under Shadowheart's thigh and drapes it over her right shoulder. Her tail teases her entrance while Karlach closes her lips around Shadowheart's swollen clit, sucking lightly. Shadowheart digs her nails into her cheek, trying to keep her noises under control, but she's finding it harder and harder as Karlach slides her tail into her cunt, the cartilage point dragging against her walls deliciously.
Karlach presses her long claws into the supple flesh of Shadowheart's ass, leaving evenly spaced pink puncture marks. Shadowheart cants her hips wildly, overwhelmed by the sensation of being fucked slowly by Karlach's tail and her skilled mouth moving around her clit. She bites down on the skin of her palm to try to keep quiet, but the shrieks tear through her nonetheless. She tightens her grip around Karlach's horn, feeling the pressure build as Karlach's tongue laps up the slick juices flowing freely from her.
"Fuck, Karlach, faster, please." Her words are muffled by her hand, but Karlach hears the plea loud and clear. She increases the pace of her tail pumping in and out of Shadowheart while she alternates light flicks and slow stripes on her clit. Shadowheart's legs begin to shake violently and she squeezes her knee around Karlach's shoulder as her orgasm wracks through her, the white hot lightning vibrating through her core and crackling out into her fingers and toes. Karlach dutifully drinks in Shadowheart's spend like it's the sweetest wine.
Shadowheart finally collapses against the door, fully boneless and unable to hold herself up. Karlach stands, wiping her face crassly on her sleeve before capturing Shadowheart's comparatively cool lips in a tender kiss. She presses her forehead against her love's and hums contentedly.
"Next time, tell me you're not wearing underwear after the event, please."
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ambers-archive · 8 months
who am i, darling to you (ii)
surrender to the sound
The low hum of the engine came to life as you found your seat on the plane. 
"So, let's go over what we know. The unsub targets honeymooning couples, but the question is, how does he manage to catch them off guard?" Hotch asked
He was seated across from you, and you pretended not to notice his eyes occasionally drowning into yours. 
You flipped around your case file, while your other hand was clutching onto your favorite book.
You know it inside out: it was your grandmother's favorite, and apparently your mother's as well. 
Some of the pages still smell like the incense she used, and her hair oil. 
It’s a relic, or time capsule you think. One of bedtime stories, sleepless nights, and memories just out of reach.
"Given the lack of signs of struggle at the crime scenes, it's possible that the unsub is either surprising them or has some form of control that keeps them compliant." Reid chimed in sitting next to you.
You two got along really well, he was the first one to strike a conversation with you since joining the team. Few days into your reassignment to the team he approached your desk. 
You were reading: And then there were none. 
He complimented your taste and went on to analyze it himself. "You know, one of the most intriguing aspects of the book is how it delves into the psychology of guilt and remorse. Each character in the story is haunted by their past actions, and their guilt ultimately becomes their downfall." 
And just like that he became one of your best friends. 
Emily offered you and Spencer some coffee as she took the seat across from you. You smiled at her; all of them were like family to you. Emily and Penelope, the sisters you never had.
And JJ like to the mother always wanted.
Sometimes you look around and can’t believe you have people around you, who love you, and want to spend time with you. 
It was nice, everyone on the team was really welcoming.  
Even Hotch, well as welcoming as he can be. 
At first you would get a brief nod from him, and sometimes when you delivered a profile correctly, a slight raise of his eyebrows and some stolen glances which you kept close to your heart. 
Recently though you’ve been getting occasional smiles, few compliments, and brief moments of laughter. But quick as they come, quicker they disappear. 
Morgan leaned forward from his seat next to Hotch, "But how does he target his victims in the first place? I mean, we're talking about well-prepared honeymooners, not easy targets."
"He could be monitoring their activities before attacking. The unsub might be studying them, learning their routines, and finding the perfect moment without raising suspicion." You said, it felt almost scary to you, the way you're able to dissect their behaviors, putting yourself in the mind of a serial killer, profiling, and going over the most heartbreaking cases.
You hunt, just like they did. 
And the patterns he left on the women are still stuck in the back of your head. He hates women.
(That much is clear)
"This type of power play, especially if it were done post-mortem, suggests a level of sadism." You continued. "These women most likely represent a source of his resentment." 
“So we're dealing with an unsub who targets couples, targets the women specifically, and is able to go into their rooms undetected." Emily said, "Should be easy enough." 
“Emily and I can go to the resort, ask for their security footage. There’s gotta be something we can find out.” Morgan said. 
“Since you have experience with sexual assault cases you and Reid go see autopsy results. See if these marks were post-mortem." Hotch said, looking over at you and Reid.
You were relieved you weren't paired with him, you overthought every decision around him.
And you could barely look him in the eye, your words often died out at the tip of your throat: impossible to convey words of much intelligence. 
The air in the coroner's office was thick. 
Of course temperature wise it was cool, and airy. Detached and void of anything warm. the victims bodies told so many stories. 
"These markings: they're deep stab wounds. They were also done post-mortem," Dr. Fields stated. "They are precise, not hesitation wounds—he knew what he was doing from the beginning."
"He seems to be targeting their femininity. This stems from a deep hatred for women," Spencer muttered.
"Or a woman," You interjected.
"You think these victims are surrogates for someone else in his life?" 
"The time and effort it takes someone to inflict these wounds takes determination. This sort is indicative of someone affected by past trauma."
"What can we know about husbands?" Spencer asked, redirecting the focus to the examiner. 
"Whereas the women died from strangulation, the men were drowned, and it's assumed they were drowned in their hotel bathtub," Dr. Fields responded
"So he takes his time with the women, gets it over with with the men?" Spencer asked. 
"The time of death for the male victims was hours earlier than their wives. Maybe he wanted to eliminate the competition, wanted to enjoy his time alone with them?" You suggested. 
ʚ ═══・୨ ꕤ ୧・═══ ɞ
"Strauss wants a briefing on this case." Hotch announced walking into the makeshift briefing room. It was a tiny station in a small town in Florida. 
Emily snorted, "So she can question everything we have so far about the profile?" 
"I'm not sure, but it sounded urgent that she wants to talk to the whole team." Hotch replied by opening the laptop and starting the call to Quantico. 
"Hello agents." Strauss said as the call came to life, holding up the case files. "The director called, he wants to consider you going undercover. Due to the high popularity of this resort, and the timing in which these murders are being committed-"
"We might need to understand his patterns from within the environment he operates in." Hotch finished for her, 
A collective pause filled the room, and their words hung in the air, an uneasy silence passed through the team.
The team hadn't gone undercover in years. 
"Undercover?" Morgan broke the silence, "This team hasn't gone undercover for years, Hotch and I are the one of the only ones who's gone undercover, but never as a team."
"Going undercover as a honeymooning couple could give us an advantage. It might put us right where the unsub is likely to strike." Emily responded
"It could help us observe the surroundings, identify any potential patterns or anomalies that we might miss from an investigative standpoint." Reid said, agreeing with Emily. 
"This only calls for a couple since the unsub is targeting couples. We need two agents to pose as husband and wife." Strauss said
You sucked in a breath, the thought of going undercover sent shivers down your spine, you've done stimulations before, but the real thing? You push the feeling down as soon as it bubbles up.
You only joined a year ago surely they would want someone more experienced, someone who's shown themselves proved themselves to the team more. 
But before your mind could fall deeper into your thoughts the sound of Hotch's name coming from Strauss stopped you. "Based on your experience and being Unit Chief the director wants you at the forefront of it." Hotch nodded, looking at the rest of the team. 
"I would like to take Agent Prentiss since she has experience with Doyle-“
"Actually Agent, I believe it would be better if someone else went in with you."
 And suddenly you were the only one in the room, a pair of uneasy green eyes met yours, Hotch raising his eyebrows ever so slightly. 
And if you were crazy enough you would think he looked worried.
 "With all due respect Ma'am I don't think she had enough field experience for this." 
"I am concerned about that, however it has been brought to my attention that our unsub has a type and they all have a resemblance to-“
"To me" You finished for her. trying to sit up straighter and slow the beatings of your heart as you meet hotch's eyes. "If we can use my cover as bait, I would know what to say and how to be careful around him-" 
Hotch looked over at you, calling out your name. "This is very risky, and dangerous not to mention doing a covert mission like this won't be easy." 
“I understand Sir, but-"
“I don’t want any of my agents going in a bait, the profile isn’t complete yet. We don’t know what we’re looking for.” Hotch responded, eyes still boring into yours. 
“Agent Hotchner we can’t wait until there are more victims, I’m sorry but it's the director's orders.” Strauss said, “We’ll send over the alias needed and with the information you have now it should be a simple task." And with that Strauss signed off, leaving only you and the team looking uneasy. 
"This could work, Aaron,” Rossi said, sitting off to the side scribbling absentmindedly on his notepad.  “While you two are undercover we can gather more pieces to the profile with your insight." 
"Let's go over the victims, affluent couples honeymooning, madly in love, never leaving each other's sides."
You only caught snippets of the rest of the conversation. You were too busy wondering why for the first time Hotch was avoiding you, his eyes were glued to the board not sparing you a second glance.
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crazycurly-77 · 5 months
Like an old married couple - Chapter 1
From the beginning right from the very start you and Gibbs were bickering like an old married couple. 
Why? Nobody knows. At least of all you two, but that's just how it were. 
You saw each other and were immediately at each others throat. You clash like ice and fire and nobody had the courage to step between you. 
Originally you were an FBI trained pilot, but since the NCIS needed a helicopter, a plane and someone who is able to fly them NCIS Director Jenny Shepard and your now ex-boss Tobias Fornell arranged that you transfer to the NCIS under the authority of Jenny. 
Since you had not to fly all the time and you have a talent for IT you were taking care of the joint venture software of FBI and NCIS and especially you were taking care of the users and what they are able to see and to do within this software. 
So you were reporting to Jenny, but your desk on which you were working from now on was right next to Gibbs - only separated by a thin sound insulation. 
Around you there were a lot of co-workers, but due to your special job you only had to do with each other professionally when there were problems with the software. 
Working there were really good and the people around you were really nice - except one of them. 
First of all there was your new boss Jenny. She was the director of the Washington Department of the NCIS, red headed, in her forties, determined, but kind. 
It seemed that she had some kind of connection to the team leader Gibbs. 
Then there was Ducky the coroner - a real gentleman and very kind and his assistant Palmer was a nice person too, but his intended jokes not always were understood. 
You and Abby the forensic scientist clicked immediately with each other. She was a little bit crazy and a goth and opposite to that you loved neon colors, but you were a little bit crazy too and you shared a good laugh every time you were together. 
In the office there was Tim - a cute and nice probie special agent. He seemed to like food, had really good knowledge of computers, but was really shy. 
Ziva was short, but seemed to be a very tough agent. She was a really sweet one, stylish and had sometimes troubles in finding the correct wording since she came from overseas. 
Tony…yeah, Tony…he was a “very special agent” as he always described himself. He was very good looking, not as young as Tim and Ziva, but a womanizer and very nosy. He was second in command after the team leader Gibbs. 
Finally there was…HIM. Leroy Jethro Gibbs the team leader and ex-Marine who had his desk right next to yours. 
He was in his fifties and very easy on the eyes with his salt and pepper hair, large trained body and eyes of the iciest blue you have ever seen. Every inch of him screamed authority, but his smile was of that kind to had you melt in a puddle. 
On the other side he could walk very silently so he was standing undetected behind you when you didn't expect it. When his team didn't think straight like him and were rambling he head-slapped them. He seemed to catch everything which was said or done. 
He never spoke much least of all about personal things and he was never without his holy coffee. 
What complicated the things between you two was that he didn't like modern technology and since you were supporting the software with which they all were working you were his declared enemy. 
(To be continued...)
Here you will find the other chapters of this story and the other stories I've written to date.
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