#But they‘re emo about it after
nocasdatsgay · 8 months
From the Shadows the Beast Will Rise Chapter 3
Word Count: 3006 | Rating: E🌶️ | Warnings: Sex, Gay Enemy Panic
Fic Summary: Months after that one encounter, Eris receives demand for a response to his summons to visit the Night Court. He ends up with warning for the future and a certain shadowsinger back under his skin.
Ch. Summary: Eris is angry so the shadows intervene. Alternatively: Azriel finally has enough and fucks Eris.
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A/N: POV breaks at the ***
- Two Weeks Later-
After a visit to the Human Lands, instead of returning home, Eris went to his cabin. He tossed the sealed letter on his sitting room table and immediately started blasting fire into the fireplace until all the contents within were ash. Then he started to pace, tossing fire balls when his anger would well up inside him and need an escape. 
Helion figured it out. 
He knew this would happen. He knew Lucien would cave if he was asked. And Rhysand and Feyre admitting they knew as well? If Eris had the means he would start a war with the Night Court right then. He was even tempted to burn the letter. A letter from Helion to their mother, pressed with a Day Court seal. Eris couldn’t risk bringing that letter anywhere near the Forest House. If Beron knew Helion had been told, their mother would die. 
Eris was so angry he didn’t even notice the shadows swirling around his ankles as he paced. Nor did he notice them slip off and away. He did notice the wards trip and the smell of winter evergreen started to fill the air. 
He let out an undignified growl. “For once can you knock? Send a letter? Some kind of warning.” 
Darkness manifested in his sitting room. Azriel stood there scowling and his shadows slipped away. 
“What’s wrong?” 
It took all of Eris’s will to not let his magic run wild on his arms. “You showing up unannounced is what is wrong.”
“I meant with you.” Azriel crossed his arms but let his wings stay relaxed and open. 
Eris narrowed his gaze and balled his fists. He cut to glare at his shadows. “What did they tell you? Don't you have actual enemies to spy on?” 
“That you were blasting fire balls into the fireplace and stomping in circles.”
“Better than blasting them at someone else.” 
He watched a shadow swirl around Azriel’s ear. Azriel’s gaze dropped to the letter on the table. 
“Lucien is capable of taking care of himself.” 
“He is still my brother.” Fire welled inside Eris but he tampered it down. 
“I didn’t think you cared.” 
“I care when it puts our mother’s life at risk.” Eris clamped his jaw shut. He said too much already. He shot another glare at Azriel. “How did you get past these wards?” 
His hazel eyes scanned the room and he tucked his wings in tight. As if he realized he didn’t recognize where he was. Eris allowed himself to run his own eyes over Azriel’s body. He could curse the Mother herself for making him so attractive. Also for making Eris like males, but it was easier to take offense of Azriel’s beauty than with his own feelings. When Azriel looked back to him, Eris brought back his own gaze. Another shadow was swirling around his ear. 
“I wasn’t aware you had your own cabin.”
Eris scoffed. “Some spymaster you are.” 
“Why is it spelled?” Azriel tilted his head. “You bring lovers here and when they leave, they don’t remember this place.”
“Why do I bother doing half of what I do?” Of course those pesky shadows told him that as well. He needed to look in the archives and see if there was a way to keep shadows from telling his secrets. “I cannot afford my means of stress relief to hold it against me.” 
“Is that all they are to you?” 
Eris raised a brow. “Why would they be anything else? Now, can you leave me in peace?”
Az stood there, frowning as the shadows swirled around him. Like they were agitated. Eris tilted his head slightly, waiting. Finally Azriel’s wings slumped slightly. 
“They won’t let me leave.” 
Eris, for the first time in a long time, laughed. “They won’t let you leave?” He’d never heard something so absurd. 
Az crossed his arms and he scowled at his shadows as he followed them with his gaze. “They won’t let me leave until you’ve calmed down.” 
Eris froze where he stood, a cold wave washing over him. That was the second time Azriel had told him his shadows were more sentient than Eris thought they could be. It unnerved him. He eyed the shadows around Azriel. 
“Can you not control them?” He asked. “You’re a shadowsinger.”
“I’m not singing in front of you.” Azriel looked away. 
Eris could kick him out. Force him with magic. Something told him those pesky shadows would just bring him back. Eris relaxed a little bit and decided to give Azriel some pity. 
“Come, have a drink with me.” 
Eris walked past him into the kitchen. He pulled out fire whiskey out of the icebox and two glasses from the cabinet. He heard Az’s boots on the hardwood floor as he walked up behind him. 
Az cleared his throat. “How often do you come here?” 
“Not as often as I used to,” he replied honestly as he poured their drinks. “It's difficult to find time for myself when there are two wars back to back.”
“No one has gone to war yet.” 
“Yet.” He turned and handed Az his glass. “War is coming. We both know it. Don't your shadows tell you everything?”
“Not everything,” he muttered and took a swing. Eris watched him with slight amusement as he coughed. “What hell is this shit?” 
“Fire whiskey,” Eris grinned and took a sip of his own drink. “You drink it slowly. Lessens the burn.” 
Az coughed again. “You could have fucking warned me.” 
“Now you know how I feel.” 
He took another sip, savoring the smokey flavor while Azriel got his wits together. To his surprise, once Azriel stopped coughing, he stared at Eris and downed the whole drink. Eris could only stare back at him while he reigned in his sudden arousal. Of course the brute would have the nerve to down a whole shot like it was nothing. He watched Az’s wings splay open, crowding Eris where he leaned against the counter top. 
He downed the rest of his own drink, wincing and sat the glass behind him. Azriel stepped closer; Eris held his breath as he too sat his glass down, reaching around Eris and crowding him further. 
“Tell me,” Azriel’s voice was low and it shot a jolt through Eris’s body. “Do you take your lovers?” Azriel’s eyes dropped down to Eris’s shirt opening, where a rough finger traced his along his neck. “Or do they take you?” 
“I do not let males fuck me like a lowly bitch.”
He was so close, smothering him with his scent. Azriel leaned into his ear. 
“My shadows say you lie.” 
Eris’s traitorous body; his pants were too tight and he knew his smell was getting away from him. The only thing that calmed him was it seemed Azriel too, was feeling it. Az pulled back and Eris stared into those hazel eyes. He couldn’t tell if Azriel leaned in first or if Eris himself did. 
He had always wondered what it meant, when those stupid romance novels the females gossiped over talked about “tongues fighting for dominance”. In this moment, with teeth clashing and lips quickly bruising, he understood it. One of them would lose this fight. He knew deep down it would probably be himself. 
He’d been fucked by males but never a lesser fae. As if the difference made it any better. He could blame the alcohol. Az’s mouth dragged down to his neck and all his reservations were gone- he wanted Azriel and he wanted him now . He winnowed them to the bedchamber. Azriel didn’t even flinch, shoving Eris onto the bed. They both kicked off their shoes and Eris moved back to the middle and Azriel followed him. 
“Tell me you want this.” Az said, wings on full display. Eris wondered if Az would let him touch them. 
“I didn’t think Illyrians cared this much about consent.” Azriel crowded him and Eris felt his mouth water. 
“It’s more about hearing you admit you want a lesser fae. Consent is a perk. Again; tell me you want this.” 
Eris felt himself flush. “I want it.” 
“What exactly do you want?”
Eris growled deep. He felt something cold wrap around his wrists- shadows. They pulled his hands and arms up, pinning them down above his head. 
“So you do use them during sex. Nasty little things.” 
“They’re an extension of me. They know what I like.”  
Eris filed that thought away to process later. “I want you to fuck me, Azriel. I don’t care how you do it.” 
“You’ll regret that,” Azriel grinned.
“Don’t be afraid,” a shadow whispered in Azriel’s ear. 
But Azriel was afraid. The things he wanted to do to this male laying under him held no logic in his brain. But he could visit all the pleasure houses in Prythian and still not scratch the current itch under his skin. Watching him in the kitchen, something about that smug bastard flipped something in his mind. Now they were in his bed and Azriel was freezing up. 
Shadows swirled around his own hands, nudging them down. It was just sex; and if anything he could hold this over Eris’s head for the rest of their lives. Az ignored the part of him that whispered he wouldn’t do that. Instead he came back to himself and undid Eris’s trousers. The shadows on his hands left and Az pulled out Eris’s cock, stroking it. 
“Fuck,” Eris gasped. 
Az wanted to hear that again. He pulled those trousers fully off and tossed them off the bed. He ran his hands up Eris’s thighs. The last time, Az didn’t notice the light dusting of auburn hair on his legs and the trail that led down from under his shirt to his cock. He kept his comments to himself. 
Az slipped and settled down between Eris’s legs. If he had questions about what Azriel was planning, he didn’t voice them. Az licked up Eris’s length and he swore he could see the heir’s eyes flutter even from his current angle. Shadows wrapped around Eris’s legs to hold him and Az took him in one swallow down his throat. 
“By the gods ,” Eris hissed above him. 
He blamed the whiskey for the warmth that spread in his chest as he slowly pulled back. He kept the head in his mouth and swirled his tongue. Eris let out the softest whine and Az wanted to flip him over right then and take him. Prep or not. 
Do not hurt him. 
A shadow nudged him slightly. He pulled back, letting his mouth pop as he looked for the shadow that said that. Instead his eyes landed on the small corked vial laying on the duvet. 
This is just sex. He told himself more than his shadows. Stop making me think. 
We do not harm what is ours.  
Az tried not to roll his eyes. Instead he looked at Eris. “How do you want it?” 
Blown amber eyes trailed over to the vial in Az’s hand. “I heard Illriyans fuck their whores from behind.” 
He tilted his head, his hair falling over his eyes. “Calling yourself a whore, Eris?”
Before he could respond, shadows wrapped themselves over his mouth. His eyes widened and panic laced his scent. Even Azriel was shocked. 
Tell him to not be rude and we will let him speak. 
What did he plan to say ? 
Something vulgar about lesser females. 
“I have no issue leaving you here, Vanserra. Be nice.” 
Eris rolled his eyes but he must have taken the hint, as the shadows left his mouth. Az tilted his head again, raising his brows. He still needed an answer. 
“I don’t care how you fuck me, you brute. I don’t want to think.” 
Az squinted down at him. “I think I’ll keep you like this. So you can’t deny that it was me.” 
That’s what he wants . 
Good because that’s what he’s getting. 
He didn’t question where his shadows got the vial. He knew it was oil; he popped the cork off of it and poured it on his fingers. Eris watched him silently; Az didn’t think his eyes could get anymore blown but the amber in them was nearly gone. 
“You want it that bad, Vanserra?” 
Eris blinked. “Don’t call me that when you’ve had your mouth on my cock and I am bound in your shadows.” 
“Do you want it that bad, Eris?” Azriel repeated condescendingly. 
Eris said it so softly Azriel almost didn’t hear him. He ignored the way it tugged something deep inside him. Instead he brought an oiled finger down between Eris’s legs. He searched for a sign- a hesitation that maybe this was not what he wanted. Instead Eris sighed, relaxing below him as his finger traced around his hole, smearing the oil. After a few moments, Eris shifted on the bed. 
“Don’t make me beg,” Eris whispered. “Not this time.” 
It was surreal seeing Eris like this. Vulnerable was what Az would call it if he believed Eris could be such a thing. He pushed in a finger and all Eris gave him was a sigh. They fell silent while Az worked him open, pushing in more fingers. The shadows undid Eris’s shirt for him, before they came and snapped off Az’s own leathers. 
Eris snapped suddenly at him. “Do you know what you’re doing or are you stalling?” 
“If you’re about to come from just my fingers, you could just say that.” He replied back. 
Az pulled his hand back and Eris had the audacity to whine. He sat back and pushed off his pants. It was easier to ignore his own cock when it was confined. Having his leathers roll off of it had him biting back his own noises. He took a deep breath once he kicked off the pants and stroked himself with his oiled hand.  
“Last chance.” 
Eris rolled his eyes but didn’t reply. Azriel pretended to consider if he actually wanted to go through with this. 
Take him, he is ours, a shadow whispered. 
Last time I checked, I was in charge . 
Az ignored the other shadows and crawled back over Eris. He decided Eris didn’t need a warning. He pushed into him quicker than he probably should have but Eris wasn’t protesting it. The moment he was fully sheathed in him, his shadows left Eris’s wrists. Hands grabbed at Azriel, pulling him down. Their lips crashed into each other. 
Just like earlier, their kissing was rough and by the cauldron did it fuel Azriel’s desire to fuck Eris into the mattress. He swore it was going to be over before it really started, the way Eris groaned into his mouth and Az couldn’t stop chasing how perfect he felt around him. One of Eris’s hands gripped into Azriel’s hair and pulled.
Az growled, pulled back and thrusted his hips harder. He braced himself with one hand on the bed and put the other around Eris’s neck. Az would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t like how his hand looked wrapped around Eris’s neck. Azriel squeezed and Eris cursed under him. 
It was hard to tell which one of them came first. Azriel’s release barreled through him, his wings flaring out and head bowing as he groaned. Eris didn’t make a noise; his was more of a gasp and sigh Az felt under the grip of his hand. Despite his sensitivity quickly rising, Azriel kept going until he felt Eris stop pulsing around him. 
While they both caught their breath, the reality of what just happened sank in. Azriel had fucked Eris. Again . Properly this time. The haze he was under before quickly dissipated and he was off (and out) of Eris in a flash. Thankfully his shadows had nothing to say to him about it. Eris however did. 
“Not one for cuddles, shadowsinger?” Eris sat up. The red marks on his neck were quickly fading. He waved his hand and magic washed over Azriel; he’d rid them both of their mess. “Get dressed and get out of my face. That was the worst sex I’ve ever had.”
“You still came,” Azriel grumbled, pulling on his leathers. “On the cock of a lesser male.” 
“Because I wanted it to be over.” Eris said and made a rude gesture at him. 
Az half expected when Eris got off the bed, that he was going to physically fight him. Instead he snatched up his own trousers and yanked them up. Shadows flurried around him and he shooed them away. 
“How do you stand them? Always fluttering about.” 
Azriel didn’t answer him. 
He called his shadows and stepped out of Eris’s cabin and into his room at the River House. He smelled like Autumn and Eris and he wanted to bath and scrub every inch of himself raw until it was gone. His shadows knew he was in a foul mood. 
He was not angry at us . He was angry with himself.
“I don’t care,” Azriel muttered. 
Even with the knot in his stomach roaring at him to go back and fix it. Whatever it was. Azriel spent the next hour in the bath, hoping that by scrubbing the scent off him would scrub out the ache in his chest. 
When Azriel disappeared, Eris sat back on the edge of the bed and stared at nothing. He made an irreversible mistake letting that brute bed him. Azriel seemed to feel the same. Bruising a male’s ego was easy and Eris was not immune to it. So when Azriel responded with what looked like regret, Eris responded with his sharp tongue to chase him off and make him think what happened was nothing to him. 
Sighing, Eris got up and went to the bathing chamber. There was no way in the deep realms of hel he could leave smelling like the Night Court and its shadowsinger. He would bathe then he would figure out what to do with that letter haunting him from the sitting room. 
Next Chapter
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Round 2 Side A Pair 1
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Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
-They‘re just so good for each other. Luka is such a calming presence in Marinette‘s chaotic life and helps her relax when she feels anxious and unsure of herself, always willing to be there for her and offer a helping hand during tough times. Marinette has a deep appreciation not only for Luka‘s ability to play music but also hear heart songs, as if she understood immediately what he meant after listening to him play for the first time. They feed off each other‘s creative energy and are just generally so wholesome together. I could talk about them forever, they make me so happy!!
-Luka is the best boy, and deserves love from the girl he adores
Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Shadybug)
-People, Emo Marinette need a shoulder to cry on and a friend to have matching dye hair. Also, she needs someone who brings her positive energy and helps to start recovering her self-esteem
-Luka helps emonette love herself :D
Luka/Marinette - @mikoriin
Luka/ Emonette - @thel0llip0p
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Anyways, anyone want a live reaction summary of that movie? Well here it is anyways
(Cw for mentions of all the stuff typical for a jumpscare horror movie)
They‘re unironically trying to sell the house of the first movie as a spooky lost place far off a spooky village filled with distrustful and unsettling people it. Such scary individuals like. A middle-aged lady looking at them though a window. Or five guys sitting on stairs. And emo teens. Spooky
The random old crazy guy who tells them it’s DaNgeRous here while laughing totally maniacally before going GET OFF MY LAWN because of course
Also, our characters: MC Arthur fanboy whose 18th birthday it is, MC‘s love interest who thinks MC should grow up, Logan Paul Hair and his bro Goatee guy, Token dark skinned funny guy, Glasses guy afraid of frogs who‘s kinda got the same outfit and speaking style to yours truly fr that’s just me, Glasses girl with camera, pretty blonde girl. Prediction: all of them except MC, Love interest and one of the bros die
Ok they arrived at the house, whimsical music plays as they look amazed at the trees blooming pink when it’s not even spring…only for the music to cut out when they see they’re made of plastic. Ngl that was kinda funny
Spooky black feather stuck in a secret small door leading to a basement that wasn’t part of the movie oOoOOoh
Now it’s dark, they’re making a bonfire outside, and there’s spooky Hippopotamus noises (that’s what they called them in the movie)
There‘s hidden figures in the woods with lanterns and this dude calls the names of some dudes they saw a lost place video of that house of. And when they suddenly all vanish he just goes back to bed
The bros are going to a river and glasses guy got lost in the woods while ominous music plays, Oh they’re absolutely not coming back F to them
Spooky random hole that’s seemingly endless but makes spooky sounds, check
There‘s suddenly spooky fog out of nowhere surrounding glasses guy. He touched a weird tree that had moss all over except for a part that looks like the outline of someone hugging the tree, and got punched in the face. Meanwhile the bros chill until blood drops on the one guy, aaaaand the filter switched to grey! 50min of nothing and then it escalates completely. This movie is 1.5h long btw
Turns out they found one of the guys from the video hanging from a tree after not seeing he‘s there for like 20min, dude steps on a super obvious bear trap trying to get him, but ngl the actors are doing a good job at acting as far as I can tell with the dub.
Holy heck these characters are actually kinda competent - nvm they’re
Everyone forgot about glasses guy tho lol
Ooaoaoaooh glasses girl is looking at a photo of them and there’s a spooOoKy guy visible in the window
OH HECK FIRST KILL. Glasses girl got killed by BEES.
GLASSES GUY IS GONE GUY. He hugged a tree headless. Literally, he‘s hugging a tree and his head is gone. Also wow token and MC aren’t reacting at ALL oof
Apparently the whole house is just built on random holes connected to slopes and LI happened to sit above one on a swing. SG cut the rope and she fell down, almost made it out, but then a spooky hand grabbed her down. Where did the rest attached to that hand go? Who knows, it’s SpoOky
omg. You know how in guardians of the galaxy and such that one character thinks he’s invisible because he’s moving so slow? And it’s played as a joke? Yeah they just did that unironically with a guy standing in front of a door all this time I can’t-
Yknow these guys who originally helped Arthur become a minimoy? Yeah they evil
"You wanna go into the world of the minimoys? The time had come, it’s a fUul MoOn!“ shows half full moon"No it isn’t“ "doesn’t matter lol“ <- that’s real dialogue
Surprise attack by a bunch of dudes dressed like Bokoblins from Breath of the Wild attacking everyone with daggers, turning this whole thing into a breakout Battle Royale, F blonde Girl
Aaaand now it’s randomly over. No signal or reason or anything, it just is.
Survivors: MC, MC‘s LI, and the token guy! A surprise twist!
…the explanation for all of this. Is Role-Playing.
A bunch of teens meeting each year to role-play a new theme. The year before it was Batman. This year it was Arthur and the Minimoys. And they go kill everyone like this because of drugs. Doesn’t explain all the stuff that was going beforehand. Or the secret basement. Or holes. Or anything really
OoOOoh Spooky Hoodie Guy is still standing at the window
(Also what happened to the deer imagery? They set that up for half the movie but the moment the forbidden ketchup starts appearing they completely forget all of it. ALSO the trailer showed spooky versions of the Minimoys. Guess what never makes an appearance.)
Conclusion: would give this movie a solid 4.5/10 for two funny lines and the guys playing the bros doing a pretty good job at putting emotion in
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Why Rey turned out to be Palpatines granddaughter in TROS: a summary
So basically, I watched TROS for the third time yesterday and as I already mentioned in a previous post of mine, an older lady next to me went ‚they‘re siblings, though?‘ during the kissing scene. This got me thinking about the whole movie so I present to you this short post where I’m gonna rant and talk about why they made Rey a palpatine lets go
‘Rey Nobody‘
The thing that gets most people upset is the fact that Rey kept on inforcing that she was, indeed, a nobody for 2 WHOLE MOVIES aka all of her screentime pre-TROS. Even Kylo confirmed this before suddenly changing his mind in TROS, revealing that he knew all along that Rey was Palpatines granddaughter (makes sense, huh?) (spoiler alert: it doesn’t.)
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The thing that bugs me about this is the fact that Disney used this whole ‘Rey Nobody' story to market especially towards younger kids that even if you don’t have an impressive backstory or ‘royal blood', you can be just as strong and cool as somebody who does. Why would they suddenly change that and make Rey a Palpatine? I have multiple possible answers to that one
1. Audience confusion
With Star Wars‘ history of siblings kissing *cough* Luke and Leia *cough* it wouldn’t even be a surprise anymore if Ben and Rey would somehow be related. By making Rey Palpatines granddaughter and showing her parents in TROS, the theory that Rey is Luke or Leias daughter (which would also explain why she is force sensitive and has strong ties to the Skywalker family) gets eliminated very quickly. By leaving her heritage open to interpretation, people could still think that Rey is related to Ben which would obviously be bad for the whole marketing and general existence of Reylo (just like it‘s still weird that John and Daenerys were related and a confirmed couple in GoT).
2. The Dyad in the force
Everyone would probably be able to figure this out but it still has to be said.
The whole Reylo concept is like Ying and Yang (also confirmed by the phrase ‘two that are one‘). Rey, always wearing white and using a blue lightsaber and Kylo always dressed in black and using a red/orangey lightsaber. And yet somehow, Kylo, the ‘bad‘ guy, is a Jedi by heritage, while Rey is the descendant of a Sith. Them being a dyad in the force / soulmates / falling in love even though their ancestors had bad ties to each other (Palpatine ruining basically every Skywalker‘s lives) is obviously very ~poetic~ and ~beautiful~. This contrast wouldn’t be achieved if Rey was a nobody or a random scavenger. It had to be their family history and their ties to the original storyline that connected them.
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3) Palpatine himself
Without Rey being his granddaughter, there would’nt have been a real reason to bring Palpatine back in part 9. Of course, he could’ve still done his fair share of dumbass things that ruin the whole galaxy but it would’nt have felt right. Like this, he has a clear motive as to why he‘s coming back and it gives the final scene more plot material to work with.
These three points might have you come to the conclusion that it was a good thing to make Rey a Palpatine in part 9. IT WAS NOT. Let me elaborate on that.
Why Rey being a Palpatine feels unnatural
The main problem i personally have with TROS is that it throws away 90% of the material the previous movies have built up. It’s like J.J. Abrams forgot that people could actually rewatch the previous movies after watching TROS and eventually coming to the conclusion that NOTHING MAKES SENSE ANYMORE. But that’s not the whole point.
Rey’s parents have multiple functions during the whole sequels - they’re the only memory she has of her childhood, they’re the main reason why Rey is still on Tattooine (waiting for them to return), and they’re a major mocking point and Rey’s weak spot.
Rey’s parents only exist in hazy memories she possesses somewhere deep inside of her brain and the first thing that comes to her mind when she gets the opportunity in that weird hole in TLJ is asking who her parents are (which, eventually disappoints her, by only herself showing up reinforcing the fact that they’re nobodies). Her parents are not the thing that defines her, though. It’s her skills as a warrior/jedi and her as a person which Luke and Leia accept. Rey is pretty much ok with being a nobody, admitting that she has no last name multiple times.
Yet somehow, in TROS, it is revealed that Rey is a descendant of Palpatine himself, her father being his son. Now, this fact makes absolutely zero sense in multiple aspects:
1. Why didn’t Rey see her father in the hole, since he is the son of Palpatine and therefore not a nobody?
2. Why did Kylo confirm that her parents were nobody only to change his mind in the next movie?
3. How do Luke and Leia know about this whole thing?
4. WHEN DID PALPATINE EVER HAVE A SON (also, it was confirmed that he had no kids)
and lastly, 5, why does Palpatine want his granddaughter dead at first, then wants her to possess him and then wants her dead again?
ugh, J.J., you messed up.
I have to admit, Rey being a Palpatine was kind of implied by her fighting technique (which is obviously the way a sith would fight in a duel) and the fact that she is so strong despite being a nobody and defeating Kylo in Part 7 though she’s never even held a lightsaber before.
The thing is, Rey is too good to be a Palpatine. She has a kind soul and is always really smiley and bright so you originally wouldn’t assume that she’s a Sith by bloodline (which, I have to admit, is the other way around with Kylo, who is a Jedi but just looks really emo) but maybe that’s the whole point of her being a Palpatine. Still makes no sense, though, because I don’t see her being that or being bad at all lol.
Rey being a Palpatine might kinda make sense if you look at it logically (?), but to me, it just feels wrong in my heart and soul bro. Give me back Rey Nobody, Disney.
So in conclusion, Rey being a Palpatine made absolutely 0 sense. That’s for coming to my TED talk.
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the-wardens-torch · 5 years
Pros and Cons of Dating Meme: Falerin Arcita
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Thanks for the tag @theseventhdawn I admit I was really wanting to do this one asfasfaskeysmash111oneeleven. Not sure who else to tag since I think most of tungle has done it already but I’m gonna saaaaaaay @painted-foothills, @therealmtraversed and @duskblackbird?
Ray of Sunshine - Fal is very optimistic and genuinely kind.  He doesn’t like seeing the people he loves sad, and will do everything in his power to cheer them up. And I’m not talking the “cheer up emo kid ^_^!” sort of lazy toxic positivity - he’s sincerely sweet and knows his loved ones well enough to know what they need when they‘re down.  Encouragement, affection, a shoulder to cry on or a simple distraction… whatever you need, he‘ll do his best to provide it.
So Romantic! - If you like handmade gifts, handpicked flowers, being called “love,” and having songs and poetry sung to/dedicated to/written about you, he’s your guy.  Though his gifts are usually handmade and/or not actual material things, he‘ll surprise you with a trinket, book or article of clothing/jewelry on occasion, with “this reminded me of you” being one of his favorite phrases. He will also never shy away from PDA (unless you ask him to, of course, and even then he might forget from time to time.)
Worldly -  Fal is very comfortable among common folk and can adapt to just about any city you put him in.  Give him a few hours and he can find out about the best lodging, food, entertainment and possibly seedier things as well, like who sells drugs, where the red light district is and where it’s a bad idea to stay out after dark.  He’ll figure out how to stay safe and how to have fun.  He makes a great traveling companion.
That’s What She/He/They Said - Speaking of travel... Fal is… well-traveled. He’s pansexual and has spent a lot of his adult life so far slutting around. While physically not a perfect specimen, he knows how to handle himself… and other people (hehe, “handle.”) Rest sleepless night assured, he’ll keep you happy all the way from foreplay to aftercare.
Abandonment Issues - If he’s upset you, (or occasionally even just thinks he‘s upset you) he will become apologetic to an almost sycophantic degree out of fear that you might leave.  He’s not the begging on his knees self-shaming type, but he tends to overcompensate/overcomplicate and will relentlessly follow you around trying to make up for his mistake (or perceived mistake.)
Love is Stored in the Fal - Though he will remain faithful to a committed lover, he doesn’t save his non-romantic affection exclusively for one person. He’s always going to admire and talk about his chosen friends and acquaintances very fondly, and want to spend time with them.  He’s also quite affectionate with his friends of all genders (they get lots of hugs, hand-holding, pats on the back, shoulder squeezes, pecks on the cheek, etc) and he will flat out say if he thinks someone is attractive… Don’t date him if you’re the jealous/possessive type.  
Tact?  Nah. - By default, Fal is quite charming and likes to be around people. He’s good at small talk and enjoys witty banter of all sorts. However, if someone offends him, condescends to him or tries to shame or intimidate him, they can expect to be verbally eviscerated, sorry not sorry. Don’t expect him to enjoy meeting your business contacts or carousing amongst the local social climbers. He does not know when to shut up and will probably embarrass you.
This is Fine  :) - Fal really doesn’t like to share his negative emotions because he fears upsetting his loved ones. Over the years he’s gotten good at processing and channeling those emotions into his creative work, but if too much Bad happens in too short a timeframe it‘ll break him and he won‘t be easy to fix.  He’s been known to fall into very deep depressions during which he shuts everyone else out and might even disappear for awhile. He’s ruined a handful of his relationships this way.
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stuckwith-harry · 6 years
And they’ll find you, eventually.
A/N: Thank you to @remoosloopin​ and @awesome122316​ for beta-reading, and @ronaldswheezy​ for vocabulary help.
In which Al comes out to Harry, for so many reasons: because it’s Pride Month, and because I’ve finally seen Love, Simon, and maybe because Nick Robinson looks exactly like Al. And then I started writing and got sort of emo about all my rainbow friends. So, rainbow friends: I love you, even though I haven’t met half of you in person, I can’t wait to go to Pride with you on the 23rd - and I’m so glad we found each other. Happy Pride Month. x
And they’ll find you, eventually.
Harry has yet to get used to the way his kids change now they all go to Hogwarts.
It‘s not just how fast it all goes, although that is driving him bonkers, too: It‘s the sheer bumpiness of the road. Somehow, he never sees the next little thing coming, the next change, and he‘s never quite prepared for where it takes them as they zigzag towards the people they’re going to be.
When they come home for the summer, Lily’s hair is wilder and shorter than ever. She uses her full name now – Lily Luna, like that – and she’s developed such a potty mouth that Harry and Ginny seriously contemplate bringing back the swear jar. James is as gangly as ever, a tall bundle of unbridled energy and freckled skin dragged tightly over skinny bones, but he carries himself differently now – his movements aren’t as awkward as they used to be.
But this break it’s Al who Harry notices most. He‘s grown since Christmas break, almost an inch; but it’s more than height. He’s freshly fifteen, freckly like the rest of them, and somehow, his presence alone takes up more space than it used to. He no longer shrinks between his siblings, and when James picks on him in the car on the way home, even when Al can’t think of a retort quick enough, it helps that he’s learned how to jut out his jaw just like Ginny does.
So when he shuffles into the kitchen on the first day of their summer break, for a moment there, Harry is just as baffled as he was the day before, when they picked the kids up from London. All their little edges and corners that shift in their absence, and he can barely take them all in before they’re gone again.
“Mornin’, Dad.”
“You missed ‘morning’ big time, kid.” Harry peers at him from over his newspaper, which is prodding his elbow, demanding he finish the article he is supposed to be reading. “Already making full use of your holidays, then?”
Al shrugs and smiles as he slides into his usual chair. “Sure. Where’s everyone?”
“Mum’s up in her office. Lily’s out, and I haven’t seen James yet.”
“Yeah.” Al takes a bite of toast, and while he’s chewing, he keeps shooting Harry glances he thinks he doesn’t notice. “Dad, can I talk to you about something?”
Harry looks up at his son’s earnest face and puts his newspaper on the kitchen counter to indicate he’s listening. “Sounds serious.”
“It isn’t. But I guess it’s sort of important.”
Al has been making steady eye contact, holding his father’s gaze. Harry chooses just to nod – putting aside the realisation that that, too, is very much new. Al takes a deep breath.
“I‘m gay”, he says simply.
“Oh”, says Harry. “Okay. That’s great, kid.”
Al opens his mouth. “You heard me, yeah?”
“I did.”
“And you‘re not surprised or anything? That I‘m gay?”
“Who‘s gay?”, a voice calls from the stairs, and a thump and a second later, James enters the kitchen, sixteen-going-on-seventeen, redheaded, impossibly loud.
Harry glances at Al, who seems flustered for a second at the unexpected company – the cheery, oblivious, annoyingly confident company.
“I am”, he says defiantly and looks straight at James.
Harry smiles into his coffee.
“Cool”, says James easily. “Blimey, for a second there I was afraid you were gonna tell me you‘re a Hufflepuff. Catch you guys later, love you, Al.”
“I am a fucking Hufflepuff!”, Albus yells after him, but James is already headed to the front door.
“Oi!”, calls Ginny‘s voice from the first floor.
James takes the noise with him, and when the house is quiet again, Harry finds that Al is still watching him.
“You don‘t seem surprised”, he repeats – and he squares his skinny shoulders, still with that air of teenage defiance. “Or … I dunno, upset.”
Harry puts down his coffee and looks at Al with what he hopes is a soft expression. “Wanna go for a walk?”
A little while later, they‘re strolling down a quiet street not far from the Potter family home, on the sunniest day Godric‘s Hollow has seen all year.
“Al, I don‘t have a reason to be upset”, Harry says softly. “Well, I reckon I owe your Mum a galleon. As for being surprised … I don‘t know, do you want me to be surprised?”
Al shrugs. “So … you knew, then? And Mum knew? Wh–”
“She had an inkling, that‘s all. I wanted to withhold judgement – but we both know you‘re a bad liar, Al.”
“I didn‘t mean to – I didn‘t lie. It‘s not like anyone ever – asked …”
“You‘re right. I‘m sorry. Can I try again?”
He waits for Al to nod, then says: “You‘ve always worn your heart on your sleeve, that‘s all. For one”, he says, “you never seemed to relate to James‘ crushes on girls very much. We‘re your parents, we notice that stuff.”
“Oh”, said Al. “No, I guess not.”
“That‘s okay”, says Harry.
“I know it‘s okay.”
“And I still think you deserve to hear it, Al. No matter how much you already know these things – and I really hope you do – but we love you, and that very much includes you being gay.”
“I do know”, Al says quietly. “That‘s not why I didn’t tell you.”
“I’ve been meaning to ask”, says Harry. “Is there a reason?”
Al just shrugs. “The kids at Hogwarts – they say stupid things when they think they‘re talking about people who aren‘t present. ‘S not like they know they’re talking about me, too.”
Harry nods. “You know Dean and Seamus, right?”
“Sure. Painter, and Irish guy.”
“They started dating when we were in fifth year. And they were friends with some really good kids, which must have helped a lot – but there were still stupid, awful kids. Dean and Seamus are gutsy”, Harry adds, “but they had to put up with a lot of messed up things for a long time. Lucky your Mum gets really scary when she‘s standing up for people.”
They smirk at each other.
“The people who mattered, their friends, they all had their backs. We spent a fair chunk of fifth year telling people off for saying all sorts of stupid things, actually. Ron always got really upset.”
They round a corner and find themselves in the middle of town. Harry nods towards the park at the other end of the marketplace, asking without speaking, and Al nods, so they trod across the cobblestone street and disappear under dark green trees.
“It seems lonely”, Al says. There’s a little pause, and then he continues, very quietly: “I’m the only gay kid I know of.”
Harry watches his son as they walk among the trees, sunlight splattered across his face.
“Dean was the first to come out, as pan. Then Seamus told us he was gay, and that they were dating. A week later we found out that Parvati wasn’t straight. And that Lavender was trans. Eventually, people from other houses, and other years, started speaking up. It all kind of exploded, just because one kid said something.”
Al seems oddly disheartened. “I don‘t wanna be that first kid, that‘s all.”
“I‘d be surprised if you did. But my point is, you‘re not the only gay kid. There‘s a whole bunch of kids just like you, they go to class with you, or sleep in your dorm, or share your cereal, you just don‘t know who they are yet. Kids like you tend to find each other. They’re there, Al”, he says sincerely, when Al just shrugs, “and they’ll find you, eventually.”
After a moment of silence, Harry continues. “There’s one more thing. I’m proud of you.”
Al grins, clearly embarrassed. “I didn’t do anything.”
“Yeah, you did. Coming out is … incredibly awkward at best. I know. You’re brave, Al.”
“Ugh, you have no idea”, Al says. “I’ve been meaning to tell you, really, I just … kept waiting for the right moment, and it never came. I didn’t wanna do it in a letter.”
Harry nods. “I do have an idea”, he says quietly.
Al blinks at him. “But you’re not gay.”
They’ve arrived at the playground in the middle of the park. Harry remembers how much the kids used to love coming here: He can almost see James crashing down the slide at five years old, and Lily Luna’s bloody knees when she falls off the swings. He sees Al standing on top of the climbing frame, pretending he’s a fighting a dragon.
He looks over at Al, who seems to have gotten lost down a similar track of thoughts. “I only found out why Ron got so worked up about the stuff people said about Dean and Seamus years after we’d left Hogwarts. He’s bi.”
“Oh”, says Al. “I didn’t know.”
They sit down on the bright red bench by the playground, blinking into the sunlight.
“He doesn’t think it’s the most interesting part about him, so it doesn’t come up a whole lot. He also didn’t realise it back in school, but it must have clicked at some point. So”, he smiles at Al, “when he and Aunt Hermione got engaged, him and I went and got a bit smashed.”
Al grins.
“We got talking about girls we used to fancy, and at some point, it shifted from girls to, well, people we used to fancy. And the more we talked about it, the more things started to make sense. So much sense.”
Al’s face lights up, and he starts nodding enthusiastically. “I know. I know.”
“So, we figured that out for ourselves, and then we told our girlfriends – and yes, that was pretty awkward, even though we knew they’d be fine with it. They’re not complete tossers. Wanna know what Mum said?”
“’Oh, you too? Great, pass the cereal.’ She’s cool like that.”
Al looks as though he’s processing a lot of information at hyper-speed.
“Understand what I’m trying to say?”, Harry asks after a while, when Al doesn’t say anything.
“I mean – it sounds like you’re coming out to me, Dad.”
“Yeah, but that’s not the important bit”, says Harry. “The important bit is you’re not alone. Even if it looks like it. You’ll find the kids who get it.”
“Can’t wait”, says Al. “You make it sound so easy.”
Harry watches his son as they sit in silence. Al still looks pensive, but all the tension has vanished from his slender shoulders. Finally, after a minute, Al says: “You’re the first person I’ve told. Well, I reckon James knows, so Lily’ll know, and Mum …“
“I like to think he’s not daft enough to go tell them before you. That’s supposed to be your thing. And James loves you – said so himself just twenty minutes ago.”
“Yeah, that was the weirdest thing he’s ever said to me.”
“I’ll make sure to never let him live it down.”
“Thanks. Great.” Al grins, and draws circles in the sand with his shoes. “You know, I’m glad I told you.” He looks at Harry, and Harry looks back, smiling.
“Me too. I’m glad you trust me.” Harry reaches out and ruffles his hair before Al can complain. “One more question?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“How long have you known?”
Al shrugs. “I guess I’ve always known, but I only started to really realise it … about a year ago. I don’t know, it’s hard to say when exactly.”
Harry nods. “And – does that realisation have a name, by any chance?”
“Fine. Sorry. Won’t pry.”
Al is blushing profusely, but Harry is tactful enough to act like he doesn’t notice.
“There’s this boy in my Transfiguration class”, Al blurts out. “He’s in Ravenclaw, and he’s – nice.”
Harry grins to himself while Al clears his throat and looks pointedly at the abandoned swing-set, but when Harry looks over at him, he’s clearly smirking, wrinkling his nose in a way that looks remarkably like his mother. His face is all Harry – all slim jaw and green eyes and sharp nose – but the way it moves when he talks, and laughs, and shouts at James, has Ginny written all over it.
“What’s so amusing?”
Al shrugs, but grins. “Just … you really owe Mum a galleon?”
“Don’t remind her.”
Al is still smiling, and he wrinkles his nose again, in a way that is entirely new for him, but a familiar sight to anyone who’s seen Ginny Potter laugh. He sits upright next to Harry, squinting into the eleven a.m. sun. They always seem to grow in the places Harry least expects.
“Maybe I will say something.”
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star-shuttle-scout · 7 years
Do you ever want to ignore Jonathan's season 2 characterization? I like S1 where he was angry and purposeful but also very very inexperienced and lacked confidence. In S2 we have a more confident Jonathan because he loses his virginity but I like the Steve is older and experienced and Jonathan is not dynamic better.
I ignore a lot of canon to be quite honest, and Jonathan’s characterization in season 2 is definitely one of them. I didn’t quite understand what had happened to change him so drastically, a year had gone by and I understood the change in most of the characters. Will was troubled, frustrated, and even a little angry at the way people were acting around him. Mike was moping about El and missing her, so he became Emo Mike. El had developed in some ways but still held a familiar personality after living with Hopper for so many months.
But Jonathan… Well, what changed? 
He fought the Demogorgon? That doesn’t bring confidence, trauma maybe, but confidence? Sure he wouldn’t flinch being presented with all of this stuff but he just seemed randomly different. Not to mention at first it seems like Jonathan and Nancy are friends (which I would consider a factor for a change in personality) but come to find out they haven’t hung out at all until recently??? Nancy of course doesn’t want Jonathan to stay home, criticizes him for wanting to spend a night alone at home with a book. It was like she was calling him pretentious, which I mean is kinda fucked up. He’s gonna spend a lot of time alone and reading, it’s who he is, how are him and Nancy supposed to be a couple when it seems like she isn’t even going to respect his interests and preferences?
Then he actually shows up to the party, and yeah we get to see a little bit of the awkwardness but do we not remember that a year before this was the guy who sort of stood off in the background and stared intensely (*cough* took pictures of *cough*) at people ??? Jonathan self-isolates, he knows who he is and he wouldn’t back down from that, the Duffer bros said so themselves. Sure, maybe he wanted to impress Nancy by going to a party but then he doesn’t recognize Samantha’s Siouxsie Sioux costume and asks her if she likes KISS. For such a punk loving little emo boy, he doesn’t know much. 
He’s suddenly this confident but still slightly awkward guy, but why, do you ask??? It’s because of the Jancy storyline to be quite honest, Jonathan‘s personality had to be altered in order for Nancy and Jonathan to get closer to one another. The Duffers obviously created Jonathan as a version of themselves (in the script they call him something like “quietly handsome, but wouldn’t believe it if you told him“ which honestly makes me laugh every time I read it because that’s more pretentious than anything I’ve ever seen) to project on. A quiet creepy little dude who is bottom of the food chain and seen as a loser but actually has “layers“ and then jumps in to be the “nice guy“ and gets the girl. It‘s kinda lame to be honest, how obvious it is that they’re just living out old fantasies.
I liked Jonathan as a creepy little weirdo, that’s his whole catch. Charlie Heaton, while gorgeous in my own eyes, is not extremely conventionally attractive. He’s an average guy, just as most people are, but the whole thing with Jonathan is that he’s just some guy that loves his family. We see him expressing concern over Will and throwing himself a pity party for not being there for him, but he left for like three days and supposedly just left a note??? Which I never saw, and Joyce never mentioned, so who’s to say there really is a note? Did Joyce not notice her eldest had disappeared for three fucking days??? After one already went missing the year before??? 
Then you’re gonna tell me, that Jonathan Byers, Mr. You Shouldn’t Like Things Because People Tell You To is going to listen to that shady ass conspiracy theorist who has a shitty comb-over and resembles a fucking muppet when he tells him that he should fuck Nancy? Which is creepy in so many ways, telling two seventeen year olds to fuck after spending the evening sharing drinks with them… It’s just weird and creepy, he probably had cameras installed or something, I don’t trust that in the slightest.
Murray spent the whole time acting like he knew everything, and I thought I’d get to see Nancy and Jonathan snap at him. They’re supposed to be independent, they know who they are, they had an entire scene about it and it’s even been discussed by the creators themselves. And they‘re going to listen to the Muppet Man and fuck because they got called out on their trust issues and insecurities??? No, in fact, if that was the Jonathan and Nancy I thought I knew, they would rip that guy a new one and purposefully not fuck just out of spite. 
Do I think it would bother Jonathan to be called out on his problems? Yes. Do I think it would force him into acting on his feelings? Definitely not. This season, in terms of Nancy and Jonathan, I’m ignoring that plot entirely. It was tacky, self serving, and honestly I didn’t see much character growth.
I saw closure for Nancy and Barb, which was I suppose something that people demanded. But you know, for as much of the season being about Barb, Nancy didn’t talk a lot about her. In fact, she didn’t talk very much at all to Jonathan outside of “I waited for you“ which was perhaps one of the most infuriating lines I’ve ever had the displeasure of hearing. If anything, this season made me go from being disinterested in Jancy, to it becoming one of my biggest NOTP’s. It’s just so cliché and honestly every time there‘s a romance in a show, it‘s written wrong and someone’s character gets fucked up. Well this time, they not only fucked up Jonathan, but they kinda fucked up Nancy too. She did some shit that I’m honestly not very pleased with, but the whole point is to be flawed and learn from it. However, I saw no learning, no apologizing, just moving on like nothing happened.
Season 2, Jonathan’s so-called “character development” is nothing but sloppy writing. But I think it’s just because they really threw Jonathan and Nancy to the side to make more room for other bigger plotlines, so they just thought “Yeah that‘ll be good“ and spent more time on the other plots. I was disappointed, but hey, you can’t have everything I suppose.
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Hey heyy so give us the Top 5 fandoms your in, pick your fav from each fandom and state a reason if you want to! ^^
Kirby- Kirby the best borb,
pink puffball of pureness, friend shaped ball with his immaculate vibes that can destroy gods with the literal power of friendship if they hurt his friends because he loves them <3
Legend of Zelda- might be a weird choice considering Midna *exists*, but hear me out: TP Link.
Emo cowboy, a super cool sword flexing move that you can do by pressing a after defeating an enemy with a skill (which is just *chefs kiss*), my main in smash bros brawl and 4 3DS (always with Kirby, obvs), that one "shooting dedede without looking“ cutscene from brawl (if you save Zelda at the start), afaik the only character in this entire series that actually pets the animals, he’s got a horse and a falcon, peak facial expressions, can be a gremlin, not only strong enough to wrestle with gorons, but overwhelmed the literal holder of the Triforce of Power when they locked swords, and also the very big, actually giant bonus of also being Wolf Link. Who is not only a good boi but can also talk to animals! (…this is mostly just projecting my love of gameplay mechanics in this game but ehh)
But tbh he‘s also tied with more obvious choices like, again, Midna, Linebeck (there are lots and lots of better explanations out there why they’re both cool), but also Young Link (precious and utterly OP in Hyrule Warriors), Linkle (second most OP character (at least when it comes to bosses) also I just think she‘s neat), Ooccoo (Sky Chicken Aunt👏 is precious👏 and deserves👏 more love!), Fierce Deity (he‘s just really cool. Also Fierce dad > Evil FD. He goes fishing! )
My Zelda fave depends on the current mood and what game I last played, really.
Minecraft Steve…?
(He pet the frög!)
Pokémon- Emmet and Ingo (in masters ex)
It’s not a main game, but I got both of their special fancy costume versions though complete luck and never looked back; once saw a post talking about how they only use one of them (forgot which one) in their team to hear that "All Aboooaaard!“ and yeah I can see why now. It’s just good vibes all around. (Also they‘re just such an OP combo in that game, I’m literally driving through almost anything, it’s great)
Etrian Odyssey- Flavio, probably
Idk I just like his vibes (also he‘s kinda the most relatable of the whole EO2 Untold team lmao, especially when it comes to some of his battle lines)
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