megiddo-ichi · 21 days
Tonight's Stream - Haunted Castle Revisited
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Spooky Season begins with an all too important mission: Making Dracula cough up the dough for ruining my wedding.
It's Haunted Castle Revisited. Tonight at 6PM CST.
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angel-shaw · 7 months
I’m wrighting a Castlevana fic for the first time and here’s some it!
Hurt/comfort, found family:3
Description: Vlad finds a young child with a disgusting group of people well traveling. He takes it upon himself to kill the men and take the poor child back to his wife.
Tw: mention of child abuse and neglect, description of a very hurt child
@gumballrightfoots I think at some point we were talking about castlevania so maybe you’ll like!
Lisa loved kids, she always wanted one and when she was able to have Adrien she was overjoyed.
Adrien being half vampire meant he was different from any child she had cared for before but he was hers. He was her son and she loved him with every fiber of her being.
She was happy with her life with her son and husband. She lived in a huge castle, far away from anyone who wanted to hurt her or her family, she had an almost endless supply of knowledge, she could travel virtually anywhere with her family, and she could set up in towns to help the people there when she wanted to. It was truly amazing.
One day their peace was disrupted. Vlad burst back into the castle, calling for Lisa to go to the medical room. She did, dropping what she was sowing rushing to follow her husband.
When she got to the room the door was still open. Vlad turned to her,
“I found this child as I was traveling, he was a slave. I found him being beaten. He is not conscious and he has lost too much blood, I need your help.”
“Of course, what do you need?”
“Stay here and do what you can with the stuff here as I get more,”
“Of course.”
When she saw the child her heart sank even further. Vlad laid him on his stomach because there were multiple deep wounds on the child’s back. They covered the child’s back and even went down to his legs. Bruises layered over other cuts that were obviously infected.
She started working to stop the rest of the bleeding, it was obvious that the bleeding had gone down. Vlad probably had something on him he gave to the child to help till he was able to get back. It wasn’t long until Vlad returned with more supply’s.
The two of them worked on the child for a long time, trying to clean and disinfect what they could and wrap them up. Ointments were applied to a lot of the bruises. At one point they turned the child around, Vlad holding them up well Lisa worked on their front woych wasn’t as bad but was still mortifying.
“What happened Vlad?” Lisa finally asked
He sighed, “I was traveling when I came across his group. I could tell something was off right then. But then I saw one of them pull this one out of one of the tents and start wiping them. I couldn’t let that happen so I stopped it. That group no longer walks the planes. I picked up the child and looked for others but when I looked the others weren’t alive. They looked as if they died from starvation, blood loss or infection. This one was on the brink but I had medication I gave them to slow the bleeding and stop the infections. They were terrified when I picked them up but they couldn’t do anything but pass out.”
“That’s terrible…I don’t understand how people could be so horrible..this is a child..”
“I know Lisa.”
“There isn’t anything more I can do for their wounds for now. We can give them something for the pain when they wake up but I fear they won’t…they are so thin..”
“I am able to set up a line of protein into their system, it will have to be slow though. Their body is so weak so the suddenness of food might send them into shock.”
“Do whatever you can.”
Just like that Vlad started working on getting the child food. He explained to Lisa that he could put a tube into their arm, an IV to slowly push nutrients into their system. They laid the child on their back despite the wounds to administer the IV.
“We will give them medication for pain. I’ll be able to numb the pain for a little bit, sadly because they are so frail I worry too much medication will shock the immune system.”
Lisa sighed and Vlad knew she was worried and dissterbed. There wasn’t much he could do so he settled for embraceing her.
“We will care for them. The humans who did this payed.”
Vlad felt Lisa nod, “I’m going to check on Adrian, would you like to join me?” He said calmly after a while.
Lisa looked at the sleeping child, “I don’t want to leave them alone. You go check on him and I’ll stay here for now just in case.”
“Ok my love,” Vlad kissed her head and pulled away from his wife. Their hands falling apart as he turned and left for his sons room.
Adrian was alseep in his bed when Vlad pushed the cracked door open. Vlad stood in the doorway for a moment before striding into the room to his sons bed.
Hovering over Adrian’s bed Vlad admired his son. His golden locks of their so closely resembling his mothers, the small fangs peeking out of his hung open mouth evidence of Vlads own blood. Even the boys eyes copyed his mothers, Vlad did not mind of course. Lisa was stunning in every way so it was fit for her son to grow to be the same.
Adrian started to stir, a hand coming up to rub at his tired eyes. The other holding a stuffed wolf. When his eyes open he sat up immediately.
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darlin-collins · 7 months
Castlevana comes from a video game, it’s a super popular series and they have some amazing games!
There was a cartoon made of one of the story lines! That’s the Castlevana I am wrighting with as by base:3
Basically Dracula falls in love with a human woman, Lisa, they have a son Adrian. But one day Lisa is burned at the stake for witchcraft. Dracula goes insane and vows to kill everybody. His son who is now fully grown, tries to stop him but you know fails so the story is Adrian, who is now called Alucard , and a girl named Syifa , and a man named Trevor, trying to reverse what Dracula has done and save people
There are lots more characters and I highly recommend watching it’s an amazing show!
I can explain more if you want:3 the fic I’m wrighting has to do with more of the characters 
ok I'll take a look soon👀
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anthonyvaccarelli · 3 years
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Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow streamed by Chinese_Hulk
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justsayapple · 4 years
sypha!! >:3
1. Sexual orientation: I like to think she’s pansexual and polyamorous :) 2. OTP: TREPHACARD~ The chemistry...the compatibility...the trust...they’re PERFECT (also Sypha/Julia is really cute) 3. BROTP: I know they haven’t met yet, or if she’s going to be in the netflix series at all, but definitely Julia!! They would have so much to talk about magic wise since Julia’s a healer magician who doesn’t use combat magic (I imagine it’s never something she learned or wants to do, but is still respectful of it) and Sypha’s a combat magician who doesn’t know/use healing spells, they’d have a lot of respect for each other and a lot of fun info dumping and asking questions!! Magical ladies with the utmost respect for each other :D 4. NOTP: I honestly can’t think of one for Sypha? I haven’t seen anyone ship her with someone that immediately made me go “NOPE” so i’m not sure :o 5. First headcanon that pops into my head: She loves spicy food! I know it’s the 15th century eastern Europe, but her people would have access to trade routes and such so I imagine she’s tried a lot of different spices that other folks haven’t (Trevor and Alucard most definitely can NOT handle spice and she finds this hilarious) 6. Favorite line from this character: “I am a speaker and a scholar of magic. I serve no demon and I do no evil.” powerful queen shit!! But also “You’ve saved countless lives. But it’s alright to mourn the man, too.” because she’s so compassionate and supportive!! 7. One way in which I relate to this character: I guess assuming people don’t have bad intentions? which can suck sometimes, and I don’t always think ahead which she does sometimes too lol also in my mind she totally has ADHD so we’re buddies in that c:
8. Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Hmmm having a hard time thinking of something for this one? Maybe when she says weird ass shit like possibly tricking Trevor into drinking piss when they first met cause he was being rude? alskjdfsldkfj 9. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Oof this question, years old tumblr shit lol, everyone has issues/no ones perfect. Sypha’s definitely more towards the unproblematic side for me though, she has her own issues with ideas of grandeur and assuming the best in everyone, which leads to her getting hurt or learning things the hard way, but honestly she’s a GOOD person and I want nothing but the best for her <333 (Also let her say a swear, she’s like the only one in the entire series that doesn’t?? let Sypha say fuck) ~Send me characters to talk about~
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cosmiciaria · 5 years
Castlevana S 3 Scattered Thoughts - SPOILERS!!
SPOILERRRRSSS again just in case
I didn’t trust Suki and Taka for one second, there were many instances in which they exchanged looks and they left me wondering why would they spend precious seconds of a 21-min episode in those exchanges, so - As Anton Chejov would’ve loved to say, if you show a gun (those weird looks) use it for something (the betrayal at the end). I saw it coming miles away. Am I angered/sad by it...? Actually, I’m disappointed by Alucard’s whole story arc. I expected more of it, Suki and Taka were the last thing I expected for it. I... don’t know what to think of his plot, I do think he needs a hug. Now. 
At first the animation seemed a bit stiff. Coming from the second season, where everything was AMAZING, it kinda struck me as weird. Also the voice acting seemed a little off at first, like the actors didn’t match/synch completely well with what we were watching?? I guess?? But then it changed towards the second half of the season and MAN those last two episodes were glorious. Trevor with the dual whip??? AAA’<??!!?
Overall, plot-wise, this season felt quite barren. We only had a handful of Hector’s moments (ooooh in a sec, just in a sec) and Isaac being the husbando we all want. But both Alucard’s and Trevor/Sypha’s storylines left much to be desired. Yes, plot twists here and there, but seemingly non-consequential with the over all grand scheme of the series. I mean, you have to top last season’s finale, that’s no easy feat. 
I think Sain Germain’s dream was a bit too long. I understand he powerful he magic he wizard he historical person but it kinda dragged on for too long for me. I did like what I saw in that dream huh
OST still good here
Hector and Lenore. Now, I love Hector, I don’t think he’s dumb, I just think he needs a hug, like Alucard does. And I hate myself because I shipped Hector x Lenore, but saw her betrayal coming miles away - this one is more obvious though, because it seems that Hector getting backstabbed is a running gag at this point. I also read somewhere here that there’s a nice parallelism between Lenore and Hector: she’s basically what he was in the second season, with the same ideals and such. Hector being treated like a pet by the end, when in the past he only wanted pets (dead humans...), it’s, uh... almost divine judgement, let’s say. 
I do hope Lenore betrays her gang for Hector - or Hector beats the shit out of them, I need something good to happen to him. Once. Just once. Please, creators. 
I kinda like Striga x Morana, felt like a nice addition, their dynamics are goals (like, scheme an evil plan together?? please). Also Trevor x Sypha were like a panacea too, they’re so fun together and just dsajkdasdsa they make me go uwu. 
ALSO idk why I’ve just remembered this BUT as soon as I saw that this season was 18+ and read “violence, sex” i was like - wait, are they gonna fuck in this season?? and they’re gonna show it to us??? whaaaa?? And it wasn’t just that - It’s the first time I saw a man completely naked in an animation. Like, completely. It’s more common to see female breasts, it was a nice change of pace. I don’t even know why I add this item, it was shocking when I realized it. Now you’re all gonna say that I didn’t watch enough animation - believe me, I did, it’s just that generally genitals are kept in the obscure you know
I don’t want’ Dracula or his wife to return. I don’t want it. Yes, given, it’s gonna make up for a huge and amazing scene if it happens, but truthfully I’m tired of the trope that when an important character dies, they get to be revived. Please don’t. Also, it takes away all of Alucard’s character arc’s weight. It’s the best and fastest way to destroy his character. Please don’t. Edit: I KNOW Dracula dies and comes back many times in the games, I just don’t think it’s a good idea. I’m only commenting on the show, not the games, sadly I haven’t played them since I never owned any Nintendo console and yes some of them are on the PS4 now but I don’t think that type of game is for me. I only own Curse of Darkness for the PS2 and I tried to get myself into it but I just couldn’t with how slow Hector walks in that game. So, sorry if I seem a little off with that item: it’s because YES i’m not a fan of the games, i’m only a fan of the show so far. 
Well I guess it’s pretty obvious I didn’t like it much, at least I didn’t like it more than the second. Watch at your own risk. 
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sporesgalaxy · 3 years
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handful of doodles bc im actually constantly thinking abt @enmitypark 's long haired Plasmius design. kind of obsessed w the visual metaphor of Vlad's ghost form being when he literally lets down his hair!!!!
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nessie665 · 5 years
So, I finally got to see my goth parents together again but oh god at what cost?
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Eclair had visited his home again and was looking around more as well. she spotted a painting of him as a baby, his mother and father. ¨Oooh my goodness! is that you? Oh gosh you´re so cute as a baby, ahaha!¨ she says gleefully
Alucard looks toward lady Eclair  a little strange, and his left eye  have a nervously tic when he hears about the family picture.
"Cute?..me?..Ah`` the dhampir sighs deeply
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`I`m sorry,I don`t like  ... I really hate when the people is looking insistently at my family's pictures .. This painting is my private .." says the dhampir, as he crosses  his hands to his chest, and looks at Lady Eclair.
"However, with what occasion on here,lady? ... I don't have many visitors!"
-Adrian Fahrenheit Țepeș
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makoden · 5 years
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You smooth operators
(Yes this is a jojo refrence)
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makeitcanoncowards · 4 years
Hey... Heyy… How Y’all Doin...
Hey guys, I know I’ve been pretty much M.I A for a while... Just wanted to let you know that I’m getting to the deepest depths of my inbox tonight to answer some requests I’ve been avoiding for months. 
I’ve been feeling really insecure about myself and skills for a while. I haven’t wanted to post anything in fear that it wouldn’t get a lot (or any) likes and people would hate the fic and, consequentially, me. It’s made me afraid to write and I’m trying to work through that now. 
I know my blog has somewhat died since I stopped posting - but I’m so thankful for all of you and I’m hoping to revive this account.
How are y’all doin, I’ve missed hearing from you!
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megiddo-ichi · 1 year
So a mutual asked me to write a review of Castlevania Nocturne as someone with a lot of salt for the netflix adaptation. So here you go.(minor spoilers under the cut)
If I give Nocturne any credit, it's probably that I like it a lot more as a story that doesn't rely on sex and violence to tell it. The characters are fleshed out, the action is solid, this interpretation of Olrox genuinely surprised me. It's just some things that keep it in the realm of fanfic for me. Like how this is a mix of rondo, harmony of dissonance and bloodlines in terms of how it's story is written. Richter also kinda takes a backseat for a few characters but at the same time, it's not the worst. I also appreciate how it doesn't demonize religion so much as the people who abuse the authority that comes from it. There's a particular scene that actually kinda made the investment fun for me and I'm really glad it's not another generic slave revolt story. Overall, 7/10. Could be better, but it's a shape-up from how I felt after the last two seasons of netflixvania. Would I have prefered a shot-for-shot adaptation of my favorite classic castlevania game? Of course. This just didn't offend me as hard as, say...making the guy who soloed TREVOR BELMONT a whipped pet.
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weirwoodforest · 4 years
I think I’ll finish Marianne tonight... I have two episodes left I think, I’m kind of bummed because I’m enjoying it and once it’s over, it’s... over, because the show got cancelled. :/
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darlin-collins · 7 months
... no
i know dracula tho. heard of em
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littlemissreblogs · 6 years
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Now what do you mean "what's next?" I've watched this new season 5 times straight, so far. I will do so again for another 20 times until my body is completely unable to produce tears ever again, thank you very much!
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
(1) thing ~ Alucard or Trevor in the Castlevana series
As much as I love Trevor, Alucard has my heart completely. Normally I’m all about tall, dark, and handsome, but I just can’t help but fall in love with Alucard.
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also this version from Lords of Shadow 2 (which I haven’t played) and this was the only gif I could find.
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