#Coal Heat
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"IL FAUT DEJA PENSER A L'HIVER," Le Petit Journal. July 9, 1933. Page 19. ---- Dans les foyers pauvres, on redoute déjà le prochain hiver. Les enfants s'emploient à faire provision de bois, car le charbon reste, hélas, trop cher. Réussira-t-on à enrayer avant l'hiver les spéculations qui maintiennent ce prix élevé! C'est possible, car on verra, page 20, les conclusions du rapport officiel du registraire, accablantes pour le monopole. (Photo "Petit Journal").
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goosecastle41 · 17 days
The first hints of Coalecroux is in episode one where Kremy says “And then it would be Gricko, cause I think Kremy would be pissed off being woken up by Gricko. He would prefer to be woken up by Gideon” in response to Nikkie asking if they have a watch order and what it is when they set up camp
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limonjarritos · 9 months
I think if Rody didn't have Manon to obsess over and therefore for Vince to make her into food for Rody I still think Vince would go cannibalism route. Like I think we're talking Vince giving a small piece of himself to be eaten by Rody as a form of love, just want to make that clear. This man is not normal.
I also think if Rody did have an obsession with Vince, he would have given a piece of himself for Vince to eat. He is all about giving the most to his partner even at the detriment to himself. He would hand over the whole of himself.
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Feliç dia de la Mercè, the weird sketchy carnival is in town.
I just think they deserve a vacation, some crime, maybe a picnic, some tourism, steal like twelve wallets and get lost in the metro...
In other news, every tourism shop in Barcelona sells "I ❤️DILFS/ MILFS" t-shirts, and they still give me a heart attack every time I see one. WHY? WHY??? Why would Gideon absolutely wear one of them? WHOO??
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Also, I'm surviving college somehow, not the heat... Not the heat-.
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theundergroundwoman · 2 years
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in a bad place (belgrade in november)
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mckitterick · 1 year
Record heat is killing saguaro cactus
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Record-high temperatures, combined with a lack of seasonal monsoons, are killing Arizona's famous saguaro. Phoenix just saw 115°F (46°C), continuing a streak of temperatures over 110°F degrees for 28 consecutive days.
Stressed by extreme weather and lack of water, saguaro can begin to rot from the inside and eventually lose limbs or collapse. Saguaros are beautifully adapted to heat and aridity, but they have their limits.
At night, saguaro normally open their stomata, or pores, and carry out a gas exchange where they take in the carbon dioxide they need to photosynthesize during the day. But Phoenix's record-high heat is suffocating and stressing out the saguaros, dehydrating them and making them more susceptible to infections and insects.
Phoenix is one of nine US cities where at least 1 million people live in neighborhoods that reach 8° higher temperatures than surrounding areas. Tucson, where temperatures are slightly lower but still over 100°F, isn’t seeing the same distress in local saguaros because they aren't suffering the added “heat island” effect of Phoenix plants.
When plants especially evolved to thrive in desert conditions are dying because of the heat, we have a problem.
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magicaldragons · 7 months
ugramm (vs. salaar)
for @noisywolfwagonpeanut-blog
so, Ugramm takes place on a much smaller scale than Salaar, where:
Khansaar = Mughor Devaratha = Agastya Varadha = Balaa Aadhya = Nithya Krishnakanth = Prabhakar Vishwa = Bilal Shivarudra, an MLA, and his son, Dheeraj who are equivalents for Khansaar's leaders
the plot, with comparisons:
the movie starts with an animated backstory, telling us that the reason Nithya's dad is in so much trouble is because he was asked to make a shipment (since he owns a shipping company) for Shivarudra's smuggled goods, and he refuses, due to which his wife is killed
before the men can kill Nithya, who is a baby at the time, Prabhakar promises to make the shipment, but he steals most of the materials, selling them himself. He tips the police off about Shivarudra, and runs to Australia with Nithya.
this is particularly interesting because the reason that Krishnakanth is in trouble hasn't been revealed yet in Salaar, but it's the first thing we find out in ugramm i highly doubt the reason will be the same in Salaar though, since it's implied Aadhya's mother dies in Australia and never got a chance to visit India.
Twenty years later, Shivarudra is out of jail, though he has been keeping the syndicate active through his son, and he still craves vengeance on Prabhakar.
he's in a state similar to Radha Rama, which probably means that Krishnakanth is the reason that Radha Rama had to leave Khansaar, and does not really show her face anywhere, choosing to operate instead through obulamma, vedha, and the others.
In the present day, an older Nithya comes to Bangalore to visit her mother's grave (not with ashes), and is kidnapped by Dheeraj's men, but Agastya comes for her after receiving a call from a friend (Vishwa) and takes her to his home afterwards
therefore it's Agastya who saves her (without violence, specifically), and develops a rapport with Nithya, rather than how it is in Salaar, with Bilal doing most of the work, and minimal involvement from Deva.
Starting here, there's a whole series of events that bring Agastya and Nitya closer, and MANY motifs and themes that recur, as a symbol of their feelings for each other.
this is a section, that even though it gets major importance in Ugramm, is completely skipped in Salaar, with prashanth even going as far as to not show any chemistry between Aadhya and Deva whatsoever. there's also much more comedy and lightheartedness in Ugramm, which prashanth has cut out of Salaar, which really drives it home that he means for Salaar to be very dark and undeniably gritty.
some of these scenarios include:
Agastya teaching Nithya the names of various vegetables in Kannada, because she's temporarily responsible for the cooking and other housework (since Agastya is hiding her true identity from his mother).
Nithya bothered by people in the market place, which is when Agastya's mother gives him permission to save her. [he draws a line around her in the sand (with an umbrella) and says: "the line is drawn. everything in this circle belongs to me"]
a whole montage telling us that, Agasthya will be everywhere Nithya is, just a step behind her, and as long as he is there, no one will dare to touch her.
Agastya sheltering her from the rain. with an umbrella. several times
he saves her from Shivarudra's men, and finds where she's hiding based on the fruit she describes to him over a call, because she doesn't know where she is (it's a gooseberry)
he takes her to her mother's grave and when they reach she says: "do i look pretty? (for my mother)" & he's just awestruck by her beauty
basically, prashanth really builds a meaningful relationship between Agastya & Nithya and makes us root for them.
there's this scene where Agastya's tattoo is revealed to Nithya, and she has a whole phase where she's kind of scared (unlike Aadhya, who is immediately fascinated by Deva's violence), but it still serves as relationship development for the both of them.
in Salaar, on the other hand, Deva and Aadhya barely get a chance to talk, and Deva doesn't really form the best of first impressions which makes me wonder: if prashanth intends on putting Deva and Aadhya together, would he really save all of that characterization and plot, just to dump it on us in part two?
Eventually, after observing how mysterious Agastya has been at times, and hearing rumors from the neighbors, Nithya asks Vishwa about Agastya's past, which is then shown to us in a way that's not as elaborate as what we see in Salaar.
an important point to note is that throughout the course of Ugraam's flashback, we know that Agasthya is intensely loyal to Balaa due to a promise made when they were children, but we see no proper reason for that fealty. We are never told why Agastya goes so far for Balaa, so there's no emotional quotient tied to any of Agastya's actions. Balaa especially is shown to be a bit smug when people witness the power Agastya holds, which makes it feel a little like Balaa is using Agastya as a weapon, and not as if Agastya is offering it himself.
Agastya saves the women of Mughor from a man like Vishnu (but imagine without the theatrics), which gets Balaa put in jail, and the way Agastya storms the jail to get Balaa out (which takes two minutes) is extremely anticlimactic compared to what happens in Salaar.
after getting Balaa out of jail, Agastya promises to conquer Mughor for him, and there's a specific scene where he gives Balaa a map and says:
"whatever you point at, will be yours"
this is the point in the plot at which Salaar: Ceasefire ends.
Following this, Agastya goes on a rampage, capturing areas of Mughor for Balaa, which gains both him and Balaa several enemies. Politically, things become heated, and it doesn't help that some people, including Balaa's brother, want credit for some victories.
Balaa's brother is irrationally aggressive at times, and this reaches a limit when Balaa's brother threatens an innocent women, whose husband they have just killed. Agastya disagrees with hurting her, since she's not involved, and helps the woman. Balaa's brother, feeling humiliated, says something about hurting Agastya's mom, and that turns out horribly, leading to a fight. This then ends with the brother's death, when he actually attempts to find Agastya's mother.
There is a chance that Deva will be responsible for Baachi's death for different reasons (and an even smaller chance that Baachi might not die at all), especially because Amma isn't in Khansaar when Deva returns, after 25 years. He returns alone. In, Ugramm, Agastya and his mother only escape their hometown when Agastya is well into adulthood. Ugramm does not have Salaar's childhood plot whatsoever, which changes the circumstance around Deva's return to Khansaar. This means that, if Deva invokes Varadha's rage by hurting/killing Baachi, it might be for something other than Baachi threatening his mother.
Agastya decides to leave Mughor, knowing that what he has done will be unforgivable for Balaa, and Balaa stops him right before they leave, intent on killing him. Agastya's mother, worried for her son, begs Agastya to make her a promise that he will never enter Mughor again or commit violence.
Agastya makes the promise at the last moment, and Balaa decides not to hurt him, before they part ways.
Fast forward to the present, Nithya's dad comes for her from Australia, and Agastya lets her go, (due to the classic 'she's too good for me' syndrome) which disappoints her, but she is then kidnapped and taken to Mughor, compelling Agastya once more, to step foot into that place.
Agastya fights to save her, killing Dheeraj in the process, but just before leaving, Balaa finds him. Agastya refuses to fight, willing to accept whatever punishment Balaa deems necessary, as long as Nithya is spared,
but Balaa, after consideration says:
"I won't fight a man who won't fight back. Even if I win, it'll bring me shame to attack a man who is already weak from fighting."
Before Balaa lets him go, he makes it clear that he has somewhat moved on, and acknowledges their friendship once again, calling Nithya "sister-in-law".
The movie ends with Agastya and Nithya outside of Mughor's borders, where he tells her to let him go, because of the way he is. She refuses, drawing a line in the sand around him as a callback to the first time he fought for her, and tells him that "everything in the circle belongs to her," ending the movie with the both of them together, and their prospective futures ahead of them.
this is where many things can go wrong if prashanth decides to put Deva and Aadhya together in a similar way, because he has not set them up for that. with the way he's laid out the plot and characterization, it is legitimately impossible to imagine: 1. Deva choosing anyone over Varadha, even if Varadha dies by the end of part two or 2. Varadha letting Deva go after they meet again, especially if he is able to move on from whatever Deva did that hurt him
All in all, Prashanth has made many minor changes regarding detailing, for the story to flow better, and he's scaled Salaar up to seem grander than life. It's evident that he has put more care into explaining every facet of the story, so that there's no plot holes, and been able to use Ugramm as a stepping stone to make Salaar that much better.
The major differences include showing us Varadha and Deva's childhood, and taking out all of Deva & Aadhya's relationship development, along with giving many of Nithya & Agastya's parallels to Varadeva, which suggests a different ending for Salaar: Shouryaanga Parvam, than that of Ugramm.
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the-crimson · 1 year
Some more late night after stream thoughts. I’m watching Tina now while getting ready to sleep and she was just talking about how Cucurucho was so nice and silly and idk if she’s being serious cuz I rarely watch her but it’s got me thinking about how so many people dismiss Cellbit’s experience with Cucurucho because their personal experience was either delightful or neutral/positive.
Tw discussions of abuse and manipulation
It reminds me of real life abusers and people who abuse systems of power. They get away with their abuse for so long because their external persona with everyone but their victims is pleasant and reasonable and often times kind and helpful. No one believes or takes their victims seriously because their stories don’t line up with their personal experiences with this person.
This happens so often in real life it’s kinda bizarre seeing it happen so openly on the qsmp with so many of the characters choosing to turn a blind eye, q!Jaiden being the most extreme example - but q!Jaiden is also a victim of the federation just in a vastly different way than the Brazilians.
Oh this terrible thing happened to this person? Well Cucurucho is so nice to me and always blows bubbles and gives me things and is just silly and whimsy so… either this person is exaggerating or they probably did something to deserve it.
Which leads to another thing many abusers do: turn their victims against each other. Q!Jaiden had been isolated by the cucuruchos and spent a month with only them in which it can be inferred they spent the entire time manipulating her into favoring them even more than she already did, to the point where she said she doesn’t care what they did to Cellbit. Turning victims against each other to keep the focus away from the fact that they are the ones causing everyone’s pain.
That is also exactly what the election was intended to accomplish and it did, as we are seeing with Forever and Bad. The rift between them is only going to grow and there is nothing either of them can do to stop it because their core ideologies are incompatible. Bad is doing his damndist to give forever the benefit of the doubt and try to help him but nothing Forever does will ever satisfy Bad’s hatred of systems of government so this rift between them will never be healed.
This is how governments and abusers both keep their power. Turning people against each other. Giving privileges to some as an example of how benign they are while actively hurting others behind closed doors. Isolating their victims from the outside world so the abuser is the only person they can turn to. It’s all text book and it’s working on many of the islanders. Hell, people go missing every other day and no one blinks an eye anymore. They’ve become so desensitized to the federation’s abusive tactics because they don’t know how to fight back, not really.
At this point, the main method of resistance they can show is true unity within their community. The islanders built a community without the federation - who initially tried to separate them via the wall - and that community is theirs. They need to unite against cucurucho and the federation or they’ve already lost. There is no working with the federation because compliance is taking part in your own oppression.
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shiftythrifting · 1 year
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1) suspicious small children
2) so how special was she again-
3) bedpan?????
4) a bootleg rabbit who likely did customer service
5) the most noble of bathducks
From Shekinah (first three) and YMCA in Torquay, England.
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elmonstro · 11 months
Sir John Franklin looked pretty chill about their resources and possible rescue mission for someone who had to eat his own boots in his last arctic expedition...
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woodsfae · 1 year
I stand outside my house facing south. There are three different mountain ranges within my eyesight, without even turning my head. It's summer, which usually means still, hot air. When there are summer winds, I can taste the oncoming thunderstorm.
But this summer, a wind picks up every night. No thunderstorm follows on its heels. It tastes of the factories to the west, downriver. Wildfire smoke builds up over the mountains to the east, turning the waxing moon a vibrant gold that shines beautifully against the wildfire-sunset-reds.
The unseasonable wind blows, and although it's ten degrees hotter than in Julys past, I shiver. Unnatural. In the trainyard, I can hear the trains humping: coal cars and natural gas cars and logging cars all slamming together to form longer trains, ready to take Montana coal and Montana logs and Montana gas all across the country.
"If this was a book, the allegory would be heavy-handed," I think, but then I think about all the books and movies with unbelievably exaggerated metaphors, and feel another chill. The train cars slam together hard enough to rattle the single-pane windows in my house.
A $70,000 fully electric pickup truck with California plates flies around the corner at nearly twice the speed limit.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Moral,” Simplicissimus. Vol. 37, No. 42, January 15, 1933.. p. 502.   --- (M. Frischmann)  “Wenn ick mir so die Kohlenhalden anseh', sag' ick mir immer:,Wer nich klaut, der soll ooch frieren!"" ["When I look at the coal heaps, I always say to myself: 'If you don't steal, you should freeze too!"]
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mageofminge · 9 months
do you guys ever have nightmares about getting a fish tank only for the fish to die within the day you get it due to some really horrible and also easy to avoid errors?
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chronophobica · 1 year
ai art pisses me off mostly because imagine staking the last 10 years of your life on one skill needed for your career only to be told that actually all of that is obsolete and worthless because theyre just going to steal someone elses work worse instead because its cheaper
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titsoutfornature · 1 year
the idea that climate change is 100% or mostly caused by fossil fuels and plastic completely misses the point & instills the false belief that infrastructure based on solar or whatever energy will solve everything.
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silverjirachi · 9 months
i’m like if one of those pathetic little white ladies from the crappy mobile game ads was also a dude
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