#Company 8
evalynbloom · 7 months
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I was enjoying the fire force manga and anime few weeks ago. so i made a fanart for my favorite company :3
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giggly-squiggily · 6 months
Weekly Basis (Fire Force)
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Heyo! :D I missed my boys, and now here they are kjejakrkjearjkeaj I was fangirling with Nym (@intheticklecloset) recently over these two and Fire Force as a whole- one thing led to another and boom! This fic was born! I hope y'all like it! :D
Summary: Arthur and Shinra have weekly tickle fights. That's it- that's the fic
It was Arthur’s fault, naturally. He usually was the one to start these fights.
“Begone devil, or I’ll be forced to cut you down.” The blonde fumed, grabbing the hilt of his plasma blade. “I’m not one to bluff.”
“Gee, forget how to say ‘excuse me’?” Said devil rolled his eyes as he turned back to the counter, pouring cream into his coffee. He could move, but Shinra was feeling petty now. The self proclaimed knight king could wait. “Since you're standing there, hand me the sugar? I think Maki burned the pot.”
“Assisting a devil? And a stubborn one at that- you are truly bold to ask a Knight King for assistance after refusing my orders.” Arthur puffed up, the hand on his hilt tightening knuckle white. Still, he turned and grabbed the sugar off the nearby table.
Only to put it on the top of the fridge, just out of Shinra’s reach.
“Oh you son of a-” Shinra growled as he twisted towards him, reaching for the bowl. “You’re a real pain in the ass, you know that?”
“Had you yielded, you’d have your sugar- hey, back you!!” Arthur pushed at his shoulders as Shinra leaned into him, using the blonde as leverage. “Begone I said!”
“Shut up, you started it!” Shinra stretched his arm long, fingers just grazing his target. Arthur scrunched his nose up at the smell. “Hold still!”
He did not. Instead, Arthur shoved his hand into his armpits for a better shove, curling his fingers.
The reaction was near instantaneous.
“GAH!” Shinra yelped, all but falling on his ass as he spasmed backwards. Arthur reached out to grab him, a hand to Shinra’s t-shirt the only thing preventing him from hitting his head on the way down. There was a brief moment of stunned silence, then…
“Geahhaha! Doohohohn’t you dahhahahre!” Shinra cried out when Arthur let him go, following him down with two hands in his armpits. “Stahhahahap, sthahhap yooohohohu jehheheerk!”
“Oo, what’s wrong? Is the devil himself ticklish?” The blonde cooed, grinning from ear to ear as Shinra thrashed and squealed beneath him, curling up like a cockroach. “If I’ve known this sooner, I’d have defeated you already! Now I shall take my chance!”
“Yehahahhaha rihhihiihght! Gehahahhaha, yohohohou’re a mohohohorohohohon iihihif yohohohu thihiihnk thihihs will kihihihll mehehehehe!” Shinra quickly reached out, grabbing onto Arthur’s knee and squeezing. Almost immediately, Arthur spasmed, falling back and giving Shinra the opening he needed to run.
“Dehevil! Get back here!” Arthur cried out, but Shinra was already far too gone, laughing the entire way.
Arthur was exhausted.
It was the beginning of the week, and the dreaded paperwork day. Normally such an event wouldn’t come around until later, but due to a few incidents over the weekend with infernals, the torture was moved sooner. The ogre pri-Maki; his head still hurt- insisted it wasn’t all that bad; just a small pile for each of them.
For her or the lieutenant, this was breezy. For the Knight King himself; it felt like decades.
“Oi, sit up- that’s how you fall asleep.” Shinra elbowed him gently, snapping him out of his sleepy trance. “Speaking of, did you sleep at all last night? I swear I heard you snoring for the most of it.”
“A Knight King gets plenty of stamina. This however- it’s poison. It drains my life force.” Arthur looked down miserably at the half finished paper, feeling his eyes start to droop just after reading the first few lines. “I’ve sat here for eons. Any longer and I won’t be able to go on…”
“It’s been five minutes. Most of them you spent asleep.” Shinra elbowed him again when Arthur started to droop, shaking him awake once more. “Do you want some coffee? An energy drink- water?”
“Coffee would be nice..” Arthur nodded through a yawn, watching Shinra get up to make it. “Make haste, devil- before this poison spreads to my he-aaaaart..”
“Sure, sure, whatever.” Shinra rolled his eyes as Arthur yawned again, stretching his arms out overhead. “Don’t be asleep when I get back or else.”
Arthur knew Shinra likely meant it. He leaned into his hand as he stared at the paper, the world growing blurrier and blurrier until…
“Eheh!” Something sharp and ticklish jabbed his sides. His vision was blind- when did that happen? Oh no- the poison spread to his eyes! “I can’t see-”
The paper he was working on fluttered off his face. Arthur stared. Oh.
Then the tickles came back and he didn’t have any time to feel silly.
“I told you to stay awake, didn’t I?” Shinra growled in his ear as he squeezed the life out of Arthur’s sides, making the blonde squeal and squirm in his clutches. “I told you, and you fell asleep anyway! This is what you get!”
“Aehahhhahahha! Rehehahahaleahahase me, dehheheehevil! Hohohow dahahahare yohohohu- gehahahhahahahhah!” The Knight King tried and failed to grab his hands, still groggy with sleep as Shinra danced his fingers up and down his torso. “Begohohohohone, dehhehehevil-HEhhehehehehehhahah!”
“You know- you’re awfully bold to ask for coffee from me and then tell me to ‘begone’. Actually- didn’t you say the same thing yesterday too?” Shinra’s efforts were doubled as Arthur snorted like a pig, trying and failing to guard his stomach from the devil’s prodding fingers. “Well too bad for you! I’m here with an antidote for your ‘poison’, and I’m not going anywhere until it’s in full effect!”
The coffee had grown cold by the time they were done, but Arthur wasn’t sleepy anymore.
A win is a win?
“You’ve got to be kidding.”
“Shut up! It’s not like you’ve never been stuck before!” Shinra argued at the Knight King- his stance weakened significantly as he swayed to and from. “Get me down!”
“Usually I’d leave devils like yourself like this, but as a Knight King, I suppose I have to help you.” A puff of laughter escaped the blonde’s lips, momentarily breaking his monologue. Seeing Shinra hanging upside down in a tree with his leg caught within the branches was quite the sight! Part of him wanted to take a few pictures.
“Oi, put your phone away and help me!” Shinra cried, swiping at Arthur as the other snapped a few shots, ducking and weaving out of the brunette’s reach. “Arthur!”
“Pfft, okay okay.” Tossing his phone aside, he reached up and grabbed Shinra by the waist- or ribs. He was never good at devil anatomy. “I’m gonna pull you down- try not to squirm.”
“Hurry u-eehheahhaha, stahhahap!” Shinra cried, shivering all over at the feeling of tickles. “Don’t tihihickle me!”
“I’m not trying too- damn, how’d you get so stuck?” Arthur gave another tug, squeezing Shinra more and more as he pulled. The entire time, the brunette was giggling and curling up, punching at the air and holding his face as he tried and failed to escape. “I told you to stop squirming!”
“Ahahahand I tohohold yoohohou tohoho stahhap tihihihckli-EHEHE!” Hands to his hips did him in. He arched so harshly he went backwards into Arthur, his leg deciding that was the time to come loose. The two boys went flailing into the dirt below- groaning in mutual pain as leaves scattered around them.
“Ugh..Devil, are you hurt?” Arthur asked, feeling Shinra shake his head. “Good. You can carry me back.”
“Oh shit- did you get hurt?” Shinra shot up, staring down at Arthur’s torso.
“No, but I’m far too tired. It’s the least you can do for knocking the air out of me.”
Shira swore, digging into the blonde’s sides and making him jump and cackle.
He did end up carrying Arthur home though.
Shinra felt his eye twitch. He pressed them closed tighter, practically squinting.
He pulled the pillow tighter around his ears, trying to block out the sound.
Now that last one sounded personal. Shinra twisted in his bed to glare down at the blonde sleeping away. Arthur wasn’t usually the type to snore; most nights the most you’d hear out of him is sleep talking through a dream-made acceptance speech. It was only when he got sick he snored.
And good lord he could snore!
“Oi, Knight King!” Shinra whispered sharply down at him, waving to get his attention. Usually he’d be more sympathetic for his roommate in times like this, but Arthur was on the very last leg of his cold. After what felt like decades listening to him snore, he finally had enough. “Wake up!”
“Zzh-heh?” Snorting awake, Arthur blinked blurrily up at him, wiping at his face with a tired hand. “What? The princess wishes me to marry her? I’m flattered, but I am far too committed to my duties.”
“No, dumbass! Wake up! You’re snoring like crazy!” Shinra growled, climbing down the latter of their bunk before heading to the bathroom. “Hang on, let me get the decongestants.”
“I don’t need your potions, Devil. I’m fine. Besides its-” Arthur looked at the clock, wincing. “Good lord- 1 am?- I can survive the night.”
“Well, I can’t.” Shinra came back with a glass of water and two pills, offering them to the blonde. “Take them. That’ll clear your up.”
Arthur stared. Then he scrunched up his nose in distaste, shaking his head. “Those are poison.”
“They’re medicine!”
“They taste horrible.”
“You sound like ass- take the freaking pills!” Too tired for patience, Shinra put down the water and climbed onto Arthur’s bed, grabbing at his sides as he brought the pills to his mouth. “Come on- come on, Knight King- the princess wants you to take them!”
“The priiihihncess is a dehehhevil! A dehihihvil in dihhihisguiihihse!” Arthur giggled out, one hand slapped over his mouth as the other shoved at Shinra, trying and failing to keep it down. “Stahhahap, it tihihihickles!”
“Take. The. Meds. Now!” Shinra growled, worming his fingers higher up as Arthur fell back into the bed, squeaking and giggling all the way. He was about to shove a hand into the blonde’s gut to really get him going when the door suddenly opened. “L-Lieutenant!”
Hinawa looked beyond exhausted, hair slightly messy and glasses missing. He also looked really, really pissed. He walked over, taking in the sight as his eyes landed on the pills in Shinra’s hand.
Without any words, he held out his hand for them. Shinra gave them without question. Hinawa turned to Arthur.
“These will make you into a grand knight king. Take them or you’ll die to the witch's poison.” He spoke so seriously even Shinra believed him. Arthur blanched before snatching the pills, gulping them down with every last drop of water.
“Good. Bed. Now.” Hinawa gave Shinra a look that sent chills up his spine. Quickly, the brunette did so, watching the older man leave. Before the door shut, he heard a soft “Goodnight boys.”
“Scary…” Shinra moaned. Below him, Arthur was fast asleep already.
“That’s it! This charade has gone on LONG ENOUGH!” Shinra declared one afternoon- tossing down his coat and pointing at the blonde before him. “You and me- outside; right now!”
“Bring it on, Devil. I’ve been waiting for this day.” Arthur nodded, following the brunette out the door. Tamaki- who had been sitting by watching the entire fiasco- turned to the others with wide eyes.
“Should we stop them?” She asked- still new to Company 8’s dynamics.
“They’ll be fine. They do this at least once a week.” Maki reassured her, sorting through the remains of her paperwork. “If you want, why don’t you go out and see for yourself? I can take care of things here.”
Tamaki nodded, standing up and heading towards the door. With a small huff, she pushed it open to find…
“COME HERE!” Shinra yelled out, diving into Arthur’s middle as the blonde grabbed onto his shirt. Sparks flew and flames ignited as Shinra took flight, soaring him and Arthur through the air. Despite such a move, they only skimmed the rooftop, no different than a fly buzzing around a sugar cube.
“Think you’ve one? Ha! Take this!” Arthur wasn't deterred. The second they reached the center of the roof once more he brought the hilt of his sword into Shinra’s back, making him stumble to his feet. Tamaki sucked in a small hiss- that couldn’t have felt good.
Neither did the suplex Shinra performed on Arthur. With the blonde on his back, Shirna was quick to sit on his hips, one hand grabbing at his wrists while the other…
“AH! Shihihihihihihit!” Arthur yelped, arching when Shinra’s fingers attacked his stomach, sending waves of ticklishness up his core. “Dehehehhevil!”
“Whahaht?” Shinra mimicked, giggling like a goon as he carried on gently tickling the other. He was smiling that devilish grin of his- the kind that never failed to make Tamaki’s heart do little flutters whenever it came around. “Come on- fight back, Knight King? What is it- too much for you to handle?”
“Yohohoohu shuhuhuhut yoooohur fahahhahce! Gehahhaha, I’m juhuhust gehehhehetting stahahhahartred!” With a burst of strength, Arthur broke free from Shinra’s grip, attacking the other’s ribs with full force. The brunette yelped as he doubled over, giggling like a child almost immediately. “Tahhahahke thahahahaht!”
“Wow- and here I thought they’d spar more before getting into the tickles.” Maki’s amused tone make Tamaki jump out her skin, finding the older girl watching alongside her. “Last week it took them a few more attacks before they got going.”
“They’ve been on edge all week. This is their stress relief.” Hinawa added, making Maki nod in agreement.
“Latom.” Iris added, tenting hands. Tamaki copied her almost automatically.
“Ehehehehheheh! Dohoohohohn’t juhuhuhuuhst stahhahahnd thehehehere- hehehehelp meheheh!” Shinra called out to them, half fighting off Arthur’s attacks and half digging into the nearest soft spot he could find. “Geheheheht his neehheheck-EHEHEHEH!”
“Dohohohon’t goohohoho gihihihving awahhahy my sehehehecrets! Hihihis feheheht! Gehehhet his feheheheh-EHEEHEHK!” Arthur yelped just as loudly when Shinra dug into his highest ribs, the hands in Shinra’s armpits starting to weaken. “GEHEHEHT OOHOHOHUT!”
“They’ll work it out eventually.” Hinawa returned to his desk, Maki following not too long after. Iris stayed with Tamaki, giggling in her hand as she watched the boys play.
“They’re always like this- you don’t have to worry.” She reassured her, squeezing Tamaki’s hand. “Come- lets go get some tea before they realize we’re still here.”
Away they went, leaving the boys screaming and cackling on the rooftop in their tickle fight. Soon the noise died down, the boys returning to the office disheveled and giggly.
“Iihihll..I’ll win nehehext time!” Shinra called out, pointing at a sleepy Arthur as the blonde sank into his seat.
“Suhuhure, shuuhhure..dehhehevil.” Arthur rolled his eyes, head hitting the desk as he began to snore. Only Maki shaking him kept him from completely passing out.
“I didn’t know you were ticklish.” Tamaki mused as she passed him a mug, watching his ears go red. “Who knew the hero had such a weakness?”
There was a brief pause in his eyes, something she couldn’t quite read passing over them before he began to laugh, taking the mug with that trademark smile of his. “Well- all the best heroes have one. Sometimes two.”
“What’s the other one?” She asked automatically, tilting her head when he only smiled around his mug.
“That’s a secret”
Thanks for reading!
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lobotheduck · 1 year
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burts-baked-bees · 2 years
Company 8 Snapchats SMAU
CW: Mascots, language, Goofiness
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Notes: have some pov of you being a company 8 member! i think JJK and Haikyuu are next!!
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randomhobbyist · 9 months
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Arthur Boyle
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dokidokibijutsu · 6 months
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Shinra Kusakabe & Sister Iris (Fire Force) x Sen Kaibara & Pony Tsunotori (My Hero Academia) crossover
#shinrakusakabe #kusakabeshinra #sisteriris #fireforce #fireforcecompany8 #adollaburst #cosplayart #cosplay #senkaibara #ponytsunotori #kaibarasen #spiral #tsunotoripony #rocketti #class1b #commonsensekings #myheroacademia #bokunoheroacademia #mha #bnha
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starspell57 · 9 months
ok, so I've been re-watching Fire Force, and there's one episode where they explain the different generations of fire users. Gen 1 is unpowered and turn into Infernals. Gen 2 can manipulate fire, but can't produce their own flames. Gen 3 can make their own flames and, in some ways, manipulate them. Benimaru in a 2nd and 3rd gen hybrid, being able to make and control his own fire, and is therefore the strongest in the force. But, remember the 1st gens? They can't make fire. They're UNPOWERED. And who's the most physically strong, besides Benimaru? Obi. Captain Obi of the 8th. He's unpowered. Many times, he says "I train for this every day" (usually, to some extent, he adds 'because I'm unpowered' or smth along those lines). Can you get where this is going? Like... he can't make fire, so he's gen 1. So that means, that at any time, he could be turned into an infernal. I don't want to imagine that... The 8th would be crushed :(
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froggbones · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 炎炎ノ消防隊 | Enen no Shouboutai | Fire Force (Anime), 炎炎ノ消防隊 | Enen no Shouboutai | Fire Force (Manga) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Iris/Shinra Kusakabe Characters: Shinra Kusakabe, Arthur Boyle, Maki Oze, Iris (Fire Force), Tamaki Kotatsu, Akitaru Oubi, Takehisa Hinawa, Shinmon Benimaru Additional Tags: Drinking, Underage Drinking, Alcohol, Drunken Shenanigans, Fights, Truth or Dare, Party, Party Games, Company 8 as a Family (Fire Force), Company 8 Downtime, Fun, Motherly Maki, Shinra has a crush, drunk shinra Summary:
If Sober Shinra were to describe the party that Company 8 was throwing right now, he’d say it was pretty cool. If Drunk Shinra would take a moment to stop drinking to tell you how he felt, he would say it was pretty fucking lit.
Drunk Shinra, however, was halfway through his fifth beer and definitely not capable of forming a full coherent sentence.
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shadowsphere · 2 years
☼Sphere's Fire Force Masterlist☼
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"𝘐 𝘴𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘐 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦." -𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘳𝘢 𝘒𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘣𝘦 "𝘌𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘶𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢 𝘣𝘰𝘹 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘶𝘴 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘺 𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘴." -𝘓𝘢𝘶𝘳𝘢 𝘌𝘴𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘭
☀︎ - 𝘚𝘮𝘶𝘵 ☁︎ - 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵 ⛅︎ - 𝘍𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧
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🔮Company 1
☼ Rekka Hoshimiya ☼ Tamaki Kotatsu
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🔮Company 5
☼ Hibana
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🔮Company 7
☼ Benimaru Shinmon ☼ Konro Sagamiya
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🔮Company 8
☼ Arthur Boyle ☼ Iris ☼ Lisa Isaribi ☼ Maki Oze ☼ Shinra Kusakabe ☼ Vulcan Joseph
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☼ Arrow ☼ Inca Kasugatani ☼ Orochi ☼ Rekka Hoshimiya ☼ 𝕋𝕒𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕚 𝕂𝕠𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕤𝕦
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☼ Amaterasu ☼ Takeru Noto
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always and forever have them on the brainnnn
also this ship really is the definition of ‘we lost the plot’ what even is malevolent anymore
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lobotheduck · 1 year
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not the hose, man. you're not fighting any fires like that.
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myketheartista · 4 months
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My piece for the @boatemvillagezine !! I had a fun time figuring out how I'd draw everyone, the designs, and the rendering style I was gonna go with, and I'm really pleased with the end result! Maybe one day the boatem sticker sheet will exist...
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randomhobbyist · 9 months
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Arthur Boyle (Work in Progress)
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fumifooms · 8 days
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Actually hilarious that Laios’ family had a cat too, we just never hear about it because Laios’ dog bias is that strong If that side-eye is any hint the dgaf was mutual
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paranormaljones · 16 days
I'm rereading Lockwood & Co. and I just started The Screaming Staircase and. the thought of little 8-year-old Lucy Carlyle walking around in an agency uniform actually makes me so sick to my stomach.
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froggbones · 5 months
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Fire Force brainrot, so I did a messy shinra doodle in my sketchbook
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