#Bradley and Bob having the best all time singing voices
kloofspeaks · 2 years
Can't get over how Rooster and Bob would definitely sing this song around Phoenix just to annoy her.
"I'm just like you."
"You are?"
"You're just like me."
*Phoenix slamming a glass on the kitchen counter*
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jaidens · 1 year
You Made A Rebel Of A Careless Man's Careful Daughter — Jake Seresin
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pairing [s] : jake seresin x mitchell!reader
warning [s] : petey doesn't like jakey dating his baby | jake is so baby girl.
a/n [s] : this trope has been used so many times, but I wanted my own take on it! [ my requests are open!! ]
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Jake knew in the back of his mind, it was a horrible and disgusting idea to fall in love with his Top Gun instructor's daughter. How could he not? Your smile that captivated him and made him almost lose in a game of Aviator Football. Your voice that made him visibly soften when you would walk into The Hard Deck with your father. He would try his hardest to get your attention.
Who knew he already had it?
You had approached him after your father left with Penny. His soft green eyes watched you closely as you messed with his cotton shirt. You had told him, “We can go out. However, we have to hide it from Daddy. He's already complained about you..”. Jake took that to heart. He didn't speak to you much whenever Pete was around, but when he left, it was all conversation and love.
Currently, you were sitting close to Jake, it wasn't on purpose or anything. Your dad wanted to scoot in which ending up sending everyone down a seat making you and Jake right next to each other. Your dad smiled at the table before ordering drinks and holding conversation with Payback.
You turned your head to find Jake staring at you. He gave you a small smile, putting his foot over yours under the table. You smiled back at him. The atmosphere was thick and your dad stared at Jake like he knew something was up. Jake tried to hold a conversation with Pete before it fell apart because your dad was annoyed.
Your dad didn't enjoy his presence very much. Ever since the Bradley incident, he had been almost avoiding the Texan. You tried to defend Jake to your dad, but he would immediately shut you down. He told you how careless Jake was and how he didn't care about anyone else other than himself.
You knew that was completely wrong. Jake had so much care for everyone. He had told you how he took care of his elderly grandma for a summer whenever she was sick. How he loved and babysat his nephews and nieces for his sister’s all the time. Most importantly, he cared and loved you so much.
After an hour of hanging out with the team, your dad told everyone he was leaving and how “it was getting late for him.” Bradley laughed and told him it was only 2200! You laughed along with everyone else before standing up and giving your good byes to your dad. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and a strong hug.
“Bye Daddy.. I'll be home at 12.” You told him as he said goodbye and gave you some cash for drinks. You didn't have the heart to tell him that your tab was on Jake's. You smiled as he walked out of the door. You did a small dance before quickly sitting down and letting Jake wrap his arm around your shoulders.
The atmosphere immediately lifted, giving everyone full reign to start talking and laughing loudly. It was obviously uncomfortable to have your instructor at your table while you were all drinking. You laid your head on Jake's shoulder as you took the last sips of your drink. “Your dad really doesn't like me, does he?”
You frowned at Jake before nodding. “Yeah.. ever since you yelled at Brad. Well, I think he also despises your flyboy attitude acting like he doesn't have it too.” You told him as Jake rubbed your shoulder with his hand. It was upsetting to know that your father didn't know the sweet and kind man Jake was to you. Your dad only knew the dangerous pilot who put himself before people. The one who yelled at his dead best-friends kid. That was the only person Pete knew.
After a while, your table had gotten less crowded. Bob and Fanboy going to go play on the arcade machines, Payback and Brad were going at it on the darts. Natasha had gone home and you were officially alone with Jake. You heard him quietly singing along to a song that played on the jukebox. “I wish we could tell my Dad.” You admitted while you stared up at the small TV that was playing Dirty Dancing.
“What did you say baby?” Jake asks gently, leaning further up on the padded bench to give you more room to lay. “I said,” You say, lying further onto his chest, “I wish we could tell my Dad we’re dating. I mean, it's been five months and it's surprising he still hasn't caught on.” A laugh falls from your lips.
“For how he acts.. I'm actually surprised too. However, I'm pretty sure if we told him, he would kill me personally.”
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It's a warm day on the beach, the warm salty air falls through Penny’s hair as she's talking to you about your dad. You're smiling at her as you watch the young pilots battle it out over a beach football. Jake stands there with all of his glory, wrestling Bradley. You're practically drooling whenever Penny snaps you back. “You’re drooling, girl.”
You swiftly turn your head back to Penny. You shake your mind with any dirty thoughts you had about Jacob. “No I wasn't!” You defend yourself quickly, as Penny cocks her eyebrow. “Honey, I'm dating your dad. You two are not that different.” She says, her hand on your shoulder as she gives you a small smile.
“I wish I could tell dad about him. I was talking to—” You're cut off whenever your dad walks next to the picnic table you and Penny are sitting at. “Tell me what?” You swing your head around and you're in full eye contact with your dad as he kisses Penny's forehead and hands her a strawberry ice cream.
“Oh nothing. Just about a video I saw of a puppy.” You say as your dad walks around and kisses you too, pinching your shoulder gently. “How was getting yelled at by another Admiral?” You joke with him as you watch him stick his tongue out. You see Jake staring at you and you know what to do.
“Hey Dad,” You say, “My purse is in the bar.. do you think you could go find it?” He nods and goes to find it. You give Jake a thumbs up and he runs over to you. “Hey baby..how are you doing?” You laugh at him and peck his lips. “Im good baby. Bradshaw giving you a hard time?” Your arms wrap around his neck as you smile at him. “We gotta hang out quick, my dad will somehow notice that my purse is on the table.”
Your finger slips down his abs. You were completely and utterly obsessed with how he looked, how he carried himself, and everything. That was until...
“You dirty bastard! Get your hands off my daughter!” Your father, in all of his 5'7 glory begins chasing after the man who was five inches taller than him. It's embarrassing, you have to admit, watching them chase each other. Eventually, it comes in a full circle ending up with your dad huffing as Jake runs to stand next to you.
“Really honey? Him? The one guy I told you not to date?” Pete says while Penny is trying to grab her breath after laughing at his idiotic behavior. “Dad, I'm 32. Why are you chasing after Jake?” You're almost crying too as you try and catch your breath with your hand on Jake's shoulder. Penny finally catches her breath and calls Pete up to the deck. Whenever he comes up to her, she smacks the side of his head.
“I apologize Jake. Apparently some fifty-seven year olds don't understand that they're not 27 anymore.” Penny says, rubbing Pete's back as he tries to pretend he isn't still struggling to catch his breath. Jake gives her a click with his tongue and says, “It’s all fine. Don't you worry.”
Your hand finds Jake’s chest as you tell him to sit down with you. “I’m sorry Jake. I just.. never really trusted you very well. However, if you hurt her, you won't be trusting anyone.” Your dad threatens and you watch Penny roll her eyes. “Oh, I'm sure Mr. Mitchell. I won't ever hurt her. She's a love bomb.”
You smile at Jake as he interlocks your hand with his. Penny asks him about what he does back in Texas. He holds a surprisingly well conversation with her, mentioning how his aunt was a bartender as well and taught him some tricks. Penny loves him, you can tell. Pete stares at him with a furrowed eyebrow.
The warm sun begins to fall to the horizon. You grab Jake's hands and pull him to the sand. You sit down on it, you're watching the sunset slowly fall. “It’s so beautiful isn't it?” You said, under your breath. Jake sits his head on your shoulder, giving a small kiss to your cheek. “Oh definitely. Just like this beautiful girl I know. Her dad is crazy, but she's the love of my life.”
You turn your head and you see his dumb smile that makes your heart race. You feel like you're back at high school with your first “real” boyfriend. You push him into the sand and crawl on top of him. You kiss him slowly, his hands falling to your back and holding you. After pulling away, he smiles at you. “Thank you, Jake. For everything. I guess you're gonna have to deal with my Dad for a little longer.” You say in his chest as the sea waves softly. The sky is dark and peaceful. Crowds of stars fill the sky.
Jake's arm goes up, his finger pointing at two constellations. “That one,” He begins, “Is Cepheus; The King. And the one right next to it is The Queen, Cassiopeia.” You stare at the two constellations that sit together. You almost imagine that would be you and Jake whenever you've grown older together.
“Wow...” This is the only word you can let out. It's absolutely eye-catching. The stars twinkle softly, no clouds. It seems fake, as Jake begins explaining more about different constellations. He told you how his Grandmother always loved telling him about them whenever he was in high school.
“C’mon, we gotta get home. I have school in seven hours.” Jake says, standing up and holding out his hand for you. He gives you his keys and tells you to go and he would get your stuff. You're absolutely giddy. You can believe he has you smiling so hard and making your body shiver. Jake is an entirely new feeling. You unlock his huge truck and climb into it. You turn the car on and the radio lets out a soft tune of Randy Travis.
Jake comes a few seconds later, your purse in his collection. He pulls open the door and jumps in. “It’s our song.” You mention, watching the way he turns it up. “I know baby. It always reminds me of my grandparents. They always told me, “Jacob, if your wife doesn't like this song, I don't think I'd fancy her very much,” Gosh, he had the thickest accent in Texan history, swearing on my life.” You let out a laugh and pat his hand. He puts the windows down and his hand pulls the shift back and begins to drive out of the bar. Jake's hand falls to your thigh, slowly rubbing his thumb up and down it.
You watch the way he slowly sings along with the song. He's the greatest thing that's ever been yours. “I love you.” Is all he says, taking his eyes off the road for a second to stare at you. “So much. And I'm hoping your dad will understand that some day. All he knows me as is the dickhead pilot.” Jake confesses to you, giving the road a small frown. You can't believe that Jake would ever think of himself like that. “But you aren't, baby. You're the guy who babysits his nephews and nieces. You're the guy that baby talks to any animal he sees.”
You notice the way his cheeks turn a dusty pink. “That’s the guy I fell in love with. That whole dickhead pilot is a thing you cover yourself with. You have to show people what you truly are.” He stares at you with his lips pushed together in a thin line. His eyes have a glassy shine against the waterline of his eyes. “That means a lot to me. Thank you.”
“I love you, Jacob. I hope you truly know that.”
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intricatechaosofyou · 10 months
I have a request for you
TW: mentions of being sick (like a cold)
Hey I'm feeling a bit sick so I was wondering if you could write how Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia,Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Robert "Bob" Floyd and Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw would do that or something?
You don't have to I was just wondering
Sick Days
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Pairing: x gn!reader
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick
Summary: You’re not feeling well. Luckily the Navy’s best is a pretty good nurse. Just some headcanons about how our favorite flyboys react to you being sick :)
Request: yes
Warnings: being sick (symptoms similar to a head cold), medicine
Author’s note: this is my first request???? Wtf?? And I hope you feel better hun!! <3 this is actually a little late cause I got sick too so perfect timing haha. Also first time writing for most of these characters! I hope you enjoy!!
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Robert “Bob” Floyd:
My guy gets so worried
Does a quick little Google search to make sure he’s giving you the best medicine for your symptoms
He will make sure you’re so comfy in bed
You’re surrounded on all side by pillows and blankets and tissues
It’s a glorious nest
He’ll make you tea with honey to soothe your throat and help you drink it
Constantly checks in on you to make sure you’re still doing okay
Barely leaves your side
When he does, he’s texting you constantly
Like seriously, he’ll be in the kitchen and text you
[are you feeling alright?]
[Robby, you saw me thirty second ago]
[just checking]
Not to mention he cannot say no to you while you’re sick
You wanna watch that horror movie he despises? Anything for you
You wanted to know if he’d make his mama’s famous biscuits? Say no more
Literally pampers you
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw:
Mama Carol taught this boy the ✨best✨ soup recipe
Like it cures all
The second you sniffle or cough, he’s racing to the store to get the ingredients
Rooster is such an acts of service person, so he’d totally make this soup to show his love
He’ll do everything within his power to make you better: soup, make sure you get plenty of sleep, get your medicine, and if you claim a kiss will make you better? How can he resist
Definitely goes a little bit overboard in his caring
The softest, sweetest voice while he’s talking to you
“Hey, chicken. You gotta eat. I made my mom’s famous soup”
Will rub your back as he sings you to sleep
While you sleep, he gets the soup put away and makes dinner
Except to pampered, you will not be lifting a finger
No cooking, no cleaning for like a month after you get sick
Rooster’s taking care of it all (and if he misses his training, he’ll get Mav to understand)
Jake “Hangman” Seresin:
He’s a complicated man
You mention you’re sick and his immediate response is “don’t get me sick”
You cough or sneeze and he’s out of bed in an instant
And it’s hurts, like does he really prioritize not getting over your well being
You wallow in self pity for ten minutes until he comes back in with a box of tissues, cough medicine, some water, and a large glass of orange juice
“You were out of orange juice so I went to get some, babe”
He left to get you some “sick supplies” to get you better faster
Cause he’s a sweetheart when he wants to be, and he’s gotta make sure his sweetheart is good to go
He makes you stick to Navy routine:
Medicine every few hours, drinking a glass of water every hour, taking your temperature intermittently
It’s funny honestly, cause he’s never cared for the rules but the second you’re sick he’s the biggest stickler for the rules ever
“No, baby, you gotta take the medicine. It’ll help you feel better”
“Jakey, I don’t want to”
“C’mon, sooner you’re better, sooner I can kiss you”
You think over his words for a second before holding out your hand and letting him hand you the pills
He’s gonna get you better as soon as possible (he really misses your kisses)
Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia:
He’s the type to try to distract you
You aren’t feeling well? Time to break out the jokes
Dances like an idiot when he delivers you soup or juice or anything like that
And don’t get me started on how intuitive he is (that’s what he gets from being a backseater)
You want soup? Stove’s already on
Need some water? Full glass is already ok the nightstand
Out of tissues? Where’d that new box come from?
Literally anticipates your every need
And if you just want cuddles? This is your man
He will cuddle your sickness away
“Babe, I don’t think that’s how it works” “shhhhhh”
He will let you lay your head on his chest as your watch dorky shows and he really earns his call sign as “Fanboy”
Definitely the one to subtly try and slip you medicine so you don’t notice and won’t taste it
One of the bestest boys to have with you while you’re sick 10/10
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coconutcordiale · 2 years
wasted + rooster please! congratulations 💝
golden hour
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pairing- rooster x afab reader
warnings- 18+, unprotected piv, slight dumbification/degradation, light d/s, dom bradley, mention of oral (f receiving), completely unedited
length- 1.2k
an- thank you so much love!!! for the prompt "i know baby, i know" & many apologies for the wait on these celly requests. this was written in like....20 minutes. i have no idea if it's good or not
edit- realizing the next morning whatever took over my brain to write this was clearly inspired by @gretagerwigsmuse and the bradley & smart aleck cinematic universe (pls go read that it’s way better than this)
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You don’t know how you ended up here. Mere hours ago, you were seconds away from killing Abby for making you go to the Hard Deck. Military bars all have the same kind of guy.
Now, your brain is melting out of your ears as you attempt to take in the gorgeous man above you, his sharp features glowing in the setting sun that filters through his salt-stained windows.
“Fuck,” Bradley groans from where he’s doing his best to bend you in half. “Feel so good, like you were made for me.”
That’s hot, your brain supplies as your eyes catch his biceps bulging where they bracket your head laid out on his pillow.
Shut up, you tell it, trying to keep some semblance of dignity in the face of having gone home with the exact kind of guy you swore you wouldn’t give the time of day.
You were excited when he first set down a fresh Jack and Coke for you at the bar, thinking this mustached man’s worn Hawaiian shirt equaled local instead of infantry. Unfortunately, his friends in khaki who kept trying to get Rooster’s attention quickly proved your instincts wrong.
It would’ve been easier not to end up in his bed if he didn’t look the way he does, brown puppy dog eyes so earnest and kind. If he hadn’t mentioned how much he loves to play Wordle, if his friends hadn't tried to coax him to the piano at least three times while you were there.
(If his arms weren’t threatening to break out of that old Hawaiian shirt.)
Your self-respect is getting shot to hell the longer you babble incoherent nonsense, breaking your gaze from his tan skin as your head lolls to the side, eyes going hazy and unfocused. He pulls all the way out to thrust back in again, slow and teasing, enough to bring you towards the edge again but not tip you over.
You know you’re whining, high-pitched and reedy, but you can’t find the wherewithal the stop any noises from tearing their way out of your throat.
It takes a Herculean effort to move your hands to his neck, tangling in those brown curls, wrapping your legs tight around his hips in an effort to ask for more, something your lips just can’t form right now.
Bradley grins, the edges a little sharp, a little mean as your pathetic whines must have gotten the message across. “Greedy little thing, aren’t you? Made you cum on my tongue and now you want more? Clench that tight cunt around my cock?”
Nodding desperately, you're feeling unhinged, your head bobbing up and down like a bobblehead. When you finally make yourself form actual words, your voice is wrecked. “Please – I need – ”
He catches your lips in a filthy kiss as those skillful fingers make their way down to your clit, stroking in strong, decisive circles. “I know baby, I know.”
Bradley speeds up and you get even louder, throat straining with the mewls leaving your lips.
“Cum for me,” he murmurs against your lips, cock hitting you just right on every thrust.
Your climax snaps through you almost immediately at his command, your back arching up into him and bringing him over the edge with you.
You leave the next morning before he wakes up. You can’t help it.
Sure, he’s hot, but you’re not actually going to date this guy. You just had a momentary lapse in judgment after seeing his deft fingers fly over piano keys, singing his heart out and so fully into the performance you thought the vein in his neck might burst. It was oddly endearing.
Every girl is a sucker for a guy who can sing. Serenades make logic and reasoning fly out the window. It’s totally not your fault.
So, it stands to reason that you nearly knock him down walking into the grocery store later that day. Because that’s the kind of fuck you the universe always has in mind for you.
“Hey,” Roos—no, Bradley, smiles, easy like you didn’t sneak out of his house without a second glance mere hours ago. He takes a look at the cold water bottle you have resting against your forehead, barely holding back his amusement. “Rough night?”
You want to glower at him but it’s hard to be mad at someone that looks like that under fluorescent lighting, turning away instead so you don’t have to stare at his unfairly beautiful face and remember what that ridiculous mustache feels like between your thighs. “Shut up.”
“I think you’re limping a little bit,” Bradley mock whispers as he follows you down the chips aisle.
He sounds way too proud of himself. You flip him off and he laughs, musical and happy despite the awkward circumstances. You can’t decide if you want to punch him or kiss him.
You and Bradley start talking at the same time, words rushed and overlapping.
“You snuck out before I got a chance to ask – ”
“Bradley, you seem like a nice guy, but I – ”
A tan arm reaches across you for a bag of salt and vinegar Lays and tossing them into his basket on the floor after you both fall silent. “You don’t like military guys.”
You freeze, mouth gaping open like a fish.
He shrugs. “It was pretty obvious last night.”
“I – yeah, I don’t – ” you stutter before pausing for a deep breath. “Not sure we’re a good fit, is all.”
Bradley nods. “I get it. I had fun with you though, and not just at my house. If you're willing to reconsider, I’d like to think I’m much more than my job.”
You purse your lips, wondering if your brain is actually broken as you consider taking him up his offer. He must catch on to your deliberation because he takes a step closer to you, big hand settling against your waist slow and gentle, giving you plenty of time to step away. Your feet are glued to the floor as you try not to sway into him and get lost in the spicy scent lingering on his tan skin.
“Breakfast,” he suggests when a few moments pass without you answering.
“It’s four p.m.,” you say warily.
He scrunches his nose like that’s inconsequential. “I’ll cook.”
“You know how to cook?”
He shoots you a withering glare and you smirk, pleased to have made him feel as wrong-footed as you’ve felt since he sat down across from you yesterday.
“Do you remember where my house is, or did you sprint out too quickly to notice?”
“I don’t remember saying yes.”
“You strike me as the kind of girl that isn’t afraid to tell me to fuck off.”
He gestures at the lack of space between you with his free hand, where your body has betrayed you by leaning into his warmth. “This doesn’t feel like you telling me to go to hell.”
“It’s not,” you sigh, mouth twitching up at the corners despite your best efforts as you shove your basket into his hands. “Put my groceries on Uncle Sam’s bill.”
Bradley practically beams at that. “Of course. But you’ll have to come over to my place to get them, can’t have you sneaking off before I get a chance to play some Righteous Brothers for you.”
The picture that paints for you makes you want to melt. You’re fucked.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Chaos // Bradley Bradshaw
Chapter Six: Addicts
Summary: All hell breaks loose when the uranium mission doesn’t go according to plan. Rooster follows you down into enemy territory. It’s a race against time to find a way home safely.
Warning: Bradley Bradshaw x reader. Ex girlfriend ex boyfriend. Angst! Whump!
Word Count: 14.1k
Author Note: Oh my god. I don’t even know what to say. If you’re still here—thank you so much. We’re officially finished the main six chapters of Chaos. It’s been fun!
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“So how's that addiction going?” Bob's voice drew you from deep thought as you looked out over the water, flight helmet in hand, hung by your side. Both geared up ready to go for what could very well be your last mission. “He looks strung out–” Gesturing to where Rooster stood talking to Maverick, it wasn't hard to miss the noticeable layer of sweat that had come over him. Looking over your shoulder you could only imagine what Pete must have been saying to Rooster, talking him down from whatever purch he’d plopped himself on.
“Yeah, well, I think I'd be the last person on earth he’d wanna be flying with right now–” singing softly as you turned to face Bob fully. “And as for the addiction, I'm a full blown addict.”
“You’re addicted—“ Robert Floyd was a different breed. He saw the world differently to most, almost like a textbook. With facts and evidence to back up his hypothesis and firm beliefs. He wasn’t a believer in the paranormal and he most certainly wasn’t a fan of politics. “Like full blown addicted—“ He was a man of science, numbers, statistics.
“He’s my ex Bob, not heroin!” The Lemoore sun was almost too much to bear as you and Bob hiked up the steep incline of Grants Creek. Bob’s idea for a team bonding exercise or his version of some sort of sick joke. “And besides, don’t you think it’s important to say no to drugs?” Jerk it out by the Caesars blasting through the speaker that hooked through Bob’s backpack, the carabiner doing God’s work.
“Well, it’s just not that simple.” Somewhere along the way—Bob had removed his T-shirt. It wasn’t that it was out of character for him to do so, it was simply that he trusted you not to comment. A little on the insecure side. But his faith in you to just accept him outweighed his own insecurities. Over the past six months, you had been his closest friend, his front seater, his best friend, his…. Well, Bob would never admit it but, crush? Maybe? He wasn't sure, all he knew for sure was that he thought you deserved the world. This ex you kept talking about? Kept confiding to him about? Just didn't seem to cut it in Bob’s eyes.
“Isn’t it the most simple thing in the world?” You questioned as you dramatically gasped for air, taking in the humidity of the atmosphere around you. Bob couldn't help but to chuckle as he handed you his water bottle. “Thanks—“ Taking it, you paused in your tracks for a breather. “Everyone knows drugs are bad, right? So why even start? I mean they cause crime and death—“
“And they also prop up the US economy.” Passing Bob back his water you frowned in concern.
“What are you talking about?” Bob loved a challenge, he always had. He loved talking to you about anything and everyone. He loved it because you wouldn't shrug him off, you would listen to what he had to say with interest and intent.
“Are you familiar with gross domestic product?” It wasn’t that Bob thought you were stupid, he just wanted to explain his standpoint. Watching as you nodded in response as the sun beamed down and the layer of sweat that had formed across the expanse of your body made it look like you were glowing. A sweaty, disgusting beautiful mess. “Well it’d be great if people didn’t get addicted to drugs, but—people are addicted to drugs.” Turning to face you as you both kept walking, making sure you were still following where he was going. “In order to get the drugs they have to buy them right? And that drug dealer needs to feed his family, they need a house and clothes and the family needs a car right? And there was even this theory that said drug money was the only thing that prevented the collapse of the global economy in two though and eight.”
“Why’s that?” Panting, following Bob up the steam incline, he reached out to lend you a hand, pulling you up the hill as he continued to walk beside you, just in front of you. His hands helping to guide you up as you played damsel. Bob knew you were fine, you just didn't want to be hiking right now, on your one day off the rest and recover.
“Because drug money was the only available cash to prop up big banks—without drugs, without addiction, shit would probably go tits up.”
“So what you’re trying to say is, I’m a closeted drug addict and my drug of choice is my toxic ex?” Bob knew he’d gone a little in depth with the facts, but he wouldn’t deny he was a numbers person. Facts and statistics was his way of life. “How’d you manage to make such a black and white argument grey?”
“I just don’t think it’s inherently something that’s good or bad—just, promise you won’t let whoever this guy is, when you ultimately go back to him—“
“I won’t.” You tried to defend yourself, Bob didn’t let you finish as he jogged ahead of you, turning to face you with a stirn finger pointed your way. The sun in his eyes— he’d forgotten his favourite hat.
“Ah but see! All addicts say the same damn thing, you know he’s bad for you, you recognise the damage he does, but the euphoria that you get with him just outweighs the consequences.” Bob had you trapped in your own defence. “Next thing you know you’re on the street—“
“Could be worse right?” Bob looked at you with concern, evident in his eyes. “Well I mean I could end up dead right? But you can’t overdose on a person can you?” Shrugging your shoulders, following Bob up the incline. Feet crunching the gravel dirt with every step you took. Bob had never seen a clearer addict before in his life—how did he know? Because he was one himself. Only his drug came in the form of adrenaline.
“Just, when it inevitably does happen—don’t forget you aren’t some B-grade constellation prize.” It made you blush, you felt the heat rising in your cheeks as you hid your smile for a brief moment. There was just something about Bob that made you feel at home. “C’mon—we’re running sprint to the top.”
“What!?” You groaned, letting your shoulders slump dramatically as you threw your head back. Bob was the kinda guy who liked to do that In manorial 9/11 stair master workout just for fun. You should have picked up he was psychotic from the get go. “This isn’t funny anymore—“
“Hey, I thought you were great at running away from your problems? It must be exhausting rooting for the anti-hero though, I get it.” Challenging you, Bob took off. His bag clinging to his bare back as you sighed, chasing after him with a huff.
“I've always found that admitting a problem is always the first step to recovery.”
“But I don't think I wanna recover, that's the problem Bob.” You knew you didnt wanna recover, all you’d ever wanted was Bradley bradshaw. But somewhere deep inside you there was a terrible feeling that you'd cut whatever thin thread there was keeping you together. Lying never solved any problem you’d ever had. Perhaps Jake had been right, you should have just told Rooster the truth instead of lying, trying to protect him. But look where that got you?cNowhere and alone. Shaking off the despair, you rubbed your face, pushing the stray hairs away from your face as the wind raced around you and Bob. “Hows’ Hangman?”
“He’s easy to make insecure—I'm sure he’ll get over it.”
“It has been an honour flying with you all. Each one of you represents the very best of the best, this is a very specific mission–my choice is a reflection of that and nothing more.” Maverick stood before the class with his shoulders squared.
“Choose your two foxtrot teams.” Admiral Beau stated firmly as he stood off to the side with his arms behind his back. Watching as Maverick nodded in the opposite direction to where you stood near the back of the room. Hiding amongst the class.
“Payback and Fanboy–” Okay good, you could deal with that. “Phoenix and Bob–” You felt the wind get knocked out of you for a brief moment. Not Bob. Anyone but Bob. in the most sincere, heartfelt way– you couldn't stand the idea of him not coming back from this.
“Choose your wingman–” you had begged, pleaded Pete to choose someone, anyone, besides Rooster to be your wingman. You had even told him that flying with Hangman, although it may cost you your life, would be better than flying with Rooster.
There were a total of two men in your life you never wanted to fly with on a serious mission. Those men being Bradley Bradshaw and Robert Floyd. The only real reason you had to be so reluctant was because to see them burn out would mean the death of you too. You weren't strong enough to come back from seeing that, you knew that much for sure. There was a split second, a brief pause, a glimpse in Mavericks eyes that had you for the briefest of seconds thinking he had listened. But fuck where you wrong.
“Rooster–” Fuck.
“And team lead?” There had never been a worst position to be in. You knew some of the class knew, others maybe not. Standing to the back of the room would mean the quickest escape to grab your gear, get the fuck out and get this voer with.
“Chaos!” Jake shouted as he came jogging over. Bob took it as his sign to leave. Deciding a hug was more fitting than a handshake. Embracing you with open and inviting arms, Bob consumed you entirely.
“I'll see you on the other side yeah?” pulling away, he kept his hands firmly on your shoulders. “And dont do anything stupid, we get in, we get out.”
“Absolutely I wouldn't even dream of it.” Tapping your shoulder Bob let you go, turning on his heels to make his way over to his F-18, Phoenix waiting for him as Hangman approached you. “Hangman–”
“You give 'em hell–” Jake stuck his hand out for you to shake, graciously you took it. Looking him square in the eyes as you did so. “There is no better pilot for the job than you.”
“Do me a favour? When this is all over? You and me, we’re gonna settle our differences, you and me– the Hard Deck ,six o’clock.” Jake chuckled as he let his hand drop. Standing before you as you smiled his way. He knew you were deflecting from your own self doubt. But for now he’d let you–because it seemed to be working rough to hold you together.
“Deal–I'll book it in with Penny.”
There wasn't much time left, by the time you had finished taking your tags off– Hondo was coming at you telling you it was time. You couldn't put it off any longer even if you wanted to. Doing one final lap of your F-18, Rooster was walking your way.
“Lieutenant Kazansky!” Rooster shouted over the roaring sounds of F-18 engines. “Ma’am!” of fuck the actual fuck off, was he really resorting to ma’am? “Lieutenant–”
“Rooster, it's Chaos or Y/n, stop with the ma’am bullshit before I decide to knock it out of you.”
“I just wanted to say–” Obnoxiously loud radio chatter cut Rooster off before he could finish. Which was probably a good thing, he was probably about to say something stupid—something he’d regret or most likely wish he never said. Fear riddling his central nervous system to the point he wasn’t thinking straight, that much was clear.
“We’ll talk, when we get back–” You stepped a little closer, fingers reaching for Roosters. Softly playing with his fingertips as you kept your gaze on the ground. Not daring to look up. “We’ll talk about everything–” Nodding in response, Rooster swallowed the lump in his throat he couldn’t seem to get rid of. Stepping back and away. Sweating balls. A nervous mess.
“Hey– Brad! Bradley! Hey!” Shouting you caught his attention. Watching as he turned to face you from across the deck. “You got this– don't think, just do.”
Terrifying. That’s what it felt like to be in your F-18, ready for take off. “Dagger one, up and ready on catapult one.”
“Dagger spare, standing by.” Hangman was the first to confirm his position after you.
“Dagger four up and ready–” Then Payback.
“Dagger three, up and ready” Then Phoenix.
“Dagger two, up and ready. “ And last my certainly not least– Bradley Bradshaw. Something you would never get used to was the force of being propelled from a carrier. The way the cord snapped back and let you go at a million miles an hour–take off from a short runway, moreso a taxiway was one of your greatest fears. That and being used as a personal plaything by Bradley. There was something so dehumanising in the way you would so easily allow him to come back and forth into your life, but when things were good? They were great. But when things were bad? It made the depths of hell seem like a summer vacation. A holiday destination you'd rather visit instead of having to deal with the heartbreak he left every time he’d walk away.
But Bradley bradshaw was a changed man, right?
“Comanche, dagger one standby check in.” Flying steady as you looked at your radio. Trying to push any and all thoughts of Rooster to the side. An achievement you were unlikely to achieve.
“Comanche, one one set, picture clean recommend dagger continue.”
“Copy Daggers descending below radar.” It wasn't very professional of you to be clouded with thoughts of Rooster as you flew closer and closer into enemy territory. If anything, having a clouded mind could easily get you killed. Letting emotion get the better of you was the last thing you wanted to be a victim of while flying a mission like this.
“Daggers now below radar, switching to E-2 picture.” Lilian, Camanche, addressed the carrier as she switched signals. It was unsettling to know you weren't on radar anymore. To begin to think things could go wrong now would be sentencing you and your team to an unlikely death. But you couldn't help but wonder without a radar signal, who would come find you if things went south? Would you have to claw your way back–would Adrial beau care? Would he send a rescue? Would he send his spare in?
“Here we go, enemy territory up ahead in sixty seconds, Comanche dagger one picture.”
“Comanche picture clean, decision is yours.”
“Copy–dagger attack.” Not even a few short seconds went by before you heard and saw the tomahawks fly over the top of you. There was no turning back now. “Daggers, assume attack formation.” Phoenix and Bob settled in on your tail. Rooster behind them, Payback and Fanboy at the tail end of the group. Picture perfect.
With a deep inhale and a slow burn exhale, you closed your eyes for a brief moment and prayed to whatever god was listening. To whatever guardian angel—your or not, who would watch over everyone. Bring them home safe to their families. “Daggers set, proceeding to target, two minutes and 30 seconds in three, two, one, mark.”
“Two mark.” Rooster checked directly after you.
“Three mark.” Payback reported, his timer set and counting.
“Four mark.” Phenix stated, still right on your tail.
“Going in–” The terrain itself was stunning. Snow covered mountains that were decorated with pines. It seemed as if it had been plucked right from a scene in those tacky Christmas holiday love story movies. As you throttled forward, all four of the F-18’s engines began shrieking. Reminding you that this was anything but a Christmas movie. This was real and this was serious and this could be deadly if you didn’t put your entire being into this. “First SAM site overhead.”
“Looks like we're clear on radar Chaos.” Phoenix was quick to interject.
“Let's not take that for granted.” Smirking softly as you turned left and right—sharp corners at every turn.
“More SAM’s, three o’clock high!” Fanboy spotted, you were grateful for the backseats because honestly you hadn’t even seen the SAM’s he was talking about. Your head in the clouds.
”We got two minutes to target.” Bob’s voice rattled through your radio. An underlying nervousness in his tone. Scared–but not enough to not know what an honour it was to fly this mission, with this group of highly skilled, highly trained pilots.
“Copy–” Payback was the first to respond. “We’re a few seconds behind, Rooster, we gotta move.”
“Dagger one, Comanche, we’re picking up two bandits. Single group, two contacts.”
“Comanche, what's their heading?” Phoenix was quick to ask. 
“Bulls-eye 090, 50, tacked southwest.”
“They’re heading away from us, they don't know we’re here.” Rooster was sweating head to toe. Nervous as all hell. He didn't think he was ready for this, the way you had so confidently said you didn't believe he was ready either had stunted him. Although Jake had pulled him aside later that same night to say you were full of it–that you’d only said it so he’d stay behind, safe. It was still enough to curve him. Rattle him enough to have his nerves at an all time high.
“The second those Tomahawks hit the air base, those bandits are gonna move to defend the target–we have to get there before they do.Increase speed.” It really wasn't long after you had mentioned the tomahawks that they had hit the runways. Blowing them to smithereens as you got confirmation from the carrier it had been a successful hit.
“We got you Chaos, don't wait for me!” Phoenix’s voice came through strong on your radio.
“Bandits are switching course to defend the target.” The enemy well and truly knew you were coming as Lilian radioed in from her radio station.
“Rooster, where are you?” It wasn’t a question you wanted any response to other than right behind you. But that wasn’t what you were gonna get. His lack of motivation to go any faster then a snail had you generally concerened for his wellbeing, as a pilot of a fucking incredibly high staks mission and as a legitimate friend.
“C’mon Rooster, bandits inbound, we gotta make up time now– let's turn and burn.” Payback was the first to respond, trying to shake Rooster out of whatever state of mind he was in.
“Heads up Phoenix–” Flipping to your side with a sharp pull on your throttle—you sped through the arches of a bridge that hadn’t been simulated on the course you’d all been running the last few weeks. Phoenix still hot on your tail followed suit. Flawlessly.
“Guys, we’re falling behind, we really gotta move.” You heard everything going on behind you, not being able to turn back was killing you because it didn't just feel like you were leaving lieutenant Bradshaw behind. It felt like you were leaving your best friend behind, the love of your life. It probably felt that way because he was, you were leaving him behind–and after your last wingman? That wasn't something you could bring yourself to do. Never again. Fanboy was doing everything he could from his seat in the back of Paybacks F-18.
“If we don't increase our speed right now, those bandits are gonna be waiting for us when we reach the target.” Listening to Payback trying to coerce Rooster into getting his head in the game was starting to take its toll on you. Throwing caution to the wind with everyone around–including but not limited to the entire dager squad, the Admirals and an entire team of operations specialists listening in on over correspondence spoken.
“C’mon Rooster you can do it, don't think–just do.” Something in the way you said it really had Rooster listening, his chest warm as his heart grew. You really didn't understand just how much your words could affect him. The simplest of sentences could send him into overdrive or bring him to his knees. And this—sent him into hyperactive hyperdrive. “Don't think B’rad, just do.”
Channelling his dad's energy, Rooster shoved his throttle forward as he felt the G force around him change. Climbing rapidly as he raced against the clock to catch up.
“Jesus Rooster not that fast” Payback shouted as he suddenly felt like the one who was left behind. Watching in disbelief as Rooster hightailed it through the valley at high speed.
“That's it Bradshaw, that's it.” Smirking to yourself you knew Rooster would catch up. He’d make up for lost time now that he had his thumb out of his ass.
“Damn Rooster take it easy!” Fanboy teased—knowing Rooster was probably going a little faster then he honestly would have liked to have been. Purely to get back to you.
“Thirty seconds to target, Bob check your laser.!” It was becoming a race against the clock more so than ever before as you approached the target.
“Air to ground check complete, laser cose verified one six, eight eight. Laser is a go.” Bob confirmed, he could feel his heart beating out of his chest. He was so nervous.
“Phoenix, stand by for pop-up strike.” This was it, everything came down to this.
“Dagger three in position.” Phoenix confirmed flying hot on your tail.
“Popping in three, two, one.” inverting was always one of your favourite manoeuvres to pull, it made you feel invincible. Immortal for a split second. Coming back to a neutral position as you tried your best to steady your eyes on the target. The pressure on. “Get me eyes on that target, Bob–”
“Dagger three, stand by Chaos–” you could hear the panic lacing Bob's voice as he worked as fast as he could to get control over his weapons systems.
“C’mon Bob, C’mon!” You couldn't hold off for much longer, running out of time as you approached the target. It was now or never and never wasn't an option.
“Stand by!--” It felt like the longest few seconds of your entire life as you waited for the tone to sound. “I've got it, captured.” The sweet sweet sound of Bob's voice filled your cockpit as the radio blared with the confirmation you needed.
“Target acquired bombs away.” There was not another second to spare as your dropped your bombs. “Popping in three, two, one!” Pulling up the nose of your F-18, you fought against everything that told you to pass the fuck out. The force against your body nothing like you’d ever imagined as you felt the black ring around your eyes consuming you.
“We’ve got impact! Check! Direct hit direct hit!” Bob’s voice pulled you back from the brink as he confirmed you’d managed to actually hit the target. The taste of sweet sweet success had never tasted so sweet. But as sweet as success tasted there was a bitter aftertaste– where the hell was Rooster?
“Dagger two status!” It came out more pained than it should have, but fighting against the urge to pass out and the force of a thousand elephants crushing your chest will do that to you.
“Almost there Chaos almost there– Fanboy where my laser.” Rooster replied as he inverted over the lip of the mountain. Not far away at all. But after Roosters initial reply everything seemed to blur together as radio white noise.
“Rooster, there's something wrong with this laser! Shit deadeye deadeye deadeye!”
“C'mon guys we’re running out of him. Get it online”
“Come on Fanboy, get it online.”
“There's no time, im dropping blind–”
“Rooster i got this–”
“No time Pull up!”
“Bombs away, Bombs away!!”
“We’re not out of this yet.” Warning signals blared the moment you flew up above the SAM’s. Instantly on you the millisecond you were in their airspace.“Here it comes!” Your radar wasn't that far off. Signalling that you were in shit, deep. “Radar warning! Smoke in the air! Phoenix, break right!”
“Emergency jettison, Dagger three defending!” Phoenix's voice came through strongly on your radio as she followed your instructions.
“Here comes another one!” Bob reported as he tossed and turned in his seat–looking every which way he could to see where the next SAM was coming from. Your second pair of eyes in the sky.
“Dagger one defending!” You coudlnt have smacked your first against your emergency flare trap if you wanted to. Deploying your flares, looking around to see the SAM’s explode behind you. “Rooster status?” it wasn't a question, but an order. Rooster heard it in your voice as he came over coffin corner.
“Oh my god–” You heard him, that was enough confirmation you needed to know he was still in the game. Still alive. “Smoke in the air!! smoke in the air!!” But knowing SAM’s were hot on his tail the second he breached coffin corner was something that made your heart stop. This was a fucking mess. But if you got out of this alive? There was only one thing you wanted to do more than anything else in the entire world. Just make things right.
“Break right Payback!”
“Breaking right!”
“Oh my god, here they come!” Fanboy.
“SAM on your six Rooster!”
“Deploying countermeasures!” “Negative contact.”
“Dagger one defending–”
“Talk to me Bob.”
“Break right phoenix break right! Nine o’clock nine o’clock!”
“Rooster two more on your six!”
“Dagger two defending!” emergency flares.
“Payback, SAM on your nose!”
“Dagger four defending!”
“Rooster tally, seven o’clock–” 
It was all becoming too much to hear, too much to focus on, everything seemed to mash into one big mess inside your head.
“Talk to me Bob!”
“Dagger two defending”
“Phoenix break right!”
“I see it!” A mess of overlapping radio chatter until. Well, until it wasn't– until Rooster drew you out of the flurry you were in. deep in it.
“Dagger two defending–” Rooster groaned as he hit his flare cap. “Shit! I'm out of flares!” Your heart sunk, panic rose as you watched Rooster try and shake the SAM’s that kept coming his way.
“Rooster evade evade!” You shouted, tears welling in your eyes as you turned around. Splitting your throttles quicker than you could say I got you. This was Bradley Bradshaw you were protecting, you'd do anything for him– anything. Bob had said it months ago, you were an addict. You’d always go back for more no matter how bad he was for you. How bad you were for him.
“I can't shake em, they're on me! They’re on me!!” Shouting, Rooster panicked as you flew towards him. Not a thought behind your eyes besides protecting the one man who drove you fucking crazy with blind rage. The one man who knew all your secrets, all the flaws. The one man who loved you as fiercely and as passionately as he hated himself for loving you. Bradley Bradshaw wasn't just some pilot on some suicide mission you were leading. He was your best friend, the love of your life. To not save him would be to live a life alone, always regretting that you let him go.
“I can't do this again–” You whispered to yourself as you said a silent prayer to whatever god was watching over you. Whichever one that would listen you didn't really care. All you wanted was for Rooster to be alright. Be safe. Be able to go home. Even if to him his home was you. Wherever Rooster was? Home was wherever you were.
Without thinking, without hesitation, you pulled back on your throttle, sending your F-18 up, climbing in altitude as you swung up and above Rooster, hitting your flares to protect him. You felt the heat rising as you took out one of the SAM’s that were coming at Rooster, but it only grew as another blew out the back of your F-18.
“Fuck!!” Sending you spiralling into the valley below. Your skin burned under your flight suit, shrapnel embedded itself into your shoulder as you pulled your ejection cords. Punching out of the jet as it fell from the sky. Falling to the ground uncontrollably as you struggled with your shoot. “C’mon– c’mon!!” Ripping the cord just in enough time to slow you down before the tree line.
“Chaos!! No!!” Rooster shouted as pure panic consumed him. “Y/n!!” Watching the fireball that had been your F-18 crash into the valley below uncontrollably.
“Dagger one is hit! I repeat, Dagger one is hit! Chaos is down!” Phoenix reported back to the carrier. Bob couldn’t breathe, he’d told you not to do anything stupid. Why did you not listen? Addicts never listened.
“Dagger one status?” Rooster pleaded through the radio as he watched your F-18 go down in what would only be described as a fireball. Thick black clouds of smoke following. “Status?-- shit does anyone see her?” Rooster's voice became more panicked the longer he went without a definitive response. Flying around he couldn't see you. “Dagger one come in!”
“I didn't see a parachute–” Payback confirmed as he followed Rooster right on his tail.
“We have to circle back!” Rooster wasn't putting it to the group for questioning. He was going back, that wasn't an negotiable option. But that didn't stop them from trying.
“Comanche, bandits inbound, single group hot. Recommend dagger flow south– one minute to intercept.”
“All dagger flow to ecp–”
“What about chaos!?” Rooster hissed. Tears welling in his eyes– enough to the point where they steamed down his cheeks.
“Dagger spare requesting permission to launch and fly air cover!” Back on the carrier, Jake Seresin sat idly by at the hands of the Admirals who shook their heads despite his plea.
“Negative spare–” At the sound of the order he’d received Hangman threw his mask down with a frustrated grown. You weren't a quitter, if anything you were a fighter. But this? Was enough to break even the strongest of people. You had told him you wouldn't get to come back from this one, Jake just didn't know you meant like this.
“Dagger two you are not to engage, repeat you are not to engage.” It was a nightmare Rooster had never really thought about. Losing you on a mission, having you there one minute then being gone the next. Sacrificing yourself for him was also something Rooster was not about to let you do. “Dagger two return to carrier– acknowledge.” He’s been lucky this far in his career to not have flown a mission with you. And of course the first was the last.
“Rooster, those bandits are closing, we can't go back.” It killed him to say it but Bob knew he had to, in order to not lose anyone else today. He’d told you not to do anything stupid, so he wasnt going to do that either. Holding back his only emotions, because this wasnt over yet– Bob was the first to make the conclusion everyone was afraid to make. “Rooster, she's gone–Chaos is gone.”
The chill of snow captivated you entirely. It stung, like when you’d hold something cold for far too long. Everything hurt. From the blood that had seeped into your flight suit from the wound you had on your shoulder—to the pressure forcing itself down onto your lungs. Your ribs were on fire, your nose bloodied. Pushing yourself up onto your knees felt like a task only the fittest of people could do. But you pushed through, taking in your surroundings. Snow, trees, more snow and more trees.
With a heavy sigh, you sat back on your feet, legs bent as you focused on breathing– chuckling softly at the disbelief you were alive.
Your head spun at the sound of what you could only assume was an approaching helicopter. Almost definitely not one of yours. Scrambling as fast as you could against the clock to unclip your parachute. Watching in a flurry as it came around the corner—tracking you down.
“Fuck—“ You mermered to yourself as you worked a little faster. “Fuck fuck fuck—“ Struggling to breath, struggling to run, struggling to do just about anything as you ran for your god damn life through the snow– you decided that jumping over a nearby job that looked as if it could hide you would be your best option. You couldn't outrun a helicopter.
“Fuck!” Screaming at the top of your lungs, you curled yourself up into a ball as the enemy helicopter fired rounds your way. Missing every time but only by mere centimetres. So close you could feel the residual heat coming from them. “Oh my god–fuck!” Holding your shoulder you watched as the helicopter came around to face you, staring down the barrel of a gun, accepting your fate– you gave in. Shutting your eyes tight, you heard the sound of explosions, being met with sight of the helicopter blown to pieces when you opened them curiously. Watching as Roosters F-18 came racing by. Enemy SAM’s making contact with the tail of his F-18, forcing him down.
“Oh God No–” With pure panic bubbling to the surface as you stood, you watched as Rooster was struck, his F-18 spiralling down towards earth on fire. “Rooster! Fuck! No no no no no!” It hurt to move, it hurt to breathe, you were bleeding from God only knows where with injuries unknown and countless–but you had to get to him. That wasn't negotiable.
Racing through the snow, trees lining the way, you ran as fast as your body would allow you to and then some. Pushing through everything you felt to get to Rooster. Seeing him casually folding up his parachute.
“You alright!?” You didn't let your legs slow down until you got to where Rooster was crouching over. Standing, he replied.
“Yeah, I'm good! What about you?” With a heavy shove to his chest you had Rooster on his back in the snow. Watching as he ripped his helmet from his face as you did the same. “What the hell!?” Rooster stood to his feet in a fluffy, his eyes beaming at you. Anger laced his tone as he got in your face.
“Fucking idiot! What are you doing here!?” You couldn’t hold in your anger. You thought he’d been stupid enough to sacrifice himself for you.
“What am I doing here?” Rooster repeated as you huffed, clearing injured and out of breath. Your good arm, working to cradle your clearly not okay arm. Holding your forearm close to your chest as you held the weight of your arm—taking pressure off your shoulder. Your collarbone throbbing. Ribs collapsing into your lungs.
“You think I took that missile so you could be down here with me!? You should be back on the carrier by now!?”
“I SAVED YOUR LIFE!” Leaning into it, Rooster gritted his teeth. Defending his actions as you puffed your chest. Still cradling your arm.
“No! I saved YOUR life! That’s the whole point! What the fuck where you even thinking!!”
“You told me not to think!” You had nothing to come back at him with. You had told him that, on many occasions. You just never expected he’d use your own logic against you. Stunned into silence– you watched as Rooster held his arms up and slammed them back down into his sides in a what the hell kinda way.
Out of breath and knowing that Rooster was alive, you let out a sigh of relief. Rooster stopped to look around for a brief moment– taking in the terrain.
“Well, it's good to see you.” You cooed, standing tall as blood dripped from your shoulder, seeping into your flight suit. Staining it a dark crimson colour.
“It's good to see you too–” Pausing briefly as his eyes wandered down to where the colour of your suit had changed, Rooster's heart sank. “Your bleeding?” Coming closer, you leaned into his touch. Feeling a little light headed as Rooster worked to unbutton a few of your flight suit buttons to get a closer look. Grimacing at the sight. “Well it certainly looks worse than it probably feels.”
“Feels like I've been shot by a flare.” The taste of iron covered your taste buds as blood dripped from your nose. Working to wipe it away with the sleeve of your suit.
“Little dramatic but I'd say some form of shrapnel.” Rooster mumbled as he worked to do up the buttons he had undone. “Other than that? You alright?” Silence fell between you as you looked up into Rooster's eyes. Noticing the blood on his neck.
Nodding you pressed your lips together—knowing if you spoke you’d be lying through your teeth. You didn't want to say anything else about any other injuries because you didn't know what was wrong. All your knew was that everything fucking hurt.
“I didn’t mean what I said.” It hurt to speak but you pushed it aside. Reaching out with your good arm to wipe the dirt off Roosters cheek. “I just didn’t want you flying this stupid mission.” You did it all for love.
“Yeah, I gathered that.” Rooster smirked as he reached out to cup your cheeks, standing so close although you were standing in the snow? You felt nothing but warmth. His warmth. “Hangman told me—“
“That fucker—I told him in—“ Rooster didn’t let you finish. His lips were warm against yours for what felt like a lifetime. Time stood still as he deepened it, desperately needed to just be with you. “When we get outta this mess, that's it okay—no more games, I wanna make this, us–work.” It hurt to hold your breath or whatever breath your lungs could hold as you kissed Rooster back. His hands still cupping your cheeks, holding you close to him as snow fell around you. “I thought for a moment there that I’d lost you for good and I’ll never shake that feeling.”
“Marry me?” Okay yeah now you couldn’t breathe.
“Did you hit your head?” Reaching out to inspect Rooster’s head, you frowned in response to his out there question. Listening to him chuckle as he shook his head. “What the hell—you hit your head didn't you?”
“I’m serious. Marry me Y/n.” Rooster was as serious as a heart attack.
“Bradley, we’re standing in enemy territory, I don’t know how to get us out of here and you already know whatever we are just isn’t—“
“Don’t think, just do.” Rooster smirked as he kissed you again. His hands squishing your cheeks together as you chuckled into his touch. Pulling away because you genuinely couldn’t breathe, your ribs crushing your lungs.
“Okay okay—I’ll think about it.” Silence fell as your eyes met Roosters. “When we get outta this mess, ask me again.” Roosters hands lingering on your hips—keeping you close as snow fell around you. “We need a plan.” Kissing the top of your head as he pulled you in, Rooster was unaware of the pain you were in.
“Well—what's the plan?” But despite the pain, you still had to figure a way out of here.
Alarm bells rang throughout the valley as you and Rooster laid parched at the lookout point you'd decided was the best vantage point. Holding your binoculars up, you handed them over to Rooster who was looking at you as if you were crazy. You’d have to have hit your head, this was crazy even for you.
“You're not serious?” looking at you with disbelief evident is his eyes Rooster asked if you were bat shit crazy. “You've gotta be shitting me, an F-14?” Rooster held the binoculars up to his eyes one more time to confirm what he was seeing, what he was hearing. There was no way this was your plan. Stupic, idiotic and absolutely chaotic at best.
“Mav’s shot down two MiG’s in one of those things–” You never took your eyes off the prize. This was the only way to get you and Rooster home. The only way you could come up with. “We need a way out—the only way out is to go out the same way we got in, fly.”
“Are you mentally deficient Chaos? This is a suicide mission—“ Rooster argued as he laid beside you on his stomach.
“What, and you thought blowing up all that Uranium wasn’t?” Rooster had to admit he got you there. “Rooster I learnt a long ago that if the Navy was only going to see a girl that’s dangerous, a force to be reckoned with and way too stubborn, then there’s no point in trying to be anything else—they aren’t coming back for me, for you, this is the only way we’re getting out of this alive.”
“We don't even know if that bag of ass can fly! Also, you've never flown one before!” Hissing through gritted teeth Rooster watched as you sat back on your knees, groaning softly as you cupped your side. Your bad arm still resting against your torso. Trying to keep it still without a sling was proving to be a little difficult.
“Let's find out–” You waisted no time as you pushed yourself up onto your feet—marching out into enemy territory.
“Chaos!” Rooster whisper shouted as he reached out for you, slipping through his fingertips as always. “Okay–” Deciding he didn't want to be left behind, Rooster ran after you, catching up quickly as you continued scouting the area. Feeling the brick wall that was Rooster crashing into the back of you as he lost his footing for a second.
“There's guys up there Chaos–”
“Yep–” You acknowledged Rooster as his hands guided your hips.
“There's more over there–” Looking around frantically, Rooster shoved you softly, forcing you to pick up the pace as you saw people running around you. Most likely heading to their stations.
“Okay–let's start running.”
“Yeah, run, run!” It really didn’t take the two of you long to reach the hangar where the old F-14 sat tucked away. Panting as you struggled to breathe—Rooster's stomach dropped at the feeling something might not be okay. “Hey you good?” His hand on the small of your back as you looked over the generator. A million things you had no idea what did or didn’t do. But a few things stood out.
“I’m fine.” It was a blatant lie, but to mention you felt like you were dying would be to worry Rooster for no good reason. “Okay so when I give you the signal for air, you're gonna flip this switch until the needle gets to one twenty.” Rooster listened as you explained what you needed him to do. “When the engine starts, you gotta pull out the pins and disconnect everything– do you understand?”
“How do you know all this?” There really wasn’t time to go into depth about how you’d taken an old aviation course a while back. Nothing serious, but it gave you enough basic knowledge to guess your way through this.
“No time for that now, do you understand?” Shaking off Roosters curiosity.
“Yeah– yeah I'm good.”
“Good.” Turning to try and get power going, you couldn't hold in your excitement when the generator kicked off. “Yes!--’ Racing off as you held your shoulder firmly, losing blood a little quicker than you would have liked to have been.
“Once I'm up, stow the ladder.” Placing your helmet on as Rooster watched on almost starstruck. He couldn't believe this was happening. He always thought you would be the death of him, but this wasn't what he had on his bingo card. Watching as you climbed up the ladder, stowing it away shortly after you sat down in the cockpit.
“Okay wow–talk to me Mav, what am I looking at here?” You mumbled to yourself as electronic wiring filled the cockpit as you gave Rooster the signal. Firing up the engines, Rooster raced around untagging and pulling pins. Jumping up onto the wing of the F-14 before settling in behind you.
“Oh my god this thing is so old–” Rooster had never flown with you before. Sure, he’d flown with you in terms of training—but he’d never been your back seater. He’d never been in the same cockpit as you.
“Canopy?” Rooster knew what type of pilot you were, reckless and crazy.
“Clear–!” But that was exactly what you both needed to get you out of here alive. Try or die. Pulling out of the hanger slowly, the creaking of aluminium filled your eardrums as you hit the breaks. Fuck— there way nothing left.
“Both runways are cratered, how are we gonna get this museum piece in the air?” Rooster asked as he sat behind you. Watching as you flipped the safety up—extending the wings out as if you were preparing for takeoff.
“Why are the wings coming out, Chaos?” You couldn’t help but to chuckle at how ridiculous it sounded coming out of Roosters mouth. He knew exactly why the wings were coming out—he just didn’t want to believe you were inherently this fucking crazy. This desperate. “Chaos this is a taxiway, not a runway, this is a very short taxiway Chaos!”
“Rooster just hang on–” You didn't see another way out. Committing as you fired up everything the old nF-14 had to give as full speed. Sending you both back against your chairs.
“Holy Shit!” If Rooster lived to see the day, he swore to himself that if he ever had the chance to have children, he’d be sure to tell them about the time their mother used a taxiway as a runway. Hopefully that would be enough to convince them of just how crazy you were. Perhaps maybe they'd be too scared to be reckless themselves.
“C’mon c’mon c’mon needles alive, c’mon– You grinned as you watched the needle climb, pulling up on your throttle as your landing gear left the taxiway.
“Chaos!!” Rooster shouted as he felt you lifting off.
“That's it, c'mon! C’mon! Here we go!”
“Holy shit!” Rooster felt like he was going to be sick, this was crazy even for you. The craziest thing he’d ever seen anyone do, and he knew Maverick. This took the cake. He felt the landing gear rip off the bottom of the F-14 as you just barely missed the top of the lookout. Exhaling in relief, Rooster turned his ESAT on. “You’re fucking crazy–”
“Hey if you have any ideas air them now Bradshaw–” Laughing together, you thought you were home free.”Can you work on getting us in touch with the boat?”
“Yeah, working on it, but the radio’s out, we have no radar, everything is dead back here. What should I do? talk me through it.”
“Okay, um–first the radio, throw the uh–UHF-2 breaker, try that?” There was something incredibly attractive about the way you told him what to do. Rooster knew it was probably really bad timing, but he couldn't help the way he felt. It was empowering, you were strong and fierce and everything his mother told him to find in a woman.
“There are three hundred breakers back there, anything more specific?” Rooster looked around at all the breakers trying to find the one you'd told him to try, completely overwhelmed.
“I’ve only taken a short course on old aviation and navigation, dad and Mav never really talked all that much about anything like that– I think it was more of your dad's department.”
“I'll figure it out.” Flying steady, it was almost too good to be true. Too easy, pulled off without a hitch. There was a small part of you that felt like something else was about to go wrong. The engine would die or the wings would fall off. “Chaos tally two five o’clock low.” Well it wasn't what you were imagining but it was still serious. “what do we do?”
“Okay listen, just be cool, if they knew who we were, we’d be dead already.” That much was ture. Scrambling your brain trying to come up with a plan, but there was nothing–you were running on empty.
“Well, here they come– what's your plan?” You wanted to be honest and say you didn't have one, because you really didn't. But you couldn't go down without a fight–not when you had Roosters life on the line as well. You were getting yourself out of this. Getting Rooster out of this.
“Just put your mask on, remember, we’re on the same team.” Flying up beside you the bandits gestured a few things you weren't sure of, signalling back you tried to say you could hear. That must have told them something was off. Watching as he filled back. “Oh shit his wingman is moving into weapons envelope.” Alright, listen up– when I tell you, you grab those rings above your head.” Rooster looked up to where the yellow and black striped rope was above his head. “That's the ejection handle.”
“Chaos can we outrun these guys?”
“Not their missiles and guns.”
“Then it's a dog fight–” You let Rooster's words linger in the air for a moment. He knew you had it in you, but something was stopping you from being reckless.
“An F-14, against fifth generation fighters?” Arguing the point, you really didn't want to have to admit you didn't think you could do it. Your lungs felt like they were full of water, your heart burned, your shoulder throbbed and your nose felt like it was ten times bigger than it should have been. You’d done a bang up job on yourself that was for sure.
“It's not the plane, it's the pilot.” Rooster's voice was soft, a starck contrast to the situation you were both facing right now. “I know you’d go after then if I wasn't here.”
“But you are here–” The way you said it, such softness in your tone, such a love, with such a desire to protect him. Rooster had to snap you out of it because he knew you better than anyone and there was no one else who could get the two of you out of this. It was do or die trying, there wasn't any room to hold back.
“C’mon Chaos, don't think, just do.” As if something possessed you in the blink of an eye—you were pulling back on the throttle violently. Forcing your jet behind the firs bandit before hammering in with your guns. Peppering the aluminium. “Tell me when you see smoke in the air!” Rooster did his best to stay in his seat as you broke left, then right. Doing your best to evade the second bandit. Turning around to look at the missile coming directly at you—tone ringing throughout the cockpit.
“Smoke in the air!! smoke in the air!”
“Hang on!” Turning left as sharp as you could, you swung low–racing past the bandit that was already on its way down. The missile that had been heading directly at you making contact with the bandit as you cut in front of him.
“Yeah Chaos! Splash one splash one!” Rooster cheered behind you, turning to see the bandit on your tail had fired yet another missile. “Here comes another one.”
“Rooster flares, now, now, now!” Rooster did as he was told, working quickly to deploy countermeasures, flares popping as he held his finst against the button. “Splitting the throttles, coming around.” You knew you were talking to yourself at this point but you didn't really care. It seemed to help as you pulled back and fell behind the bandit. Now positioned behind him once again. Chasing him down as you tried your best to get your targeting system on him. “Give me tone give me tone” The target lock beeped rapidly–notifying you that you had him locked. Or her– you weren't really sure and you didn't really care, it was them or you.
“You got him Chaos you got him!” Rooster kept doing his best to keep you focused, keep you fighting. He couldn't really do anything else. All his systems were down, he wasn't a backseater.
“I'm taking the shot!” As you took the shot with one of only two missiles that you had– you hoped it was a straight shooter. Unfortunately it wasn't, and you couldn't really explain what actually happened even if you tried. Watching as the bandit stalled his engines and flew straight past you, flat in a spin that seemed near impossible to control.
“Holy shit what the fuck was that?” Rooster had never seen a manoeuvre like that, neither had you.
“Hang on, we gotta get low, the terrain will confuse his targeting system.” swinging low, the nose of your F-14 took a steep dive towards the valley, only mere metres above the ground as you took sharp lefts and rights.
“Here he comes!” Rooster announced as he had his head turned. Feeling the not so good sensation of rounds embedding into the aluminium of your F-14.
“We took a hit, we took a hit!” Rooster watched as the bandit gained turf on your tail.
“Talk to me Rooster, where is he?”
“He's still on us!”
“C’mon Chaos to some of the Vigilante shit!” This felt personal now. You were fucking pissed. You were hurt, bleeding. They say looks could kill and the way you were looking at this bandit right now—How was he not already dead?
“Brace yourself!” You were flying for revenge. Not a single aviation rule applied at this point. Pulling up as you climbed for altitude only to swing back around and cut the engine for a brief second to fall behind again.
“Holy shit!” Rooster usually had a pretty good constitution, but the way you were flying? It had him on the brink of spewing chunks down your back.
“I got tone, taking the shot!” You watched with revenge in your eyes as the Missile went flying towards the bandit. Smoke in the air as he deployed his flares—making contact. “Dammit—I’m out of missiles, switching to guns.”
“You got him Chaos!”
“It's not over yet, once last chance!”
“You can do this!” It felt like you were peering through a window, a deep portal, time travelling
All the love you unravelled and the life you almost gave away as Rooster encouraged you to keep fighting. Memories flashing back as you chased the bandit down.
“I'm trying to break up with you Y/n”
“I can't make you wait for me, I'm not going to do that.”
“I think I'm ready to let go now–”
“Thank you for breaking me to the point where I learned to finally value myself, It took a lot.”
“I'm not doing this anymore, this back and forth bullshit!”
“Well figure out a way to stop because you will be the last person I allow back into my life!”
“Go to hell Kazansky.”
As your mind whipped through a rolodex of memories, you hadnt even noticed you’d pulled the trigger for the final time. Peppering the banit with everything you had left. Roosters cheers, pulling you back from your subconscious.
“Yes! Splash two splash two!!” Bradley couldn't control his excitement if he tried, reacting over to tap your shoulder– not releasing it was your bad one.”
“AH, Fuck!” Hissing through gritted teeth you closed your eyes tight. Flying smooth over the water towards the carrier's last known positioning.
“What, what's wrong?” Rooster asked, not knowing how bad things really were. “Are you alright?”
“Im fine its just–” Pausing briefly, you let out a prolonged exhale as you adjusted yourself. “Just my shoulder Bradshaw, nothing I can't handle, just work on getting us in touch with the carrier.” It didn't take Rooster too long to figure out where that breaker was hiding that you told him about before the bandits had showed up.
Chaos, I got the radio on, gonna get us in touch now–”
“Copy That–” All of a sudden, your alarm systems began blaring. All you could think was not again, had you not been through enough all ready? “Oh my god–” Looking around you began to panic, eyes wide with fear.
“Where the hell is this guy?” Rooster questioned as he did the same, leaving fingerprints on the glass of the cockpit as he twirled in his chair. Looking every which way possible to try and spot the bandit.
“Rooster–he’s on our nose.” There wasn’t a moment more than now where you wished you could wake up screaming from dreaming, quickly acting to fire another round of ammunition—nothing “Dammit it, we’re out of ammo.” With fearful eyes and a heart racing at a million miles an hour—you saw the unimaginable. A missile coming straight for you. “SMOKE IN THE AIR–ROOSTER FLARES!” There was barely any time to react, you’d only just managed to pull up on the throttle. Sending the nose of your F-14 sky high.
“That was close!” Rooster turned in his seat as his eyes followed the bandit, watching with a tight chest and shallow breathing as he came back around. Coming right after you. Pressing his thumb against the flare ignition—nothing. “We’re out of flares Chaos!”
“Shit he's already on us!” Stuck in a tin can, bleeding to death—there wasn’t much else you had up your sleeves. In all accounts you’d put up a pretty good fight, one hell of a fight even. The sound of artillery fire rained down on your F-14, jolting you around as warning bells blared and systems flashed.
“We took another hit.”
“no , no, no, no, no, no–”
“We can't take much more of this!”
“We can't out run this guy, we gotta eject!”
“What?” Rooster would follow you to the end of the earth if you asked him to. But there had to be another way. One more spectacular surprise up your sleeve. You’d gotten him this far, the carrier was in sight.
“We need altitude, pull the ejection handles the second I tell you.”
“Chaos wait–” How could you give up now?
“Rooster there's no other way, eject eject eject!” It felt like the weight of the world was crushing you in on yourself—your lungs burned like smouldering piles of tar. “Rooster–pull the goddamn handle!”
“It's, not, working!” Those three simple words held so much weight. Enough to break you. Rooster tried his best to break the canopy free but it was no use. You’d done even in your power to save him, save yourself. But all your efforts would go unnoticed.
Underneath all your bad blood, you and Rooster still had your sanctum. Despite everything? Bradley Bradshaw was still home.
Although you’d said it a million times over, but it was never too late to build it back everything you had—everything you wanted to have and more. A one-in-a-million chance is still a chance at the end of the day—and for Rooster you would take those odds.
“I’m so sorry—“ There was no time left to unbreak the broken, unsay spoken words, find hope in the hopeless. There was no time to beg for someone to pull you out of the train wreck. There was no time to unbury the ashes or unchain the reactions.
“I'm so sorry Bradley—“ You simply were not ready to die, not yet. As you closed your eyes, knowing soon after you’d be consumed entirely by fire—Rooster voice pulled you back out of the void that had its strong grip around your throat. Numb to almost everything as you held onto whatever life you had in you. Cold, your fingers and toes seemed to be numb. The left side of your body, just nothing. Ghostly.
An air to air kill. That’s what it was. The explosion so big, so powerful—it left clouds of dark black smoke lingering like demons. The gates of hell itself had opened up as a familiar F-18 came soaring through the plumes.
“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your saviour speaking—“ With a sigh of utter relief and a thankful smirk. You had never been so happy to see Jake Seresin. “Please fasten your seatbelts, return your tray tables to their locked and upright positions, and prepare for landing.” Smacking your first twince against the glass of the cockpit, you laughed aloud. So beyond thankful. You were fucking alive—alive long enough to see Rooster back on stable ground. Safe with the people who cared about him the most.
“Hey Hangman–You look good.” Rooster commented from his seat in the back. You couldn’t help but to chuckle as Jake nodded in response before radioing back, the same cocky response he’d given Rooster at the Hard Deck.
“I am good Rooster, I'm very good. I'll see you back on deck.”
“Impeccable timing—“ Rooster sighed as he felt his entire body relax as you followed Hangman back to the carrier. “And exceptional dog fighting, lieutenant Kazansky.”
“I had someone pretty important to protect, I wasn’t going down without a fight.” You had nothing left to give. Fighting with everything you had to stay awake, stay alert and land this F-14. Switching channels as you radios back to the carrier. “Chaos is downwind. No front landing gear, no tailhook, pull the cable and raise the barricade.”
There was something important you had to do. Racing past the bridge of the carrier where both Admiral Beau and Admiral Bates stood. You flew low and close as you held your finger up to the glass. Giving them the bird before your right engine cut out.
“Please don't tell me we lost an engine.” Rooster sighed, what else could possibly go wrong.
“Alright I won't tell you that.” Chuckling you braced for impact. With no landing gear you hit the deck with a thud—scrapping for what felt like miles as the barricade helped to slow you to a complete stop. “You good?”
“Yeah, i'm good–” Nodding as he spoke, Rooster was quick to remove his helmet as the canopy opened. Standing to greet the crowd of overly excited crew who thought for sure you were both goners. “Here, I got you.” It was a simple gesture but a much needed one. Rooster stood on the ladder as he helped you down. Noticing how much blood had soaked your flight suit. “Fucking hell you’re not okay.”
“M’fine.” It came out more of a mumble than a definitive statement but before you could try again Rooster was being hauled away into the crowd of excited cheering men and women. Jake Seresin appeared as the crowd dissipated from around him as they drew their atom Rooster. “Chalked yourself another kill?” You teased as he stood before you. Handing you a handkerchief to wipe the blood off your face that had dripped from your nose. Swollen and surely broken.
“That makes two–”
“Chaos has Five, makes her an ace.” Phoenix was quick to interject as her and Bob joined the conversation. Bob carefully and ever so gently wrapped his arms around you, drawing you in for a hug that he never thought he’d get to give you. 
“Lieutenant Kazanksy!” Although even for less then a few minutes,there wasn’t a part of Rooster that didn’t want to be by your side. “Lieutenant Kazansky!” God you couldn't let him speak another word, pulling Rooster in by his flight suit as he neared you. Your lips on his as he leaned into you.
“Thank you for saving my life.” Mumbling against Rooster mouth you felt your heart skipping beats. You tried to tell yourself it was because of Rooster—but deep down? You knew it had something to do with the way everything felt numb. How everything seemed to still, all the noise and colour in the world began to fade.
“You did the same for me–” Rooster cooed just as he noticed how disoriented you’d become. Suddenly dropping forward into him as your legs gave out. “Chaos?” The adrenaline that had been pumping through your veins since that helicopter came after you. “Hey—Y/n?” Tapping your check softly, Rooster dropped to his knees with you limp in his arms. Your eyes on his as you struggled to breathe. “Woah—hey, what’s wrong? Chaos, can you hear me?” You couldn’t hear Rooster, not at all. But you could see his lips moving as Bob worked to clear a space around you—calling for medical staff to intervene.
“Shit—no, no, no, no—hey Y/n you stay with me yeah?” Rooster felt the blood on his hands as it seeped through your flight suit. “Don’t do this, we’re good? Yeah? Your alright—“
“I’ll marry you.” Choking it out as blood leaked from your mouth. “Don’t think, just do.” Eyes rolling as you lost it completely, following whatever force was pulling you away.
Jake Seresin had become used to the steady melody that was the bells and whistles that let him know you were still fighting. Unlike Rooster, who hadn’t left the hospital let alone Miramar—Hangman would do the usual rounds every few days.
First on his ever growing list of tasks would be to always stop by the nurses station. With his tan service uniform dawned and a smile that could break hearts, he’d lean on the counter and chat to whoever would give him the time of day.
After getting his kicks with the front desk nurses—Jake would make his way to your room. He’d taken it as a good thing when they moved you out of intensive care to general pop. But he didn’t account for the roommates you would acquire. Rooster and Bob had yet to leave, they would tag team watching over you.
Jake would linger at the threshold of the room for a moment, he’d take in the sight of you. Intubated, comatosed, arm in a sling to help your shoulder heel, collarbone broken. With a sigh, he’d put on a brave face. Stalking over to read your chart that hung from the bottom on your bed. By all accounts you seemed to be getting better, so why after three weeks had you shown no sign of waking up.
The next item on the agenda would be to check on Bradley and Bob. The Miramar hospital's latest residences. Jake would pick up the rubbish from takeout, he’d pick dead followers out of the bunches Rooster continued to buy you. He’d place blankets over Bob and Rooster as they laid knocked out old on those uncomfortable as all hell hospital chairs. He’d even go as far as to make sure the window would be cracked open slightly, hoping the fresh air would do good to help you recover.
Today was different though. Because as Jake Seresin stood at the threshold of your hospital room, a bunch of flowers in his hand to replace the decaying ones he’d seen diminishing rapidly on Wednesday—he saw you looking back at him. Eyes tired with a soft smirk evident on your face.
“Well I’ll be damned—“ You didn’t respond, you simply placed your finger over your mouth. Jake understood instantly as he crept into the room. Taking in the fact Rooster and Bob both sat slouched in the corner of the room. One drooling, both slightly snoring with mouths a jar. “How long have you been awake?” Hangman was as quiet as he could be as he placed the bunch of flowers at the foot of your bed.
“About an hour—give or take.” Watching as he pulled up a spare chair, coming close to your bedside as your eyes followed him. “I didn’t wanna wake them.” Gesturing to where Rooster and Bob sat sleeping, leading on one another for support as they caught up on the one thing that seemed to evade them—sleep. Jake followed your gaze for a brief moment before turning back to you. “They look like hell.”
“I dunno if you’ve had a chance to look in the mirror Chaos, but I think it’s safe to say you look the most hellish.”
“And you pick up? With that attitude? Pfft—way to make a girl swoon Seresin.” Laughing hurt, but you pushed throughout the pain. “How long have they been here for?”
“Well Robert decided to join the sleepover after you got out of the intensive care ward—Rooster? I don’t think he’s left your side since the carrier, man had to be detained for a minute there while on board.”
“What why!”
“Because he wouldn’t let you go, people were trying to do their jobs you know, help you—but Rooster just would not let them take you.”You had nearly given your life for him, how could he ever let you go? It probably wasn't the most rational decision, but it was the only one his brain at the time would commit to. In his arms you would be the safest. “Have you spoken to the doctors yet?”
“I told them I’d buzz when I was ready to be poked and prodded—just wanted to kinda lay here and just breathe.” Hangman smirked as he pushed himself out of the chair he sat on, reaching out for the clipboard hanging at the foot of your bed before nestling back into the chair. Leaning back as he flipped through the reports, looking at you grimacing.
“Shrapnel from SAM’s embedded in soft tissue of left shoulder, a broken clavicle—full fitness tear of your subscapularis, seven broken ribs, a punctured lung, broken nose—and to top it all off? Chaos, you had a bloody stroke.” It came as a massive shock to you, Hangman could tell by the way you just shared into his soul. Speechless, stunned. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact you managed to fly an F-14 back to the carrier with a busted collarbone—that would’ve been enough to take me out of the fight.”
“I don’t really remember much.” That part was no surprise as Jake flipped the papers back onto the clipboard, setting it aside. “I remember the mission, being hit—everything after that’s pretty blurry.”
Rustling from the corner of the room at you and Jake turned your heads almost completely synchronised to see what all the commotion was about. Bob had stirred himself awake from the sheer lack of comfort. Rubbing his eyes as he yawned—Bob’s eyes met yours and instantly thought he was still dreaming.
“Hi—“ Only when you said something did he stumble over to your bedside, his glasses crooked on the bridge of his nose.
“What? You’re awake!” Too scared to touch you, Bob's hands shook as they hovered over your arm. He’s always known you to be strong, fearless, independent. This was a whole new ball game though. You looked fragile, like paper thin glass that could shatter into a million pieces instantly if he wasn't careful. Bruises still purple, green and yellow. Bandages and stitches covered cuts and deep lacerations. Your nose looked better though, he'd give you that much.
“Seems like it, yeah.”
“How long? Why didn’t anyone wake me? Wake Rooster—?” Bob questioned as he turned back over his shoulder to see Rooster till sleeping soundly.
“An hour give or take, and you looked like you needed the rest.”
“They only took your interbations out like four days ago.” Bob was quick to pull up a chair as he sat down on the other side of you. Still rubbing his eyes, still waking up. Feeling groggy but god was it worth it to have you awake again.
“Miss Chaos here is still defying odds it seems.” Jake Seresin had developed a new apraction for you. He saw you as something higher than a god.
“How long have I been out for?” You weren't really sure how long it had been, but by the scruff that covered Roosters cheeks as he slept it must have been a hot minute or two.
“Three weeks give or take a few days, Doctors thought it could’ve been a lot longer, something about how your body had been put under a lot of stress.” Bob explained as he monitored your heartbeat, the numbers steady, giving him peace of mind. Always such a numbers guy.
“Admiral Beau is pressing for gross misconduct you know.” Hangman let it slip just as Rooster began to stir awake. “Says your injuries were a direct result of your own actions.”
“Doesn't surprise me.” Coughing slightly as Bob handed you one of those small plastic cups full of water. Helping you take a sip carefully. Holding the back of your head gently for support. “He’s not my biggest stan is he?”
“Nope, but he probably won't get very far, especially since he denied my request to fly aircover–” Jake's eyes were full of rage as he cracked his knuckles. Rooster finally came to as he sat up in his chair, the blanket that covered his legs falling absentmindedly to the ground as he groaned, not in pain–but from something that wasn't comfort. “Ah, this should be good.” Jake smirked as he let out a soft chuckle. Bob couldn't hold back his smile as he did the same, leaning back into his chair as Rooster rubbed his eyes. “Hey Bradshaw– look who’s back in the land of the living.” Jake caught Bradleys attention.
“Oh my god!” Bradley Brashaw had never moved so quickly in his life. Racing across the room like a mad man to get to your side. His eyes full of love and admiration as they welled with tears. The happiest of tears to see your smile again. To see your eyes, big and full of life. “You’re awake.”
“And you have a beard.” You couldn't help but to tease, reaching up to cup Roosters cheek as he leaned in to softly kiss your forehead. Something he had done every day for the last three weeks. “I like it.” Rooster smiled against your forehead before pulling away, gesturing for Hangman to move his ass out of the chair he sat in.
“Can you like, move man?”
“Because you asked so nicely.” Hangman winked as he stood. “C’mon Bobby let's go get a bite to eat, I'm starving.” Bob looked panicked as Hangman gestured to him to get up. You sent him the softest of looks knowing he just didn't wanna leave.
“Robert Floyd, I'll be here when you get back.” The way you said it with such certainly gave Bob peace of mind, you looked
“I know what you felt like when everyone said to leave Sam.” Bob's voice was soft as he looked down at his feet. “Promise you’ll be here.” It wasn't a question, Bob needed you to promise or else he wasn't leaving. Reaching out for his hand you held him as tight as you could, which wasn't all that hard.
“I promise.” It hurt to leave you but he knew he had to give you and Rooster some time alone. Standing to his feet Bob let your hand go as you turned your attention back to Bradley. A soft smile plastering itself across your face as you let your head fall back against the pillow. “Hi–”
“Hi yourself.” Bradley beamed as he kissed the back of your hand over and over again. “Shit I dont even know where to start.” Choking back his tears, Rooster just softened his gaze, taking you in for all your wew. The love of his life. “How are you feeling?”
“Um– yeah I've felt better, I won't lie.” You couldn't take your eyes off Rooster, he looked so damn good with that scruff, that almost beard that covered his cheeks and chin. “I don't remember much at all.”
“What do you remember?” Rooster cooed as he ever so lovingly moved as close to you as the chair would allow him to.
“Um–” You could still hear it, how panicked rooster was when he said he was out of flares. “I remember you saying you were out of flares.” Swallowing to stop yourself from choking up. “I remember the heat from the fire, and the weird way the snow burnt too. I can vaguely remember shoving you at one point but that's all I got.” Rooster nodded softly in response as he sat back in his chair.
“Well boy, do I have a story for you.” Rooster sat with you for what had to have been a good hour and a half explaining in depth what had happened. Everything you had done for him. Doctors and nurses worked around him as they did check ups and small assessments. He held your hand as they drew blood and never left your side.
Bradley Bradshaw told you everything that had happened, his hero. Only excluding one key detail. The fact he’d asked you in full confidence to marry him.
Four Months Later.
“Whatcha doin?” The sound of your walking stick had become a common noise Bradley Bradshaw had associated with your presence. He’d hear the gentle thud against the hardwood floor and know you were somewhere close by.
Your arm wrapping around Roosters torso from behind, he hadnt heard you coming. Turning in your arms Rooster faced you– looking slightly down and you tilted your chin up towards him. He’d kept the beard.
“Where is your walking cane?” You had been spending your time at Roosters childhood home. With Carole gone it sat empty most of the time while he was deployed. With recovery still months ahead, it only seemed out of necessity for you to move in with the man you swore to be by your side every step of the way. Even if it were only a temporary thing.
“In the bin where it belows.” Rooster had been doing some remodelling in his spare time. He’d ripped up the old carpet in the living room–knocked out the old splash-back in the kitchen, even changed the majority of the light fixtures throughout the house.
“Y/n–” Rooster smirked as he let his hands fall softly to your waist, playing with the strap that ran across the circumference of your waist–your arm still in a sling from your shoulder surgery months ago.
“Bradley–?” You questioned back with raised eyebrows.
“You had a stroke, we've talked about this.” Rooster sighed as you huffed at him, pulling away.
“I don't need it anymore! Look!” Spinning around in a small circle as you touched your nose. “See-perfectly fine.” It had only been four months since the Uranium Mission and by all accounts you had been recovering well from your injuries. But time was definitely something you were struggling to accept you needed to heal completely. You hated being grounded, hated being on sick leave, hated not being able to go to work.
“Shit someone call Mav, may as well get you back up in the pilot's seat.” Rooster teased as he crossed his arms. He knew better than anyone else that was killing you. But he had to be the voice of reason.
“You aren't funny–” Sending him a glare you turned on your heels, heading down the hallway.
“Just get your cane so we can go will you?” It was sad that your favourite day of the week had become grocery shopping day. You and Rooster would make a whole day of it.
“Fine– but not because you told me to.” You’d start with the list the night before, both going through the fridge freezer and pantry to see what you had left and what you needed.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night Chaos!” Then before you’d even make it to the first of three grocery stores plus the specialty butcher—Rooster would stop by the local cafe, picking up the regular coffees and breakfast bagels you’d never get tired of eating.
Meeting Rooster outside by the passenger side door that he had opened and ready for you to jump on in—he’d pull you into him for a loving kiss. This was the domestic bliss he’d craved for so many years.
“Did you get a new air freshener?” Questioning the intense smell of pine that smacked you in the face. His side of the broken heart necklace still hanging from his rear view mirror. “Smells like—“ sniffing, you couldn’t put your finger on it until the memory came flooding back. “Pine—“
“Marry me?”
“Did you hit your head?” What the hell—you hit your head didn't you?”
“I’m serious. Marry me Y/n.”
“Bradley, we’re standing in enemy territory, I don’t know how to get us out of here and you already know whatever we are just isn’t—“
“Don’t think, just do.”
“Okay okay—I’ll think about it.”
“I’ll marry you.”
The smell of pine brought the missing pieces of the puzzle back as Rooster climbed into the driver's seat, fixing his seatbelt.
“Oh my god—“
“What? You good?”
“You’d asked me to marry you?” It came out softer than you thought it would have as you turned to look at Rooster confused. “You asked me to marry you after I found you in the snow—“
“Y/n, listen to me—“ Rooster could physically see the panic rising as your eyes widened in disbelief.
“And all this time you never thought to mention it!?” He’d admit it may have been the wrong thing to do. A judgement call he’d blundered. Rooster knew bits and pieces had started to come back. Not only would you tell him when something would be triggered, but he’d help to curve the nightmares that plagued you.
“Chaos—“ You didn’t want to listen, opening the door of Roosters bronco, stepping out as fast as you could without your cane as you hobbled your way back inside. Rooster hot on your tail. “Wait a second will you.”
“For what exactly! What am I waiting for? Huh? Is all this just some elaborate scheme of yours? I saved your life so I’ll scratch your back huh! Is that it!”
“What are you talking about?”
“You didn’t bother to jog my fucking memory! You told me everything else except the part where you literally asked me to marry you!!”
“I can explain why if you would just let me—“ Trying his best to come closer to you but every step Rooster took you’d take one step back. Holding your hand out as if to protect yourself.
“You’re just waiting for the right time to leave again aren’t you, that’s why you didn’t say anything because you took it back, right?” Within an instant your inherent anger turned to sadness at the thought of being left alone again. “Right, Bradshaw? Because who was I to think that you’d stick around—“
“No—“ Rooster had been in this position before where he’d been too much of a coward to speak. He wouldn’t let that happen again. And he wasn’t about to take it so personally this time when you were so quick to accuse him of leaving. Because he had done that, a million times over. “No, I'm not waiting for some miracle moment to come to leave you.”
“Bradley I—“ Finally getting close enough to pull you closer by your hips, the back of the legs against the couch.
“Hey, shut up.” Bradley pulled you down onto his lap as he sat on the couch. “I’m gonna tell you the truth and you're gonna listen and then we’re gonna go get these bagels before I starve to death alright?”
“Okay—“ Bradley was quick to wipe the tears away that fell from your cheeks as you straddled His waist. His hands cupping your cheeks as your forehand rest against his.
“The only reason, and I mean the only reason why I didn’t tell you I’d asked you to marry me was because I wanted to give you a chance to become yourself again before literally becoming someone else entirely.” It was the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Your heart grew so big as Bradley spoke. “I’ll marry you tomorrow if you’d have me Y/n but I wasn’t gonna do that to you when you’d just been on death's door. I mean I watched you learn to walk again, I just wanted you to find your way back without thinking about me, thinking about a wedding and all the really stupid and stressful things that come along with that.”
“So, where do we go from here? I mean--”
“I have absolutely no intention to ever leave you again, you're it for me—I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to convince you of that if I have to.” On that note Rooster was as gentle as he could have been as he helped you off of him, jumping up as he ran down the hall, the small velvet ring box hidden at the back of his sock drawer. Jogging down and hall back to you before he got down on his knees before you.
“Oh Bradley—“ You sobbed. Covering your mouth as you laughed together. “Now!?”
“Waited my entire life to get this right, so—Y/n Chaos Kazansky, will you marry me?”
Tags: @lyannaredbird​ @luckyladycreator2​ @skagelynn​ @teacupdreams​ @the-winter-marvel33reblogs​ @mrsjaderogers​​ @katieshook02​​ @thescarletknight2014​​ @justanothermagicalsara​​ @4ngelicb4byy @percysaidnever​​ @puriini​​ @luckylexie​​ @is-this-a-febreze-commercial @shrimping-for-all @fayethefairy @lonelywitchv2​​ @mizzzpink​​ @unforgettwble​​ @callmemana​​ @lemoonandlestars​​ @mulletmcghee​​ @redqueeen99​​ @bucky-barmes​​ @mak-32​​ @fivsecondsflat​​ @loveless-simp​ @bradleysgirl @mintellaine​ @hannabritta​ @nemtodd-barnes1923​ @bradleysgirl @xoxabs88xox @baju69 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @shanimallina87 @abaker74
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Murphy's 500 Followers Celebration!!
in honour of this very exciting milestone, I thought I'd have a little celebration. i'm going to be writing short drabbles of your choosing!! i've created a prompt list, but I am absolutely encouraging your own ideas x
how to request -
pick a category - fluff, angst or smut
pick a character - there is a list below, but I am open to more suggestions!!
pick a dialogue prompt and/or a scenario prompt - there is a list below - feel free to choose multiple!!
then, send it in to me!! use the button at the top of my page, or request here !!
I'm gonna start writing next week, on 22/04. maybe earlier if I have the time. feel free to request multiple drabbles- the more I get sent, the more fun we'll have!!
Categories -
☀️ Fluff
🌧️ Angst
🔥 Smut
Characters -
Top Gun Maverick
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia
Robert "Bob" Floyd
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Tommy Miller
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Matt Murdock
Frank Castle
Stewy Hosseini
Kendall Roy
Triple Frontier
Will Miller
Frankie Morales
Benny Miller
Santiago Garcia
Javier Peña
Steve Murphy
Colonel Carrillo
The Bear
Carmen Berzatto
Sons of Anarchy
Jax Teller
Eddie Diaz
Evan Buckley
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Luke Alvez
Derek Morgan
Dialogue Prompts -
1. "You love me?"
2. "Don't go on that date."
3. "Will you let me cut your hair?"
4. "Marry me."
5. "It's always been you."
6. "You're my best friend."
7. "You were my first love."
8. "I had a dream about you."
9. "I saw this and it reminded me of you."
10. "I have something to tell you."
11. "I thought you hated me."
12. "Is that all you got?"
13. "In your dreams."
14. "I don't deserve you."
15. "Talk to me."
16. "Is that my shirt?"
17. "I would choose you over anyone."
18. "You look so pretty like this."
19. "Most beautiful sound I've ever heard."
20. "You're killing me." / "You're gonna be the death of me."
21. "Just like that."
22. "Use your words."
23. "Good girl." / "Perfect girl."
24. "You like it when I'm mean to you?"
25. "Let's get out of here."
26. "You don't want them to hear, do you?"
27. "I need you."
28. "Let me see those eyes." / "Keep your eyes on me."
29. "Tell me what you want."
30. "I can't get enough of you."
31. "Wanted this for so long."
32. "Can I touch you?"
33. "Been thinking about you all day."
34. "You look so pretty on your knees."
35. "Better than I ever imagined."
36. "Let him watch."
37. "Let me hear you."
38. "Tell me you're mine."
39. "I'm yours."
40. "I love you."
41. "Don't you dare walk away from me."
42. "I can't do this anymore."
43. "You don't deserve me." / "I deserve better."
44. "Was any of this even real?"
45. "How stupid do you think I am?"
46. "Please don't leave me."
47. "I wish you were here."
48. "Do not raise your voice at me."
49. "Stay. Please."
50. "Don't tell me to calm down."
Scenario Prompts -
a. Kissing in the rain
b. First kiss
c. Electricity blackout
d. Camping
e. Heatwave
f. Childhood best friends
g. Grumpy / sunshine
h. Fake dating
i. Only one bed
j. Moving in together
k. Finding out you're pregnant
l. Catching eyes in a crowded room
m. Keeping the relationship a secret
n. Blind date
o. Reunion
p. Meet cute
q. Cheesy pick up lines
r. Exes
s. College friends / lovers
t. Roommates
u. Coming home drunk
v. Singing together / dancing together
w. An accidental kiss
x. A bet
y. Brothers best friend / best friends brother
z. Reading to each other
these are just suggestions / jumping off points!! if you have an idea you'd like me to write a drabble for, just send it over. can't wait to see what you lovely people come up with. excited!! as always, so much love x
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callsignspark · 1 year
bumping into each other. mary and bradley
anon! you are so galaxy-brained for knowing that I wanted someone to send this one to me.
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you'll be in my heart
pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Mariella “M&M” Vertucci (fem!OC)
warnings: 18+ minors DNI, fluffy with the tiniest bit of angst, this is set before they're together but they're already friends, also you don’t need to read Mar[r]y Me to read and understand this but you should anyway, also for your reference this takes place between part 2 and part 3/3.5 of the main storyline!
word count: 3.7k
note: happy Friday everyone! please enjoy this one which is dedicated to @gretagerwigsmuse who gave me this idea eons ago but I couldn't find a place for it in the main story!
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The Bronco is peaceful and quiet. Or it had been until Bradley started humming along to some 90’s country song, half mumbling the words like a bad duet with the woman singing about the Fourth of July. It had been the week from hell, and this passenger seat was the last place she wanted to be.
“Will you shut up?! God, you’re so annoying!”
“You don’t like Martina McBride, kiddo?”
“You don’t like Martina McBride?” She mocks him, making her voice high-pitched and whiny. “I don’t care who it is, just stop singing!”
She watches him sigh, gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turn white. “Listen, I know this isn’t how you want to spend your Friday night, but please remember that this is a punishment for me, too. And given your options, I’m the lesser of two evils.”
“Oh! Please explain how you are my best option tonight.”
“If you had to go with Mav, you would be sitting around Wood’s house listening to the stories of their glory days while they get drunk! About how they used to pull women and all the dangerous maneuvers they did! So I think going to the grocery store and spending the night at my place is a much better option! At least I won’t tell you that you can’t go on your phone or watch a movie! And I’m certainly not going to make you listen to my best combat stories!”
She folds her arms and sinks down in the seat, muttering, “That’s because most of them are still classified.”
“Well! Yeah! But even if I could talk about it, I still wouldn’t make you listen to the time Phoenix, and I managed to-”
“Oh, Bradley, please!”
“I’m just kidding, Amelia! Geez!” He laughs, making the turn into the grocery store parking lot. “What did you do to piss your mom off anyway?”
“It’s so stupid! I forgot to clean the bathroom when I was supposed to.”
“Okay! Okay! She may have told me to do it like five times, and I forgot until we were about to have Aunt Sarah over for dinner. But I had a big test on Wednesday, so I asked Mav to do it, and he didn’t do it either!”
Bradley parks, reaching into the backseat to grab a few of the reusable bags strewn on the floor.
“Why do you have so many reusable bags everywhere?”
“I- uh-” Amelia’s eyes narrow when he fumbles around, stuttering over his words for no reason. “My friend won them in a raffle and gave some to me because there were so many.”
“Your friend?” She deadpans, knowing he’s hiding something. He doesn’t have friends outside of the Daggers.
“Mmhm. Yup.” His head bobs like a puppet on a string, furthering her suspicions until it hits her.
So she waits until he’s about halfway out the door, hoping he gets so flustered he’ll trip. “This friend wouldn’t happen to be that pretty friend of yours that you have a crush on, would it?”
“How do you know about Mary?” He doesn’t trip, but when he pops his head back in the car, his face is a combination of shocked and scared.
“Her name is Mary?! That’s pretty! Do you have a picture of her?” Amelia bounces out of the car, slamming it behind her.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to close it that hard! But can I please see her? Please? You know Mav doesn’t know how to work Facebook, and Mom wouldn’t tell me her name so I could look her up!”
He sighs as he grabs a cart from the corral, rubbing his forehead in frustration. “Only if you promise to not like any photos or do anything weird like friend request her.”
“Can we have pizza for dinner?”
She giggles in his face as Bradley blinks at her. “Only if you verbally promise me that you’re not going to be weird.”
“Promise. Now gimme!” Amelia snatches the phone as soon as he offers it, eyes glued to the profile of the woman her step-brother-god-son-in-law has a crush on.
“I’m being outmaneuvered by a teenager…” She hears him mutter under his breath before he tugs her close to the cart. “Hey! We’re in a parking lot; please pay attention so you don’t get run over! I’m not spending the night in the emergency room.”
“Sorry, Bradley.” She grabs his elbow and lets him guide her inside, her attention on the phone but knowing he’ll keep her safe.
He parks her and the cart in front of the bakery counter, getting a loaf of sourdough sliced before finally asking the question she can feel him holding back.
“So, what do you think of her?”
Amelia looks up, a snarky remark ready to fly when she sees his face. She hasn’t seen him this nervous and twitchy since the two of them were left to their own devices in Mav’s hangar after that mission a few years ago.
Holy shit, he really likes this girl.
“She’s really pretty, Bradley. She seems funny. I thought you said her name was Mary?”
“That’s her nickname; her full name is Mariella. Isn’t that pretty?”
“It is pretty.” You absolute simp. “Why haven’t you asked her out yet?”
He grimaces, directing them towards the bagged lettuce and tucking his phone away. “It’s a bit complicated. For starters, I don’t know if she’s interested. Which normally wouldn’t be a huge concern for me, but we have the same friend group, so I don’t want to make it awkward.”
She nods, appreciating how he never treats her like a dumb kid and explains things to her. “That seems like a very fixable problem.”
“It is, theoretically, but it gets a bit more complicated because we do work together, and she’s not Navy, so I’m not sure what the fraternization rules are.”
“Why don’t you just ask Mav? Don’t get that peach; look at that big bruise on it. Isn’t it part of his job to know those rules? And he could probably give you some advice.”
Bradley sets the bruised fruit to the side, choosing a better-looking one. “You want me to ask the man who is an enormous gossip and took over thirty years to get his shit together with your mom?”
Amelia blinks at him. “You should ask Warlock. He’d probably be better.”
“I think I’ll avoid talking to any of the admirals about it until there’s something to talk about. Alright, to the cereal aisle. Yes, you can push; just be careful.”
She heads out of the produce section, smiling that he knows her so well. “Hey, what did you do to make Mom mad? She didn’t tell me, just that I was spending the night with you.”
“I mowed over her new rose bush because Mav didn’t put up the little fence around it before I started.”
“We both got in trouble because of Mav. Why isn’t he being punished?”
“Don’t worry, if I know your mom like I think I know your mom, he’s definitely in trouble.” He rolls his eyes and puts a box of Cheerios in the cart. “Okay, pick out a fun cereal for me.”
“Fruity pebbles, duh. Now, onto chips!”
Amelia takes off, not running but still moving too fast for a grocery store at 5:30 on a Friday evening. She rounds the corner for the chip aisle and runs into a woman carrying a basket.
“I’m sorry!” She blurts it out over the woman telling her it’s okay, so flustered and embarrassed that she almost hit a stranger with their half-full cart.
Wait, isn’t that-
“Amelia! You gotta watch out! This is what I was talking about when we were driving last weekend!”
“You’re letting her drive? She looks a little young, Bradley.”
Amelia watches in amazement as her normally calm and collected pseudo-brother starts blushing. Her head whips towards the stranger, who is no longer a stranger.
“Mary?!” She asks excitedly; the kind woman she almost ran over is Bradley’s crush!
And she’s even prettier in person!
Amelia admires the freckles dotting her cheeks and the cute earrings being shown off with her hair pulled back in a claw clip.
“Mary!” She says her own name, throwing her hands out in a ta-da move.
Oh, she is funny!
“Hi, I’m Amelia, his step-sister-by-marriage-twice-removed.” She shakes Mary’s hand, beaming when the older woman laughs at her joke. “Thank you. Bradley never thinks that’s funny.”
“That’s because it’s not.” Amelia turns around and sticks her tongue out at him, where he’s leaning against their cart. “Amelia is Penny’s daughter, which makes her not related to me at all but still occasionally my responsibility.”
“He says that like it’s some burden for him, like we’re not gonna eat pizza and gossip until he falls asleep on the couch at 8:30, with a World War II documentary on the TV.”
“You are just as funny as I thought you’d be.”
“You know me?”
“Of course I do! Your mom has told me all about you! Plus, you’re hanging on Mav’s wall, and Bradley’s got a photo of you on his desk.” Amelia watches Mary smile, crinkles appearing by her eyes, and she feels her heart warm.
She didn’t know that Mav and Bradley had photos of her in their offices. Her own dad doesn’t even have a photo of her. He has photos of his new family, though, she thinks bitterly before tucking the thought away.
“What photo do you have up?” She turns and demands.
Bradley rolls his eyes, straightening up from the cart. “It’s that photo of the four of us at your eighth-grade graduation last year.”
“It’s right next to the Dagger Squad official photo. It’s very sweet.” Mary adds.
“Oh, well, that’s Bradley. So sweet.”
“Knock it off or no more driving lessons.”
She wants to tell him to stop flexing; she can practically see him straining to make his arms look as big as possible. But she can’t take the risk of no dessert after dinner.
“You shouldn’t be teaching me to drive yet anyway. I’m only 14.”
“You’re almost 15! Besides, Mav was teaching me to drive at your age. It’s fine.”
“Fifteen isn’t even old enough to get your permit.”
“Behave, or I’m taking your phone away like Penny told me to.”
“Yes, Dad.” She exaggerates the name, knowing it annoys him.
Bradley slaps a hand over his eyes. “Please stop doing that. People are going to think I’m actually your dad.”
“Well, I mean, you are old enough to be my dad. You’re like, what, 53 now?”
Bradley makes incredulous eye contact with Mary, who has been watching the entire interaction with her hand over her mouth to muffle a laugh. “I’m 36, you little shit, and if you were my kid, I would have been 22 when you were born, Amelia.”
“People have kids younger than that,” Mary interjects, unable to stop the laugh at Bradley’s betrayed face.
“See! Mary gets it!”
“Mary is the same age as me, so she knows that having kids that young is possible but probably not a super great idea.”
“Actually, I’m 33, so I’m younger than you.”
“Oh my god, am I older than everyone?”
Amelia bounces over to the cart, patting Bradley’s shoulder where he’s dramatically resting his head against the handle. “No, don’t worry, Grandpa. Mav is still older than you.”
He peers up at her, a smirk spreading across his face. “No ice cream.”
Mary laughs at Amelia’s devastated face. “Well, I should get going. I don’t want to keep you guys.”
“No! Don’t go! Walk with us! Bradley is so boring; I wasn’t kidding about the World War II documentary.”
“Oh no, thank you, Amelia, but I couldn’t.”
“Yeah, you can.” Bradley clears some space at the end of the cart. “Here, put your basket in there, and we’ll finish out together.”
Amelia watches Mary hesitate, a silent conversation passing between the adults before she sets her basket in the cart. “Thank you, that was getting heavy. Where are you guys off to next?”
The trio continues making their way through the store, Amelia switching between riding on the end of the cart and walking behind the adults.
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A scuffle catches her attention, and Amelia looks up from her phone to find Mary and Bradley smooshed together, Bradley’s arm wrapped around her waist as he presses her against the cart from where they bumped into each other.
“Oh, hey, sorry about that. You okay?”
“I’m fine.” Mary giggles, her cheeks turning pink. “We sure are graceful, aren’t we?”
“I think we could walk on stage at the ballet and fit right in.”
Oh my god. Is this his way of flirting?
Mary laughs at the joke, reaching down to put a can of tomatoes in her basket but making no effort to move away from his chest.
Oh wow, she’s into it. Weird.
“So what are you doing for dinner? Amelia Bedelia back there conned me into agreeing to pizza.”
“That’s not true, he bribed me.”
“Actually, you blackmailed me.”
“I’m making chicken parmesan,” Mary answers, grabbing a box of angel hair pasta. “Dani and I are having a girl’s night; apparently, the baby has been craving my mom’s secret chicken parm recipe.”
“What’s the secret?” Amelia hops back onto the cart, smiling as Bradley glares at her.
“You promise not to tell anyone?” Mary conspiratorially bumps shoulders with Bradley as they both agree. “Well… you have to use homemade tomato sauce, made the Vertucci family way. And when you bread the chicken, you add shredded parmesan to the breadcrumbs. It gives it extra flavor, and the cheese makes it nice and crispy when you finish it in the oven.”
“That sounds so good! I love Italian food.”
“Did you know that chicken parm is actually an Italian-American food? You won’t find it on the menus in Italy.”
“Really?” Bradley asks, paying close attention to her.
“Yeah! There’s some dishes that are kinda similar. Like melanzane alla parmigiana - made with eggplant - or carne pizzaiola, which is traditionally made with beef. But most restaurants in Italy have a menu that’s closer to the Italian peasant recipes that I grew up eating.”
“What are peasant recipes?” Amelia questions, unfamiliar with the term.
“They’re just recipes that peasants or the regular people would make. They’re very simple and made with ingredients that are easy and cheap to buy. My family didn’t have a lot of money when they came over from Italy and the Great Depression, so those are the kind of meals my grandparents grew up eating. And they’re still delicious, so they made things like pastina or pasta mollicata for us growing up.”
“What's your favorite?”
Mary lights up at the question from Bradley, her smile getting bigger. “Pasta e piselli, which is just pasta and peas. But it’s so good and filling and comforting.”
“Do you make it a lot?”
“I don’t actually, Amelia, even though it’s very easy to make. It’s one of those recipes I break out for a special dinner or when I need a pick-me-up meal.”
“Special dinner? You ever make it for a date?” Bradley asks as they turn into the last aisle.
Mary visibly flounders. “Uh- I- No. I haven’t made it for a date.”
“Why not? Amelia, what kind of ice cream do you want?”
“Chocolate chip cookie dough, please.” She answers, her eyes bouncing back and forth between the two adults, a bad feeling creeping up her neck.
“Well, honestly, it’s a special recipe to me - it’s my Nonna’s recipe. So, I wouldn’t make it for someone until I knew they were in it for the long haul.”
“Oh, that’s smart! You said it was easy to make. Would you mind sharing the recipe with me? I’ve been looking for a quality recipe that’s not too hard to make for an occasion like that.”
Amelia’s stomach drops as she watches Mary’s face fall.
Bradley! Get your head out of the ice cream cooler and pay attention! You’re making her sad!
She realizes that the situation is quickly devolving and pivots the conversation.
“Hey, Mary?”
“Yeah, sweetie?” The older woman pulls her eyes from Bradley’s back, which she’d been staring at dejectedly.
“You made those brownies Mav brought home a couple weeks ago, right?” She smiles when Mary nods. “Do you know how to make red velvet?”
“I do. Why do you ask?”
“Well, it’s my birthday next month, and I want red velvet cupcakes for my party. Could I order them from you?”
“Yeah! Those brownies were amazing, and Bradley still talks about that strawberry shortcake you made.”
Mary’s eyebrows shoot up to her hairline, eyes flicking to a sheepish Bradley.
“That lemon pound cake did things to me.”
“Okay, ignoring the weirdo. Do you think you could make them?”
“Of course! I’ll talk to your mom next week and figure out the details, okay?”
“Thank you!” Amelia jumps off the cart to hug Mary, sticking her tongue out at Bradley as she does. “My favorite color is red.”
“Noted.” Mary taps the end of her nose. “We should probably head for the checkout; I have a pregnant lady waiting at home that I need to feed.”
Nodding in agreement, Bradley pulls Amelia toward a cashier line while Mary grabs her basket and heads for the self-checkout.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“Oh, I’m just gonna do self-checkout so I can get going. But I’ll see you on Monday.”
Bradley cocks his head like a confused puppy. “Are you sure? If you wait with us, I’ll carry your bags to the car for you.”
“That’s sweet, but I’ve got it. Been doing this all by myself for years now! Enjoy your pizza, guys!” She waves, her smile not as big as it had been ten minutes ago.
The duo watches her from their place in line, impressed with how quickly she scans and packs her reusable bags, ones that match those sitting in their cart. It’s not long before she’s loading up her arms and flashing a quick smile at them as she leaves, which they return.
“I feel like I did something wrong.”
“Yeah, no shit.” Amelia scoffs. “Whatever makes you think that? How she ran away from us as quickly as possible? Or the fact that she was faking her smile for the last 15 minutes?”
“She was faking it? Why?”
“You’re not seriously asking me that right now.”
It’s their turn to checkout, so Bradley doesn’t get a chance to defend himself until they’re walking through the parking lot to the Bronco.
“Okay, want to tell me what I did wrong?”
“You didn’t ask her out. And she definitely would have said yes if you did.”
“I hinted at it!”
“No, you didn’t! You made it sound like you were asking for her grandma’s recipe - that’s very special to her - so you could make it for some other woman! There was no point at which you hinted at that woman being her!”
He claps a hand over his face. “Holy shit…”
“Now he gets it! Ladies and gentlemen, Bradley Rooster Bradshaw! One of the Navy’s finest! Let's give him a big round of applause!” Amelia mockingly claps after she tucks the cart back into the corral.
“Alright, that’s enough, smartass; get in.”
“In the cart? In the Bronco? You need to start being more specific with your questions.” She sasses as she climbs into the passenger seat.
Bradley doesn’t move once he gets in; just sits there staring out the windshield. “Do you think I fucked it up?”
“No.” She smiles at him when he whips his head in her direction. “Just ask her out to something small, like coffee or something. Then you can work your way up and ask her to dinner, but you make dinner. Maybe even the pasta and pea thing she was talking about. I’m sure there’s recipes online.”
“You’re pretty smart for someone so young.”
“Thanks, I get it from my mom. My dad is the worst.”
Bradley chuckles as he turns the car on. “She is a smart lady. You know, my mom would have liked you a lot.”
Amelia freezes, half-way buckled. “Really?”
“Oh yeah, you have the same sense of humor as her. She’d think you’re a riot.”
“You never talk about her.”
“It’s hard to talk about her.” He swallows hard, fiddling with the radio until he lands on a station playing old music. “I miss her so much. It’s gotten a little easier over the years, but there’s so few people left that actually knew her, it’s tough. Especially because I keep losing those people, too.”
They sit in silence for a few minutes until Bradley turns the radio up. “She loved this song.”
She listens, trying to place the song. “This is the Tarzan song.”
“It is the Tarzan song.” He laughs, his throat thick. “She loved Genesis and Phil Collins, but You’ll Be In My Heart was her favorite. We listened to it a lot towards the end.”
Amelia unbuckles, throwing herself across the bench seat to hug him. She surprises him; she can tell from the way he tenses for a second before hugging her back. She tries not to cry, but she can feel a few tears build up, upset that Bradley doesn’t have his mom or his dad anymore. That he’s lived longer without them than he lived with them.
“Oh, Ames. It’s okay.” He rubs her back when he hears her sniffle.
“It’s not fair!”
“I know, kiddo. But it happened, and at least she’s not in pain anymore.” He pulls back, wiping a tear off her cheek. “Hey, has Mav ever told you about the time me and my mom pulled a Halloween prank on him?”
“No.” She wipes her face. “Will you tell me more about her? I want to know more about your mom.”
“I’ll do you one better. We’ll watch embarrassing home videos while we eat pizza; how’s that sound? Good?”
Amelia nods, buckling back up. “Can we get Hawaiian pizza, please?”
“Course we can. So about this Halloween prank, it’s 1997, and the movie Anaconda had come out that year.”
“Mav hates snakes.”
“Yes, Mav does hate snakes. Which is why we…”
And Bradley pulls out of the parking lot and heads for the pizza joint, making his little sister laugh over the story of how it was discovered that Mav’s screams could reach a soprano octave.
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tagged some extra friends/mutuals, and as always if you’d like to be added or removed from the tag list, send an ask!
@gretagerwigsmuse | @hangmanapologist | @hangmanbrainrot | @notroosterbradshaw | @princessphilly | @hangmanssunnies | @thesewordsareallihavetogive | @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby | @katieshook02 | @hellojameshowyadoin | @aristotles-butthole | @atarmychick007 | @whatislovevavy | @kmc1989 | @sometimesanalice | @laracrofted
fic tag | Mar[r]y Me masterlist | credit for dividers here
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xihe1874 · 2 years
The last bonus chapter (and simply, the last chapter)!
Let's welcome our beloved king, Iceman!
Some other things:
All right everyone, though I am not quite done with this universe, I believe this is officially the end of Hang the Hangman with Love, the multi-chapter fic. There may be more fics to come in this AU, but they will be posted separately.
This is my first time to write (and finish) a multi-chapter fic in English. I have had so much fun writing this one, and I am so overwhelmingly happy for all your love for it! I am not the most confident writer, and I happen to be an introvert who work very very far away from my hometown lollll. So, your support really means a lot to me ❤️
This has been a wonderful and fantastic journey! Thanks again for all your lovely company. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do.
Till we meet again, my dear readers. All the best. And Merry Christmas in advance!!!
<3 <3
(A reminder: you probably should connect the bonus chapters with previous main text ones, then they will make more sense! You can find them on AO3 or here among my posts, tagged the fic title)
Bonus+2: Ice's Inbox
[Chat with Maverick]
Maverick: How’s your throat today babe?
Iceman: Good.
Iceman: How’s your vacation with the daggers?
Maverick: Wonderful. Those are good kids
Maverick: We are at a bar now, very similar to the O’ Club where I met you for the first time
Maverick: bring back so many golden memories of our youth
Iceman: You mean when we were one second away from strangling each other?
Iceman: Yeah, such great time
Maverick: I don’t know about you
Maverick: But I was actually thinking about another way to take your breath away then
Iceman: I miss you
Iceman: wrap up your vacation and come home now
Maverick: You are lucky that I love you, bossy asshole
Iceman: remind myself of that every single day
Maverick: While I am still away, you can make some use of this picture… 
Maverick: … of me on the beach, freshly taken today
Maverick: 😏
Maverick: [send a picture]
Iceman: …Maverick!
Iceman: I have a meeting with the President in one minute!
Maverick: You should have seen this coming when you called me dangerous and then married me on purpose
Iceman: Yeah, yeah I should
Iceman: love you
Iceman: Come home safe
Maverick: I will
Maverick: love you too
Maverick: (and three)
[Chat with Goose]
Goose: I can’t believe that so many years have passed
Goose: Mav still can’t get that song right
Goose: My tummy still hurts from laughing so hard
Iceman: There are more than one song that he can’t get right
Iceman: Actually, there are no song that he can get right
Goose: I am so relieved that Bradley doesn’t learn that from him
[Chat with Maverick]
Maverick: A little bird me tells me that the kid is now believing Cyclone is my husband
Maverick: It’s kind of half disturbing and half funny
Maverick: But I can sympathise with him
Maverick: I couldn’t believe my luck either when you said yes that day 
Iceman: Flattering
Maverick: You misspell factual, darling
Iceman: Why wouldn’t I? I mean saying yes that day
Iceman: I love you
Iceman: Even for the fact that you insisted to sing “Let it go” to me yesterday at the restaurant and cracked your voice
Maverick: That was
Maverick: That was designed! Stage effect! To deepen the emotion of the song!
Maverick: STOP LAUGHING!!!
Maverick: … Are you telling the kids that now??
Maverick: Looking at Phoenix's face I think you are
[Phoenix creates a new group chat]
[Daggers and Two COs]
Phoenix: Please join me in welcoming our beloved admiral
Maverick: (And his beloved husband)
Fanboy: Welcome, sirs
Harvard: Welcome, sirs
Coyote: Welcome, sirs
Halo: Welcome, sirs
Fritz: Thanks for the party, sir
Bob: Please tell us more about that maneuver you mentioned today, sir
Yale: Or better, show us someday, sir
Omaha: Is that true that Mav proposed to you on a jet, sir?
Payback: Hangman called you a bastard, sir
Iceman: Please, everyone, we are off duty now
Iceman: Just call me Ice
Payback: OK, ok
Payback: Ic...sir
Rooster: Well
Rooster: He tried
[Rooster and Two Old Men]
Maverick: But you are cuisine babe, and very delicious one 😋
Rooster: If you old man can’t send the message to the right chat when you are SEXTING
Rooster: DON’T SEND IT!!!
[Rooster changes the group name to “Rooster and two disgusting old men”]
Rooster: Now I have to find some memory-erasing magic
Maverick: Sorry kid
Maverick: for the mental image
Iceman: Hey, I didn’t do anything
Iceman: That’s unfair
Rooster: You married him
Rooster: That’s enough
Rooster: Now I know why my dad has ptsd
[Chat with Hangman]
Hangman: ... Admiral Kazansky, sir
Hangman: I am sincerely sorry
Iceman: For mistaking Cyclone for me?
Hangman: ...Yeah, that
Hangman: When you said it, the thing seems more stupid than it originally was, however impossible
Iceman: Like I said, relax
Iceman: I can tell that Mav likes you
Iceman: Maybe Rooster, too
Iceman: And after all, you saved their lives, technically
Hangman: Sir, I was just doing what I... Wait
Hangman: Can we go back to the Rooster maybe likes me part?
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crowdedimagines · 2 years
This is an Ambush - Bradley Rooster Bradshaw
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“Well well well, what could possibly bring my niece all the way back here?” Penny’s voice rings out loud enough for a few heads to turn and look. I grin back at my aunt and step behind the bar to give her a hug.
“You’re exaggerating. It hasn’t been that long.” I laugh with a roll of my eyes.
“Last time you were here Amelia was like three feet tall.” Penny continues to tease.
Penny is my aunt on my mothers side. She practically raised me after my mom died, and growing up here is a major part of what made me want to join the Navy. It’s also why I haven’t come back much since then.
“Y/n?” A voice from the bar questions. I glance over and happen to see Maverick sitting at the bar with a beer in front of me. I’ve only met the guy a handful of times, but he’s a hard man to forget.
“If you’re wondering what I’m doing back here, I have a sneaking suspicion he has something to do with it.” I nod over to Mav. Penny looks between the two of us before simply shrugging.
“Well, either way I’m happy to see you.” She hands me a beer and moves on to serving the rest of the patrons.
“Is that Ambush?” Phoenix yells loudly.
“Phoenix!” I grin.
Phoenix and I were in the navy for three years together before I got called up for top gun training. She was called up the next year. We haven’t been stationed anywhere together since, but still manage to keep in touch.
“And here I was thinking I was only going to have to fight Hangman for team leader.” A voice calls from behind me. I turn around to see someone I did go to top gun training with. Rooster.
“So they really did call all of us in, didn’t they?” I chuckle.
“Only the best.” He smirks.
“I don’t know, I think I say Payback running around here earlier.” I continue to tease.
“I didn’t think I would ever miss your attitude.” Bradley laughs and picks me up in a big hug.
“You only miss it when it isn’t directed at you.” I chide, I give him a pat on the shoulder to put me down.
“I’m pretty sure I always miss you, Y/n.”
I look up to meet his eyes at this. It’s pretty rare for him to call me by my first name, rather than my call sign. The bell rings and interrupts us as Penny announces that someone is paying for a round. We all let out a cheer and make our way back up to the bar.
“Ambush?” Hangman shouts, finally I run into him. I really shouldn’t be surprised he’s here too, but a small part of me still had hope.”
“Just when I was starting to enjoy my night.” I roll my eyes looking at Bradley.
“I’m sure I could really make you enjoy it.” Hangman’s eyes rake over my body in a way that is obvious enough to make my skin crawl.
“You need to find someone else to harass.” Bradley steps in front of me. He simultaneously blocks me from any physical contact with him, and blocks his direct line of vision of me.
“Here we go again!” Hangman laughs, “It’s just like the good old days.” He throws back his beer and finally walks away. I can’t lie, this does remind me of times similar a few years ago.
“Whatever this mission is, it better be a quick one. I don’t think I can last long with him around.”
Bradley and I make it back to the rest of the group we were talking with before. Everyone is guessing what we're here for, how the best of the best could all possibly be needed for this. As a distraction and Rooster’s favorite bar trick he slides onto the piano bench. I grin knowing exactly what he is about to do, I reach to the back of the jukebox and pull the cord.
Great Balls of Fire.
A song that reminds him of his dad, and one that he always is willing to play no matter what mood he’s in.
“Kiss me baby.” He sings, sending me a wink. I just sing back with an “ooo” along with the song.
“I wanna love you like a lover should,” He continues. It’s amazing to see he’s pulled everyone at the bar in with him, “I’m gonna tell the world that you’re mine mine mine.”
Bradley keeps sending me winks and singing to me directly, so I pull Bob by the collar and dance with him. Bob is plainly shocked and barely moves but everyone is laughing, including Bradley.
The rest of the night is more drinks, really not doing ourselves any favors for how early we’ll need to be up tomorrow morning.
Bradley gives me a ride home. I’m staying in Penny’s guest bedroom and it isn’t far from the Hard Deck.
“Alright, wanna ride in together tomorrow too?” I ask, unclipping my seatbelt.
“I think that’s a great idea.”
“Alright, I will see you in,” I look down at the watch on my wrist and let out a groan, “In five hours.”
“See you then sweetheart.”
I chuckle to myself and slam his door, quickly bounding up the steps and slipping inside the house.
Getting up the next day was just as awful as I thought it would be. Bradley honks twice to make sure I’m actually on my way out, and I flip him off the second I get the front door open. I know he didn’t have nearly the amount of drinks that I did, but he doesn’t need to be this peppy this early.
“What were you thinking, getting drunk the night before your first day of a new mission.” He teases.
“You know, it’s the funniest thing! It started off with two beers, and then this friend of mine kept supplying me with more drinks!” I elbow his shoulder as he tears off driving towards base. When we get into the hangar Bradley and I take seats next to each other and listen to the Admiral briefly explain why we’re back before Maverick makes his grand entrance.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” He mutters softly.
I simply reach out to connect my hand with him under the table. I know he has mixed feelings with Maverick over the years, and right now they are definitely in a bad place with each other. Bradley lets out a couple deep breaths, squeezing my hand tightly. He still can’t even force himself to look over at Maverick as he throws the F-18 fighter planes manual in the trash.
The mission itself seems impossible. The things that have to be executed with such expertise and in a short time frame.
“Alright, we will being doing a track and kill. I need to see how you guys fly before anything else. The first round of the day is going to be Hangman, Payback, Fanboy, and Ambush.”
Going in the first round has its pros and cons. On one hand I get to get it out of the way and prove myself, but I don’t get to see any glimpse of how Maverick flies before I’ll be up in the air with him.
We get in formation and unsurprisingly as soon as Maverick shows up on us, Hangman dips.
“You’ll never stop living up to that name, will you?” I yell across the coms.
We break formation and I start barking orders in any attempt to keep us alive. We manage to narrowly avoid Maverick a few times before Payback and Fanboy take a hit and they are out of the exercise.
Hangman makes a sudden reappearance which gets him killed and that leaves me going head to head with Maverick. I use some of my best moves, but they still don’t get me enough of an advantage. He eventually gets a lock on me, but it’s after I have gotten to know his flying maneuvers a little better.
Rooster is in the next group to go up into the sky and go head to head against Maverick. Listening to them talk is brutal, nearly gets them both killed, but they make it back and Rooster gets started on his pushups. I sit on the tarmac with him, my push ups long since done, but I wait anyway.
The drive back home that night is quiet. I can tell that today has rattled him.
“Try to get some rest tonight.” I finally break the silence as he pulls to a slow stop in front of my house. “Today was bad, for all of us, but I know you and Mav have a history.”
Bradley’s grip on his steering wheel tightens at the mention of his name.
“If it makes you feel better, I plan on kicking his ass tomorrow when we do this again.” I grin.
“If anyone can, it’s you.” He finally smiles for the first time in hours.
I reach to open my door after I’ve slid off my seatbelt.
“Night, Rooster.” I lean over the center console quickly to press a kiss to his cheek and run up the steps to my house before I can look back.
All things considered, maybe not the worst ending to a bad day.
Right off the bat today we go back to the same training exercise from yesterday. We go up in the same groups, and there is no change in Hangman's behavior from yesterday. The only difference is I learned from how I flew yesterday. More importantly, I learned how Maverick flies yesterday. I lie in wait until the rest of the team has fizzled out before I make my move.
“Well old man, there’s something you should know about my name.” I turn on my comms and call out to Maverick. I get to be cocky after how well I’ve done so far.
“What’s that?” He calls back. I can picture the look on his face, the one he always seems to have.
“This is an ambush.” I get the lock kill on him and he’s out before he can say anything else. After all of the push ups everyone endured yesterday, I have to say that this is pretty satisfying. I let out a cheer and spin a few times for good measure before Maverick signals us all to head back to base.
The second we land, the rest of the pilots come running out in congratulations. Bradley picks me up and gives me a spin for good measure making me laugh. After all the commotion Maverick makes his way over and shakes my hand. I try to insist that he doesn’t actually have to do the push ups, but he holds onto his word. Alongside the other three guys, Maverick gets in line and they start counting.
Phoenix is close later, but no one else the rest of the day manages to get a lock on Maverick. Regardless, we decide to go out for celebratory drinks.
“Drinks are not on me tonight.” I grin looking around at all of the pilots.
“Well, I’ve got your first one.” Phoenix smiles and walks up to the bar.
“I still can’t believe you got him. You’re going to need to show me how you did that.” Bradley laughs.
“I can try, but it comes with watching how he flies. You can barely look at him.” I say honestly.
“You know why I can’t.” He clears his throat, he looks away from me for the first time tonight and that’s how I know he’s uncomfortable.
“I know. What he did was wrong and it wasn’t fair in the slightest, but he’s skilled. He can’t change what he did anymore, but he can teach you how to be an even better pilot.”
Bradley nods and I know that he’s thinking it over. I pat him on the shoulder and get up from my chair and walk to the bar. I find Phoenix and we talk for a while. I find that I like Bob, he’s a good guy and funny when you give him the chance.
Hangman brings me my next drink which is surprising. He manages to make a somewhat condescending comment while still appreciating how well I flew today.
I make my way out to the deck as the sun is setting, Bradley is still out here nursing his beer.
“How’re you doing?” I question, I lean against the rail facing him and effectively blocking his view of the water.
“Good.” He leans his head back to down the rest of his bottle.
“Real answer?” I raise my brows.
“Actually. Just thinking about what you said earlier. You were right, unsurprisingly.” He rolls his eyes but with a soft smile.
“After all these years, you know I always am and always will be.” I smile and join him by sitting on the arm of his chair. I throw my legs across his lap and he drops a hand to rest on my knee.
“I can’t lie, hearing the way you talked to Maverick today and then proceeded to beat him at his own game, was pretty hot.” He stares at me through his glasses, but I can still read his expression.
“Was it now?” I lean in a little closer. I push his sunglasses back to rest on the top of his head. It rests on his curls, they feel soft as I brush them back.
“Very.” He clears his throat. It has gotten more intimate than how this innocently started. Bradley starts to lean in, and I search his eyes for any doubt. I don’t find any and I close the gap finally letting our lips meet. His lips are soft and warm, and I can feel his smile against my lips. I open my mouth wider for him and he immediately takes advantage of it. Now it’s my turn to smile.
“Bradley.” I sigh as he makes his way down my neck.
“Brad.” I continue, he’s found a spot right under my jaw that he seems to be focusing on. I grab the curls on the back of his head and pull, finally looking him in the eyes. They’re dark, and cloudy with lust.
“Not here. Not right now.” I smile.
“C’mon now, I’ve been dreaming about this for years.”
“Well your dream can last long enough so we don’t have ten pilots staring us down.” I nod to the window behind us where the group has gathered, there’s big grins and cheering. Phoenix is smiling so wide her lips could crack. This is something she’s wanted for years.
“Okay, fair point.” Bradley gives my leg a squeeze and I hop up from his lap. We make our way back inside and the looks we’re getting are making me blush.
“It’s definitely your turn to buy me a drink.” I grin looking up at Bradley.
“I can do you one better.” He smirks, I can see he wants to lean in and steal another kiss.
“Hmm, and what would that be?”
“Come home with me, now.”
thanks you guys! i haven’t written for Top Gun yet, but i have been obsessing over it! hope you guys liked it and maybe want another part!
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dagger squad as a band + what instruments i think they would play:
Rooster — lead vocals/keys
do i even need to elaborate on this???
he’ll always suggest playing a song cover from the 80’s for their performances.
jake likes to make fun of bradley for his taste but we all know he secretly enjoys the 80’s too.
Hangman — acoustic guitar
jake knows how to play both the acoustic and electric guitar, but grew up playing the former a lot more which is why he prefers it.
now and then he’ll use that one lame joke about guitarists being the best kind of guys to date because they’re so good with their fingers
Phoenix — backup vocals
natasha’s voice mixes the best with rooster’s. without a doubt.
she’s the only one who can spontaneously blend with rooster’s singing, creating that super beautiful melody that just gives you an eargasm.
Coyote — electric guitar / backup dancer
javy gives off major rockstar vibes and can absolutely SHRED. i have an hc that he actually did a cover of “beat it” by michael jackson and you bet he killed that guitar solo!
but he also insists that the band needs some movement, some type of choreography during performances so he convinces them time and time again that he could be the backup dancer and hire some extra people or even each bob and hangman some dance moves.
i mean... have you seen the tiktok videos? tarzan can MOVE AND GROOVE!
Payback — bass guitar
i have no logical explanation for this. reuben playing the bass just makes sense. it’s a vibe and i’m here for it.
Bob — backup vocals / acoustic guitar
bob, much to everyone’s surprise, is actually a very good singer.
although it took him a while to learn to blend his voice with phoenix and rooster’s.
just like jake, i feel like bob grew up playing the acoustic guitar as well.
bob ended up learning how to play ALL the other instruments because he would ask his fellow band mates to teach him. and who could ever refuse??
Fanboy — drums
okay i’m gonna be very honest.... i literally created this whole hc of the dagger squad being a band purely because of danny playing the drums in look both ways 😭
i can imagine mickey constantly tapping his pen on the desk during classes, and making all these impromptu beats and reuben, instead of calling him out and telling him to quit it, would just bob his head along to the beat
Maverick — captain momager
very much kris jenner vibes, is all i can say
during their performances, you’ll catch mav either in the audience taking videos and pictures or somewhere in the place selling dagger squad merchandise
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
April 21, 1947
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The Gulf Screen Guild Theater present  Wesley Ruggles’ Too Many Husbands, which was a 1940 Columbia Pictures release.
Produced and Directed by: Bill Lawrence
Music by: Wibur Hatch
Synopsis ~ Vicky Lowndes (Lucille Ball) loses her first husband, Bill Cardew (Bob Hope), in a boating accident in which he is presumed drowned. The lonely widow is comforted by Bill's best friend and publishing business partner Henry Lowndes (Frank Sinatra). Six months later, she marries him. Six months after that, Bill shows up, after having been stranded on a uninhabited island and then rescued. Vicky has a tough choice to make.
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The Screen Guild Theater (aka The Screen Guild Players), was one of the most popular drama anthology series during the Golden Age of Radio. At this point it is being sponsored by Gulf Oil. From its first broadcast in 1939, up to its farewell in 1952, it showcased radio adaptations of popular Hollywood films. Many Hollywood names became part of the show, including Bette Davis, Bing Crosby, Clark Gable, Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, and many more. The actors’ fees were all donated to the Motion Picture Relief Fund, an organization that provides aid to retired actors. Screen Guild Theater was heard on different radio networks, beginning with CBS from 1939 to 1948, NBC from 1948 to 1950, ABC from 1950 to 1951, and back to CBS until its last episode on June 29, 1952. Throughout its run, a total of 527 episodes were produced.
The radio show brought movies to radio for thirty minutes each Monday evening on CBS. The show aired for 242 programs beginning with “Yankee Doodle Dandy” starring James Cagney and ending with “My Reputation.” In between were all time classics such as “Casablanca” with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, “Sergeant York” with Gary Cooper and “Holiday Inn” with Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire, and Dinah Shore.
The Screen Guild Players previously broadcast an adaptation of “Too Many Husbands” on March 8, 1942 starring Hedy Lamar, Bob Hope, and Bing Crosby. On September 4, 1944 yet another version was aired by the Players, starring Donna Reed, Frank Sinatra, and Bill Goodwin. 
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Too Many Husbands (1940) was produced and directed by Wesley Ruggles, with a screenplay by Claude Binyon. The film stars Jean Arthur, Fred MacMurray and Melvyn Douglas, and is based on the 1919 play Home and Beauty by W. Somerset Maugham, which was retitled Too Many Husbands when it came to New York.  The story is a variation on the 1864 poem Enoch Arden by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. In the UK, the film was released as My Two Husbands. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Sound Recording. Too Many Husbands was remade as a musical, Three for the Show (1955), with Jack Lemmon and Betty Grable. 
Two of the film’s background players, Bert Stevens and James Conaty, were later seen in as extras on “I Love Lucy.” Sam McDaniel (brother of Oscar-winner Hattie McDaniel of Gone With the Wind), plays a porter, just as he will do on “I Love Lucy,” becoming the first black actor to have lines on the series. Star Fred MacMurray will appear with Lucille Ball in “Lucy Hunts Uranium” in 1958. 
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Lucille Ball (Vickie) plays the role originated in the film by Jean Arthur. In April 1947, Ball was awaiting the release of two films: Lured and Her Husband’s Affairs.  
Bob Hope (Bill) plays the role originated in the film by Fred MacMurray. Hope had just released the film My Favorite Brunette. Hope and Ball would do four films together, staring in 1949 with Sorrowful Jones. 
Frank Sinatra (Henry) plays the role originated in the film by Melvyn Douglas. Sinatra had just released the film It Happened in Brooklyn on April 7, 1947. Primarily a singer, this is the only time he acts opposite Lucille Ball. 
Truman Bradley (Announcer) was selected by Henry Ford to be the announcer for the “Ford Sunday Evening Hour”. With his distinctive, authoritative voice, he soon became a radio actor as well as a narrator in numerous movies. Bradley was the radio announcer for shows by Red Skelton, Burns and Allen, and Frank Sinatra. 
Peter, the Butler is played by an uncredited performer. 
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The title is easily confused with the title of Lucille Ball’s radio series “My Favorite Husband,” and her films Too Many Girls, and Her Husband’s Affairs. 
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Lucille Ball also appeared with Screen Guild Players in “Tight Shoes” (April 12, 1942), “Nothing But the Truth” (May 3, 1943), and “A Night To Remember” (May 1, 1944). 
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From late 1942 to July 1947 Lady Esther Cosmetics sponsored the show which had been previously sponsored by Gulf Oil. It was first known as the “Lady Esther Presents the Screen Guild Players” and then became "The Lady Esther Screen Guild Theater.” 
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As is his penchant, Hope ad libs during the script. While hugging Vickie upon his return from the ‘dead’, he says “Let’s just stay like this till ‘Take it or Leave It’ comes on the air!”  “Take It or Leave It” was a radio quiz show, which ran from April 1940 to July 1947 on CBS. It switched to NBC in 1947, and in September 1950, the name of the program was changed to “The $64 Question.”  Hope often flubs his dialogue, but covers with comedy. 
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Bill (or maybe it is Bob ad libbing) mentions Dorothy Dix. Author Elizabeth Meriwether Gilmer (1861-1951) was widely known by the pen name Dorothy Dix. As the forerunner of today’s popular advice columnists, Dix was America’s highest paid and most widely read female journalist at the time of her death. Her advice on marriage was syndicated in newspapers around the world with an estimated audience of 60 million readers.
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Bill (or maybe it is Bob ad libbing) wonders why Vickie married Henry: “Did you lose a question on “Truth or Consequences?” “Truth or Consequences” was a game show originally hosted on NBC radio by Ralph Edwards (1940–1957), although it also was later seen on television. 
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Bill (or maybe it is Bob ad libbing) says that the mattress on the bed that he and Henry have to share feels like it has been stuffed with Grape-Nuts. Grape-Nuts is a breakfast cereal developed in 1897 by C. W. Post. Post originally developed the product as a batter that came from the oven as a rigid sheet, which was then broken into pieces and run through a coffee grinder to produce the "nut"-sized kernels.
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The first commercial break advertises Lady Esther’s four-purpose face cream.  In these live commercials, the spokeswoman in known as Lady Esther, although she was not the actual Esther Cohen that the cosmetics line was named for. 
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Bob Hope ad-libs about his “Pepsodent contract”.  Hope hosted “The Pepsodent Show” from September 1938 to June 1948. The program also featured Jerry Colonna along with Blanche Stewart and Elvia Allman as well as a continuously rotating supporting cast and musicians which included Desi Arnaz and his orchestra.
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Henry tells Bill he should leave and join the Foreign Legion. Bill replies that he’ll meet him halfway by going to the library and reading Beau Geste. Beau Geste is an adventure novel by P. C. Wren, which details the adventures of three English brothers who enlist separately in the French Foreign Legion following the theft of a valuable jewel from the country house of a relative. Published in 1924, the novel has been adapted for the screen several times: 1926, 1939, and 1966. 
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Henry asks Bill (Bob) if he can spell “pithecanthropus" and defines it a the missing link between man and ape. Bob (Bill) replies “C.R.O.S.B.Y”!  Bing Crosby was a singer that partnered with Hope on dozens of films, particularly their “road” films.  In April 1947, Crosby had just appeared in a cameo role in Hope’s newest film, My Favorite Brunette. By the end of 1947, The Road to Rio will be released.  Coincidentally, in the 1942 Screen Guild production, Crosby played Henry, the role taken here by Sinatra. 
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Just before Vickie breaks it to Henry that she’d rather be married to Bill, Henry (or maybe it is Crosby) sings “Time After Time” (1946), a romantic ballad by Sammy Cahn and Jule Styne, written for Sinatra to introduce in the 1947 film It Happened in Brooklyn, which had premiered two weeks earlier.  In return, in the very next scene, Bob Hope warbles a few notes of “Thanks for the Memory”, his signature song. 
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At the end, Lucille Ball thanks the Motion Picture Relief Fund and it’s country house. In 1940, Jean Hersholt, then-president of the Motion Picture Relief Fund, found 48 acres of walnut and orange groves in the southwest end of the San Fernando Valley to build the Motion Picture Country House. The dedication was on September 27, 1942. The Motion Picture Hospital was dedicated on the grounds of the Country House in 1948.
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The final commercial, once again delivered by ‘Lady Esther’ is for Lady Esther Bridal Pink Face Powder. 
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The announcer (Truman Bradley) promotes next week’s program, Stork Bites Man, starring Jackie Cooper, Anita Louise, and Gus Schilling.  
Stork Bites Man was a United Artists film that would not be released until June 1947. It also starred Cooper and Schilling. 
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Columbia Pictures is credited as the producer of The Guilt of Janet Ames, starring Rosalind Russell and Melvyn Douglas. Coincidentally, Douglas starred in the film version of Too Many Husbands. 
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The music was arranged and conducted by Wilbur Hatch, who also did the same for “My Favorite Husband” and “I Love Lucy.” 
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Lucille Ball appeared courtesy of Metro Goldwyn Mayer, producers of The Sea of Grass starring Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, and Robert Walker.  
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Bob Hope appears through the courtesy of Pepsodent, and can currently be seen in the Paramount picture, My Favorite Brunette.
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Frank Sinatra appears through the courtesy of Old Gold cigarettes, and can currently be seen in the MGM musical It Happened in Brooklyn, also starring Katharyn Grayson, Peter Walker, and Jimmy Durante.
The announcer reminds listeners that part of the country goes on Daylight Saving Time, and that the show will be heard one hour earlier.  
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Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candance Against the Universe
the same country See, I have multiple nerd interests today. I love this show and still sing along to their songs when I need a pick-me-up.
The movie comes out soon on Disney+, bow down to the Mouse Overlords.
They got Candance, Phineas, and Baljeet on the panel. (Dee Bradley Baker is Perry?? Damn the guy has range.)
The creators met on The Simpsons, and went to work on Rocko together. Then they created P&F
God, the creators weren’t even in the same country when they sold to Disney...
It still resonates and is a part of pop culture and that is something cool and rare
Ashley was really excited and “Finally! She gets her moment!”
Candance is one of Ashley’s favorite characters, one of the craziest ones and she has a lot of fun doing. She can only do 2 hour sessions because she is so crazy
It was easy for her to pick Candance back up and to see everyone else again. Dee went on a retreat to find his platypus again
Apparently Candance will be crying? I’m scared mom. And if you don’t cry too then you are an evil person
The songs are so good, and Ashley thinks some of the best stuff from the show is in the movie.
Phineas’ VA was 13 when he was casted? oh my god, but he is still short so lol. He recorded the first lines from DISNEY WORLD!
Baljeet and Buford’s relationship has definitely changed and the VA really likes his sass.
Kids can relate to the blended family, Doof being a single dad, all those things that relate to real life
This is Bob Bowen’s first time with a movie, previously working on series before this. There were plenty of changes from the beginning of the movie’s creation
So Buford will be carrying a canoe around in space, THE ENTIRE TIME
What story have they not told? Candance being a hero. Give her actual stakes
Phineas and Ferb aren’t worriers but they will be in the movie. And it shows their love for their sister
The opening song is called “Beautiful Day” and Candance is gonna be singing and she sounds exactly the same. It was actually one of the last things they wrote, though.
A bunch of the main cast has musical background under their belt. It gave the writers freedom.
The clip was PEAK Phineas and Ferb and really sets the stage for the movie.
Dan and Swampy get a cameo in the movie!!
They allowed 1 meta joke per episode for the writers but they do enjoy it
Doof gets to interact with the kids again. This movie happens sometime in the middle of the summer. He gets a duet with Isabella...
Phineas’ VA has to be smiling when he does the voice because of how positive and cheery he is
Baljeet gets some good meta lines in the movie
Phineas and Isabella get to argue about who is the better leader and her patches
Ali Wong will make an appearance - she is the alien queen that they loved making up names for
Lots of names are dropped, and I am hyped!
The movie comes out August 28th!!! Unfortunately, it will only be on Disney+
Phineas and Ferb is a great part of my childhood and I can’t wait for this movie tbh.
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grootiez · 5 years
Tell Me What You’re Searching For- Chapter 2: Self Awareness
Later that night, Peter was making his rounds throughout the house, checking on each member of the Guardians. He was just walking up the hallway that led to Groot’s nursery when he heard music coming from the baby’s room in the form of Groot’s ukulele that Gamora gave him for his 2 week birthday.
Peter opens the door by the tiniest crack, making sure not to let the door make the smallest creak, which would surely wake up Groot.
As he got a better view of Groot’s nursery, Peter saw something most peculiar. Rocket was sitting on Groot’s rocking chair, cradling the baby Flora Colossus, who was quietly crying in his pot while the raccoon was holding him in his arms, while at the same time playing Groot’s ukulele gently and singing to his son softly.
Peter strained to hear what Rocket was singing, but when he was able to discern what the raccoon was singing, the humie smiled.
                                       “Tell me something, Groot.
                                        Are you happy with these assholes?
                                       Or do you need more?
                                       Is there somethin’ else that you’re searchin’ for?”
It was sweet that Rocket was singing to Groot. Even though the baby wasn’t officially the raccoon’s adopted child, Rocket was protective of the tiny Flora Colossus and would do anything for Groot’s safety and well-being as the seedling mindlessly strummed gently on the ukulele strings.
                                   “I’m falling.
                                    In all the good times I find myself...
                                    Longin’ for change.
                                   And in the bad times, I fear myself-.”
Just then, Peter clumsily stumbles while leaning against the doorway as he listened to Rocket’s sweet dulcet voice singing to Groot. Rocket’s ears didn’t even twitch at the sudden disturbance in the otherwise quiet room as the raccoon put down Groot’s ukulele by the baby’s crib. Unfortunately, Rocket’s enhanced hearing picked up on every single nuance of sound, no matter how soft.
“I heard you, Star-Munch.” Rocket said as he cradled Groot in his arms and carried him over to the changing table so that he could place a cloth bag over Groot’s pot so that no dirt would fall out when he laid Groot down for bedtime.
“Well, I... um...” Peter struggled to find the words as Rocket walked over to Groot’s crib, undid the latch and swung the side of the crib open. “I thought that Groot could use some soup. Kraglin made some soup just for him.”
“Groot hates soup.” Rocket deadpanned to Peter as he tucked Groot in for the night with the baby’s favorite blanket. “Plus, he’s been throwing up all night and unless you want to wear Groot Puke on your pajamas tonight, I would advise not giving him anything to eat.”
“Okay...” Peter was still wondering what influenced Rocket’s sudden change in music taste. “You have a lovely singing voice though.”
Rocket grabbed one of his blasters that was laying on Groot’s nightstand and aimed it towards the humie.
“Yo, yo, Rocket, chill out!” Peter begs for his life as Rocket regains his composure and puts the blaster in his holster. “What’s wrong, dude? Tell me.”
Groot stirs in his crib. Rocket’s ears pick up the subtle coos coming from Groot as he whispers to Peter. “Fine. But let’s talk outside. Groot needs to get some sleep.” Rocket conceded as he and Peter walked out of the nursery and closed the door behind him.
“What’s gotten into you?” Peter questioned.
“It’s nothing.” Rocket replied.
“C’mon, Rocket, it has to be something. Tell me.” Peter encourages as he placed a caring hand on Rocket’s shoulder. “Just you and me.”
Rocket took a deep breath in “Fine. I-.”
“Hey, Cap’n?” Kraglin barged in to the conversation at hand. “Do we have anymore soup?”
“No, Kraglin.” Peter answered as Kraglin looked depressed at the response. “Now, I’m talking to Rocket about something private. Oh, guys!” He exasperated as all the other Guardians, except Groot, came crowding into the narrow hallway. “GUYS!” The humie shouted over everyone else as they became silent. “There’s a baby sleeping on the other side of this door and if anyone wakes him up, Rocket is gonna have your head.”
As soon as Peter said that, Groot’s crying could be heard from the other side of the door. Rocket excused himself to soothe the tiny Flora Colossus.
Moments later, Rocket re-emerged from the nursery, carrying Groot in his arms. “Groot’s still not feeling good.” He said as he gently rocked Groot back and forth in his arms. “Go ahead, Quill. Whatever you wanna ask me, you can ask in front of Groot too.” Rocket then looked at the other Guardians. “And everyone else here too.”
“Alright, Rocket.” Peter was careful in choosing the next words he would say to the raccoon. “I, um, all I want to know is what happened to your sudden change in music choice. I mean, we’re not used to hearing this sorta song whenever you have control of the Zune. So, what’s up with that?”
“Alright, Quill.” Rocket took a deep breath and sighed. “The other night, Groot couldn’t get to sleep, so we watched a little bit of TV until he nodded off. Well...”
“Well, what?” Peter was genuinely curious.
“I took five minutes to sleep myself. What? Bob Ross puts me to sleep sometimes.” Rocket replied as Groot gasped in horror. “Sorry, Groot, but you know that I don’t like him as much as you do.”
“Get back to the story, Rocket...” Gamora rolled her eyes as she too didn’t like Rocket’s lengthy explanations for everything.
“Okay!” Rocket exclaims. “Anyways, when I woke back up, Bob Ross was off the air and a movie was coming on.”
“What movie?” Mantis asked.
Rocket took a deep breath. Surely the other Guardians would be in shock at his answer. “A Star is Born.”
Peter was indeed perplexed, as well as the other Guardians. “A Star is Born? Isn’t that movie like 80-some years old?”
“No, Star-Munch.” Rocket answered. “Not the one that’s as old as your grandma’s panties.” He snidely remarked as the humie fumed. “I’m talking about the one that they remade last year with Bradley Cooper starring and directing.”
“Who’s Bradley Cooper, Rocket?” Gamora questions Rocket as he holds a picture frame in his right paw.
“Um... No one...” Rocket shyly replies as he tries, but fails to hide said picture frame behind his back while holding Groot in his other paw as Gamora snatches the item from him.
“Is this him?” Gamora questions Rocket as he nods reluctantly.
“You sleep with his picture every night?” Peter was shocked by this revelation as his eyes widened. Rocket handed Groot and the picture frame over to Drax.
Rocket’s tail puffed up as he stood upright in Peter’s face. “NO!” He exclaims as he pointed a finger at the Terran. “I put that picture over by Groot’s nightstand at night so that he has someone else to look up to than that stupid Bob Ross guy!”
“I am Groo!” A tiny voice chirped.
“Shut up! Vin Diesel is just as bad as-.” It takes Rocket a minute to notice who that tiny voice was coming from. He then runs over to Gamora and picks Groot up from his pot. “Groot! You said your first word!” Rocket congratulates the twig as he hugs him.
“Well, you clearly haven’t watched anything that Chris Pratt has been in.” Peter stated. “Best Terran actor ever.”
“Yeah, if ya take into account that his name sounds like you’re saying ‘Crisp Rat’, Star-Munch!” Rocket couldn’t help but fall over in laughter at his statement as the other Guardians, except Peter, joined in on the laughter, Drax having the most boisterous cackle.
“Shut up! Just shut up you jerks!” Peter was not pleased at the other Guardians’ reactions towards his favorite actor. “Drax, how about you? What actor do you like the most?”
“I don’t watch many movies in my free time, Quill.” Drax replied calmly. “But when I do watch Terran TV, I love to watch wrestling. Dave Bautista is a particular favorite of mine and the way he turns invisible after he says ‘You can’t see me’ inspires me to do the same.”
“Drax, I think that’s John Cena...” Peter explains quietly as the Destroyer glared at him. “But, you do you, man.” Drax then backs off as Peter looks at Gamora. “Gammy? How about you?”
“Thanos never allowed me to watch TV when I was under his parentage.” Gamora admitted. “But once, when I was a teenager, I snuck out to the movie theater and watched this film called ‘Avatar’. It was so beautiful and thought-provoking.”
“Ego never allowed me that luxury either.” Mantis revealed. “So, I just made up stories in my imagination.”
“Alright.” Peter then turns to Kraglin. “Kraglin! My man! I’m sure that you and Yondu have watched many movies over the years. Tell us which actor is your favorite.”
“Well, I don’t have a favorite actor, per say, but I do have favorite and least favorite directors, Quill.” Kraglin answered as he took a sip of his soup.
“Okay, how about you tell us then.” Peter invited the Xandarian as he sat down to listen to Kraglin.
“Well, for one thing, I used to love all these movies that these Russo Brothers made.” Kraglin began. “But then their egos got too big and they thought that it would be ‘cute’ and ‘funny’ if they killed off all the fan favorite characters in one movie and in the next one they bring back all the fan favorites characters that they just killed off only to stab ya in the heart by killing some of the oldest and most beloved characters in the most tear-jerking way while letting the other characters ride off in the sunset.”
Everyone stared at Kraglin in disbelief. They couldn’t understand what he was talking about or where he got this disdain for these so-called “Russo Brothers”.
“Um, are there any directors that you do like, Kraglin?” Peter asked inquisitively.
“Yeah, this James Gunn guy is really talented.” Kraglin replied. “He’s so talented that so far he has made TWO MOVIES that perfectly retells some of our most important adventures and how we formed our family.” The Xandarian added as he handed Quill two DVD cases containing the movies in question. “If y’all want, we can watch ‘em right now.”
“No.” Rocket answered as he cradled Groot in his pot. “It’s way past Groot’s bedtime and if you guys want an angry, stubborn Groot in the morning, then be my guest and let him stay up all night long.” He then turned around as he retreated to his and Groot’s room for the night with the baby.
“Yeah, I think that we should all go to bed too.” Peter declared. “We’ll talk more about this later.” He added as the Guardians went to their separate rooms and he and Gamora retreated to the master suite.——————————————————————————————————
Read on Ao3.——————————————————————————————————
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yogaadvise · 5 years
How to Choose the Best Meditation App for You
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As a contemporary meditator, it can be difficult to preserve your practice in the fast-paced, stress of it all. Ultimately, it is best to cultivate a pure method that counts on the simple satisfaction of space and also seclusion. Nevertheless, for those who can not rest down to practice meditation without their apple iphone, there are a couple of applications that you may locate useful.
All apps are not produced equivalent, so it's clever to concentrate on the ideal high qualities as well as functions to try to find in a reflection app to fulfill your needs.
This is the most fundamental feature to any meditation application. If you already have a method that you follow, you may value an application that permits you to set your session time. The Chopra Facility has a terrific reflection application, called Ananda, which permits you to do just that. This is great for more advanced meditators. Many various other reflection apps have programmed established time sessions that are intended to help you construct your technique. Most of these pre-programmed sessions are no longer than 10 minutes, starting with some as short as two minutes. You may, of program, pick longer guided sessions, but these kind of meditations are generally geared towards those that have trouble sitting in silence for lengthy periods.
They are usually categorized by the details intent of your meditation. As an example, in the popular application, Stop, Breathe and Think, you are given meditations based on tasks. Several of these consist of 'Gain Durability', 'Be Kind', 'Breathe', and 'Rest'. For those that are just beginning to learn reflection, groups such as this can be useful and enjoyable due to the fact that they make it easy to focus your intents. You are restricted to the time allocated for the guided session.
Most meditators would certainly concur that your practice advantages from flexibility. Some days you might intend to go longer than common, while others require simply a couple of minutes of mindfulness. Make sure to take a look at the specifics of exactly how an application handles time prior to securing into one program.
Many meditation applications use audio to improve your experience. There are applications that utilize chimes and Tibetan vocal singing bowls, which are always a nice addition to meditation. Transcendental songs or chanting can likewise be delightful. A good meditation application will include these elements without being as well disruptive. The Ananda application provides wonderful versatility by allowing you to choose your noises, developing the ideal background to fit your mood and the advice of Dr. Chopra. You can likewise readjust the volume, which is an included bonus.
Other apps, like Calm, enable you to select from a range of calming sounds, which can offer as reflections themselves. Seems like thunderstorms, moisten fallen leaves, and also ocean waves can be selected to establish the mood as well as purposes of your reflection. Simply remember that when it's all stated as well as done, you intend to use your internal serenity and also silence through meditation.
Another classification of reflection audio innovation consists of applications that use brainwave tuning. This is an extremely intriguing area, in which specialists and also researchers are making use of certain soundwaves to position one's consciousness in introspective states. Applications, such as Beyond Meditation, permit you to buy various brainwave appears from Alpha to Gamma. The intent is to pay attention to these tracks while resting in silence as you would certainly in typical meditation, except you would merely listen and also allow your mind to tune into the energy of the noises. Some have actually found this to be a very valuable technique.
Since this modern technology is primarily sought by newbies, several apps have their very own integrated system of understanding. A lot of will certainly begin you off with a complimentary introductory session or 2, yet then motivate you to purchase more sophisticated degrees as you utilize it. Usually this 'progress' is gauged by the size of time you are spending in reflection as well as your dedication to the practice.
Stop Breathe and Think, for instance, uses a thorough, measureable ways for you to track this type of progression. It keeps count of your sessions, allows you to note your feelings prior to and after your reflections, as well as lets you understand the amount of fellow meditators are making use of the app daily together with you. Whether you're a brand-new meditator or just someone who has actually attempted and also failed at maintaining a consistent technique, these kind of applications offer liability, objectives to get to, and, to some degree, journaling.
Meditation typically is not about any specific, measureable development besides your own subjective experience. The objective of reflection is to progress inward as well as expand your understanding, which is not depending on goal setting as well as time-keeping. While these attributes are useful in the start of constructing your technique, it is not recommended that you train on your own towards reliance on this kind of westernized reasoning and also analysis. Use it of what it's worth, yet aim to become separately grounded in your practice.
Who are you paying attention to while meditating? What sort of insight or wisdom would best suit you and your spiritual trip? This is perhaps the cornerstone to any kind of app as well as ought to be checked before picking a particular one. Some reflection apps are a lot more mindful of this than others.
Omvana, for instance, has worked together with instructors and writers such as Gabrielle Bernstein, Sonia Ricotti, Bob Proctor, and Bradley T. Morris to offer meditation as well as hypnosis sessions. The Insight Timer meditation app uses hundreds of led meditations from instructors throughout the globe, including some faves like davidji, Thich Nhat Hanh, Mooji, and Tara Brach. As a follower of Dr. Deepak Chopra's work, you can obtain a dose of his wisdom daily with the Ananda app.
Your meditation app can, not just act as a way of strengthening your technique, however additionally as a way of reinforcing your connection to the teachings. Recognizing this, you'll notice that some apps do not give much details on the voices you'll be hearing or what their guidance is based upon. You might discover it reassuring to recognize that you can access the familiar and trusted assistance of a few of your preferred teachers through the best app.
All in all, a meditation application may be an excellent step for you if you need a little aid with constructing a technique. However, it is vital to bear in mind that your practice is eventually depending on you and your dedication to your very own growth. By using the modern technology while keeping the truest purposes of meditation in mind, you will have the ability to build a health-promoting routine and bring more serenity into your life. If you look through the app shop with a little discernment and also self-awareness, you have the opportunity to obtain a beneficial device on your spiritual journey.
Get Deepak Chopra's strategies, insights, and also ideas to experience the advantage of ancient healing techniques within the quick rate of contemporary life at Seduction of Spirit, our six-day meditation as well as yoga exercise retreat. Learn More.
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cynthiajayusa · 6 years
What’s Hot Central Florida: January 2019
Welcome to the What’s Hot Column, where we feature countless events in the Greater Orlando, Tampa, St. Petersburg, and surrounding areas. This is also your connection to activities and events by local LGBT+ Organizations. Continue reading on to learn What’s Hot this New Year, well at least in January!
Tuesday, January 1
Disney Springs Town Center presents Kingdom Hearts III Experience – A one-of-a-kind, limited-edition experience featuring the chance to be one of the first to play a demo of the new game, a special Keyblade exhibit featuring life-size replicas directly from the upcoming game, larger-than-life art inspired by characters and worlds from the game, and more. Now through January 29, admission is free.
Join Stonewall Orlando as they welcome 2019 with their Inaugural Guilty Pleasures New Year’s Day Party. Taylor B. & James C will be behind the bar for this special occasion serving up cocktails. Tommy Mot will be bringing in some friends and new Stonewall DJS rocking the day away along with surprise guest DJ’s.  Tako Cheena will be serving up the food so come hungry. Free admission, and free parking, It all starts at 11am!
Saturday, January 5
The Parliament House proudly presents New Years REHAB as their first party of 2019. Footlight Players at 10pm & 12am along with DJ Brianna in the Disco till 3am.
Monday, January 7
Wilde Lexus Sarasota & ABC 7 in association with the Van Wezel present Something Rotten, “Broadway’s big, fat hit!” (New York Post). Set in 1595, this hilarious smash tells the story of Nick and Nigel Bottom, two brothers who are desperate to write a hit play. When a local soothsayer foretells that the future of theatre involves singing, dancing and acting at the same time, Nick and Nigel set out to write the world’s very first Musical! With its heart on its ruffled sleeve and sequins in its soul, Something Rotten! is “The Producers + Spamalot + The Book of Mormon. Squared!” (New York Magazine). Show runs till January 8. For Tickets and Information at: Vanwezel.org.
Wednesday, January 9
Dr. Phillips Center in association with AEG present Diana Ross. In a remarkable career spanning over 50 years, Diana Ross has proven herself the consummate music artist as well as one of the most iconic female singers of all time. For Additional information and Tickets Drphillipscenter.org.
Friday, January 11
Southern Nights Orlando Welcomes Bob The Drag Queen, winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 8 (18+ Welcome) with drag shows at 11pm & 12:30am featuring Roxxxy Andrews, Maya Andrews, Tasha Long, & Sassy Devine! (Don’t worry if you can’t make the show, she will also be at Southern Nights Tampa the following day Saturday, January 12)
Amor & Southern Nights Tampa present international Dj Nina Flowers, as they take you on a Journey! Doors open at 9pm with admission $10 before 10pm, and $15 after. 18yr+ welcome.
The Amway Center proudly presents Billy Joel. A Songwriters Hall of Famer, Rock & Roll Hall of Famer, Tony Award-winner (“Movin’ Out”), and six-time Grammy Award-winner (“Just the Way You Are” – Record of the Year and Song of the Year, “52nd Street” – Album of the Year and Best Pop Vocal Performance and “Glass Houses” – Album of the Year and Best Pop Vocal Performance) including the prestigious Grammy Legend Award. For additional information and tickets gp to: amwaycenter.com.
98.1 Salsa y Más, DJ Frankie G Productions and Fuego Night Club present Freestyle meets Salsa. Performing live all their Freestyle and Salsa hits are George Lamond & Brenda K Starr backed by Orquesta Mambo Lebron. Featuring DJ sets by Frankie G, Baron Lopez, Blazer One, Baby D & Benny Velez. Doors open at 9:30pm with show time 11:30pm sharp. This is an 18+ event, and for additional information and tickets go to: Fuegonightclub.net.
The Annual Orlando Home and Garden Show returns to I-Drive for its 11th year at the Orange County Convention Center . This is a premier show talking about things that are related to home accessories, kitchenware and bathroom ware. This international expo will facilitate the home owners and buyers by giving them an opportunity to have a direct conversation with the landscapers and gardeners of the contemporary times. Orlando Home & Garden Show will bring into lime light the importance and value of various kinds of home improvement ideas and techniques. By attending this expo the home owners and buyers can also understand the significance of all kinds of home accessories and kitchens and bathroom accessories, architecture & designing, and hand, machine & garden tools. For tickets, which start at $9, or additional info go to: Showtechnology.com.
Saturday, January 12
Crawl With Us in association with the Bars and Nightclubs of Ybor City present the “Onesie Bar Crawl” featuring Kelly Days Firehouse Tavern, Flynns Retro Bar, Bad Monkey, Big Easy, Boneyard, Dirty Shame, Southern Nights Tampa, Bradleys on 7th, Honey Pot, Coyote Ugly Saloon, The Bricks, Tampa Bay Brewing Company, Brass Tap, Double Decker Pub, First Chance Last Chance, Gaspars Grotto, James Joyce, Reservoir Bar, Tequilas and many more. Presales are only $10 till day of the event, and $25 day of. 
Sunday, January 13
The Van Wezel Foundation presents Air Supply. Graham Russell & Russell Hitchcock have been singing together for over 40 years and this season they return to the Van Wezel to share some of their famous hits including “Lost in Love,” “All Out of Love,” “The One That You Love,” “Sweet Dreams,” “Making Love Out Of Nothing At All,” “Goodbye,” “It’s Never Too Late” and “Dance With Me.” Showtime at 7pm. For additional information or tickets go to: vanwezel.org.
Tuesday, January 15
The Tampa Bay Times in association with The Straz Center present Les Misérables, which is Cameron Mackintosh’s new production of Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schönberg’s Tony Award-winning musical phenomenon. Set against the backdrop of 19th-century France, Les Misérables tells an unforgettable story of heartbreak, passion and the resilience of the human spirit. Featuring the beloved songs “I Dreamed a Dream,” “On My Own,” “Stars,” “Bring Him Home,” “One Day More” and many more, this epic and uplifting story has become one of the most celebrated musicals in theatrical history. With its glorious new staging and dazzlingly reimagined scenery inspired by the paintings of Victor Hugo, this breathtaking new production has left both audiences and critics awestruck. Show runs till January 20th. For additional Information or tickets go to: Strazcenter.org.
Thursday, January 17
Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando & AGoldPhoto Pet Photography along with Orlando Brewing present their annual Pet Photo Shoot Fundraiser. Adam from AGoldPhoto uses photography to tell stories of adoption, rescue and highlight various animal welfare issues. The goal of the photos is to bring traffic to his website, but once you are there, you’ll learn something too. His unique approach to working with animals allows him to showcase the pet’s personality in ways most people haven’t seen. Event runs from 5-7pm and shoot start at $50 per pet with $35 of that going to the Shelter. For additional information and to schedule your timeslot go to: Agoldphoto.com.
The Van Wezel presents Linda Eder, one of the original stars of Broadway’s Jekyll & Hyde, Linda has one of the greatest voices of our time, and her diverse repertoire spans Broadway, standards, pop, country and jazz, making her one of America’s most beloved singers and dynamic live performers. Showtime at 8pm, with tickets and more info available at: vanwezel.org.
Friday, January 18
Southern Nights Tampa presents “Surge Fridays” with International DJ Sensation Kidd Madonny, spectacular décor, sexy Go-Go dancers and much more. This is an 18 event with doors opening at 9pm and no cover till 10pm.
Saturday, January 19
The Parliament House presents RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 10 alum Blair St Clair with shows at 10pm & 12am with the Footlight Players. This is an 18+ event with general admission $10, and VIP admission $25, which includes reserved theatre seating for the midnight show and photo opportunity after the show. DJ Brianna spins till 3am. 
Join Friends, family and your four-legged companions at the 3rd annual St. Pete Beer and Bacon benefiting Pet Pal Shelter from 12pm – 8pm at Vinoy Park. This event will feature 100+ craft beers (3-7pm), option to sample from 15+ Craft Spirits & Cocktails, 60+ bacon dishes from 15+ food vendors, live music from 4 bands, games, prizes & tons of fun. Sample & vote for your favorite brewery.  For more information & to purchase tickets, go to StPeteBeerandBacon.com.
Monday, January 21
Join Orlando Downtown Recreation Center and GayDodgeBall.com as they host their first welcome all $5 pick-up game. All skill levels are welcome and everyone is encouraged to make new friends and have fun playing dodgeball. GayDoodgeBall.com has the largest Gay Dodgeball League in Florida. This is an 8 week league, with 8 Teams Maximum, with 13-20 Players a team. For additional information go to: GayDodgeball.com/orlando.html.
Tuesday, January 22
Fairwinds Broadway in Orlando presents Hamilton, which is the story of America’s founding father Alexander Hamilton, an immigrant from the West Indies who became George Washington’s right-hand man during the Revolutionary War and was the new nation’s first treasury secretary. Featuring a score that blends hip-hop, jazz, blues, rap, R&B and Broadway, Hamilton is the story of America then, as told by America now.  Show runs till February 10, in the Walt Disney Theater at Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. For additional information and tickets go to: Drphillipscenter.org.
Friday, January 25
Southern Nights Tampa presents “Surge Fridays” with DJ Twisted Dee, sexy Go-Go dancers and much more. This is an 18 event with doors opening at 9pm and no cover till 10pm.
Orlando’s Hard Rock Live presents TLC in concert. They scored nine top-ten hits on the Billboard Hot 100, including four number-one singles “Creep“, “Waterfalls“, “No Scrubs“, and “Unpretty“. The group also recorded four multi-platinum albums, including CrazySexyCool (1994) which still remains the only album by a female group to receive a diamond certification from the Recording Industry Association of America. The Ultimate Flashback Friday starts at 8pm. For tickets which start at $33 or more info go to: hardrock.com/live/locations/Orlando.
Sunset Events & Disco Donnie present Steve Aoki at the Ritz Ybor. After years of relentless touring, EDM producer, promoter and label owner Steve Aoki is now recognized as one of the most exciting live performers in the world. Doors Open at 10pm for this 18+ event. For tickets or more info go to: Theritzybor.com.
Saturday, January 26
The world famous Seminole Hard Rock Gasparilla Pirate Fest is today and tomorrow. For the full line up go to: Gasparillapiratefest.com.
The VanWezel Foundation & Hyatt Regency Sarasota present “The Empress of Soul” Gladys Knight. This seven-time Grammy winner has enjoyed #1 hits in Pop, Gospel, R&B and Adult Contemporary, and has triumphed in film, television and live performances. Hits include: ”You and I Ain’t Nothin’ No More”, “Midnight Train to Georgia”, “I Heard it Through the Grapevine”, “If I Were Your Woman,” and “That’s What Friends are For.” Show time is at 8pm. For additional information and tickets go to: Vanwezel.org.
Amor & Stonewall Orlando present: The Miss Orlando Universo Latina USA Reunion with show time at 12am starring: Chris Sant Lorans featuring Sasha Fiercee (Miss Orlando Universo Latina USA 2017) Rakell Riviera (Miss Orlando Universo Latina Usa Plus 2018) & Gucci Michelle Reyes (Miss Universo Latina USA Plus 2018) alongside the Dynasty Girls Norma Fis-Vernaza , Bella Fis & Spiidey Montalvo. With sounds by Johan Mateo Quintero, Kraig Matthews & Franklin Cruel, the doors open at 9pm.
Sunday, January 27
The Amway Center presents Marc Anthony in his Legacy Tour. Anthony is one of the most influential artists of his time and a true ambassador of Latin music and culture. He has had 25 Billboard chart hits, sold over 12 million albums worldwide and has been recognized with countless standard gold and platinum certifications from the Recording Industry Association of America.  Doors open at 7pm. For additional information and tickets go to: Amywaycenter.com.
Tuesday, January 29
Bank of America Broadway at The Straz and Tampa Bay Times present A Bronx Tale. Broadway’s hit crowd-pleaser takes you to the stoops of the Bronx in the 1960s where a young man is caught between the father he loves and the mob boss he’d love to be. Bursting with high-energy dance numbers and original doo-wop tunes from the songwriter of Beauty and the Beast, A Bronx Tale is an unforgettable story of loyalty and family. Academy Award winner Robert De Niro and Tony winner Jerry Zaks direct this streetwise musical – based on Academy Award nominee Chazz Palminteri’s story that The New York Times hails as “A Critics’ Pick! The kind of tale that makes you laugh and cry.” Show runs till February 3rd. For Additional Information and Tickets go to: Strazcenter.org.
Thursday, January 31
IMG Artists present We Shall Overcome: A Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. In this thrilling, emotional tribute inspired by the words of Dr. King, producer and musical director Damien Sneed showcases repertoire from across the African-American music traditions that have electrified generations of civil rights activists and defenders. Pulling together a concert of works by Nina Simone, Duke Ellington, Aretha Franklin, Wynton Marsalis and more including traditional gospel, modern gospel, jazz and Broadway tunes, Sneed interweaves these musical flashpoints with King’s impassioned oratory from recorded historic speeches. The end result is a stand-up-and-cheer celebration of one of America’s greatest heroes. This event takes place at the Straz Center, Tampa.  Show starts at 8pm, with tickets starting at $25 at Strazcenter.org.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/12/27/whats-hot-central-florida-january-2019/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2018/12/whats-hot-central-florida-january-2019.html
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hotspotsmagazine · 6 years
What’s Hot Central Florida: January 2019
Welcome to the What’s Hot Column, where we feature countless events in the Greater Orlando, Tampa, St. Petersburg, and surrounding areas. This is also your connection to activities and events by local LGBT+ Organizations. Continue reading on to learn What’s Hot this New Year, well at least in January!
Tuesday, January 1
Disney Springs Town Center presents Kingdom Hearts III Experience – A one-of-a-kind, limited-edition experience featuring the chance to be one of the first to play a demo of the new game, a special Keyblade exhibit featuring life-size replicas directly from the upcoming game, larger-than-life art inspired by characters and worlds from the game, and more. Now through January 29, admission is free.
Join Stonewall Orlando as they welcome 2019 with their Inaugural Guilty Pleasures New Year’s Day Party. Taylor B. & James C will be behind the bar for this special occasion serving up cocktails. Tommy Mot will be bringing in some friends and new Stonewall DJS rocking the day away along with surprise guest DJ’s.  Tako Cheena will be serving up the food so come hungry. Free admission, and free parking, It all starts at 11am!
Saturday, January 5
The Parliament House proudly presents New Years REHAB as their first party of 2019. Footlight Players at 10pm & 12am along with DJ Brianna in the Disco till 3am.
Monday, January 7
Wilde Lexus Sarasota & ABC 7 in association with the Van Wezel present Something Rotten, “Broadway’s big, fat hit!” (New York Post). Set in 1595, this hilarious smash tells the story of Nick and Nigel Bottom, two brothers who are desperate to write a hit play. When a local soothsayer foretells that the future of theatre involves singing, dancing and acting at the same time, Nick and Nigel set out to write the world’s very first Musical! With its heart on its ruffled sleeve and sequins in its soul, Something Rotten! is “The Producers + Spamalot + The Book of Mormon. Squared!” (New York Magazine). Show runs till January 8. For Tickets and Information at: Vanwezel.org.
Wednesday, January 9
Dr. Phillips Center in association with AEG present Diana Ross. In a remarkable career spanning over 50 years, Diana Ross has proven herself the consummate music artist as well as one of the most iconic female singers of all time. For Additional information and Tickets Drphillipscenter.org.
Friday, January 11
Southern Nights Orlando Welcomes Bob The Drag Queen, winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 8 (18+ Welcome) with drag shows at 11pm & 12:30am featuring Roxxxy Andrews, Maya Andrews, Tasha Long, & Sassy Devine! (Don’t worry if you can’t make the show, she will also be at Southern Nights Tampa the following day Saturday, January 12)
Amor & Southern Nights Tampa present international Dj Nina Flowers, as they take you on a Journey! Doors open at 9pm with admission $10 before 10pm, and $15 after. 18yr+ welcome.
The Amway Center proudly presents Billy Joel. A Songwriters Hall of Famer, Rock & Roll Hall of Famer, Tony Award-winner (“Movin’ Out”), and six-time Grammy Award-winner (“Just the Way You Are” – Record of the Year and Song of the Year, “52nd Street” – Album of the Year and Best Pop Vocal Performance and “Glass Houses” – Album of the Year and Best Pop Vocal Performance) including the prestigious Grammy Legend Award. For additional information and tickets gp to: amwaycenter.com.
98.1 Salsa y Más, DJ Frankie G Productions and Fuego Night Club present Freestyle meets Salsa. Performing live all their Freestyle and Salsa hits are George Lamond & Brenda K Starr backed by Orquesta Mambo Lebron. Featuring DJ sets by Frankie G, Baron Lopez, Blazer One, Baby D & Benny Velez. Doors open at 9:30pm with show time 11:30pm sharp. This is an 18+ event, and for additional information and tickets go to: Fuegonightclub.net.
The Annual Orlando Home and Garden Show returns to I-Drive for its 11th year at the Orange County Convention Center . This is a premier show talking about things that are related to home accessories, kitchenware and bathroom ware. This international expo will facilitate the home owners and buyers by giving them an opportunity to have a direct conversation with the landscapers and gardeners of the contemporary times. Orlando Home & Garden Show will bring into lime light the importance and value of various kinds of home improvement ideas and techniques. By attending this expo the home owners and buyers can also understand the significance of all kinds of home accessories and kitchens and bathroom accessories, architecture & designing, and hand, machine & garden tools. For tickets, which start at $9, or additional info go to: Showtechnology.com.
Saturday, January 12
Crawl With Us in association with the Bars and Nightclubs of Ybor City present the “Onesie Bar Crawl” featuring Kelly Days Firehouse Tavern, Flynns Retro Bar, Bad Monkey, Big Easy, Boneyard, Dirty Shame, Southern Nights Tampa, Bradleys on 7th, Honey Pot, Coyote Ugly Saloon, The Bricks, Tampa Bay Brewing Company, Brass Tap, Double Decker Pub, First Chance Last Chance, Gaspars Grotto, James Joyce, Reservoir Bar, Tequilas and many more. Presales are only $10 till day of the event, and $25 day of. 
Sunday, January 13
The Van Wezel Foundation presents Air Supply. Graham Russell & Russell Hitchcock have been singing together for over 40 years and this season they return to the Van Wezel to share some of their famous hits including “Lost in Love,” “All Out of Love,” “The One That You Love,” “Sweet Dreams,” “Making Love Out Of Nothing At All,” “Goodbye,” “It’s Never Too Late” and “Dance With Me.” Showtime at 7pm. For additional information or tickets go to: vanwezel.org.
Tuesday, January 15
The Tampa Bay Times in association with The Straz Center present Les Misérables, which is Cameron Mackintosh’s new production of Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schönberg’s Tony Award-winning musical phenomenon. Set against the backdrop of 19th-century France, Les Misérables tells an unforgettable story of heartbreak, passion and the resilience of the human spirit. Featuring the beloved songs “I Dreamed a Dream,” “On My Own,” “Stars,” “Bring Him Home,” “One Day More” and many more, this epic and uplifting story has become one of the most celebrated musicals in theatrical history. With its glorious new staging and dazzlingly reimagined scenery inspired by the paintings of Victor Hugo, this breathtaking new production has left both audiences and critics awestruck. Show runs till January 20th. For additional Information or tickets go to: Strazcenter.org.
Thursday, January 17
Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando & AGoldPhoto Pet Photography along with Orlando Brewing present their annual Pet Photo Shoot Fundraiser. Adam from AGoldPhoto uses photography to tell stories of adoption, rescue and highlight various animal welfare issues. The goal of the photos is to bring traffic to his website, but once you are there, you’ll learn something too. His unique approach to working with animals allows him to showcase the pet’s personality in ways most people haven’t seen. Event runs from 5-7pm and shoot start at $50 per pet with $35 of that going to the Shelter. For additional information and to schedule your timeslot go to: Agoldphoto.com.
The Van Wezel presents Linda Eder, one of the original stars of Broadway’s Jekyll & Hyde, Linda has one of the greatest voices of our time, and her diverse repertoire spans Broadway, standards, pop, country and jazz, making her one of America’s most beloved singers and dynamic live performers. Showtime at 8pm, with tickets and more info available at: vanwezel.org.
Friday, January 18
Southern Nights Tampa presents “Surge Fridays” with International DJ Sensation Kidd Madonny, spectacular décor, sexy Go-Go dancers and much more. This is an 18 event with doors opening at 9pm and no cover till 10pm.
Saturday, January 19
The Parliament House presents RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 10 alum Blair St Clair with shows at 10pm & 12am with the Footlight Players. This is an 18+ event with general admission $10, and VIP admission $25, which includes reserved theatre seating for the midnight show and photo opportunity after the show. DJ Brianna spins till 3am. 
Join Friends, family and your four-legged companions at the 3rd annual St. Pete Beer and Bacon benefiting Pet Pal Shelter from 12pm – 8pm at Vinoy Park. This event will feature 100+ craft beers (3-7pm), option to sample from 15+ Craft Spirits & Cocktails, 60+ bacon dishes from 15+ food vendors, live music from 4 bands, games, prizes & tons of fun. Sample & vote for your favorite brewery.  For more information & to purchase tickets, go to StPeteBeerandBacon.com.
Monday, January 21
Join Orlando Downtown Recreation Center and GayDodgeBall.com as they host their first welcome all $5 pick-up game. All skill levels are welcome and everyone is encouraged to make new friends and have fun playing dodgeball. GayDoodgeBall.com has the largest Gay Dodgeball League in Florida. This is an 8 week league, with 8 Teams Maximum, with 13-20 Players a team. For additional information go to: GayDodgeball.com/orlando.html.
Tuesday, January 22
Fairwinds Broadway in Orlando presents Hamilton, which is the story of America’s founding father Alexander Hamilton, an immigrant from the West Indies who became George Washington’s right-hand man during the Revolutionary War and was the new nation’s first treasury secretary. Featuring a score that blends hip-hop, jazz, blues, rap, R&B and Broadway, Hamilton is the story of America then, as told by America now.  Show runs till February 10, in the Walt Disney Theater at Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. For additional information and tickets go to: Drphillipscenter.org.
Friday, January 25
Southern Nights Tampa presents “Surge Fridays” with DJ Twisted Dee, sexy Go-Go dancers and much more. This is an 18 event with doors opening at 9pm and no cover till 10pm.
Orlando’s Hard Rock Live presents TLC in concert. They scored nine top-ten hits on the Billboard Hot 100, including four number-one singles “Creep“, “Waterfalls“, “No Scrubs“, and “Unpretty“. The group also recorded four multi-platinum albums, including CrazySexyCool (1994) which still remains the only album by a female group to receive a diamond certification from the Recording Industry Association of America. The Ultimate Flashback Friday starts at 8pm. For tickets which start at $33 or more info go to: hardrock.com/live/locations/Orlando.
Sunset Events & Disco Donnie present Steve Aoki at the Ritz Ybor. After years of relentless touring, EDM producer, promoter and label owner Steve Aoki is now recognized as one of the most exciting live performers in the world. Doors Open at 10pm for this 18+ event. For tickets or more info go to: Theritzybor.com.
Saturday, January 26
The world famous Seminole Hard Rock Gasparilla Pirate Fest is today and tomorrow. For the full line up go to: Gasparillapiratefest.com.
The VanWezel Foundation & Hyatt Regency Sarasota present “The Empress of Soul” Gladys Knight. This seven-time Grammy winner has enjoyed #1 hits in Pop, Gospel, R&B and Adult Contemporary, and has triumphed in film, television and live performances. Hits include: ”You and I Ain’t Nothin’ No More”, “Midnight Train to Georgia”, “I Heard it Through the Grapevine”, “If I Were Your Woman,” and “That’s What Friends are For.” Show time is at 8pm. For additional information and tickets go to: Vanwezel.org.
Amor & Stonewall Orlando present: The Miss Orlando Universo Latina USA Reunion with show time at 12am starring: Chris Sant Lorans featuring Sasha Fiercee (Miss Orlando Universo Latina USA 2017) Rakell Riviera (Miss Orlando Universo Latina Usa Plus 2018) & Gucci Michelle Reyes (Miss Universo Latina USA Plus 2018) alongside the Dynasty Girls Norma Fis-Vernaza , Bella Fis & Spiidey Montalvo. With sounds by Johan Mateo Quintero, Kraig Matthews & Franklin Cruel, the doors open at 9pm.
Sunday, January 27
The Amway Center presents Marc Anthony in his Legacy Tour. Anthony is one of the most influential artists of his time and a true ambassador of Latin music and culture. He has had 25 Billboard chart hits, sold over 12 million albums worldwide and has been recognized with countless standard gold and platinum certifications from the Recording Industry Association of America.  Doors open at 7pm. For additional information and tickets go to: Amywaycenter.com.
Tuesday, January 29
Bank of America Broadway at The Straz and Tampa Bay Times present A Bronx Tale. Broadway’s hit crowd-pleaser takes you to the stoops of the Bronx in the 1960s where a young man is caught between the father he loves and the mob boss he’d love to be. Bursting with high-energy dance numbers and original doo-wop tunes from the songwriter of Beauty and the Beast, A Bronx Tale is an unforgettable story of loyalty and family. Academy Award winner Robert De Niro and Tony winner Jerry Zaks direct this streetwise musical – based on Academy Award nominee Chazz Palminteri’s story that The New York Times hails as “A Critics’ Pick! The kind of tale that makes you laugh and cry.” Show runs till February 3rd. For Additional Information and Tickets go to: Strazcenter.org.
Thursday, January 31
IMG Artists present We Shall Overcome: A Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. In this thrilling, emotional tribute inspired by the words of Dr. King, producer and musical director Damien Sneed showcases repertoire from across the African-American music traditions that have electrified generations of civil rights activists and defenders. Pulling together a concert of works by Nina Simone, Duke Ellington, Aretha Franklin, Wynton Marsalis and more including traditional gospel, modern gospel, jazz and Broadway tunes, Sneed interweaves these musical flashpoints with King’s impassioned oratory from recorded historic speeches. The end result is a stand-up-and-cheer celebration of one of America’s greatest heroes. This event takes place at the Straz Center, Tampa.  Show starts at 8pm, with tickets starting at $25 at Strazcenter.org.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/12/27/whats-hot-central-florida-january-2019/
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