#Captain Marvel *walking in*: What are we all talking about?
starkwlkr · 2 months
happy life, happy wife | hugh jackman
an: “you attract what you fear” GUYS IM SO SCARED OF A 55 YEAR OLD AUSTRALIAN 😭 definitely thinking about making marvel actress!reader x hugh an actual series… i have ideas
marvel actress!reader
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Deadpool & Wolverine Press tour - Hot Ones
Hugh felt like he was going to die. Each wing was getting hotter and hotter, but immediately when he heard his wife’s name he forgot all about the spice.
“Hugh, your wife is part of the Avengers, how does it feel having your wife be part of such a huge franchise? Have you two talked about a potential team up with the X-men and the Avengers?” Sean asked.
“My wife . . . Oh god, I think I’m crying-”
“I can’t tell if you’re legitimately dying or completely in love with your wife.” Ryan told Hugh.
“Wait . . I am completely in love with my wife and I would legitimately die for her.” Hugh gasped as he rearranged Ryan’s words.
“Is that in the contract she made you sign when you married her? ‘I vow to die for you’. My contract said I had to give all my money to my kids and wife.” Ryan said.
“No, she’s amazing, um, if I start talking about her I think I might go on for hours,” he laughed. “Our kids do want to see their parents fighting the bad guys together. We would love to team up, maybe it could happen.” Hugh smiled.
“The entire movie would be them making out and her beating the shit out of you. I’d pay to see that.” Ryan added.
Comic Con 2024
Like RDJ, your last Marvel movie had been Avengers: Endgame. After being in ten mcu films, it was time to say goodbye to your character.
But that was in 2019.
At this years comic con, you were back. The cast of Deadpool & Wolverine had taken the stage and showed their appreciation for the fans. After their panel, it was time to announce Marvel’s upcoming projects. Kevin Feige announced the Fantastic Four, Thunderbolts, Captain America 4, and finally the new Avengers movies, which everyone was extremely excited about.
After showing the title card for the upcoming Avengers film, Kevin turned to the audience.
“Something people have been asking, as of late, is who the heck is going to direct these two movies?” The audience clapped.
From the side of the stage, you were nervous. What if the fans didn’t like the idea of you directing the next two Avengers films? Your worrying caused Hugh to come to your rescue.
“Hey, they loved you as an Avenger, they will love you even more.” Hugh kissed your forehead. “If anyone says anything about this decision, they have me to deal with.”
You laughed at his words. “I really love you so much.”
“Love you too, bub.” Hugh was about to kiss you when Ryan cut in.
“I really love us too. I convinced half of the people here that we’re a throuple.” He said in the most serious tone ever.
Kevin announced you as the director. Your doubt of the fans not liking the announcement was proven wrong when you walked the stairs to the stage and stood next to Kevin. They cheered when they saw you were back.
As you said a few words, thanking Marvel, Kevin and the fans, you were being recorded by Hugh, who was being recorded by Ryan.
“That’s my wife!” Hugh cheered from backstage, holding his phone in his hand.
“She’s Marvel Jesus now, holy shit!”
WIRED autocomplete interview
“Is Hugh Jackman married?”
“Yes, to me, Y/n, probably to half the population,” Ryan answered. “He’s Australia’s biggest slut.”
“All the times, I proposed.” Hugh laughed. “But yes, I am married and I love my wife very much. She’s stuck with me forever.” He lifted his hand to show off the wedding band.
“Funny, because she texted me right now. Her and Blake are in the courthouse getting married. So Deadpool three was actually made so our wives could divorce us and marry each other.”
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spacedace · 2 years
Something I've seen in fics a few times but not for comedic effect is the idea that Constantine selling his soul so many times makes him look/feel Wrong to ghosts.
Like I love various Danny ghost shenanigans giving Constantine a heart attack in stories but just imagine that Constantine is like deeply, deeply unsettling for Ghosts & Liminals to be around.
To the point of whenever he and Danny meet for the first time at the Watchtower after Danny's joined the League, Constantine just walks in and upon turning to look at who just walked in Danny just shrieks like a small child and throws a chair at him out of reflex, diving behind Captain Marvel to use him as a magical human meat shield while screeching "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT???! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" At the top of his lungs and doesn't stop until Batman makes Constantine leave.
Even after Zantanna explains Constantine's whole deal and Danny explains to the Justice League how totally fucked up that looks/feels like to him ("Dude, Ghosts are their core, for us you see that before you see the shape of whoever you're talking to. Like, imagine someone walks up to you with a face that looks like it's made out of a shattered plate and the pieces are bleeding"
Or like, imagine instead it's a thing were Jason and Jazz are dating and Jazz, Danny & Elle are invited over for a nice meet the family brunch - "Brunch is fun and casual!" Dick insisted, "Way less intimidating than if we had them over for dinner!") and Constantine pops in to talk to Bruce about a case.
And the second he walks into the room all three just shriek like they're from an episode of Scooby Doo.
Elle takes one look at Constantine and just nopes out of there so hard she doesn't even gk intangible as she throws herself out the window and starts flying for the hills. Danny screeches like a cat whose tail has been stepped on and jumps onto the ceiling and scrambles away. Jazz screams like a house wife from an old Looney Tunes cartoon and starts climbing Jason like a tree - which is a bit of a problem since she's half a foot taller than Jay and throwing his center of balance off a bit and now half of the plates are smashed on the floor.
Jason doesn't even notice though because he also is losing his shit over what the fuck that thing is and unlike Elle is far more interested in Fight rather than Flight and pulls out a gun - "Why'd you bring a gun to brunch?! Guns aren't fun or casual!" - and just starts unloading on Constantine (who is very lucky Jason has switched to non lethal rounds and that he's quick enough with his spells to largely keep most of the rubber bullets from hitting him) also while screaming at the top of his lungs.
And well, turns out Jason's new girlfriend is the older sister of that ghost hero the League's been looking to recruit and Bruce is gonna take advantage of that - Phantom has been hard to pin down, which is fair, bad history with government agencies trying to kill him and all - to talk to him about a place with JL, though first he's going to have to get him down from the ceiling and that'd be a lot easier if Constantine would just leave already, they are supposed to be having a family brunch this is his one day off!
(Elle screams her all the way to Metropolis and doesn't stop until she nearly knocks Superman out of the sky. He isn’t really sure what's going on, but he does manage to calm her down and takes her to go get some ice cream. When he pitches joining JL she tells him that she thinks he's kinda lame but that Superboy is cool so she's down. It's...honestly kinda devastating but Clark manages to get through it.
A note gets made when the two ghost heroes officially join the League that partnerships with Constantine should be kept at an absolute minimum.)
And lol yeah, just, Constantine being utterly terrifying to Danny and the Pham
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stellar-solar-flare · 15 days
Volatile | Chapter 3/3 | Steve Rogers x Reader
Explicit - 18+ only - Minors DNI.
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Steve Rogers returns from a mission only to be immediately alerted about a medical emergency: you, the Avengers Initiative's leading science expert, have been hit by a potent, unknown aphrodisiac on your own mission. Pressed for time and out of options, he has to, together with the AI's medical department, figure out a solution.
Mutual pining, smut with feelings, eventual happy ending.
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Story Content Warnings: explicit sexual content, sex pollen, non-consensual exposal to sex pollen, dubious consent because Reader is under the influence of an aphrodisiac (but all sex is very much mutually wanted), protective & possessive Steve Rogers, Captain kink, praise kink, very light dom/sub elements, dirty talk, pet names, thigh riding, finger sucking, mention of non-con.
Reader specifics: She/her. Works as a science specialist in AI under codename Dr. Chiral for her chemistry proficiency. Six times PhD, an Avenger. Late twenties, no description of appearance given.
Alternate Universe: The Avengers Initiative (AI) continued SHIELD's work after its collapse to corruption, with Steve as the Head Strategist and Tony as the Director. The Avengers are living together in the Tower - Bucky has healed, and Civil War never happened because Tony and Steve worked through their differences like adults.
I do not own anything Marvel related. This is an unofficial fan work. No copyright infringement intended. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.
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Chapter 3: Debrief
Chapter Notes: The next morning, after their heads have been cleared, Steve and Reader have to navigate the aftermath...
1,687 words.
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“We didn’t detect any presence of any foreign substances in your bloodwork,” Vinterberg said. “Your vitals have stabilized and are well within healthy limits. Physically, it is as if nothing had ever happened.”
She was sitting behind her desk, looking as imperturbable as she always did. You and Steve were sitting across from her, both in your own chairs, and you could see that Steve was in full-on mission mode, his jaw tight and his eyes focused.
In the morning, there hadn’t been much time for awkwardness. You and Steve had woken up to FRIDAY telling you that Dr. Vinterberg wanted to see you for a follow-up before discharging you from the ward, so you had hastily gotten dressed – luckily you both had been delivered clothes because Steve in his stealth suit and you in a ripped hospital gown would’ve made for a quite spectacular walk of shame.
“However, human bodies are unfortunately not simple machines,” she said. “Even as there’s no physical mark left behind by what happened, there might be mental ones. And as a medical professional, it is my duty to remind you that should a need to discuss this matter arise in either of you, there are 24/7 on-call therapists at the AI Crisis Center, and all mental health related expenses of all AI employees are paid in full by the AI.”
Both you and Steve nodded, absorbing the information. It wasn’t anything new to either of you, but it was a good reminder, and it was within the debriefing protocol that was set to follow complicated, potentially traumatizing events that had gone down on the field. Steve would know – he had written it.
Vinterberg crossed her fingers on the table. There was nothing on her face that would’ve hinted that you were talking about anything else than a normal happenstance that came with saving the world for a living, and you thanked all the gods that existed or may have existed for that. You had hazy memories of talking to her, and you were certain said talking had mostly consisted of asking for Steve, or describing at length what you would like him to do to you.
“Even as I gather that this wasn’t an unpleasant experience for either of you, I understand that human feelings can sometimes be complicated, so I encourage you both to talk about this with each other as openly as you are able,” she said, turning to you. “And for my part, I am sorry that I had to let this happen without your medically proper consent. Had there been any other way to solve this, I would’ve taken that.”
You nodded. Even as you didn’t fault her for any of it, it was still nice to hear that acknowledged; she wasn’t dismissing the fact that you had been drugged while this all had gone down.
“I understand. You made a tough call,” you said. “I can’t think of any other call I would’ve made in the situation. And just like you said. It wasn’t… unpleasant.”
Your cheeks were burning and Steve wasn’t looking at you but Vinterberg nodded, her face not moving at all at your confession. She turned to Steve.
“And I apologize, for what it’s worth, for putting you into what may have felt like an impossible situation, Captain Rogers. It was a medically informed decision I would make again, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t veer well into very personal things that shouldn’t be mine to dictate.”
Steve blew out a breath, finally looking at you from the corner of his eye. There was a small glimmer there that had seemed to return once you had confessed that the experience wasn’t unpleasant and you weren’t harboring any resentment. Of course, he would worry about that, and he would make sure you had the chance to express those feelings in a safe, neutral environment like this before…
Before what?
You thought back to the words exchanged during the later part of the night, the endearments, the embarrassing crush part. Unconventional or not, this had certainly unearthed something.
“It’s alright, Dr. Vinterberg. I understand where you’re coming from but I didn’t do anything I wouldn’t have otherwise done.”
There was definitely a laughter hidden in Steve’s voice but Vinterberg either was oblivious to it or pretended to be so. You honestly weren’t sure which one it was.
“I am glad to hear that, Captain Rogers” she said. “As we have now covered everything, I am officially clearing you both for duty after you take this day off to rest. But keep in mind what I have said to you today; my professional recommendation is that you take a session of team counselling before your next mission together. It is not an obligation but it might be something you would benefit from.”
As soon as the door of Vinterberg’s office closed behind you, leaving the doctor herself looking at her screens, you turned to face Steve. There wasn’t anyone else present in Vinterberg’s private waiting room, and this was as good as a place to have this conversation as any. There was that glimmer in Steve’s eyes you’d caught earlier but there was also something else. A tentative tightness of his jaw, a slight rosiness of his cheeks. It was endearing, really, the contrast to the unashamed sin that had dripped from his lips last night. You had an idea that you had seen a side of Steve Rogers no one else on this planet had ever caught a whiff on, and you grabbed that thought to keep it close to your heart.
In the cool, white lights of the hospital wing of the Avengers Tower, it seemed almost like a dream. Steve breathed in, looking you in the eye.
“So,” he said. “You said back there that you remember everything.”
You nodded. You did. It might’ve been colored by a red, slightly hazy filter, but what you had felt and what you had said and heard was clear in your head. And your body remembered, certainly. Despite the soreness of your muscles, just looking at Steve’s shoulders and arms in the blue button-down he was wearing was sending rapid reminders to your body about what exactly he could do. What he had wanted to do for you. To you. It was a pleasant afterglow, not unlike the endorphin rush that came after rigorous exercise.
“I do,” you confirmed.
Steve breathed in again, gathering his strength to force the next words out.
“And you meant what you said about understanding the call –”
You raised your hand to press your fingers on his lips – the perfect lips that now knew the landscape of your body so well. A shiver ran down your spine when something changed in Steve’s eyes.
“I do. I meant it. You know me – I don’t say things I don’t mean to. I trusted you with this, and I would do it again, if there was ever a need to. I just hope it didn’t make you uncomfortable. I know that you need to save people. And you saved my life, Steve. Unconventional or not.”
His hand grabbed your palm and he pressed a delicate kiss to your fingers as he pulled your hand away from his face. Your pulse thundered in your ears. So yes. This was happening. The dreams you had spun ever since Verona were finally being redeemed.
Apparently all it took for you two to sort it out was an alien aphrodisiac, a life-threatening situation and a night of incredible sex. That wasn’t going to be life advice you would be handing out any time soon.
“Like I said, I wasn’t doing anything I hadn’t wanted to,” Steve said. “And I wasn’t… I don’t know. If it had been anyone but you, I don’t know what I would’ve done. I’m just glad I didn’t have to make that decision. But it was you. There was never any other option. Not with the embarrassing crush I have been harboring towards you.”
You smiled a bit, deliberately not moving the hand that was still in his palm.
“You did mention that.”
“I did,” Steve said, smiling. “And I… I would be lying if I hadn’t hoped I would eventually, maybe, get to…”
He trailed off, and that slightly pink color on his cheeks deepened a bit.
“But that definitely wasn’t how I had envisioned it,” he said, halfway laughing. “I just… I hope you know that the aforementioned feelings weren’t just about your body, even as I’m not going to say that I don’t find you stunning. You’re incredible.”
You stepped closer, letting your joined hands get pressed between your bodies. Looking up to his eyes, you smiled, hoping that he would feel the way your heart was beating in your chest.
“I know, Steve. That’s not you; you are way too good of a man to be like that,” you said, letting your lips curl up into a smirk. “So what did you envision, exactly?”
There it was, that smile that lit up his whole face, the one you had lost your heart to, that spark gleaming in his eyes.
“Oh, I don’t know. A nice, romantic date. Maybe some flowers, a museum? Dinner afterwards, and then coffee, and a walk to your door,” he said, returning your mischievous smirk with your own. “And making you breakfast in the morning while you keep me company wearing my shirt.”
It was a nice image, certainly. A comfortable, domestic one, a slow warm morning after a night of passion.
“Well. There’s still time for a breakfast, and Vinterberg did tell us to take the day off,” you said. “So… Why don’t we start with that?”
Steve leaned over you, cupping your face with his warm hands and brought his forehead to rest against yours. You knew it was just moments before a kiss that would be the beginning of something beautiful and smiled, soaking in his warmth.
“Fun coincidence,” he smiled. “I live right upstairs.”
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Thank you for reading!
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alotofpockets · 1 year
Private not secret | Elizabeth Olsen
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Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Reader
Summary: You and Lizzie are both part of the MCU and attend a panel together, what happens when an interviewer tries to press Lizzie to talk about the ring she's wearing when you're keeping your relationship private from the public? A/n: This interview gave me inspiration for the ring part.
Masterlist | Marvel masterlist | Words: 1k
From the moment you first laid eyes on Elizabeth Olsen at the table read for Captain America: The Winter Soldier you knew she was going to be someone special in your life. As you expected the two of you grew close quickly and eventually started dating. It’s been ten years since that table read and she has become the most important person in your life. With both of your celebrity statuses, the conversation of privacy had come up pretty quickly. You had each voiced not wanting to have your relationship to be public, your relationship wasn’t a secret, you just preferred it to be private. 
As you were checking out the outfit you picked out for Marvel Con in the mirror, Lizzie walked up behind you. She snaked her hands around your waist and rested her head on your shoulder. She admired you in the mirror, “You look so beautiful, baby.” You smile at her compliment, she always knew how to boost your confidence. “Thank you, darling, you look amazing yourself.” Lizzie held one of her hands out in front of her, “I don’t want to take it off, how would you feel if I kept it on?” You lace your fingers with hers and kiss the ring on her finger. You admired the ring you had picked out for her many months ago, the ring you had chosen to ask her to marry you with last week. “Yeah, I’m good with you keeping it on. Are you ready to go?”
The convention was so much fun, you met back up with so many friends and coworkers. It was rare that you were all together besides filming, as there were so many of you. You also got to meet a lot of fans, take pictures, hear their stories, and admire the art they made. You were on a few panels, most were without Lizzie, while Lizzie had her own panels, like the WandaVison panel with Paul Bettany. To close off the convention there was one last big panel for CA:TWS, there was one big couch and an armchair, for the six of you. The interviewer welcomed everyone to the stage, “Welcome everybody to the last panel of the day, give it up for Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Elizabeth Olsen and Y/n Y/l/n!” The crowd cheered and the first four sat down on the couch, making it full. You and Lizzie look at the armchair which isn’t exactly big enough for two people and laugh, you tell Lizzie to take it and sit down on the armrest yourself. The interviewer offered up her chair, but you assured her that it was all good.
“Thank you all so much for joining us, the ten year anniversary of Captain America: The Winter Soldier is coming up, Chris, how does that feel?” Chris takes one of the mics, “It’s so crazy to think that ten years ago we started filming the first movie of the MCU. I’m so thankful for being able to play this character and how much we’ve got to expand this universe to the big screen and introduce all these new heroes. Yeah, it’s been great.” The interviewer says it’s time for a question from the audience, you turn to face the person standing at the mics and all say hello. “Hi, I’m Ryan, and I have a question for y/n, what is your favorite memory from filming the movie?” Lizzie hands you the mic she was holding, you smile at her and thank her. “Oh, that’s a good question! I have so many good memories from that movie.” Your eyes move over to Lizzie for a moment only to see that she was already looking at you, you smile and focus back on the crowd. “I think I’m gonna have to go with the fight scene where we’re running through an office. So, papers had to be flying off of desks and the amount of times they had to be picked up to be able to shoot the scene again was just so funny.” 
Another fan comes up to the stand, “Hello, my name is Ellie, and my question is for Elizabeth. You’ve spoken a bit about your anxiety and I was just wondering how you manage to keep that under control with big crowds like this.” You hand the mic back to Lizzie, “First off I want to emphasize how important it is for me to talk about subjects like these, so thank you very much for your question, Ellie. “Secondly, for me, having people around me that make me feel safe is very important.” Lizzie places a hand on your knee. “For instance, I know that if I were to start feeling overwhelmed, y/n would notice and help me stay grounded.” 
The interviewer continues after all the fan questions are answered. “So, Elizabeth, I noticed a pretty ring on your finger.” Lizzie looks down at her hand, “Yeah, it’s beautiful right. it’s a cocktail ring, my fancy ring.” The interviewer presses on, “Is it a cocktail ring though?” You want to step in and tell the interviewer she should stop pressuring Lizzie, but before you can speak up Scarlett does. “Before we have to go, I’d like to ask you all a question. I would love it if we could take a big group picture, would you be up for that?” The crowd cheers. You all kneel down at the edge of the stage so that everyone fits in the picture. “Thank you.” You whisper to Scarlett as you move back to your seats. 
Once the panel is over you head to your backstage room with Lizzie. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything to the lady.” Lizzie grabs your hand in hers, “You’re all good. That would probably have been more suspicious than how Scar handled it. Let’s just enjoy the rest of our night. “You’re right.” You share a sweet kiss before heading over to your friends.
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yesbutmakeitgay · 3 months
Pain Is Just A Simple Compromise
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Carol Danvers x Reader
We’ve Loved A Thousand Lives
Part 1
Summary: Unconnected oneshots exploring your relationship with Carol amongst many universes. Same beginning, different story every time.
A/N: First installment of a new collection I've been working on. Every part is individual and can be read in any order. Content warnings will be noted in each part.
Angst with a happy ending.
Word count: 1.9k
Masterlist | This collection | AO3
Captain Marvel enters her ship after another successful mission wanting for nothing more than to relax and rest while reaching her next destination, that is until she senses someone else’s presence in her space home.
She walks slowly, pointing one of her lit up fists in a general forward direction, "I know you’re in here, who are you? Who sent you?" she warns the intruder.
A human silhouette appears in her line of vision, it’s arms up in surrender. She continues to walk towards it until she can make out the person’s face.
"It’s just me," you announce, hoping that’s enough to deter her threatening state.
Carol sighs in annoyance and puts her fist down, you do the same with your arms, "How did you get in?" she questions in a harsh tone.
"Kamala…" you hesitate, unsure if you need to elaborate on your answer, her eye roll and cursing under her breath tells you, you don’t.
"What do you want?" she follows, clearly angry.
You try to keep your voice as neutral as possible, "I wanted to talk."
"Now’s not a good time."
"It’s never a good time, is it?"
"Make it quick, I have somewhere to be." Carol is growing more impatient by the second.
"Oh, good, I was just on my way to wherever it is you’re going." You sit down on the couch making sure to exaggerate your motion, so The Captain knows you’re not leaving anytime soon.
Accepting her defeat, Carol walks to the control panel of her ship to set the coordinates for her next mission, "I’m gonna take a shower, you make yourself at home," she grumbles, still annoyed.
When Carol comes out she searches for you on the couch, but doesn’t find you there, instead, she walks towards the noise coming from the kitchen.
"I made your favorite," you bargain, in hopes that a warm, home cooked meal will make The Captain a little more amicable.
"Thanks," she responds dryly, but you don’t miss the way her eyes light up when she sees the dish.
You both sit at the table and eat in silence. When you’re done, Carol attempts to get up and clear the plates, but you stop her with a hand on her shoulder, "I got it." You feel how her entire body stiffens under your touch, so you let go immediately.
You do all the dishes and tidy up the small mess you made, along with the bigger mess that was already there before you arrived.
Carol leans on the counter, her features slightly softer than when she first saw you, "So…?" she asks expectantly, when she receives no answer, she presses harder, "I thought you wanted to talk."
You stand still in front of her, your heart pounding in your chest, "I figured when we got to this point I would know what to say," you begin slowly, "I’m sorry for the way we left things off."
She lets out a humorless chuckle, "You’re sorry?" she mocks, "you show up to my home after 4 months and all you can say is you’re sorry?" Her voice gets louder, not holding any of her emotions back. "I looked for you everywhere, I called everyone I know! Have you any idea how worried I was about you?" Tears are now streaming down her face.
"I didn’t know what else to do, I didn’t have a choice," you plead, trying to maintain your composure.
"You are unbelievable!" she yells back, "No goodbyes, not even a note? You could have said something!"
"No, I couldn’t," It comes out as a whisper, "I tried, but you wouldn’t listen," she scoffs, "you weren’t eating, you weren’t sleeping, you barely acknowledged my presence. You were working yourself to death." She takes a few steps away, her head down and her back facing you, "Carol-"
"Don’t," she hisses, her voice is laced with poison. She turns back to look you in the eye, "Leaving on the day of our anniversary sounds like a very conscious choice to me."
There is silence for a moment, the air so tense it feels like hours.
"I didn’t leave on our anniversary," you pronounce every syllable carefully, she frowns with a mixture of anger and disbelief, "I left three days before that, I couldn’t bare the thought of spending it alone, so I left."
Carol sits on the couch, her face full of confusion, you can almost hear the millions of thoughts going through her head, "It took me three days to notice you were gone?" she whispers, a loud sob escaping her.
You take a cautious step towards her, "I couldn’t help you, but I could make you realize that you needed help, I’m so sorry, angel," you tell her softly, no longer able to hold back your own tears. She nods shakily, barely registering your words.
After some time you collect yourself again, "It’s getting late, you should get some rest, I’ll take the spare room." She nods again and goes to her bedroom wiping her tears away.
You stand still until she closes the door and take a deep breath. A familiar feeling of fur helps you settle your emotions, "I missed you too, Goose."
When you wake up, Carol is already gone to her mission. You decide to make yourself useful and clean the place up for her.
The Captain returns to her ship, she takes her boots off and pulls her suit down to her waist. You walk out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel covering your lower half, unaware that she was back already. When Carol sees you she instantly turns around mumbling some apology, you rush to cover yourself, "I didn’t think you’d be back so soon."
"It’s okay," she quickly reassures.
You run to the spare room to put on some clothes you borrowed. When you come out Carol notices her sweater on you, but makes no comment about it.
She walks into her bedroom to find a change for herself, "Did you wash my sheets?" she asks plainly.
"I did, they were getting a bit musky."
"Thanks," she mumbles, somewhat ashamed of the state of her home, you simply nod in response.
Later that evening you sit at the table again to have dinner together. You try to make small talk and she attempts to humor you, but the interaction is awkward, as if you had never spoken to each other before. You are close to giving up when you notice a red stain on her t-shirt.
"What’s that on your shoulder?" you worry.
"Huh?" Carol looks at where you’re pointing.
"Did you injure yourself?"
"I don’t think so."
"Let me have a look," you insist, already getting up from your seat. You pull up a chair beside her and lift the sleeve off her shoulder. Right underneath the stain you find a prominent cut, still bleeding.
"It’s a nasty one, let me clean it up for you."
"You don’t have to do that," she’s quick to respond.
"Do you not want me to?" you challenge her.
She stares at you for a moment, "Fine."
She’s hesitant at first, but as you get to work on patching her up she relaxes into the familiarity of your touch.
"All done," you chirp with a satisfied smile when you’re done.
You look up from her shoulder, your faces impossibly close and before thinking twice she leans in to kiss you. Once she realizes what she’s done she pulls away, "I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that."
You linger for a bit, "It’s okay," you whisper into her ear before walking away to store the first aid kit.
A few days go by and you fall into a routine, one far from the perfect harmony you used to have before, but it's a good start. Carol goes from planet to planet completing her various missions and you stay on the ship making sure it remains in livable conditions.
"Incoming call from Earth," the spaceship announces, you’re in Carol's room tidying up and decide to take the call there.
"Hello?" you yell out, waiting for the image to load. A smiling Kamala greets you from her home, "Hi, baby, what's up?" she blushes at the pet name.
"Hey! Just checking in, it's been a minute."
"How sweet and pure of you to worry about me without any ulterior motive," you tease her, fully aware of her intentions.
Unable to keep it together, she drops the act, "Have you talked to her? Did guys make up? Tell me everything!"
You chuckle at the girl's antics, "Um, yes and no," Kamala looks at you attentive, "we talked, but I wouldn't say we made up."
"What? Why? What did she say?" The girl can't help herself.
"It's complicated, a lot has happened," you pause, "she did kiss me briefly, but I haven't dared to bring it up again."
Kamala's eyes light up, "She kissed you?" she repeats with the biggest smile on her face.
"Yes, it was nice." All of your confidence is suddenly gone.
You continue talking and catching up together.
When Carol gets back on the ship she finds it is suspiciously quiet. She calls out for you, but receives no answer, prompting her to search for you all over her home, unsuccessfully.
The worst thoughts start running through her mind, she rushes to her room for a communication device and finds you sound asleep on her bed. She lets out a relieved sigh trying to be annoyed at the sight, but coming up empty.
She pulls the covers over you and goes to lay down on the other side of the bed. You instinctively cuddle into her, still in your unconscious state, and she can't even try to deny you, she holds you closer and places a kiss on your forehead.
The next morning you wake up before Carol, it takes you a moment to realize you're in bed together and she has her arms around you. A part of you wants to stay and enjoy the moment, but you decide against it, not remembering how you got in that position in the first place.
You carefully get up and make your way to the kitchen to get started on breakfast.
Right as Carol's alarm goes off, you use the laser to get Goose to make coffee the way your Captain likes it.
"Morning," you greet her when she comes out.
"Morning!" she responds in a livelier tone than usual.
You sit to eat together expecting to have another awkwardly silent meal.
"So, where have you been?" she requests after a while, "I really looked for you everywhere."
"I asked The King to keep a secret," you respond coyly, taking your time to make eye contact.
"Val?" she exclaims with her mouth full.
You smile proudly, "Mhmm."
"But I went to New Asgard, I was in New Asgard!"
"Oh, I know."
Her voice turns small, "I went to get help."
"And some help you got," you smirk.
"Watch your tone," your Captain warns, but you know she doesn’t mean it.
There is a calmness and a sense of comfort that you haven’t felt in a long time, "I’m glad you’re doing better." There is nothing but sincerity in your voice.
"Me too."
Goose hops on the table and drops something from her mouth, you both watch her hop off and direct your attention to the small object.
"Is that your ring?" Carol gasps.
"I didn’t know where I was going, I wanted to make sure it was safe," you put the ring on your finger, where it belongs, "I always knew I was coming back."
Let me know what you think :)
@unicorniusfallapatorius @cordeliasdarling
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gleefullypolin · 3 months
My top 10 ships
I haven't done this in forever, and I was bored and didn't feel like working so.....felt like an appropriate thing to do instead.
My top 10 ships!
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#1 Polin - Bridgerton
Did you really anticipate anyone else being at my top spot? Friends to lovers....Swoon! They have my heart, soul, and life. I literally love a girl who knows what she wants and a man who loves the fuck out of her like no other so this is like porn and comfort. Give me everything tonight and more!
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#2 Captain Swan - OUAT
If you aren't going to give me friends to lovers, I'll move over to Enemies and find my kind because holy hot out of hell, there is nothing better than Captain Hook and his smolder winning over Emma Swan. Fuck that man can burn! Years after that show ended and I can still sit in them and ruminate and catch myself on fire.
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#3 Clois - Smallville
There have been a lot of different Lois and Clark's out there, but none have been Erica Durance and Tom Welling. I've never been so happy and angry with a show in all my life. I used to wish so much against Lana Lang that I am embarrassed my own behavior. But I truly loved the banter and way these two brought these characters to live. It was marvelous.
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#4 Reylo - Star Wars
Being a Reylo shipper was like being sentenced to death and hell all at the same time for many years. We were bullied, tortured, shat on, and then given everything we wanted in 30 seconds only for them to fucking KILL HIM after a sacrifice. I have never both smiled, cried, and then curled into a ball in a theater so quickly that I wanted to die before. Even my family ridiculed me. It was torture but I still live there. I still ship it and you cannot make me stop!!
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#5 Fitzsimmons - Agents of Shield
The brilliant science couple put through so much that even they thought they were cursed. Pushed to find each other across time and space, kidnapped into a matrix, forced to fight one another, half the couple killed, duplicate versions of themselves, but champions of the hug, star crossed and so full of love. Friends to lovers, he fell first, she fell harder and GOD I LOVE THEM YOUR HONOR!
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#6 Starpollo - Battlestar Galactica
A couple who knew how to tear out my heart, throw it to the ground, and then trample it with their feet to ashes. While Lee and Kara were not destined to end up together, they damn sure made it hard not to want them to find a way. They truly loved each other more than anyone they were with in the show, but guilt always found a way to fuck that up for them. God it hurt to love you two.
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#7 Romanogers - Marvel Universe
Let's talk crack ships because oh how they break your heart. But it is glorious. This one is mine. I will forever love Nat and Steve and I will live in the space and time that they were on the road together living their lives without a banner. Because you can't tell me what they got up to! I refuse to believe you! But let's not talk about how it all ended because my heart still hurts and I don't like to talk about it!
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#8 Finchel - Glee
Since I'm already ripping my heart out, let's go all the way with it. Finchel has always been that ship that tears my heart to shreds. I was all in from the characters to the actors and I'll never honestly get over it. I'll probably always bleed Finn and Rachel, Cory and Lea. And I'll never be able to talk about it to normal people. It was something I lived, breathed, and honestly part of me died with. So I think that's enough of that.
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#9 Caryl - The Walking Dead
You can call this whatever it is, some say crack ship, I say...otherwise. It's my ship of ships for TWD. It's my coming home ship. Because that's what they are to each other. They are love. No one tell me otherwise, I live there, I love there. So do they. Deal with it.
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#10 Roschel - Friends
Look, say what you want, but I stayed home on Thursday nights just to watch whether they would or wouldn't. Nothing grabbed me like these two. They were lobsters, they were on a break, I didn't give a fuck what it was, only that they had me in a chokehold and that's what I realized what shipping was. Because dammit, I wanted whatever feeling it was. And thus the 9 people above because the passion I sought. So bless it, they needed to be here.
And there you have it, my top 10 ships! Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to add your own :)
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dc-marvel-life · 1 year
Works Every Time
Pairing: Captain Marvel x Wonder Woman x reader 
Request: I saw that your requests are open! If you wouldn’t mind could you please do a crossover fic where Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman are soulmates and found each other on a mission but they know they have a 3rd mate. When they go on a mission at a Hydra base they find female reader who had been experimented on since she was young so they have to teach her all about soulmates and Diana and Carol are super over-protective but also giant teddy-bears for reader? - by anon 
Word Count: 1502
– – – 
You have lived in the same confined space for as long as you can remember. You know nothing about the outside world but what you have heard from the scientist experimenting on you. You never understood why they took you and experimented on you as a child. All you knew was that your blood was extraordinary, and they had to take a lot of it every morning.
Today was like no other for you. You get woken up by the giant fluorescent lights that wake you up simultaneously every day. Then your food is given to you through the slot on the door. It was enough food to keep you alive. You never thought it was because you were a pretty small, weak person, even after all the blood they take from you daily. 
After you finish your breakfast, you put the tray back in the slot to let them know you are ready. 
“165, step away from the door and put your hands up,” the guard says from the other side of the door. You step away from the door and put your hands up like normal. You never know why they had to do this because you were too weak to fight back. By the off chance of you fighting back and getting out of here, you didn’t know where to go. This place was home to you, and you couldn’t leave home. The only thing you ever wanted to do was go outside and feel the sun on your face. The way the scientist talks about the sun excites you, even if they complain about it sometimes. It sounded better than the fluorescent lights that hit your skin every day.  
The guard opens the door and steps through but stops when an alarm goes off. The alarm was so loud and foreign to you that you had to cover your ears and shut your eyes. After what felt like centuries, the alarm stops going off. You remove your hands and slowly open your eyes to see that your door is open with no guards. 
“This is my chance. This is my chance to leave this place,” you say to yourself and try to get up but cannot. Fear took over and made you unable to move. You wanted to leave here so bad, but your body was in shock and couldn’t move, and you started to cry. 
You started to hear noises coming down the hallway. You ignore it because the guards are probably coming by to check to see if you left. They would see you in the same spot and laugh at you about how pathetic you are.
“Shhh, don’t you hear that,” an unknown voice says down the hallway, which makes you stop crying for a second.
“I don’t hear anything, babe; let's go and finish clearing the building so we can go back and cuddle,” a second unknown voice says. You stay quiet in order to hear the beautiful voices again.
“I do too, but I swear I heard someone crying. I am going to look around some more,” the first unknown voice says and walks closer to your cell. The footsteps come closer and closer to your cell until the most beautiful two women you have ever seen come to your door. 
“See, I told you I heard something,” the taller brunette women with a sword and shield say, walking closer to you. You cringe a little because you aren’t a huge fan of weapons.
“Hey, I am not going to hurt you,” the brunette puts her hands up and slowly drops her weapons on the floor. 
“See, we are good here and are just trying to help. My name is Diana, and this is one of my soulmates, Carol. What is your name? ” Diana says, then points to Carol, who is right behind her.
“Soulmate?” you question either than answer her question. 
“Yes, soulmate. Everybody has at least one soulmate in the world. A soulmate is a person that is supposed to connect with your mind and body. They make you feel whole and complete and will love you unconditionally. I am surprised that you never heard of them before,” Diana says, walking slowly toward you and lowering to your level.
“How you can tell your soulmate is by the marks on your arm,” Carol shows off her soulmate marks that are on her arm, then Diana, that match each other. You look carefully at the two marks.
“I know ours is a little different because we have a third soulmate. We are still looking for her, though,” Carol says with a saddened face. You look at the pair with saddened faces because they haven’t found the third soulmate they have been looking for for years.
Even though you just met them, you wanted to make them feel better. You roll up your sleeve to show them the same mark that you had on your arm. 
“If it makes you guys feel any better, I have the same mark,” you show them your mark. They look at your mark closely with wide eyes and start to come closer to you. 
“Can we take a closer look, sweetie?” Diana says in a soft tone, and you nod. They both approach you slowly and calmly to look at your mark.
“Do you know what this means?” Carol says with watery eyes, and you shake your head.
“No, I have never heard of soulmates until now,” you say, ashamed. 
Don’t worry, sweetie, we will teach you everything that you need to know” Diana and Carol smile at you, which makes you know that you are going to be safe with them. 
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 
It has been a few months since your soulmates found you in that hole at Hydra. They help you experience the world that you never thought you would. You learned a lot about soulmates the first day they brought you back. They didn’t do anything with you because they wanted to ensure you were comfortable with them before anything happened. 
They gave you the shared king bed in their apartment while they slept on the floor and couch. You felt so bad, but they insisted on it. Eventually, they moved to the bed with you, which you love. They put you in the middle of the bed while cuddling you tight to ensure you don’t leave. 
You meant both teams that they are on, and everyone loves you. They even help you train to become stronger.
Now you are training with Natasha and Dinah, working on hand-to-hand combat. 
“You have to keep your hands up at all times to protect your face” Dinah moves your hands to the side of your head in a defense stance. You sigh out of exhaustion because you have been training with Black Widow and Black Canary for about two hours. You want to go back to your apartment and cuddle with your girlfriends. 
“Good, just like that because if I swing at you,” Natasha comes at you with a right hook, not hard enough to hurt you, that you block, “ you are protected. Now, if your hands are down,” zone out of the conversation because you heard your girlfriends come into the training room. You turn your head excited to see them, forgetting that Natasha is demonstrating what not to do during a fight. 
The next thing you know, Natasha punches you in the face. Luckily she didn’t put her full force behind it because you would have been knocked out. You turn back to Natasha and see her shocked face. 
“I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to hit you! This is why you need to put your hands up,” Natasha turns to look at your girlfriends. 
“I swear I didn’t mean to hit her. I was showing her why she needed to put her hands up. I didn’t think that she would actually not pay attention,” Natasha says, but it was too late. Carol and Diana were already chasing her around the training room.
“Can you please tell your girlfriends to not kill my girlfriend?” Dinah says to you.
“Yeah, sorry. This happens whenever they think I am being threaten. I am impressed because this is the longest they have chased someone. Normally they would have caught the person by now” You and Dinah laugh together.
“Yeah, that’s my badass girlfriend” Dinah admires Natasha’s ass that is being chased.
“Babes! Babes stop! She didn’t mean to. I wasn’t paying attention to what she was showing me. I was too busy admiring two angels walking in,” You say, then Diana and Carol stop dead in their tracks, awwing at you.
“Works every time,” you whisper to Dinah, smirking. 
“Now, can we go home so I can cuddle with you two?” You say to your girlfriends, pouting.
“Of course, sweetie,” Diana says while she and Carol walk over to you.
“I call being the middle spoon,” you say, jumping in place and feeling kiss each side of your cheek.
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Pretty As A Picture - Chapter 6
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Theme: Soulmates - Feeling the connection as soon as you see each other.
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Summary: When Bucky fell from the train, their soulmate was told he was gone. When Steve Rogers disappeared into the ice, their soulmate was again told one of her soulmates were gone. But she didn't believe it. Couldn't believe it. Committed to a mental health institute, she dies of a broken heart. That's at least what the hidden S.H.I.E.LD files say, but if that's the case than why is there a photo of her. A photo that shows her side by side two redhaired Avengers.
Warnings will be per chapter.
For this fic reader will be British, but let your imagination replace if needed.
Chapter Summary: Reader is MIA, presumed dead but the team aren't buying it.
To describe what followed as a ruckus would be an understatement.
Nat felt like her legs were about to give out as she let out a choked sound, Bruce moving quickly to steady her and fighting back a code green. Wanda let out a sob before placing a hand over her mouth and turning into Vision who held her tightly.
Steve and Bucky were on their feet, Steve grabbing the electronic pad from Hill and projecting the information of your mission, your last check-in and the reports of those first onsite to the mission location. Bucky made a note of the location on his phone.
Steve, Tony and Rhodes were all barking questions out at Maria.
“Not a chance, there’s no damn way.” Clint said.
Bucky watched as more projections went up around the room and the noise of those talking got louder.
“Do you want to explain why she was sent into a base on her own that was full of hostiles?” Steve snapped.
“The intel said the base was quiet, half dozen to a dozen at most.”
“A dozen is over the ratio to send an agent on her own without someone on her six.”
“That’s a S.H.I.E.L.D ruling Captain Rogers. 21 is freelance, those rules don’t apply.”
“So you sent her in knowing damn well she could be over run.”
“Captain Rogers, 21 offers a particular skill set. I’ve personally witnessed her take down a dozen enemy agents single-handedly in seconds.”
“Nat, Nat, snap out of it, you know our girl, where is she?” Clint shouted over the noise to Nat.
Nat righted herself and took a deep breath. Wanda slipped her hand into Nat’s and squeezed. They exchanged a look and when they looked back at the group, all signs of weakness had been pushed back. Nat and Wanda were gone, this was Black Widow and Scarlet Witch.
“Walk us through what happened start to finish and I want the truth, no skipping anything out. Why did Fury send her in?”
Maria started to tell them how a Hydra base in Newfoundland had started to see activity. It had already been cleared by Shield but a sensor had been tripped.
“I know that base” Bucky interrupted “it was cleared by lower level agents because it was dead.”
Maria nodded and went to continue, Steve stopped her.
“When bases are reactivated they’re meant to be cleared by us or a team agreed by us, and I know for damn sure I didn’t sign-off on this.”
“I’ll ask you again Hill, why’d Fury pick her.” Nat asked.
“You know why.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to me?” Bucky almost growled, his Brooklyn accent coming out thicker in his anger.
“It was covert.” Maria answered.
“She means it was off book, Fury sent her because freelance agents didn’t have to sign the  New Accords, they cover the grey area that we can’t, and you know what I think? I think you didn’t pass it to us because there was something you didn’t want us to see and Fury sent her because it needed someone who was quiet, that could be quiet and still offer deadly force and could get whatever you wanted out of there.”
“You realise you’ve just described Tinman and yourself right?” Sam pointed out.
Bucky’s head snapped to look at Nat. As much as Sam pissed him off, he was right on this occasion. Were you now a Widow like Nat, or were you like him in some way? Did something make you like that? Is that why Nat muttered some about guilt.
“There are, thirty-seven hostiles here by my count anyway, and that’s just this image alone.” Rhodey threw in, “they’re zip-tied and duck-taped. This doesn’t look like the work of someone that’s now presumed dead.”
“The evidence shows that….”
At that moment Bucky decided he was done. Done with Maria’s half arsed story, done with looking at screens and done with the what if’s. You looked like his soulmate. The mouth on you from calling out Nat on her bullshit when she tried to recruit you sounded like their soulmate. The fact that you’d given directions that involved getting Clint and Laura to safety via a sewer sounded like their map girl, and he was going to find you.
He was going to bring you home and make you theirs again, if every possible way.
Enjoy this fic? Fancy a cuppa? My Ko-Fi.
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imdoingsortagay · 10 months
Summary: You can see the way she wants to just let go and give up control, so you form a plan with your girlfriend to do just that
a/n: Here comes your Valcarol x reader brainrot homos
Warnings: Dom! Valkyrie, Sub!Carol, Switch!R, petnames, strap on use, Carol in subspace ? ( yeth)
Word count: 1.6k words
Smut below the cut ! 18+
Both of you could tell the moment that Danvers arrived to New Asgard that she wanted to just let go of all of the stress she was dealing with.
Wanted to just let someone let the reigns but a part of her didn't trust anyone enough to do it. There was a tiny moment between your girlfriend and Carol when Valkyrie had teased her a bit with a pet names.
Most time she'd just brush it off and make some joke back at your girlfriend but for a split second you could see the blonde react to that silly pet name.
" Aye Danvers," Valkyrie says," Everything alright?"
" Yep yep all good," she just says before heading into the guestroom for the rest of the night, leaving just you confused while Val just continues on with finishing the rest of her drink. One part of you wants to question Carol but the other just wants to let her have space to think over things.
You think it over and decide to just as Val.
" Did you see the way Carol reacted to you calling her princess?" You ask with curiosity as she heads into the kitchen to get herself another drink. She wasn't the type of person to do stuff like this, if Danvers needed space then of course she was gonna do just that.
" Honey i think Danvers just needs time to destress," She explains," it hasn't been a relaxing couple of years for the blonde ya know? the best we could do is give her time to relax and if she wants to talk about it, well she knows she can".
" Babe," you pause," this is Carol Danvers we are talking about. The big tough superhero who reacted to you calling her princess of all things. And she didn't make any jokes".
" Hmmm," your girlfriend says to herself," what's your plan"?
A part of you was unsure as to whether this plan would work with the blonde. She's been staying with the both of you for a couple weeks but her routine doesn't seem to change.
Being the lovely girlfriend she is, Val did most of the work when observing her friends routine. From then you both would plan for the moment that Carol would " Catch you in the act"
" My darling ready for daddy?"
The door to your bedroom is halfway open, just enough for Carol to see the both of you. Val is completely naked besides the strap on with the fake cock around her hips, a favorite one from your collection of sex toys.
" Cmon love," she tells you," use that dirty mouth on daddys cock now".
You waste no time the moment she stands in front of you as you kneel for her, grabbing the fake cock as you start off slow and sensual for her. While the woman above you can't really feel your mouth, it drove her crazy seeing the way that you suck on the cock.
" Cmon darling, Daddy needs that cock to be nice and wet when it goes in your cunt" and right on time when Carol comes back from her midday workout with Thor. Both of you don't hear the door open but Carol can definitely hear the noises you're making in the bedroom.
Working out seemed to distract her from the feeling she got when Valkyrie had made the princess joke. Seeing how dominant her friend was with you had honestly made her a bit jealous, if she had to be honest with herself.
All the one night stands all over the universe didn't help either, just made her want someone she can hand over control to.
Someone who can comfort her, let her be herself instead of the mighty Captain Marvel.
" Fuck your cock tastes so good daddy," Carol is snapped out of her thoughts at the line and she feels her mind going fuzzy. It would be the right thing of the blonde to just quickly walk by to her room but the door is also open so she has to be strategic.
" Be good for daddy then darling and take the rest of me in my mouth," the blonde can hear her friend say.
Curiosity gets the best of her and she slowly peaks through the door to see Valkyrie, very close friend and King of New Asgard fully naked while her girlfriend is also very naked sucking on the fake cock between her legs like it's their dayjob.
" Fuck," she whispers to herself, mind going fuzzy at the thought of suck on the toy along side you.
Forgetting that she was supposed to be hiding from the both of you.
“ imagine if someone saw you sucking my cock baby ? Seeing you act like such a whore for daddy on your knees”.
After years of being with Valkyrie, you knew that she heard Carol walk through the door instantly. Sneaking around the house to surprise or even scare her was something you've gotten used to not being able to do. Carol must be close to your room if Val was talking more while you were sucking her off.
" Daddy," you moan out as you take her out of your mouth," can you fuck me nowwwww?".
" Well be patient now baby," she tells you, " how about you show our special guest here some manners ?".
Carol's thoughts of the two of you are interrupted when she's met with her best friend standing next to her, no shame in being naked in front of you. Neither of them exchange words when Val takes out her hand for Carol to grab and she's led into the bedroom.
" Did you want to join us, Carol?"
The blonde hears you ask and so many thoughts go through her mind at the opportunity to sleep with both of you.
On one part, she can trust both of you and on the other, she's lost so many people close to her that she wouldn't want to ruin the friendship she has with you both. Knowing that if that were gone, there would be nobody else there for her.
" Oh princess," she hears you say, unaware of when you had put on a robe as you scoop her into a hug," Carol don't cry now ".
Val hugs her friend as well, while she might not be able to talk to Carol about her feelings at least she can give her some physical comfort.
" Honey, you know us well enough not to hurt you," Val pauses," not after all you've been through princess. You deserve someone who you can be yourself with and not the big badass superhero everyone knows you as".
" If you allow us Carol," you continue," me and Valkyrie will treat you like the pretty princess you are".
Val giggles when Carol nods, deciding to change the plans last minute to focus more on the blonde and show her just how important she is.
“ Be a good princess and strip for us,” Val orders Carol. The blonde follows the command quickly, like an eager puppy.
“ get on the middle of the bed “, Val says,” baby I want you to eat our princess out so she’s ready for my cock”.
You start of slow with Carol , leaving kisses between her thighs as a mean to not take things quickly. All Carol can do is whine and makes the prettiest noises as you leave kisses all over her thighs.
“ Must have not been fucking in space if you’re already wet from me kissing your thighs baby,” you mumbled and before Carol can respond, you slowly start to go at her folds.
“ no I was but I-“ All Carol can do is moan when you start to rub at her clit, mine starting to go fuzzy while you go down on her. While she did fuck in space there was nobody who seemed to make her feel good , until now.
“ Make her cum baby,” and without a second to waste you enter Carols pussy with one finger. You groan as she lets out the cutest moan when you enter her with one finger , she’s gonna be completely different once your girlfriend fucks her with the toy between her legs.
“ can I have another one -“
“ what was that princess?” Val interruptes Carol as you slowly finger her and continue to lick at her wet cunt.
“ Daddy,” she moans out ,” need more in my pussy , wanna be good for the both of you".
" this is gonna be a good night".
The Next Morning
When Carol has woken up, she didn't expect the both of you to let her sleep in her room, expecting that Valkyrie would carry her back to where she was staying.
If she had to be honest, she really liked being in the middle of you too. Had been years that Carol had been held, been treated like anything other than an Avenger, or an enemy to some people.
" What time is it?" Val says as she wakes up which starles Carol, assuming she'd still be asleep. The noise wakes also wakes you up and you groan your annoyance as you got to check your phone.
" 11am baby," you say in an annoyed tone," i'm gonna go back to sleep with Carol".
" What if our princess doesn't want to go back to sleep?"
" She wants to sleep babe not go out and workout so early on a sunday," you turn a bit to look at Carol," Am i right baby?".
" m gonna stay with y/n," Carol mumbles as you happy scoop up the blonde in your arms to get more sleep.
" Always a brat," Val chuckles as she gets up to get to working out, never one to miss a day .
Carol could get used to being with the two of you if it meant soft moment like this.
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afanofmanyships · 2 years
Weird idea, but what if Billy, klarion, and Danny all decided to screw with the batfam by telling them a big lie about how Gotham came to be centuries ago only for it to be true in the end.
Batman eavesdropping around the corner: Phantom, Marvel, and Klarion 'recounting the old day’s':
P: “Ya know, Batman reminds of [insert name] when SHE was still Gotham”
C M: “I know right, she had people come all across the land to challenge her and kept the roads safer for travelers.”
K: “Then it’s a good thing she is gone.”
C M: “Says the one that dug a giant that went MILES into the ground and proceeded build a two story house on top of it.”
K: “Oh screw off!🖕”
P to M: “You’re just mad that she stated in her will to have ALL her possessions burned so that no one would be able to use them.”
C M: “If we’re talking about possessions, then who’s the one that made a tomestone that said 'Here Lies Gotham, You May Have Know her as [insert full name], a True Friend and Ally' in front of the house only for it to start trending everywhere.”
P: “In my defense that was how I honored many of my fellow ghosts. How would I supposed to know a passing traveler seeking refuge would come across the house, it was in the middle of nowhere!!”
K: “For decades, people were wondering who wrote those ‘strange symbols’ and if the land was cursed or not.”
Only for Danny retort to tease Klarion on how Gotham mothered him and taught him how to gain control of his powers that lead him to tleek, with Captain Marvel chiming in. Only to stop when they made sure that Batman was gone.
All three burst out laughing
P: “Y-you think he bought it?”
C M: “Probably with how he’s been trying to figure out my identity for years.”
K: “As entertaining as all of this is, who should we go after next?”
Danny (with hands calatps in front his face to hide his smile): “I know just the person.”
A few weeks later in JL Headquarters:
Nightwing, Phantom, and Captain Marvel walking side by side in the hallway, Nightwing does a stunt and Phantoms eyes gloss over with remembrance and a bit of sorrow. Nightwing then panics and asks if he’s okay only for him to say: “It’s okay child, you just remind me of my first student.”
Danny floats a bit ahead of them, trying and succeeding to not break character.
Marvel explains: “A decade after the passing of a dear friend, a traveler came across her tome. Enchanted by the symbols, the traveler spread the word of the symbols and became rich. With these riches came greed and with this greed came corruption that birthed Phantoms first student.”
Phantom continues: “Four decades after the passing of our dear friend, I decided to pay a visit to our friend and saw the most strangest thing. A four year old living inside the house Klarion built.”
Dick: “May I asked why that is strange?”
M: “After Phantom made the tomestone, me and Klarion created a spell that only allows people who have the same goal as [insert name] to walk past the tomestone. And if they do not, they would feel this overwhelming urge to not pass the tome when reaches a 100 feet of it.”
Dick: “Even if people couldn’t approach the tomestone or house, wouldn’t there be some kind of security?”
M: “The traveler had people build a small mansion 300 feet in front of the tome making people pay to just see the stone and cut down those who didn’t pay, foolishly believing that that would be enough to stop people from coming close to the stone and so he never bothered to check on it.”
P: “I decided to watch over the child for the day and found out something interesting. This child liked to soar through the trees at night, all though clumsy and falling off the trees she would always get back up the trees soar through the tree again with a smile on her face.”
M: “He then, almost, scared the ghost out of her by popping into existence and offering to help her perfect her soaring.”
Dick laughs
Danny starts to smile: “It was a fun time for both of us, soaring through the trees, unintentionally stopping a few robberies. The village folk even nicknamed her the Soaring Nightingale, she was so embarrassed and happy with that name that she never got the chance to change it. We were happy, until she turned 10.”
Phantom stops walking
Nightwing and Marvel also stop walking. Dick nervously asks: “What happened after Nightingale turned 10?”
M: “Children aging from 8-11 years of age started to disappear from the streets and homes. Only to reappear in random locations with no reelection of what happened and a new found fear of adults of who they know and don’t know.” Sighs “Phantom never seen anything like it before and called on me to help out.”
P: “Nightingale sacked him right into his sunshine smile face, tried to warn him not to pop out of nowhere.”
M: “Lier! You didn’t try to do anything.”
Dick trying to get them back on topic: “Did you find out who was behind the disappearances?”
P: “As it turns out, it was the traveler that was behind the kidnappings. He heard stories about 'The Soaring Nightingale' and wanted to know if she would be able to privately show him some of her 'skills'.”
Dick eyes widen: “You don’t mean…”
M(nods): “I have never seen Phantom wanting to murder a human being that badly in my life, before that day. It took both of us to convince Phantom to wait a month after we gather ALL the evidence to put the traveler and his associates down forever, for him to do anything he wanted to the traveler and those involved.”
P: “A month and three years later, we gathered all evidence and spread it as quickly and efficiently as we can.”
M: “It worked well with the combination of the traveler being a tyrant and the seeds of doubt that Phantom, pain stickily, sowed in the neighboring villages. Before we know it, their execution day was upon us.”
P: “That day was one to remember.”
M: “You possessed a skeleton, donned on a creepy black cloak, grabbed the biggest sith you can find, came to the execution sight, and pointed at them saying ‘I have come to collect your debt.’ Then you kidnapped them to do gods knows what, only to come back three hours later with them so that we could finish the execution.”
P: “Well I couldn’t let them off that easy after knowing what wanted from my student now can I.”
Dick, being so invested in the story, asks: “What happened after that day? Did she meet Klarion?”
P: “After that day, we slowly fell back into our old routine from before. Not without a few rough patches and changes along the way, of course.”
Marvel pretends to whisper to Dick: “When she turned 18, Nightingale met the love of her life and Phantom summoned an actual shovel to threaten her lover with.”
P: “Thank you, Cap! When she was 19, 'Gale married her lover. A year later she met Klarion and accidentally pied him in the face because she thought that it was her husband walking through.”
Dick winces: “Was she okay? Klarion didn’t do anything did he?”
M: “Contry to what you’re thinking. Klarion just stood there saying ‘You’re lucky that you have a little monster on the way or else you would have me to deal with.’”
Nightwing starts asking about the baby and if they were adorable only to be reminded by Barbra, over the comms, to get back on topic and gather more information: “Did anything else happen afterwards?”
P: “Over the years her family grew. When her children were old enough, Nightingale told them stories about her younger days and taught them how to soar through the trees like she did when she was a child.” A flash of happiness shows through his eyes. “By the time peace was once again restored, Nightingale was on her deathbed telling her children to go see what the world has to offer now that peace was upon them.”
M: “Me and Phantom decided to move Gothams gave deeper underground then buried Nightingale right next to her, made this small cave right above them, and wisely moved the tomestones underground so that that problem won’t happen again.”
Dick: “Did anything else happen afterwards?”
P: “Her children decided that they didn’t want any of their mothers possessions, except for the little gifts she gave them before her passing, saying that she’ll live on whenever they are flying,” smirks at Nightwing when he picked up that last word, “and requested us to burn down the mansion (the 300 feet one) as they didn’t want anything to do with it.”
M: “After they left, Klarion renovated the house and made it more spacious.”
All three decided to chat and walk down the hall to a meeting they no doubt missed or late to.
(M: “After him, how about we do two birds one stone or, in this case, three birds.”
P and K both agree
Billy starts smirking: “Alright! Here’s the plan-”)
A month later in Gotham (Billy wanted to wait at least 3 weeks but was out voted by two sadists who wanted to see the bats sworn in their seats):
Klarion is reported to be causing trouble around Gotham so the bats have to deal with him. Only to see Klarion and Marvel having tea and 'reminiscing' about the 'good old days'.
M: “The dynamic between Red Hood and Red Robin when they first met honestly reminded me of when the Scarlet Sisters reunited.”
K: “The amount of chaos those two created just by being near one another was incredible.”
M: “Only for you and Phantom who seemed to thrive on the same level as you. I had to do damage control.”
Klarion rolls his eyes: “That was exactly the reason why we went behind your back and created a makeshift portal.”
Marvel starts to smirk: “And because of that you gained a little SHADOW.”
Klarion slams his cup down: “IF I had known something like THAT would happen I-”
M: “wouldn’t have done anything because you cared about the kid.”
Clockwork behind the scenes decided: “Ah yes, let’s make this a reality.” And sends them back in time to make the stories believable.
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vipower001 · 2 years
DP x DC angst:
I thrive off of angst, so I decided, Why not write my own? so here I am, gifting yall with my angst. Enjoy
Also, this is inspired by, I think the Fic called The Kings Coffin, I don't know I could be wrong. But, it's inspired by the time in this fic when Danny mind controlled almost all of the Justice League (because most of them have died or been touched with death at one point or another) and then he was kicked out of the League because they didn't trust him.
"Hey, guys what's with this emergency meeting all of a sudden?" Danny said with a grin as he entered the meeting room of the Watchtower.
The rest of the justice league was already there, seemingly waiting for him. He noted that there were no more chairs left so he had no choice but to stand. Danny felt like he was walking into the principal's office once he noticed the room's tense atmosphere. With less confidence than when he entered Danny, he asked,
"Sooooo, what's this meeting all about and why does it feel like someone's puppy just got kicked," he says with a chuckle, trying to alleviate the tense atmosphere but seeing that it did not have his desired effect. Even Captain Marvel who is usually ready to join him in joking has a tense almost guilty look on his face. He looks away when Danny turns to look at him.
Officially confused Danny looks at the Leauge hoping one of them will explain soon. Batman is the first to speak.
"Phantom, we call this meeting to discuss some changes that will be happening in the League."
"What changes are being made?" asked Danny. He's curious as to what it could be. Did something happen? Was it about the coffee maker again? He swears that the coffee maker is cursed. Before he can think of any more guesses Batman starts talking again.
"We have come to a conclusion regarding the events that happened a few days prior when almost the entire justice League was mind controlled..."
Danny waited in silence, waiting for Batman to tell them what changes are being made. He hoped there was no long-lasting effect that could have brought about the change. He freed them from the control of that guy as fast as he could. He doesn't want his coworkers to be harmed.
"We have decided that the Justice League can not trust unknown powers, especially ones that can control almost the entirety of the league, it's too much of a risk and that is not one we are willing to take."
wait...what is he saying? It makes no sense. They already caught the guy and Danny already told them that it wasn't the guy's fault, He just so happened to find the Ghost King's artifacts. He already told them that...that...they...belong...to him....no....no.no.no....they wouldn't.
Hesitantly Danny asked, "What are you saying? What do you mean can't risk it? What has been decided?"
Some of the members of the league looked at each other. Some looked at him with regret, guilt, anger,...untrust. Danny tried to read the room to figure out what Batman meant but he didn't have to guess long.
"Phantom, by the majority of the votes of the League, you are officially resigned as a member of the Justice League."
Danny froze. He didn't understand. Why are they kicking him out? He did nothing wrong. What did he do wrong? Why are they doing this?
"What...w-why?" Danny felt like he was just splashed with a bucket of cold water, he felt a chill in his body, one he hasn't felt since he died.
"You withheld information regarding your powers and when shown an opportunity you did not hesitate to use it on on your team. You have proven yourself to be untrustworthy and unpredictable. "
"What do you mean I didn't hesitate?!? Of course, I didn't, it was the only way to save yall! Was I just meant to just let yall be and destroy the city and kill people? Look I'm sorry I didn't give yall a full rundown of my powers but it just never came to mind that it was important. I can write a list of my powers if you would like?" Danny argued, trying to un-dig himself from the apparent hole he has found himself in.
"It's not only that Phantom but you also failed to mention how two ancient artifacts as powerful as those were laying around for anyone to grab and use for evil. What If a rouge had gotten their hands on it instead? A lot more people could have been killed and the blood would be on your hands because you withheld that information."
Danny felt his core give a painful throb at those words. He never meant to hurt anyone and he is already in pain for the casualties lost before. He didn't mean to, he didn't know the Crown and Ring was on earth. He thought they were still in the ghost zone. I mean, technically Batman's not wrong. He should have known they were here. But he just forgot ok, He didn't mean for any of this to happen.
"I didn't even know the Crown and ring were in the human world. I mean, I guess I could have felt it if I thought about it but it didn't cross my mind at all. But I never meant for anyone to get hurt. "
"Whether you meant to or not doesn't change what your carelessness and failure to mention caused," wait "You are too much of a risk to the team and you're too unpredictable," please "You are to give us your com and leave, you are to write a power list and send it to the watchtower for evaluation," stop "I am sorry Phantom but we can't risk a powerful unknown to be able to ensure the safety of the world and the Leauge." not again.
All Danny can hear is static. He feels his core chip and break with every word. To be told that he can not protect them, or keep them safe. It's what he does. It's what he is. He has to protect. Protect. Protect. Protect. He is nothing without it. He'll die without it.
He is vaguely aware of the drop in temperature, out of the corner of his eye he can see frost climbing up the walls and table and chairs. He can see it spreading from him to the other heroes. He's not meaning to. He didn't mean to. He's sorry. He'll be good. He'll stop. He won't move. He'll be still, quiet. He'll be good.
"-antom! Phantom! Stop! I said STOP!!!"
Danny snaps back to the present with the yelling. Why are they yelling again? Oh yeah, the frost. He reels it back in and the temperature in the room rises, though it's not as warm as it used to be.
Danny looks up and he sees that some of the Members of the League are out of their seats, some look to be ready to surround him, and some look ready to attack. Why are you looking at me like that? Danny looks around the room with wide eyes realizing that he isn't trusted, he doesn't think he was trusted in the first place. Why doesn't anyone ever trust him?
"Your com Phantom. Then you leave."
Danny doesn't know if he will be allowed to leave. Not wanting to be closer he phases the com out from his leg where he keeps it for safekeeping and places it on the floor in front of him. He doesn't take his eyes off the league, fear taking hold of him. After he places it he rises to leave and backs out the door still facing them so he can keep them in front of him. He doesn't stop looking at the meeting room till he is down the hall where he turns invisible and intangible and flies away as fast as he could.
He flies and flies until the burning ache in his core is too much and he has to stop. He lets himself float there in space, curled up in a protective ball hoping and trying to keep the dark thoughts away, but knowing he can't protect himself from the internal battle.
Why? What did I do? How did this happen? Not again. Please stop. Why? I didn't mean to. I just wanted to help. all I've ever done was try to help.
Thoughts of the past start shoving their way into his brain, into his core. Memories of hands reaching into him. Pulling him apart. memories of faces that used to be kind and looked at him with love turned to hate and disgust. And with every jab and every word, Danny's core breaks a little more.
Sorry. I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to. I DIDN'T MEAN TO! I DIDN'T MEAN TO! STOP! please stop. It's me. It's your son. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I'll stop. I'll behave. I'm still your son. why? WHY?!? what did I do!? I just wanted to protect you. so why? why are you doing this? Please don't. I'm sorry. PLEASE!? I'LL BE GOOD! I'LL STOP! I'LL BEHAVE! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. please don't. I can't do this anymore. just stop. please just kill me. please. stop it. please. just kill me.
Danny floats there, curled into himself. Trying to protect himself from the memories, the thoughts,...the voices. But they're all too much. If he can't even protect his friend's family, then how is he meant to protect himself. How can he live if he can't protect anyone? He just hurts them, and then they hurt him, over and over again.
He can't do it. He isn't strong enough. He can't. He's failed. he failed his family. He couldn't protect Jazz, Sam, or Tucker. He couldn't protect Dani or the Ghosts that were captured by the GIW. He couldn't protect his parents, and himself from his parents. He couldn't protect the people he killed when he escaped the GIW. He couldn't protect his friends, the league, his family. He tried but he only ended up hurting them. Images of their faces as they looked at him as if he was a threat. They aren't supposed to look at me like that. he is supposed to protect them and he failed.
I tried. I'm sorry. I'm sorry it wasn't enough. That I wasn't enough. Im sorry. I hurt them. I hurt my family. I should have let my parents or the GIW kill me. permanently. Because then, I wouldn't have hurt anyone else. I would have kept them safe. Safe. safe from me. I hurt them. Im sorry. Im so sorry. I'll stop. I'll fix it. I'll fix what I did. I'm sorry. Just stop looking at me like that.
And with those final thoughts, Danny felt his core shatter, just as a swirling green portal was opened and he was sucked inside, and once it closed it was like Danny Phantom never existed.
Somewhere, a man felt a sense of wrongness as he waited for the boy who has wormed his way into his heart and become a son to him. Not that he ever told the kid that yet (but he might have been too late).
Well...how was it? Did yall enjoy it? I might make a part two if I can remember but who knows.
I wonder who that man at the end was???? Who knows. Also If there are any spelling errors pls tell me.
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adrienneleclerc · 10 months
We’re Just Friends
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: In this, we will see the friendship between Walter and Y/N and Walter’s first act of protectiveness; let’s face it, it wasn’t his first time punching a man because of Y/N
A/N: If y’all have seen Gilmore Girls, Walter and Y/N will be like Luke and Lorelai in the way that they hang out outside of work. If y’all haven’t, Luke/Walter is known for being grumpy in his place of work and in general. BUT he lets Lorelai/YN who is basically a ray of sunshine on caffeine get away with EVERYTHING. Lorelai/YN call Luke/Walter if they need to rant or need something fixed, they have a good friendship, very “you came, you called”
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Ever since Walter gave Y/N apology cookies, they were closer, they got to know each other. They even started hanging out at friends outside of work which was rare for Walter.
Walter and Y/N could be seen at the mall, shopping for Faye because Walter is clueless about what to get her. They were walking down the aisles at Barnes and Noble.
“How do you not know what to get your daughter, Don Refri?” Y/N asked him.
“I thought that name was for the district.” Walter said.
“That name is for everywhere, Don Refri. Seriously, how do you not know?” Y/N stopped walking and stood in front of him.
“I know what my daughter likes, the only problem is that I don’t know if Angie and her new husband have already bought it for her.” Walter said, looking down at Y/N (I'm 5'3 and a half, yes, my doctor counts the half inch, but Henry is 6'1 so he's pretty tall, whatever height you are, he will still be looking down at you)
“Yeah, divorce makes it harder. I’m Just guessing, my parents are still together.” Y/N said with a smile. (If they are divorced, ignore that last sentence) “How about a funko pop, does she like Marvel?" Y/N said, holding up a Captain America funko pop that was on the shelf.
"I think she is more of a DC fan." Walter said, poking the Superman funko pop on the shelf.
They could even be seen at Y/N's apartment drinking coffee.
"Thanks again for fixing my lock, it was driving me crazy.” Y/N said, giving Walter a pan dulce to drink with his coffee.
“Yeah of course, wouldn’t want you to feel unsafe in the neighborhood.” Walter said.
“Still, you could have come tomorrow but you came tonight, so I appreciate it.” Y/N said.
“It’s a 5 minute drive, you’re close by. What is this, by the way?” Walter asked
“It’s pan dulce, there’s a little Mexican bakery that i like to go to, really good, I gave you a concha.” Y/N said, also taking a bite out of her concha. Walter have it a taste.
“You’re right, it’s really good.” Walter said. They kept talking until Walter finished his coffee and they said goodbye.
The next day, Walter came into the police department with a thermos in hand and an paper bag in the other. He walked over to Y/N’s cubicle and knocked on her desk.
“Good morning, Don Refri, how are you today?” Y/N asked.
“Good morning to you too, Y/N, I’m good, and you?” Walter replied.
“Im good, what’s in the bag?” Y/N asked, she was curious to know what’s inside.
“I went to the coffee shop this morning and got you something. It might not be as good as the pan Dulce from your Mexican bakery, but this coffee shop is Latina owned.” Walter said and Y/N opened the paper bag and saw manteconchas and polvorones.
“Oh my gosh, they look so good, they smell good too, gracias Don Refri, ya te estás calentando.” Y/N said, giving him a hug. Walter hugged back and went to his office while Rachel turned to Y/N with a smirk on her face.
“Walter brought you Mexican pastries? How nice of him, looks like you might be his favorite.” Rachel said.
“Maybe it’s because I’m new, I’m sure the novelty will wear off.” Y/N said.
“Maybe, maybe not. Who knows.” Rachel said, going downstairs.
A week later, Y/N entered the department and it was all chaos, she walked over to Glasgow to see if he could tell her what’s going on.
“Why is everyone acting like my mom when Luis Miguel announced his tour?” Y/N asked.
“Detective Marshall finally found a lead to the guy who’s been trafficking teenaged girls. We got his license plate and planted a tracking device on his van so Walter asked me to see where the van stops and that’ll be this guy’s hide out,” Glasgow explained. A few minutes later, “I found him! He’s in an All Inc Warehouse!”
“Let’s get a move on, we’re finally gonna get this son of a bitch.” Walter said as he grabbed his gun and out on his vest to leave with the other officers.
“What does he mean by ‘finally’? Has this been a tough case?” Y/N said, finally being able to sit at her desk.
“Detective grumpy has been working on this case for a month. It’s been driving him crazy knowing that the guy was still out there.” Rachel said, walking in, sipping her coffee.
“Then I’m glad he’s finally catching him.” Y/N said.
An hour later, Walter walked into the district with the guy in handcuffs. Walter takes him downstairs to put him in a holding cell. He walked back upstairs.
“Y/N, i need to fill out a report, come with me please.” Walter said and Y/N followed him.
“Congratulations on the arrest, Don Refri. How does it feel?” Y/N asked.
“It feels good. How was the Mexican bread?” Walter asked.
“The polvorones we’re really good and the manteconcha was delicious. I saved you a polvorón because you have to try it. Where did you get them?” Y/N asked.
“I got it at Abogados Café.” Walter said. “What does that mean, by the way?”
“Lawyers coffee. Do they have Cuban coffee?” Y/N asked.
“I Don’t know, we can check it some other day.” Walter said.
Hours later, Walter and Y/N were finishing their paper work.
“Hey Don Refri, how do you feel about going to a bar tonight? You don’t have to drink, but I think it’ll be fun. We could celebrate that you finally solved that case! Rachel told me you’ve been working on that shit for a month.” Y/N said as she put on her jacket.
“I Don’t know about that, Y/N.” Walter said.
“Oh come on, it’s not like I’m asking you to get drunk. Let’s just go to a bar, you can play pool with the guys, I can eat some fries. We could go to Brunson’s Pub! Or Skinner’s or Iron Ranger, I don’t care, I just want a night out and I really don’t feel like cooking.” Y/N practically begged Walter as she was holding onto his biceps.
“Fine, fine, we’ll go to Brunson’s, they have more food there, I’ll tell the guys, you can tell Rachel. Group celebration.” Walter said and Y/N was happy. She texted Rachel about going to the pub and Rachel was down.
“Rachel said she’ll be there, what about Matthew and Glasgow?” Y/N said.
“Yeah, they’re coming too. You want me to drive you?” Walter said.
“And leave my car here?” Y/N asked.
“I’ll drive you to work tomorrow, it’ll be fine. This way you can drink as much as you want.” Walter said.
“Jaja, mira que funny eres.” Y/N said. They walked out of the department and got into Walter’s car. Walter put on a random playlist on Spotify. Y/N was looking out the window when she heard a familiar song, “Oh my gosh, I haven’t heard this song in forever. I love ‘colgando en tus manos’, my mom would play it in the house all the time.”
“Yeah, I found a playlist with Spanish songs, thought it would be good, maybe help with my Spanish with us being friends and all.” Walter said.
“You Don’t even know what Carlos Baute is singing right now.” Y/N commented.
“It doesn’t matter, you like this kind of music, right?” Walter asked.
“It reminds me of my life in Miami, before Latin music went mainstream.” Y/N said. They kept talking and listening to music until Walter parked in the parking lot at Brunson’s. They walked in together.
“Hey, look who made it! Detective Grumpy and his sunshine partner.” Matthew said.
“Hey, we’re not at work right now but I’m still your boss, watch it. How much have you had to drink?” Walter asked.
“He had 3 tequila shots.” Glasgow said.
“How did he get here?” Walter asked.
“I took an Uber.” Matthew said.
“Same.” Rachel and Glasgow said.
“Great, well I gotta stay sober because I have to take Y/N home. What do you want to drink?” Walter asked, turning to Y/N.
“I want a ‘bad hombre’ and you should get yourself a beer, we’re celebrating you, you should be able to let loose.” Y/N said.
“All right, I’ll go to the bar.” Walter said and Y/N slid into the booth. Walter came back with a beer, a “bad hombre” which has reposado and mezcal, and an Italian sandwich for Y/N. “Here you go.”
“Thank you, Don refri.” Y/N said. They were all talking and laughing, having a good time but Walter stepped away. “Damn, I’m running low, I’m gonna see of i Can get a beer, be right back.” Y/N said and walked to the bar when bumped into a tall man. “Oh I’m so sorry.”
“Nah, you’re good. Wait a minute, Y/N?” The man said and Y/N looked up to see a familiar face.
“No way, Mitch, how are you? What are you doing here in Minnesota?” Y/N asked as she hugged Mitch (Dylan O’Brien) a friend she made back in Virginia.
“My brother Steven wanted to go skiing. You want me to order you a beer?” Mitch asked.
“Yeah, get me a modelo.” Y/N said and Mitch told the bartender to get him two modelo beers. “Well, how’s the CIA treating you?”
“The CIA is fine. Listen, I’m sorry to hear that the FBI didn’t work out for you but maybe you can come back to Virginia and become part of the CIA.” Mitch said.
“I’d love to, but I’m not sure I can cut out as a CIA agent.” Y/N said. They kept talking and Walter got out of the bathroom to see Y/N talking to Mitch. He went back to his booth.
“Who’s that guy?” Walter asked.
“I Don’t know but he’s cute.” Rachel said. Walter went closer to hear their conversation.
“You’d do great. I swear, I would love to work with you.” Mitch said.
“Mitch, honestly, stop insisting, I’m not doing it.” Y/N said. All Walter heard was Y/N telling Mitch “no” so Walter got closer and..
“Didn’t you hear her? She said no.” And Walter decked Mitch, Mitch landing in the floor. Y/N got out of her stool.
“Walter! What did you do?” Y/N asked, facing Walter.
“Wasn’t he bothering you?” Walter asked.
“No! Walter this is Mitch, my friend who’s in the CIA. Mitch, this is Walter.” Y/N said as she helped Mitch off the floor.
“He’s your boyfriend or something?” Mitch asked.
“No, we’re just friends.” Y/N said and Walter walked outside the bar, he needed fresh air. “And he’s technically my boss at the police department. He’s a detective.”
“Well He’s quite protective of you. I should give you my number so we could hang out next time I’m in Minnesota.” Mitch said,
“That would be great.” Y/N said and they exchanged numbers. “It was great seeing you, I gotta talk to Walter.” Y/N walked outside and saw Walter leaning against his car. “What the hell was that in there?”
“Sorry, Y/N, I thought he was just a random drunk harassing you. I didn’t know he was a friend of yours.” Walter admitted.
“You could have asked. Just don’t do it again, okay.” Y/N said,
“I won’t. Are you sure you’re all right? He didn’t try anything?” Walter asked,
“Nah, Mitch is a good guy, he wanted me to ‘try out’ for the CIA but I told him no. Thanks for being protective though, I appreciate it.” Y/N said and she hugged him. “Can we go back inside? I’m kinda cold and this skirt isn’t helping.” Y/N said and Walter chuckled.
“Yeah, we can go back inside.” Walter said, leading her into the pub with his hand on the small of her back.
The End
Hope y’all liked it! i just guessed about the Latina owned coffee shop but then I was looking up coffee shops in Saint Paul and that’s when I found Abogados Café! I looked up the bars and the warehouses because I like my fanfics to be accurate when I’m writing about a state I don’t know anything about. Also, super sorry about the late “update”, I’m finishing up the fall semester and i have so much work to do but I’m procrastinating so…that’s gonna bite me in the ass when the time comes. Comment if you want to be added to the tag list
Taglist: @shellyshellshell @warriormirkwood @secretdream2
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
how quickly the glamour fades
 “What do you think the Captain does in his down time?” Wally asked, squirting a large amount of cheese whiz onto a cracker and eating it. He was still getting used to being the Flash, being in the Justice League alongside his uncle’s friends. They’d helped him grow as a hero and a person over the years and now he was one of them.
“I don’t know, Cap is always working,” Hal said, taking a bit of his pizza. “The guy never quits I’m telling you. If he’s not here, he’s putting out fires in the jungle or fighting space-magic-tentacle monsters or working with an apron at the soup kitchen. I don’t think he knows the meaning of ‘down time’.”
“We all have to take a break sometimes, even gods,” Wonder Woman said with a raised eye brow. She didn’t technically chastise him but Hal’s shoulder crept up to his ears anyway. “Marvel is the personification of the Gods’ will on Earth. He may not require physical rest I’m sure he must take moments to collect himself but it is, surely, none of our business.”
“I didn’t mean any disrespect,” Wally said hastily. “I’m still new here, trying to figure everything and everyone out with these big shoes to fill.” He cleared his throat and glanced over at the door Captain Marvel had exited out of a few minutes earlier. “I don’t know Marvel well, he was just a reserve member when I first met him and now we’ve moved into big leagues pretty much at the same time. I guess I’m trying to get to know my fellow newbie, he seems like a really nice guy, someone you’d want to talk to outside of work.”
“Yeah good luck with that,” Hal snorted and preemptively winced from the force of Diana’s glare. “What? Look, I love the big cheese as much as the next guy but he’s hard to pin down! He’ll smile and chat up here at the Watchtower no prob but he won’t go out for a drink, he won’t attend any of Bruce’s fancy parties. Barry used to practically beg the guy to come over and have some of Iris’ cooking and he turned him down every time.” A brief moment of silence as Hal coped with the sudden, casual mention of his best friend. “He’s friendly but not sociable.”
“Perhaps he needs time alone, away from all this,” J’onn said, walking in to stand by Diana. Without being asked, she reached into the cabinet and pulled out his favorite cookies. It could have been telepathy or simply years of love and experience. “As you mentioned, he spends much of his time battling the evils of the world, both the grand and the mundane. He may need solitude to cope.”
“Isolation doesn’t heal anything,” Wally grumbled, playing idly with the cheese whiz can. “The Titans taught me that there’s strength in community. I won’t begrudge the man some alone time but,” he sighed and set the can down. “I don’t know, he smiles like Dick does sometimes, when he’s keeping all the hurt inside. I think he could probably use someone to talk to.”
“He’s a god or something, it’s not like we can relate to him,” Hal sighed. “I’m with ya, Kid. I’d be over the moon if Cap ever decided to hang out after the battle was done but he’s just not that kinda guy.”
“Your kindness is appreciated, Wally but Marvel is entitled to his privacy. Should he ever need that listening ear you suggested, he of course knows he can come to us.” Diana smiled. Wally smiled back but still didn’t feel completely settled. There was something about Captain Marvel that never felt right, like he was only seeing a funhouse mirror version. His smiles were too perfect, his lines so cheesy, almost practiced. In a way, he almost didn’t feel real and that the real person was hiding behind this perfect cardboard cut out they all knew.
“Yeah, okay,” he frowned before perking back up. “Did you guys catch the game last nigh-”
“Don’t get me started squirt my team looked like they were sleepwalking, not playing.”
Hundreds of thousands of miles away in Fawcett City, a boy was cold and he was hungry.
“Achoo!” Billy Batson sneezed. “Ugh either someone’s talking ‘bout me or I’m coming down something.” He sniffled, wiping his nose on his threadbare sweater sleeve. “I don’t even know which is worse.”
It had been warm on the Watchtower when Bill, well Marvel, had finally left. The halls had been crowded and there’d been plenty of food and company. It would’ve been nice to stay but that wasn’t the way things worked. Cap didn’t need food to stay full or heat to keep him warm. He enjoyed the conversation but it felt so empty with the large wall he had to keep around his other life. It was safer this way, for him and for them.
The weather was turning cold and the shelters would have stopped giving out food by this late hour. Another night spent shivering and another night without a meal.
“It’s fine, you’re fine,” Billy chattered to himself as he slowly made his way back to the abandoned apartment he’d been sleeping in. “They don’t need to know about this, won’t care about another homeless kid. You’re lucky you get to know them as Marvel, you’re lucky to have Marvel.” He squeezed his eyes shut to fight back tears. It was an honor, a blessing to have the power to help people but oh did it hurt sometimes.
He wished he had someone to talk to about this but all he had was Tawney and the empty throne of the Wizard. There was the League but he couldn’t risk it, Marvel’s good standing was the only way they let him be active without giving away any details. They wouldn’t listen to him anyway, if they knew who their powerhouse really was. The illusion was hard to keep up sometimes but it was all he had.
All the way home, he hummed a tune he’d heard Black Canary humming while doling out portions of pizza and thought of the way Wonder Women’s gentle strong arms had felt around his shoulders and the sound of Lantern’s loud laughter and imagined that he wasn’t alone.
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specialagentlokitty · 10 months
Carol Danvers x teen!reader - a mentor and a friend
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Hello Can you please write something with carol danvers x teen!reader where she mentors the reader who is like extremely awkward but very adorable and just causes chaos all the time with good intention and is incredibly sweet. And can it be set during the marvels movie. Thank you - Anon💜
A/N: mentions of spoilers from the marvels movie
Sitting in your best friends now destroyed living room, you looked at her parents before looking back at the woman who was standing in front of everybody.
“I uh… amma go…” you whispered.
You slowly backed towards the door, stumbling over your own two feet a little bit, catching yourself on the wall.
“Ah, no you don’t, we need a word (L/N).”
“No we don’t! Bye!”
You rushed through the house, jumping over the chair and towards the back door, stumbling down the stairs and falling over.
“(Y/N)! Don’t run!” Kamala’s mum called.
You looked at her with wide eyes.
“I don’t wanna deal with whatever this is!”
“Please! Kamala is out there, you can be with her, keep her safe.” Her dad sighed.
You looked at her parents and sighed a little bit.
“I’m not here.”
You vanished from their sight, and you crept to the edge of the garden, hoping they would think you had just left.
You watched as the superhero looked around a little confused.
“(Y/N) is like Kamala, she has powers too. But (Y/N) doesn’t run around fighting crime.”
The superhero nodded her head.
“(Y/N), my name is Carol, I know whatever is going on here is affecting you too every time you use your powers, we can figure it out. I just need you to come talk to me about it. Please?”
Carol looked around the garden and sighed a little bit.
“Okay. Well, I have to go, but if you change your mind Nick can get in contact with me.”
She jumped, flying into the air, and you watched in amazement.
Unfortunately due to your lack of concentration, you released your hold on your powers, and you were dragged away with your friends family.
But the moment you saw Kamala again you crushed her into a hug.
“Did you meet Captain Marvel?!” She whisper yelled.
“(Y/N)! You were there!”
You grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of your head.
“I know! Sorry! I just.. felt awkward..”
“Well great news! Now you can! You’re coming with me!”
And you were dragged off on some mission to save the universe.
Though while the three were trying to figure out what was going on with their powers and how to work as a trio, you sat there on a chair.
“Don’t you want to join?” Monica asked.
Everybody looked at you and you shook your head, quickly getting up to leave the room, going to find somewhere else to sit.
“What’s up with them?” Carol asked.
“Oh yeah, (Y/N) doesn’t really do too well with people I guess. They’re like really awkward, but their powers are so cool!”
“So, they can help us?” Monica asked.
“I don’t think so, they don’t really know how to use them, and they don’t want to be here either, but came because we all swap places when we use our powers.”
Carol glanced in the direction that you went in.
“I’ll go talk to them.”
With that, she made her way through the ship, trying to figure out where you would go.
There was a lot of hiding places on the ship, and she had an idea.
Activating her powers, Carol swapped places with you, and did it again, a little grin on her face as she walked into the room you were hiding in.
It was empty, but she knew you were there, so she stood in front of the door.
“(Y/N), can we talk?” She asked softly.
She didn’t get a reply.
“Okay, I’ll talk. Kamala told me you didn’t want to be here, and I’m sorry you got dragged along. But maybe while you’re here we can teach you how to control your powers and use them. Only if you want.”
She waited a moment, and she nodded a little, taking her jacket off she set it on the back of the door.
“Alright, well, it can get cold in here so if you’re going to stay here take my jacket.”
With that, she left and you released your powers.
You stayed there for a while, you took the jacket and pulled it on, feeling the cold, and you decided to explore the ship.
You were quiet, not wanting to be detected, and eventually you made your way back to the front of the ship.
Monica and Kamala were fast asleep, and you noticed Carol tinkering with something.
Making yourself invisible you walked over, standing nearby so you could watch what she was doing in curiosity.
“It’s what lets us go at the speed we do.”
You released your powers, furrowing your brows a little bit.
“How did you know?”
Carol set the tools she was holding down and she smiled at you.
“I didn’t, I’ve been doing it all day in hopes that I can catch you out.”
You frowned at her and walked away, settling for sitting on the other side of the ship.
Laughing a little, Carol walked over, throwing a blanket around your shoulders as she sat with you.
“Come on, don’t be mad. I just wanted to talk to you, that’s all. I hear from Kamala you have really cool powers.”
“They’re not…”
Carol turned to look at you a little confused.
“What makes you say that?”
You rested your chin on your knees.
“Hey, whatever it is you can talk to me about it.” She whispered.
You looked at your best friend, shaking your head.
“I can’t.. I don’t want Kamala to know.. she’s so excited for us to be superhero’s and she’s my best friend..”
“She won’t, I won’t tell her.”
You didn’t say anything more.
“She knows you can’t control your powers.”
“She knows?”
“Yeah, but I can teach you. There was a time when I couldn’t control mine either.”
You turned to look at her.
“Well yeah, there’s a time when everybody doesn’t know how to control them kiddo, you just need somebody to teach you. That’s all. Can you tell me about your powers?”
You thought for a moment before explaining what you could to her.
“Right I see, so you manipulate light, you can use it to change the scenery around and make yourself invisible.”
You nodded.
“Okay, well, let’s train. Just us when the others are sleeping, yeah? Nobody will know.”
So, every night Carol would come find you, and you would both work on honing your powers, learning about them and the drawbacks of them.
You would get frustrated easily, and you would often leave, and she would give you your space.
But after a few days of hiding on the ship and avoiding her, you found her sitting in her chair staring out the window.
“Carol…?” You asked softly.
She turned around and smiled.
“I.. I’m sorry..”
“Come on kiddo, you don’t have anything to be sorry for, you’re trying, it’s hard I know. But if you don’t want to carry on, you don’t have to. You’ve got the basics now and you can control it, that’s what you wanted right?”
You shrugged a little bit.
“Well.. yeah.. but I want to help..”
Carol smiled.
“I learned this…”
You held out your hands and you focused, a small light forming in your palms, creating a little ball of light.
“Hey that’s really cool.” She grinned.
You walked over, placing it in her hands.
“Woah, it’s like a solid object.”
You nodded a bit.
“Can you control it?”
You moved your hand, moving the ball of light around, dropping it on the floor and watching as it bounced back up.
Carol caught it, tossing it in her hands.
She threw it at you and you quickly caught it.
Carol stood up, and she held her hands out to you, and you threw the ball back at her, both of you beginning to play a game of catch.
She grinned and you smiled a little bit at her.
“When this is over what’ll you do?” Carol asked.
You shrugged a little bit.
“Well, do you want to stay with me for a bit? You could carry on training your powers.”
You caught the light ball and looked at her.
“Well yeah, you’ve come a long way, and I would love to carry on helping you train. You’ve come a long way, and you’ve built up a lot of confidence.”
You looked at the ball of light, smiling to yourself slightly.
“I.. I would like that..”
Carol smiled at you.
You tossed back the ball, and she missed it, and it hit something breaking it and you quickly put your hands behind your back while looking away.
“That wasn’t me.”
Carol laughed.
“I didn’t see a thing.”
You grinned a little at her and she walked over, ruffling your hair a little.
“You’re a good kid.”
You smiled at her and she gestured to the broken cup.
“But you’re cleaning that up.”
You went to clean the mess you had made and she grinned a little bit.
She had grown used to having everybody around, so maybe having you around would be a good thing for her, and for you.
You needed a mentor, and she was more than happy to be that for you
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l8rs-gat0rs · 1 year
A Vampire Romcom
Pairing: Juliette Fairmont x AFAB!reader
Warnings(s): Pining, Smutty smut smut, lowkey a bit of angst and fluff at the end, *kinda* slow burn, Vampire stuff (blood sucking, blood lust, etc.), some y/n use, ONE POV change to Juliette, Juliette being a big fat Lesbian and attempting to flirt :)
Summary: You're a transfer student at Lancaster academy and you bump into a cute girl, what are the odds she's also a cute Vampire?
(Edit) DISCLAIMER: An anon has brought up that In the show, Juliette is canonically 16, and the fact that it says "Minors DNI". I know that she is 16 In the show, but in this fan fiction Juliette and the reader are in their senior year which would make them both 18 (or 19 in some circumstances). Also, ofc I'm not gonna go hunting after you for interacting with my post if you are a minor, but I have to put the disclaimer.
Word count: 4.2k
I'm back baybeeee!!! My summer was so busy and fun I didn't really have motivation to write but now it's back to uni and we are ignoring being homesick and all of our stress and problems by writing😎 Also, I know, I know about the requests, I'm working on them right after I finish that captain Marvel smut I was talking about (it's almost done dw) My brain won't let me work on requests until I finish my own ideas cuz it's weird like that lmao. Anyways I hope at least some of you enjoy this one and the next while you wait for your fics. I am terribly sorry about making you wait <3
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~~~~18+ minors DNI~~~~
You walked into Lancaster Academy and looked around.
It wasn't too bad compared to the other schools you've been to. It was actually quite nice if you were being honest, it felt more like a college campus than a high school.
You followed signs that pointed you to the main office. Classes had already started a month ago, but since you had just moved to Savannah, here you were, joining one month late, much to your perturbation.
You tried to convince your parents to let you skip the year and join the next one but, of course, they had absolutely shut that idea down.
Well, it was worth a shot.
You walked into the office and were greeted by the classic: an old lady with curly hair and glasses sitting at the desk.
"Hello, dear, how can I help you?" She smiled kindly at you.
"Hi, uh, I'm supposed to talk to Principal Waters? My name is y/n l/n, I just transferred here."
"Oh, yes! Miss l/n, you can go in, he's in there." She directed you.
You said "Thank you", giving her a small smile before walking into the principal's office.
When you walked in, he looked up and recognition filled his face.
"Ah, y/n, welcome! Please, sit." He gestured to one of the seats in front of his desk.
"Thanks." You said as you sat down, Principal Waters mirroring your action.
"So, today is your first day of classes. Here is your schedule, some information about clubs and whatnot, and lastly your gym uniform, which your parents already paid for." He handed you the things as he listed them off to you.
You organized them in your hands and nodded.
"Would you like me to give you a tour of the school and show you where your classes are?" He asked you.
Your eyes widened at his question.
"Oh, no no! That won't be necessary, I can find my way around." You quickly responded, shaking your free hand in the air in front of you in a waving motion.
He chuckled at your quick response.
"Alright, I get it. Well, your first class will start soon, so you should get a move on. Welcome to Lancaster Academy, y/n." Principal Waters smiled as you both stood up.
"Thanks." You shot him a crooked smile before leaving his office and subsequently the main office.
However as you were leaving the main office, you bumped into someone, dropping all of the papers and your gym uniform Principal Waters had given you.
"Oh, shit! I'm so sorry!" A voice said as both of you dropped down to pick up your stuff.
"No, it's okay, I wasn't looking where I was..." Your voice trailed off as you grabbed your things and looked up, meeting eyes with the girl you had bumped into.
"...going." You finished.
Holy shit she was cute.
She gave you a small smile as she handed you your gym uniform and schedule.
The two of you stood up and you awkwardly adjusted your backpack strap.
"U-um, are you new here? I've never seen you around." The other girl asked you sheepishly.
"Uh yeah, actually, I just transferred in today, I moved here recently." You responded, taking in her gorgeous blue eyes.
"Oh, cool, cool...Can I see your schedule? I mean, if you don't mind." She added quickly.
You smiled at her, oh she was absolutely adorable.
"Sure, here you go." You handed her your schedule.
She scanned over it before looking back at you.
"Oh, you're actually in my English class! I was just heading over, I mean, if you want to come with." She added nervously.
You smiled brightly at her.
"Oh, of course, it's not like I know the building anyway." You chuckled.
"Well, I could show you where all your classes are... I mean if you wanted me to, obviously!" She quickly added again, her eyes widening.
"Yeah, sure, that wouldn't be too bad, thanks." You smiled.
This was way better than Principal Waters showing you around.
She returned the action, melting your heart with her own smile.
"Alright, shall we head over?" You asked.
"Oh! Yeah, let's go." She said, starting to walk towards the classroom.
As you walked alongside her, you looked over to see her fiddling with her fingers and looking anywhere but at you. She was nervous.
"So… you gonna tell me your name or what?" You smirked as you spoke up.
Her eyes widened as she lifted her head to look at you.
"Oh, shit! I'm so sorry, I'm Juliette, what's your name?" She asked.
"Y/n." You responded with a relaxed smile.
"Y/n..." She repeated softly with a smile.
You would be lying if you said your heart didn't race at how delicious your name sounded coming from her mouth.
"You have a pretty name." You said as the two of you finally reached your classroom.
She blushed and looked down.
"Thanks, I really like yours, too." She smiled.
"Well, after you,” Juliette said, gesturing for you to walk through the door first.
"Why, thank you, madame." You thanked her with a slight bow, causing her to let out a giggle that was like music to your ears.
You grinned widely as you walked past her. You looked around the room in search of an open seat but pretty much all of them were taken.
"Um, you can sit next to me… if you want?" Juliette said shyly, slowly making her way over to her seat in case you wanted to follow.
"Sure." You smiled, following her to her desk.
You sat down, keeping your backpack on the floor next to you and taking your notebook out.
Right as you did, Mr. Porter, your English teacher, walked in. You were slightly disappointed you didn't get the chance to talk to Juliette more.
"Alright, class, good morning." He said as he quickly entered the room and set his things down on the desk.
He then stood in front of his desk and leaned on it, clapping his hands together before speaking.
"Before we begin, I have a little announcement."
Oh god, here we go.
You hid your head in your hands.
"As most of you might have noticed, we have a new student joining us. Would you like to introduce yourself?” he gestured to you.
Isn’t this high school? Nobody introduces new students these days!
Regardless, you stood up, much to your embarrassment.
You looked back over at Juliette, who gave you an encouraging, starry-eyed smile before you started speaking.
"Um, alright… hey guys, my name is y/n. Great to be here, I guess…" You muttered before sitting down, successfully earning a few laughs and snickers from your classmates, including an adorable giggle from Juliette at your poor attempt at a joke.
You smiled to yourself as Mr. Porter begrudgingly accepted your introduction.
He moved on to the lesson and you felt Juliette's eyes burning holes into your skin.
When you looked over at her though, she quickly looked away and you saw the tinge of red that coated her cheeks.
You smiled as you tried to pay attention to the lesson, but all that was on your mind was Juliette next to you.
You looked over at her and your small smile disappeared as you saw her head in her hands. She closed her eyes tightly and you could see her chest rising and falling quicker than normal. You put your arm around the back of her chair and leaned in to whisper into her ear.
"Hey, are you okay?" You asked, concern laced in your voice.
You pulled back a little, but not too much, as her head shot up and displayed her wide eyes and heavy red blush.
Your faces were close and you noticed her looking at your lips before she answered with a nod.
"Yeah, I just get bad migraines sometimes." She whispered back before reaching into her bag and grabbing a container of red pills, popping two into her mouth and swallowing.
You leaned back in your chair and watched her reaction. It seemed to imply instant relief, mixed with a bit of euphoria, as she closed her eyes and her heavy breathing gradually slowed down before she opened her eyes to look back at you with an uneasy smile.
Now it was your turn to be flustered. You quickly looked away, feeling your face heat up.
Holy shit, how could someone look hot just taking pills?!
For the rest of class, you tried not to look at Juliette too much, in fear of her noticing your bashfulness if it had returned, completely forgetting about how strange it was that the pills had worked instantly.
When the bell rang you quickly put your things in your bag and got up from your seat.
"Well, I got pre-calc right now, I noticed we passed the room earlier actually, so I guess I'll see you around?" You cocked your head at Juliette.
"Yeah, yeah, for sure! Um- I'm pretty sure we have lunch together, too, so I'll see you later I guess." She let out a nervous laugh, gripping her backpack straps.
Your eyes light up as you answer her, "Okay, great! Then I'll definitely see you later." You winked at her before quickly leaving the classroom.
The two other classes you had before lunch went pretty well. Surprisingly, you managed to make some friends who also had the same lunch period as you. You smiled as you walked to lunch with them, enjoying the mindless chatter going on between the lot of you, feeling a sense of normalcy for the first time since you moved to Savannah.
~~~Juliette's POV~~~
"Shhhhh! Keep your voice down!" Juliette ducked her head down and glanced around the lunch room, looking for any sign of you.
"Well, you can't blame me! You never talk to any of your crushes, you usually spend weeks trying to talk to them." Ben chuckled. Juliette however, cringed at the thought.
"Well, I was kind of thrown right into it, she bumped into me coming out of Principal Waters' office.” Juliette folded her arms.
"Woah, bitch, you had a whole rom-com moment!" Ben said excitedly.
"What? No..." Juliette blushed intensely.
"I don't even know if she likes girls, or if she likes me, for that matter..." Juliette confessed.
"Girl... does that girl seem straight to you?" Ben looks at Juliette pointedly, causing her to laugh.
"Hey, you can't judge a book by its cover." Juliette shrugged and played with her food, not actually eating it.
She was a prime example of that saying, she thought, with a feeling of guilt.
"I guess..." Ben shrugged.
"Hey, isn't that her?"
Juliette's head whipped around, her heart racing fast as she looked around to see your face.
She heard Ben laugh loudly behind her and she slapped his arm as her face turned red for probably the seventh time today.
"You suck." She rolled her eyes, a small smile teasing at her lips.
~~~Your POV~~~
You walked into the cafeteria with your friends and immediately looked around, trying to spot Juliette.
You spotted her facing a boy with his head thrown back in a fit of laughter.
You excused yourself from your friends for a moment, promising to find them in a bit, and made your way over to Juliette and the boy, causing the boy to perk up when he noticed you.
"Now she's actually here," Ben said as you approached them.
"I'm not falling for that again." Juliette said, crossing her arms.
"Falling for what?" You said, causing Juliette to jump up in surprise and turn around to look up at you quickly.
"Oh, y/n! You're here!" Juliette said, her voice cracking a bit and her face red from her seemingly constant blush.
"Yes, I am." You chuckled and sat down next to her.
"Um, y/n, this is my best friend since childhood, Ben." Juliette introduced you to the boy sitting across from her.
"Ah, nice to meet you." You greeted him with a smile.
"Nice to meet you, too, I've heard a lot about you from Juliette over here," Ben said, smirking.
You caught Juliette giving him a death glare before turning to you and chuckling nervously.
"He's just joking, I talked about you a normal amount." Juliette quickly clarified.
"Hey, I'm not complaining! It's nice to be remembered." You said with a smile.
"How could anyone ever forget you?" Juliette said softly, causing your heart to race.
You felt your face heat up and you looked down with a smile before looking back into Juliette's eyes.
"That's very sweet, thank you." You expressed genuinely.
Juliette blushed heavily and mumbled "It's no problem…" before looking at Ben who seemed to be trying to wordlessly tell her something.
"Oh! Uh, there's this party tonight at Noah Harrington's house. I'm going to be there with Ben… if you wanna come, too?" Juliette asked hesitantly.
You think about it for a moment before responding.
"Sure, why not?" You say, smiling as Juliette's eyes light up, with Ben silently celebrating in the background.
What a great wingman you thought to yourself.
"Alright, I made some friends today and I promised I would sit with them, so sadly I've got to go, but I guess I'll see you guys at the party tonight?" You said as you got up from the table.
"Yeah, definitely!" Juliette said, nodding.
"It was nice to meet you, Ben!" You said, nodding at the boy.
"You too!" He said with a smile.
As you walked away from the table you heard Ben speak up when you were a considerable distance away.
"You wanna fuck her so bad it makes you look stupid." He laughed.
"Ben shut up!" You heard Juliette yell, causing you to chuckle to yourself.
When you arrived at the party you went to get a drink right away before looking for Juliette and Ben.
You finished half of your semi-full cup before finding Juliette and Ben talking to each other with smiles on their faces.
Juliette looked adorable in a semi-short, casual form-fitting dress, and platform boots.
You make your way towards them and catch Ben's eye.
"Oh, y/n, hey!" Ben greets you.
Juliette turns around as you wave at Ben.
"Hey guys, what's up?" You smiled at both of them.
"Hey, you actually came!" Juliette said.
"Of course I did, why wouldn't I?" You asked her.
"I don't know actually..." She said sheepishly.
You laughed a bit before speaking again.
"There could’ve been a multitude of reasons why I wouldn't have come, actually, but I wouldn't leave you hanging, of course." You nudged her with your elbow gently, causing her to blush.
"Well, ladies, I think I spot a cute boy over there, so it's time for me to go work my magic." Ben said, wiggling his eyebrows and hips.
"Oh god,” Juliette said, chuckling.
"Woooo go Ben!" You cheered as he bowed and made his way over to the boy.
"Well, that's Ben for ‘ya." Juliette giggled causing your heart to soar.
"So... how are you liking Savannah so far?" Juliette asked, watching you take a swig of your drink.
"Hmm, I miss home obviously, but it's not too bad here. I've met some pretty cool people…" You winked at her.
A light blush seemed to coat her skin for the millionth time since you met her. It was endearing.
You suddenly felt a burst of courage. You couldn't tell if it was from the alcohol, or if you just couldn't take it any longer, but you chugged the rest of your drink and grabbed Juliette's hand, causing her to let out a little surprised yelp.
You quickly guided her through the party into a closet and pushed her inside, closing the door behind the two of you.
"Y/n, what-"
You cut Juliette off by pressing your lips to hers.
The kiss was full of passion as well as a bit of hunger and desperation.
Your hands cupped her face, feeling heat radiating from her cheeks.
You pulled away for air, your forehead pressed against Juliette's. The space didn't last long though, because Juliette pressed her lips back against yours, her body pushing your back up against the door.
"Jules..." You gasped lightly in between her breathtaking hungry kisses.
"Fuck, say my name again." Juliette groaned.
You grabbed her waist, flipping the two of you around and pushing her up against the door.
"Juliette." You whispered into her neck, starting to leave open-mouthed kisses on her neck.
She moaned, her back arching, causing her to push her body up into yours.
You had no clue how you were doing this in nearly complete darkness, with only a sliver of light coming through the closet; there was just enough light for you to make out Juliette's face. You didn't care, though.
All you could focus on was the fact that Juliette's hands were running all over your body, squeezing your ass and pulling you up against her.
Your hands, which rested on her hips, started to move downwards, squeezing her ass, earning a loud moan from Juliette.
"Shhhhh, we don't want anyone to hear us in here." You chuckled into her neck as you slipped one of your hands under her dress.
She whimpered lightly as you teased her, feeling her wetness soaking through her underwear.
"All this for me?" You pulled back from her neck and asked her teasingly, applying pressure to her core through the soaked fabric.
She gasped out, and maybe it was a trick of the light, but you could swear she had fangs.
You continued teasing at her core, gently applying pressure.
"Fuck, stop teasing." Juliette hissed.
"What if I don't feel like it?" You smirked.
"I swear to-"
You cut her off by pressing your lips to hers as soon as you quickly pulled her underwear down and plunged two of your fingers into her.
You swallowed her loud moans and smiled against her lips.
You slowly thrust your fingers in and out of her as you moved your kisses down her jaw and back up to her neck. You felt wetness rushing to your core as you listened to her moans and whimpers in your ear, feeling her breath hot against your already warm skin.
You used your knee to spread her legs apart a bit more, and your fingers sank deeper into her.
You could tell she was struggling to keep quiet as you sucked at the skin on her neck, definitely leaving a mark as your fingers moved at a steady pace.
Your free hand that held onto her hip snaked up her body under her dress, pulling it up along with your hand. You let out a shaky breath as you finally reached her breasts, slipping underneath her bra and slowly running your thumb over her nipple as you squeezed her breast lightly.
You felt her head fall against your shoulder as she breathed heavily, her body seemingly shaking as you added another finger and curled all of the digits inside her.
"You smell… so good…" She panted, and you felt her warm tongue lick the side of your neck.
You felt her hands that were gripping onto your jacket for dear life loosen a bit as one of her hands snaked its way into your pants and underwear, her fingers collecting your wetness.
"Juliette," You moaned her name into her neck, the pace of your own fingers inside her faltering as pleasure wracked your body.
"Shhhhh," She cooed.
Suddenly stars exploded in your eyes as you felt what you could only describe as her biting your neck as she plunged three of her fingers into you.
The pain of the bite, and sudden stretch of her fingers, lasted only a second before it morphed into pleasure.
She moaned against your neck as you felt a euphoric sensation, your head feeling a little light.
You groaned, resuming a quicker pace with your fingers, Juliette matching yours with her own fingers.
You dropped your hand from her breast and went back to holding onto Juliette's hip, this time for your own stability.
She pulled her head away from your neck and threw her head back at the same time as you, both of you quickening the pace of your fingers.
The heady, dizzy feeling left after a couple of seconds, leaving you feeling a bit confused, but yet again, you ignored it, focusing solely on the pleasure.
The closet was filled with heavy pants and breaths as the two of you worked your fingers inside each other.
You felt Juliette grab your face and bring her lips to yours.
You tasted something metallic as she pushed her tongue into your mouth.
"Jules are you-"
"Shhhh wait... I- I'm so close," She moaned.
And she was, you felt her walls clenching around her fingers, causing your own climax to grow nearer.
"I want you to cum with me." Juliette panted.
You nodded, your eyes struggling to focus on her face in the darkness, and your brain struggling to form any words through the haze.
Juliette quickened the pace of her fingers and curled them inside you just as you did earlier. You moaned and bit your lip hard, mirroring her actions.
"I'm g-gonna cum." You called out in a hushed tone, afraid of someone on the outside hearing you.
"Do it, cum with me, baby." Juliette responded breathily.
Her words pushed you over the edge, the two of you simultaneously coming undone.
Your legs shook as both of you stilled your fingers but still kept them inside each other, while Juliette leaned her back against the door and you leaned against her for support.
As the high from your orgasm wore away and you listened to both of your heavy breaths, you held Juliette, who felt so right in your arms.
Suddenly you remembered the taste in her mouth from earlier.
"Wait, Jules, were you bleeding or something earlier?" You asked her worriedly.
"Wh-what? No?" She said quickly, and now that your eyes had adjusted once more in the darkness of the closet, you could see her eyes widened.
"Are you sure? I tasted-"
"I'm a vampire." She said quickly.
The silence was deafening as you slowly stood back from her.
“Wait! Let me explain!" She burst out.
"Okay..." You said cautiously.
You saw her shuffle a little bit before finding the light switch and flicking it on.
You both blinked a couple of times before your eyes adjusted to the light.
"Okay, so..." She sighed heavily before continuing.
"Like I said, I'm a vampire. And, that blood you tasted... that was… your blood." Her face cringed.
You slapped your hand over your neck, your eyes widening.
"I knew I felt you bite me! Wait..." A confused expression dawned on your face as you tried to feel for the bite mark.
"The bite mark disappears. I'm... a different kind of vampire." She confessed. You heard a bit of guilt in her voice.
"You didn't drain me..." You said, confusion lacing your voice.
Her eyes widened once again, "I would never drain you, I would never drain anyone! I don't kill." She said firmly.
"I don't want to hurt people, and I would never ever hurt you." She continued sincerely, putting her hand on her chest.
"Then why did you bite me?" You asked her, your heart racing.
"I- I couldn't control myself, it's just..." She looked down for a second trying to collect herself before her eyes met yours again.
"I have heightened senses so, I could smell your arousal and your blood racing through your veins, I could hear your heart beating fast. My… bloodlust has been out of control recently." She cringed at the word bloodlust.
"My family is part of a long line of vampires called Legacy Vampires. We're day walkers. After my 16th birthday, everything started getting worse, and my family started pressuring me to have my first kill. That's the only way to stop everything from getting even worse. But I don't want to kill anyone! That's why you've seen me taking those pills. They help me, but… it's starting to not be enough." She looked away from you once again.
You felt your heart sink. Juliette clearly didn't want to hurt anyone, but she was struggling to fight against her own nature because of that.
You moved closer to her, wrapping your arms around her and hugging her tightly, seemingly catching her by surprise.
“I'm sorry you have to go through this, Juliette," You said, holding onto her and closing your eyes, taking in the smell of her shampoo.
"You're not a monster. And I don't care that you bit me. You didn't choose to be a vampire." You affirmed.
You felt her body slightly tremble against you and you pulled away from her, but still kept your arms around her.
Tears were steadily falling from her eyes as her bottom lip trembled.
"Thank you. That is honestly the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. I thought you would hate me forever after this and be disgusted."
"Never. How could I ever hate you? Much less disgusted by your adorable self?" You smiled lightly, wiping the tears from her cheeks with your thumbs.
She let out a broken noise that was between a sob and a laugh as she smiled, holding onto your hands. You kissed her softly as you cupped her face in your hands, your heart fluttering in your chest.
“What do you say we get out of this closet, ditch this party, and go somewhere? Just the two of us." You asked her.
"I'd like that." Juliette said softly.
"Then it's a date." You smiled.
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yesbutmakeitgay · 2 months
The Anesthetic Never Set In
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GIF by femaledaily
Carol Danvers x Reader
We’ve Loved A Thousand Lives
Same beginning, different story every time.
Part 5
Angst with a happy ending, Injuries, Exes. Beta'd by @cordeliasdarling 💜
Word count: 1.6k
Masterlist | This collection | AO3
Captain Marvel walks back into her ship after another successful mission wanting for nothing more than to relax and rest until she senses someone else’s presence in her space home.
She walks slowly, pointing one of her lit up fists in a general forward direction, "I know you’re in here, who are you? Who sent you?" she warns the intruder.
She turns the lights on to find you, supporting all your weight on the kitchen counter. Her brows furrow in confusion, "You?" Her tone is displeased, but not quite angry.
"I didn't know where else to go," you mumble back, she feels a little embarrassed she felt threatened by her ex, "trust me, I would rather die than ask for help," you say through gritted teeth, trying to keep the pain from taking over you.
She remains standing by the doorway as she takes in your state, your whole body is scattered with bruises and cuts, and you are clearly bleeding out of somewhere, "So you came to me?"
"Thought I'd let you kill me instead, I know you've been waiting a long time to do that," you joke.
"That's a lot of blood." She quickly walks over to help you.
"I was thinking the same thing, but then, I wasn't sure if it's mine," you slur in your loopy state, suddenly feeling lightheaded, and letting your body fall onto Carol.
"It is definitely yours, come on," she assures as she takes you to the small medical room Fury forced her to set up if she ever wanted to have Kamala on board again.
She lays you down on the bed and begins patching you up, "What happened to you?"
"Nothing, I’m fine," you quickly bite back.
 "Wanna try that again?" she coaxes as she wraps up a deep cut in your forearm.
"I don't wanna talk about it."
"Later, then." The atmosphere isn't awkward or bitter, she's just trying to help you like she would any of her teammates.
She finally lifts your shirt to address the source of your heavy bleeding, after disinfecting it, she realizes you're gonna need stitches, "I don't have any anesthesia, sorry." She does the job as fast and careful as she can to minimize your discomfort, but maybe she enjoys inflicting pain on you a little, if only because it's necessary.
She finishes cleaning up the rest of your wounds and lets you rest for the night, though you find it difficult to sleep in the dismal room.
The next morning, she comes to you at 6:30, and you're already awake, "Missed me?" you snark, feeling slightly better.
Carol gives you an eye roll, it seems her kind energy was all spent the day before and she has no more left, "I need to know where to drop you off."
To be honest, you hadn't thought this far ahead, "I don't know, where are you going?"
"On my way to New Asgard."
"I'll come with," you respond without even considering it.
She crosses her arms, "Aren't you banned from entering?"
You had forgotten about that small detail, "That's none of your business." Turns out if you ghost a King, they don't like it when you try to visit their land again, you learned that the hard way.
She puts her arms up in fake surrender, "Fine, we land in 10 hours, you'd better be able to walk by then." This isn't how she imagined reuniting with you would be, but alas, she begins to leave.
"Hey," you blurt out making her turn on her feet, there's a sparkle in her eyes that you're too drowsy to notice, "do you have, like, food?"
She sighs, "Sure, I'll bring something down for you."
After a few minutes she brings your favorite, you don't know if it was on purpose, or if she even remembers, but it makes you all fuzzy inside.
Hours later you hear the ship's voice announce the prompt arrival to New Asgard, so you make your way to the entrance, groaning and limping with every step. Carol is already there, all suited up and ready to go.
She gives you a once over, you're bleeding through your bandages, and her dubious stitch work is showing under your shirt, "You don't have to come, I can take you to the Avengers compound later, I’m sure Fury will let you back in," she hesitates, feeling somewhat responsible for you now.
"I would rather die twice than go to the Avengers," you groan.
"Yeah, well, Valkyrie is not gonna let you set foot in New Asgard, and I’m not letting you die on my ship, so just wait a few hours, then you can be Fury's problem." You deflate slightly, accepting defeat, "There’s more food in the fridge if you can make it to the kitchen," she snarks.
"Thanks." It's not just about the food, she's gone out of her way to help you, to care for you, you didn't expect even a fraction of what she's doing when you first arrived.
You watch Carol exit and wait for the door to close before dropping on the couch, succumbing to the pain, eventually drifting off to sleep.
You wake up to Carol cursing from the control panel, "Keep it down," you mumble instinctively.
She comes out to stand in front of you, "The engine isn't starting, we're stranded."
"We're not stranded, this is basically your second home."
"You're right, I’m not stranded, you are," she asserts with a cocky smirk, you look up at her with exhausted eyes.
She takes some pity on you, knowing you aren't in a position to be of use. She goes back down to get help, and re enters with The King of New Asgard following her closely while you remain rotting on the couch.
Valkyrie glances at you from the corner of her eye, and her features immediately turn to disgust as she tries her best to ignore you. She tails Carol down to the engine to see what the problem is.
The next time you wake up, you're cruising somewhere in space, it looks like they fixed the ship, and you didn't have to piss Valkyrie off by existing near her any longer.
Your body feels different, so you try to figure out why. All of your bandages are a lot cleaner than you remember, seems Carol took advantage of your nap to change them.
Upon noticing you're awake, The Captain brings breakfast to the couch, she sets a tray on the coffee table as you fight for your life to sit up.
"Didn't you also date Valkyrie?" you ask, breaking the silence.
Carol chuckles, "I wouldn't call what you did 'dating,' but yes, briefly."
"Twinsiesss," you exclaim out of nowhere, making Carol scrunch up her nose.
"Don't use that word, only Kamala can speak to me like that."
"When did you become such a hard ass?"
"That's not it, I just don't like young people lingo."
"How old do you think I am?"
"I know how old you are!" The playful banter helps you both feel a lot more at ease with each other.
"What happened to us? We were so good together," you muse in a more serious tone.
"We were terrible together," she counters, still with a smile on her face.
"That is not true, we had fun!" you bargain.
"Not everything is about fun."
You take a sip of your coffee, "Come on, you never miss me?"
"Never ever?"
She bites her lip, "Maybe sometimes it gets lonely up here."
"Would you say you get bored?"
She scoffs, "My job is way too interesting,"
"Your job of punching bad guys?"
"My job of saving galaxies!"
You side eye her with a grin, "Is that on your resume?"
"Perhaps." She returns your cocky look.
"Right next to 'great strap game'?" you tease, she playfully elbows you right on your stitches, "Ow, what the hell!" you scream in real pain.
She covers her gasp with her hand, "I’m so sorry!"
"Are you trying to make it look like an accident?" you snark through the discomfort.
"It's your fault, don't make sex jokes."
"What a prude, it's not even a joke, I could ask Valkyrie, and we could take a vote."
"Oh, please, you'd be toast before you even set both feet on the ground," Carol changes the subject, "what did you do to her, anyway?"
"She can't even bare the sight of you because you did 'nothing'?"
Suddenly, you shrink, "She wanted things to get serious and I didn't," you clear your throat, Carol raises her eyebrows prompting you to continue, "so I stopped picking up her calls," you slur.
"Why on Earth would you do that?" she scolds you.
"Because I couldn't get over you." It comes out as a whisper.
After a moment, Carol gets up to put the dirty dishes on the sink. You slowly follow to help her, you're more than struggling, but you feel like you must give back in some way.
"I really didn't want to come to you, there's just something comforting about your ship. I mean, I'd rather not be bleeding out of multiple parts of my body, but if I have to, this is a nice place to do it."
"I’m sure your blood is scattered on every surface of this place," Carol smiles, reminiscing about all your past missions together.
"Don't be." She knows it’s not your fault being human.
"I was reckless, but I’m not anymore," you assure her.
"So, what exactly happened to you?"
You suck on your teeth, avoiding eye contact, "I was reckless." She decides not to push the subject further.
"Did you?" she pries, turning around after she finishes doing the dishes, "Get over me?"
"I—no," you admit bashfully.
"I don't want to kill you, you know?" she hesitates, "I don’t blame you for what happened to us."
"That's nice to hear." You hope deep in your heart that she means it.
She gently holds your hand, "It just wasn't the right time, but maybe it is now."
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