#Chaper 1
kyriuar · 1 year
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leowifefover · 2 years
My frist fanfic it khr fanfic around au of Kyoko don't wanna spoil much but there going be heavy Agust i head Canon Kyoko as inexerx female the main ship Kyoko and chikusa I started shipping in dream I had while ago one the main chac thrr going be trans. Not going spoil who but not Kyoko or chikuaa sorry fristt chapter very short well try put more in other chapter I have learing disbiltys knowing me there may be gore later but not sure yet that graphic volicnet waring it rated t
I don't if able edit if. End truing anothrer way i dont mean smuut i n less want later people apporited time other wise. I mean if get possbile to gory froget to post the link https://archiveofourown.org/works/43439820
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angel1tez · 8 days
I think about pretty much every Whit scene all the time and this is no exception
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I find this interaction so interesting because when you think about it Whit was probably really lonely himself? His mother is dead, his father lives overseas, and he has no siblings so after his mom died he functionally had no family. I also think he didn’t have many close friendships. Whit’s always looking to help people, and considering his talent and “annoying” personality it’s easy for me to imagine that people only talked to him because they wanted something from him.
Note that this is the only time we see him acting somber not counting the fte’s. I think Whit is very lonely (or, was. He has Charles now at least)
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zharaely · 5 months
Clopeh Sekka went up my favorite character rankings so fast in the recent chapters to the point he's already in my Top 3. 💀 I was really excited for a Clopeh vs. Choi Han fight, and I was about to be disappointed that it doesn't end up happing in the end, BUT THEN THE CONVERSATION BETWEEN THE TWO OF THEM WAS EVEN BETTER?! When Clopeh asked that question to Choi Han it had me completely SPEECHLESS (just like Choi Han). Clopeh being the one who would choose to save Cale over anyone else, and Choi Han not being able to answer him. I don't think of Choi Han in a bad light because of that though, because if you think about it Choi Han hesitating to answer is also caused by his deep care and understanding of Cale, so I hope he doesn't feel bad about this later on. Choi Han and Clopeh are also complete opposites but it's the reason why they fit as Cale's knights so well, and I'm very glad that Clopeh passed the test. (But they should seriously fight each other sometime, even just a spar. I'm kind of desperate, author.)
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life-of-kalos · 1 month
Hey there! I thought it might be a good idea to do a little summary of plot so far before I dive into the next chapter. So here is a pretty simple breakdown
Harumi (ho-oh) revealed to be watching over the lands of kalos while it's true god was dormant.
The land has become broken and dead because while that God was gone, another was wreaking havoc in absorbing too much life energy for the land to heal on its own.
We met Hawk (ho-oh) briefly and found that harumi wasn't taking her job seriously so he had to keep her on track.
Four other gods were introduced at the gala, one of them being Zeke (yveltal). (The other 3 being temporary characters to the blog)
Zeke was shown to be charismatic and a gentleman, but later in the evening, attempted to absorb the life energy from Reshi (@/lightofunova)
Before he was able to do so, Faun (xerneas) bulldozed her way through the gala and interrupted him.
Faun's anger exploded in the form of releasing an excessive amount of life energy, this stunned everyone but gave Zeke the opportunity to dash away.
Faun hesitated but soon ran off, in hopes of tracking him down again.
In all of this, there were many things unanswered. Such as:
Where did Faun come from?
What happened to Harumi and Hawk?
How did Faun know where to find Zeke?
What was Zeke's reason for being at the Gala?
Within the next chapter, I hope to answer all these questions as well as leave you guys with many more. Do expect that I will do more writing than art as time has been limited! But I am excited to actually bring to life my story that's been going round and round in my head ❤️
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evergreenperi · 11 months
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Happy 5 year anniversary to one of my absolute favourite games! 🎉
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rainedroptalks · 1 year
k tanaka, cody walsh and zayn darkshadow. FIGHT
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norts-trolls · 4 months
how did verion get to the farm? also why/how did jeehee eat a god heart
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Verion: After my whole fucking four $weep coma thank$ to Ring Leader I got a not $o friendly invite from my ance$tor. Who fyi $uck$ a$$. Before I got pulled into the $torm a horrorterror that goe$ way back with him decided to dip me out at the co$t of my trollmanity. Which you know, being a horrible mon$ter or $ome fucking $pare part zombie to my ance$tor i think the choice is obvious.
-> JeeHee ate a god heart to fuck up a ritual in his church WHICH IS ANOTHER LONG THING ID NEED TO EXPLAIN IN ANOTHER ASK TO NOT CLOG UP THIS ONE SORRY. (You can read up the whole ringleader deal with the #can you hear me tag. just be warned its old an unfinished also because my back exploded back then too asjlasj. That was next on my list to pick back up)
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corvusasteris · 1 year
progress update 28/07
prologue is fully written and coded. I need to do some final testing of it but all things going well I'll release it tomorrow. it's about 17k words without code so its not massive but it exists.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
💔 For Uraraka!
Send in a character or characters and an icon and I’ll give you…
💔 An angsty headcanon
With everything that has happened since the year started, Ochako has frequent nightmares. They wouldn’t be so bad if she was still at home where she could just open her door and listen to her parents breathe down the hall or even slip into their room to join them like she had when she was still a kid. Sure she could call, but it feels worse somehow knowing that she was waking them up and forcing them to stay on the line with her just because she’s scared. So before the dorms are a thing she spends a lot of nights alone in the tiny studio apartment that just barely had enough space for her bed and a table, awake with all the lights on, trying desperately to focus on anything other than the memory of a slab of concrete pinning her like a mouse in a trap as her death steadily approaches on feet that shook the very earth or the shattered form of her teacher’s body as he was rolled out of the USJ. Some nights she falls asleep sitting up with her eyes aching from the lights. Others she doesn’t sleep at all. Through all of it she is alone.
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lapis42 · 2 years
well I guess I’m writing a voyage through the Chaos from a goose’s perspective now
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lover-of-skellies · 2 years
Write those future chapters first to get it outta your system and then write the connecting chapters, maybe?
Seeeeeee, I considered that, but I genuinely have no idea how many chapters I'd need to write in between what's already there and the future stuff ^^" and I don't do so good when I feel like I've given myself a limited amount of space to work with what I'm writing, if that makes any sense
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l1qu1dsm00th · 2 years
"Caro diario, 
Ho qualcosa da dire."
tws: mentions of suicide
language: ita/eng
word count: 582 (ita) / 589 (eng)
chapter 1/?
a/n: this is a short draft of a mini series I never posted for obivious reasons but enjoy ig
Caro diario, 
Ho qualcosa da dire. 
(Dear Diary,
I have something to say.)
Ok magari non sarà qualcosa di grande importanza ma sono già morto, molte altre cose ora non hanno più importanza per me.
(Ok maybe it won't be something of great importance but I'm already dead, many other things don't matter to me anymore now.)
Penso che a questo punto dovrei almeno provare e cominciare a dire tutto quello che non ero mai riuscito a rendere chiaro oppure, per meglio dire, tutto quello che non ero mai riuscito a mettere su carta. 
(I think at this point I should at least try and start saying everything I've never been able to make clear or, better said, everything I've never been able to put down on paper.)
Il mio nome è Ronald Knox, vivo nel dipartimento di raccolta della dimensione dei reaper situata e dedicata a Londra, ed avevo solo 19 anni quando mi sono suicidato. 
(My name is Ronald Knox, I am in the retrival department of the reaper dimension located and dedicated respectively in and to London, and I was only 19 when I committed suicide.)
Ora sono un reaper e devo ammettere che a parte i vari documenti e gli eccessivamente dettagliati report da compilare mi trovo bene qui ma prima... prima la mia vita era un bordello.
(Now I'm a reaper and I must admit that apart from the various documents and the excessively detailed reports to fill out, I'm happy here but before... before my life was a brothel.)
Beh, in realtà non esattamente ma si fa per dire. Ero uno studente del college e provengo da una famiglia nobile ma il nostro casato non era mai stato di grande importanza anzi forse aveva giusto quel minimo per potersi definire un casato.
(Well, not exactly but yes you could call it that I guess.  I was a college student and I come from a noble family but our House had never been of great importance indeed perhaps it had just that bare minimum to be able to be defined as a House.)
Personalmente trovo questo concetto dei "casati" futile ed anche un po 'triste... cioè voglio dire sembra come se qualcuno,magari la Regina o che ne so anche i nobili stessi, si fosse messo a giocare con le famiglie e le proprietà di Londra come se fosse una sottospecie di malato Monopoly o qualcosa del genere.
(Personally I find this concept of "Houses" futile and even a bit sad…  it seems as if someone, perhaps the Queen or even the nobles themselves, had started playing with the families and properties of London like it's some kind of sick Monopoly or something.)
Casati a parte scommetto che quasi tutte le persone che mi conoscono e che mi conoscevano non mi prenderebbero per qualcuno che scrive oppure anche solo possiede un diario in generale. La verità è che prima di suicidarmi avevo un diario che tenevo molto caro ma dopo quello che era successo credo di aver semplicemente rimosso il ricordo di qualsiasi cosa, che fosse una nota un disegno o persino solo una parola, che avesse a che fare con la mia vita passata.
(Houses aside, I bet that almost all the people who know me now and knew me in the past wouldn't take me for someone who writes or even just has a diary in general.  The truth is that before my suicide I had a diary that I held very dear to my heart but after what happened I think I simply removed the memory of anything, whether it was a note, a drawing or even just a word, that had to do with my past life.)
Anche se ad essere onesto non mi credo separato dalla mia vecchia vita, cioè si sono praticamente una persona a dir poco molto diversa ma credo anche che parte di quelle esperienze che ho vissuto abbiano contribuito a… ``questo``.
(Although to be honest I don't think I'm separated from my old life, I mean, I'm practically a much different person to say the least, but I also believe that part of those experiences I've lived have contributed to… ``this``.)
Sai in realtà non ho mai pensato che ci sarebbe stato qualcosa del genere dopo la morte oppure più specificamente il suicidio.
(You know I never actually thought there would be anything like this after death or more specifically suicide.)
Voglio dire… questo lavoro sembra davvero una baggianata ora che ci penso. Pfft. Puniti a riempiti di straziante lavoro per aver provato a liberarci da suddetto strazio noi stessi.
(I mean… this job seems really crap now that I think about it.  Pfft.  Punished and filled with tormanting work for trying to free ourselves from said torment before.)
Ironico non credi? Comunque sia ancora non capisco come il sistema funzioni qui, per esempio, alcuni dicono che se lavori abbastanza troverai la salvezza, una mano, una liberazione da tutto questo.
(Ironic don't you think?  Be that as it may, I still don't understand how the system works here, for example, some say that if you work hard enough you will find salvation, a helping hand, a release from all this.)
Una mano? Sì vabbè, come se non avessi provato a chiedere aiuto prima. La mano non è arrivata né dal cielo né dalla terra e dovrebbe arrivare dopo che sono già morto? Ma fammi il piacere.
(A hand? Yeah, like I haven't tried asking for help before.  The hand did not come neither from heaven nor from earth and it should come after I'm already dead? Oh spare me.)
La gente che è qua, o perlomeno la maggior parte, è solo un gruppo di smidollati depressi che non avevano niente per tenerli in vita più a lungo.
E ti starai chiedendo "Ma non sei anche tu così? Uno ``smidollato depresso`` come dici tu?" ma ti sbagli.
(The people here, or at least most of them, are just a bunch of depressed weaklings who had nothing to keep them alive any longer.
And you may be wondering "But aren't you like that too? A ``depressed weakling`` as you say?"  but you are wrong.)
Io non mi sono suicidato perchè stavo male, beh si in parte anche per quello, ma l'ho fatto per sentire il brivido.
Hai mai davvero provato il brivido di salire sul tetto di un palazzo, sentire la brezza cittadina che non si sente spesso? Di solito la puoi sentire di notte. Sapere che un puoi fare un salto e la tua vita finirà lì, in quel punto, su quella strada laggiù.
(I didn't commit suicide because I wasn't well, okay yes partly because of that too, but I did it to feel the thrill.
Have you ever really felt the thrill of standing on the roof of a building, feeling the city breeze that you don't get often? Usually you can feel it at night. Knowing that one can take a leap and your life will end there, at that spot, up that road over there.)
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cherryblossempearl · 9 months
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Meet Heather Henderson, an oc i made a while back, and is part of my story that sadly I won't be working on for while
I might do a background thing with her but idk.
Which picture is better? In my opinion its the bottom one.
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evergreenperi · 2 years
🎉Happy Belated Aniversary Deltarune!!🎉
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tao-moonb · 2 years
I am reassessing my International Management plan of action on hw.
I just about choked to death on chapter 1. it was so wordy wtf WTF!!!
I have the first exam next week and I'm just gonna have to tackle a chapter a day 
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