#Carol sweetie you're probably you know
cursedlovesstuff · 5 months
Fixing Us. Part 1.
Y/N found herself stuck in a relentless routine.
Each passing day seemed to blur into the next, a disheartening repetition of Nat's absence and Y/N's solitary dinners.
As the hours ticked by, Y/N couldn't shake the gnawing suspicion that Nat's late nights were more than just work obligations.
Despite her longing for connection, Y/N's attempts to bridge the growing chasm between her and Nat fell on deaf ears.
The once vibrant bond they shared now felt like a distant memory, leaving Y/N feeling adrift in a sea of loneliness.
Determined to reclaim her sense of self-worth, Y/N went out on a journey of self-discovery.
Early morning jogs and a part-time job designing clothes provided a temporary distraction, but it was the tattoos that became her solace.
Venturing out with friends offered a fleeting escape from the monotony of her daily life.
Tonight was one of these nights where Y/N met Carol.
There was something familiar about her, a warmth that drew Y/N in like a moth to a flame.
Y/N was sitting at the bar watching others dance while stirring her drink with her straw.
"Do you usually come to bars just to watch others dance?" a voice says, making Y/N look up, shaking her head.
"I thought this was a lounge," Y/N says, smiling a bit.
"It's both," Carol says, putting her hand out for Y/N to shake while saying her name.
Y/N looks at Carol's hand before shaking it, saying, "Y/N."
"It's nice to meet you again, Y/N."
The pair had met before a few times at some old work events and ran into each other a few weeks ago at this same lounge.
"I don't want to sound rude, but you used to work at SHIELD, right?" Carol asked, her eyes alight with curiosity.
Y/N nodded, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, I did. But I left a few years ago," she replied, her voice tinged with regret.
"Why did you leave?"
"I wanted to start a new chapter of my life, and it just wasn't the right fit anymore."
Carol's gaze lingered on Y/N, a silent understanding passing between them. "I can imagine it must have been a difficult decision," she remarked, her tone sympathetic.
Y/N shrugged, a pang of longing tugging at her heart. "It was. But sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the ones you love, even if they aren't willing to do the same for you," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
Carol nodded, understanding. As it got a bit quiet, Y/N said, "So what brings the great Captain Marvel here?"
"So you do know who I am," Carol replied, amused.
"How come you never spoke?"
"I was shy and newlywed. My main focus was on work and getting home to my wife. I didn't have time back then."
"Wife, huh?"
"Natasha," Y/N says, taking a sip of her drink.
"Nat's married?" Carol asks, a bit shocked.
"Surprisingly yes, but she seems to forget that a lot."
"Just to be clear, you mean Romanoff, right? And you're still married?" Carol questions.
"Four years," Y/N says, halfway flashing her ring before saying, "probably not for much longer anyway."
Carol notices Y/N's mood change before asking Y/N if she would like to dance. Y/N is hesitant before she says yes, gently grasping the hand Carol put out for her to grab as she pulled her to the dance floor.
As carol pulled y/n through the crowd of sweety bodys they found themselves in the middle of the dance floor.
"Do you know this song?" Carol asks to which y/n shakes her head no.
"Iv never heard it"
"Good just let your body move to the beat follow me".
There wasn't any rush or anything; the two were just having fun like only friends. Carol even spun Y/N a few times. The time seemed to fly by; what only felt like an hour of dancing turned out to be three as the two made their way back to the bar to get some water. They arrived at the same time as Nat.
"Y/N," Nat asks, surprised to see her wife.
"Hi, Nat," Y/N replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
Nat's gaze flickered between Y/N and Carol, a hint of jealousy flashing in her eyes before she turned her attention back to Y/N. "What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice laced with suspicion.
Y/N shrugged nonchalantly, though her heart raced with apprehension. "Just out for a drink with friends," she replied, her eyes darting between Nat and Carol.
"Where are your friends?" Nat asked, slightly looking around.
"Lilly went home, and Esther is still dancing, so I'm with my new friend Carol," Y/N answered back.
"I didn't know you were friends with Carol," Nat said.
"You don't know all my friends," Y/N responded.
Nat didn't take Y/N's nonchalant yet sassy tone lightly.
"Then why are you at a bar you hate bars and clubs"
"Its also a lounge" y/n says.
"Its both"carol says making y/n smile as she turned her head to look at carol. Nat noticed this and she didn't like it.
As she eyed carol she gently grabbed Y/N's cup out of her hand, sitting it down, and grabbing Y/N's hand before looking at Carol.
"Excuse me; I think it's time my wife and I head home."
Before Y/N or Carol could say anything, Nat practically dragged Y/N to the front door, only being able to give Carol an apologetic look as she and Nat made it to the front of the bar but stopped at a table.
"Sorry I have to leave early,theres something y/n and i need to discuss"
As the team looks at Y/N, saying their hi's.
"You look beautiful, Lady Y/N," Thor says, making Y/N smile a bit while saying thank you
"Are you sure you don't want to stay drinks are on me" tony says as everyone at the table cheers.
"Yeah you guys should totally stay"carol says, which makes Nat only drag Y/N along further out of the bar after saying they couldnt towards the car.
Halfway there, Y/N finally gets out of Nat's grip.
"What is wrong with you, Nat, dragging me out of the bar like a psychopath?"
"What is wrong with Y/N being out this late at night by yourself?"
"I wasn't by myself."
"You know what I mean; I'm taking you home. End of discussion," Nat says, raising her voice a bit.
"No," Y/N says finally putting her foot down.
"What did you just say?" Nat asks.
"I said no," Y/N said before saying, "I'm going to go back into that bar and order me another shot and then another, and I'm going to have fun".
"You can have fun tomorrow when its bright outside and there are less drunk people there"
"I can protect myself natasha"
"Can you? Can you really because its been four years since you were an agent and had any type of training"
"Yeah and whos fault is that because it's not mine"
"You heard me your Your the reason that i quit being an agent your the reason why i havent trained in four years"
"because you got hurt on a mission,due to not being able to tell friend from foe"nat says making y/n scoff.
"Im perfectly capable from telling friends from foe"
"Then can you tell if carol your friend or just someone who wants to sleep with you"nat says without thinking making y/n feel hurt.
"What i can tell is that your being a dick,just because you have one doesn't mean you have to be one"
Y/n says walking backwards towards the bar saying"You can go home by yourself."y/n says turning around and walking towards the bar.
Its not long after she hears nat say" I'm going home, you're coming with me."
Before y/n knew it she was lifted off of her feet and thrown over someone's shoulder,nats shoulder.
Y/N truly forgot how strong nat was well...is.
"Put me down natasha"
Y/n says smacking nats back trying to get her to let go,but nat dosen't respond to it.
So y/n smacks nats back and butt harder in response nat hit y/n's butt hard enough to make her yelp and jump.
Nat tightens her grip so that she doesn't drop y/n,but there is no doubt that it will leave a mark in the morning.
"That isn't very nice is it?"nat asks but y/n doesn't respond she only continues to try and get out of nats grip.
Eventually y/n gives up realizing there is nothing she can do to get nat to let go.
Nat carries Y/N to the car, gently putting her down in the front seat, buckling her seat belt.
Before slamming the front door and walking around and getting in and closing the door.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 8 months
Daryl has never been so proud.
After managing to get her into a car, which presented itself to be quite the challenge they had driven out to her last living space and took all the pelts and items she had left behind.
It was clear as day she was terrified of the vehicle but she soldiered through, wrapping herself and her son into their retrieved pelts for some comfort on the way home.
She did it scared.
"Where ya wan' these?" Daryl stepped through the doorway with a stack of pelts in his arms, staring at her pointing up the stairs and walking to show him. He followed suit.
The room she had been using for the last few days was still relatively empty besides a bed and a cabinet, but she wanted the pelts there, and the bed gone aparently.
"So, bed out." Nod.
"Mattress too?" He got a look in return, not really sure what it meant so he kept it up against the wall for now. "So what's next? Wanna check the community stash fer somthin' ta wear?"
Another short moment of quiet before she nodded. She wasn't comfortable around the people yet, had tried to meet some but quickly hid when even one too many came up to her. "Ya got me witya, ain' no one botherin'ya."
And so their first official trip around the community was a fact. Olivia had given them space on Daryl's request and promised to watch her as she dug through the inventory of clothing and fabric items and after having picked out a bunch of stuff and having wrapped herself in a thick, soft flannel Daryl had called Olivia back to check on their selection and went back home again.
It wasn't strange they caught a bunch of stares from original residents, seeing the strange new woman walking around and barely knowing how to function as a human. Even after being explained the situation they still weren't happy with this feral person freely walking around.
Daryl watched her pull the flannel closer to her body, head ducked low as to hide and put an arm around her. "Ignore them. 'M happy yer here so it don' matter what they think." She pressed further into his side, as close as she could while she held her son and Daryl carried their haul.
Another little victory for her.
Back home she quickly went back upstairs again, trying to get help with putting everything away. "Yeah I suck at foldin' this. Ya gotta ask Carol."
He knew she didn't want to. While Carol had offered her things she was still wary. Which he found a little weird with how easily she seemed to have stepped up to the gate and interacted with Rick. Probably adrenaline and the dire need for help.
"I'll come witya, but yer doin' the askin'." A grumble was all he got as reply as she picked up the newborn again and handed him over.
So now the three of them were on their way to two houses over. Her up front with Daryl at the porch steps with his son in his arms, which Carol found an absolutely beautiful picture.
"What brings you here, sweetie?" Carol stared at the scared woman and paid attention to her motions and noises, trying to get at least some gist of what she needed.
"I gotta come with you?" Nod nod. Carol nudded in return and agreed to follow, giving Daryl a look in hopes he'd tell her more but he shook his head. "Ain't helpin' er. She's gotta learn." He only shrugged and continued to play with the little one in his arms.
"You're good at that." She commented on the way he was so calmly handling his child he didn't even know he had a week ago.
Back home upstairs Carol was led to the pile of clothes, watching as she grabbed a shirt, flopping it into a somewhat folded mess and held it out to Carol who now understood why she needed help. "Yeah okay I see. Daryl sucks at folding laundry so you asked me huh." A proud smile made its way into her face as she nodded. She was pleased to be understood by someone else than Daryl.
"Okay so I'll show you and you watch first, okay?" Nod nod.
And so Daryl was seated on top of the nest of pelts with his son, absentmindedly chatting and bonding while the women were working through laundry lessons. "Shirt. Easy." Carol's voice was soft and clear as she talked through the steps of folding different items and watched her steps being repeated in a well enough matter. "You got this! You learn quick." She smiled widely with her compliment. "Now, don't be afraid to come by for more help, okay? I'm a friend."
Daryl said that word a lot. Friend. She knew it was a good one, it held a good feeling from long ago before she lost it all.
"--anh yoo" it felt weird to use her voice, but she knew she had to eventually. But when Daryl shot up at the sound she spooked a little. "Didya just.. talk?" The energy coming off both humans was that of pride and happines. So much it warmed her on the inside. She gloated and happily nodded. "Anhcyoo" she repeated herself and it was clear that she meant 'thank you'.
"Look at ya sayin' yer words." He had a hard time containing his excitement at her progress, and Carol couldn't help but give him a knowing smile.
"'M' so proud o' ya, wolfie."
A/N: After some time there's a new one!
[Pt.1] [Pt.2]
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Okay! I just had a thought and needed to share it. First! I recently read a fic where Mav knew Carole before Goose and he's the one that introduced the two of them and it's one of my new fav scenarios. Next! I've been listening to an IceMav playlist an Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! by ABBA is on it. Now that the background is out of the way, here are my thoughts. The class of 86 are all at someone's house (probably the Bradshaw's) for a BBQ and the radio is playing. They're all just chilling, having a good time when Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! comes on and Carole goes sprinting over to Mav and begging him to sing it with her like they used to and he's kinda hesitant but when it gets to that chorus he just starts belting it with Carole. Bradley's running around and dancing with Mav and Carole once they get into it, Goose is just honking out his laughter, and the flyboys are absolutely baffled bc Mav can actually sing well? And, of course, Ice is just too stunned to speak and getting more smitten by the second. (also, Carole def made Mav back her up while singing this when she first realized she wanted to date Goose)
Oh my God, I love it. Can you imagine Carole when Goose and Mav first entered the Naval Air Force though?
Goose(reading a letter from Carole): "Mav, Carole wants to know if you're behaving yourself and taking your multivitamin."
Maverick: "Tell Mom not to worry so much, Pa."
(Mav writes her later that YES he is behaving himself and taking his multivitamins, GOD, CAROLE...)
Every time Carole comes to visit, they incorporate karaoke somehow (hence "Great Balls of Fire" :))
when Carole first gets a glimpse of Iceman, she leans over to Goose and whispers "...Maverick and him have a thing, don't they?" "Define thing, dear." "Maverick keeps staring right past Charlie at him, you can't tell me you need the term thing defined, sweetie pie."(Carole recognized Mav's behaviour from high school. He had a crush on a guy on the baseball team. He'd never looked that intensely at him though...)
She asks Maverick about Ice in all of her letters to him. Even after Goose dies, and their letters are sadder than they used to be (at least for a while) she begs him to take a chance. "Life's too short, Pete," she writes. "And love is so important...and we can do a kick-ass karaoke number at your wedding, just think about it."
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
Day 12: Steve + Tree decorating
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Summary: Steve helps you put up your Christmas tree after finding that his parents will be out of town for the holiday without him.
Warnings: Fluff, a bit of family angst
"I can't believe this," you huffed, bringing your boyfriend a mug of hot chocolate, all the way with the works. "I can't believe they'd just leave you at home by yourself!"
Steve sighed, taking it from you and sipping it, hissing as he burned himself on the scalding mocha, eagerly brushing it off, hoping you hadn't seen. "Yeah well, I'm a grown man, I probably shouldn't even be living with them anymore, let alone going on holiday vacations with them."
"It's not about that, hun." you protested, bustling around the kitchen to clean up. "Christmas is about togetherness and family, not expensive vacations to Mexico." With a sympathetic look, you came around the table to face him, standing between his legs and wrapping your arms around his neck. "Look, why don't you stay with us for the week? Dad won't mind, he loves you."
"No baby, I couldn't put you guys out like that." he shook his head, gazing up into your concerned eyes.
"I'm not giving you a choice."
"Steve, hand me that tinsel, would you, sweetie?" you mother chirped, standing beside you, as you stood up on the step ladder next to the tree. He did as asked, hopping up from the sofa and pausing the conversation he'd been having with you dad over some foot ball game they'd both seen.
He walked the tinsel over, but neglected to pass it to your mother. "Need any help, ladies?" The pair of you giggled at his charm, before nodding and putting him to work. For the next hour, Steve ran himself ragged keeping up with you, placing each ornament exactly where you wanted it, and hanging garland around the living room to your mother's precise specifications. All with the happiest grin.
You nuzzled into his side further, deep into the night, long after your parents had called it a night. You both stared warmly at the golden glow of the tree and surrounding decorations, humming to the record of carols you'd put on your dad's old player. You had your leg slung over his lap, and Steve held it securely with his thumb lightly stroking your calf.
"I'm sorry about your family, hun." you finally piped up in a hushed, but saddened tone.
"Eh, it's okay," he dismissed, his voice echoing little emotion as he stared straight ahead, partially zoned out. "Used to it."
"You shouldn't be..." you mumbled, snuggling closer to him. A beat of silence came and went before he spoke again.
"(Y/N), what would you say if..." he trailed, wondering how he could possibly put his thoughts into adequate words. "What if...next Christmas, I didn't have to stay with you?"
You perked, glancing up at him. "You mean have me stay with you? That's a little counter productive if we wanna be with family, isn't it?"
"Sort of," he answered, furrowing his brows, his gaze suddenly flickering to yours, chestnut eyes boring into your (e/c) ones. "But what if...neither of us had to leave home to be together?"
"Steve, you know I hate it when you get all cryptic like this-"
"Let's move in together." he finally stated, serious as a heart attack. You hesitated for a moment, still in shock of what he said. "We could get our own place, somewhere small where there's just room for the two of us. Somewhere cozy." He rambled
"Wait..." you nearly mouthed, unable to find your voice. "Are you being for real?"
He almost looked surprised that you'd asked, or maybe more so that you were entertaining the thought. "Well...yeah." he confirmed reluctantly. "I've been thinking about what you said the other day, about how Christmas is about being with family and I kinda realized...you're my family."
"Oh, Steve!" you cried, throwing your arms around him, just about crawling onto his lap to hug his neck. "Yes, yes, of course I'll move in with you!" you gushed, peppering his face with kisses. "We'll start looking right away!" you shouted, jumping away from him, and darting down the hall to tell your parents about the decision, and to find a newspaper to look into the local reality.
Steve watched you go, and didn't bother trying to stop you or calm you down. He simply smiled in the way only lovesick people do, shoulders slumped and brows knit slightly.
"Merry Christmas, baby."
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iamaslutforcoffee · 2 years
4819 Cherry Lane Chapter Six.
That's what Sage convinced herself that Billy Hargrove was, is, and ever will be.
After that night of horrors, Billy stopped talking to Sage, presumably because in her mind he was scared of the fact that her family quite literally opened their door up to him and invited him in.
She knew that he never knew much of a loving family, or really of love in general so she didn't pay it much mind.
Today was Monday, and all Sage could think about while at lunch was if he was okay. Her plate of disgusting mystery loaf and beans wasn't exactly appealing to her at the moment.
"Earth to Sage? Hello?!" Nancy called out, waving her hand infront of Sage's view.
"Shit, sorry Nance. " Her attention was brought back to the conversation, something about how Steve and Billy got into it during P.E.
"Yeah..so do you have any insight?" Nancy asked, trying to remind her of the topic.
"Of the reason why Billy is how he is? No, sweetie. I don't. " she blankly replied. The rowdy lunchroom was giving her a migraine, mainly the basket ball team/jocks were particularly loud over their win to a rival towns school.
"God! I wish they would just shut the fuck up already" Robin shook her head, motioning towards the table. Currently Tommy H was boasting about Billy, Carol and the rest of the ladies giving him sex eyes and laughing at every single word Billy said.
Sage knodded in agreement, getting up to toss her plate in the trash.
"Oh look, the school psychopath is FINALLY going to skip a meal!" Carol called out, the rest of their group snickering. Sage smiled, flipping them off and taking her spot back.
"Geeze, what's Carol's problem now?" Robin asked, turning towards Sage.
"Who knows, she's probably pissed Tommy didn't take her out like he promised." Sage mumbled, looking up from her science homework.
Her eyes met those of cerulean blue hues, locking in with Sage's.
Sage looked at Billy and shook her head, continuing on with her homework.
"Say, Sage? Wanna stay over soon? We haven't had a girls night in awhile" Robin mentioned, and she agreed.
"Yes please, there's ALOT we need to talk about" Sage mumbled, tapping the pen in her hand against the paper. She sighed in frustration, her hand running through her hair.
"Hey, freak. Maybe for your next science project you can show the class your little shaking tricks you can do." Carol spoke, placing her hands on the table infront of Sage.
"Carol, please enlighten us on what ever the heck it is you're talking about?" Sage spoke and not even bothering to make eye contact.
"Oh, you know. When you fall and pretend that your sick? Billy told us all about it" Carol replied, causing Sage to look up ever so slightly. Her eye sight caught Billy's again, this time he was moving towards the two to (hopefully) pull Carol away from Sage.
"Did he now? That's wonderful. Say, Billy? Why don't we talk about your father since we want to talk about my medical condition?" Sage asked, her head cooking to the side.
He stopped in his tracks and what color he did have in his face drained completely. Sage knew she hit good and low, but at the time she didn't care. She couldn't exactly tell the group that her seizures weren't from something medical but magical.
"I'll take that as a no. So, Carol. I have eliepsy, that's paired with seizures just in case your small and hurt brain doesn't know what that means. But sure, what ever you say. What ever goes in King Billy's kingdom, right?" Sage spoke with enough calmness in her voice to make it alarming to everyone.
Grabbing her bag she decided to just go home for the day, probably go to the lake but just really take a moment to herself. Billy talking about her in such a manner really upset her, more than she would honestly like to admit. 
"Sage? Where you going?" Robin asked as Sage went to leave the group.
"Fuck if I know... the lake maybe? The Hideout? I haven't decided. I just need to get away from these people" She replied, shaking her head and pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Besides, I just need time to think"
Robin nodded in knowing that it was more than she was willing to let on but she left it alone.
"Hey, come over tonight? We can gossip and just have fun like we used to.." Robin spoke gently, and Sage agreed.
Sage started walking out of the lunch room and made a break for the front doors of the school, making it out into the parking lot and to her car before her name was called by someone she really didn't want to speak to.
"Sage? SAGE! Wait!" Billy called out to her and when he finally caught up he pressed a hand against the door so she couldn't open it.
"Do you fucking mind, Billy? I'm trying to leave" She grumbled trying to move his arm out of the way.
"No, stop. Let me explain.." He started but in true fashion, Sage interrupted him.
"No, Billy. Let me explain something to YOU. You might be the new hot shot around her that everyone is obsessed with because you drive a semi- decent car and you look better than almost every guy around Hawkins High, but that doesn't give you the right to talk about me in such a bad light. ESPECIALLY when my family welcomed you into our home when ever. So you can take what ever you were about to say.. now listen, it might hurt. Roll it into a tiny tiny compact ball. Its gotta be as small as you can roll it. Spit on it, then shove it straight up your fucking ass."
She yelled at him, Billy stood there astounded, one for the fact she spoke to him like that and two the fact she looked good while doing it.
"I guess.. I'll uh.. talk to you later. This conversation isn't over, Delaney. You and I aren't done." Billy raised a finger toward her and she flipped him off while getting into her car and peeling out of the parking lot.
"Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in... so shame on me now"
Sage sang along to the music playing on the radio as she finally pulled into her house. She shut the car off and waltzed inside, but still hearing voices coming from the den. Daliah greated Sage, staying by her side as she walked towards the sound of the voices.
There sat her father, her mother, and Billy's parents- Neil and Susan.
"Oh, honey... you're home early! Is everything ok?" Evelyn asked, looking between Sage and her intentional look of death on Neil.
"Um, you tell me. Why are they here?" Sage asked.
"Yeah, hon i think you better sit down for this one. Its getting good" Evelyn spoke normally, handing Sage a cup of coffee and making room for her.
"As I was saying, he's got a key to the house so he can come over when ever." Sage's father spoke, turning his attention back to Neil and Susan.
"I don't understand why. He's perfectly fine with waiting if the idiot leaves his key somewhere and its locked" Neil spoke, and Sage almost choked on her coffee. The attention in the room once again turned towards Sage, and she smiled.
"Sorry, its really hot" Sage quickly spoke.
"Please.. in our home we don't talk about our children like that. Respect that rule" Patrick replied. You could hear the stress reaching Sage's father with every syllable spoken.
It was infact starting to get good, Evelyn wasn't lying.
"Have you met the kid? He's not the brightest" Neil spoke again, grunting in the process.
"Neil, please.. stop.." Susan spoke, placing a pleading hand on his arm.
"Neil i think you should take her suggestion" Patrick replied, the sense of urgency filling his voice.
"No! He's my son, ill treat him how I see fucking fit!" Neil started to get enraged, and that's when Sage used it as her social cue to step in. Give 'em the ol razzle dazzle.
She loudly set the coffee mug on the counter and coughed.
"See, what were not going to do is disrespect my parents in their own home, for one. Two, he's an amazing man. One you should be proud of. But for what ever reason you absolutely insist on treating him like absolute garbage and like a subpar human and its fucking disgusting. It's called projection, Neil. You're currently doing it." Sage spoke, pimching the bridge of her nose.
"Now you, Susan. Don't think you're any better in this. Every single fucking fight I've seen them get into you have ALWAYS been in the room, Max too. Max can't do anything for obvious reasons but as soon as that first hit landed on Billy you should have fucking tried stopping him or at the very least called the cops but your pathetic ass just sat there and let it happen. You guys need to leave my fucking house, immediately." Sage was truly enraged. Everybody's mouth was hanging wide open, Sage's mother sat there shaking her head knowing that she wasn't playing.
If there was one thing Sage didn't care for, it was pleasantries and caring for people's feelings at all cost.
She never has, and more than likely never will, because in her mind they needed to hear it.
Unbeknownst to Sage, though.. a certain redheaded girl and her older blonde curly haired brother heard it too.
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daringdanvers · 6 years
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   ❛     seriously? i leave the planet for MONTHS, i stopped using my facespace page, i made drew and jones get rid of that stupid dating profile, i even got a new NUMBER. how the HELL are you calling me right now, clint?     ❜
@arrowsbro      |      starter call
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 13 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (12)
Next part (14) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
The funfair is everything you thought it would be, and even more. The colorful lights, the music, the games, the kids running around. It's inebriating, beautiful, mesmerizing... You only wish you could forget what you saw on the road... What you saw a while ago and what James told you he saw. Four beasts so far, if you assume those were all different animals. It probably means there are more, right? Nobody was attacked yet, or else you'd know. News travel fast through Hawkins. But even so, the cops need to know, and whatever it is, it has to be controlled. But what you really need is to know what that is. You think you'll feel better once you know the species, so you can do some research and have some peace of mind.
“(Y/N)? Are you there?” Monica shakes your shoulder lightly, dragging you out of your thoughts. “You look a little pale. Are you feeling alright?”
“Yup. I was just thinking.” You all give a few steps forward when the line for the ferris wheel move.
“I know who you were thinking about,” Christopher says, his arm around Monica's shoulders. “He's coming, by the way.” He tilts his head towards something behind you, and you immediately turn on your heels, and the familiar burning on your stomach hits.
You can't help but smile to see him, walking among the sea of people, eyes fixed on you. It's ok to look now, right? You're dating, you're living together. And Billy looks so... Gorgeous. Hot. Awesome. He's wearing his black leather jacket and a dark blue shirt underneath, which is unbuttoned.
“Hey, princess.” His smile makes your legs weak as he pulls you into a kiss.
“Hey, handsome,” you mutter when you pull away, a hand on the exposed part of his chest. “Haven't you ever heard of buttons, Hargrove?”
“Yeah, but I don't think they're necessary.” He winks and you bite your lip.
“I think I agree,” you whisper before finally turning back to your friends. And, of course, they're all staring with wide eyes. Monica is the only one who knows you're dating. “So, guys... Billy and I.” You mutter, blushing lightly and moving again. You're next in line.
“I knew it!” Jason exclaims, high-fiving Monica. “I knew it, from the beginning.”
“I didn't. I mean... Billy is... Or was...” Christopher struggles with the words, gesturing at Billy and you. “Well it doesn't matter, does it? Congratulations.”
“Careful, Chris. Remember what happened to David last time.” Monica warns him, a smirk on her face.
“Next.” The old man calls and you move.
“Couples first,” Monica says, pulling you and Billy ahead of the others. The car only fits two, so you and Billy go alone.
As you move up, you look down, taking in the amazing view the ferris wheel provides. Billy has an arm around your shoulders, and you lay your head on his shoulder.
“You're quiet. What happened? You sounded very excited about the fair.” Billy asks, placing a kiss on your hair.
You don't want to tell him why you're restless, not today. “I was. I am.” You stutter a little, clearing your throat.
“Are you afraid of heights?”
“No.” You breathe out, cursing yourself for worrying him. “I'm happy, I truly am and this is... This is beautiful and being here with you just makes everything better.” Looking up, you pull him into a kiss, taking in his amazing scent, from the cologne you love so much. “I'm alright, trust me,” you reassure him when we break the kiss.
“(Y/N), you were very, very loud earlier. You literally threw water on me. You can't possibly think I wouldn't notice you acting weird.” Billy keeps his index finger on your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes.
You really wish he could let it go because you don't want to ruin the night, but don't want to lie either. “I just saw something in the woods, but I'm sure it's nothing.” You try hard to keep the fear away from your voice, to keep it casual.
“Was it the same thing you saw the other time?” He asks, the expression on his face changing. It seems that you don't need to ask Billy to believe on what you saw. He does. You have no idea why or how, but it looks like he does. “The same thing James said he saw?”
“Yeah... Two of them. Running, keeping up with the car.” Your voice cracks by the end, as the image comes back to your mind. It's almost surreal that you're so scared of what's probably just some kind of animal. “It's stupid. I'm a big city girl, I'm not used to living this close to the woods.”
“It's not stupid.” He assures you, pecking your lips. “We'll check it out tomorrow, ok?”
“We should tell the police. What if it starts attacking people in the daylight?”
“It won't,” Billy states, not a single hint of doubt in his voice.
“What do you mean it won't? Do you know what it is? Is it nocturnal?” The words come out fast. If he knows what it is, why didn't he tell you on the first time? Billy looks away, taking a deep breath. “Billy?”
“I'll need you to trust me in this, (Y/N).” His voice is different, urgent, deep. Of course you trust him, how could you not?
“I do,” you say in a low voice. “You know I do. Is something going on that I don't know about?” As you speak, your time is over and you're back on the ground. Billy takes your hand and start walking away from the ferris wheel.
“I promise I'll tell you everything. But not here, and not today.” You both stop, and Billy cups your face. “For now, let's us just... Enjoy the moment. How does that sound?”
Taking a deep breath, you nod. It was the plan from the beginning, so you might as well stick to it. “Alright.”
“Come, I'll introduce you to my friends.”
Billy guides you through the fair, holding your hand. His friends are on the Northside, where parking is exclusive for the employees. But you don't think they care. You only know Tommy and Carol, the other two guys and the girl you only know from afar. When they recognize Billy, Tommy raises his hand and waves.
“You'll hate them.” Billy warns.
“Let me be the judge of that,” you whisper as you approach the guys.
“What's up, Billy,” Tommy says, smiling. “...And who's that?”
Of cours they're staring at you. Why would you even hope otherwise? You're not only the new girl, but now you're also the one who actually got Billy Hargrove. People won't just look. They'll stare. “This is (Y/N), my girlfriend,” Billy says and you wave at them. “(Y/N), these are Tommy, Carol, Ryan, Buck, and Emily.”
“Hi. It's nice to meet you, guys.” You simply say, involuntary moving closer to Billy when you notice Ryan's eyes lingering on you.
“Girlfriend? Are you kidding me?” Carol asks, giggling. “I knew you two were hanging out but dating? I must admit I didn't see that coming.”
“Why didn't you introduce her to us earlier, Billy?” Ryan mutters, taking a sip from his can. “Is she too... Pure to hang out with us?”
“Actually, yes,”
“And have you started corrupting her already?" Ryan flashes a smile, and it makes you feel uncomfortable. You can see when his eyes move through your body, up and down, his smile only widening. “Why don't you give me your number, sweetie? I can call when Billy boy here is done with you.”
“Don't you–”
“Do you happen to have Billy's number?” You ask, raising your voice and placing a hand on Billy's chest to stop him from moving. Ryan raises an eyebrow and nods, a big interrogation on his face. “Good. Then you already have my number.”
He bursts into a laugh, furrowing his eyebrows. “Nice one. You could just say no, though.”
“It's not a joke.” Smiling, you feel Billy's arms encircling your waist.
“Wait. Are you two living together or something?” Emily gestures at you and then at Billy, and you feel when he nods. “Shit, it's true then. You're pregnant.” She stands up straight, wide eyes.
“I knew it.” Tommy states.
“That again.” Rolling your eyes, you shake your head lightly. “I'm not pregnant. We're just–”
“Living together,” Billy states, his voice making it clear there will be no further explanation.
Everyone, basically at the same time, gasps, giggles, and Ryan spits out his drink. “Holy shit, Billy. Can't believe you're keeping this one. But this whole innocent act she has going on is very alluring, I must admit.”
“Want me to beat him up a little?” Billy whispers in your ear, and you can hear the anger building up. And you didn't like what Ryan said anyway.
“I did say I wouldn't stop you on the next time so be my guest,” you whisper back, shrugging your shoulders. Who are you to intervene if Billy wants to use his friend as a punching bag?
You give a step back when Billy moves, straight towards Ryan who has the decency of raising both his hands in defeat. “C'mon, Billy. You wouldn't hurt me because of one of your cows, would you? She's just–” Ryan is cut short by a hard punch on his stomach, which makes him bend over and forces the air out of his lungs.
“I would just–” Billy pulls him up again by the collar of his shirt, his fist then connecting to his jaw. “–warn you but–” A kick this time, on the ribs. “–you just can't keep your damn mouth shut, can you?” Billy pushes him violently, and Ryan stumbles down, blood all over his nose and mouth. “I believe my point is made.” He turns to look at the others and you do the same, just now noticing your eyes were fixed on the fight. If you can even call this a fight.
“No screwing with your girl,” Tommy states, exchanging a wide-eyed glance with Carol. “Got it.”
“Let's go, (Y/N).” Billy fixes his jacket and takes your hand. “Want some cotton candy?”
He is acting as if he didn't just leave a bleeding Ryan lying on the ground. “Yeah,” you mumble, raising an eyebrow at his smirk. Billy starts walking, not bothering to wave goodbye at his friends. “Just because I didn't like them it doesn't mean you can't hang out with them. I want to make this very clear.” You have to say it. In a relationship, a person shouldn't try to control who the other hangs out with.
“You're an angel, you know that? The other girls had me for one night and already wanted to control what I–” He stops talking suddenly, shaking his head slightly.
“What? You can say it, I made peace with whatever you did before.” As you speak, you start pulling him on a different direction. This parking lot is outside of the fair, so you're near the back of the attractions. A place gets your attention. It's a bit dark, but there's this blue and purple light, enough to illuminate it just a little bit.
“I know, but I shouldn't compare you to–. Where are you going?”
Not bothering to answer, you just start pulling him harder. “There.”
“I might like where this is going.”
“Jerk,” you mumble, smiling to find that whatever attraction this is, the back is shaped like an L, which gives you a perfect corner to hide. So you move to the very back of it. “Thank you again,” you say, turning around and walking backwards until your back hits the metal wall.
“For what?”
“For defending my honor. It's the second time and now I can thank you better than I did on the first time.” Of course, he already has that smirk on his face. The one you used to hate, that you used to be scared of because it made you feel... Weird. “I–”
The words get caught in your throat when Billy picks you up suddenly, both his hands grabbing your legs and placing them around his waist. You immediately wrap your arms around his neck to steady yourself, giggling. “For the height issue.”
“The height is not an issue,” you tell him, the blue and purple lights illuminating his face enough for you to take in his features. They're already memorized, burned in your brain, but you still like to look. “It's good to be on the same level though.”
“Mhm.” He mumbles and you close your eyes when you feel his lips brushing on yours.
You're used to the burning sensation, the sweet butterflies on your stomach as the anticipation kicks in.
On the moment his lips connect with yours, the amazing, breathtaking sensation is clouded by a groan. A... Growl. Billy pulls away immediately, letting you down. “What was that?” you ask, suddenly aware of the woods across the parking lot.
“Stay here, I–” Another snarl, low and guttural, and then you see it.
The thing comes from behind a large truck, some feet away. You're frozen at the sight. Now you can see it, clearly. And it's not an animal.
It has no fur, just blue, wet skin... And no face. You were right. James was right...
“(Y/N),” Billy calls, but you don't move. “(Y/N), c'mon.”
The thing moves slowly, and you have no idea how, but it knows you're here. It's looking straight at you and Billy, despite having no eyes. You're trying to make your body move, to send any signals to your legs, but it's useless.
Its face starts moving, all of it. You feel Billy grabbing your hand, a distant, numb feeling. Then, the animal's head opens up, and an unnatural growl emerges from its throat at the same moment you're pulled. You don't know how but your legs start working, and you're suddenly running, as fast as you can, back inside the fair. But you feel hunted, pursued. You're among the people again, but Billy keeps running, you don't know where. You can't think. Maybe you're going crazy, but you're pretty sure Billy saw it too. He wouldn't be running if he didn't, right?
“(Y/N),” Billy cups your face, and only then you notice you stopped. The sea of people move around you, but you can't really see it. “Listen. I need you to help me find Maxine. Or any of her friends. Ok?”
You simply nod, taking a deep breath and trying to get yourself back together. “Maxine,” you repeat, clenching your fists. “Or the boys. Alright. But n-no separating to look.” You burst out the last part, holding the collar of his jacket.
“No, we'll stay together. I just need you to–”
“Billy!” A low yell almost lost among the noises reaches you. You both turn your heads at the same time to find Max running, pushing people out of her way. She's with the boys, and someone older. “We gotta go. Now.” She says once she's close.
“The Demodogs are back.” Dustin cuts Billy off, his voice getting all funny again. But you don't laugh this time. You're too scared to laugh.
“(Y/N)? Are you ok?” Max asks, and you don't know what to say.
You're feeling sick. There are too many people here, and that thing is out there... What if it starts attacking? There are kids here, toddlers... You feel your body failing, and a strong arm encircles your waist.
“My place. Everyone. Now.” Billy commands as you struggle to stand up, hiding your face on his chest.
Is there any possibility you're having a nightmare?
Because these... These things don't just happen. It doesn't exist, not in real life. It belongs only to sci-fi or horror movies.
Billy has a hand on your knee as you ride shotgun in his car, not listening to whatever Max, Lucas, and Dustin are talking about on the backseat. You're waiting to wake up, you think. Trying to shake the image of that thing's head opening up like it's been sliced apart. You feel how your hands are shaking when you touch your face, trying hard no cry out of desperation.
“Hey,” Billy says in a low voice. “Remember when I told you to trust me?”
Nodding, you dry off the stubborn tears before looking at him. “We'll fix this. I promise you.”
“How? How do we–”
“We'll tell you everything,” Lucas says, cutting in. “I mean, she saw it. She has to know, right?”
“Right. But your brain may explode, so be prepared.” Max touches your shoulder, but you can't understand why they seem so... Calm about this. They're worried, but not deadly, ultimately scared. How in the hell is that possible that you're the only one here on the verge of losing your damn mind?
“Let's get inside,” Billy says when we stop by his place. “And wait for the others.”
You can barely feel your body as you walk to the house. Billy remains by your side on the couch as the boys stay in the kitchen. The low chattering is unlistenable.
“How are you feeling, princess?”
“I don't know how to answer that. I just say a very weird dog cracking its head open.” Running a hand through your hair, you close your eyes shut. “It's about that lab, isn't it? This whole thing smells like some screwed up experiment that went wrong.”
“The truth is actually a lot worse than that.” As he speaks, the door opens and you jump back to your feet, breathing out relieved when you see it's just the rest of the guys. And three more people, about your age.
Everyone gathers around in the living room and you go back to your place beside Billy. It's creepy the way they all keep staring at you, exchanging glances.
“(Y/N), these are Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan. They're part of our party when it comes to... This.” Max starts, and the three of them nod and give you a little wave. “There are also Robin, Hopper, the chief of police and Joy, Will's mom, but they won't get here in time so... Let's just do this.”
Maxine takes the deepest breath, but when you think she'll start speaking, she doesn't.
“I swear to God I'll lose my freaking mind if one of you don't start explaining to me what the hell is going on here because I just saw some–some sick, zombie, dead dog with no face and the head just opened up like one of those carnivorous plants and I'm sure something is very, very wrong and–”
“Alright, I'll do it.” Eleven speaks up, stepping forward and gesturing for Billy to stand up. She takes his place, looking down at her hands before looking at you. “Ready for the strangest story you'll ever hear?”
@chloe-skywalker @dpaccione @dreamin-of-dacre @funeral-7 @uncookspaget @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @halloweenbitch2764 @redlovett @multific @shinydixon @nikkixostan @clockworkballerina
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rocksandrobots · 4 years
Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 28 - The Club
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Once again just a friendly warning that this episode features and discusses teenage drinking
Varian stumbled out of bed and yawned. He looked at the clock and noticed the time. 6:30. Shoot! He was suppose to be up before six!
He threw on some clothes and rushed down stairs to the cafe.
Hiro and Aunt Cass were already down there setting up for the day.
"Sorry.. I slept in." He apologized. "Why didn't anybody wake me?"
"Oh well, I figured you could use the sleep. Besides it's only thirty after. Sit down and have some breakfast." Aunt Cass placed a couple of egg sandwiches on the table along with a cup of coffee and a cup of orange juice and encouraged the two boys to have a seat. While they both ate, Aunt Cass blithely carried on the conversation.
"So how did last night go?"
Varian eyed Hiro who glared at him over his sandwich but didn't say anything. "It went great actually. I even met someone while there."
"Oooh, that's wonderful sweetie. I'm so happy that you're making friends."
"Her name's Carol and she's a freshmen at the Art Institute. She just moved here from Mississippi, so she's new in town like I am."
"Oh, so she's what, 17... 18?"
"I..I honestly don't know. I didn't think to ask. But she invited me to another party tonight. If it's okay, I thought I might go. I could find out then."
"Another party?" Aunt Cass raised an eyebrow. It was a holiday weekend sure, but it was unusual to get invited to two parties in two days.
"Yeah, it's Jessica's birthday. She's Carol's friend and another person I met at the art school. They're all going to some restaurant to go dancing at. I forgot the name of the place, but Carol was going to text me directions if I could make it."
Aunt Cass thought a moment about it and then nodded along. "Well okay, just let me know where and text me when you get there. Also, once again, try not to stay out too late."
"Wait." Hiro interjected. He couldn't believe the ease with which Varian lied, nor could he believe that the other teen had just tricked Aunt Cass into letting him go out again to another wild party. He considered telling the truth right then and there, but the angry glare from Varian reminded Hiro of their argument last night and how Varian held dirt over himself as well. So he came up with an excuse instead. "I...I thought you wanted us all to spend more time together this weekend?"
"Well there's still Sunday tomorrow." Aunt Cass answered. "Why don't we have family movie night again? What do ya say? We could go out to the theater and catch a new release. I think their playing some sort of superhero movie this week."
The boys exchanged awkward glances but in the end agreed. Neither were ready to include Aunt Cass into their current feud. Besides she looked so happy at the thought of them all going out and spending time together as a family, that they just didn't have the heart to disappoint her.
They finished breakfast and Hiro left to meet with the rest of the gang. Varian however stayed to help with the cafe as promised.
"You know," Aunt Cass said while they washed up the morning dishes together. "I know it's only been a month, but I want you to know that we're all so glad to have you here. It hasn't been the easiest thing in the world readjusting, I know, but things are really working out; you're making friends, you and Hiro are really coming together here lately, and most of all you make our family just a little bit bigger and a whole lot happier just by being here."
She placed a loving hand on his shoulder, and Varian felt his heart drop at those worlds. He still didn't feel like he fit in here with the Hamadas and his relationship with Hiro had only degraded over this past week, which was already rocky enough to begin with. But Aunt Cass was so loving and hopeful that Varian only felt guilty for not measuring up to her ideals.
He gave her a small smile but deep down he couldn't wait to get out of here and back to another party. One where no one really knew who he was nor cared. Where he could drown out his intrusive thoughts and self doubt with a stiff drink.
"He went to the frat party?" Honey Lemon asked in worry.
Hiro was with the rest their friends at Joe's Dinner, recounting his argument with Varian last night.
"And you're sure he'd been drinking?" Gogo also asked with a frown.
"He said so himself and he smelt like beer when he came in." Hiro confirmed.
Gogo's eyes narrowed but she didn't say anything further.
"So what did you do?" Wasabi asked.
"Nothing. I..I wasn't sure how to tell Aunt Cass." Hiro looked around at his group of friends who were all giving him judgemental stares. "Look, I was still in my armor, alright. It was past midnight, and Varian had a point when he said that he covered for us all the time."
"You mean he covered for you ." Fred pointed out. "You're the one hiding your superheroing from Aunt Cass."
Hiro heaved a sigh, but Wasabi added his own opinion before he could offer up a defense. "You should have told her. Both about the drinking and about you being in big hero six. She's going to find out someday anyways and the longer you put it off the worst it's going to be."
Hiro cast his eyes downward unable to come up with a retort to that.
"Where's Varian now?" Gogo asked.
"Working at the Lucky Cat and after that he's going to another party."
"Another one?" Honey Lemon interjected.
"Someone he met at the other party invited him to go dancing tonight. He convinced Aunt Cass that it was just innocent birthday party." Hiro explained.
Everyone exchanged worried looks.
"You need to tell Aunt Cass." Gogo insisted.
"No, wait." Hiro pleaded. "Look, maybe we can handle this ourselves. Varian won't listen to me, but he might listen to all of you. Then there'd be no reason to involve Aunt Cass in any of this."
"And if he doesn't listen?" Fred asked.
"Hiro, why are you so against just letting an adult handle this?" Wasabi added.
"Look, Tadashi would go after him. He'd be there to help and try to reason with him, not be a snitch."
Hiro's explanation only elected more worried glances.
"And did it ever occur to you that Tadashi wasn't always in the right?" Gogo asked.
"What do you mean?" Hiro asked with trepidation.
Gogo sighed, "Look, we all miss Tadashi. He was a wonderful person… but that doesn't mean didn't make mistakes. Just because he kept trying to bail you out of those bot fights himself doesn't mean he should have."
Hiro had no words for that. Never in a million years would he have questioned Tadashi's methods. If it wasn't for his brother he would still have been bot fighting, and would have either been hurt or in juvie right now if not for trying to reach out to him.
He searched Gogo's eyes questioningly before she heaved a sigh in frustration and relented. "Fine. Where is this party?"
"I don't know. We'll probably have to just follow him; catch him before he gets there."
"Then I propose we suit up." Fred said. "To the headquarters!"
Varian stood in line to get into Monroe's with Carol and the rest of her friends. He'd had rushed to find Jessica a birthday card and a small gift and met them all at the restaurant right around nine. Only the restaurant, wasn't a restaurant, it was called a 'club' instead. There was still food and drink to be had, but the real reason folks came here was to dance, and Varian could hear the loud thumping music even from where he stood outside.  
"Must be a really popular place." He shouted to Carol over the music and other party goers. "I don't see how we'll be able to dance with such a crowd."
Carol laughed "Yeah, Monroe's like the hottest spot in town. But there'll be room, the line just makes it look more crowded than it is."
Varian looked up ahead and spotted a large man at the front of the line. People were handing him cards or flashing their wallets towards him. Upon inspecting the cards he would then let them in through the door.
"What's he doing?" Varian asked.
Carol looked at him in surprise. "Checking I.D. They don't let you into the club unless you can prove your 21. That way they don't have to check everybody who wants to buy a drink inside."
Varian's heart stopped. No one here knew his actual age he realized. At the last party it didn't seem to matter so he hadn't brought it up, but here he'd be found out and no doubt made to look the fool all because he didn't meet some abritay requirement.
"I...I don't think they'll let me in then." Varian admitted to the girl.
"Why not?"
"Well, I haven't a license yet, and.." Varian was going to admit the truth but Carol interrupted.
"Oh, cause you just moved here." She nodded her head as if she had just figured out his problem. "Well you have some other sort of ID don't you? A passport or a visa?"
"Yeah I have both those things, but you don't understand.."
Carol placed a hand on his chest to stop him. "Don't worry boo. We got you. We'll make sure you get in." She gave him a smile and a wink.
"Wouldn't be first time we snuck someone in." Jake put in.
"It wouldn't?"
Jessica laughed. "You think we're all 21 one? I mean I am, it's my birthday, but I wasn't always. Besides it's a dumb law anyways."
"If you're old enough to vote and join the army, you should be old enough to drink." Another one of Carol's friends, Daryl, interceded.
Everyone in the group seemed to be in agreement with this sentiment and Varian relaxed just a little bit. Though only a little. He wasn't necessarily voting age either.
"There's no age laws in Corona. Everybody drinks." Varian added.
"That's right, Europe doesn't have the same laws as we do." Carol said as if only just now considering the difference.
"I went to Germany once." Mary said; she was Daryl's girlfriend. "I was in high school and was able to get into a bar no problem. They just don't care over there."
"I'd love to visit Europe someday." Carol said, changing the subject. "I think Ireland would be a cool place to visit."
"I'd like to see Spain." Jessica threw her opinion in. "Would you take me see Spain baby?" She asked of Jake teasingly.
"Sure, if you got a couple of thousands of dollars lying around." Jake joked.
This elected more laughter from the small group of poor college students, and Varian's worry began to wane. Only to kick back up once they reached the front of the line. Panicked he dug into his pocket and pulled out the fake passport that Professor Granville had given him.
"What's this?" The bouncer at the door said incredulously.
"It's a passport." Carol said forcefully before Varian could answer. "Ain't you ever seen a passport before?"
"It's not even in English." The guard threw back annoyed and he flipped the booklet around to show off the I.D.
"Well of course not." Carol rolled her eyes. "It's in Russian. He's from Russia."
"Ok, prove it. Say hello in Russian." The bouncer clearly didn't believe them.
"Um.. privyet?" Varian answered hesitantly. It was a bit of a loaded question as there was more than one way to say hello in Russian, but Varian defaulted to the more informal greeting as it's what he and his dad would use most often.
The guard raised an eyebrow still not convinced.
"I also have my visa and college I.D. if you want that instead." Varian offered helpfully as he pulled out his wallet. He didn't think it'd be enough to let him in but better to be cooperative then to start a fight.
Just then Daryl from behind them yelled, "Hey, what's the hold up!?"
The bouncer took a look at the long line spiraling behind them and rolled his eyes while heaving a frustrated sigh. He didn't have time for this. "Fine." He said as he handed back the passport. "Go on in."
"Thanks." Varian mumbled as he took the I.D. back. He couldn't believe that had just worked.
"Yeah!" Carol added and then stopped to ask Varian in a whisper. "Uh, how do you say thanks in Russian?"
"Spasibo." Varian replied.
"Yeah, Spasibo!" Carol called back to the security guard in very bad mispounation of the word before they headed into the club.
"He's already left. We just missed him." Hiro said as he hung up the phone.
The gang huddled upon a rooftop across the street from the Lucky Cat. They had wanted to catch Varian while he was leaving, but it seemed like they were too late.
"Did your aunt say where he went?" Gogo asked.
"No, and I couldn't figure out a way to ask her without raising suspicion."
"Why not just call him instead?" Honey Lemon suggest. "Ask him himself where he's at and tell him we want to meet up."
"I doubt he'd want to talk to me" Hiro sighed.
"I'm on it." Wasabi said, but after several rings the call went to voicemail.
"Now what?" Fred asked.
"Looks like we'll just have to track him down the old fashioned way." Hiro said as he walked over to Baymax and mounted the robot. "Let's go."
Everyone dispersed to look for the wayward teen.
"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" The merry group chanted as Varian and Jessica competed to see who could finish a whole pint of beer first. The others having given up the challenge before hand. They were neck and neck but the birthday girl sputtered with laughter at the last minute and Varian scored the win. He slammed the empty mug on the the table with a wide grin as the rest of the gang applauded.
"Ok, you win," Jessica conceded. "But beer is easy. I'd like to see you try that with some hard stuff, like whiskey or tequila."
"I don't know what tequila is, but your on!" Varian shouted over the den of noise.
The club was dark and smoky, with the only light coming from the flashing strobe globe twirling above the dance floor. Music blared a thumping beat that resonated in your chest and patrons crowded around to dance, drink, and make out. The little group had taken up a small round table off in the corner so as the better hear each other talk, but even then one had to half yell to be heard.
"Hey, can we get some shots over here?" Jake called to a waitress, then he turned to Varian and said, "Okay, you wanna play? We'll do a round of shots. Most down the hatch wins. Loser pays for the drinks."
"Deal" Varian agreed.
The waitress brought a tray of shots and Varian eyed the small glasses smugly. You could down one in a single gulp. This would be easy he thought. Only to nearly lose with the first sip alone. Whatever this tequila was, it was stronger than either ale or wine and burned the back of his throat as it went down. He finished the drink and tried to suppress a cough.
"Not as easy as you thought it was, hun?" Jake smiled as he picked up his second glass.
Varian however was not one to give up easily, and besides he really didn't want to blow through all of his hard earned money in one night. So he steeled himself and grabbed another shot, and then a another, and another.
On the fourth shot Varian saw Jake starting to slow, his face becoming red from alcohol. Varian too was becoming lightheaded but he pressed on and nabbed his fifth drink. He didn't notice if Jake had drunk his fifth yet or not, he was too focused on winning, but as he reached for the sixth he heard the other guy call out defeat.
"Okay, okay! You win!"
Varian flashed a grin and drunk the sixth anyway in celebration; just to rub it into other college kid's face. This last glass he also slammed hard upon the table in victory as the tiny crowd around him cheered.
Jake pulled out his wallet to pay the tab, both annoyed and begrudgingly impressed that he had lost.
"You're like the scrawniest guy alive; where do you put it all?" Daryl asked incredulously.
Varian shrugged his shoulders as he had no real answer to give.
"Well let's take a break from the booze for a while." Carol interceeded. "I mean we came here to dance after all. That is if you boys can still stand after all that."
She tugged on Varian's sleeve and pulled him to the dance floor and the rest of group followed after them.
Varian stood in the middle of the floor at a lost of what to do. He wasn't a bad dancer persay, but he didn't know any American steps and he doubted any of the more traditional folk dances that he knew would fit with this type of music.
"So..how does this dance go?" He shouted Carol above the music.
She laughed, "Anyway you want it to. Just feel the music." She swayed her hips in time to the beat to give him an idea.
Varian figured he would look silly doing that, it was clearly more of a move for women, but he did see most of the men jumping up and down and so he tried this in time with the music.  
"Yeah, that's right! You got it!" Carol encouraged as she slid closer to him.
"Any luck?" Gogo asked Hiro as the gang gathered on top of a building in the middle of downtown.  
Embolden, he grabbed her hand and gave her a twirl. This enlightened more laughter and they both broke down into giggles before carrying on with their dance.
"Baymax found an energy reading similar to Varian's close by, but it's fuzzy. He's probably in one of the buildings around here, but there's like eight or more clubs just on this street." Hiro explained.
"Well we can probably go in and check while you can stay out here and keep an eye on things." Honey Lemon suggested.
"Yeah, but there's no guarantee they'd let any of us in either." Fred pointed out."None of us are over 21."
"Look maybe we're over reacting here?" Wasabi offered optimistically. "What makes you think Varian could of snuck into any of these places? The kid still looks like he's twelve and he doesn't even have a driver license. Or it could even be that he was telling the truth about it being an innocent birthday par...."
He paused mid-thought as they heard a familiar laugh coming from the street below.
"I have found Varian." Baymax said, stating the obvious as they all peered over the roof to see their friend drunkenly walk out of one of the clubs across the street. He was with a short girl with a dark curly afro and they were giggling over something as they made their way towards the bus stop nearby.
"Or he could be stumbling out of a bar with a drunk girl hanging on his arm." Wasabi corrected himself, clearly disappointed.
Honey Lemon frowned. "I know her...she's in the sorority at SFAI."
"Carol." Gogo confirmed. She had been dragged to the occasional makeup party there, by Honey Lemon herself no less. "But she's a freshman. No way she's old enough to be drinking either."
"Peer pressure can often persuade people into partaking in unsafe activities." Baymax stated as he launched into his health education protocols. "If someone is pressuring you into doing something that you don't feel is safe; say no and walk away..."
"Uh, yes, Baymax. We know." Hiro informed the robot.
"So do we go down there now to talk to him, ooorrrr..." Fred asked, but the arrival of the bus answered for him. Varian and the girl boarded the public transport before anyone could to do anything.
They all exchanged worried and exasperated looks with each other before taking off to follow the tram.
Varian stood in the middle of the bus holding on to one of the center poles. He and Carol were the only two occupants aboard besides the driver, and he could have sat down anywhere, but he was beginning to feel woozy from all the alcohol and standing upright helped to keep him balanced.
Carol however decided to sit down. She sat across from him with her face in the palm of her hand and her eyes sleepily staring out at nothing in particular.
"Do you have to work tomorrow too?" She asked suddenly, breaking the quiet.
"Uh..not sure. Probably. I usually work weekends. Either way though, I know my aunt has been talking about us all spending some 'quality family time' together all weekend long."
Carol smiled. "Responsible, family man, a great dancer, it's a wonder you're still single."
Varian blushed but laughed off her comment. "Responsible? Me? Yeah, no…..but family does mean a lot to me and I did promise Aunt Cass, soooo, sorry I had to bail out early again. But you know, you could have stayed at the party without me."
Carol shrugged. "Eh, I was about done anyways. The guys are fun to hang out with and all, but after awhile you start to feel like a fifth wheel, ya know?"
"Yeah, I know how that feels like." Varian agreed dryly.
"But you do know you didn't have to escort me home right?" Carol added with a laugh.
"I know, I just, I wanted to make sure you got home safe."
"Ever the true gentlemen, hun?"
Her smile grew wider and Varian couldn't tell if she was teasing or flirting. He rubbed the back of his head self-consciously. He was beginning to like this new girl, but he wasn't always the best at picking up social cues and he didn't want to ruin anything by being presumptuous.
"Well, I don't know about that, but looking out for one another is just what friends do, right?"
Carol looked surprised by that comment. "I..I guess…I have a hard time picturing Jake or Daryl doing anything so chivalrous through."
She snickered at that, but Varian tilted his head in confusion.  
"But I thought you guys were friends?"
"Oh don't get me wrong, they're good people and all, it's just all we do is hang out at parties sometimes. I don't expect them to like loan me money or come and bail me out of the slammer or anything. We ain't that close."
She sounded nonchalant but Varian nevertheless grew concerned.
"Then who is?" He asked.
Carol was caught off guard by that question.
"Who do you call when you need help?" He clarified.
She opened her mouth to answer, but no sound came out and she just as quickly closed it again. They awkwardly stared at each other for a few moments before the bus came to a stop in front of the SFAI campus. Carol quickly got up and hurried off the tram. Varian rushed after her.
"I'm sorry! Did I say something wrong?"
She didn't answer him but instead started to storm up the front porch steps in front of the sorority house.
"Look, I didn't mean to offend you." He called after. "I..I just…"
He trailed off and she paused on the stair. She didn't turn to face him, but the very fact that she was no longer running away encouraged him to try again.
"Look, I just, I know what it's like to be on your own, and I know how hard it is to move someplace where you don't really know anybody and nothings familiar and you don't feel like you always fit in. I.. I just meant that if you ever needed someone, for anything, you could call me...you know, if..if you wanted to.. that is."
She finally turned to look at him with that admission. There was a pout on her face and tears threatened to spill from her eyes, but she tried to make a joke instead to distract from this.
"You know most folks don't talk like you do." She half heartedly laughed. "You sound like a character out of a cheap rom-com."
He offered her a small smile. "Eh, well, what can I say? I am Russian remember."
They broke down into soft giggles at that.
"You wanna come inside and grab a coffee?" She asked after there laughter had subsided.
"Oh, I'd love to, buuuut it's after one. I should probably get going soon." He declined.
"Well alright, but you have my number, so don't be a stranger." She said before giving him a wink and another of her charming smiles.
She waved him goodbye before heading inside. Varian waved back and then turned to leave, only to be confronted by the rest of his friends waiting for him at the bus stop.
They were dressed in their armor and stood there glaring at him sternly.
"Hey...guys.." Varian slowly said, confused as to why they were here."What's going on?"
"We could ask you the same thing." Gogo replied.
"Uh...well, I'm heading home from a party, soooo..." He made to leave, fully ready to just walk to the next stop instead of hanging around for yet another argument, but Wasabi placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
"Do have any idea what an incredibly stupid thing you just did today?" His friend asked.
Varian cast him an angry pout and back-peddled away defensively. He stumbled a little, still feeling tipsy from the tequila, but righted himself before falling.
"You can barely even stand up." Wasabi admonish, further driving home his point.
Varian huffed in frustration and threw an accusing glare at Hiro. He was getting really tired of everyone judging him and he rightly guessed that the other boy had dragged their other friends into this. However before he could respond, Gogo laid into him instead.
"You broke your promise."
Varian's stomach dropped as he realized that, yes, he had indeed went back on his word about not trying to purchase alcohol. Yet, he still wasn't ready to admit fault. Who were they to act so high and mighty? It was just a few drinks? It wasn't like he had hurt anybody.
"So what's it to you?" He threw back."It's not like what I do affects any of you. Me going to a party now and then doesn't harm anyone."
"B..but you could get hurt." Honey Lemon timidly said.
Varian looked at her confused. What did she mean hurt? It was just a party.
"You snuck into a club at sixteen with bunch of strangers." Fred explained. "Like that's just ain't safe, man."
"Fred's right," Wasabi added, "anything could have happened to you in there and we wouldn't have known."
And for the first time, Varian started to actually feel guilty as he realized just how worried his friends were for him. However his defensiveness kicked back up when Hiro added his two cents.
"You need to stop and think about what you're doing first. You can't just keep jumping into situations without…"
" Oh knock it off!" Varian interrupted. "I am sick and and tired of everyone telling me what I can and can't do! I've been on my own since I was fourteen! I know how to take care of myself, alright!"
"No you don't." Gogo pushed back. "You know how to survive, and I hate that you had to, but that's not the same thing as actually being mature. Now just stop and come with us; we're taking you home."
She reached out to grab hold of Varian's sleeve and to pull him along, but Varian wouldn't comply. He wasn't entirely sure what happened next, in his addled state, but she pulled in one direction and he tugged his arm away in another. Either her blades rolled out from under her or he didn't realize his own strength, but either way Gogo wound up lying flat on the ground after their struggle.
Everyone froze in shock and Varian felt his heart race as his anger turned into alarm and shame.
"Gogo!" Honey Lemon rushed to her friend's side to help her up. "Are you alright?"
Gogo refused the help however. Instead she gave Varian a hurtful and angry glare as she picked herself off the ground. His breath shallowed as he waited for her to go off again, but all she did was shake her head at him, turned around, and then skated away.
That was somehow even worse than a lecture.
Honey Lemon followed after her.
"Dude, what is wrong with you!?" Hiro reprimanded and all Varian could do was look at him with wide eyes. What was wrong with him?
"I...I...I don't know!" He choked." I just...I just wanted to forget… just for a little awhile. Forget that I'm...I'm.. b-broken."
"And how does this help?" Wasabi asked, and Varian had no answer.
"Look, I know you've been through some really messed up stuff." Wasabi continued. "More than most people ever will, and I'm sorry you had to go through that, but you can't keep on like this." He sighed in defeat. "Come and gets us when your ready to actually deal with things." And then he too turned and started to walk off.
Fred cast worried glances between Varian and the direction of where their friends were leaving, unsure of what to do. Ultimately, he too turned away and reluctantly made after the rest of the group.
Varian could hardly see through the tears now. They were leaving him. Everyone was leaving him. They always did at some point, and here he had dared to hope things might just be different in this new world. Yet, he had no one to blame but himself.
That's when he noticed Hiro and Baymax still standing there, watching him disquitedly.
"Well, aren't you going to leave too?" He asked accusingly.
Hiro took a moment to find the answer, but when he did he said, "Why should I? We're going to the same place, remember." He held out a hand to Varian. "Come on, Aunt Cass is waiting."
Varian blinked through his tears to see Hiro standing before him with his arm outstretched and a look of concern on his face. Varian's breath quickened and his vision swam. He had felt lightheaded all night and now the added stress of the recent fight only seemed to highlight just how drunk he really was. He was so sure he had been careful, that he hadn't really had that much, but that didn't stop the ground from rushing up to meet him as he fell, nor the darkness enclosing around him as he fainted dead away.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things 2 Fanfic
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Chapter Four- Part Three
   When Phina had gotten home from Steve's house, it was 10 o'clock. And her mother had been waiting for her.
   As soon as the door to the garage had closed behind her, Karen's voice rang out, "where have you been?"
   On the way home, Phina had thought of the perfect lie, and she didn't even look at her mother to deliver it, "Lisle's. We have a chemistry project due tomorrow and we lost track of time."
   "No you weren't," Karen snapped, "I called Lisle, she doesn't even have chemistry this semester. How many times have you used that lie, ten, fifteen? Well I'm done letting it slide, where we're you?"
   "Nowhere important," she replied.
   "Look at me Seraphina," Karen snapped again, "do I look like I'm in the mood for this?"
   Phina's head snapped towards her mothers, "and do I look to be in the mood for this!"
   Karen instantly saw the redness to her daughters eyes, the puffiness. Her daughter had been crying, a lot. Karen was in shock, Phina hardly ever cried, ever. The last time she did, was when they thought Will Byers had died.
   "Phina? What happened, are you hurt?" Karen's anger had dissipated as she hurried over to check her daughter for injuries. "Did you crash your bike? What.."
   "I'm fine mom!" Phina pushes her mothers hands off her. "I just want to go to bed."
   The tone of her voice told Karen that she wouldn't get any answers from Phina tonight, but she knew her daughter well, when she was ready, she would.
   "Ok sweety," Karen sighed, "please come get me as soon as you're ready to talk."
   Phina gave her mom a halfhearted smile as she made her way to the stairs. The weight of the day pressed down on her, so heavy that she almost crumbled beneath the pressure. She almost didn't make it to her door.
   Phina pushed open the door and stopped. Like her mother had been waiting for her down stairs, Mike was waiting for her on her bed.
   "Where have you been," he asks, sounding exactly like their mother.
   "What are you doing up? You should be in bed, you have school tomorrow," she says.
   "So do you," he fires back, "you ran away earlier."
   He gives her a look, "why? Where did you go?"
   Phina sighs, this is a conversation she wanted to avoid more than the one with her mother. She takes off her shoes and her jacket, taking her sweet time before she has to answer. Mike moves over so she can sit down next to him, turning her body to face him. They watch each other in silence, both of them waiting for the other to speak.
   "I was scared," she finally whispers.
   The look Mike gives her is one of confusion, "why?"
   And the one she gives him is sad, "because I saw the way you all looked at me. Because I looked in each one of your eyes and saw fear, of me. Because I saw what I did. I could have hurt you Mike, I could have hurt all of you. I don't know if I could live with myself if I had."
   Mike's shook his head, "you would never hurt me."
   "Not on purpose," Phina argues, "never on purpose. I lost control Mike. Everyday I find my powers becoming more and more unchecked, and I'm terrified."
   "Stop it," Mike chides her, "if you're scared of yourself, how are you supposed to learn to control it. You can't push it away, that'll just make it worse."
   Phina let her head fall, "what if I can't control it?"
   "You will," Mike argues, "because you are my sister and you never give up, ever. You are the most strong willed person I have ever met and you'll find a way, I know it."
   Phina smiles, "glad to know someone believes in me."
   He smiles back, "of course I do. You're my superhero."
   "And you're mine."
   "Phina? Have you seen your brother..."
   Karen opened the door to find her two kids fast asleep. Mike was cuddled into Phina's side, her arms wrapped around him. They had fallen asleep last night before either could think of getting Mike to his own room.
   Karen smiled at the two, who looked peaceful in sleep. She walked over to the bed and gently started to shake Phina awake.
   "Time to get up hun," she said warmly.
   Phina's eyes slowly blinked open, taking in the blurry image of her mother, "hmmm."
   "Good morning," Karen chuckled.
   "Mornin'," Phina mumbled, poking her brother's side.
   He grumbled something inaudibly and turned over to the other side of the bed, out of Phina's arms.
   "If I have to wake up, so do you," Phina chuckles.
   "Not necessarily," Mike mumbled.
   Karen smiled at the two of them, "well breakfast is almost ready."
   Mike turned his head slightly, "breakfast?"
   "Do you like those grapes Holly," Mike asks.
   Phina and Mike had both gotten ready quickly after their mom had mentioned breakfast. Phina hadn't eaten since yesterday at lunch, so she was starving, and toast with strawberry jam never sounded better.
   Phina was making her toast now, probably a bit more than necessary but, whatever.
   "Hey mom," Nancy said as she stood up, "I was thinking about staying the night at Stacy's tonight? We were gonna have a girls night."
   Nancy came up behind Phina and stole a piece of toast from her.
   "Romantic comedies, do our nails, gossip," Nancy carried on with a little smirk at Phina.
   "Make your own Nance," Phina grumbled halfheartedly.
   "Sure! That sounds fun," Karen said, ignoring Phina.
   Nancy sat down in her spot next to Holly, "toast?"
   Phina whirled around, she was giving Holly the toast she stole from Phina, "really?"
   "You made four pieces of toast," Nancy laughs, "you'll live."
   "You don't know that," Phina jokes, "I could die."
   To say Steve Harrington wasn't focused today was an understatement. He'd been known to the school as King Steve, star basketball player, a womanizer. Well, things changed. And the jean everything wearing, mullet having Billy Hargrove was here to ruin his reputation.
   Steve could vaguely hear the coach yelling but, he wasn't focused on that. He was focused on Hargrove, who had been making a fool out of Steve's team.
   Billy laughs as he gets the ball, again, "all right! All right, all right! King Steve! King Steve everyone, I like it, playing tough today."
   Steve was getting annoyed very quickly, "Jesus! Do you ever stop talking man? Come on!"
   Billy lazily dribbles with one hand, laughing again, "what? You afraid the coach is gonna bench ya now that I'm here? Huh?"
   He suddenly moves forward quickly, not giving Steve any time to prepare. Billy shoulder checks Steve as he runs past him to score. Steve grunts and falls backwards, definitely not the first time he'd been knocked down today.
   A hand reached down in front of him, Billy's. Steve warily grabs it, bad idea. Billy pulls Steve halfway up to him.
   "You were moving your feet," he says, "plant them next time, draw a charge."
   Billy pushes Steve back down roughly, walking over him to get back into the game. Steve couldn't tell if the advice was somewhat friendly, or threatening.
   Steve let the lukewarm water run over his face, trying to somewhat come off the adrenaline from the game.
   "Don't sweat it Harrington," Billy said from his right.
   Steve's annoyance shot through the roof just at his voice. The prick had been showing him up in every way since he got here.
   "Today's just not your day man," he continued.
    "Yeah. Not your week," Tommy butts in, "you and the princess break up for one day, she's already running off with the freaks brother."
Steve gave Tommy an annoyed look.
"Oh shit, you don't know," Tommy chuckles, "Jonathan and the princess skipped yesterday. Still haven't shown. But that must just be a coincidence, right?"
Tommy smirks, "I'm mean, you don't seem to be to beaten up about it, considering Carol saw the Freak of Hawkins leaving your house last night. Switching Wheelers, huh? Classy."
Tommy laughs loudly, annoyingly, as he leaves the showers. Steve glares at him as he goes, starting to shampoo his hair
"Don't take it to hard man," Billy interjects, "a pretty boy like you gots nothing to worry about. Plenty of bitches in the sea."
Billy slowly turns off Steve's shower, "am I right?"
He claps Steve on the shoulder, turning to leave the showers as well, "that Phina chick? That's a real nice catch right there, sad I didn't make it first."
Steve's anger flares at the comment. He harshly turns the water back on, his hand stingy when it makes contact with the metal nob.
Phina walked briskly to her bike after school, wanting to escape the place as quickly as she possibly could. All day she had been hearing little comments about her. She was used to this type of stuff, and had dealt with no shortage of rumors in the past, but this, this was different. People had been making comments about her, and Steve. Someone must have seen her at his house last night, and assumed the worst.
She had also heard little comments about Jon and Nancy, who had not been at school at all today and has apparently skipped yesterday as well. Again, the worst had been assumed. This is why Phina hated this place, because everything you said or did was turned against you.
Phina got to her bike and was out of there in less than five seconds. She flew past people who stared and whispered to each other. The lies that spread between them like wildfire gripped at her, trying to bring her down. She drove to the only place that didn't have the pressure of judgement, where she was happy, the forests.
She went out far, parking her bike behind a few trees so any cars that passed wouldn't see it. Then, she went farther. Walking at least a mile into the trees. With her connection to the forest, she would never get lost, for the trees whispered directions to her.
The stress that plagued her lifted with each step farther.
That is, until she felt it. The sickness that infected the earth around her. It was like she had entered a quarantine zone, the sickness abruptly starting.
Phina turned her confused gaze to the trees, which were turning a strange gray color, some sort of weird liquid seeping from them. She took a step towards the nearest tree, her hand reached out to touch it. It was a gooy substance that made her face scrunch in disgust.
The color, the goo, it was all to familiar. All to like the upside down. It was happening again.
   The sun had faded awhile ago, leaving Phina in the dark. She had followed the path of the disease, which lead back towards town, but not quite. She had left the forest and was now in the farm areas outside of Hawkins. An entire patch of pumpkins had been destroyed by this disease.
   She carefully placed her steps as she walked through the field. The rotten pumpkins were full of that goo and she did not want to get that all over her.
   The sound of an engine in the distance simultaneously drew her in and made her aware that she was trespassing. She drew closer to the noise and a sigh of relief shot through her, it was Hopper.
   In front of the car, was a very large hole, which had dirt flying out of it in small increments of time.
   "Hopper," she asks as she gets closer to the hole, seeing him digging.
   He whirls around, "Phina? What the hell are you doing here?"
   "I could ask you the same thing," she pointed out, "what are you doing?"
   He sighs, "investigating."
   "Does it have something to do with why all my trees are dying," she asks, gesturing around.
   "Possibly," he answers, throwing another shovelful of dirt out of the hole.
   "Why are you digging a hole Hop," she asks.
   He sighs, she wasn't gonna leave without the answers she wanted, "because of Will."
   Phina's heart stops, "is he ok?"
   "He's fine, for the most part," Hopper sighs again, this time, more defeated, "whatever happened to you two yesterday has caused him to, act different. He's been drawing non-stop. I've got a theory, and unless you're gonna pick up a shovel and help you can go on home and wait for me to prove it or not."
   Hopper goes to dig again when he sees it, the goo. He shovels out a little bit of it, looking at it with strange curiosity.
   "What the hell?"
   Phina slowly climbs into the hole, to get a closer look. It seemed like there was a thick layer of this stuff, almost like how a portal to the upside down looked like before it opened. Hopper digs at it again, yelling a little bit as if it'd make him stronger. The small hole opens, some dirt falling through it which meant that there was an opening below it.
   Hopper hits it again and again to make the hole bigger. He looks up at Phina who has curiosity written all over her face.
   "Stay here," he says.
   "No chance in hell," she snaps.
   He'd fought her on a subject like this before, he knew he'd lose, "fine. Wait for me to yell before following."
   He sat down on the ground and slowly went through the hole. Phina looked on worriedly, what was down there. Hopper fell all the way through, giving Phina a heart attack before he yelled for her to go down. Phina lowers into the hole, Hopper helping her down. When she hits the ground, he takes out his flash light and they look all around them.
   "Holy shit," Phina whispers.
-2328 words-
Did y'all like that little Steve pov, good way to introduce the rumors about Steve and Phina, which will have a roll later on.
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rosy-doze · 8 years
I seriously love your gleggie fics. An the fact that you're writing more is like music to my ears. There aren't enough fics in this world that focus on them as the main couple. Was wondering for a prompt if you could do one where Maggie finds out that Glenn can't hold his alcohol.
Where Did You Come From
It was Maggie’s idea to have a big dinner party to celebrate surviving the mess with the Wolves and the walker herd’s invasion. What she hadn’t really realized was that everybody heard ‘dinner party’ and thought ‘alcohol.’ She found it pretty funny that she was the one who came up with the idea and yet was the only one besides Judith who wasn’t able to drink (even Carl was allowed a glass of wine, and he didn’t even seem to like it that much).
Anyways, it was pretty nice seeing everyone let loose a little bit. And alcohol had never been a big part of her life anyways because of her father, so she didn’t really feel like she was missing very much. She tentatively touched a hand to her stomach and smiled. Nope, she wasn’t missing out on anything.
She looked around to see if anyone had noticed her slip-up – she and Glenn were still trying to keep the pregnancy quiet from all but their closest friends. But she didn’t have to worry: she was the only one in the kitchen.
It wasn’t until a few minutes later, as she was standing by the stove and keeping an eye on the simmering stir fry that she realized she wasn’t alone in the room anymore.
Rick had approached her silently; Maggie wasn’t concerned with his presence until he cleared his throat a little, saying, “Uh, Maggie?”
“Yeah, what’s up, Rick?” She asked, still preoccupied with stirring the meal – it had been so long since she’d cooked something for this many people.
“We – uh – we kinda screwed up on something tonight,” Rick continued, his voice hushed.
“Oh, god, what did you break?” She asked, amused.
“No, nothing like that. The thing is…I forgot - well, not just me, also Daryl, Carol, and Carl, it’s their fault too, not just mine – we, uh, forgot about something and it’s just a little embarrassing, to tell the truth…”
She turned away from the stove, now really curious what had gotten Rick this flustered. And what kind of secret thing only Daryl, Carol, and Carl should have known about.
And to think she’d worried her life would get boring in Alexandria.
“Rick, just spit it out, what the hell are you talking about?” Looking at him now, she saw he was definitely tipsier than she would have thought Rick would get.
He leaned in and for a split second she was afraid he was either trying to smooch her or that he was falling down but then his mouth – thankfully – found her ear and he loudly whispered, “I forgot that we met you after we went to the CDC! I thought that you were with us that night!”
For a moment she was kind of flattered. Maggie smiled at Rick’s admission that she’d become such an integral part of their group that he’d forgotten she hadn’t always been with them. She was still confused, though. She’d heard enough from Glenn about his life between the walkers starting and meeting her to know that his trip to the Center for Disease Control was pretty much a cluster fuck. Why Rick thought that her absence from that experience was suddenly concerning confused her.
Rick was apparently sober enough to know what her raised eyebrow meant, so he kept explaining, “Did Glenn tell you about what happened before that place blew itself up? Wait, before you answer, first, he told you that that place was gonna blow up no matter what we did, right? It’s just sometimes I think we, as a group, get a reputation for causing trouble, and I wanna make sure you know that nothing we did caused the CDC to go kaboom. Okay, you got that? Good. So, Glenn? Did he tell you anything?”
She smirked, “No. No, he really only told me about the ‘kaboom’ part. Oh, and something about a talking building.”
“Yeah,” Rick smiled, looking a little nostalgic, “Yeah, Vi, I think was her name. She was helpful. Dr. Jenner, not so much. But he did give us food and wine, which gets me back to my point. You weren’t there, so you didn’t get drunk like the rest of us. And it’s not like we’ve had any opportunities to drink since then, so…you don’t know what happens to Glenn. Here, this looks like it’s done, why don’t we just turn the stove off and…” Holding onto her arm, Rick led her out of the kitchen and into the hall outside the living room, remaining quiet. It seemed like he thought that the scene could speak for itself.
And Rick was right. Because now she was looking at her husband standing in the center of the room, apparently unfazed by the crowd gathered around him as he loudly hummed some incomprehensible song. Pausing for a second, he turned and yelled in the oblivious way only drunk people do, “Carl! Enid! Are you watching this?”
“We sure are, Glenn!” Carl replied with a wide smile before turning to Enid and erupting in laughter.
“What is ‘this,’ what’s he about to do?” Maggie asked in a hushed voice, completely horrified.
“He found out that Carl and Enid never went to a school dance, they were too young when the outbreak started,” Tara walked over to them and replied, not taking her eyes off of Glenn, “So he’s about to teach them the dance that is apparently a rite of passage for everyone in middle school –”
“-Oh no –“
“- The Cotton-Eyed-Joe,”
“Dear Lord,” Maggie exclaimed, unable to pull her eyes away from her husband, who was really starting to struggle.
He seemed to have realized belatedly that he was a twenty-five year old man and hadn’t done the Cotton Eyed Joe in over a decade. But that wasn’t going to stop him, Maggie realized as she watched him shake his head and yell, “Carol, start the CD again!”
“CD?” Maggie asked, “A CD with the Cotton Eyed Joe actually survived the outbreak?”
“Yup,” Tara replied glumly, “That’s what started this whole mess. We wanted to play some music and we were going through the CD’s, Michonne found it and we all started laughing about it, Enid and Carl didn’t know what it was, and the rest is history.”
Cringing as the song started playing, Maggie said, “God, you’d think the end of the world could’ve taken that song with it.”
Tara covered her ears, “I’m not drunk enough for this!”
Rolling her eyes, she replied, “Tell me about it.”
At first it wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be: Glenn just clapped his hands along with the music and sang some semblance of the lyrics to himself. But then, halfway through the song he seemed to reach an epiphany and, to her surprise, started actually doing the real dance. Huh, she’d started to think he’d completely forgotten how to do it.
“What are you thinking, Maggie?” Rick asked, seeming afraid of her response.
“To be honest, I’m a little impressed,” she replied with a soft smile.
Noticing she was there for the first time, Daryl shouted, “Maggie! Look away! Glenn, buddy, stop right now! Your sex life is in mortal danger right now!”
Maggie just laughed, shaking her head, “Nah, it’s gonna take more than that to get rid of me.” She broke through the invisible barrier her friends had drawn between Glenn and the rest of the group, smiling at her husband. And because she loved him so much, she danced with him for exactly ten seconds which only made Glenn say, “Of course, Maggie can do it WAY better than me, see, because she’s from Georgia!” Because apparently he’d forgotten that more than half of the people in the room were from the South.
And – also because she loved her husband – she said, “Okay, sweetie, I think they get it. Right, Carl, Enid? Yup, they’ll practice in the morning and show you then. Now, how would you like some water?”
After all, she figured letting her drunk husband dance the Cotton Eyed Joe more than once in front of company would probably make him want to divorce her in the morning.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things Fanfic
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Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street
   Phina didn't get any, restful, sleep that night, just as she predicted. The good hour and half that she had gotten earlier in the morning had brought a nightmare that her brain was quick to forget, and Phina was grateful. Whatever had happened, had led her to wake up in tears.
   A new, even worse, feeling had started up in her gut, the nightmare fueling it like gasoline on a fire. She was sick and tired of these terrible feelings, almost actually feeling slightly sick because of them.
   When she finally got up from bed, and got dressed, which had taken way more mental preparation than she was willing to admit, the rest of her family had already started eating breakfast.
   She walked downstairs and into the kitchen, seeing Mike stuff an Eggo waffle into his pocket. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him, and he elected to ignore her. She pretends that she didn't see anything, but Mike could still see the suspicion in her eyes.
   Phina walks into the dining room and sat down at her usual spot, not getting anything to eat. For the third morning in a row, she skipped breakfast, and Karen had definitely noticed.
   "No breakfast again Seraphina," Karen asks.
   "Not hungry," she replies shortly, not bothering with another lie today, to tired to even come up with one.
   Mike sits down next to her and starts quickly eating his waffles. Everyone's attention leaves her and goes to him, giving him weird looks. Phina getting even more suspicious, narrowing her eyes at him, which he again ignores but he can't hide the way he squirms under her scrutiny.
   "Slow down Mike," Nancy says, "that's disgusting."
   Mike looks at her, and smugly says, "do a lot of studying last night?"
   Phina snorts and hides her face in her hands, her tired mind finding the comment a little too funny. Mike must have seen Steve last night, and knowing her brother, he had some sarcastic comments ready for this conversation.
   "Yeah, actually I did," Nancy replies, looking down at her plate, almost bashfully.
   "Oh I bet you did," Phina sniggers. 
   "What was your test on again," Mike asks tilting his head then saying with a smug tone, "human anatomy?"
   Phina lets her head fall onto the table, barely keeping her laughs at bay, her body shaking at the effort.
   Nancy kicks Mike underneath the table, and Mike kicks her back. The table rattles and Phina raises her head off of it, still giggling a little. She was slightly delirious from her lack of sleep, and food.
   "Hey," Karen says sternly, "what's going on?"
   "Nothing," Mike and Nancy say at the same time.
   Phina rolls her eyes at the two of them, breathing deeply to calm herself, "mom. I'm gonna head out, I want to go see Jonathan before school."
   "Ok sweety, make sure you get to school on time," Karen answers.
   Phina nods and leaves.
   Phina got to the Byers' house just in time to see Jonathan getting in his car. He stops when he hears and sees his best friend. She parks her bike and without saying a word, goes up to him and pulls him into a hug. He wraps his arms around her, burying his face in her shoulder.
   "I'm so sorry Jonathan, I'm so sorry," she whispers, "Will is a smart kid, he'll be ok."
   "God I hope you're right," he whispers.
   "Have I ever lied to you," she asks.
   A small smile shows up on his face, "no, never."
   They pull away from each other and he looks down sadly. She places her hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him in every way possible.
   Phina looks towards his house, "how is she?"
   "Not great. She isn't handling this to well," he sighs.
   "Understandable, considering," she sighs as well, "will you tell her that if you guys need anything, call me."
   "Phina that's not..."
   "No, your mom has been there for me all my life, I want to return the favor," she cuts him off.
   He smiles, "Ok, I'll tell her."
   "Were gonna be late to school, we gotta go," she says looking down at her watch.
   "I was just on my way there, before you showed up," he says.
   "Yeah," she chuckles, "I'm sorry, I just needed to check on you."
   "Thank you for that," Jonathan nods, "you lead the way, I'll follow."
   Jonathan and Phina walked into the school together, going straight to the bulletin board, putting up a poster about Will. Phina felt eyes on them and looked over to see Nancy and her new friends looking at them. She glared at Carol, Tommy, and Steve and turned back to Jonathan, giving him another thumbtack.
   "Do you need me to put a few up around the school," she asks.
   "Yeah." Jonathan pulls out a few posters, and some thumbtacks. "Here you go. Thank you Phina."
   She goes to tell him that it's not trouble at all when she's interrupted by a voice behind her.
   "Hey," Nancy says to Jonathan.
   "I'm gonna go," Phina said, leaving Jonathan with her sister, not giving him anytime to protest.
   She knew that Jonathan would have used her as a crutch if she was there, as he did in every social interaction they had, so she thought it was better to have him fend for himself for once. She felt slightly bad, but she knew it would help him in the long run of things. Not to mention, she didn't want to really be around her little sister, because where Nancy was, Steve was.
   Phina went around to all the bulletin boards in the school, putting up every poster she had. A few looks were sent her way, judgement filled in each one. She sent her own back each time, and her glares could set fire to an ocean, no one was willing to hold it.
   Heading to her first class, math, Phina hardly looked at anyone, letting herself draw into her mind about the night before, the distraction of the posters no longer there to keep the thoughts at bay. As she was about to go into the classroom, an arm wraps around her shoulders.
   "Hey there red headed Wheeler," Steve Harrington says.
   "Remove your arm before you don't have one Harrington," she bit out at him.
   "Ok ok, calm down," he laughed, but did as he was told.
   "What do you want Harrington," Phina groaned.
   "Can't I just want to talk to you," he asks.
   "No, not really. You want something and I'm not going to help you," she snapped.
   "Ok someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," he joked, smiling his arrogant smile that he used on ever girl he ever talks to.
   "Maybe it's because I couldn't sleep last night knowing you were in my sisters bedroom," she snapped at him, turning her head to the side, glaring.
   "How'd you know I was there?"
   "Because you aren't a ninja Harrington, I was out on my roof last night and you didn't even notice me," she snapped.
   Before he could get another word in, she walked into her classroom and sat down, him following behind and sitting quietly next to her. He wasn't going to risk his life trying to talk to her right now. He could sense her blistering anger, and he did not want to be the one that unleashed that upon the world.
   Phina sat in her room, drawing. After yet another stressful day, she need it to wind down a little. She tilted her head to the side, closing her eyes as her hand took control. Her mind kept going back to last night, the monster. She wondered if that was what she would draw today. Maybe if she drew it again, she could try and figure out what it was, and why she had drawn it.
   "Phina! Dinner," her mom yelled.
   She snapped out of her trance, her eyes opening slowly, looking down at the drawing. This one wasn't of the monster. No, it was much much worse. It was of Steve Harrington. It wasn't finished, the shading not deep enough for proper demension, but it was still incredibly accurate, and she hated it.
   Phina wanted to smack herself for drawing it. She hated him, didn't she? Her drawings were supposed to calm her, but these past two just caused her more frustration and anger than before.
   Phina closed her sketchbook roughly and walked down to the dining room. Everyone sat around the table awkwardly, and she almost just turned around and walked back up, but her mother was giving her a pointed look.
   Karen looked around at everyone, "something wrong with the meatloaf?"
   "Um, no, I had two bologna sandwiches for lunch," Dustin says, "I don't know why."
   "Me too," Lucas chimes in.
   Phina looks at them suspiciously and Dustin gives her a pleading look that says, leave it, so she does.
   Phina sits down next to Mike as Nancy says, "it's delicious mom."
   "Thank you sweety," Karen says.
   A moment passes before Nancy speaks up again, "so there's this, special assembly thing tonight. For will, at the school field, Barb's driving."
   "Why am I just hearing about this?"
   "I thought you knew," Nancy lies.
   "I told you, I don't want you out after dark until Will is found," Karen says.
   "I know, I know, but it'd be super weird if I'm not there, I mean, everyone's going," Nancy tries to convince her.
   Karen ponders for a moment, "just. Be back at ten."
   Nancy smiles triumphantly and Phina rolls her eyes. She knew that Nancy wasn't going to go to the damn assembly, she probably going to hangout with Steve. Karen catches Phina's eye roll and her eyes light up with an idea.
   "Why don't you take your sister too," Karen says.
   Phina's eyes widen and she starts to object, but Nancy sends her a pleading look, "ok sure."
   Nancy mouths a thank you to her sister, which earns her a look that says you owe me. Suddenly, Mike coughs as he is drinking his milk.
   Phina looks at him worriedly and follows his eyes to where he's looking. A girl, with a completely shaved head walks down the stairs. Dustin hits the table, trying to get everyone's focus away from the girl, but Phina locks eyes with the her, and she feels and instant connection with her.
   "Sorry, spasm," Dustin explains.
   Phina continues to stare at the girl, who she'd never laid eyes on before, but felt as if she knew her. Mike lightly kicks her underneath the table, and she whips her head towards him. They have a silent conversation with their eyes, him pleading with her to be quiet about her. She agrees, but he'll have some serious explaining to do.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things Fanfic
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Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers
Seraphina Wheeler sat in her room, running her fingers across her wrist, where a small, black tattoo had rested her entire life. She was thinking, not about anything specific, just any thought that came to her mind. Her mind traveled through multiple things, happy and sad memories, painful and terrifying ones, all of them, of which she could actually remember. One stuck out like a sore thumb, but she kept her thoughts away from it, from the anger and sadness that came with it.
That thing festered in her mind, and she knew that it wouldn't be long before it consumed her. She had locked it away a long time ago, not able to handle that pain, the feeling. She was good at locking away her emotions, but one day, she won't be able to hold back anymore, and she'd break.
A knock sounded at her door, she jumped a little, her mind coming back to the present, "come in."
One of her little brother's friends stood there, Dustin, "Hey Phina, since Nancy just refused the last slice of pizza, do you want it?"
She smiled at him, "sure Dustin, just set it on my desk. You guys done for the night?"
"Yeah, your mom is kicking us out," he said, slightly sad, walking over to the desk and setting the box down, "we didn't even get to finish!"
"Wow that sucks, you guys have been planning this for two weeks," she shouts, a small frown on her lips.
"Yeah," Dustin huffed.
"I'm sorry Dusty," Phina smiles at him, "come on, I'll walk you out."
Dustin nods happily, he'd had a cute little crush on her for the longest time, and she knew that, she thought it was adorable. She had babysat him when he was little and ever since then, he had the cutest little puppy dog crush.
The two walked down the stairs, talking about the campaign. Dustin told her about the Demogorgan and how Will had used fireball.
"He should of used a protection spell," Dustin whined.
"I don't know Dusty, if it were me, I would've used fireball," Phina smirked, knowing a double meaning behind her words.
Dustin shook his head, "and I thought you were the smart Wheeler."
Phina laughed loudly and smacked his shoulder, "I am the smart Wheeler, and that says something about my siblings."
Dustin laughed and opened the door to go into the garage, seeing his friends grab their bikes. He follows suit, turning to Mike.
"There is seriously something wrong with your sister," Dustin said to him.
"Ouch," Phina mockingly says, holding her heart as if she had been hit there, "my ego Dusty.".
"Oh you know I meant Nancy," Dustin laughed, "well, maybe it was just a little bit about you."
"Oh whatever Dustin," Phina playfully scoffed, "you know you love me!"
"What are you talking about," Mike asks.
"Nancy's got a stick up her butt," Dustin answeres, blushing a little because of Phina's comment.
Phina snorts loudly, both at Dustin's blush and because of what he said about her sister.
"Yeah," Lucas agrees then adds, "it's because she's been dating that doucheage, Steve Harrington."
Phina's smile falls and turns into a hard scowl at the mention of Steve Harrington, "damn right it's because of Harrington."
"Yeah, she's turning into a real jerk," Dustin nods.
"She's always been a jerk," Mike scoffs.
"Nuh-uh she used to be cool." Dustin starts to ride away on his bike. "Like that time she dressed up like an elf for our Elder Tree campaign."
"Four years ago," Mike shouts back.
"Just saying," Dustin says.
Phina chuckles at them, earning a small glare from Mike. She raises her hands in surrender, but continues to smile.
"Later," Lucas shouts.
"Be safe boys," Phina yells at them.
Dustin waves his hand in the air dismissively, "yeah yeah, whatever!"
Phina shakes her head and yells, "don't be a sarcastic ass Henderson! That's my job!"
Will stays behind for a second and turns to Mike, "it was a seven."
Mike looks at him, confused, "huh?"
"The roll, it was a seven. The Demogorgan, it got me," Will explains, "see you tomorrow."
As Will turns and rides off, a chill goes down Phina's spine, something felt a little off about what he said. The lights flickered a little and she looks at them a little wide eyed. The feeling did not go away, only pierced deeper into her.
"Be safe Will! Tell Jon and your mom I said hi," she yells after the boy, almost wanting to tell him to come back and just stay the night, but she knew her mother wouldn't let him stay on a school night.
Phina shakes her head, trying to tell herself that she was just being paranoid.
She puts on a fake smile and turns to Mike, putting her arm around his shoulders, "did you have fun?"
"Yeah, it was one of our best campaigns yet," he says excitedly.
"Well good," Phina smiles at him and pushes him inside, "now go get ready for bed."
"But," Mike begins to protest.
Phina lifts her hand, "ah, don't argue with me Micheal."
He huffs, crossing his arms like a pouty child. Phina chuckles and ruffles his hair. She pushes him towards the stairs and he complies, swatting her hand away, laughing.
Phina smiles at him as he runs up the stairs and turns around. She goes to shut the door, but a cold wind blows into the house, surrounding Phina. She shivers, the creeping feeling in the back of her mind sends a deep chill through her. She shuts the door and shakes her head, staring at the door.
"You ok sweety," her mom asks.
"Yeah, I'm ok." Phina jumps, turning around to give her mom a fake smile. "Just tired, I'm gonna head up to bed."
Karen smiles at her, "ok sweety, goodnight."
As soon as she was in the comfort of her room, she locked her door and closed her curtains. Phina did a mental checklist in her mind, making sure she was not going to be seen. Once she had checked off everything at least twice, she sat in the center of her bed, closed her eyes, and concentrated.
In the house next door, a small girl looked out her window, and towards the Wheeler's house, almost every night, the same thing happened. A golden glow emitted from the window, but the girl could not see what it came from.
The girl watched in awe, the light was beautiful, swirling and flickering in the night, almost as if someone was making a shadowy story for the little girl to see. The magical light was the girls favorite part of bed time.
The light went out, and back to the normal light of the room. The girl left her window.
Phina walks down the stairs of her house, dressed in her normal outfit, dark denim jeans, a black long sleeve shirt and a red flannel over it. Her long, blood red curls flowing down her back freely. She sat at the table, where her family had already started eating breakfast.
Mike pours syrup all over his foom which gets a look from Nancy, "that's disgusting."
"You're disgusting," Mike snaps back.
Phina smiles at the two bickering, but the smile vanished when she hears her mother pick up the phone.
"Hello..... oh, Joyce, hi."
Something happens with Phina's siblings and they start yelling. She doesn't spare them and attention. Their bickering was normal, and, unless it escalated, she wanted no part of it.
"Will? No no no, it's just Mike.... no, he left a little bit after eight. Why? He's not home?"
A sickening feeling settles in Phina's stomach, the same one from the night before. Karen hangs up and looks over at Phina, giving the empty plate in front of the girl a look.
"Are you going to eat?" she asks.
"No, I think I'm gonna head to school early, I have to meet up with a project partner," Phina lies, not at all hungry.
"Ok sweety," Karen nods absently, though her tone says she isn't happy about it.
Phina stands from the table and grabs her jacket, bag, and keys, before heading out to her motorcycle. She threw on her black leather jacket and then her backpack. She hopped on her bike, started it up, and drove off quickly towards the school, all the while, the sickening feeling settling deeper into her stomach.
Phina drove into the schools parking lot, people jumping out of her way as she sped past them. She parked in her usual spot, which was relatively close to the door. She noticed a few people standing by a car, watching her. Steve Harrington and his group of asshole friends.
Phina wanted to snap at them, but that would cause more harm than good. She avoided looking at them, but that didn't stop Carol from harassing her like normal.
"Watch out everyone, the freak of Hawkins is coming," Carol said loudly.
Phina didn't even pause, her mouth moving before she had time to even process what she was about to say, "watch out everyone, the slut of Hawkins is out spreading STDs."
The sound of Steve's sharp laugh, and Carol's cry of anger, made Phina smirk. She continued into the school not bothered by Carol screeching and calling her a bitch.
The crowds parted slightly as Phina made her way to her locker. She had a reputation at the school, and that made people very hesitant of her. Her, I dont give a shit attitude and her history of fights certainly kept people away. She kept to herself, only ever talking to her best friend and her younger sister.
Phina got to her locker and opened it, grabbing the things she would need for her first few classes and putting them in her bag. Then she grabbed her sketch book and her pencil case and shut her locker. She turned around and was met by the face of her best friend, Jonathan Byers, who had his hand held out like he was about to touch her shoulder.
"Shit Jon, you scared me." She jumped, then noticed the look on his face, distressed. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"Will, he didn't come home last night. My mom called your mom but he wasn't at your house," Jonathan explained.
The feeling in Phina's stomach began again, almost painfully present, but she kept calm, for Jonathan.
"I'm sure he probably just stayed at Dustin's," she tried to reason with him.
"Yeah, you're probably right," he sighed.
Neither of them believed her.
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