#Corazon head canon
buff-muffin · 7 months
List of Doflamgingo and Corazon headcanons cause doomed siblings
1. Both brothers have extremely expressive eyes, they got them from their father. You can always tell what their thinking by looking at their eyes. Dofi was aware of this from a young age realising he could never tell what his brother was thinking because his hair covered his eyes. So he started wearing sunglasses. This kept him from being readable and stuck with him all the way to adulthood. This however also impacted Rosi as the entire time he works under Dofi he wears glasses to not let his intentions be read and thoughts understood, but the second hes with Law alone after finding out hes a D he took them off and let himself be readable for Law if it made the boy feel safe.
2. Doflamingo was always rather strong for a child and that came from helping his younger brother out. There were countless times where Rosi wanted to hold his hand yet when he tripped he would drag Dofi down with him. So he got strong enough to be able to pull his brother back up and not be taken down with him
3. Rosi was super clingy when he was small. Before and after they suffered on the streets, physical touch was such a love language for him, Dofi while never fully comfortable with it, was always sure to hold him… Now Corazon hardly even leans on him. It makes an old wound of Dofi’s ache
4. When Corazon first reunited with Dofi and he had time to process the fact his brother had gone MUTE after what happened years ago. Dofi wasnt sure what to think. While he felt no guilt for what he did and put his brother through a part of him feels almost pity, thinking his crybaby of a brother managed to scavenge around on the streets and survive without uttering a word. He felt pity, maybe remorse yet pride. That his bumbling younger brother had grown strong
5. One thing Dofi found odd about Cora was why he didnt use sign language despite being mute. When asked Cora explained that he never found a reason to bother learning. After all its not like people are going to go out of their way to learn sign for a random hungry kid on the streets. Dofi made sure all the family knew basic and needed signs so his brother could communicate needs quicker. Things like ‘help’ ‘thank you’ and names.
6. The sign Dofi used to symbolise corazon wa s a fist over the heart that he would clench twice to mimic a heart beat. It always gave a twicted idea of squeezing a heart. Law on the other hand would knock on his chest slightly to the left as if to knock on his own heart, this was because on minion island it was getting hard for him to clench his fists and found that sign far easier. Cora loved it.
7. As much as Cora’s muteness made things more complicated. There was a power aspect of it that Doflamingo enjoyed. There was something about the fact he knew that that no matter how bad shit would get Cora wouldnt speak and he would not tell anyone of their life before hand made him feel powerful, in control. Cora could be kept on a close tight leash and that, in the end was the biggest reason he doubted Corazon to be the traitor. He truly though if his brother could not speak there was no way he could help the marines. Though the longer he was there and the realisation of his capability and strength slowly made him doubt that logic. Until he left and the marines stopped.
8. When they were children, Dofi was still a rather stuck up and serious kid, always waiting for the day he was an adult and could take charge. Rosi however was the only one who could make him laugh. It was this dark spell his brother always had in his back pocket. The faces he pulled, the little shows he put on all of it made Dofi laugh. Rosi pulled out all those same tricks to make Law laugh
9. It took Rosi a really long time to stop flinching at the sound of gun shots. While Sengoku was a reasonable parent and did not put Rosi though any kind of intense training until he was ready for it. Gunshots was one of the hardest things to help the boy overcome.
10. Rosi was always a quite kid. He was never particularly chatty or asked a lot of questions. Usually just making squeaks when he fell. But after what happened he was mute for a while with Sengoku. Afraid to speak up as his brother had found him weak for making noises crying. It took him a while and Sengoku was willing to work with him when he didnt speak, but Rosi found his voice and started speaking though still never often, When he ate the calm-calm fruit not much had changed in the talking regard
11. Rosi has used the calm bubble to scream and cry once in the privacy in his own room. Yes he knew what he signed up for as Doflamingo’s corazon. But that didnt mean his heart didn’t ache whenever he had to take lives or threatening innocence
12. Every time he had call check ins with Sengoku, Rosi’s voice would crack just a little, the lack of use taking its effect on his voice. Even Law heard it once or twice in the start of them travelling together.
13. Corazon originally had an identical feathered coat as Dofi, but between the fact it no longer made doflamingo look like the one on top, and Cora kept accidently burning the feathers. They switched him to black. Now no one can see the burn marks unless you really look
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firstdivisiongirl · 5 months
Picture this…Sengoku family headcanons. You know, Sengoku, his two sons and their pet goat. Please and thank you!
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Hey Sis. Nice to get another random request from you. Love the random pictures you send with all your requests. This was a weird one, but I hope you enjoy it!
Sengoku Family Headcanons
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Oh this group
What a family they are
Sengoku gets stressed because of these boys
I mean Corazon lites himself on fire like every other minute
Or falls.
X Drake just doesn’t care
He loves Sengoku
But is annoyed by Corazon
We can’t forget about the GOAT!!!
Like the literal goat.
He is just dumb and smiley
He loves the chaos
I think Sengoku does the cooking
Because X Drake doesn’t care to do it and Corazon would just get hurt
Corazon gets the stuff off the highest shelfs
But usually falls and destroys something
X Drake takes out trash
That’s it for him
The goat just walks around being a goat.  Dumb smile and all
I think they’re that family that isn’t allowed to play board games together because they fight a lot
Corazon also tries to get them to wear matching Christmas sweaters
X Drake refuses
Sengoku agrees to it
Even the goat has one
But they love each other and wouldn’t trade each other for the world.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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quinloki · 1 year
Hii! So I wanted to send in another ask for the kink game with Corazon and Doflamingo, and I don’t really have an idea for a third character so maybe you could pick one you think would go interestingly with these kinks :)
oral fixation (I’m assuming that covers things like biting and finger sucking which were also on there but I feel like this is broader and leaves more room for interpretation)
period sex
Over-The-Knee Spanking
Some of these I’m not sure if they’re “kinks” necessarily but I used the generator thing you posted so I hope they still count!
Leaving me a Wild Card, eh? Well - you don't *need* to submit three and three for me to answer it, but I'll gladly accept the offered item.
I'm going to pick Eustass - not necessarily because I think he goes with Rosi and Doffy, but because I like the kinks for him. And I like him xD
Alright, let's do this by character \o/
Oh - one more thing before we go - Oral Fixation normally refers to being obsessed with or focused on ones own lips. Gnawing on lips, applying lip balm over and over, needing something to chew like gum or lollipops, or having unlit cigarettes, toothpicks, etc.
That's what it GENERALLY means, but I get what you mean from a kink standpoint, so I will adjust accordingly to it being focused on someone else's lips (and also maybe your own).
Oral Fixation - Yes - As much as Doffy fixates on anything about another person, he does have a tendency to focus on your mouth. Whether you're gagging on his finger or his cock, he enjoys the way your mouth twitches against him, the struggle of your tongue, the soft feel of your lips. He enjoys just dominating your mouth with his own, practically violating you with his tongue when he kisses you deeply until you're a panting, dizzy, sloppy mess.
I think he likes the mess too. Doffy likes to make a mess - there's so much decorum and order and bullshit with being a public figure that he likes to just get messy in bed. Which leads nicely into the next kink.
Period Sex - FUCK Yes - Not only is it a mess, it's a bloody mess. Doffy's a bit twisted and I can see him actually smearing the mess all over you while he's taking a break between railing you. Sometimes being on your period can make you more sensitive to pleasure, and sometimes it makes you more sensitive to pain - it doesn't matter as far as he's concerned. He'll get his pleasure at the least, and he'll enjoy turning you into a mess in the meantime.
Over-the-knee Spanking - FUCK Yes - Doflamingo loves to mark you - maybe not permanently (okay, a tattoo or two probably yes), but he does like marking, biting, etc. Spanking makes your ass nice and red, and sometimes bruised, and all those marks are his fault. It's not just the marking part he enjoys, but the pleasure of watching them fade before he reapplies them.
Rest assured though, when it comes to over the knee spanking specifically You are going to position yourself, if you know what's good for you, you'll only make him tell you once.
Oral Fixation - FUCK Yes - A passionate lover with little time to spare compared to how much he'd like to lavish you with attention, Rosi does have a tendency to fixate on your lips. Usually with his own lips. Not nearly predisposed to making a mess as his brother, his treatment of you is far more tender and sensual.
He'll still slip his finger into your mouth, teasing your tongue as you lick and suck his finger. He'll praise your lips and how soft and cute they are, how warm your mouth is. Things can still get messy as the passions progress, he's not going to stop because of it, but he's not trying to mess you up.
Period Sex - Yes, but - Yes as in the mess, or risk of a mess, isn't going to stop him. The but's in there because if you aren't comfortable or if you're in pain, he's not going to push for it. But menstruation doesn't put him off, and he's certainly not repulsed by it.
He might need help sorting out the kind of products you need, or how he can best help you with any discomfort. It won't take him but a few cycles to really figure out how to pamper you - before during and after any sex you have during it.
OTK Spanking - Sure - He's not against it, but he's not going to be the one initiating it in the strictest sense. You can tell him that you like it, and you can spend some time letting him experiment and sort out the best technique, but he's going to be worried about hurting you the wrong way. Grace is hardly his middle name, but he is in control of his own strength enough that he's not leaving bruises unless you're begging him to swat you harder.
He's kind of a squishy cinnamon roll though, and unless you're orgasming from getting spanked (and lucky you if you can), there's not going to be much enthusiasm from him on it. (but no resistance against it either.)
Eustass Kid:
Oral Fixation - FUCK Yes - Kid likes this messy. He likes to leave his lipstick on your lips, smudged all around your mouth. Sex should be messy - there shouldn't be anything pretty about it. If it's good enough you're too focused on the sensations to be worried about how you look, and that's some of the best parts of it.
It doesn't mean it can't still be sensual, and how exactly sensual is defined depends on the people involved. But he loves your mouth, the sounds that come out of it, the moans, the swears, the screams, the garbled muffled noises when his fingers are down your throat or holding your tongue in place.
Period Sex - Oh god you don't even know - You look good in red.
OTK Spanking - FUCK Yes - Eustass is gonna smack that ass one way or another, but there's an anticipation to this version of it that he makes use of. He doesn't mind being a brat tamer, and he'll let you give him all the rope he needs to force you over his knee, but he does enjoy leaning back and watching you put yourself over his knee.
The only exception to this is when he has you all tied up and it's not really plausible for you to put yourself over his knee. Whether in your ropes because you were good or bad won't matter much. You can wiggle all you want, but you're not going to squirm off those thicc thighs. Whether you thought you could or couldn't orgasm from being spanked, Eustass will have that debate settled before he's done with you.
Kinky One Piece Head Canons
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Armin would absolutely be the gamer boy that dates the hot goth chick and so I made Su the hot goth.
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gendervapor14 · 1 year
Blanket and Warmth, please and thank you!
ooh thank you for the ask!! LET'S DIVE ON IN
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🧡 Blanket: share a snippet where a character feels safe and loved.
how about an excerpt of cora and law from corazón de oro?
“Do you think anyone will ever love me? Now that I don’t have Lami anymore?”
His heart burned like it was lit with firecrackers. How long had this kid been wandering around, thinking he existed without being loved? Thinking he never would be loved? Although, it was a change in pace. He was asking about his future. Law knew he had a future. Law trusted Cora with his life.
“Of course, Law.” Cora replied, playfully knocking the brim of Law’s hat over his face, “Man, you were right, that was a stupid question.”
The boy snickered, fixed his hat and hair, but the laugh died out quickly. “How can you be so sure?”
“Because this world exists for love.” Cora enthused, tugging on the heart-shaped tails of his hat. “There are people all over the planet Law, friends to be made everywhere you go. Even in the most unlikely conditions. It’s not always instantaneous, sure. Might even take decades before you find your people, but…you’ll be loved. Just have to stay strong and love them in return. Catch them when they fall.”
“…right.” Law muted a yawn as he sniffed and leaned against his guardian again. “You say I’m smart but, you’re pretty smart too, Cora. Pretty stupid, most of the time, but sometimes you say stuff that makes a lot of sense.”
“Thanks, kid.” Cora shook his head as he furled himself into his coat with a dry sigh, “I do my best.”
The silence that came thereafter was comfortable. It was warm too, and as Rosinante adjusted himself to get more cozy, he realized Law was deadweight there beside him. Fast asleep. Arms wrapped around his waist. He kept a hand on the kid’s shoulder and let his head tip back against the tree trunk. Let the evening breeze carry him into a gentle slumber himself.
In his dream, he was falling. A nasty, reoccurring dream. Sometimes he fell forever and woke feeling dizzy. Sometimes he crashed somewhere harsh, unforgiving, and woke with a start.
This time, when he landed, there was someone there to catch him. Someone with gloomy eyes and a spotted hat. He didn’t wake in a cold sweat. He stayed in that warm embrace, and held on as dearly as he could, treasuring every last heartbeat.
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🧡 Warmth: share a snippet that gives you the warm fuzzies.
this one is so hard i feel like none of my oneshots give me the warm fuzzies hhhh they just aren't long enough to impact me. i wanted to avoid using 01746 since it has an oc and such a sad ending but. there's this conversation between rosinante and sora in chapter 42 that still hits me in the gut every time i reread it.
He ran his thumb along the rounded edge of the receiver. “You think you’d deny a promotion if it was offered?”
“I…it depends. I think the highest I would accept is vice admiral. Like Tsuru. Admirals…they have to respond to the nobles directly. I wouldn’t feel comfortable in that position.”
Rosinante knew that. Yet, somehow, hearing it spoken out loud brought a sharper sense of realization through him. “…yeah. I don’t really want to be an admiral, either.”
“I’d be happy as a commodore for the rest of my life.”
“I’d be happy as a commander for the rest of my life.” He mirrored, “I’d…I’d be happy as anything, really. As long as I could still reach out to Sengoku sometimes. Live with you.”
Sora laughed at the little addendum, “Live with me, huh? Audacious, Rosinante.”
“Pardon me for thinking of peaceful things when resisting the urge to blow up this pirate hellhole.”
“You’re pardoned. You were a chore boy, after all, you’d be great at folding laundry.”
“Can’t believe I almost forgot about your chore boy obsession.” He snickered, rising up to his feet, “But…seriously, I…well, I guess this is a conversation for another day. We can figure out what to do with our lives after I lock Doffy up.”
A hopeful sigh. “Yeah. I’d love to have that conversation. I think you’ve been working for…a long, long time. And I think you at the least deserve a vacation, if not…something more permanent, when this is sorted. You’ve done so much for us, Rosinante. I’m not Sengoku, but I have a feeling he would agree with me when I say, if you did retire after this…you’ve already put in a whole life’s worth of duty. There would be no hard feelings whatsoever.”
The weight that lifted from him felt near euphoric. Although, there was a pull there, a lingering thread tugging at his heart. “But…didn’t you want to squash pirates? Bring me around with you, as the clumsiest hero of all time?”
A little laugh. “Well, if you want. But…we don’t have to be marines to be heroes, right? We can figure it out later, okay, Rosi? Don’t stress about this. Focus on Corazón, on Doflamingo. I’ll be here when you get back. For whatever life hands us next.”
this ask was from this ask list here! thanks again!! ♥
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yandere-writer-momo · 3 months
Yandere Head Canons:
Careful What You Wish For
Yandere Fling (Stalker) x Fem Reader
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It was just supposed to be a one night stand. A moment of heated passion with a stranger… yet why was Arturo so obsessed with you? You had only met him last night… or so you thought.
You had met Arturo at a party and he had such a charm to him. It was like an instant connection. Not only were all of his interests compatible with yours, but he was also compatible in bed with you.
How often did one find a guy who would bend you over in every position and eat you out until you cried? Never. Arturo was one of the best lovers you ever had… nearly perfect. If he hadn’t rambled some nonsense in your ears while he pounded you into his mattress.
Until he told you that he loved you when he finally came undone inside of you. Of how he had wanted to grant your wish for so long. You had pushed the unsettling phrases he said in the moment in the back of your head last night but now reality began to set in. Had you just slept with someone who could be a stalker?
His lips lazily placed kisses up and down your shoulders as his muscular arms pulled you closer to his bare body. “Last night was amazing… how about another round, mi corazon?”
You nervously chuckled and tried to shimmy yourself away from him but he only held onto you even tighter. Arturo nestled his face into the crook of your neck, his beard tickled.
“Why the rush? We had a pretty eventful time last night.” Arturo pressed a kiss to your shoulder, a playful glint now in his brown eyes. “How about we get breakfast together? It’s on me.”
“That’s perfectly alright.” You nervously tried to pull away once more, but Arturo didn’t let up. “I need to use the bathroom, can you let me go?”
Arturo quickly released you, the man sat up and stretched. “I’m sorry… it’s the third room on the right. Don’t mind the second one, it’s a little messy.”
You nodded your head at his words. You quickly sauntered out of the room and into the hall.. A bit of curiosity filled you when you thought of the ‘messy’ second room. What could be in there?
You glanced back and noticed Arturo hadn’t followed you so you quietly opened the second room to quench your curious eyes. Just a peak wouldn’t hurt, right? Only for your heart to drop in pure horror. Why… why was this room covered in photographs of you? A lit up monitor that displayed the intimate layout of your house lit up the entire room. How did he have access to your home like this? Was he… was he your stalker?
You tried to back out but your back bumped into a muscular chest. You were about to release a loud scream but Arturo quickly placed a hand over your mouth.
“Shhh. You weren’t supposed to go in there, silly.” Your face paled when his other hand shut the door. You could feel his heart rapidly beat in his chest. “It’s okay though. I’m glad you know how I feel about you now. It makes this all that much easier.”
Arturo swung you around and placed his lips against yours in a searing kiss. His hands greedily grasped at your hips.
“I’ve been watching you for so long and now you’re finally here… I won’t let you go.” You tried to push against him, to fight him, but he only chuckled at your weak attempts. You were nothing more than a kitten that attempted to scratch at a lion. A fact he found so utterly adorable. “You’re going to love it here, I promise.”
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polakina · 1 year
que maravilla, que bonita
pairing: miguel o'hara x reader
rating: explicit
outline: too busy with keeping everything and everyone in order, Miguel had neglected the person closest to him, and decided to show you how sorry he was
warnings: smut, fluff, oral (fem recieving), squirting, rough sex, you get fucked on the desk, fingering, blood, biting, scratching, blood kink
requests are open! hope you enjoy, petals <3
A bad temper was an understatement for this man. Since Miles had come and thrown a wrench in Miguel’s life, it had been harder on everyone. You, not so much. But when Miguel came home every night, you could see it was taking a toll on him. Watching the kid, making sure Miles didn’t fuck anything up. Preserving the timeline and canon events made him frustrated, irritated. You wanted to help, but could not think of the right approach. 
He was sat at the desk, mumbling to himself incoherently. You walked up behind him, placing your hands on his shoulders. He tensed up almost immediately, not realising you were even there. The lack of spidey sense really messed with him sometimes.
“Mi corazon,” he grumbled, turning his head slightly towards you, placing a hand over yours and allowing his body to relax. “You’re up late. What are you doing here?” He spun his seat around and you stood between his legs, his hands resting on your waist, drifting down to your thighs.
“You’ve been busy working. I missed you, that’s all,” you whispered, looking down as his thumbs circled patterns into your skin. “Wanted to make sure you were alright.”
He sighed, knowing he’d been neglectful these past few days. He pulled you closer, resting his head on your stomach. “Lo siento, mi amor.” He looked up at you with red eyes, a flicker of brown still amongst them. You just smiled down, shaking your head.
“It’s alright, Miguel,” you assured, running your hands through his hair, along the back of his neck. You kissed the top of his head, and his arms wrapped tighter around you, pulling you closer into his body.
Before you knew it, he had lifted you up in one swift movement. You instinctively wrapped your legs around him as he kicked the chair out of the way and set you on the desk gently. “What are you doing?” You asked, speaking nothing above a whisper. He did not speak at first, caressing your cheek, before slowly letting his hand fall to your shoulder, pushing the strap of your shirt down your arm.
“I have neglected you too long, my love,” he said, his fingers drifting down your sternum slowly, feeling your heart race a little faster with each subtle movement. “I must make up for lost time, should I not?” He looked down at you, a glint of mischief in his eye. His nails were like claws, dragging down your clothes and seamlessly splitting them in two, letting the fabric fall to the floor below. He took you in with his eyes, irises flashing red and brown and everything in between. “Que maravilla. Que bonita.”
He knelt before you, kissing your lower abdomen while looking up at you with lustful eyes. Then he dove in, gently at first. His tongue dragging along your pussy slowly, mouth watering at your taste he had craved for so long. Retracting his talons as to not injure you, he wrapped his hands around your thighs, caging his head between them. 
Your head fell back, your mouth dropping open as you felt him grow more forceful, more passionate. You let yourself lie back against the cool glass of the desk, back arching from the magic he was working between your legs. He sucked and licked your clit, sending shockwaves through your entire body.
“Miguel,” you breathed, back arching as he teased your clit.
“Sí, amor?” He smiled coyly, looking back up at you with wicked intent. “What is it?” He rested his cheek against your inner thigh, his finger teasing your slit and making you shudder.
“Please,” you whimpered. “I need you. Now.”
But he didn’t move. He just smirked. “No, honey. I’m taking my time with you. Don’t want your enjoyment ending too quickly now, do we? We both know I don’t falter like that.” His fingers travelled south towards your dripping entrance, teasing lightly before pushing one of his fingers inside you. You gasped softly at how just his finger could fill you, God only knows how you’d handle his dick.
He put his mouth back to work, simultaneously pleasuring you with his fingers to draw you to your inevitable high. You loved that it always felt the exact same. Just as perfect, just as mind bending and toe curling as every time before. Your mind went foggy and your eyes rolled back as you melted into his touch. 
Your hand wrapped through his hair, gripping him tightly as a second finger pumped in and out of your dripping hole. Your wetness smeared the glass you were laid on, staining the translucent surface.
Miguel could feel you getting close. He didn’t need spidey senses to know that. Your shortness in breath, your grip on his hair growing ever so tight, your legs tensing around him, you were on the edge. Just where he liked you to be.
Feeling your legs begin to shake, and your body tense, you were on the precipice of a feeling only Miguel could ever give you. You moaned out his name, his name continuously falling from your lips as you felt your stomach coil in the most incredible way possible. Until he stopped, removing his fingers from you and standing up straight. Your head lifted off the table, hair strewn across your face and eyes slightly glossed over. “What-what are you doing?”
He smirked, his hands moving to his belt, swiftly unbuckling it in an easy motion. He hadn’t even bothered to wipe the glistening residue of you from his chin. “You think I’m just using my fingers on you, mi vida? You know me better than that,” he wrapped a hand around your waist and pulled you to your feet, spinning you around so that the fronts of your thighs were pressed against the desk. “And I’ve missed you. And I know you’ve missed me,” his hand pushed gently on your lower back until you bent over for him slightly. You felt him press up behind you, your breath faltering as you felt his cock brush against your ass. “You’re frustrated from me being distant, and I’m frustrated with all this work. But…fuck,” he teased the tip of his cock into your dripping pussy, words failing him as he realised how much he had missed this. “We both need this. I need you.”
You nodded and moaned loudly as he pushed in further, filling you up entirely. He felt so good inside you that your head started to spin. You gripped the edge of the desk, holding yourself up with the strength you had left while he gripped onto your waist. Starting slow, Miguel tried to control himself and his urges as he fucked you softly, watching as his cock moved in and out of you. But the sounds of your moans and the way you were calling out his name in your soft voice made him want to pound you into this desk until the glass shattered.
Feeling his thrusts begin to quicken, pushing harder and faster into you, you felt your high coming all too quickly. The desk shook with Miguel’s force, and if not for him gripping your waist to keep you still, you would have been launched over this desk in a matter of seconds.
Miguel gritted his teeth, the pleasure he felt of your pussy tightening around his dick, your juices flooding him as he pounded in and out of you. He began to lose control, his fangs slipping out, his talons protruding and pushing against your skin. Blood was drawn and you hissed, but it didn’t feel nearly as bad as you expected. It actually felt kind of good. But he slowed his movements for a moment, realising his talons cut into your skin and immediately retracted them. “Mierda,” he cursed. “I’m sorry, mi amor.”
You shook your head, craving that feeling once more. “No, don’t apologise, Miguel. And don’t put your talons away, or your fangs,” you breathed out, pushing yourself back against him. His eyebrows raised in surprise, but he smiled, his fangs showing and his talons sharp and long as they dug back into your skin. He thrusted into you once more, hard, passionate. You felt the sting as they penetrated your skin, blood dripping down your thighs to the floor. You let your body fall against the glass, breasts pressing against the desk as the cool surface felt so nice against your warm skin. 
But you didnt stay pressed against the glass for long, as Miguel’s hand wrapped in your hair, gently, but firmly. You pushed yourself up with your hands, and he held you hair, tilting your head to the sky, feeling his breath on your neck. “Darling, if I’d have known you wanted me to use my talons, I would have started this a long time ago,” he grinned, kissing your shoulder, the tips of his fangs brushing against your skin.
He continued to fuck you hard, your nails pressing hard against the glass as you cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. His fangs continued to graze your shoulder as he gritted his teeth. You mustered up all strength for words to come out of your mouth. 
“Miguel, mi amor,” you breathed out. His ears perked as he listened. “I didn’t say you should use just your talons.”
Then something switched inside Miguel. It’s as though he almost went feral. His hand gripped your hair tighter, almost to the point it was painful. But you saw it through, a knot tightening within you, sure to snap at any moment. Miguel panted in your ear, it almost sounded as though he was growling. An animalistic urge took over him. 
His thrusts slowed to a steady pace, but they were more powerful, hitting deeper inside you than before. Your mouth fell open and all you could do was moan his name to the open empty room, your voice echoing off the walls. You felt his fangs dig into the skin of your shoulder, digging deeper and deeper until they drew blood. You felt the warm liquid run down your chest and your back, but you never stopped him. His grip loosened on your hair and you could look down to see the bite in your shoulder, and the accumulation of blood that had stained your naked body. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t turn you on a little.
“Come on, bonita,” Miguel groaned in your ear. “I know you’re close. Come for me, baby.” And you were close. So close. Your fingers curled into a fist as you clenched it tight, nails digging into your palms.
“Fuck, Miguel,” you breathed quietly, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you felt yourself clench around his cock. The knot within you tightened mroe and more until you felt a sharp snap inside your abdomen. But it felt different to the previous times, a different sensation taking over you. It grew even stronger when Miguel’s free hand wrapped around the front of you, toying with your clit, circling it in just the perfect motion to send you over the edge, practically screaming his name. He didn’t let up with his fingers, continuing to play with your pussy while still fucking you from behind, just as forcefully as he had been the whole time. The man had stamina like you’d never seen, and sometimes you could barely keep up. 
Your orgasm washed over you, powerfully overtaking your body, igniting flames in your veins until your vision blurred. But something else washed over you too. It felt strange, nothing you’d felt before. You cried out, entirely overwhelmed in pleasure as liquid hit the table, gushing out in a spray. It took you a moment to realise where they came from.
Miguel’s orgasm came not moments later after yours, coating your insides, leaking out of your pussy and dripping down his cock. He panted heavily, resting his forehead on your shoulder and wrapping his arm around your waist, his hand soaked from you. “I didn’t know you could do that, mi amor,” he chuckled, kissing your neck softly.
Your eyes were wide once you realised what you’d done. “Neither did I, love. Neither did I.” He could tell by the tone of your voice that you seemed slightly embarrassed of yourself, noting the rosiness of your cheeks and the heated flush on your ears. It was something he’d picked up over the years, mentally noting your tells.
“It’s fine, darling. It’s actually pretty amazing,” he smiled against your neck. “I definitely want to see you do it again.”
You turned to face him, leaning against the desk and feeling how wet the glass actually was as it touched your thighs. “Well, use your talons and fangs again, and you just might.” You leaned up, kissing him softly and his hand cradled your cheek, the other on your waist, holding you close. 
“Round two?” He whispered, smirking as he pressed his forehead against yours.
You could only laugh. “As long as it’s somewhere dryer.”
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innerfare · 1 month
Type of Date - Part 2
Summary: What sort of dates do they take you on?
Characters: Shanks, Beckman, Crocodile, Corazon, Doflamingo, Mihawk, and Smoker
Genre: Fluff
CW: None // SFW
Shanks: A carnival or fair for sure. He’ll bet you a kiss you can’t get a higher score than him throwing darts at the balloon board and then proceed to ‘accidentally’ stumble into you when it’s your turn so you have no choice but to kiss him (also the sort to beg you for a kiss on the cheek and then turn his face so you kiss his lips). He’ll buy you cotton candy, funnel cakes, and all sorts of unhealthy confections, insisting he doesn’t want any only to steal big bites of yours. And when he loses at the ring toss, he’ll just steal a stuffed animal prize anyway claiming it’s an ethical crime because those games are rigged. You'll probably end up sitting at a bar for quite a while after having a few too many drinks.
Beckman: I know he doesn’t canonically own a motorcycle but I just really can see him having one and taking you out for a long, evening ride as a date (maybe a canonical equivalent would be him taking you out on the water, but we’re sticking with the motorcycle for now). You maybe end up on a cliffside sitting together on a picnic blanket, sharing a snack and something to drink. He might read to you, or you might just sit in comfortable silence with your head on his shoulder or his in your lap. Might also take you to a bookstore or small coffee shop he's been going to for ages. And wherever you go with Beckman, the two of you always end up watching the sunset together. 
Crocodile: Dinner and a show. The dinner will be textbook fine dining, with multiple courses and drinks; he orders for you at the restaurant. And the show will be something a little racy, like cabaret. He’s an asshole about it, too, accepting transponder snail calls in the middle of dinner, his mind on work most of the time. And in the middle of the show, just as it gets to the good part, he’ll step outside to smoke a cigar. If it’s a date he’s a little more present on, he might take you to a casino and teach you how to gamble (i.e., how to cheat at cards). 
Doflamingo: He’ll take you shopping first so he can have complete control over what you wear, and he’ll buy you multiple outfits, including shoes and jewelry, to commit you to multiple dates before the first is over. He takes you to dinner afterward and rents out the entire restaurant so it’s just the two of you; he refuses to share you. He might also book a spa day for you both (this man knows how to indulge in the finer things).
Corazon: Cora is all about those classic, romantic dates (especially ones where he doesn’t have to talk if he’s nonverbal in your relationship). He enjoys taking you to small cinemas that screen old films, especially old horror films that are pretty funny due to bad special effects, or else rent out a theatre or take you to the drive-in so you two can have some more privacy; you’ll stay long after the movie is finished and stargaze between kisses. 
Mihawk: He’ll take you on a private tour of a winery. You’ll sample expensive wines together and debate various flavors and aging processes (he’ll definitely judge you by your taste in wine). When you’re not in a heated debate, you’ll share light conversation, and after the sun sets, you’ll walk the fields together. He’ll steal a few kisses off you, too, and kiss your hand at the end of the night.  
Smoker: He might take you for a late night dinner (super private, super low-key, don’t think for a second he’ll be putting on a real shirt), or he might take you shooting so he can teach you a thing or two. He’ll most definitely stand behind you with his arms around you to correct your stance, and he’ll squeeze your shoulder when he tells you that you did a good job. 
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
263 notes · View notes
kiss-me-cill-me · 8 months
Gravity Wins
Pairing: Robert Capa x Reader
Word Count: 5.2k
Summary: The walls around here are too thin, and Capa can't seem to mind his own business.
Warnings: Smut, changes to several minor aspects of canon, alcohol/drinking (not related to the smut), mentions of vibrators, sexual frustration, masturbation (f), slight voyeurism, teasing, biting, quiet sex, and my obvious fixation on Capa's arms
A/N: In the words of Jayne Cobb... I'll be in my bunk. This was the winner of my "Bad Summary WIPs" poll. I had originally intended for "Gravity Wins" to be a working title that I would change later, but uh, it did win, so I'm keeping it lol. Happy Capa Month! 🥰
***Please read the warnings before continuing. Minors DNI***
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Life aboard Icarus II had its charms. The views were unlike anything else; the oxygen garden was truly breathtaking; and the ship itself was pleasantly quaint, in a close-knit kind of way. Most of the time, at least. Sometimes, that same pleasant quaintness had a habit of dissolving into claustrophobia; the tight quarters and lack of privacy suddenly surrounding you on all sides. 
That’s why it was important to find small moments of joy where you could, to pass the time. And that’s why you were currently in the canteen, with Cassie and Corazon squeezed in on either side of you, passing around a bottle of contraband vodka. 
It was cheap stuff; strawberry flavored. Not necessarily what you would have picked to drink, but beggars couldn’t be choosers and Cassie - god love her - had always had terrible taste in booze. Still, it got the job done. And getting to spend a night gossiping and getting a little tipsy every once in a while was just enough to break up the daily routine and keep the three of you from going mad.
Only three months into the mission, and your one bottle was already two-thirds empty. It was going to be a long flight.
“Y’know what I miss?” Cassie sighed, shoulders loose as she passed the bottle over to you. “Pizza.”
You took a swig - the cheap, artificial taste of fruit mixing terribly with the burn of alcohol - and passed the bottle on. Corazon slouched forward on the table.
“Don’t talk about food, Cassie. Please,” she whined. 
It wasn’t as if you were starving, but the bare-bones, monotonous rotation of meals you all ate while onboard the ship left a lot to be desired. You could feel your mouth watering just at the thought of something besides the same old efficient, nutritionally-dense meals you’d been eating for weeks now.
“I miss ice cream,” you jumped in.
Corazon groaned and took a sip of the vodka, rubbing her head.
“Enough already,” she begged.
“Fine then, Cora - what do you miss?” asked Cassie, reaching across your little circle to take the bottle back. She tipped it against her lips, taking a quick sip.
“My vibrator,” answered the biologist.
You and Cassie burst into laughter; high-pitched giggles bouncing off the walls of the cramped space. 
“I’m serious,” laughed Cora, nudging your shoulder.
“Oh, I believe you - I miss mine, too,” Cassie admitted. 
You hummed in agreement. It was a long journey, and until you’d stepped foot on the ship, you really hadn’t anticipated all the small comforts of home you would miss. If getting off could be considered a comfort.
“Here’s the real question though,” said Cassie, pointing the bottle at each of you in turn. “Would you fuck any of the guys?”
“On the ship?” you asked.
“You see any other guys around?” Cassie laughed. 
You joined her, feeling the hot flush of alcohol rise on your cheeks.
“What about Mace?” Cora offered.
“Too angry.” Cassie scrunched her nose.
“Sure, he’s hot-headed - but with guys, sometimes that means he’s a good fuck.”
Another round of laughter echoed after Corazon’s remark.
“Harvey?” you suggested, narrowing your eyes. Watching to see if either of the other women’s faces betrayed a genuine reaction.
“Kind of stuck-up,” Cora commented.
The group agreed, and lapsed into silence. The bottle made another round, and you felt yourself starting to tip past the point of a slight buzz.
“How ‘bout Capa?” Cassie asked.
“Maybe if he wasn’t such a dick,” Cora scoffed.
You snorted, then scrambled to control your expression.
“I think he’s kinda hot,” Cassie ventured.
A chorus of oooohs made their way around the table; Cassie waving them off.
“But I wouldn’t sleep with him,” she insisted. “Seems like the kind of guy to make himself come and then roll over.”
Corazon laughed sharply and then turned to face you.
“What about you, huh?” she asked, voice lowering. “Would you let Capa teach you all about physics and where he can stick ‘em?”
Before you had a chance to tease Cora about being so buzzed that she couldn’t even come up with a half-sensical sex joke about physics, the party was broken up by the arrival of a fourth person. Speak of the devil himself.
Capa glanced over at the three of you as he walked in, pausing to quietly open a cupboard and pull something out. Cora ignored him. Cassie took a swig of the vodka. And you quickly averted your eyes, looking down at your lap as your face burned.
“What are you all giggling about?” Capa droned.
“Nothing,” Cora snapped, a little harsher than was necessary.
Capa’s eyes narrowed, landing on the vodka. There was a moment of rigid silence.
“You know there’d be trouble if the captain found out about that,” he commented.
It wasn’t exactly a threat, but it wasn’t exactly a harmless observation either. Cassie stood up and slouched over to him, pressing the bottle against his chest. You were watching out of the corner of your eye, still too embarrassed to meet anyone’s gaze.
“But you wouldn’t tell on us - right, Capa?” Cassie asked sweetly. 
She was a little too drunk for her own good, and you felt a quick bolt of tension in your stomach. Capa gave each of you a questioning look, impossible to tell what he was thinking as he backed off and walked out the way he’d come in.
“Just keep it down in here,” he muttered.
Once he was out of earshot, Cassie sat down, and the three of you shared a shy laugh of relief. Corazon instantly broke the tension.
“See? What’d I say? He’s a dick.”
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The next morning, you woke up groggier than you should have. After Capa’s interruption, the vodka bottle was quickly put away, hidden in Cassie’s bunk for another night. You hadn’t really had too much to drink, but the minor shame of getting caught mixed with the shitty vodka was enough to make you feel thrown off.
You shuffled out of bed, slipping into a pair of sandals after pulling on your pants. You shrugged into a shirt and ran a tired hand over your face.
On your way to the bathroom, Harvey stopped you. You only had the energy to listen to about half of what he was saying, still feeling grumpy and with a sour taste in your mouth. He was talking to you about some report; asking why it hadn’t been submitted in triplicate. You clenched your jaw, really not having the patience to deal with him right now.
You promised Harvey you’d re-file your report, and walked away before he could rope you into any more conversation. Cora’s assessment of him was accurate, you thought. Stuck-up.
As you walked, your thoughts wandered back to how the night had ended. Or, more accurately, to what had happened just before you’d been interrupted by the very topic of your conversation. Capa. You had been about to open your mouth to answer Cora’s question about him… or, not answer. You had actually been planning to make a joke and shift the attention away from yourself, specifically so that you wouldn’t have to give a straight yes or no. Because, of course, you didn’t want either of the other girls to know-
“Hey, wait up!” 
A voice behind you caused you to jump. You turned to see Cassie, already catching up behind you, oddly chipper considering that she’d been the one drinking more of the vodka than anybody last night.
“Hey, Cas.”
She fell into step beside you, easily keeping up with your sluggish pace. You tried to straighten up and match her energy, but it was hard to when all you wanted to do was crawl back in bed.
“Harvey just stopped me in the hallway,” Cassie told you. “Said something about getting you to file a report? I just wanted to warn you; he seemed pissed.”
Great - now Harvey was sending your friends after you.
“Yeah, we already talked about it,” you muttered. 
“You okay?” Cassie asked. “You look miserable.”
You felt miserable. And not just because of last night. For the past few weeks, you’d felt off. Moody. Unfocused. You'd been trying to push through it, but you felt yourself losing ground, and you were frustrated. 
It was partly to be expected - at least according to Searle, the ship’s de facto therapist, who you had talked to about your problems a few days ago. Space travel was taxing on the body, and sometimes doubly so on the mind. You felt cooped up, and getting mildly drunk with Cassie and Corazon only provided a temporary distraction.
“Cabin fever?” Cassie guessed.
“Something like that,” you agreed.
Cassie sighed. “Cora was right. We all really need to get laid.”
You hissed her name, spinning around to check that no one was behind you eavesdropping. The last thing you needed was a repeat of last night.
“Relax - I’m not saying I’ll fuck you, so don’t get all excited,” Cassie joked. “But she is right. It gets to you, after a while.”
It certainly did, and you could attest to that fact. Last night it had seemed almost funny; giggling with your friends over missing your vibrators. But the truth was, three long months into your journey, you were already starting to go stir crazy from a life of near-celibacy.
“Maybe you just need to blow off some steam.” Cassie prodded, not letting up.
“Cas, no offense, but can we not discuss my sex life until I've been awake for at least twenty minutes?”
“What sex life?” Cassie laughed, a little too loudly, and you hurried to shush her again. “I'll shut up,” she promised, continuing on, “but all I'm saying is you look like you could use it.”
With one more conspiratorial giggle, she left, walking ahead of you down the bright hallway. You groaned inwardly, knowing she was right but also that there was nothing you could do about it. 
You went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on your face.
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The day seemed to drag on worse than it ever had. You tried to remind yourself to be grateful; that you were lucky enough to have been selected as a member of the small crew in the first place, and that your mission was important to the fate of mankind. But it all felt so trivial when you couldn't focus on anything other than the building feeling of dissatisfaction that ached between your legs.
Talking about Capa last night really hadn't helped things. He was all you could think about as you tried in vain to get your work done. Twice, you caught yourself making mistakes in your calculations as your mind started to drift elsewhere.
What gave him the right to walk around in those tank tops, showing off his perfect arms and chiseled shoulders - that's what you wanted to know. And why did he even have such sexy arms to begin with? He was a physicist, for god's sake. He sat in his lab all day doing nothing that should have given him such infuriatingly noticeable forearm definition. 
Capa had a habit of putting his hands on his hips or in his pockets while he talked, and of running his fingers over his lips when he was thinking. Somehow, everything he did seemed to make a couple of thin veins poke just below his skin, as if to tease you into thinking what he'd look like holding you up against a wall. These were all little things you had noticed - found it impossible not to, actually - and they drove you crazy. Being cooped up was one thing, but being cooped up with Robert Capa was a whole other problem.
Cora was right, though. He was unapproachable at best and actively self-isolating at worst. Capa was the pariah of the crew, and whether or not he intended to be, acting that way made him come across as kind of rude. But to you, that only added to the appeal. The idea of getting with a guy who was so aloof made your fantasies run wild.
That night, you decided to take matters into your own hands. You slipped into your small room, dimmed the lights to thirty percent power, and shrugged out of your shirt and pants. 
This was nothing you hadn't done before; it wasn't exactly groundbreaking stuff to masturbate when you were horny. For weeks now, though, it hadn’t really been enough to scratch the itch that seemed to grab hold of you whenever you were around Capa. But it dulled the ache, and for now that was the best you could hope for.
Your bed was more of a bunk, recessed partially into the wall. You laid down on the springy mattress and sighed as your fingers slipped beneath the waistband of your underwear. You were still in your panties and bra, feeling self conscious about stripping all the way down even though you were alone in your room. 
It felt like everybody was living right on top of each other, although luckily your dorm was at the very end of a row, so you only had a neighbor on one side. Unfortunately, that one neighbor just so happened to be Capa. 
Knowing that he was so physically close only added to your frustration as your fingers swept over your clit. But still, it wasn’t like you had a choice about Capa being in the room next to you, and you certainly didn't have anywhere else to do this. Your fingers trailed lower, over your core, and you gasped.
You were already wet. Of course you were; after doing nothing but daydreaming about Capa for practically the entire day, how could you not be? You pictured his face from last night; how he had briefly looked at each one of you as you’d sat around the table with your two friends. The rush that it sent through your veins was electric. Your cheeks felt hot as you imagined him, his eyes holding slight disappointment while he looked at you. 
You weren't sure why that turned you on, but it did. You wanted him to look at you with that soft little frown; his blue eyes piercing through you as if they could see every dirty fantasy that played out behind your own eyelids. 
You sped up, using your fingers to collect some of the wetness that eagerly pooled between your legs, and then bringing them back up to rub at your clit. Slow circles at first, and then desperate with more pressure. Your mattress squeaked, and you hissed, bringing the hand that wasn't touching yourself down to grab at the cotton sheets.
“Fuck,” you whimpered, careful to stay as quiet as you could.
The only sound in the room aside from your moans was the wet noise that greeted you as you stuck two fingers into yourself, not bothering to warm up with just one. You needed this. You needed more, but this was the best you were getting. You curled your fingers, arching your back and daring to let a whisper of his name cross your lips.
A few seconds later, you were stopped by a knock at your door.
You barely had time to pull your fingers out, scrambling to sit up and cover yourself with a blanket as your door slid open. There were no locks, which usually wasn't a problem, except of course at times like this when it really reminded you that you had absolutely no privacy.
You were expecting Cassie - she had a habit of barging in, instead of waiting for you to answer her knock. But instead, you were greeted again by the very face you had been picturing only seconds ago.
Your voice felt strangely small in the cramped space. Capa stepped through the door, letting it hiss closed behind him. His face was expressionless, except for the barest hint of that pout that drove you so crazy.
He didn’t answer right away, but took a step closer and leaned up against the wall that separated his room from yours. Then, his lips curled into a smile.
“You really don’t realize how thin these walls are, do you?”
The implication of his words crept up on you, until finally your face was frozen in a look of sheer horror. 
“How much did you hear?” you asked, voice just barely above a whisper.
“Enough.” Capa shifted his weight, pushing himself off of the wall to stand up. “Enough to figure out the answer to that question Corazon asked you last night.”
“You heard that, too?” you groaned.
Capa walked over and sat down on the edge of your bed. Not touching you yet or getting too close, but hovering just out of reach in a way that made your skin tingle and your heart do flips. You had no clue if he was torturing you or inviting you to make the next move.
“D’you always think about me when you touch yourself?” Capa asked, bringing the volume of his voice down to match yours.
He sounded so sexy like that. He must have known what he was doing to you; his eyes were practically glowing with mirth and his lips were still curled into that smile. You shifted uncomfortably.
“I’d… rather not answer that,” you choked out.
Capa’s eyes darkened. No answer was as much of an affirmation as admitting it.
“You should have just asked for my help,” Capa teased. “You obviously need something. And it’s not like I’m twiddling my thumbs over there. Cumming into my own hand got old weeks ago.”
Your whole face burned hot with embarrassment at what he was admitting. And yet, at the same time, you shivered. The blanket you’d haphazardly thrown over yourself only covered your waist, and your bare shoulders were suddenly prickled with goosebumps. 
Finally, Capa reached out and put a warm hand on your shoulder, then dragged it down the side of your arm, taking your bra strap with it.
“Want me to touch you?” he asked.
His voice was low, and you could feel yourself getting pulled down with it. You knew that it would be stupid to do this; sleeping with Capa could only open a Pandora’s box. If it was good, you wouldn’t be able to get off on your own fingers for the rest of your time on the ship. If it was bad, you still had years to spend cramped up together. Your room right next to his in the already-tight quarters. It wasn’t as if you’d be able to avoid him after an awkward hook-up.
Suddenly, though, you realized that you were thinking way too much.
“Yes,” you whispered. 
Capa’s hand trailed farther down your arm; grabbed your wrist. You bit your cheek, wary of making any more noises after his earlier comment. All the crew’s quarters were laid out close together; if you were too loud, the whole ship would hear.
“Tell me what you want me to do to you,” Capa hummed, bringing you close as he leaned in, his lips practically brushing against yours. That seemed like a good enough place to start as any.
“K-kiss me - please,” you whimpered.
Capa’s lips found yours, and the rush that surged through you was almost overwhelming. It had been months since you’d kissed anyone, and the press of his slightly chapped lips against yours was doing more to you than it should have. 
Your mouth opened, and his tongue instantly pushed in. He was moving slow, but with a hunger that sent your mind racing with thoughts of what he could do to you if you asked. You felt Capa’s breath against your face; heard the low moan that vibrated through both of you as it came from the depths of his chest.
“What else?” Capa urged, pulling away. “We both know that’s not all you want.”
You could hardly think straight, much less put together a sentence. Instead, you guided his hand to your chest, and felt as his fingers squeezed. As he did, he leaned back in for another kiss.
You had put Capa’s hand over your bra, but he quickly slipped it under the fabric to rake over your bare skin. His fingers pressed into you, kneading at delicate flesh. You moaned, opening your mouth against his kiss again, and he bit hungrily at your lips.
“So soft,” he murmured, flicking a thumb over your nipple. “But that’s not where you really want me to touch…”
His voice was airy, even as he gripped at you with an intensity that almost hurt. He lowered his rough hand from your breast, and pushed past the blanket still draped over your legs. Teasing at the hem of your panties for only a second, he deepened the kiss as his fingers pushed lower and lower. Finally, he reached the wetness that was still pooling between your legs.
“You’re fucking soaked,” he groaned. You felt your cheeks heat up again. “You really want it that badly?”
“Fuck, Capa,” you whined.
“Want me to touch you like this?” he teased, voice still husky as he pressed one finger into you.
He had barely pushed in the pad of his fingertip, and you were already sinking into the mattress, unable to hold yourself up. Capa added a second finger, then repositioned himself, squeezing into the too-small bed with you to hover over your frame as his fingers roamed deeper. 
“Yes - just like that,” you begged. “Don't stop.”
Capa curled his fingers inside you, and you opened your mouth in a silent gasp. Your eyes had squeezed shut, and when you opened them again, you saw him looking pleased with himself, gazing down at you as you lost your mind over his touch.
“Bet you've thought about me doing this,” he whispered. “Isn't that right?”
“Yes-” Your voice hitched. “Yes- ah- thought about- cumming on your fingers.”
Capa smirked and brought his lips to your ear.
“You're not gonna cum on my fingers.”
He pulled them out of you, and you groaned at the loss. You felt his stubble scrape your cheek as he got up off of you, and you watched, half in a trance, as he took off his boxers. You hadn't even noticed until now, but he was just in his underwear and a t-shirt. He pulled the shirt off, too, and then went about removing the last of your clothes. 
You suddenly had the urge to cover yourself; like you now had too much on display even though Capa had already been watching your face twist in pleasure while he was knuckle-deep in you. You brought your arms up to cover your chest, but Capa gently brushed them away.
“Don't be shy; it's nothing I haven't already imagined,” he winked.
Again, the implications had you almost slack-jawed. You had no idea if it was true or if he was just teasing you, but you really didn't care.
“Let me show you what I've thought about,” Capa went on.
He took your hand and brought it to his hard cock, wrapping your fingers around it. He sighed a little as you touched him, softly, and the sound sent another shiver down your spine.
“C’mon - wanna feel you,” Capa said, his eyes half-hooded. “Use your hand. Squeeze me.”
Your heart fluttered as you followed his instructions; tightening your grip on his shaft until he was groaning above you. You gave him a few tentative pumps.
“So good,” Capa groaned.
The dull ache had returned between your legs; you were still missing the touch of his fingers. Even though you were happy to touch him as well, you needed the friction. You started to squirm, rubbing your legs together.
“Impatient,” Capa laughed. “Don't worry - m’not gonna tease you too much longer.”
His mouth dipped to your neck, pressing a kiss along your collarbone. Your hand flexed, and Capa groaned deeply again. The sound was enough to send you reeling; you thought you might come from his voice alone if he didn't hurry up.
“Stop teasing,” you begged. Breathless, and fully aware of just how desperate you sounded.
“I guess we've both waited long enough, huh?” Capa chuckled.
Your hand relaxed, and Capa’s came up to guide himself, hovering right at the space where you wanted him, but not pushing in just yet.
“Be quiet now,” Capa reminded you, and he kissed you as he started to press in. “Wouldn’t want anybody to hear you.”
You would have cried out, not caring who heard you or how loud you were, had Capa's lips not been pressed roughly against yours, swallowing your muffled moan as he bottomed out. He pulled back to watch you, panting like a dog beneath him, and smirked again.
“Fuck, this is so much better than my hand,” he said, breathing a little heavy himself. “M’not gonna last long.”
The idea sent your head spinning all over again, and your legs squeezed his hips a little tighter. The thought of Capa, coming too quick as he buried himself inside you, turned you on so much that you moaned out loud, and Capa quickly slapped a hand over your mouth. His palm was rougher than you'd imagined it.
“Told you to be quiet,” he warned.
When he started to move, you were grateful for the hand covering your lips, because without it you certainly would have woken the whole crew. As it was, Capa had to press his palm a little harder to muffle the moans that escaped. You were shameless; couldn't think about anything but the way his cock was stretching you out and spearing into you. It was more than enough to make you forget where you were.
“Not that I don't normally love hearing you get off,” Capa whispered, “but if you keep doing that, we're gonna get caught.”
Had he heard you the other times you'd touched yourself? You thought of him, silently palming his cock in the next room over, listening to your soft moans and breathy sighs as you tried - and failed - to stay quiet. 
Capa, unlike you, still had control of his voice; never letting it rise above a whisper. You wished you could hear him - how you were really making him feel. You bet he would make the prettiest noises if he'd let himself.
“Gonna be good?” Capa asked as he sped up.
You nodded, and he removed his hand. Instantly, the way his cock hit a spot deep inside of you made you hiss with pleasure, teeth clenched as you fought to stay quiet. 
“Fuck, Capa - driving me crazy,” you breathed.
“I know,” he agreed. “Feels good, doesn't it?”
“If you can stay quiet, then you can cum on my cock.”
The way it felt like he was giving you permission sent another wave of heat through your whole body. You wanted to come for him. The feeling that had been steadily building now felt like it was nearly about to flow out of you; you could so easily let yourself fall over into oblivion.
“Can’t stay quiet,” you whined. “God, you feel so- ah!”
You gasped as Capa’s cock twitched inside of you, his hips continuing to swirl against yours. He was almost there, too; you could feel it. And the realization only pushed you closer.
“Shit,” Capa swore.
He was clearly at odds with himself, over whether to cover your mouth again so that the two of you wouldn’t get caught, or give in and let you scream for him. His hips faltered, and you moaned again. He was running out of time to make a decision.
“Bite down on my shoulder,” he said, finally. “Fuck - I’m gonna come.”
He didn’t have to tell you twice. You had thought very often about what it would be like to sink your teeth into his skin. Seeing even an inch of it peeking out from behind the collar of his shirt or on display in one of those fucking tank tops was enough to drive you crazy. You bit down, just in time as you finally let yourself give in to the building pressure.
As you bit him, Capa swore again, and scrambled to pull out of you, as best he could with your bodies still pressed together. He was coming, white ropes painting your stomach as you came down from your own high. 
You wished you had gotten to squeeze him more. The idea of him emptying into you as you milked his cock was almost too good to imagine. As your senses returned, you realized that Capa was speaking to you.
“So… Did you enjoy me teaching you about physics?” He was panting, but there was still light in his voice as he teased you, echoing Cora’s words from last night.
“Stooop,” you protested.
“If you didn’t, we don’t have to do this again,” Capa teased.
“Noo,” you mewled, voice still weak from your orgasm. “Can’t go back to fucking my fingers now…”
“Yeah,” Capa agreed, bringing his lips down for another rough kiss. “Me neither.”
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The next night, Cassie proposed taking out the vodka again, and the three of you met in the canteen, as usual. Prepared for another late night of gossiping.
“You seem brighter today,” Cassie noticed, facing you.
“Yeah,” you replied. “I’m feeling a little better.”
You left it at that. You weren’t sure how long you and Capa could keep your new arrangement a secret, but you also weren’t rushing to tell the girls. The bottle of vodka made its first round, and the three of you started to speculate about which member of your small crew was most likely using up all the hot water. You’d all been taking freezing cold showers for weeks.
Only a few minutes passed before Capa came sauntering into the room again. Just like last time, he glanced at your group before reaching up to get something out of a cabinet.
“You three never learn, do you?” he commented.
You felt your cheeks start to heat up again. His eyes focused on you, briefly, and then moved on to something else. Cassie puffed up, straightening in her seat as she faced him.
“Go away, Capa,” she huffed. “This is a private conversation.”
Capa came over to lean on the table, glaring down at your small group.
“Oh yeah, I’m so interested in your riveting conversations about how I get off and roll over.”
Cassie’s face turned red. Corazon glared at him. And you felt your soul fully exit your body.
“You were eavesdropping on us?” Cassie shrieked.
“No - you just weren’t being quiet,” Capa corrected.
“The walls here are too damn thin,” Cora muttered.
Capa had a small smile as he straightened up and walked off, pausing just before he exited the room. He turned around, staring blankly at Cassie as he spoke.
“I’m not upset or anything,” he said. “And besides, your friend over there knows it’s not true, so…”
He left, taking with him all the air in the room. Cassie and Cora stared at each other, eyes wide in disbelief, and then pointed their gaze at you.
“You fucked Capa?!” Cassie shouted.
“Cassie, hush,” Cora snapped. She leaned in. “But seriously, we need all the details. Spill.”
You buried your face in your hands, trying in vain to hide your embarrassment. Your two friends badgered you relentlessly, begging for the whole story behind how it happened.
Somewhere else in the ship, Capa smirked.
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love-toxin · 1 year
Leon looks so pissed off in that last gif and Luis looks ecstatic. Oh to be stuck between the two of them. Luis so fucking happy he gets to play with you as he thought you were adorable the first time he saw you but Leon pissed off that he's having to share you. Maybe you were the price for Luis' help.
ok im sorry but i have to go insane for like. at least a moment bc luis 🥺 my love 🥺
(cws: gn!reader, post-canon, re4 spoilers!!, confessions, flirting, a kissy kissy, canon divergence, some blood and injury, mild innuendos, a lil intimate touching & mutual pining. leon's bad with feelings.)
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Luis is sooooooo happy go lucky about the whole thing but Leon couldn't be more pissed. you're his mission partner, his. so where the hell does this stupid Latin-hearthrob local get off on asking him to set you two up? the danger may have passed and Ashley may be safely loaded on to a helicopter and taken away, but does he really have no better way to spend the last evening you've got to waste here? he just has to bug him about trying to get in with you?
"come on, prince charming. didn't you say you would thank me for my help?" Luis teases, nudging him with his elbow as the two lounge side-by-side on one of the sofas in the palace's many sitting rooms. Hunnigan had pointed out that the castle would be the most fortified place for you three to wait out the evening, as another chopper wouldn't be available until the next morning. but despite it being comfortable, Leon's only got his mind on passing the time as quick as possible so he can get you away from Luis and nip that possibility of you two hooking up in the bud.
"pick something else." he huffs, arms crossed over his broad chest as he elbows Luis back even harder--and a smirk twinges at his lips when he hears the Spaniard groan and buckle in pain, his wounds still fresh from just barely escaping Saddler's attempt to get the "sample" back from him.
it was because of you that he even survived, you had shoved him out of the way and landed a hit on his attacker with your shotgun aimed right at his head. and even though it obviously hadn't killed him, and you'd suffered your own injuries as you were flung away and Saddler retreated, you still rushed to Luis first to stem the bleeding from his abdomen and whisper those soft, worried reassurances that he would be okay. you'd taken care of him, brought him back to life, soothed him and babied him and smiled when he managed to get to his feet--and Leon had hated every second of it because it was for someone else. what he wouldn't give to have you look at him that way, to croon over him and want to protect him and kiss his wounds better.
so duh, he's jealous, and that's why he's been so stubborn and childish over Luis' attempts to claim his prize. but even now, when all is said and done and he's finished what he started, he still can't get even that.
"Luis?" Leon's head perks up at the sound of your voice--your sweet, delicate voice wafting over as you step through the doorway. clearly you heard him whining in pain, your eyes say it all. they soften with your brow and you move briskly to crouch in front of your friend and rest your hands tenderly on his knees. "are you okay? is it hurting again?" damn that doting look you give Luis. he shifts uncomfortably in his seat as he tries not to think of you looking at him that way, in that same position, with his legs spread apart and you on your knees like that...
"only when I breathe, mi corazon." he laughs albeit defeatedly, and only now does Leon feel a little guilty for prodding some of those wounds. he definitely looks paler than he should, but it also hurts to see you so worried for him.
"oh, Luis--here, let's get you somewhere more comfortable, yeah? it'll be better for you to lay down anyways. Lee?"
he's so lost in the way your hands glide up Luis' legs to check on his bandages that he flinches when you call his name again, your expression questioning when he finally snaps back to reality until he utters a "huh?". and then you gesture for him to help you prop Luis up to take him into the bedroom next door, which he does for you begrudgingly and remedies only by dropping Luis just a little rougher than needed when he lifts him up on to the bed. it bites him in the same way as the Spaniard groans and you hurry to evaluate his pain, but at least now Luis looks a bit more pathetic laying back on the sheets--much like he's moments away from passing out cold. it's been a long day for all of you, after all, although he would be lying if he said he wouldn't be glad that it'd shut him up for five minutes.
it feels even longer when he watches you lean over him, and Luis' fingers trail up your hip to give your waist a playful squeeze--and when you two share a too-intimate smile at each other as you work on tightening his bandages, Leon's had more than enough. when you straighten up and turn to him to ask him to fetch something, the words don't even hit his ears because he's already leaning in. both hands come to rest just underneath your jaw and sit right below your ears, so the entire lower half of your face is dwarfed by him as his lips meet yours in a hot, wet flurry; one, another for good measure, and a third just grazing your bottom lip as you finally flinch at the sudden contact. a sound escapes you but whether it was his name, or a question, or just a sound, he doesn't know. because as soon as it's over, Leon's turning on his heel and leaving the room in a hurry to go get whatever it was you wanted. he'll just have to guess. something for Luis.
"my, my..." the man in question wonders aloud, a smug grin tweaking his lips as he watches Leon's back disappear from the doorway. "...finally got the courage, I see." he whispers devilishly under his breath.
"L-Lee? Lee! I...d-did I do something..? I didn't hurt his feelings, did I?" you whimper so sweetly, and Luis can't help but laugh even though it has him keeling over in a second, the pain in his chest bringing up a hacking cough that thankfully goes away quickly, and without any blood in his palm to boot.
"oh, mi amor, you're going to rot my teeth...don't worry your sweet heart, he's just got something on the mind." he shifts his position and looks up at you with a wink at the ready, but your unexpectedly sour expression staring back at him wilts that charm in no time at all.
"I hate it when you two act like you know something I don't." all that pouting you're doing now is just too adorable to resist though, especially since you're throwing yourself right back into securing his injuries yet again--perhaps, based on the concentration on your face, because you want to focus on figuring out the reason for why your coworker just did what he did. those warm cheeks and glimmery eyes speak for themselves, though. you must have enjoyed it, conflicting feelings and all.
"and--hngh--what if we do?"
"then just tell me!"
you huff, straightening out his clothes for the last time and gently dragging his shirt back down to cover his stomach. just when you reach his belt, however, Luis grabs your wrist in a tight grip and yanks you towards him--and when you squeak and collapse on top of him, your hands hitting either side of the pillow under his head while your knee rests on the edge of the mattress, that flustered face and those quickened breaths at your newfound closeness just melt any remaining hesitation from his heart. his thumb grazes your palm on the hand he's still got in his grasp, and with a smirk he slides it over yours to lace your fingers together while the other creeps up your neck.
you've got eyes on him alone, heart beating in your throat for him. the kiss he plants on your half-open mouth is warmer, sweeter, and deeper than the one you had from Leon--not better or worse, just enthusiastic in a different way. and his grin only grows wider when he breaks away and spots Leon standing there over your shoulder, watching with flushed cheeks and a vial clutched in his hands as he waits in the doorway. how polite of him, especially shutting the door so quietly as he slowly stalks up behind you both in your moment of heated, Spanish passion.
"...now, how's that for a confession, cariño?"
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fmlopla · 3 months
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Day 5 Corazon week “childhood”
It’s my head canon that Kikoku was Cora’s before it became Law’s. So Rosi plays sword fighting with Law under the guise of training because that kid doesn’t know how to let himself have fun.
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tvgals · 1 year
— e42! miles morales x black! fem! reader
synopsis — after breaking up with your accused of cheating boyfriend, you make new friends and better yourself on the journey .
cw; — miles is a sorry ass nigga, angst, hurt/some comfort i guess, was watching good girls during this, idk if ganke is canon on e42 but he will be because i said so, made up characters,
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you sat in the bathroom for a while, scrolling through your phone. is this what it felt like to be a teenage girl? if so, this sucked ass and was totally overrated. you hear the door to the bathroom open and the squeaky sound of j’s hitting the water splotched floor. “y/n?” one of your friends call out. “what?” you reply, turning your phone off and laying your face in your hands. “can you please come out so we can all talk about this?” she asks, opening the stall door that you forgot to lock.
“talk about what? how miles cheated on me?” you ask, picking up your bag and walking towards the mirror above the sinks. “you really believe her over miles? miles morales?” you sigh and pull the brush out of your backpack to fix your hair. “please just talk to him. he loves you so much y/n and i don’t think you understand what you’re doing to him.” she tells you, fixing her own appearance in the mirror. “it’s just..how could i trust him or..” you start, looking at yourself in the mirror. “or? he hasn’t given you a reason to not trust him before, so why would he start now?” she questions you, walking out after she didn’t get a response. you grab your phone out of your pocket and look at your home screen solemnly, a picture of you and miles together in your bathroom while doing face care. you blink a few times to block your tears and walk out the bathroom, turning your phone off. while in the hallway, you see miles and one of his friends talking while walking down the hall. you take a deep breath and walk past them as hurriedly as you could, leaving out the school and to your dorms.
“she thinks i cheated on her.” miles tells ganke, throwing his head back in regret for not saying more to you. “well, did you?” ganke asks, hauling his backpack onto his shoulder. he was met with silence. “really, miles? you talked about her all the time just to go and cheat?” his now angry friend asked, this isn’t the first time he’s heard instances of miles cheating on his girlfriends, he just thought it wouldn’t happen with you. “i know, man. i fucked up.” “royally.”
you open the door to your dorm room and flop on your bed, tears streaming down your face. why did he do this to you? what did you do wrong? no no no, this was all his fault. his decisions. you hear your phone ring and you pick it up. ‘unknown caller’ you scrunch your face up and answer. “hello?” you say, not trying to hide the sadness in your voice. “i’m sorry, mi corazon. i didn’t mean-“ it’s miles. you don’t know whether to cry or laugh, to berate him or sweet talk him. “get the fuck off of my line.” you say coldly, waiting on him to say something else before you hung up. “baby, listen to me. it was a one time thing and-“ you let a cry escape your lips. he did cheat. she was right and you were wrong.
“so you did cheat? why, miles?” you ask, putting your socked feet into your crocs and throwing on a jacket. “i didn’t mean to. i was hammered and she came onto me. i’m sorry.” miles was currently sitting on his bed with ganke, tears welling in his own big brown eyes. he didn’t mean for this to happen, honestly! it was one big mistake that would’ve never been revealed if he didn’t show around jess. “sorry isn’t gonna fix shit, miles. get the fuck off of my phone.” and with that, you hung up and left out of your dorm.
you couldn’t comprehend what made miles do this, did some girl really come into him or was it something he did all on his own? either way, you needed someone to talk to and fast. you call your groupchat and wait for everyone to answer.
“y/nnnnn what’s the move girl?”
“righhht! and what the hell goin’ on with miles?”
“he cheated on me y’all.” you say out of the blue, cutting off everyone’s conversations. everyone looks like the camera with shock. “deadass?” jaya — the girl who notified you about this whole ordeal — asks, laughter seeming to fall from her mouth. “that shit isn’t funny..” another one of the girls said — aniyah, the one who was comforting you in the bathroom. “no no no,” jaya giggles. “it’s just how i told you and you didn’t wanna believe me.” she snickers, everyone going quiet. “you’re an actual bitch.” another girl says, hanging up the phone. “bye y’all.” you say, hanging up yourself, leaving the two girls to fight amongst one another. this hurt. this showed that you barely had real friends to care about you, that your ex boyfriend didn’t care enough to leave other girls alone and that everything was going downhill. you wanted everything to be better. you wanted to go and hug miles and have him tell you everything will be okay and it was all just a really really bad dream.
“y/n!” you hear an unfamiliar voice call your name from down the street. you turn around to see..jess? hm. “hi.” you say, waiting on her to catch up to you. “i heard about miles..” jess tells you, making her way beside you. how many people know? how does she know especially? “oh. who told you?” you ask a blank look on your face. “just..jaya.. she told me about how you didn’t listen to her, how she knew it was gonna happen blah blah blah..” she replies, rolling her eyes and using her hands for dramatic effect. “what else did she say?” you question, turning the corner trying to find the liquor store. “just some other stuff.” “what does ‘other stuff’ mean?” you ask, walking into the liquor store. “i’m not supposed to tell you.”
“what do you mean you’re not supposed to tell me?” you same through the aisles to find something to snack on. “she said not to tell you.” jess tells you, avoiding eye contact. “tell me or there was no point in you talking to me.” you open up the door withholding the drinks and scan through them. “she said miles called her phone a few times but she never did nun with him..” jess admits, her head hanging low.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
TAGLIST ; — @sanrioglocks @neteyamsz @prettydumbslut @gobblethiskitty @brwnbbydoll @venusluvslove @mrs0hara @cu7ie @diorsbrando @kg003 @lulabon @cleosradio @yourrfavzxri @yu-rylee @noraloralei @love15things @sp1derm4nluver @perfectcreatorharmony @coconutxraikage
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quinloki · 1 year
Asking for a second round for the kinks
What about Lactophilia, Negotation and Pegging with croco, doffy and corazon
That list Is so usefull >3
I almost answered this as soon as I saw it and I was like - no, no Quin you gotta do some writing ( and I did! and today has been a pita, so I'm going to answer this and unwind).
I almost wanted to lump "Negotiation" and say "all OP characters negotiate properly because it's a foundational rule of BDSM and kinks" - but! I realized two things: 1 - not all OP characters are non-toxic, and 2 - there's a lot of variance in how negotiations can be handled, so we can do that \o/
I'd do this by Character, but I kind of want to do it by Kink - I think it'll be better for the subtle differences between Sir Crocodile and Doflamingo (who are very similar), and also help highlight the dichotomy between Doflamingo and Rosinante.
*puts on glasses* Lacto-philia - well, I don't need to look this one up (go-go root word language course from college) - this is the enjoyment of breast milk. Kin-kay <3
Lactophilia -
Sir Crocodile: I dunno - Croco just doesn't strike as a "drink from the source" kind of guy, and while I could see him utilizing any lactation on his partner's part in some kind of kink session I feel like it would be tied to humiliation more than lactation. But it would also depends on his partners reaction to their own lactation.
If any part of it makes them uncomfortable in that "we're not talking about neutral or sexy embarrassment kind of way" then he's not going to force things.
Doflamingo: Sure - A "try something one, more and more if he likes it" kind of guy, I think Doffy would be open to experimenting when the opportunity arose. He would, at the bare minimum, enjoy groping and teasing your breasts until he figured out how everything worked. Whether it was caused by birth control or pregnancy he would have a justification for it - something to either quiet your false protests, or something to quiet your legitimate ones.
Doffy wants to see you squirm - canon universe or not, it's not like you can run from him if he makes you uncomfortable. (Doflamingo is such a yandere, and I think he'd openly admit to it too.)
Rosinante: Yes to FUCK Yes - Corazon certainly wants a family, whether he thinks he deserves on or not, or whether he could ever have one, is a completely different discussion, but things surrounding the building of a family certain get his motor running. There's reasons more than just pregnancy that can cause lactation, but whatever the cause it'll be the connection the younger Donquixote can't help but make.
He may sate his kink privately if you're not comfortable with it, but it's more likely that he'll be showering you with praise and assurances and compliments, trying his best to validate your feelings toward it while trying to help you become more comfortable with it. He is a drink from the source kind of guy if you'll let him, and honestly he just wants to lavish you with pleasure. (Rosi is 100% here for the whole Worship your body vibe).
Negotiation -
Sir Crocodile: This is hard to assign a rank to, but we'll go with a Yes for Crocodile. He's here for communication, and he'll respect your boundaries (much as he can), and he's certainly not against writing up a contract. There's no need to be so formal between lovers, but he also understands the comfort that can come from such a document. Mind yourself if you agree to one, this is a business man, you're only a tick or two away from making a deal with the devil if you put things into writing. Verbal arrangements are far more flexible, and Crocodile takes contracts seriously.
The are amendable, though, you're not etching things into stone. People and circumstances change, after all.
Doflamingo: Oh god you don't even know - you want to make a contract with Donquixote Doflamingo? I think I'd rather bury an offering at the crossroads and deal with an actual devil. Every word of the contract will be abided by, you can be assured. That means you better know every word in that contract too, and not just definition 1 of those words, but definition 2 and the biblical interpretations while you're at it.
Doffy's hot button is manipulation, and if you're going to sign your life away to his whims he won't pass it up. But, he's not entirely unreasonable - he won't force you to sign a contract. He's fine with verbal agreements, and he's even likely to abide your cute little safe words too, so long as you don't displease him. You're his favorite little distraction (or his sweet true love), he wants you to be happy.
Rosinante: Sure? - Rosi will sit down and work out all the kinky details of your relationship on paper if you want. He'll also be amenable to having conversation before and after each session, putting safe words into play, and even some back up safe-sounds/actions in case words are failing you.
Pegging -
Sir Crocodile: No - Absolutely not. Exit only. Not his thing. Not even willing to try. You may, might, possibly be able to beg him to try it once, if it's something you're absolutely dying to try at least once. He *may* like it, his opinion may change, but he may also avoid you for a couple days while he tries to shake it off and reclaim his dignity.
Control is a big thing for him, and it's hard to be in control in that situation.
(I need to admit I am a big, horrible fan of Croco x Doffy, I love them, and I generally prefer Croc as the bottom, but! (heh, butt) in an x reader context my head canon is what it is XD ).
Doflamingo: Sure - You give what you get, or get what you give in this case. It better be something you're comfortable with cause he's not going to be the only one receiving. And it may only be once or twice. Doffy likes his control, and more than that he likes manipulating people. The likelihood that he's manipulated you into pegging him is low, but he's a kinky bastard, so he's certainly not averse to the idea.
Gods help you if you can't please him while doing it though.
Rosinante: Yes - I'm undecided if Rosi is switchy when it comes to dom/sub dynamics, but I do think he is very much a switch for top/bottom dynamics. He'll give and receive for just about any situation and kink, with very few exceptions. For him the point is pleasure, his and yours, maybe more yours than his, but not so much that you catch onto him pampering you. If you want to peg him, he's just going to make sure it's good for both of you, whatever accessories end up being needed.
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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grandlinedreams · 1 year
Hii! I love your writing! Can you do a Law x shy yn please?
Hiya!! Thank-you so much, that really does mean a lot to me to have people enjoy my writing! Absolutely, I hope this is to your liking!! setting context: uh....just after Wano/defeating Kaido
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He loves me, he loves me not. He loves me, he loves me not. He loves meㅡ
"There you are." You look up from your idle task as Law approaches. "What are you doing all the way over here?"
"Nothing," you answer, hoping he doesn't notice the half-plucked flower in your hand and the discarded petals by your feet.
"Not in the mood to celebrate?" he asks, moving to settle himself beside you, Kikoku set aside carefully. He's been cleaned up and bandaged well, most of it hidden under clean, untorn clothing.
"Something like that," you answer. You hadn't meant to worry anyone with your disappearance, only that the loud, boisterous energy that the Strawhats seem to radiate is usually too much to handle when you see them. They have reason to celebrate, and you don't want to ruin the mood with your less enthusiastic presence. "What about you?"
"There's only so much of them that I can take," Law remarks dryly, though there's a hint of a smirk when you stifle a giggle. Despite his frustration and outwardly begrudging tolerance for them, you know Law has a growing soft spot for the other pirate crew. (Luffy has that kind of effect, you've noticed. Eternal canon blast cheer and a tenacity for friendship that strangely seems to always work in his favor.)
There's a lapse into comfortable silence, the sound of some distant nighttime animal echoing as you twirl the flower stem between your fingers. It feels foolish to put any kind of merit into the sway of a childhood game ㅡ you're smarter than that, you know better than that. (Curse those romantic notions you've read so often in books loaned to you on occasion by Ikkaku.)
"Something on your mind?" Law's question makes you look up and over, finding him watching you with soft amusement. "You were sighing pretty heavily. What's going on in that head of yours?"
Your cheeks warm, the half-limp flower spinning faster now between your fingers, an outlet for nervous energy. "Do you think..." You trail off, fighting for the right words. "Do you think we deserve a happy ending?"
It sounds dumber now that you've said it out loud, giving a voice to those idyllic fantasies you've so often found yourself mentally entertaining as of late. Especially so in voicing it to Law, when you know he's a man of science and logic.
"I think so." Law's quiet answer makes you jolt, watching him in surprise. He isn't looking at you, gaze focused somewhere off in the distance as he speaks. "I didn't used to, not when I was so sure that I'd die trying to bring down Doflamingo. And I made my peace with that, so long as I got revenge for Corazon."
Carefully, tentatively, you scoot closer. "And now?"
"Now..." He trails off as he lifts his arm, wraps it around your shoulders to press you closer to him. "I want that. It's what Corazon would want, too." He turns towards you, raising an eyebrow in question. "What about you?"
You spin the flower stem, watch the whirl of the remaining petals before letting it slip from your fingers. You don't need that, not with the weight of Law's arm around you, the quiet, tentative requital of your own feelings. "Yes," you answer at last, "I think we do."
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1000sunnygo · 8 months
Doflamingo's Past: The initial concept
Some old information but I don't see around a lot, scan credits to Redon. These are from One Piece magazine vol. 3.
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Zooming in,
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- Doflamingo at 5 enjoys his life as Tenryubito.
- His father (Donquixote Dressking) who looks tough and serious ("righteous thinker", "friends with Cobra") refuses antipathy and as a result was transferred to a non-WG member country along with his wife and his only son.
- Doflamingo's mother can't survive the foul living condition and dies.
- Doflamingo wanting to become Tenryubito takes his father's head back to Mariejeoise at the age of 10.
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- Doflamingo is declined by Tenryubito who try to kill him.
- Doflamingo flees and survives. He develops a goal to destroy the world.
- Around 15, he forms a crime syndicate "Downs" (ダウンズ) and is revered as the charismatic boss.
- His subordinates were Pica, Trebol, Diamante and Corazon, there's also Vergo (Vergo's other name in the bracket is written as "Sir Dean").
- Corazon here isn't Doflamingo's brother.
- Around when Doflamingo was 17, Roger was executed and he was inspired by the man to pursue piracy, his goal changed to "becoming the pirate king." He continues operating underworld as Joker.
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Nothing much here, I like the observation that Gatz announcing the fight between Doflamingo and Luffy makes it seem like an extension of Colosseum battle. That's a neat way to tie it up.
Some additional info (canon version) from OP vivre card translated by Artur:
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I wish I could read the JP text myself but it seems Viola's case was something like a Stockholm syndrome after all.
Personal highlight would be Rosinante eating his DF before meeting Sengoku (which means Sengoku didn't immediately find him. Rosi probably survived all by himself for quite some time), and Doflamingo developing the habit to smile at everything from a "certain point onwards." Imagine Rosinante returning to his brother who now smiles all the time. That is terrifying, I feel like it adds so much to Rosi's face having the artificial smile on him.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Any dad headcanons for the monster trio? (+ Law if you don’t mind)
(also love your writing btw!!)
A/N: I just seen a edit a while ago of Sanji being so good w kids n so I must— thank u btw!:) Imma add Cora because omg we need more writing with him:(
One Piece Men as Daddies (Fluff)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: None! Except the mommy (the reader) is kinda a menace.
Ft. Zoro, Luffy, Law, Sanji, Corazon
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Top 2 Best Dads and he ain’t number 2 fr
He spoils his kids more than you now I’m sorry :(
He doesn’t realize this and swears he loves you both equally
I can most definitely see him having a daughter as his first child and yes you and her are his Queen and Princess
His daughter is a simp just like his daddy
His daughter stresses him out so much because she loves drooling over every guy she sees omg
“Sweetheart she’s a baby she doesnt e—“
Sanji needs to throw all kinds of kicks when he is with his babygirl
God help him when she’s a teenager
He loves cuddling you both while watching Disney movies
He teaches his sweet girl the importance of how a man should treat her if she somehow gets one
“You can’t get married until you’re 25.”
“Sanji she’s just 3 right now.”
“Okay make it 30.”
Okay ngl when you were having the baby he made the mistake of looking down between your legs and the baby’s head was just barely peaking and he passed out.
He still has a bit of subtle nose bleeds when you were breast feeding too
He keeps mementos of every single thing his child has; drawings, fallen teeth, etc he keeps it in a box in his side of the closet
Due to his childhood he tends to worry he will turn into his biological father. He confided to you about this issue while you were pregnant and you nipped it in the bud and told him that he was and will never be like him and Zeff would be proud of the kinda man and future father he turned out to be
Both cried that night.
Also he is completely aware what happens to a woman’s body after pregnancy and will always remind you no matter how much your body changes he will still see you so beautiful.
He will be just like Zeff to his son. Teaching him the same way and all.
Zeff is the granddaddy btw. Sanji takes his kids to visit him often.
He usually takes the kid(s) off your hands for a day if he sees you feel stressed
100000000/10 daddy and yes he will be pumping more into you again if you’re up for it🤍
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Two Luffy’s running around in your home
Make it 3 because I can see him having twins
They stress you out sm.
Man didn’t have a clue in the world how to be a daddy. So he went to Rayleigh panicking KSSHSJJSS
He’s a very chill parent so you have to be the stern one and it sucks sometimes
Yes the kids like daddy more than you
Almost every night when Luffy is home he puts the twins to bed with telling them of all the stories he had with you when he was young
“And I met your mommy on a different island! She didn’t like me at first but now she’s in love with me! Heheheeh!”
Kids have the same shishishi laugh as him cracks you up each time they do it in sync
You made the mistake of leaving the three of them at home as you went to go shopping and came back to a wrecked home and the three of them eating meat on the floor
He tells them about Ace a lot.
He actually named one of the twins after him
Encourages them to be what they want in life even if they want to be a pirate
Sabo is ofc the nice uncle that comes barring gifts
Sanji and Zoro are the Goddfathers
9/10 daddy that still is learning to be a daddy
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It’s canon this man is amazing with kids so off bat he’s top 3.
Since he has so much experience he was really good with handling the baby when he was first born
At least 17 times during the time yall son was a baby he tried nursing from Zoro and he hated it sm he couldn’t even take a nap shirtless with him
“He Just Like me for real.”
The second the baby was able to walk he already wanted to train him into being a swordsman
He will most definitely kill for you both
You annoyed him so much during your pregnancy because you wanted to leave the house but he didn’t want you getting hurt
You’ve caught him training with your baby son swaddled on his chest (like that one filler episode of him babysitting) and you nearly choked him out because wtf is he swinging around a sword so close to y’all baby.
He did gain some weight too during your pregnancy but immediately shredded off after you poked his belly
He loves his son but as he got older he started to have beef KSSHSHSISK
His son is a mamas boy and so whenever Zoro wants to have alone time with you it’s like he had a 6th sense and barged in ruining the moment
It’s so funny seeing them argue over who gets to cuddle you for the night
He plans to give your son one of his old swords when he gets older if he decides to be a swordsman
Luffy is the Goddfather and Sanji is ofc the cool uncle that comes to visit
100000/10 Zoro is a wonderful daddy
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He is the strict dad
You both had a daughter and she annoys him a lot just like you did when you both were dating
“Imma get tatted like you daddy.”
“You’re 13.”
He was the one to deliver y’all baby
The doctor side of him popped out when you were pregnant he never let u leave the bedroom. He even bathed you a lot which in turn have had him have sex with you in the tub
“Orgasms can help soothe you as you’re pregnant, y/n.”
“…the hell you read that at.”
He talks about Cora to you and your baby while you both were were sleep after pregnancy.
When your daughter turned 21 you and her convinced Law to get the same matching tattoo as him on her hand and even though he acted like he was against it he was ecstatic
He has scared off so many of your daughter’s boyfriends pls
He took off the head of one because he kept staring at YOUR boobs
Law likes to study with his baby girl on his lap.
You’ve walked in on him sleep on his chair with the baby cuddled on top
120/10 Law is an outstanding responsible daddy
Corazon (Rosinante)
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Matching clothes
He’d have a daughter :( lil Rosie Aksbsjdksk
Yes he’s clumsy but he’d rather die than have you or his baby hurt
He didn’t stop smoking but he does only do it outside
You catch him doing stupid faces and stunts to make you’re daughter laugh when she’s sad and she eats it right tf up
Yes she is a daddy’s girl
He carries you both around with ease
If he notices you feeling insecure about your body post birth he’ll feel a tinge of guilt but smother you in kisses and appreciation about how he doesn’t care about how you look he still loves u sm
And if that doesn’t work he’ll just show you…naked…in the bed….
Sex he’ll show u with sex
Law is like the older brother and he may not act like it but he loves seeing Cora so happy with you and the baby
Scares tf outta you when he is outside throwing your 4 months old baby in the air tho
He uses some of his methods when he was raising Law to raise your baby
Gets so emotional when your daughter reaches out for him
“You’re her daddy, Cora of course she loves you.”
Just like Sanji saves every core memory he can of your baby daughter
Let’s her put on his makeup . It came out horribly but he proudly wore it the whole day
He needs to kiss you both before leaving or else he will have a terrible day
One time you and the baby surprised him with a cake just as a thank you for everything he has done for you and he fell off the chair crying
He cries a lot
Wants to have like 3 more babies with you
102$)43920292772200/10 best mf Daddy
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