babygirl-diaz · 18 hours
Chris: Dad, why are you always third-wheeling with Buck and Tommy? Eddie: I'm not third-wheeling, they invite me and never make me feel like I'm intruding. If anything, they go out of their way to make me feel like I'm part of the team. Chris: Oh, so you're like a throuple? Eddie: What's a throuple? Chris: *smirking* Oh like three best friends... the three musketeers Eddie: Oh yeah, we're totally a throuple ***Next Day*** Buck: Eddie, why did you change our group chat name to "The Throuple"? Eddie: Because that's what we are! Buck: Eddie- Tommy: Eddie, do you know what a throuple is? Eddie: Yeah! Three best friends! Buck and Tommy: *looking at each other* Buck: Yep, that's totally what it is
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sterekorgtfo · 5 months
Buck: (Calling Hen)
Hen: Hey, Buck what’s up? You’re calling pretty late.
Buck: Hey Hen. Remember that time you told us the funny story of Athena with the handcuffs?
Hen: Oh no.
Tommy (on the line too): Hey, Hen.
Hen: Can’t you call Eddie about this?
Eddie (on the line as well): You’re not gunna believe this.
Hen: I hate all of you.
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evansboyfriend · 2 months
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inspired by // text post credit
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princessfbi · 3 months
“What was that noise?” + polyfire
You should know in true us fashion I had a smutty idea and a whumpy idea for this one. Today smutty wins.
“What was that noise?”
Heat burned into Buck’s cheeks as he stared up at them. The humiliation started slow, spreading down his throat into his chest and up to the top of his head as he clamped his teeth down onto his lip. His body was slick with sweat and spit and blazing from the inside out but Tommy and Eddie were staring down at him like he was a wonder.
Their twinned stunned expressions morphed through a kaleidoscope of emotions and Buck could only hold his breath and wait. Wait for them to decide if they would spare him some dignity and pretend they hadn’t heard it. Or—
Tommy pinned down Buck’s wrists and Buck keened beneath the pressure. His back bowed off the bed as the inferno inside his veins surged and Buck keened. A mewling, pathetic sound that was the definition of desperate and not at all sexy but god he couldn’t help it.
Tommy eased his grip but didn’t let go. He got it first because of course he did. They’d been dating long enough to know each other’s in and outs but they hadn’t had a chance to explore… this. Not before they realized that every night they spent with Eddie just added more fuel for their desire to have him too. Even then, Tommy had always been gentle. A tender, world shattering mind blowing gentleness that made Buck nearly sob with how cared for he felt. No one had ever held him the way Tommy did. Like he was something to be cared for. Like he was something that could shatter and that was the last thing in the world Tommy wanted. Like he was to be treasured and loved.
It was a gentleness that swept into their new dynamic with Eddie. It started as carefulness, a considerate but curious hand that traveled along Buck’s body as Eddie explored. There had been a wonder too. Like Eddie didn’t think he’d ever get the chance to run his fingertips along Buck’s ribcage, taste his lips, feel the way Buck unraveled beneath his attention. Gentleness was at the very heart of Eddie’s nature and Buck didn’t know how he’d been so lucky to somehow be wanted by the two most gentle people in all the world.
Most days he felt unworthy of them. Those same days, however, they spent hours trying to change his mind.
“Oh,” Tommy said, his brow furrowed in concentration and Buck tried hide his face in his bicep before he imploded with embarrassment. Tommy squeezed his wrists again and Buck squeaked as he blinked up at them. “There it is.”
Eddie looked back down at him with an almost frown marring his expression before his eyes drifted to Tommy’s hands and then Tommy.
When he looked back down at Buck again, his eyes were smoldering.
“You like that?” Eddie asked, so very much the opposite of gentle hands grabbing onto his hips and forcing his legs even wider.
Buck stuttered out as gasp as he slid across the mattress, a pressure building in his shoulders as Tommy kept him pinned in place by his hands. The barest hint of Eddie’s nails scraped up the soft parts of his thighs and Buck trembled all over as he tried to close his legs. But Eddie was fitted in between them, holding them open and leaving Buck exposed.
“Is there something you’ve been wanting to ask us for, sweetheart?” Eddie asked, his voice dark and teasing as those nails dragged up his stomach and chest before sliding up to his throat.
He didn’t squeeze. But the weight was there. A promise.
Buck shivered.
“You want us to be a little mean to you?” Tommy asked.
Yes. Yes yes yesyesyesyes!
Buck didn’t know how much he wanted that until that very moment but he wanted. He wanted it so badly he thought he would die without it.
It wasn’t his first time being adventurous in the bed. But it was the first time it was with two partners that could throw him around like he weighed nothing at all. Buck wanted it. Wanted to be like a rag doll between the two people who made him feel nothing but safe for his every breath.
Tommy yanked Buck’s hands further above his head as Eddie dragged his nails over the pebbling nubs of his nipples. White hot pain laced with the burning pleasure churning deep in his belly. It stole his vision away as Buck squirmed. He whined high and thin as he tried to get some more.
“Use your words, baby boy.”
That. That wasn’t something Buck knew would alight the already burning inferno inside him.
“Oh,” Eddie practically purred as he swept his thumb over Buck’s lips. “He liked that one.”
The heat in Buck’s face soared down his throat into his chest as he squeezed his eyes shut. Sparked dashed across his eyelids as he tried to will the racing of his heart down but it was no use. Not when the gentle fingertips from before were slowly but surely turning deliciously bruising.
“P-Please…” He breathed.
“Listen how pretty he begs.” Eddie praised and it washed through Buck like a wave that stole all the air from his lungs.
“I bet we could find some more noises,” Tommy said, his smile wicked and beautiful.
“If we work together,” Eddie said and Buck only barely opened his eyes to see Eddie surge forward to capture Tommy’s lips with his own.
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alost-traveler · 5 months
Christopher's friend: So Tommy is also your dad?
Christopher: No he's my step-dad
The Friend: He's dating one of your dads?
Christopher: Yes
The friend: Which one?
Christopher: Yes
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911-on-abc · 6 months
really want to explore an outsider's POV of Buck, Tommy, and Eddie all getting together. the Austin crew seeing Tommy on Buck's instagram and being like 'wtf happened to Eddie??? did you break up?' Tommy starts picking Christopher up at school and the moms start shooting Eddie nasty looks and Buck consoling ones because it must be hard seeing your ex bounce back so soon after a divorce and 'how is Christopher handling all this?' Eddie's poor lawyer having to deal with not just updating one will, but three!!
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oldfangirl81 · 4 months
Buck: Do you ever look in the mirror and just think "damn"?
Eddie: Yes, but that's just my inner Catholic trying to send me to hell for kissing boys.
Tommy: Babe, you need therapy.
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diazsdimples · 3 months
We built this family together - Buddietommy, 6.9k | General
Evan Buckley knows he is one of the luckiest men alive. It’s taken him a long time to get to this point. After years of feeling as though he was stumbling through life, just barely managing to keep up with any blows the universe aimed at him, he finally feels confident about knowing exactly what his place in the world is. He is a firefighter. He is a partner. He is a father. And today, a mild day in the middle of June, he gets to celebrate being the latter. OR Buck, Eddie, and Tommy celebrate their first Father's Day with their babies.
Read the rest on AO3!
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mychemicalrachel · 5 months
Future AU where Buck and Tommy are established and in a serious long term relationship, living together, happy and content. And then something happens to Eddie, he ends up in the hospital (again) and Buck takes care of Christopher (again), only this time he's not alone. Maybe Chris stays with Buck and Tommy this time, and Tommy starts to pitch in. He takes care of Chris while Buck's at work, he takes Chris to visit Eddie, he helps Chris with his homework and takes him to school, and Tommy never really thought about having kids, but now he is. He knows Buck wants kids, he sees the way he is with Christopher and Jee-Yun, and he knows Buck would be an amazing dad. Tommy has just never felt like he was in a stable enough place in his life for kids, but now maybe he is.
And then Eddie gets out of the hospital and he's still not 100% so he stays with Buck and Tommy, too. He can't take care of Christopher on his own right now, he can't even take care of himself. So Buck and Tommy help him, too. They drive him to physical therapy, they help with Chris, they become their own oddly shaped family. So as Eddie gets better, he starts doing what he can and the three of them (Buck, Eddie, and Tommy) find a rhythm. Slowly they become ingrained in each other's lives, even more ingrained than before.
Eddie gets better and he feels like he's imposed enough, so one night over beers after Christopher has gone to bed, he tells Buck and Tommy he's going to move back to his own house. Buck knew this moment was coming but he's not ready for it. He makes futile excuses: is Eddie sure, what if he's not ready, maybe he should wait a little longer... but Eddie has been cleared to go back to work. There's nothing really keeping him here anymore.
Nothing except Buck and Tommy, and this family they've forged. It's Tommy who eventually, calmly and casually, says, "You could stay."
Like it's simple. Like it doesn't change everything between them. But of course they all know things have been changing between them for months. Eddie has seen the way Buck and Tommy are together, those small touched and intimate moments, and he wants that. Not with just anyone, but with them.
Tommy nudges Buck and they have this heated conversation with their eyebrows until Buck concedes and scoots across the couch. When he kisses Eddie, it's soft and slow and it should feel like the world is tilting on its axis but it doesn't. It feels safe and warm and sure. It feels like Eddie is finally home.
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babygirl-diaz · 22 hours
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sterekorgtfo · 4 months
Buck: Eddie says he’s feeling left out and he wants to be invited to more things with the both of us.
Tommy: We bring him to almost everything! I barely get any alone time with you! What more does he want to be invited to?
Buck: The sex.
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giallos · 6 months
i need the 911 queer disaster buckeddietommy polycule like i need oxygen
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princessfbi · 5 months
#3 please!
Everything hurt. Three broken ribs. One busted up shoulder. A body covered in bruises and lacerations that burned every time he stretched wrong which seemed to be every direction possible. Even his ankles hurt.
But nothing was as bad as the bruising where his harness had caught him. The deep black and purple bruises had wrapped around his hips and across his thighs. The straps under his butt had been the worst of it, making it almost impossible to sit without the ache turning into a deep throb that rocked him to his core.
Better that than at the bottom of a ravine, broken and gone, but still. Everything hurt and Eddie's pride most of all. He just wanted to go and lick his wounds until he could put it all away and be fine.
Too bad he had two very large worry warts that hadn't left his side since he'd walked out of the emergency room.
"Hey," Tommy said, his hands a hovering line of heat along his sides. "Just easy does it."
"I'm fine." Eddie bit out, trying to muscle back the prickling sting behind his eyes.
"So you keep saying," Buck said in front of him. He held out his hands and despite everything in Eddie wanting to prove to them that he could walk on his own, he couldn't help but settle his palms against Buck's. His hands were sore too, scrapped raw and bruised, but there wasn't much Eddie could deny Buck when he asked.
Buck rewarded him with a smile that made Eddie's heart skip three beats. He still couldn't believe he got to see that smile aimed at him.
Eddie clenched his jaw as he took one step then another before his toe caught on a crack in the pavement and he jolted forward. The pain lanced up through him white hot and nearly unbearable. He grunted as he tipped in the wrong direction and braced himself for impact. But Tommy's hands settled on his sides and caught him. He didn't squeeze but it was almost too much anyway.
Buck and Tommy's gentleness was almost too much.
The burn behind his eyes overtook him, lodging a knot in his throat, and Eddie couldn't tell which direction he was free falling again.
That's what it had been. A free fall that almost ended everything. Eddie hadn't hit the ground. His harness had caught him and the rope had swung him like a pendulum, twisting his world upside down. But he was alive! So why did it feel like he was waiting for impact still?
The warm, solid chest at his back was soft and steady as Tommy's scent cascaded around him, bringing him back down to earth.
"Hey," Buck said as he closed the distance at the front, sandwiching Eddie between them. He cupped Eddie's face with his hands as Tommy ducked down and kissed his temple and for once the touches didn't hurt. They were soft and gentle and somehow that was the thing that almost broke him.
"We got you," Tommy said and Buck stroked his cheek until Eddie opened his eyes.
"We got you." Buck repeated.
And Eddie sagged against them and let them catch him.
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sonofatoasterwaffle · 3 months
When Evan seems well and truly frozen, Tommy stands. Rounds the table to tangle his fingers in Evan’s hair, bends down to repeat the command in his ear. “I told you,” a gentle tug. “To tell him what you want, Evan.”
“I–I want you to make me crawl to him and suck him off, like–like you said you would.”
Tommy tuts. “I told you to tell Eddie, not me.”
Evan flushes pretty and red, looks down at the floor. “I–”
Tommy taps Evan’s cheekbone twice, prompts. “Eyes on him, baby.”
Evan breathes hard through his nose, finally looks at Eddie, who looks just as wrecked and they’ve barely gotten started. Then, it’s like the dam breaks. “I wanna suck your cock. I want you to fuck me. I want you to use me. Whatever you wanna give me, Eddie, I–” Tommy watches him tremble, steel himself to keep going. “I want you to kiss me.”
Eddie’s eyes are wide and scared, looking at Evan as if the man’s just as likely to punch him as kiss him. “You… you want me to kiss you?”
Buck and Eddie finally get their shit together. Tommy deserves a medal for his efforts.
Part 3 of Got Your Six up now! Thank you so much to everyone who's been delighting in this silly little idea with me. Especially @watchyourbuck and @dadbodbuck
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tommykinard6 · 4 months
"But then Tommy becomes pregnant first and he doesn’t know what to do with that. Eddie was supposed to have this and he feels guilty for taking it away"
Lets make it angsty just a bit.
He doesn't want to take this from Eddie, so he decides to leave them and raise his pup alone so Buck and Eddie can have their own. BUT Eddie is like "where do you think you're going? You realized this is also my pup? Our pup! You're going anywhere! We are a family! You're not just Buck's, you're mine too!"
Ooooo now that’s an idea! Idk about him getting ready to leave in the dead of night or whatever, I don’t think that’s a mature move on his part, but I do feel like he would try to stick it out without telling them at first, but he loses his nerve to tell them. And they don’t know so they’re talking about Eddie’s attempts and Tommy just feels overwhelmingly guilty. He’s got the tests hidden away and he starts to believe he’s truly messed everything up. He starts thinking they’d be better off without him and he starts pulling away. He is planning to leave, to give them a chance to be together without him messing it up, but his heart is breaking because they may not have bitten each other yet but they’re his mates in all senses of the word except bite and he doesn’t know what to do about the baby.
He knows it wouldn’t be right to keep it from them, but he can’t do it.
And then Buck finds the tests and he thinks they’re Eddie’s, but when he asks Eddie about them when they’re all fixing dinner one night, the omega doesn’t know anything about them. And Tommy doesn’t even know what he’s doing before the door is closing behind him and he’s running, because he wasn’t ready for it to end and he can’t stop it. He can’t breathe and tears are running down his face.
He runs for a couple blocks until he can’t anymore and then Buck catches up to him, Eddie at his side. They pick him up from where he’d fallen and take him home, drying him off (ironically it was raining) and tucking him into their nest. He expects it to be Buck that talks to him but it’s Eddie. And it essentially goes how you said, and then Buck joins them both.
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mintedwitcher · 6 months
Evan Buckley has two hands. That is all.
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