#Chaco World Music
fragaria-imagines · 8 months
Noir Bouquet Valentine’s Day Headcanons (with their S/O)
Being the prideful guy that he is, Badobarm would absolutely use this day as a chance to show you off to the whole Noir Continent!
Valentine’s Day quickly becomes “S/O Day”, as the entire continent is decked with pictures of you all over the kingdom.
It’s less of a date, and more of a festival where everybody in town gets to celebrate you and Badobarm’s love.
Sorry to the other happy couples that wanted to celebrate Valentines Day in peace, but under Badobarm’s reign, everything would be center around you on this day.
Your favorite sweets and foods would be made, the ribbons that are plastered around the kingdom are your favorite color, the music that you like would be played all over town hall, and of course, who can forget, the parade float that has you and Badobarm’s face!
You might be thinking that, after all of this, after completely turning over Valentine’s Day and making it to a festival for you, there’s no way, he would actually give you a gift? He did so much already, there’s no way that he would actually give you a gift? Right?
WRONG! But get this, it’s not just Badobarm who is giving you a gift, but the entire town of the Noir Continent! With the amount of gifts that you received, you had no choice but to sit in Badtz-Maru throne, and open every single one of them.
So, yeah, Valentine’s Day turned out to be a bit hectic and kind of overwhelming, but you had fun nonetheless!
And at the end of the day, when everybody went home and the festival is over, Badobarm took you home, and you two had a nice romantic private meal just between the two of you, and in that moment, you couldn’t have asked for anything better
Chaco loves you, don’t get him wrong, but he’s not the most romantic guy on the planet.
He’s very casual and lowkey about it, and his ideal Valentine’s date is to go to Taco Bell, and go to the skate park right after.
Because to him, Valentine’s Day isn’t a big deal to him, sure there’s the aspect of celebrating your love with your loved ones, but also, it’s just a day?
That being said, Chaco would still take you out on Valentines, and you two would spend the day, eating out at fast food places, going to the skate park, and watching a movie at a drive in, you know stuff that you guys usually do on a day to day basis.
As for gifts, Chaco would buy you a skateboard, so the both of you could skate around the park!
Arupek is a simple guy, he’s not one to go all out for Valentine’s Day, he much rather keep the affair private and just spend the day making you happy.
And while, spending Valentine’s Day with a lover is still so new to him, he’s willing to try his best and make this day be memorable for you.
His Valentine’s date plans consist of going to the country club that Pekkle owns, and spending the day, golfing, playing tennis, and going out on a swim, with you.
Pekkle’s country club is one of the most prestigious facilities in the Wing Kingdom (Arupek’s Kingdom), and since you’re dating Pekkle’s right hand knight, it only makes sense that you get treated with the best care in the world.
Arupek has always been someone to prioritizes family, so even though it’s Valentine’s Day, you two ended up spending half the day with the Duck family at Ruby’s (Pekkle’s wife) cottage.
It was kind of chaotic, spending Valentine’s Day with the entirety of Arupek’s close friends and family, but it was still very fun nonetheless.
After you two left Ruby’s cottage, you two went to the lake house, and fed the ducks (Arupek included). It was a cute moment, but unfortunately, you two fed too many ducks, to the point that there was an army of ducks chasing and pecking you for more food, one of the ducks ended up pecking Arupek’s eye.
It was safe to say, you two had to pack up your picnic date, and left to go back to Noir Bouquet, where you had to nurse Arupek’s eye back to health.
Being the gentleman that he is, Tuxam has been planning on what to do for Valentine’s date, two months in advance!
He wants this day to go absolutely perfect, because a perfect day is exactly what you deserve!
On the day of Valentine’s Day, he ordered a carriage for you two ride around the Noir Continent, which was pretty fun since you never been on anything like that.
Once the carriage ride was finished, Tuxam took you to the, Hello Kitty: Furry Tale Theater, where you watched, Sleeping Kitty. Funnily enough, there was an actor there that resembled Lord Tuxedo Sam to a T….
After the play was finished, you and Tuxam went to a fancy restaurant that was reserved months beforehand, and it was pretty good.
As for gifts, Tuxam presented you a buttload of gifts, ranging from clothes, jewelry, chocolate, but what most stood out to you, was when he gifted you his family pendant.
An ice cream shaped necklace that was passed down to Tuxam’s family from generation to generation. It is his most prized possession, it was gifted to him after he became a knight, like every other man in his family before him, who have served Tuxedo Sam.
Yet, he is giving it away to you, because his pendant was no longer his biggest achievement, it was meeting you, so he thought it would be a better fit in your hands.
You should be thanking God everyday that Hangyon does not hold the power of being a Bouquet leader, because if he was a Bouquet leader? Badobarm’s “S/O’s Day” would have looked like child’s play next to whatever Hangyon would conjure up.
It wouldn’t even be called “S/O’s Day”, it would have been known as, “S/O’s YEAR”.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you want to look at it), Hangyon does not possess the power of turning the entire town over for you, but that won’t stop him and his extravagant tendencies!
Hangyon would throw a ginormous party in your name on Valentine’s Day, he would hire entertainment from all over Fragaria, to come sing and perform at your party, would invite people from outside of Noir Continent, even the SEEDS would be allowed to come!
Hangyon would even call up the Strawberry King to ask him if he could have this party at his castle, to which the Strawberry King, happily obliged.
Being the eccentric man that he is, his gift for you would be to sing you a song that he wrote, in front of the entire continent.
Hangyon would hire both Hapindanbui and his fellow Noir Bouquet members to perform live music at this party, most of which are love songs that are dedicated to you.
The party started from sunrise and it didn’t end till midnight, by that point, you were so tired and partied-out, that once you came in contact with your pillow, you immediately passed out.
It was a good party and way to spend your Valentine’s Day, all things considered, and Hangyon viewed it as a success!
Pikero is very old-school when it comes to romance and Valentine’s Day, he believes that Valentine’s is a private affair between lovers, and all the dramatics and extravaganzas are unnecessary.
With that being said, Pikero isn’t a total stick in the mud, for he believes that a good way to spend the holidays is to keep your heart and your brain pumping, and what better way to do that than a scavenger hunt!
Valentine’s Day started out like any other day, you went to Pikero’s lab to greet him, only Pikero wasn’t there…?
You were met with a white letter on top of his desk, giving you a clue to where he was at. The clues were filled with riddles, math equations, and puzzles for you to figure out his destination.
You practically walked all over the Noir Continent, trying to find him, but every destination that you landed were just met with more puzzles and more clues.
Finally, after the final clue, you were met with Pikero, who was standing in the exact spot that you two first met many months ago, and it was no other than…. Pikero’s lab!
Pikero’s lab looked completely different from how it was that morning, the lights were dimmed, there was a mini table in the middle of the room with a rose and champagne on top of the table, and there were a group of musicians near the table, playing the violin.
You and Pikero danced together all night to the sound of the violins playing, it was a magical and special night, and it transported you to that faithful night you met him, all those years ago.
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kushami-hime · 1 year
CW: Alcohol use, alcohol consumption, drunk/tipsy! B/akugo, sick & sneezy B/akugo, wedding setting, I/zuochaco mentions, background music, crowd noises, B/akugo embarrassing himself, B/akugo airing out his feelings for everyone and being sappy while under the influence, mother hen K/irishima if you squint, also K/iribaku if you squint, D/enki being a jerk but he's still there to help regardless, K/iri and K/ami getting sneezed on at least once each, mentions of mess/messy sneezes, noseblowing, K/acchan being difficult, chaos overall basically
The big day has arrived...I/zuku and O/chaco's wedding is here! And B/akugo, being the inner softy that he is, wouldn't miss it for the world...even if he's just caught the worst cold bug he's ever dealt with. Now it's up to K/irishima and K/aminari to make sure he stays out of trouble, but that's easier said than done when the usually collected K/atsuki has already accessed the open bar...
Wow. It's very much past my bedtime guys but I FINISHED IT I hope this can help some of you get through this week in one peace. I'll start recording again on a normal basis very soon, just need to try and upkeep the house cause it's a mess rn and I'm sorta house sitting atm while peeps are on vacation ouo; But yeah! this wav was like 2 years in the making. Nonny who asked for this, if you're still here, I hope you like the end result! Editing this was quite fun considering I had my own wedding rather recently lol
Enjoy guys! I'm goin to bed-
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obscuresanrio · 17 hours
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Name: Fragaria Memories
Debut: 2023
Fragaria Memories is described as a 'multi-media project' which is quite vague. I assume that this will eventually lead to some sort of game, perhaps similar to Genshin Impact. They also seem to make music. You can find their music videos on youtube.
Each character 'serves' a different Sanrio character. They are a knight that fights for them. I believe that the Sanrio characters are somehow under threat in this world and need these guys to protect them?
Here's an excerpt from the fandom wiki:
In response to wishes from his master, Hello Kitty, Halritt sets out on an adventurous journey. Mysterious Seeds are causing unexplained disappearances which threaten life in the Fragaria world, which is full of innocence, love and friendship. As anxiety spreads, the knights fight to protect their respective masters.
The characters in the Red Bouquet (from the Red/Pure Continent) from left to right according to the picture:
Sanah (Usahana), Merold (My Melody), Halritt (Hello Kitty), Puruth (PomPomPurin), Rimicha (KIRIMI chan), Romarirche(Marron Cream)
Blue Bouquet (From the Blue Continent/ Contitnent of Love:
Willmesh (Wish Me Mell), Kurode (Kuromi), Cielomort (Cinnamoroll), Myunna (Kogimyun) Klarkstella and Louterstella (Little Twin Stars)
Noir Bouquet (From the Black Continent/Continent of Friendship:
Arupek (Pekkle), Chaco (Pochacco), Badobarm (Bad Badtz-Maru), Tuxam (Tuxedo Sam), Pikero (Keroppi), Hangyon (Hangyodon)
I'm not sure how I feel about all this. I like some of the designs, but it's very reminiscent of the Sanrio Boys from a few years ago. Are they just going to keep applying the 'Sanrio Characters but they're anime boys' onto every popular anime trope?
I guess it's kinda fun. I can see this becoming like a Twisted Wonderland type thing. If they make a gacha type game I hope they start using the back catalogue of Sanrio characters. That would be cool. Imagine Big Challenges as a sexy anime boy.
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nessietessie · 11 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
thanks for the tag, @menkhu!
coke or pepsi: i don't like soda lol
disney or dreamworks: disney i GUESS but like specifically pixar just because as a kid i watched both toy stories and also the incredibles over and over again
coffee or tea: i don't like either. i'll take milk though
books or movies: i guess movies, though i should read more.
windows or mac: unfortunately i'm a mac guy. it's what my family used when i was growing up and it's what i know how to use.
dc or marvel: neither lol. though i guess gun to my head i'd choose dc. i liked shazam.
x-box or playstation: playstation of the two of these, but i'm more of a nintendo guy
dragon age or mass effect: i haven't played either of them, nor do i have any desire to
night owl or early riser: kinda neither? i'm at peak power midday. but i do like to stay up kinda late sometimes. if 11:30 counts as late lol
cards or chess: cards. i'm not smart enough for chess, but i LOVE me some solitaire
chocolate or vanilla: tough choice. kinda depends on how i'm feeling but i do tend to lean vanilla more often
vans or converse: chacos. i love sandals
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: idk what this is lol
fluff or angst: i don't really have a strong opinion on this one
beach or forest: maybe beach, if only for the novelty of it. landlocked gang rise up!
dogs or cats: dogs! i haven't had many good experiences with cats
clear skies or rain: clear skies these days
cooking or eating out: depends on the mood. oftentimes i'm too lazy to cook lol
spicy food or mild food: i'm kind of a weenie when it comes to spice, so mild. but i'm getting better!
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: christmas, just because i have the opportunity to hang out with my fam and not be at work for a little while
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too hot
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: like. shapeshifting. or teleportation.
animation or live action: animation for the most part, HOWEVER the live action one piece slaps so. points for that i think.
paragon or renegade: assuming this is one of those games i didn't play. so idk
baths or showers: showers
team cap or team ironman: don't care. i don't like marvel
fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: i have no idea at the moment. trying to think of what i frequently quote. a lot of opla these days. one of my faves is luffy's little "mutiny..." in the beginning of episode one lol.
youtube or netflix: well. i'm pretty selective either way. so both and neither i guess.
harry potter or percy jackson: percy jackson, though i only read like. the original five books and half of the first book in heroes of olympus
when do you feel accomplished: uuuuh don't ask me that lol. felt pretty good about getting 100 notes on a drawing i posted a few days back lol
star wars or star trek: don't care really
paperback books or hardcover books: prob hardcover because of my careless ass. harder to ruin a hardcover
to live in a world without literature or without music?: writing and reading are neat and all, but i think i would literally lose my mind if i had to drive the 5 hours to my parents house without music.
who was the last person to make you laugh? probably kat
city or countryside? small city? does that count?
favorite chips? sour cream and onion lays
pants or dresses? shorts, but also pants.
libraries or museums? libraries, because i respect what they do but also museums are really neato
character driven stories or plot driven stories? character driven
bookmarks or folding pages? bookmarks
Dream job? voice actor. i would also love to get paid to play video games, which i guess can happen if you're a letsplayer or a twitch streamer or something
What gives you comfort? recently, watching one piece lmao. also sorry i guess for all the one piece on this blog but it's my house.
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? i don't often listen to songs with lyrics so this is kind of a hard question lol. but how about all of the lyrics in "We Can" which is team Sonic's theme in Sonic Heroes. Love that. lol
favorite video game?
Tagging: lol. uh. anyone who wants to do this? i don't actually interact with people much on here, but if you see this on your dash and would like to take part, i say go for it!
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aloneinstitute · 2 years
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A Argentina é um país da América do Sul com uma área extensa que abrange montanhas dos Andes, lagos glaciais e pradarias nos Pampas, ocupadas tradicionalmente por seu famoso gado. O país é conhecido também por sua dança e sua música, o tango. A capital cosmopolita, Buenos Aires, tem como centro a Praça de Maio, cercada por edifícios imponentes do século XIX, como a Casa Rosada, o emblemático palácio presidencial.
Confira algumas curiosidades...
1- Levantamento da World Cities Cultural Forum indicou que a Argentina é o segundo país com o maior número de livrarias por habitantes, ficando atrás apenas da Austrália. São aproximadamente 30 unidades para cada 100 mil pessoas.
2- Os argentinos têm costume de dormir no horário do almoço. Sim, a siesta, costume herdado dos seus colonizadores espanhóis, ainda é uma realidade em alguns cantinhos argentinos.
3- O tango é o gênero musical mais tradicional da Argentina. Inclusive, Buenos Aires é conhecida como a capital mundial do ritmo. Originada no final do século 19, a dança é considerada um importante símbolo cultural desse país e apresenta enorme carga emocional.
4- A Argentina tem cinco Prêmios Nobel, sendo dois de medicina, dados a Luís Federeico Leloir e César Milstein um de química, de Bernardo Houssay e outros dois de Defesa da Paz, entregue a Adolfo Pérez Esquiv, por difundir a Não-Violência Ativa como instrumento de transformação e a Carlos Saavedra Lamad, agraciado com o prêmio da paz por sua participação no fim da Guerra do Chaco.
5- A Argentina já foi campeã de duas Copas do Mundo de Futebol (1978 e 1986), além de possuir vários títulos da Copa América e conquistas nas Olimpíadas. Não é novidade para ninguém que, historicamente, a Argentina é um dos principais rivais da seleção brasileira de futebol.
6- O país foi responsável pelo feito de ter dois filmes latino-americanos premiados com um Oscar de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro. O primeiro foi em 1986, com A História Oficial, de Luis Puenzo, e o segundo ocorreu em 2010, com O Segredo de Seus Olhos, de Juan José Campanella.
7- É o segundo maior país da América Latina em território, com uma área de 2,78 milhões de quilômetros quadrados, e o terceiro em população, com quase 45 milhões de habitantes.
8- O sistema de metrô de Buenos Aires é o mais antigo da América Latina, inaugurado em 1 de dezembro de 1913 – até 2013 era possível viajar pelos vagões originais com bancos de madeira e lustres antigos. Hoje, esses vagões foram declarados Patrimônio Cultural da Cidade de Buenos Aires pela prefeitura local e estão passando por um processo de restauração.
9- A República da Argentina vem da palavra em latim argentum, que significa prata. O país foi assim batizado pois seus colonizadores espanhóis criaram uma lenda de que o território abrigava uma montanha de prata.
10- A bandeira do país tem um sol amarelo com a face humana no meio, que simboliza o Sol de Maio, momento marcante da revolução que visava a independência do país com relação à Espanha.
11- O país foi o primeiro no Ocidente a ter uma mulher como presidente. O feito aconteceu em 1974, com a posse de Maria Estela Martinez de Perón, que assumiu o cargo após a morte de seu marido, Juan Domingo Perón.
12- A Argentina já sofreu cinco golpes militares no decorrer do século 20, sendo a Ditadura Militar Argentina, de 1976 a 1983, a mais violenta da história do país.
13-Buenos Aires tem mais estádios de futebol do que qualquer outra cidade do mundo, abrigando 36 estádios por sua extensão.
14- A capital tem um prédio inspirado na obra de Dante Alighieri, a Divina Comédia. O Edifício Barolo, localizado na Avenida de Mayo, foi pensado nos detalhes: ele é dividido em três fases: inferno, purgatório e paraíso, assim como na obra, tem 22 andares, mesma quantidade de estrofes dos versos da Divina Comédia e tem por toda sua extensão citações em latim. Faça uma visita guiada para se encantar ainda mais.
15- A Argentina é o quinto maior produtor mundial de vinho, segundo dados da Organização Mundial do Vinho, além de ser o maior produtor da América Latina. Atualmente: o país possui aproximadamente duas mil vinícolas.
16- No bairro de Puerto Madero, em Buenos Aires, todas as ruas têm nomes de grandes personalidades femininas como educadoras, políticas e artistas locais, tal como Juana Manso, autora do primeiro livro de história argentina para escolas e Azucena Villaflor, ativista e fundadora do movimento Madres de Plaza de Mayo, criado para denunciar o terrorismo durante a última ditadura argentina.
17- É o lar da cidade mais ao sul do mundo, Ushuaia, conhecida como o Fim do Mundo. Localizada no extremo sul da Argentina, a apenas mil quilômetros da Antártica, é também um prato cheio para os amantes de esportes na neve.
Não o bastante, o pico mais alto das Américas também fica na Argentina, mais especificamente na região de Mendoza, na fronteira entre Argentina e Chile. O Monte Aconcágua tem mais de sete mil metros de altura.
18- O país tem a estrada mais bonita da América do Sul e uma das mais longas do mundo, a Ruta 40. Ela cruza a Argentina de norte a sul por uma extensão de 5,2 mil quilômetros, passando por 11 províncias argentinas, 20 parques e reservas naturais e 236 pontes.
19- A capital argentina possui a avenida mais larga do mundo, a Avenida 9 de Julio, que possui 140 metros de largura, com 12 pistas.
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reinato · 11 months
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A Argentina é um país da América do Sul com uma área extensa que abrange montanhas dos Andes, lagos glaciais e pradarias nos Pampas, ocupadas tradicionalmente por seu famoso gado. O país é conhecido também por sua dança e sua música, o tango. A capital cosmopolita, Buenos Aires, tem como centro a Praça de Maio, cercada por edifícios imponentes do século XIX, como a Casa Rosada, o emblemático palácio presidencial.
Confira algumas curiosidades:
1- Levantamento da World Cities Cultural Forum indicou que a Argentina é o segundo país com o maior número de livrarias por habitantes, ficando atrás apenas da Austrália. São aproximadamente 30 unidades para cada 100 mil pessoas.
2- Os argentinos têm costume de dormir no horário do almoço. Sim, a siesta, costume herdado dos seus colonizadores espanhóis, ainda é uma realidade em alguns cantinhos argentinos.
3- O tango é o gênero musical mais tradicional da Argentina. Inclusive, Buenos Aires é conhecida como a capital mundial do ritmo. Originada no final do século 19, a dança é considerada um importante símbolo cultural desse país e apresenta enorme carga emocional.
4- A Argentina tem cinco Prêmios Nobel, sendo dois de medicina, dados a Luís Federeico Leloir e César Milstein um de química, de Bernardo Houssay e outros dois de Defesa da Paz, entregue a Adolfo Pérez Esquiv, por difundir a Não-Violência Ativa como instrumento de transformação e a Carlos Saavedra Lamad, agraciado com o prêmio da paz por sua participação no fim da Guerra do Chaco.
5- A Argentina já foi campeã de três Copas do Mundo de Futebol (1978, 1986 e 2022), além de possuir vários títulos da Copa América e conquistas nas Olimpíadas. Não é novidade para ninguém que, historicamente, a Argentina é um dos principais rivais da seleção brasileira de futebol.
6- O país foi responsável pelo feito de ter dois filmes latino-americanos premiados com um Oscar de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro. O primeiro foi em 1986, com A História Oficial, de Luis Puenzo, e o segundo ocorreu em 2010, com O Segredo de Seus Olhos, de Juan José Campanella.
7- É o segundo maior país da América Latina em território, com uma área de 2,78 milhões de quilômetros quadrados, e o terceiro em população, com quase 45 milhões de habitantes.
8- O sistema de metrô de Buenos Aires é o mais antigo da América Latina, inaugurado em 1 de dezembro de 1913 – até 2013 era possível viajar pelos vagões originais com bancos de madeira e lustres antigos. Hoje, esses vagões foram declarados Patrimônio Cultural da Cidade de Buenos Aires pela prefeitura local e estão passando por um processo de restauração.
9- A República da Argentina vem da palavra em latim argentum, que significa prata. O país foi assim batizado pois seus colonizadores espanhóis criaram uma lenda de que o território abrigava uma montanha de prata.
10- A bandeira do país tem um sol amarelo com a face humana no meio, que simboliza o Sol de Maio, momento marcante da revolução que visava a independência do país com relação à Espanha.
11- O país foi o primeiro no Ocidente a ter uma mulher como presidente. O feito aconteceu em 1974, com a posse de Maria Estela Martinez de Perón, que assumiu o cargo após a morte de seu marido, Juan Domingo Perón.
12- A Argentina já sofreu cinco golpes militares no decorrer do século 20, sendo a Ditadura Militar Argentina, de 1976 a 1983, a mais violenta da história do país.
13-Buenos Aires tem mais estádios de futebol do que qualquer outra cidade do mundo, abrigando 36 estádios por sua extensão.
14- A capital tem um prédio inspirado na obra de Dante Alighieri, a Divina Comédia. O Edifício Barolo, localizado na Avenida de Mayo, foi pensado nos detalhes: ele é dividido em três fases: inferno, purgatório e paraíso, assim como na obra, tem 22 andares, mesma quantidade de estrofes dos versos da Divina Comédia e tem por toda sua extensão citações em latim. Faça uma visita guiada para se encantar ainda mais.
15- A Argentina é o quinto maior produtor mundial de vinho, segundo dados da Organização Mundial do Vinho, além de ser o maior produtor da América Latina. Atualmente: o país possui aproximadamente duas mil vinícolas.
16- No bairro de Puerto Madero, em Buenos Aires, todas as ruas têm nomes de grandes personalidades femininas como educadoras, políticas e artistas locais, tal como Juana Manso, autora do primeiro livro de história argentina para escolas e Azucena Villaflor, ativista e fundadora do movimento Madres de Plaza de Mayo, criado para denunciar o terrorismo durante a última ditadura argentina.
17- É o lar da cidade mais ao sul do mundo, Ushuaia, conhecida como o Fim do Mundo. Localizada no extremo sul da Argentina, a apenas mil quilômetros da Antártica, é também um prato cheio para os amantes de esportes na neve.
Não o bastante, o pico mais alto das Américas também fica na Argentina, mais especificamente na região de Mendoza, na fronteira entre Argentina e Chile. O Monte Aconcágua tem mais de sete mil metros de altura.
18- O país tem a estrada mais bonita da América do Sul e uma das mais longas do mundo, a Ruta 40. Ela cruza a Argentina de norte a sul por uma extensão de 5,2 mil quilômetros, passando por 11 províncias argentinas, 20 parques e reservas naturais e 236 pontes.
19- A capital argentina possui a avenida mais larga do mundo, a Avenida 9 de Julio, que possui 140 metros de largura, com 12 pistas.
Confira algumas fotos em:
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database54 · 1 year
The Best Argentina Phone Numbers to Know!
With over forty million people,Argentina Phone Number List Argentina is the second largest country in South America and the eighth largest in the world. The country is known for its rich culture, its beautiful scenery, and its delicious food. If you're planning a trip to Argentina, or if you're already there, it's important to know the best Argentina phone numbers to know. The first phone number you should know is 911, which is the number for emergency services. If you have an emergency, don't hesitate to call 911. The second phone number you should know is the number for the Argentine consulate in your country. This is the number to call if you have any problems while you're in Argentina. The third phone number you should know is the number for the Argentine embassy in your country. This is the number to call if you need help with anything while you're in Argentina. Whether you're planning a trip to Argentina or you're already there, it's important to know the best Argentina phone numbers to know. With these three phone numbers, you'll be able to handle any emergency that comes up while you're in the country.
1. Argentina is a South American country with a rich culture and history.
Argentina is a country located in the southern part of South America. It is the eighth-largest country in the world by area and the fourth-largest by population. Argentina is a federal republic consisting of twenty-three provinces and one autonomous city, Buenos Aires. The country is divisible into seven geographic regions: the Andean North, the humid Pampas in the center, the dry Chaco in the north, the Cuyo west of the Andes, the Patagonia south of the continent, and Tierra del Fuego archipelago at the southern tip. Argentina has a rich culture and history. The country's diverse landscape and climate have allowed for a variety of different cultures and traditions to develop over time. Argentine cuisine is heavily influenced by the country's European heritage, with dishes such as empanadas and churrasco being popular staples. Argentine music is also very diverse, with genres such as tango, folk, and rock all being prevalent. Argentina is a country with a lot to offer. Its rich culture and history make it a great place to visit, and its diverse landscape means that there is something for everyone. Whether you're interested in exploring the country's cuisine, music, or history, Argentina is sure to have something for you.
2. The country is home to some of the best wines in the world.
Argentina is home to some of the best wines in the world. The country's climate and soil are perfect for growing grapes, and Argentine wine producers have taken advantage of this to create some truly impressive wines. Whether you're looking for a robust red to pair with a steak or a crisp white to enjoy with seafood, Argentina has a wine to suit your taste. And, thanks to the country's growing reputation for producing high-quality wines, you can now find Argentine wines in many shops and restaurants around the world. So, if you're looking to try something new, why not open a bottle of Argentine wine next time you're having friends over for dinner? Your guests are sure to be impressed.
3. Argentine wines are known for their intense flavors and perfect balance.
If you're looking for a great wine to pair with your next meal, look no further than Argentine wines. These wines are known for their intense flavors and perfect balance, making them a perfect choice for any palate. From the rich and complex Malbecs to the vibrant and fruity Torrontes, there is an Argentine wine out there that will suit your taste. So, what are some of the best Argentine wines to know about? Here are three that are sure to impress. The first is the Malbec. This wine is made from the Malbec grape, which is native to the region. The wines made from this grape tend to be full-bodied with a deep, rich flavor. Malbecs are perfect for pairing with red meat or robust cheese. If you're looking for a white wine, the Torrontes is a great option. This wine is made from the Torrontes grape, which is also native to Argentina. The wines made from this grape are typically light and refreshing, with a fruity flavor. Torrontes is a great choice for pairing with fish or poultry. Finally, there is the Bonarda. This wine is made from the Bonarda grape, which is native to Italy. However, the wines made from this grape in Argentina tend to be very different from those made in Italy. Argentine Bonardas are typically full-bodied and robust, with a deep, complex flavor. They are perfect for pairing with red meat or strong cheese. So, there you have it: three of the best Argentine wines to know about. Whether you're looking for a red, a white, or a sparkling wine, there's an Argentine option that will suit your taste. So, next time you're at the store, pick up a bottle of Malbec, Torrontes, or Bonarda and enjoy a taste of Argentina.
4. The country is also home to stunning landscapes and ambitious outdoor activities.
The country is also home to stunning landscapes and ambitious outdoor activities. From the glaciers of Patagonia to the Iguazu Falls, there is no shortage of natural beauty to explore in Argentina. For the more adventurous traveler, the country offers opportunities for horseback riding, hiking, and even climbing some of the tallest peaks in the Andes. No matter what your interests are, there is something for everyone in Argentina.
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 6.11
American Evacuation Day (Libya)
Cousteau Day
Davis Day (Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada)
Dirty Book Day
Escape from Alcatraz Day
Evacuation Day (Libya)
Fandens Fodselsdag (Devil’s Birthday; Denmark)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off Day
Folding Chair Day
Honeysuckle Day (French Republic)
International Balloon Artist Day
International Day of Solidarity with Long Term Anarchist Prisoners
International KBG Syndrome Awareness Day
International Lynx Day
Jurassic Park Day
Just One Day
Kamehameha Day (Hawaii) [Unless a Weekend, then Friday before]
National Cancer Thriver Day
National Feed the Ducks Day
National Hot Rod Day
National Hug Holiday
National Impressionists Day
National Making Life Beautiful Day
National Olivia Day
Navy Day (Brazil)
Peace of Chaco Day (Bolivia, Paraguay)
Polyamory Pride Day
Queen Fabiola Day (Belgium)
Say Hi Day
Student Day (Honduras)
Umbrella Day (Japan)
William Davis Miners' Memorial Day (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Women Generals Day
World Agriculture Day
World Jaguar Day
World Prostate Cancer Day
Yarn Bombing Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Corn on the Cob Day
Cotton Candy Day
German Chocolate Cake Day
Pizza Margherita Day
Royal Hot Dog Day
2nd Sunday in June
Abused Women and Children’s Awareness Day [2nd Sunday]
Bunker Hill Day observed (Massachusetts) [Sunday before 17th]
Canadian Rivers Day (Canada) [2nd Sunday]
Father’s Day (Austria, Belgium) [2nd Sunday]
LEAF Open Farm Sunday (UK) [2nd Sunday]
Multicultural American Child Day [2nd Sunday]
National Career Nursing Assistants’ Day [2nd Sunday]
National Children's Day [2nd Sunday]
National Garden Day (Germany) [2nd Sunday]
National Puerto Rican Day [2nd Sunday]
Race Unity Day (a.k.a. Race Amity Day; Baha’i) [2nd Sunday]
Ride the Wind Day [2nd Sunday]
World Pet Memorial Day [2nd Sunday; also 2nd Tuesday]
World Swallowtail Day [2nd Sunday]
Write To Your Father Day [2nd Sunday]
Feast Days
Arrephoria (Ancient Greece)
Barnabas the Apostle (Christian; Saint) [Harvests]
Bartholomew the Apostle (Eastern Christianity)
Day of the One Hit Wonders (Church of the SubGenius)
Festival of Goibnui (Provider of the Ale of Immortality; Celtic)
Festival of Mater Matuta (Goddess of the Dawn; Ancient Rome)
Fish Day (Pastafarian)
Fortuna Virgo (Ancient Rome)
St. Francis Xavier (Positivist; Saint)
Gimley’s Boss (Muppetism)
Holiday of the Happy Gnomes (Pagan)
Ignatius Maloyan, Blessed (Armenian Catholic Church)
John Constable (Artology)
Loki’s Day (Pagan)
Matralia (Old Roman festival to goddess Mater Matuta)
Paula Frassinetti (Christian; Saint)
Riagail of Bangor (Christian; Saint)
Rites of Matralia (Honoring Mater Matua, Goddess of Dawn & Childbirth; Ancient Rome)
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (Christian) [Sunday after Trinity Sunday]
Tochumra of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [22 of 53]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (Film; 1999)
The Caine Mutiny, by Herman Wouk (Novel; 1952)
E.T. the Extraterrestrial (Film; 1982)
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (Film; 1986)
Garfield (Film; 2004)
In the Heights (Film; 2021)
Jumpin’ Jive, by Joe Jackson (Album; 1981)
Jurassic Park (Film; 1993)
Karate Kid (Film; 2010)
Katnip Kollege (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
Moonlight for Two (WB MM Cartoon; 1932)
Napoleon Dynamite (Film; 2004)
Nashville (Film; 1975)
The Negotiator, by Frederick Forsyth (Novel; 1989)
Papa Don’t Preach, by Madonna (Song; 1986)
A Passion For Excellence, by Tom Peters and Nancy Austin (Book; 1985)
Play That Funky Music, by Wild Cherry (Song; 1976)
Poor Papa (Disney Cartoon; 1928)
Primary Colors, by Anonymous (Novel; 1996)
Rabbit Rampage (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
Teddy Bear, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
True Grit (Film; 1969)
Winter’s Bone (Film; 2010)
Today’s Name Days
Alice, Barnabas, Paula (Austria)
Barnaba, Bogumil, Borna, Roza (Croatia)
Bruno (Czech Republic)
Barnabas (Denmark)
Imbi, Imme (Estonia)
Immi, Impi (Finland)
Barnabé (France)
Alice, Barnabas, Paula, Udo (Germany)
Varnavas, Vartholomaios (Greece)
Barnabás (Hungary)
Barnaba (Italy)
Ingus, Mairis, Sigrida, Svens, Vidvuds (Latvia)
Aluona, Barnarbas, Flora, Tvirmantas (Lithuania)
Bjørg, Bjørge, Borgar (Norway)
Anastazy, Barnaba, Feliks, Radomił, Teodozja (Poland)
Luca, Pavel, Petru, Vartolomeu (România)
Dobroslava (Slovakia)
Bernabé (Spain)
Berthold, Bertil (Sweden)
Bartholomew (Ukraine)
Barnabas, Barnaby, Barnett, Barney, Barret (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 162 of 2024; 203 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 23 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 28 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 24 (Geng-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 22 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 22 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 12 Sol; Fiveday [12 of 30]
Julian: 29 May 2023
Moon: 40%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 22 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Francis Xavier]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 83 of 92)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 21 of 32)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 6.11
American Evacuation Day (Libya)
Cousteau Day
Davis Day (Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada)
Dirty Book Day
Escape from Alcatraz Day
Evacuation Day (Libya)
Fandens Fodselsdag (Devil’s Birthday; Denmark)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off Day
Folding Chair Day
Honeysuckle Day (French Republic)
International Balloon Artist Day
International Day of Solidarity with Long Term Anarchist Prisoners
International KBG Syndrome Awareness Day
International Lynx Day
Jurassic Park Day
Just One Day
Kamehameha Day (Hawaii) [Unless a Weekend, then Friday before]
National Cancer Thriver Day
National Feed the Ducks Day
National Hot Rod Day
National Hug Holiday
National Impressionists Day
National Making Life Beautiful Day
National Olivia Day
Navy Day (Brazil)
Peace of Chaco Day (Bolivia, Paraguay)
Polyamory Pride Day
Queen Fabiola Day (Belgium)
Say Hi Day
Student Day (Honduras)
Umbrella Day (Japan)
William Davis Miners' Memorial Day (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Women Generals Day
World Agriculture Day
World Jaguar Day
World Prostate Cancer Day
Yarn Bombing Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Corn on the Cob Day
Cotton Candy Day
German Chocolate Cake Day
Pizza Margherita Day
Royal Hot Dog Day
2nd Sunday in June
Abused Women and Children’s Awareness Day [2nd Sunday]
Bunker Hill Day observed (Massachusetts) [Sunday before 17th]
Canadian Rivers Day (Canada) [2nd Sunday]
Father’s Day (Austria, Belgium) [2nd Sunday]
LEAF Open Farm Sunday (UK) [2nd Sunday]
Multicultural American Child Day [2nd Sunday]
National Career Nursing Assistants’ Day [2nd Sunday]
National Children's Day [2nd Sunday]
National Garden Day (Germany) [2nd Sunday]
National Puerto Rican Day [2nd Sunday]
Race Unity Day (a.k.a. Race Amity Day; Baha’i) [2nd Sunday]
Ride the Wind Day [2nd Sunday]
World Pet Memorial Day [2nd Sunday; also 2nd Tuesday]
World Swallowtail Day [2nd Sunday]
Write To Your Father Day [2nd Sunday]
Feast Days
Arrephoria (Ancient Greece)
Barnabas the Apostle (Christian; Saint) [Harvests]
Bartholomew the Apostle (Eastern Christianity)
Day of the One Hit Wonders (Church of the SubGenius)
Festival of Goibnui (Provider of the Ale of Immortality; Celtic)
Festival of Mater Matuta (Goddess of the Dawn; Ancient Rome)
Fish Day (Pastafarian)
Fortuna Virgo (Ancient Rome)
St. Francis Xavier (Positivist; Saint)
Gimley’s Boss (Muppetism)
Holiday of the Happy Gnomes (Pagan)
Ignatius Maloyan, Blessed (Armenian Catholic Church)
John Constable (Artology)
Loki’s Day (Pagan)
Matralia (Old Roman festival to goddess Mater Matuta)
Paula Frassinetti (Christian; Saint)
Riagail of Bangor (Christian; Saint)
Rites of Matralia (Honoring Mater Matua, Goddess of Dawn & Childbirth; Ancient Rome)
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (Christian) [Sunday after Trinity Sunday]
Tochumra of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [22 of 53]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (Film; 1999)
The Caine Mutiny, by Herman Wouk (Novel; 1952)
E.T. the Extraterrestrial (Film; 1982)
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (Film; 1986)
Garfield (Film; 2004)
In the Heights (Film; 2021)
Jumpin’ Jive, by Joe Jackson (Album; 1981)
Jurassic Park (Film; 1993)
Karate Kid (Film; 2010)
Katnip Kollege (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
Moonlight for Two (WB MM Cartoon; 1932)
Napoleon Dynamite (Film; 2004)
Nashville (Film; 1975)
The Negotiator, by Frederick Forsyth (Novel; 1989)
Papa Don’t Preach, by Madonna (Song; 1986)
A Passion For Excellence, by Tom Peters and Nancy Austin (Book; 1985)
Play That Funky Music, by Wild Cherry (Song; 1976)
Poor Papa (Disney Cartoon; 1928)
Primary Colors, by Anonymous (Novel; 1996)
Rabbit Rampage (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
Teddy Bear, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
True Grit (Film; 1969)
Winter’s Bone (Film; 2010)
Today’s Name Days
Alice, Barnabas, Paula (Austria)
Barnaba, Bogumil, Borna, Roza (Croatia)
Bruno (Czech Republic)
Barnabas (Denmark)
Imbi, Imme (Estonia)
Immi, Impi (Finland)
Barnabé (France)
Alice, Barnabas, Paula, Udo (Germany)
Varnavas, Vartholomaios (Greece)
Barnabás (Hungary)
Barnaba (Italy)
Ingus, Mairis, Sigrida, Svens, Vidvuds (Latvia)
Aluona, Barnarbas, Flora, Tvirmantas (Lithuania)
Bjørg, Bjørge, Borgar (Norway)
Anastazy, Barnaba, Feliks, Radomił, Teodozja (Poland)
Luca, Pavel, Petru, Vartolomeu (România)
Dobroslava (Slovakia)
Bernabé (Spain)
Berthold, Bertil (Sweden)
Bartholomew (Ukraine)
Barnabas, Barnaby, Barnett, Barney, Barret (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 162 of 2024; 203 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 23 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 28 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 24 (Geng-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 22 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 22 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 12 Sol; Fiveday [12 of 30]
Julian: 29 May 2023
Moon: 40%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 22 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Francis Xavier]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 83 of 92)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 21 of 32)
0 notes
boneshine · 3 years
Mariya Takeuchi - Plastic Love (Calculator Cover)
Performed by: 차커 Chaco
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mitambor · 7 years
(Chaco World Music)
At 95 years of age Magin Diaz releases his first album. 
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thecreaturesblog · 3 years
Don't I look so,
pretty with,
that filter on, babe?
yes, no?
long days
and longer nights chillin in bed
alone, completely alone
completely stuck in my own head,
hey, at least you gotta fucking bed man,
i hate going to work
but when I get there,
it can be, amazing
i work tomorrow
gotta leave around
8, am,
then it's off to Bumble Town
that's right Honey, it's time for another vacation,
seems like a lot of em this year
shut the fuck up
dont pay attention
tripin when I walk
limpin when I talk
wait a minute, reverse that shit
you say you, need a man to make you smile
well baby, I think you're living your life, in denial
once upon a time,
Long ago,
I, I fell in love so hard,
so fast,
in one night, you know,
it was roughly, eleven years, ago
to a boy named Josh,
had that, charisma and a good flow
but his, mistreastment,
lead to a path,
so destructive,
always repeatin,
no change, like no seasons,
on me and on God,
I had to set us free, yeah
so what did she do?
she broke his heart, saying after every moment,
spent in love, after
having your back and shedding all of that blood,
I have to say to you,
baby, I'm not in love,
no more,
no mooorrrre,
won't let you break my shit
or get real hateful
call me a bitch and I'll see ya later
no more
loving those other girls,
on those nights I couldn't make it,
or the other ones where I was just in bed,
when I wasn't tryna give you any head,
and never
never again,
will you place your fist anywhere on my head,
or my body,
you will stay far, far away from me,
and one day, yes someday,
I'll watch my soul set itself free
Goodbye Joshua Alexander, I miss you all the time. I would honestly love to talk to you, see how you are. After six years, I've let a lot go, instead I held on just to remember, take no shit, from no man. But baby, you're ignoring me lately.. Like I ain't good enough, for the sweet ass time of Mr. Joshua... Huh? I'll always remember your smile, but also the face you make when you're angry, I hear your laugh, in my ears it rings, our matching tongue rings, that year long trip across the west side of this country, baby you will always belong to me, like a flame to a fire, you will dance you will move, just like I did to get away from you, we might be burning two separate things but baby we are the fire, we made eachothers flames. I hope you're still looking at those stars, cause I'm doing the same, and every once in a while you get on my brain, do I do the same? To you? Maybe someday, I'll see you again, and we could laugh about some of the mistakes. Remember all those nights in bed we laid. You held me every single day. And maybe we had codependency problems, but we were so in love, who cared if we solved em? You and me, together in the night, living for each and every day, we were up against this world, that had too much to say, about us. You hurt me deep, like bad, like it's taken years to get past, but I still miss you the same, I loved the way that you and only you could speak my name. Some people say love is fucked up but I think those people are just playing a game. We tried so hard to be real, that we both ended up fake, two troubled and lost souls, walked down an unmarked trail, hands together, voices the same, each of trying to take over what the other sayin.
Don't forget me, please, my Joshua. I'll always remember your name, your birthday, the thinga you liked and the ones that you'd hate. Take care of yourself, now and again. Stay safe.
And please, never forget, all of thw things, all the adventures, all the fights, all the talks, that took all night, the music, the car, chaco, or the shooting stars, the beach, Cheyenne, or Shane, Bones and the rest of our hippies hoppin from train to train, and Lord, don't forget to pray. I love you always and forever, maybe from a very far away place and maybe you spend to much time in the light, while in always stuck in this darknees, maybe the people round you ain't it, and now I got a place, I got a job, my shit's getting turned around, while you still playin, maybe you've got a new girl, but I don't gotta ask, and i don't mean to judge, but I know she'll never be me baby, but still my love it's still the same, as it was yesterday and everyday before that, till the day I met you, when you started by saying 'wow you are beautiful'
Nigga if things had gone different
I would have your last name
But things, things,
And people,
We all
So float through the fires
To bring me your flame
With every star in the sky
My heart misses you again and again,
And I do sometimes, I do think of you,
Like we still got something,
Not even you,
Could take away
The moon she stays, to watch your way home for me,
And the sun he tells,
Me, that you have also changed,
Your health.. it truly,
Truly worries me,
I wish I was strong enough,
To carry you all the way,
I'm sorry I just couldnt make it,
I'm sorry some problems change,
But some will always remain.
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fleetingmotivation · 3 years
Agrios Lore
- Full name Agrios Styl (Pronounced Stee-lay)
-is Half Greek on her moms side, not sure about dad
- Trans woman, Pronouns She/Her
- 26 years old
- Born in Maine, in a small town near the coast
-Mom died when she was like 2, never knew dad, was raised by her Aunt Stella in a large house in the woods.
-Aunt Stella was a Librarian so Agrios read a lot as a child.
-Stella ended up homeschooling Agrios
-Agrios took an interest in history, particularly Greek Mythology
-Aunt Stella Would tell Agrios story's of Greek mythology, and agrios liked them quite a bit
-Agrios came out to Aunt Stella when she was 15, Aunt Stella was fine with it,
-Agrios would help out around the Library with Stella, considers it her first job
-Agrios heads to college when shes 18, majors in Anthropology, and World History
-Drops out of college at 20, hates the ridged structure and rules of the institution, but learns a lot and considers it a positive experience
-After Living at home for a few months, decides to travel the US and do some soul searching, Aunt stella gives her a used truck, an envelope with some cash, a baseball bat, and her blessing.
-Agrios heads to the American southwest, quite enjoys the heat.
-one day she needs to do laundry, and instead turns a sheet into her chiton, likes it so much it becomes her regular driving wardrobe
-she sleeps in the bed of her truck, staring at the stars
-gets really into Coast to Coast Am, and starts her own Paranormal “Investigations” (Bumming around Weird places)
-During an “Investigation” in Nevada (she was napping lol) she hears a sound in the desert sand and goes to investigate
-She finds some misshapen creature gnawing on the bones of a coyote, when it sees her it attacks, and Agrios kills it with her bat in self defense
-she buries the remains, cleans up, and the next time shes in town she calls into coast to coast am
-Money starts to run tight, and she considers heading for home, when she is contacted by someone claiming to represent the “wings of Icarus” a group of “strange security professionals” who have an interest in the creature she killed and want to know more about her
-Agrios explains what she knew of the creature, where she buried it, and talks about her life, specifically mentions feeling “a lack of Direction or Purpose”
-Eventually, the wings offer Agrios a job as a professional Monster hunter, which she gladly accepts, and begins training
- Agrios trains in combat and information gathering, and shows an affinity for light swordplay, although she tends to put way to much focus on “looking cool as fuck!” (as she puts it) leading to tons of sloppy decisions and unnecessary risks
- Also, thanks to Wings resources, learns of a simple fire spell, and through tireless nights learns to make the fire burn green, while pretty, it offers no tactical advantage, and her instructors consider it wasted effort.
- Once finished training, she sets out monster hunting, which she has been doing for the last few years. she considers the work fulfilling, and likes the travel.
[General Notes and Trivia]
-Favorite foods in order are Chocolate glaze donuts, apples that don't suck, and kinda stale gas station popcorn
- Favorite color is green, and has her hair redyed every 3 months or so
- has done a backflip before, and brags about in constantly
- Loves “hype shit” and actively seeks out excitement and thrills
- has a fear of heights thanks to a Griffon in Colorado
- named her truck Jezebel, hopes to god she never meets an actual Jezebel
- her favorite state is Nevada, and her least favorite is Ohio
- is a lesbian, but has not dated before, never really in one place long enough
- Likes her music “Loud and Fast”no real genre limitations
- gets off track often, turning down dirt roads and footpaths at every chance she gets, to see what she finds
- owns a pair of cat ears she bought in Vegas, keeps them stashed deep in her things
- favorite place shes visited so far is Chaco Canyon National Historical Park
- Sleeps in the Afternoon, And drives at Night
-Loves Fighting, hates Killing, will avoid it if she can
-Spent a lot of time on the road, and would talk to herself, and sometimes talks to herself accidentially
(Agrios Creation Notes)
[These are the original Notes For Agrios, anything Agrios related should stick to this first, consider this her core]
-Agrios is a Self insert First and an Actual Character second
-Agrios is Trans like basically all of my Ocs
-Agrios is High Energy In a Chill way
-Agrios Lives for hype, and desires Excitement above all else
-Agrios is Sexy
-Agrios is A Kid Icarus OC
-Agrios Loves a Fight, and Fights for Fun
-Agrios’s hat is as big as it needs to be to be Cool
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elbiotipo · 5 years
Where my Biopunk OCs live/d:
(if some of these locations sound off keep in mind 1) it’s the year 2143 A LOT of things have changed 2) I’m a provinciano who just realized all my characters are porteños WHAT A NIGHTMARE anyways enjoy)
Marcos: In a small but cozy apartment in Ciudad Refugio Francisco I, in the western Buenos Aires Conurbano, near of what today is Morón. Built up of containers, prefab buildings and biosecurity towers, it was built by Argentina’s goverment for people who lost their homes when Buenos Aires was contaminated during the Ecocide. Over time, many people have preferred to keep living in these refuges, as it is safer than the rest of the city. The small houses are built above each other and connected by metal stairs and biomaterial vines; they are decorated in bright colors and living murals, and the greenhouses are public meeting places. Marco’s room is tiny; he has only room for his computer, bed and some space posters. He spent most of his time practicing gardening and bioprogramming in the greenhouses and local bioclubs. Quarantine times were hard, with so little space to share with his mom, brother and sometimes Fito the police dog.
Florencia: An elegant apartment in Bilinghurst, Buenos Aires Province, built in the classical concrete-and-glass style of the early 21st century. It is close to a SENA security station, and the hum of biomachinery and aircraft is always present. Florencia’s room has LOTS of plants and flowers, is painted with trippy, psychodelic living paintings, has large bioglass windows, and an amazing balcony with views to the city. Florencia was born, however, in Resistencia, Chaco; Her childhood home was a wooden biohouse growing in the roots of the Nawe Epaq, the great tree that covers the entire city. Her military family moved all across Argentina, and in a couple ocassions to other countries, so she has lived in a lot of homes. She considers the current one temporary and has little attachment to it, or at least so she says.
Ariel: A very old two-story home in Coghlan, Buenos Aires City (formerly Capital Federal). Built in a charming European style, it is covered by ivy vines. The old cobbled street is shaded by poplars that cover the streets in leaves in the autumn. Ariel’s home is full of antique stuff and old electronics, and also furniture from his parent’s shop. His room has only the latest computer and gaming tech, but he spends most of his time in the garage (after all, cars aren’t used anymore), where he has his own local biotech repair service, advertised only by a small led sign in the door (everything is online these days) that says Ariel’s Fast Biotech Repair (he isn’t very good at marketing). Full of discarded PCR machines, bioforges and PCs piled on each other, cleaning machines for other machines, an stereo system, an old laptop, and parts dispersed on tables and cases, it looks like a mess, but Ariel keeps it up-to-regulations all the time.
Melanie: A two-story home in Villa Devoto, Buenos Aires City, near a new vertical park/farm. It has a popular antiques store in the first floor; Disco Eterno. In Disco Eterno, you can find all sorts of collector items; from disco balls to old vinyl discs to anime figurines. However, the owners (Melanie’s grandparents) pride themselves on their data recovery services; they even have recovered old VHS! The apartment itself is spacious and comfy, with those flowery patterns that grandparents love so very much, and a garden in the balcony. Melanie’s room is very big, and as you would expect, full of old anime merch, some more than a century old; posters, figurines, DVD sets, music, videogames... And a lot of old TVs, consoles and computers to watch and play them, some gifted by Ariel. And also a soviet flag, probably.
Marina: In a room in Al Lado Del Camino, a student’s boarding house in Colegiales, Buenos Aires City. Built in a neo-art-nouveau (yeah) style, the rooms are small but cozy, and Marina has plenty of space for all her books and other stuff she has collected in her time in Argentina. The boarding house has people from all over the world, which is great for her because she can practice new languages and make new friends, but it’s not so great when she needs to sleep in a saturday and her roomates are discussing the best drinks from each country. So she often spends her time in the university or at the bioclub. Back home in Fortaleza, Ceará, she lived in an old two-story building, with a grocery store in the first floor. The beach was only a few blocks away, and at night, she could watch the lights of the Santos-Dumont Space Elevator glittering over the Atlantic Ocean...
Pancho: At home, Pancho spends most of his time swimming freely in the Rio de La Plata river with his pod, ocassionally stopping by the floating Samuhú trees inhabited by local biopunks. When he visits land, he stops by a small “port” in the Defensas (the concrete dams built to “stop” sea level rise during the Climate Change) to put in his mechsuit which enables him to move in land. He roams a lot of time between the various cetacean-friendly pools and establishments in Buenos Aires, but most of his time in the Mariposa Tecnicolor bioclub, where most of his land friends hang out. His dolphin friends make jokes about him for that but he doesn’t care.
The Mariposa Tecnicolor Bioclub: Perhaps the second home for all the character, it is in a vague yet conviently close location for all of them somewhere in one of the first biobuilding barrios built in Buenos Aires during the (20)80s, during the Golden Age of Biopunk. An old Samuhú treebuilding, the main trunk has a coffee shop and a staircase to the various rooms and laboratories growing from its branches, sculpted in wood and with added biomaterial systems such as plumbing and electricity. The main laboratory is a two-story loft near the centre of the tree, connected directly to a greenhouse built out of crystaline leaves, and other, more biosecure laboratories and storage rooms, with (sightly unreliable) bioforges and machinery bought by old state programs or donated by club members. The rest of the rooms, hanging irregulary in oversized branches, have libraries/tech ares, art rooms, cooking rooms, a football-5 field, and a small gym, nowadays more visited than the bioclub itself. It has a pool for visiting dolphins and aquatic creatures, and tiny homes for a community of intelligent coatis and parrots who constantly fight with each other. The tree grows flowers and fruits from species from all over the Americas, and is constantly surrounded by small clouds of rainbow butterflies, the old club’s symbol. Being touched by one in a moment of inspiration is considered good luck.
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nicoletterogers · 4 years
h e a d c a n o n s, pt. 1
( tw: brief & vague mentions of death )
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nic goes by nic--not nicolette. there are only three people in the world that can call her nicolette: her father, her brother and her ex-husband (yes, even now). but even liam didn’t use it very often, he opted for nicky--which to this day, most people don’t use. 
nic used to go to early fall out boy concerts growing up, usually sneaking out of her house to get to them until she got her license. her favorite album is definitely take this to your grave-- “chicago is so two years ago”, now that’s a bop. but usually, nic is either listening to 80′s & 90′s rock music, with a smattering of badass 90′s women artists to really inspire her. 
nic’s go to karaoke songs go in this order: mr. brightside, you oughta know and if you can get her up a third time, she’ll serenade you all with a sweet, sweet rendition of drops of jupiter. but if she’d with a group? all bets are off, but usually she’ll try to coerce them into at least one queen song. 
since she was a kid, nic has never been able to eat mashed potatoes. the texture really...freaks her out. she knows this puts her in the running for the weirdest human alive, but she can’t help it. same with ripe bananas and cereal with milk. too bad friendship contracts and a specific no take-backsies clause.
nic didn’t grow up reading a whole lot--she didn’t get into comic books until high school, but she did read one series in its entirety, The Princess Diaries. It’s her favorite book series and she doesn’t care what you think about the fact that she loves it, Mia Thermopolis is the most relatable teen princess ever and perhaps Nic’s first feminist icon. 
she can play guitar--not exactly well, but her dad had thought enrolling her in guitar lessons would help her focus some of that...chaotic energy into something productive. it worked..for a year. and then nic got to high school and suddenly she had other things to focus on...
...like cheerleading. or archery. nic was a apart of a few extracurriculars when she was in high school and none of them would have made any sense to someone just passing through. nic likes to break expectations and break stereotypes. so, a cheerleader is supposed to be peppy and girly? not nic. she didn’t date a quarterback, didn’t make prom queen and had no care about homecoming court. but she liked the girls on the team--mostly. they existed in a different world than she did, though. but it was one of the only times in her life that she had a real group of friends who identified as girls. she didn’t hate it, but she preferred her brothers friends. it was easier with them. 
tell tale signs nic doesn’t want to talk about something: she’ll avoid eye contact, pick a less emotional part and stay on that, peeling back bottle labels, and make jokes to avoid the emotion
nic doesn’t cry in front of people, it’s not her thing. she doesn’t believe emotions are bad--in fact, she thinks they’re good. but she is still a woman in a role that the world still assumes is only done by men, so she feels a certain amount of expectation to suck it up. also, it probably doesn’t help that she was raised around men who also never cried (#thanksToxicMasculinity) so she hardly did that. so if she does cry in front of you, something is really, really wrong. 
when nic makes her coffee in the morning, she has to stir the drink 8 times before her first sip. if she buys it? she swirls it 8 times. don’t ask, she doesn’t know why but she’s always done it. 
nic’s first job was working as a indoor amusement park attendant for tiny children. she hated it, but she got to work there with her high school best friend and they had some decent times there. but to this day, watching someone operate a ferris wheel gives her slight anxiety.
nic has never owned a car, just her Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom, which she calls Daisy. she loves her bike--and she’s had it since she was in her early twenties. her father and brother were pissed when she bought it, but it was her choice and nic had always wanted one. they were worried she’d break her neck--and perhaps she had been close a few times. but neither of them need to know that. she loves the look on people’s faces when she pulls up on her bike and they don’t know her. its so satisfying for her to see their look of surprise. 
nic’s fictional female icons go: megara, kim possible, mia thermopolis, carol danvers, maria rambeau and maria deluca. no questions.
nic watches a lot of documentaries, a habit she picked up from her brother. he loved watching them because they inevitably helped him kick butt in jeopardy. she kept his tradition alive when he passed--recording jeopardy episodes so she can play when she gets home from work. she’s pretty good, actually.
she can only watch one (1) scripted/reality tv show at a time, unless its live on tv at the moment. right now, she’s binging roswell, new mexico--but queer eye is next. and yes, while she doesn’t cry in public, you can bet your ass she’ll be tearing up watching that show. she always does.
surprise to no one, nic was a camp counselor and loved it. favorite parts of her summer as a college kid. she didn’t really care how werid she got for the kids, they loved it and therefore she was doing her job and doing it well. 
celebrity crushes? sure: chris evans, chris hemsworth, robert downey jr., ryan gosling, alex gaskarth, michael b jordan, henry golding.
nic is not an organized person, not one bit. its why cooking and her do not mix well--she can never get her mise en place together enough for it to be a nice flow. but there are certain things that nic prefers to be disorganized (or, how she calls organized chaos) and her desk at work is one of them. she likes that her desk matches her brain, messy but gets the job done.
nic owns dresses, surprise! she never wears them, but they are in her closet--tucked away. sometimes she thinks about putting on one to just...confuse everyone, but she never does. deep down, she wouldn’t hate wearing one or two, but she doesn’t have a place to do it and she’d never gotten into the...fashion scene. she’ll tell you until she’d blue in the face that she doesn’t “do” fashion, but its because she never learned how to. her mom wasn’t around to help her figure out makeup, clothing, hairstyles--and her brother and father didn’t care about it. so she just...doesn’t. which, is fine most of the time, but sometimes she thinks about trying and then pushes it aside. 
she also still has her wedding dress. but we don’t talk about that.
is it cliche to say she likes donuts? maybe. does she give a shit about cliches? nope.
she’s got a bit of a sailors mouth, but she sure as hell doesn’t give a shit. in fact, if you don’t curse, she thinks you’re weird as hell. 
her favorite shoes are chucks and chacos. and no, she didn’t plan that.
waffle house is one of her favorite restaurants and her order goes like this: all star breakfast with sunny side up eggs, bacon, and a side of scattered and covered hashbrowns and a diet coke. or and don’t forget the grape jelly. 
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