#CHAII Wow (Look At Me)
Festival Preview: 6 Must-See Acts at 2024's The New Colossus Festival
Festival Preview: 6 Must-See Acts at 2024's The New Colossus Festival @NewColossusFest @dedstrange @kaninerecords @planetarygroup @terrorbirdmedia @mothlandsounds @girlieaction @SimoneRecords @keepva @chaii_music @frankiietheband @MysticSons
Festival Preview: 6 Must-See Acts at 2024’s The New Colossus Festival Co-founded back in 2018 by three New York music industry vets and longtime friends, former Lorimer Beacon founder and head Mike Bell, Kanine Records‘ founder and label head Lio Kanine and Kepler Events‘ and Dedstrange Records co-founder Steven Matrick, The New Colossus Festival over the course of the past couple of years has…
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arthaven-hina · 2 years
I don’t glow in the dark, I make people decide / if they see me or not, if they see me or not
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mrpinchy · 4 years
FINISHED 5.3 MSQ I went in soon as the servers came up and didn’t stop, went in completely blind from start to finish took about 7hrs? I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS 
holy shit jesus christ OKOK
so first of all I cried A LOT like, way more than I expected and NOT JUST CUZ IT’S THE LAST PATCH OF AN EXCELLENT EXPANSION but cuz like, damn it hits hard man lol
so Leon is my WoL but he’s never been leveled/geared enough to do endgame UNTIL YESTERDAY when I caught him up on all the patch content (my main is Sig but he’s not my WoL). it was A LOT OF FUN to go through everything with the “right” character sorta speak, just a lot of really cool stuff idk how to explain it lol
HELPING THE LIL KIDS!!!!!! OH MY HEART also I noticed Tiqi-Rio had sunseeker eyes AND MOONKEEPER FANGS nicenicenicenicenicenice GOOD I WANNA SEE MORE OF THAT
so the FIRST Exarch fakeout death with Elidibus and him at the watchtower LIKE???? WHY YOU WANNA GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK SO EARLY omg but honestly seeing him so crystalized and struggling HURT ME A LOT baby boi BABY BOI NOO
going back to Amaurot so Elidibus can force you to kill the Scions soon as you get there WOW WHAT A DICK MOVE LMAO and then all the other characters they brought back like, even in the background it was really cool to see them in Amaurot????? idk I think some people will call it hammy or too referential? but fuck it I loved it LAY IT ON THICK, YOSHIP god it hurt me to kill Aymeric tho
holy goddamn I was so excited when Y’shtola ripped into Elidibus YEEES GET HIM but wow like, Elidibus is essentially a primal then idk AGAIN WE COME BACK TO THE THEORY THAT WoL IS A PRIMAL anyway
HEROE’S GAUNTLET I went in with Trust so I could take my time and it was the right choice, I LOOOOOOOVED seeing the role quest NPCs helping at the end -- I loved seeing all the NPCs helping you but especially them lol ESPECIALLY GIOTT FUCK YEEEEEEAH
god okay the SECOND Exarch fakeout death when Elidibus is like, hey I need your corpse die lol I WAS READY FOR THE PAIN and then jk jk jk OR IS IT
running up the tower with the Exarch, seeing/hearing how painful it was for him to keep up with his failing body, how he had to send you away without him.. OH MAN i cried YOU COULD FEEL HOW MUCH IT HURT HIM he was so close to having an adventure with WoL ;v; also liek... damn that ESPECIALLY hit, the whole “failing body can’t keep up with my dreams” thing HOOOO I KNOW THAT FEEEEEEEEL
went in completely blind with a random group for the Elidibus fight, I went WHM (im bad but semi-geared) and we only wiped twice!!! figured out we had to use tank LB midway and then healer LB towards the end LOTTA AOE HEALING
Emet-Selch’s shade giving us a boost during the fight, BOY MY GROUP WAS VERY UPSETTI in like a good way CUZ IT WAS VERY UPSETTING in a good way lmao emotionally everyone was just POINTING AND YELLING THERE HE IS!!!!
Exarch using the tower as a big auracite IM SO GLAD that was really cool to see, also like........ god idk but I cried A LOT when Elidibus turned into a little amaurotine kid all scared and alone just playing with the soul crystals and talking to himself, AND CRYING and and MY HEART EXPLODED goddamn i cried. he tried so hard for so long that he forgot what he was doing or why he was doing it, why he was suffering so much, and damn if that didnt hit hard. was Zodiark’s heart just a lonely kid all along
saying goodbye to the Exarch like I KNEW WE”D SEE HIM AGAIN but it still was Emotional, I felt so sad for Lyna especially SHE LOST HER GRANDPAAAA
Alisaie crying after Halric spoke ME TOO ALISAIE 
holy shit Dulia Chaii’s parting words to Alphinaud WOW I CRIED A LOT and when he got choked up?? I CRY god the Chais love that baby boy so much IM SUFFERING
holy shit Seto............. ohhhhhhhh I cried SO MUCH
Thancred saying goodbye to Ryne and telling her how PROUD he is of her like damn that hit me right in the HEART goddamn
finally i must say
that whole cutscene with Alisaie at the table WAS VERY WELL ANIMATED the whole thing was noticably better animated than previous cutscenes I LOVED IT!!! IT WAS VERY GOOD!!!!!! also ALISAIE IS VERY GOOD!!!!!!!!!
ALSO I NOTICE that gwaha’s ears wiggle A LOT MORE im so GLAD thank u yoship
ASAHI?????????????????? OH GOD OH GOD 
no idea who Fandaniel is (henceforth known as Fandango) but I ALREADY LIKE HIM A LOT he’s so animated (also this cutscene was very well animated GOOD JOB FFXIV TEAM YOU’RE DOIN GREAT HONEY) I sort of wondered if maybe part of Emet was like... around...?? cuz he reminded me of Emet with his flair for the dramatic but WOW I WAS NOT EXPECTING ASAHI UNDER THAT HOOD holy shit I yelled
ALAS........... the final chapter......... it sounds like the next expansion is planned to be the FINAL EXPANSION and honestly.. Im so sad but also I Respect that decision. I respect that they want to end things in a good place, they dont want to “live long enough to become the villain” etc. and yeah it means FFXIV WILL DIE eventually but yknow, maybe that’s okay. even knowing the game will end i’m still so excited to play it all the way through, whatever it may be. I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO IT with all my heart and happiness
..im still SO EMOTIONAL lmao
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casspurrjoybell-15 · 3 years
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Chapter 36 - En of Love Special #3
*Warning: Adult Content*
"Internal flights in Thailand are more expansive than flights to South Korea."
"Really? Is that so? And have you ever been to Korea, Vee?"
"No. But Yihwa has and she said that it was." 
Vee shakes his head and smiles at Mark.
"Why are you complaining about the price of your ticket again. My mum said she'd pay for you, but you refused her."
"Money doesn't grow on trees, Khun Chaii (Rich Boy)" Vee informed him.
"What's with calling me Khun Chaii?" Mark asks.
"What? You don't think you're a Khun Chaii? Then what's with the dude over there holding up a sign with your name on?" 
Vee points to the Masa family chauffer.
"You're always exaggerating," Mark mummers embarrassed. 
They walk towards the driver and Mark notices that he is a new employee, hence the sign.
‘It looks like Vee and I have just come back from a trip abroad.’
"Welcome Master Masa. Mrs Masa has sent me to come fetch you home because your Uncle has taken Mr Masa to the beach," the driver tells Mark, who nods at him and asks...
"When will my father be back?"
"Tonight. No later than six," the chauffer informs him. 
Mark looks at his watch and sees it's past mid-day, his mother would have had her lunch already.
"I'll carry you bags, Mr Mark."
"No need. We can carry them ourselves," Vee informs the driver, wanting his boyfriend and himself to be independent.
"It's okay. I'll take them and put them in the car for you," the driver insists. 
The traffic is maddening and they arrive at their dentation at almost 2 p.m.
"Are you hungry," Vee asks Mark as they walk towards the Masa family home.
"A little bit," the younger boy admits.
" Wow Mark, your house is really beautiful."
"I suppose it is a beautiful house but it's not mine, Vee. It belongs to my parents. Well to my father to be exact." 
Mark doesn't like coming home mainly because he is afraid of his father. He really had to pluck up the courage to come on this trip with Vee and hopes that he can handle his feelings when he meets his Dad next.
"What fool doesn't love the family home?"
"It's not that I don't like the house. I'm just not comfortable here."
"You're not comfortable here? Why not?"
"Because of my father, or course."
"But I'm here with you this time. Right? I'll protect you," Vee informs Mark, placing his hand on the boy's head and patting it tenderly.
"How can you protect me against my father. He hasn't accepted you or our relationship yet and knowing him he never will," Mark says to annoy him.
"What are you talking about. If he hasn't accepted me, why would he invite me to come to his home. It's like a house warming for the son-in-law," Vee relies confidently.
"You really are so narcissistic," Mark scoffs playfully. 
Vee just shrugs his shoulder, knowing his boyfriend is just in a lively mood.
"Ah. There you boys are," Mark's mother's cheerful voice makes the two boys turn around. 
Mark acknowledges his mother's beaming smile with one of his own.
‘She really is breathtakingly beautiful. She doesn't seem age. No wonder Dad calls her his Princess.’
"Hello Mrs Masa." Vee greets Mark's mother.
"What's with the Mrs Masa? Didn't I tell you to call me mum?"
"Okay. Okay," Vee says, hands up in surrender.
"Hello Mum."
"That's better. Very cute." 
Mrs Masa places both hands on Vee's cheeks and gives them a soft pinch. The handsome boy lifts his head to let her have her fun until she's satisfied. Mark sees his boyfriend's blushing face and his mother's sweet behaviour as very cute and before he knows what he was doing...
Mark's hand reaches into his pocket and takes the photo as if it was on auto pilot.
"Ah... I want a copy of that one please. My boy doesn't normally post many photos on his Instagram, but lately," she teases her son.
"Don't you upload pictures too?" Vee asks her.
"I do post photos on my IG account but they are not of myself," she says to embarrass the boys.
"I only upload places where Vee and I have been together or when Vee was doing his internship and he wanted to know where I was. Clingy much," Mark tells her.
"I wasn't being jealous... I was missing you," Vee defends himself.
"Is that so? Then why haven't you posted many photos of Vee, you know it would make me happy." 
She sighs.
"Make you happy? About what?" Mark asks his mother.
"Don't act all jealous now, Mark."
"Anyway, I haven't uploaded any photos of Vee."
"Even though I can only see his ears, I know it's Vee. Like when Vee uploads pictures of you and I can only see a hand I know that it's you."
"Mum. You're a very smart woman," Vee says awkwardly.
"Not at all my dear. When people are in love they don't post photos of themselves, they post pictures of their loved ones."
"Mum," Marks calls his mother's name flustered. 
Mrs Masa just smiles at them both, pleased with herself.
"I haven't seen him blush like this in a long time. I hope I get to see your couple pictures soon," she says with a gentle motherly smile.
"Your son won't let me introduce myself as his boyfriend yet." 
Mark's head quickly wipes around when Vee says this, glaring at him for over sharing their relationship with his mother.
"Really? What's there to hide, Mark?" Mrs Masa says, looking at her son quizzingly.
"I'm not trying to hide anything. We just haven't told anyone yet. No need to rush," Mark informed her. 
Even though they hadn't officially gone public, most of their friends knew they were dating or else they were blind or deaf.
"But you better be careful son... Girls like boys as handsome as Vee," she informs her son.
"Mum. If it 's not my Mark, then it won't do," Vee tells her matter-of-factually.
"I'm just so happy that you kids could get time off to come home. Mark take Vee upstairs and unpack your things," Mrs Masa says, pointing up the stairs. "The maids have aired your room and put on fresh linen. Are you tired from the flight? When you've finished unpacking have a nice lie down,"she adds... "Your dad will be back soon hopefully, so when he does, I'll call you down for dinner." 
Vee and Mark nod and walk upstairs without any argument. They put their bags down and go to lay down for a couple of hours. When they wake up and un-pack their bags, Vee informs Mark he wants to go down to the kitchen to help with dinner.
"I'm not trying to impress your Dad or anything but whenever I cook my parents always says it's delicious." 
Vee persuades Mark to venture into the kitchen. For Vee cooking comes easy, were as Mark only tries simple dishes and so he was feeling very bashful at the moment.
"What's your problem? Don't be shy Babe," Vee tells Mark.
"I'm not shy," Mark replies, feeling his face getting hotter. 
The cooking goes smoothly, Vee and Mark make a dish each, the rest of the meal is prepared by the maids. Mark didn't want to do any more than the one meal in case his parents didn't like it. The maids set the table for dinner while the boys sit down to wait for Mark's parents to arrive.
"We're here," Mrs Masa calls the boys from the stairs. 
Mark and Vee stand up to formally greet her.
"Hi," Vee says to Mr Masa who only nods in acknowledgment before sitting down in his usual seat.
"How long are you staying?" Mr Masa asks his son when they start eating.
"A few days. We'll head back on Sunday," Mark informs his father who replies with another nod.
"If I hadn't told them to come I don't know when we would have see them again," Mrs Masa tells her husband.
"You know your son, always too busy to come visit his parents," he tells his wife while looking at his son. 
Mr Masa and Mark's eyes meet and the young man feels like a berated child again.
"Please don't scold the kids, dear."
"I haven't said anything. Have I?" Mr Masa informs his wife before lowering his head to continue eating.
"This spicy chicken is delicious," he says, quick to change the subject.
"Vee made that dish’" Mrs Masa tells her husband.
"Well it's delectable," he says.
"I thought you would like it Dad," Vee says with a smile.
"Who are you calling Dad?" Mr Masa snaps at his son's boyfriend.
"But I thought I came here as your son-in-law." 
Even though Vee says this in a soft voice with a lowered head, Mark is not fooled and knows that he is provoking his Dad.
"You brat... This kid... Just eat everyone," Mark father stuttered.
"Now this dish Mark cooked," Vee said, placing a few egg rolls on to Mr Masa's plate, causing Mrs Masa to smile at the natural effort of her son's boyfriend. 
Mark is shaking and feels bashful when his father turns to face him.
"What made you venture into the kitchen boy?" he asked. 
Not waiting for an answer from his son, he places an egg roll into his mouth, then another, then another until his plate is empty.
"How many egg-rolls did you have dear? You must be full by now?" Mrs asks her husband as they gather together their cutlery to start dessert.
"They are well cooked and easy to eat. I like them because they don't hurt my teeth," Mr Masa informs her. 
Mark doesn't dare look in his father's direction.
"It's nice to give compliments. Isn't it? I know that it makes Mark happy," Vee says, lifting his head from his desert to smile at the man opposite him.
"Why do you have to comment on my every statement."
"I only want to make the person I love happy... Dad," Vee answers his question quickly with no hesitation.
"Well they were very tasty," Mr Masa says looking at his son for a moment. 
The older man's face flushes a little with embarrassment and his son's cheeks redder in reply.
"Come on dear. Tell your son, that the egg-rolls were your favourite dish," Mrs Masa teases her husband. 
Looking at Mark his father asks...
"Tomorrow, make them again." 
A slight trace of a smile forms older man's face, making Mark smile in turn when he had left the room.
"Why didn't you say anything at the dinner table?" Vee asks Mark.
"I didn't want to. There was already too much pressure," the younger boy answers.
"If you're embarrassed, just say so. Why do you have to say that there was pressure?" Mrs Masa tells her son with a smile. 
Mark lifts his head and unintentionally looks at he askance.
"Mark, you've always been cute, but you're even more so since your relationship with Vee," she says kissing his cheek before excusing herself to follow her husband. 
It's late when the boys retire to their bedroom. They both decide to shower together as the en-suite in Mark's bedroom is larger that their dorm bathroom.
"Are we going to sleep already? What time is it?" Vee asks rubbing his wet hair. Mark nods to him and lowers the lights over the bed.
"I don't know but I'm feeling really tired," Mark says, stretching out his slender body very cat like across the bed.
"You're tired but happy right? I can see that you are," Vee states while handing his boyfriend the towel for him to finish with the hair drying.
"Why would I be happy?" Mark asks, rubbing at Vee's silky dark mane gently.
"Because your Dad acted like that at dinner," Vee says, playfully poking a finger into one of Mark's dimples.
"You know Babe... Your Mum and Dad like it when you act like this as well." 
Mark hung the wet towel over the back of a chair and climbs back into bed. Vee rests his head on his boyfriend's shoulder before whispering a sleepy goodnight.They sleep like this, cuddling in each other's arms. In Mark's childhood bed. In his childhood bedroom. He had never been so happy in this room, in this house as he was now because he was with Vee. Today he received a kiss on the cheek from his mother and a compliment and small smile from his father. They are woken early the next day to Mark's father suggesting they join him in some morning exercise. Mark is still laying in bed confused but Vee comes to his senses before him and wakes him up. The two boys follow Mr Masa out to the garden and Mark asks him...
"What are we going to do for exercise?"
"Run around the pool about four or five times." 
Mark's mouth drops when he hears his father's suggestion. Their swimming pool was in no way small that he would run around it multiple times.
"Isn't that too many times?" Mark whimpers. 
Mr Masa look at him but soon turns his attention to Vee.
"We've never exercised together, have we?" 
Vee won't be shaken by four of five laps around the pool, Mark thought. He is on the faculty football team and the team run to warm up before playing, probably two or three times more than what his father was suggesting.Besides, Vee likes to exercise, where as Mark hates it. Laps in a pool was the most exercise he ever gets.
"You can run with Vee, Dad. He's use to it. I'll just sit here and watch."
"This is your punishment. If you don't run Vee will have to complete your laps as well," Mr Masa said to his son.
"Punishment for what?" Vee asks
"You slept hugging my son." 
His words make Mark blush where as Vee just grinned.
"Why are you being so possessive?" Vee asks Mr Masa who just looks to his son and sighs...
"I only have one son."
"Fine," Vee says before placing a quick kiss on Mark's cheek.
"You brat."
"I'm only asking to date Mark. If I have to run a hundred laps around the pool. I will do it," Vee says with a satisfied smile, not caring that he has caused the other two male's faces to blush red. 
Mr Masa's from anger and Mark's from embarrassment.
"Okay brat.... your laps and his... that makes ten. Start running now," Mr Masa ordered. 
Vee only ran six of those ten laps because he was interrupted by Mrs Masa calling them inside for breakfast. Saved by the bell... ‘the dinner bell’. She looked sternly at her husband, who turned to Vee with a 'this isn't over brat' look. After breakfast Mark takes Vee for a of the gardens. He tells the younger boy that he loves it.
"Who else have you brought home with you?" Vee asks Mark shyly.
"Nobody. There's always only been just Mum and Dad and I. A couple of times, Pon and Pak, but they have not been here for years."
"Mr Pak again, huh? Vee says with a pout.
"He's like a brother to me. You don't need to worry about him because,one, he and Pon are dating and two, I have you."
"You want to tell 'Brother Pak" that piece of information?" Vee replies in a dark and low voice, that Mark barely catches.
"Are you tired after all that running?" Mark asks him when Vee sits down on the swing.
"Not much. Your Dad has good stamina." 
Mark laughs at Vee's comment, which makes the older boy asks with furrowed brows...
"What are you laughing at."
"No one has ever had the courage to gossip about my dad behind his back," Mark answers.
"I only said that because you asked."
"Even though it's only been a few days. I'm happy being home," Mark tells his boyfriend grabbing the chain of the swing.
"Because you have me. Right Babe?"
"Thank you for being the biggest part of my happiness, Vee."
"If I kiss you now, how many laps around the pool do you think your Dad will make me do?" the older boy asks his boyfriend, looking from his beautiful face to his plump lips.
"I want a kiss, So I'll make sure Dad doesn't punish you," he says blending down so that their noses are almost touching.
"Naughty. You're always trying to get me into trouble," Vee says, putting his hands around his lover's slim waist to pull him down on to his lap. 
They start kissing each other instantaneously, their lips crushing in playful abandonment. Mark is glad that his parents invested in this bigger size swing. Plenty of room for two grown boys to kiss and embrace to their hearts content. That is until...
"Oh dear me. Mark "
"Vivis... You brat." 
Mr and Mrs Masa's voices reach the boy's private bubble interrupting their kiss. 
Embarrassed, Mark softly pushes away from Vee and quickly jumps to his feet.
"Dad. Haven't gone to work yet?" Vee asks softly while still sitting on the swing. 
His eyes twinkling and his lips twitching in mischief.
"Lucky I haven't left yet, otherwise I wouldn't have caught you red-handed kissing my son in the garden," Mr Masa says in a booming voice while approaching the two boys. 
Vee is quick to stand up and grab Mark's hand protectively.
"Dad, don't scold the kids," Mrs Masa tells her husband, softly placing a hand on his arm to halt his advancement.
"How can I not scold them. Kissing in the garden... and in broad daylight," he says in a fierce voice.
"When we were courting, you would kiss me in my parent's garden. Do you remember?" she whispers to her husband tenderly.
"And in broad daylight. Right Mum?" Vee adds, a broad grin on his face.
"Of course."
Mr Masa's ears turn bright red and Vee and Mrs Masa giggle at his uncommon behaviour.
"What are you looking at brat?" he asks Vee
"It's cute seeing you embarrassed," the older boy replies.
"Well? So what? Haven't you ever been embarrassed?" he says walking away. 
Mrs Masa lifts her hand in farewell and follows her husband.
"Your Dad was really cute just then,’" Vee says, smiling at a stunned Mark.
"So it seems," Mark tells him. 
Both boys face each other and laugh at the absurdity of it all. Mark is thrilled to see Vee happy like this and in his childhood home. He wants to hug his boyfriend and hide his face in Vee's broad shoulders. Vee beats him to it pulling Mark close their two noses touching. They don't move. They just stand there in the garden arms loosely around each others waist. Noses and now foreheads touching.
"Your dad scolding me all this time was because he was possessive of you. But now that he knows that I can take care of you, he is warming up to having me as a son-in-law. And he's letting us see this other side of him, acting all cute like that."
"I'm happy when I see you happy," Vee whispers close to Mark's ear. 
They can't stop smiling and eventually they can't refrain from kissing in the garden again. They kiss to convey their feelings of happiness. They kiss to say that they are fine and that their relationship was fine. They kiss to say 'thankyou' for appearing and filling a void in each other's life and they kiss to promise that it will be like this forever.
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bestbefore-co · 3 years
CHAII Taps Fellow Kiwi Powerhouses Kings and eleven7four For 808-Driven Anthem "Might Just"
CHAII Taps Fellow Kiwi Powerhouses Kings and eleven7four For 808-Driven Anthem "Might Just" | @eleven7four @Kingsmusicnz
Persian-NZ  protean CHAII has been on an upwards trajectory since releasing her debut visual EP ‘Lightswitch’ last year, which features the single “WOW (Look At Me)” that you might recognise from the Apple iPhone 12 ad. Her explosive sound, which merges Western hip hop with Persian sonic nuances, has made waves worldwide; she’s soundtracked a Fendi campaign, been featured in both the Tony Hawk’s…
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shemakesmusic-uk · 3 years
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A true artist in her own lane, South London rapper on-the-rise Queenie, slams down one slick delivery on her latest single, ‘One Thing’ once again showcases her lyrical prowess and effortless flow. On this project we see Queenie diversifying her sound and showcasing a more rhythmic style pattern, in comparison to the more grime-esque skippy flow we’ve become accustomed to hearing from her. ‘One Thing’ is a sign of great things to come from Queenie. [via New Lease Music]
CHAII has unleashed her latest floor-filler 'Oh Nah Yeah', a collaboration with LA producer and DJ Party Favor. This is the second track from CHAII since she served up her sparkling audio / visual EP Lightswitch in 2020, having last graced our sound waves with her Kings and Lawrence Arabia co-creation 'WOW (Look At Me)', which landed a casual Apple iPhone ad spot after its release. CHAII says the new cut is about "not letting fear rule my life" and fighting the impulse to apologise; "There’s no need to have to default to an apology for not fitting in any box, being yourself and existing". In conversation with Henessey Griffiths this week, CHAII announced she has a new EP on the way, which could be out as soon as this August. [via Under the Radar]
‘Twerkulator’ has arrived. That’s right, City Girls have finally released their long-embattled single nearly a year after it first leaked to the masses. The song’s long road to official release gained traction earlier this year, when a dance challenge to ‘Twerkulator’ went viral on TikTok. At the time, everyone from Charli D’Amelio to Rico Nasty were uploading videos of themselves dancing to the track. However, City Girls ran into trouble getting the song cleared for release thanks to its infectious sample of Afrika Bambaataa & Soulsonic Force’s debut 1982 single ‘Planet Rock.’ On March 23, Yung Miami announced to her nearly one million Twitter followers, “Twerkulator didn’t get cleared sorry guys,” following it up the next day by tweeting, “Justice for twerkulator!!!!!!!!!!” [via Consequence]
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tulipblack · 4 years
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/  / 20 November 2020 /  / LISTEN LIVE ON 8K.NZ Friday 12:00 NZT repeats Saturday 15:00, Monday 06:00, Wednesday 00:00 /  / Tulip Black - COCK BLOCK #155 3OH!3 - Lonely Machines ft 100 gecs Hearts and Rockets - Dead As Disco CLT DRP - I Kill for Nothing (Yumi and the Weather remix) Equiknoxx - Good Sandra ela minus - dominique Keep Shelly in Athens - Mirror Phoebe Green - Reinvent Alexa Casino - Strs ft Womb [nz] CLT DRP - Speak to My (LibraLibra remix) Strange Relations - Dream of Four ela minus - el cielo no es de nadie Equiknoxx - Brooklyn Phoebe Green - Golden Girl Marika Hackman - Playground Love / Jupiter 4 covers Penelope Trappes - Eel Drip
Kebabette - titbit #155 CYCLICAL
Jane Weaver – The revolution of super visions CHAII – WOW (Look at me) [NZ] Ashy – D.N.L.  Don’t need love  [NZ] Shygirl – Slime Tierra Whack – Dora Julia Holter – So humble the afternoon Yaeji - When In Summer, I Forget About The Winter Sheep Dog Wolf – Cyclical  [NZ] Sharon Van Etten – Let Go Theia – Freak  [NZ] King Princess – Only time makes it human King Sweeties – Tonight we could go out dancing as if it’s the last  [NZ] LOMA – Homing Marika Hackman – All night Steady Holiday – Living life Lana Del Rey – Let me love you like a woman
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