filmvisions · 2 years
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beautifulfrenchhouses · 5 months
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574,750 €
140 m² / 1507 ft²
Mornac-sur-Seudre, Charente-Maritime, Occitanie, France.
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Do you like plaid, tartans, buffalo check, gingham, quilts, & the color red? If you answered yes to any of these choices, then you will really like this little 1901 bungalow in Waupaca, WI. 1bd, 1ba, $164,900.
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Lovely front porch.
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Enter the kitchen, which is quite large.
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It's basically one room, like a studio apt. on the first floor.
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They have it set up, nicely, though. They put a cozy living room area in this corner.
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A bed is in the other corner.
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Next to the kitchen sink area there're a few stairs.
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They go down to a home office and laundry room. There're lots of closets.
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The bath is down here and it's so cute.
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I think that this is actually the bedroom upstairs, but they're using it as a closet.
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A nice workshop in the basement.
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Cute yard.
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There's another large workshop building.
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It's large enough for the owner to rebuild a small plane.
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There's also an adorable little shed.
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Fenced play area for the dog,
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And a cute little shed that looks like an outhouse.
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What a delightful property.
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It's a 2.43 acre lot.
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There's a lot of room for development.
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This is a nice area.
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Protecting home and fortune: Irish folk customs for Bealtaine
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Bealtaine, also known as May Day, marked a pivotal point in the Irish calendar. It signified the arrival of summer, a time of light, warmth, and the promise of a bountiful season ahead. However, Bealtaine also held a sense of unease. This was a time when the boundary between our world and the Otherworld thinned, inviting the potential for both blessings and misfortune from the unpredictable Good Neighbors. To navigate this delicate balance, people turned to time-honored traditions and a heightened awareness of the risks of everyday life.
Appeasing the Good Neighbors
On Bealtaine, it was widely believed that the Good Neighbors became particularly active. To ensure their goodwill and prevent them from causing mischief, people would leave out food and drink as offerings. The belief was that the the Good Neighbors were attracted to these offerings and would be less likely to cause trouble if they were satisfied.
You all know May is the month of the fairies. Great people or men that lived long ago rises from their graves on every night in the month of May to fight the old battles that they fought long ago these men are called fairies. The bad fairies do great harm and trouble in the month of May they kill cattle take away milk and butter from the cows and alot of other mischief. Source
"The fairies come around our houses too to do mischief as well as they come to the cattle; you should sweep the hearth very clean and leave food aside for them. If you don't the fairies will come when you are asleep and will torment you by tricking you or pinching you." Source
Primrose was believed to ward off the Good Neighbors, and scattering them in the doorways and window sills of the home created a barrier no troublesome spirit could cross.
"During the first three days [of May] fairies entered the house. They came disguised as old men or women in order to steal coals and in order to prevent them primroses were scattered on the doorway no fairy could pass this flower." Source
"The best preventive of fairy power was to scatter primroses on the threshold, for no one could pass the flowers and and the house and house-hold were left in peace." Source
"Guard the house by a string of primroses across the door on the first three days of May. The fairies can pass neither over nor under the string." Source
This tree was seen as potent protection against otherworldly forces. A branch hung above a cow's stable door could ward off those who might steal the milk, ensuring the cow's blessing for the year. Branches decorated with spring flowers were also placed around the house for a bit of extra good luck.
On May Day before sunrise the eldest member of the family gets up, he goes out, pulls a branch of the rowan tree and hangs it over the cow's stable door. This is done to prevent the fairies from taking any of the milk from the cows. Source
Another custom is to get a branch of Rowan tree and decorate it with may flowers and primroses and leave it in the middin standing. Then strew may-flowers into each outhouse door and on the doorstep and in the windowsills. This is to welcome the good fairies so that there will be good luck round the year. Source
If you put a rowan tree up the Chimney nothing can bring the butter out of the house. Source
The May bush: blessing and protection
The May bush was a common custom in Ireland, particularly in Leinster, South and West Ulster, and some areas of Munster and Connaught. The May bush often featured hawthorn branches brought home and decorated with flowers, ribbons, and colorful eggshells saved from Easter.
The May bush was believed to protect the home from evil spirits, particularly fairies and witches. It was also thought to bring good luck and prosperity, especially in relation to milk and butter production.
It is a great custom also to make a May bush on May day. This consists of a bush, which is put standing in the dungpit. The bush is decorated with flowers and eggshells. The eggshells are kept after Easter Sunday. Source
On May morning a Maybush was placed outside each house. It usually was a yellow furze bush with a number of eggshells stuck on the thorns. Source
The people around this place make May-bushes on the first of May. They pull a bush and gather flowers and tie them on to the bush with strings and stick it on the ground and after that they say their prayers around it to honour our Blessed Mother and they make a little Altar and put flowers every day on it during May. The people long ago used to make May-bushes and they also used to make a little Altar. Source
The evening before the first of May the people go out and get a piece of a certain tree which they call May Pole. They put this bush outside the door and they put all the egg shells they had on Easter Sunday on it. They also put a lot of flowers out side too. If the people do not put up the May Pole the fairies will come. They also tie May Pole to the cow's tail and if they do not, the fairies come and take the milk from the cow. Source
Guarding your luck
Bealtaine is a time that came with a heightened fear that any careless act could invite bad luck for the whole year. During Bealtaine, even seemingly simple acts held risk.
Giving away even staples like milk, butter, or coins risked also surrendering your good fortune. Lending a tool or sharing even a hot coal from your hearth could lead to unexpected misfortune.
On May eve no one cares to give away any milk or butter fearing their luck would be taken. Source
Long ago the people used to have a large number of pisreogs on May day...They would not give away anything to anybody on May day, only to a beggar man. When he would come in they would give him great welcome. They would say he was bringing in the good luck. The old people would not allow anybody to bring fire outside the door. Everybody would have matches on May day. The old people would not allow any fire outside the door. Source
On May Eve or May Day nothing is given out of the house. Source
They considered it unlucky to give butter or milk way to any person on May Day as they would be giving away their luck. No stables were to be cleaned out on that day. The first person to go to the well in the morning was supposed to have luck for the rest of the year. It is not right to give money to anyone on that day. But if you get money on that day you will be getting it for the year. Source
The people of the house do not put out the ashes on that day or if a person asked for a coal they would be refused. Source
Another custom of the Irish, they would not lend any article or give either milk or food even to beggars. They would not light a fire on May Day until it was late in the day for fear that the people would see the smoke and would bring the butter. Source
The customs surrounding Bealtaine offer a fascinating glimpse into the rich tapestry of Irish folklore and the enduring human desire to shape our luck through ritual and tradition. Whether leaving offerings to appease unseen spirits, scattering flowers as wards against misfortune, or cautiously guarding their possessions, people sought to influence the unseen forces that shaped their lives. These traditions, born in a different time, speak to a fundamental human desire for control, for a sense of agency in the face of an uncertain world. While the specific fears and beliefs may have shifted, the impulse to use ritual and superstition as a means of navigating life's unpredictability remains surprisingly relatable.
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konjkitkatty · 5 months
A LONG list of fun facts abt my guardians bc i cant sit down and draw rn i am so HRGRGRGR help me
Bat can’t sleep under blankets, he also dislikes sleeping upside down
Bear has a fear of the deep sea
Dove would be the best singer out of the crew
Bear was one of the most skilled swordfighters on her crew- not the BEST though and that really bothered her.
Dove doesn’t actually go out of her way to eat metal because she likes it, it’s more an impulsive thing than anything
Bat’s eyes are super sensitive to light- his main ones a tad less than the extra ones
Kitty grew up in a cat village in Darkwood, they used to be a much more vibrant color (i guess rolling in mud to mask the cat smell’ll mess up ur coat huh)
Kitty doesn’t have their sword when the Lamb fights them, only the sacrificial dagger
Kitty’s tail can grow roses on it if you spritz it with water
Dove is the most harmless of the gang while in Lamb’s cult- her “pranks” range from making the Lamb sit on an itchy stick to drawing frownie lamb faces over the outhouses to “scare the shit” out of people
That last prank works a hell of a lot more often than you’d expect it would.
In a tree-climbing competition Kitty and Dove are tied for first place
Bear has the best memory out of every guardian
Dove specializes in ambush attacks
Kitty is the only guardian who could’ve freely left their station if they really wanted to
Dove is a mourning dove
Bat is a fruit bat
Bear could beat the Lamb in an arm wrestle
Bear could also beat a majority of the indoctrinated bishops in an arm wrestle (except Heket, she probably couldn’t beat Heket)
Bear is also the most likely to kill Narinder had he been present in the cult (Kitty would not INITIATE in murder- not on their own- but they’d help hide the body)
Kitty is the only guardian the Lamb can give a necklace to- Bat Bear and Dove’s skull necklaces are not removable.
If Kitty were given a skull necklace from the Lamb, it would also become irremovable.
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shrimpmangrib · 6 months
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(Fanny Stitch, and Remington Lilly posed in front of a vampiric village settlement, preparing to leave before dawn, colorized 1770)
Centaurs in 18th century north america Earth, would often take a well paying job of the nicely dressed safety escort/servant. Remington took this job. This job entailed carrying one or more moderate to high paying men or women anywhere they please at any time, whether it be 2 in the day, or 2 in the morning. It may be helping them escape a pillaging (because often times, despite the fact they were well dressed and seemed dutiful, they did not abide to law), or it may be trotting them to the outhouse at night as to not get their feet muddy or grassy. They also often carried weapons, and satchels of goods/needed materials/healthcare items. The benefit of having a mount with two hands and a human mind, is that they could patch you up, feed you, and fight off enemies (and do the fighting while scurrying you off). You could add pack to them too, on their haunches, though you'd have to ask, unlike a normal horse.
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penig · 2 years
I’m impressed that the Cratchitts can pay rent on a house, however small. Four rooms, yard, and wash house is an impressive property in a city where larger families are living in single rooms and sharing one pump and one outhouse with the entire building, or even multiple buildings.
Of course the Cratchitts are a bit idealized here. Dickens was a journalist and a social reformer as well as a novelist, and moreover had some personal experience of poverty. He knew a lot about the struggles of people living and raising children on 15 shillings a week. But he also knows his audience and his craft. The Cratchitts must be the antithesis of Scrooge and they must be attractive and squeaky clean, physically and morally, and the forces threatening them must not even hint at vice. A sickly and disabled child is a threat to their happiness not the most rigid middle class moralist can hold against them.If Martha is ever desperate enough to be tempted by sex work, or subject to the sexual predation of her employer’s husband; if Peter’s friends are pressuring him to shoplift; if Bob or his wife ever drink gin out of the context of a family holiday party - we’ll, now is not the time to explore that.
No, what is necessary now is a demonstration of the very important fact that Bob and his family, despite everything Scrooge has done to make them miserable, are happier than he is. They get much better value for the money they spend than he ever gets for the money he hoards. They don’t have enough money for new clothes, but they can make a good show for sixpence by adding ribbons to a twice-turned gown, and Bob can keep warm with exercise instead of a greatcoat to keep the kids clad, and even loan clothes to his offspring to make them feel dressed up. And they can eat their fill and have a proper holiday dinner, even the dessert, and pretend that the feast is more lavish than it is, to maximize their pleasure.
A twice-turned gown, by the way, is a labor-intensive bit of frugality. Victorian women’s clothing took acres of fabric, all of which had to be sewn by hand by the household or someone paid by them. A good dress had to be made to last! But everything fades with time and exposure, no matter how carefully laundered and protected. So once the original color faded, you took the dress apart, turned the unfaded side out, and put it back together again, probably with variations to accommodate changes in fashion or figure, or even, in a house with growing girls, of wearer. And if the fabric was good enough, when that side faded, too, you could turn it inside out again and re-remake it, if you were clever enough.
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defaultsalsamusic · 4 months
i'm in the process of preparing and starting a new neighborhood based on the sims 1's old town and wanted to share and record my progress! i need to give a shoutout to @tvickiesims' old town sims recreated which i am using as the basis of this file! in addition, the neighborhood itself was created by @kalisasims and cleaned by sunraidersims.
anyways! i first started with the hick family which i actually did a lot of major changes to. the main thing is that i've started to merge the lore with the broke family of sims 3 in hopes to eventually be a part of the pleasantview broke family.
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i've never played the sims 3, but i was slightly inspired by the sims 3 broke family's home with the multiple buildings. i also put each building on a foundation (a pain in the ass, i had to shift the main building one tile because it just wouldn't let me put a foundation there) since there is no way a house like this should be at ground-level. the new shack is not very substantial but i figure i'll add to it as the family gets more money. i also replaced the interior bathroom with an outhouse (a sims 1 recreation by @crispsandkerosene) and a dorm shower which makes a huge mess so idk if i'll keep it that way. but! makes more room in the house.
(also ngl i moved to another lot a little further from the main strip of old town because it didn't fit the business district aesthetic i want for that area...... i'm sorryyyyy)
ANYWAYS to now introduce the cast:
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first we have elden hick from the original family. i changed his look a bit and aged him down to a teen but he is still CC-free. i made him a pleasure sim and changed his personality and interests to match his sims 1 (usa) version. he is 0 neat/5 outgoing/7 active/8 playful/5 nice.
elden is a bit of a rebellious teen who is head over heels with his girlfriend, flo. he is not very ambitious, which is a pain point between him and his mother.
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also seen here is leroy the rottweiler. i'm not a fan with the default sims 2 dog breeds so i replaced the original leroy with a male rottweiler designed by PharoahHound. leroy's personality is between doofus and genius/hyper/independent/aggressive/pigpen and is the youngest of the family's three dogs.
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back to the human sims, next we have mama hick and (a character who was not in the sims 1) baby named skip broke. :) mama is a elden's mother is an adult popularity sim in about the middle of her life stage. mama used to be a celebrity in sim city, but has since fallen from fame after losing her fortune (and having her son ngl). mama's interests and personality are based on her north american sims 1 personality which is neat 2/outgoing 4/active 2/playful 7/nice 7.
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the mother of skip and elden's girlfriend is none other than flo broke! flo is basically a female dustin broke with dyed red hair (genetically blonde). like elden, she prefers a bit of a punk style. she is a family sim and has a personality of 5 nice/6 outgoing/4 active/3 playful/6 nice. she loves both elden and skip, but her relationship with mama is difficult. mama blames flo for being a bad influence on her son. still, mama let flo live on her property once she got kicked out.
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another of the three dogs is bobo the male australian shepherd, who is the oldest of the three dogs. like all the dogs here, the previous bobo was replaced with a new one (this one was made by DemittiNix with minor color edits). bobo's personality is doofus/lazy/independent/aggressive/in between pigpen and finicky.
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finally, the last and middle dog is duke, the male german shepherd! duke is edited from Fifar and probably the most edits i've done on any sim in this family. tbh i am pretty proud of it, though fifar did do most of the work! duke's personality is doofus/lazy/in between independent and friendly/aggressive/finicky. pretty much all the dogs here are aggressive and independent so they are definitely a challenge!
the house i feel has a lot to be desired but in general i'm really looking forward to actually playing this family!
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hannahhook7744 · 5 months
got any Sherwood high hc ?
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Their school colors are various shades of green and gold/yellow.
They have a decent tourney team.
Their mascot is a falcon.
They have the best archery team.
The school has a pet falcon named 'Forest'.
The school is surrounded by mountains and forests, and is mainly made up wood/logs.
The school has no electricity or indoor plumbing. They use mainly torches, lanterns, and candles and they have outhouses (and there is a lake outside, alongside outdoor showers).
The snowball/mud fights are a nightmare.
Sherwood High has a Robin Hood Statue outside.
Bobby Hood was a sports commentator for the school as a student.
Many of the merrymen are teachers there. Which meant Bobby can't get away with anything. Seriously, they be snitches.
Bobby didn't even get to tell anyone he was dating Tiger Peony himself. Someone in school found out, then told their friends. And rumors fly fast in Sherwood, so the whole school knew before the day was over. INCLUDING THE STAFF.
Bobby's dad sent him a congrats letter the next day.
Bobby spent the last year of his schooling at Auradon Prep. No one at Sherwood High was happy but Bobby refused to spend his makeup year there.
Many Merrymen's children (as well as Robin Hood's many other children) go to school there but so do many of Sherwood's other children. Many of which are human-animal shifters.
Ever seen early schoolings? With chalkboards and stuff? Sherwood school looks mostly like that.
Sherwood High has great decorations (some of them can be considered tacky, because the school is full of hunters...).
The cafeteria serves plenty of fish, meat, veggies, and fruit... as well as homemade juice, fresh milk, and water to drink (they also sell the students' soda/coffee too).
They have the BIGGEST rivalry with Neverland Academy's Gators (tourney team for the school).
Their prank wars are like a battlefield. But it's nowhere near as bad as the rivalry between Seaside High and Olympus High (all of the schools are wildly competitive with each other).
The Wi-Fi is surprisingly decent. No one knows how, though.
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stormbreaker-290 · 2 months
The original creator of Moomins was Tove Jansson, a Swedish-speaking author and illustrator born in 1914 in Finland. She was bisexual I'm pretty sure.
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She originally created Moomintroll when she placed a bet to her brother that she could make the ugliest creature in existence. She promptly went to an outhouse wall and draw the picture you see in the left hand corner. She named this creation- "SNORK" (which later became a name for the troll with glasses, Snorkmaiden's brother. I love him very much too.)
Moomintroll made various appearances in Tove's paintings over the years, usually being a colored blob with nothing more than ears, and occasionally a tail. (Example is middle image)
It wasn't until 1945 where she published her first book, "The Moomins and the Great Flood," being the prequel to pretty much the rest of... everything, actually. (Cover of book is right corner)
Oh snork beloved
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o-i-w-u · 2 months
The original creator of Moomins was Tove Jansson, a Swedish-speaking author and illustrator born in 1914 in Finland. She was bisexual I'm pretty sure. I'd write more about her but I'm tired and it's nearly 2 am.
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She originally created Moomintroll when she placed a bet to her brother that she could make the ugliest creature in existence. She promptly went to an outhouse wall and draw the picture you see in the left hand corner. She named this creation- "SNORK" (which later became a name for the troll with glasses, Snorkmaiden's brother. I love him very much too.)
Moomintroll made various appearances in Tove's paintings over the years, usually being a colored blob with nothing more than ears, and occasionally a tail. (Example is middle image)
It wasn't until 1945 where she published her first book, "The Moomins and the Great Flood," being the prequel to pretty much the rest of... everything, actually. (Cover of book is right corner)
i love when stories come from mandane things like that, just little bets that evolve into big things :3
idk just like,, that makes me really happy i dont know how to explain it
ily snork what a wonderful little creature <3
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We got a winner. This amazing home has a sale pending, and I envy the people who bought this crazy place. It was built in 1980 in Fruitland, FL. It only has 2bds, 4ba, but it's such a large property. Pending sale for $1.3M.
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The decor really runs the gamut from provincial/beachy.
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To a dated kitchen.
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The bedrooms have doors to the sun room.
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And, they're pretty large.
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Interesting bath with stone wall and bright blue sinks.
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This is the sun room that the bedrooms open to.
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Then down the spiral stairs, there's a swashbuckling pool room with swinging pirates.
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And, the pool room is open to this room with a large screen and a stone fireplace.
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If you don't feel like climbing stairs, there are these lifts around the outside of the house. Below is the round saltwater pool with a statue in the middle.
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Here's a rooftop pergola.
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There's a mural on that far wall, plus stone walls and chains. I don't know what that is.
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There's a sauna, too.
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Here' s interesting room.
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It's a large office.
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And, this is an art studio.
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Look at the big lily pad pond.
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Colorful screened pavilion.
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The main attraction is really outside. There are these, what they call, "swamp shacks" dotting the property. This one has a canon out front.
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The 13.77 acre property is like a little village. There's also a chicken coop on the property b/c it's zoned for livestock.
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It's a huge property.
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It looks nice lit up at night- here's another swamp shack. There's supposed to be an outhouse somewhere, for the swamp shacks.
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This is quite a fun property.
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At night with the front lit up, it looks like a little lighthouse.
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Looks like an amusement park from up here.
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cindybermanfics1978 · 3 months
Chapter Eleven
warnings: strong language throughout, graphic horror violence, fights, depictions of injuries involving glass shards
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Getting back to camp, the sun has already went behind the mountains as bulbs of light shine in the distance, but are hard to see due to the large pine trees. You stop in your tracks and bring your hand in front of you. A shard of glass sticks out in your palm as you stumble toward Mary's cabin, you stumble in and begin pulling the shard from your hand.
Your body shakes while you released a pained scream, depositing the shard on a nearby table before heaving. With crimson exuding from your palm and a wave of fatigue hitting you as well, you manage to pull yourself together and wrap the wound before wiping the sweat and tears away. Walking towards the door, you close it behind you, continuing your search for Ziggy and Caroline. Color War was also afloat, so you had an even bigger problem considering there were even more targets. Quickly inhaling from your inhaler, you run anywhere so you are not trapped in one place.
Feeling a brush of someone's hand, you look back and startle seeing Caroline. You manage to calm yourself down, straightening your stance, breathing heavily.
"Jesus, you scared the shit out of me."
"I'm sorry," Caroline giggles. "Where have you been? I've looking all over for you."
"I was in Mary's cabin with Cindy and my brother, searching for anything that made the nurse "crazy". Then, Alice and Arnie took off with the pills and we found a cave after someone else was down there. And Tommy... he had no remorse, bludgeoning Arnie in the face, leaving a gruesome scene. Finally, I got seperated from Cindy and Alice due to a cave-in."
"Holy shit, that's a little..."
"Crazy? Yeah, but it happened, and there is a killer after us. It's Tommy. My brother"
A laugh escapes from Caroline. "Come on, that's bullshit. You keep planning that gore-filled book of yours, and I will get back to supervising the Color War. And, please don't waste anymore of my time."
Caroline takes off, leaving you alone, trying to calm yourself down before running off. Suddenly a scream catches you off guard, following the noise as giggles follow. You approach the outhouse, watching as Nick and Ziggy spirit towards another cabin; The Nature and Science cabin, following after them.
Approaching a door, you go to open it but since the wood is locked in place, you stay standing on the steps as you looks through the window. You watch as Nick Goode and Ziggy Berman stand in front of each other, their faces inching closer. Soon enough, you see Nick planting his lips on Ziggy's right when a scream echoes in the distance.
The scream breaks your attention as you stalk down the stairs. Exiting, Nick and Ziggy rush toward the noise as they run into you. You all greet each other before quickly running towards the scene. A boy lays still. His arm lays off to the side as a pool of blood lingers beside the body. In the puddle of crimson, a pair of glasses sit untouched. With frantic shouts and a small crowd forming, Gary manages to hold the other campers back while Ziggy, you and Nick get a good look at the crime scene.
Panic ensues on the red-head's face. The three teens run off, almost scared. You, Nick and Gary round the campers up as they get pushed into the mess hall.
"Five... seven... eight... ten... fifthteen... eighteen-" You count.
You get cut off as the light shut off. Many kids scream in fear. Ziggy looks around, panicked as Nick stands toward the main double doors.
"Stay calm! Everything's alright."
"How many?" Gary asked.
"Twenty-three." You replied, attempting to stay calm.
"That's thirty missing at least."
Nick rushes toward the telephone that hands on the wall. Below a table sits with a radio and microphone. The rock has obviously fallen off the button as everything remains untouched. Nick pulls the phone of the receiver, putting it up to his ear.
"Where's Cindy, Kurt, Joan?"
"I don't know. I haven't seen them."
For a few seconds, you had hope that Nick would call someone only to find out that the phone is dead. Ziggy panics about warning people and begins talking about her sister as Nick tries to reassure her. You watch only standing a few inches away from the two.
"Ziggy, Amelia, stay here. Me and Gary will go."
"What?" Gary asks, scared.
Nick then steps up to the table, Gary following behind him. The Sunnyvaler picks up two flashlights, handing one to the other counselor before exiting the cabin as Ziggy then gets taunted by Sheila's minions.
"Where is she, witch?" Becky asks.
"You kill her like you killed Jeremy?" Annie interrogates.
"What are you talking about?"
"Where the fuck is Sheila?"
Ziggy curses before sprinting out the mess hall as the doors close behind the female. You decide to follow after her, shutting the door you, and take off. You catch up to her as you stops the red-head.
"Ziggy, stop!" You shout.
"I can't. We need to go find Sheila. Me and Nick locked her in the outhouse for taunting me."
You giggle before becoming serious again, concerned about yours and Ziggy's safety. "What? Ziggy, that could be another strike for you."
"No one's gonna give me a strike when a fucking killer is running around."
Ziggy grabs your hand, dragging you toward the outhouse which is locked due to a screwdriver sitting in the lock. A twig snaps, causing the anxiety to rise even more. You both enter as you shut the door behind the two of you, stepping around various types of bugs including a tarantula. The sight of it makes your skin crawl, like it's on you. Unexpectedly, Sheila emerges from a stall and behind Ziggy.
"You bitch!" She shouts, lunging toward the other female.
They struggle for a while before Sheila throws Ziggy against the wall. Ziggy tries to help Sheila by explaining that there's a killer when the Sunnyvaler throws a punch, as the red-head ducks. You throw your fist as it collides with Sheila's face, knocking her out cold as she falls into one of the nearby stalls. You curses under her breath from the pain in your knuckles.
Gary emerges, starting the two females as Ziggy gasps.
"Is everyone okay?" He asks.
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bobateaenthusisast · 2 years
Tommy Slater x Chubby!Fem reader
WARNINGS: blood, flashbacks.
REQUESTED BY: @peacefultimes
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Color War is today.
Tommy and I finished cleaning the outhouses while the campers collect shirts for the team they're in, blue for Shadyside and red for Sunnyvale.
We're Shadysiders, of course, so Tommy and i are gona be helpin out team blue.
I went to camp to collect a shirt, and found the shirt that fits me perfecty. "Yes!" I cheered in my head, and quickly put it on.
"You look like lovely, Y/N." A voice came up from behind me making me jump a little.
I turned around to see who it to see who it is, it's Tommy , my boyfriend.
I love Tommy with my whole heart, he's like an angel sent from heaven, he'll do anything do trear you right.
Flattered by the ccompliment that came from him, I reply "Thank you, babe, you look lovely too!"
"No, you!" He said, laughing.
We kept on laughing, then I break the heartfelt laughter by kissing him on the lips, not for too long, of course, but a kiss that shows how much I love him.
Carry On My Wayward Son, a song that I really like, starts to play on the speakers, meaning Color War is starting soon.
"We gotta hurnys excitedly, he and I qucikly walked towards team blue.
Those were the last and happy times that I had with Tommy.
The last time I'd seen him was him covered in blood and chasing me with an axe.
That wasn't the Tommy I knew, it was someone else.
Tommy would never hurt someone he loves, not even kill them.
What made him snap that the decided to go on a killing spree and killed the campers, even my friends Cindy and Alice, he even tried to kill Ziggy too!
And even me.
It's been 16 years, the date is Oct 2nd, 1994, I'm pretty much over it now.
Turning on the TV was a bad idea, because the news was showing that another massacre happened, at the Grab and Bag.
First Shadyside mall, now this.
It brought back all the bad memories of that night, so I quickly turned off the TV and started to break down.
It brought back all of the bad memories, where Tommy Slater, my sweet boyfriend, turned what was supposed to be a summer night of fun into bloodshed.
But then I remember him saying all the sweet things he said to me, especially him calling me lovely, I break down in tears even more because I miss him.
I wish I could say that he was lovely back
AUTHORS NOTE: I will be no longer be taking requests this time, but I'd like to thank @peacefultimes for the request!
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dragonskxn · 4 months
Differences between Anna's homes depending on main verse and modern verse!
One attic bedroom, a sitting area/living room, a kitchen, and a bath room. There's an outhouse near the barn.
A large tree as old as Annalise grows through the cottage, taking up a portion of the sitting area. Steps have been carved into the trunk to reach the attic bedroom (beforehand, Annalise used a ladder).
Very small quarters. Cramped but cozy. The kitchen is the biggest room.
Some portions of the cottage are very patchwork and thrown-together, as if built by an amateur. Mismatched floorboard colors, etc. Basically, Annalise worked with what she had to repair the cottage over time.
Straw roof mixed with shingles.
Located in a deep forest somewhere near Saint-Céneri-le-Gérei in Normandy, France.
Cottage is located either in the same location as the mainverse, or situated in a rural part of America (location may vary).
Expanded space; rooms are bigger, and one new bedroom is added.
The cottage itself is still very rustic.
If Annalise has moved to America in her modern verse, there is no longer a tree growing through her home. She'll make sure there's a nice big one growing near it, though.
Has an actual toilet in the bathroom this time
May or may not have running water and electricity (might use a generator/water pump? Still thinking about this aspect of her modern verse tbh)
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Chapter 44
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Glass Shards
Warnings: None! :)
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Merridy lay on her side, watching Damien sleep. It was early in the morning, but past dawn. She had spent most of the last twenty-four hours asleep, and for the first time in days, she was neither in pain, nor completely exhausted. 
After Damien had taken care of finding them something to eat, as well as escorting her to the outhouse a few times, she had insisted on changing his bandage before the night. Perhaps it was too early to consider the fight won, but the salve seemed to be working. She could have sworn his skin had been less warm than on the previous day, and it had definitely not gotten worse. It was still a terrible wound, and it would still take weeks to fully heal, but he wasn’t going to die. 
Raising her hand to his face, she stroked his beard. It had grown a bit—camping next to the road was not exactly a good place to shave, and Damien didn’t care that much. He stirred under her touch, leaning into it as his eyelids started to flutter. The moment he opened his eyes, his gaze fell on her, a slight frown on his lips as he took her in. Whatever he saw, it seemed to ease his worry, for his frown faded and he relaxed.
“Hey,” he said.
Merridy didn’t want this moment to end yet, to think about all the necessities the day would bring. Sooner or later, she’d have to get up. Fetch something to eat. Find a way to wash herself. Figure out if she could do their laundry at the well. But not yet. She moved her thumb over a spot along Damien’s jaw. 
“You’re turning gray,” she teased. “Here.” Lone silver hairs were sprinkled throughout the auburn, but under her thumb, enough of them gathered to form a visible patch.
Damien closed his eyes with a sigh. “I’m getting old.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
He didn’t reply at first, only opening his eyes again to stare at the ceiling. “It’s… surreal,” he said. “I never thought it’d come to that. It wouldn’t have, if you weren’t too stubborn to let me die.”
The warmth in his voice made her eyes burn. She moved closer to hide her face against his chest, feeling his beard tickle the top of her head.
“You can’t die,” she said, swallowing when she realized how hoarse her voice was. “You can’t. What am I gonna do, live alone in that house with the big kitchen and all the glass? I can’t even cook.”
Damien leaned his head against hers. “You still think of that?”
“I sometimes try to imagine it,” Merridy admitted. “A life after all of… this. With…” She swallowed. “With you. It isn’t a dream if you’re not there.”
She had known it since Lavender Town; since before that, if she was honest. He was a part of every future she could imagine hoping for.
“You’re there in the kitchen, making breakfast as the rising sun falls through the window,” she said. “You’re there when I hang up the laundry in the garden, and water plants, and pull out weeds. You’re there when it rains, and we stay inside in front of the fireplace, and you tell me stories all day.”
Something shifted in the air. Merridy blinked, and the stable was gone. They were lying on a soft rug in front of a fireplace, a fire burning low inside. A colorful quilt was tangled around their legs, an open book face down next to them. She tried to read the title, but found that she couldn’t.
Merridy raised her head. Her surroundings were fuzzy, everything further away blurry. When she tried to focus on the rest of the room, her brain refused, leaving her dizzy. Only a few details were clear: Specks of dust dancing in the sunlight falling through a window framed by pristine white curtains. The pattern in the wooden floorboards where the rug ended. The tools next to the fireplace, poker and tongs and dustpan all with the same ornate handle, next to each other on a rack.
When she looked at Damien, he was watching her, a smile on his lips. The smile faded as the illusion flickered and vanished, and he squeezed his eyes shut with a pained hiss.
“It’s okay.” His hand brushed against her stomach, his position not fit to reach higher without moving. “It was… a bit early for that.”
Slightly reassured, Merridy snuggled back against him, taking his hand. She hadn’t even thought about the toll the use of his magic must have taken on him. A part of her wanted to know what exactly he had done, but she didn’t dare to ask. She wasn’t sure if it was for his sake or hers.
“You should do that more often,” she said. “Imagine the stories you could tell.”
As if his voice wasn’t enough to carry her away, she thought of all the ways he could let the words come alive. Damien didn’t reply. Something about his posture changed, his hand stiff in hers. Merridy leaned back to get a better look at his face. The smile was gone, his gaze hard. Shit.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled.
He had told her—hinted at, really—some of the things he had used his magic for. Been forced to use his magic for. She could understand that he wanted no reminder of that time, and yet… he had used it a moment ago, and he had looked happy doing so.
“Is it because you don’t want to think about it? Or…” She remembered a similar conversation, so many months ago. “Is it because you think I’d be afraid when I see what you can do?”
“You should be.”
She could hear the self-hate in his voice. It broke her heart.
“You still use a knife to cook, even if it can cut you,” she said. Apparently Damien’s flowery tales of the previous day had rubbed off on her. “You still need water for your garden, even if you can drown in it. Everything can be used to cause harm. Your magic is a part of you, and I’m not afraid of you. You’re the kindest man I know.”
“I killed three people,” he said, his voice toneless.
“You saved me. That’s pretty kind.” Merridy’s smile was strained, but her words sincere. “Do you really think I’d hold that against you?”
Damien’s silence was answer enough. She pressed his hand.
“I won’t push you. But if you ever feel like using it, I will not be afraid. I promise.” The look Damien gave her was too intense, so she forced herself to laugh and quickly added, “Unless you use it to make those scary stories come to life. You know, like the book with the big wolf on the cover.”
Damien sighed overly loud, the hint of a smile on his lips. “I thought it was a dog.”
“Its eyes were glowing.”
“Hey. My eyes glow. Sometimes.”
“It had blood dripping down its teeth.”
“Okay. Okay.” He nudged her with his head. “No scary stories. Promise. Only heroes, and princesses, and—”
“And seamstresses,” she interjected.
“And seamstresses.” 
Silence settled between them. Raising her free hand to cup Damien’s cheek, Merridy brushed her thumb over the small silver spot in his beard.
“I love you,” he whispered.
She leaned her head against his chest. Even if she knew it in her heart, her traitorous lips wouldn’t form the words. Perhaps one day they would. Until then, she knew he didn’t expect her to reply in kind.
A few minutes passed, then Damien nudged her side. “I really don’t want to get up. But I have to get up. I’ll grab breakfast while I’m out.”
Reluctantly, she let go of him, sinking back onto the ground and watching him unlatch the door. She’d have to visit the well and outhouse soon, too, but she wasn’t willing to give up the warmth of her blanket just yet.
When Damien returned, he was carrying a large wicker basket under his arm. All he pulled out were half a loaf of bread and a piece of cheese, so she gave him a questioning look.
“For the laundry,” he explained, pushing the basket towards the edge of the box.
“Oh.” Merridy turned the other way, to look at the pile of their belongings, only to wince as the movement made the pain flare up. It wasn’t as bad as it had been a day ago, but she still took care to settle down carefully.
“Are you all right?”
“Yeah. It hurts.” She grimaced. “A bit. No, that’s not…”
But Damien had already picked up the little phial, and another stabbing pain made Merridy cease her protest. They already had the medicine, so she might as well take it. While Damien poured some water into the cup and counted the drops, Merridy tore the bread and cheese apart.
“You need more rest,” he said, handing her the cup, “but we could use some clean clothes, so I asked the staff if they’d be willing to help with the laundry.”
Merridy sipped the water. The drops made it bitter, but that was a small price to pay for blissful hours without pain. “And how did you get them to agree?” she asked.
Damien grinned. “A few coins and a smile, remember?” He took half of the bread, but didn’t start eating yet. “They were pretty sympathetic when I told them my wife wasn’t well,” he explained, “so I took my chances and asked for a bath as well.”
“A bath?” That was possibly the most wonderful word Merridy could imagine at the moment. She longed to feel clean again, but scrubbing herself hidden behind a bush in the yard, with ice-cold water from the well, wasn’t exactly a pleasure.
“Yeah. They’re preparing it at the moment, so once we’re done”—Damien raised his piece of bread—“we can go over there.”
“What are you waiting for, then?” 
She nudged his shoulder, her words muffled by the absolutely giant bite she had taken of her bread. Damien laughed and started to eat as well, and for a while, neither of them spoke a word.
Merridy was done first. She turned her attention back to the basket, the movements already less painful than they had been a moment ago. 
“Everything?” she asked, gesturing to the pile of fabric.
“As much as fits the basket,” Damien confirmed.
While he finished off his breakfast, Merridy filled the basket, adding clothes and bandages and even fitting one of the blankets in. The other she kept, so they’d have a dry one during the day. On top of the pile, Merridy put a few folded clothes, the cleanest ones she had been able to find, so they’d have something to change into after their bath.
Together, they made their way across the yard, stopping at the outhouses. When they moved on and reached the main building, they walked around the corner to the back door. A woman introduced herself to Merridy as the housekeeper and led them into a sparsely furnished room lit by two small windows. A wooden bathtub filled with water stood in the middle, and benches lined one of the walls. Merridy set the basket down, while the woman explained that she’d come to fetch it afterwards.
“It’s all yours,” Damien said with a gesture towards the tub as soon as the door had closed behind the woman.
Merridy shook her head. “You first. The cleaner the water is when it gets to your wound, the better.”
For a moment, it looked like Damien wanted to argue, but then he nodded and stepped next to the tub.
“I…” He looked around, as if considering for the first time that bathing included undressing. “Uhm.”
“I’ll go sort the laundry,” Merridy said, shoving the basket along the bench. “In this far away corner here, facing this incredibly interesting wall.”
She heard a choked laugh behind her, followed by a whispered ‘Thank you.’
Listening to the rustling of fabric and the splashing of water, she emptied the basket, only to fill it again, but this time in two distinct piles. When she was done separating the whites from the finer clothes, she raised her head.
“Can I come and grab your clothes?” she asked.
“Mhm.” Water splashed. “Sure.”
She grabbed the fresh clothes she had taken for him, as well as the blanket. “I didn’t think to bring anything to dry ourselves with, so… here.” She put everything on a stool, pushing it next to the tub. After scooping up the pile of Damien’s discarded clothes and bandages, she added, “I’ll wait in the back.”
Sorting the few pieces into the basket was quickly done, after which she leaned back against the wall and stared at the ceiling. It was about as boring as the wall.
It didn’t take long for Damien to emerge from the tub, to approach her with the blanket wrapped around his hips.
“I’ll need a moment before I’ll manage to put on my clothes. If you could help me put them there,” he said, nodding at the bench, “that would be great.”
Merridy slid off the bench, the bundle with her own fresh clothes in hand, and exchanged them, dropping Damien’s where he had indicated. Back at the tub, a quick glance back over her shoulder told her that he was sitting on the bench, head leaned against the wall and eyes closed. She piled her clothes next to the tub and sank into the water.
It really was the most wonderful thing. For a few minutes, she just sat there, head resting on the edge of the tub, before she grabbed the piece of soap. It didn’t smell of lavender—that would have been too much luck—but had a fresh scent, reminding her faintly of apples. It wasn’t strong enough to bother her.
Merridy scrubbed herself thoroughly, letting the warm water wash away some of the memories. Getting her shirt off had already been a struggle, but washing her hair turned out to be impossible. When she tried to raise her arms, the pain in her chest flared up, even through the numbing effect of the drops. It wasn’t as bad as it had been, but made her heart race all the same, so she gave up, sinking back with a sigh.
“Are you okay?”
She turned her head to glance at Damien, who sat on the bench, dressed once more. 
He must have watched her attempt, for he asked, “Do you… want me to help?”
“Hm.” She only hesitated for a moment before she said, “Yes, please.”
While Merridy sunk deeper into the water, Damien walked over. He held out his arm for her to roll up his sleeve, then took the soap from her. The gentle touch of his fingers as he massaged the soap into her hair was almost enough to lull her to sleep. With her eyes half closed, she watched the surface of the water, her mind blissfully empty.
“All done.”
Damien’s voice jerked her out of her trance. “Thank you,” she mumbled. The water was getting cold, which was a shame. She could have stayed like this forever.
Damien picked up her discarded clothes and retreated into the back of the room, to give her space to get out of the tub and get dressed. The blanket he had left her was slightly wet already, so she didn’t wrap herself in it, just used it to dry herself off as much as possible.
The pain was gone, but her weakness told her that there would be some blood still, so she stuffed some strips of fabric into her undergarments before slipping into her skirt. Putting on a shirt was easier than getting it off, but by the time she had wriggled her arms through the sleeves, she was out of breath. She shot a glance at Damien, who sat on the bench once more, eyes closed. There really wasn’t anything wrong with spending the rest of the day in bed—or the closest they had to one—was there? They deserved a bit of rest.
Merridy folded the blanket, dropping it on top of the laundry basket. 
“Let’s go back?” she asked, holding out her hand.
Damien took it, swaying as he pulled himself to his feet. Merridy tried to steady him, but in the end, they leaned on each other as they left the room. At least their desolate condition was enough for the housekeeper to fuss over them, promising she’d hold back a piece of today’s pie for when they came to fetch their laundry.
Outside, the sun was standing high in the sky, warming the air and promising that soon, spring would make way for summer. Still, Merridy breathed a sigh of relief when the walls of the stable closed in around them. The way back had seldom felt as long as it had today.
While she fastened the latch of the door to their box, Damien lowered himself onto the ground. He grimaced as he tried to find a comfortable position to sit in.
“You should take some of the drops,” Merridy blurted out. How had she not thought of that before?
“No. I got those for you, not for me.”
“I’m worried I won’t feel it when I strain it too much. I don’t want to tear out any more stitches.” He must have noticed her doubtful frown, for he added, “I’ll think about it if it keeps me from sleeping, but as long as I don’t move, it’s fine.”
Merridy grabbed the bottle of clear alcohol, not sure if the water in the tub had been clean enough, and not willing to risk it. While she dabbed at the wound, Damien kept his gaze fixed on the ceiling, breathing heavily, but not making a single noise. Merridy hummed, but didn’t comment on it. And he dared to call her stubborn!
After spreading the salve on the wound and wrapping fresh bandages around it, she helped him lie down. It wasn’t even close to noon, but she was sleepy, and with the laundry taken care of, there was nothing to do until the afternoon.
Merridy pulled the blanket over both of them, making sure Damien’s feet were covered before tucking it in place behind his back. When she laid down, bedding her head on his arm, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. Merridy closed her eyes, putting her hand on his chest, to feel his warmth and the rise and fall of his breaths.
This wasn’t quite the future she was dreaming of, but it was close.
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[ID: The top image is a banner covered in colorful glass shards. Across it is written the title of the story, glass shards, in a white to bright cyan gradient with a black outline. The font looks like written with a broad paintbrush. All other images in this post are purely ornamental lines. End ID.]
@dont-touch-my-soup @starrysky-whumpfics @kixngiggles @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
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