#Cancer Horoscope Prediction
suchananewsblog · 2 years
Horoscope Today, February 10, 2023 - Times of India
Aries: Today you feel dull, you may not feel healthy, you may likely find yourself standing at a crossroads. It is advised to follow your intuition before making some important decision. It is advised to drive safely and shall avoid adventure tourism. You may criticize yourself, you may find it difficult to make some important decisions, which may be a reason for your lack of self confidence. It…
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bestcareerprection · 2 years
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Cancer people are considered as the sign which has a dual face. They are playful and intellectually curious, and if they want assistance for the day, then reading Cancer Daily Horoscope from the website of Dr. Vinay Bajrangi can prove really helpful in making essential life decisions. You can read your daily horoscope from the website of Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, irrespective of the moon sign you are born with. Apart from that, his website also contains information about Vedic Astrology's different aspects.
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8thhousepriestess · 17 days
[ PT. 1 ] — A SERIES
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truevedicastrology · 10 months
Unraveling Mars Across the Astrological Houses 1-12
In the realm of Vedic Astrology, the cosmic dance of celestial bodies paints a unique tapestry within the twelve houses of your chart. Each house, a stage for planetary performances, unravels a saga of influences. Mars, the celestial warrior, graces these houses, igniting diverse flames that shape one's essence. Let's embark on an odyssey through the cosmic abode of Mars, unwinding the enigmatic energies it bestows upon each house.
#1 The Martian Incarnation in the First House In the inaugural house, Mars orchestrates a symphony of war and aggression. Aligned with Aries, Scorpio, and Leo, this celestial warrior molds individuals with an innate inclination towards assertiveness. While viewed as a double-edged sword, the Martian presence ignites an indomitable spirit, fostering drive and self-reliance. The pulsating energy may, at times, manifest impulsively, a testament to the intricate dance between strength and restraint.
#2 Mars' Stint in the Second House As Mars graces the second house, financial realms become a canvas for its assertive strokes. Ventures burgeon with calculated risks, unveiling a heightened awareness of one's worth. The duality emerges – a prowess in wealth accumulation juxtaposed against the specter of aggression and competitiveness. Mars in the second house, a financial maestro, beckons a narrative of both prosperity and caution.
#3 The Enigma of Mars in the Third House Nestled in the third house, Mars births assertiveness and boundless energy. A harbinger of curiosity, individuals become swift responders, navigating life impulsively. Independence becomes a beacon, steering the ship of self-control. Yet, the paradox unfolds – the boon of ambition accompanied by the bane of impulsivity. Mars in the third house, an enigmatic force, grants vigor, demanding a delicate balance.
#4 Mars' Homely Vigor in the Fourth House In the fourth house, Mars dons the mantle of a domestic force. A patriotic fervor, a love for the home, and an independent streak mark its presence. The warrior's link to the land roots individuals deeply, fostering both independence and combativeness. A complex interplay unfolds – self-reliance and ambition converging with potential aggression and impatience.
#5 The Fiery Canvas of the Fifth House Within the fifth house, Mars paints a portrait of fiery spirit, impulsive nature, and quick temperaments. The canvas reveals a penchant for challenge, drawing individuals to conflict-laden arenas. Energies surge, propelling assertiveness and focus, yet pitfalls loom. Negative signs cast shadows – anger, conflict, and potentially dangerous inclinations. Mars in the fifth house, a dynamic brushstroke, depicts both vitality and caution.
#6 Mars' Work Ethic in the Sixth House Positioned in the sixth house, Mars becomes the driving force in the realm of work and service. An individual emerges, resilient, driven, and dutiful. Work ethic becomes an emblem, and competitiveness a potent ally. Yet, lurking beneath are shadows of over-competitiveness and relentless perfectionism. The sixth house echoes with the paradox of ambition and stress, demanding a nuanced understanding.
#7 Mars' Assertiveness in the Seventh House In the seventh house, Mars radiates with assertiveness and confidence. Ambition drives a thirst for achievement, entwined with an individual's maturity and chart dynamics. The pendulum swings – a testament to both beneficial leadership qualities and impulsive tendencies. Balanced management of impulses becomes pivotal, lest they cascade into destructive behaviors.
#8 Mars' Determination in the Eighth House As Mars graces the eighth house, determination and focus come to the fore. A relentless pursuit of goals defines this period, where hard work intertwines with assertiveness. Yet, the delicate equilibrium trembles – the risk of veering into aggression and impulsive realms surfaces. A thorough exploration of individual placements is imperative to unravel the intricacies of Mars in the eighth house.
#9 Mars' Influence in the Ninth House Ninth-house encounters with Mars bring forth a tapestry of beliefs and emotions. Attractions to power and authority emerge, adding complexity to professional and personal landscapes. A compelling trait arises, juxtaposed with potential insecurities. The ninth house dances on a tightrope, balancing a robust belief system with a rebellious streak, navigating a journey through philosophy and self-discovery.
#10 Mars' Ambitions in the Tenth House In the tenth house, Mars signals a symphony of ambition, competitiveness, and an ardent desire for success. A canvas painted with determination unfolds, portraying an individual driven to leave an indelible mark on the world. However, caution is advised – the penchant for aggression and excessive competitiveness lurks, posing potential conflicts with others.
#11 Mars' Vision in the Eleventh House Nestled in the eleventh house, Mars orchestrates a vision of energy, assertiveness, and a commitment to the greater good. A leader or pioneer emerges, propelled by an unwavering desire to make a difference. The dichotomy of strength and challenge surfaces – a surge of energy, passion, and initiative intertwined with the shadows of anger, aggression, and impulsiveness.
#12 Mars' Passion in the Twelfth House Mars takes residence in the twelfth house, unveiling a passionate and determined individual unafraid of confronting challenges. A leader in the shadows, creativity intertwines with self-expression. Challenges arise – struggles with self-confidence and hesitations in taking worldly actions. Yet, strengths surface – a reservoir of passion, drive, and intuitive prowess. The twelfth house echoes with the complexity of self-expression and an innate talent for healing.
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Sidereal ASC signs that will be traveling during 2024-2025:
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This could occur with Jupiter special aspects (5th and 9th from itself) to their 3H and 9H. It could be traveling within your own country or to a complete different one as well. Be it for vacation, work or even studies.
• Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
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• Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
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Particularly for Virgo and Pisces it could happen unexpectedly, with little notice, nor opportunity to organize a lot, and this is mainly due to Uranus transiting the same sign as Jupiter. It may happen several times during the upcoming years since Uranus is a slow moving planet, so be aware that disruption in these houses (3H & 9H) will be present in some way. Stay flexible in order to handle it as best as possible!
If you’d like to know further exactly how likely this is to happen for you, the reasoning behind it, and even possible outcome book with me via DM for a transit reading 🦋✨
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geeta1726 · 6 months
Hi Geeta,
What does semi-Mangalik means ? If you download kundalini in certain websites , you get this result.
Does semi manga Dosha ends when you turn 28.
"Semi-Mangalik" or "Semi-Manglik" is a term that is sometimes used in Vedic astrology to describe individuals who have a partial or incomplete Mangal Dosha, also known as Manglik Dosha. Mangal Dosha occurs when the planet Mars (Mangal) is positioned in certain houses in the birth chart, particularly the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house. It is believed to bring challenges or disturbances in married life, such as conflicts, health issues, or obstacles in finding a suitable partner.
In the context of "semi-Mangalik," it typically indicates that Mars is positioned in one of the mentioned houses but may not be in a strong enough placement to fully activate the Mangal Dosha. Therefore, the influence of Mangal Dosha is considered to be less severe or mitigated.
Regarding the question of whether semi-Mangalik Dosha ends when a person turns 28, it's essential to understand that astrology interpretations can vary, and different astrologers may have different perspectives on this matter.
Some believe that the malefic effects of Mangal Dosha, including semi-Mangalik Dosha, reduce with age, particularly for men, as Mars is considered to mature around the age of 28. However, this does not mean that the Dosha disappears entirely. It may still have some impact on marital life, depending on other factors in the individual's birth chart and the compatibility between partners.
Ultimately, the concept of Mangal Dosh and its implications are complex, so you can use Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 software. Which can give you accurate information. And can also tell the remedies to eliminate Manglik Dosha.
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saylessastrology · 6 months
2024 Solar Return Predictions 💜💅🏾💁🏾‍♀️
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astrology-prediction · 7 months
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Astrology, a time-honored belief system, claims a fascinating connection between celestial bodies and human attributes, creating distinct personalities based on zodiac signs. Confidence is important to one's character and a vital influence in the tapestry of life, shaping relationships, job paths, and personal progress. In this enlightening research, we set out to uncover the cosmic truths behind the top five most confident zodiac signs.
Consider the universe to be a huge stage, with planets and stars exerting an impact on us from the minute we are born. As we navigate this celestial stage, certain zodiac signs stand out for their extraordinary confidence, which shines through in all parts of their lives. We dig into the unique viewpoints that define the assertive personalities of these confident zodiac signs through the prism of astrology, revealing the celestial factors that contribute to their unflinching self-assurance.
Prepare to be charmed by the celestial dance as we reveal the astrological complexities that characterize confidence in the zodiac realm. From the fiery courage of Aries to the regal self-assurance of Leo, each sign has a unique key to comprehending the cosmic design of confidence in the human experience.
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astrosolutions · 9 months
What is the Cancer Horoscope Prediction in 2024?
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Cancer horoscope 2024: This year will prove to be favorable for you in terms of love and financial life. Your interest in religious matters will be awakened. This year you should pay special attention to your health. You will complete your work with full diligence and efficiency, which will strengthen your position in the job. You will also become pious and go on long journeys.
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alyjojo · 9 months
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New Year Reading for 2024! 🌟 - Cancer
Preshuffle: You’re moving away from a situation that’s kept you stuck, bound, or trapped for a long time, moving towards optimism, a dream, something that feels more authentic for your soul’s purpose, and consciously healing from whatever hurt/dramas are being left behind. I heard “you’ve got this!”
Meditation: Your door was watery, shifty, changing, like looking through colored glass, and when I opened it, I got hit with a massive tidal wave of water (representing emotions). You were sitting in a hot air balloon that had been submerged for who knows how long, and you smiled really big and said “finally!” before lighting up the balloon and taking off. You’re being released from something that’s had a hold on you emotionally, and it feels like freedom, or freeing, like you can do anything/something you’ve been held back from or unable to do.
🔸 Whole of Your Energy: The Sun & 9 Swords
Regarding: The Star ⭐️
Very similar to your meditation. Especially for those of you in relationships, but also generally, with Happy Accident connecting these two, you’re realizing how events in your life have changed things - outside of your own decision making or conscious mind, and things have or will turn out for the best. You’re finding new faith in yourself, your life journey, Spirit, your committed relationships, and the things you’ve had to let go of along the way (also something you’re still working on - the leaving behind). You don’t have to sit in indecision, fear, or worry anymore to know that where you are and where you’re going is where you’re supposed to be, or going. If not, Spirit will let you know, they always do. 9 Swords shows the deepest darkest recesses of your mind, the things that plague you and play in a loop, over and over again in your head. For most this can be related to mental health, either discovering & using tools that calm the mind or waking up to how your own mind works against you, and maybe has been - especially in relationships. The Sun ☀️ brings this to light, so you can let it go and move towards a more positive & optimistic future. It feels like shedding skin, this Death relates to what’s gone, but it’s more like the transformation of yourself - inside. For the risings, Jupiter moving to your 12th House with Saturn in your 9th shows spiritual experiences, learning about the unconscious, whether outwardly or inwardly, both. Some of you are on the verge of spiritual awakenings. Or learning your unconscious mind, behaviors, habits, self destructive tendencies.
🔸 Character Card: The Cartographer 🖊️
This is an energy of remembering every single little thing, where you’ve been and what you’ve done up to this point, appreciating the sights and experiences you’ve overcome, and now being at a crossroads to determine where to go next. When fear or worry plagues your mind, embrace courage instead.
“There is freedom waiting for you, On the breezes of the sky, And you ask "What if I fall?" Oh but my darling, What if you fly?” 🦅 ― Erin Hanson
General & Relationship Oracle:
61 - Happy Accident
Fortunate accidents can act as guides to edit and be open to where you should go next.
🔸 Relationship: 10 Cups & Page of Swords
Regarding: Wheel of Fortune
Beautiful energy for those of you in relationships, Happy Accident is connected to this as well and you could find yourself feeling very grateful for things that have happened you never could’ve seen coming. Wheel of Fortune is very lucky for you, 7 Pentacles & 6 Cups follow showing that seeds you’ve planted in the past are going to bear fruit this year and leave you feeling very happy and fulfilled - 10 Cups. The Sun, 10 Cups & Wheel of Fortune are all tens - endings - the best kinds. Some of you could have new family members, babies, whether yours or other people’s, and it’s a feeling of “the more, the merrier!”
Just as you’re learning more about yourself, your mental space, and the things that make you feel good (or make you feel ick), you’re also waking up to what 10 Cups is for you - the “happily ever after” card. It may have changed from what it used to be, or rather what’s happened outside of your control or expectations - has changed how you view happiness, true love, and what it is that makes you feel deeply fulfilled, when it comes to love & happiness. You may have have grown up wanting a farm and now are actually grown and realize no…you just want a cute little house somewhere warm, and a few cats 🐈 And that’s exactly what you have, you just never knew that’s what you wanted. Or switch it however, maybe you wanted a boat and developed a fear of water, no longer wanting a boat. Could be anything.
🔸 Singles: The Magician & The High Priestess
Regarding: 3 Wands rev
Don’t shoot the messenger, but I don’t see you guys even wanting a full-blown relationship this year. You’re too happy doing things on your own. I do see something you’ve tried to manifest quietly, maybe some sneaky fling or a quiet kind of affair, not working out or not showing up at all if that’s what you’ve been involved in. 10 Pentacles with 4 Cups at the bottom, either you’re interested in someone that’s involved already (that’s not working out), or you’re not interested in having this for yourself. It’s possible you date someone that has a whole family, kids, ex baby mama/daddy and you would rather opt out. Why dedicate yourself to a joint situation when you can just *not* and feel perfectly fulfilled in your own self? It’s all too much, and if it’s too much, it’s probably not for you. Not this year anyway.
9 Pentacles shows you feeling financially secure, independent, happy doing what you want, when you want, you don’t “need” anyone, which nods towards what needs to be left behind and any past abandonment issues and this feeling of “needing” someone. You’ve realized you don’t 💯 You’re good. Or you will. Page of Wands could show some flirty invitations, dates even, connections that don’t go too far but you’re not sitting around like a dud either. Wheel of Fortune comes out showing that of the people coming in and going out, one or more of these could be karmic in nature or even divinely guided to you. Wheel of Fortune also shows up with those in relationships, and “happy accidents”, so just because you’re not getting a full-blown 10 Pentacles this year, doesn’t mean that you won’t meet someone worthwhile. Someone that changes what you thought you wanted even. They likely won’t fit what you thought you wanted, they’re re-writing it altogether. They’re different than your usual type, that’s all I get from them, deep down you’ll know it’s *something* more than meets the eye - The High Priestess. Feels like a very spiritual connection, whether either of you are deeply spiritual or not, could be that too. You won’t move too fast with anyone though, and I get them changing your mind. The right one is single, not in a relationship.
Describe “the right one” for Singles:
They got The Sun & 9 Swords, the same two cards in your general energy, and The Enchanter.
Not the greatest energy tbh, they’re a deceiver, or at least they have been before. This person could have a shadowy past, formerly a player, you can’t tell if they’re genuine or if it’s all “smoke and mirrors”, they’re very charming and could be an entertainer or get a lot of attention with whatever they do. Whether or not this is “the one”, they will bring all of your fears, worries, and anxieties out into the light for you to face, consciously recognize, and heal. Either way it’s a karmic lesson for your highest good. Some of you are waking up to this on your own, the right one is yourself 💯, and others will be doing this because of another person showing it to you, or the experience with them will. It’s possible you’re the one doing this for them too, karmic relationships are a two-way street. For those of you waiting around on someone that’s in a relationship, you could be all of this energy, and the reality of your situation has simply shown it to you, because they’re 4 Cups…not choosing you, apathetic, bored, not committing, not genuinely in this. Choosing this. They don’t.
Singles Oracle:
26 - Accomplishment
Remember past accomplishments as a way to overcome present self-doubt.
🔸 Career: The Fool & 4 Cups
Regarding: Death
Career is the least stable of all of these areas, because I don’t see you giving a damn about any jobs you’ve ever had, nor the one you currently have, probably not the one you go after next. You’re bored, apathetic, you don’t even care, it’s just a paycheck. Necessary, but you don’t see it going anywhere, and because there’s no real growth potential, it could cause some of this 9 Swords mental strife that’s coming to light in your energy. You may have jumped from job to job to job and hate them all, so you quit that one and still need one, hop to another, hate that shit, quit, crap I need money, etc. 4 Swords clarifying shows you need a break, meditation time, a vacation from whatever you’re doing to calm your mind this year - career futures are a part of this, because of The Star. What do you really want? Obviously being a millionaire. What would you enjoy doing every day? What do you feel is your soul’s purpose? And what would it take to get somewhere more aligned with what that is? I don’t see results this year, at least not for everyone in this general reading. But this reading could even be “the seed” of your Oracle, or something else, planting this in your brain to consider…who do you want to be?
I see it possible you’re taking care of someone with health issues, maybe even impulsively quitting a job to be available for that - likely a parent or spouse. Or staying at a job you hate for the same reasons. You could be needing to leave behind a job due to health reasons, even mental health, could be temporary, rehab is possible for someone. There’s a Death here, and needing to heal or recover, in a way that’s positive & has the potential to grow. Some of you could decide to work in health industries, focusing on getting better, physical therapy, pharmaceuticals, or even a health food store type of thing, protein powders and fish oil, etc., that’s for someone. There will be a time period of endings, a break period - not just jumping into something else you hate, meditation & healing helping you move towards a more authentic path - The Star. What that entails may not be easy though.
Career Oracles:
32 - Details
Examine your situation and take care of every detail, one step at a time.
15 - Seed
Having the intention to grow like a seed and bloom is at the heart of creativity.
🔸 What needs to be left behind in 2023: King of Swords & 5 Pentacles
Regarding: 8 Cups rev
For many this is saying you need to be fair & see things from a logical mindset, in regards to popping in and out of other’s lives - and how they will treat you because of this. An apology could be helpful, where you’re the culprit. For some, this King of Swords could be a particular person that does this to you, you do, or this is you. They leave and come back, and leave and come back. For some, there could be an apology coming to you, and for others you need to be the one that walks away from this dynamic. Or just set the bar, King of Swords, “you can’t just walk in and leave again, I’m not going to keep allowing this”. This King doesn’t have to be mean, but he’s emotionally detached, he gives no fks & his words don’t have any added sugar either, he is detached and says what needs to be said, drawing a line in the sand with his sword. Facts are facts. Air energy. He’s quick to cut off what no longer serves him, and in some cases you might have to, but Cooperation is more of a positive card to go with this, and 3 Pentacles clarifies that - meaning the same thing. For some, this may be an ex you share a child with and they’re ducking out on their kid, not showing up, not doing their job. King of Swords can be a judge or some kind of lawful official too, Page of Pentacles can be contracts. Take them to court 💯 Then it would be “cooperation” itself being left behind, or someone could be doing this to you, or has. For most it’s the in & out situation that needs to stop - in favor of being with people that are like-minded and support you, that you can count on. They actually show up. For others, there could’ve already been a legal or custody issue, and you’re leaving it behind *in favor* of teamwork and cooperation, especially if you have a child.
Release Oracle:
25 - Cooperation
Your goal can benefit from you surrounding yourself with like-minded people.
🔸 Astrological Shifts in 2023 (for Risings):
Jan 01 - Mercury direct in Sag
Jan 21 - Pluto enters Aqu (again) - 8th House ☠️
Feb 14 - Mars conj. Pluto Aquarius - 8th House ☠️ - likely intense, sexual, powerful, & transformative, marriage/divorce for some
Mar 09 - Mars Aqua squares Uranus Tau at 5:55 P.M. - likely a day of conflict
Mar 21 - Venus conj Saturn Pis - love & boundaries go hand in hand
Mar 25 - Lunar Eclipse in Lib - 4th 🏡
Apr 01 - Mercury retrogrades Ari - 10th 🔨
Apr 08 - Solar Eclipse in Ari - continued lessons from the nodes throughout this year, issues between masculine/feminine likely, father/mother, action/reception, others/self
Apr 24 - Mercury direct
May 18 - Venus conj Uranus & Sun conj Jupiter, all in Taurus - 11th 🤝, could be very lucky with money/investments, networking & friends at this time, growth & expansion
May 25 - Jupiter enters Gem - 12th 😵‍💫, one of the more positive 12th placements - spiritual protection & possible awakening
May 29 - Mars conj Chiron Ari @ 22’ - 10th 🔨 addressing pain related to father, work, reputation, authority
June 29 - Lilith enters Lib - 4th 🏡 Only felt with close aspects, may be a source of contention in the home/with the mother, or related to these things
July 06 - Venus Can square Chiron Ari - 1st 🫵 vs. 10th 🔨- issues with a father/boss/job may come to light, old wounds or new ones, could feel attacked or old wounds are triggered
Aug 04 - Mercury retrogrades Vir-Leo - 3rd 🗣️ & 2nd 💰
Aug 19 - Venus Vir opposes Saturn Pis & Jupiter Gem squares both - T square of 3rd 🗣️, 9th 😇, and 12th 😵‍💫 - could have a major spiritual experience, a crisis in belief, an awakening, learning about unconscious habits, behaviors, possible counseling, expansion of the mind, beliefs and understanding - being a student of life energy, good or bad
Aug 27 - Mercury direct Leo
Sept 01 - Pluto enters Cap (last time) - 7th ❤️
Sept 16 - Venus Lib opposes Chiron Ari @ 22’ - 4th 🏡 & 10th 🔨- not a fan of the degree being 22’, involves or address pain with father, work, masculine, a reoccurring theme this year
Sept 17 - Partial Lunar Eclipse Pis - 9th 😇, preparing for the nodes to shift next year
Oct 02 - Solar Eclipse Lib - 4th 🏡
Nov 19 - Pluto enters Aqu (for good) - 8th ☠️
Nov 25 - Mercury retrogrades Sag - 6th 🤒🐶
Dec 06 - Mars retrogrades Leo - 2nd 💰
Dec 15 - Mercury direct Sag
Dec 24 - Jupiter Gem squares Saturn Pis - 12th 😵‍💫 vs 9th 😇 - extremely spiritual indications here, pay close attention to your experiences at this time, you’re meant to learn from them, may be unconscious to you initially.
Happy New Year! 🥳
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Weekly Tarot Guidance: 26.11.23 – 02.12.23
Aries You have a lot of ideas on your mind and want to implement it faster. But still confused about how will it work? Even if it feels like time is running out, take one step at a time, and build a solid foundation that can withstand anything. And for trying new things you have to break the typical way of thinking and implementing things. Think out of the box and you will be surprised to see…
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Cancer might be thrilled today - Times of India
Cancer might be thrilled today – Times of India
An individual’s persona is set by the traits and traits given in his horoscope. This Cancer Horoscope for fifteenth January is set by the place of the moon and solar. How will you’re feeling if you happen to come to know what is going to occur all through the day for Cancer? Horoscopes give us a touch about all of the issues that we’re going to face for all the day.Read your Cancer horoscope…
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Astrological heads up for Wednesday, the 29th
Moon sextile Venus [[exact at around 9:49 AM PST]]
The moon in its home sign can be pretty chill, and when in a good aspect with Venus there’s an enhancement of comfort and a sense of being surrounded by pretty things. Venus is almost exactly conjunct with Uranus, which does create an unusual aura around possible environments, and it can create surprise situations that affect us emotionally, but not necessarily in a bad way. The Venus/moon sextile is pretty - especially as Venus represents beauty - we have an opportunity to interact with beauty and to appreciate it in a more sentimental sense on Wednesday. 
Moon square Jupiter [[Exact at 4:33 PM PST]]
Jupiter in Aries is a little too in-your-face for the Cancer moon, which is an energy that’s really focused on the things that feed the soul and provide a sense of shelter from the world. Jupiter presses us to branch out emotionally, when in a square with the moon, but this can come at the expense of our own comfort at times. We may feel pulled out of our shell under this aspect, but we also could feel restless. Restlessness is often a result of moon/Jupiter squares, and that is doubled when we think of Aries energy. It’s important to get enough rest under this aspect, as cheesy as that may sound. Our boundaries can get pushed, and it can be easy to do things in excess.
Moon square Mercury [[Exact at 11:28 PM PST]]
Wednesday starts with the moon in a wide square with Mercury, that gets closer to partile as the day goes on. This is indicative of rushed thoughts, especially with Mercury still being in Aries, the sign of speed. We may feel somewhat intruded upon, with people asking multitudes of questions, or just simply asking for too much information from us. The tendency of Cancer to seek what’s more hidden and internal feels pushed by the sociable nature of Mercury in aggressive Aries. We may need to take time to cool off on this day, and really keep the bigger picture in mind - hard times always pass, and no negative emotion is ever permanent.  
Venus almost in an exact conjunction with Uranus [[Exact on the 30th]]
As sweet and receptive Venus gets closer to one of the least emotionally-adept planets we may feel start to feel a desire to rebel. The fun loving side of Venus can be enhanced by Uranus, which could represent a wild time, or the potential for unexpected events to unfold in relationships and in connection to the enjoyment of a good time. Venus is Taurus-ruled and relates to money, and there could be some financial surprises that come up under this aspect, for good or for bad. Uranus is truly a wild card, so this could go either way. We may feel a heightened sense of our own uniqueness, as Uranus can represent what’s unorthodox or sticks out in its novelty. 
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8thhousepriestess · 17 days
[ PT. 2 ] Planets in Astrology — A Series
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The Sun represents your core essence, the central force that drives your being and illuminates your true self. It's the heart of your natal chart, reflecting your personal identity, ego, and the fundamental spirit that you bring into the world. The Sun's position in your chart reveals your inner vitality, your will to live, and your creative life force. It symbolizes your conscious mind, your sense of purpose, and the way you shine in the world, guiding you to embrace your authentic self and follow your true path.
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oneworldnewsindia · 1 year
Weekly Horoscope: What all this week holds for you?
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Kiran Rai Pandey is back with her predictions. Check out your weekly horoscope and plan your week accordingly. Here is what all this week holds for you.  
Aries: You will be very clear about your goal and intention. Moreover, your efforts to reach your goals will definitely be fruitful. Interest in religious activity and Occult sciences will be more. Your harmonious words will work as the best healer in any relation. Most of the people will take your personality as an arrogant individual. Take extra efforts to express your humble side as well before loved ones.
Taurus: This is the right time to continue your talk about marriage, if you had any in past. Your attitude to take lead in any major family decision may not be welcomed by a handful members of family. Your enemies will eventually start coming forward to compromise in some extent. Take care of your health so that it doesn't become a disturbing factor in this period. Expenses will increase, indeed.
Gemini: This planetary position may give you either extreme beneficial help or loss from boss especially from female boss. You might be going to miss your children due to their behavior or their physical absence. Guiding them and letting go attitude will help. Prepare yourself mentally so that internal disturbance at workplace cannot affect you in this period. Lack of happiness in terms of income can be seen in these days.
Cancer: You will be very aggressive and vocal regarding your problems with loved ones. You won’t mind raising your voice against anything anti-social or unethical, make sure it's done moderately.
Females are going to be more helpful in this period. Those who had been working or studying in foreign land will enjoy their period. At the same time, anxiety to some extent will remain a part of this period. The best part of this period is your righteous control over even distorted situations.
Leo: This week brings better professional condition. Your desire to get success will keep you going on your way. Religious activity will be going to be helpful for maintaining mental peace. Opinion difference with father is possible in this period, maintain peace and calm. Some of you will be required to put in efforts regarding the health problem of father.
Virgo: You will be praised for logical decisions or sensible suggestion to others. At the same time, keep check to not lose your temperament easily. Media persons of this sign will get support from different people. Your opponents will be waiting for your mistakes to attack on you. Marital happiness might elude you in these days. Monetary side is satisfactory. Professional life brings mixed bag of good and bad stuff.
Libra: Week begins with certain amount of pessimism but later part gives you sigh of relief in terms of money. Anxiety related to your image in public will be noticeable in your behavior. Try not to share your emotion or frustration in public so that it won't turn into a matter of embarrassment. Technical people of this sign would be well appreciated among their people.
Scorpio: You will behave wisely with friends and family. Your expectation from children will be more than what they provide, bring in patience. Your tone will be harsher than your usual tone. Researchers, Archeologists or anybody involved into occultism will really enjoy their success.  At the same time, work front might face delay or obstacles in getting goals.  
Sagittarius: This week has reasons to enjoy your marital life. If you had been into any relationship, this is the right time to get proposal. Your mind will be apprehensive about gains in terms of money, position or acknowledgement. Such attitude may keep you occupied with lot of expectations from the people around you.  Over thinking about children to be avoided to pass the week on a happy note.
Capricorn: You will be over involved in family affairs in these days. Take precautions so that you skip facing health issue either related to heart or stomach. Take even silly health problem in serious note. Professional instability can be experienced. Parental health will be concerning in these days. Opposite gender will come across in your life. It looks difficult for you to take right decision regarding love and romance.
Read More- 6 Capricorn Bollywood Divas proved ‘Commitment is Everything’
Aquarius: You may come across such situation that will provoke your actions. This action can be rash or wise, depending on your individual running period. Parental support will be the flavor of this week. Media persons should be more careful regarding their contents before making it public. Sportspersons should try to utilize this period to their best.
Pisces: This planetary condition brings sarcasm in your word. Be extra careful while communicating with others. Otherwise, even your pure intention would be taken in other way. Your mother’s health can be cause of concern in this period. Irrespective of situation around, you will find yourself in comfortable position. Financial area seems grey in this week. It won’t prolong ,indeed.
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Sidereal ASC signs that might be experiencing luck/blessings in relationships during 2024-2025:
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I’d like to be clear that it encompasses many types of relationships rather than strictly romantic ones, regardless if Jupiter aspects 5th house of love or 7th house of committed relationships.
This includes your casual flings, short term connections, clients, business partners, others in general, committed romantic relationships, marriage partner, etc.
Included a short insight for the two main signs involved in these influences the most below as well, enjoy!
• Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
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Scorpio, you will be having LOTS of luck and growth within your business till May 2025. Interactions with others flow comfortably, and getting others to connect with you will feel easier than ever. If you have planet/s sitting in Scorpio, then be aware that Jupiter will come to give you a reality and spiritual check on those matters. It will encourage you to deeply reflect on how those themes in your current life are aligning you to be in a mindset of abundance. If any relationship close to you or behavior you have towards others does not serve you anymore, then it will be requiring you to do some necessary changes. It could or could not be permanent endings, but in general adjustments. They would be towards mutually beneficial experiences without them standing in the way of your self development. Once you do, luck and blessings will pour like an open faucet. You must stay open towards relationships being more centered in freedom or a unique/special factor that works perfectly for you and the other/s. It’s more likely for you to have a random encounter with someone who could end up being your life partner, or for you to have plenty of options to choose from. If you’re in a close relationship, then expect things to quickly change for the better. In general, if you’re able to accept this period of transformation where the seeds are planted, then once your season approaches, you will reap the rewards of those efforts. Anything you’re able to start cutting off that delays or conflicts with your spiritual growth then Jupiter will be strengthened. You could meet a someone who could be like a guru to you, and truly guide you down towards possibilities outside of your scope at the moment.
• Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
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Taurus, even though you are feeling immensely blessed and making all sorts of decisions to benefit your family and loved ones, all of this current planets are aspecting your 7th house of committed relationships/business partners/clients/others. There will be some opposition faced directly from those relationships that might not go along with your vision. It doesn’t mean that there will be coming from wrong intentions, but they will definitely see you as “doing too much all at once”. Remember that although you are growing a lot at the moment, planting your seeds, watering, and watching them grow, too much of anything could hinder you in the future. Move cautiously as you usually do, and if you see major transformations occurring within your close relationships, simply accept that not everyone will see your vision. Do ask for healthy advice and trust your intuition. If someone acts out of place when you’re doing or feeling better, then perhaps their intentions need to be revised. Keep your ego and others on check! There is a likelihood that you will be feeling keen to investing in property, particularly for your home or family. Anything that is initiated towards those matters at this moment will certainly be pivotal in the future, just keep an eye on not gaining too much debt or putting all your eggs in one basket. You have been undergoing a lot of pressure, delays, obstacles and situations related to your career and profession that have been difficult to manage and understand. A relief is coming soon for you, and things will surely improve.
If you’d like to know further information on your sign, how likely this is to happen for you, the reasoning behind it, and even possible outcome book with me via DM for a transit reading 🦋✨
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