#Christ church meadow
vox-anglosphere · 2 years
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Christ Church Meadow - a lush oasis of calm within Oxford University
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rratbrain · 3 months
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some time in may
Panasonic DMC-FS40
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callumreuben · 1 year
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almondmilktargaryen · 2 months
The Girl Who's Got Agoraphobia (Part One)
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*pictures not mine. layout made via canva
Summary: You're the girl with agoraphobia Michael told Oliver about. You're known for not leaving your room much (obviously). But that doesn't stop Michael from checking on you.
Couple: Fem!Reader/Michael Gavey
Category: Flangst, friends to lovers
Content warnings: Agoraphobia stuff, pretentious dark academia vibes with English literature (no, I’m not sorry)
Word count: 1.4k
A/N: as someone with agoraphobia, I saw an opportunity to make something cute, so I pounced. Enjoy :)
Also on my Ao3
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four
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Class of 2006
From your window, you see your classmates disperse across campus. They stumble together, arms around necks and howling to the sky so loud, like wannabe werewolves. You can hear them from your window. Most of them seem to stumble toward the Botanic Gardens (which are closed) or to the Christ Church Meadow to gawk at cows and pass out in the grass before sunrise.
And all you can think is, thank God.
Thank God that you chose not to go to that dinner. You saw the setup whenever you passed the dining hall between classes. The tables looked narrow and the chairs were so close together, that there was no way you were going to snag a seat at the end. All those chairs in one room. It was enough to make you panic at the idea of being there. You would have definitely needed an escape plan before the first course was even served.
No, instead you preferred watching your classmates from your big chair, surrounded in the comfort of night, your things, and solitude while they clattered atop one another like drones in a hive. It only confirms that you made the right choice.
The knock on your door, however, briefly makes you question otherwise, but only for a moment. The adrenaline taking course from your heart to your limbs nearly made your knees buckle and force you back down to your seat. It obviously wasn’t your roommate, Venitia. She moved out two weeks into the semester because you never left the room (her words). You did leave your room, though. Just when it was essential: class, studying, and eating. Optional dinners to celebrate the class of 2006 were simply nonessential. So the word of you being the girl with agoraphobia spread quickly. You heard about it when you left your room, of course.
But when the adrenaline finally kicked it down a notch and you could step forward, you did so carefully with arched feet and great hesitancy. The doors are so thick and old, that it’s difficult to hear the old floors creak with weight shifts. Your eye follows the light from your peephole. Its faintness matches the atmosphere of your candles, except you can see the dust particles ebbing and flowing in the tiny beam. Your hand was already on the knob, though, because you knew who it was. You just had to make sure. You swallowed as you opened the door, your heart still pumping.
“Michael, hi.” You try to sound put together and keep your legs straight and unmoving as you lean on the door.
Michael Gavey, an actual genius and basically your only friend at this pretentious place, grins as you stand in the doorway. His Cheshire Cat lips curl as he says hello. He was one of the kindest people here, as evidenced by the plate in his hands, wrapped in clingfilm. The condensation was prevalent from the steam. “I brought you some dinner.” He holds it out for you to take.
And of course, you took it (while trying not to smile too widely). He was a good friend. “Thank you,” you eventually say. The plate was weighty with a hefty portion of quiche and lamb chops. You cock your head to the side, encouraging Michael to come in. “You didn’t have to do this for me.”
“It wasn’t a problem,” Michael said. He drops his satchel by the door as per usual. “I asked the staff to save a plate for you since you said you weren’t coming.”
You shut the door behind him. He takes his spot on the floor, next to your bookshelf. Most of his classes this semester involved maths (which was something you also bonded over. You both don’t like maths). He doesn’t get to indulge in the classics as much as he would want, so he takes the time to steal a novel from you when the two of you hang out in your room (often). He’s a horrible thief because he ends up giving them back. And if he’s feeling extra generous, he’ll slide it back exactly where he found it in the bookcase. You rarely remember where they originally were, but Michael manages to recall every time. Then you’ll discuss what he read. He loves literary analysis. You can see the way his eyes light up.
It was surprisingly easy to be natural with one another, considering he was bloody awkward when you met at orientation this past summer. You grew close quickly when discussing The Picture of Dorian Gray after discovering a statue of Oscar Wilde near the Pitt Rivers Museum. While you focused on the symbolism of vanity, Michael spoke about how corruption destroys everyone in the end. You also talked about Oscar Wilde and how certain (non-straight) elements of his life bled into his works. So it was surprising to find out that Michael’s major focused on mathematics and science.
You grab a fork from one of the kitchenette drawers before sitting across from Michael. You unwrap the plate and immediately go for a lamb chop. Meaty, with actual flavor. You chew and cover your mouth with your hand. “So how was it?” You asked him.
Michael shrugs. “Unremarkable, mostly. Nothing too surprising.”
You swallow. “Hm.”
“Hm, what?”
“You usually have more complaints over events like these. So something positive must have happened.” You didn’t want to ask further, out of fear you might learn something you’d rather not. “Did you meet someone?”
“Oh, I did.”
You inhale. “Who?”
“Another new student. Name’s Oliver Quick.”
You exhale. And you feel better.
“Quiet. Mostly odd, but,” he shrugs, “I’m not one to talk.” He snickers as he looks at you. It’s the classic dorky snicker that nerds in TV shows and movies always get assigned. To you, it’s sweet, because he doesn’t show it often.
You pick up some quiche. “Do you think he’ll like it here?”
“He’s not one for conversation, really. I had to pull words out of him most of the night. He wouldn’t even ask me a sum when I told him how good I am at maths. I served the topic on a silver platter.”
A pun was there as you swallowed, looking down at your own silver platter. But you know Michael is cross enough when he can’t see the joke in front of him. So you took another bite.
“So, he seems as hopeless at making friends as we are. I guess we’ll find out.”
“Where’d he go after?”
“Dunno,” he said. “I came straight here.”
That forces you to smile. The candles burn around you, hot like your cheeks. The heat prickles and you hope it’s not too obvious in the light.
Michael continues to smile at you, unchanging, so it seems you’re in the clear. And it’s not long until he leans back to gaze at your bookshelf. He points to the empty space in the middle. “What did you read today?”
“Virginia Woolf,” you reply.
“Oh, which one?”
“A Room of One’s Own. A memoir.”
“Ugh.” He scrunches his nose. He hates memoirs. He’s often informed you about how he thinks too many people write memoirs. But he habitually picked the Kate Chopin works from your shelf, so his opinion instantly becomes a moot point. Luckily, he finds them interesting enough to read on his own, so you’re spared from explaining why the main character ultimately hates being married. He picks out The Awakening. And then he looks at you after scanning the synopsis. “What?”
“Ugh.” You copy his tone.
“Don’t be cross with me because you enrolled late. Would you really have rather taken the one about Fitzgerald?”
“At least he and Zelda are more interesting behind the scenes.”
“Ouch.” Michael puts his hand over his chest, a pained expression on his face. “A burning statement from someone who calls themselves a feminist.”
“If I wanted stories about women who hated being married, I’d be at home with my mum and aunts.”
Michael hesitates to snicker again. “Okay, fair point.”
“You can keep that for a few days if you want. I won’t need that until December.”
“You’re not eager to read about…” he squinted at the back of the book. “Edna Potellier?”
“And the sexual awakening that makes her realize she doesn’t want to be a wife and mother anymore? Again? Not until I have to.”
“Wow. Antifeminist and serving spoilers. Your cruelty is limitless.”
You try to kick him. Then again, ‘try’ is a strong word. He dodges anyway before finding the first page.
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South View of Christ Church, from the Meadows by J.M.W. Turner (1775 - 1851)
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Name meanings of Star Trek main characters
James - Supplanter; Holder of The Heel
Spock – I don't know
Leonard - Lion Strength; Descendant; Lover
Nyota – Stars
(Bonus - Uhura – Freedom (crafted from the Swahili word uhuru for the show))
Mongomery - Mountain Belonging to The Ruler; Man Power
Hikaru – Radiance; Light
Pavel - Small; Humble, Modest
Christine - Follower of Christ
Jean-Luc - God Is Gracious; Bringer of Light
William - Resolute Protector; Will, Desire; Helmet, Protection
Data - Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis
(Bonus - Soong – Grandson, Descendant (it's a Chinese surname))
Deanna – Valley; Devine; Goddess; Church Leader
Beverly - Beaver Stream, Meadow
Geordie - Land-Worker, Farmer
Worf – I couldn’t find anything for either his first or last name
Tasha – Christmas Day, Birthday (Of Christ)
Wesley - Western meadow
DS9 –
Benjamin - Son of The Right Hand, Son of The South, Son of my Days
Kira - Mistress, Lady; Beam of Light; Black; Glitter, Shining
(Bonus - Nerys – Noblewoman; Hero)
Jadzia - Princess
Julian - Youthful; Jove's Child; Downy Bearded
Odo – Nothing [Cardassian meaning] (The following is extracted from the ST Wiki -  "Odo's name stemmed from the Cardassian word for "nothing", Odo'ital, which was the loose translation of the "unknown sample" label in Bajoran on his laboratory flask. After he was discovered to be sentient, the scientists began jokingly referring to him as "Odo Ital", in a similar manner to a Bajoran name, which eventually got shorted into simply "Odo".)
Odo - Wealthy; Inheritance; Richness [Human meaning] (Because apparently it's also a human name!)
Quark - I couldn't find anything
Miles O’Brien - Soldier; Who Is Like God?; Merciful
Elim - Place of Strong Trees
(Bonus - Garak – To Sojourn, To Dwell. Check this article out for more information)
Jake - Supplanter; Of Jacob
Nog – Agriculture (it’s a Chinese surname)
Ezri – Helper, My Help
Voyager –
Kathryn - Pure
Chakotay – Man who walks the Earth but only sees the Sky
Tuvok – I don't know. (There probably is someone who knows the Vulcan meaning of Tuvok and Spock out there.)
B’Elanna – (Belanna is an actual name) A noble woman who is beautiful
(Another bonus - Torres - Towers)
Tom - Twin; Innocence
Harry – Home Ruler
The Doctor – The name Jason means Healer, so I sometimes think of that as his name
Neelix – It was created for the show
Kes – I couldn’t find anything
Annika (Seven of Nine) - Grace; Favor; Gracious; Elegant
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august-undergrounds · 2 months
Mormon Doctrine of Blood Atonement and the Law of Vengance
Blood Atonement: This part of Mormon doctrine has now been denied by church leaders and practitioners, and denounced as a lie spread by detractors of the church. However, many official church texts, mainly those created during Brigham Young's presidency, state this belief explicitly. It refers to the idea that, although Jesus Christ's blood has atoned for the sins of the world, there are certain crimes against God that not even Christ can redeem. In this instance, that person must have their blood shed upon the earth so that they may not be subject to eternal suffering in outer darkness as a son of perdition.
"... Brigham Young, taught that in a complete theocracy the Lord could require the voluntary shedding of a murder's blood - presumably by capital punishment - as part of the process for atonement of such grevious sin." (Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Daniel H Ludlow, Brigham Young University)
While this quote states that the sinner's blood must be shed voluntarily, it does not appear to be a requirement, as seen in the execution of John D. Lee folowing the Mountain Meadows Massacre, of which Brigham Young was quoted as saying during an interview:
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[Correspondednt - "Do you belive in blood atonement?"
Brigham Young - "I do, and I belive that Lee has not half atoned for his great crime. The Saviour died for all the sins of the world by shedding his blood, and then I belive that he who sheds the blood of man wilfully, by man shall his blood be shed. In other words capital punishment of roffenses deserving death, according to the laws of the land"] (An Interview With Brigham Young, from Deseret News vol. 26 no. 16)
Other crimes against God that may call for blood atonement are apostasy (denying the church's truth), theft, and fornication, although sodomy and adultery are not included. It is important to note that this practice was intended to be instituted in a state run by the Mormon acting as the head of the government. Brigham Young was once close to this theocracy during the early days of the Mormon church in the Utah Territory. The pre-existing church heirarchy and leadership quickly assumed positions of power, with Brigham Young serving as the Utah Territory's first govenor, where he exerted incredibly influence over the people. In Young's ideal world, he could govern his church and prosecute those deserving of capital punishment through the arm of the law, thus implementing blood atonement.
Examples of this include the diary of John Doyle Lee, who was present for meetings between Brigham Young and The Council of Fifty (a group of religious leaders in a legislative body), as they drafted a plan for the State of Deseret (the proposed name for the modern day state of Utah). On March 3rd, 1849, Young was quoted as saying "...Suffering infernals, thieves, Murderers, Whoremongers & every other wicked curst to [exist?], through mercy to live amoung us, adding sin to sin, crime to crime, currupting the morals of the People when their Blood ought to floow [sic] to atone for their crimes. I want their cursed heads to be cut off that they may atone for their Sins, that mercy may have her claims upon them in the day of redemption."
Additionally, Brigham Young promoted decapitation to atone for the supposed sin of White Mormon men intermingling with Black people. He said, "If a man in an unguarded moment should commit such a transgression, if he would walk up and say cut off my head, and kill man woman and child it would do a great deal towards atoning for the sin. Would this be to curse them? no it would be a blessing to them. — it would do them good that they might be saved with their Bren. A man would shudder should they here us take about killing folk, but it is one of the greatest blessings to some to kill them, although the true principles of it are not understood" (Speech by Gov. Young in Joint Session of the Legislature, Feb 5th, 1852)
Both of these quotes mentioned above paint a clear picture of what Brigham Young was intending to do with the Utah territory. There are records of him doing so along with the Council of Fifty, which are recorded in John Doyle Lee's diary as discussing decapitating a man and how to "dispose of him privately". Although they eventually let this man live, decapitiation as a method of execution was instituted in Utah until 1888.
Another important part of the doctrine of blood atonement is it's relationship to the murder of Joseph Smith Jr, the first prophet and leader of the Mormon church, and his brother Hiram Smith, at Carthage Jail, Illinois. This assasination occured both because of political strife (Josph Smith was running for United States President, among lesser state-centric conflicts with authorities, mostly about polygamy) and a rejection of Mormonism by the people of Illinois. Following his death, Brigham Young was instated as the new prophet of the church, upon which he began teaching the idea that Joseph and Hiram's blood cried out against God for vengance. This sparked the institution of the oath of vengance, as part of the endowment ritual (one of the highest ceremonies preformed in Mormon temples, meant to give all members the key words, signs, tokens, and ordinances needed to return to God's kingdom).
Oath of Vengance: This was an addition to the Nauvoo endowment during a time where many church members yearned to avenge the murder of their most beloved leader and prophet. The original oath reads as follows: "You and each of you do covenant and promise that you will pray and never cease to pray to Almighty God to avenge the blood of the prophets upon this nation, and that you will teach the same to your children and to your children's children unto the third and fourth generation." While some members interpereted this as a prompt for prayer alone, others took it to mean a personal responsibility to kill those involved in the martyrdom, should the situation arise. This part of the endowment ceremony was taken out in 1927 during the intitiution of the church's Good Neighbor Policy. These are not to be confused with penalty oaths, which describe the participants agreement to being slit ear to ear, disemboweled, detounged, and have their hearts split open if they revealed the secrets of the church and their endowed vows to others. (may make an infopost on this one too)
Other notable supporters of blood atonement include Jedidiah M Grant, who wrote the statement below in the Deseret News on March 12 1854.
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["It is their right to baptize a sinner to save him, and it is also their right to kill a sinner to save him, when he commits those crimes that can only be atoned for by shedding his blood. If the Lord God forgives sins by baptism, and there is another law that certain sins cannot be atoned for by baptism, but by the shedding of the blood of the sinner, query, whether the people of God be overreaching the mark, if they should execute the law to save such. They could do it sucinctly. We would not kill a man, of course, unless we killed to save him."] (Deseret News, vol. 4 no. 20)
It is important to mention that, although there is clear evidence of the doctrine being preached, the Mormon church made a firm stance that it had not actually practiced this doctrine yet, although it would do so soon towards covenant breakers. They also preached that current sinners who would likely need to atone by their own blood should repent as much as they could while alive, so that eventually their sins would not be so greivious as to require their deaths. Blood atonement was framed as an act of both mercy and love, rather than a deliberatly violent act. Two notable reported victims of blood atonement are Thomas Coleman, a Black man who was murderd by Mormons for his relationship with a white woman, and Rosmos Anderson, a Danish Mormon and willing participant who was sentenced for adultery. (I will make a seperate post about these individuals and other people killed).
Jedidiah M Grant was also quoted as saying the below quote during a sermon titled Rebuking Iniquity on September 21, 1856
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["I say, that there are men and women that I would advise to go to the President immediately, and ask him to appoint a committee to attend to their case; and then let a place be selected, and let that committee shed their blood. We have those amongst us that are full of all manner of abominations, those who need to have thier blood shed, for water will not do, their sins are of too deep a dye."]
This doctrine continued to be defended by later prophets, such as John Taylor and Charles W Penrose. However, in a statement issued in 1889 by prophet Wilford Woodruf, the church denied their promotion of blood atonement, saying "We denounce as entirely untrue the allegation which has been made, that our church favors or believes in the killing of persons who leave the church or apostatize from its doctrines." (Manisfesto of the Presidency and Apostles, December 12, 1889) This denial was later restated by church figures like Bruce R McConkie, stating "If by blood atonement is meant the shedding of the blood of men to atone in some way for their own sins, the answer is No. We do not believe that it is necessary for men in this day to shed their own blood to receive a remission of sins." (Letter from Bruce R McConkie to Thomas B. McAfee)
Blood atonement continues to be denied by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, although it is still practiced by some splinter groups today. One final note is that the system for capital punishment in Utah involved the option for either death by hanging or death by firing squad. While hanging did not spill the sinner's blood upon the earth, therefore keeping the sinner from experiencing blood atonement, death by firing squad would, and as such, was presented as a valid option for those sentenced to death in Utah. However, it appears firing squads were less favored then decapitation, which would spill more blood. Death by firing squad was removed from Utah prison systems in 2004, and has now been replaced by lethal intravenous injection. This law was not applied retroactively however, allowing Ronnie Lee Gardener to choose death by firing squad in 2010, the last exectuion of its kind in both Utah and the United States. He cited his Mormon roots for this decision.
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Shaun Evans filming Endeavour S9F1 prelude, may 22nd 2022, Christ church meadow Oxford
© endeavourneverland
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01libra · 9 months
Notes on saltburn from an oxford uni student bc why not
- using zadok the priest as the opening for this movie of all things is sacrilegious. nothing else more aptly sums up this film’s inflated sense of it’s own importance
- Basing this in brasenose is pure wish fulfilment from fennel who went to a flop pph (permanent private halls) that no one’s ever heard of that doesn’t exist anymore .. stealing that big famous college clout. Not hers to claim 🙄 (sorry I’m a chch alum and bitter)
- Keep getting distracted by how old this “uni student” Oliver looks. Looks like he’s 40 😭
- All the tutorial stuff is 100% accurate though. Oxford vibes for the most part are accurate but not surprising since the film is written and directed by an oxford alum.
- the eating and talking in the college library is upsetting me. Maybe it flew it 2006 but wouldn’t now LMAO
- “What college are you in mate” 100% authentic first question to ask anybody. “Yours mate” is brutal 😭 hasn’t often happened to me ..
- posh public school kids 100% don’t befriend lower class people I cannot stress this enough. That aspect keeps throwing me off it’s so not the way of things.
- Felix’s eyebrow piercing is putting me off I don’t know a single person of his class demographic with an eyebrow piercing and I know a lot 😭
- ChirpSEEing? I’ve only ever heard it pronounced chirpsing 😭 probs just me being wrong though
- This is literally an upper class fantasy of what the evil lower classes are up to frfr like we are NOT that obsessed with them I promise omggg
- “Only rich people can afford to be this filthy” so real though my college cleaners had to report my Westminster school neighbour in first year for her room being so filthy …
- Why are there no transitions between any scenes in this movie
- Inaccuracy: calling them exams. First year exams are called prelims bruh no one calls them exclusively exams like this film does
- Being able to spot a rental tux from a mile off is real
- Hanging casually in the Magdalen deer park as brasenose students with no explanation as to why they are there ? Sure ..
- Walking across the manicured grass at saltburn ??!! With a suitcase ??? After a year at oxford he would know better 😭
- I rly don’t get why these guys are friends like what do they even talk about … nothing has shown Oliver to be likeable
- The way Felix says “it’s like .. black tie” all bashful. Is so real
- “Lucky for you I’m a vampire” top 10 worst lines in film history
- This film is so evil for making me like the upper class guy more then the middle class guy like … this is a new kind of insidious
- People not knowing Oliver’s name feels overplayed idk like the public school kids at MY oxford college knew my name even if they didn’t like me. Like him being Felix’s friend would ensure that people would know his name even if they didn’t like him lol Oxford colleges are small lmao
- “You’ll eat us from the inside out” fennel announcing what she thinks abt poor people …
- The final speech abt the rich not having any natural predators except one ?? What ?? Poor people ??!!!
- The full frontal nudity at the final scene . Way to hit us while we’re down 😭
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miirshroom · 4 months
Elden Ring: A Study of the Church of Irith
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Continuing my series musing about the types of environmental storytelling attached to each type of structure found in the Lands Between. The Church of Irith is a good candidate to examine because of the mystery of who/what is "Irith" and also it is located in Liurnia, which has seemed to me the zone that in a lot of ways can serve as a tutorial for noticing the more subtle forms of environmental story.
Part 1: Basic Layout
The Church of Irith is located at the north side of Stormveil Castle, on approximately a north-south orientation, where the entry door is at the north end. It is the nearest Church to the Chapel of Anticipation, geographically. There is a Sacred Tear Chalice found at this church. Thops is met here and he is seated below the left hand of the Marika Statue. At the conclusion of Thops' questline there spawns in this church a scarab with the "Thops's Barrier" Ash of War. 
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From standing at the foot of the Marika statue and looking out the door, a yellow-leafed tree can be seen perfectly centred on the door. Actually, it is two trees stacked in the same alignment, which is what makes the foliage of this tree look fuller than a typical tree of this size. Continuing past the tree and into the distant horizon, the entry to this church is also aligned with the "Guest Hall" of Volcano Manor on Mt. Gelmir.
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Part 2: Linguistics
There is a statue of Marika in this Church, so rather than "who is Irith?" a better question is "what aspect of Marika is Irith?" Like a similar principle to real churches, where sometimes you get a Church of Christ the King and sometimes a Church of the Redeemer.
"Irith" as a complete word string may be a conjugation of the Welsh word "iro" meaning "to anoint" or "to oil" in the singular future third person as in "one who will be anointed". Or perhaps "one who will be oiled" in preparation for being set on fire. 
In Hebrew, Irith is a variant of "Irit" meaning asphodel (the flower). In Greek myth, Asphodel Meadows is the place for the souls of people who led mediocre lives. Amusingly, this is the church where Thops is met, and he laments his bluntstone mediocrity.
The first 3 letters of "Irith" match those of "Irina", and indeed Hyetta's first location after the death of Irina is visible from this church. The word string "iri" has many meanings, but the one I find most appropriate to highlight is the Yoruba word ìrí meaning "the act of seeing, sighting, or discovering", as previously I have noted that the "Ori-" in "Oridys" is of Yoruba origin. The "-th" in this case is just a modifier that makes nouns of verbs of action. So to simplify this could be called the "Church of Sight and Discovery", which again has relevance to Thops - he is the only person from which the Starlight sorcery can be learned and this is used to provide sight in dark places.
Splitting into "I" and "Rith" there is some meaning to be found. Since the 3 definitions I find for rith are English, Irish, and Welsh in originit seems reasonable that "i"/"me" applies to the first syllable. The English meaning is "a small stream", the Irish meaning is "to run", and the Welsh is a mutation of "rhith" meaning "form, guise, disguise, or illusion". So in this context Irith represents a small stream that runs and adopts an illusory disguise while doing so. With the context of this Church being just outside the throne room of Stormveil Castle, this calls to mind the story related by Kenneth Haight where Godrick fled the Capital disguised as a woman. And the illusion functionality of the "Marika's Veil" item that he also took from the Capital during this flight.
Examining the Japanese in Romanized phonetics - イリス, "Irisu" - shows that half of the previously mentioned meanings for Irith are obfuscated by the translation. Instead the etymology document by The_RedScholar notes that it is implied to be the "Church of Iris", which could refer to the flower, the goddess of the rainbow, or again a part of the eye. Personally, I have some opinions about how the progressive colours of the rainbow are the basis for the magic system used in the Lands Between through the intermediary of chakras. In short - a spectrum where red spells are most grounded in concepts familiar to physical reality like "blood" or physical meat, orange/scarlett spells are like "biochemistry", yellow spells are learned "reflexes" or "unconscious biases" reinforced by memories stored in amber, green is the one that the game itself is all fucked up about (see: poison swamps) - probably emotions or empathy related, up to blue spells being manifestations of intangible concepts like "communication" and "thought", and purple being even more abstract concepts like "dream" and "cosmos".
One more point should be noted regarding the linguistics of Irith, which is the similarity between "Irith" and the "Irithyll" of Dark Souls. Irithyll has been proposed to mean "the time of the moon" from "Ir" + "ithil" as sourced from Tolkein's elvish languages. However in this case the word "ithil" meaning "moon" is truncated, and also the Church of Irith is one of the few places in Liurnia where the moon is NOT ever visible, because it is behind Stormveil from this vantage point.
Since Thops is physically present in the Church, his name should be considered as well. The Vietnamese word "thóp" means "fontanelle", which is the weak point on a baby's head. Phonetically, the word "thóp" is pronounced similar to the Japanese romantic version of the name トープス, Tōpusu. Therefore, his name likely means "weak points". This aligns nicely with his character arc in which his greatest achievement is creating the "Thops's Barrier" spell - the purpose of a barrier is to cover weak points.
Part 3: Additional Environmental Context
Observations of the landscape can be made by climbing the walls. There are 4 total climbing paths at approximately the 4 corners, which can be reached by platforming with Torrent's double jump. Recommended vantage points are provided at the tops of the walls as marked by smooth rectangular platforms sitting at the top of the crumbling walls. This use for the platforms is most clearly demonstrated at Church of Elleh. From the site of grace inside that church, the statue on top of the Fringefolk Hero's grave is directly aligned with the Weeping Peninsula Minor Erdtree. Upon climbing the wall to get a better look at this phenomena, it was noted that a square platform also sits on this alignment. And though I would love to show this alignment with the site of grace on the map, I can't because as it turns out the marked location of this particular site of grace is a lie and it's actually offset by a few metres. I can show the matching alignment by rotating the compass as below:
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Similar framed observations of distant landmarks can be made from each corner of the Church of Elleh, and at every other church (except maybe the ones in Caelid), but given the choice between the two locations I prefer to examine Irith first.
Location 1: From the Northwest corner two things can be seen simultaneously: Hyetta is centred directly on the Erdtree and the Liurnia Divine tower is exactly hidden behind a rock spear (one of several scattered across Liurnia with no apparent rhyme or reason - except that in cases like this they obscure objects in the distance). Within the Church itself from this perch the Marika statue is visible framed within a gap in the stonework such that her hands are hidden by stone, and with an optical illusion barrier of stone columns between her and Thops. It can also be clearly seen from here that the Chapel of Anticipation is disconnected from the mainland.
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To the west Raya Lucaria is clearly visible with the Academy Gate Town at its base, the arched gate to Laskyar Ruins is visible, the Cathedral of Manus Celes is framed in front of a Minor Erdtree, the 3 pergolas on the lower part of the plateau are visible, and the chasm that leads forwards into the lowlands is well defined between two rocky outcrops that end in dead end graves.
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Location 2: From the Northeast corner, the rock spur shifts to cover the Carian Study Hall and Hyetta is standing generally below the Altus Plateau Divine Tower where Rykard's Rune is activated. Raya Lucaria is still visible if turned to face there directly, but is obstructed in peripheral vision. The trunk of the Erdtree is generally obscured by yellow-leaved trees.
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Also from this vantage point the Liurnia southwest plateau is completely hidden from view by the church spire and the gap between the Chapel of Anticipation and the mainland is obscured so it can't be seen that it is not intact, and the Marika statue both over there and inside the church are hidden from view.
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From both of these corners, far to the north Ranni's Rise can be seen clearly, and Renna's Rise is directly over Bellum Gate and Seluvis's Rise blends into the stone plateau. The Liurnia North Minor Erdtree is approximately in line with the Dectus Lift, with a spur of rock partially covering the trunk. As previously mentioned, the Mt. Gelmir Guest Hall is also visible.
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Location 3: From the Southeast corner, the Marika Statue is seen from the back, and also generally the full interior of the church is visible. The disconnection of the Chapel of Anticipation is again clearly visible. Much of the landscape is otherwise obscured by yellow-leaved trees, except for a small window through to the Cathedral of Manus Celes. Whether or not Thops can be seen from this corner depends on positioning - from the position with the window to the Cathedral he is invisible behind the statue, and can only barely be seen by inching to the corner of the platform.
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Location 4: From the Southwest corner, only the hands of the Marika statue are barely visible and Thops can be seen by looking straight down. The Chapel of Anticipation is visible, but also the Church of Dragon Communion is visible around the edge of Stormveil. Much of the surrounding landscape is again blocked by yellow-leaved trees, except that both the Liurnia and Altus West Divine Towers are visible and so is Hyetta. Although with a small note that at night time the Altus West tower disappears almost entirely into the darkness.
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There is another thing missing from all of these views, which is that the moon cannot be seen at all from anywhere within the church because it is hidden by the castle. This is also one of the churches with no site of grace in it, although I have noted that even at Churches with a site of grace present there will be certain angles at which it is hidden behind a pillar. I had already picked up the Sacred Tear Chalice and attacked the scarab with the Thops's Barrier ash of war, so I have no data on what angles these are visible from.
Next Steps
The observations from the Church of Irith provide multiple jumping off points to follow the trail of environmental observation.
Jumping back to the nearest site of grace - in front of Lightseeker Hyetta - a few observations can be made. From the Site of Grace, the Marika statue at the Chapel of Anticipation can be seen hovering over the Church of Irith - strengthening the connection between these two locations. Also from the Site of Grace vantage Hyetta is aligned with Raya Lucaria. And Boc is here although he was previously not visible from the Church due to standing behind a bush. He is staring at the Erdtree.
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Hyetta as the next breadcrumb in this little trail and it is found that when approaching square to the front of her she is standing in a way that she is directly under the distant Chelona Rise. From Hyetta's vantage point (and also even to a lesser extent from the site of grace) the dark half of the moon can be seen in the sky, although likely with her weak eyes she would likely not be able to see it since the illuminated crescent is still behind Stormveil. Also from her location, the Marika statue at the Chapel of Anticipation is hidden behind the Church, but the statue of the man wrapped in gold vines is still visible.
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Another thing to follow up on was the connection to the Precipice of Anticipation. The Church of Irith is clearly visible from the location where the portal drops the player, and so is the Cathedral of Manus Celes. However, there is an odd discrepancy - the position of the Church of Irith is wrong and the corners do not match. But what is very clear from this angle is that the spire of the church has been placed to align directly with the Liurnia Divine Tower.
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Anyways, those are all of the methods that I can currently think of to extract information about the churches, for which there is little to no written lore placing the context of their existence. I would recommend the other churches in Liurnia as other good places for an introduction to thinking about the context that these structures are placed in, or the Church of Elleh. There is a degree of difficulty scaling depending on map region for sorting through what details to focus on.
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travelena · 4 months
England 🇬🇧 - London, Cotswolds & Cornwall
Day 1 - London
Dishoom for lunch! We went to the covent garden location though there are many and each has a slightly different decor/vibe. Then walked around Soho and Big Ben, etc. Then we did dinner at Kricket which was mid.
Lots of places we wanted to go but ran out of time: Columbia Road Flower Market, Spitalfields Market, Borough Market
We did have one dinner near the airport which was fantastic: Zayani Indian Restaurant
High tea locations I researched: the beaumont, sketch, Oblix at the Shard (great view), Petersham Nurseries (whimsical, but in richmond), The stage at the Londoner (moody bar interior), The Ritz (pianist), The orchid lounge, the bloomsbury, Fortnum & Mason, Harrods, The Savoy, Claridge’s, The Orangery at Kensington Palace
Other London food recs though so many more: Dishoom (indian), Da Maria (italian in kensington), Daphne’s italian- cool atmosphere, Villa Mammas - middle eastern, Fait Mason - middle eastern w/ cool interior, Chet’s (thai), The Tamil Prince (order the channa bhatura), Malaysia Deli, Lyaness (cocktail bar), Tayyab’s (punjabi food, lamb chops)
Day 2 - Oxford & Cotswolds
Stopped at Oxford on our drive to the Cotswolds and it was amazing - could've spent more time walking around campus. We had a quick lunch at the Vaults & Garden near the Radcliffe Camera. We didn't have enough time but I would've liked to go into the Bodleian Library and walk around Christ Church meadow. Lots of old buildings and you really feel the history here and can imagine all these brilliant minds sharing this space through time. Then we left Oxford and went to Burford for a quick cream tea before going to our Airbnb on a very cute lush estate with horses and chickens and walking paths through the rolling hills. Could have also stopped at Bibury if time allowed on this route but we didn't have enough. Had a nice dinner at The Willow in Bourton-on-the-Water.
Day 3 - Cotswolds
Went to lower slaughter, bourton-on-the-water, Upper slaughter, stow-on-the-wold. Walked through the villages and enjoyed the quaintness. The main things to do are walk around and take it in, there are some nice countryside walks to do as well. Overall, all about slow living and would be a nice weekend getaway from London. We also spent some time enjoying our accommodation and doing countryside walks near the horse paddocks as well. Overall, very bucolic but the countryside honestly looked like Bucks County Pennsylvania.
Day 4 - Drive to Cornwall
Drove to Cornwall, this day was cold and rainy and I was sick. Didn't do too much except drive. All the drives took longer than the GPS predicted. If more time would've stopped at Dartmoor park on the way and done a hike (Hound Tor hike 2-3 h, or wistman woods 1h, or saddle tor & Haytor Rocks). We stayed just outside St. Ives
Day 5 - Cornwall
Drive to Sennen cove→ Land's End-> porthcurno beach → pedn vounder beach (nearby and gorgeous but can't remember if we went or not) →Mullion cove→Kynance Cove (enjoy Lizard)
We did a lovely afternoon tea. at Polurrian on the Lizard and then cliff walk from the property. This was a highlight!
Walked around St. Ives at sunset - gorgeous!
Cornwall food places I researched: Porthminster kitchen (st Ives - had a great whole fish here), the sea room (st Ives), hub box (st Ives), the Cornish bakery, silco is a cute cafe w tapas in st Ives, harbour fish and chips, moomaid (ice cream st ives)
Day 6 - Cornwall
Went to the beach on the other side of St. Ives and walked along the path from Godrevy Point stopping at Fisherman's Cove. Phenomenal cliff walk - could've gone much farther and hiked more of the coast. Pretty much anywhere along the cornwall coast is gorgeous, could spend much more time exploring/enjoying this area.
Day 7 - Bath
Stayed at Brooks Guesthouse which was cute. Met up with Edith and walked around, saw the old Georgian style buildings around the Royal Crescent where they now film lots of period pieces. Then had drinks next to Bath Abbey (there is a tour/ticket you can get to go inside as well) and saw the dam & Pulteney Bridge. Other attractions there are the roman baths and the Jane Austen Centre. Went to dinner at Bandook which was pretty good but small portions. Tash and I had drinks at The Botanist which was an absolute highlight - live music, gorgeous interior, and amazing cocktail menu. Still thinking about this a year later.
Could've spent some more time in Bath, London & Cornwall. Other cornwall plces I would like to go are: Perranporth, Porthtowan, TintagelNorth Devon, Dorset National Landscape. Would've also liked to do a Jurassic Coast road trip and seen the seven sisters and cliffs.
If more time in Bath I would've liked to do afternoon tea at the Pump House
Would've stopped at Castle Combe if more time.
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mattspinksjoyblog · 4 months
Jesus Is A Big Deal! | Thesis #3
“Jesus, name above all names Beautiful Saviour, Glorious Lord Emmanuel, God is with us Blessed Redeemer, Living Word”
- Naida Hearn
“Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high...”
- Hebrews 1:1-3
“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.”
- Colossians 1:15-20
In my last thesis, I wrote on how the Gospel is GOOD NEWS. Well, Jesus Himself is that good news! He is the Gospel!
Unfortunately, most people don’t understand why. Not that I have fully grasped Him by any means. But, with every passing year I see more and more how He’s the big deal… and nothing else compares. None of our efforts, none of our accomplishments, none of our problems, no power of hell, no church or personal growth strategy can even come close to Who He Is to us and for us!!! Of course, He is a real and most beautiful person to know! The best Friend, the most kind, most effective Lord, the Lover of our souls, Jesus is, and really so much more every day. To interact with Him in the day to day is to know life itself!
“Your love is better than wine, headier than your aromatic oils. The syllables of your name murmur like a meadow brook. No wonder the maidens love you!” - Song of Solomon 1:2-3
“Eternal life is knowing thee, who art the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” - John 17:3
Experiencing Jesus personally is the greatest experience of all time! To know the fountainhead of all existence, and the most important Word of God, He’s mind blowing beyond all language. The saints and mystics of all the ages have struggled to describe what it’s like walking with Him. Everyone who meets Him says with exclamation, “He is good!”
Yet, even this relationship with Jesus can sometimes be misunderstood by the very ones meeting with Him.
Far too many times the church has spoken of our relationship with Jesus as something that we have to maintain. We’ve come under the delusion that some of us have done things to get closer to Jesus than others, or that some folks aren’t close with Him. We’ve misunderstood Who He Is and what He’s done.
God has never wanted conditional relationship with man.
God is unconditional Love.
And, in Christ He has sealed permanent union with everyone!
See, Jesus isn’t just the best person ever to know!!! He is that, but so much more!
Jesus also holds all the cosmos together in Himself.
Jesus also is fully God. And, He’s fully man. The early church leaders spent hundreds of years pondering this and clarifying this, and for good reason!
Jesus is the New Creation. He is uncreated, yet He assumed the created order!
One of the biggest deals that we need to grasp is that Jesus himself keeps ALL OF GOD and ALL OF MAN together. Jesus keeps all of the blessings of heaven and all the fullness of the created order in ONE! He descended into our depths, and now fills all things!
Here are two stunning quotes from Scottish theologian T. F. Torrance:
"God loves you so utterly and completely that he has given himself for you in Jesus Christ his beloved Son, and has thereby pledged his very being as God for your salvation. In Jesus Christ God has actualised his unconditional love for you in your human nature in such a once for all way, that he cannot go back upon it without undoing the Incarnation and the Cross and thereby denying himself. (T. F. Torrance, “The Mediation of Christ,” 94)
“Perhaps the most fundamental truth which we have to learn in the Christian Church, or rather relearn since we have suppressed it, is that the incarnation was the coming of God to save us in the heart of our fallen and depraved humanity, where humanity is at its wickedest in its enmity and violence against the reconciling love of God. That is to say, the incarnation is to be understood as the coming of God to take upon Himself our fallen human nature, our actual human existence laden with sin and guilt, our humanity diseased in mind and soul in its estrangement or alienation from the Creator. This is a doctrine found everywhere in the early Church in the first five centuries, expressed again and again in the terms that the whole man had to be assumed by Christ if the whole man was to be saved, that the unassumed is unhealed, or that what God has not taken up in Christ is not saved. The sharp point of those formulations of this truth lay in the fact that it is the alienated mind of man that God had laid hold of in Jesus Christ in order to redeem it and effect reconciliation deep within the rational centre of human being.” (T. F. Torrance, “The Mediation of Christ,” 48-9)
What we don’t understand is that Jesus didn’t just become a man… He assumed all of humanity into Himself.
He gives us a whole new world to live in. When we see Jesus, we see the whole world saved!
“The renewal of creation has been wrought by the self same word who made it in the beginning!” - Athanasius
Jesus, in himself, brought heaven to everyone and everything! He answered the prayer “on earth as it is in heaven.” Jesus entered into sin, sickness, darkness, and death… and He transformed it once and for all. When we come to see Jesus, we find the greatest Person to relate to, but we also find the perfect relationship between God and man ALREADY THERE including us. And, if we have God, we have everything! Jesus unites us to the Trinity!
We never need to try to get to know God, we’re included in Jesus’ knowledge of God wherein we can freely partake and experience. Jesus isn’t just the Word, He became humanity hearing the Word, and appropriating all the blessings to us. “And they shall not teach, each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.” - Hebrews 8:11
“Jesus is the fulfilment and embodiment of God’s Holy and righteous act or dikaioma, and also the embodiment of our act and faith trust and obedience towards God. He stood in our place, taking our cause upon Him, also as the Believer, as the Obedient One who was Himself justified before God as His beloved Son in whom He was well pleased. He offered to God a perfect confidence and trust, a perfect faith and response which we are unable to offer, and He appropriated all God’s blessings, which we were unable to appropriate.” - T. F. Torrance
This is the end of religion!!! Jesus ends the climbing of ladders to try to get closer to God, or to try to get heaven’s blessings, or to try to get free! We have all of that already in Him! This is Jesus’ finished work. He is the Finished Work.
“All the way to heaven is heaven, because Jesus said, "I am the way.” - Catherine of Siena
Most of the things that Christians are trying to get in church, we already have freely in Jesus. We don’t even need to take the blessings. Jesus received them for us. (Yes, we still want to notice them in Him, and therefore actually experience them, of course, but it’s all already ours!)
Jesus is, and did, more than we can possibly imagine, and 99% of our church issues would resolve within a few years if we simply began to share with one another the magnitude of Jesus and what He’s done. He is the Word that has made everything sweet! Looking unto Him, we find Creator, Redeemer, Savior, Friend, Brother, Lord, revelation of God, and revelation of man! We find, in Christ, relationship with God, and heaven on earth!
“There is very much rubbish about, brethren. Preach you Christ, and Christ, and Christ, and Christ, and nothing else but Christ. Let the dogs bark. Go on preaching Christ crucified.” - Charles Spurgeon
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If you want, check out the video that accompanies this blog…
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bells-of-black-sunday · 5 months
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@witchcraftandburialdirt asked:
Upon the dock they stood, the nightly tresses of his benefactor seemed to frolic amongst the salt soaked wind, flavored by the very sea whose waves seemed to bow before his beauty, though no pleasure crossed his features as he gazed outwards in the direction of home. Home which now felt so foreign and far as the promise of unfulfilled joy consumed his very being, a bitter fate which he had paid for marked into reality by plank falling onto timber. The gulls' aubade to the morning sun resounded in the man's ears as screams, as if to weep upon the agony of passion below them, a sweet poison coursing within the man's veins which was placed upon him throughout the passage of time-- one where the fury of the field was the only place solace existed. Yet in the silence of the slain and the intimacy inside woven walls, the man found only the whispers of Tarhos' voice; deep and rumbling like thunder over wheat, and yet…so tender in his words. As though each was entreating for the grace and mercy the knight had never received within his life span, a hushed cry meant solely for him. He closed his eyes, forcing himself to imagine the night without that voice, without being held so comfortably, without his blue eyes to stare into and lips to kiss. 
The vision reminded him of the Hell priests would warn of. How could he ever be happy again without having him by his side to hold and cherish?
The paralians were swift to cut the ropes, releasing sails which eagerly caught the tempest within their canvas. Before this time…long ago, those great sails would have been the victory banner of Christ, stitched together with angel's raiments as they were hoisted into the beautiful azure of the morning sky. Yet this covenant of hope was embittered, what would have once brought him joy had burned into ash on his tongue. Freedom and home…did they truly mean anything now with this burning fire within the cavern of his chest which only cried for one thing? One simple, lovely thing that would be ripped from his hands the moment his foot stepped onto that ship. That single movement would throw Tarhos into his past with only a marbled face carved from memory to be his bride. How foolish could one be, to toss a life of sunshine and quiet meadows away if only to be beside one man who brought such brutality and anguish? To stand so close to that which he had longed for, only to now feel half-hearted and bereft about such a blessing; it could never amount to the whispered prayers placed against his neck within the nights' hours.
Not when blood soaked hands cradled his hips as though holding communion, a reverent touch remarked by the essence of fluttering desire brought to life by the breathy refrains which left their lips after each shared kiss. How the Knights' breath and voice filled his spirit with the tolling of death bells and the song of church choirs; a cacophony of dread and brilliance wrapped into a singular man which held his heart tightly–as if ready to feast upon it. By now that carnivorous carnal hunger was less a blanket over them both and moreso a red threaded border which swaddled this newfound emotion. That which vexes all men, what it meant— and how that feeling would doom him, but alas…Tarhos was the one thing he would never repent for. He swallowed the pit of misery in his throat, feeling it build into a slowly filling pool of dread ── He couldn't do it - he wouldn't, and so, his plush lips parted to speak:
“I … I don’t want to go. I want to stay here with you, like this, forever. Even after life.
── Medieval Verse
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There was something always so solemn about the coast, it's beautiful blue waves lapping against the pale beaches with hundreds of ships some trading bodies like they were cattle put to auction. He was no stranger to cages like that. Huddled together with other men and women passing disease between each other like the very air they were breathing was caustic to their lungs. The same venom held even now when he knew what the plan was, what the maiden had asked of him so long ago. The ache in his chest wasn't the air this time as much as he would pretend it was. No. Haruko had swiftly become his entire world.
Every scream from the gulls sounded like a murder and the unfurling of sales like the wings of a great beast ready to snatch him from his grasp, but he had no right to demand the other to stay. While the knight knew cages and long roads very well, the maiden knew the sea and the shackles below deck. Passed between lords like a prized canary to sing for their amusement his wings had been clipped every time they grew back. He knew the snarling cornered animal in his tent when they first met far better than most. He was just a bed warmer to the captain, a piece of flesh to keep his rabid dog satisfied and yet... he never touched him.
The silence was deafening, but all he could do was watch. For all his faults he would never force someone to stay near him. Haru was his own person just like he was even if most wouldn't see it that way. He watched the wool of the maiden's dress flutter in the wind and the last call for boarding overtook the gulls screams before the maiden's voice pierced the silence and a wave of relief like he had never known washed over him, "...I want you to stay too." A quiet admission, but relief flooded every word. The knight helped the maiden down from the dock and back into his arms.
If there was divinity he had found it in every fiber that made up the warmth of the man in his arms as if he were the rib plucked from Adam to make Eve. He was everything he never wanted to let go of.
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almondmilktargaryen · 2 months
The Girl Who's Got Agoraphobia (Part Two)
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Summary: You're the girl with agoraphobia Michael told Oliver about. You're known for not leaving your room much (obviously). But that doesn't stop Michael from checking on you.
Couple: Fem!Reader/Michael Gavey
Category: Flangst, friends to lovers
Word count: 1.4k
Also on my Ao3
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four
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Dazzling Company
“It’s going to be bloody winter before you know it,” Michael said. “We should go out and enjoy the sun while it’s here. You’ll love it,” he said. He had been wanting to go to the Christ Church Meadow for days, pestering you endlessly for three of them. 
And, eventually, it worked.
The cows lumbered about in the meadow, minding themselves and barely looking up to see Michael spread an Oxford blanket out on the ground, smoothing it down meticulously. They didn’t care that you were holding a tray of cupcakes, even though they looked delicious. They matched the blanket in Oxford colors: blue and silver. The two of you then sit, the cows and fence just to your right, his left. Michael messes with the clingfilm and releases the cupcakes in all their store-bought beauty.
“I’m not one to promote stress eating, but they looked nice in the shop.”
You sit on your knees at first, smoothing out your skirt as you do. Fresh air a surprisingly convenient distance away from your dorm room is what you needed. “It’s not that stressful being out here,” you admit. It wasn’t a lie. The anxiety of potential disaster simmered when the fields came into view, long grass shielding your legs from the crisp autumn breeze. You take a blue cupcake. It’s moist, and the icing isn’t a cavity-inducing level of sweet.
Michael’s face shifts with a smile, all teeth. It’s adorable. “What was that I heard?”
You huff. “You were right.” You shift to sit on the blanket fully, as the needles in your feet are slowly phasing to numbness.
There’s a little shimmy to Michael’s shoulders as he basks in the admission. “Knew I would be.” He then takes a cupcake himself. A silver one (he has to keep the balance). “So the cows are good company?”
“It’s easier to tell that they don’t care we’re here. And I had to take your suggestion at some point.”
“So does that mean you’ll pick up Ulysses soon?” His brow arches as he playful pouts his lips.
You laugh, pointing at him with the same hand you held the cupcake in. “I never said that.”
“Come on,” he pushes you at the knee, making stray grass stick to your stockings. “Give the Irish a chance.”
“Don’t make me sound like a Tory.” You push him back. “I don’t have a working knowledge of 19th century Irish intellectualism to follow along.”
“I’ll give you a reading list.”
“Fuck off,” you snorted. “I’ve got plenty to read. And so do you.”
“Then, I’ll read it to you and give you a detailed explanation of every reference made so you can understand completely.”
“As long as it’s before bed so I have a soft place to land when I’m inevitably put to sleep.”
“Sounds like a date to me.”
You laugh again, but you also try to keep your blush to a minimum. You’re not protected by the flattering candles of your dorm room. It’s a bright afternoon with not a cloud in sight, easy to expose yourself. Michael is rarely one to tease you, but it still makes your nerves rattle inside. The pump to your heart you’re used to when something terrible is on the horizon, and not a yellow field with cattle and cupcakes. You inhale and exhale with purpose as you pray your heart has slowed. All because of bloody Ulysses? “These are good,” you attempt to say plainly.
“Glad I chose wisely.”
“Sometimes, you do.” You’re not above teasing back, especially with Michael being (or needing to be) correct. Grounding him is essential at times, whether or not the heat of a crush looms over you. But for now, you both take pieces of grass to chuck toward the other when they’re not expecting it.
The cows eventually get closer as the hour passes. The deep tone from their throats grows with them until one spots them and hangs his head over the fence. You didn’t notice until you saw Michael’s body jolt as he looked up. You’re ecstatic with your visitor, and take the time to stand slowly before letting him sniff you. Small snot drops graze your knuckles.
“An English Longhorn.” You say.
“A pretty one too.”
It’s as if the bovine understands you. He nudges his head to rub your hand, and he soon invites you to scratch under his chin. You do so happily.
Michael’s mouth is full of chocolate cupcake. A blue one this time. “If I had known they would be this friendly, I would’ve brought food for them as well.”
You fake a gasp as you look down at him. “You’re telling me Oxford’s certified genius, Michael Charles Gavey, did not consider the idea of cows wanting a snack?”
“I wasn’t planning on spending time with the cows today.”
You crouch down to your tote, pulling out the paper bag, heavy with half sliced apples and some carrots. You shake it, and smirk at him. There was no way you could hide a smile completely, so this was your best chance. The cow enjoyed your one-up on him as well, smelling the outside of the bag.
“And using my middle name was unwarranted.”
“Every genius has his weakness.”
The cow interrupts the conversation. Either from lack of scratches or snacks, it’s hard to tell. You make sure to please him with both by starting with half an apple, then stroking his cheeks as he chews. You can feel him crushing the apple with his teeth. Accordingly, you pet and coo whilst asking how delicious it was.
“You’re a natural.” Michael says.
“A lot of my neighbors were farmers. They didn’t mind when I fed them.” You bend down and grab a carrot. The longhorn exhales happily as he chews again. “Do you want to feed him?”
“You seem to have a handle on it.”
Then another longhorn shows up. He’s sneakier, introducing himself with only a huff. It startles you for a moment, but Michael jolts again. He shines in a beautiful shade of black with patches of brown that the afternoon sun reveals. When the first one finishes eating, you take a carrot to the other. The cow takes it after a sniff and doesn’t protest when you scratch at his neck. He demands a bit more aggressively, with food and attention.
The other cow stomps a hoof into the dirt.
“I can’t give them both love. Help me.” You hold out half an apple for him to take.
Michael does not reach out. He doesn’t look at the cows, but the ground and feels the texture of the blanket between his fingers.
You keep the apple. You try to keep your tone light. “So, Michael Charles Gavey is afraid of cows?”
“Once again, the middle name is unwarranted.”
“Come and feed one.”
“Come on.”
“Absolutely not.”
“You pestered me about coming out here for days and you won’t even take advantage of this opportunity?”
“We clearly have different definitions of opportunity.”
You make a tsk sound with your tongue. You stand on your ground. “I know cows, do I not?”
“You do.”
“So, do you think I’d let anything happen to you?”
Michael stayed silent for a minute, briefly frozen in his stubbornness. But eventually he sighs as he says “No.” He takes the apple from your hand after you help him up.
You urge Michael forward, but make him stick out his free hand first. “Introduce yourself. Gently.” One hand is on his shoulder, the other around his forearm.
The cow turns his head as he sniffs.
The tension in his muscles under his arm is hard to ignore, but you push against his strength as the cow picks up the apple with his teeth, leaving nothing but some lines of spit on his open palm. He chokes as he cringes at the sight. “Disgusting.”
“Don’t be so mean.” You pull out a pack of tissues from your tote as well, handing them over to the spit-sensitive weakling. “See? You did well.”
“Thanks.” Michael kept his hands behind his back after wiping them clean.
“Wanna go again?”
He looked sheepishly at the paper bag, then the cows, who still hung their heads over the fence, surely aware that there was more to be had. “Okay.”
“You don’t have to, Michael.”
“No. I should trust you. I’ve done it once already.”
“You sure?”
Michael reaches into the bag, making the paper crinkle (and the cows more eager) as he pulls out one of the bigger carrots. He hesitates to hold out his hand, but you help him. He bites his lips close as he pushes through.
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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Church of Christ, the original church of the Latter Day Saint movement, was organized by Joseph Smith and others at either Fayette or Manchester, New York on April 6, 1830.
The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, later renamed Community of Christ, is organized by Joseph Smith III and others at Amboy, Illinois on April 6, 1860.
The  Salt Lake Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was dedicated by Wilford Woodruff on April 6, 1893.  
Church of Latter-day Saints Day                
It was on April 6, 1830, in Fayette, New York, that a small  group led by Joseph Smith organized the "Church of Christ," the first  church of what would become the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day  Saints (LDS). The anniversary date of April 6 has become known as Church  of Latter-day Saints Day.
Joseph Smith claimed that an angel named Moroni visited him in a  vision in 1823 and told him about a Hebrew text that had been lost for  1,500 years. The text recounted the story of Israelites who had lived in  the Americas during the time before Christ and had prophets similar to  those in the Old Testament. Smith said he was told the text had been  engraved on gold plates in the fourth century by a Native American  historian, and that the plates were buried in a nearby hill. He said he  excavated them four years later after Moroni told him where they were.  Smith translated the text into English and it was published as The Book of Mormon  in 1830, the same year he organized the church. On account of this  book, members of the church are often called Mormons, although the  church discourages the use of the term.
The church taught there would be a Second Coming of Christ which  would be followed by a "1,000-year reign of peace." Because of this,  Smith wanted to establish a "Zion," or kingdom of God, in the western  United States. Mormon communities were set up in Ohio, Illinois, and  Missouri, with the latter being chosen as the location for Zion. In  1839, Smith founded the city of Nauvoo in Illinois. The group there  faced hostility from non-Mormons, and after Smith pushed back against  dissidents within the church, the hostility and resentment from  non-Mormons heightened even more, and Smith was arrested. Smith and his  brother were murdered in a jail cell by an anti-Mormon mob in nearby  Carthage, Illinois, on June 27, 1844.
Smith's successor as church president, Brigham Young, set out from  Nauvoo and headed west with a group of 148 Mormons in 1846. They arrived  in Salt Lake Valley in present-day Utah in July 1847. Young said, "this  is the place," and the group settled. Young sent missionaries across  North America and Europe, and new members were encouraged to move to  Utah.
The settlement applied for statehood in 1849 and was denied, but  Young was made governor of the new Territory of Utah. Further efforts to  gain statehood in the 1850s went nowhere once it became publicly known  that Mormons practiced polygamy and that they wished to form a  theocratic government. Then, the Mountain Meadows Massacre took place,  during which Mormons killed members of a wagon train. In response, the  military arrived and a non-Mormon governor was put in charge of the  territory.
Young died in 1877 and church leadership was taken over by John  Taylor, and then by Wilford Woodruff. In 1890, during Woodruff's  presidency, the church announced it was banning polygamy in the United  States, in order to follow the country's law. (Polygamy was still  allowed outside of the United States and it continued in locations like  Mexico.) Utah was admitted as a state in 1896.
Today there are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day  Saints all around the world. In the early twenty-first century, church  membership was at about 16 million. The church is still headquartered in  Salt Lake City, Utah, and more members reside in the United States than  in any other country. Over 150 groups have sprouted off of the LDS for  various doctrinal and political reasons. The biggest is the Community of  Christ, which was known as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of  the Latter-day Saints until 2001. It is headquartered in Independence,  Missouri, the location that Smith had designated as Zion.
The Book of Mormon and the King James Version of the Bible  are the two most important texts in the Church of Jesus Christ of  Latter-day Saints. Other important texts are Pearl of Great Price and Doctrines and Covenants.  The church teaches of a "Godhead" of three beings: Father, Son, and  Holy Ghost. But unlike Christians, who see them as part of the Trinity,  they teach that they are separate entities.
Like Christianity, they teach that Jesus Christ came to Earth to die  for everyone's sins and that he rose from the dead, but they also teach  that people's own actions have an effect on their future. They teach  that faithful members will become gods themselves and that Christ will  return and rule on Earth for 1,000 years. After this, the Earth will  become a celestial sphere and the highest kingdom of heaven, where the  righteous will live. Others will live in lesser kingdoms known as  "terrestrial" and "telestial."
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pommegf · 1 year
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Christ Church meadow-posting as always
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