#Caulfield Siblings
snailvibes · 19 days
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Life is Slay
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fio-of-the-fae-realm · 2 months
My little brother started playing music in the middle of my Life is Strange playthrough...
Max just looking at her like "I didn't know you were THAT stoned..."
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lis crossover ideas before I forget
Jefferson faking his death and assuming a new identity post-Storm, ends up getting hired by Universal Uprising to do photoshoots for their new angel
Gabe and Alex use Alex's powers to escape foster care/go on the run together and end up working on the Humboldt farm at the same time as the Diaz brothers
post-Bay Max working as a foreign correspondent in Mexico, crosses paths with Lone Wolf Daniel
Alex is stuck on Sacred Hope Hospital's psych ward and teams up with Sean to escape
listc happens before lis2 and Alex and Steph cross paths with Daniel immediately post-Humboldt like they do with that other kid in the comics (i.e. they almost run him over and he's a nonspeaking mess)
Karen actually maintains contact with her kids post-divorce, but also leaves them alone a bit too long with her creepy boyfriend Mark
the Diaz brothers accidentally climb into Alex's carefully selected railcar at the end of lis2 ep 2
Gabe kind of falls apart post jail and tracks down Alex from Haven Point, not Haven Springs, after getting hired as Lisbeth's new bodyguard
post-Bay Nathan goes looking for a hooker during his totally legally sound parole (Sean is the hooker)
listc takes place during lis2 and the Diaz brothers hide out in the abandoned mine; their less-than-calculated attempts to scare Ethan off just makes him more determined to confront the "monsters" apparently menacing his town
Alex drawn to Haven Point by all the carefully manufactured happy feelings there and crossing paths with the little "angel" who seems at the center of all the joy.
Karen meets Chloe drowning her sorrows post Rachel's disappearance and they make some very bad decisions.
Nicholas reorganizes Universal Uprising to view superpowered people as "demons" post Lisbeth's death and they get a foothold in Haven Springs during listc
Alex being homeless during a breakdown and ends up outside the Diaz brothers' winter cabin during a storm
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andrea-lyn · 3 months
Roswell New Mexico - Master Fic Rec Post
See under the cut for thirty-four total recs, predominantly Malex. There's also 10 additional in the "Recs Less Travelled" project here.
a few drinks and some conversation by @christchex
Michael Guerin makes a friend who isn’t his sibling, an ex, or a sibling’s ex.
Astriferous Sea by hrhbrittany, Sismyn
Alex has always been the baby among the sirens in the Dead Sea. Michael is performing beard services for his sister. Communication is a little wishy-washy.
This AU came out of nowhere and smacked me right with the ‘I’ve always wanted this and I just never knew’. It has sirens and rescues and bad guys and false relationships and real marriages and rings and drama and romance. It honestly reminds me (in the best way) of an exciting romance novel and I’m so jazzed there’s still one part left to it.
The Bachelor by Sweetgirl2019
After the events of high school, Michael, Isobel & Max moved to California while Liz, Maria & Kyle stayed in Roswell and Alex went to war overseas. Once his enlistment period ends, Alex gets thrown into something that brings him and Michael back together again.
So I think this might be my favourite to see updated right now. It should be a run-of-the-mill fluffy AU, yet the author threw this incredible curveball by using the alien background in a canon divergence to turn The Bachelor into both a romantic dramedy for the boys, but also keeping the looming threat of people finding out about aliens in the background. Also, I think this is top tier pining that you will actively feel in your own chest, that’s how good it is. 
blink back to let me know by haloud - Roswell New Mexico
Alex doesn’t have important conversations over the phone when he can avoid them. It feels too much like going in blind. But in some ways, the phone makes it easier–it’s easier to break when no one’s looking.
It’s Mylex and the 5th in a series, and every part is worth reading, but I definitely re-read parts 4 and 5 a lot. It’s so well written and the dynamic is mwah and I love how Kyle fits into this. One of my favourite pieces in this is how Kyle reacts to his father in relation to Michael & Caulfield and it’s an amazing read.
built this house on memories by @villanellve
He wakes up eight years in the future, and everything is strange, but Alex is there.
YOU GUYS. If you were to write a list of tropes I adore, this would be way up there at the top because of how much I love it. I am a sucker for a character having to be removed from their situation to learn (whether it’s an alternate universe or the future or the past), but this one is so achingly painful and perfect and hopeful. I love the callout that the situation is almost too hard for Alex, I love the resolution at the end on Michael’s part, and you could just soak in the happiness and comfort of their future lives if you let yourself.
Can’t Get No by one_flying_ace
“They’re on round two already,” he says, tilting his head towards the truck again, “or maybe three.” Guerin grimaces, and that’s fair; it’s his brother, after all. “You know how they’re feeling. Could I handle it, if you stopped-” being in control, he doesn’t say, but Guerin shudders. “I’m good, Alex. Just keep the hell away.” (Or: alien sex rocks don’t make them do it, but they sure do help.)
Sex pollen/sex-or-die fics are pretty much a requirement, but this is my absolute favourite and I have re-read it more times than I can tell you (let’s put it at six or seven?) The restraint that Michael has in this is amazing, but the mental images of it are incredible as well. I loved Max and Liz’s secondary presence as well and how each character was tonally perfect down to the little things (like Max not noticing Michael’s sex marks). What a good. What a hot. What amazing.
Constant as the Northern Star by celzmccelz
Michael stares at Kyle. “But I’m a guy! How can I be pregnant?” Kyle looks embarrassed. “Well, you appear to have a fully functioning set of female reproductive organs—or, I mean, like, the kind of reproductive organs that are associated with a double X-chromosome in humans, so I’d assume that you probably became pregnant when semen was introduced into your reproductive tract—” “Jesus Christ, Kyle!” says Michael. He could have happily lived the rest of his life without ever hearing Kyle Valenti say the words “semen” and “reproductive tract.” Kyle’s eyes widen. “Have you been having unprotected sex?” “Oh my God, I am not having this conversation with you!”
Yes, going in, there are some warnings to be cognizant of. It’s mpreg, there’s a lot of medical stuff to go through, but I think this is my absolute favourite of the mpregs I’ve read and it actually comes down to Michael’s support system outside of Alex, namely in Kyle. There’s no sudden BFF bracelets being given, but that morality that makes Kyle Valenti who he is, that’s right there. Also, given that this is an mpreg fic, it delves into family and plot in a way that I haven’t often seen. Plus, you get the ‘getting back together’ Malex that I so deeply crave.
Contigo me encontré by beautifulcheat (Katalyst), ladynox
The Lockhart House was once a home, although it was never a happy one. Steeped in tragedy, it still stands today, in the heart of Old Town Roswell, attracting ghost hunters and those seeking to catch a peak of something from beyond the veil.
Contrary to popular myth, it wasn’t currently haunted (except by one paranormally talented docent). It was Michael’s favorite job and the best part of his summer home from UNM. Or at least was until Alex Manes was hired to man the gift shop, complicating an otherwise fun and easy job.
everywhere on earth you go - @evepolastried
Across the room, he can still see how Michael Guerin is looking at him. And that’s something different, something new, something so very familiar. The thrill of nerves, of guilt, of want. Alex smiles, and he starts to sing. (OR: Alex Manes grabs his guitar and gets the hell out of Roswell in 2008, and he leaves behind a letter. Here’s what happens ten years later)
I love this. This one has something incredible, and it’s something I called out, but it has this amazing work with pace. There’s a frantic moment at the bar and it’s chaos, and you feel it. It’s rushed and wild and crazy, but then everything slows down and it gets perfect. There’s Michael, there’s Alex, there’s music, and it’s such a great ride.
Family Matters by @bestillmyslashyheart
Isobel is telepathic. Most of the time she ignores it. She used to pick up on other’s people’s emotions but she’s long since learned to tune that out. Until one night she can’t. Someone, somewhere is in such a state that it’s spilling over and she’s left to deal with the brunt of it. Or, Michael keeps things close to the vest until he can’t. The night after Alex leaves him at the drive-in, everything he’s feeling bubbles up inside until it spills over onto Isobel. Suddenly he’s left with no other choice but to open up.
This is an early fandom piece, but I still think it’s held up to an immensely amazing rate. Not only that, but I love how it delves into powers, Michael and Isobel’s relationship, and the incredible idea of spillover, which I still actively wish would become canon because of this fic. I think it’s so IC, especially with Michael’s active wish not to talk about it that he screws himself over in his sleep and seriously, it’s such a good read for both Isobel & Michael stuff, but also Michael & Alex.
the first who ever did - nostaljinks
Five times Michael saves Alex + 1 time Alex saves Michael back.
I feel like there aren’t enough words that I can heap onto this of praise. This fic is well-written, well-plotted, well-thought out, well-everything. It’s a beautiful emotional roller coaster and will make you ACHE, but in a great way. It also is the right amount of long that you want more, but you also get it, and it’s just as quality as the rest. ABSOLUTE must read.
fish bowl by @sabrinachill
Alex makes a series of phone calls and bad choices that lead him directly here — an Airstream on the edge of a junkyard with a distractingly attractive mechanic showing him how the dining table converts into a bed that he can sleep on for just $75 a week. It is, of course, completely absurd. But there’s something cozy about the fuzzy yellow blanket on the bed/table and the sparkling sunlight streaming through the mostly-clean windows, in the smell of leather and motor oil and aftershave and summer storms, in the hopeful half-smile on Michael’s face. That’s his name — Michael. Alex’s potential new roommate and landlord. (AKA An AU About Quarantined Roommates Who Fall in Love)
I highly recommend anything by @sabrinachill, but this fic is a really clear argument about why. It’s an AU that involves quarantine, and you might think ‘oh, I’ve read that before’, but then it will take you down the unexpected road that you didn’t expect to go down, but as soon as you take that twist, you instantly realize how much better it is that way. Hats off to the clever plotting not just in Fish Bowl, but other fics! 
Funny How Things Never Change - @waroftheposes​
“What can I do for you?” Michael asks, turning to face Alex. Alex can tell the moment that Michael’s mind registers who he’s addressing, because the polite smile drops from his face and the hat falls from his hand. He stands there, eyes wide and unbelieving, looking at Alex. Alex takes a deep breath, willing his racing heart to settle. “Well,” he begins and is his voice shaking? “For starters you can get your stubborn ass over here and give me a divorce.” – (A Sweet Home Alabama AU)
Yooooo, guess who was bereft when she thought she lost this link. It was absolutely me. This AU makes me happy in so many ways, especially the storms in the desert motif that keeps coming back around, and also that it’s messy. I like that it’s not cut and dry, that it goes right up until the wedding, and that it takes some real talk for them to get back together. I love fics where they all get to be human and this one is just so good. 
I Know Nothing Stays The Same by aewriting
“Alex doesn’t believe in miracles until one happens to him. His father has a hammer in one hand and Alex’s throat in the other. As Alex’s consciousness fades, he’s dimly aware of movement. His father’s about to swing the hammer, and this is how Alex will die.” When an unexplainable force puts a stop to Jesse’s attack in the shed, Alex and Michael are forced to go on the run. Leaving Roswell is an easy decision, but navigating the consequences of that choice months and even years later proves to be much more complicated.
I think this one became a must read very early on, but then it’s continued to deliver. There’s been a few stories that delve into the characters getting therapy, but there’s a whole chapter here where it genuinely feels cathartic as we go through the process with Alex. This fic also is an excellent and long version of an AU I think that we’ve all wondered, about what would happen if they ran away, and it’s so well written and so real that I know I will be re-reading this a ton. Like many of the others, why I love it is because it’s not perfection, but it’s the kind of real where I want to wrap myself up in it. 
i won’t go, i can’t do it on my own by @queersirius
alex tries to let go by giving back the pieces of michael he’s kept
Millie has a bunch of AMAZING AUs (guys, the 10 Things I Hate About You is something I never thought I’d get, especially from a favourite author), but i think this one is actually my favourite, especially when it comes to the ship piece that Alex has. Again, when I talk about ‘fics that make me want to be better’, this one was one. The writing is engaging, the characterization is fabulous, and the emotions are so honest and real. Then there’s this line, like a gut punch:  “Because it’s the last thing I have of you,” he admits. “The last piece of you I have to let go of.” which I love because it’s still Alex’s journey, an honest attempt to offer closure (if closure is wanted). 
in some other life - @spaceskam​
michael tries to build a time machine, but ends up in a different reality all together
There are a lot of these that have been written and they are all quality, but I love this one especially because of how we get into Alex in the other universe, get the glimpse of this unknown Michael, but also the scene that strikes this one out for me is that Alex doesn’t want to let him go. I love that Alex gets to be selfish, that he begs for him to stay, and that we don’t get the automatic happy ending in that, but there’s still the hope for it. Also, Alex the Angel, unf. 
intimate encounters of the third kind by @alexmanes
Three years after Antar and its people take Earth under their wings, Roswell becomes the epicenter for human-alien relations between both planets. It doesn’t take very long for Alex Manes to find himself embroiled in a scandal that threatens this intergalactic partnership, all thanks to a beautiful man named Michael Guerin who is not nearly as human as he claims to be.
Okay, so, if you like No Love Like Your Love, the truth is that you have this fic to thank. This was my first introduction in RNM fandom as to what a really amazing fic could be that incorporated the royalty elements into the pairing. Once 1x12 aired and we met Michael’s mother, it was pretty much a done deal that I wanted to do something that played with that, but this is the actual inspiration. It’s well plotted, it has a great ensemble cast, and plays with the kind of care that it takes to know your plot inside and out, but also to leave breadcrumbs that guide the reader along. It’s very methodical in the sense that nothing is by accident and it has you on the edge of your seat.
It’s a long road back to you by @magsthemagical
Michael finds out that Alex is dating Forrest and he’s okay with it, until he’s not. Maria suggests a double date to show they can all hang out as friends. But they can’t… not really. [OR the one where Michael & Alex realize that they belong together and so they say goodbye to their respective relationships and start anew]
Honest truth time - in terms of ‘ships, while I always love people to ship and let ship, my personal preference for both Michael and Alex is one another, so both Maria/Michael and Forrest/Alex aren’t things that I usually seek out when trawling Ao3. This fic is so good to all parties involved. No one is a villain and I appreciate that they get to talk about things like Alex’s reticence to do certain things in public, but also being aware that Alex deserves to have something new as much as Michael.
Last Stop: This Town by @ubiestcaelum
Someone asked what it would have been like if Michael had gone home with the Evan’s and I couldn’t let it go.
Am I cheating because I requested this? idk, maybe, because another one I requested will end up here too. I am addicted to the idea of Michael getting the support system he needs, but THIS FIC takes it to the most impossibly amazing level and fleshes out the Evans parents in such an incredible way. I love that it’s not super sunshine and rainbows, but it’s an honest telling of raising kids (and maybe too many kids versus what you expected). I know this is only in progress (several today will be), but even as it is, it’s worth reading multiple times, because I know I have.
let me count the ways by @queersirius
liz ortecho isn’t allowed to date until her snarky, determined-not-to-date brother, alex ortecho, does. luckily, one of her suitors has a plan. well, max goes to isobel for a plan, which involves getting their brother, michael, to woo alex. or, the 10 things i hate about you AU
Obviously this needs to be here as I desperately pleaded for it to exist, but it’s so beyond what it might be as a mini tumblr ficlet and has become a whole world. It’s not just a great Malex story, it’s an amazing story for all the characters and really fleshes out a world, but weaves in the RNM characters perfectly, but also gives me a dynamic I want more of, in Alex being an Ortecho. It’s not quite finished yet, but Millie has never steered us wrong and I can’t wait for more.
Loathly by @aewriting
When King Manes and his sons are caught illegally hunting on Antarian lands, King Noah gives King Manes a choice - correctly answer a riddle or accept death. A year-long search for the correct answer ensues, leading the youngest son of the king, Alex, to strike a bargain with a mysterious woman who claims to know the answer. This is an AU of the Arthurian legend “Sir Gawain and the Dame Ragnell.”
Love at First Sass - @daffietjuh
Taking a class of 30 high school kids on a school trip to an Air Force base was about as exhausting as it sounds, luckily, the Captain giving them the tour is perfectly capable of handling a group of rowdy teenagers. Michael may be slightly in love Okay, so first of all, if you haven’t read any of the author’s other work, you should. The AUs are fantastic and the hockey one is still one of my favourites ever, but this one also just was exactly what I needed. It was sexy and flirty and fun, but also fit their personalities perfectly!
Everything in the Michael Sanders AU, by prouvaireafterdark which is a fantastic series that gives us what we all wanted, which is Walt Sanders giving Michael the home he deserved (and getting one right back).
My love is a life taker by @jocarthage
By the time he turned 15, Captain Alex Manes had been to every war zone and unofficial conflict the United States of America was involved in. It wasn’t regular practice, or even heard of, for a Colonel to bring his son along on combat missions; the exception was if the child had been identified as Time Aware, able to travel in time along their own timeline using stolen alien technology. So here Alex Manes was, 28, and ducking bombs, killing who he’s told to. On his way back from a mission, Alex slips into another timestream. It should be impossible. But he can hear a child crying and he heads towards the sound. This is the story of how Alex saved Michael and Michael saved Alex, with lots of time travel shenanigans and angst.
This story is incredible for so many reasons and one of them I continue to praise is the balance. It’s an Alex driven story, but you can break his life down into friends, mission, family, and Michael, and often those elements combine, but there’s never any update that doesn’t give you enough (imo). It’s excellent writing with engaging OCs and wonderful plot, and the most incredible love story.
not in this world (or the next) by @hannah-writes
It isn’t until he realises he can’t find the keys for his fucking truck anywhere and that there’s mail on the table addressed to Mr M Evans that Noah called him ‘Evans’, too. He fumbles inside the wallet that he’d managed to locate and pulls out a New Mexico licence with his picture on it; he doesn’t have a black eye and a split lip in this one, his hair’s tamed and he doesn’t look like he’s gone three days without showering. His date of birth is stamped, clear and correct, but then where his name should read ‘Michael Guerin’, it reads “Michael Evans’ and the address registered on the license is that of Max and Isobel’s childhood home. Noah had also said ‘your mom’s’. Not ‘Mrs Evans’. It feels like a bucket of ice water’s dumped over his head as he finally accepts that something is very, very wrong. (aka, the fic spawned from a tumblr prompt about Michael waking up in a parallel reality.)
This one, guys. This is an absolute beast of angst and love and a really well plotted story, but also is really amazing for how it creates Mikey, but also creates motive behind what drives both Michael and Mikey in ways that are the same, but also different. Genuinely, this fic is a great read because you get so much attention to the characters while also driving along the relationships, and who they are. 
nursery sharks by christchex
Six firsts in the Sanders household and a second.
Otherwise Engaged by JustAsSweet
Alex Manes was perfectly happy with his job at Colden Records but when his visa is rejected and deportation looms, marrying his assistant Michael Evans is his only option. And when they make a trip to Alaska to see Michael’s family, everything becomes a lot more complicated.
AKA: The Proposal AU that no one asked for but I wrote anyway.
Shadow Work - @myrmidryad
After his discharge from the Air Force, Alex Manes is working as a shade - a professional ghost hunter - when Michael Guerin tracks him down. Alex left Roswell thirteen years ago and never went back, but overnight Michael’s family has vanished and the supernatural activity in Roswell has exploded, and he wants Alex’s help. Featuring: ghosts, more ghosts, metaphorical ghosts, and a lot of sex without talking about feelings. Also missing family members, government conspiracies, and gratuitous worldbuilding.
No, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND. I can’t rec this enough. Literally, this is a novel-type rec. If this were a book on a shelf, I would be shouting that you need to go read it, because it is literally good enough to be a published work on a best-selling list. It’s so fucking good. Every time you think it can’t get better, it does. It has nuance and plot and world-building and it is So. Fucking. Good. I could sit here and sing praises all day and it still wouldn’t be enough. Please give yourself a holiday treat and read it.
The World Forgetting, By The World Forgot by Anonymous
Michael and Alex erase each other from their memories. It does not go according to plan. [Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Roswell style]
I mean, I could rec anything by Anonymous and it would be worth your read. They’re so good and so in character,  but this one is my favourite. It’s angsty as fuck, don’t get me wrong, but it plays with the movie plot in such a Roswell-specific way that makes sense that I honestly never even compared or contrasted it to the movie past the first few beats. The pain is visceral, and the memory loss segment is incredible, but also delivers on a positive ending. 
To Trust Love by @laughsalot3412 
The prisoner’s voice sounded like home. He could have been raised in Roswell, the way his accent stretched his vowels. He definitely hadn’t been. Alex would have remembered eyes like those. (AU where Alex Manes goes on an undercover rescue mission in Caulfield Prison and forms a bond with one of the prisoners in the process.)
I don’t have enough words in the English language to praise this one. Honestly, I don’t. For one, the pace and the length is perfect. That we got the parts as quickly as we did was honestly such a treat, but then every part was just as high quality as the last. There are chapters in this one that made me go, “holy shit, this would’ve been a novel I read”, and then there are little emotional impacts where the tone shifts, but it works so well. It’s SO HOT, and the AU is so perfect, and also helped inspire the one that I wrote last night with the “genie”. 
Unwind Me - delgay
“Think you can manage that? Sitting next to me, without picking a fight?” Michael challenged. “Can you?” Alex returned. “No idea,” Michael admitted with a sideways grin that never failed to make Alex’s stomach turn over, “But I’m eager to find out.” Alex is avoiding everyone, but he can’t seem to escape Michael.
This whole fic is intensely amazing, but it got on my rec list for the absolutely electric scene with the dancing that was absolutely beyond incredible. You also get Michael courting Alex, which is something he utterly deserves and I love the way Michael goes about it. 
we feel so american by thepredatorywasp
“Papa’s on the spaceship again?” River asks, his bright green eyes welling with tears and his face growing red. “Comin’ back?” “Of course he is,” Alex says, smoothing down the son’s hair and adjusting the Mickey ears atop his head. “Always.” There is no easy way to explain to your three year-old that not only is he an alien, but his Papa is an alien and that apparently, Michael loves leaning hard into irony because he has gone on Space Mountain approximately ten times over the course of four days.
LOOK. I LOVE A SWEET KID FIC. The next rec will prove this, but this one will melt your fucking heart. I love it because it’s not perfect and easy. There’s difficulties, there are issues, but it’s Michael and Alex and their baby boy in Disney and if you do not come away feeling warmer from this, then I just don’t know. 
We’re Waking Up Slow by myrmyriad
“I think need a little time to process all of this. Um. Storm’s getting closer and I don’t really wanna get snowed in here, so…let’s just talk later, okay?” What if the storm that blew in during S01E10 came in a lot faster and heavier, and Alex was snowed in at the junkyard?
Again, fic that makes me wish that I could write as well as this. This one makes you feel it all. You’ll feel the cold, the wet, the storm, the pain, the hope, the healing. You feel the connection between Michael and Alex, and you’ll be left wishing at the end that this had been how canon went, but also that it’s justifiably not that far off from how it could have, had they taken a different tack, because of how well it’s written. 
What’s Up, Pregnant? by Marie_L
Michael Guerin is broke, practically homeless, and a knocked up secret alien. What now?
Speaking of kid fics, this mpreg is one that I really like, because if nothing else, it introduced the concept of mpreg using pods to me in the fandom, and I kind of went, “YES, of course”. I love that it’s got everyone rallying, but I mostly love the psychic connection between Michael and his baby, and the softness of loving sugar and Alex. 
With Love Overflowing by Nestra
"We both agree that this is not the place we belong, right? Please say yes."
Michael tossed his hat on the coffee table and dropped onto the couch. "If you mean that your dad's been dead since CrashCon and some kind of crazy shit is going on, then yeah, I agree."
(This one was for me for Secret Santa, it is just THAT GOOD that I want everyone in the world to read it)
x marks the spot (where we fell apart) by catching_paper_moons, preciousthings
“Don’t write it off,” Alex says, and Liz is so relieved someone is coming to her defense, even if it’s someone who already knew beforehand. “Liz and Kyle have ideas, and there are people in this room with literal superpowers. It’s pretty much our only option.” “Our only option?” Isobel scoffs. “What are we, Ocean’s Eleven?”
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sul4ic · 4 months
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the caulfield siblings
i've been trying to practice faces, so i apologize if it looks a little wonky. trying to get used to this! i actually had a lot of fun experimenting with the different face shapes, features, and especially the screentones. heck, i'm trying to restrain myself from pouring all of my energy into adapting some parts of the novel into a comic format (maybe i will? who knows)
honestly, this all makes me want to illustrate mr and mrs caulfield but i think the mysteriousness of their appearances makes a good point of their near-absence throughout the novel
but i personally headcanon that allie and phoebe would look more like their mom (eyes, red hair, freckles, button nose) while d.b. and holden look more like their dad (eyes, dark hair, broad tall nose)
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diona-98 · 3 months
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Broccoli done, time for the caulfield siblings
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f3r4lfr0gg3r · 5 months
Request List!
(This is just to keep track of requests I'm writing as I have a tendency to forget 😅)
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Giovanni Potage + a Younger Sibling w/ POTS
Giovanni Potage Fluffy Date Hcs
Sean Diaz & Max Caulfield Dating Headcanons (Separate!!)
Spending the Weekend w/ Sean Diaz - Fluffy Hcs
Fluffy Sean Diaz Comfort Blurb
Sean Diaz x PlusSized! Reader Headcanons
Sean Diaz x Filipino! Reader
Sean Diaz x Masc/Gn Reader - Spin the Bottle
Fionna Campbell x Reader w/ Great Intuition (Psychic?)
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Requests: CLOSED
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kamii22 · 10 months
~welcome to my account~
i’m kami and im currently obsessed with life is strange but i write for multiple fandoms (my obsession changes a lot)
main account: @kamii-2
requests: CLOSED
life is strange (currently no masterlist/stories)
stranger things (currently no masterlists/stories)
outerbanks (currently no masterlists/stories)
wednesday (currently no masterlists/stories)
things about me
im 18
mixed (black & white)
i’m learning spanish 😛
i’m active every once and a while
rules for requesting
will write: smut, fluff, angst, homophobia, racism (to a extent bc it’s the olden days and it very much did exist), death, light/kind of hard kinks
won’t write: sexual assault, pedophilia, death, incest, hardcore kinks (piss,shit,puke, etc.), threesomes (bc im not that good at writing yet)
pairings: girl x girl, boy x boy, girl x boy, platonic relationships, sibling relationships, character x character, character x reader
please be patient if you send in a request and it doesn’t come out in a day or two, i have a life outside of tumblr
who/what i write for
life is strange (requests open)
characters: max caulfield, chloe price, rachel amber, victoria chase, warren graham, steph gringrich, kate marsh, nathan prescott, mark jefferson
stranger things (requests closed)
characters: robin buckley, steve harrington, eddie munson, jonathan byers, nancy wheeler, joyce byers, tim hopper, argyle, billy hargrove, eleven hopper/jane hopper, will byers, mike wheeler, max mayfield, lucas sinclair, dustin henderson
outer banks (requests closed)
characters: john b, kiara carrera, jj maybank, pope heyward, sarah cameron, cleo, rafe cameron, topper, barry
wednesday (requests closed)
characters: wednesday addams, enid sinclair, tyler galpin, xavier thorpe, bianca barclay, ajax petropolus, eugene ottinger
types of things i write
incorrect quotes
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savedpeople · 6 months
RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why. If tagged, copy and paste into a new post – DO NOT REBLOG!
(Since this is a single-muse blog, I'm going to include muses I've played on other blogs. I'm not going to include every muse I've ever written though because 1. it already feels funny talking about muses that 99% of my followers have never seen me write, and 2. some of them were very short-lived. So I'm only including the ones that I've written most or were most significant, plus my newest one that I haven't written yet, since they've been on my mind a lot lately.)
1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise) - Strictly personality-wise, softest to toughest: Ted Logan (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure), Max Caulfield (Life is Strange), Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!), Amaimon (Blue Exorcist), Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen), Negan, Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan.) This is kind of funny though because aside from Ted and Max, none of these characters can really be considered "soft."
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly? - Gojo. But he's also rich rich, so $1000 is nothing to him. He canonically owns shirts that cost more than that. Aside from him, I think if you gave Ted $1000 he could easily blow it all on music gear and albums pretty quickly lol.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them? - Negan has been called "Neegs" by a few, but not many can get away with that. "Ted" is short for Theodore, and "Max" is short for Maxine (never call Max by her full name, she hates it.)
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school? - Ted, Gojo, and Max are most likely to be up-to-speed on trends, but Max appreciates the old school stuff (she prefers analog cameras over digital for her photography, for instance.) Levi and Negan are more old school, though Negan might attempt to learn trends to seem cool to his students/the kids (it rarely works.)
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings? - Three of them have siblings: Ted, Izaya, and Amaimon. Ted and his little brother probably have the best relationship, at least as kids, though he deals with insecurity and envy as their dad clearly favors his brother. Izaya has two sisters who are twins and about ten years his junior. Their parents were abroad for work so much that he basically raised them, but his bad influence played part in them turning out eccentric. Their relationship is complicated and a bit love/hate. Amaimon has six brothers and a sister. They are all demons (literally, they are children of Satan lol.) He's only seen interacting with one which I interpret him to have a neutral to positive relationship with. I don't see him having a close relationship with any of the others. But I also haven't read or watched the series in years, so I have no idea if more has been revealed.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune? - Ted. Max will join him with some encouragement. Negan if he's had a few drinks.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model? - Levi (he could actually probably do well as a model, but suggest this and he'll vehemently deny it.) Also Amaimon because he doesn't spend much time on Earth and probably doesn't even know what a beauty pageant is.
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed? - Ted and Max would be panicking (but they're having a blast.) Levi and Amaimon are unfazed.
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation? - Not really. Max does get nervous about airplanes and Izaya prefers to walk or take a taxi/public transport. Gojo doesn't drive and either takes the train/subway, has his assistant drive him, or teleports/warps short distances since he can do that lol.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse. - So I can't really think of anything, but I have twd verses for most of my muses that I never got to use/talk about so I'mma ramble on about little things about them here. Ted - and Bill - were following a band on tour that summer, and were at a music venue in the Atlanta area when the outbreak hit. Bill's dad died saving them the first day, and they and Missy go on to survive traveling around in their RV for a while. Max found an old vintage photography store shortly after the outbreak and took as many packs of polaroid film as she could realistically carry. She continues taking photos, not just to document the new world but to also capture small moments of beauty and happiness within her group. Gojo acts nonchalant about the apocalypse until he loses his best friend to a walker bite, after which he essentially shuts down and locks himself in a room with the (restrained) walker for days, refusing to let anyone in. He even attempts to remove its jaw/hands to keep it with him (kind of like Michonne did), and it wasn't until after that he finally killed it. He puts on a big smile and acts fine, but the unresolved anger and grief come out in spades whenever he goes up against walkers. Izaya and his sisters are in an airport preparing to fly back to Japan when the outbreak hits, and get stranded in the Virginia/DC area. A group takes them in out of pity, despite Izaya giving them the creeps. But when his sisters are eaten in a large walker attack, the group abandons him, and he's presumed dead. Months later, cue The Saviors showing up with Izaya at Negan's side as one of his lieutenants. Surprise! Levi meets up with his uncle, the only family he has, when the outbreak happens. It doesn't take long for them to start butting heads morally - his uncle is much quicker to warm up to the idea of stealing and killing. But they stick together until they're separated while fighting a horde, and Levi's been on his own ever since, unsure if he's alive. He's eventually taken in by Alexandria, but has a hard time adjusting. I don't have anything set for Amaimon, but he's naturally violent and off-putting and very likely ends up with the Whisperers or becomes a cannibal or something lol.
tagged by: @wexarethewalkingxdead tagging: @esoterium @survivoirs @chitteringbeast and anyone else that'd like to do this (y'all are the only active mutuals I know that have multiple muses and weren't already tagged I don't think??)
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broodparasitism · 10 months
3, 4, and 11 for the end of the year book questions.
What were your top five books of the year?
I've had SUCH a good year for discovering good books that this is going to be a struggle. But, here's an attempt, limited to fiction, not ranked:
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
Life Ceremony by Sayaka Murata
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
Beloved by Toni Morrison
When The Stars Alight by Camilla Andrew (@aninkwellofnectar)
Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
Going by authors I read more than one work by and loved, Camilla Andrew as above, Donna Tartt as above, Claudia Rankine if we can include poets, Stephen Moss if we can include non fiction, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, William Faulkner, and Han Kang.
What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
Excluding anything I haven't mentioned, I only just read The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger this year, which I felt like everyone but me has read. I'm now fiercely defensive of this book and against the claim that Holden Caulfield is needlessly whiney for...behaving exactly how a sixteen year old grieving a sibling would behave.
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dayscrazed · 9 months
While they wait for more data from Caulfield, Alex joins the alien siblings on a roadtrip to interrogate information from a faith healer. Then, Alex’s traumatic past comes back to haunt him and Michael must face some hard truths about his attitude and the danger surrounding them when someone traps Liz and Alex.
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"we don't want to be known as the gay game" statistically you guys are the incest games. hope this helps.
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slaterherms · 2 years
𝘼𝙎𝙆 𝙈𝙀𝙈𝙀 —  𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯.
questions for the muse, based on all or most life is strange characters from all the games. 
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✧.* MAX CAULFIELD : would the muse ever risk their own life trying to save someone else’s? 
✧.* CHLOE PRICE : what is their coping mechanism? 
✧.* RACHEL AMBER : do they have the ability to put on a mask in front of others? or do they wear their emotions on their sleeve?
✧.* NATHAN PRESCOTT : did they grow up with up with money?
✧.* VICTORIA CHASE : how popular is the muse? 
✧.* WARREN GRAHAM : how obsessive / fixated do they get when they develop a crush on someone? 
✧.* JOYCE PRICE : has the muse ever faced major loss in any way? 
✧.* DAVID MADSEN : how does the muse react to authority? do they respect it or are they defiant? 
✧.* SEAN DIAZ : do they have any siblings? if so, how close are they to them? 
✧.* DANIEL DIAZ : where does the muse lie on the moral compass? do they try to do the right thing? or do they live in a morally grey area? 
✧.* FINN MCNAMARA : is the muse a risk-taker?
✧.* CASSIDY JONES : do they like music? can they sing or play any instruments? 
✧.* LYLA PARK : how much does the muse value friendship? would they do anything for their closest friends?
✧.* MUSHROOM (don’t cry) : do they have or have they ever had any pets?
✧.* ESTEBAN DIAZ : is the muse family-oriented? 
✧.* KAREN REYNOLDS : how far are they willing to go to chase their dreams? would they be willing to burn some people on the way?
✧.* ALEX CHEN : how empathetic is your muse? do they like enjoy helping others?
✧.* STEPH GINGRICH : do they consider themselves gamers at all? if so, what kind of games do they enjoy most? 
✧.* RYAN LUCAN : does the muse enjoy nature or are they more of an indoors person?
✧.* GABE CHEN : do they currently have a partner? how many partners have they had?
✧.* CHARLOTTE HARMON : how artistic is the muse? do they enjoy art at all? 
✧.* JED LUCAN : how far are they willing to go to save their own ass in dire situations? would they hurt others along the way?
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shrikehq · 1 year
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❝ every store at shrike mall prides themselves on their customer service. if a customer hasn’t left the mall with a smile - you haven’t done your job ! hope that’s not too much pressure for you. now, don’t forget to check out your to-do list ! welcome to the bloom boutique + fast times teams, respectively !! ❞    
lola tung, heterosexual, woman + she/her ― hey look, it’s winona 'nini' caulfield! they’re twenty years old, they’ve lived in shrike heights for ten years, and they’re currently working at bloom boutique in shrike mall. i heard they’re pretty insecure, but i think they’re so kind-hearted at the same time. can they make it out alive?
ross lynch, bisexual, non-binary + they/he ― hey look, it’s snowdrop wozniak! they’re twenty-three years old, they’ve lived in shrike heights for their whole life, and they’re currently working at fast times in shrike mall. i heard they’re pretty naïve, but i think they’re so imaginative at the same time. can they make it out alive? || leaf wozniak’s sibling connection. kuromi.
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onbrokenglass · 2 years
Hello there!
This blog is mainly for finding roleplays. I roleplay exclusively on Discord (I love making private servers) and am 21+, so minors please DNI. Style-wise I can adapt to my partner, though my favourite way to write is lit for those juicy, introspective moments. NSFW friendly, and I like all sorts of pairs from fxf, mxf, mxm, to any nb pairs. Platonic and found family are fun too!
My messages are always open for people interested in writing with me! I promise I don’t bite, even if some of my muses do.
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Under the cut is a list of characters I’ll thread with (who I’d like to play is bolded, if both are bolded I can do either or), though it’s by no means exhaustive. Regardless of how old this post gets, you can message me at any time for those on this list.
Ships (Canon)
Anakin Skywalker x Obi-Wan Kenobi
Atton Rand x Female Exile
Aviendha x Elayne Trakand
Beatrice x Battler Ushiromiya
Billy Loomis x Stu Macher
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
Bruce Wayne x Selina Kyle
Carmy Berzatto x Sydney Adamu
Chloe Frazer x Nadine Ross
Dale Cooper x Harry Truman
Daniel Solace x Maura Franklin
Dick Grayson x Wally West
Dracula x Mina Harker
Elend Venture x Vin
Emma Larsimon x Marianne
Enid Sinclair x Wednesday Addams
Erik Lehnsherr x Charles Xavier
Ethan Winters x Karl Heisenberg
Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy
Harry du Bois x Kim Kitsuragi
James Delaney x Lorna Bow
Joe Goldberg x Forty Quinn
Joe Goldberg x Love Quinn
John Constantine x Bruce Wayne
John Constantine x Lucifer
Jon Kent x Damian Wayne (either aged up or still young, but if they’re young absolutely no NSFW)
Jonas Kahnwald x Martha Nielsen (any iterations)
Kaz Brekker x Inej Ghafa
Kaz Brekker x Jesper Fahey
Kyle Hyde x Brian Bradley
Kevin x Ilonka Pawluk
Laurent of Vere x Damen of Akielos
Leon Kennedy x Ada Wong
Leon Kennedy x Chris Redfield
Marius Josipovic x Julia Bowman
Marius Josipovic x Taylor Bowman
Mat Cauthon x Elayne Trakand
Mat Cauthon x Rand al’Thor
Mat Cauthon x Tuon Paendrag
Matt Murdock x Foggy Nelson
Matt Murdock x Frank Castle
Mike Ross x Harvey Specter
Moon Knight (all/any of them) x Layla El-Faouly
Moon Knight (all/any of them) x Peter Parker (adult Peter only)
Nate Fick x Brad Colbert
Nate Jacobs x  Maddy Perez
Nathan Prescott x Max Caulfield
Percy Jackson x Nico di Angelo
Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth
Rob Ryan x Cassie Maddox (book verse)
Roman Godfrey x Peter Rumancek
Ronald Speirs x Carwood Lipton
Sherlock Holmes x John Watson
Stephen Holder x Sarah Linden
Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Thomas Shelby x Alfie Solomons
Tomas Ortega x Marcus Keane
Tyrell Wellick x Elliot Alderson
Wade Wilson x Peter Parker (adult Peter only)
Will Graham x Hannibal Lecter
Wolfgang Bogdanow x Kala Dandekar
Ships (OC)
Alcina Dimetrescu x OC (female)
Atticus O’Sullivan x OC (any, supernatural or mythological)
Francis York Morgan x OC (any)
Holden Ford x OC (male, serial killer and/or detective)
John Constantine x OC (any)
Jonathan Reid x OC (any)
Peter Pan x OC (male, lost boy - no NSFW, though would feature dark themes as my Peter is inspired by the book The Child Thief. Would love platonic friends or enemies for this as well.)
Vanessa Ives x OC (any)
Carmy Berzatto & Richie Jerimovich
Dexter Morgan & Harrison Morgan
Five Hargreeves & Any Hargreeves Siblings
Hank Anderson & Connor
Jesse Pinkman & Walter White
Joel Miller & Ellie Williams
Kratos & Atreus
Moon Knight System (any against any)
Norman Bates & Dylan Massett
Peter Pan & Hook
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