#Claudia King Yunker
pilgrimjim · 7 years
"I wanted heaven now" - Remembering the Summer of Love in America's Time of Trial
How do we celebrate our national origins in such a dark time? I do it by remembering the Summer of Love. "There are times when the idea of a radical makeover in politics and culture strikes a chord of repressed desire among the children of Adam and Eve––refugees as we are from a lost Eden."
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How do we celebrate our national origins at one of the lowest points in American history? The cruel and rapacious ruling party betrays the Founders daily, while America’s worst impulses––racism, militarism, nativism, greed and know-nothingness––are not just tolerated by the White House. They are encouraged and inflamed. The shining city on a hill is mudsliding downward into a nightmarish abyss.
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