#Blind TVN
hannigramislife · 2 years
If I see one more goddamn post putting Vincenzo on the same tier as Strangers from Hell, Mouse, Flower of Evil, The Devil Judge, Beyond Evil, Save Me etc-
I'm gonna commit murder 😃🔪
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scestional · 3 months
being in the blind fandom is not for the weak there's literally no active stan <//3 where my yoonjae defenders at
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waitingforminjae · 2 years
diversity win! the guys on a revenge murder spree are gay!
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mare-sanguis · 2 years
why is no one talking about the self harm scene in the lastest episode? i know there are a lot more interesting scenes/moments and its also difficult to digest but i personally think it shows how fucked up and disturbed sunghoon is. and i really dont think it's just a random scene to makes us feel sorry for him- i genuinely feel like its important for later moments, even just a little bit
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vynnievicvic · 2 years
What is it with Taecyeon and playing characters that have complicated and messed up relationships with his brothers
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trivialcve · 2 years
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What on earth happened at the Hope Welfare Center? I need to know to find the culprit.
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tenderlywicked · 2 years
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A question for those who are well-versed in kdramas :) I find myself interested in unfeeling/emotionless (or seemingly cold) characters like Kang Sung Mo from He Is Psychometric or Ryu Sung Hoon from Blind. I suppose Kang Yohan from The Devil Judge and Han Joo Won from Beyond Evil might also fall into this category. Are there more characters like this? There must be, I feel there’s a pattern :)
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bl3ssed-cursxd · 7 months
Did You Ever See Me As Your Brother?
Blind TVN, Blind 2022, Blind Kdrama, Oneshot
Ryu Sung Joon & Ryu Sung Hoon
notes: posted on ao3 as well. this show literally destroyed me anyways here's the oneshot i claimed id post like uh 6+ months ago ?? idek anymore. they may be slightly OOC but oh well 🤡
Word count: 711
"Father, you are under arrest for attempted murder," Ryu Sung Joon said as he put the handcuffs on his own father. "You have the right to remain silent, you have a right to an attorney..."
Rain poured upon the three, including Ryu Sung Hoon who was still on the ground. After making sure his father was cuffed properly, Sung Joon got up and went over to his brother. He felt so betrayed and furious—Sung Hoon was working with Yoon Jae the entire time?
"Are you happy now?" Sung Joon scoffed. "It turned out the way you wanted to."
Silence. Spare for the rain hitting the ground. It was too loud.
Sung Joon balled his fists, hands trembling.
"Are you happy now?!" he shouted, hating the silence. For once, his brother had nothing to say. Well, how could one possibly excuse lying to him for so many years?
In a fit of rage, he went and pulled Sung Hoon up by the front of his shirt. He braced himself for the one final question he had.
The question he was scared to ask. Or rather, the answer he was terrified to hear.
"Did you-" Sung Joon took deep breaths, the adrenaline of forcing the gun out of his father's hands from earlier wearing off. "Ever, just once ," his voice took on a pleading tone, "think of me as your brother?"
Sung Hoon finally snapped. "What do you take me for?"
"ANSWER ME!" Sung Joon shook him. Perhaps he was being selfish, there were more pressing matters to get to, like taking his father and brother to the station, but he had to know.
Did Sung Hoon really hate him? Has he ever truly cared about him?
"You thought I didn't because Yoon Jae told you, don't you?" Sung Hoon asked simply. Sung Joon wanted to pull out his hair in frustration.
"You came from Hope Welfare Center."
"Scary men there would hurt you."
"Don't tell our parents or they'll send you back there."
The necklace.
"I gave you that necklace because I think of you as my real brother."
"You're still pathetic, though," with a hint of a smile.
"You said you gave that necklace to me because you considered me as your real brother!" Sung Joon screamed, voice breaking. He pushed Sung Hoon away and made him fall right back on the ground. "Why did you lie? Why did you make me get my hopes up?"
"Ryu Sung Joon!" Sung Hoon shouted, wincing and bringing a hand to the wound on his side. "Stop speaking nonsense, I didn't lie. Why are you being like this?"
"If you meant it, why did you lie and make me believe I was adopted? That I was Yoon Jae?" Sung Joon couldn't help it, his eyes watered. The tears threatened to spill. He shook his head vigorously. No need to make himself look more pathetic.
He was already practically begging his brother to love him—like a child.
"I… I projected my… experiences onto you," Sung Hoon admitted. "I’m… You didn't deserve that. I understand if you never forgive me. I’m… I’m sorry,” he swallowed.
Sung Joon stared at him, feeling hyper aware of the sounds of the ocean waves behind them. The sounds of the waves, almost calming if it weren't for the situation at hand. The pitter patter of the rain, how his clothes stuck to his body. He felt sick. Sick to his stomach.
His brother disgusted him, but at the same time, he apologized. Sung Hoon never apologized. Granted, perfect Ryu Sung Hoon never had a reason to. Their parents adored him, Sung Hoon was never the one recklessly getting into fights and trouble.
Why would he have apologized before?
“You… you tricked me,” Sung Joon whispered, voice breaking. “Why did you have to lie?”
“How much do you… recall? Those memories… Yoon Jae w-” Sung Hoon began, but the second Yoon Jae’s name came out of his mouth, Sung Joon snapped.
"It's always Yoon Jae!" Sung Joon let out an unamused huff of laughter. "Yoon Jae this, Yoon Jae that! Has it always been about Yoon Jae? Your real brother?”
"At some point in time," Sung Hoon exhaled, pushing himself off the ground. “It stopped being about Yoon Jae.”
might make pt 2?? but last time i said that it never happened so honestly imma just say Inshallaah 🤠
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pointparadox · 2 years
My Issues With Blind (In No Particular Order)
Now I am not above admitting I was wrong so if these questions are answered in the drama and I just missed it then please do tell but so far here are all my qualms: 
1. How did Yoon-Jae and Sung-Hoon actually get Sung-Joon to believe he was Yoon-Jae? 
I understand the whole story about Yoon-Jae pushing Sung-Joon off of the playground set and everything, but `1) amnesia would definitely not happen from such a minor fall like that, especially when he did not fall headfirst and 2) How did they get Sung-Joon to remember the fact that he is Yoon-Jae from the Hope Center but not the fact that the information is coming from Sung-Joon? It just seemed like tacky plot armor. I literally rolled my eyes when Sung-Joon conveniently remembered that after Yoon-Jae pushed him down a flight of stairs (another thing that would not cause someone to regain memory). I know Yoon-Jae made some off-hand comment about “the shock therapy working” but there is no way in hell that LITTLE BOY got his hands on a torture device. 
2. Why did the parents adopt Sung-Hoon? 
I don’t understand what part of the story explained the reasoning for this. Sung-Hoon delivers the personal account of the atrocities of the Hope Center, Judge Ryu ignores them, and then somehow time skips to the judge adopting him? Like it would be one thing if they adopted him out of shame for what happened at the center but it seemed like he didn't care when he dismissed Sung-Hoon’s petition so what really changed? 
3. Why did Sung-Hoon admit he was an accomplice -- better yet, how did he even get sentenced? 
This one irks me the most because, unlike Yoon-Jae, all of the evidence against Sung-Hoon was circumstantial. Yes, Sung-Hoon saw him leave the wedding banquet but the cameras did not--even if Yoon-Jae testified against him there was not a single time in which it was implied that there was anything that connected him so why the hell did he confess? It makes me feel like there must have been some scenes that I was missing because one second he is fighting with Sung-Joon out in the rain and the other he is in jail; I don’t think we even saw anyone read him his rights. 
4. How were the police so inefficient? 
Now I understand that they were working under a corrupt chief but it is not like anyone listened to that dude--they were essentially working on their own. How does the police not have software that can show them what Yoon-Jae would realistically look like 20 years later--I know it’s a thing that exists also faces do not really change *that* much so upon seeing Yoon-Jae and Sung-Hoon the police chief and Crazy Dog should have realized it was them way sooner. 
5. What is the point of making Yoon-Jae and Crazy Dog fight to the death? 
I guess there's no technical issue with this It just seemed like such a big fuck you to victims of abuse that might have resonated with the character kind of. Like did he really have to lose his life just to avenge the other children? I am in no way saying Yoon-Jae is a saint (though I firmly believe he is also not a psychopath) but c'mon why couldn’t he get this one win against someone who was a lot worse than him
6. What is the random switch-up between Sung-Hoon, Sung-Joon, and Yoon-Jae? 
I saved my biggest issue for last but I feel like these characters all acted in such a contradictory way to how they have been written since the beginning of the drama. To start with Sung-Hoon; I think his switching up on Sung-Joon out of nowhere in the last few episodes and completely dropping the facade is so tacky. It’s not like Sung-Hoon was ever an emotional character, to begin with so I feel like they didn’t have to try and make him comically evil with the whole “Ooo guess what I'm going to do next Sung-Joon ooo I never liked you I just wanted to use you Sung-Joon oooo I don’t care about you at all Yoon-Jae” bullshit. I find it hard to believe he didn’t care about Yoon-Jae at all, and while I think it’s fair for him to say that maybe he never thought of Sung-Joon as a brother (since it’s probably hard to think of the man who raped your sister and his wife as parents) I don’t think it’s fair to say that he never cared about Sung-Joon. I wish they dug into that concept of Sung-Hoon maybe not feeling any brotherly connection to Sung-Joon but still looking out for him because he feels bad for him. We know Sung-Hoon can feel emotions towards people: he felt genuine hurt and rage when Yu-Na was killed so I find it hard to believe that he didn’t have any sort of connection to Sung-Joon (especially when he also told Yoon-Jae to spare Eun-Ki and made sure her only punishment would be finding out about who her father really was) since he is essentially the same as Eun-Ki in the sense of being born to people who did bad things. 
On the topic of brotherly connection, I also find it unrealistic that Sung-Joon can switch to hating his brother so quickly. I don’t expect him to condone Sung-Hoon’s action’s in any way, but the scene where Sung-Hoon tried to take his life and then Sung-Joon came and called him a coward and said that he hoped he would live in pain for the rest of his life or whatever was so random? I was expecting an emotional outburst, yes, but I feel like something that would be more in character for him would be the continuation of the whole “How could you do this to me when I did all this for you” thing they have going on (which is how the interaction did start but alas). I just thought it was weird. 
Finally, for Yoon-Jae, why did they make him so comically evil after the reveal? Every interrogation scene made me roll my eyes because they just made him act like the Joker in all of them and it was just so overdone. Sung-Joon calling him a “psycho who is obsessed with murder” was annoying too because it’s like--you’re missing the whole point he’s not doing this cause he enjoys killing people he’s doing this cause he was backed into a corner by his abusers. It’s one thing to not condone his actions but to completely ignore what got him to that point just seemed foolish (which is also what I have to say about Eun-Ki). 
I personally think that the show should have gone more into the brotherly relationship between Yoon-Jae and Sung-Hoon because it’s like yeah we see that Yoon-Jae feels betrayed by Sung-Hoon but why should he be? They did no development on that and honestly hindsight 20/20 the whole “Sung-Joon on the run” arc should have been a lot shorter to allow more time to develop this relationship. 
7. Why is everyone except Sung-Hoon allowed to be corrupt?
The whole basis of this show is how corrupt bad people can be (the police chief, the guy trying to bribe Sung-Hoon in episode 1, the producer, the taxi driver, Crazy Dog) so I don’t see why Sung-Hoon, Yoon-Jae, and Charles couldn’t have gotten off under the same basis of corruption. Like you cannot tell me this man is gonna work his ass off and become a judge, orchestrate a whole string of murders with literally nothing technically connecting him to them, and then go to jail because of his OWN CONFESSION when he could have just used his status as a well-known judge (and one that refuses to do anything that isn't by the books) to just deny (hell, he wouldn't even look guilty so he doesn't even need to do that) and then stack the jury so Yoon-Jae could get a not guilty charge. Call it tacky, but them doing that would make so much more sense than them just putting their hands in the air and going to jail/committing suicide. 
That’s all I got for now but if I think of anything I guess I’ll add it. The ending of this show just seems so drab and dull; I don’t really understand what the theme or point is supposed to be. Sung-Joon’s monologue about “oh if they had someone like Eun-Ki things would have probably been different...what a shame :/” like no shit sherlock if Eun-Ki was there they probably also wouldn’t be used for slave labor like...it was just so random. The acting was great, but the writing and plotting just took a nosedive I am afraid. 
Also. the bury your gays (or idk homosexual leaning) thing that happened with Charles and Yoon-Jae was so tacky I’m sorry. 
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unreliablesnake · 1 year
*finishes Vincenzo*
*begins Blind*
Me at the end of ep. 1:
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juliemolinaz · 2 years
I haven't watched the last 3 episodes but I've spoiled myself and I'm really confused as to why people are super upset that Sung Hoon and Yoon Jae were sentenced to jail. They are 100% victims and were failed by the system and so many adults. Them wanting to get back at the people who abused and neglected them makes so much sense and if they had gone only after those people, I'd also be annoyed and angry if they went to jail. However, innocent women who had nothing to do with the Hope Welfare Center aside from being born to parents who were involved with the center, were violently murdered. Yu Na, who had nothing to do with the situation aside from knowing Eun Ki, was violently murdered. Those acts of violent murder deserve consequences. Now, I don't agree with the life sentence, but it's just so weird to me that people are so willing to ignore the violent, brutal deaths of 4 women.
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hannigramislife · 2 years
"I no longer had to worry about having a murderer for a brother"
Ryu Sung Hoon, since day one, has had nothing but the audacity
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waitingforminjae · 2 years
Ok Taecyeon and Park Ji Bin in Episode 14 of Blind (2022)
First Interrogation Scene
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mare-sanguis · 2 years
i'm so so so fucking mad at how the show ended. ah yes, all the abused either died or went through more pain. the ones involved in HWC didn't get anything except caught by the police. the abused got life sentence not the abusers, not the pedophiles and rapists, not the enablers.
sunghoon and yoonjae deserved better. victims deserve better. love how the show sent an "amazing" sign again that victims of abuse who go off the rails don't deserve help
i'm so angry i can't even put it into words, don't even want to.
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vynnievicvic · 2 years
Viewers before ep 5 & 6: i will not be surprised or disappointed if Ryu Sung-hoon is the killer
Viewers after ep 5 & 6: istg if this guy turns out to be the killer i’ll wrangle him myself
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existingingrey · 2 years
BLIND Director and Writer watching "He is psychometric" together.
Director: This is it . This is brilliant and this is tragic .This is the ending I want.
Writer: Okay, Ctrl+C Ctrl+V. But won't people notice if we copy it.
Director:Then make it more tragic. I love tragic.
Writer: How?
Director:Just change the prison sentence and make big brother say he doesn't love his little brother. Then it will be a different level of tragic.
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