scurviesdisneyblog · 3 months
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Character designs for Inside Out 2 by Crystal Kung
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akascow · 5 months
hey uh not for nothing but uhhHHHH
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blue... and red ? alrighty
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billfrancois · 9 months
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Last night I dreamt that a Legends Celebi game was announced, and in the footage there was a Johtonian Lombre evolution that the player could climb on top of to cross rivers~
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reyenii · 5 months
since edwin is very closed off, except for when he’s with his best friend, charles, costume designer kelli dunsmore reflected his buttoned-up mentality through his bespoke suit, complete with bowtie and collar. edwin’s outfit, along with charles’ period garb, were designed to help them stand out more in modern day port townsend. “i knew edwin would, because no one dresses like that now,” says dunsmore.
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dunsmore wanted everything about charles to feel “a little bit cool and underground,” from his union jack and the who bull’s-eye patches to his checkerboard pins. his little cross earring and chain on the outside of his shirt are also meant to be homages to the ’80s.
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in the show, crystal’s hero color is purple, which you’ll notice in her velvet coat and long silk letterman jacket, which dunsmore thought of as a psychic cloak with hand-embroidered patches, including the wilting rose of england.
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her brown trench coat represents an explosion of everything going on in her mind. dunsmore decided the scribbled words and drawings are a result of crystal writing all over it to express her inner turmoil. there are even lyrics on there from the song she’s listening to on the tube when she meets the dead boys.
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david’s connection with crystal seeps into her wardrobe, too. since david wears a flower shirt, dunsmore’s team hand-painted flowers onto crystal’s black boots. and niko is wearing a dark sweater with flowers on it when we first meet her, as an homage to crystal. the costume department also drew the same rune pattern the dead boys use to exorcise david in episode 1 onto crystal’s trench coat and on the tab of her wool bomber jacket. “so she’s always got some sort of protection,” says dunmore.
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every color niko wears is inspired by what’s happening in that episode, from the green post-sprite exodus to blue when she’s feeling sad. niko only wears a white look, with nods to her japanese heritage, in the finale as a reset. the charms on her obi belt represent the colors she’s worn all season.
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night nurse is someone who’s in control all the time and likes things to be in their proper place. dunsmore looked to vivienne westwood for inspiration, since everything in night nurse’s world is a bit exaggerated. (by the way, niko’s orange monochromatic look is a nod to her scenes with night nurse and night nurse’s red hair.)
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since david is a demon, he finds a london boy that looks cool enough for crystal to find attractive. that meant dunsmore dressing him in a shearling jacket you’d find in “all the guy ritchie movies,” black pants and creeper shoes. the costumer’s mood board for “david the d” featured radiohead and amy winehouse and her husband blake, who often wore hats similar to the one you see david wearing in the show.
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pay close attention to monty’s leather jacket and you just might spot an inlaid crow feather or two.
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it’s not only esther who wears clothes with a gilt, old-gold color — cat king and night nurse also do as a nod to their villainy. (esther and cat king also have similar fur coats.) amidst her beauty, dunsmore wanted esther to be a little rough around the edges. she wears a cuff around her hand that’s adorned with a snake and a ring with teeth all around it to represent the teeth she’s collecting from all the little girls. her eye necklace is meant to be her witch pendant.
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mischievous as ever, cat king has (cat) eyes everywhere and is aware of edwin’s affection for charles. so he wears charles’ socks the first time he meets edwin.
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python-nebula · 5 months
I will never not be devastated at the fact that Edwin, this (forever-)16-year-old who doesn't know how to fight like Charles, or use a weapon, or anything like that, can run so much faster than Charles, or anybody in the show for that matter. Because he's had to. He's had to for 70 years. And he's still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Crystal (in her 'past life') learnt to insult people because (it seems like) that was the only way people would listen to her (aka her parents).
Charles learnt to immediately go on the offensive (to protect others, not himself) because he can't let anyone else be hurt the way he was hurt by the person who was supposed to care for him.
Niko learnt to forgive people and take the kindest route because that was how her dad taught her to be, how he'd want her to be.
Jenny learnt to close herself off from people because she's been too open in the past, and she can't afford to be vulnerable again.
And Edwin learnt to run, because there was no point in fighting back, because the only way he wasn't going to have to watch his own corpse be horrifically murdered again and again was if he ran.
The final scene of the show is the first time he's stopped in one hundred and eight years.
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lesbicosmos · 3 months
crystal palace surname-von hoverkraft appreciation post 🫶🫶
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crystal i love you and your absurdly silly name <333
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sharadaprincess · 17 days
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Drawing Crystal's patterned blouse was more complicated for me than it had a right to be xd Either way, that scene where she finds herself in her mindscape, popped up in my memory, and I wanted to draw it with the pretty colours.
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densewentz · 4 months
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Guess who's been playing Don't Starve while watching Dead Boy Detectives 💕
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windybreeze12 · 5 months
i love how no one, literally no one from the main/secondary cast is a straight white male in DBD.
Let's break it down:
Edwin: Straight White Male(?) Charles: Straight(?) White Male Crystal: Straight(?) White Male Niko: Straight(?) White Male Esther: Straight(?) White Male Monty: Straight White Male(?) Jenny: Straight White Male Cat King: Straight White Male(?) Tragic Mick: Straight(?) White Male(?) Night Nurse: Straight(?) White Male
They're all just a textbook about diversity and this is reason number #984342423429 why this show should be watched and loved and not cancelled. GO GO GO
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blackkatdraws2 · 6 months
The narrator and the ugly ahh protagonist [Blank Scripts AU/non-canonical]
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calypso-mbk · 5 months
Everybody, simultaneously, 10 minutes into Dead Boy Detectives: These bitches gay,,,good for them
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paraphwrites · 19 days
i think it's interesting that edwin attracts lonely people.
-the cat king has seemingly never had a real substantial relationship. he lives his lives playing tricks and games, not actual connections
-monty literally only ever spoken to one (1) other person, and that's his fucked up mother familiar mommy situationship that he needs, like, so much therapy to unpack
-simon, maybe the only other gay kid in this boarding school, completely isolated from his peers by virtue of his identity and society and shame
-niko, who has been hiding in her room, avoiding other people for months out of grief and something larger (the inherent unavoidable devastation of growing up alone)
-and, of course, charles. charles, who died alone. charles, one of the only non white kids at that boarding school. charles, who's dad didn't love him and who's mom didn't say anything. charles, who flirts with every girl he meets. charles, who would follow him to the end of the earth but won't ever talk about his feelings because he's brills, mate, aces. charles, who spent his entire life alone and now won't spend a minute of his afterlife alone
i dunno. i think it's interesting. edwin, who we know is lonely, attracts other lonely people.
and, not to overstep my bounds as a silly little person on tumblr, but i think it's interesting that the show has attracted a lot of lonely people, too. and i think there's a lot of reasons for that. the target demographic is teenagers & young adults, a notoriously lonely group. the show features a lot of minority characters, which will attract minority audience members, and often people who are a part of a minority feel lonely and different from the people around them. the show is about friendship and found family, and i think that attracts a lot of lonely people. shit, i'm lonely, and i was drawn to this show. yes, for the incredible music and acting and cinematography, but also because the themes are so fundamentally resonant and raw.
and THAT is why dead boy detectives is an important show. because it is a show for the lonely and the grieving and the lost. AND it is a show for the hopeful and the learning and the coping. it is a show for people who have their shit together, and people with no shit together, and people who don't even know their shit is spilt all over the floor. this show MATTERS because it speaks to the fundamental devastation in human existence AND it finds the beauty to celebrate. it says, yes, loss is horrible and life altering, and you will be okay. yes this will be awful but you will carry on. and that is SO important. do you understand how important that is?? because everyone, everyone goes through loss and change and hardships. everyone. it is a show for lonely people! and we're all fucking lonely, aren't we? isn't part of the human condition just being lonely??
dead boy detectives is a show for people wronged by men. it is a show for people coated in grief. for people who are dealing with their sexuality late in life. for people with fucked up parental relationships. for people who date as a distraction. for people who are doing great and just like a silly little ghost show! for people not doing great but trying their best anyway. most of all, it is a show for lonely people.
just. FUCK! this show MATTERS! this show MEANS SOMETHING to SO many people!! including me!!! it matters to ME!!!! and i will continue yapping about it, even if it's just into the void!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lutheban · 18 days
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None of them are equivalent to eachother but you get the point
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98chao · 27 days
my pitch for a season 2 of last cookie standing
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raincitygirl76 · 3 months
One thing I love about Neil Gaiman’s new Netflix show Dead Boy Detectives is Crystal. Crystal is the female lead, and she is MESSY. She makes umpteen mistakes, she hurts people, she’s selfish, she frequently lacks empathy, etc, etc. And I kept expecting Crystal to be revealed as a villain in disguise, because female characters don’t usually get to be messy like Crystal unless they’re bad guys. Male characters can be anti-heroes, sure, but female characters are expected to be likeable.
Crystal is more than a collection of her least likeable character traits, of course. She is brave and tenacious right from the start, and she has growth over the course of the season. But I was fascinated by the ways she isn’t a typical female protagonist. She is allowed to be abrasive, and her sharp edges are allowed to cut other sympathetic characters to ribbons at times. But the narrative never takes the easy way out and makes her a villain for it.
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livinginadumpster · 3 months
The way Dead Boy Detectives handles queerness and labeling of sexuality is honestly so refreshing. The way it's handled makes is very obvious that it's not the kind of media in which characters are assumed straight until proven otherwise; the characters' sexualities are left undefined because the focus isn't on specific labels, it's on the relationships between characters.
As the show goes on, it becomes abundantly clear that the characters' sexualities are a non-factor. Sure, Jenny dates women, but a label is never put on that. Same with Edwin - he is clearly interested in men, but not once in the show is he labeled as gay. It's not necessary in either case; labeling these characters wouldn't add anything to their stories or character arcs. The show is completely relaxed about labels because they're almost never a part of or even relevant to the plot.
And so, in a show that is so utterly unconcerned with labels, it would also be exceeding strange to impose the label of "straight" on any character. Characters like Charles and Crystal, who clearly demonstrate attraction to the opposite gender, don't come across as strictly heterosexual, they come across as people experiencing human emotions. And a character like Niko, who never expresses romantic attraction to anyone, really can't be assumed heterosexual either, because it simply wouldn't be in line with what we know about her.
Heterosexuality never comes across as the default in this universe. It never seemed as if the writers automatically assumed any character, no matter how background, to be straight. Queerness is explored not as a defiance of the norm but as just another way of loving someone. In a world where being queer is always viewed as alternate or deviant, and where coming out is a lifelong process that begins again every time you meet someone new because you're always assumed cishet, this kind of complete abolishment of heteronormativity is a breath of fresh air. Seeing queerness handled in such a casual way onscreen honestly feels a little bit revolutionary.
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