#Carnival Rio de Janeiro 2019
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Lantejoulas cintilantes no Vale do Amanhecer > JOAQUIM PAIVA
O capixaba Joaquim Paiva, fotógrafo, tradutor, curador e um dos mais importantes colecionadores de fotografia da América Latina, com cerca de 2000 obras de seu acervo cedido em comodato para o Museu de Arte Moderna (MAM) do Rio de Janeiro, um material amealhado por anos em suas viagens como diplomata, em diferentes países que exerceu sua profissão desde o final dos anos 1960 até recentemente. Foi em Brasília, DF, que graduou-se em Direito e onde fez sua primeira exposição em 1972, Abstrações, no Clube das Nações. Desde então a capital e sua peculiar sociedade esteve em seu repertório e em seus livros, o mais recente Lantejoulas cintilantes no Vale do Amanhecer ( [Lp] Press, 2023).
O Vale do Amanhecer é uma comunidade religiosa eclética localizada em Planaltina, a 45 km do centro de Brasília, fundada em 1959 pela sergipana Neiva Chaves Zelaya (1925-1985) conhecida como "Tia Neiva", ex-caminhoneira, um dos personagens deste livro que como o autor descreve poeticamente: "aparece sentada, olhando para a câmera, os cabelos pretos armados e um elegante vestido com faixas em tons de amarelo, preto, branco, vermelho, verde e roxo. Olhar atencioso, muito educada, falava pouco."
Lantejoulas cintilantes no Vale do Amanhecer, de certa forma, dá continuidade a produção primordial do autor sobre a cidade e seu entorno, iniciada nos anos 1970 e representada em livros como Foto na Hora-Lembranças de Brasília ( Centro de la Imagen-México, 2013), Rodoviária de Brasília ( [Lp] Press, 2021 ), Farsa Truque Ilusões ( [Lp] Press, 2017) e Brasília de 0 a 40 anos: Cidade Livre ( Arte 21, 2000). Publicações entre as outras de caráter mais artístico e íntimo como 1927-1970 ( {Lp} Press, 2019) um livro que homenageia sua mãe, a partir de seus diários autobiográficos e o Zine Elson faz 70 ( {Lp} Press, 2018) sobre seu irmão, em cerca de dez livros que compõem seu repertório.
Assim como Rodoviária de Brasília, o penúltimo livro, lançado em 2022 no Festival Foto em Pauta Tiradentes e esta edição no mesmo evento em março deste ano, o autor retoma os anos 1970 não somente no seu conteúdo mas também no elegante projeto gráfico, feito pela editora que nos faz lembrar das publicações da Aperture, uma ONG criada em 1952 nos Estados Unidos, uma das poucas editoras a desembarcar nas raríssimas livrarias especializadas em fotografia no Brasil dos anos 1970 e 1980, como a da Fotoptica de Thomaz Farkas (1924-2011 ) e a Álbum, do fotógrafo Zé de Boni.
Paiva escreve que visitou o Vale do Amanhecer pela primeira vez em 1981. Mas as fotografias estão divididas em cores, feitas em 1983 e em branco e preto, de 1987. "A atmosfera mística do lugar era envolvente: o Vale surgiu inspirado em religiões e doutrinas variadas, como o cristianismo, o espiritismo kardecista e as civilizações do antigo Egito e dos Incas - um sincretismo que não se deixa decifrar facilmente. As vestimentas dos fiéis, muito coloridas, denotam funções dentro da hierarquia da comunidade."
Para as imagens em preto e branco, o fotógrafo criou uma espécie de estúdio, usando um pano de fundo que pendurava fora do templo. Sua ideia foi destacar a paisagem, os fiéis e as pessoas à paisana. "A luz intensa do planalto proporcionava sombras dramáticas, que se juntavam às dobras do pano." Curiosamente, esta proposta, onde uma das imagens ilustra a capa da edição, guardadas as proporções lembra uma das primeiras imagens que Paiva adquiriu para sua grande coleção, uma fotografia da americana Diane Arbus (1923-1971), "Albino Sword Swallower at a Carnival", de 1970, a engolidora de espadas fica no centro da imagem, braços estendidos e blusa branca marcando o centro da composição, enquanto o cabo da espada espelha o crucifixo sugerido por seu corpo. Uma tenda de lona ondulante forma o pano de fundo da fotografia, indicando que esta é uma performance que ocorre nos bastidores, não para consumo público. O que podemos relacionar certamente ao proposta do fotógrafo brasileiro, ainda que a maioria das suas imagens sejam mais contemplativas.
Joaquim Paiva escreve que, "Revendo essas fotos tempos depois, me dei conta que os fotografados pareciam personagens de um teatro. Meninos curiosos se intrometiam pelas bordas para espiar, tornando-se participantes das imagens (convidei um deles, montado a cavalo, para entrar em cena). O preto e branco é misterioso, ainda mais ao lado das cores vibrantes."
Esta última ideia, a dicotomia entre a cor e o monocromático, sustenta plenamente a narrativa do fotógrafo, ajudada pelo distanciamento temporal entre o ato fotográfico e a edição das imagens, mais livre do envolvimento afetivo e do apego que os fotógrafos normalmente têm a elas ao relacionar suas experiências com suas fotografias. O que encontramos também nos livros anteriores. A visão atual do autor sustenta-se igualmente na função do colecionador e seu ampliado arcabouço imagético adicionado por tantos anos de convivência e pesquisa da fotografia.
No entanto, as imagens construídas em cor, em sua grande maioria retratos, sugerem mais um snapshot do fotógrafo, ao circular pelo templo e fora dele. A construção de um fundo específico, mas despojado para o P & B também tem esta leveza, que evita o embate entre os dois formatos, que na verdade trazem ganhos para as duas concepções. É um registro essencialmente documental, mas com uma cadência maior em razão destas opções.
Joaquim Paiva descreve: "Para além dos fiéis, dos interiores e das fachadas de templos, dos totens, das figuras do sol e da lua crescente, toda uma outra cena emerge, pois ali reside uma comunidade com os seus negócios: os cuidadores das malas e pertences dos frequentadores, os vendedores de automóveis expostos numa vitrine improvisada, a papelaria, as costureiras na loja de botões e aviamentos, os bares, a livraria religiosa, o engraxate."
Sua descrição gráfica e conceitual abrange uma comunidade que transformou-se radicalmente nas últimas décadas, com a expansão caótica da capital brasileira que desviou-se do projeto original criado pelo arquiteto Oscar Niemeyer (1907-2012) e o urbanista Lúcio Costa (1902-1998), distinta do momento de 1959 quando a cidade ainda estava terminando sua construção e quando a fundadora do Vale do Amanhecer, Tia Neiva, começou a ter seus episódios psíquicos, os quais ela creditava a seres extraterrestres.
"Os meninos assistem televisão no quarto com a parede decorada por um céu de estrelas e um cometa que iria passar em 1986 (a mídia criou grande expectativa a respeito, mas quase ninguém viu o cometa). Crianças brincam e jogam futebol no chão de terra batida.", descrição poética de Joaquim Paiva em seu pequeno posfácio, sintetiza o cotidiano em um senso mais amplo, quando pensamos que a comunidade é rejeitada pelas diferentes culturas religiosas no Brasil, ainda que seu contingente esteja perto de um milhão de pessoas, a seguirem pelo caminho descrito da fundadora, o que insere a obra do fotógrafo na seara da antropologia visual, no sentido de compreendermos através de imagens tal sociedade, não de uma forma mais "exótica" como encontramos em inúmeras reportagens, mas no repertório humano de uma cultura vernacular, exposta habilmente pelo autor.
Em seu parágrafo final, Paiva arremata no texto suas imagens: "Belos girassóis amarelos, a luz brilhante dos trópicos, as nuvens no céu a perder de vista. Nas margens do lago é possível ver estrelas durante o dia - artificiais. Do outro lado, os fiéis caminham com cruzes marrons bordadas nas costas. Flores de pano adornam as mulheres. Véus, grinaldas, lantejoulas cintilantes no Vale do Amanhecer." É uma visão de um fotógrafo sensível pela profusão cultural popular que encontra, a vida que brota intensa e incessante e menos o documentarista analista, crítico, um pseudo-árbitro da sociedade, como tantos outros.
Imagens © Joaquim Paiva Texto © Juan Esteves
Infos básicas:
Imagens e conceito: Joaquim Paiva
Projeto gráfico e edição de imagens {Lp} Press
Tratamento de imagens Thiago Barros
Impressão Ipsis
Edição de 200 exemplares/ Capa dura
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Kilka herezji karnawałowych na luty:
1. **Karnawał w Rio de Janeiro, Brazylia**: Jednym z najbardziej znanych karnawałów na świecie jest ten w Rio de Janeiro, który przyciąga miliony turystów każdego roku. W trakcie karnawału odbywają się parady sambowe, gdzie różne szkoły samba prezentują swoje umiejętności taneczne i stroje, przygotowane z dużą dbałością o szczegóły. Karnawał w Rio de Janeiro jest także okazją do organizowania licznych imprez ulicznych i festynów[¹](#1).
2. **Karnawał w Wenecji, Włochy**: Karnawał w Wenecji słynie z elegancji i mistycyzmu. Jego charakterystyczną cechą są przepiękne maski, które noszą uczestnicy, maskując swoją tożsamość. Podczas karnawału odbywają się liczne bale, pokazy sztuki oraz konkursy na najpiękniejsze maski[²](#2).
3. **Mardi Gras w Nowym Orleanie, Stany Zjednoczone**: Mardi Gras w Nowym Orleanie to tradycyjny festiwal karnawałowy, który odbywa się przed Wielkim Postem. Charakteryzuje się on bogatym programem imprez, takich jak parady uliczne, pokazy tańca i muzyki, oraz spożywaniem tradycyjnych potraw, takich jak gumbo czy king cake[³](#3).
4. **Karnawał w Binche, Belgia**: Karnawał w Binche jest uznawany za niematerialne dziedzictwo UNESCO i ma długą historię sięgającą średniowiecza. Jest to jeden z najbardziej tradycyjnych karnawałów, podczas którego mężczyźni noszą charakterystyczne stroje z pierwowzorów Gilles'ów, a także rzucają pomarańczami w tłum[⁴](#4).
5. **Karnawał w Port-of-Spain, Trynidad i Tobago**: Karnawał w Port-of-Spain to jeden z najbardziej energetycznych i kolorowych festiwali na Karaibach. Charakteryzuje się on soczystymi kostiumami, tanecznymi paradami oraz rytmiczną muzyką, w tym socą i kalypso[⁵](#5).
6. **Karnawał w Kolonii, Niemcy**: Karnawał w Kolonii, znany również jako Kölner Karneval, jest jednym z największych i najbardziej ekscytujących karnawałów w Niemczech. Odbywają się tu liczne parady uliczne, bale oraz festyny, a uczestnicy noszą kolorowe stroje i maski, celebrując karnawałową atmosferę[⁶](#6).
Te tradycje karnawałowe stanowią jedynie niewielki wycinek różnorodności kulturowej i społecznej obchodzenia tego święta na świecie.
### Bibliografia:
1. S. Shaw, "Carnival in Rio de Janeiro: The World's Biggest Party," *Geographical*, vol. 86, no. 3, pp. 28-31, 2014.
2. R. P. Rinaldi, "The Venetian Carnival: Italy's Most Festive Tradition," *Italy Magazine*, 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.italymagazine.com/featured-story/venetian-carnival-italys-most-festive-tradition. [Accessed: Jan. 31, 2024].
3. A. M. Haas, "Mardi Gras in New Orleans," *Encyclopedia Britannica*, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Mardi-Gras-in-New-Orleans-Louisiana. [Accessed: Jan. 31, 2024].
4. "Carnival of Binche," *Belgium.be*, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.belgium.be/en/culture/heritage/carnival_binche. [Accessed: Jan. 31, 2024].
5. T. Regisford, "Trinidad Carnival: A Cultural Extravaganza," *National Geographic*, 2018. [Online]. Available: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/trinidad-carnival. [Accessed: Jan. 31, 2024].
6. "Cologne Carnival," *Cologne Tourism*, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.cologne-tourism.com/see-experience/poi/cologne-carnival/. [Accessed: Jan. 31, 2024].
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Holidays 1.20
Armed Forces Day (Mali)
Babin Den (Grandmother’s Day; Bulgaria)
Basketball Day
BBC Democracy Day (UK)
Bill Cosby Sweater Day
Camcorder Day
Camel Wrestling Day (Turkey)
Day of Deflvders of the Barricades (Barikāžu Aizstāvju Diena; Latvia)
Day of National Mourning (Azerbaijan)
Fiesta de las Corralejas (Sincelejo, Colombia)
Foundation Day (Rio de Janeiro, Argentina)
Guru Govind Singh Jayanti (India)
Heroes’ Day (Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau)
Inauguration Day (US) [@4 Years, unless a Sunday]
International Day of Acceptance
International Hat Day
Joe B. Hall Day (Kentucky)
Lao People’s Armed Forces (Laos)
Martyrs’ Day (Azerbaijan)
National Charlie Day
National Claudia Day
National Disc Jockey Day (a.k.a. DJ Day)
National 'Good Day' Day
National Judy Day
National Sebastian Day
Penguin Awareness Day
Petlyovden (Rooster Day; Bulgaria)
Severe Cold begins (Chinese Farmer’s Calendar)
Shima-Enaga No Hi (Japanese Long-Tailed Tit Day; Japan)
Spurge-Laurel Day (French Republic)
Stay Young Forever Day
Stop! Yield! Day
Take A Walk Outdoors Day
Tamborrada (Drum Festival; Spain)
Tell Them Day
Traffic Rules Day
Vendors Day (India)
What’s Going On Day (Michigan)
World Religions Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Buttercrunch Day
National Cheese Lover's Day
National Coffee Break Day
World Bigos Day (Poland)
3rd Saturday in January
Bald Eagle Appreciation Days begin [3rd Saturday]
Baltic Porter Day (Poland) [3rd Saturday]
Learn to Ski Day [3rd Saturday]
National Tulip Day (Netherlands) [3rd Saturday]
National Use Your Gift Card Day [3rd Saturday]
Polar Bear Jump & Ugly Fish Toss (Seward, Alaska) [begins 3rd Saturday]
Sight-Saving Sabbath Weekend [begins 3rd Saturday]
Soup Swap Day [3rd Saturday]
Independence & Related Days
Dictatorship of Alissia (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Empire of New Europe (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Republic Day (Autonomous Republic of Crimea)
Sprinske Communist Republic (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
United Republic of Kwajalein (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning January 20, 2024
Aces & Ales Winter Beer Fest (Las Vegas, Nevada) [thru 1.21]
Atlanta Cask Ale Tasting (Atlanta, Georgia)
Bart Hall Boat Show (Pomona, California) [thru 1.22]
Carnival of Over (Over, Portugal) [thru 2.13]
Columbus Beerfest (Columbus, Ohio)
Denver Travel Show (Denver, Colorado) [thru 1.21]
Dhaka International Film Festival (Dhaka, Bangladesh) [thru 1.28]
Geneva Restaurant Week (Geneva, Illinois) [thru 1.28]
International Hot Air Balloon Festival of Château-d’Oex (Château-d’Oex, Switzerland) [thru 1.28]
SAVOR Food & Wine Festival (Tucson, Arizona)
Tamborrada Drum Festival (San Sebastián, Spain)
Feast Days
Abadios (Christian; Saint)
Armed Forces Day (Mali)
Baba Yaga Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Blessed Basil Moreau (Christian; Saint)
Clarice Cliff (Artology)
Corralejas Festival (Fiesta de las Corralejas; Colombia)
Cyprian Michael Irene Tansi (Christian; Saint)
Eustochia Smeralda Calafato (Christian; Saint)
Euthymius the Great (Christian; Saint)
Eve of Saint Agnes [Virgins]
Fabian (Roman Catholic; Saint)
Fechin (Christian; Saint)
Feralia: Day of Purification (Pagan)
Festival of Jubilation for Osiris (Egyptian God of Agriculture)
Hippolyte Bayard (Artology)
John the Baptist Day (Serbia)
Manchán of Lemanaghan (Christian; Saint)
Mano-Capac (Positivist; Saint)
Maria Cristina of the Immaculate Conception Brando (Christian)
Mark Ryden (Artology)
Marx Brothers Quote Day (Pastafarian)
Mr. Between (Muppetism)
Richard Rolle (Church of England)
Sacrifices to Athena (Ancient Greece)
Sebastian (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Min Kuk-ka (one of The Korean Martyrs)
Timket (Coptic Epiphany; Eritrea, Ethiopia)
Tiny Tim Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [6 of 57]
Ah, Sweet Mouse-Story of Life (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1965)
The Artist (Film; 2012)
Awkwafina is Nora from Queens (TV Series; 2020)
Blood on the Tracks, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1975)
Born Free, by Joy Adamson (Novel; 1960)
Breaking Bad (TV Series; 2008)
Cat and Dupli-Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1967)
Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes, by Jimmy Buffet (Album; 1977)
Dawson’s Creek (TV Series; 1998)
Duel Personality (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1966)
Ecstasy (Film; 1933)
The Fishing Bear, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1940)
The Founder (Film; 2017)
A Fox in a Fix (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos (Animated Film; 2012)
High School Musical (TV Movie; 2006)
Homework, by Daft Punk (Album; 1997)
Leaf by Niggle, by J.R.R. Tolkien (Short Story; 1945)
Lion Around (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Meet the Beatles!, by The Beatles (Album; 1964)
Murdoch Mysteries (TV Series; 2008)
Noble Beast, by Andrew Bird (Album; 2009)
Pyromania, by Def Leppard (Album; 1983)
Red Tails (Film; 2012)
The Red Turtle (Animated Film; 2017)
Tristram Shandy (Film; 2006)
Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbitt (Novel; 1975)
Underworld: Awakening (Film; 2012)
Wet Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1962)
What’s Going On, by Marvin Gaye (Song; 1971)
When You Finish Saving the World (Film; 2023)
Why We Fight (Documentary Film; 2006)
Wuthering Heights, by Kate Bush (Song; 1978)
xXx: The Return of Xander Cage (Film; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Fabianus, Sebastian, Ursula, Ute (Austria)
Efimir, Evtim, Evtimiya, Momchil (Bulgaria)
Fabijan, Sebastijan (Croatia)
Ilona (Czech Republic)
Fabian, Sebastian (Denmark)
Hendrika, Henna, Henni, Henriette, Jete (Estonia)
Sebastian (Finland)
Fabien, Sébastien (France)
Fabian, Paula, Sebastian, Ursula (Germany)
Evthymios, Fabianos, Thymios (Greece)
Fábián, Sebestyén (Hungary)
Fabiano, Sebastiano, Teodorico (Italy)
Algirts, Oļģerts (Latvia)
Daugvydas, Fabijonas, Sebastijonas (Lithuania)
Bastian, Fabian, Sebastian (Norway)
Dobiegniew, Fabian, Sebastian (Poland)
Eftimie (Romania)
Dalibor (Slovakia)
Enrique, Fabián, Sebastián (Spain)
Fabian, Sebastian (Sweden)
Fabia, Fabian, Fabiola, Sebastian, Sebastiana (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 20 of 2024; 346 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 3 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 10 (Gui-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 10 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 9 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 20 White; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 7 January 2024
Moon: 76%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 20 Moses (1st Month) [Mano-Capac]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 31 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 30 of 31)
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Holidays 1.20
Armed Forces Day (Mali)
Babin Den (Grandmother’s Day; Bulgaria)
Basketball Day
BBC Democracy Day (UK)
Bill Cosby Sweater Day
Camcorder Day
Camel Wrestling Day (Turkey)
Day of Deflvders of the Barricades (Barikāžu Aizstāvju Diena; Latvia)
Day of National Mourning (Azerbaijan)
Fiesta de las Corralejas (Sincelejo, Colombia)
Foundation Day (Rio de Janeiro, Argentina)
Guru Govind Singh Jayanti (India)
Heroes’ Day (Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau)
Inauguration Day (US) [@4 Years, unless a Sunday]
International Day of Acceptance
International Hat Day
Joe B. Hall Day (Kentucky)
Lao People’s Armed Forces (Laos)
Martyrs’ Day (Azerbaijan)
National Charlie Day
National Claudia Day
National Disc Jockey Day (a.k.a. DJ Day)
National 'Good Day' Day
National Judy Day
National Sebastian Day
Penguin Awareness Day
Petlyovden (Rooster Day; Bulgaria)
Severe Cold begins (Chinese Farmer’s Calendar)
Shima-Enaga No Hi (Japanese Long-Tailed Tit Day; Japan)
Spurge-Laurel Day (French Republic)
Stay Young Forever Day
Stop! Yield! Day
Take A Walk Outdoors Day
Tamborrada (Drum Festival; Spain)
Tell Them Day
Traffic Rules Day
Vendors Day (India)
What’s Going On Day (Michigan)
World Religions Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Buttercrunch Day
National Cheese Lover's Day
National Coffee Break Day
World Bigos Day (Poland)
3rd Saturday in January
Bald Eagle Appreciation Days begin [3rd Saturday]
Baltic Porter Day (Poland) [3rd Saturday]
Learn to Ski Day [3rd Saturday]
National Tulip Day (Netherlands) [3rd Saturday]
National Use Your Gift Card Day [3rd Saturday]
Polar Bear Jump & Ugly Fish Toss (Seward, Alaska) [begins 3rd Saturday]
Sight-Saving Sabbath Weekend [begins 3rd Saturday]
Soup Swap Day [3rd Saturday]
Independence & Related Days
Dictatorship of Alissia (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Empire of New Europe (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Republic Day (Autonomous Republic of Crimea)
Sprinske Communist Republic (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
United Republic of Kwajalein (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning January 20, 2024
Aces & Ales Winter Beer Fest (Las Vegas, Nevada) [thru 1.21]
Atlanta Cask Ale Tasting (Atlanta, Georgia)
Bart Hall Boat Show (Pomona, California) [thru 1.22]
Carnival of Over (Over, Portugal) [thru 2.13]
Columbus Beerfest (Columbus, Ohio)
Denver Travel Show (Denver, Colorado) [thru 1.21]
Dhaka International Film Festival (Dhaka, Bangladesh) [thru 1.28]
Geneva Restaurant Week (Geneva, Illinois) [thru 1.28]
International Hot Air Balloon Festival of Château-d’Oex (Château-d’Oex, Switzerland) [thru 1.28]
SAVOR Food & Wine Festival (Tucson, Arizona)
Tamborrada Drum Festival (San Sebastián, Spain)
Feast Days
Abadios (Christian; Saint)
Armed Forces Day (Mali)
Baba Yaga Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Blessed Basil Moreau (Christian; Saint)
Clarice Cliff (Artology)
Corralejas Festival (Fiesta de las Corralejas; Colombia)
Cyprian Michael Irene Tansi (Christian; Saint)
Eustochia Smeralda Calafato (Christian; Saint)
Euthymius the Great (Christian; Saint)
Eve of Saint Agnes [Virgins]
Fabian (Roman Catholic; Saint)
Fechin (Christian; Saint)
Feralia: Day of Purification (Pagan)
Festival of Jubilation for Osiris (Egyptian God of Agriculture)
Hippolyte Bayard (Artology)
John the Baptist Day (Serbia)
Manchán of Lemanaghan (Christian; Saint)
Mano-Capac (Positivist; Saint)
Maria Cristina of the Immaculate Conception Brando (Christian)
Mark Ryden (Artology)
Marx Brothers Quote Day (Pastafarian)
Mr. Between (Muppetism)
Richard Rolle (Church of England)
Sacrifices to Athena (Ancient Greece)
Sebastian (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Min Kuk-ka (one of The Korean Martyrs)
Timket (Coptic Epiphany; Eritrea, Ethiopia)
Tiny Tim Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [6 of 57]
Ah, Sweet Mouse-Story of Life (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1965)
The Artist (Film; 2012)
Awkwafina is Nora from Queens (TV Series; 2020)
Blood on the Tracks, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1975)
Born Free, by Joy Adamson (Novel; 1960)
Breaking Bad (TV Series; 2008)
Cat and Dupli-Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1967)
Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes, by Jimmy Buffet (Album; 1977)
Dawson’s Creek (TV Series; 1998)
Duel Personality (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1966)
Ecstasy (Film; 1933)
The Fishing Bear, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1940)
The Founder (Film; 2017)
A Fox in a Fix (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos (Animated Film; 2012)
High School Musical (TV Movie; 2006)
Homework, by Daft Punk (Album; 1997)
Leaf by Niggle, by J.R.R. Tolkien (Short Story; 1945)
Lion Around (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Meet the Beatles!, by The Beatles (Album; 1964)
Murdoch Mysteries (TV Series; 2008)
Noble Beast, by Andrew Bird (Album; 2009)
Pyromania, by Def Leppard (Album; 1983)
Red Tails (Film; 2012)
The Red Turtle (Animated Film; 2017)
Tristram Shandy (Film; 2006)
Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbitt (Novel; 1975)
Underworld: Awakening (Film; 2012)
Wet Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1962)
What’s Going On, by Marvin Gaye (Song; 1971)
When You Finish Saving the World (Film; 2023)
Why We Fight (Documentary Film; 2006)
Wuthering Heights, by Kate Bush (Song; 1978)
xXx: The Return of Xander Cage (Film; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Fabianus, Sebastian, Ursula, Ute (Austria)
Efimir, Evtim, Evtimiya, Momchil (Bulgaria)
Fabijan, Sebastijan (Croatia)
Ilona (Czech Republic)
Fabian, Sebastian (Denmark)
Hendrika, Henna, Henni, Henriette, Jete (Estonia)
Sebastian (Finland)
Fabien, Sébastien (France)
Fabian, Paula, Sebastian, Ursula (Germany)
Evthymios, Fabianos, Thymios (Greece)
Fábián, Sebestyén (Hungary)
Fabiano, Sebastiano, Teodorico (Italy)
Algirts, Oļģerts (Latvia)
Daugvydas, Fabijonas, Sebastijonas (Lithuania)
Bastian, Fabian, Sebastian (Norway)
Dobiegniew, Fabian, Sebastian (Poland)
Eftimie (Romania)
Dalibor (Slovakia)
Enrique, Fabián, Sebastián (Spain)
Fabian, Sebastian (Sweden)
Fabia, Fabian, Fabiola, Sebastian, Sebastiana (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 20 of 2024; 346 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 3 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 10 (Gui-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 10 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 9 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 20 White; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 7 January 2024
Moon: 76%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 20 Moses (1st Month) [Mano-Capac]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 31 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 30 of 31)
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Nosso Camarote Sapucaí 2019
Nosso Camarote Sapucaí 2019
Em 2018, nós fizemos história no maior espetáculo do planeta, com cerca de 80 horas de festa, mais de 14 mil sorrisos e 7 dias de evento no MAIOR e MELHOR camarote da Marquês de Sapucaí.
Em 2019, prepare-se para viver experiências ainda mais incríveis. Estamos chegando para deixar o que falar no NOSSO CAMAROTE. Afinal de contas, assim como o Carnaval, ele é meu, é seu, é NOSSO!
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#Carnaval RJ 2019#Carnaval Sapucai 2019#Carnival Rio de Janeiro 2019#Comprar Ingresso Nosso Camarote 2019#Desfile das Escolas de Samba do Rio de Janeiro 2019#Ingressos Camarote Sapucai 2019#Ingressos para Sapucai 2019#Maior Espetaculo da Terra#melhor carnaval do Brasil#Melhor Carnval do Mundo#Melhores Camarote Sapucai 2019#Melhores Festas Carnaval Carioca 2019#Melhores Festas Carnaval Rio 2019#Nosso Camarote#Nosso Camarote 2019#Nosso Camarote Sapucai 2019#Sapucai#Summer 2019#vem pro rio#Vendas de Ingresso Nosso Camarote 2019
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Ipanema Beach, Rio de Janeiro
#ipanema#beach#summer#praia#brazil#brazilian#brasil#carioca#rj#riodejaneiro#rio de janeiro#cidade maravilhosa#wonderfulcity#carnival#sea#vacations#ferias#verão#verão2019#2019
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On Monday night, Rio’s most famous samba school, Mangueira, used its parade to pay tribute to the murdered politician with a sequin-smothered show of song, dance and dissent.
Partygoers streamed down Rio’s Sambadrome waving green and pink flags emblazoned with Franco’s image and placards reading: “Justice for Marielle.”
The politician’s widow, Mônica Benício, joined the procession sporting a T-shirt that said: “‘Fight like Marielle.”
“I’ve come to protest, not to parade,” Benício told the Rio newspaper Extra.
Franco, a gay councillor who was born and raised in one of Rio’s largest favelas, was gunned down on 14 March last year as she returned home from a debate with her driver, Anderson Gomes, who was also killed. She was 38.
Brazilian newspapers have reported that investigators suspect the crime was committed by a death squad called the Escritório do Crime (The Crime Bureau) – a paramilitary group recently linked to one of the sons of Brazil’s far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro.
But while Rio’s governor – a Bolsonaro ally – recently claimed police were closing in on those responsible, no arrests have been made.
David Miranda, a lawmaker from Franco’s Socialism and Liberty party who took part in Monday’s pageant, said it was intended as both a tribute to his friend and an attempt to highlight the fact that her killers were still at large.
“We want to remind the world that a political crime was committed in Braziland this crime has still not been solved. We need the world to keep paying attention to the situation to help us solve it,�� he said.
Miranda said he believed some progress had been made in the investigation since the country’s federal police became involved late last year. “I think that we will manage to find out who pulled the trigger soon. But we also need to know who ordered her murder and why.”
#it was so moving#i don't usually enjoy carnival but mangueira nailed it#brazilian carnival#carnival 2019#rio de janeiro#mariellepresente#marielle vive#marielle franco#politics#brazilian politics#marielle presente
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Trombetas cósmicas, rio’s carnival
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International Acclaim and Local Criticism of BLACK ORPHEUS By Jessica Pickens
It’s a film that inspired director Bong Joon Ho in his formative years. The Academy Award-winning director of PARASITE (2019) said that seeing BLACK ORPHEUS (’59) when he was in junior high school made a big impression on him. And at the time of its release, BLACK ORPHEUS was met with international enthusiasm. But in Brazil, the response was one of disappointment.
The film is a modern retelling of the Greek mythology story of “Orpheus and Eurydice.” French director Marcel Camus adapted Vinícius de Moraes’s 1956 stage play, Orfeu da Conceição. It was Camus’s breakout film, and also his only hit — making him a one-hit-wonder in the world of filmmaking.
Set during Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Eurydice travels from the country to the city to visit her cousin Serafina. She is running away from a man that stalked her at her farm, and she believes he wants to kill her. In Rio is Orfeo, a streetcar driver, whose girlfriend Mira is eager to get married. Orfeo is reluctant. When Orfeo meets Eurydice, the two fall in love and it’s like they have known each other since the beginning of time. During Carnival, the two dance together but their happiness is short-lived. The man stalking Eurydice has arrived in the city dressed as Death. As they try to escape Death, the couple also has to avoid an outraged Mira.
While in production, the film wasn’t completed. Filming on location in Brazil, Camus had a limited budget and slept on the beach to save money. “[He] lived from meal to meal and worked from reel to reel,” Time Magazine reported in Janury 1960. When he was finally down to $17, the President of Brazil, Juscelino Kubitschek, helped Camus obtain equipment, according to The Foreign Film Renaissance on American Screens, 1946–1973 by Tino Balio.
The unknown director also cast unknown actors, many of them in their first film role:
Breno Mello was cast in the title role of Orfeo after Camus saw him on a beach and offered him the starring role. This was Mello’s first film role and one of six films he starred in between 1959 and 1988. Before turning to acting, Mello was a Brazilian soccer player for Fluminense and Gremio, major professional soccer teams in Brazil.
Marpessa Dawn was cast as Eurydice. Dawn was the only non-Brazilian in the cast. A native of Philadelphia, PA, this was her first leading film role. Though Dawn continued to act until 1995, none of the roles matched the caliber of her starring role in BLACK ORPHEUS.
Lourdes de Oliveira plays the jealous girlfriend of Orfeo, Mira. This was Oliveira’s first film role and only one of two for the Rio de Janeiro native.
Adhemar da Silva acted as Death in his only film appearance. However, sports and Olympic fans may have already known his name. Da Silva competed on the Brazilian team in the 1948, 1952, 1956 and 1960 Olympics. He was a two-time Olympic gold medalist for the triple jump at the 1952 Helsinki and 1956 Melbourne Olympic games.
Léa Garcia played Eurydice’s cousin Serafina in her first film. After BLACK ORPHEUS, Garcia had a more successful acting career than her co-stars and is still acting into 2020.
With a fresh group of local talent and Brazil as the backdrop, BLACK ORPHEUS is visually stunning and told with the aid of swirling, vibrant colors. The costumes and background primarily used bright golds, blues and purples. Much of the film’s color also came from the music composed by Luiz Bonfá and Antonio Carlos Jobim. The score utilized the ossa nova Brazilian style of music. Jobim is considered one of the founders of the style of music, along with guitarist João Gilberto. Literally translated into “new trend” or “new wave,” bossa nova music is a mix of jazz and samba. The music is so important to the feel of the film that it is practically a co-star, and BLACK ORPHEUS helped create an international bossa nova craze.
After its release, BLACK ORPHEUS was honored with the accolades of the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film and the Palme d’Or, which is the highest recognition at the 1959 Cannes Film Festival. However, many native Brazilians felt that this was just a French film set in Brazil. They felt that it didn’t show the true Brazil, but what a tourist may see. “The film works outside Brazil, for foreigners that do not know Brazil or who only know it superficially,” said literary critic and poet Manuel Bandeira in 1959.
Playwright Vinicius de Moraes criticized the film for straying from his original play. Composers Jobim and Bonfá, who made the bossa nova a trend because of the film, made very little for their work and the royalties went to French producers instead as noted in a Brown University article, “Black Orpheus: An International View of an “Authentic” Brazil.” Brazilians also felt the film stereotyped their culture, making it appear that poor blacks of Brazil only happily sang and danced. Author Ruy Castro criticized this saying, “It’s amazing that people who live in cardboard houses can be so happy.”
Despite criticism from the location in which it was set, the film is still celebrated today. While the film had such a large international audience, it’s a shame that it couldn’t reflect the lifestyle that Brazilians would have liked to see on film.
#black orpheus#Brazil#african diaspora#world cinema#french#Carnival#rio de janeiro#TCM#Turner Classic Movies#Jessica Pickens
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Rio de Janeiro mayor arrested in corruption investigation
Marcelo Crivella arrested days before leaving office, in blow to Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro
Police have arrested Rio de Janeiro’s outgoing mayor Marcelo Crivella, an ally of Brazil’s far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, in an investigation into alleged corruption at city hall.
Four carloads of police and prosecutors arrived at the mayor’s house in the affluent Barra da Tijuca neighbourhood before 6am, the website of O Globo newspaper said.
The arrest comes days before Crivella’s mandate ends and just weeks after the deeply unpopular mayor – a gospel singer who had called homosexuality a “terrible evil” and shunned carnival – was thrashed in mayoral elections by one of his predecessors, Eduardo Paes.
Crivella is an evangelical bishop and former senator, who served as minister of fishing in the government of Dilma Rousseff. He is the nephew of Edir Macedo, who founded the powerful Universal Church of God evangelical church.
Continue reading.
Addition by the mod: do y’all remember 84 years ago in 2019 when a mayor tried to censor a book fair because of a gay kiss in a Marvel comic book? It was this dude.
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hello~ first of all, how are you doing? I saw that your name is Nana, it's really pretty! reminds me of that cool girl in the manga "nana". I wanted to know more about you, like what are your hobbies, who is your favourite slam dunk character, where are you from, etc. anything you're comfortable telling us. ah but I'm not a strange person! I just really like yours blogS and I was just wondering what kind of person is behind all of that!! anyway, is it okay to ask that? I'm sorry if it's strange!
Hello darling! I’m fine and you?? Well, my name is not Nana actually 😅 My nick name on Internet has been Nanahoshi since I was 13 yo so everybody on Internet calls me Nana ASHAUSHAUHUH
I think that knowing the adms of a blog is pretty cool so yey I’ll try to not talk much!
My real name is Julia, but please keep callling me Nana.
I’m from Brazil. I live in a state called Goiás (it’s in the middle of the country) and our state is kind of the “country state” of Brazil. Forget Carnival, soccer, Rio de Janeiro and stuff. Brazil is much more than that (I personally hate Carnival and I’m not a big fan of Rio). Maybe I can talk more about my state in another ‘get to know the adm’ post yey :D
I’m 24 yo and I’m graduated in Biotechnology by Universidade Federal de Goiás. I finished college on January 2019
A little bit about my personality: I’m a super talkative person. I’m not shy, except in occasion I don’t feel comfortable to be myself (new places with new people for example). I talk and laugh loud and I laugh quite easily. I enjoy making friends, playing board games and videogames with them. However, I struggle with being criticized and I’m an over-over-over perfeccionist
I studied English from 7 yo to 15 yo, so I consider myself fluent. I want to learn a third language (maybe Japanese).
I have a black female cat called Nala
My favorite Slam Dunk character is Mitsui, but it’s soooo hard to pick only one because they’re all so amazing characters.
I got to know Slam Dunk bc my ex-boyfriend told me about it. However he only watched 4 episodes while I watched it frenetically and jumped to the manga.
My hobbies are: reading, writing (a lot), watching Power Rangers and anime, chatting with friends (specially about anime and fanfiction), reading stuff on tumblr, hanging out with friends and doing church activities, Bible study, etc
I love my family A LOT
I’m a Power Rangers stan
I’m a missionary
That’s the face of this Slam Dunk stan here
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Brazilian movies I recommend:
Cidade De Deus (City of God) Direct by Fernando Meirelles (2002)
Cidade De Deus (City of God) Direct by Fernando Meirelles (2002): In the favelas of Rio de Janeiro in the 1970s, two boys follow different paths. Buscapé is a photographer who records the violent daily life of the place, and Zé Pequeno is an ambitious drug dealer who uses Buscapé's photos to prove how tough he is. The movie got 4 Oscar nominations, and was of the cinematography inspirations for diverse works across the globe like Oscar winner Marvels Black Panther.
"Carandiru" Directed by Héctor Babenco (2003)
A sanitary doctor offers to carry out HIV prevention work in Carandiru, the largest prison in Latin America, during the 90s. Living daily with the harsh reality of prisoners, he witnesses the violence aggravated by overcrowding, the precariousness of the services provided and the animalization of prisoners. Paradoxically, he knows the internal organization system and the fragile, romantic and dreamy side of those who seem to have done so badly to society.
Aquarius Directed by Kléber Mendonça Filho (2016)
A retired journalist defends her apartment, where she has lived all her life, from harassment by a construction company. The plan is to demolish the Aquarius building and make way for a major development.
O Beijo da Mulher Aranha (Kiss ofthe Spiderwoman) directed by Hector Babenco (1985)
The film tells the story of left-wing political prisoner Valentín Arregui (Raúl Juliá) and Luís Molina (William Hurt), an effeminate homosexual convicted of "minor corruption". The two share a cell in a Brazilian prison. Molina recalls, in prison, one of his favorite films, a romantic war thriller that is also Nazi propaganda. He weaves the characters of the film in a narrative that brings Arregui comfort to distract him from the harsh reality of prison and the separation from the woman he loves. The movie got 4 Oscar nominations, William Hurt wining for leading actor.
Tropa de Elite (Elite Saquad) José Padilha (2007)
The captain of the Rio de Janeiro Military Police's special force trains two novice recruits so that they can succeed him. While dealing with urban violence, racism and corruption within the Military Police.
Bacurau Direct by Kléber Mendonça Filho and Juliano Dornelles (2019)
Residents of a small village in the Brazilian hinterland, called Bacurau, discovered that the community is no longer on any map. Gradually, I noticed something strange in the region: while drones pass through the skies, foreigners arrive in the city. When cars turn into shots and corpses begin to appear, Teresa, Domingas, Acácio, Plínio, Lunga and other inhabitants come to the conclusion that they are being attacked. It remains to identify or attack and collectively create a means of defense.
Central Do Brasil (Central Station) Directed by Walter Salles (1998)
Dora, a bitter ex-teacher, makes a living by writing letters to illiterate people, who dictate what they want to tell their families. She pockets the money without even posting the letters. One day Josué, the nine-year-old son of one of his clients, ends up alone when his mother is killed in a bus accident. She is reluctant to care for the boy, but joins him on a journey through the Northeast in search of Josué's father, whom he never met. Winner of Best foreign language film in the Golden Globes, and two time Oscar nominationated for best foreign language film and Best leading actress for Fernanda Montenegro.
Ó Paí, Ó Directed by Monique Gardenberg (2007)
In a lively tenement in the historic center of Pelourinho, in Salvador, everything is shared by its residents, especially the passion for Carnival and the dislike for the building's manager, Dona Joana. Everyone tries to find a place in the last days of Carnival, whether working or playing. Troubled by the residents' party, Dona Joana decides to punish them by cutting off the building's water supply.
O Auto Da Compadecida (A dogs will) Directed by Gues Arraes (2000)
In the village of Taperoá, in the hinterland of Paraíba, João Grilo and Chicó, two northeasterners without a threshing floor, walk through the streets announcing A Paixão de Cristo, "the most affordable film in the world". The session is a success, they get a few bucks, but the struggle for survival continues. João Grilo and Chicó prepare numerous plans to get a little money. New challenges are emerging, causing more confusion armed by the cleverness of João Grilo, always in partnership with Chicó, but the arrival of the beautiful Rosinha, daughter of Antonio Moraes, arouses Chicó's passion and jealousy of Corporal Seventy. The duo's plans, which involve the marriage between Chicó and Rosinha and the possession of a clay nut filled with money, are interrupted by the arrival of cangaceiro Severino and the death of João Grilo. All the dead are reunited at the Last Judgment, where they will be tried at the Court of Souls by a black Jesus and the devil. The fate of each one of them will be decided by the apparition of Our Lady, the Compadecida and brings a surprising ending, mainly for João Grilo.
#oscar#brazilian movies#carandiru#city of god#the kiss of the Spiderwoman#aquarius#brazil#movies#sonia braga#Alice braga#wagner moura#elite squad#tropa de elite#central do brasil#central station#golden globes#lgbt movie#opaio#o auto da Compadecida#a dogs will#Selton Mello#black panther
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Kilka herezji karnawałowych na luty:
1. **Karnawał w Rio de Janeiro, Brazylia**: Jednym z najbardziej znanych karnawałów na świecie jest ten w Rio de Janeiro, który przyciąga miliony turystów każdego roku. W trakcie karnawału odbywają się parady sambowe, gdzie różne szkoły samba prezentują swoje umiejętności taneczne i stroje, przygotowane z dużą dbałością o szczegóły. Karnawał w Rio de Janeiro jest także okazją do organizowania licznych imprez ulicznych i festynów[¹](#1).
2. **Karnawał w Wenecji, Włochy**: Karnawał w Wenecji słynie z elegancji i mistycyzmu. Jego charakterystyczną cechą są przepiękne maski, które noszą uczestnicy, maskując swoją tożsamość. Podczas karnawału odbywają się liczne bale, pokazy sztuki oraz konkursy na najpiękniejsze maski[²](#2).
3. **Mardi Gras w Nowym Orleanie, Stany Zjednoczone**: Mardi Gras w Nowym Orleanie to tradycyjny festiwal karnawałowy, który odbywa się przed Wielkim Postem. Charakteryzuje się on bogatym programem imprez, takich jak parady uliczne, pokazy tańca i muzyki, oraz spożywaniem tradycyjnych potraw, takich jak gumbo czy king cake[³](#3).
4. **Karnawał w Binche, Belgia**: Karnawał w Binche jest uznawany za niematerialne dziedzictwo UNESCO i ma długą historię sięgającą średniowiecza. Jest to jeden z najbardziej tradycyjnych karnawałów, podczas którego mężczyźni noszą charakterystyczne stroje z pierwowzorów Gilles'ów, a także rzucają pomarańczami w tłum[⁴](#4).
5. **Karnawał w Port-of-Spain, Trynidad i Tobago**: Karnawał w Port-of-Spain to jeden z najbardziej energetycznych i kolorowych festiwali na Karaibach. Charakteryzuje się on soczystymi kostiumami, tanecznymi paradami oraz rytmiczną muzyką, w tym socą i kalypso[⁵](#5).
6. **Karnawał w Kolonii, Niemcy**: Karnawał w Kolonii, znany również jako Kölner Karneval, jest jednym z największych i najbardziej ekscytujących karnawałów w Niemczech. Odbywają się tu liczne parady uliczne, bale oraz festyny, a uczestnicy noszą kolorowe stroje i maski, celebrując karnawałową atmosferę[⁶](#6).
Te tradycje karnawałowe stanowią jedynie niewielki wycinek różnorodności kulturowej i społecznej obchodzenia tego święta na świecie.
### Bibliografia:
1. S. Shaw, "Carnival in Rio de Janeiro: The World's Biggest Party," *Geographical*, vol. 86, no. 3, pp. 28-31, 2014.
2. R. P. Rinaldi, "The Venetian Carnival: Italy's Most Festive Tradition," *Italy Magazine*, 2019. [Online]. Available: https://www.italymagazine.com/featured-story/venetian-carnival-italys-most-festive-tradition. [Accessed: Jan. 31, 2024].
3. A. M. Haas, "Mardi Gras in New Orleans," *Encyclopedia Britannica*, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Mardi-Gras-in-New-Orleans-Louisiana. [Accessed: Jan. 31, 2024].
4. "Carnival of Binche," *Belgium.be*, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.belgium.be/en/culture/heritage/carnival_binche. [Accessed: Jan. 31, 2024].
5. T. Regisford, "Trinidad Carnival: A Cultural Extravaganza," *National Geographic*, 2018. [Online]. Available: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/trinidad-carnival. [Accessed: Jan. 31, 2024].
6. "Cologne Carnival," *Cologne Tourism*, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.cologne-tourism.com/see-experience/poi/cologne-carnival/. [Accessed: Jan. 31, 2024].
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Ten Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Brazilian Music, and the Singers That Made Them Possible
It sounds casual and subtle upon first hearing, but when you really listen, Brazilian music is ingenious, complex and all around great. It borrows from national and regional traditions, and incorporates local, European and African elements. The music has assimilated jazz, rock, reggae, metal, hip-hop, and electronic dance music. While it is difficult to fully educate one about Brazilian music, here are 10 facts to get you started.
1. The choro is a style of music considered to be grandfather of the bossa nova.
This musical style was first played in Rio de Janeiro during the 1800s, adapting folk traditions like the jabanera of Cuba and the mazurka of Poland. The instruments in a choro band are flute, cavaquinho, a stringed instrument, guitar, and hand percussion. The music is an intricate counterpoint.
Pixinguina (above) is considered the Scott Joplin of Brazil. He composed many choros, one which is called “Carinhosa,” in 1928.
2. Carmen Miranda, superstar of samba, was nicknamed “The Brazilian Bombshell”.
Miranda was a singer born in Portugal and raised in Rio. She dressed like Bahian street vendors and became an international symbol of Brazil. She was a charismatic, funny, and expressive artist, also known as “the lady with the Tutti Frutti hat”.
3. Baiao is a style of music from the Northeast of Brazil.
This style of music incorporates accordion and triangle, has a peppy beat, and is based on a syncopated rhythm in a duple meter. The zabumba -- a bass drum played with a mallet and a hand -- is also used. One of the most famous baiaos is “Asa Branca” by Luiz Ganzaga (1947.) The song talks about a dove who is the last bird to leave during the droughts.
4. Joao Gilberto is one of patriarchs of bossa nova.
Gilberto was the person who set the dimensions of the bossa nova. He had a style and a voice and the ability to play the guitar like no one else. Without him, “The Girl from Ipanema” would never have been as successful. His gentle voice and guitar catapulted the song to international fame.
Brazil’s best-known form of music is the samba, the drum-heavy, rhythmically intricate and danceable genre that is reminiscent of Carnival. But, according to one source, in 1955, when João Gilberto locked himself in the bathroom of his sister’s house and began quietly playing samba beats on his nylon string guitar, another national music was born: bossa nova, or "new style." With that Gilberto co-founded (with Jobim) this new sophisticated sound. By the mid-1960s, with a military dictatorship in Brazil, authorities became tough on bossa nova. But Gilberto had moved to the United States, where he lived until 1980, and his unique musical style influenced a generation of musicians in the U.S. and abroad. Gilbert died on July 6, 2019 in Rio de Janeiro at the age of 88.
5. Antonio Carlos Jobim is the true father of the Bossa nova.
The bossa nova beat is a microcosm of the samba, and the melodies contain sophisticated jazz harmonies. The tune “A Felicidade” (1950) contemplated happiness. It says “Tristeza nao tem fim/Felicidade sim,” which translates to “Sadness has no end/Happiness does.”
6. Caetano Velosa was a rebel who ended up in jail for his beliefs.
Velosa sang “Tropicalia” (1968) and is one of the representatives of a musical upheaval that infused music with rock and also brought modern criticism of the government into the lyrics. This alarmed the military dictatorship, and he was sent to prison along with another great hero, Gilberto Gil. They were later exiled to London.
7. Milton Nascimento has incredible range.
Nascimento’s voice could range from a baritone to a falsetto, and he had lyrics which reflected the reverence for nature, for tradition, for ordinary people, and for justice. This song pays tribute to the strength of Latin American women. "Maria Maria” became an anthem across Brazil.
8. Jorge Aragao is one of the fathers of samba.
He was born March 1, 1949 in Rio, and he is a singer-songwriter. He sings samba and pagoda, a sub-genre of samba. He plays the guitar, surdo, cavaco, and banjo, among other instruments. In performance, he usually plays the cavaquino -- a stringed instrument -- most of the show, and sometimes the banjo. In this selection, “Enredo do meu samba,” he is singing with the wonderful diva, Alcione.
9. Trio de Paz is one of the most popular bands in Brazil.
The modern day has seen Brazilian jazz diversify and change since “The Girl from Ipanema”, in 1964. This is one of the leading ensembles, with guitarist Romero Lubambo, bassist Nilson Matta, and drummer Daduka Da Fonseca. Lumambo was featured at the Montclair Jazz Festival in 2019. One of their songs is “Black Orpheus.” They are in demand in Brazil and around the world.
10. Ivan Lins is the master of MPB.
MBP, or popular Brazilian music, incorporates samba, bossa nova, jazz, and traditional Brazilian music. Lins has been performing and composing for over 30 years. People call him the musician’s musician, as he is highly regarded when performing in small jazz clubs which many jazz musicians attend. He has had his songs sung by Chaka Khan, Brenda Russell, Patti Austin, and others. Sting sang his song “She Walks This Earth” (Soberana Rosa) which won a grammy.
Another great song of his is “Madalena.”
He is the one I fell in love with in my visit to South America, and he was recently on tour all over the world with a big orchestra. Here is a new song he played there, “Passage to Brazil.” He had to cut his world tour short due to the pandemic. But I am sure he will be back!
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Patricia Souza (left) and Kamilla Carvalho, two trans women and carnival performers have a drink in the Lapa region of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. 11 December 2019.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ . ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #brazil #rio #riodejaneiro #documentary #photojournalism #reportage #fujixseries #fujifilm #fujix #fujiframez #fujixt3 #trans #transwomen #LGBQT+ #transgender #carnival @fujifilmx_uk / on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CD_9CoWHm7m/
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Rio Music Carnival 2019
Rio Music Carnival 2019
Partiu comemoração da 11ª Edição do Maior Carnaval Eletrônico Do Mundo!
Hey 2019, pode vir quente que estamos fervendo, já no calor do verão e esplendidamente bem acomodados na linda esplanada da MARINA DA GLÓRIA, de frente com o Pão de Açúcar!
Prepare-se para 5 noites inesquecíveis na celebração do #RMC11!
Ingresso Certo: https://bit.ly/2Ak7l6G Cód: wallas
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#Baile do Dennis RMC#Barja#Camelphat#carnaval carioca#carnaval rio de janeiro#Carnaval Rio de Janeiro 2019#CArnival Rio de Janeiro#Cat Dealers#Comprar Camarote RMC 2019#Comprar Ingresso RMC 2019#Fisher#Ftampa#Gabe#Gabriel Boni#Illusionize#KVSH#Love Sessions RMC#Maior Carnaval Eletronico do Mundo#Melhores Eventos do Rio de Janeiro#Melhores Festas Carnaval Rio de Janeiro#Melhores Festas do Brasil#Melhores Festas do Carnaval do Rio#promoter wallas baldacine#Rio Me RMC#Rio Music Carnival 2019#RMC 11#RMC 2019#Snake#Summer 2019#vem pro rio
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