#Career Planning UN
businessabroad · 11 months
United Nations Levels and Salary - What are they? #5
Unlocking the UN's Pay Scale: A Guide to Levels and Salaries in UN Jobs
Navigating the intricate world of United Nations careers can be a daunting task. Understanding how the levels and salaries work is crucial, whether you're aiming for your first role or seeking advancement. Our latest video, "United Nations Levels and Salary - What are they? - UN Jobs #5," demystifies the salary structure and helps you map out your future in this prestigious organization.
We cover the key factors that influence where you land on the UN's pay scale, from academic qualifications to professional experience and the specific nature of your duty station. Plus, we offer insights into additional benefits that enhance the value of your compensation package.
Tune in for an expert breakdown and start planning your career path with confidence, equipped with the knowledge you need about where you stand—and where you could go—in the UN hierarchy.
#UnitedNations #UNCareerPath #SalaryGuide #GlobalJobs #MakeADifference
Here are all the videos in this course.
The Benefits of Working at the United Nations
UN Duty Station: What it is and What you Can Expect
The Process of Getting A Job at the United Nations
How to Apply For A Job At The United Nations
United Nations Levels and Salary - What are they?
Type of Contract at the United Nations
United Nations Steps and Contract Negotiation
United Nations Jobs, Job Role, and Posting Locations
UN Job Opportunities - How to Increase Your Odds
Best Places for Your Family to Live
How are you Competing Against
United Nations Official Languages
This is What the UN's Application Process is Like
How to success your test at the United Nations
Before Passing Your Interview at the United Nations
How to Successfully Interview For a Competency-Based Job
List of Questions used in Competency-Based Interview
What to do After the Interview at the United Nations
0 notes
If you became super rich and could design your own house, but could only add THREE unnecessary/random/expensive home additions (like how people will have bowling alleys, movie theatres, closets with museums of shoes, car display rooms, spa rooms, wine cellars, etc. in their mansions) - what three would you choose?
#I think I would have: an indoor pool (but like heavily customized with a faux weather system so I could get the feeling of swimming in#rain or fog or snow etc.). a very small arcade consisting only of skee-ball and DDR machines. and an old Library Room with authentic#historical furniture/interior design to store old books/tapestries/study room equipment/whatever other antiques I'd collect. It'd be#like some fully intricate movie set or something that would feel completely like stepping into another world/time.#Though I might would trade out the arcade for a roller skating rink.. i DO love skating....#And I wouldve put rock climbing gym because I love indoor rock climbing but.. as I understand it they have to change out the rock things#on the walls every once in a while so that you can have new routes and it doesnt get boring. and I'd rather have an activty room thats like#self sustaining and doesnt require me to hire some person to come switch things around once every month. Otherwise I would#totally do that instead.#I'm also personally not counting ''craft'' type stuff like having a pottery room kiln sort of thing because#that doesn't count as 'unnessecary' to me. since stuff like that would not at all be just a hobby I 'happen to#do sometimes for fun'#but would definitely be a career sort of thing. Like if I had the money for a fully stocked sculpture room and and a sewing room#with a good machine and etc. then I would literally be professionally selling pottery and designing clothing and etc.#so I wouldn't count it as 'just a random side room I dont need' etc.#The same way that if I played tennis professionally or as a very intense hobby that takes up most of my life/time#then I wouldn't count having a tennis court in your house to practice in as 'unncesscarry' etc.#wow that is the worst I have ever spelt that word ghbjh#Un Cess Carry#ALSO would obviously have an underground bunker of some sort with food and emergency supplies which also does not count as unnecessary to m#since it's literally like... survival.. And I thought most health organizations literally reccomend that even#the common person has a small 'go bag' prepared in their house. and like an evacuation plan in case of fire or other things#It WOULD be an unnecessary rich person thing to have a full on undergRound village or something stocked with 9000 guns and#whaetever. but I think just a basic emergency room with basic supplies could still be counted under the 'not unnecessary' requirement.#Like I would say that a sprawling courtyard of flower gardens and fountains and hedge mazes that takes up like a hundred thousand#dollars a year in maintenance would count as one of the three 'unnecessary and expensive' things. But having a small garden in the#back yard with a few planters in a little greenhouse or whatever would not. The 'excessiveness' of the thing matters lol#ANYWAY!!!#Just curious what other peoples Three Main things would be... hrrmm
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nebuladreamerrr · 3 months
Love in words| Kylian Mbappé x Fem Reader
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Summary: Kylian wins your heart with a charming routine of leaving little love notes in French. Unbeknownst to him, you’ve been secretly learning French just to understand his sweet messages
Warnings: English is not my first language. I don't speak Dutch or French, so if there's any mistake, I would appreciate it if you let me know :)))
You couldn't help but smile when you noticed the little envelope next to the breakfast on the counter, certain that your boyfriend had prepared it before leaving for training. It was these small gestures that made you fall more deeply in love with him each day.
The past few months hadn't been easy. In fact, your relationship hadn't followed a "normal" trajectory at all. Just a year ago, you had left your beloved Netherlands to advance your modeling career. Many saw it as a leap into the unknown, predicting you would return with less than you left with. Fortunately, you proved them wrong. It was at a serene evening event under the moonlight, hosted by a brand to showcase their new perfume, where you first met your current partner.
From the moment you met him, you felt a connection. However, you rarely recount your first conversation because it embarrasses you, despite it being one of Kylian's favorite stories. To Kylian's surprise, you didn't recognize who he was, leading him to initially disbelieve you and playfully ask what profession you thought suited him. Without hesitation, you said "architect," which amused him greatly.
Luckily, it turned into a humorous anecdote, and the following week, the handsome Frenchman seized the opportunity to take you on a date where you could savor authentic French cuisine. It was during this date that your mother called you, causing you embarrassment as you excused yourself briefly to the bathroom to speak with her. Uncertain of how to ensure you didn't return with a negative impression of him, Kylian took a lipstick from your bag and wrote on a napkin, "Meeting you was a nice accident." This gesture deeply touched your heart, and since then, you've cherished that napkin, hoping to one day share it with your future children as a cherished memory.
When your relationship began, you faced a series of challenges. First, Kylian got injured. Although it wasn’t a severe injury, he was quite moody since his whole life revolved around football. Luckily, your arrival in his life cheered him up, and he used that recovery time to get to know you better. However, the main issue in your relationship was the language barrier. After moving to France, your French was not very good, and after some bad experiences with a few French people who got offended when you mispronounced words, you decided to communicate mostly in English. Additionally, Kylian didn’t know any Dutch, so your conversations often felt monotonous or a bit awkward, requiring a translator to express your different points of view.
Kylian was quite concerned when you told him about the "trauma" you developed due to those few rude individuals who belittled your efforts and preferred to ridicule you rather than help you improve. To encourage you, Kylian came up with a plan involving leaving little notes in French to motivate you to learn the language. Of course, he understood that you could easily use your phone to translate them, so the first letter he gave you was on your birthday, hoping you’d understand how much he wanted it to come from you and not from a simple translation app. Therefore, on your birthday, he left this letter along with a bouquet of blue carnations:
“Bonjour à l'amour de ma vie,
J'espère que tu as très bien dormi aujourd'hui comme la princesse que tu es. Tu n'as aucune idée de combien je suis fier d'être ton petit ami et d'avoir comme petite amie une personne si gentille et noble, quelqu'un qui se soucie des autres et qui n'a pas peur de tout risquer pour accomplir de grandes choses.
(Y/N), en seulement vingt-quatre ans, tu as accompli tant de choses, et j'espère que tu es fière de chaque réussite car je ne peux m'empêcher de sourire comme un idiot amoureux quand j'entends ton nom mentionné dans une émission de télévision ou que je vois que tu as posté une nouvelle photo sur ton profil.
Je sais que tu vas me tuer pour avoir tout écrit en français, mais j'espère qu'un jour tu liras et comprendras tout. Je ne veux pas dire que j'espère que tu seras ma femme et la mère de mes enfants parce que je suis sûr que cela arrivera; nous sommes destinés à être ensemble.
Merci de me supporter, et s'il te plaît continue de cuisiner; je ne sais pas ce que je ferais sans ta nourriture. Je t'aime tellement, mon amour, profite de ta journée.
P.S. Please, princess, don’t translate anything, and don’t ask anyone to translate it for you. I love you, my queen."
("Good morning to the love of my life.
I hope you slept very well today like the princess you are. You have no idea how proud I am to be your boyfriend and to have such a gentle, noble person as my girlfriend, someone who cares about others and isn’t afraid to risk everything to achieve great things.
(Y/N), in just twenty-four years, you have accomplished so much, and I hope you are proud of every achievement because I can’t help but smile like a love-struck fool when I hear your name mentioned on a TV show or see that you’ve posted a new picture on your profile.
I know you’re going to kill me for writing this all in French, but I hope that one day you’ll read and understand everything. I don’t want to say I hope you’ll be my wife and the mother of my children because I’m sure it will happen; we’re destined to be together.
Thank you for putting up with me, and please keep cooking; I don’t know what I’d do without your food. I love you so much, my love, enjoy your day.
P.S. Please, princess, don’t translate anything, and don’t ask anyone to translate it for you. I love you, my queen.")
When you read the letter, you couldn't help but feel a bit shocked because you didn't expect to receive a handwritten letter from Kylian, especially not one written in French. Although it frustrated you that you couldn't understand what was written, you were sure it was all kind words. From that moment on, you had a new goal: to decipher everything the letter said.
Your motivation grew with the increase in notes that Kylian left everywhere: in your car, your apartment, and even in your purse. His messages varied—some shorter, some longer—but they all had one common factor: they were all written in French.
“Mon cœur, les gars me taquinent parce que je veux aller voir Vice Versa 2 avec toi. Est-ce bizarre ? » "Sweetheart, the guys are bullying me because I want to see Inside Out 2 with you. Is that weird?"
« Hey, je n'aime pas que tu prêtes plus d'attention à mon frère qu'à moi. Rappelle-toi, j'ai une Coupe du Monde, et lui non. » "Hey, I don’t like that you pay more attention to my brother than to me. Remember, I have a World Cup, and he doesn’t."
« Pendant l'entraînement, je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de penser à toi et à comment nos enfants vont me taquiner parce que je ne parle pas néerlandais. Pourquoi tout le monde se moque de moi ? » "During training, I couldn’t stop thinking about you and how our kids will bully me because I don’t speak Dutch. Why does everyone make fun of me?"
All of this motivated you to sign up for classes with a private tutor to learn the language. You often surprised her by asking about the meaning of specific words to slowly decipher the meaning of your boyfriend’s letters. When you finally succeeded, you couldn’t feel more satisfied with yourself. So, you decided to write Kylian a letter in French and slip it into his training bag, hoping to surprise him. You also had a little revenge planned.
"My love, I hope training went well, and you had a great time with the guys.
Remember to behave, and there will be a delicious meal for lunch.
Overigens, ik denk dat het tijd is dat jij ook mijn taal leert, dus ik hoop dat je veel plezier hebt. Onthoud, als je opgeeft, zal mijn vader een slechte indruk van je hebben.
Ik hou van je, mijn kleine schildpad.
(By the way, I think it’s time for you to learn my language too, so I hope you have a lot of fun. Remember, if you give up, my father will have a bad impression of you.
I love you, my little turtle.)
P.S. Don’t use the translator either."
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moonastro · 8 months
your future career
pick a picture
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left to right(top)-> 1,2,3
°DO NOT take this as literal, take everything with a grain of salt as this is purely and intendedly for entertainment purposes.
°Don't be afraid to give feedback and opinions about this post (as i would entirely appreciate it).
° This is a GENERAL reading, take what resonates and leave and pass on what does not!
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pile one: I'm seeing connections related to your career. what i mean about that is that you will have close relationships with very high status people that will help you along with your journey. I'm getting the vibes of when you ask someone about a goal of yours and they tell you that they know someone that can help you with your goal. It feels very prosperous and fortunate.
A career that you worked very hard for and stayed consistent in. like I'm feeling you studied, research and looked at every aspect of the career. Very knowledgeable about what you know. I also feel that you knew what you wanted to do from a very early age and it might have been your dream/goal to pursue that path. And to say the least, you will!! This is the literal definition of aiming high and achieving it. Sidenote- this career will be very unexpected for people when you tell them your status. You probably worked quietly and that's what got you to success.
This is also a career that may consist of you being very independent and thinking for yourself. This will enable you to help your family here also. I see you being the first in your family to achieve something very big and successful. This will allow you to take care of your family and help them out financially and giving them what they deserve for all the hardships that they supported you through.
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pile two: You may be unsure of what you are truly wanting as a career. you may be overthinking or just taking some time off and planning what might be suitable for you. (take this lightly please).
Anyway, i see money coming from overseas, very much investing and saving vibes. You take risks with this career, and take opportunities that are available. You also give a lot so this convinces me that it is investing. You reach for the impossible and you keep moving. some moves that are risky and out of context will also be a theme here, so the job may require toughness and risk overall.
there is a lot of consciousness about your surroundings. there is an instant reflex that you have when it comes to making quick and instant decisions. that actually may be your specialty. people come to you to get opinions and kind of like permission?? this convinces me that it may be a boss career OR a leading position that you take care of.
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pile three: Wowww. This career will be full of success and alignments. you will be very liked in your space and it will truly feel so destined that you will stay at the job for a very long time. you will go through lots and lots of other jobs before finally settling to the one. It may feel like you are very un grounded but trust everything, do not doubt your journey!!!
Somehow i feel like this career will be a luck thing. like i see you getting offered something and you accepting or you going out of your comfort zone only to get the best results from it. This job is somewhat of a surprise to you but you will be good at whatever you do.
I feel like the career will consist of lots of speaking and thinking. Very much office vibes (not saying it is). It will allow you to stand your ground and be able to express your opinions freely. I also think that you will become more confident with this career. like it will definitely change you for the better. Also, there will also be lots of connections like pile one, but for this pile it is more like unprofessional, unlike pile one it is very structured and professional connections. like it is more of you will meet lots of new peers and generally know lots of people by just being friendly.
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that's all for this post! thanks for reading, it is most appreciated💗🤍
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ellecdc · 8 months
The Drink Snob (part 2)
Mafia AU!Remus Lupin x fem!reader - 4.5k
p1 // p2 // p3 // p4
CW: Brief description of blood, mention of crimes, past kidnapping, family dynamics, mention past death of a parent, pressure from friends to date, use of Y/N
Remus tried to ignore the snickering coming from the two men at the kitchen table as he scrubbed the blood from his hands, using the brush to get under his nails. 
“It’s not even that funny in theory, it’s just that it’s so un-Moony like that makes it funny.” James giggled, actually giggled, like a schoolgirl. Remus could kill him. 
“Wait, wait, wait.” Lily’s voice, authoritative and deep compared to James’ snickering, jumped in. “You’re telling me the plan was almost foiled because Remus got distracted flirting with a girl at the bar?” 
“Not only was the plan nearly foiled, Red,” Sirius offered between fits of laughter, “the dumb bloke nearly died.”
“I didn’t nearly die.” Remus spat under his breath. 
“His drink was spiked whilst he was busy ogling the bird – she had to stop him from taking a swig!” James completed, howling in laughter. 
Lily brought her hand up to her mouth in an ill attempt to hide her amusement as she turned her gaze to the guilty man. “Oh, Remus.” 
“We caught the bastard, didn’t we?” He barked, swatting James and Sirius on the back of their heads as he took a place at the kitchen table beside Harry. “Besides, James, you’re not supposed to refer to women as birds.” Remus enunciated, causing James to wince as he correctly presumed the whack of a tea towel was headed his way from his wife.
“Right you are, Remus. This is why you’re my favourite.” She said, winking at him. The other two men scoffed in mock outrage.
“But he almost blew the whole stake out!” James cried at the same time as Sirius countered with “I nearly blow all our missions because of my flirting, why am I not your favourite?” 
Lily rolled her eyes as a third voice popped up.
“You’re no one’s favourite Sirius, I can’t believe you still haven’t figured that out.” Regulus muttered as he placed a kiss to Lily’s head before moving to the table to place a matching one on James and Harry’s. 
Sirius scoffed, “and no kiss either. I see how it is.” He said as he crossed his arms. 
“Awe, Pads! If you wanted kisses, you only had to ask!” James hollered as he threw himself at his best friend and left loud, smacking kisses across his face.
“Ew! Get off of me! This is like incest!” Sirius screeched. 
Regulus rolled his eyes and turned to Remus. “Wanting a kiss from his actual brother is fine but his friend giving him a kiss is incest?”
“Stop trying to figure Sirius out, Reg, there’s no logic.” Remus countered with a smile. 
Remus was glad, really, that life turned out the way it had for him. He wasn’t always, mind you; having been thrown into the world of underground crime at an early age after his father, with hopes for a political career, accidentally offended a well-known crime lord in Southern UK. In retaliation, Remus had been abducted and initiated into their mob at only twelve years old and was only reunited with his father and mother at fifteen once his dad had turned to crime after the police claimed there was ‘nothing they could do’ to bring their son back home. 
Then, when he was 17, he met James and Sirius. They both came from money, and both had very different experiences as a result. James was somewhat spoilt but extremely loving and eager to spread the wealth. Sirius, on the other hand, had pushed back against his birth family as hard as he could before he finally left to stay with the Potter’s full time.
His younger brother, Reg, followed a few years later, and they’ve been with James and his parents ever since. James met Lily studying in University; Reg became enamoured with her just as quickly, though much more quietly than James had, and the rest, as they say, is history. 
The options for Remus’ family were slim to none after moving from Wales to London in order for him to attend school. University had not been in the plans for him as the Lupin family came from almost nothing, but they had earned enough in the mob to secure him a spot anyhow. They had hoped to leave the lifestyle behind them, but their resume was lacking after spending years in crime. Eventually, it was Remus’ mother, Hope Lupin, who found Effie which introduced Remus and his father into the Potter Agency.
A legal corporation with less than legal methods; they liked to believe they were some of the good guys.
The term ‘good’ is used lightly, of course.
There’s crime, theft, assault, torture, and sometimes even death, but they don’t do it for the money or notoriety – not really. 
Potter & Son’s Corporations acts as the authority when the police lose control of the situation. So much of the crime that takes place is through drugs and laundering – the kinds of things that the police are more than happy to turn a blind eye to so long as they’re being paid.
But when police are being paid off, other crimes – such as trafficking – start happening, and the police often find that their hands are “tied”. 
So, Potter & Son’s deal with it, and it helps.
At least that’s what Remus tells himself. 
He understood why Sirius and James stayed. Neither had a choice really, much like himself, but Sirius made the choice of the lesser of two evils – chaotic good (Potter's) versus chaotic evil (The Black family). As for James; this was his family business. He was Potter & Son before it became Son’s to accommodate Sirius, and later Reg and finally Remus. This was James’ legacy, and he now had a wife, a boyfriend and a son to continue protecting, and he did that by staying. 
Remus stayed because, well, it’s all there really is for him. Any background-check a potential employer could run on him would not only take him out of the running so fast, but they’d also likely even report him. His mom and dad had their part – running one of the many restaurants in the city that acted as the front for Potter & Son’s. 
But Remus wouldn’t wish this on anyone.
Not even the stranger – flustered, music theory, Disney quoting, sailor level swearing stranger that singlehandedly nearly killed him and then saved him within the span of two hours. 
She had been overwhelmingly distracting, and James was right; Remus was usually the one at attention always. He never got distracted on missions – that’s why he took the position in the bar to wait on the dirty fuck. James is overly friendly and likely to get distracted by any Tom, Dick or Nancy that walked through the door – and God forbid there’s a pub cat present. Sirius can’t stop flirting with anything with a heartbeat for more than a second, and he stands out a little too much anyway due to his last name.
Hence, Remus goes in.
Only to be utterly enchanted by a foreign PhD student whose nose was cold bitten red and her hair thoroughly crumpled from her obvious pulling. Remus tried to ignore her; he really did. He even thought he did a pretty good job when her damned pencil skirt rode up and exposed more of her tight-clad thighs as she sat on the barstool. He even ignored the way she played with her bottom lip between her thumb and index finger as she waited for the bartender to notice her.
But then she had to go and order a fucking negroni alongside a pint of beer. 
If she hadn’t looked like she tasted so sweet, Remus is sure he would have gagged outloud. 
And really, what is a proper Welsh bloke like him ought to do when he sees a crime against alcohol take place before his very eyes? By-stander he is not, good sir. 
But it didn’t matter. It had been too close. It was foolish. And dangerous. For both of them. 
He may not be able to save her from Gilderoy Lockhart, but he could save her from this. 
Regulus decided this was the perfect time to interrupt Remus’ inner ramblings. “So, when are you seeing her next?”
He stared at him dumbly. “Excuse me?”
“The girl, when are you seeing her next?” He clarified as he popped a cracker into his mouth.
“Come on, Moony, don’t tell me you didn’t close the deal!” Sirius commented from across the table.
“What? I- no. No, there was no deal to be closed, you prat.” Remus muttered for Sirius’ benefit. “It wasn’t like that.”
“‘It wasn’t like that’ he says, like he wasn’t wrapped around her little finger for two hours as she waxed poetic about the architecture of Manchester.” James sing songed.
“What” Remus sputtered, “she did not talk about Manchester architecture, James.”
“But you were wrapped around her finger?”
“Not that either!” He shouted. “Enough, it wasn’t like that, I’m not seeing her again. End of discussion.”
“Mm, kay, counter point: discussion not ended. What do you mean you’re not seeing her again?” Lily interjected. 
“I mean exactly that – I’m not seeing her again.”
“Rem,” Lily started softly, and he groaned knowing she was about to go all mama-bird on him. “When’s the last time you fancied someone like that? You’ve guffawed at everyone I’ve ever tried to set you up with.”
“Because they were all dull.” Remus muttered apparently not quietly enough as he was smacked up the back of his head.
“And you’ve never found yourself distracted on a job before. That has to mean something, right? Why not give it a shot?” She asked gently.
Remus chose to ignore the second part of her sentence altogether for the benefit of everyone. “Exactly, I’ve never been distracted on a job before. Something is clearly wrong with me, I think maybe we should all be a little bit more worried about that, hm?” 
Everyone rolled their eyes and turned back to their various tasks. For James, that meant holding a raspberry competition with his infant son, Reg and Sirius began rough housing which quickly turned into an actual knife fight, and Lily back to restocking the medicine cabinet. 
It was one job – I’m fine. I’ll likely never see her again. Remus thought to himself.
He tried not to let that thought upset him.
He failed.
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Your encounter with The Man ™ as you’d started calling him in your head continued to bother you throughout the week. You thought you had been doing a pretty decent job keeping it from your thoughts: you guest lectured with no hiccups, your playing didn’t seem to be impacted and you kept up in orchestra well, and you even managed a facetime with your best friend Elle back home. 
Apparently zoning out in the middle of grading with your pen in your mouth was what finally gave you away.
“Miss. L/N?” Minerva called.
You quickly sat up straight. “Hm? I’m so sorry Professor, I-”
She waved you off with a kind smile. “My dear, I’ve told you to call me Minerva – as a PhD student, you’re more like my colleague than you are my student. I only meant to ask what has you so distracted. Are the first-year level quizzes on the basics of composition not riveting enough for you?” She asked gently, though her tone was often lost in her thick, stern sounding Scottish accent. 
“Sorry Pro- I mean, Minerva.” You caught yourself at her stern look. “I was just thinking that no one would know if I was missing.” 
Minerva dropped her pen and sat straight.
“My dear, what has you concerned. Has something-” she began to ask, but you cut her off.
“No, no. I’m fine, I just realized – if I go to a pub after school one day and something happens, no one will know to look for me. There’s no one at my apartment waiting for me at the end of the day, the landlord wouldn’t care until the end of the month when my rent was late, and even then, it’d be a while before she did anything about that. Students come and go from your life every day – if I wasn’t available to help grading or lecturing, you’d ask someone else. And that would be it. My friends back home would only realize I hadn’t been answering messages and would assume I’ve been busy.”
You looked up from the carpet where you had been zoned out. 
“And I don’t say any of that for sympathy. I just mean, well, someone ought to know – you know?”
Minerva considered your words before nodding slowly. 
“I’d notice. The second I had to settle for Mr. Lockhart’s subpar grading or lecturing.” 
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the matriarch. 
“Put me down as your emergency contact.” She added.
“I’m sorry?”
“With the school. And at your apartment. In your phone too if you can. Put me as your emergency contact. I’ll know then if anything happens.” She stated plainly as if she hadn’t just offered you an actual lifeline in Europe when you were thousands of kilometers from anyone who gave a damn about you.
“Thank you, Minerva.” You said softly.
The corner of her mouth quirked up, but she never moved her gaze from her papers.
“You’re very welcome, Y/N.” 
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You sat in your apartment – or you supposed you should call it a flat, you were in England after all – and watched traffic outside of the window while you replayed your conversation with Elle.
“I’m just worried about you is all.” She said.
You rolled your eyes as you held the phone between your ear and shoulder and loaded the washing machine. 
“Why? Because! You’re all alone out there in a tiny apartment in a big city where you don’t know anyone!”
“Elle, I don’t see how that’s any different than what I had been doing last year. I did the exact same thing in New York, and you didn’t seem this concerned then.” You chided.
“Well-” she started. “Well, that was different.”
“Because you were at least on the same continent as me. It was maybe a three-hour flight versus an eight. What else do you want me to say, Y/N?”
You sighed and threw your head back.
“I don’t want you to say anything Elle, I just don’t understand why we’re having this conversation.”
“It’s been almost six months.”
You stopped and stared at your reflection in the bathroom mirror. The six-month anniversary of your mom’s death was next week; you were well aware of that. It showed on your body, too, and you were glad Elle couldn’t see you now. You looked pale; your hair was dirty and piled messily on top of your head in a bun, though some locks were doing their damnedest to break free. Your clothes seemed to hang off your body in a way that hadn’t before as well; you made a mental note to figure that out at some point. 
“What about it?” You muttered, leaving the offending mirror behind you, and moving through your apartment (flat).
“Y/N/N, I just don’t think it’s healthy to be sitting in that apartment all alone. I mean, I know you haven’t been keeping in as much touch with the others, which is fair,” She emphasized the end as you began to defend yourself. “They don’t understand what it’s like to lose a parent or the intricacies of grad school, but still, it’s been noticed. And you haven’t dated since, what, Brian?”
“Brandon.” You corrected bitterly.
“Exactly, and how many years has that been?”
You moved your reading glasses to the top of your head and scrubbed your hand down your face. You loved Elle, you really did. But she was the kind of person to throw herself at life without self-reflection and that just wasn’t your style. She also lived by the motto that we were put on this earth to find our “other half”, and that all of lifes problems can be solved by finding someone to spend it with, which was another thing you just couldn’t get behind.
So, yes, it had been six years since your last relationship, and seeing as you weren’t the type to date around, you’d been single the entire time.
But you’ve been happy. 
You and your mom travelled a bit when she was still healthy. You attended Julliard to complete your master’s in music and spent time living in New York City. You played with the New York Philharmonic and in orchestra halls across North America. You went to the fucking Tony awards (as a seat filler, mind you, but still)!
“I just worry, Y/N. I mean, next thing I know, you’ll be telling me you’ve gotten yourself a cat or two!” She jested.
Your gaze shot to Huckleberry, the long-haired tom-cat you recently rescued from the local humane society, who was currently curled up on a throw blanket on your couch which you had yet to inform Elle about. You figured it could probably wait until your next chat with her.
“Don’t worry about me too much, Elle.” You sighed as you gave the feline a pat across the head.
“Someone has to.”
You fought the urge to groan – you knew she wasn’t trying, but this conversation was turning out to be more painful than you needed right now. The last thing you needed to be reminded of was how completely alone you were on this planet. If not for Elle and a few of your other mutual friends, you’d literally have Huckleberry and Minerva for company. And, God forbid, Gilderoy.
“I’ll talk to you later Elle.”
“Okay Y/N/N, be safe. Love you!”
“Love you.” You added before you hung up.
Part of you wondered if she was right about some things. Aren’t you meant to be meeting people? Making friends? That’s what people do when they relocate, right? 
You looked at your phone which sat on the couch behind you. It never lights up; no one’s looking for you. 
You didn’t much fancy downloading an app – it felt phony, like you were trying to sell yourself to someone. How else did people meet other people these days though?
School? Already there. Work?
I could get a job. 
You’ve been comfortable. Between funding from school and your mother’s life insurance, you hadn’t been too concerned for money though you had been living somewhat frugally. You supposed it wouldn’t hurt to have some pocket money, and maybe make a dent in your never-ending student loans. 
I'll get a job then. 
You’ve served at bars in Toronto and New York throughout school and worked as a waitress at different diners. Most people didn’t like working the service industry, but you didn’t much mind it; in cities that large, people are always in a hurry to get to somewhere else and don’t often stay long enough to really gather your interest. 
It’d be even better if I could find a job that involved music. 
Part of you still felt like an imposter. 
You’re working on your PhD, you studied music at Julliard, and played in world-renowned orchestras, but you still felt like you had no right holding a seat in the industry.
Fucking Gilderoy wasn’t helping that either. You thought darkly. 
“Right,” You told yourself aloud. “One thing at a time.”
And you looked up job opportunities online. 
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The smell of garlic permeated Remus’ senses as he and Sirius stepped into his parent’s restaurant. 
Remus worked for a damn mob, yet somehow, his white-Welsh parents operating an Italian restaurant left him feeling dirty – though, his Da was always quick to state he was 37% Italian on his mother’s side, whatever that meant. 
He followed the sound of cursing and found his mum in her office. 
“Oi, mum, who has you so wound up? I want names and addresses.” Sirius said as he plopped himself down onto one of the chairs opposite of Hope Lupin’s desk and kicked his Doc Marten clad feet up onto it.
“Sirius, I love you, but it’ll be your name and address I give out if you don’t get your sodding feet of my desk.” Hope stated sweetly without looking up from the papers on her desk. “Hi, cariad’s.”
“Hey mum, what’re you working on?” Remus replied as he sat (properly) in the chair beside Sirius.
She sighed and turned to look at the two boys. “Well, you remember the issues we were having with our new hire last week?”
Sirius looked up from his phone at this. “Hot Stephanie?”
Hope rolled her eyes, “Yes, Stephanie. Well, we had to let her go.”
“Awe mum, I’m sorry. Do you need a hand around here until you find more help?” Remus asked quickly.
Hope turned a soft smile in her son’s direction, her green eyes crinkling in the corners. “As much as I’d love having you around, cariad, I’m still recovering from you and James helping out last summer.”
Remus grimaced while Sirius barked a laugh. He and James had their strengths – but working the service industry apparently wasn’t one of them. 
“Besides, I’ve got a few good candidates here I think.” She said and gestured to a pile of CVs on her desk. “This lass sounds promising.”
“Yes, mummykins! Hire another hottie for us.” Sirius cheered. 
“That’s enough out of you.” Hope chided as she swatted him with her stack of resumes. “She’s got plenty of experience in restaurants and bars, and she may even be able to offer live music for us!”
“That’s sweet of you Hope, giving jobs to starving artists.” Sirius said looking back at his phone. 
“She did look a little peaky.” Hope admitted, “But I’m sure that’s on account of her recent move. She’s American.” 
“What?” Remus snapped.
His mum hummed. “Yup, she went to Julliard, served as a bartender and server in Toronto and New York pubs. She should work out really well!”
“Let me see this.” Remus muttered, snatching the CV unceremoniously from my mother’s hands.
Y/N L/N. University of Toronto / The Julliard School / Royal College of Music. Guest lecturer, experience in classical and contemporary performance and composition, teacher’s assistant, bartender, and server. The names of the various restaurants and bars you worked at were listed but they blurred in his vision.
“What has gotten into you, cariad.” Hope gently chided as she took the CV back from his hands. 
“What did she look like?” Remus spat.
“Pardon me?” 
Remus described you; he described your skin tone – a match. Your eyes? A match. Your hair colour and length? A match. 
Hope rolled her eyes. “Not everyone can be as tall as you and your father, Remus.”
“Mum, answer the question.”
She scoffed. “Yes, I suppose she was a little short.”
“You can’t hire her.”
“Excuse me?” She asked incredulously.
“Oh my God.” Sirius finally interjected, taking the CV from Hope’s hands. “Is this The Girl?”
“The girl?” She asked.
Remus snatched the CV back out of Sirius’ hands and placed it back in the pile onto his mum’s desk. 
“Who’s The Girl?” Hope asked, but it was obvious she was asking Sirius. 
“Oh, you should have seen it, Mum. We were on a stake out for one of McCormick’s crew at The Drunken Sailor, and Remus got all caught up chatting this pretty little lady at the bar. He didn’t even notice-” 
“I didn’t even notice that the bloke had come in until he went to leave.” Remus interrupted, not wanting to worry his mum by telling her how close he came to dying.
“Right...” Sirius continued, squinting his eyes at Remus. “Anyways, looks like you found The Girl who distracted our darling Remus here.”
Hope’s gaze was full of mirth as she turned to look at her son.
“So, you meet my dream employee at a bar one night and don’t even introduce me?”
“Mum, it wasn’t like that.” Remus whined, thoroughly annoyed by this conversation.
“Fine, but I’m sorry cariad, she’s the only one who applied who was worth my time, in fact, she’s likely overqualified. I’m arranging an interview.” 
Remus sighed in defeat. So much for keeping her out of this mess.
Continue to part three here 🥃
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olee · 8 months
Mil Horas | Enzo Vogrincic
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*for the request of enzo :)
English and Spanish
It has been a challenging experience for you to witness the effects of your boyfriend's acting career on his mental and physical health. Your boyfriend, Enzo, recently secured a role in the movie "Society of the Snow," to be honest, this was a big deal for him. This was his first acting gig in a movie, and it was directed by a renowned film director, J.A. Bayona.
The movie's plot is set around a group of people surviving in the Andes mountains, and it follows a gripping storyline that keeps Enzo on his toes. He had to narrate some scenes and play a significant role in the film, which was exciting and nerve-wracking.
However, as the filming progressed, Enzo began to feel mentally and physically drained. He had to work long hours, often late at night, and the pressure to perform well was overwhelming. He struggled to balance his regular life with his filming schedule, and this took a toll on his mental and physical health.
You have been a supportive partner, trying your best to help Enzo cope with the demands of his acting career. You hope he can overcome these challenges and emerge victorious, as this is a significant milestone in his career.
Enzo, the lead actor in the upcoming film, had to drastically change his lifestyle to meet the demands of his character. He was required to follow a strict diet plan, but his dedication to his role led him to take extreme measures. He skipped meals and pushed himself beyond his limits as if he were truly surviving in the wild. As his loved one, you were understandably concerned about his health and well-being. You even spoke to the film's director, Bayona, about Enzo's condition.
One day, Enzo called you on WhatsApp, looking pale and exhausted. He had just finished filming a scene in Barcelona and was feeling weak. You answered his call and asked how he was doing, but before he could respond, you interrupted him and urged him to take care of himself, "Enzo, por favor, necesito que me escuches. Te lo he dicho millones de veces y nunca me das bola. Por favor, cuídate, me tenés preocupada. Necesito que sigas la dieta, si no vas a tener una reacción fea." You reminded him repeatedly to follow his diet plan and emphasized that he did not have to take the role so seriously. You assured him that his health was more important than anything else, and advised him to take some time to relax and meditate.
He sat there at the open-air café, his complexion drained and expression distant, sipping on a cup of coffee. With a reassuring tone, he said, "My love, don't worry about me. I'm perfectly fine. Take a look, just enjoying a peaceful moment with a cup of coffee here, and I wanted to see you. Honestly, Barcelona is treating me well, but I miss you so much, and I really need you here." Unsure how to respond, tears welled up, and you confessed, "Enzo, I miss you too!"
Enzo, noticing your tears, adopted a more comforting tone. "I don't want you to cry. I'm fine. Barcelona is challenging, but I know we'll be together again soon. I miss your hugs, your laughter, everything."
As you spoke, the conversation became tinged with nostalgia. Enzo shared details of his days in Barcelona, enthusiastically describing places and situations. "I swear, I even miss your scoldings here. No one cares for me like you do, and that's what I'm missing."
Amidst sips of coffee, you discussed plans for the future, dreaming of the moment when you would be face-to-face again. "We'll be together again soon. Don’t worry."
The background music caught your attention as he showed you through his camera the charming street in Barcelona where he was seated. To your surprise, it was your favorite song, "Mil Horas" by Los Abuelos De La Nada. A smile spread across your face as you recognized the familiar tune.
Funnily enough, Enzo, caught up in the moment, started singing the song, “Tengo un cohete en el pantalón/Vos estás tan fría/Como la nieve a mi alrededor/Vos estás tan blanca/Que yo no sé qué hacer/La otra noche te esperé bajo la lluvia, dos horas, mil horas, como un perro/Y cuando llegaste, me miraste y me dijiste: ‘loco, estás mojado, ya no te quiero’”His voice, carried by the ambiance of the street, added a touch of spontaneity to the virtual encounter. Without a second thought, you joined in, singing along with him. The distance between you seemed to fade away as the shared love for the song created a delightful connection across the miles.
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burrowbaddie · 7 months
Joe Burrow x Female Reader
Series Summary: You, one of the top actresses in the world find yourself falling for the unbelievably attractive quarterback, Joe Burrow. But as Joe falls faster he finds that everything isn’t so golden about the world’s golden girl.
Acts: 5/?
Status: Ongoing
Please read the warning careful for this chapter. Proceed with caution; some content could be triggering!
Warnings: female!reader, smut, swearing, oral (m&f receiving), vaginal fingering, unprotected sex, taking plan b, mentions of toxic past relationship, age gap between ex and reader, mentions of past abusive relationship,
Act 5 Summary: You and Joe come to an abrupt end. With no more fight left in you, you decide to march to your own beat.
Word Count: 6.4k
Series Masterlist
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You sit nervously, biting your lip, waiting for the doorbell to ring. Joe is away at training; you encouraged him to go and give you some space to collect your thoughts, but right now, you could use his strength. You stand up and start pacing, unsure how to bring it up. You told your father to come over for the weekend to catch up and only explained briefly in the conversation. You figured it would be easier to tell your father first, plus you wanted to speak to him about your mother. Yeah, you decided to lay it all all in one go. The sound of your doorbell snaps you back. It's now or never. This is your first step towards freedom from Jackson. You make your way to the door and swing it open, greeted by your giant of a father. He scoops you up and squeezes you.
"You never invite me over. Am I going to be a grandfather?" He jokes, putting you down. Your heart cracks a bit more at the thought of telling him you can't have children.
"Where's Joe? Am I going to have a little footballer grandson who plays for the Bills? Me and your brother already-Sweetie, hey hey, why are you crying?" Your father calms himself, taking your hand in his. You try to wipe your tears, but they flow endlessly. Your father follows you to the living room, where you try to gather your thoughts, but the tears won't stop. You're hyperventilating, and your father is quick to be by your side, holding you.
"Did Joe do something to you? Where is he?" Your father is quick to his feet, and you grab his hand.
"Joe is fine. It's nothing with him. It's-" You touch your throat, unable to say his name. Your father sits down and gently holds your hand.
"Talk to me, sweetheart. What's going on?"
"Mom lives out here. I ran into her, " you whisper, deciding to take the lesser blow for now. Your father sighs and rubs his head.
"I know."
Your head shoots up at your father's confession.
"What do you mean?"
"Your mother contacted me a few months ago. I knew she lived here but didn't know you ran into her."
"Did she ask about me?"
"She did. She said she was so proud of you. She has been watching you from the start of your career."
"She has two other daughters now. She's a terrible person, and I don't want her in my life." You stand up, wipe your face, and begin pacing. Your father sits with his hands clasped together, staring at the floor.
"Dad, why aren't you saying anything? Don't tell me you forgave her! " you shout.
"We have talked over things, and we are moving forward."
"What does that even mean? You forgive her. Now, you guys will hold hands and run off together?"
Your dad's silence is loud. You're shocked at this revelation and unable to process a thing.
"You're together again?"
"We're talking. She's divorcing her husband and-"
"She abandoned you! She left us like we were nothing!" You shout, throwing your hands up.
"She was my first love. If you had a chance to be with your first love again, wouldn't you?" Your father asks calmly. You chuckle darkly, throwing your head back.
"My first love has ruined my life for the last ten years." You storm out of the room just as Joe enters the living room. He sets his bag down and chases after you.
"How can he talk to my mother right now? What she did to us is unforgivable!" You scream and cry. Joe embraces you, trying to calm you down. There's a knock at the door, and you pull away from Joe, allowing your father to enter.
"I have nothing to say to you right now. Joe will show you to the guest room. Thank you." You walk away, slamming the bathroom door behind you. Your father follows Joe out of the room and back downstairs.
"I thought I knew my daughter pretty well. Who is her ex?" Your father asks Joe. Joe lifts your father's bags and sighs. It isn't his place to tell your father everything about Jackson.
"It's up to her to tell you, sir," Joe replies respectfully. Your dad nods his head.
"Was it someone famous? Can you at least tell me that?"
Joe looks over to the steps where you're standing now. You're upset about your mother, but you have to tell your dad.
"Jackson. After Karen moved me to LA for my career, I started seeing Jackson shortly after." You whisper. Your father turns around to face you. You do your best to read his face, but he reveals many different facial expressions in those few seconds.
"I'm sorry, daddy." You whisper. Your father is in front of you, holding you in his arms as you break down.
"What are you sorry about? It's me, I'm the fool." Your dad walks you to the sofa, where you sit down and prepare yourself to tell your father everything. Joe gives the two of you space and decides to go take a shower.
"I started dating him after I turned 18. He was everything to me. It didn't take long for him to show his true colors. He started being controlling, and I blamed it on being my mentor and the stress with the business. I found out that after my 19th birthday, I was pregnant, but my career had just started, so I had an abortion. I thought it was only an abortion until a few days ago; I found out Jackson paid my doctor to tie my tubes." You can't bring yourself to look at your father. Your father tried his best to process all the information silently.
"I-I'm stunned." Your dad finally replies.
"I thought I could be free of him. I did my best to hold on to hope for these last few years because of the stupid contracts, but Jackson won't stop. He won't leave me alone. I spent seven years locked in fear of Jackson; through all the mental, emotional, and physical abuse, I stayed because I thought that was my life, but finally, I'm stronger now. I'm telling you this now because I'm going public about Jackson's abuse, and I'm taking him to court. I thought it would be best to say it to you first rather than hear it on the news."
"I wish you would have told me sooner. I didn't know any of this was happening to you. I should've put two and two together. I should have been smarter. I should have known when you stopped coming to visit. He took you away from us. No, I practically gift-wrapped you to him. It's my fault for being so fucking naive. I trusted this guy and-"
"Daddy, it's not your fault. I made my decisions. I-"
"He put his fucking hands on you! I sent you to LA, and I knew the culture of Hollywood. I read stories about things like this, but I never….I never thought for once you could fall victim. It's my fault. You suffered all this time, and it's my fault. I wondered why Jackson was contacting me these last few months. I'm a fool. He knew…Oh god."
"Daddy, it wasn't-"
"The business was failing. I was in debt and didn't want to ask you for money. Jackson offered, and I accepted it. He owns half the business now."
Your breath is caught in your throat. You're unable to move from your sitting position as your father starts rambling and pacing. This is why you never went public. This right here. Jackson threatened your family over and over and over again. He promised he would ruin their lives if you left him, and now it's started. Jackson got to your father before you could. It's all your fault. You stopped being close to your family. You lost all contact with them all those years. You just started to build things up again, but Jackson was one step ahead of you as always.
"I'm so sorry. What kind of fucking father lets his 17-year-old daughter move to Hollywood alone and for the last ten years be-"
"Dad! I'll handle it so-"
"No. I'll handle it." Your father cuts you off.
"Mom is working for Jackson. Her firm is representing him." You finally say. Your father freezes up. This time, you make eye contact with him.
"She-She wouldn't do that if you tell her he-"
"They met me together. She knows what is happening, and she chose her side."
"She only knows his side because he is her client. Honey, if we tell her she will-"
"What? Protect me? She hasn't done that since the day I was born."
Your father shakes his head at all this news. You don't even know where to start. Jackson owns part of your father's business. Your father built his construction business from the bottom up, and now, with Jackson involved, this will only further go to Hell for you.
"I'm sorry. This is my fault for being gullible. I can't imagine what you've been through, sweetheart, but I promise I will make it right."
"You can't dad. I have to do this alone. If you get involved, Jackson will ruin your business and-"
"The business doesn't matter. You are my daughter. I failed at protecting you before, and I won't fail again." Your father pulls you into a hug as Joe appears. You break apart and let your father settle in his room while you and Joe talk in the kitchen. You tell Joe the news your father shared with you about the company.
"I'll buy Jackson's half. Let's ask Janet and Alex to put that in the agreement." You state, holding onto Joe. Joe calls Janet, Alex, and Eliza over.
"Before we can do anything, I want to talk to Jackson. Alone."
"I don't think that is a good idea." Eliza steps in, looking at Joe for backup. Joe takes your hand.
"We have to let her make her own choices. I'm going to support her no matter what. Let her do it." Joe replies. You give him a soft smile. After a few more talk-throughs, you end the night by checking on your father. He states that he wants you to speak to your mother so that she can hear your side. You tell him that isn't an option yet. You return to your bedroom and cuddle next to your boyfriend. You both know the road ahead will be challenging, but as long as you have Joe, you know you can do it.
You sit across Jackson and take a deep breath.
"I want to buy back your half of my father's company, " you say flat out. Jackson throws his head back, laughing.
"And why would I do that?"
"Because I'm pressing charges against you, Jackson. Everything that you have done to me will be brought to light. I am giving you the chance to fix things."
"You're not going to win. Get that through your head. Come back to me, and all of this can stop. It's your word against mine. I need you to think this through. You have no proof." Jackson chuckles.
"I will ruin your brother's life. Aaron? Is it? Your youngest brother, right? Just getting his name out in the entertainment world, right? I will have him fucking blacklisted." Jackson threatens.
"Why are you doing this to me, Jackson? What did I do to you?"
"Come back to me, and this can be over. Your father…the rest of your family. I will leave them alone. Joe included."
You bite your lip and look around the room. A few feet away, Karen is urging you to agree to the terms.
"I want to be happy." You whisper, holding back tears. Jackson reaches over and touches your hand.
"I can make you happy like I did before. I'm different. I've changed. Let me show you." Jackson rubs the back of your hand. You shake your head.
"Joe…I love him." You finally let the words come out of your mouth. You love Joe, and it's taken you forever to say the words in fear of what your future would look like with him. But you know now that your future with Joe is as bright as the stars. Jackson starts laughing.
"No. You have no idea what you're saying right now. I have given you everything I have. I have loved you from the moment we met. You promised your life to me. Marriage kids…All of that is our future."
"I can't have kids anymore! You made sure of that! I will never come back to you. My family is stronger than you think. I've told them what you've done to me and what to expect moving forward. I gave you this meeting for a chance to change your ways, but you refused. My lawyers will be in touch." You grab your purse and exit the room. Karen chases after you and grabs your wrist.
"Think about what you're doing. Jackson is giving you the chance to make things right. Go back to him and protect your family. He can and will make everyone's life worse." Karen states, shaking your shoulders. You remove her grip and stare at her.
"You're such a sad woman. You continue to live in his spotlight, not seeing the good you could do by standing by my side. Jackson only cares for himself. The quicker you learn, the faster you will live a much better life, Karen. Testify against him. Win and be out from under his shadow. I'm doing this as a courtesy. You were supposed to protect me, and you didn't. You continue to let that man get away with everything. You're just as guilty as him in my eyes…But I'm giving you the chance to make up for your mistakes." You don't break eye contact and do your best to read over Karen's facial expression. You give her shoulder a few taps and walk away. Karen turns and walks back into the room to find Jackson pacing. You go to the lobby, where you find your boyfriend in disguise, just people-watching. You walk over and bend down, scaring him.
"I said I could do this alone." You whisper, pulling down his sunglasses. Joe shrugs.
"Just in case he tried anything. I wanted you to know you're not alone."
You kiss his lips and pull him up. The both of you exit the hotel. The ride back home sends your mind racing. You're sure your father has told your brothers, but you're not ready to face them yet, so you've been ignoring their calls. At home, Eliza, Janet, and Alex wait for the update. You tell them what everyone already knows. Jackson won't let you repurchase your dad's company; he refuses to settle. You give Janet and Alex the okay to file charges in California. With things in motion, you take the time to go to LA and finish some business for a week.
You giggle as you read over the text from Joe. Everyone in the room can see how much you glow at the mention of the football player. You can't wipe the smile off your face when you get called Joe Burrow's girlfriend. You're finally free to enjoy Joe in front of the world. It was a crazy mix of reactions, but for the most part, everyone is obsessed with the both of you.
"Yeah, she is finished up for the magazine spread. We will do a quick Q&A and then wrap it up." Eliza shouts on set. You text Joe a goodbye followed by a kissy face emoji. You miss him, but with his training for the upcoming season, you had to fly out and get some photoshoots done for your upcoming movie. You sit on the white sofa as your makeup artist comes and touches you up.
"So we have a special person here to help us out with this interview." The photographer announces. Your body freezes up, and you look at Eliza with horror written on your face. Jackson. It has to be Jackson. But as your special guest appears, your horror-struck eyes become filled with admiration. Joe smiles and takes a seat on the couch. Your mouth is wide open as you stare at him in complete shock. You launch yourself onto his lap as he laughs.
"Suprise, baby," Joe whispers in your ear. You lean back, and he kisses your lips.
"What's this?" You ask as Eliza hands you cards. You read over the cards.
"GQ couples quiz," Joe replies, fixing his shirt and licking your chocolate Fenty lipgloss off his lips. You cannot wipe the smile off your face as you read over the cards.
"You guys ready?" Eliza asks. You nod eagerly and sit back, wiggling in your seat. You start by introducing yourself and Joe.
"What's my favorite color?" You ask. Joe scratches his head, laughing.
"That's easy, yellow. Not too bright, like a nice mellow yellow. Not the drink." Joe laughs, replying. You nod and ding him for the point.
"What food do I love, and what food do I hate?" You ask next. Joe laughs and leans back. He takes a moment to think, and you give him a look.
"She loves lasagna, and she hates soups. Any soup she complains, but she also hates onion, but she will tear French Onion soup up, so it's like weird." Joe sits up, staring at you. You hide behind your cards, giggling.
"French onion is just too good! Okay, what's my favorite fast food, and what is my go to order?"
"You don't even eat out like that, umm, Chick-fil-A, and she always gets the Cool Wrap with extra ranch packet, a lemonade, and fries." He replies. You clap for him and tell them to give him extra points.
"He's so attentive like I barely eat out. I think I had that when we first started dating. Speaking of, how did you ask me out?"
"This is embarrassing. When we first started talking, we would send each other songs. So, I sent her Girlfriend by Charlie Puth. She messaged me and asked, What does this mean? And I replied precisely what the song says."
"What did you respond?" A guy asks off camera. You giggle behind the cards.
"Yes. I didn't send a song back because I was so shy and too busy giggling." You reply, flipping to the next card.
"What did you do for the first date?" The guy asks. You look at Joe, letting him take the lead.
"We did ABC dates for the first 26 dates; we did something corresponding to the alphabet. So, date one was an aquarium date." Joe smiles at you, shooting you a wink.
"Who said I love you first?" You ask, reading the next card. Joe leans back, laughing.
"I did. I knew I was in love with her from the first date. Without reading the little cards next to each animal, she would start this long rant about information on them. I was fascinated and had to stand back and stare at her. Although when I first said I love you, it threw her off, and she ghosted me for weeks."
"Joseph!" You giggle playfully, shoving him. Joe whispers that he loves you, and your heart flutters. You blow him a kiss and read the next card.
"How did we meet?"
"At her cousin's wedding. I knew the groom, and they introduced us, so I owe Matty a big thank you.
"Were you a fan of hers before meeting her?" The director asks. Joe nods his head.
"I was. Who isn't a fan? After we started hanging out, I did a deep dive for sure, but haha, I was always a fan. My family members are huge fans of her, so it worked out." Joe replies, licking his lips. You hide behind your cards.
"What's my favorite movie."
"Ding! What's a pet peeve you have about me."
"None. I'm too in love with you. Next question."
"There has to be one. I won't get upset." You reply, waiting for an answer.
"Hmmm. She falls asleep with the TV on. I like silence. But I would do anything to keep her happy, so I don't care." Joe states, grinning.
"What's the first thing I made you to eat?"
"Man…I think it was spaghetti or something."
"Ding. That's correct." You give your boyfriend a few claps.
"What was my favorite subject in school?"
"I think English? No history. She's a history buff!" Joe replies you give him another ding for his correction.
"What's my phone number?"
"I can't say that. Are they going to beep it out?" Joe asks. The producers give him a thumbs up, and Joe gives out your phone number.
"She doesn't know my number."
"To be fair, I don't remember anyone's number." You laugh and go to the next card.
"What is your favorite thing about me?" This time, when you ask, you stare straight into those blue orbs across from you. Joe leans forward and takes your hand.
"I love everything about you. I love that our humor is the same. I love how you protect those you love. I love the way your mind works. I love your strength. I never thought I would be able to fall more in love with you, but every day, you show me that's possible." Joe rubs the back of your hand, and you look away, holding back tears.
"Give him all the points, " you jokingly state, wiping your eyes. You toss the cards and throw yourself at your boyfriend, causing the set to laugh. After you guys wrap up on set, Joe follows you back to the hotel. You guys find yourselves in bed kissing each other endlessly. Your mouth detaches from Joe's, only to breathe in and return to his lips. Joe moans into the kiss, causing you to squeeze your thighs together involuntarily.
"Take this off," Joe whispers, pulling at your t-shirt. You sit up and toss it to the floor. Joe pulls you back on top of his lap and takes your nipple into his mouth. You look down at him with glossy eyes. Joe grips your hips tightly. You hiss as he pulls back slowly on your nipple between his teeth. Joe sucks on it gently, and you rake your fingers through his hair. While Joe is busy sucking on your nipple, you move your hand down to the waistband of his briefs, releasing his cock. Joe releases your nipple and stares up at you as you start pumping him in your hand. Joe lifts you and sheaths himself entirely in you. You both sigh while you clench around his shaft.
"Fuck baby, don't do that. I'm going to cum." Joe whispers, pulling you back down for a messy kiss.
"Missed this so so much," You pull away from the kiss and lean back as Joe starts bouncing you up and down on his cock. You lean forward so that your forehead touches his.
"Yeah, you miss this. Such a good girl." Joe groans, feeling you clench around him again. He slaps your thigh, and you giggle. You bend down and capture his lips. Joe's kisses are lazy because he is too focused on bouncing you up and down his cock chasing his release. It's only been a week of separation, but your dear boyfriend desperately wanted you. Joe groans when you pull his head back by his hair. You start leaving open mouth kisses on his neck.
"I'm cumming." Joe groans as you suck on his neck. You giggle and pull back to see your handy work. Joe sighs, holding you down as you continue to milk everything he gives you. You pick yourself up and plop down on the bed beside him. Joe rolls over and stares at you. Before you got here, Joe had spent at least 15 minutes devouring you, so it was only fair he got his ending, too. You can feel his semen dripping down your legs, which makes you giggle at the sensation.
"What?" Joe asks.
"The strike started, so I won't be promoting anything. I can give all my time to you." You whisper. Joe closes his eyes.
"Do you trust me, Joseph?"
"With my whole heart."
You close your eyes and join your boyfriend in a deep sleep. The next day, you and Joe find yourselves eating out. A few fans ask for photos and autographs which you both have no problem doing. When you return to your hotel, you and Joe take a hot shower, not missing a moment to touch each other. After the shower, you take a much-needed nap. You and Joe fly back home and bury yourself in the case you are building against Jackson. You have not spoken to your father since he shared about your mother. Your brothers have tried to reach out to you, but you're not ready for that talk.
"Can you go into more detail about the Oscar night?" Janet asks, bringing you back to the present. You ignore your oldest brother's text and place your phone on the table.
"Like what?"
"Did he assault you?… Physically?" She clarifies. You take a deep breath and nod your head.
"How long do we need to do this? I have surgery today." You state changing the subject. Janet looks at Alex.
"We can end here. Are you nervous about the surgery?"
"Yes, I want it to work out. I want to be a mother, " you reply.
Alex drives you to the hospital, where Joe meets you. He kisses your lips and tells you how brave you are then you are and that he will be waiting for you when you wake up. And just like he promised, Joe was at your side when you woke up and through recovery. Before you knew it, the season started. As always, you went to the games with his family and cheered him on. You ran into Jackson once and were surprised by the outcome.
"You win. Have your team contact mine. I'll follow whatever rules you set." Jackson stated. You stared at him in disbelief.
"First, let me buy back my father's company."
"You wanted a legit deal, have your team contact mine."
"Fine." You say, turning to walk away, but JAckson's next word surprises you.
"I'm sorry."
You can't find it in yourself to turn back and face him, but hearing those exact words you heard so many times from him seems haunting. You get the courage to turn around and face him with tears in your eyes; you take a deep breath.
"This could have all been avoided. What you have done to me, I'll never be able to forgive you, so keep your apology. Your words mean absolutely nothing to me." You state sternly. Jackson chuckles and wipes his face.
"For what it's worth, I loved you. I truly loved you."
"Well, you had a fucked up way of showing it."
"Get away from her." You hear Joe's mother shout. She quickly steps in between you. Jackson nods his head and walks away. She turns around and pulls you into a hug. You and Joe had sat down with his parents and broke the news a few weeks ago. Her actions shocked you but warmed your heart.
"Are you okay? Did he say anything to you-"
"Mrs.Burrow, I'm-"
"Mom. I told you to call me mom…if that's okay." She whispers, cupping your face to wipe the tears. You smile and nod.
"Mom, I'm okay." You sniffle, and she hugs you again. You guys make your way to the game. It has been a stressful few weeks for Joe, from your surgery to losing a few games. Joe always took it so hard and blamed himself. But you were there to comfort him always. After the team won, you guys went out to celebrate. Joe's hand never left yours through the night. You sipped your drink and leaned over.
"It's been four weeks, and I got the okay from my doctor. So-"
"Check this out." Andrei holds up his phone to Joe. Joe reads the headline, and you watch his face twist. You lean over to read it yourself, your hand moving faster than you can process as you rip the phone from Joe's hand.
"Jackson and longtime girlfriend are expecting their first child…. longtime girlfriend?"
Andrei looks at Joe, confused. You hand the phone back and storm out of the party. This is why he was so uncaring. You call Janet, and she already knows. It's a complete wrench thrown in your plan.
"We should still meet him and go over the contract. He doesn't want it to get out so-"
You hang up and lean over, feeling sick. Joe comes to comfort you. You don't know if it's the news or the drinks, but you're dizzy. Joe holds your waist and steadies you on your feet. You guys leave the celebration as paparazzi snap away, screaming questions at you. You get into the vehicle and break down. Joe pulls you into his arms. In times like this, he feels so hopeless; the only thing he can give you is comfort. You cry well into the morning, and when you wake up, you suffer from puffy eyes and sore throat.
"We can reschedule this meeting if you're not up to this today," Joe states. You ignore him and continue fixing your makeup.
"Just stop! I don't need to be babied. You're suffocating me!" You shout, slamming the door in his face. You didn't mean to lash out, but you're stressed. Jackson is always steps ahead of you. After you finish getting ready, you look for Joe to apologize. You find him on the phone in the kitchen. LA is not a good place for you; you want to run back to Ohio with Joe as soon as possible. Joe hangs up the phone and turns to you with a half smile.
"I'm sorry." You whisper. Joe shrugs.
"We should get going. Janet just called and said Jackson is there already…with your mother."
The bad news keeps rolling in. You guys meet at Jackson's local law firm. Janet and Alex are already there. You look over at Jackson's "girlfriend" and roll your eyes. You know her. It's someone you trained with in the past, but she never broke out as a star. You tell the ladies you will meet them inside the conference room.
"How long have you been with Jackson?" You ask her. She rubs her belly.
"Going on eight years."
You laugh and throw your head back. Courtney stares at you, not amused.
"How much is he paying you to say that? You know he was with me-"
"You're delusional. You and Jackson had a strictly professional relationship. He told me how obsessed you were."
"Court, we trained together. You saw me and Jackson together all the time. He-"
"He said you guys messed around once, and you just wouldn't back off."
"You can't honestly think he is going to treat you better? He is not sane. He will crush you until there is nothing left."
"Look, he helped your career. Be fucking grateful. I want that, too. Unlike you, I won't let him break me because we both need something from each other." Courtney says with a smile. She bumps into you and walks into the room. Jackson makes his way over.
"Courtney. Longtime girlfriend? What is wrong with you?"
"I'm sorry. What we had was fun, but you can't honestly think you were the only one. Right?" Jackson chuckles and brushes the hair from your face. He kisses your forehead.
"You made me an enemy, and I told you it wouldn't be pretty. Listen to me next time." He says before backing off and walking away. You get yourself composed before walking into the room and spotting your mother. Janet and Alex start going over your demands. Jackson agrees with them all, but you have zoned out.
"No deal." You interrupt. Everyone stops talking and looks at you.
"You can't buy my silence. You took my voice a long time ago, but it's back. I won't let you get away with anything you did. I'll see you in court." You stand up and walk out as Jackson calls after you. Janet and Alex will follow you out. Joe waited in the care for you. You shock him when you climb into the car.
"What happened?-"
"Please just drive." You say. Joe nods and pulls out. Once you guys reach the parking garage, climb onto his lap and kiss him. Joe tries to talk between kisses but can't catch a break. He finally lightly grabs your hair and pulls you back.
"Baby? Talk to me."
"You're right. I need to speak up so other women know what kind of person he is…I'm taking him to court." You lean back and look into his blue eyes. Joe nods his head.
"I'm proud of you."
And when Janet and Alex reach your hotel, you have everything drawn up and the story released. Your comment section on IG becomes too much that you deactivate them. Joe suffers an injury, and life seems to be slapping you both down. The world was calling you a liar, and though they didn't say it to your face, some co-stars sided with Jackson. Jackson was thriving, just as you expected, until some lip reader on TikTok posted just the evidence needed. Eliza handed you her phone.
"Do you remember that day?" She asks
"Here he is telling her, fix your face before I fix it for you. And then you see her smile." The girl states, pointing out Jackson's words. Of course, you remember that night. It was Emmy night, and Jackson had screamed at you the whole way over about the dress you wore being too revealing even though he controlled every aspect of you. He chose that dress. Another tiktoker who is known for body language analyzes the same clip.
"Look how tight he grabs her wrist when she tries to walk away. Jackson Taylor is an abusive man. Hashtag, we believe you." The guy states. You continue to look through the hashtag and see that you have gained support. People believe you.
"I have to see this through. I have to be open about everything." You whisper. Your eyes drift to Joe, who is on the phone in the kitchen. Eliza follows your gaze. Once Joe is off the phone, he finds you alone in the living room, staring at the blank TV.
You pat the seat next to you.
"What's up?" He asks, taking a seat.
"This is going to be a long process for me. I need the space to see this through."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm moving back to LA."
"I can come to stay with you and-"
"You need to focus on healing…and in a way, so do I."
"I don't get what you're saying?" Joe nervously chuckles.
"Joe, don't make this harder than it needs to be. I can't give you all of me because he still has it. It's not fair to you or me. I have to fight him and this alone. I need my focus to be on this."
Joe stands up abruptly, scaring you for a second.
"I have been supportive. I have been the supportive boyfriend this whole time! And you're going to leave me just like that. When I'm at my weakest?"
"Stop yelling, please. I know this is frustrating, but-"
"But nothing!"
"Joe, this is hard for me too!"
"Then fight for us too? I love you. I have shown you time and time again. After everything we've been through, you can drop us like that?"
"Joe, I can't love you like you love me. I'm broken. I told you from the start. I told you. Nothing can fix me." You cry. Eliza comes from her bedroom, shocked about all the noise.
"I'm begging you to fight for us."
"I don't have any more fights left. I'm sorry, Joe." You whisper. Joe stands still, letting the silence fill the room. It's selfish. He knows it, but if he has to be selfish to keep you near him, he will become the most selfish person on the planet. But you're walking away from him. Joe can hear you saying words, but he can't understand them. It's as if you're speaking another language. Finally, Eliza brings him back.
"She's gone. She asked me to pack up her things and have it shipped to LA. I'm sorry, Joe. I'm shocked as you."
"I have to let her go. I can't be another guy that forces her to be in a relationship." Joe whispers and walks away. Eliza finds you in the car crying. She is confused by your actions, but she trusts that the both of you will find your way back to each other.
When you return to LA, rumors spread about you and Joe breaking up. People speculate that he broke up with you for obvious reasons. You keep yourself busy with Janet and Alex. Sometimes, you find yourself asking Janet about Joe. She tells you he's doing better, which is all you wanted. The hardest part about the case was getting people to speak up against Jackson. Everyone you emailed denied any involvement, even your old manager. Finally, one day, you get a visit from your old makeup artist.
"I'll testify." She states flat out. Janet smiles and nods.
"What can you bring to the table?" Alex asks.
"I was her makeup artist for two years. I can't tell you how many bruises I was paid to cover in those two years. I confronted Jackson, and he fired me. He threatened my family….when she found out she had paid me in secret for years. I've been running some of her clinics for women who are running from DV situations. I will tell them everything." Viola squeezes your hand, and you pull her into a hug.
"You helped so many women; they don't even know it. Thank you." Viola states. You are pulled into a hug and smile. Viola leaves you with Janet.
"Why didn't you tell me about the clinics? This-"
"Because they are all under Viola's name. I didn't want to have my name attached because of Jackson." You reply.
"This is huge. With her testimony, we really have something." Janet leans over the rail, looking out at the city.
"I miss him." You say, staring at the pool.
"He misses you too," Janet replies.
"He's never going to forgive me."
"He's upset, but I'm sure he would fall on his hands and knees if you walked into his door. I have never seen little Joseph so in love."
The thought makes you smile, but you know, deep down inside, Joe deserves someone with less baggage and Less damage. Because that's what you were… damaged goods. Some other guys ruined artwork. Joe could never put back the pieces.
"Your mom is here." Eliza interrupts. You take a deep breath. You were the one who called her to visit, so it's time to face the woman who gave birth to you.
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it has been so longggg. I am sorry! But I am back. I am doing much better. I had a grippy sock vacation in the fall but I am feeling much better haha. This chapter sucks but we MOVE! I am getting back into the groove of writing again lol
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mrsspringerslover · 1 year
Aran x hyper!reader
Warning: sex (obviously), bathroom sex, rough, spanking(light), slight!bratty!reader, not short reader(tall queens out here), not really a plot, (semi)public. Black!reader
Synopsis: teasing aran in a custom made jersey costume and he pulls you in the bathroom
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Halloween was the best time of year for all these cute couples costumes, and it's an excuse to wear something provocative without getting judge. Which brings us to now, you've been planning this for two months now. Aran was doing so well with his basketball career that you thought about making something special for him.
"Hey bae so- uh there's this party coming up for halloween, can we pleasepleaseplease go?!" You really hoped he says yes because there hasn't been anything to do lately, "i don't know ma. I don't wanna go, but you can." You were about to cheer until you realized what he said. " 'Dont wanna go by myself pa i want you to go with me!" Aran was so laid back and hated being around anybody but his friends and family so when he says no he means it. "What i say mama? No stop asking." "Please ill do anything you want!! His eyebrows went up at that,
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When he agreed to go with you he didn't expect you to pick his costume either, although he didn't care. "Aran i got your costume!" When he turned around he didn't expect it to be his basketball jersey and shorts, "mama what the hell is this, and how you even get that it was in my locker." " This is your costume!" He didn't think you were serious. "Just wear it bae, you gon understand once you see mine," you whine and jumped around. He narrowed his eyes at you, "stop allat whining, y'know i hate that shit."
You walked in the closet when he went on his phone, and quickly changed into your costume. "Look aran look look!!" He looked up and his eyes got wider he had a smug grin on his face too, "you love daddy so much you got my name on your back huh?" He loved it, he loved you! " Yes daddy now get dressed so we can go!"
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You arrived at the party and saw all your friends and you ran off with sasha, "wassup girl how are you damn bitch you look fine asf," you went to the kitchen and grabbed a red cup with liquor, "girl i got this custom made you like it?" " Hell yeah i need to do that with connie shiiii!" You were chatting with sasha and mikasa till all of a sudden you see a girl walk up to yo man all smiles and shit, "girl we finna go smoke you tryna- why you doing that face girl?" Mikasa said and that was till she followed your eyes and saw this girl talking to aran aka your boo.
What the fuck? Did she not see you two walk in together? She must be crazy.
"Girls hold up ill be right back this bitch got me fucked up." The girl were looking like damn she bout to get beat up. "Excuse me your in my way," the random girl looked back and looked you up and down, "girl can i help you?" She had the audacity to turn her lip up at you," yes actually like i said your in my way bitch." And when she didn't budge you shoved her out of the way and sat on aran's lap.
You saw her stumble in her heels you were satisfied. "Ma why you push her and on top of allat you cussing now? Uh un lets go," he abruptly stood up and grabbed you by the arm and took you to the bathroom. Once you got in the bathroom you could hear muffled music, "you cussing now?" "sorry pa didn't mean to i swear-" "aht i dont wanna hear nun of it strip and bend over," you hurried and did what he said so the situation didn't get worse. " You know the drill, don't you?" You were scared for your life, "n-no running, no pushing, and d-dont cum without permission."
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"Mmph! M'sorry papa didn't mean to say it!" He smacked your ass cause now you were lying, "yes you did. You think ian hear you cussing with yall lil friends over there huh? Lie. Again." He pushed into you harder. I guess this is what you get because now this man is slutting you out, bent over his friend's sink. Please's and sorry's flew out of your mouth while he was deep in your guts, "oh my- too much too much! Daddy please can i cum!?" You heard one word that made your face drain of any color.
So you were forced to lay on the sink and take any punishment handed to you, while your knees buckled beneath you. "Mmm feels good ma?" He was taunting you now and you could hear it in his snarky voice, "too much- slow down please i said sorry daddy!" He heard you whimpering while your legs started to shake, he was about to say slow down and let you cum until you put your small weak hands on his lower stomach, "put your fucking hands down, what i say huh?" "Running or pushing but-" "nope this what happens when you dont listen pretty girl." "So so sorry daddy pleasepleaseplease gotta cum" now after countless minutes of begging after 45 minutes he finally gave in after seeing your tears stream down you pretty face, "go ahead pretty" you both came together and when he pulled out you fell to your knees with an exaggerated sigh from exhaustion.
Aran whipped you down and put your clothes back on and carried you out the bathroom and to the car, "you okay baby?" After fucking you up he had the audacity to ask if you were okay good. "Yess can we go home? 'm tired." He looked over and smirked, "yeah lets go home pretty"
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This for you mama @dilfl0v3rss
Also for people wondering this was one of the answers for the poll i did. tell me if you like. ony x connie x reader is next yall🌚🌚🤭🖤
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thinkwosolife23 · 11 months
Reputation Part 2, Alexia Putellas
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You didn't ever anticipate playing against your sister. But here you were, currently flying from Barcalona to London for the first leg of the Champion's League Quarter Final. There were 7 teams that you could've faced but it had to be Arsenal. But facing Arsenal meant multiple things; not only were you facing your childhood club, you also had to face your past - you had to face Katie again.
These past few months had been better than you could've ever imagined. You grew up at Arsenal: you held such a love for the club and nothing would ever change that. But Barcalona gave you a different sense of belonging, like you were a piece of their jigsaw. Like they cherished you for you and not for being Leah Williamson's little sister.
Barcalona were currently sat at the top of the league as well as being in the quarter finals of the Champions League, you wanted to retain both of those titles with the club.
In terms of your personal career: you were improving everyday and your hard work was paying off. At 24, you had just placed 2nd in the rankings for the Ballon D'or. Your club teammate, Aitana Bonmatí had took the top spot.
And then there was Alexia.
She was a dream. She continued to impress you day by day, the world had tossed you the most beautiful, kind and caring soul you could've ever imagined. You didn't know what you did to deserve her.
Since that conversation at the club, you and Alexia had gone on so many different dates. Ranging from movie night on the sofa to picnics on the beach to resturant dinners. You spent weeks trying to prove that you only wanted her, you only needed her.
So, you asked her to be your girlfriend on New years eve.
Flashback……. 31st December 2023
You and Alexia had been apart over the christmas week. Her staying in spain with her mum and sister and you going back to England to be with your family.
Your flight had landed quite late in the afternoon, and Alexia was none the wiser that you were back in Barcalona.
The plan you had to ask Alexia to be your girlfriend was all ready to go.
Mapi had got Alexia to the beach just as you had asked. And now you had just go to said beach. You could see her on the beach just looking at the sunset and the sea. You had gotten Alexia a promise ring whilst back in England and it was currently sat in the back pocket of your jeans.
You headed towards where Alexia was stood and wrapped your arms around her waist, causing her to jump at your touch, clearly not expecting it.
As soon as she turned around, she jumped into your hold; wrapping her legs around your waist and her arms around your neck.
"Tu espalda, te extrañé." (Your back, I missed you.)
"Yo también te extrañé, amor." You said whilst placing her back down on the ground. (I missed you too, love.)
"¿Por qué estamos en la playa?" She asked, confused. (Why are we on the beach?)
"Bueno, quería sorprenderte en algún lugar que ambos amáramos." (Well, I wanted to suprise you somewhere we both loved.)
And it's true, you and Alexia loved the beach. It was one of your favourite places to be together other than the football pitch. Obviously.
"Y quería preguntarte algo." You continued. (And I wanted to ask you something.)
"¿Pregúntame qué?" (Ask me what.)
You took a step back from Alexia and got down on one knee whilst grabbing the promise ring from your back pocket.
"¿No crees que es un poco pronto para esto?" Alexia laughed slightly. (Don't you think it's a bit early for this?)
"No te lo voy a proponer, todavía no." It was only then you realised what it look liked you were going to do. (I'm not proposing, not yet.)
"Es un anillo de promesa. No puedo prometer que no tendremos discusiones ni consecuencias. No puedo prometer que seré perfecto porque ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que hice todo esto. Pero puedo prometerte que siempre estaré a tu lado, siempre te respaldaré y trataré de protegerte. Quiero que seamos tú y yo contra el mundo. Quiero estar contigo y solo contigo. Entonces Alexia, ¿serás mi novia?" (It's a promise ring. I can't promise that we won't have arguements, or fallouts. I can't promise that i'll be perfect because it's a long time since i've done all this. But I can promise that i'll always be by your side, i'll always back you up and try to protect you. I want it to be me and you against the world. I want to be with you and only you. So Alexia, will you be my girlfriend?)
By this point, you were both shedding tears. But Alexia quickly nodded and put her hand out so you could put her promise ring on. She pulled you up and soon attached her lip to yours whilst wrapping her arms around your neck, yours going to her hips pulling her closer to you.
"Te amo." She told you, resting her forehead on yours. (I love you.)
"Yo tambien te amo hermosa" (I love you too, beautiful.)
Flashback Over.
And here you were now, heading towards the tunnel of the Emirates stadium to play your former team.
Your former teammates were already stood in the tunnel, as were some of your current teammates, waiting to head out onto the pitch. Before joining your own sqaud, you quickly went to the front of the Arsenal squad where your sister was stood.
Leah soon wrapped her arms around you, wishing you good luck and telling you that she would speak to you after the game, also letting you know that your mum and brother were in the crowd watching the pair of you.
Alexia was stood on the opposite side to Leah, as they were both captains. You gave her hand a squeeze before heading to the back of the Barcalona squad.
As you were heading back to your spot, you realised that Katie was the person opposite you on the Arsenal side.
It just had to be her didn't it.
"Long time, no see, Y/N" Katie said, with that stupid little smirk on her face.
"Fuck off, McCabe!" You snapped back at her before you were pulled away by Mapi who was stood in front of you.
As soon as you were in sight. The stadium was filled with boo's, the Arsenal fans clearly stating that they felt the betrayal of you leaving. You had expected it though: being there since you were little and then leaving, you knew not everyone would agree with that. Especially the fans.
You had to shut it all out, your focus needed to be on the game.
Arsenal's Starting 11:
GK - M. Zinsberger LB - S. Catley CB - L. Williamson (C) CB - L. Wubben-Moy RB - K. McCabe CDM - L. Walti CM - K. Little CM - F. Maanum LW - C. Foord ST - A. Russo RW - B. Mead
Barcalona Starting 11:
GK - S. Panos LB - O. Batlle CB - I. Paredes CB - M. Leon RB - L. Bronze CDM - K. Walsh CM - P. Guijarro CM - A. Bonmati LW - A. Putellas ST - Y/N Williamson RW - C. G. Hansen
In all honesty, Barcalona were all over Arsenal during the first half, managing to get two goals past the. You and Patri being the two goal scorers, Alexia assisting them both.
However, in the second half, the Arsenal players started to become a lot more reckless. Late challenges, shirt grabs, harsh elbows and pushes was becoming incredibly frequent. You and Alexia seemed to be on the recieving end of most of them.
You managed to contain your fustration, that was until Katie tackled Alexia in the box. It was a high tackle from behind, Katie's studs going straight into the back of Alexia's calf, sending her straight to the ground.
Most of your teammates quickly ran over to where Alexia was laying on the ground. But you went rushing over to where Katie was stood and gave her a harsh push.
"What was that?" You shouted, causing you and Katie to go face to face.
"Proteceting your flavour of the month, how sweet." Katie laughed, her irish voice appearing sarcastic.
"I don't blame you, though. She seems like the desperate type." She continued.
By this point, you had Katie by her collar. Your hands clamped on Katie's shirt. Members of both teams trying to pull the pair of you.
Leah managed to get inbetween you both, her body blocking you from getting to Katie.
"You need to drop it, Y/N." Her sister voice coming out, trying to calm you down.
It wasn't until you heard someone else's voice that you were pulled away.
"Oye mirarme. No estoy herido, ella sólo está intentando llegar a ti." Alexia told you calmly, her hand grabbing yours to walk off. (Hey, look at me. I'm not hurt, she's just trying to get to you.)
Alexia scored the penalty that was awarded for Katie's challenged. The rest of the game went all Barcalona's way.
It finished 4-0 with you managing to get yourself a brace. After speaking to some of you former teammates, you went to find Alexia. Your eyes softened when you saw where she was, her and Leah were talking and laughing about something. Two of your favourite peopel, that sight would never get old.
Over the few months you known Alexia, you had managed to teach her some English. She asked you teach her so she could talk to your family.
You headed over to where they were stood talking. You went up behind Alexia and wrapped your arms around her waist, before kissing her cheek. You felt her lean back into your hold, her hands resting over yours.
"Where's mum?" You asked, directing your question to Leah.
She pointed to just next to the Arsenal benches, you looked towards where she was pointing to see your Mum and brother.
You took yourself away from holding Alexia before grabbing her hand pulling her in the direction of your Mum and brother.
"¿A dónde vamos?" She questioned you hesitantly. (Where are we going?)
"Es hora de usar tu inglés, amor." (Time to use your english, love)
"¡Qué! Eliges después de un partido completo para que yo los conozca adecuadamente." (What! You pick after a full match for me to properly meet them.)
"Sí, ahora vamos." (Yeah, now come on.)
When you eventually got to your Mum and Jacob, you gave them both a hug before introducting Alexia.
"Mum, Jacob. This is Alexia, she's my girlfriend."
The three of them were extemely fast to jump into conversation. Alexia's english was better than you thought it was. Was there anything this girl couldn't do?
You left them to talk, as you and Leah went around the stadium together.
"You love her, don't you." She asked you, the look on her face telling she already knew what the answer was going to be.
"I really do, Le." Your gaze followed straight to where Alexia was still talking to your Mum and brother.
"I'm sure there's worse sister in laws in the world." She chuckled to herself.
"I'm gonna marry her." You told her confidently.
"You down that bad, huh."
"She's my person, Leah."
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cialovesklopp · 9 months
une journée a trois ➻ k.mbappe
summary – they had always been two. but now that they were about to be three, they were starting a new journee. the path of parenthood. ah, the joy of pregnancy
pairing – kylian mbappé x amara imani (oc)
warnings – a somewhat detailed description of childbirth, pregnancy, mentions of morning sickness, labor, breastfeeding
word count — 10.1k
author's note – i guess this is my last official chapter for the mon amour series before i am officially starting my trent fic and the first spin off to this series. i will also be taking mon amour to wattpad where i'll add some more social media since here it came a bit short. there will be a lot of redecorating for my fics in the next time. as a heads-up: i don't know anything about childbirth, my entire knowledge is from google so i am very sorry if i got something wrong. hope you enjoy <3
    ( masterlist )
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it wasn’t supposed to happen like this. she liked to have her life planned out to the finest detail. she wasn’t organized to the smallest but she liked to live her life in a certain order. so this was not supposed to happen now. there was no in-between for her situation. either women were happy or their lives were destroyed right now. and yet she found herself between the two scenarios.
she had been careful. she had put her career first and it had worked in every damn relationship she had ever had (which had not been a lot). she had made it clear that the success of her career was the most important thing and after the whole evan fiasco, she had sworn to herself that no matter how many times she fell in love, she would never lose sight again of her priorities. and it had worked till now.
it was a small mistake that led to her situation now. a moment of a certain emotional weakness that was the reason why she found herself in the bathroom on the floor with her back leaning against the bathtub as she stared into nothing.
kylian had introduced her to a new world of love. one where longing became sometimes too hard and the moment they found each other again, all rational thoughts were thrown out the window. he had shown her what love really felt like and that it was so much more than just endless fights and screaming matches. so… of course she had lost sights of her priorities and acted after her emotions when her heart had missed him too much.
her situation resulted from a sudden stay in the same city. he had been there to play an important match, she had two nights in that same city to tour and overwhelm her fans with her music. it had been three months that they hadn’t seen each other in person so the moment they had known they were at the same place, all sane thoughts had been thrown out the window. they had missed each other too much to even think about anything else than be close again. feel the other again. and now, not even two months later, she found herself on the floor in the bathroom with a stick in her hand. a small piece of plastic that held the weight of the world. two small blue lines that seemed to throw everything out of order. there seemed to be life growing inside of her now.
she wasn’t crying but rather staring into the air. her eyes held no emotion as she held the positive test in her hands. somehow it didn’t seem to set in that she carried life now in her body. that someone was breathing inside her and had their own heartbeat. it appeared surreal to her. the realization that one of her biggest fears had become true.
amara didn’t fear his reaction. that was probably the least of her problems. he had always expressed his desire for children, no matter at which point in his career he would be. he would support her, no matter what. she was the problem.
there had been warnings for this situation. women with so much potential that had been destroyed or ruined because of a child. and it wasn’t just an empty warning. she had seen it with her own eyes. linda, evan’s mother, had been the proof she had needed. a beautiful woman, beautiful and intelligent — a cunning lawyer who was at the peak of her career. but her pregnancy had ruined her and had turned her into a housewife. the vision, evan had always had of her. being pregnant just before she was about to start the second leg of her tour was the most unfortunate moment, this little gift could have come. it threw all plans out of the window.
she absolutely did not want to become one of those women who were at the peak of their career and then got it ruined by an unplanned pregnancy. it was her biggest fear. especially because she was living on the high of it at the moment. everything was going well, — she was breaking record after record — and now everything was about to stop. because she knew she would never bring it over her heart to kill the small human that seemed to be growing in her. it was a part of her now. and she could never take that decision alone.
time passed and she still found herself in the same position, her mind still processing the news. she didn’t notice kylian coming home from training and calling her name. her senses picked up his smell and noticed his presence but her brain felt disconnected to the outside world. her mind was a whirlwind of conflicting and complicated thoughts she just couldn’t work through.
if he was surprised to find her in the bathroom, he didn’t show it. kylian called her name but there was no response except an occasional small hum. the room felt smaller and the atmosphere was uncomfortable with the big news looming over them.
“cherié, tout va bien?” he asked her softly, eyes filled with worry as he kneeled a bit down and remarked how hers seemed to just stare into nowhere with a numb expression in them. she didn’t find the strength in herself to say her fears out. it was paralyzing her from deeply inside and forming a big lump in her throat that prevented her from being vocal. instead she only handed him the positive test, the two lines glowing dimly under the bathroom light. — honey, is everything okay
there was a confused expression on his face that turned into a mix of shock and slight happiness. but any emotion disappeared when he was met with her expression. “this is a surprise,” he said out loud and turned towards her. “are you happy?” his question hung in the air but she couldn’t find an answer.
“i don’t know. i don’t know what i’m going to do.” she admitted, her voice quiet. there was a certain nervousness and fear that underlined her voice, portraying the weight that she carried on her shoulders now. there were so many possibilities and challenges, so many hills and rocks they would have to climb now. she wished she was fearless like all the other women that were over the moon when they got the positive news.
“i was about to leave for a whole year. the second part of my tour is starting in a month. and now i’m…” her throat became dry as the lump became bigger. the words seemed stuck, as if speaking them out would actually make it real. “i’m pregnant.”
she didn’t have to say more for kylian to understand her. that’s just how they were. he seemed to comprehend that she wasn’t mad at the pregnancy. after all, she adored children. she was amazing with them and they both knew they wanted kids. she just feared the impact it could have on her career.
“je ne sais pas quoi faire,” she mumbled under her breath, her lips barely moving. “it wasn’t supposed to happen now. everything was going soo… well, i guess. i don’t want it to end. i don’t want to lose my career.” — i don’t know what to do
he let out a sigh, his back sliding down the wall as he sat down next to her. one hand still held the positive test while the other wrapped around his girlfriend’s waist, pulling her closer to him. “why would this ruin your career? you’re the most successful artist i know. nothing could ruin this now.”
“you’re supposed to say that. but you haven’t seen that pregnancy does to women. i don’t want my career to be ruined, not with the way the world treats women. how am i supposed to be a good mum and a successful woman in the music industry?” she shook her head and put it down on his shoulder, resting it there. she appreciated his efforts to comfort her but he was a man— they would never truly understand a woman’s suffering, no matter how hard they tried.
“we could stay home both if you want that. i take a break from football and i could be home for the both of you,” he suggested and amara looked at him incredulously. it was strange for her how he had accepted it so quickly already, that they were about to be three while she still struggled to comprehend the situation.
she shook her head firmly. “i could never ask you to stop for me. i know how much you love football. it’s your life. this is a me-problem.”
“une grossese n’est pas un probleme d’une personne. tu n'es pas seule. je te promets que rien ne va se gâcher. ta carrière est remarquable est elle le sera toujours. no matter what you do,” he consoled her, pressing soft kisses on her temple. “je t’aime tellement. mais ça, c’est ta decision et tu es la seule avec le choix. soo… are you happy?” — a pregnancy is not a problem of one person. you’re not alone. i promise you, nothing is going to get ruined. your career is remarkable and will be
— i love you so much. but this is your decision and only you can take it.
she shrugged, the unexpected twist in her plans still burning through her mind. she just couldn’t understand how there was a small human being growing inside her now. something that was breathing inside her. even though it felt unreal — and all at once she knew what she was going to do. what she would have to do now. her world would revolve around that little human being now. and she would do everything in her power to love that little baby that was living inside her. even if it the feeling of surrealism would never truly leave her.
maybe her mind should have adapted to it by now but it still felt disconnected to the situation. as if she was living two lives now. they hadn’t told anyone yet, preferring to keep it their little secret for the moment. especially because they still hadn’t settled in on the idea of getting a family addition.
kylian had noticed her struggles. how she couldn’t work around it. he would find her sometimes in front of the mirror, staring at her stomach. and even then it looked like she still hadn’t made her peace with the situation. amara had come up with several excuses why she had been going softer on training and why she avoided her pr for the second leg of the tour so much at the moment. kylian seemed to have calmed her down a bit about the pregnancy but the fears and rocks it would bring still hadn’t been overcome. even more when she still didn’t feel a thorough connection to the baby in her stomach.
the first ultrasound had been their reality check. that whatever they had been dancing around, was actually happening. there was a grateful look in her eyes when kylian grabbed her hand while their doctor applied the cold gel on her. it was terrifying for her to say the least. their nurse was friendly, nice — she must have sensed amara’s nervousness with the way she had been trying to calm the singer down. it had been risky getting an appointment but kylian had made sure to be extra careful. to make sure that nothing would come out to the press. the least she needed right now was for the time that should’ve been the happiest in her life to be without any media presence.
hearing the heartbeat was a sharp reminder that they weren’t alone anymore. the sound appeared to be precise evidence of life within her, the real confirmation for her pregnancy. it was a new experience for them, a new chapter that was starting soon in their lives. the impending parenthood that was installing its way into their life. several emotions were rushing through them as they made contact for the first time with their baby. and yet, despite the huge importance of the moment, amara’s emotions refused to truly correspond to the situation because of a missing connection between her and the baby.
she looked at the ultrasound screens, her eyes specifically fixing the point the doctor had shown them was their baby. she was registering the moment but struggled to find an emotional place for it. and it wasn’t because amara didn’t love the growing human in her body enough. there was no lack of love or commitment. her brain was just going into panic mode and refused to acknowledge the incoming changes. an automatic self-defense response from her mind who thought it needed to protect her. because even if she knew her career was good, it didn’t take away her fear of having all of that ruined.
as the doctor left them to offer them some privacy, there seemed to be just them now and the sound of a heartbeat. amara didn’t have to look at kylian to know that his cheeks were probably hurting from smiling so much. that his eyes were probably a bit teary from hearing the heartbeat of their unborn child. his hand found hers and he subconsciously intertwined them, his mind still clouded by all the emotions running through his body. she smiled at him, happy to know that at least he seemed to be able to form a special memory with the moment. for her, everything still felt surreal.
and the feeling of it did not leave her, not even in the night.
they were in bed, cuddled together under blankets when amara suddenly woke up from a slight movement. she turned a bit to look at kylian but her boyfriend still seemed to sleep peacefully. as she felt it again, amara looked down and found kylian’s hand on her stomach. casually laying there all protectively. and somehow, it was exactly what she needed to realise that it would be okay.
a small smile formed on her face and she put her hand on her stomach too. this was going to happen and she would be prepared for it. she wasn’t sure whether babies could already hear but it was stronger than her. the urge to promise her baby the world.
“i don’t know whether i’m going to be a good mum to you,” she began softly, speaking low to not wake up kylian. “but i can promise you, you’ll be in good hands with your dad.” she chuckled, the thought of kylian playing with a small mini-him or mini-her exciting her. “i’m sorry that you’re stuck with a mum who doesn’t know what she wants. but i’m trying. i’m trying for you… to be the best version of myself that you’ll need.”
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they began slowly, the changes. at first barely remarkable and now they were plainly obvious. life seemed to radiate from her. she possessed a kind of positive aura around her that even the blind could see. she had truly grown into the start of her pregnancy as she entered her second trimester.
amara found herself balancing her life before and during her pregnancy. she had to get used now to the fact that her body was adapting for the small human being in her stomach and that it included good and bad changes. she had overcome her struggles with the pregnancy and the lack of emotion she had had towards it. now she suddenly felt overwhelmed but happy. nearly excited to start this new chapter.
she was four months pregnant and with that also came the first differences that made this pregnancy real. that made it more than just a statement on a paper. a small, noticeable bump had formed on her stomach — it wasn’t very big but remarkably enough that it had made them nearly cry when they had seen it. now kylian’s hoodies had become her go-to attire to hide the small curve on her stomach. his sweatshirts engulfed her completely, serving as a comfortable shield for her womb and a cover up. after all, they still hadn’t told anyone and the little human growing in her body was still their secret.
and just as she progressed into her pregnancy, so did the unfortunate changes like morning sickness or strange food cravings. instead of spending her mornings in bed, spooning with her boyfriend, she now found herself hung over the toilet as soon as the sun came up, with kylian holding her hair. he whispered sweet encouragements and gentle circles which was now a habit for them every morning as she finished her first trimester to enter the second. it was exhausting, crucifying even and drained her. the doctor had told them it would stop soon but she found no change. she would just have to endure it.
even worse were the sudden food cravings. eating had already become hard enough with nothing staying in her body but her strange food cravings made it ten times worse. strawberries were her first sacrifice that came with nurturing life followed by sushi and chinese food. now even the slightest smell of take-out food had her running to the toilet. it was hard and what made it even more hard was the fact that she couldn’t ask anyone for advice other than her doctor.
they hadn’t told anyone of the pregnancy. she had canceled the second leg of her tour without any reason other than the “personal reasons” she had stated in her statement. it had been a heart-wrenching decision, stopping to travel around the world and illuminate people with her music but it was necessary. another sacrifice for her new life she was entering. they had left the world — including their own families — in the dark as they chose to live in their small pink bubble, far away from the harsh reality. amara would never admit it but she was glad. grateful that she didn’t have to share what was supposed to be the happiest time of her life with the world. she wanted it to be their private little moment.
pregnancy did not only change the way they lived. it changed them completely. amara knew kylian loved her but he had changed his love language. he had gone from sweet words and giving gifts to affection and touching her constantly. it had started small, with small caresses on her back and intertwining their hands subconsciously to gentle circles drawn on her hands now soft strokes. and most of them were always centered around her stomach. it was his new way of expressing his unconditional love that was now not only directed towards her but also towards the tiny life growing inside her. they had adapted to parenthood together and it made her fall in love even more.
especially when he talked to their small little miracle when he thought she was asleep. it had started as small confessions towards their baby and had turned into full one-sided conversations now. it warmed her heart when she listened to him, heard how he expressed some of his fears — that amara found were completely unreasonable— and talked about how excited he was. no matter which gender their little bundle of joy would have. only they mattered to them, her, him and the small unborn baby. their bubble was complete.
but the couple knew that their bubble would burst soon and they would rather be the ones to do it than an outsider. after spending one month at home, shielded from the outside, she had decided to come out. and her first official appearance was no other place than kylian’s match. her parents had surprised her with a visit and both knew, they couldn’t hide it any longer now. they hadn’t exactly spoken about a way they would announce it but it was clear that they would have to share it with their families now.
along with her parents she was seated in their usual reserved spots for the families of the players, next to them kylian’s parents and his brother with his children. she played with kylian’s nephew, bouncing him on her lap while her mind wandered off to thinking about how it would be in a few months. when she would be cheering him on with their small bundle of joy.
their eyes met and she watched his smile grow bigger as he spotted her with his nephew — no doubt, the same image of her with their baby was running through his mind. again, there was an overwhelming sense of pride and excitement. amara turned to her mother, who had redirected a question towards her, wondering why her daughter was glowing so positively. and all she could do was grin. they would know later.
though later appeared to be very close as their secrecy came to an end with the opening score. he had hit a beautiful goal after dribbling his way through the penalty area and instead of hitting his usual celebration, he went for the ball. there were shocked gasps around her along with a roar of cheer when he ran around with the ball under his shirt and sent a heart her way. everyone instantly put the pieces together — after all there weren’t many possibilities what it could signify — and immediately they all turned towards her.
“don’t tell me…” her mother trailed off in shock and amara nodded, grinning widely.
“surprise,” she exclaimed, a cheeky smile adorning her face. she lifted the sweatshirt a bit and revealed her four-month old belly that she had been hiding for the past month now.
fayza immediately pulled her into a hug, kissing amara’s temple gently. “félicitation ma fille. oh je suis tellement contente.” — congraulation, my daughter. i’m soo happy
one by one, they hugged her, all expressing their felicitations. even the others that were around to support their player on the pitch threw a happy congratulations towards her.
“how far along are you?” her father asked her, pulling his daughter in for another hug.
she smiled into the hug, the feeling of home spreading through her body. “nearly five months now. i finished my first trimester a few weeks ago.”
“now it makes sense why you couldn’t go out with me,” alice realized and amara sent a wink in her direction.
“how could you keep this from us?” her mother asked in a shocked tone, looking at her daughter incredulously. “amaghị m ma m ga-akụ gị maka idobere m ya ka ọ bụ naanị nwee obi ụtọ. ihe a abughi ihe i zonari nne gi ada.” — i don't know whether i'm supposed to hit you for keeping it from me or just be happy. this is not something you hide from your mother.
amara shrugged. “it was our little secret.”
amara.imani and k.mbappe
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liked by liyah_clark, achrafhakimi and 26.304.752 others
amara.imani secret is finally out. the reason i had to cancel the second leg of my tour. i’ll back soon but in the meantime, baby imani-mbappé is coming
view all 293.753 comments
liyah_clark the audacity to not tell your best friends that we’re becoming aunts
graceywood can’t believe she hid it from us 😔, i think we don’t mean anything to her anymore
amara.imani i even told you the gender, what more do you want?
username project mbappe is officially starting
username man really said, i’m starting my own mini-me
psg félicitation a vous deux ❤️💙
equipedefrance félicitation de toute l'équipe de france
username news of the year
antogriezmann félicitation mon frère
sza i can’t waittttt
kipembe3 la bébé de la team va avoir un bébé, trop hâte
paulpogba kyks le daron, qui aurait cru
cynthia_e so excited to become an aunt to this angel
username please say sike
username i don’t wanna lose my (imaginal) wife
username omg now it makes sense why she was always spotted in sweatshirts
kehlani ohh i’m gonna be auntie kehlani soon 🥹
charles_leclerc new member to the amara imani squad
landonorris best news of the week
graceywood auntie grace is ready for her duties
liyah_clark auntie liyah and uncle charles report for duties too
username i’m not even mad anymore she canceled her tour
username fr, i’m too excited for this
achrafhakimi finally. it was so hard keeping it a secret and not telling you i knew
amara.imani how did you know?
achrafhakimi you never decline a glass of red wine
username omg they’re gonna be parents 🥹🥹
tchaga_ felicitations a vous deux. je vous souhaite le meilleur
k.mbappe 🫶🏾
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the news had spread like a wildfire and even people who weren’t interested in the football or music industry knew that amara imani was pregnant. their names had been mentioned in every article for three weeks straight, wondering over the gender of the baby and when exactly it could maybe arrive. her phone was now silent everyday to drown out the constant vibrations of notifications. it was spammed with articles and posts mentioning her — everyone had something to say about her pregnancy.
even players she hadn’t ever interacted with had slid into her dms to wish her and kylian well. not to forget the french national team who had called to congratulate them as well. they had instantly launched a group call, to also include those who played overseas and wished their two friends well. everyone bombarded her with questions about the impending arrival of their baby — their new protégé as they liked to call it now. a warm feeling spread through her body as she thought about the way, their baby already had so many uncles that loved their coming bundle and would help them. they were a big family after all.
as she advanced in her pregnancy and her bump grew bigger, kylian also grew more protective around her. he didn’t allow her to lift a finger to do anything around the house anymore except go to pee. he cooked now and send his mother to drop off food when he was busy or away for a game. his chauffeur had now become something like their housekeeper, occasionally checking in on her when she was home alone. kylian had even hired her a personal shopper that would go shopping for her when she didn’t feel like online shopping. he was doing everything to protect her from doing too much.
and amara understood where he was coming from so she couldn’t even be mad at him. after their latest doctor’s appointment, where they had been told that there was a risk of giving birth prematurely, her own fears had reappeared again. they had never truly left her but now they were living in her brain again. her pregnancy had already been complicated with her uterus apparently refusing to grow to give the baby more space. she had been told it was a protective response of her body after a certain kind of trauma she must have endured — a trauma that her body now refused to live again so it took protective measures. she had been ordered two weeks of bed rest and after that, to do the most to go easy on her body. spare it from hard work.
seven months into what should have been the happiest time of her life and she found herself afraid of her own body and what could happen if she gave birth prematurely. she had worked through the fears concerning her career and now she would have to manage the fears of not being ready to give birth.
and adding to that fear that hovered over her now, pregnancy had also become harder for her. what had seemed to be a small curve before now looked like a midsized watermelon shoved into her stomach. the toll on her body became more prominent now — daily ingestions of vitamins, eating twice the amount of what pregnant women usually consumed — measures like that had become routines for her. she had been warned of a complicated pregnancy but none of what she had been told measured up to what she was feeling.
nonetheless, her pregnancy was also marked with good moments, happy moments where both just got ready for parenthood. moments that had put light on the situation they were living in at the moment. painting the room had been a day where they had created lots of memories they cherished. the singer had been visiting friends of hers who had been staying in the city of love and had come home to find kylian with a screwdriver in his hand while achraf was reading him the instructions for the crib.
“you’re supposed to put it like this.”
“i’m doing that. it won’t go in.”
the two hadn’t even noticed her arrival their focus laying purely on the crib. turned out, he had left training early and had dedicated the entire day to constructing the crib and getting the room finished. her heart had grown twice its size that day. there were so many memories they had already created in that room (looking past their messy make-out session because she was feeling horny) and painting the room of their coming bundle of joy was just an addition to that.
the realization of parenthood and their new addition to the family had somehow wriggled into their lives. during her first trimester, she had pushed the thought of pregnancy at the back of her head, hoping to procrastinate everything that concerned it. now she was excited for the arrival of their little bean and was planning each detail as finely as she could. they were navigating their way around it with the new flow of emotions they were experiencing. as she progressed and her bump became bigger, so got the question about the name their unborn child would carry. it was clear to both of them that their baby would not carry a double-name; they held no importance if the only place where they appeared was on official documents. they would settle on a single name their baby would be known through the world.
he had the entire world scream his name and wear it on their shirts to express their support for him, she had people sing her music all over the world and express themselves to it. both names carried big weighs all around the world and no matter which name it got, there would always be expectations that would have to be reached. yet she sensed that it was more important for him — the matter of the name. so they chose mbappé for their last name. but the problem of the forename still linged.
that’s how they found themselves awake in bed at four in the morning with the question of the name preventing them from sleeping (in addition to amara craving for tacos at two in the morning). they were surrounded by baby name books while their phones had websites for baby names open.
“what do we think of kylian mbappe jr?” he proposed jokingly, grinning at her as he stole another of her sweet potato fries.
she rolled her eyes. “of course, why not? and while we’re already at it, why not instantly start project mbappe and put it into the academy instantly after i give birth?”
he held his hands up on surrender. “it was just a suggestion.”
“a stupid one,” a small giggle left her lips as she declines his proposition. she was kind of glad that he wasn’t stressing so much about the pregnancy as much as she was now. one of them needed to be the easy parent and she knew it was just in her nature to be the stricter person.
“what about… malouanne ?” he read out loud from his phone which earned him a pillow thrown his way. “what? it’s a mix of the names marie, louise and anne. fits perfectly if you ask me.”
“as beautiful as the name may sound, do you want our kid to be bullied at school?” amara instantly retorted back, continuing to read in her book to find a name.
that was how they spend the night, searching for names that would fit their little human and create their identity. the question of the name was always a difficult one because somehow nothing seemed to fit. nothing was enough for their baby. they were looking for a name that just screamed their bundle of joy; that upon hearing it would immediately make them think of it.
“should we add a middle name?” he asked her, putting his phone down to look at her. his hand instantly placed itself on her stomach, stroking it gently. “should we give you a middle name,” he asked softly towards the stomach. a smile made its way on his face when he felt a kick at the spot where his hand laid and amara hissed slightly.
“i think we need a middle name,” kylian told her slyly. “our little bean clearly agrees with me.”
“they agrees on everything with you. i swear i have a daddy’s girl in my stomach.”
her boyfriend grinned at her, cradling her stomach. “well, they are their father’s child” his grin widened when he felt a kick again.
she shook her head in disbelief but knew he was right. bidding him goodnight and placing a last small kiss on his lips, she waltzed a bit around to find the perfect position to sleep in. with her belly growing, so did the matter of finding a good position to sleep in but the huge pregnancy pillow that kylian had bought her seemed to help. still it didn’t take away the ordeal of finding the position. she was nearly asleep, her mind already drifting away when kylian finally closed the books and turned off the light. his hand wrapped around her waist to feel closer to her as he got comfortable in bed.
she had nearly missed his suggestion, already dozing off when she heard his voice. it was barely above a whisper but loud enough to hear.
“i think ada would suit her perfectly as a middle name in case it’s a girl. the perfect mix of you. and you said you wanted to honor your mother.”
needless to say that she fell asleep with a smile on her face. one problem less now in what was supposed to be the happiest time of her life.
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a sharp pain shot through her body. she had been seated on the couch, excitingly watching kylian play when suddenly all she could focus on was the feeling of agony that spread through her body. she tries to ignore it but it’s stronger than her. her hands immediately go down to hold her bump as she leans forward, pain rushing through her entire body and making it impossible to think. her mind is consumed with the feeling of crucifying agony and she can’t think of anything else.
as quick as it comes, it subsided again and she takes a deep breath, trying to regain her composure— before it starts all over again. her first thoughts are that she’s experiencing preparation labor — the famous braxton hicks, that her doctor had warned her of and that she had been victim to during her seventh month. but this pain felt different. the match had been long forgotten as she found herself on the floor, tears starting to fall down her cheeks. her body felt weak, too heavy for her to carry to even try to sit up. the salty substance of her eyes had already started to stain the white carpet and she was able to taste her tears. her eyes travel around the room, as she looks for her phone and desperation fills her as she sees it on the other side of the room, charging. she tries to get up, to at least manage to crawl to it but another pain prevented her.
her eyes close, too weak to have them open as soft sobs leave her trembling lips. she’s wallowing in pain, hoping that someone will find her; that kylian will come home soon. she had always been afraid of giving birth in bad conditions, especially as she was early and her due date was supposed to be in two weeks. her arms wrapped around her stomach as she tried to comfort herself by whispering sweet encouragements, hoping that they would at least help her calm down a bit. but the pain did not leave her.
she doesn’t know how long she’s suffering in agonizing pain when she suddenly hears the apartment door opening and someone entering. pearls of sweat are running down her forehead as she’s compressed to the floor, her arms hugging her belly close to her. the solitude had amplified her situation, made it worse as fears had taken over her mind; the fear of having to give birth alone. and she couldn’t be mad at kylian. after all, the due date was supposed to be in two weeks and even that was much earlier than expected. she tries to ignore the pain and at least try to lift her head to see who just came in but the waves of pain that stream through her body are stronger. like electric waves rushing through her body and hitting her everywhere.
it’s his driver that gives her a bit of hope again when she hears his voice. he immediately rushed towards her, kneeling down as he took in the scene.
“i don’t… i don’t want to give birth..” she managed to croak out, pain preventing her from speaking clearly. her voice was filled with agony as small sobs left her lips. "je veux kylian.” — i want kylian
there was no hesitation, no time to panic or doubt. she was sobbing as she tried to catch her breath while he swiftly retrieved his phone to dial the emergency services. while his other hand held the phone, the other was softly stroking her back, hoping to transfer some solace to her. a bystander would have interpreted the scene in front of them completely different but right now, it comforted amara. calmed her down knowing she wasn’t going through this alone anymore.
he also called kylian but he soon realized it was of little avail, when his eyes caught the screen where the camera had just zoomed on the french striker. the feeling of desperation now seemed to have caught onto him too as he quickly grabbed amara’s phone to place another urgent call. this time to his brother who had not been selected for the match. their call was not very long, only sharing the most important details. his heart lightened a bit when he saw the sudden substitution of kylian. but the feeling of relief was as quickly gone as it came when his eyes fell on the woman next to him, who seemed to take the pain harder with every second that passed.
staying conscious started to become hard for her. she felt a bit of relief when the medics had finally arrived, instantly carrying her to bring her to the closest hospital. but he was still not there and it freaked her out. she couldn’t give birth alone. not without him. there was chaos around her, several voices as she was rushed into the hospital and yet her brain only focused on one thought: she needed him here. she had been put into a private room to not attire a lot of attention as they were aware of her identity. they had told her she would soon be ready for the next phase of this journey but she didn’t want to start it. not without him so even though her body was killing her, she held onto the pain till he would be there.
they tried to calm her down as her contractions intensified but it was to no avail. she needed him to be there and hold her hand. be her sanctuary to guide her through her fears. every reassurance that was spoken to her didn’t mean anything to her cause they weren’t whispered by his lips. she wanted him and no one else.
kylian had instantly run to the changing rooms to get his things as soon as he had been informed of the news. there was confusion at first, when he suddenly saw his number on the changing boards but the small explanation from his coach was enough to suddenly hug enrique and rush out as quickly as possible.
there was no time to care about any traffic rules. she was more important. they were what mattered now. short messages had been sent to his families to inform them of the situation before he ran into the hospital, looking to support his girlfriend during this important moment. he didn’t care whether he hadn’t parked right or how many speed limits he had crossed, all he wanted was to hold amara’s hand.
from the reception desk he had instantly been taken to her room where he rushed to her and engulfed her into a close hug. he had seen her in so many states before but this was new to him. unknown territory like each time he went to play on an adversary’s side that he had never crossed paths with. his heart hurt as he took in her appearance; her face scrunched together because of the crucifying pain, the sweat pearls that rolled down her face along with her tears and the small sobs that left her trembling lips. amara was truly in pain.
“t’es- tu est la…” she managed to croak out before another sharp flash of pain shot through her, making her scream in agony. — you’re … here
he wiped her tears from her face and pressed a soft kiss onto her cheek, able to taste the salty taste of her tears. his heart broke as he thought about all the time she must have spent here without anyone close to her and in pain. she had always been scared of facing labor alone, just the thought of it made her doubt everything but he had always been able to calm her down. promises had been exchanged when she had longed for the reassurance that no matter what came, he would always be there for her— in this moment. she would never have to go through this alone.
“je suis venu le plus vite possible,” he mumbled, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. hoping that the solace and feeling of warmth the act usually transferred would calm her down a bit. she cried again, this time though she wasn’t sure whether it was due to his presence or the pain that her body had to endure at the moment. — i came as quick as possible
he lifted their intertwined hands to meet his lips and pressed a kiss on it. “je te l’avais promis. je serai là.” — i promised you. i will be there.
she nodded, another contraction hitting her and preventing her from speaking. her body was overwhelmed with emotions; pain, fear. comfort all present in her body. a bit of solace had been found from kylian being there but the feeling disappeared when the doctor came in agan. when she announced that it was showtime and should have to push now. there was no going back, no time to have second thoughts. it was all happening in this instant now.
labor was hard. jolts of pain were shooting through her body in short periods and each time she had to push through them. she didn’t care if the entire hospital heard her screams or whether she was breaking kylian’s entire hand with the amount of force she was squeezing it. she couldn’t see anything except pain. and what her desperate even more was the fact that nothing seemed to change.
the nurses and doctors were telling her that she was doing a fantastic job but she still felt as if she hadn’t even pushed once. as if nothing had changed. no matter how much she pressed.
“you’re doing so well ma belle,” kylian encouraged her as another of her screams pierced through the room. “you’re so close.”
“why doesn’t it feel like this?” she yelled out in pain, tears streaming down her cheeks. she was hot, her forehead was sweaty and her body felt weak. she couldn’t push anymore.
“miss, you’re nearly done. we can already see the head,” their doctor tried to motivate her. “we just need two more big pushes.”
her surroundings drowned out as she gathered all the strength that was left in her body to push. everything around her became blurry, colors, shapes, persons. her mind was too tired to make her sight clear and she had no energy left anymore to try to focus.
“we need one last push,” they called out to her as she nearly broke down on the bed.
“i’m tired, ky,” she cried tiredly. her eyes barely open. she looked desperately at him. “it hurts so much. i can’t do it anymore. i just want this to be over but it hurts so much,” her sobs left her body and his heart ached as he listened to her.
“t’es la femme la plus courageuse que je connais. et je vais pas te mentir, je ne sais pas dans quelle douleur tu es. mais je sais que tu es la seule à pouvoir le faire. bientôt on aura notre bébé dans le main. one last push and it’s over, okay?” their eyes mirrored every emotion present in the room. the fatigue but also the exhaustion. pain but also love: there was everything. — you’re the strongest woman i know. and i won't lie to you, i don’t know what the pain you’re in feels like. but i know you’re the only one who can do it. soon we’ll have our baby in our hands.
amara nodded as she took a deep breath to push again. she’s clutching kylian’s hand with every last remaining strength as he continues to encourage her. the pain she’s feeling now was much higher than what she experienced the last five hours. suddenly she feels everything. as if her senses have been amplified. there was a sharp pain accompanied by an agonizing scream and suddenly there's a new voice in the room.
she’s asked to hold her arms out as kylian’s eyes fill with tears and all of sudden she’s holding her baby. their little girl. the joy of their life they’ve been dying to meet.
her eyes are filled with tears as the realization hit her. all the pain is suddenly forgotten, as if it never existed. now her body’s only consumed with happiness. she’s crying hysterically as her baby continues to let out cries. the sign of life. that everything was going well. she didn’t need to look at him to know that he was crying as well.
every of her muscles is feeling exhausted when they take their new child away to do its first medical care. kylian himself wasn’t one to often feel very emotional but when he had been asked to cut the chord that had connected amara and their bundle of joy for nine months. she’s finally here and he suddenly understood the feeling of surrealism that amara had told him about.
after the first checks had been done, their daughter had been placed into her arms again. and somehow she must have had still some liquid in her body as her eyes began to water again when she truly held her daughter for the first time.
“she doesn’t seem like a faith,” amara whispered, holding her daughter who was covered in a soft, fluffy, pink blanket. she had opened her eyes for the first time and again, a few years left her eyes when she stared into her daughter’s beautiful eyes. they had her eye shape but all she saw looking into them was kylian. she had inherited her father’s eyes. the fact that she could reference to kylian as dad now spread a new kind of warmth through her body.
“no. it kinda feels wrong,” he agreed. as he gently trailed a finger over her delicate face, he couldn’t help but fall more in love with the woman in front of him. he had always known that he would always love her, no matter in which reality they found themselves. and he had fallen in love with every one of her versions. and now he found himself falling for her new role. he had fallen deeply for amara in her role as mom. he couldn’t believe he had ever doubted. she was perfect. “what was the second name we chose again?”
“are you talking about anaïs?”
kylian’s smile grew bigger as he continued to stare at his daughter. he had learned the meaning of infinite love with amara but the term of unconditional love. it was this small human that taught him what it meant. what people were talking about when they talked about loving someone unconditionally. “yeah. i think she looks more like an anaïs.”
and looking at her, amara understood. she had stopped crying and was looking at her, as if she was taking in her new surroundings. she had been removed from the safe comfort of her mother’s womb and had now to get used to the outside. “anaïs-ada mbappe. welcome into the world.”
she pressed a soft kiss to her cheek before turning to look at kylian and both smiled. they had done it.
“t’es prête papa?” she asked him teasingly and motioned for him to step closer. “take off your shirt. it’s your time now.” — are you ready papa
she was tired. exhausted. there was fatigue written all over her face and yet her face still wore a smile as she watched kylian take off his shirt to have his first skin-to-skin with their daughter. he gently took anaïs out of her hands and sat down on the bed next to her.
he had her cradled against his chest, the warmth of his chest spreading was a connection between them. an expression of love sacred to only them. their phones were vibrating but they ignored it. only their little family mattered now. “salut ma princesse,” he whispered to her softly as she wrapped her hand around his finger. “moi, je suis ton papa. et je t’aime tellement.” — hello my princess. i’m your dad. and i love so much.
their tiny miracle was held in his warm embrace as time around them seemed to pause. no one else existed in their bubble that shielded them from reality going on outside. it was only them. and somehow, as they held their daughter in their hands, the idea of parenthood didn’t seem so scary anymore. amara fell happily asleep, knowing that they were going to do this chapter together.
amara.imani and k.mbappe
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k.mbappe bienvenue au monde anaïs mbappé
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it was their first day at home. and with the first day also came the first night and the first cries.
it still felt so unreal to them how they had left their home as two and had come back with another person. their family addition that represented the proof of their love. putting her down for the first time in her room filled the air with a warm atmosphere. there was so much love around them as she placed anaïs in her bed after putting her to sleep. a small light of the nightlight they had bought cast a yellowish glow around the room, revealing a few of the fine details they had put into the room. their eyes did not leave their daughter, they were too much in awe of what they had created.
she’s woken up by anaïs’ soft cries in the night. a quick glance at the small clock next to the bed told her it was just one in the morning. she’s tired and every bone is begging her to stay in bed but her motherly intuition prevents her. turning, she saw kylian still sleeping profoundly next to her as she gets up to calm down their daughter.
“you’re hungry, aren’t you,” she asked her daughter in a gentle tone as she picked the small baby up and sat down with her on an armchair next to the crib. she thanked kylian’s brilliance for having had the idea of installing one next to the crib. “ça va, maman est là. maman va s’occuper de toi,” she soothed anaïs’ cries as she got ready to feed the little human in her arms. — it’s okay, mummy here. mummy is gonna take care of you
just as she had predicted, hunger had been the cause for her awakening as she watched anais latch onto her breasts, hands grabbing onto each side. her cries quickly subsided as the little girl got fed while amara tenderly stroked her cheek. she waited for a bit longer after making sure anais had burped and rocked her little princess back to sleep before joining her own bed again. she couldn’t even find it in herself to be mad at the way kylian was sleeping so profoundly, as if he hadn’t heard her cries. it was her first time experiencing motherly intuition and tending to her responsibilities. she placed a soft peck on his forehead before falling asleep again, her mind drifting away before she had even truly placed down her head on the pillow.
the second time anais woke up, it was kylian who tended to her needs. amara stirred, ready to get up but the french striker tells her to go back to sleep. that she was already exhausted enough and her body needed some rest. after changing her diaper, he instantly took off his shirt before picking up his daughter and putting her close to his chest. immediately her cries stopped when she felt her father’s warmth and comfort as his fingers gently brushed against her head. they stood in the same position for the next thirty minutes before anais fell asleep again, their small bond blossoming through moments like this. amara’s still heavily asleep when he slips back into bed again, wrapping his arm around her waist to find sleep again.
but his sleep didn't last for very long before they heard her cries again. this time though they had managed to find three more hours to sleep with the clock indicating that it was already eight in the morning. amara was about to get up to look after their daughter when kylian grabbed her hand, motioning for her to stay in bed.
“you went last time,” amara muttered tiredly, already looking for her slippers but kylian shook his head.
“go back to sleep cherie,” he interjected, putting a shirt on. “you need it more than me.”
“your holidays are over tomorrow. if anyone needs sleep it’s you.”
he shrugged, standing up and ready to go look after anais. “and you just gave birth a week ago. repose toi un peu,” he convinced her and she nodded, knowing it was useless to argue with him. she gave him a last kiss before closing her eyes again, fatigue instantly taking over. she didn’t know what had been the matter this time but since her cries quickly stopped at the sight of her father, she knew he had everything under control, her instincts could relax as she slept a bit more. — get some rest
she woke up to an empty bed the next morning. it’s the feeling of coldness next to her that managed to bring her out of her sleep even though she was still tired. she knows that kylian must be around somewhere with anaïs but she enjoyed staying in bed for the first time since she gave birth. regain all her forces.
there was an instant smile on her face when she saw her daughter in kylian’s hands while walking out their bedroom. her heart grew twice its size when spotted them on the sofa with kylian talking to her and anaïs having her eyes wide open. as if she was understanding or at least trying to follow what her father was telling her.
“regarde qui s’est réveillée,” he said softly to his daughter, noticing amara’s presence. “tu as vu maman?” — look who woke up
— did you see mummy?
“vous êtes trop beau ensemble,” she greeted him with a kiss as she sat down next to him and reached for their daughter. anaïs calmly got comfortable in her mother’s arms, not making much of a fuss as she got ready to eat. — you’re too beautiful together
she had a fond smile adorning her lips, looking at her daughter. this tiny human being that changed their lives around. even though she was only a week old, they could already recognize that she was her father’s photocopy. that she would be his except for the shape of her eyes. the one thing anaïs had inherited from her.
“t’es la femme la plus forte que je connais. je ne sais pas comment t’as fait. comment tu fais…,” he told her completely in awe which made amara chuckle. — you’re the strongest woman i know. i don’t know how you did it, how you do it
“et toi tu es l’homme le plus beau, magnifique de toute cette terre. no one i would rather have than you as the father of my baby. — you’re the most beautiful, amazing man on this earth
“she makes everything better,” kylian chuckled as he got up to prepare breakfast for them.
amara nodded, softly cradling her daughter while she breastfed her. her small little hands were placed firmly (as firm as they could be for a one week old) as she drank the breast milk.
“weird how i’m ready to go to war for someone i’ve practically known a week. and yet she’s the answer to everything.”
he understood that feeling better than anyone. if the world turned around him before, now his world turned around her. he was ready climb mountains, cross jungles or put the world on fire if it was necessary for his daughter’s happiness. he would do anything for her. “i love you two more than anything.”
his eyes held that famous sparkle as he spoke and amara leaned in to place a kiss on his lips. in the span of a week their lives had changed and they had been thrown into the world of parenthood. the one thing no matter how much one studied, there was never the perfect preparation. one would never know how parenthood actually worked out till they were parents. it was a new path to life.
amara and kylian had each other to overcome the hills and rocks that may have been put onto their way. anaïs was the confirmation of what they had always been. a family. their bubble was finished and perfect now. they had everything they needed.
taglist: @lorarri @aechii
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harrygoeswest · 1 year
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Harry Styles is your sworn enemy. You've decided to take a holiday in the Scottish Highlands, and so has he. And there's only one bed…
A/N: Hiiiiii! I think I announced this like 3 months ago and never finished it, but we're finally here! I actually really fucking love this story. I've never done this 'one bed' trope before, nor an enemies-to-lovers OU, because EVERYONE loves H man, right? Well, not this YN. And he's not too fond of her either. I'm really excited to share it with you. Again, what started as a one shot grew into a two-parter because I simply cannot contain myself when the ball starts rolling. Anyhoo, to my forever friend @all-things-fic, thank you as always for reading this through and making me snort at your comments and being the ultimate validator <3
Word Count: 13,261 Trigger Warnings: Swearing (obvs), vomiting, bed-sharing with a sexy man
Rain. Persistent, unabated, never-ending, relentless rain. It was all you’d heard and seen all day and you were sick of it. You’d never really minded it until today, but thanks to one shit-show after another, you were ready to relinquish it. You wanted it gone. Your summer holiday was already off to a bad start.
“Bad day?”
Where to begin?
A cabin in the Scottish Highlands had sounded like the perfect escape for a four-week break away from the city. You had work to do, deadlines to meet, but at least you could do it without being interrupted. Without the sounds of pedestrians and car horns and wayward seagulls and bike bells. Yep, the Highlands still sounded perfect, but the endless string of catastrophes made you wonder if it really was perfect or rather just a ridiculous indulgence.
No. You deserved this break. Bad day or not, the holiday was needed.
When your brother had told you a year ago that he’d bought a holiday home in the Highlands you hadn’t exactly been surprised. He and his wife had been talking about it for years, and he’d finally earned enough money through his music career to be able to do it. Sadly, with your own deadlines and packed schedule, this was the first time in said year you’d been able to find time to go.
Apparently the all-knowing entity in your life had other plans.
You were supposed to come by plane first thing this morning, but your car had broken down on the way to the airport and you spent 3 hours waiting for the AA to rescue you. You had then managed to rearrange your flight to a later one, but because of the weather, all other flights out of Bristol had been cancelled for the day. You then spent a ridiculous amount of money on a 10 hour train from Bristol to Inverness with a change at Edinburgh in between, and were now forking out on a taxi to take you the rest of the way.
At that particular point in time, a cabin in the middle of nowhere seemed like a dreadful fucking idea.
“Could say that.” You managed weakly.
The driver chuckled to himself and you tried not to squeal. “Nearly there now. Fifteen minutes or so.”
There is a God!
Forty-five minutes later he finally stopped in the middle of a single track road. Your eyelid had been twitching for half that time, and a headache was forming in your left temple.
He turned over his shoulder and flashed a grin. He was missing an incisor and three of his other teeth were gold. “This is as far as I can get you. Cabin is at the top of that hill.”
You gave him a look, then peered out the window. All you could see was rain and mud and a black night. “What hill?”
“You’ll find it. Fare is sixty.”
“Sixty quid?”
He nodded. “Scottish if you’ve got ‘em. I’m a collector.”
“We agreed on forty. And no, I don’t have any bloody Scottish notes.” A Scottish man collecting Scottish money! On what planet?!
“No, sixty.”
You muttered expletives under your breath and shoved the money at him over his shoulder.
“Y’alright gettin’ your own case, love? Don’t really want t’ get wet.”
In the shittiest, snappiest manner you could muster, you got out of the car and retrieved your luggage from the boot, slamming every door you touched. The driver immediately pulled off once the boot was closed, pipping his horn.
“Wanker!” You yelled after him.
Finding your bearings, you located the ‘hill’ he’d been talking about, forcing down your frustration at the size of the damn thing as you started up the pathway. You dragged your suitcase behind you through the mud, grateful it had a hard and waterproof plastic exterior. At least after all this you’d be able to take a shower and change into clean clothes.
It took you an embarrassing amount of time to reach the cabin, thanks to not only the rain but also the brutal wind. When you finally reached the porch you fell onto it, greeted by the most intense relief you’d ever felt. You took a minute to recover from your exercise, and then fumbled around on the dark porch for the stone your brother had left the key under.
“Aha.” Delighted when you found it, you pulled the key out of the rock and shoved it in the door, unlocking it.
Heat floated over your body, as did warm, homey light. Weird. Why were the lights on?
Then did your eyes land on the thing that was most definitely out of place. 
A loud, shrill scream ripped from your body.
A man was in the cabin. A naked man. Mostly. The only thing saving him and you was the towel wrapped around his waist. Shiny back, muscly arms, damp neck, wet hair. At the sound of your wail he turned around, equally as alarmed.
“What the-?”
In his panic, the grip he had on his towel slipped, and you were given more of an eyeful than you ever bargained for. 
You screamed again and reached for the closest thing to you, then lurched it across the room at him. Then your brain caught up with you, and you pulled the door closed again, separating you from him. You were back outside in the cold.
That man wasn’t just anyone. He’d never been just anyone. He was your sister-in-law’s friend. He was your brother’s boss, to a degree. He was your worst fucking nightmare rolled into physical human form.
He was Harry fucking Styles.
This was officially the worst day of your life.
“No, no, no, no, no.” You repeated, over and over again as you paced the porch, head in your hands. You knocked into your suitcase multiple times and it ended up falling down the porch steps into a muddy puddle. You tripped over a loose piece of decking at least twice. You caught your hip on the porch bannister, too. But none of it registered with you while your brain cycled between images of Harry’s naked back and his large appendage.
How could this be happening? What had you done to deserve such a catastrophic start to your holiday? You couldn’t stay here. Not with that man. That man that you hated, and who hated you in return. This was a disaster.
You dug your phone out of your sopping handbag. No signal. 
“Oh, come on.” You hissed.
Stubborn as always, you tried to call your brother anyway. Repeatedly. Twenty times, at least, each one failing to connect. You couldn’t even leave a voicemail. You raised the phone to the sky like it was baby Simba. Still nothing.
The door swung open, and Harry said your name in a low grunt.
You swivelled, glare like a dagger. “You. Why the fuck are you here?”
“Why am I here?” He scoffed. He was clothed now, in a t-shirt and jogging bottoms. “Why are you here?”
“This is my brother’s cabin! I have a key! He said I could stay here!”
“Well, guess what?” He leaned forward, arms crossed. “Holly said I could stay here, too.”
You wanted to throw your phone at his stupid face. “Fucking great.”
“There’s obviously been some misunderstanding.” He straightened.
“You don’t say…” 
His gaze narrowed. “You’re impossible.”
“At least I’m not the one who’s stupid enough to state the obvious.”
You turned away again and tried your brother one more time. The beep beep beep that told you the call had failed yet again had your stomach in knots.
“There’s no phone signal here.”
“Yes, thank you. Just go back inside.”
“For the love of Christ, why not?”
“I’d rather see what you’re going to do with yourself.”
You turned another glare on him. “Oh, I’m so glad that the shitty situation I’ve found myself in is entertaining you, Harry. Please, mock me some more. The resulting anger might actually take the chill out of my fucking toes.”
He looked like he was about to open his mouth, but you didn’t let him.
“You know, this really has been the day from hell. It’s been a categorical disaster from start to finish, and finally getting myself here only to find you, of all people, really is the cherry on top of my whopping slice of shit pie. So please, do me this one favour, and sod off back inside.”
His jaw ticked, and he emitted a low growl before he slammed the door of the cabin and left you in the cold, wet night.
A sob wracked through you, and you flopped down on the top step just to let your body deflate for five minutes. It was so cold you were shivering. Your clothes clung to your body like sheets of ice, your lips were cracked, and a bite ate away at your toes.
You knew you couldn’t do much tonight. You’d have to wait until tomorrow, for when the storm hopefully passed, and you could call your brother to give him a gobful and then walk into the village to find a B&B or cheap hotel. You hadn’t forgotten that your train ticket was a set day return for four weeks’ time. You’d just have to wait until Harry was gone before you took your time to enjoy the cabin like you’d planned.
When you finally calmed down you dragged your suitcase out of the mud and dropped it on the driest part of the deck. You dug around for the jumper you’d brought with you and pulled it over your frozen torso. You also took your shoes and socks off and put two clean pairs on. Once you were wrapped back up in your coat, you settled on the armchair that was the least wet and tried to go to sleep.
After five minutes or so, the cabin door creaked open again.
“Come inside, please.” Harry’s voice was void of any emotion.
“You’ll get sick if you stay out here.”
“Rather that than share a bed with you.”
“And you think I want to share a bed with you, either?”
“Then we’re both on the same page. I’m fine out here.”
“You are not fuckin’ fine out here. It’s shitting it down, for fuck’s sake, you could get a flu. Or worse.”
You hadn’t opened your eyes so you had no idea what his facial expression read. “I’m surprised you give a shit enough to care.”
“I don’t particularly, but I like your brother and I don’t want him thinking I didn’t at least try to get you to be sensible when it’s fucking biblical outside.”
“I’ll pass.”
Harry took a deep breath, and he muttered, “Bloody insufferable woman,” before he slammed the door again.
You snuggled further into the chair, shoving your hands under your face. You thought that would be the end of it, but no more than thirty seconds later the door swung back open. You pretended to ignore him, expecting a verbal taunt. Instead, all you got was scuffing noises.
Pushing down the urge to growl like he did at you, you squeezed your eyes shut and faked indifference at his huffy grunting. Until he dragged you out of the chair and hauled you into the cabin in three easy movements.
“What are you doing?” You demanded, scowling at him as he locked the door behind you.
“You can be as stubborn and petty as you like about this, but you are not staying outside in the rain. End of story.”
“I was fine!”
“You were not fine.” He folded his arms again. “Look at you, for fuck’s sake. You’re about five seconds away from catching hypothermia. You think I want that on my hands? You, of all people, needing my attention every day for the next five weeks? I don’t, by the way. I came here for a holiday, too.”
“I didn’t bring myself here to be a God damn burden to you, Harry. Don’t flatter yourself.”
“Why don’t you go and get in the shower, and maybe you’ll calm the fuck down.”
You inched closer to him. “Oh, I’m sure you’d love that. Me, following your orders like some sycophant.”
He took a step closer to me. “I would, actually. It might make you somewhat tolerable.”
“Get fucked, Harry.”
“Sounds like you need that more than I do.”
You produced a noise somewhere between a grunt and a squeal, and shoved at his chest once before you stalked away. “Prick.”
He hummed, entertained. “Try not to think about mine while you’re in there. I’m sure the sight of it has left you with enough to be desired.”
Too tired to argue with him anymore, you threw your middle finger at him over your shoulder.
Whether you’d been forced inside against your will or not, you really did want a shower before a permanent chill settled over you. You turned the water on and let it run hot. The second it swilled over your body you let out a helpless moan. 
You stood stoic underneath it for an indeterminate amount of time, just willing your body to warm up. The day washed away from you, worries temporarily forgotten while you soaked up as much heat as you could. Oh, it was glorious. A shower had never been so rewarding.
After a while you realised you didn’t have any of your shower stuff with you, still locked in your suitcase, and you let out a huff. You surveyed what Harry had brought with him and spent too long debating whether it was socially acceptable to wash using your mortal enemy’s shower gel. You decided against it and would properly wash in the morning.
Taking another ten minutes, you decided you were ready to face Harry again and whatever bollocks he might throw your way. You found a towel and gave your hair a dry, then wrapped it around your body. You hadn’t thought this through in your desperation to get away from him.
You stepped out of the room with purpose and marched over to where Harry had abandoned your suitcase after dragging it inside earlier, and carefully picked your way through it to find your pyjamas and toothbrush. Without giving the man even the slightest glance, you locked yourself back up in the bathroom to change and clean your teeth.
“Forget your clothes?” Harry asked at your second reappearance.
“Why ask a question you already know the answer to?” You gave a roll of your eyes.
He sat straighter in the armchair he was settled into, “Why answer a question with another question?”
You ignored him. Instead you gave yourself the opportunity to actually take in your brother’s second home. You realised it was tiny. Like Tiny Home tiny. When he said he’d bought a cabin you thought he meant something like a chalet. But no, this was small. A kitchenette had been built into the right-hand wall by the front door with a fridge, a two-plate hob and a stainless steel sink. Two armchairs sat either side of a small birch table, and a double bed at the back of the room with a cherrywood wardrobe. A woven rug gave the space a homey feel, balancing the bare oak that gave foundation for the rest of the place.
A sinking feeling buried in you when you realised there wasn’t a sofa.
You rubbed a hand into your cheek, feeling slightly cheated by your brother and his wife. 
“You look like you’re about to pass out.” Harry said into the quiet, all malice and jest lost.
“I feel like it.” You admitted, turning your stare on the bed. “I’m just tired.”
He cleared his throat and stood. “I sleep on the left.”
You refrained from giving him another eye roll and instead focussed on settling down. You left your phone on the dining table, plugged in to charge overnight, poured a glass of water which you drank in one long swig, and then returned to the bed.
“What are you doing?”
Harry had settled on the left side of the bed but with his head at the foot and his feet at the top. If he slept on the left, did that not completely defeat the purpose of his claim?
“Top and tail.”
“Yeah, no. Absolutely not.” You shook your head.
“Why not?”
“I am not giving you the opportunity to stick your foot in my face at any given point in the night.”
He kissed his teeth and sat up with a scowl. “Woman, you have got some major fuckin’ trust issues.”
“With you I do, absolutely.”
You waited until he was in bed the right way up before you slipped in yourself and turned the light off. The room was cast in darkness and your eyes struggled to adjust. You faced away from Harry on your side, wriggling to find a comfortable position, and you could hear him doing the same.
His foot was definitely on your side of the bed so you kicked it away. He then tried to take the covers off you, but you were quick to snatch them back. He let out a deep sigh.
“Can I have some of the quilt, please?”
“You’ve got some.”
“I have none.”
He ripped the covers away again, and you fought the urge to squeal.
“Give some back.”
“You have some.” He said in the same tone you had.
“I’m cold.”
“You’ve just spent an hour using up all the hot water so I refuse to believe that.”
“What is your problem?”
“You are.”
You grit your teeth. Folding your arms, you scooted as close to the edge of the bed as possible without falling off. Arguing with him was fruitless, it just left you angry and wired.
Tomorrow, you resolved to find somewhere, anywhere else to stay. For now, you’d try to sleep uncomfortable and coverless.
Had you slept?
For hours you’d imprisoned yourself on the edge of the bed, cold and coverless, hugging yourself in an attempt to keep warm, and squeezing your eyes closed just praying that sleep would come. But it never did. You’d think after the day you had yesterday it would be easy to just drop off. Why would it be that simple for you?
You knew it was light outside now thanks to the inside of your eyelids. You decided then to give up. Sleep wasn’t coming.
As you opened your eyes you realised how close to the edge of the bed you were. At the same time, Harry wriggled again, further onto your side of the mattress, and his knee nudged your backside.
Oh no.
Struggling to find anything to hold onto, your body tumbled over the edge. A panicked yelp tore out of you, followed by a grunt and a thud when you hit the floor.
“Ow.” You whimpered. You’d fallen on your front, knee and toe first followed by your head. You rolled onto your back and held onto your forehead as if it might stop the pounding you felt.
Laughter started, and your eyes flew open to find Harry hovering over the side of the bed, green eyes shining. You were, actually, somewhat offended by how entertained he was. If it was acceptable to hit people, you’d be hitting him.
“You alright down there?”
“No I’m not fucking alright, Harry.”
Your own anger made the throbbing in your head worse so you stayed on your back.
“Alright, was only a question.”
“This is your bloody fault - you’re a bed hogger!”
“Yeah? Well you snore!”
“Considering I didn’t get a single second of sleep last night I don’t know how you’ve landed on that conclusion, and I can only assume you’ve made it up to piss me off.”
“You were snoring.” He said in a flat voice.
“No I wasn’t.”
The throbbing got worse again, so you squeezed your eyes shut and took a deep breath. Then another.
“You’ve hit your head.”
If the thought of rolling your eyes didn’t make you nauseous you’d absolutely do it. “If there was an award for Best Observationist, you’d win it.”
“Do you need ice or something?”
His voice had changed and it somewhat startled you. You peeled an eye open again to find he hadn’t moved - he was still hanging over the bed. His expression, however, was neutral.
“Yes. Please.”
He gave a curt nod and then disappeared. You closed your eyes again, willing the throbbing away.
“There isn’t any ice.”
You refrained from screaming, knowing it wouldn’t do you any good. “Okay.”
“Here,” his voice was much closer, and he gave a little pat to your knee, “this might help.”
Peeling an eye open, he flashed a couple of boxes of painkillers. “Panadol.” Of course the man had branded paracetamol. The 95p boxes of Sainsbury’s own shoved in your kitchen cupboard looked shameful right about now.
“Extra strength. And that rapid relief ibuprofen.”
“You brought painkillers with you on holiday?”
He shrugged. “I’m here for a long time. Hangovers need encouragement to get fucked.”
You raised a sceptic brow. “And here I thought some magical mystery Nutri-Bullet recipe would be your saviour.”
“Funny.” He muttered.
Huh. How unlike him not to shove a witty rebuttal at you.
“Do you need help getting up or are you just gonna sit on the floor all day?”
Your scowl returned. “I’m fine.”
On shaky legs and with a fuzzy head, you grabbed the side of the bed and hauled yourself up. You weren’t sure if the sudden ringing in your ears was something you should be worried about, but you persisted.
Once sat, Harry handed you the tablet boxes and fetched a glass of water for you while you thumbed out two of each.
“Thank you.” You mumbled.
“Please and thank you in the space of ten minutes?” He goaded. “Sounds like you’ve got a concussion.”
“My parents didn’t raise me in a barn.”
He stood with his broad arms folded across his chest while he watched you swallow down four tablets, face a mishmash of irritation and something else. You refused to believe it was concern so you attributed it to frustration. You were just ruining his holiday the same way he was ruining yours.
You decided to finish the water, and then Harry took the boxes and the glass from you. You laid back down, shielding the room and your eyes with your arms.
“Sure you don’t need a hospital?” His voice was far away.
“Yes. I just need to close my eyes for a bit. I’ll be fine.”
He didn’t answer, and you were thankful. Any more talking and your head might have exploded.
You’d fallen asleep. While you hadn’t intended to, you couldn’t help but be grateful for the respite. There was no way you would’ve been able to do anything on zero hours sleep, so a few was better than nothing.
You sat up, noticing that you’d corrected yourself direction-wise on the bed and pulled the covers over you. You must’ve done it subconsciously.
The cabin was quiet. Almost eerily so. There was no sign of Harry anywhere. The only sign that he’d been there at all was his own suitcase tucked away in the corner. No sound came from the bathroom, and all you could hear outside was birds.
Birds. Not rain.
You scrambled out of bed towards the front door and hauled it open, but it was locked. Harry had locked you in. You found the key your brother had left for you on the table and put it to use.
It was glorious outside. Not a cloud in the sky, blue everywhere, green even more so. And it was warm. Summer dress warm. Your feet itched to go outside, but you knew you needed to take it easy. The headache hadn’t completely subsided, but it was tolerable. Barely there. A shower and some food would fix it.
You closed the door and locked it again, determined to start your day. Steadily.
You were about to head straight for the shower when you noticed it. A brown paper bag trapped under a pretty mug, and a jar of instant coffee wedged inside it. The mug lived here - you recognised it from Holly’s old flat. But the greasy brown bag did not. You noticed the letters GF scrawled on the front.
He remembered.
Warning bells started screaming inside your head as you plucked the bag out and opened it up. The smell of cooled buttery pastry wafted from inside, and you pulled out the biggest croissant you’d ever seen.
The message was clear as day. Eat and get some caffeine in you.
This was bad. Angry Harry you could deal with any day of the week at any time of day. You could even cope with jester Harry, because you gave just as good as you got. But this? Base-level concern? It threw you for a loop.
Regardless, you were starving. So you boiled the kettle and made your coffee just how you like it as you tore off pieces of pastry and gobbled it down. While you waited for your coffee to cool once your croissant was demolished, you took a quick shower.
Half an hour later you were out the door and feeling a hell of a lot better than you had done for weeks. You wandered down into the village, the sun a glowing comfort on your bare skin.
You had a mission today: alternative accommodation.
You kept an eye on your phone for patches of signal, and called your brother whenever you found some. He never answered. Part of you wondered if he was ignoring you, and if that was the case you were going to have a very big problem. He only ignored you if he was avoiding you.
And that wasn’t even your biggest problem.
“I’m sorry, we’re full.” The receptionist at the final B&B said with barely an ounce of emotion.
“The sign outside said you had vacancies.”
“I just sold the last one over the phone. Haven’t had time to change it.” She gave me a smile that didn’t touch her eyes.
You fought a petulant sigh. “Do you know where else I can stay? I’ve tried every B&B here and no one has any vacancies.”
“Why don’t you try an AirBnB.” She suggested with a tone dripping in sarcasm. “You young people seem to love those.”
Ah, so this was a territorial issue. You gave her a flat glare and left without another word.
Yet again, you found yourself in a rut. Your good mood had been successfully wiped away. Maybe you would check AirBnB, but the thought of spending another obscene amount on accommodation filled you with a sickly feeling.
Your phone started ringing, much to your surprise. Holly. “Is my brother ignoring me?”
“I don’t know, but if he was, he probably wouldn’t tell me.” She laughed, always a fan of your no-nonsense approach. “I thought I’d call since I haven’t heard from you. Did you make it there alive?”
“Alive is not the word I’d use to describe my current state. It’s also impossible to call someone when the phone signal is worse than a World War II air raid shelter.”
Holly cackled. “You’re such a nerd. What’s wrong?”
“Either you’re playing dumb to avoid my wrath or you’re very stupid.”
She gasped your name but she was most definitely entertained. “What do you mean?”
“Harry is here. Using your holiday home.”
An extended period of silence followed, completed with a breathy, “Oh… shit.”
Oh shit, indeed.
“Well,” she seemed to shake herself, “it can’t be that bad.”
This one was truly off her rocker. “Can’t be that bad? Holly, how many times have you been in a room with me and Harry at the same time?”
“Exactly. How many times have we had a fight whilst in said same room together?”
“Almost always.”
“Not almost always, just always. We. Do. Not. Get. On.”
“Oh, babe, I think you’re being a bit dramatic.”
“There’s only one fucking bed!”
Holly went quiet for a minute, and you realised you’d earned the attention of a few passers by. You sat down on a nearby bench, wary of the throb in your head getting worse.
“Are you okay?” She finally asked.
That set you off. You launched into your shitty day from yesterday, from the car breakdown to the taxi driver to hitting your head this morning. Words without breath had never left you so fast and the feeling you were rewarded with after was less than satisfactory. Deflation. Sadness.
“Oh, hun, I’m sorry. I didn’t know he was going.” You were certain she was lying about that last sentence but you didn’t interrupt her. “I’ll get in touch with Harry and tell him to rein it in.”
“I don’t need you to curb the man on my behalf, Hol. I can handle him myself. I just… I really wish he wasn’t here.”
“Do you want me to make him leave?”
A rare sight of guilt crept its way into the centre of your stomach. You battled the urge to say yes, because you knew if Holly asked him to, he would absolutely go. “No… hardly fair. He was here first.”
“Yeah but I bet you would’ve been if all those things didn’t go wrong yesterday.”
You grunted. You were supposed to arrive just before 9am yesterday morning, not close to 11pm. “Don’t make him leave. I’m a bitch but I’m not a complete cunt.”
“You’re not either of those things by any stretch. My friend just happens to know how to really rattle your cage.”
Ain’t that the truth. “I’m trying to find a B&B or something but they’re all full.”
“Oh, please don’t spend more money.”
“I can’t stay in your cabin, Hol. I didn’t sleep last night and that man does not know how to share a queen bed.”
“It’s actually a three-quarter bed.”
“Fuck off.” You groaned.
“Look, we wanted it to be as spacious as possible there. We didn’t anticipate two people who claim to hate each other having to share it. It’s for cuddling.”
That urge to smack someone reared its ugly head. “You’re ridiculous.”
She laughed from the back of her throat, and as irritated as you were it did make you smile. “Take a long walk, babe. If you’re in the village there’s a great ice cream place near the church that’ll make you forget all about He Who Shall Not Be Named.”
You rolled your eyes. “I can say Harry, for fuck’s sake.”
She screamed as if she’d been burned, teasing you.
“Shut up.” You actually managed to laugh. “Fine. I’ll go find some ice cream. But if they’ve got WiFi I will absolutely be looking for an AirBnB.”
She sighed. “Fine.”
“Do me a favour and tell my brother to stop being a wuss.”
“Oh, come on, you know he can’t handle your wrath. You can tell him yourself, anyway.”
You started looking around to see if they’d actually come up and were just loitering nearby to piss you off.
“We were going to surprise you but I think you might murder us if we did. We’re on our way to you. My Nanna will be coming, too - we’ve got a table booked at the pub in the village.”
Unbelievable. “You little minx.” 
One of the reasons Holly and your brother bought a holiday home in Scotland was to be able to spend more time with Holly’s family. While she grew up in London and has never left it, her mum’s side of the family are all in Scotland.
Holly giggled, obviously delighted with herself. “Sorry. We’re set to arrive in about two hours.”
“But where are you staying?”
“My Nan’s house.”
“Not got a spare room, has she?” You mumbled.
“I know you don’t mean that, but she doesn’t. We’re staying on her pullout.”
“We’re gonna go straight there and then come to you afterwards, alright?”
You took a deep breath and stood up from your bench. “Yeah, alright. I’ll see you in a few hours, then.”
You were already making a beeline for the ice cream shop by the time she put the phone down.
It was a cute little parlour, like something straight out of a movie. Retro tiles covered the walls and floor in pinks and yellows, two long display freezers to the left full to the brim with every single flavour one could ever imagine. Tables spread across the right and spilled onto the street, and booths in the corner each had a miniature jukebox on top.
“How can I help you?” A man behind the counter asked, dressed in a full uniform complete with the little hat.
“Hi, um,” you gave him the best smile you could, even if you were overwhelmed, “do you have any gluten free cones?”
“Sure,” he gestured to the stand on the top with a variety of cones, from small to ridiculously large in size, “just this one.”
The cone in question was the most pathetic-looking of them all. You did your absolute best to hide your disappointment. “Great, then I’ll have one of those. Chocolate, please.”
“Which type?” He lifted a brow.
You realised then that there were about ten different chocolate flavours. “Er… which is the best one in your opinion?”
That perked him up. He spent the next five minutes listing off reasons why the chocolate and hazelnut flavour was his most popular of all his options.
“I guess that’s the one I want, then.” You forced another smile.
“Coming right up.”
Something made you shiver, but it wasn’t a gust of wind or the freezers you stood by.
“At least try and act like you’re excited about it.” A deep voice murmured, far too close to your ear for your liking.
You practically hissed and took a very purposeful step away. “Jesus, Harry.”
He laughed, but the sound wasn’t spiteful like it usually would be. “Only you could make ice cream seem rubbish.”
“I don’t think ice cream is rubbish,” Was your only retort. You just wished gluten free cones didn’t look so fucking sad.
The owner handed you your cone and you paid him in cash. “Do you have WiFi in here?”
“Sure. Password’s on the wall up there.” He pointed at a laminated sign, and then turned his attention to Harry. “Hey, aren’t you that guy?”
Your cue to leave.
While Harry had an awkward conversation with the parlour owner about which guy he was, you connected to the internet and took a seat on the patio outside with your back to the sun. A satisfied hum left you at the warmth on your skin. You concentrated on demolishing your ice cream before you made a mess of yourself.
Unfortunately, Harry decided today wasn’t the day he was going to leave you alone. He sat down opposite you with a three-flavour cone, the colours unsettlingly unnatural. He looked uncomfortable, and this time it wasn’t because of you.
“What on Earth is that?”
“This is a masterpiece.” At least he could still behave like an idiot even when he’d been ‘spotted’.
“It looks disgusting.”
You watched him with a deep-seated discomfort as he shamelessly licked around his cone. Unfiltered moans came out of his mouth, but you were certain he was acting up for your benefit.
“What flavours are they?” You just had to ask.
“Mint chocolate, bubblegum and ginger.”
“Ginger?” You almost choked on a hazelnut. “Sir, you have a serious problem.”
He laughed again, that same obnoxiously easy sound as before. “Did you just call me sir?”
“I did and I immediately regret it.”
He made a noise, an amused squeak of sorts. “Why did you look so horrified by yours, anyway?”
You shifted in your chair, having just popped the end of the cone in your mouth. You glanced over your shoulder to make sure the owner wasn’t listening, pleased to find him distracted by a large family. “The gluten free options for cones was utter shite.”
“How so?”
“Well, he only had one type, and it was poxy as shit.”
He snorted. “I thought it looked small. I don’t imagine it being a lot of fun.”
You were immediately reminded of the croissant he’d picked up for you. You knew that you needed to say thank you, even if it did feel like taking a punch in the gut. “Thank you for the pastry.”
He paused mid-lick as if you’d just spoken a foreign language. He looked ridiculous and almost child-like, green eyes wide and pupils so narrow thanks to the sun they were barely visible. He rescued a drip before he made a mess. “Welcome. How is your…” he tapped his temple.
“Yeah, better.”
You returned to silence, and you got busy looking for a new place to stay. The options were… lacking. You knew the decision to go away during the school holidays would be a silly one anyway, but you wanted the heat. You wanted a summer holiday. Not a cold and wet one. But at such late notice in an area with limited options to begin with, all that was really left were large houses for groups of ten or places miles and miles away that would cost yet more money to travel to. The only other thing you could think of was buying a tent and pitching up on a nearby campsite, but you fucking hated tents and camping.
As time wore on and Harry’s ice cream disappeared, you noticed him growing more restless. You glanced up a couple of times to find him with his head down, but you eventually figured out the source of his discomfort. He was shooting looks at something over your shoulder while constantly readjusting his ball cap.
You straightened in your seat and twisted yourself slightly to get a better look.
“Don’t turn around.” He muttered without looking at you.
You frowned. “Why?”
He never gave you an answer so you did it anyway. A couple of tables over someone was doing a very bad job at hiding their phone.
For God’s sake. 
“Do you want to swap seats?” You offered.
He gave you a startled look, and admittedly you were surprised at your own suggestion. “No.”
“You sure? The back of your head is way less appealing than the front of it.”
You could see the confusion spread across his face and you wished immediately that you could take your words back. He was too wound up to mention it now, but you knew he definitely would in the future.
“They’ve already got about fifteen minutes worth of pictures, there’s no point moving now.” He huffed and readjusted the hat on his head once more, eyes downcast.
You pursed your lips in thought. After a moment you readjusted your seat so that you were hopefully positioned right in the way. Harry gave you a blank look, eyes still darting to the people behind you.
“Do you want to go?”
“Not particularly.”
You knew what he meant. He shouldn’t have to leave just because other people didn’t know how to behave like normal human beings.
A minute later the table behind you stood and left, so something had at least worked.
“Thank you.” He said it so quietly you nearly missed it. “Your lack of subtlety was almost entertaining.”
You weren’t offended by that. You hadn’t meant to be subtle. “I know we don’t get on but I respect your privacy. You should’ve asked them to delete it.”
“Then it just makes me look like a prick.”
“But you are a prick.”
He broke into another laugh. That laugh that held no malice or spite. The one he’d only debuted today. Then he slid back to stoicism. “I’ll be all over the Daily Mail again tomorrow anyway.”
Something weird happened. Anger materialised in your chest, and it wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling in the slightest. What was unusual was that it came on Harry’s behalf. Usually you felt this way because of Harry, not for him.
You cleared your throat. “It’s okay to tell people to fuck off every once in a while, Harry.”
“Not when you’re me, it isn’t.”
“It is when people don’t know how to set boundaries.”
“Don’t worry about it. Seriously.” He readjusted his cap again and sunk further into his seat. “Not the first time I’ve been spotted on holiday.”
“With a mystery woman, no less.”
He snorted. “Sorry in advance.”
“For what?”
“You’re about to become the most interesting person on the planet. I’d privatise your Instagram.”
“It already is. Nor is it very interesting.”
“Just… I don’t know. I know what they’re like.”
“You think I give a shit what a bunch of people on the internet think about me?”
“I don’t know, maybe.”
“Have I ever given a shit what anyone else has thought about me?”
He tipped his head. “No.”
“It’s their boundaries I’m worried about.”
“Don’t be. If those pictures do make it anywhere, I’ll have no problem telling the next person to fuck off if it comes to it.”
The smallest smile tugged at his lips. “Then I really hope for their sake that there isn’t a next time.”
You hadn’t left the parlour until you’d come up with a solution to your living arrangement. It took longer than you’d like, but eventually you settled for the only option; in two weeks you’d let Harry have the cabin and move into an AirBnB a few towns over. A bungalow this time with a very big bed. You’d had to fork out a deposit since it was a booking of more than 7 nights, which put another lovely dent in your bank balance. You were really trying not to think about it. 
Harry hadn’t passed comment when you told him. He just gave a blank stare and a curt nod, which was very unlike him. When it came to you, he’d never had any problem parting with his opinions.
You’d been ambushed on your way back to the cabin by your brother and Holly. After changing and freshening up you all walked down to the pub together to meet Holly’s Nanna. You had met her at the wedding but only briefly. Your brother and Holly’s special day had been somewhat dampened by the fact that Harry materialised again whenever you forgot about him and ended up drinking yourself into an early bedtime. The next morning you were rewarded with the worst hangover of your entire life.
Nanna was amazing. One of those larger than life women who weren’t afraid to drop the c word a couple of times without so much as batting an eyelid, and using Malibu as an excuse for a good time. You’d been seated on a round table which relieved you to no end. You were sandwiched between Nanna and your brother which meant there was a decent amount of distance between you and Harry.
“I need you to tell me something.” Nanna patted your arm, giving you her full attention.
It was like being addressed by royalty. “Anything.”
“I hear there’s a story about your brother involving nappies and toothpaste. A serial offence. He won’t tell me and Holly conveniently doesn’t know about it.”
You gave your brother a look.
“Please don’t.” He begged.
“But Nanna asked so nicely.”
“You’re about to embarrass me in front of the man I work for?”
You don’t look at Harry. “It’s not like you haven’t managed that all by yourself on previous occasions.”
“Yeah, don’t stop on my account.” Harry coughed, battling laughter.
“Great, we’re all on the same page.” You grinned. You turned back to Nanna, “Once upon a time, my little brother had to sleep in a crib and wear nappies just like all the other babies. He was cute, it should be said. I have a picture on my phone somewhere of him running around the garden with no clothes on.”
Your brother rolled his eyes and sunk into his seat with a scowl. Holly gave him a patronising pat on the shoulder.
“Anyway, beside the point. Like most toddlers he was an absolute tyrant, compared to me - I was an angel.”
“Hard to believe.” Harry muttered.
“Aye,” Nanna shot him a look. She’d been smitten with him all night until that point.
“Don’t worry about it - we’re in an ongoing feud.” You brushed the matter away and continued with your story. “During his reign of tyranny, he adopted a very obscure but passionate obsession with toothpaste. Colgate Cool Stripe only - no other product lived up to his expectations. It all started when, one day, our mother accidentally used adult toothpaste instead of the toddler stuff. An uphill battle began.
“Any time he had to clean his teeth, he’d try and use Colgate instead of the kiddy stuff, and mum or dad would fight with him until he surrendered in a screaming fit and had a toothbrush forced into his face hole.”
Someone sniggered, and your chest inflated. Making people laugh had always pleased you.
“His addiction got so bad, one night he managed to escape from his cot and into Mum and Dad’s bathroom. They found him on the floor with an empty tube and Colgate smushed all over his cute little face. Hours later he had a terrible accident. I won’t go into graphic detail since we’ve just had our dinner.”
Nanna started laughing, a throaty and hoarse sound. Given the amount of times she’d excused herself for a cigarette, you attributed that habit to the unique noise. “And this happened more than once?”
You nodded. “They tried locking it in the cabinet a few times, but he’d always find it. Eventually they changed tactics and just bought Aquafresh instead.”
Nanna hummed and gave him a pointed look. “I’ve always thought you were a picky bastard.”
“Nanna,” Holly gasped, shaking with laughter. She leaned her forehead against her husband’s shoulder.
“I can’t be that picky if I ended up with your granddaughter.”
Holly threw her hands up. “Does anyone else want to bully me today? Between that and being called very stupid I think I might have room for one more insult.”
“Your shoes don’t go with your dress.” Nanna said.
After a beat of silence, the table erupted into laughter.
The waiter returned to offer dessert, which you would usually forego since pubs rarely tended to offer gluten free choices without putting up a fight. You’d learned to live a sad, dessert-less existence. But everyone else was having one so you succumbed to peer pressure.
“What ice cream flavours do you have?”
“For the sundae?” The young girl asked with a confused frown.
“No, I’m coeliac so I can’t have it.”
“Oh,” her cheeks turned pink, which was not your intention, “sorry. Um, just the usual flavours, then.”
“Great, can I have two scoops of chocolate.”
She was very quick to hurry off. Something bothered you about that whole exchange but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
“Aren’t you bored of chocolate ice cream?” Harry asked, but he was fiddling with his napkin rather than looking at you.
Holly kicked his leg under the table but you pretended not to notice.
After the bill was settled, which Harry tried to sneak off and pay for without telling anyone, you bid goodbye to each other and sent your brother, Holly and Nanna off together in a taxi. The waitress hadn’t stopped giving you wary glances ever since you asked for ice cream, and you still couldn’t place what went wrong. You might have been a little short with her but it wasn’t meant with any malice.
It didn’t really dawn on you what was wrong until you were walking up the hill to the cabin with Harry.
A curdling feeling in your stomach had you feeling very queasy very quickly.
“Oh no.” You mumbled, keeping your gaze on the grass below you. Your vision swung and you struggled to keep your balance.
“What’s wrong?” Harry asked, turning back to you. He’d been a couple of metres ahead of you for the entire walk so you didn’t have to force a conversation.
You sat down on the grass to keep yourself gravitated, but it was no good. You weren’t nauseous because you were dizzy, you were dizzy because you were sick.
You spent the next ten minutes vomiting into the bushes.
Harry had kept a relative distance from you while you were sick, only handing you a bottle of water when you seemed to give up the last of your stomach contents and take a big breath.
“Are you okay?” He asked in a cautious voice.
Unattractively, you swilled your mouth out and then necked the remaining contents of the bottle. “Yeah, fine.”
“What happened?”
“I think something went wrong at dinner.”
“What do you mean?”
You gave him a levelled look, trying to communicate with your eyes. It seemed like a ridiculous idea considering you could barely communicate together with words, let alone silent glances.
“Ah… did it say gluten free on the menu?”
You nodded.
“Did you tell them?”
You shook your head. Sometimes you liked to put faith in humanity and believe you’d be fine putting yourself in the hands of others. When you were dining with practical strangers, making a fuss about your condition made you feel like a twat, so you kept quiet about it. Now you wish you’d said something.
“Are you gonna make a complaint?”
You shook your head furiously and readjusted yourself to sit back on your arse rather than your knees. “Happens all the time, sadly.”
“That girl knew they’d fucked up, didn’t she?”
“You saw that?”
“I saw you looking at her a lot after the ice cream thing.”
You made a strange noise. “It is what it is. I don’t blame her for not saying anything. For all she knows I could be going home unscathed.”
“But you’re not.”
“Don’t worry about it, Harry. I’m not into making a scene.”
“You could’ve been seriously ill.”
“I know that.”
“If you don’t tell them they fucked up, how are they going to know to stop it from happening to someone else in the future?”
You took a deep breath and looked up to the sky. You and Harry had made progress today, on some weird level, but this was not part of that progress. “Fine. I’ll do something about it tomorrow.”
“No you won’t.”
“Leave it alone, Harry!” You finally snapped. “How I handle my health issues is none of your fucking business, especially when you haven’t got a fucking clue what it’s like to have them. Just drop it.”
His jaw ticked. “Fine.”
He disappeared up the hill and into the cabin without so much as another word.
You collapsed onto your back and let a tight sob wrack through you.
You contemplated what the fuck you were doing. This holiday had been nothing but a shit show from start to day 2 and you didn’t want to do it anymore. You should’ve gone home this morning. You’d refused to quit so early on given how long it had been since you had any real time off, but the universe was clearly working against you and you wished you hadn’t bothered.
As it always did, a second round of vomiting ensued, and you were back on your hands and knees hacking up bile while your stomach protested. You cried more as you threw up.
As the convulsions subsided you collapsed onto your back again, but the smell of it was starting to affect you. Slowly, you stood on shaky legs and attempted to make your way up to the cabin.
You hadn’t realised, but Harry was standing at the top of the hill wearing a frown, hands shoved into his pockets. When you caught sight of him you were ashamed. You knew what he’d said came from a good place, but it just really ground your gears when people who had no idea what it was like tried to tell you how to handle it.
He made his way back to you and silently placed his hand on the small of your back. It was warm and unfamiliar, but you couldn’t work out if the trembling from you was because of that or because you were just sick.
“How much more did you see?” You asked, helpless.
He gave you a startled look, like he was shocked to hear you so vulnerable. “Enough.”
You sighed and kept your gaze on the floor, trying not to fall over.
“Do you have any medication or anything?”
You shook your head. “It doesn’t really work like that.”
Once you got to the cabin you headed straight for the bathroom and changed into your pyjamas. You then poured yourself a glass of water and took it to bed with you. You were asleep within seconds.
You slept through the night that night. When you woke you felt a shit-ton better than you had the night before, and it left you with a smile on your face. You wriggled your legs and toes underneath the sheets and stretched your arms.
You realised the bed was empty, but when you peeled an eye open it was obvious Harry had slept on his side at some point. You sat up to an empty room. There was no sign of Harry, again.
You didn’t know much about Harry’s daily routine but you would put money on him being an early morning runner. You shivered at the thought.
He appeared whilst you were in the middle of your second round of toast. It was the only thing you could think to try and stomach after yesterday’s disaster. Harry was in regular clothes, not running attire. You owed yourself a fiver.
“Ah,” he paused at the sight of you eating toast, and limply lifted his hand. The same greasy brown paper bag rustled in his grip.
“Don’t be shy.” You patted the table after swallowing your mouthful. “I’ll still eat it.”
“You’re that hungry?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s what happens when you’re forced to empty your entire stomach contents.”
His nose wrinkled. “Right.”
You took a sip of coffee while he made himself comfortable in the seat opposite you. 
“How do you feel?”
“Well, I slept the night through and didn’t hit my head this morning which is a major improvement on yesterday.”
“That’s something. Do you feel right enough to go out?”
“If I weren’t on holiday I’d be right back to work, Harry. No rest for the wicked and all.”
“Is that a yes, then?” He cocked a brow.
“Yes, Harry.”
“Okay. I was gonna go down to the lake… it’s really warm out.”
“Are you telling me, or is that an invitation?”
He picked his pastry apart. “Both? I don’t know, it might do you some good.”
Concern? From your nemesis? This was bad. “Oh, don’t go coy on me, Harry. It doesn’t suit you.”
“Knew I shouldn’t have bothered.”
“That’s more like it.”
His mouth lifted at the corner for the shortest fraction of a second.
“Is it pebbly or sandy?”
An olive branch.
The worst kind of lake beach, then. “The type that calls for a special type of shoe.”
He grimaced. “I know.”
“It’s fine. We make do.” You pronounced, and stood from the table with your dirty things. “Give me 20 minutes and we’ll go.”
“That alright?”
You peered up at the man blocking the sun with a pinched look. He stood before you in a faded white t-shirt and board shorts, holding an ice cream cone with a single chocolate scoop on top.
“As long as it’s the right cone, it’s perfect.”
“I double checked.” He promised as he handed it to you, and then sat with his own.
This was day four on the beach by the lake. While you and Harry spent the time there together, you did your own thing. He spent most of his time in the water like a fucking fish, and you spent yours on a towel with a book and enough food to feed the 5,000.
You’d found a tolerable medium with Harry. In the day you gave each other your needed space, and at night time you tried not to touch each other in bed. Or smother each other. So far it had worked well.
You hadn’t seen Holly or your brother since that night at dinner. They’d actually been visiting for a relative’s birthday party and had already gone home, leaving you and Harry to suffer together.
“I think you’re running low on your special bread.”
You snorted and covered your mouth. ‘Special bread’ made you sound like some kind of escaped lunatic.
“I don’t know why I said it like that.” Harry shook his head. “But the fact remains.”
“We’re running low on a lot.”
“Maybe we should go shopping.”
You groaned. This is what your life had come to: grocery shopping with a celebrity.
“I’ll make it as painless as possible.”
“Where even is the nearest supermarket?”
“I don’t know - I went shopping on the way here.”
“So did I.”
Has there ever been a more ridiculous conversation?
Harry found his phone and checked for signal, soon letting out a soft sigh. “Five weeks without WiFi was a stupid idea.”
“Ain’t that the truth.”
You decided to check a map on the notice board outside the public toilets on the lake site and decided there must be a supermarket in the nearest town. Harry drove you out into the Scottish countryside following his sat-nav’s directions to the closest town.
It was a little odd being in the same car as him. While your brother’s work relationship and subsequent marriage had brought him into your life for many a family gathering, you’d never found yourself in quite such a confined space as this. Apart from the bed situation. You were certain he was being quiet on your behalf, because silence was better than small talk. The decision to go shopping had proven that much.
“Unbelievable.” He muttered the second you entered the supermarket.
You followed his nervous gaze to a man with a camera doing a shitty job at hiding. “Go back to the car if you want to.”
“Hardly fair.”
“Being uncomfortable isn’t fair.” You insisted. “Go take a drive and be back here in half an hour. I don’t mind.”
He sighed and handed you the list you’d prepared before leaving. “I’ll be back.”
“Yes, please don’t use this opportunity to abandon me here.”
He smirked. “Don’t put ideas in my head.” He took his wallet out of his pocket and handed you his card. “Use that.”
You frowned at it, and then him in turn. “I don’t mind paying for it.”
“Pay with my card and then send me half when you find signal or internet or whatever.” He turned away, but threw, “Half an hour,” over his shoulder.
You had to take a moment to collect yourself. Now you weren’t grocery shopping with a celebrity, you were using one’s credit card.
Before you started your shopping, you had one more thing you had to do. Stalking the man who was stalking your reluctant companion was easy because he didn’t try very hard to be subtle. You tapped him on the shoulder.
He spun around with a bewildered look on his face. “Yes?”
“Delete them.”
True to his word, Harry returned half an hour later with a confusing smile. “Guess what I found.”
You let him take the bags out of your hands to shove them in the boot of his car. “What?”
“A fucking Costa.”
“No way…”
“Yes way.” He grinned.
“Literally around the corner.” He thumbed in that general direction. “I got two ‘cause I didn’t know which one you liked.”
“As long as it’s got coffee in it, I’ll consume it.”
Sure enough, two starkly different iced coffees sat in the cup holders in his central console. 
“Which one do you want?” You asked. He did buy them after all.
“I don’t mind. You choose.”
“Please pick one.”
“Fine.” He plucked one at random and started drinking as he pulled off. “Happy?”
“Yes. Thank you.” And you meant it, too.
Silence settled between you again as you slurped away at your coffee. It was comfortable this time. You put the window down and stuck your arm out to feel the breeze through your fingers.
“Do you ever wonder how we got so…”
You looked over at him with a curious expression, but he never finished his sentence. “What?”
Harry shook his head. “Never mind.”
“Oh, come on, Harry.” You poked his arm. “You’ve never been one to mince your words in front of me before. Don’t start now.”
His lips twitched with a smile, but it was quickly replaced by something else. A kind of sad contemplation. “I don’t want to ruin a rare nice day.”
Now you were the one struggling to find words. Animosity was just the default practice for you and Harry when you were around each other. After so many years of battling over often ridiculous things, he was right. This was a rare nice day. You hadn’t argued once. Come to think of it, you hadn’t argued at all since the day you were sick. That little spat on the hill was the last one.
But curiosity ate away at you. What was he going to say that had the potential to ruin your good time? Knowing Harry, it could be any number of things.
“I promise I won’t lose my shit if you tell me.”
His face lit up with amusement, but he never laughed. “Shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep.”
Right there, in that single moment, you were reminded just why the world had an obsession with the man sitting beside you. Even in the blandest setting, Harry Styles looked like the man who would promise you everything you’ve ever wanted and be able to deliver it to you. The man who held enough charisma both on and off stage for a hundred other men. The man with pretty eyes and pretty pink lips. The man who looked damn good whether he was clean-shaven or harbouring two weeks of scruff like he was now. The man who would spoil you to no end, who would give you a life of comfort and stability, who would drop everything at a second’s notice to be yours. Fuck, he looked like the man who might even die for you.
You’d seen Harry in love and the man gave his whole fucking heart and soul to the person he was with. His inherent attractiveness was just a bonus.
“Tell me, please.” You tried again.
He considered it for a moment, chewing the inside of his cheek. Eventually he sighed, “Do you ever wonder how things managed to get so bad? Between us?”
A loaded question, indeed.
“Do you want the honest answer?”
He glanced your way, jaw suddenly tense. “I don’t know.”
“I don’t tend to wonder about it because I haven’t forgotten at all how we did.”
“Walk me through it.”
“Are you sure you want that?”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less from the most honest woman I know.”
You were biding your time, mulling over your response. Perhaps this would ruin your nice day, but this was the most open conversation the two of you were ever going to have. Not talking about it would be both a missed opportunity and a disservice to yourself.
“Okay. You’re not going to like it, though.”
“I didn’t expect to.”
You took a deep breath. “The first time I met you didn’t go at all how I expected it to. In hindsight I guess, to you, I would’ve just been a footnote. Your friends have other friends you probably meet all the time and I was just one of the next hundred. Holly and my brother had only just started dating, but Holly and I got on so well we started doing things together as friends without him. She invited me to lunch with… you know, the usual suspects.”
He nodded once, slowly. The usual suspects he wasn’t speaking to anymore for various different reasons. You didn’t keep tabs on Harry’s life by choice, but Holly and the internet provided more about it than you cared for.
“Maybe you were just young. Or maybe there was something different that I just missed or didn’t understand, but you weren’t at all like I expected you to be. Everyone - my brother, Holly, my parents -, everyone said you were amazing. ‘The nicest boy you’ll ever meet’. And sure, you were nice. Charming, even. And you had everyone’s undivided attention, including Holly’s. And mine. But Holly’s more so.
“That girl loves you. And I watched her love you up close and personal and it was amazing and beautiful and I really wanted her to give just even a portion of that love to my brother. And she did, but it didn’t come without a fight.
“I didn’t care that you spent most of that lunch ignoring everyone else at the table. Or maybe I did. I just knew that you only cared about Holly’s undivided attention and she had no quarrels giving it to you. There was a time I thought you might be secretly in love with each other,” you laughed at the reminder because it seemed stupid now, “but when I brought it up with her she laughed so hard she cried and then pretended to vomit.”
“Damn,” Harry produced an offended laugh. “Didn’t know I was that repulsive.”
“Anyway, it didn’t stop her from loving you. Never has. Soon after, I spent a week with her and my brother in Spain on some all-inclusive thing. Before you ask, I was forced to go. Being a third-wheel is absolutely not my style.”
He chuckled. “I didn’t think it sounded like you.”
You shook your head. “Not at all. Anyway, I watched Holly send constant photos, messages, gifs, any and all digital media to you while we were on that holiday, cataloguing the entire thing. I don’t think you realise how many times I heard oh Harry’s gonna love this. But what got me is you never replying to her. Not once. Her phone screen was just a sea of blue messages against a backdrop of silence. At one point I considered she’d got the wrong number, but then you texted her the day we left with something really dull and generic and I really wanted to hit you.”
“I don’t remember this at all.” He admitted, face paled.
“That doesn’t surprise me. You’re a busy man. I reminded myself of that a lot to start off with, but the whole thing became a recurring pattern. Maybe you think I’m stupid and it’s a bit of an overreaction for it, but I’m quite observant when I want to be. You’re Holly’s best friend, even if she’s not yours. Every time she says it, it’s like she’s been given the greatest gift in the entire world. And she’s such a bright, incredible person. She’s my best friend. Not just because she’s married to my brother, but because she’s the best person I’ve ever met and nothing will ever change that.
“Over the years I’ve watched countless messages and phone calls from her to you go unanswered, seen her face turn down with sadness when you don’t call her back or text out a reply. She deserves more than that. 
“I’ve noticed you do it to my brother, too. I know he works for you so maybe it’s not the same, but it’s safe to say that in their house, Harry Styles isn’t a name that lights up their phone screens very often. Ever.”
Harry fidgeted a little and cleared his throat. “All this time I thought I’d done something to you.”
“No. Worse. You continually managed to upset my best friend, even if you didn’t know it, and in turn you upset me.”
“Then I’m sorry.”
“It’s not me you need to apologise to, Harry. She’ll never admit that she’s hurt by your silence because she doesn’t want to lose you. This is why we’re so very different. I don’t hang around for people who don’t appreciate the good they have in their life. I’m a good person, and Holly is an even better one. She deserves more than your attention when she’s only sat in front of you.”
“You’re right. I’m an idiot.”
“Yes you are.”
His lips twitched again. “The next time I’m in the village with signal I’ll call her. Promise.”
“Don’t promise me. Promise yourself, and her. One day she might snap and decide she doesn’t want to wait for months at a time to hear from you. Because hearing about you through my brother doesn’t count.”
“I know. I get it, I really do…”
“Good. Now, my turn.” You let out a long breath and turned in your seat. “Why do you hate me so much?”
“I don’t hate you-,”
“You called me both insufferable and intolerable in the space of five minutes when I got here.”
“Let me finish.” He said, exasperated. “I don’t hate you, I’m scared of you.”
“Calling someone intolerable because you’re scared of them doesn’t make any sense.”
“Well, let’s put it this way. While perhaps you were right, at first I thought you were just another friend of a friend who’d made an appearance for uncertain reasons, it became apparent very quickly that you weren’t going anywhere. It also became very apparent that you were not my biggest fan. That first lunch was one of a kind because you barely said a word. Every other time after that, which I now realise happened to be family-oriented, you hardly shut up.
“I’ve always noticed it. You command the attention of everyone in the room. You’re a storyteller. You could turn an anecdote about a trip to the petrol station into a fairytale. You give everyone in the room your undivided attention, and when I realised you never gave it to me, well… safe to say I was wounded. Holly talked you up to high heaven. Your brother loves you. My own mother loves you even though we don’t get on.
“There’s something about you. And the fact that the only attention you ever gave me was a dirty look or a snippy remark made me petty. So I started giving it back, and I think the more I did it, the more I lost sight of the kind of person you actually are, because I only focused on the side you showed to me.”
He turned into the driveway of the cabin, and you thought he was done. But when the engine shut off, he said one last thing.
“In one of your many little outbursts you said I’ve got a severe case of oosoom syndrome. I never bothered to look it up because I didn’t want to know what kind of idiot you thought I was, but it’s just clicked.”
“Out of sight, out of mind.”
He nodded and turned to you with a calm gaze. “I get it now.” He wasn’t just talking about the idiom.
The rain was back and heavier than ever. The ground surrounding the cabin was a swamp, the hill that led down to the village was indiscernible thanks to the downpour, and the day was dark and moody. Inside the cabin it was muggy and humid and you felt ridiculous sitting at the dining table in a vest and denim shorts, but you were.
Harry sitting opposite you looked more rugged than usual. His hair was pulled back with a clip, his stubble was shifting into a beard and his clothes were wrinkled.
“Hmm…” He gave an obnoxious tap on his chin.
You rolled your eyes and sunk into the seat. “Just put me out of my misery and show me your cards.”
He laughed, peering at you with a lightness in his eyes that was so unfamiliar it almost had you shell shocked. “Fine.” He placed his hand on the table showcasing his win.
It was day three of this charade. It hadn’t stopped raining and all you’d done was cycle between card games and Monopoly. He always won. You were so fed up of him winning that this was the last straw.
You stood and swiped his hand off the table so that they landed in a flurry on the wooden cabin floor. 
“Hey…” he pouted.
“That was childish of me, I’m sorry.” You groaned, and crouched down to pick them up. “I’m so bored, Harry. I think I’m going mad. We don’t even have a TV. We’re in the middle of nowhere with a pack of cards missing the Ace of Spades and Queen of Hearts and an old beat up Monopoly box with half the properties missing.”
He blinked at me. “I know this. I’ve been with you the whole time.”
“Sorry.” You muttered. “When I’m frustrated I just state the obvious.”
“But I thought that was my job.”
You rolled your head back and sighed at the ceiling. “I need to do something. Anything. I don’t want to sit in here anymore. I need air.”
“It’s pissing it down.”
“I’m aware. You have a car… just humour me for a bit. An hour tops.”
“You want me to drive you around for an hour? In a smaller space than we’re already in?”
“Okay, fine,” you sat back down in your chair and attempted to plead with the normal side of him, the non-celebrity side, “what if… when me and my brother were little and we went away with Mum and Dad, if the weather was crap like this we’d get in the car and drive to the nearest supermarket. And we’d have lunch in the cafe and then do a bit of shopping and then come back. And we’d all get one thing to bide the time before the weather got better again. Why don’t we do that?”
A smile was forming on his lips. “You want to try shopping with me again?”
“That prick and his fancy camera won’t be going back there, trust me.”
His eyes narrowed. “Why, what did you do?”
“Nothing you need to worry about.” You patted his hand. “Please, Harry. Rescue me from insanity.”
“Fine, but only ‘cause you asked so nicely.”
“Yay!” You stood and clapped your hands together. “I’m gonna change.”
Half an hour later you were back at the supermarket in the town over and ready to find as much new entertainment as possible.
“Do you think we should buy them a TV?” Harry contemplated aloud as he stood in front of a large flatscreen.
You gave him a scrutinous look. “And put it where?”
“Good point.” He sighed. “We’re missing Love Island.”
You barked a laugh and carried it down the aisle with you. “That is not what I expected you to mourn over.”
“I’m full of surprises.”
You found your way to the games and books. “Can we get a jigsaw puzzle?”
“Why are you asking me? Get whatever you want, mate.”
You perused the options with as much interest as a car fanatic in a vintage car garage. “Farmyard or harbour? Or circus? Or mountains?”
“Whichever will keep you occupied for the longest.” He said absently, moving down the aisle to the board games.
The circus one had the most pieces and highest level of difficulty, so you plucked the box off the shelf and followed after him. “Have they got the Game of Life?”
He started laughing but never answered you.
“Oh,” you pouted, tapping the spin-off version that was much shorter and way less entertaining.
“When I was little I completed that.”
He raised a brow at you. “Can you even complete Bop-It?”
“Yes,” you snatched the box off the shelf, “and I will prove it to you when we get back.”
“We’ll see about that.” He whispered, smirking. “We need an actual board game.”
You gazed over the options with the same level of interest as the jigsaws. “You choose. I’ve picked the last two.”
“Absolutely not, I’ll only pick wrong.”
“What’s your favourite?”
“Then get Cluedo.” You pointed at it and walked away.
Two hours later and three books heavier you were back at the cabin and starting your jigsaw puzzle. You and Harry sat on your claimed sides of the table, box lid propped against the window and a selection of snacks between you.
“Where the fuck is the fourth corner?” You grumbled, digging through the box like a cat in a litter tray.
Harry glanced at the box lid, then at the jumbled selection of tiles, and plucked it out without hesitation. “There y’go.”
You blinked at him. “Is there anything you’re not good at?” You pinched it from him and placed it in the relevant corner. “Thank you.”
“A compliment and gratitude? It is a good day.”
You stuck your tongue out at him.
“I’m not very good at the splits.”
That made you laugh, right from the back of your throat. “Have you tried?”
“Many times.”
“For what purpose?”
“I had a thing for my yoga instructor once and she was convinced I could do it so I kept trying just to impress her.”
“My God, you are a sap.”
“Pathetic, isn’t it?”
“It’s nice to know you failed at something for such a pitiful reason.”
He gave you such a megawatt smile you had to look away. “I’m just like any other boy.”
“I can’t believe you had to try hard to impress anyone. It almost doesn’t seem natural.”
“You make me sound like a robot.”
“I don’t think you’re a robot. I just think sometimes things seem to come a little too easily to you. Skills. Work. Friends. Women. Probably men, too. Some of us have to try really hard to get those things.”
“You have friends. A good job. And I refuse to believe people aren’t interested in you… romantically.”
You lifted a brow at him. “Refuse?”
“Are they not?”
“Have you ever known me to be ‘romantically’ involved with anyone?”
“Yeah, that lad you took to your brother’s wedding.”
“He’s gay.”
“Oh.” He scratched his nose. “I wondered why he kept eyeing up one of the groomsmen. Your cousin?”
“Also gay.”
“Have you never had a boyfriend?”
“Not since school, no.”
“Have you… are you… you know?”
You gave him another raised brow. “You’re not seriously asking me that.”
He rubbed his hands down his face and groaned. “I’m sorry. Ignore me.”
“Just because I haven’t had relationships, doesn’t mean I’m a virgin, Harry.”
The tips of his ears turned pink. “I think we’ve gone a bit off track here.”
“You’re tellin’ me.”
He slotted a piece into place next to one of the corners. You slotted another one in after that. The pattern repeated itself, in silence, for the next twenty minutes.
“When do you go to your AirBnB?”
You met his gaze with a calm expression. “Six days. Five nights.”
“Okay.” He said as he stood. “Are you hungry enough for dinner yet?”
“If you are, we can eat.”
He gave a stiff nod. “Okay.”
Part 2
Talk to me?
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gunnerfc · 10 months
❄️ WOSO FICMAS: Dec. 13 - Alexia Putellas ❄️
Alexia Putellas x Reader ( actor ) | WC: 1190
Dec. 13 prompt - surprise visit after thinking they’d be apart on Christmas
-> all translations from google!
-> woso ficmas masterlist can be found here!
Being an actor was fun, you got to spend hours playing someone new and traveling the world to film or do press. Acting brought you a lot of success throughout your career thus far and it was exciting to see where you would go. The main downfall though was having to spend multiple months on location filming which meant being away from your loved ones.
Sometimes filming continued through the holidays, meaning you might be missing spending Christmas with your girlfriend, Alexia. You and Alexia had met while you were filming a different project in Spain, you had bumped into each other literally at a club. The Barça girls were out celebrating another El Clásico win while you and some cast mates were out celebrating the end of filming. Neither of you were paying attention to where you were walking and ran into each other, spilling the contents of your drink on the midfielder. 
You had apologized multiple times with Alexia assuring you each time that it was okay. You had offered her your jacket to cover up the liquid stain showing on her shirt, which she took after asking you to let her get you another drink. This was three years ago and since then the two of you have spent as much time together when your jobs allowed for it. Most of your time was spent in Barcelona since it was easier for you to travel but there were times when Alexia would join you on set for a few days if she could.
It was currently two days before Christmas and filming for your current film was taking longer than expected due to some set malfunctions. These delays kept you from flying to Spain from Australia as you originally planned which hurt both you and Alexia. With the season in full swing, it was hard for either of you to see one another and you were determined to spend some time together during the break Alexia had from club football.
You had been in contact with Alexia’s sister Alba after you told Alexia that you didn’t think you'd be able to leave set for a few days for the holidays. You hated seeing her upset and started forming a plan to surprise her the moment the call ended. You didn’t care if you got in trouble with the producers or director, what were they going to do? Fire you? You were the leading actor in the movie, they couldn’t do that.
It was difficult trying to get a flight on such short notice but after a long flight from Australia, you were waiting for your luggage in Barcelona. The only flight you could find was set to arrive in Spain on Christmas morning so you figured it would be the best Christmas surprise for Alexia. After claiming your bags, you quickly got a cab to take you to Alexia’s place where you knew she would be with her mother and sister.
Standing outside of Alexia’s door, you were eager to see her again, the last time you saw Alexia was after Spain won the World Cup in August. You pulled out your phone to text Alba that you were at the door, not wanting to knock and alert Alexia of your presence just yet.
Hola chica! ¡Estoy aquí! (i’m here!)
Vale, ¡dame un minuto! (okay! Give me a minute!)
You stood patiently outside the door, waiting for the younger of the two sisters to answer the door, completely unaware of the conversations happening inside.
“¿A quién le envías mensajes, Alba? (who are you texting, Alba?)”  Eli questioned, her youngest daughter too preoccupied with her phone to be a part of the conversation.
“Nadie. Ya vuelvo. (nobody. I’ll be right back.)” Alba responded as she stood up from her place on the couch to make her way to the front door.
Alexia and Eli shared a look as the youngest of the trio left the room, confusion on both of their faces. Alexia picked up her phone, hoping you might have sent her a text but didn’t think too much of it when there was no notification on her phone since you were on the other side of the world, either working or sleeping.
Alba let you in, with whispered greetings and a tight hug as you crossed the threshold. You sat your bags by the door, they could be dealt with later. Alba motioned for you to wait a second before following her, wanting to make some kind of statement before you entered the room.
“¡Hay un regalo más para ti, Ale! (there’s one more gift for you, ale!)” Alba cheered when she rounded the corner.
Alexia looked up from her spot on the couch, raising an eyebrow in confusion at her sister. Her eyes fell on you when you entered the room, they widened in surprise when you locked eyes.
“Sorpresa mi amor (surprise my love),” you mumbled, still not believing you were actually in her home right then.
Alexia didn’t say anything as she got from the couch, moving in your direction and wrapping her arms around your waist. Your arms locked around her neck and you buried your face in her neck, inhaling her familiar scent. 
Alba joined her mother as they left the room to give the two of you some space. They could speak to you later after Alexia let you go.
“Te extrañé mucho, y/n (I missed you so much),” Alexia sighed, her arms tightened around you.
“Yo también te extrañé (I missed you too),” you cooed, pulling back slightly to look at her face.
The two of you stood there in silence for a second before you both leaned in. Your lips met in a heated kiss, the months of not seeing each other had been too long without touching each other. Alexia pulled away first when air became an issue though her arms didn’t leave your body.
“¿Pensé que no podías irte? (I thought you couldn’t leave)” the blonde asked, confused about how you were here.
“No me importaba lo que dijeran, volvería a casa sin importar nada. (I didn’t care what they said, I was coming home no matter what)” you sniffled, feeling overwhelmed with being in Alexia’s arms again.
Alexia pulled you into another tight hug, this one shorter than the first. When you both pulled away, Alexia took your hand in hers and led you to the kitchen to greet her mother and sister. Eli pulled you into a hug, one tighter than the one Alexia had given you. The older woman missed having you around, you brought out a different side to her daughter. 
You spent the rest of Christmas morning giving the family the gifts you had picked out for them that you thought you wouldn’t be able to give them. When nighttime rolled around, you were thrilled to be able to sleep in the same bed as Alexia, having missed being so domestic with the star midfielder. You cherished your short break, promising that the second you wrapped, you would be on a plane back home to your lover.
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spaceclefairy · 3 months
lonely for you only (pt. 1)
Summary: Mayfair and Mayfair Law Group, attorneys to the stars. Only the Best, and Forget the Rest!, the cheesy plaque on the front of the building reads. You, Miss Mayfair, are the best and brightest in Tinseltown, and, unfortunately, if Cooper’s going to make it through this divorce with his reputation intact, you’re his only option.
Don’t screw it up! You know, by falling in love with Cooper Howard. (You're gonna screw it up.)
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“I need a divorce.”
You pause, unsure that you’ve heard your client correctly. “A divorce?”
The man sitting across from you, your client, is none other than Cooper Howard. Movie star of the minute, renowned family man, image as pretty and clean-cut as Hollywood gets - minus the recent accusations of being un-American, a la the Vault-Tec advertisements. He looks, well, unwell. It’s not in the way he’s dressed - he’s immaculately coiffed and perfectly pressed as always. It’s the dark circles under his eyes and the lack of spark that usually makes the hazel so striking.
He looks… defeated.
But what strikes you as odd isn’t that Cooper is asking you to handle his divorce - you’ve been his attorney for years. What’s odd is that he needs a divorce. He loves Barb, and that’s not even just part of his public image. The man would do anything for his wife. (Like damn near ruining his career over those Vault-Tec ads…) 
“Cooper, I don’t handle divorces,” you reply. “I’m in entertainment.”
“I know.” Cooper sighs, grimacing. The slightest bit of drawl slips through his voice, peppering his words with that Southern accent you’re used to seeing on screen. Funny enough, that’s his real accent, you’ve come to learn, not the carefully enunciated cadence he uses in public. “But I need someone I can trust.”
Divorce is a dirty business in Hollywood, so you understand where Cooper’s coming from. Plenty of other big names in the industry have had their secrets sold for hard cash, lives and reputations ruined for an under-the-table payout. And as squeaky-clean as Cooper Howard is, you’re sure there are plenty of people out there who would pay top dollar to find something scandalous about him. You wouldn’t trust a career divorce attorney in this town as far as you could throw them, not knowing how many of them have thrown their clients under the media bus in the interest of the almighty dollar.
“I understand that, Coop,” you start, “and I understand why you want me to do it, but you’re gonna have to level with me here. Why do you want a divorce?”
Cooper’s answer is simple. “Irreconcilable differences.”
The problem is, Cooper’s simple answer is born out of an incredibly complicated question. You want to bite your tongue, but if you do this, you’re going to have to know everything. You know Cooper well, but if you’re going to handle his divorce, you’re going to learn things as his attorney and friend you’ve never wanted to know.
“You’re going to have to give me more than that,” you say, searching his face. He’s long since bothered to keep up his public facade when he walks into your office. You’ve never seen him so despondent - not even when he lost out on his last movie role over those damn advertisements. “Do you really want to do this?”
“I have to,” he replies, clasping his well-manicured hands in his lap.
It breaks your heart. You like Cooper. You’ve been friends for years, attorney and client even longer. You’ve been to his wrap parties. You went to his wedding to Barb ten years ago - he was part of the bridal party at your second wedding. You’re in his will as Janey's legal guardian if Cooper dies, for God’s sake. 
You rub your temples. This is why you don’t handle divorces. “Have you asked Barb yet?”
Cooper shakes his head. “No, not yet. I’ve been trying to decide how to ask.”
“Okay, so, Barb doesn’t know yet,” you reply. It’s not a question. You’re trying to get your thoughts organized - that’s what Cooper Howard pays you good money to do. “Alright, game plan, we’re going to call Stacey and loop her in, and then once you tell Barb, you and I are going to go over assets, money management, contracts… everything.”
Cooper’s nose wrinkles when he hears Stacey. “Do we have to call in Stacey?”
Stacey is your law firm’s in-house publicist. Stacey is not well-liked, but she’s the Hollywood publicist. She’s worked for Mayfair and Mayfair longer than you have, longer than even your father. Your law firm has been the family-run Hollywood entertainment firm for the better part of a century, and you’re convinced Stacey was probably lurking around in the basement of the building when your grandfather founded the firm. And she certainly doesn’t mind being the boogeyman when she needs to be.
“Divorces can get nasty. I can play nasty just as well as any other Hollywood attorney, but divorce nasty is something else entirely,” you say. “You’re the man of the hour in Hollywood, Cooper. We want to keep your image as clean as we can, and we need Stacey for that.”
“It just seems a little much…”
“Look, Coop, I know there’s no love lost between Barb and I, and this isn’t meant to be disparaging against her,” you reply, “but the fact of the matter is, the Barb you know in marriage is not going to be the Barb you know in divorce. That’s just the nature of these things. Trust me, I’ve been divorced twice.”
You can see the wheels turning in his head. “I don’t want this to be some wild, drawn-out legal battle.”
“You may not want that, but there’s nothing to say that Barb won’t try,” you reply, “That’s why we’re calling Stacey.”
You like Cooper, you really, really do (sometimes a little more than you should), but sometimes he’s too good. “I’m guessing she’s going to want to frame this as you not wanting to do the Vault-Tec adverts anymore and Barb pushing you to do it, which means admitting they’ve hurt your career… Anyway, Stacey will handle that - that’s not your concern. You and I have a lot of work to do.”
“I-I don’t even know where to start,” Cooper says. He shifts in your plush office chair like he’s thinking about walking out. “Maybe this is a bad idea…”
“At the end of the day, it’s your choice,” you reply, studying him from your desk. “But clearly whatever’s going on is enough for you to be here.”
Cooper knows you’re right. You can see it in his eyes, the way he searches your face for any hint of doubt. He doesn’t want you to be right, but that’s why he pays you the big bucks. 
He rubs his temples. “This doesn’t leave this room.”
“Nothing you’ve ever said to me has left this room,” you assure him, “and nothing ever will.”
(Besides, if you ever thought about losing your moral compass, whatever any tabloid or paparazzo could offer you to spill Cooper Howard’s secrets couldn’t touch what he and his agency pay to retain you anyway.)
Cooper seems to be chewing on his words, contemplating how he wants to phrase things. That’s not a good sign. He’s a straight-shooter - he’s never had trouble telling you exactly what’s on his mind or what he thinks of something.
“I overheard Barb in a meeting at work,” he says finally. “I did not like what I heard.”
You raise an eyebrow, thinking the worst. The unthinkable, really. “She’s not… having an affair, is she?”
“No, it was a work meeting,” Cooper responds, waving his hand. “She proposed some ideas that I don’t agree with.”
Right, right, not an affair… Boy, that got your hopes up a little bit, for all the wrong reasons. Now’s not the time for that - you have to be sympathetic.
You wait expectantly for him to expound. “Okay.”
“Like dropping bombs.”
“I see.” 
Barb talking about dropping bombs at a Vault-Tec work meeting is decidedly, incredibly, very not good. Especially when she has the resources to do it.
You take a breath because that's a lot to process. “Well, I’ll get the paperwork drawn up tonight so you can have it when you’re ready to start this show. Once Barb signs the paperwork, we’ll work on a proposal for division of assets.”
Cooper nods. “Thanks.”
“I can’t make this completely painless, Coop, but I’ll do what I can.”
“You always do,” he says softly.
You hate it when he does that - when he speaks to you softly like that. His vulnerability makes your heart ache, and it always has. You know better than to fall in love with a client (even if that client is also your friend), but that ship sailed a long time ago.
“I’ll call you when the paperwork is ready.”
Cooper leaves, shutting your office door gently behind him. You watch him go, rubbing your temples. You can't handle his fucking divorce. You should have referred him to someone else, maybe your dad, but you know he wouldn't have gone forward with this if you had. Cooper's only ever let you deal with his legal business, and he's too stubborn to trust anyone else. God, this is such a bad idea.
From outside your closed door, you hear a hearty laugh and what sounds like someone being clapped on the shoulder. That laugh is unmistakable - you know it's your grandfather outside. Camden Mayfair is a force of his own caliber, and his laugh has always reflected it. Despite his advanced age, he's never quite managed to officially retire from the firm he'd founded with his own father. Be it a sense of duty or just a love of meddling, he spends his days doddering around the office rubbing elbows with the clientele who roam in and out. He never misses a chance to hobnob with the Hollywood elite (it's part of what's kept him in business so long), and he very well may be Cooper Howard's biggest fan (something about always wanting to be a cowboy). In fact, he made you a partner long before you earned that honor the moment he found out Cooper retained you fifteen years ago at the beginning of his (and your) career.
And God, it's like he can sense when Cooper's in the building. He's done his damnedest for years to try to set you up with him.
Camden hustles into your office with his usual swagger and shuts the door behind you, plopping himself down in one of your expensive office chairs. He's still a handsome old man, all sharp angles, well-taken care of his entire life and unwilling to let age set in. He somehow still has a full head of hair (even if it's snow white) and a full beard. You can tell by the look in his dark eyes - the same dark eyes you have - he's guessed what's going on. Clever old bastard.
"That Cooper Howard," he starts, and you fight the instinct to roll your eyes, "he's a great actor, isn't he?"
"Best of the best, Pops."
"Shame those acting skills can't hide a broken heart," Camden comments carefully. "Pain is in the eyes, you know. Hard to hide if you know what you're looking at. I assume you'll be handling the divorce?"
You huff. "Do you have my office bugged?"
"No, sweet pea, I have fifty years of experience with clients, four ex-wives, and one current wife who I intend to spend my final years with," Camden replies with an easy grin. "All men have that same look in their eyes during that first divorce. Has he asked Barb yet?"
"No, he hasn't," you reply. "I'm drafting the paperwork tonight."
"Well, I'm sure you'll have this whole business over and done with in no time," he says. "He's a handsome man. Won't take long to get a twinkle back in his eyes, especially not when you come in and save the day."
This again. He never gives up. The man never called either of your former partners by their names, not even when you were married - it was always "that soft-brained man" and "that bimbo woman." Oh, but Cooper Howard - now, he would always have a name to Camden Mayfair.
"Whatever you're planning, stop it," you say. "I'll tell Grandma you're not minding your own business if you don't."
Your grandmother, Camden's fifth wife, is not your biological grandmother, but she's the one you claim to be yours. A formidable woman in her own right, she'd been an attorney for forty-odd years and only finally retired when she could no longer walk up the steps to her office. Coincidentally, she's lasted the longest of the five wives and somehow is the only person to have ever gotten your grandfather's meddling somewhat under control.
"Oh, posh," he waves his hand dismissively at you. "I never meddle. I assume you'll let Stacey handle the PR?"
Camden gets up to leave, "Well, I'm sure Stacey will come up with something."
You shake your head as he blusters out of your office. This is a terrible fucking idea.
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mycatsaidwhat · 1 year
things i’ve heard college students say pt. 29
-you may be into Sucky mpreg but some people believe the holocaust didn’t happen
-humans should have a mating season where we all congregate in a river once a year to find love like salmon 
-granted, there is a difference between being a momma’s boy and being Normon Bates 
-Only in a poli sci class would you get a picture of the live action winne the poo and Kim Jon un next to one another 
-“get ready for the met gala with me!!” influencer vlogs showing up on my suggested as if I don’t make $10.73 an hour 
-no way that dog had a blog, dogs can’t read 
-in god we bust
-every guys wants to be a golden retriever boyfriend until they wake up with no balls 
-graphic design majors are like the diet soda of the art world 
-if i could choose between having a successful career and lying down i would choose lying down 
-today’s graduation is sponsored by plan b
-going down on a woman and tying her fallopian tubes with my tongue like a cherry stem 
-most of the world’s problems would be solved if more billionaires disappeared in submarines 
-you come face to face with god at a 24 hour ihop
-she lemony on my snicket until there’s an unfortunate event
-took a shit in the gender neutral bathroom, call that a she/it
-the tornado dodged us cause someone told it that it had to pay a cover for every bar it destroyed
-can I have a cars 2-themed blowjob, please
-the best thing Taylor Swift has done recently is get some girls to consider that they may be the problem
-“I’M LITERALLY SO FERAL” no Ava you’re just drunk and white
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originalleftist · 2 months
When I see celebrities engaging in political/social activism, I can't help but think of one person we're not seeing. One we'll probably never see.
For a few years, Amber Heard was a rising activist and philanthropist actively working on various humanitarian causes, appearing at protests, being an ambassador for the ACLU and UN. And yes, her much-vilified donations, which she did not keep for herself as was portrayed, but was donating in multiple payments over time as planned until Depp's litigation placed her in financial jeopardy (organizations often prefer and ask for regularly recurring donations over one lump payment, as it helps with longterm planning).
Though I like her performances, her work in this regard was arguably more significant than anything she did as an actor. This wasn't just something she did for the PR or tax breaks either, because she has reportedly volunteered to help those less fortunate since she was some no-name middle-class high school kid.
But you never see a whisper from her about any social issue or cause now. I don't know if that's because the relentless harassment and destruction of her career and reputation she received for trying to stand up for abuse survivors crushed that part of her, and I wouldn't blame her if it did- or if she stays quiet because she knows her reputation has been so tarnished that her public support would likely be a liability for any cause she believed in.
And either possibility is heart-breaking
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lovelyleclercs · 2 years
Weekends Away- CL16
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Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader
-> Juliette spends the weekend at grandma’s for the first time, leaving you and charles alone to catch up and reminisce.
hey can i have promt #66 with Charles Leclerc please?
#66- “i’ve missed this”
can i have the plot around where charles and reader give their child to charles’/reader’s parents and they have a weekend just together e.g watching movies, going out on dates, hours of chatting and asking each other questions about future plans/ future kids/ careers ect, just spending time with each other really.
just a really fluffy story.
ps. love your work so much 🫶
warnings: google translated french
word count: 2717
a/n: I had so much fun writing this, this is part of the missing home universe!!<3
After three years and two months of spending every day and every night with your little girl, the day had finally come where she had decided she wanted to stay at her grandmother's house. 
After three years and two months of spending every day and every night with your little girl, the day had finally come where she had decided she wanted to stay at her grandmother's house. 
The idea had come spontaneously, you, Charles and little Juliette had gone to Pascale’s house for dinner like you always did on Friday nights when there wasn’t a race. 
Charles’ older brother, Lorenzo had also come over that night, bringing his wife and his two year old daughter, Olivia along for the occasion. 
This weekend in particular, Lorenzo and his wife were dropping Olivia off for the next three days as they were headed out of town for a couple of days for a friend's wedding. Juliette had caught onto the idea of what a sleepover meant that night- though she had never seemed intrigued by them at all in times past. The moment she realized that her baby cousin would be staying at grandma’s house for the whole weekend, Juliette’s eyes lit up. 
The moment you saw Juliette run over to you and Charles with that look on her face, you instantly knew she wanted something. You pulled your hand out of your boyfriend’s grip and held both of your arms out for the little girl, lifting her up into your lap when she finally wrapped her small arms around you. 
“Maman, puis-je avoir une soirée pyjama avec grand-mère et Olivia?" (mama, can I have a sleepover with grandma and olivia?)
You looked at the little girl in your lap, watching as her face grew brighter while asking her question. “Je ne sais pas, ma chérie…" (I don’t know, sweetie…) you said with a sigh, tucking a piece of her curly chocolate brown hair behind her ear. The idea of being away from Juliette for 48 hours scared you, even though she would be in great care. 
Ever since Juliette was born, you had made a promise to yourself and to Juliette that you would be there for her 24/7. With Charles being gone so often with racing, you wanted Juliette to have some sort of consistency in her life. 
Although at times this proved to be mentally, emotionally, and physically draining, you had lived up to your promise. Everywhere you went, she went. The grocery store, races, even a simple walk through the streets of Monaco. That exact promise was the reason you hadn’t attended a race for 2 and half years up until last season.
“s'il vous plaît, maman!!” (please, mama!) Juliette said with almost a whining tone, proving just how badly she wanted to spend the weekend with her baby cousin and her grandma. 
You smiled faintly and kissed Juliette’s cheek gently. “Alright, I suppose that’s ok” you said, knowing that Charles had been encouraging this for the past year so consulting him wouldn’t be necessary. 
“Merci, maman!!” Juliette said before kissing your cheek and sliding off of your lap, running back over to Olivia. 
As you watched Juliette run out of arm's reach, you got up out of your chair at the table and smiled slightly. “I’ll be back” you announced to everyone before turning on your heels and making your way towards the other side of Pascale’s home. You opened the balcony doors and slipped out onto the small patio space before closing the doors behind you, ensuring yourself some privacy. 
As you looked over the city of Monaco, you couldn’t help but wonder how this weekend was going to go. You were going to miss Juliette dearly- there was no doubt about it- but would she miss you? Would she even think of you? What if she missed you too much that she ended up crying for you at night? Was this the right decision? 
Your mind continued to race as it always did whenever you were face to face with any kind of parenting issue. 
Had Charles not put his hands on your waist, you wouldn’t have even known he was there, too zoned out to acknowledge the presence of anyone else. 
“Cherie, is everything ok?” he asked, placing a gentle kiss to your shoulder as he rubbed up and down both of your arms gently. 
You sighed and leaned back into his chest, continuing to look out over the city of Monaco. “Just nervous for this weekend I guess. I’ve spent every day and every night of her life with her and the idea of spending 48 hours without her running around or asking for something every five minutes scares me.. I just hope I did the right thing, you know?” 
Charles turned you around, allowing you to face him as he placed a gentle kiss on your lips. “You absolutely did the right thing, mon amour. You waited for Juliette to decide she was ready for a sleepover, you didn’t force it on her, nor did you ask her if she was interested. She made the decision all on her own, with your approval of course. She’s lucky to have a mother like you.”
You sighed and looked into Charles' eyes, nodding gently. “It’s just so.. Strange. I love watching her grow up and being completely fearless, but I also feel like as she grows up, she needs me less and less you know? It’s just going to be hard this weekend without her…”
Charles nodded, taking in everything you said before wrapping his arms around you. “I know, my love. The house will be quiet without her, but it’ll give us some alone time together.. We haven’t had that in months, you know” 
“You don’t have any work to do this weekend?” 
Charles shook his head, pulling you into a kiss. “I did all of my meetings last night, I'm all yours this weekend, mon amour. We can watch movies, eat pizza, drink wine.. Maybe even try for that second mini leclerc we talked about at the gala a couple of months ago…” he said with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows. 
You laughed and rolled your eyes before pulling him into a tight hug. “It’s getting late, we should probably say our goodbyes to Juliette now…”
Charles nodded, grabbing your hand as he opened the balcony door, stepping back into the house that had been just slightly warmer than the outside temperatures. “Jules, Maman et papa doivent y aller” (jules, mom and dad have to get going) Charles said, walking over to Juliette before kneeling down in front of her. “Se comporter pour grand-mere” (behave for grandma) 
Juliette frowned, looking up at both you and Charles. "Où allez-vous?" (where are you going?) she asked, almost as though she was confused. Maybe she hadn’t really understood the concept of a sleepover. 
“Home, sweetie. You’re spending the weekend with grandma, remember?” Charles said, pulling the confused girl into a tight hug. 
Juliette nodded, her tiny arms hugging Charles tight. She still didn’t really have any idea what was happening, but she knew that she wanted to get back to playing with olivia. “Au revoir, papa” she said before breaking the hug with Charles and turning to hug you. “Au revoir, maman” 
You smiled sadly and placed a kiss on your daughter's forehead before she managed to slip away, running back over to Olivia without any second thoughts. 
Charles stood up and held his hand out to you, interlocking your fingers once you had accepted his hand. “Let's get going, my love. The pizza is out for delivery, we don’t want to miss it”
With a quick goodbye and a call if you need anything to Pascale, you and Charles were out the door, leaving your daughter behind. 
The car ride home was silent, both you and Charles being deep in thought as the car maneuvered its way through the streets of Monaco. Though Charles didn’t admit it, he was starting to have second thoughts about letting Juliette stay away for two nights in a row. 
When he pulled into the driveway and parked the car, Charles turned in his seat to look at you. “Not having her in the backseat made the ride home so quiet…”
You nodded, looking over at him. “Yeah, I know. We didn’t have to listen to baby shark..”
Charles sighed and squeezed your hand “I know this is all new to us, but we will get through it. The pizza should be here soon, we can go inside, eat pizza, drink wine, watch one of our favorite movies and just.. Talk”
You smiled a little and nodded before leaning over to kiss him gently. “That sounds amazing, the last one inside is a rotten egg” you said with a smirk before getting out of the car quickly and running towards the front door. 
Charles laughed and got out too, chasing after you in attempts to beat you inside, despite your head start. 
When you had finally gotten inside, Charles bolted in closely behind you, throwing his arms around you as he caught his breath. 
You laughed and placed your hands on his arms, also trying to catch your breath. “I win! What do I get for winning?” 
Charles laughed and kissed your cheek, letting you go from his embrace. “Hmmm… I suppose you can pick the movie, as long as it’s not the notebook. I’ve been forced to watch that movie far too much” 
“Hey! It’s a good movie!”
Charles laughed and walked over to the couch, flopping down on it as he tossed you the remote. “I never said it wasn’t a good movie, it’s just overplayed in this household. 
“Fair enough” you said as you sat down beside him and began scrolling through the list of movies the two of you had created years back.
Movies, wine, and pizza had been a tradition the two of you started when you had first met nearly 8 years ago now. It had become a staple in your relationship, being what you always did together for every anniversary, birthday, or even after any sort of fight- the whole event had always made the two of you look back and reminisce on when you had first fallen in love all of those years ago. 
When the doorbell rang, indicating that the pizza had arrived, Charles got himself off of the couch, heading to the door to greet the pizza man while you continued to scroll through movies. 
By the time charles had returned back to the couch with a pizza box, a bottle of wine, and two wine glasses, you had finally settled on a movie.
“10 things I hate about you? The movie we watched on our first date?” Charles asked with a smile, sitting down beside you as he placed a piece of pizza onto his plate.
You smiled and poured the glasses of wine, nodding at Charles’ question. “I thought it would be nice. We haven’t watched it in ages” 
Charles smiled and kissed you gently, taking a glass of wine from you as he handed you a plate of pizza. “It’s perfect, mon amour.”
After pressing play on the remote, the two of you sat in silence, eating your pizza and occasionally laughing at something said in the movie, doing your best to soak in the limited alone time with each other you had been granted. 
When finished with your pizza, you cuddled up to Charles, wrapping your arms around his torso and resting your head on his shoulder. “Charles”
“Yeah?” he asked, rubbing your side gently as he took his attention off of the tv, looking down at you. 
“I’ve missed this” you whispered, feeling yourself getting emotional as you thought back to all of the time you and Charles used to spend together-back before he got into F1, back before you had Juliette, back before life wasn’t so busy all of the time. 
Charles placed his hand on your cheek and smiled gently “me too, my love. Me too.”
“I don’t think I ever realized how little time you and I spend together, the past three years have been such a routined lifestyle that I never realized how little time we spend alone together..”
Charles nodded, agreeing with everything you had just stated. “I know, that’s why I’ve been suggesting we let my mom take Juliette once in a while, it would be good for us, I miss you”
You smiled a little and snuggled back into his side, looking out the sliding glass doors that led to your balcony. “Do you really want another baby? I mean, do you think it’s what is best for us? Could we handle having two children and still be able to have time for each other?” 
Charles rubbed your back gently, taking a moment as if he was trying to think or put together a sentence in his head. “I want another child, yes. I’d have three more children if you offered it to me. I love watching you be a mom, i’d do it over and over again”
“But what about us? We finally got comfortable with letting Juliette stay the night away from home, a new baby brings us back to square one, no?”
Charles shook his head “not necessarily, no. Juliette is our first born, we were a bit more cautious with her as we were new parents. With a second child, we would be more comfortable bringing them to the race track or letting them go to grandmas- we know what to expect now, it makes it easier for us”
You nodded a little, thinking about Charles’ words for a moment. “You really think so?”
Charles nodded “I know so, mon amour.”
You smiled a little and rested your head on his shoulder again. “Ok”
“Speaking of taking kids to the track, I was thinking about something”
“Oh that’s never good, but what were you thinking?”
Charles laughed and looked down at you “I wanted to know if you and Juliette would attend more races this season…I absolutely adored having you two by my side in Abu dhabi.. I’d love for that to be a more common occurrence…”
You smiled up at your boyfriend and nodded. “Yes, of course. I already planned on it”
Charles smiled and held you close again, turning his attention back towards the TV screen to catch the end of the movie. 
The next 48 hours had flown by. You and Charles had gone grocery shopping together, went out to eat a few times, and even managed to slip out onto the boat one day, despite the cloudy skies that had hovered above monaco. 
Juliette had called a few times, only to inform you of the new games her and Olivia had created throughout the day. 
By the time Sunday night rolled around, you and Charles had been more than ready to pick up your little girl. Although the two of you had enjoyed your time alone together, you missed the crazy little girl who was constantly keeping you on your toes. 
When Charles pulled into the driveway of his mothers house, you had quickly unbuckled and made your way up to the front door, Charles following close behind as you opened the door. 
When you opened the door, you stepped inside and grabbed Charles’ hand, making your way to the dining room where Pascale had informed you they would be.
You walked over to your daughter who had been oblivious to your presence, and kissed the top of her cheek gently.
When Juliette put her fork down and looked up to see who was the culprit behind the kiss, her face lit up. “Maman!!” she practically yelled, standing up in her seat as she wrapped her arms around your neck, giving you a tight hug. 
You smiled and hugged Juliette tightly, placing a kiss on her cheek as you did so. “I missed you so much, Jules. So so much”
Juliette giggled and moved on to hug Charles as well. “I missed you both!!”
“Did you have fun with grandma?” Charles asked, scooping Juliette up in his arms. 
Juliette nodded “and Olivia, too, but I missed you” she frowned. 
You wrapped your arms around Charles and Juliette, taking in the moment and enjoying the fact that you had both of your favorite people in your arms again. “Papa and I missed you, too, sweetie. So much” you whispered.
tag list: @hammick @Cl16msc47 @majkaftorek @04asheley16 @polyjuiceslytherin @Lizziebitch33 @viktorie16 @Johannalindau @Jamieeboulos @cedricdiggorysimpp @Southernprincess1997 @Myescapefromthislife @F1andbookslover @ferrarilover16 @my-fangirling-outlet
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