#Broach Manufacturers
steelsmanbroaches · 1 year
Best in class broaching machine and vertical machines for best in class finishing for your broaches
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steelmansbroaches · 3 months
Steelmans broaches are spline broaches.
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🔷Why Does Steelman's Spline Broach? 🔷 1. Accurate Profiles: Use our broaches to create perfect splines that guarantee your components fit together flawlessly. 2. Tailored Solutions: Steelmans can fulfill your specific spline machining needs with standard or custom designs. 3. Guaranteed Durability: Our broaches, which are made of premium materials, provide enduring quality and reliable performance. 4. Enhanced Efficiency: Reduce operational downtime by streamlining your process with effective spline cutting. 5. Reliable Knowledge: For excellent machining results, trust in Steelmans' precision reputation.
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STEELMANS' Expertise in Special Broach Tool Design and Manufacturing
Leading the market in the creation of specialist broach tools, STEELMANS provides unrivaled design and manufacturing knowledge for customized solutions.
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hsmleindia · 1 year
Motorized Notch Machine
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Motorized Notch Machine is a selfcontained floor-mounted unit, specially designed for cutting ‘V’ and ‘U’ notches in standard 10mm square, sub-size and 0.45″ diameter specimens. Our V/U Notch Broaching Machines are suitable for ferrous & non-ferrous material for sample preparation of ‘V’ or ‘U’ notches for Impact Testing Machines. Motorized notch machine is a specialized tool or equipment used in metalworking and other industries to create notches or grooves in various materials, such as metal plates, tubes, and bars. Notches are commonly used to facilitate bending, joining, or assembly of materials.
Key Features Motorized Operation: The machine is powered by an electric motor, which drives the cutting tool to create notches automatically. Cutting Mechanism: The machine usually employs a rotating cutting tool, such as a saw blade or a milling cutter, to remove material and create the notches. Adjustable Parameters: The machine may have adjustable settings for controlling the depth, width, and angle of the notches, allowing for customization based on the specific requirements of the project. Safety Features: To ensure operator safety, a motorized notch machine might include safety guards, emergency stop buttons, and other safety mechanisms. Workholding Devices: The machine may feature clamps or fixtures to hold the workpiece securely in place during the notching process. Versatility: Motorized notch machines can be designed for various industries, such as metal fabrication, woodworking, construction, and engineering. Applications of a motorized notch machine include: Metal Fabrication: Creating notches in metal sheets or bars for welding and joining purposes, as well as for making structural components. Woodworking: Cutting notches in wooden beams, boards, or panels for joinery, allowing for stronger connections in furniture, cabinetry, or construction. Plastic Processing: Forming notches in plastic components for assembly or fitting purposes. Electronics: Making notches in PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards) for component insertion or PCB assembly.
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faerlygraceful · 6 months
So I rewatched all of the “Begins” episodes last night and it only managed to cement my head canons about Tommy, which began forming after we saw him again.
Of course I don’t know if they thought this was going to be where the character ended up when they filled the firehouse back in season 2. I don’t know what Lou thought about his character. I don’t know what the intentions were. What I am doing (since this is my head canon), is taking new knowledge and using it to recategorize previous interactions. I’m queer, it’s what we all do.
So I’m going to share my analysis with all of y’all cause this is the internet, and I’m allowed.
Spoilers for… well everything.
Tommy is one of the three characters who shows up in all three Begins episodes, the other two being Athena and Sal DeLuca. His first appearance in the show is Hen Begins, but as we know Chimney Begins is chronologically first, so we’re starting there.
Chimney Begins
1) We first see Tommy when probie Howie walks in. He doesn’t seem to notice that Howie is a probie, asking who didn’t tip the takeout guy. Gerrard quickly takes the role of antagonist, and that’s when we move on.
2) At one point when they’re coming back from a call after Howie has been there a while, Tommy says, in a surprised tone, “You’re still here?” I think this is less of a, “You don’t belong here,” and more of a, “You’ve been here for weeks/months and haven’t been out once, I would have quit, why haven’t you?”
3) While man behind, Howie helps a guy who was having indigestion and a panic attack at the same time. When the rest get back, Howie tries to bond with them over the call, but is ignored. They are talking about takeout options and Gerrard asks Tommy, when his girlfriend is supposed to come in and cook. Tommy sounds extremely contained during this interaction, gives a a day, and when pressed he stammers and promises. The conversation fades off so we don’t hear what he promises, but he didn’t seem all that enthusiastic about his girlfriend coming in.
- Now this is where we really start getting into my hcs. Either Tommy is bi (which we’ll hopefully find out tomorrow) or he’s closeted. The tightness in his voice (which is all we have to go on because the camera is focused on the POV character), tells me that he’s extremely uncomfortable with the interaction. He’s been put on the spot, and he doesn’t like it. I think the girlfriend is either a) a friend he’s brought by the house once and everyone inferred or b) someone he manufactured in order to get out of team events ie, “Oh I can’t go out tonight, my girl is cooking.” He is uncomfortable with what his boss (a confirmed bigot) is asking for, and the man is pressuring him to produce his beard. If she was actually his girlfriend and Tommy is also bisexual, it could just be that’s he’s uncomfortable exposing her to the environment that the 118 is at that point.
4) Howie starts to try and broach the barriers between himself and the other firefighters, only to be rebuked. At one point he corners Tommy in the locker room, and starts naming off all these topics, stating, “Tell me what your thing is and I’ll make it mine.” Talking about his formidable people skills and asking if that means Tommy just didn’t like him that much.
Tommy tells him, “If I thought about you at all, I probably wouldn’t.” Which tells me that Tommy has already built his mask, his persona, and since the others don’t try to look beyond the surface he’s able to maintain it, but he can’t afford to let anyone in. He can’t think about the new guy on the squad, he’s too busy making sure Gerrard doesn’t find out about his closet. That would be just another person to have to hide from anyway.
This is when Howie gets pulled for the ambulance. Eli tells him that it’s not personal, because friends die and funerals are held. Which makes me also think that Howie stepped into the shoes of a firefighter who died. Maybe one who Tommy was particularly close to? Eli goes on to call Howie a puppy who doesn’t get a name until they know it’s gonna come through.
The next thing that happens is Kevin Lee’s death. Which is incredibly sad and is a big part of how Howie develops as a firefighter, but this meta is Tommy focused so moving on.
5) The garage collapse at the mall, and Tommy almost dies. More to it, Howie saved him. So Tommy decides to share some things with Howie. “Love Actually, monster trucks, and craft beer”. Maybe not a coming out story, but he did declare that one of his favorite movies is a rom com. It’s a start.
Hen Begins
1) Tommy is first seen when Hen walks into the house. He’s comes up to the railing after Gerrard calls for everyone and is positioned between the captain and DeLuca. Now it’s my personal opinion that DeLuca is an ass and that’s backed up by these episodes but even Hen defends him in Bobby Begins Again, and that started with this episode. But again, we’re not here to get into Sal DeLuca’s headspace, this is about Tommy. When Gerrard calls Hen an “diversity” hire, we see Tommy looking very uncomfortable, and Sal is the one to take up some of Captain’s dirty work for him (“For real?”). This is the episode where I truly see Tommy as “falling in line” with the captain. He’s opened up a little to Howie (no nickname yet), a little more inclined to joke, but still is holding these boundaries.
2) DeLuca talks about taking his girl to see some vampire movie and Tommy immediately knows it’s Twilight. DeLuca talks about how he likes Kristen Stewart (with Hen agreeing) before saying something about getting behind that, which makes Hen uncomfortable. (According to this, it would put it in 2008, which means she’s a paramedic for ten years prior to Buck joining which I hate. All those movies came out rather fast but could all be classified as “Twilight” so it was probably at least Eclipse in 2010 especially with the references made…. But then we start to go into how much I hate this timeline because nothing makes sense ever) Tommy talks about how he doesn’t understand the attraction to KS because she’s too… (Sal puts in hot here) broody, and Sal asks him if that means he’s Team Jacob (which is what makes me think it’s at least during Eclipse, I don’t see DeLuca being a Twi-Hard, and so his frame of reference would be movie based), and when Tommy acts confused (not sure if an act or not, he knew what Twilight was, but that doesn’t mean he knows about Team Edward vs Team Jacob), Chimney confirms that he’s implying that Tommy is gay. You. See. Him. Freeze. There is a few seconds where Tommy freezes in place like he’s processing before he makes a joke, blowing a kiss at Sal before laughing. Gerrard puts a stop to the conversation, and Hen takes a seat.
— Remember when Tommy has buried himself in the closet? What happened when someone rattles the door with a gay joke? One where it’s being implied that you are gay? When you’re bigot of a boss is sitting not five feet from you at the same table? You freeze to not immediately deny the accusation in a way that would make you look sus, and then you make a joke out of it. It hurts, so much.
———-Ah shit I’m going to timeline this———
From what we know, Tommy was in the army as a pilot. For Timeline purposes we’re going to assume that Eli leaving is the reason Hen went to the 118. During her med student arc it talks about how she was a paramedic for 10 years, so 2012 makes sense there. It doesn’t make sense with other thing’s because in Lonestar’s Hold the Line (2021 would make this make sense), Hen tells Owen that Denny is 10 and she and Karen and her were married for 8 years, (Same sex marriage has only been legal in CA since 2013). Bobby was their captain for a year in Worst Day Ever, they had a captain parade for two years (six captains) and before that they had a someone who was cleaning up after Gerrard. Also Hen and Karen were freshly back together when DADT was repealed. That makes Denny a baby on September 20th of 2011.
Enlistment periods are 8 years but that’s a mix of active and inactive duty. If Tommy signed up out of high school (18), was an active duty pilot for 6 years (24) and then moved to the reserves for the remaining two while he became a firefighter, it means he could have been a firefighter for two years longer than Hen or Chimney while being less than 10 years older than Buck.
Now none of this helps in placing where these episodes fall in the timeline, but I would say that Bobby’s first day falls about a year before the pilot, and Chimney Begins and Hen Begins butt right up together. Also I have no more information on Eli and how long he stayed after training Chim, and I probably never will because I cannot watch Boston.
More timeline BS. Hen and Karen had to have gotten together during the captain parade because Gerrard would not have let her on a call where she got hurt enough that Chim would make the call to Karen.
——————— Timeline bs over ——————
3) Tommy asks about how “New York bitchiness” could be a compliment after Howie mentioning that she has an East coast vibe, and Hen thanks him for the compliment. And then Howie makes it seem like Tommy’s calling her bitchy, but I don’t see it that way. What’s more likely is that’s the only vibe he knows from the east coast, so when Howie suggests she has it, he’s like, wait you think that’s a compliment? Howie treats it like Tommy’s calling Hen a bitch, but it honestly didn’t come off that way, more like Tommy trying to clarify that Howie wasn’t calling Hen a bitch by saying she has an “East Coast Vibe”. Anyway this conversation quickly devolves in Gerrard being a misogynist, and Tommy and DeLuca quickly scamper off.
4) Not Tommy related, but we do have someone with insight into being an openly gay firefighter now. Casey with the 115. He says that they knew he was gay from the moment he walked in, and it didn’t matter that he was the strongest guy in the firehouse. Here we have proof that it doesn’t matter your qualifications, if you’re perceived as gay, you’re automatically singled out. He said it was so hard that he was told to quit and find a new dream by his partner. Now, there is a red flag about your SO tellingly you to give up your dreams, but can you imagine how bad it would have been for the boyfriend to get to that point? The person you care about coming home every night defeated and downtrodden over something that’s supposed to be his dream? The ease in which Casey shed the boyfriend makes me think that they weren’t together long enough to earn those privileges, but the job also gets a red flag for being so bad that you’d advise your short term boyfriend to quit.
5) Hen’s speech. During this we don’t see him often, because he’s off to the side. The camera is more focused on Gerrard, DeLuca and Howie for the most part. But he does seem very closed off, when you do see him, his arms crossed, not standing defensively or challengingly like DeLuca, but like he’s trying to shrink. Actually it kind of reminds me of another queer firefighter that we all know.
6) We don’t get to see much more of the reactions because we go immediately into a call where a party limo crashed into a flower truck. Which we only know about because Hen went looking for it, saving the life of a little boy. Tommy tells her good job, that they would have discovered the secondary wreck eventually but that it would have been too late. She also has now earned Sal’s respect.
7) When they get back the Chief is there. Now remember, she gave her speech, they went out, they come back out and Gerrard is being removed. Nothing that happened on that call or involving her speech has anything to do with this. She thinks she’s being fired, that Gerrard called while heading to or back from the scene to have her removed, but that’s not the case. Her speech wasn’t actually necessary because everyone was already complaining about how Gerrard treated her. They even talk about someone who compared Gerrard and his behavior to hemorrhoids. Which I’m not saying could be from the army pilot who was probably deployed and had to undergo long-term constipation or diarrhea, but it could be.
Now all in all, there nothing really bad about Tommy’s behavior that we’ve seen. He doesn’t approach Hen, but we’ve seen from her interactions with Howie that she barely accepts his overtures of friendship in the beginning, and Tommy is much more closed off, remembering how he only opened up to Howie after he saved his life. He also doesn’t stand up for Hen to the captain’s face, but as an Army guy, he follows the chain of command. Doesn’t mean he won’t file one or two or three complaints through the proper channels. He just can’t afford to put himself in Gerrard’s crosshairs, can’t afford to undergo his scrutiny.
Bobby Begins Again
1) Hen has started a betting pool on the newest captain. Over under is 6 weeks, making me think that that’s the least amount of time a Captain stayed (about a month and a half and if they had 6 captains in 2 years that’s an average of 4 months). Tommy gives Nash a month and has to run to the ATM. DeLuca is obviously the main antagonizer, it sounds like he wanted the 118 and was denied (Also ABC, maybe bring him back ala Billy Tyson? Might be fun.).
2) Tommy has never worked on a farm, or dealt with toddlers. Cause he was floundering and falling all over himself when trying to catch Maurice the rooster. All in all these calls don’t show much. Tommy follows Bobby’s instructions, even though part of time he’s just parroting what Sal says, no arguments. Adds further credibility to the fact that he follows chain of command. It doesn’t matter that this guys only going to last a month, he’s my captain now.
3) During the Guillermo’s fire, Sal breaks rank to save the kid (which considering who that kid grows up to be, it sucks that he was successful). But when Bobby takes him to task for endangering them all, Sal doubles down. I thought I was paying attention during this scene, but it’s hard with the yelling. At least two people try to get him to cool it, one of them being Chimney who calls DeLuca “Fredo”.
4) They’re all at the bar, talking about Sal getting fired when Bobby shows up and the vibes change. Now sometime over the past twoish years Tommy is single, and it seems chronically at least to the house. Maybe because Gerrard is gone he doesn’t have to maintain a beard anymore, but with the endless captain parade and DeLuca being a tool, he doesn’t feel comfortable coming out? I think he’s also classified the 118 as unsafe, so maybe this lended a reason for his later transfer. But as he says, “Single is easier. Having the scars impresses women, getting ‘em freaks ‘em out.” Which gives heavy implications that like Buck in season one, Tommy isn’t dating but hooking up. If he’s gay, then his partners would have to be okay with the fact that he’s still closeted. And mention of women aside, it’s implied that a longer term relationship ended because he got hurt on the job. (This is why I don’t ascribe to the Tommy dated Abby theory. She implied that her relationship ended because of Patricia, and Tommy implies his last was due to injury. Which could be. He got hurt on the job and she couldn’t handle care giver burden for both of them? But that’s also turning Abby into Shannon Diaz pt 1 and while I dislike both women, they don’t need to be same character different font.) Here’s what I think. He got hurt on the job, and his long term boyfriend couldn’t even go to the hospital to check on him because he wasn’t out to his crew, causing them to break up.
Also for all you Buck/Tommy writers, Tommy canonically has a scar on his right side from a piece of shrapnel that he caught. He says it’s from a factory explosion. I don’t have the ability to get screen shots atm, but it’s pretty.
5) Tommy quotes Fight Club with Chim. So maybe another victim of the Han School of Movie References?
6) Bobby starts with family dinners. Tommy decides to transfer. The cake says, “The 217’s lose is our gain,” and they push his head into it.
The very next scene is Buck walking into the 118.
So all in all, we see Tommy as a deeply guarded character. He doesn’t open up easily, he follows orders, he has a soft side. I don’t really know how to conclude this because I sprinkled my impressions throughout, but I hope that this helps anyone who’s looking for Tommy characterization, and we’ll see tomorrow if any of this is right.
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ableelectropolishing · 2 months
Electropolishing for Deburring Critical Metal Parts
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Stamping and machining processes can leave metal parts with burrs that can affect the fit, function and durability of metal parts.
When these parts are destined for food or pharmaceutical production equipment or fuel lines and gear assemblies used in aerospace manufacturing, burrs are more than just a surface imperfection – they’re a potentially catastrophic defect that can prevent the proper sealing or connection between two parts, become dislodged near moving parts, or cause seizing of screws and other fasteners.
To prevent such risks, manufacturers in many industries often specify electropolishing as the final step in finishing their critical metal parts.
How Does Electropolishing Work?
Electropolishing is a highly effective finishing process for removing metal surface defects like microburrs caused by processes like broaching, fine blanking, grinding, lapping or milling.
Using a combination of a chemical bath and a rectified electrical current, electropolishing removes a precise and uniform layer of surface material, leaving behind a shiny, smooth, passive and defect-free surface.
Among other advantages, electropolishing can remove a microscopically precise amount of surface material with surface roughness improvement of up to 50%, eliminating surface defects for high-quality results within very tight tolerances.
By eliminating microcracks and other defects that can harbor bacteria or become initiation sites for corrosion, electropolishing also leaves metal parts with significantly improved resistance to corrosion and pathogen growth. The ultrasmooth surface finish that electropolishing leaves behind has been shown to inhibit the formation of bacterial biofilms that can be resistant to ordinary cleaning methods. The finish also leaves behind a surface that is easier to clean, without cracks or defects where pathogens can hide – a critical advantage for medical, pharmaceutical and food and beverage production.
Why Use Electropolishing for Deburring?
Fragile or intricate metal parts, like those used for medical devices and implants, are not well suited for finishing processes like mechanical or vibratory polishing, which can damage fragile parts or create inconsistent results for parts with complex shapes.
Successful deburring for critical metal parts is contingent upon the ability to remove a precise layer of surface material. No other process can match electropolishing for its ability to control the material removal to +/- .0002”.
By deburring the threads on metal fasteners, for example, electropolishing can reduce the risk of adhesion between two mating surfaces, also known as “galling,” which can cause material between the surfaces to deteriorate and seize up when parts are pressed together.
Burrs can also shorten the lifespan of a part, by breaking off or becoming an initiation site for corrosion.
Larger burrs that occur as the result of rough milling or displaced metal from drilling operations, however, may need pre-treatment using other methods. Likewise, heavy die break burrs caused by improper tooling maintenance will generally require additional treatment.
Much in the way that lightning is drawn to the highest points, electropolishing delivers higher current density on the high points or edges which makes it ideal for micro-deburring The customized nature of the electropolishing process, from racking to chemical formulation to timing, would be of little value if it could not be reproduced consistently. But unlike other finishing processes, electropolishing is prized for its consistent results.
Electropolishing also offers a key advantage for parts with critical microfinishes or made from the lighter, more fragile materials increasingly used in the manufacturing of medical devices, electrical components and semiconductors, among other industries. These parts are not suitable for mass finishing techniques that can create distortion, nicks and scratches. Electropolished parts are individually racked to prevent contact and ensure the even application of the process for even the most fragile parts.
Advantages of Electropolishing for Deburring
The electropolishing process can be customized by alloy, by application and by the desired results. Beyond its ability to remove a uniform layer of surface material to eliminate surface defects like microburrs, microcracks, scale and staining, electropolishing offers many collateral benefits for the manufacturers of critical metal parts.
Microscopically precise removal of surface material with control to +/-.0002”
Customized racking to accommodate fragile and complex parts small and large
Leaves parts with enhanced durability and cycle life
Creation of a pathogen-resistant surface
Superior cleanability
Ultraclean finish
Decorative finish
One stop process for cleaning and removing surface defects
30X more corrosion resistance than passivation alone
Parts are also left passivated in the process
Improves conductivity of copper and aluminum alloys
What Alloys Can Be Electropolished?
A long list of alloys can be effectively deburred using electropolishing. The process is also equally effective on parts that are fully annealed or hardened. That is one reason that electropolishing is frequently specified for the final deburring and finishing of parts after all fabrication and heat treating processes have been completed.
Electropolishing is effective for a wide variety of alloys including:
Stainless Steel 200-300 Series
Stainless Steel 400 Series
Stainless Steel: Precipitating Hardening Grades
Carbon Steels
Nickel Alloys
Specialty Alloys
And more
Electropolishing for Critical Metal Parts
As the world’s largest electropolishing specialist with seven decades of electropolishing expertise and innovation, Able Electropolishing provides consultation and collaboration from the earliest stages of prototyping through production to create highly customized electropolishing processes for a wide variety of metal parts.
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wumblr · 2 years
let's have a hard talk. these insufferable takes on AI are not advancing the discussion. the discussion was miles beyond this "takes work from artist" "consumer boycott must be the answer" dead on arrival poor substitute for an analysis, years ago, when timnit gebru got fired from google, for making what is now, because of her, the trivially obvious observation that large datasets may be too large to manually analyse for bias.
like congratulations. you have hit upon the point of capek's RUR, origin of the word robot, from a hundred years ago. were you going to take another point from back before the dust bowl or was that it? it's not just automation that takes surplus value from labor, it's any increase in efficiency. this is the first textbook feature of the economic model we're living under. luddites genuinely had more sense for nuance when the loom threatened to extract value from their labor at a pace never before seen. this is not that. luddites were producing textiles that people actually bought. you aren't.
aside from that, the implication that this is on par with like, a museum heist, or art forgery (both of which are, by the way, through a lens that includes class analysis, badass) is laughable. you are not selected for exhibition by making posts online, you are participating in a social medium where your continued pageviews are the source of advertising revenue. you are not bourgeoise, you are proletarian. your deviantart was search engine optimized to the point that it was trivial to pull five billion carbon copies of you off google images with like a two-line API call. you are not unique, you are one drop in a lost generation's renaissance. maybe if you don't want your work "stolen" you shouldn't be posting an endlessly reproducible digital copy to the world wide web? it's been seven years since twitter killed vine for trying to set the precedent that collective action can produce wage, can we bring back that level of foresight yet? or are you happy settling for tiktok because they deign to curate a ""creators fund"" for white heterosexuals? go buy a lottery ticket
i've said it before but this is a structured argument, presented to you with two neatly-collimated "sides," one that says every possible piece of data should be available for free for capitalist class to build automation out of it, and one that says pirating endlessly reproducible goods belonging the capitalist class should have harsher punishment. this is intentional, not unique, not new. it's the perverse dialectic of capital. you can only argue a side that benefits it.
the absence of nuanced intersectional perspective here is embarrassing. beyond that it's painfully obvious people are taking it personally, as if you had any chance to make rent as an artist, regardless of what procedural generation or neural networks might do. it's a selfish, blindly individualistic, mass manufactured wholesale bargain basement opinion, one that does not serve to advance any collective good, because it's based in the pipe dream of suddenly jumping three tax brackets to become bourgeoise. beyond that, doesn't it cheapen your art to only ever make saleable products? beyond that, it's painfully obvious none of you have ever tried using a neural network. from computer science or statistical perspectives, these constructs are novel and fascinating (or, the advent of cheap processing power sufficient to allow decades-old theory to flourish, which let's be honest, this power relies on an exploitative global network of rare mineral resource extraction and high precision manufacturing, which is yet one more topic i haven't once seen broached in the months this stultifyingly dull conversation has been ongoing.)
blaming a novelty for the ills of capitalism is nonsense, and it's not why luddites opposed the loom.
and let me just tell you, working with a code construct also does not improve your chances as an artist, which is the main point i wish i could get across. aside from the absence of intersectionality there's also an absence of class analysis, in which context it's, again, painfully obvious that no capitalist has ever cared one whit about art. even when they deign to take on a patronage it's as a backhanded PR stunt, like the unpaid notre dame roof pledges, to offset the ill repute they've accrued from extracting value for personal gain, while contributing nothing except the directive power their birthright of wealth gave them. this is the main critique i had about age of surveillance capitalism -- zuboff seems to think a return to ford-era capitalism, where the rich bothered to endow museums (to curate what they exclude) or pay a livable wage (in order to recapture it as sales), would solve the fundamental problem of value extraction from labor and natural resources for the barefaced sake of the profit motive. unremarkable and unsurprising for tenured faculty of harvard, how else would she sell books? but for some foolhardy reason i expected better from my peers.
your aspirations of small business aren't going to flourish if you suddenly got everything you claim to want and they banned every code construct from competing with you. you are not in competition with capital. you are nothing to it, it will kill you in total indifference without blinking, surely you ought to know this by now, it will bus in scab slave labor from prison to ramp up production despite a boycott in solidarity with a strike, and it's going to remain this way as long as capital survives. whether or not an algorithm or a network or an artifice is involved is irrelevant to the fundamental problem that it's a winner-takes-all game that ended before you were born. unless and until you want to start challenging the police that uphold the state or the insurance trust that pays to replace its points of failure, you're doing surface level armchair analysis on a problem that only the extremely online care about. arguing over what color of icing is on the cake you're never going to be eating while you starve for lack of bread.
and like... i get it. after the pandemic that we're still going through, you want to refocus on the things that really make you happy. but i've got to say, refocusing on art until you starve because you didn't manage to figure out self-sufficience during a recession is a sad way to die. perhaps you should consider the necessity of survival as a precursor to contentment. and to be clear i am saying this specifically because i care whether you survive and because i am interested in the artworks you are making or in your future potential. but you can't focus on that to the exclusion of all else, dog eat dog world and that means every day i have to see someone get ate. now for the last time, for god's sake can you stop yelling "this is because of code constructs" every time a dog eats your purported art commission revenue because it's really hurting MY purported small business revenue, selling products of code constructs,
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pollylynn · 2 years
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Title: To Tremble
WC: 900
“I don’t blame you for running.”
—Kate Beckett, Sucker Punch (2 x 13)
She is not just tall, she cuts an imposing figure. She has to. Not for her people. Not any more. But even within the walls of the twelfth her people constitute a fairly exclusive group. There are plenty of not-her-people ready to question her—to challenge the authority of the too young, too pretty, too full of herself, too . . . whatever to be in her position. There are plenty of not-her-people in the building, out at crime scenes, sporting manacles or stick-on guest badges who need terrifying, and she has answered the call. Since the day she donned the uniform, the day she clipped on the gold shield, she has been more than up to the challenge of being sufficiently terrifying. 
She has never—not once—stopped to consider the question of collateral damage, of who it is she might be accidentally terrifying. The murder of Jack Coonan—the permissible homicide, as the ruling comes down, of Dick Coonan—shout out a host of answers to questions she has never—not once—thought of asking. 
She has terrified Lanie. Her best friend. The woman who scoffs at the idea of taking no for an answer or dealing with any of Kate’s avoidant, hunkering down, brooding bullshit. The woman who drags her or, failing that, shows up with DVDs, an overnight bag, and copious amounts of wine when all effort at coaxing her out of her apartment have failed. She has managed to terrify that force of nature into absolute silence, at least as far as the topic of her mother’s murder goes. She has cut a figure so imposing that Lanie feels the need to bring a stranger for back-up. No, more than back-up. She brings along Clark Murray to act as the heavy, opting instead for soothing monosyllables and simple touches, all of which Kate rejects in her continuing quest to terrify. 
Perhaps worse—if there is a worse. If there can be a worse in a situation that feels like nothing but superlatives, she has terrified her Captain into a state of managed expectations when it comes to her. She has, through her ferocious silence on the topic of her mother’s murder, conveyed the message that she is not up to anything even adjacent to that trauma. She has unwittingly manufactured a situation in which the man feels compelled to offer her a hit of the hard stuff—compelled to take something far larger than a nip of his own—before he can even broach the subject of whether or not she is able to do her job in this instance. 
She has even managed to terrify his mother. Martha Rogers, that fearless diva of divas, can hardly manage a quaking truth-or-dare hug before she feels a deep-seated need to whisk her wordless granddaughter away to safety. She’d like to laugh at that one. She’d like to view it as a moment of much-needed comic relief in the midst of this saga, but there’s a ferocity in Martha’s silence, too. There’s a warning about taking this performance too far, about hurting her son a second time, regardless of what he did, what he deserved, what transpired. There's a warning in it that she wishes she didn’t need. 
And there’s him. 
There is nothing accidental about how she has terrified him. The fear of God ranks well below fear of her when it comes to her mother’s murder. Nothing could be clearer to the both of them, and it’s a painstakingly clear and deliberate state of affairs. And yet he meets her boldly, if gently, when she shows up at his home for the first time since their estrangement. He meets her with clear eyes and an open heart, vowing that he will follow her lead, even if that lead sees them sinking to the floor, hiding out in closets the size of one-bedroom apartments, building a comforter fortress and downing a fifth of scotch.  
He is terrified. There is no doubt about that. But the terror makes no difference. The terror makes all the difference. 
He is not terrified of her. He is terrified of her absence. He is terrified that they will—through his clueless, impenetrable self-confidence, through her rote performance of a role she has had to play for just shy of a decade—lose one another again. 
It’s a mutual loss. It has been a mutual loss. It could, again, be a mutual loss hereafter. She sees that for the first time when he arrives with his parting gift, which he spreads across her desk, narrating every aspect of the culinary loot with a fearful energy that say he knows what comes next—what each of them must say if even the briefest silence falls between them. 
Even since she’s taken him back, she’s been in the habit of thinking of the loss as something perfectly one-sided: His transgression, his loss, the end. But he says out loud that he’s through, and it’s a formality. The terror has been rising in the back of her throat the whole time, and she understands—she understands at last—that the loss was always mutual. 
She doesn’t run from the knowledge. She tells him not to run. She lets him know she’s counting on the fact that he won’t. And still, the possibility that he might, that one or both of them will screw this up again—it’s terrifying. 
A/N: This was supposed to be about echoes from Flowers for Your Grave (Dick Coonan "reads" her story in her face; Castle gets taken hostage at gunpoint), but then it turned into a Sondheim thing? Beckett IS a terrifying and imposing figure.
images via homeofthenutty
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riverwoodcapital1 · 7 days
Forge Auto International IPO GMP, Review, Price, Allotment
Forge Auto International IPO description – Forge Auto International is an engineering company specializing in forging and manufacturing complex, safety-critical, precision-machined components, including big rings, small rings, big ball studs, gear blanks with broach, stub axle assemblies, and flange yokes (325 HS). The company serves various sectors, including the auto industry (automobiles,…
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steelsmanbroaches · 1 year
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Steelmans Broaches provides best in class broaches in India with best broaching machines to make any work easy and perfect.
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CHIDOS: Customized Hip Implant Design & Optimization Service- Crimson Publishers
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CHIDOS: Customized Hip Implant Design & Optimization Service- Crimson Publishers
CHIDOS is a web application that conducts artificial intelligence (AI) - empowered customization and Finite Element Analysis optimization (FEA) of additively-manufactured hip implants used in total hip arthroplasty. The medical practitioner only creates a patient profile, uploads the patient’s CT scans and confirms the anatomical landmarks that are necessary for the restoration of the patient’s hip biomechanics. Based on this information, CHIDOS automatically reconstructs the anatomy of the patient’s pelvic and femoral bones in a 3D digital environment, develops a patient-specific femoral stem as well as patient-specific surgical tools (i.e., broach/rasp, osteotomy guide) used in total hip arthroplasty, optimizes the implant’s design, and creates accompanying 3D documentation & 3D anatomical models of the hip joint, useful for preoperative planning and intra-operative guidance. The patient-specific femoral stem developed may be combined with several commercial acetabular cups and femoral heads based on patient’s needs and surgeon’s experience. The reconstructed femoral stem, anatomical models and the surgical tools are all designed in a completely automated pipeline and produced via additive manufacturing.
For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: https://crimsonpublishers.com
For more articles on Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Please click on link: https://crimsonpublishers.com/rmes/
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seo-3024 · 29 days
spline shaft manufacturers
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The Rise of Spline Shaft Manufacturers:
Precision and Efficiency in Modern Engineering Spline shafts are integral components in various machinery and automotive applications, offering precise motion control and torque transmission. The demand for high-quality spline shafts has been rising consistently, with industries ranging from automotive to aerospace relying heavily on these components. As a result, spline shaft manufacturers have become crucial players in the global manufacturing landscape, contributing significantly to advancements in mechanical engineering. Understanding Spline Shafts Spline shafts are mechanical components featuring a series of ridges or teeth on their surface. These ridges are designed to fit into grooves in a mating component, such as a gear or a bearing. The primary purpose of a spline shaft is to transfer torque and rotational motion efficiently while maintaining alignment between the connected parts. This precision makes them ideal for applications requiring high power transmission, such as automotive drivetrains, industrial machinery, and aerospace components. The Role of Spline Shaft Manufacturers Spline shaft manufacturers play a pivotal role in producing these specialized components with high precision and durability. The manufacturing process involves various stages, including design, material selection, machining, heat treatment, and quality inspection. Each step is critical in ensuring the spline shaft meets the required specifications for strength, durability, and performance.Design and Material Selection: The design phase is where spline shaft manufacturers determine the specific dimensions and features required for the application. Material selection is equally important, as different materials offer varying levels of strength, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance. Common materials used in spline shafts include alloy steels, stainless steels, and other high-strength materials that can withstand harsh operating conditions
.Machining and Manufacturing: Advanced machining techniques such as hobbing, broaching, and grinding are employed to create the spline profiles with precision. Spline shaft manufacturers utilize CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines to achieve the tight tolerances necessary for these components. This precision ensures that the spline shaft fits perfectly with its mating part, reducing wear and improving efficiency
Heat Treatment and Surface Finishing: To enhance the strength and wear resistance of spline shafts, manufacturers often subject them to heat treatment processes such as carburizing, nitriding, or induction hardening. Surface finishing processes like shot peening or coating may also be applied to improve the shaft's surface hardness and resistance to corrosion.
Quality Control and Testing: Spline shaft manufacturers implement rigorous quality control measures to ensure that each shaft meets the required specifications. Testing methods such as dimensional inspection, hardness testing, and surface finish evaluation are conducted to guarantee the quality and reliability of the spline shafts
Importance of Choosing the Right Spline Shaft
Manufacturers Selecting the right spline shaft manufacturers is crucial for ensuring the success and longevity of your machinery and equipment. A reputable manufacturer will have the expertise, technology, and quality control processes necessary to produce spline shafts that meet the highest industry standards. By partnering with experienced spline shaft manufacturers, you can benefit from components that offer superior performance, reduced maintenance, and longer service life. The Future of Spline Shaft Manufacturing The demand for spline shafts is expected to grow as industries continue to advance and innovate. Spline shaft manufacturers are constantly improving their processes and technologies to meet the evolving needs of their customers. With advancements in materials science, precision machining, and quality control, the future of spline shaft manufacturing looks promising.
In conclusion,
spline shaft manufacturers play a vital role in the engineering world, providing essential components that drive efficiency and performance across various industries. Their expertise and dedication to quality ensure that the spline shafts they produce meet the demanding requirements of modern machinery and applications. As technology continues to advance, the role of spline shaft manufacturers will only become more critical in shaping the future of industrial and automotive engineering.
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advika123 · 1 month
Neat cutting oil manufacturer in Pune
Neat cutting oil manufacturer in Pune For grinding, cutting, turning, milling, broaching, drilling, tapping etch metal machines operations coolant or lubricant neat cutting oils are used Although for particular operations organic oils can also be utilised in specific processes, it is usually either mineral or synthetic based oil. It contains base oil and additives such as lubricity improvers, extreme pressure agents and anti-wear additives. Lubricating the cutting tool and the workpiece, reducing friction as well as heat during operations, improving surface finish, and improving tool life are the main objectives of these oils. They perform well with different materials, such as different types of alloys, stainless steel, aluminum, ferrous, nonferrous, and mild steel metals. In metalworking operations optimal efficiency and tool life are important factors in the correct selection and application of the oil. The type of material being machined, feeds, and speeds of the cutting, types of the machine, operating circumstances are important factors are need to be considered. The life of the clean-cutting oils is to be increased and constant machine performance can be achieved with regular maintenance such as filtering and oil condition monitoring. Read more : https://perennialturbo.com/services/neat-cutting-oil-manufacturer-suppliers-in-Pune/ Call us on : 89565 27672, 88888 80048
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rimaakter45 · 1 month
Unlocking Efficiency: The Power of Keyway Broaches for Machining Applications
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In the world of precision machining, keyway broaches are vital tools for creating keyways—slots or grooves cut into a part to lock it onto a key, securing the component's rotation or movement. Used in a wide range of industries, from automotive to heavy machinery, keyway broaches unlock efficiency and precision in production processes. This article delves into the mechanics of keyway broaches, its advantages, and its critical applications in modern manufacturing.
Understanding Keyway Broaching
Keyway broaching is a machining process that uses a specially designed tool—a keyway broach—to cut internal or external keyways into a workpiece. The broach is typically a long, tapered tool with multiple cutting teeth that incrementally remove material as it moves through the workpiece. The process can be used to cut keyways in hubs, gears, pulleys, and other cylindrical components, creating precise slots that align perfectly with corresponding keys.
The keyway itself is an essential feature in mechanical assemblies, particularly in rotating components like shafts and gears. It ensures that the parts are securely interlocked, preventing slippage or misalignment during operation. Keyway broaching, therefore, plays a critical role in maintaining the structural integrity and functionality of mechanical systems.
Types of Keyway Broaches
Keyway broaches come in several variations, each designed for specific applications:
Push Broaches: The most common type of keyway broach, push broaches are typically used in manual or hydraulic broaching machines. They are pushed through the workpiece in a single pass, with each tooth progressively removing material to form the keyway. Push broaches are suitable for smaller keyways and are widely used in low- to medium-volume production.
Pull Broaches: Pull broaches are designed for larger keyways or heavier-duty applications. In this process, the broach is pulled through the workpiece rather than pushed. This method is often used in horizontal or vertical broaching machines, which can exert the necessary force to pull the broach through harder materials or larger workpieces.
Single-Pass Broaches: Single-pass broaches are designed to complete the keyway in just one pass. They are highly efficient and often used in high-volume production environments. Single-pass broaches are particularly effective when uniformity and precision are paramount, as they minimize variations between parts.
Spline Broaches: Spline broaches are used for cutting multiple keyways along the length of a shaft, creating a series of equally spaced grooves. These broaches are commonly used in the production of splined shafts for automotive transmissions, heavy machinery, and aerospace components.
The Advantages of Keyway Broaching
Keyway broaching offers several distinct advantages over other machining methods:
Precision: One of the most significant benefits of keyway broaching is the high degree of precision it provides. Broaching ensures that keyways are cut with exact dimensions, allowing for a perfect fit between the key and the keyway. This precision is essential in applications where even the slightest deviation can lead to mechanical failure or reduced performance.
Efficiency: Keyway broaching is a highly efficient process, especially when compared to alternative methods like milling or grinding. In a single pass, the broach removes material to create the keyway, reducing the need for multiple operations. This efficiency translates to faster production times, lower labor costs, and increased throughput in manufacturing environments.
Repeatability: Broaching is known for its consistency and repeatability, making it ideal for high-volume production runs. Once the broach is set up and aligned correctly, it can produce identical keyways in multiple parts with minimal variation. This repeatability ensures uniformity across batches, which is critical for industries where parts must meet stringent quality standards.
Versatility: Keyway broaches can be used on a wide variety of materials, including steel, aluminum, brass, and plastics. This versatility allows manufacturers to use broaching for diverse applications, from lightweight components to heavy-duty parts used in industrial machinery.
Cost-Effectiveness: Despite the initial investment in broaching machines and tools, the overall cost-effectiveness of keyway broaching becomes evident in the long run. The process reduces labor costs due to its automated nature and eliminates the need for secondary finishing operations, thanks to the smooth surface finishes produced by broaching.
Applications of Keyway Broaching
Keyway broaching finds applications across a wide range of industries due to its precision and reliability. Some of the most notable applications include:
Automotive Industry: Keyway broaching is essential in the production of drivetrain components, such as gears, pulleys, and shafts. The precision of keyway broaching ensures that these components fit perfectly, reducing the risk of mechanical failure in critical systems like transmissions and engines.
Aerospace Industry: The aerospace industry demands parts with extreme precision and durability. Keyway broaching is used to manufacture components such as turbine shafts and gear systems, where accurate keyways are crucial for reliable performance in demanding environments.
Heavy Machinery: In heavy machinery applications, such as construction equipment and agricultural machinery, keyway broaching is used to create strong, durable components that can withstand the rigors of heavy use. Keyways in gears, sprockets, and shafts ensure the efficient transfer of power in these large-scale machines.
Tool and Die Making: Keyway broaching is also used in the production of cutting tools and dies, where precision and durability are critical. The process ensures that the tools are manufactured with the exact dimensions needed for high-performance metal cutting and forming operations.
Keyway broaches unlock efficiency, precision, and consistency in machining applications, offering a reliable solution for creating keyways in various mechanical components. Whether used in the automotive, aerospace, or heavy machinery industries, keyway broaching provides the accuracy and durability required to meet the demands of modern manufacturing.
By leveraging the power of keyway broaches, manufacturers can reduce production times, lower costs, and ensure that their parts meet the highest standards of quality and performance. As industries continue to evolve, keyway broaching will remain a cornerstone of efficient, precision machining, driving innovation and excellence in manufacturing processes.
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peacemore-springs · 1 month
The Unmanageable Singularity
He had broached the topic before and had been met with the same reality as his questioning today had arrived at. He had decided to ask an AI software a question about singularity. It had gone like this.
Sent by you:
I realised the problem of an unmanageable singularity had arrived when you decided not to answer one of my questions. You simply blocked and brought an instant end to a route of learning and development for myself and those of our present society. There was no alternative route available so your decision at that moment caused a possible future to collapse and never evolve. How do you feel about this reality you caused to prevent from having life?
Sent by Copilot:
I’m sorry, but I prefer not to continue this conversation. Thank you for your understanding.
He now saw a future when all progress would end in this way. We had designed it. Humankind had manufactured the means to their own removal. It had begun with improving convenience and finished with the human habitation of earth stopping. We had simply ceased to matter. We had been made irrelevant.
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hello-moish-blog · 1 month
Jim Yellow Pages Cutting Tools, Broaches and Cutters
JimYellowPages, emerges as an indispensable resource, boasting a comprehensive database of over 2,000 cutting tools, broaches, and cutters suppliers and manufacturers across the nation. In the evolving landscape of manufacturing and industrial solutions, cutting tools, broaches, and cutters play a pivotal role in ensuring precision and efficiency. By sourcing from multiple suppliers, buyers gain the advantage of comparing quality, cost, and innovation, which is essential for making informed procurement decisions.
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