#Coach- outlet 7
asfodelle · 11 months
Hello, hello, here's the first scene of the one-shot I've been writing the last few months. It's about a 'He Tian is involved in the mob and returns occasionally tho feelings never leave' situationship neither can walk out of, Mo is a boxer, there's a touch of religious themes, made myself cry writing it, it's a blast.
1. May 5th 7:12 p.m. - Bell
Before leaving the car, He Tian lets out a long sigh, blowing smoke. He should probably get to praying.
The door snaps shut, echoing in the small street he parked in. Past the intersection he hears kids chatting, going home for dinner maybe. He Tian takes a second to watch himself in the reflection of his tinted windows. He readjusts the collar of his shirt, brushes his pants wrinkled from the long hours of driving, throws his hair backwards and the damp air soon gets him to fold his sleeves up. He doesn’t look so bad, he thinks. Tired. He rubs his face with both hands to bring back some color to his cheeks, then under his eyes as if he could dim the blue tint that’s been settling there, but it doesn’t have very conclusive results. He starts walking.
The entrance of the old warehouse is slightly different from the last time he’s seen it. It looks more welcoming, but it might just be a trick of the light. The peach clouds of the spring evening just paint a nicer ambiance than the grey winter sky did, last January. The gates have been adorned by new tags that have been sprayed on top of the old faded ones and there are flyers encouraging people to join the Sunday mass down the street glued all over, though they don’t reach very high. He Tian imagines a troop of old women roaming the streets, spreading the holy word but his little game of guesswork doesn’t help him relax one bit. 
He gets in front of the door, a smaller entrance within the large sealed gate that used to let trucks in and out of the warehouse. He grips the handle for a second, takes a long inhale and gets in. His eyes slowly adjust to the dimmer lighting but he quickly notes that, contrary to its facade, the inside of the place hasn’t changed much since the last time he saw it. Between high walls of concrete and sheets of metal lie mismatched sets of equipment. Barbells, slick black punching bags, discolored benches of various sorts, a couple old bikes in the back, punch mitts forgotten over a pile of cardboards. A few training boxing rings give shape to the room, the space between them gives the illusion of corridors. The walls are covered in overlapping posters, the grey disrupted by layers on layers of paint and graffitis that even cover the high windows. They let small rays of tinted light in like the stained glass of a church, though the candles are replaced by tens of flickering LEDs lights. There are a few people here and there, busy with dumbbells or talking in their little spot but the room is so wide they can’t be heard. Stairs crawl by the walls leading to more rooms and places He Tian had never been to. Music resonates, low and muffled from a speaker somewhere in a corner.
In the middle of the room stands another ring, a bright red one standing higher than the rest, with white thick cords. When He Tian sees him, he’s sat there, on the side of the wooden platform the red ring rests on. He's listening attentively to a trio of teenagers, leaning backwards on his hands. 
Guan Shan had taken a liking to boxing in high school. A good outlet, he said, one that taught him to measure his emotions. It stuck through the years and he’s been great at it. Then he started giving advice to newcomers, to give some of spare time to help young blood he saw himself in and slowly it transformed into actual lessons and training sessions he holds after work. These kids have been coming here for a couple years now, He Tian remembers them. They are reenacting punches and kicks, arguing and giggling over different combinations and they turn to their coach for approval whenever they get a new idea. He nods along and fixes their posture a couple times, something soft in his eyes. He looks beautiful. Toned and pale as ever, the bare skin of his chest clashes with the black shorts and the tattoos that spangle his body. He Tian stands close to the entrance, leaning cross-armed, his shoulder against a pillar and keeps on watching over him though he struggles to truly appreciate the contrast of colors due to the fifth character in the scene.
A guy he doesn’t know is sitting close to Guan Shan, too close. His hair is an ugly shade of bleached blond and he keeps looking at Guan Shan whenever he speaks with big dumb eyes, mouth agape and enamored. He looks young, but maybe He Tian only feels so much older than his age. He looks stupid.
He Tian hasn’t moved but Guan Shan suddenly lifts his head and catches him right away, as if he’d known all along where he was hiding. The way his eyes widen for a second betray his surprise however but he quickly regains control over his face. It seems like he excuses himself from his little group, the blonde argues something, he wants to follow but he’s brushed away by a dismissing hand.
Guan Shan glances back to He Tian’s shadowy corner and starts moving towards the closed rooms in the back of the building, grabbing a few boxes on the way. He Tian traces behind him with a confident walk and ignores how all of his body stiffens with apprehension, every single muscle a little too tight. Guan Shan enters the room first and He Tian follows a few seconds after. He closes the door behind them. The handle creaks and his hands are sweaty.
It’s not quite messy in here, but the little office room is packed. The desk is covered with stacks of papers, cardboard boxes are neatly piled up in the back of the room; some are already opened and uncover the gloves, the tapes and bandages they hold. The window is open too, letting in the noise of the city. Guan Shan sets the boxes he carried over on top of one of the piles and gets to fumbling in his bag, almost turning his back to the door where He Tian stands.
« Hi. » he tries, and braces himself for what’s coming. 
« You know it’s fucking weird creeping in corners like this? »
He Tian pinches his lips in a thin line.
« Why are you here? » Guan Shan asks then, still busying himself in his bag. He doesn’t sound angry, just a little cold, maybe annoyed at the disturbance.
« I’ve got some business to handle in town. »
« I thought you were abroad until September. » Guan Shan muses, finding the shirt he seemed to be looking after, a large black one. He Tian follows his hands and notices he has splatters of white and red paint over his forearms, his short nails are stained too.
« The schedule is never really steady. » 
Guan Shan scoffs. He Tian know that’s a first warning but he can’t help but focus on the way his muscles jolt, on the way they flex as he flips the shirt over. He tries to not lose his eyes on the curve of his biceps. It’s a struggle. 
« I negotiated a little. » He adds « Took over Cheng’s spot. »
Little negotiations that involved a precarious alliance, three weeks of tailing for intel and a couple of threats. It was worth it.
Carefully, He Tian moves away from the door, closer to Guan Shan. He probably shouldn’t, definitely shouldn’t yet he lifts a hand and reaches out to touch his bare back. Guan Shan freezes.
« I wanted to see you. » he explains, voice low as his knuckles trace the bumps of Guan Shan’s spine. It’s daring. It might earn him a hook but the pull is magnetic.
As their routine dictates, they hadn’t parted in very good terms the last time and for that, coming back to him is always a gamble. A game of Russian roulette even and quite a dangerous version of it; one where he never even knew how many bullets were hidden in the cylinder, each of them taking a different shape. At times He Tian had handled days of scowling looks and a soft kiss that had left him bleeding out, he had received sharp words from petty fights without wincing but just the weight of Guan Shan’s rehearsed indifference could pierce his lungs and leave him breathless. He will take the hits, he does not care. It’s a game they’ve played for years now and as long as the other still accepts to pull the trigger on him, he’d take anything. After all, He Tian is the one who bound the gun to his hand in the first place.
A punch never lands this time. Guan Shan sighs, his shoulders drop then he turns around and throws his arms around He Tian’s neck, knocking the air out of him all the same. He Tian holds back tightly, and finally breathes out, his fingertips digging into hot freckled skin.
« I missed you. » He Tian whispers. What a fucking understatement. 
The arms around his neck tighten in response, only for a brief second before they hear loud noise by the door. Their embrace ends as quick as it started, Guan Shan stepping back and turning to put on the shirt he had discarded a second ago. He glares at the door, expecting it to open at any moment but thankfully, the people outside only pass by. 
« I’m training the kids all evening, and there’s a party at eleven, but I don’t think it’ll stay long. » Guan Shan says when the room has quieted down enough. 
« I’ll pick you up then. »
Guan Shan nods. That should be He Tian’s cue to leave, he has a couple things to settle tonight anyway but the other looks as if he’s pondering over something. He Tian catches how amber eyes roam over his face, for a brief moment they even settle on his mouth, but then return to the door. 
« Get lost. » he tells He Tian, tilting his head towards the door but there’s no bite into it.
When He Tian gets back to the car, his cheeks hurt. In the tinted window, his smile might look shy but it’s wider than it’s been in the last four months.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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Jasper National Park, AB (No. 7)
Attractions that can easily be reached by road include the Mount Edith Cavell hiking area, Maligne Lake (which features hiking and boating opportunities), Maligne Canyon, Miette Hot Springs, Pyramid Lake, the Jasper Skytram and the Athabasca Glacier, (an outlet glacier of the Columbia Icefield which features snow coach tours). The Marmot Basin ski area is the most popular winter attraction in the park.
Common summer recreational activities in the park include hiking, fishing, mountain biking (in select areas), wildlife viewing, rafting, kayaking and camping. Winter activities include Alpine skiing, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Some companies offer dog sled tours in the park.
Only a small fraction of the parks area is road accessible. The rest forms a large backcountry area which is largely only accessible by trail. Large areas of the backcountry are rarely visited as many areas' trails are poorly maintained or non existent. Access into the backcountry is most often accomplished by backpacking or horseback and in rare cases kayak or raft. Popular backcountry trips include the Tonquin Valley, the Skyline Trail, Jones Pass, Jacques Lake and the Fryatt Valley. The remote North Boundary Trail which provided access to the north half of the park is a multiweek backpacking trip. Canoe and kayaking access to the backcountry can be achieved on Maligne Lake.
Source: Wikipedia
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cant-get-no-worse · 10 months
what are your thoughts on scaloni having doubts about his future in the national team ? what do you think is going on ?
love your takes they’re always so well put together
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Hii Ro 🫶In the 7 hours it took me to answer, a plethora of information more or less clearing up what happened appeared on twitter sooo... but since I had 2 or 3 other asks about it I'll take the opportnity to round things up briefly for people unaware of the general situation! I'm in no way an expert btw, this is just what I understood/lived as an expat arg and got from my arg side of the family.
So as per Gastón & other news outlet, Scaloni (perhaps some other members of the technical staff of the Argentine NT as well) has had a problem with the AFA for some time now. If we had to resume state of affairs :
The AFA (Argentine Football Association) show
Governing institution of football in the country which would deserve a fourth star of its own for its spectacular dedication to worsen itself by the years. A true marvel of corruption and incompetence display. Its first chairman had presidency from 1979 to 2014, and after he died things went a bit avok (not to say he hadn't already himself some corrupt payments scandals to his name). But essentially, before there was one mogul-in-chief who ran things, whereas after people started to mess it up even more.
For a quick and famous example of how things were (are) run there, the 2015 presidency election opposing Luis Segura to Marcelo Tinelli saw them tie at 38 votes each. There were 75 voting members in the comity.
Anyways what does it matter eh, Segura (elected) lasted two years before he was forced out for "aggravated administrative fraud" (fancy terms they have).
Evidence of discontentment from the players can be found in press comments and some Messi's instagram posts circa 2016 where he highlighted AFA's "disastrous" way of running things. It was also made public by a security agent that they had to come to Messi amidst an internal dispute with AFA to ask him to do something about their 6-months due salaries — quite maddening if you think about it. Regular informations of coaches and staffs not being paid for the competition they'd worked in would come out.
Precedents beefs
Amidst all those organisational/financial/political corruption issues, it's no surprise then for there to be precedents of players, employees and coaching staff beefing with AFA. Tata Martino and his entire team resigned in July 2016 following disagreements.
AFA current chairman Chiqui Tapia (in place since 2017) is quite a controversial figure, drawing wide support & affection one day and outrage the other. A few time ago he was praised for having relocated a U-I-Forgot world cup in Argentina, allowing our evicted team to come back to the competition (only to lose again lmfao). Recently tho, it was more outrage that prevaled for how AFA passed a regulation stipulating that the Argentine first championship wouldn't have a three-places relegation anymore. Many pointed it as the death of an otherwise already wobbly championship. He's also branded with various nicknames such as Chiqui Mafioso, pointing at his meddling with politicians (including former Economy Minister and 2023 presidential elections runner-up, Massa) and other shady stuff.
So what's up with Scaloni ?
So now here are a list of stuff people/journalists have come up with over the day regarding the potential reasons for Scaloni's declarations + some own thoughts :
6 days ago - still in the middle of Argentine's presidential elections - a journalist asked Scaloni in a press conference about the clubs' privatisation - a tumultuous topic that has been thrusted on the hands of politicians for more than a decade now. Some think the journalist was mended by Tapia or others to get Scaloni - coach of the National Selection, fresh out of a treble and thus getting lots of media attention and support from the people - to publically stand against the privatisation of the clubs and thus directly or indirectly to give support to presidential candidate Massa, supported by, as I was saying earlier, Chiqui Tapia.
Still on the political, journalists report that last week Massa asked, via Tapia, for a photo with the national team's players who refused : Tapia thus tried to pressure Scaloni in persuading them to do so.
General weariness of the way things are ran at AFA - who apparently have not taken their three peat as a hint to professionalize a bit and have still not paid the coaching staff or players for the WC win in Qatar. They also have been running up and about the globe to face really lower-ranked selections in order to bring cash in which not only tires everyone due to travel but is not to the taste of Scaloni as he'd want to keep playing against levelled opponents in the perspective of the 2024 Copa América and to find an actual usefulness to the games instead of pure exhibition for money.
So all of this = could be a way for Scaloni to publically put pressure on AFA during the break before the next international break in March, to see how they are going to react and let him time to decide if the issues have been fixed or not for him to continue as head coach.
It's worth noting apart from the political turmoil that Scaloni has also been head coach of a national team for about three years now, experimenting immense pressure which is of course at its culminating point now that they've won everything and are expected to continue to do so. A lack of motivation, a feeling of being overwhelmed by the pression can be factors for his statement. In this, I'm dabing a bit into personal experience as I'm recalled of Pep Guardiola's similar situation with FC Barcelona. Once you're on top of the world, with world-class/heavy names players filling the locker room, in a place that puts football above much things, you're bound to take a pause and look around to figure out what the sweet fuck you're going to do now. As they say it's not the destination that counts, it's the journey : the motivation can drag you for one, two, three years to every culminating point you see shining, but once you've conquered all those peaks, you can be left quite empty-handed and disoriented cause you have to find a new hunger to hit a new road again.
So here's a resume + my take of whatever's happening at the moment! I think that it could go either way, although I would be surprised to see him go before the Copa América. Whatever he does, honestly, and even though I'd be truly fucking sad and bitter to see him go, I wouldn't say a bad word about his decision, whatever it may be. How could we say anything about the guy who ended several decades long drought of trophies, put a team as close as a family together and led them to win us three trophies in the span of two years? I love him very much and whatever he does, I'll just be thankful. but yeah aimar do your job omg keep him until june for gods sake
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Excerpts from a talk by Christynne Lili Wrene Wood at the Oct. 7 National March to Protect Trans Youth & Speakout for Trans Lives in Orlando, Florida.
I fought against a very well-organized campaign at the Santee City Council near San Diego. During that meeting, a well-coached teenage girl emotionally described her horror and experience at seeing a “naked man” in the women’s locker room of the Cameron YMCA in Santee. 
Even though several members of the YMCA staff assured her and her family that I was indeed a woman, her lie was picked up by a local right-wing media outlet and within 72 hours was both national and international news, with said girl being a keynote guest on the “Tucker Carlson Show.”
During a protest of hate coordinated by a couple of East County churches featuring failed politicians and more right-wing media coverage, I quietly and with resolute conviction made my way to a counter-protest that featured love, diversity, acceptance, and joy. The number of families there to support our rainbow family was overwhelming. 
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alyjojo · 6 months
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April 🤯 2024 Monthly - Virgo
Preshuffle: Someone keeps trying for a new start with you and you’re defensive about it - or that’s switched. It’s not the first time this has made a return, or you keep returning to a person/place you’ve been before, could be family or even friend related if not romantic. A roommate possibly.
Meditation: You were part of a couple, arguing in the kitchen. It’s like you had good intentions, you were there for the right reasons, trying to “come back” even - whatever that means. This person wasn’t open with their communication, they were angry and popping off about whatever, you just picked up a to-go bag already packed and ready (you never unpacked it), and walked out the door.
Main energy: 5 Swords rev
You’re forgiving someone you’ve been disconnected from, or they’re forgiving you. It’s probably mutual, though for most it’s you that’s had the issue. I heard “tag me in coach” and this could be sports related on some level, Authority shows you having an issue with someone above you in some way. A parent, boss, coach, whoever, could be a friend that acts like one, or a partner. You seem to be taking the high road, perhaps differently than however you have before. At the bottom shows you feeling left out, there’s been no communication, just a private licking of some sort of wounds…I heard “pride” with that. Someone could apologize for acting in a shitty way, 5 Swords was upright at some point. Or you could’ve just been quietly ticked off at someone and what you learn or discuss will soften your position on something, it’s like you’re learning something you didn’t know and from there it’s a lightbulb moment💡you can now see the way forward.
What’s going on in April:
Ace of Swords:
You’re needing someone else to be more vulnerable and transparent with their communication, maybe they are now, or you need to and you see that, when it comes to the people around you. 3 Cups follows, that could be friends, family, teammates, dating, whatever. I don’t really see a love thing specifically, casual dates mostly, but could be. 5 Pentacles again at the bottom, this is feeling like someone pushed you out, away, locked the door and didn’t give af. Or sports wise, you’ve been benched and someone else got the glory. There’s a tinge of jealousy, feeling inadequate, could be money issues relating to this as well. There is either communication or learning from some outlet that is showing you the truth of a matter. You go back and forth on this situation, because you feel such a way about it - probably negative - and yet this feels like someone that’s a friend, coworker, teammate, sibling, someone you generally have to celebrate with or keep a happy face on for. If you’ve hurt someone or they’ve hurt you - the hurt party seems to be coming forward with their truth, 7 Swords rev is a confession or being completely transparent. “You hurt me” or this other thing did, you were made to feel like less than something - not appreciated for your gifts & talents, not celebrated like you should be.
3 Cups:
I don’t really like this energy but part of this is the problem. A group of people, could be family, a clique, top players on a team, someone seems to be celebrating *your* pain. Or it feels that way. If you’ve been literally injured, maybe someone else has been chosen to fill your role or something, and others are celebrating this as a win while you’re over here just hurt like …wtf. At the bottom is wish fulfillment and happiness, your loss is someone else’s gain, or something like that. With The Lovers rev clarifying 5 Swords, I assume at one point this was a close connection, regardless of what kind. Ego is an issue on all sides it looks like, no one is considering feelings here. Maybe even you, but mostly them from what I can see. You’re wounded, hurt by someone’s wishes or happiness coming true because with that, you’ve lost something. Or it could be a fight with a friend over something not so dire, your roommate had a gathering and your special thing was broken. You might not have even said anything, but you want to. Or they do.
5 Wands:
Competition, probably with several different people, I don’t just see one person. 3-5. A whole team. Siblings, the whole family, the office and all of the gossiping betches in it, whatever it is comes as a group it looks like. There’s unfinished business here because whoever feels hurt doesn’t speak up, they keep quiet or “go along to get along” and may have acted out of character or from a place of ego due to bottled up emotions. That feels like you 💯 You either feel judged or have been critical of the people in this situation, their happiness and celebrations, and you know that unless you speak on this and bring your feelings to light - things won’t change. You want to, that’s shows up again at the bottom. You could want to bite someone’s head off too, which may not help the current situation. Jealousy is mostly what I’m getting here. But you still want to make things right, or they do. Someone may have even been trying to make someone jealous on purpose, and that never ends well…
Strength rev:
Either you don’t have confidence in this issue, you haven’t up to this point, or there could’ve been an explosion of anger at someone, something was done that seemed like 5 Swords prior to now. An argument. A competitive snide sort of back and forth exchange. Vengeful behavior, mean words, stabbing others where you/they know it hurts. Comparing yourself to others out of jealousy or feeling inadequate possibly, confidence seems to be an issue. No one is bringing forth emotions, it’s just egos flying around within this group dynamic. Everyone thinks they’re right, competing over whatever the issue is here, no one is the softer, more vulnerable or emotional person like hey…I don’t like this, it hurts me. But that’s required on all sides and it looks like no one has made the move to be vulnerable, probably in fear of rejection, or more snide behavior in response. I do see an apology though, that might help, whether it’s them or it’s you. Some of you are simply moving on without one, and apologizing to yourself for letting yourself get so caught up in other people’s bs, letting people make you feel like less-than anything, being an over-giver. Filling your own cup.
King of Wands:
This could be someone taking the initiative to apologize, either side, if that’s what’s wanted. 10 Cups at the bottom shows a desire for a happy ending, a whole group, not just the self and moving on alone. But there’s also confusion about what the others involved want, is it the same thing? Ace of Cups clarifies as an offer, probably this King is offering a new beginning, maybe an apology, a chance to reconnect or heal from a situation or argument. It’s also showing someone has been manipulative, extremely emotional and immature, arguing, playing mind games or eluding to other options, trying to make someone jealous, snide shit. That could be what’s being apologized for, hopefully not what’s being skipped over in favor of “a new start”, because manipulation is here too. King of Wands is very passionate, he likes attention, I’m not really a fan of that being the dominant energy - and then the Cups King is reversed. Emotions. Maturity. Lack of. That could be you too, I’m more inclined to believe you’re the Queen of Pentacles with the power to accept or deny what this person is offering. Authority & Originality are here showing you’re not only intelligent but you back up what you say, you’re the moral authority on a matter, either way someone has caused drama in your life. I don’t see negative outcomes, more like advice to “use your head”, and it’s free will. Some might forgive this person and move on, some won’t, and I don’t see any bigger meaningful lesson for you to absorb, more like you’ve got this and it’s really their own problem to fix. Could definitely be dealing with a Cancer, now that I’m posting this, I think they pulled the exact same color cards.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Leo, Aquarius, Capricorn, Cancer, Sagittarius
Oracle: ✨
42 Joy 🎉
We are created in joy. The balance of energy and higher vibrations brings us closer to divine love - pure joy. Joy can be a destination, but it can also be the vehicle that you use to get to that destination. Faith, grace, gratitude, and love all merge together, at different times and in different amounts, to create joy. There is love, growth, tears, change, and self-realization in this card. This card portends a happy and joyous time.
Coach 👨🏽‍🏫
Advice - Obedience - Knowledge
Readiness 😏
Preparation - Prompt - Arrangement
Authority 👊 Mars Capricorn
Originality 💡 Mercury Aquarius
We enter into April as:
The Lilac Key 🔑
“The last thing out of Pandora’s Box was hope.”
Change is coming. It is imminent and cannot be avoided. The desire to run from this situation is tempting. However this is a necessary challenge for you. You are going through the labor pains of birth. This may indicate a painful divorce or partnership ending bitterly. In all situations it represents a death of an old way of living, thinking, and surviving. Lilac Key appears when mere survival is not enough for you. Your will to live is what is forcing the change. It is a change of consciousness, which in turn will lead to a balance of harmony in all areas of your life. Cleaning up the past is a process that is often painful; yet hope and joy are the after effects. Remember, once the key has been used to open the door, once you have entered this new consciousness, you cannot go back. You will be left with a new way of living, one without keys - for where you are heading there is no need for locks 🔒
What is to be learned in April:
Wolf of White Light 🌙
“There is a guide inside of us.”
Wolf of White Light comes to remind you that you must use your instinct, for it is what protects you. You are more aware of this than you realize. Your instinct is finely tuned and accurate, so why doubt it? He reminds us that focusing on past injustices will not prepare us for the present. Wolf of White Light warns that time spent in the past also leaves you defenseless in the future. Letting go of the old is signified, for if you do not, you may miss the opportunities that Spirit has planned for you. Wolf is the spirit guide that comes to lead you up the mountain you are about to climb. He only appears to those seeking a guide. Allow him to guide you, and follow your instincts. Remember that when the Wolf appears, it’s time to move on. He is a reminder that your journey is guided. With your eyes focused forward, the Wolf is waiting in the distance for you. Now is the time.
White may be a lucky color 🤍
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dubaivisasolutions · 10 months
Know about Dubai International Airport Duty-Free Shopping
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The colossal Dubai International Airport (DXB) has truly earned the moniker of one of the largest and busiest airports in the world. Spanning over 7,200 acres, this sprawling airport is also an integral transit hub for numerous international flights and you can only imagine the number of footfalls each day. With millions of people passing by every day in DXB, it is only fair that it offers an equally phenomenal shopping experience to everyone. While shopping in the city of gold is one of the most exciting experiences, shopping in the Dubai Duty Free is truly an incredible experience. Come, let’s check out what all you can buy at the Dubai Duty Free.
There are two major Dubai international airports – DXB and Al Maktoum and both of them have a plethora of shopping outlets for you to peruse both at the arrival and departure. However, the Terminal 3 of DXB is where all the action is. It has the maximum number of outlets and sells everything from jewellery, cosmetics, bags, electronics, perfumes, chocolates, shoes, souvenirs, alcohol, fashion accessories, clothing, and more.
About Dubai Duty Free
Dubai Duty Free is the largest retail airport retailer globally having won this title more than 10 times until now. Spread over a staggering area of 40,000 sqm combined, the DDF is open 365 days of the year 24/7 and offers one of the most extraordinary Dubai shopping experience. The cherry on the cake is you don’t even have to pay import duties or service taxes on the goods purchased so you can splurge as much as you want. Another advantage is that there is an online site for people who are short of time and can shop and get the products delivered directly at home. Isn’t that fantastic?
Here is a break-down of the various categories and outlets that are available.
Lifestyle, beauty, and fashion
No surprises that some of the top notch luxurious global brands in fashion, makeup, skincare, and lifestyle have their outlets at the DDF. Gucci, Armani, YSL, Burberry, Lacoste, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Prada, Dolce and Gabbana, Estée Lauder, Coach, NARS, Lancôme, Givenchy are just a few to make to the list. Gift yourself a gorgeous Gucci handbag, a stunning pair of Dior sunglasses, or a YSL perfume, as you are indeed spoilt for choice here.
DDF is a haven for tech gadgets and you can find an assortment of electronics under one roof including laptops, mobile phones, cameras,tablets, drones, and everything that your heart fancies. From Apple, Samsung, and Sony, to GoPro, Bose, JBL, and Dyson, you can find many stores here. 
Dubai is famous for its gold souk and people generally love to buy at least some gold jewellery during their trip. You can even buy gold bars ranging from 18 carats to 24 carats at the DDF. Some of the well-known stores here are Bvlgari, Cartier, Tiffany & Co, Rolex, Swarovski, Pandora, Frey Wille, Damiani, and Liali.
You are dragging a heavy suitcase and the wheel comes off, or the zip of the bag breaks. Well, worry not as DDF comes to your rescue. Get them fixed from Samsonite, Go Travel or Tumi, or better yet just buy a new piece of luggage. Also check out the travel pillows, luggage tags, sleeping masks, backpacks, and earplugs here.
Alcohol and Tobacco
Alcohol and tobacco products like cigarettes, cigars, vapes, and electronic cigarettes are much in demand among shoppers. Fun fact is that alcohol is the bestselling product in the DDF. Marlboro, Heets, Jack Daniels, Glenfiddich, Johnny Walkers, Benson & Hedges, Davidoff, Dunhill, and Iqos are the popular brand available here.
Chocolates and Confectionary
Food is an important part of shopping and also make for great souvenirs to carry for your loved ones. Cookies, candies, dry fruits, and chocolates from brands like Godiva, Toblerone, Hershey’s, Reese’s, Lindt, M&Ms, Butlers are just perfect to indulge in.
With so many exceptional shopping options for the adults, how can the little ones be left behind? Whether it is action figurines, cars, soft toys, or dolls, shops like LEGO, Disney, Marvel, Hasbro, and Crayola are there to fulfil your needs.
Collecting souvenirs from any new place to remember the vacation fondly is one of the best things to do. From fridge magnets, stuffed camels, key chains, to themed chocolates, Bateel dates, and miniature models of iconic monuments like Burj Khalifa, Burj Al Arab, etc. are some of the impressive ones that you find here. There is also an exclusive Emirates store where you can buy merchandise such as caps, t shirts, luggage scale, and also the Boeing 777 model aircraft.
Watches from world-class brands like Rolex, Casio, Omega, Tag Heuer, Tissot, Rado, Fossil, Skagen, and Michael Kors, are available in the DDF.
Apart from these myriad products, DDF also has many raffles, car draws, bike draws, and other programs where travellers get a chance to win money, vehicles, and many other goodies. Do try and participate as you may be the next lucky winner of a Mercedes Benz or a BMW.
You can visit their official website to find out more about these programs or the various stores and how to navigate them.
The Dubai Duty Free promises a wholesome shopping experience to all its customers with freebies, loyalty points, and other unique promotions to sweeten the deal a little more. We suggest you go through their official website before hand and make a list of the things that you want to make this process more memorable.
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stressfreebliss · 10 months
10 ways to Survive School Stress with a Strong Support System
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Between heavy workloads, packed schedules, peer pressure, and big expectations, being a student can feel extremely stressful. In fact, over half of students report feeling stressed by school on a daily basis, according to the American Psychological Association. Dealing with constant school stress alone takes a major toll on mental health and wellbeing. But surrounding yourself with a strong support system makes all the difference in effectively coping. Read on for research-backed ways that friends, mentors, counselors, family, and other supports can help you stay balanced and thrive during stressful academic times.
Why Social Support Helps Ease School Stress
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Humans are wired to connect. But the pressures and competitiveness of academic culture can breed disconnection and isolation. Maintaining social bonds counters the negative effects of stress in key ways: Talking through worries relieves bottled up emotions. Listening to different perspectives provides clarity. Feeling cared about fulfills the need for belonging. Being vulnerable builds intimacy which combats loneliness. Offering support yourself also boosts your own resilience. In essence, sharing the load with people who “get it” makes tough times far more manageable.
Build Your Web of Support
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Surround yourself with a diverse support network by proactively cultivating connections: 1. Lean on Existing Friends Make time for trusted friends, even if only virtually or via text. Choose friends who uplift you and offer empathy without judgment. 2. Bond with Peers Who Share Your Struggles Find study buddies or join school clubs to connect over common interests. Sharing stress can help you feel less alone. 3. Confide in Understanding Parents Let parents know when you’re overwhelmed and need extra support. If parent relationships are strained, lean more on other trusted adults. 4. Seek a Mentor at School Teachers, coaches, counselors, nurses, and club leaders can be mentors. Their guidance helps you navigate school pressures. 5. Talk to Counselors Freely School counselors are trained to help you manage stress confidentially. Be open about any difficulties so they can connect you with resources. 6. Bond with Pets Caring for and snuggling pets reduces cortisol levels and provides comfort. If you can’t have a pet, spend time with friends’ pets. 7. Spend Time with Siblings Siblings share and understand your family dynamics. laughing together eases tension. 8. Make Time for Hobbies Creative outlets like art, music, and writing allow you to express yourself. Passions provide balance to academics.
Nurture Your Support Circles
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Once you’ve built your support network, be proactive in cultivating those support relationships: Check in regularly, not just when you’re stressed. Listen with empathy when friends open up to you. Express appreciation for people’s support. Thank them. Honor friends’ time constraints too. Find mutual support. Offer support yourself by sending encouraging texts, funny memes, care packages, etc. If conflicts arise, communicate openly and make amends. Set boundaries around toxic relationships that drain you. Treasure the people who accept and care for the real you.
When to Seek More Social Support
Notice if your support system feels lacking. Are you mainly isolating and internalizing stress? Experiencing real social connection deficiency hampers wellbeing and coping. Consider seeking counseling or joining school groups if you have: No friends to turn to about worries Conflicted family relationships Lost motivation to see friends Difficulty opening up about problems Thoughts of self-harm or that others are better off without you You don’t have to navigate the pressures of school alone. Support is out there if you open up.
Sample Stress Management Conversation Starters
Speaking up to access social support starts with expressing vulnerability in safe relationships. Here are some conversation starters: “I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed with school and need to vent for a minute. Can we talk?” “I haven’t felt like myself lately with all this test anxiety. Have you felt that way before?” “Can I get your advice on how you managed your workload last semester?” “Would you have any time in the next few days to meet up? I could really use a friend right now.” “I’m feeling sad about falling behind in math class. Could I get a study buddy for the next exam?” Voicing your needs and asking directly for support opens pathways to feel understood and regain balance amidst school stressors.
School stress often incites feelings of isolation and being the only one struggling to cope. But sharing your experiences and getting support from people who “get it” transforms challenges into growth opportunities. Invest time proactively fostering relationships that allow you to feel heard and let difficult emotions out. Bond over common ground, offer empathy, give and receive care. With a web of support buoying you during inevitable school stressors, the pressures become far easier to rise above.
Frequently Asked Questions About Social Support and School Stress
How can students identify the most supportive friends? Look for friends who listen without judgment, validate your feelings, make themselves available, offer helpful perspectives, and treat you with compassion. What’s the best way for students to start a conversation when stressed? Avoid suppressing emotions. Instead, choose a trusted friend and share vulnerably how certain stressors have been making you feel. Ask to vent or get their thoughts. How much should students vent to friends about stress? Aim for balance - don't only complain, but also discuss solutions, offer support back, and enjoy positive interactions too. Close friends who won't judge are safest for venting. How can shy students connect more socially? Consider joining school clubs, talking to classmates you want to know better, scheduling digital hangouts, and practicing self-disclosure. Getting outside your comfort zone opens up connections. How can students restore strained family relationships? Be open about needing more support from parents during this stressful time. Suggest family activities to bond. Compromise during conflicts. Validate their concerns too. Read the full article
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scoops404 · 11 months
does Nancy and Dad ever noticed anything about Dream and George? I don't mean romantically, although I am interested in their reaction about the news later in this fic, but were they like aware that Dream and George actually don't hate each other as much as they themselves think they do?
do you have any other fun facts about Nancy and Dad and their relationship you can share?
OMG this made me remember the 1200 words I wrote of their backstory - I'll put that below the cut. A lot things have changed (I wrote this before even the first chapter to help solidify things -- the timeline isn't quite right and dream doens't have an uncle, etc so take it with a grain of salt)
Nancy and Steven's insights are very important later -- the thanksgiving chapter and christmas chapter especially -- i'm really looking forward to you guys seeing those.
George’s dad is Steven and he’s American, but moved to London to be with George’s mum when they met and fell in love when he was an exchange student there
He likes american football and english football while he lived there, but missed american football. He gets along with his in laws and George is his entire world, even though they don’t have many hobbies in common.
After his wife dies, he moves them back to america for lack of anything else do to and for his mom to be around to help with george. It’s not like steven had family there tying him to the country. He got her life insurance policy, sold the house, and moved back home to florida while dealing with a distraught child
In florida they settle into things and george has a hard time at school - he’s constantly getting into fights with this one kid Clay who George calls Dream for some strange reason, and he meets Clay’s mother a few times at these meetings, she looks almost as haggard as him. They become friends, both dealing with being single parents and needing an outlet — going on not dates, they’re careful not to be dating, neither of them can emotionally handle a relationship, but they do need support and friends from someone else who gets it
Nancy has her ex to worry about — it turns out he had a whole family and she was the side piece and had no idea. Her ex only stuck around so long because he wanted a boy and his wife had their daughter and then had such a high risk pregnancy she couldn’t have another. He confessed all this as he was leaving. A pilot, she never expected him to be home 24/7 but it turns out he was mostly just spending time with his actual family in Tennessee. Dream took it really hard
As Nancy and Steven get to know each other, they become the rock for the other, while keeping it pretty quiet from the kids who they know don’t get along, though neither of them can figure out why.
Clay shows interest in playing football and so Steven signs George up to play with him on the same team, thinking he can keep an eye on Clay for Nancy, and it’s a huge mistake. They fight like cats and dogs and it makes George actively hate playing, and he begs to quit. Steven already committed to helping coach all year, so he sticks it out but is careful to have a conversation with george that he can’t quit and he enjoys the sport so he’s going to continue helping, but he doesn’t want to force George to keep playing if he truly doesn’t like it. George understands and does show that he’s a bit jealous when Steven talks proudly about Dream.
“He doesn’t have a dad like you do, buddy,” Steven tries to explain to George and George is like yeah but he has a mom and I don’t have one of those and Steven is like oh shit.
There’s no easy way for Nancy to spend time with George without being super overt, but she starts sitting next to George who’s dragged to the middle school football games since she doesn’t know anyone else and Dream is playing and George is alone. Neither of them have any idea what’s going on and so they just make fun of all the other parents who get too into it.
** This is when she shows she remembers things about him like he’s colorblind and that he likes apples. This carries on into their high school days when Dream outs him freshmen year for being gay, she’s careful to ask if he wants to talk about it. George politely declines but they then get to talk about celebrities they both think are cute — it’s very lighthearted but in a way it’s a parent showing acceptance, or well, a mom showing acceptance
Meanwhile, Steven and Dream bond over football and getting Dream’s car up and working, and old hand me down from his uncle.
In the summer between tenth and eleventh grade, Steven and Nancy decide to try an actual relationship, they both think they’re ready and Steven’s been in counseling. They have a mutual respect and deep understanding of each other. It’s easy to actually fall in love. But it gets serious really quickly and they still haven’t told their children who still absolutely despise each other
They meet them out for dinner and Nancy and Steven tell Dream and George that they’re in a relationship and that it’s serious and they’re heading toward getting married and Dream and George are both like deadly quiet — neither dream nor george want them to get married but it’s easy to see how happy they are together.
Dream and George meet at the playground and agree to let just stay out of each other’s way until they go to college - let their parents be happy and then never see each other again, split christmases the works.
[maybe a talk here about sharing their parents. You can, like, she can be your mom. If you want. Like, she’s my mom but she can sort of be yours too. As long as you’re not mean to her.]
They sell both their houses and move into a slightly bigger one, even though in a year dream and george will be out of the house, but they both have a room and they’re roughly the same size. Nancy goes above and beyond styling their rooms the way they want and forcing Steven to help. George picks out his colors and helps paint while Dream is at football camp. They avoid telling their friends about the marriage, but it still comes out and George gets shit for it at school. Dream doesn’t defend him, but he asks his friends to not make his own life harder by being a dick to George (he does not do this in front of George)
At some point in middle school they are in the same computer programing class and race each other to be the best and george wants to be so much better than dream that he accidentally learns how to code like really big deal stuff and starts freelancing and making minecraft plugins for his friends that Dream’s jealous of. Dream gets too busy with football to keep up and then pretends he doesn’t care about it at all.
Dream’s dad reaches out once in high school and invites Dream to dinner and then cancels last minute and Dream is crushed. Steven goes to their house to throw the football with him.
Dream is dealing with some real daddy issues
On the day of the wedding, it’s small, just their families and few people from work. Dream and George are their best men, George teases Dream about being the maid of honor, and it really sinks in that they love each other and they’re not going to get divorced in like a few years. It’s really for life. They talk about adopting a dog because they’ll be lonely when Dream and George leave.
So worst day of george’s life isn’t technically the day their parents got married, but the day that they told them they’re together and it’s serious, the wedding day was actually pretty sweet
Living together is fighting over the remote, the bathroom, the shower, the wifi, the foot in the fridge, literally everything. Dream has to drive George to school and George has to give Dream gas money to help out.
It’s the worst at school — at home they fight, but mostly avoid each other. At school, everyone expects them to fight because they’ve been fighting for so long about dumb shit.
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hoodoverhollywood · 9 days
7 best finds in Coach Outlet’s new designer sale
Summer is done and fall is here and it’s the perfect time to upgrade your bag wardrobe. Thanks to Coach Outlet, you can make those changes without breaking the bank. Coach Outlet jut dropped several news bags and small accessories. We’ve looked through the offerings and found seven of our favorites. Here they are: Mollie Tote Bag with Floral Tote – The Mollie Tote is a great size for when you…
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mybookplacenet · 20 days
Featured Post: The Profit Playbook: Quick & Easy Marketing Strategies To Transform Your Store Into A Constant Cash Machine by Veronica Jeans
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About The Profit Playbook: Quick & Easy Marketing Strategies To Transform Your Store Into A Constant Cash Machine: Are You Tired of Pouring Money into Marketing with Little to Show for It? Feeling lost in the ever-changing world of digital marketing? Are you frustrated by lackluster sales despite your best efforts? Are you overwhelmed by the countless strategies and tools promising overnight success? You're not alone. Many e-commerce store owners find themselves trapped in a cycle of trial and error, wasting precious time and resources on marketing tactics that simply don't deliver. But what if you could cut through the noise and focus on proven strategies that actually work? The Profit Playbook is your roadmap to e-commerce and retail success. In this game-changing book, eCommerce and retail expert Veronica Jeans reveals: Proven strategies to boost your store's visibility and attract more customers Insider tips to increase your average order value and maximize revenue Cutting-edge techniques to create loyal customers who keep coming back Step-by-step guidance on implementing effective marketing campaigns Real-world examples from successful businesses that have used these strategies Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your established store to the next level, this book is packed with actionable advice you can implement immediately. Jeans draws on her extensive experience coaching entrepreneurs to build 7-figure online businesses, offering a unique blend of practical knowledge and strategic insights. You'll learn how to: Craft a compelling brand that resonates with your target audience Optimize your website for maximum conversions Leverage social media to drive traffic and sales Implement customer loyalty programs that work Use content marketing to establish authority in your niche Stop wasting time on ineffective marketing tactics. With "The Profit Playbook," you'll have the tools and knowledge to outpace your competition and achieve sustainable, long-term growth. Invest in your business's future today. Click "Buy Now" to start your journey towards eCommerce success! Targeted Age Group: 18+ Written by: Veronica Jeans Buy the ebook: Buy the Book On Amazon Buy the Print Book: Buy the Book On Amazon Author Bio: Veronica Jeans is an eCommerce business consultant and Shopify expert who has coached entrepreneurs to build 7-Figure online businesses. She has had extensive experience helping eCommerce businesses grow in the global marketplace - from startups to brick-and-mortar stores that want to start their own online outlet for additional revenue streams. She integrates her extensive knowledge in eCommerce and her international financial and tax expertise to offer up a playbook for generating income online. For the last four years, she has been a lecturer at the Polish university Collegium Civitas on E-Commerce, SEO/SEM, Social Media and advertising, and Facebook and Instagram. Veronica lives on a yacht in Houston, Texas but is originally from Namibia. She lived with her hubby and sons in several countries before landing in Texas and has maintained she has landed in entrepreneur heaven. Follow the author on social media: Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author's Website Facebook Fan Page LinkedIn YouTube Read the full article
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mikkisworld · 21 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: BEST SELLER❗️COACH HEART CROSSBODY PURSE IN COLORS BRASS/CHERRY.
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onenettvchannel · 2 months
THIS JUST IN OVERNIGHT: 'Carlos Yulo' wins 2 Gold Medals that creates history at Paris Olympics 2024 [#OneNETnewsEXCLUSIVE]
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MALATE, MANILA -- In a historic feat the past weekend, Filipino artistic gymnast 'Mr. Carlos Edriel Poquiz Yulo' has won two (2) gold medals at a recently concluded 'Paris Olympics 2024'. Mr. Yulo's victories marked the first time that the Philippines had ever secured gold medals in both men's floor exercise and vault events at the Bercy Arena in France.
Before, at the age of 6, Yulo's journey to stardom began as a young kid, where he started training in gymnastics, under the tutelage of his father and kagawad named Mr. Mark Andrew Yulo. His talent soon caught the attention of national coaches who saw potential in him. In 2012, as reported exclusively by an independent Philippine news outlet Rappler, Yulo competed in the 2012 Palarong Pambansa (National Games) in Pangasinan as a 7 y/o prodigy.
In a stunning display of skill and precision, Yulo perfected a final score of 15.000 at the Men's Artistic Gymnastic Vault finals. He followed this feat with another impressive performance, securing a gold medal in the vault finals with a final score of 15.116. The world witnessed a new star emerge as Yulo dominated the competition.
As news of his victories spread across the country, numerous cash incentives, food franchises, sponsorships, endorsements and general rewards (some of them are free-of-charge) poured in from various sectors to celebrate Yulo's achievements. For instance, Megaworld offered an upgraded 3-bedroom condo-unit prize at a 50-hectare McKinley Hill in Taguig City, this said province of NCR worth PHP33M++ to the young athlete himself, while local delivery service GetFood in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental (as an example) pledged a special incentive package.
Toyota Motor Philippines in the Sibulan town of Visayas, and the flagship car store in Pasay City, NCR; also expressed their congratulations with a personalized messages on social media via Facebook and The X Network (formerly Twitter, part of both Meta Platforms Inc. and X Corporation).
Not only that… Manuel "Chaco" Longa Sagarbarria (regional governor of Negros Oriental), Janice Vallega Degamo (a local female Mayor in Pamplona), and national Philippine President 'Mr. Ferdinand "Bongbong" Romualdez Marcos Jr.' have also congratulate the 2-time gold medalists.
To sum it all up… The Philippine national government in Gold Medals under the administration of PBBM individually twice the amounts of PHP10M under the Republic Act #10699 or The Expanded National Athletes and Coaches Benefits and Incentives Act of 2015, signed by the late Philippine President named 'Mr. Benigno Simeon Aquino III'. While the House Resolution #1839, the House of Representatives in the Philippines receives as doubled for PHP3M. Generally from the Philippine Olympic Committee and Property Development Company, they will receive House & Lot and Condominium Units like Megaworld. Taxes for Mr. Yulo permanently exempted to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) at Revenue District Office branch #33.
The overall total received to almost PHP60M (or U$D1.04M). Cash incentives and general prize amounts may soon subject to change.
As things stand to follow, plans are underway for an upcoming heroes' welcome parade in his hometown of 'Leveriza Street, Malate, Manila, National Capital Region' upon his return from France. Details have yet to be announced, either before or after Closing Ceremonies in this French olympic sport event. But something is expected that around thousands of Filipinos will turn themselves out, and to celebrate their new Olympic hero, sometime early next week, in the 2nd week of August 2024.
For Yulo, this historic achievement marks a new beginning as he looks forward to continuing his career and bringing more glory to our home country in future international competitions planned until 2028.
But according to him, in an exclusive televised interview of TV Patrol via ABS-CBN News last Monday night (August 5th, 2024 -- Manila local time), Yulo will take a short vacation break by spending time with his first Pinay-Australian model and a new girlfriend in Paris named 'Ms. Chloe Anjeleigh San Jose', and followed first when arrived home, also spending quality time together with the Yulo's family, friends and relatives.
As for now, he will bask in the glow of his two (2) gold medals and the admiration of his beloved kababayans.
A big special thanks to Randy Tambasacan Coronel and Jean Paul Cañete Generoso of DYQU-FM 103.9mhz's K5 News FM: Bacolod for contributing a sports news report.
SOURCE: *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBdGjSmPnxk [Referenced YT VIDEO via Rappler] *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRhloz0KRyY [Referenced YT VIDEO via ABS-CBN News for TV Patrol] *https://www.rappler.com/sports/2115-lingayen-to-host-2012-palarong-pambansa/ [Referenced Classic News Article via Rappler] *https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1230078 [Referenced News Article via Philippine News Agency] *https://olympics.com/en/paris-2024/results/artistic-gymnastics/men-s-vault/fnl-000001-- *https://www.onesports.ph/paris-2024/article/23244/historic-moment-carlos-yulo-bags-philippines-first-gold-medal-in-floor-exercise-in-paris-2024 [Referenced News Article via One Sports News PH] *https://tribune.net.ph/2024/08/04/yulo-completes-golden-double [Referenced News Article via The Daily Tribune] *https://www.spin.ph/multisport/olympics/carlos-yulo-wins-second-olympic-gold-by-ruling-vault-final-a795-20240804 [Referenced News Article via Sports Interactive Network PH] *https://mb.com.ph/2024/7/24/good-fortune-awaits-paris-olympic-winners [Referenced News Article via Manila Bulletin] *https://www.onenews.ph/articles/will-he-get-2-condo-units-millions-in-incentives-await-yulo [Referenced News Article via One News PH] *https://www.nbcolympics.com/news/second-consecutive-day-carlos-yulo-wins-gold-philippines [Referenced News Article via NBC Olympics] *https://news.abs-cbn.com/sports/2024/8/5/what-will-carlos-yulo-do-with-incentives-from-olympics-triumph-1507 [Referenced News Article via ABS-CBN News] *https://philstarlife.com/news-and-views/784809-carlos-yulo-plans-cash-in-kind-incentives-2024-paris-olympics [Referenced News Article via The Philippine Star for PhilStar Life] *https://themanilajournal.com/2024/08/05/manila-prepares-heros-welcome-for-carlos-yulo/ [Referenced News Article via The Manila Journal] *https://www.facebook.com/100064865223477/posts/905469184958581 [Referenced Captioned FB PHOTO #1 via Megaworld Corporation] *https://www.facebook.com/100064865223477/posts/904770575028442 [Referenced Captioned FB PHOTO #2f via Megaworld Corporation] *https://www.facebook.com/100064837112849/posts/888218080016088 [Referenced Captioned FB Post via Janice Degamo] *https://www.facebook.com/100069169360880/posts/807676514881320 [Referenced Captioned FB Post via The Provincial Government of Negros Oriental] *https://www.facebook.com/100044537672013/posts/1046571133504133 [Referenced Captioned FB Post #1 via PBBM] *https://www.facebook.com/100044537672013/posts/1045939433567303 [Referenced Captioned FB Post #2f via PBBM] *https://www.facebook.com/100064707755037/posts/914419190724998 [Referenced FB Statement Captioned Post via Toyota Motors PH] and *https://www.facebook.com/100064072181563/posts/908496617962736 [Referenced FB Captioned PHOTO via GetFood Dumaguete]
-- OneNETnews Online Publication Team
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writermuses · 2 months
Send some numbers + muses!
Nathaniel (4, 11, 29, 32)
Triz (7, 27, 64)
Danny/Lieve ‐ for both or whoever wants to answer (12, 20, 41, 68)
From Ask Meme #16
4. First kink tried? Spanking. It was definitely his gateway into impact plat. After the events in college, though, he's 97% dominant and likely can NOT be with someone that hits/chokes/bites him. He'd have a full blown meltdown. So, he's a giver, not a receiver... at least not until they have been together for a while and makes him comfortable enough to see some things as a possible outlet to his trauma.
11. Top 3 places to be touched? Outside of the obvious (lips, nipples, downtown bonanza) Thighs, stomach, arms
29. Where would you most like to have sex? He's got a stargazing hobby and hasn't had a thread where he's having sex camping/in the backyard. He'd be into just naked outdoor hoe hours as long as they wouldn't be seen.
32. What’s your biggest kink? Here's Nate's kink chart. I'd say his biggest is cockwarming, especially doing it to his partner when they're cuddling at home watching a movie/news, etc.:
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7. Biggest turn on? Attractive people in kitchens. They can literally have zero skills and she's going to enjoy seeing them licking a spoon or smirking as they look over at her while they stir something. It's a make her want to strip and get eaten out on the counter/fucked on the table behavior. Add an apron and she's soaked 🤣
27. Would you have sex in public? Absolutely. She loves the beach and is their all the time- and the restaurant is on the beach. It's impossible to assume she hasn't had sex in the ocean and on the beach at night. She doesn't believe in the 'sand in the wrong places' mentality and says 'get a bigger blanket'.
64. How good are you at dirty talk? I don't think she's as bad at it as Nora, but she's definitely not good and needs coaching. Triz is a quick learner and extremely good at reading people and listening. So between some coaching and trial and error, she'll catch on very quickly. No one will be able to stop her from whispering hoe thoughts in her lover's ear after that.
Danny & Lieve
12. Ultimate fantasy? They're living it: A third partner that can give Lieve the opportunity to be submissive and Danny the opportunity to have a male partner that respects his slowness to open up and be sexual given his physical appearance.
20. Loud or quiet partners? Choosing 'loud' but to clarify they both (and all of my other muses) really just mean vocal. There isn't much all my muses agree on but vocal-in-bed partners and a love of John Keats 🤣 Some of them (not these two) would kick a screamer out of bed though.
41. How much foreplay do you like? Lieve, kissing and light touching or even dirty talk is enough for her- even just watching her partner(s) masturbating is enough to get her close. Danny's different, he needs a lot of work to be ready to have intercourse. Even if he's hard, he needs praise and patience to get over the edge. That's why he's so fragile, he needs someone that will work with him to get him there.
68. How many orgasms can you have in a day? Lieve has yet to find the limit. Danny's had five in a day with her, but that's not his norm. He has to work for one or two post-injury.
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livelovelifeagain · 2 months
Unconventional Relationship Coaching Strategies That Work Wonders
In the intricate tapestry of human relationships, finding effective ways to strengthen bonds and foster understanding is an ever-evolving challenge. As Yusuf Bohari, a certified life coach, motivational speaker, and corporate trainer in Oman, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of relationship coaching. Through my experience, I have come to realize that the most profound changes often come from unconventional strategies. In this article, I will share some of these unique approaches that have proven to be highly effective, highlighting why I am considered the best relationship coach in Oman.
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1. Leveraging Cultural Nuances
In Oman, and the broader Middle Eastern context, relationships are deeply influenced by cultural norms and traditions. Understanding and respecting these cultural nuances is crucial for effective relationship coaching. I incorporate culturally relevant practices into my coaching sessions, such as traditional mediation techniques and family involvement, to create a more relatable and effective coaching experience. This cultural sensitivity not only honors the clients' backgrounds but also enhances their receptivity to coaching.
2. Incorporating Mindfulness and Meditation
While mindfulness and meditation are often associated with individual well-being, their application in relationship coaching can be incredibly powerful. By guiding couples and individuals through mindfulness exercises, I help them develop greater awareness of their emotions and reactions. This heightened self-awareness fosters better communication and empathy, allowing partners to connect on a deeper level. Incorporating mindfulness into coaching sessions also provides clients with tools to manage stress and conflict more effectively.
3. Utilizing Narrative Therapy
Narrative therapy is an approach that views people as separate from their problems and encourages them to rewrite their life stories in a more empowering way. In relationship coaching, this means helping clients reframe their perceptions of their relationships and their roles within them. By identifying and challenging negative narratives, clients can construct more positive and constructive stories about their relationships. This shift in perspective can lead to significant improvements in how they interact with their partners.
4. Integrating Art and Creativity
Art therapy techniques can be an innovative way to explore and express emotions within a relationship. Activities such as drawing, painting, or even collaborative art projects can provide a non-verbal outlet for feelings and foster a sense of shared creativity. These activities can also serve as metaphors for the relationship itself, revealing underlying dynamics and facilitating deeper understanding. As the best relationship coach in Oman, I have found that integrating art into coaching sessions can unlock new avenues of communication and connection.
5. Adopting a Strength-Based Approach
Rather than focusing solely on problems and deficits, a strength-based approach emphasizes the existing strengths and resources within a relationship. By identifying and building upon these strengths, couples can develop greater resilience and confidence in their ability to navigate challenges. This positive reinforcement helps to create a more optimistic and proactive mindset, which can be crucial for long-term relationship satisfaction.
6. Technology and Virtual Coaching
In today’s digital age, technology offers new opportunities for relationship coaching. Virtual coaching sessions provide flexibility and convenience, allowing clients to engage in coaching from the comfort of their homes. Additionally, incorporating digital tools such as apps for tracking relationship goals and progress can enhance the coaching experience. These tools can provide real-time feedback and support, making the coaching process more interactive and engaging.
7. Focus on Individual Growth within the Relationship
While relationship coaching typically focuses on the dynamics between partners, it is equally important to address individual growth. Encouraging each partner to pursue personal development goals can have a positive ripple effect on the relationship. By fostering individual growth, partners can bring their best selves to the relationship, enhancing mutual respect and admiration. This holistic approach recognizes that a healthy relationship is built on the foundation of two thriving individuals.
8. Experiential Learning and Adventure Therapy
Experiential learning involves engaging in activities that require cooperation, communication, and problem-solving. Adventure therapy, which includes activities like hiking, rock climbing, or even team-building exercises, can be a unique way to strengthen relationships. These activities create opportunities for partners to support each other, build trust, and develop a sense of shared accomplishment. The challenges faced during these activities often mirror real-life situations, providing valuable insights and lessons.
The journey to a fulfilling and harmonious relationship often requires stepping outside conventional boundaries and exploring innovative strategies. As Yusuf Bohari, recognized as the best relationship coach in Oman, I have found that these unconventional approaches can work wonders in transforming relationships. By integrating cultural sensitivity, mindfulness, narrative therapy, art, strength-based strategies, technology, individual growth, and experiential learning, we can unlock the full potential of our relationships. Embracing these unique methods can lead to deeper connections, enhanced understanding, and lasting harmony.
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railrecipee · 3 months
Easy and Efficient Food Ordering Process with RailRecipe
Traveling by train in India is a unique experience, offering scenic views and a rich tapestry of cultures. However, the quality of food available on trains has often been a concern for travelers. RailRecipe steps in to change that narrative by providing fresh, delicious meals delivered right to your seat. Here’s a look at how RailRecipe makes this possible and what satisfied customers have to say.
The Convenience of Ordering Food in Train with RailRecipe
RailRecipe is a leading platform that allows passengers to enjoy high-quality meals during their train journeys. From traditional Indian dishes to continental and fast food in train, RailRecipe offers a variety of options to cater to every taste and preference.
1. Visit the RailRecipe Website or App: Start by visiting the RailRecipe website or downloading their user-friendly mobile app. Both platforms are designed to offer a smooth and hassle-free ordering experience.
2. Enter Your Travel Details: Input your PNR (Passenger Name Record) number or train details. This helps RailRecipe identify your train, coach, and seat number accurately, ensuring your meal is delivered to the correct location.
3. Browse the Menu: Explore an extensive menu featuring a variety of cuisines. RailRecipe partners with reputable restaurants and food outlets to bring you North Indian, South Indian, Chinese, Continental, and regional specialties. Whether you prefer a hearty meal or a light snack, there’s something for everyone.
4. Choose Your Meal: Select your preferred dishes from the menu. Whether you crave a sumptuous biryani, steaming hot idlis, a fresh salad, or a sweet dessert, RailRecipe has it all.
5. Place Your Order: After making your selections, proceed to checkout. You can pay online using various methods, including credit/debit cards, net banking, UPI, and digital wallets. RailRecipe ensures a secure and smooth payment process.
6. Order Confirmation: Once your payment is successful, you will receive an order confirmation via SMS and email. This confirmation includes your order details and the estimated delivery time.
7. Enjoy Your Meal Delivered to Your Seat: Sit back and relax as RailRecipe coordinates with the restaurant to prepare and deliver your meal to your seat at the specified station. The delivery is timely, ensuring your food is fresh and hot.
Positive Customer Reviews
RailRecipe has received numerous positive reviews from satisfied customers who have enjoyed the convenience and quality of food delivered on trains. Here are a few testimonials:
Ravi Kumar, Frequent Traveler: "I travel by train regularly for work, and RailRecipe has been a game-changer for me. The variety of food options is impressive, and the delivery is always on time. I no longer have to rely on the limited and often unappetizing options available on the train."
Priya Sharma, Family Trip: "We recently took a family vacation by train, and ordering food from RailRecipe made the journey so much more enjoyable. The kids loved the variety of snacks and meals, and my husband and I appreciated the convenience. The food was fresh, delicious, and delivered right to our seats. Highly recommended!"
Amit Singh, Solo Traveler: "As a solo traveler, I often find it challenging to get good food while on the move. RailRecipe has solved this problem for me. The ordering process is simple, and the quality of the food is excellent. I’ve tried their North Indian thali and Chinese noodles, and both were fantastic. Great service!"
Sangeeta Jain, Business Traveler: "Being a frequent business traveler, I am always on the lookout for reliable food delivery services. RailRecipe exceeded my expectations with their prompt service and excellent food quality. The app is easy to use, and the variety of options ensures I never get bored with my meals. RailRecipe has become my go-to for train journeys."
RailRecipe transforms the experience of dining on a train by offering a convenient and enjoyable food delivery service. With an easy-to-use platform, a wide range of menu options, and reliable delivery, RailRecipe ensures that you can savor delicious meals without any hassle. The positive reviews from satisfied customers further highlight the quality and reliability of RailRecipe’s service. So, the next time you embark on a train journey, let RailRecipe take care of your dining needs and make your trip more delightful.
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limorentalnyc101 · 4 months
7 Benefits of Hiring a Coach Bus Rental in Staten Island with Limo Rental NYC
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Planning group travel in Staten Island can be a daunting task. Whether you're organizing a family reunion, a corporate event, or a wedding, you need reliable, comfortable, and spacious transportation. This is where Limo Rental NYC comes in with our top-notch coach bus rental services. Here are seven benefits of hiring a coach bus rental in Staten Island with us.
1. Spacious and Comfortable Seating
One of the primary benefits of hiring a coach bus rental is the ample space it provides. Our coach buses are designed to accommodate large groups comfortably. With plenty of legroom, reclining seats, and climate control, every passenger can enjoy a comfortable ride, making it ideal for long trips or events that require extensive travel.
2. Convenient Group Travel
Coordinating multiple vehicles for group travel can be stressful and confusing. A coach bus rental simplifies logistics by transporting everyone together. This ensures that the entire group arrives at the destination simultaneously, avoiding delays and confusion. Whether it’s for a corporate retreat or a large family outing, this convenience is invaluable.
3. Cost-Effective Transportation
When you calculate the cost of fuel, parking, and wear and tear on multiple vehicles, renting a coach bus can be a more economical option. It consolidates expenses into a single, manageable fee, often making it more affordable than other modes of group transportation. Plus, it’s environmentally friendly as it reduces the number of vehicles on the road.
4. Professional and Experienced Drivers
Our coach bus rentals come with professional and experienced drivers who are familiar with the best routes in Staten Island and beyond. They ensure safe and timely travel, allowing you to relax and focus on your event. Our drivers are courteous, knowledgeable, and dedicated to providing a smooth and enjoyable travel experience.
5. Ideal for Special Events
Whether you’re planning a wedding, a corporate event, or a school trip, our coach buses are perfect for any special occasion. We also offer specialized services like mini bus rental Staten Island for smaller groups, and new York wedding limos for those special days. Our vehicles are equipped with modern amenities to make your trip comfortable and memorable.
6. Enhanced Safety
Safety is our top priority. Our coach buses are regularly maintained and equipped with the latest safety features. We adhere to strict safety protocols and our drivers are trained to handle all kinds of road conditions, ensuring your group’s safety throughout the journey.
7. Luxury Amenities
Traveling in a coach bus doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice comfort or luxury. Our buses come equipped with a range of amenities such as Wi-Fi, power outlets, entertainment systems, and onboard restrooms. These features enhance your travel experience, making long journeys more enjoyable.
Additional Services from Limo Rental NYC
At Limo Rental NYC, we offer a variety of transportation services to meet your needs:
Mini Bus Rental Staten Island: Ideal for smaller groups or short trips, our mini buses provide a comfortable and convenient travel option.
Rent a Limo in NYC: For those special occasions requiring an extra touch of elegance. Our limo rental services are perfect. Whether it’s for a wedding, prom, or a night out, travel in style with our luxurious limousines.
New York Wedding Limos: Make your wedding day unforgettable with our exquisite New York wedding limos services. Arrive at your venue in elegance and style, making a grand entrance that you’ll remember forever.
Book Your Coach Bus Rental Today!
Ready to experience the best in group travel? Contact Limo Rental NYC at (917) 722-1119 to rent a limo in NYC. Whether you need transportation for a corporate event, a family gathering, or any other special occasion, we have the perfect vehicle for you.
Don’t wait—reserve your coach bus today and travel in luxury, comfort, and style with Limo Rental NYC. Let us handle the transportation logistics so you can focus on enjoying your event to the fullest.
SOURCE: https://newyorklimoservice1.blogspot.com/2024/06/7-Benefits-of-Hiring-a-Coach-Bus-Rental-in-Staten-Island-with-Limo-Rental-NYC.html
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