ctimenefic · 4 months
I know the admins have probably already driven the joke into the ground but if anyone wanted a short meditation on Oscar Piastri, Charles Leclerc, daddy kink and a side of landoscar and carcar, boy, do I have that under the cut
Lando should’ve had enough of thinking by 1am on the Monday morning after the Monaco GP. There hadn’t been much to do but think during the race - ask about the gap to George, think, gain half a second on Carlos, think, catch a glimpse of the battle for 12th somehow two whole laps behind him, think. And in the end, cross the line exactly where he started, because it was fucking Monaco on zero pit stops, and Charles was never going to gamble, so neither could anyone else. 
Maybe it’s too much time spent playing percentages without ever taking a fucking risk, but as he flops back into a VIP booth he finds himself weighing the odds again. Charles is soaking wet for the third time that day - first champagne, second the harbour swill, and now some rank mix of vodka, sweat and liquid fucking joy oozing out of his with every flail. It’s disgusting and adorable and Lando will not be accepting any comparisons to Miami. Not home before sunrise, Lando reckons. Four piss-stop strategy, hah.
Oscar slides in opposite, a clutch of beers in hand, because he’s still super fucking awkward about bottle service at Jimmy’z coming via girls with tiny skirts, even though Lando has explained, like, four times by now, that is kind of the point of bottle service.  “Not taking a spin on the decks?” Oscar asks, because he’s secretly fifty years old. 
“Nah, tracks were mid. Not dancing?”
Oscar shoots a look over his shoulder at the increasingly large space around the second prince of Monaco. “Ah, no. Might’ve had a boring race but I don’t need to take my life in my hands.”
And that’s when it happens. The line just materialises in his brain, as instinctive as correcting for understeer. 
Not even with your new daddy? 
He barely gets ahead of it, teeth slamming shut after an inhale. And his brain starts racing, harder than he raced all fucking weekend. He’s got a rep for saying stupid shit off the cuff, but this one he thinks about. 
Maybe he says it, and Oscar snorts and drinks his beer, plays it off with a joke about his brother Leo, his uncle Arthur, whatever six new permutations of the joke have evolved as everyone with so much as a sniff at a paddock pass gets shitfaced in the same club.
Maybe he says it, and Oscar’s eyes widen, too taken aback to laugh, but weirded out, and there’ll be a few stilted messages before Montreal wipes the slate clean. And Lando will play things straight, in all senses, til at least summer break.
Maybe he says it, and Oscar’s freckles disappear into the flush across his cheeks. He’ll dart another look back at Charles, shove his beers into Lando’s reach, and stride across the dancefloor to Charles and Carlos and Pierre. He’ll get his hands on Charles’ shoulders to steady him, when he beams back drunk and sloppy, and he’ll share some twist on Lando’s joke, wry and quiet and yet perfectly clear over the thump of what is objectively a mid remix. And Charles will listen and blink as the words leak through to what little remains of his conscious brain six hours after the fucking win of his life. Maybe then he’ll laugh, so loud Lando can hear it, and Carlos and Pierre too, and Oscar will look back at him and grin and sure, the remix is mid, but Lando kinda wants to dance actually. 
Maybe Charles won’t laugh. Because that’s another set of odds - Charles isn’t going home alone, he’s going to slip-stagger through the streets that love him in someone’s arms, maybe many someones. Maybe Charles won’t laugh, but he’ll hook a sweaty elbow round the back of Oscar’s neck, and get a grip in Oscar’s hair, and they’ll dance like they just got 1-2 in Monaco. Lando will be stuck in the fucking booth watching as Charles’s bracelets catch the lights when he winds his arms round Oscar’s neck, catch the flash of the stupid sponsor watch when Oscar puts a steady hand on his waist. And he can’t read lips, can’t know, but Oscar will lean close to say something in Charles’ ear, and Lando will know it’s “Daddy” a few hundredths before Charles gasps.  And it’ll be too public, Jimmy’z on a fucking GP Sunday, Carlos might let Charles burn alive but Pierre’ll keep it clean, but Lando will know, Charles will know, Oscar will know - il predestinato and the rookie who could, on a fucking collision course. 
Or maybe Charles won’t laugh, and he’ll get a grip in Oscar’s hair, and Oscar will lean close, and Pierre will steer them to the door, pull in George and Alex to run interference, because they understand appearances, and Charles will take Oscar back to his flat, the only place any of them have in Monaco that feels truly like a home (no offence to Kelly, but her decorating is straight out of Pinterest’s Most Wanted). Oscar’ll fit there, among the knick knacks and family photos and all the shit Charles still has because he didn’t move every six months of his teens; Oscar’ll earnestly compliment some quilt or throw that was made by Charles’ 107-year-old grandmother and Charles’ll look at him with those huge doe eyes, and the fog of alcohol will clear but the intent will still be there, hot and possessive. Maybe Oscar doesn’t need to call him daddy now because Charles is smart enough to see a trophy when it’s in his hands. So he’ll press him up against his piano because what neighbour is going to complain about noise the night Monaco’s man won the GP, even if chords turn to the half-shouts of a beautiful boy being fucked out, the squeak of sweat-soaked skin on polished ebony. Lando will wake up with his mouth tasting like death and a short message letting him know he’ll be alone on the McLaren jet, unless he offers George a lift, and he’ll have to decide what’s worse, styling it out or feeling George look at him every few minutes, long fingers on the executive-suite sick bag they hide down the side of the seat. 
But maybe Charles will laugh, and Pierre will laugh, but Carlos won’t. Carlos’s jaw will work like he’s taking a grid place penalty for a racing incident, and then he will laugh, but low, mocking. Osc’ll turn, already annoyed, shoulders rising, but Carlos will drop a lazy hand on the nape of his neck and squeeze as he gestures with the other, back and forth, a two-fingered point and shake at Charles, then tapping twice on his own chest for emphasis. He’ll tug Oscar in closer, and there’ll be some of their usual animosity in it, too much strength, Oscar’s chin tilted forwards. Carlos will set his mouth against Oscar’s ear and say “he can’t be your daddy”, or whatever, the smooth operator equivalent, except Carlos is never smooth, just raw and fucked up and hot enough to blast through anyone’s higher brain function. So Oscar will follow when Carlos saunters out, and only someone who knows him well will be able to see beyond that blank expression that he’s practically shellshocked. Carlos won’t notice; Carlos will take him to a hotel room, tease him about putting him on his knees in the parking garage, in the elevator, somewhere where the cold could seep through Oscar’s unbearably thin trousers, but only really send him down once they're behind a locked door with plush carpet underfoot, because Carlos is a bit of a bastard but really good at casual, considerate without it coming across as anything so frightening as real feelings. He’ll tell Oscar to say it again, say it until he’s hoarse, and if Oscar chokes on the word that’ll be nothing to Carlos’s dick, not when Carlos has something to prove and three hours of staring at Oscar’s rear wing to motivate him. And Lando won’t fly out alone, but Oscar’ll be quiet and rumpled and he’ll ask for extra lemon in his fucking ice water and that’ll be worse, so much worse. 
So maybe he doesn’t say it. Maybe that’s it, and they dance and they drink and nothing changes. Seventy-eight laps and he finishes where he started, Oscar one position out of reach. 
Or he says it, and Oscar says, “What.”
He says it, and Oscar says, “Sorry, repeat that?”
He says it, and Oscar says, “I don’t think you want me calling Charles daddy.”
He says it, and Oscar says, “Say that again. No, just the last word. Say it to me.”
And Lando will- he’ll- he’s going to-
His race stutters out. He blinks, and the mid remix hits the chorus again. 
Oscar’s looking at him, a half smile on his face. Slightly expectant, like he’s learnt to anticipate one of Lando’s jokes. 
Lando opens his big fat mouth. 
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celestisnothere · 9 months
Posted my written entry for the Around The World (Obey Me! Collab '23) that I help mld and run with my friemd @humbuns !
It's a fic where most of the Obey Me! cast go to the Human Realm, since the collab was about the cast or a charcarer spending time somewhere in the human world where the fan who created the piece is from.
For that I chose a tradition from my homeland, Sant Jordi, and this was the result.
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Rating: General Audiences
Category: Multi
Fandom: Obey Me!
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Luke, Solomon, Gender Neutral MC
Word Count: 4147 words
Summary: “And that’s why, from that day on, roses signify the love they feel for someone else. And on Sant Jordi day, the 23rd of April, they give them to those we love the most.” Satan explained. “I think it'd be a good idea to let them visit their hometown on that day. Participate in a tradition they did for years before they were suddenly brought here.” Satan suggested putting his plan in action, knowing if it was to make them happy no one would really be against it. “It’s decided then!” the Prince exclaimed, clapping his hands once. “We’ll all go to the Human Realm and take part in this Sant Jordi tradition Satan has told us about!” Diavolo added.
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poetailurofilica · 1 year
He aquí, entonces, que hayo un sitio donde acunar mis sueños vívidos para alguien que disfrute de las aventuras mientras arranco las tablas de las sepulturas
de parte de una vieja historiadora guardo más helechos vivos que paleontóloga para viajar ligera hacia la luna o a cualquier roca de luz o penumbra
si así lo escribió en su tumba así se hará, mas eso no importa cuento con escalas subatómicas para atender a la alegoría del encierro
que parece que arrebata por horas pero en realidad regala segundos al cielo para que se acuerde que, cuando llora, también lo acaricia el mismo viento
aunque, los huesos me incomodan así que busco un leal perro que los mastique y los rompa para acabar con este silencio
y usarlo de excusa para prender otro incienso que busca atormentar nuestro aliento bajo el goce de los deseos
y no hace falta decir más nada por alcanzar una gloriosa fachada que a toda honra tu corazón ignore lo que el gato también llora, no lo conoce ningún hombre
así, sigue lista a palpar en cualquier estado su materia y charcar al infinito prado que contínuo rellena nuestro preciado presente de flores silvestres que nos regala la gente
se anunciarán los pétalos felices al verte cuando abriendo sus bulbos, te saluden sin conocerte, que acicalen las abejas el mando indeleble y sus hijos beban todo pa que sólo nos dejen
el néctar encargado de volarnos la cabeza plantando alas en la cien, con toda certeza que por más mínimo que parezca un intercambio será gratitud ingenua, y considerando
que no hay mal, que por bien, no venga, mejor vamos, entonces, y saquemos la cuenta que si la bomba explota estando enfrente, el canto, seguro, sonará mejor ahora, que cuando te lo invente
© Todos los derechos reservados
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invictarre-archive · 2 years
leon's a great driver! the charcar is manual, so he's got no issues with stick shift (though he could also work an automatic, if need be), and he's never had much of a problem parallel parking. he's not flawless at it, but he's got a pretty good success rate
the main problem when getting in a car with him is the whole 'getting where you're supposed to be' thing. his direction doesn't suddenly become better just because he's now sitting behind a wheel
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doofus-and-dragons · 1 year
Thoughts on Red, White, and Royal Blue(Taking notes helps me retain information so ofc I do it about my media like a goddamn nerd)
Overall thoughts:
I give this movie a 4/10. The actors were incredible and the jokes landed where they were suppose to. I was really excited for the movie, and I probably would have loved it if I hadn't read the book first (I don't regret reading it first. I adore the book, probably going to reread it). For me, the pacing was just extremely distracting. I didn't know where I was at any point in time. By the time I would figure it out, I was somewhere else. I also think that the removal of certain characters (June,Rafael, and Leo), the sugar coating of Zahra, and the microdosing (idk what else to call it) of other characters (Nora, Bea, Percy, and Shaan) really takes allies away from Henry and Alex, along with major plot devices within the main story. I felt like the movie cut out a lot of scenes (Star Wars, historical letters, the Rumors, Henry's date with June, the campaign, Nora in general, Alex's reaction to the leak, and the exposing Richards to name a few) really hurt the integrity of this movie for me. I was super excited going in, but now I'm just kind of bitter.
I did like how Henry and Alex's actors had some (from my pov) really good chemistry. That or they're just really good actors. They are, but like...differently. loved Oscar, loved the charcarization as a whole (other than maybe Bea (she felt kind of bland) and Zarha (she felt sugar coated). As a whole, all the actors (and yes, I do mean all) did an amazing job. Set design was absolutely breath taking. Most of the music was spot on (still salty about "Your Song" being cut out but yknow), and I'm a band kid and a theater kid so music means a lot to me. I loved the little metaphors, like when Alex gave Henry the key to his house (a bold choice, but it worked). I feel like Ellen deserved more of a "Im struggling to find an election balance and a mom balance" arc that Book!Ellen got, but Uma Thurman did a great job with Ellen. She didn't play too hard into the accent, and it was tasteful (much appreciated by the by). Loved Amy (wish we could have seen he do crafts tho...and her dog). LOVED it when they decked Henry out in commoner clothes!
So, yeah. My review of the movie is a 4/10. Here are the notes that better explain my personal opinion. If you enjoyed it, I'm so happy for you/gen.
• The lack of June as a character takes away so many plot points and character building opportunities from all of the characters
• The loss of Leo as a character takes away from much of the drama not only within the First Family but also within the debate
• Who decided Miguell as a character???seems like they took that Post reporter from the book and turned his affection to Alex instead, which I guess they had to since the tossed June.
• I love Ellen,  Oscar, Zahra, Amy, Pez (why can't they ever call him pez?), Nora, and Shaan. 
• The movie is moving really fast.  I can hardly keep up with.  I'm constantly in a state of "Wait, where am I?  Why am I here?  This isn't supposed to happen yet is it?"
• I can't explain it, but Henry has very gay
• Where's Rafael?  He's like the reason for the climax (lmao)
• Sending him to Texas? But he's not supposed to be there yet! 
• I'm so lost that I can't keep up with the movie.  I can't even enjoy the sap from the email reading because I'm really confused.
• The acting is really good!  The pacing is just off.
• I hate this Miguel guy. 
• Not enough Bea
• I am enjoying this 20 Questions scene, very cute yet very sad
• Zarha is suppose to be angrier at him for being awake.
• Henry in the closet will never not be funny to me.
• "...good morning!" -Prince Henry of Wales, 2023
• "And my sister" "awww I didn't know that!" "Yeah she was really happy for us."
• "Tetnhically I'm the spare!" "Not talking to you sir!" So funny!
• I'm assuming Miguel is the leak
• I'm back to being confused.  Also, not enough Amy.  I need more of her.  I need to see her dog Johnathan
• "She happens to be a he....and he happens to be henry..."
• Ellen is the best mom I love her
• Love how he's got a University of Texas Austin hat (it's not UT to me I'm from Tennessee, UT is University of Tennessee)
• Love how they Texas-ified Henry
• Sad we didn't get the kimonos
• So Oscar is Sen. Of Texas??? I thought that was Ellen before elected?
• Haha gays
• Needs more Pez
• Ok, wait, I know where I am! The start of the week of sad!
• Already? It feels like I've been sitting here for like half an hour.  I'm not retaining any of this.  God the pacing is killing me
• Also they didn't include them Skinny dipping which is honestly tragic
• Sad gay prince hours
• *megamind meme* No bunk beds?
• Bea calling him Hen is the world.  That's it. 
• Alex was suppose to be angrier, making a scene.  Shaan needed to almost throw him out. I need more Shaan.
• Eye opening for Henry time ehe
• Did he put his ring on the mantle I didn't catch it. 
• He was suppose to have make up time THEN go to the museum I'm lost again
• I can't help falling in love" and not "your song is" a choice
• They didn't bring up Sampson :(
• Wait he was suppose to put the ring on the chain.  It was sweet to give him the key tho.  I see you "key to my heart" symbolism.  I see you and I love you.
• Where's Zarha's anger? Alex's concern?  AHA Zarha and Shaan engagement real??? 👀
• Miguel is the leak and I dispise him.
• No meeting with the king? No Catherine? No Phillip getting hot tea spilled on him?  Tragic.
• Henry not getting to get a word in is tragic.
• I love Alex's speech it's so heart wrenching
• I need to see zarha's anger- oh Shaan is into it isnt he?  Love those two!  They are the true heros of this movie. 
• "I'll break the sound barrier for you" 🥺😭
• Henry playing Yankie doodle and Alex playing God Save The Queen is wonderful
• "Im white and upperclass so my affection comes on strings"
• Alex fidgeting with Henry's ring 🥺
• Stfu Pip, the fact you're the only one sitting on the side of the king is telling
• Stfu king Mary (he has no name just king so he's king Mary now).
• "Uh-bec-becu-because!!" 🙄
• Bea needs to spill tea on Phillip pls
• We don't get to see Alex's rslley speech? We're already at the election?
• No Zarha/Shaan makeouts? Srsly?
• No Liam? Where did the bikes come from?
• This movie has so many plot holes, it's like driving down a secret highway...
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henford-on-bagels · 4 years
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Natalie Wasilevsky                      - Gen One
Cat Lover
Freelance Botanist:
Plant something 3 times                                 |X|
Weed or water plants 10 times                       
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dawnedon · 2 years
@ghosteel​ replied:
leon as a door dasher
also leon:
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kingsblaze · 2 years
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[has gotten a hold of Leon’s tablet and unlocks it with careful precision of the skin right beneath her claws]
[with a few taps, she puts on a cartoon for the Dreepies who gather around to watch the pretty colors and flashing sounds on the flat screen with interest]
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spikemuthtoothfairy · 3 years
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Also the CHARCAR @invictarre​
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sir-adamus · 5 years
Okay appereantly i started an Edit war now because i tried Two times to add what the hell hero to jaunes page. You know what... I think im gonna do a BUNCH of missaimed fandom Entries. BTW: how do i Make a Forum? I Wanna Make a Forum to unlock the rwby charcarers page.
should be a tab labelled 'discussion' on the top of the page you're trying to edit
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thisisourdistrict · 7 years
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•PeXis• in da •Ch∆rC∆r• 🚎 #reunion #friends #girls #Pexinolis #CharCar
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ctimenefic · 4 months
Right so who's going to drop the Oscar/Charles daddy kink fic first?
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wfroberto · 7 years
Denatran é condenado a efetuar emplacamento de veículo adquirido em leilão da Receita Federal
A 6ª Turma do Tribunal Regional Federal da 1ª Região determinou que o Departamento Nacional de Trânsito (Denatran) finalize, no prazo de 30 dias, o processo de emplacamento do veículo Ford Mustang comprado pelo autor da ação em leilão realizado pela Receita Federal. Na decisão, o relator, desembargador federal Kassio Nunes Marques, destacou que a omissão da administração quanto ao emplacamento do…
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simplisticpro · 4 years
robertsietsema: charcar Thanks, Christina
— SimplisticPro (@simplisticpro) August 14, 2020
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invictarre-archive · 2 years
being allowed to ride in the charcar means you’re either an important guest leon’s been asked to escort (in which case, flying in on charizard can seem a little rude), or you’re a close friend he feels he can trust not to judge or genuinely mock his car aesthetic
yes, he knows it looks a little silly. he loves it tho
he’s also always got a charizard plush sitting in the passenger side, seatbelt already in place. since char’s too big to ride in the car, the plushie is there to make him feel included! if you want to sit in the front you’re going to have to move the plush to the back or hold it for the rest of the journey
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biitchcobi · 6 years
her name is CHARCAR and she’s a ghost type carvanha who only knows teleport, huh,, well, okay this is going to go well
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