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5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Follow-up The Right way!
For entrepreneurs, the most difficult thing to do is to follow up. Whether they are clients or customers follow-up is an essential part of setting up a new small startup business. When you are generating a new business, landing an initial meeting or call is only step one.
To do follow-up with your customers and clients requires lots of patience, good communication, and convincing skills. One can also take a business coaching program to gain in-depth knowledge about better marketing.
To close the deal or a prospective collaboration, it is essential that you consistently follow up and focus on building a strong relationship. However, you must follow up promptly before you get eliminated from your clients` or consumers` minds.
So how can you stay on top of follow-up activity? Here are 5 best tips:
1. Use CRM
While it may cost you a little, it will help you to track and set reminders for follow-ups. It will also help you to track the source of the lead by creating tags that the sales team can view.
2. Create Calendar Alerts
Creating a reminder is one of the best things that can help entrepreneurs to stay on top of their follow-up games. You can create reminder alerts on your calendar that will ensure that you do not fall through the cracks.
3. Set Specific Goals for Follow up
Being aware of your goals can help you to follow up with more persistence. A great follow-up session is a big differentiator and can make or break a deal. This is the reason that you should not rely on an automated system to do the follow-up for you.
The more personal and actionable your follow-up message is, the more likely you will build a relationship with the buyer, which is important to acknowledge.
4. Focus on Relationship-Building
Building relationships, not transactions and follow-up is a fantastic way to build relationships. The entire process is not just about an email or call a week after a successful meeting, but continuing to connect with people regularly.
Even in today`s world where business precedes everything else, relationship matters. It is something that goes the distance rather than a one-and-done opportunity.
5. Send a Confirmation Message With Personalized Touch
Firstly block a time for a meeting on your calendar and ensure that it happens on its scheduled date. Then, send a written follow-up mail and it should be a summary confirmation of what was discussed in the meeting and agreed to. Your follow-up mail should add value to the prospect with relevant details and insights to speed up the prospect`s desired outcomes & results.
The follow-up process not only is essential for generating new business opportunities but also to build relationships. To apply all the above-mentioned tips and you can see your follow-up game getting better.
The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program For Entrepreneurs that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.
To know more about this course, visit: www.badabusiness.com
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5 Classic Books Warren Buffett Recommends For Every Entrepreneur!
Warren Buffett didn’t become a billionaire by just a sheer fluke. By making smart and informed investment decisions to play a long game and by acquiring a vast amount of knowledge Warren Buffet has become what he is in the present day.
Today, not many people want to spend their time reading due to many reasons. But Buffett reportedly spends around six hours a day reading books. Though it may be a daunting task for many people due to their hectic lifestyle, if you are highly inspired by The Oracle of Omaha, you must read around “500 pages” every day.
Warren Buffet spends 80% of his time reading. He has read a lot of books over the years and has made book recommendations along the way. However, just like everyone he too has some of his favorites of all time and would love everyone to read, especially entrepreneurs who are starting a small startup business.
Here is a list of five books that every aspiring entrepreneur, solopreneur, and wantrepreneur must read:
1. The Intelligent Investor- By Benjamin Graham
At the age of 19, Warren Buffett first read this book in 1950. He points out that it is by far the best book about investment that includes a proper intellectual framework for decision making. He has also added a preface to the book`s fourth edition.
The Intelligent Investor-written by Benjamin Graham teaches its readers some of the most invaluable investment strategies regarding value investing in the stock market.
So what is his favorite way to accumulate knowledge? Reading. Watch the amazing journey of Warren Buffett here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdeI82TVQk0&t=1s
2. Business Adventures: Twelve Classic Tales From the World of Wall Street- By John Brooks
First published in 1969, this book is an interesting compilation of Brook`s New Yorker stories. It takes its readers on a journey where it recounts events such as Ford`s introduction of the Edsel, and the rapid rise of Xerox in the days before Steve Jobs disrupted the market with his revolutionary ideas.
When Bill Gates asked Warren Buffet about his favorite book 19 years ago, Buffet gifted Gates with his copy of the same book. Though the business world has changed a lot, Gates says, “Brooks's deeper insights about business are just as relevant today as they were back then."
3. Security Analysis- By Benjamin Graham & David L. Dodd
While studying at Columbia University, Buffett read Security Analysis with both its authors. “Together, the book and the men changed my life”, he wrote. Since then he has been following their investment strategy, and it continues to serve him well to date.
4. One Thousand Ways to Make $1,000
If you can get past the dated language, Buffett credits One Thousand Ways to Make $1000 to kick-start his career. The book was written in 1936, and Buffett found this book in the school library at the age of 7 years. The lessons embedded in this book have stood the test of time and remain as valuable as they were back in 1936.
5. The Most Important Thing- By Howard Marks`s
Warrant Buffett has always been an advocate for taking risks. But he firmly believes that there should be a methodology behind it. To help develop that methodology, he recommends “The Most Important Thing”, by Howard Marks. Marks, co-founder, and chairman of Oaktree Capital Management is a renowned investor known for his insightful assessment of market opportunity and risk.
If you want to understand the dynamics of investment and business, these books are recommended by Warren Buffett and every entrepreneur must read them.
We know what you are thinking! The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we are offering Business Coaching Program for Entrepreneurs.
Source: https://news.badabusiness.com/business-motivation/5-classic-books-warren-buffett-recommends-for-every-entrepreneur-9713.html
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आपके स्टार्टअप बिज़नेस को दो गुना स्पीड से आगे बढ़ाने में मदद करता है बिज़नेस कोचिंग प्रोग्राम
स्टार्टअप बिजनेस आज समय की सबसे बड़ी मांग हो चले हैं. बिजनेस के बारे में जुटाए गए तथ्यों पर अगर नज़र ड़ालेंगे तो ऐसे कई महत्वपूर्ण तथ्य सामने आएंगे, जो आपकी बिज़नेस की समझ को दोगुना करने का काम करेंगे. नए आंत्रप्रेन्योर्स बेस्ट स्टार्टअप बिजनेस प्लान (Startup Business Plan) के साथ अपने बिजनेस को शुरू भी करते हैं और उसे ग्रोथ भी दिलाते हैं. यह तो हुआ एक तथ्य, इसके अलावा दूसरा तथ्य यह भी है कि अच्छे मार्गदर्शन के नहीं होने के कारण शुरुआती स्टार्टअप बिजनेस अक्सर फेल भी हो जाते हैं.
इसलिए स्टार्टअप बिजनेस के साथ ही बड़े बिजनेस को भी बिजनेस कोचिंग प्रोग्राम (Business Coaching Program) की जरूरत होती है. ताकि अच्छी गाईडेंस के साथ वह अपने बिजनेस को अच्छी ग्रोथ भी दिला सकें और बिजनेस को बड़ी परेशानियों से दूर भी रख सकें. यहाँ हम आपको बिजनेस कोचिंग प्रोग्राम के बारे में महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी उपलब्ध कराने वाले हैं. साथ ही आप जानेंगे कि कैसे आप इसके माध्यम से बिजनेस को दो गुना स्पीड से ग्रोथ दिला सकते हैं.
1. अच्छा मार्गदर्शन ही दिलाता है बड़ी ग्रोथ (You Can Get High Growth with Good Guidance)
आंत्रप्रेन्योर अक्सर बिजनेस को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए नयी तकनीकों को अपने बिजनेस का हिस्सा बनाते हैं. बिजनेस में नयी टैक्नोलॉजी को शामिल करना अच्छी बात है, लेकिन यहाँ अगर अच्छा मार्गदर्शन भी आंत्रप्रेन्योर के पास हो, तो बिजनेस में अच्छी ग्रोथ मिलती है. आंत्रप्रेन्योर के लिए बिजनेस कोचिंग प्रोग्राम (Business Coaching Program for Entrepreneurs) एक ऐसा ही माध्यम है. जिसमें उन्हें उन लोगों के अनुभव से सीखने का मौका मिलता है, जिनके पास बिजनेस इंडस्ट्री का अच्छा अनुभव होता है. उनके द्वारा उपलब्ध अनुभव, नए आंत्रप्रेन्योर्स को बिजनेस में होने वाली गलतियों से उन्हें दूर रखने का काम करती हैं.
2. लीडरशिप स्किल्स को डेवेलेप करने का बेहतरीन मौका (You Can Develop Good Entrepreneurial Leadership Skills)
ऐसा जरूरी नहीं होता है कि हर व्यक्ति में लीडरशिप की गुण मौजूद हों, लेकिन ऐसा जरूर संभव है कि आंत्रप्रेन्योर्स अपने भीतर अच्छी लीडरशिप स्किल्स को डेवेलेप कर सकते हैं. बिजनेस कोचिंग प्रोग्राम की सबसे बड़ी खूबी यह भी है कि इसके माध्यम से आंत्रप्रेन्योर के पास आंत्रप्रेन्योरियल लीडरशिप स्किल्स विकसित करने का बेहतरीन मौका होता है. बिजनेस कोचिंग प्रोग्राम आंत्रप्रेन्योर्स को इंडस्ट्री की हर छोट-बड़ी लर्निंग को बारीकि से सीखाने का काम करता है.
3. बर्निंग प्रोब्लम्स को मिलेगा हैंडहोल्डिंग सपोर्ट (You will Get Hand-Holding Support for Your Burning Business Problems)
हर आंत्रप्रेन्योर के लिए बिजनेस की बर्निंग प्रोब्लम्स से निपटना सबसे बड़ी चुनौती में से एक होता है. कई बार बर्निंग प्रोब्लम्स ही बिजनेस की असफलता का बड़ा कारण बन जाती हैं. लेकिन बिजनेस की इन सभी समस्याओं को बिजनेस कोचिंग प्रोग्राम में पर्सनलाइज्ड बिजनेस कोच के जरिए हैंड-होल्डिंग सपोर्ट के माध्यम से बड़ी ही आसानी से दूर किया जा सकता है. यहाँ आपको पर्सनल बिजनेस कोच हर कदम पर आपकी मदद करता है. आपकी सभी बर्निंग प्रोब्लम्स को अच्छा स��ाधान मिलता है और बिजनेस में ग्रोथ मिलती है. जब बिजनेस की सभी परेशानियों को कोच का अच्छा समाधान मिलता है तो आपका बिजनेस मार्केट में भरोसेमंद बिजनेस में से एक बन जाता है.
आंत्रप्रेन्योर को बिजनेस में बड़े नुकसान से बचाने और बिजनेस में सफलता दिलाने के लिए बिजनेस कोचिंग प्रोग्राम एक बेहतरीन और अच्छा विकल्प है. व्यापारियों को बिजनेस कोचिंग प्रोग्राम के माध्यम से अपने बिजनेस को ग्रोथ जरूर दिलानी चाहिए.
लेख के बारे में आप अपनी टिप्पणी को कमेंट सेक्शन में कमेंट करके दर्ज करा सकते हैं. इसके अलावा आप अगर एक व्यापारी हैं और अपने व्यापार में किन्ही जटिल और मुश्किल परेशानियों का सामना कर रहे हैं तो आप Problem Solving Course के माध्यम से उन्हें दूर कर सकते हैं और अपने कारोबार को परेशानीमुक्त कारोबार बना सकते हैं.
Source: https://hindi.badabusiness.com/startup/how-business-coaching-program-can-help-you-to-boost-your-startup-business-9622.html
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