#Christynne Wood
Excerpts from a talk by Christynne Lili Wrene Wood at the Oct. 7 National March to Protect Trans Youth & Speakout for Trans Lives in Orlando, Florida.
I fought against a very well-organized campaign at the Santee City Council near San Diego. During that meeting, a well-coached teenage girl emotionally described her horror and experience at seeing a “naked man” in the women’s locker room of the Cameron YMCA in Santee. 
Even though several members of the YMCA staff assured her and her family that I was indeed a woman, her lie was picked up by a local right-wing media outlet and within 72 hours was both national and international news, with said girl being a keynote guest on the “Tucker Carlson Show.”
During a protest of hate coordinated by a couple of East County churches featuring failed politicians and more right-wing media coverage, I quietly and with resolute conviction made my way to a counter-protest that featured love, diversity, acceptance, and joy. The number of families there to support our rainbow family was overwhelming. 
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coochiequeens · 2 years
“I’m the scary transgender woman who that child misidentified as a man.” No sir. That 17 year old girl who saw your penis correctly sexed you.
The trans-identified male who allegedly exposed himself to a 17-year-old girl at a YMCA facility in California has stepped forward to reveal his identity in response to a January 18 rally held outside of the property. Christynne Lili Wrene Wood, 66, addressed a crowd of counter-protesters and stated, “I’m the scary transgender woman who that child misidentified as a man.”
The Santee YMCA has become the subject of international concern after clips from a January 11 city council meeting went viral on social media. During the meeting, local teenager Rebecca Phillips became emotional as she told representatives that she had seen a nude male in the women’s locker rooms at the YMCA. 
Phillips said that she was showering after her workout when she “saw a naked male in the women’s locker room,” and became emotional as she recounted her ordeal.
“I immediately went back into the shower, terrified, and hid behind their flimsy excuse for a curtain, until he was gone. I ran into a bathroom stall to change as quickly as I could, organizing my thoughts to share with the people at the front desk. As I did so, I could only think of my five-year-old sister, who I bring to this gym during the summer,” Phillips said, tearing up.
Phillips also said that when she questioned YMCA staff about the presence of the male in the women’s facilities, she was told that “he was indeed allowed to shower wherever he pleased.”
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The video of Phillips’ testimony went viral online, which led to her being invited to speak with Tucker Carlsonabout the incident. 
When asked about the public response to her statement, Phillips said that the feedback she’d received had been “largely positive,” and that “parents and women” were “outraged” by policies that allow men to identify into women’s spaces of undress.
“Our efforts to cater to the rights of transgenders to express themselves are threatening my safety and my privacy, and also the safety and privacy of all the other women and children who are frequenting that YMCA,” she added.
Though she has received some positive comments, Phillips has become a target on social media for trans activist hatred. She has been called “scum,” a “pervert,” and a slew of sexist slurs for raising her concerns about a male in the women’s locker room.
In a show of support, a rally was held on her behalf on Wednesday evening outside of the Santee Cameron Family YMCA building. 
The demonstration was organized by Santee Parents 4 Choice, and an estimated 300 attendees turned up, the overwhelming majority of whom were supportive of Phillips. In addition to concerned residents and public officials, dozens of sheriff’s deputies were present.
The rally was live-streamed by women’s rights advocate Amy Sousa on her YouTube channel. Speakers presented around child safeguarding.
City Council representative Laura Koval took to the podium to speak about her fears that safeguarding was being sacrificed to accommodate a political agenda.
“I’m deeply concerned. Is it really a controversial statement for me to say a girl should not be encountering a biological male in her locker room?” Koval asked. “It’s not about the body parts, it’s about the threat women feel. Children need to feel safe, girls need to be safe.”
She added: “Staff at the YMCA, or any other place of business, should not be put in the position of determining ‘gender identity’ versus a criminal sexual disorder like voyeurism, exhibitionism, or pedophilia.”
In response to the public outcry, a spokesperson for the YMCA of San Diego County told KUSI News that management would be reviewing the floor plans of locker rooms at their facilities in the state of California, and added, “We are working diligently with the YMCA to find a solution that will allow Rebecca as well as every child, woman, and man to always feel safe and be safe at the Santee YMCA.”
The trans-identified male at the center of the controversy, Christynne Lili Wrene Wood, whose birth name is Christopher, attended the rally with a small group of trans activists – some of whom chanted, “Nazis, shut the f*ck up!” at the participants.
It was at this event that Wood came forward to publicly identify himself. Wood praised the Cameron Family YMCA as a “magnificent organization” before accusing Phillips of “misidentifying” him as a man.
“I’m Christynne Lili Wrene Wood. I’m the scary transgender woman who that child misidentified as a man,” Wood said. He then turned his attention to his supporters and stated: “You’re the people we truly love, and you’re the next generation to make those Neanderthals irrelevant.”
Wood, a Navy veteran who began taking female hormones in 2016, spoke with ABC10News and suggested that Phillips had deliberately misled the public. 
“They begin with the lie of there’s a naked man in the locker room,” Wood told the media, adding that he is actually a woman, and claiming that he always showers with the curtain closed in one of the five private stalls in the women’s locker room.
But Wood has a history of suing health facilities after claiming “discrimination” for being denied access to women’s areas.
Wood had previously made headlines in 2021 after winning a lawsuit against Crunch Fitness gym in El Cajon, California. The lawsuit alleged that the Crunch Fitness gym and its owner, John Romeo, discriminated against Wood on the basis of his self-declared “gender identity.”
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Wood had asked to use the women’s facilities in 2016 after claiming to have been harassed in the men’s locker rooms. 
After Wood was denied use of the women’s locker rooms and bathrooms, he obtained a court order legally changing his name and sex marker on his official documents.
The local branch of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) represented Woods in his legal claim. In a promotional video produced by the ACLU, Woods said, “I went in and told the management of the gym… I’m legally Christynne Lili Wrene Wood, and I’m a girl.”
Wood continued to demand right of access to the women’s locker room, but managerial staff stated they were uncomfortable with him doing so as, at the time, he had not undergone any surgery and retained male genitalia.
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The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, which enforces the state’s civil rights laws, filed the suit against the gym on April 17, 2018, after receiving a formal complaint from Wood. In addition to the ACLU, Wood received legal representation from the law firm of Nixon Peabody LLP.
In December 2021, Wood told The San Diego Union Tribune that he was delighted by the outcome of his lawsuit. “The real thing that makes me joyously happy is that the word is out there now that you can’t pull this with the transgender community,” he said, continuing, “Whether you are uncomfortable or not is irrelevant.”
He then went on to compare his desire to access the women’s changing rooms to segregation.
Wood has made repeated comparisons between the U.S. struggle against racism and his perceived right to access spaces where women are naked.
“My great aunt and uncle and my grandparents marched with Dr. King,” Wood told ABC10News on Wednesday.
Speaking with the Times of San Diego on the most recent incident in Santee, Wood compared his situation to the 1955 lynching of 14-year-old Emmett Till, an African American child who was abducted, tortured, and murdered in Mississippi after being accused of sexually harassing a white woman at the grocery store.
Wood implied that in his case, it was Phillips who had told “a lie” which resulted in hysteria.
“Thank God, I’ve got protection and people with me that see to it that I don’t suffer that kind of pain,” he said. “But don’t you think that there aren’t people over there right now that would love to come over and rip me piece [by] piece?”
Wood appears to have undergone the procedure euphemistically referred to as “gender reassignment surgery” in February 2020, as evidenced by a Facebook video he posted recommending Mills Peninsula Hospital, and praised the facility’s surgeon, Dr. Marci Bowers.
Bowers, who also serves as the current president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), has become known for performing genital surgery on reality TV star Jazz Jennings. In one episode of I am Jazz aired in 2019, Bowers inspects and photographs 17 year-old Jennings’ genitals and compares the teen to a “porn star.”
Last September, WPATH, under Bowers’ direction, released new guidelines related to the medical ‘transitioning’ of children. Among the recommendations include reducing the age at which children can receive ‘puberty-blocking’ drugs and cross-sex hormones to as young as 9 years old. Age restrictions on surgical interventions have also been relaxed. In a change from previous protocols, no specific minimum age is recommended as a cut-off point.
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Responding to the news of Woods coming forward, California State Senator Scott Wiener was quick to condemn as “transphobic” the brief and peaceful rally, which focused on the safeguarding of women and children from sexual predators, and portrayed Wood as a victim of “disgusting political attacks.”
Senator Wiener came under public scrutiny last year after he authored a controversial law that as of January 1, now allows California to serve as a “sanctuary state” for minors seeking puberty-halting drugs and invasive ‘gender confirmation’ surgeries.
By Genevieve Gluck Genevieve is the Co-Founder of Reduxx, and the outlet's Chief Investigative Journalist with a focused interest in pornography, sexual predators, and fetish subcultures. She is the creator of the podcast Women's Voices, which features news commentary and interviews regarding women's rights.
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mariacallous · 9 months
There’s no way to sugarcoat this: 2023 has been a dumpster fire year for LGBTQ+ rights.
New laws attack every corner of public life – barring trans people access to health care, sports and bathrooms, erasing LGBTQ+ issues from classrooms, and allowing teachers to out queer and trans students to their parents. More than 100,000 trans kids lost access to gender-affirming care like puberty blockers or hormone therapy, even though most major American medical associations agree it is “medically necessary” to alleviate gender dysphoria.
The year forced many LGBTQ+ people to make difficult, heartbreaking decisions about an uncertain future. Some have fled their home states, and others who cannot afford to uproot their lives, rely on grants from nonprofits to travel out of state for doctor’s appointments. As the 2024 presidential election looms, many advocates, including the Human Rights Campaign, have called this moment a “state of emergency.” 
​​“If you can’t access health care, if you can’t access community support, if you can’t talk to your teacher or your co-workers about who you are, if you can’t use the restroom in school, then you can’t exist in public life,” said Vivian Topping, who works with state specific LGBTQ+ organizations for Equality Federation. “That’s really kind of where we’re at right now.”
The conservative Christian movement has long sought to undermine queer and trans rights, in some ways a parallel to their fight to restrict access to abortion. This year’s record-breaking wave of anti-LGBTQ+ bills gives us a window into the right’s focus for next year – as Republican presidential hopefuls have already promised to push anti-trans bills on the federal level, and states have prefiled bills to further restrict LGBTQ+ youth.  
Christynne Wood, a trans woman in her 60s, was the target of an anti-trans campaign earlier this year for using the women’s locker room at a California gym. After fielding weeks of a public campaign against her, what she remembers is how her community had her back. 
“After all this happened, society hasn’t caught fire,” Wood told me. “This is only meant to be a form of massive discrimination that this particular political group has embraced because they have nothing else to offer except hatred, lies and misinformation.”
Read more about the past year in LGBTQ+ rights — and what to expect in 2024 — at the link.
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Orlando, FL. Oct. 07, 2023, 12PM Orange & Anderson (near City Hall) Follow transyouthmarch on IG
[Photo ID: Image against a white background of an illustrated raised fist in trans flag colors with surrounding text reading: National March To Protect Trans Youth & Speakout for Trans Rights. Orange & Anderson (near City Hall) Orlando, FL. Sat. 12 Noon. Oct. 7. Stop Racist Attacks on Our Communities. • Reverse DeSantis's bans on trans healthcare, restroom access, Black & Queer Studies. • Stop Censorship & attacks on civil liberties of teachers, students, & libraries. • Hands off Pride! • Free, legal, accessible abortions. • Demand Biden & Congress enforce civil rights coast to coast. • Expand Medicaid and SNAP. • Stop voter disenfranchisement. • Drop charges on the Tampa 5. (Labor donated). Get involved! Add your organization/name. Sign up at: ProtectTransKidsMarch.org. Partial list of endorsers: Women in Struggle-Mujeres en Lucha, Queer Youth Assemble, PRISM, South Florida, Christynne Lili Wrene Wood, 2023 San Diego Champion of Pride, Orlando Come Out with Pride, Center for Constitutional Rights, Equality Florida, Tampa Bay Community Action Committee, Real Name Campaign, NOLA, Pride At Work Eastern Massachusetts, The Queer Notion, Tampa, Transpired Media, Louisiana Women's Rights Action Committee, Red Berets for Queers, United American Indians of New England, Andre Powell, ret. delegate, Baltimore CLC, AFL-CIO*, Baltimore Peoples Power Assembly, Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice, Los Angeles, PFLAG Safety Harbor, Zebra Youth. *for ID only. /End ID]
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[Photo ID: Blue background infographic with four white boxes labeled by pink, numbered circles reading: HOW TO GET INVOLVED. 01) ENDORSE: You can have your organization endorse the March at https://protecttranskidsmarch.org/signon/ 02) DONATE: Help us pay for travel and operational costs to make this thing possible. You can do this by holding an event, fundraiser, or just by donating at https://tinyurl.com/TransMarchDonate 03) OUTREACH: Include graphics and info about the Oct. 7 march on your platforms. Print out our leaflets and distribute them at protests, events, and community spaces. Or create your own. 04) ORGANIZE: Sign up on our website to join our organizing meeting, host solidarity events, and join our discord for more info! /End ID]
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mitchipedia · 2 years
The transphobes, TERFs and other mouth-breathing microcephalic troglodytes are flocking to Klantee.
This seems to be a story about one person’s word against another’s. I’m going to believe the person who didn’t go on Tucker Carlson.
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mubashirnews · 2 years
Naked Display of Transgender Animus at Santee Council as YMCA Allies Decry Lies
Former Miss California Carrie Prejean Boller took the lectern at Wednesday’s Santee City Council meeting and declared that she “identified” as Christynne Wood — and thus deserved the same three minutes of public comment time. Boller, in her mid-30s, followed the real Wood — the 66-year-old transgender woman whose Santee YMCA presence “terrified” a 17-year-old girl in the women’s locker room. So…
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newswireml · 2 years
‘Transgender Woman’ Who Was Allegedly Naked In Front Of Kid Previously Sued For Access To Women’s Locker Room#Transgender #Woman #Allegedly #Naked #Front #Kid #Previously #Sued #Access #Womens #Locker #Room
Christynne Wood, a transgender individual who was allegedly naked in front of a teenage girl in a YMCA women’s locker room in a recent headline-grabbing incident, had previously sued a different facility for access to women’s locker rooms with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union in 2021. Wood, a male who identifies as a transgender woman, recently came forward as the individual at the…
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craigo51 · 2 years
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gwydionmisha · 3 years
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On Feb. 8, activists from the Socialist Unity Party joined people at Santee City Hall near San Diego to resist racist, transphobic attacks on Christynne Wood and the local LGBTQ+ community. 
Ms. Wood has been target of a slander campaign by Tucker Carlson and local bigots. 
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coochiequeens · 3 years
Women have to give up their spaces because a man was harassed in the mens locker room by....being called a slur. That’s unfortunate, and the man who said that was absolutely in the wrong, but that’s not being in danger. While now the women’s space is open to any man who claims to be a woman.
A transgender woman has reached a settlement with an El Cajon gym to resolve allegations that she was not allowed to use the women's locker room and restroom in violation of state law, it was announced Wednesday.
The lawsuit filed by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing alleged that Crunch Fitness management refused Christynne Wood's right to use those facilities despite California's Unruh Civil Rights Act, which bans discrimination based on gender identity and gender expression.
When Wood sought to use the facilities, she was told she would need a doctor's verification that she was transitioning, but was denied access despite presenting a doctor's letter confirming her treatments and the importance that she is able to use the women's facilities, as well as a court order showing she had legally changed her name and gender, according to a statement from the American Civil Liberties Union.
About one year later, she was allowed access to the women's facilities after a man harassed her in the men's locker room by directing a homophobic slur toward Wood, the ACLU said. The DFEH filed a lawsuit against Crunch Fitness the following year.
As part of the settlement, Wood will receive an undisclosed sum and Crunch Fitness has agreed to have its employees undergo anti-discrimination training, which will include the identification and prevention of harassment based on gender expression.
"I feel elated and validated to finally reach a resolution in this case," Wood said. "I hope the settlement helps the owners of Crunch and other gyms appreciate the importance of respecting transgender people's identities. It's not only our legal right but also could save a life."
Wood remains a member of the gym, which has since undergone an ownership and management change.
DFEH Director Kevin Kish said the agency "brought suit in this case under the California Unruh Civil Rights Act to vindicate the essential right of transgender Californians to live their lives free from discrimination. Today's settlement ensures that no Californian will face the discrimination Ms. Wood experienced in the future at this establishment."
Of course a man sees no problem in making sure another man is able to use the women’s locker room.
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Check out the new issue of Struggle-La Lucha:
Fascists threaten, Biden concedes on trans rights; capitalist crisis is just beginning; queer youth lead protests coast-to-coast; workers & students fight back in Los Angeles; interview with Christynne Lilly Wood; and more.
Download PDF free from http://struggle-la-lucha.org
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By Gloria Verdieu
The March 21 Santee School Board meeting was my first time seeing Christynne Lilly Wood in action. Wood — mother, grandmother, auntie, retired health care worker, and community activist — was on the list to speak to the Santee school board members along with many others, including parents, students, teachers, and community activists. The subject centered on adding a children’s book, “I Am Jazz” — Number 2 on the list of banned books -- in all Santee public schools and libraries.
Christynne is an African American trans woman who is one of the most recent targets of the racist, anti-trans panic that continues to sweep through the country.
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San Diego: Eyewitness Cuba's Queer Rights Revolution
Saturday, July 22 - 1:30-4:30 p.m.
San Diego Justice Center, 7151 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego
Celebrate Queer Pride – Learn about the revolutionary Families Code in Cuba that puts love first. Hear reports from the Women in Struggle LGBTQ+ delegation to Cuba in May 2023.
-Eyewitness reports:
Melinda Butterfield – Women in Struggle, co-editor Struggle La Lucha newspaper
& Jordan David – Lavender Guard
Special guest: Christynne Lilly Wood- Santee Community Activist Recipient of Bayard Rustin Award & Transgender Woman of the Year-LGBTQ Center San Diego
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Just ONE week to go! Join Miss Major, Adria Jawort, Christynne Lili Wrene Wood, Teamsters LGBTQ Caucus and many more in Orlando next Saturday!
Excitement for the October 7 National March to Protect Trans Youth & Speakout for Trans Lives continues to grow in Florida and nationally. We have an amazing multigenerational, multinational, multigender team organizing for this historic anti-fascist event – but we need YOU!
Together with the Center for Constitutional Rights and Southern Legal Counsel, we have launched a legal challenge to the DeSantis regime's bathroom ban: https://ccrjustice.org/home/press-center/press-releases/trans-and-non-binary-activists-challenge-florida-bathroom-ban
If you can't come to the march, please consider making a donation so others can go:
Share our English and Spanish posters, our website, and follow us on the social media platforms of your choice:
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