#Blocked Drain Pert
Leaks and Drain Nightmares: Tricks and Tips For Quick Cleanup
Unpleasant leaks and clogged drains can be an absolute nightmare in any home. Not only do they cause unsightly damage, but they can also be a safety hazard if they're not dealt with quickly and correctly. If you're looking for some tips on how to tackle these problems effectively, keep reading this article as we cover all the tricks and tips you need for a speedy cleanup!
Various Tips For Quick Cleanup for the blocked drain in Perth
1. Turn off the water: This is the first and most important step. Don't try to fix a leaky pipe or overflowing drain without first turning off the water. Depending on the size of the leak, you may be able to simply turn off the valves under the sink or at the main water shut-off valve for your home.
2. Absorb spills with towels: Once you've turned off the water, it's time to start absorbing any water that has already leaked out. If the spill is large, you may need to use a wet/dry vacuum to remove all the water.
3. Fix the problem: Once you've stopped the leak and cleaned up any spilled water, it's time to repair the problem so it doesn't happen again. For a leaking pipe, this may mean replacing a faulty washer or tighten loose connections. If your drain is overflowing, you'll need to clear any clogs so water can flow freely again.
4. Prevention is key: The best way to deal with leaks and drains is to prevent them in the first place. Regularly inspect pipes and drains for signs of wear or damage. Make sure all connections are tight and no leaks are present before using your plumbing fixtures each time.
How to Clean a Blocked Drain: Things You'll Need
If you're dealing with a blocked drain, there are a few things you'll need in order to get the job done. First, you'll need a plunger. This will be your best friend when it comes to unblocking a drain. You'll also need some kind of drain cleaner. This can be chemical or natural, depending on what you have on hand. Finally, you'll need a bucket and some old rags or towels. These will come in handy for mopping up any water that might escape while you're working on the blockage. You can also call a company that can help with leak detection in Perth.
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genesis-gaia786 · 4 years
For the Aizawa Shouta Lovers~
"You look so good like this kitty, I think I'd like to see this more often~" Aizawa hummed from behind you, his hands on your pert ass that was raised high for him to see, your upper body nestled into the sheets below you, a blindfold blocking your gaze and your hands tied behind your back, the red rope decorating you in intricate patterns and knots that extended from your back to your front.
All in all a beautiful sight that Aizawa just couldn't get enough of, you looked so damn tantalizing.
You could only whimper around the gag that was placed in your mouth, you could feel his fingers spread you wide open, fingers grazing the rim of your ass, gently prodding but never quite entering you, the whine that left your lips made him tremble in excitement.
"What am I going to do to you? So many options~ I could fuck you, tease you, torture you, drain you of every orgasm until you have nothing left, make you cry and whimper for more, make you sob for me to stop. Mmmh~ There's just so much to do to you~" He growled into your ear, you were quivering and he loved seeing you this helpless and needy for him.
He pushed a solitary finger in, you whined and bucked your hips but he pulled the digit out.
"No~ Bad kitty." He hissed, smacking your ass with his open palm, his fingers gripping the plump flesh in a tight grip, your cry filling the room when he landed another spank on your ripened flesh.
"Bad kitties like you get punished."
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gyllousos · 3 years
Warnings: Depression, masochists, language.
Copyright @ gyllousos 2021. All rights reserved.
Dedicated to @the-grimm-writer
Hannya despised hospitals. She hated the smell of disinfectant, the plain white walls decorated with awareness for the human body, as well as the chairs in the waiting room. Not that the one she was sitting in was uncomfortable, yet her ass felt like a pin cushion since she'd been in the thing for well over an hour and counting. Just ten minutes ago she had gone to the vending machine for a soda, downing the Sprite in one gulp.
She was still staring into the empty soda can as though it would refill with more of the carbonated beverage. Her thumb pressed into the side, crinkling the corner. Above her a TV played an old show, something about two children using their imagination to escape into a new world.
One where they forgot about all the bad stuff, even for a moment, a paradise for two. A haven. Thinking about that made a lump swell in Hannya's throat. She set her can onto a nearby table, curling her hands into her lap. A nail dug into the fabric of her leggings, she winced at the bruise there. It was still throbbing a week later, still sore. Her back arched from the cut diagonal cut, also a week old, but it didn't pulse like the thigh bruise did.
Her old cuts and bruises hurt most days, even though half of them were healed for weeks, despite their ugliness in the beginnings. She used to never recognize herself in the mirror after they fucked. Not screwed, but fucked until she lay beneath him unable to move, a quivering mess of orgasm.
God. She was truly sick.
She inhaled slowly through her nose. Hannya refused to cry in this place. One of the nurses had been looking at her so often, a pitying look in her eyes. Hannya avoided eye contact.
She knew that nurse too well, she'd nearly made a home here. But that was long ago. And the nurse, a petite brunette with gentle doe eyes was always so kind to her.
Vague flashes of Hannya in a room where she was monitored, wearing a gown, and counting the hours on the clock to her meds. No, she wasn't going down memory lane again.
What if she broke again? But not because of him.
ㅤHe twisted the fabric of her shirt, bunching tightly. There were tearing sounds. Fraying sounds. Dragging her to within inches of his leering, predatory smile.
ㅤHer shirt came away in a ribbon, leaving her in unkempt, scant rags. He sneered, pinching a nipple as her pert little breasts jiggled free. Dabi tweaked the nipple, and swatted her breast with an open-palmed slap.
Hannya let out a cry between a gasp and a moan.
Dabi clenched his fist around her throat, thrust his arm so she was pinned to the wall behind her. One hand constricted the air from her lungs, while the other twisted cruelly on the same nipple from before.
"Scared yet?"
ㅤㅤ"No need to lie."
ㅤHis other hand slipped low, her breast freed from his cruel touch only for his hot breath to caress it. Dabi sank teeth into her its supple flesh, snakelike tongue uncoiled to writhe slick against the nipple. His loose fingers delved between her thighs, groping a handful of her warm, tender sex.
ㅤHe didn’t need her to black out from the choking, but it was designed so that every throb of pleasure he squeezed into her body lightened her head. A cruel, sadistic practice to strangle every last drop of ecstasy, to send her spirit into heaven but her body to hell.
Dabi's fingers were long and defined, two sunken deep into the supple heat of her cunt. His pace, merciless. The villain ground the heel of his wrist firmly against her clit, assaulting every inch. He worked in and out of her with aggressive vigor, stirring up loud, sloppy noises from her.
She felt him adjust, she bit her lip from the harsh penetration when he slammed himself into her, those haunting blue eyes never leaving her face.
"You're mine, Hannya."
"I'm yours."
"If another man looks at you the way I look at you, or even thinks about fucking you, I'll split his goddamn skull."
Hannya snapped back to reality at the alert of her name being called. She remembered now that she had been called into the exam room for tests. The gown felt paper thin on her, exposing her to the nurse who held her clipboard in hand.
She hadn't commented on the palm bruise on her thigh or the cut on her back. Hannya was almost relieved her skin was back to semi-normal. It had been a long time since she last been here. How long ago?
Three years since her last attempt.
"You're doing well Hannya, much better since your last visit with us. You've been keeping up with all of your appointments, last time you were hear you had bad anemia and an infection. You bounced back like a champ. "
Hannya smiled faintly. The plump old woman reminded her of a doting grandma.
"Your appetite back to normal?"
"Yes ma'm. Everything is good."
She tried best to hide the clip in her speech.
"Now that we're following up, I'd like to wait for the rest of your test results to come in."
Hannya hid her impatience, wishing time would go forward, she could grab her things and leave. Back to her home where she could close off the world. Block everyone out. Would Dabi be waiting for her? For once, she didn't want to see him. As much as their sadistic games were fun time both of them, she just didn't have the desire. No other man could get her off the way Dabi did.
Lately, she dreaded seeing him propped in her couch, or getting a text from him. She could damn near feel him without him being near. A moment later, when the same woman poked her head in, Hannya actually beamed.
The door closed behind her.
That's when Hannya left the hospital in a daze, barely clutching her phone and purse, she didn't even know she drove home until she parked in the driveway. Turning off the engine, she sat in stunned silence, her knuckles tight onto the steering wheel.
God, she just wanted to turn back time to the last month, the last year, erase everything. She was numb enough as is and she hoped Dabi wasn't waiting on her. She just couldn't take it right now.
“No,” she said, barely audible. The nurse's words echoing in her ears once more.
A sob escaped her. She dragged herself out of her vehicle, barely registering her feet moving towards her home, inside of her apartment. She locked the door behind her. And didn't have to look around to see a tall man with spiked dark hair and a smile that gave her goosebumps.
"Miss me?"
Her legs felt like jelly. Her heart was being so fast she feared it rip itself through her chest. Hannya's knees shook, and her heart hammered in my chest. She felt like she was already walled in, and she didn’t even know it.
“I wish I’d never met you,” she said, almost whispering.
He stopped, his boots creaking the wooden floor under him. “Believe me, girl, the feeling is fucking mutual.”
No arguments, no shouting, no cursing even though she wanted to spew a blue streak at him. Eventually she fell onto her knees, the metallic clink of a belt and a zipper being pulled down; she parted her lips for Dabi's cock already slick with precum. She swallowed him into the back of her throat.
"Good girl," he praised her, stroking the back of her head.
Hannya hadn't seen Dabi since that day, what felt like over a month had turned into sixteen months. As much as she didn't care, she ached for him, and not in the sexual sense. She truly yearned for his company if she could actually believe it. Just what happened to him after that?
No texts, no calls. No sudden appearing without warning. Poof! He never told her he was leaving. Then again he never told her a lot of anything. Hannya often dreamt of him, as the little boy named Touya. The same boy who came crying to her in the catacombs and she to him. Two kids yearning for a place in the world.
She hadn't given up hope she'd see him again, if ever. Hannya swiped her fingers across her phone screen, tucking her device back into her pocket, her blue eyes swiveled up the moon, an ache swelling in her chest.
"I'm losing it..." She mumbled, proceeding to walk. She was patting her pockets for her car keys when a hand snaked its way around her forearm, dragging her into a brick corner, pinning her against a wall.
She couldn't scream because of the stranger's hand covering her mouth. Her eyes doubled in size, his sinister smirk making her skin flush.
"Dabi." It came out as a muffle.
"Like you've seen a ghost," he sneered, letting her go.
"For a minute I thought I did..." She whispered.
His eyes raked over her outfit, eyes narrowing in on her chest. He sure knew how to make her vulnerable, naked without undressing her. So he hadn't left after all. Was he hiding from her?
He was never far to begin with. Something told her this wasn't a social visit, she needed to get home before she did something like kiss him. He'd take her right here in public. Wouldn't be the first time.
"I was looking for you, " she said.
"Is that a fact?" His voice was utterly emotionless. Not the least bit of warmth.
"I suppose I was looking for you, too. You made a big mistake Hannya."
The way he said it made Hannya scoot an inch from him.
"What are you talking about?" Hannya remained composed, furrowing her dark brows. Dabi only advanced.
"Telling lies, keeping secrets. It was all gonna come out eventually, you just should have been more careful."
"Dabi..." He chuckled, one hand stuffed in his jacket pocket.
"I...I meant to find you...I was looking for my family."
Dabi almost laughed, shaking his head slightly.
"You were looking for a family, huh? One could argue it's my family you’re looking for right? How are my baby boy and girl by the way? Got my eyes don't they?"
All the color drained from Hannya's face.
A glimpse into memory had her back in the exam room months ago.
"We ran more tests Hannya. Your bloodwork shows you’re also pregnant, a little over eight weeks along. Congratulations.”
Why couldn't the Earth just swallow her whole now? There's no way he could have known. No she wouldn't have told him right away, if at all. He wouldn't have been a great father. When she was told she was pregnant Hannya wanted to cry, scream, break something or even someone. The last thing she had ever wanted inflicted on her had happened, she was in such hysterics she nearly fainted.
Why couldn't it have been anyone but him? The raw cry she let out. She imagined life with two tiny humans, ones she could give unconditional love to. Innocent souls. Her twins. She knew she was going to keep them, her darling babies. How she tried to keep them from Dabi and now...
"You knew...how long..."
"Does it matter? You honestly didn't think you could hide them from me forever Hannya. You should know better than that." His voice was almost a taunt.
"Try keeping them away from me, if you so much as leave with them I'll burn everything down in my path, everyone, to get what I want."
It was like a slap in the face. He wouldn't? Right? No, he had no rights towards their children. Her children. As far as Hannya knew Dabi was just the sperm donor.
Hannya scowled.
Dabi smirked.
He was right, the twins got his eyes alright.
Still advancing, Dabi pinned Hannya to the rough brick wall, his nose level with hers. He didn't want to admit he missed his little devil. He had to resist the urge to to tear off her clothing and fuck her until she was begging him to stop. God, her scent. She couldn't have been more beautiful, plump lips, inviting breasts, fair skin he wanted to mark again.
"I'll be watching you and our children, doll. Who would have thought..."
He gripped her oncoming wrist from slapping him. Should he break it? No. Some other time. He released her, backing up to give her space, almost yearning for the closeness again. No more talk, he left quietly as he came. He heard the faint falling of Hannya on her knees, cursing him to hell and back.
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tuesdayschildd · 4 years
sundays are for smut
after the jump
“Do you think she knows her top is see through?” Somebody finally breaks their collective silence after a few minutes, the line of them against the wall with their backs pressed against the wood and jaws on the sticky floor.
The words barely register on any of their pert ears. The thump of a heady base pulsates through the bar and their bones, and none of them are paying attention to anything besides the sway of rounded hips and flashes of olive skin on display at the center of it.
Sweet Pea’s distraction leaves his hand tilting far enough forward that he’s effectively pouring out his drink onto the floor and his boots, drops of cheap whiskey splashing up and wetting Betty’s bare legs, leaving sticky trails down her shins.
Neither notices.
Chewing his straw into a tight little knot in his mouth, the tension in Jughead's jaw is taut enough to break glass. The sharp plastic digs into his cheek as his teeth grind down on it, imaging biting into something much, much softer.
Toni can just make out the dark hue of hardened peaks beneath sheer black gauze whenever the purple dancing house lights flash perfectly beneath two mischievous inky eyes. “Oh, she knows.” And she knows we know, she adds mentally.
Cheryl’s eyes travel up shapely legs covered in black sheer nylons, her tongue darting out to wet her cherry lips every time they’re given a flash of a black garter. She squeezes her quivering thighs together, relieving some of the building pressure growing there in their dark corner. For the first time, she’s lost her words.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late.” Archie finds his group of misfit friends holding up the far wall, slapping Jughead affectionately on the shoulder in greeting.
Innocent to their concerted tongue wagging, Archie’s fresh eyes scan the decent-sized weekday crowd, searching. “Where’s Veronica?”
Jughead simply points to where the whole bar stares, the center of the room where the woman in question has now bent forward, fingers dangerously dragging up her thighs as her loose hair tosses back with a flip of her neck, giving them all a flash of a thin strip of black lace and acres of shapely, sweaty flesh underneath her skirt.
“Jesus, how much did you let her drink?” Archie beelines straight towards her, tripping on the step down to the makeshift dance floor as he shrugs off his coat and throws it around her before tossing the petite woman over his shoulder. Pulling her skirt down to cover her ass, he attempts to block the peep show from many an admiration as she laughs and starts swatting playfully at his own bottom.
“Just enough.” Jughead drains the remains of his glass, dissatisfied with the interruption.
The crowd collectively starts booing at their loss and Sweet Pea lets out a fuck when he finally notices half his drink on the floor.
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Mint is a perennial with very fragrant, toothed leaves and tiny purple, pink, or white flowers. It has a fruity, aromatic taste.
There are many varieties of mint—all fragrant, whether shiny or fuzzy, smooth or crinkled, bright green or variegated. However, you can always tell a member of the mint family by its square stem. Rolling it between your fingers, you’ll notice a pungent scent and think of candy, sweet teas, or maybe even mint juleps.
As well as kitchen companions, mints are used as garden accents, ground covers, air fresheners, and herbal medicines. They’re as beautiful as they are functional, and they’re foolproof to grow, thriving in sun and shade all over North America. In fact, mint can be vigorous spreaders, so be careful where you plant it.
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Mints are vigorous perennials that thrive in light soil with good drainage.
Ideally, they prefer a moist but well-drained site, something like their native habitat along stream banks.
Most will tolerate some shade, and the variegated types may require some protection from direct sun.
For growing outdoors, plant one or two purchased plants (or one or two cuttings from a friend) about 2 feet apart in moist soil. One or two plants will easily cover the ground. Mint should grow to be 1 or 2 feet tall.
For the best growth in confined areas such as containers, topdress plants with a thin layer of compost or organic fertilizer every few months. Aboveground pots will need winter protection in cold climates.
In the garden, plant mint near cabbage and tomatoes.
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Minimal care is needed for mint. For outdoor plants, use a light mulch. This will help keep the soil moist and keep the leaves clean.
For indoor plants, be sure to water them regularly to keep the soil evenly moist.
At first, mints develop into well-behaved–looking, bushy, upright clumps, but they soon set out to conquer new territory with horizontal runners and underground rhizomes. Unless you block the advance, a pert peppermint plant can turn into a sprawling 4-foot giant in just 1 year. It’s not the stuff of horror movies, however. Mints benefit from picking and pruning. They are shallow-rooted and easy to pull out, so there’s no reason to worry, as long as you provide physical barriers such as walls, walkways, or containers.
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Frequent harvesting is the key to keeping mint plants at their best. Young leaves have more flavor than old ones, and mint can be harvested as soon as it comes up in spring. Although fresh is best and sprigs keep for a few days in water, mint leaves can be frozen or air-dried in bunches.
Right before flowering, cut the stems 1 inch from the ground. You can harvest one mint plant two or three times in one growing season.
You can also just pick the leaves as you need them.
You can grow the plants indoors for fresh leaves throughout the winter. If you want to dry them, it’s best to cut the leaves right before flowering. Store the dried leaves in an airtight container.
The best way to propagate mints is by taking cuttings from those that you like best. It’s easy—take 6-inch cuttings of rooted stems and plant them horizontally in the soil. Mint stems will also root in a glass of water. Start with a small cutting from an established plant. Any gardening friend will give you a cutting of a favourite mint.
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Apple/Pineapple Mint: 
Mentha suaveolens
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Corsican Mint: 
Mentha requienii
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Mentha pulegium
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Mentha x piperita
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Citrus Mint: 
Mentha x piperita var. citrata
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Mentha spicata
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thinkofduty · 5 years
  this post contains sexual themes. please don’t read if you’re under 18.
Six days.
It only takes six days for Ingvald to find and become accustomed to a new routine with Orella gone.
He bores quickly of it. Less than a full day goes by before he's bored of the raunchy novellas lying discarded around the manse. Nor does the housework afford him much opportunity to better himself. The dishes are dried and put away, the countertops swept clean of crumbs, the plants watered: his good conscience is soothed, but his body still wants for things to do.
By the second afternoon he takes up his rapier and sets a training dummy up in the front yard. Someone - mayhap a Riskbreaker - has decorated it with a goofy face reminiscent of a paissa. He decides immediately that he hates it.
For all its comical appearance, it is a hardy thing and weathers his spells well enough. That, or he hasn't perfected the art as well as he'd originally thought. The focusing crystal hums pleasantly when he inspects it for flaws, but he finds nothing that would cause his spells not to do so much damage. Idly, he thinks of the last time he was face-to-face with a training dummy; for sure, that first was a puny thing, and this one no doubt was built to weather adventurers aplenty...
It still confuses him, and he takes up a new goal. Delicately melt the paint off the dummy, or turn it into splinters.
By third day's end his arms shake with the effort of holding both rapier and crystal aloft, breathing hard with the exertion of casting over and over. The unblinking paissa eyes watch him mockingly; he has done not much more than turn a few splinters to the smallest sticks of charcoal despite his best efforts.
"Having trouble, old man?"
He turns to see Helisent, wrapped up in a travelling cape, a great grin plastered upon her face. She must be leaving for Gyr Abania once more. Her drive to help is admirable, if exhausting to think about - the Saltery has been mostly repaired and its workers brought back to live there, and she has finally set her sights upon other little hamlets in need of a helping hand.
"No," says Ingvald, not bothering to fight the smile that works its way to the fore. As they had worked together the teasing insults had been plentiful and somewhat of a comfort after a while. It is nice to hear them again. "Need someone to hold your hand back home?"
His only answer is a tongue stuck out in a decidedly miqo'te manner. "Orella'd kill you," she says happily, dumping her pack on the ground and bending to adjust the laces of her boots. "If you took off with a younger woman, I mean."
That earns a chuckle, though she doesn't say anything more, too busy making sure the leathers won't rub against her feet as she walks. Not one to interrupt such a process, Ingvald rolls his shoulders and tests the weight of the rapier; it doesn't feel as a block of stone yet, which means he can keep going. With a sigh he lifts the focusing crystal high as well, and it spins lazily in midair, barely glowing brighter as he casts a lackluster veraero at the abused training dummy.
"Wow," says Hel to his right. "Was that meant to be white magic? Come on, great-granddad, you can do better than that."
Ingvald grits his teeth. "Hush," he scowls, and tries again. This time his spell peters out before it even reaches his target; his jaw clenches in irritation, and Helisent bursts into laughter too loud for this time of night.
"Before I go," she says, and plucks the crystal from his hand. With his aether so extended down the weapon like an extension of his arm, he feels unbalanced, and the blade wavers. He lowers it, wary. "I think we better work on this so you don't embarrass me in the future."
"Red magic must be balanced," he protests, but doesn't reach to take it from her. "Don't overaspect it or you'll be paying for the replacement."
Without looking away from the crystal, Hel rolls her eyes and shakes her head, the tiniest motion, more fond than disdainful. "Please," she scoffs. "Overaspected. That'd be doing you a favour, as far as I'm concerned."
Something of his worry must bleed through, for he can feel the pulsing of her aether weaken as she tunes the crystal to her liking, and hands it back soon enough with a wink. Try as he might, Ingvald can feel nothing different about it, though he knows she must have done something - but when he opens his mouth to ask questions, she simply winks at him, slings her pack over her shoulder, and sets off.
Very quickly does Ingvald become irritable. He takes to practising harder, pushing himself further - not just at dawn and dusk but during the day, too, when it's more likely others will see him. Indeed, one elezen does stop to watch with fascination until he growls too loudly at the still-standing dummy one afternoon. She flees, long legs carrying her past the marketboard quick enough that when he looks over he does not see even the colour of her hair.
Between his mood and the locals it's clear enough he needs to rest. He retires indoors, sweat cooling on his lower back, and wonders if he looks hard enough whether or not he would find any books on magickal energy hidden around the Sandsea. He needs some sort of guidance, more than the paltry exercises Tia had taught him during their time in the Sagolii, and it is with no small amount of relief that he sinks into the chair closest to the fire. Maybe Helisent is right - maybe he is getting old. He certainly feels it, and the thought of getting up to hunt down a book that might not even exist is more draining than he wants to admit.
He falls into the story easier than he'd have thought possible, the chair comfortable enough that he is reluctant to even change position, the fire warm enough that his eyes feel heavier than they otherwise might. The tale he's picked up is engrossing enough - a young midlander convincing her Ishgardian beau to forsake his knightly vows for her arms (and if he rereads the passages detailing just how soft and pert the heroine's breasts are, that's between him and the fireplace) - that he pays no mind to the door when it swings open.
"Oh, how domestic," drawls an unfortunately familiar voice.
Gisfrid stands flanked by two women, nose freshly broken, looking just as smug as he ever has done. To his left, a woman he thinks he recognises but remembers not at all. To his right, Orella, looking as displeased as he's sure he feels.
Silence grows thick and heavy around all four of them until he snaps his book shut decisively. Gisfrid's brows rise almost high enough to meet his hairline when he sees the title.
"Bit racy for you," he says, and his words are swallowed up by the blanket of noiselessness. They all trade glances, all expecting an explanation, no one saying a single word to break it.
... Which means it falls to Ingvald to open the discussion. He sighs, keeps his eyes on Orella. She looks like she might develop a headache before the day is over.
She can't fully hide a little grin, at least. "I was waiting for you to kick off," she admits. "Tell me Ashelia isn't in."
She's not, and he says as much. Orella's shoulders relax, the tension visibly draining from her. Not for the first time, Ingvald wishes she could take some time for herself for once.
"Here," says Gisfrid. "That book-"
"Is it any of your business?" Ingvald snaps before he can carry on. He's as surprised as everyone else to find his tone as sharp as any blade, and forces himself to breath deeply, hold it for four, five seconds.
"... Let's go to our room," Orella suggests. It might be the most sensible thing she's ever said.
Their shared room is plain enough that no eyebrows are raised at the impropriety of the two of them sharing a single bed. It's a relief for, Ingvald suspects, both of them - he doesn't want to know how loud Gisfrid would become upon learning about their still-tentative relationship. It seems almost a stroke of luck that she'd forgone the simple copper band she's been wearing since the liberation before setting out.
At length, an explanation makes itself known to him. He sighs at every appropriate point, glares at their guests when he thinks it necessary, and suggests that they meet by the Brimming Heart when the moon's at its highest. Gisfrid shoots him an inquisitive look.
"You don't want us around?"
"Not really," Ingvald says, surprisingly mild for the way he feels. "I want to gather my things in peace before I have to spend weeks by your side again. Get out and we'll meet you later."
Milleuda is the one who shrugs and tells him to suit himself. Gisfrid does not look happy about the arrangement, but follows her anyway, clearly beholden to her rules, and Ingvald sighs deeply as the door clicks shut behind them.
"They're going to steal anything not nailed down, aren't they," he groans, and Orella snorts, amused.
"You don't have to come," she says, and looks weary when she looks at her. The circles under her eyes seem more pronounced than ever; he feels guilty, then, for not suggesting that they rest here tonight and meet them in the morning.
Whatever's going through her head clearly has her wanting to apologise for something or other, too, and he's having none of it. Before she can protest or chew him out or do aught else he crosses the three steps to her, takes her shoulders, and kisses her as firm as he thinks he can get away with: surprised, sh elets him.
"What-" she manages when he parts from her. Ingvald shrugs.
"I won't be able to when we're with them," he says easily, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "I presume you want them knowing just as much as I do."
Irritation writes itself plainly across Orella's face as she contemplates that very real possibility. He allows it for one moment, two, before bending to kiss her again. This time she meets him, slides one hand into his shaggy hair. It's nice, until she's had enough, and she tugs him back easily.
"You don't have to," she says, and Ingvald doesn't know if she means this, or the search for Folles. "Ingvald-"
"Orella," he interrupts, "For once, be quiet."
If he knows her she has absolutely no intention of doing so. Rather than suffer through her complaints, he plants his hands beneath the slight curve of her ass and lifts; it's worth the strain in his arms for the little stoke to his pride that he can, and that flares into something more heady when Orella grabs tightly at his jacket. She's not heavy, but he could drop her easily, something they're both aware of.
"You thought I wouldn't leave with you?" he asks against her throat, and kisses the skin there. "You thought I'd let you go off with that shite and have nothing at all to do with it?"
She squirms in his arms, trying to steady herself. "No," she says simply. "Don't want to be dragging you into my dirty work all the time."
As if of their own accord, her legs wrap around his waist for extra balance. Ingvald takes one step, then another, and another, kissing her skin with every step he takes, before his knees bump against the edge of their mattress, and he dumps her unceremoniously. He follows her down, catches sight of the amusement in her eyes before he kisses her again.
"Alright," she murmurs when he pulls back, "What's all this about?"
Instead of answering her, he tugs at the laces holding her shirt closed, baring the skin beneath. As usual she's forgone any sort of brassiere, having always considered them a waste of time. He bends his head to take one dusky nipple between his teeth and worries it; when he pulls back it's ringed with toothmarks and perky.
"You aren't the only one who regrets things," he reminds her, and doesn't miss the way a frown begins to form between her brows. "He and I were the same. I'm making up for it."
"... You and Gisfrid?" Orella asks, lost, and hisses when he bites her other nipple harder.
"I," Ingvald mumbles, hands already working as his own laces. He's hard in his trous. "Would appreciate you not talking about him in bed."
He puncuates the remark with another sharp nip and sits up straight to glower down at her. Her eyes have gone dark, and they narrow when she sees him work himself roughly. "Folles," he clarifies, and feels a muscle in his jaw tense. His cock jumps in his hand, too. "Take these off," he says, hooking two fingers into her waistband when she opens her mouth to say something.
She swallows, wriggles beneath him to wrestle with the fabric.
"I have to make up for being like him for as long as I was," he continues, watching her. Her hands still at her smalls.
"pyr Bloodhound," he reminds her. "That's what they called me - or did you forget? I didn't get that by being nice."
It's taking her too long to undress. He hooks his own fingers into her smalls and tugs them down so sharply something in the fabric snaps loudly. She gives him an annoyed look but lifts her legs for him to pull them down further, and he finds he doesn't want to waste time undressing. With one arm he pulls her legs over one shoulder, holding them together at the knee where her clothes are gathered. When he catches her eye he stops, just for a moment, until she nods, just barely. Good.
"You're better than them," she says softly - more softly than he's used to from her, and rather than argue the point he pushes his cock between her thighs, gritting his teeth at the feel of her.  He does it again, and then grips himself, angles himself down as he pushes his hips forward, when when his cockhead slides between her folds and catches upon the hole of her cunt he growls, deep in his throat.
"Am I?" he manages, thinking of the past as he sinks into her in one movement. Orella sucks in a deep breath and screws her face up; for a moment he thinks maybe she needed more than what little he gave her, but when he pulls out his shaft glistens. "Could've been quo. Could've been rem. Could've made sas - would I be better, then?"
Instead of answering she grits her teeth. With every point he makes he fucks into her a little harder, a little sharper. With both legs held tight in place and her shirt undone, she looks like any other woman might've had he but dared ask during his time as pyr.
The thought shocks him: not once during their shared service did he ever indulge, though his authority would have afforded him the opportunity had he but asked to. None would have questioned him or looked down on him; he would not have been the first to take advantage of his position, nor would have been the last. Looking down upon her he knows Orella did not abstain as he had done - nor should she have, for pleasure was few and far between for both of them, and for her more than he.
"I did it for you," he growls, low and quiet as he sinks deeper than before into her, and she cries out, the first true noise she's made so far. "Agreed to fight for them for you. What does that make me? A coward- can't even choose for myself-"
"Ingvald," she gasps, and goes tight around him.
"I'm no better than any of them," he growls again, feeling a bead of sweat work its way down between his shoulderblades. Pulling out feels like a sin, but he cannot stop himself; his every movement is jerky and sharp. "Worse than plenty. Shit-"
He grits his teeth, holds her legs so tightly it must pain her for the way her knees are held together, and seats himself fully within her as he comes, breathing as though he's just run a malm.
Orella's hand cups his cheek. He leans into it blind; he can feel the hot prickle of tears begin to gather in his eyes and he closes them, willing them to stay put.
"I did too," she says quietly. He grunts to let her know he's heard and keeps his eyes closed, feeling the first start the slow path down his cheek. Her thumb wipes it away, and the next. "I swore the same. To serve in their name would be to save you."
He swallows heavily, and another tear slips out. Orella wipes that away, too, and runs the pads of her fingers over the stubble he wants to shave before they set out. All he can think of is how calloused her hands are. In another life she would maybe have enjoyed softer hands, softer clothes, softer words. She'd have hated every second of it.
"If I'd said no-" he chokes out, and finds himself pulled gently down, guided to rest against her bare skin, breasts a pillow for him to hide within. Here he can lift a hand to wipe at his eyes as subtley as he can; she ignores the movement. He loves her for that alone.
"We'd have been made to serve no matter what we'd said," she murmurs, and brushes chapped lips against his temple. She shifts under him, and he swallows: she's still hot and wet around him, and he cannot imagine she has found release yet. That fills him with as much shame as his past failings. "You know that as well as I do, and if you'd said no, I'd have been alone." She kisses the top of his head, and he feels her shift again, this time to hold him tight. "And I don't know about you, but I wouldn't have made twenty years by myself."
No, you wouldn't have, he does not say, because they both know she's right. Instead he turns his face up to meet her for a kiss, softer than any they've shared this evening, and chooses instead to reach between them to where her flesh is wet and swollen, and makes apologies with his fingertips.
Neither Gisfrid nor Milleuda look any different to how they did hours before; they are devoid of anything other than the weapons at their side. Clearly they've spent the day wasting time instead of putting a pack together.
"I presume you have a plan?" Gisfrid drawls as they approach. "Or is this to be a wild bhoot-chase?"
Ingvald and Orella share a long-suffering glance. It is going to be a long, long journey. As one, they shrug.
"Actually," he says, "We do."
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tellytantra · 4 years
After a tiring day at work Rishabh came home late at night with a bad headache. He hated going for field visits. Especially during summers but it was important for him to go and inspect the area for his new project. Even a drive back home with his car’s air conditioner on full speed didn’t make him feel any better.  Rubbing his forehead as he walked in his room. He removed his jacket and tie, undid the buttons of his shirt and lay in the bed with his hand over his head. And that is how Prerna found him when she walked in their room after a shower. She froze in her spot as she saw a glimpse of her husband’s well toned abs. Her eyes were fixed on them, she felt a shiver run in her body when she noticed that Rishabh’s abs looked more enhanced whenever he sucked a breath in and felt her own breathing become shallow.  Prerna was so busy ogling her husband’s abs that she failed to notice that he was staring back at her. Rishabh had become aware of her presence when he heard the bathroom door click. He wanted to get up and greet his wife but he felt too comfortable to get up. He was waiting for her to come to bed so that he could wrap his arms around her and rest in her lap, maybe that solace could give him some relief from the headache. But when she never came he removed his hand to check on her.  One look at his wife and Rishabh forgot about his headache. Prerna stood at the threshold of their bathroom in a lacy black night dress, which barely came up to her mid-tight. Seems like she had made plans for tonight. He got out of bed and walked to her without taking his eyes off her. It was only then that Prerna came back to her senses, she blushed as her husband came near her and tried to get hold of her robe to put it on. As she walked to the couch to pick her robe, Rishabh came and blocked her way. She tried to move from the other side but he kept blocking her way.  He could see her blush harder as he stood in front of her. Finally, she looked in his eyes and he could feel himself getting lost in those black orbs while Prerna got enchanted by his mesmerizing eyes. Taking the advantage of his wife’s trance Rishabh started taking steps in her direction and obviously; like she always did, Prerna tried to move back. This was their game, every time Rishabh would come close to her, Prerna would try to run. Prerna felt her back hit the wall and knew that she had lost again. Rishabh smirked at her before placing his arms on the either side of her head and trapping her completely.  He broke their eye contact and slowly started to admire the beauty that stood in front of him from head to toe. He could feel his body come alive with desire by just one glance at his wife. The dress fit perfectly at every curve of her body, hugging it on the right spots. His eyes went back to her face and he studied it carefully, her face was bare except for the lip gloss that made her lips look more plump. He couldn’t resist himself any longer, dipping his head he placed a quick peck on her lips. Strawberry, he mentally smiled, she was full prepared for the night. Rishabh heard her groan in frustration for not giving her a proper kiss, he cupped her face with one hand and caressed her cheek. He dipped his head once again and Prerna parted her lips in anticipation of a kiss but Rishabh nuzzled in her hair. They were slightly  damp, he let his fingers slide in and slowly moved them behind. He placed a soft kiss right next to the flimsy strap of her dress and trailed his way up till her ear. Rishabh bit her earlobe gently making her moan in pleasure. He nuzzled in her hair once more and inhaled her fruity fragrance.  ‘What’s so special tonight Mrs Bajaj?’  He asked and with great difficulty Prerna found her voice to answer his question. ‘You are special.’  Her response made Rishabh’s heart swell with pride of being special to his wife but it he was slightly confused. He moved his face back and looked in her eyes.  ‘Well, I certainly feel honoured. But aaj apne pati pe itna pyaar kyun?’  Prerna could see the mirth in his eyes and knew that he was just trying to play coy with her. But two can play the game. She straightened herself against the wall and tugged at his shirt’s collar making him come closer to her. She blinked her eyes at him cutely ‘Kyun? Mujhe mere husband ko special feel karvane ke liye reason chahiye?’  Rishabh bit his lip trying to stop his smile and shook his head negatively. Prerna glanced at the clock on the bedside table it was past midnight, she smiled and circled her arms around his neck before she continued  ‘But just for your information aaj mere husband ka birthday hai. So I thought ki main unhe, unke special day pe unhe aur special feel karvaun.’  Prerna captured his lips in a kiss, a quick one just like Rishabh had given her a few minutes ago and teased her. She winked at him as she gave him a dose of his own medicine. Her antics made Rishabh laugh in his head. He placed his arms on her waist and pulled her closer to his body.  ‘If that’s the reason toh mujhe aapko thank you bolna chahiye for planning to make it a special night. And since it is my birthday, I guess I should be the one getting the advantage of deciding what special we can do tonight..’  Rishabh spoke in a deep and husky voice which sounded more like a command than a statement. And before Prerna knew he had gone back to the bed and sat with his back against the headboard and his arms locked behind his head. The smirk on his face was a sign of danger and Prerna knew that she was about to be in deep trouble tonight. He motioned her to come to him and in a trance Prerna started walking towards their bed.  Rishabh roamed his eyes on her entire body and looked as his sex-goddess walked to him. He felt himself getting hard as he noted her hips swaying to an unheard beat. As soon as Prerna reached near the bed, Rishabh grabbed her arm and pinned her to the bed. He started kissing her hungrily, he was tempted to rip her dress off. He wanted to feel her, touch her everywhere but he had other plays in his mind. His wife wanted this night to be special and he was about to make it a memorable one for them.  When they broke apart to gasp some air, Rishabh made Prerna stand on her feet again. He removed his hands from her body and could see the frustration on her face once again. Patience sweetheart, you have no idea how much fun we are going to have tonight; Rishabh thought to himself. Prerna glared at her husband, this was the second time tonight when he had stopped giving her the pleasure that she desired and he still smirked at her. She knew that he had some devious plans running in his mind but was he up to? She was about to voice her thoughts but her husband beat her to that, he gave her another command that made her eyes widen in shock. ‘Undress for me..’  Three words, Rishabh had spoken just three words which made her feel the entire blood from her body drain to the south and the air in her lungs evaporate. She was bold enough to wear this dress for him, but was she bold enough to do this? Prerna thought in her head. She looked at Rishabh and hoped that he was joking but he looked really serious. He wanted her to do this, but it was too intimidating for her. ‘The longer you take, the longer you have to wait sweetheart..’  Rishabh said in a calm tone, but from inside he felt anything but calm. He wanted his wife out of that dress and in his arms as soon as possible. He decided that if she didn’t start the task in another minute he would do it himself.  Prerna was unsure if she could act so boldly but one look in his eyes and she felt the confidence build up. She loved this man, from her heart and soul; and she had no reason to shy from her own husband. Taking a deep breath Prerna slowly lifted her hand and clasped the thin strap of her dress, she bit her lip and locked her eyes with Rishabh as she started sliding it off her shoulders. She could see his orbs dilute as desire clouded them and the smirk on his face grew wider.  She felt her own body on fire as she slid the other strap off her shoulder. She knew that her husband had decided to play this game to tease her, but he was about to suffer along with her. Once the straps hung loose around her shoulders she turned her back to him and started to unzip the dress in a painfully slow motion. She heard him groan as she took her own sweet time to unzip her dress. Prerna turned to him once again and looked in his eyes as she pushed her dress and let it pool around her feet. To Rishabh's utter shock she had gone commando.   Rishabh raised his eyebrow at her as an appreciation of her act making her smile at him. And he also noticed how she was already turned on because of it. Her pert nipples were already hard and her breathing was shallow. Without wasting another second her grabbed her by her hand and lay her on the bed once again.  He kissed her wildly and let his hands roam around her body on their own accord. Already feeling bold after her task, she wanted to feel him. She wanted to see if he was as affected by it as she was. Not giving it a second thought Prerna trailed her hands from his abs and placed it on his hardness. She could swear that he groaned, as she ran her fingers over him.  His wife’s bold moves were making it difficult for Rishabh to take things slow. He wanted to tease her and make her enjoy every minute of this night but if she continued to play such moves things might end up sooner than he thought. He broke the kiss and grabbed her hand, he locked both her arms above her head with his one hand and started placing open mouth kisses on her bare body.  Prerna arched her body when she felt his lips suck on her nipple. Rishabh twirled his tongue around her already hard nipple making it harder and bit it slightly making her jerk both in pain and pleasure, he sucked on it immediately trying to sooth her pain. He moved his free hand to the other nipple and rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. He kept switching between her nipples and she kept jerking beneath him, all the while Prerna kept struggling to free her arms from his hold but he didn’t let her do that as well.  ‘Rishabh..’  She called him out and he smiled as he sensed her frustration. He loved to see her wriggle in need of more. He loved the fact that she was always so hungry for him. He moved his mouth in the space between her breasts and moved upwards. He bit her on her collarbone, marking her as his before he sealed her lips in a kiss and trailed his fingers from her navel till her core. Both of them moaned in pleasure at the contact. Rishabh inserted one finger inside her and waited for a few seconds before he gently started stroking her.  He broke the kiss and moved his lips to her breasts once again and kissed her soft bosoms while he added another finger inside her and increased his speed. He kept torturing her with his mouth and his fingers, making her go insane in need and just when she was about to find her release he completely let go off her. Prerna opened her eyes and shot daggers at him.  ‘What the hell?’ She yelled at him but that only made him laugh, Rishabh kissed her nose before he replied ‘If you haven’t noticed my dear wife, I still have all my clothes on..’  Prerna gave him a cheeky smile as Rishabh got off the bed and got rid of his clothes quickly, she drooled his body once again. She lifted her hand to touch him but Rishabh was quick in grabbing her hands and locking them over her head once again. He came on top of her and with one swift move he entered her. The last few minutes were as much as a torture for him as it had been for Prerna and now he wanted to be buried deep inside her. Prerna felt herself getting closer to her release as he moved inside her hard and fast, but just as she was about to let go of herself Rishabh slowed his phase. She growled in annoyance.  ‘Not so soon baby..’  Rishabh grinned at her and resumed his teasing by kissing her hungrily all over her body. He kept moving faster and reduced his phase just when she was near. He wanted them to reach their heights together. It was only when he felt that his own release was not too far that he started moving harder and faster inside her. He captured his lips in a kiss as they both reached their climax.  Once they broke for the kiss due to need of oxygen: Rishabh lay next to her and pulled the covers over them before closing his eyes. Prerna shifted closer to him and rested her head on his chest.  ‘Happy Birthday Rishabh..’  She whispered in his chest and placed a soft kiss on his heart. Rishabh kissed the top of her hair and thanked her for a wonderful birthday gift before they both drifted into a deep slumber peacefully in each other's arms.  Niyati_T
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