#Best Low Budget Flats / Apartments
seventhyash · 2 years
Best Low Budget Affordable Luxury Flats & Apartment In Gota, Ahmedabad - Seventh Yash
One of the most luxurious and budget friendly residential project in Gota, Ahmedabad.
Built while taking into consideration the practicality of an apartment building and adding a dash of style and luxury to it, while maintaining the price to be well within the budget of prospective buyers.
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tbplhomes · 2 months
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Thrissur Builders Pvt Ltd., proudly launched its 51st project TBPL LOIRE, a premium segment apartments in Thrissur. It is located in the picturesque area of Mannuthy. The commercial suburb of Thrissur which is just 4 km away from the city. TBPL LOIRE is envisaged as a B+G+14 storey with a utility based design, elegantly crafted residential building and shall have 60 flats in which 33 are 2 BHK flats ranging from 917.96 sq.ft to 977.05 sq.ft. and 27 are 3 BHK flats from 1264.03 sq.ft. to 1850.01 Sq.ft. TBPL LOIRE comes up in 38.32 cents of land, surrounded by good residential and commercial areas. Book your home now in TBPL Loire. Read more….
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wastelandmoony · 6 months
Déjà Vécu: Personality Crisis
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Chapter Thirty-Two : Personality Crisis
Summary: The gang joins the Order
Characters: Remus Lupin/Reader, Sirius Black/Reader (no use of y/n), James Potter, Petter Pettigrew, Regulus Black, Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald, Lily Evans
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI
Déjà Vécu Masterlist
Companion Playlist
Read on AO3
July 17th, 1978
Apartment hunting was an impossible task, add in an overly-zealous muggle enthusiast (self proclaimed), and a hungry werewolf two days away from the full moon, and she was about ready to toss herself in front of the next bus. Peter had declined their offer to join in their post-school living situation; he’d apparently already found a flat near the ministry after securing a job in the Department of Magical Transportation. Though for practical reasons she understood the decision, she still couldn’t help feeling like he was purposefully distancing himself. The thought didn’t sit right with her. 
After their third apartment tour of the day, Remus was beside himself. “If I buy you a sausage roll, will you stop moping?” She growled, the tall boy slumping along behind her. A low grunt that sounded a lot like a stubborn “yes” rumbled from him. Sirius bounded ahead, ecstatic to be out-and-about in the city, but even more so to be looking at apartments in the muggle world. He’d been enamored with each place they’d seen so far, though she’d been less than thrilled with all of them. Two locations had been so expensive that her and Remus almost keeled over when they heard the price. Sirius, having no real concept of money, thought the price sounded phenomenal for a 2 bedroom apartment (2 being generous, as the 2nd “bedroom” was no bigger than a broom closet) with no heat and a horribly strange shower/kitchen hybrid. As they wandered up towards the last flat of the day, she prayed that it would be good enough, otherwise she’d end up killing one of her friends if they had to do any more of these visits together. 
The final flat was above a pharmacy in Hackney, the redbrick walkup being well within their price range, and it had enough room for the three of them to live comfortably without being on top of each other. The owners of the drugstore downstairs, an elderly couple in their early 70s, doubled as the landlords, giving her an overwhelming sense of home the moment they met. By the time they were done looking around, Sirius was jumping out of his skin.
“It’s perfect!”
“It’s noisy,” Remus deadpanned, glowering at a group of shouting kids across the street playing football. She knew he was just being irritable because of the upcoming moon, so she tried to muster all of her dwindling patience left, and refrain from smacking her best friend in the back of the head.
“It’s the best we’ve seen, and I don’t think we’ll find much better on our budget,” she looked at Remus, eyebrows raised in challenge. He held her stare, the two of them in a silent standoff in the alleyway between buildings as Sirius began to wander towards the main street. Upon watching him disappear around the corner, Remus broke first.
“Fine, let’s do it then,” he said, striding off to wrangle their friend away from a local record store at the end of the block. She hadn’t missed the small spark in his eyes before he turned away, the one that gave away his moody demeanor as just a temporary shell. Smiling triumphantly, she dipped into the pharmacy to secure their new home.
August 1st, 1978
The Longbottom’s living room was small, but immaculately decorated. In all honesty, it wasn’t even that tiny, it just seemed like it due to the eleven people crammed inside. Remus and Sirius flanked her; James, Lily, and Peter filling out the line on either side as they stood before a stoic looking Dumbledore. Off to the side of the room, Effie and Monty beamed proudly, the former’s eyes holding a sense of apprehension that was never vocalized. She had clocked it the moment she saw James’ parents, recognizing it as the same anxiety she wrestled with daily.
The oath was read, the six of them repeating it back strongly, (Peter faltered once, leading to her having to pinch Sirius’ hand so he didn’t laugh out loud at their friend). As they recited the final line, Sirius laced their fingers, a silent promise to stick together no matter what. She reached out with her other hand and did the same to Remus. 
“Welcome to the Order of the Phoenix,” Dumbledore’s eyes sparkled, a small smile showing through his beard. Lily let out an audibly exhale, James hugging her closely and grinning ear to ear. 
“When’s our first assignment?” Sirius stepped forward, back straight as he let go of her hand. 
Dumbledore’s expression didn’t change, “You’ll be notified.”
“So we’re just supposed to what…sit around and wait to possibly be called up?” Sirius’ voice began to heat. 
She stepped to his side, untangling her fingers from Remus’, “Sirius, it’s alright. No one’s in any big hurry—“
“I am. I want to get out there, I want to fight,” his blue eyes were smoldering as they shot to her, the look freezing her to the spot. 
“Can we talk about this at home, please,” she whispered, gripping his arm tightly. 
Dumbledore inclined his head at them in dismissal, “I appreciate your eagerness Mr. Black—“
“Potter.” Sirius said sternly. She furrowed her brows as he stared ahead, Dumbledore never faltering in his expression. “I want to go by Potter now, not Black.”
She looked over a shoulder at Effie and Monty, both of whom did not seem to hear the conversation occurring on the other side of the room, too busy wrapped in a discussion with Lily about something. Their son on the other hand, had heard all of it, coming over to clap a supportive hand on Sirius’ shoulder. Though the Potter’s had never legally adopted him, they treated Sirius just like a second son, and he was a Potter in everything but name. 
“—alright, Mr. Potter,” Dumbledore’s eyes sparkled as he said it, “we will send a message when you are needed.” Sirius huffed, turning to stalk out to the front garden. Remus gave her a wary look as she followed him outside. 
Smoke curled around Sirius’ head when she found him on the walkway, taking the first drags of a cigarette. Wrapping both arms around his waist, she pressed her body against his back, laying her head between his shoulder blades. 
“Let’s go home,” she mumbled, feeling a hand wrap around her own. He didn’t speak, just lifted their conjoined hands to place a kiss against her palm. They stood in the garden in comfortable silence, the only sounds being the crickets and Sirius’ occasional exhales. 
“Why are you so desperate to get out there?” She whispered. He flicked the cigarette out into the street, the embers flying over the pavement in little orange fireworks. 
“I just…I need to do something. I can’t just sit here and wait while they’re out there killing people.”
His skin was warm through the soft cotton t-shirt as she pressed her cheek closer into his back. She knew why he was fighting so hard to get chosen for a mission, the truth had been there for as long as she’d known him. It was the same reason he had always acted out in school, the same reason he hung out with primarily muggleborns and outcasts, the same reason he wanted to go by Potter now: the one thing he craved most was to distance himself from his family. He needed to show to the world that he was not the heir to the Black Family legacy, and he was willing to do whatever was necessary to achieve it. 
“You don’t need to prove anything, y’know.”
Sirius exhaled a long sigh, turning to finally face her. “You don’t understand what it’s like…”
Swallowing the urge to yell that she was tired of people assuming she didn’t understand anything, she squeezed his biceps in a silent urge to continue opening up.
“…to have your family name precede you, and not for the right reasons. They’re monsters,” he gave her a lopsided smile, “and not the kind you’re into.” Her mouth dropped open in amusement, letting out a breathy laugh at his audacity. 
“Speaking of…” Sirius grinned over her shoulder, and she turned to see Remus joining them on the walkway. 
“Speaking of what?” He eyed them apprehensively, lighting a cigarette in the process. Sirius shrugged.
“Just talking about the creatures she seems to be hopelessly enamored with—ow!” She pinched him in the ribs. 
Remus smirked through a drag, holding out a hand to her, “Ready to go home?” 
She looked down the quiet street, the golden glow of the streetlights peppering the pavement, tiny fireflies humming above the bushes of neighboring houses. 
“Can we walk a little bit instead of apparating? It’s such a nice night…”
“Of course love,” Remus threw an arm over her shoulders, steering her in the direction of home. As soon as they left the Longbottom’s property, Sirius transformed into Padfoot, a move she knew wasn’t just for amusement. He was through dealing with his feelings for bit, a notion she didn’t blame him for. He trotted beside her, nuzzling his furry head into the back of her hand until she reached out and scratched him behind the ears. She continued to idly run fingers through his fur, a gesture to let him know that she was there, that it didn’t matter if he was a Black, or a Potter, or just Sirius; he was hers. 
September 29th, 1978
She was screaming. Lily was too as they clung to each other. Through the screeching came tears from both girls, leaving the four boys standing feet from them highly confused and uncomfortable.
“Should we…do something?” Sirius muttered to Remus nervously. 
“Nah, they’re just really excited. My sister acts like this any time Paul McCartney does something as simple as breathing,” Peter whispered. Beside them, James beamed, happy to know he hadn’t just broken one of his best friends, and his new fiancee. Lily flashed her the ring again, tears still rimming her green eyes. 
“Oh my god, I can’t believe it,” she grabbed her friends hand and examined the diamond, “Jamie who knew you had such good taste!” 
James gave her a rude gesture from across the room, making her smile wider. 
“Have you told Mary or Marls yet?” 
Lily shook her head, “No, I wanted to tell you first because I also have something to ask you…”
A weird sensation coursed through her heart, simultaneously breaking and swelling at the same time, knowing what was coming next.
“Will you be my maid of honor? You’re my closest friend, and also one of James’ and it would mean so much to—“
She cut her off with a bone crushing hug. Lily had lost a sister years ago, to no fault of her own,  having ceased all contact with Petunia during their time at Hogwarts. Being an only child, she’d always longed for a sister, finally finding that bond with Lily.
“Of course I will!” She finally let go, the red head giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. 
“Let’s go call Mary, she’s going to freak!” Lily squeaked, pulling her toward the kitchen to use the muggle phone she had installed for emergencies. 
“Oi!” James whined, throwing up his hands, “What about me? I’m getting married too, y’know.”
She pointed an accusatory finger, “I’m still mad at you for keeping this from me, Potter!” 
“In his defense, none of us knew,” Sirius shrugged.
“I knew,” Pete said matter-of-factly. Both her and Sirius’ jaws dropped, the sight of which was almost comical, the two of them launching into distraught shouts.
“You told Peter?!” 
“Wormtail knew and I didn’t?!”
James threw up his hands again in defense, “We all know he’s better at keeping secrets than you lot!”
Sirius shook his head in faux-offense, “That’s low, mate. I’m not sure if we can be friends after that.”
James slung an arm over his shoulders, “Can you at least suck it up as my brother then and be my best man?” Sirius beamed, the two boys immediately launching into a wresting match that eventually led to Remus getting involved while Peter sighed on the sidelines. 
She looked over at Lily, who was also staring at the boys like they were utterly insane.
“Animals…” she exhaled, joining her friend in the kitchen to begin spreading the good news.
December 1st, 1978
Sirius got his wish the first week of December, being sent on an introductory mission to trail after a suspected Death Eater in the hopes of discovering new members and possibly new sympathizer safe houses. Remus was slated to partner him, the two of them setting out midday Friday to Diagon Alley. They’d all known for over a week about the mission, but no amount of time could’ve prepared her for the acidic nausea that hit the moment Sirius opened the front door to leave. She hadn’t slept in days, running every possibility over and over again in her mind while staring at the ceiling of their bedroom. What if one of them was captured? What if they didn’t make it back? Too many things could go wrong, and Sirius didn’t seem to think anything of it.
“I’ll be back later tonight, relax love,” he pressed a kiss to the crease between her eyebrows, clocking her anxiety immediately. She could feel the electric excitement radiating from him; he was savoring this way too much for her liking. Remus, as usual, was stoic and unreadable, something she usually was able to see right through; this time she couldn’t. 
Sirius stepped out the front door and onto the stair landing, “Be good, love you.” He gave her a wry smile and winked. Cheeky fucker.
Remus kissed her head quickly as he walked past to leave. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid,” he murmured before joining his friend outside. The promise oddly made her feel slightly better, but only because it was coming from Remus. 
After they both apparated, she tried to busy herself to keep the worrisome thoughts at bay. Cleaning the kitchen was borderline torture, the little clock above the stove kept mocking her plight. Reading took her mind off the silence of the house for a bit, until the telephone rang and sent her practically flying out of the chair. 
“Hiya,” she breathed into the receiver, praying that her nerves didn’t sound through. There was only a handful of people who could be calling their muggle phone, but she was thoroughly thankful that it was one specific voice on the other end. 
“Alright?” Lily chimed.
She exhaled loudly, no longer worried about keeping her cool. “I’m going out of my mind.”
Lily laughed, “I figured as much. You should’ve seen me during James’ first mission, I think I managed to pick up twelve new hobbies that day just to keep busy.”
Dragging a shaky hand over her face, she groaned. A little over a beat later, Lily’s calm voice filtered down the line.
“They’ll be okay, y’know. Remus is smart and levelheaded, and Sirius is…well he’s not completely inept.”
She choked out a laugh, “Thank you, Lils.” 
“Anytime, love. Now, how d’you feel about discussing linen colors?”
After talking about different shades of green and cream for over an hour, she said goodbye to Lily. The sun had set and she decided to forgo dinner, not having much of the stomach for it right now anyway, settling to go to bed early instead. Taking the slowest and most detailed shower, she finally sunk into bed, staring at the ceiling and willing the nefarious thoughts to quiet down. Sleep didn’t come, instead replaced by fitful tossing and turning until she finally gave up the fight and got out of bed. Wrapping the large quilt around her body, she padded across the hall to Remus’ room, dragging the makeshift cape behind her. Their bedrooms were night and day: where Remus’ was immaculate and tidy, hers and Sirius’ shared one was chaotic and littered with half-finished cups of tea and piles of clothes. She grinned at the neatly lined books and trinkets on his dresser, the only thing slightly askew being a polaroid Remus had taken of the three of them shortly after moving into the flat. She stared at the little square, the sweaty faces of three best friends that had just lugged furniture up a flight of stairs in the dead of summer; the ear-to-ear smiles on all of their faces; the joy in the eyes of her two favorite men, knowing they had finally found a home they belonged in. 
She crawled onto Remus’ bed, burrowing herself beneath the blanket taken from her own. Nestled amongst the scents of her two favorite people, she drifted off to sleep.
The following morning, she awoke to a warm wall at her back and a soft, rhythmic breath blowing against her forehead. Cracking open an eye, Sirius’ peacefully sleeping face came into view, their hands intertwined on the pillow between. She could only assume it was Remus behind her, his heavy arm draped over her middle. 
They were here. They were safe.
Snuggling back into the cocoon of warmth, she closed her eyes, desperate to spend a few more hours in peaceful comfort, even if just for a little while.
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haldenlith · 1 month
The Road to Giving Ardwynn [a] Head (Pt 1)
So I've been learning Blender, and while the Donut Tutorial was a nice introduction, I learn better with something to hyperfixate on, and I do love my dumb boy, Ardwynn.
Which led to me to make the decision to jump into the deep end and model his head/bust, and learning how to do it all along the way. And not just in a stylized style, but aiming more for realism. My guiding star is the level we see in the Destiny 2 cutscenes. In fact, Forsaken Uldren is my reference for how to approach a lot of Ardwynn's Awoken features, since they (by accident) have similar features.
I figured I'd share this with you guys in segments. (The Discord I'm in gets the annoyance joy of realtime complaining.) A Tumblr Exclusive, if you will.
For the record, I have almost no idea what the fuck I'm doing. I know what UV Maps and Texture Maps are, and what Alpha Maps are, and that's.... about it.
I'm sure it'll be fine. This can't be too complicated, right? Right?
Narrator voice: It's extremely complicated. I highly recommend working your way up to this, not jumping to it like I have.
For the record, this is a lot of cobbling information from Youtube tutorials together. These ones are the ones I can remember that I've had some success with so far. I'll probably mention more as I go/as I remember.
"Sculpt a Realistic Head in Blender" "Ultimate Guide to Realistic Eyes in Blender" "Handpainting Stylized Textures in Blender" "Using a Cage for Perfect Baking" "Face Retopology" (This is in Maya, not Blender, but the concept still applies)
Anyway, long post is long.
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Thank goodness Blender lets you make new little windows inside the application, and open up images and stuff. I made a new boring reference sketch of Ardwynn's head just for this. Working from big shapes to fine details is... tough, because I have a tendency to go ZOOM into fine details. I tunnel vision real bad, so this is at least a good practice into NOT doing that.
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Progress, but something feels off. Giving more Patrick Stewart, less Ardwynn. The sculpting tools are surprisingly easy to use, by the way. The real trick is knowing when to hit "Remesh".
Spoiler Alert: I don't. This is a problem that bites me in the ass later....
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Mmmm, yes, it's all coming together. That looks more like my boy. The scar was easier to do than I expected, though I'm not sure how to approach his split lips, as the way his scar is, it stretches his mouth up, leaving a bit of it perpetually open. I'll just treat it like the eyes and just model a tiny cavity. It's not like anyone's going to see that. I can fix it later if it's an issue. A future me problem, if you will.
Are you seeing a trend here? Because if you're thinking "oh, they've already said they had problems down the line, and now this is another bit of foreshadowing", you're correct. Again, another spoiler alert: it was a future me problem.
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I've learned from doing art for forever that focusing too long on one thing gives my brain some sort of creative fatigue. "When you start to hate or feel bored with something, work on something else in the picture" is probably the best advice I've ever gotten, and I'm applying it here, too. I decided to tackle how to model glowing eyes. At this point, I've grabbed Uldren/Crow's low-poly in-game mesh and picked it apart specifically to look at his eyes. I'd kill to get the high-poly cinematic one, but that's not available to the general public, so it'll have to do. I apply a little of what I learned and tada! Budget glowing eyes. They work for the purpose of learning Emission nodes and all that shit in the Shaders section of Blender. They're placeholders for now. I'll make better eyes later. And look! They fit! Mostly.
Do you smell that? More foreshadowing.
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I mess around with more than basic flat color shaders for skin, and turn on Subsurface Scattering (SSS). Mm, yes, nice. I also made some teeth for the moment to see if the scar needs tweaking. It did, but overall things are shaping up nicely!
But Blender is starting to crash and run real slow. Weird.
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I try out Texture Painting and it just isn't working, so as I start to get really frustrated, I decide to bounce back to the Compositing tab, remembering what I learned about it when doing The Donut Tutorial. Ah, yes, this will make his eyes glow very nicely. Though I'm not super satisfied with it. I move on to seeing if I can't start to decipher the mystery that is hair.
Blender still isn't doing too hot, and though the hair is a fun side-tangent, I'd like to have the skin done and dusted before I move on. With some googling, I find the most common suggestion is make a UV map. Okay. I try that and it's a mess. More googling and I find the common suggestion if you're using a high-poly sculpt is to "retopologize" it. Okay, so I look that up. Fun fact, the first video I follow along with is not what's linked. It's super basic and I found didn't really explain much when I had to redo the mesh.
Redo the mesh you say? Well, you see, I spent 8-9 hours building a low poly version of this bastard's head (with the Mirror modifier, don't worry), and I had an addon suggested to me: RetopoFlow. Curious, I got it, and tried to use it to speed up finishing the mesh up, because I was beyond over it. It was, by far, the most boring fucking process of this whole journey so far.
I, in my infinite lack of wisdom, did not, in fact, make a copy of my work. I somehow end up fucking up the mesh and trying to push too far ahead with it, meaning fixing the fuck-up is too far back to undo to. I also hit save, because I chronically save every five seconds due to paranoia of the program crashing. I lament, delete the mesh, start from scratch, but this time inside of RetopoFlow from the start, and with a new video to guide me. However, I notice a warning pop up from RF that the "mesh was too large (> 1m)". Confused, I check it. I also notice in the video the guy mentions needing a "lower poly version" of the sculpt to work with. "Let's go with 75K."
My sculpt can't be that big right?
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Aha. Ha ha. Hm. Ahem.
So I might've hit "Remesh" too many times. I learned why Blender was crashing and having issues, needless to say. I learned how to use the Decimate modifier to... not be at 5M faces/vertices. I have to literally just walk away for it to work, because it took Blender 30 minutes to do, but it did work. Eventually I get to retopo'ing it, this time with a much more organized and nice looking topology. Huzzah! But I lose out on details this way. Oh? I need something called a "normals" map? I learn what that is, but again so many of these videos seem to neglect to mention important information, like how it works and why you're not supposed to have the high-poly mesh showing through the low-poly. I... spent a while working on an issue thanks to lack of information. I eventually make a cage and try baking a new Normals map this time, with much better results exceeeeeeept.
The split in the lip is the new problem to bite Future Me. No pictures for this portion, because I didn't take any screenshots for this. I eventually had to go in and carefully redo the topography of the low-poly mesh around the lip scar area and make it open. I also had to cut it open on the high-poly sculpt. After that, the Normals FINALLY baked right and stopped giving me some very weirdly textured lips.
Finally, I was able to move on. I made a UV map, made a shiny new texture for Ardwynn's skin and face... It was going good.
But that wasn't the end of my problems. When I finally made new eyes, which looked very cool...
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Something about the properly sized eyeball no longer worked in the eye sockets I made, and not in a little way, as little fixes never looked quite right. I did manage to fix it, but that meant I had to retopo the eye area, and update the UV and the Normals, and fix the texture because it no longer really looked good. (On the plus side, I painted more details into it, so that worked out.)
I'm really happy with the eyes, though. Bless whoever put close-ups of Uldren's eyes in Forsaken cutscenes. They helped immensely.
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The skin wasn't fully sorted out, as I needed to do a few more detail items, but I decided to bounce to something else for a bit after fixing all of that. I needed a break. I took my knowledge from mucking around with hair earlier to start working on eyelashes and eyebrows, to make Ardwynn look a little less odd. I had some success, but hm, they still seemed way too thick. Time to consult Youtube.
(I stumbled upon a video on eye tracking and went ahead and set that up, just to make eye positioning easier later. It's not perfect, but it is easier than trying to position the eyes manually.)
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Found a tutorial, by the same guy I went to for figuring out the proper shape of the eyes. Buuuut I also took the time to deal with the weird light leak and SSS issue I was having around the eyes. The pitfalls of glowing eyes on a model, I guess. And now I'm at the "fighting with the eyebrow" stage. I'll probably have to hit up a tutorial for that, too, since it looks less like an eyebrow and more like someone glued a piece of a shag rug to his face.
Also I see more issues that need fixing. This time with the ears. Ugh, this feels like it's neverending... 😩
I'll come back later with more progress in a separate post. Fall classes have started, so my free time to fight work with this is about to diminish considerably.
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I asked AI to make a sitcom script about the Crows sharing a flat. This is how it went.
Title: "Six of Crows: The Unexpected Roommates"
[The living room is filled with mismatched furniture and the walls decorated with crime-related posters. Our main characters, KAZ, INEJ, JESPER, NINA, MATTHIAS, and WYLAN, are sitting around the living room, engaged in a heated discussion.]
Alright, team, we need to come up with a plan to find a new hideout!
Ooh, I know! We could rent a flat together!
But where would we find a place that suits all of us?
(perking up)
I've got connections! I can make some calls.
[A small apartment. The gang is now standing outside its front door.]
Ladies and gents, behold! Our new hideout!
[They enter one by one and explore the tiny space.]
Is this seriously the best we could find?
Well, a low profile does have its advantages.
Plus, it's low budget! We'll have more money for waffles!
[The gang is trying to cook a meal together. Chaos ensues.]
(holding a burnt pot)
Who's responsible for this?
I'm not pointing fingers, but... it might be Jesper's fault.
(approaching with a tray of baked goods)
Hey, it's not my fault if I make a lousy chef. Take some cookies while we wait for pizza delivery!
[They all grab cookies and start munching as we hear the doorbell.]
[The gang is gathered around the coffee table, engrossed in a board game.]
Kaz, you're terrible at this!
I prefer to excel at other things, like scheming and pulling off heists.
(raising an eyebrow)
Speaking of heists, I wonder if we can turn our newfound non-existent housekeeping skills into a lucrative side gig.
[The bathroom is filled with grooming supplies. Nina and Inej are giving Matthias a makeover.]
(looking in the mirror)
Should I be worried about this?
Worried? No, but your Instagram followers should be!
[They all laugh loudly.]
[The gang is gathered around the TV, watching a crime film.]
That's the best plan they could come up with? Our heists are way more elaborate!
(nudging Wylan)
Hey, if we ever get tired of stealing, we could be movie critics!
[The gang is sitting in a circle, sharing stories and laughing.]
(suddenly serious)
You know, it's strange how we all ended up here together, despite our differences.
But that's what makes us the best team.
[They all share a heartfelt moment before erupting into laughter again.]
[The gang is gathered on the apartment balcony, soaking up the sun.]
Who would have thought? The Six of Crows sharing a flat!
(raising an eyebrow)
Well, let's make sure to keep our adventures within the walls this time.
[They all laugh and raise their drinks for a toast.]
To an unforgettable living arrangement!
[End of the video.]
Note: This script has a runtime of approximately 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Time can be adjusted during filming for optimal pacing.
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tailsrevane · 2 years
[comic review] avatar: the high ground (2022)
writer: sherri l. smith artists: various
it’s weird that i keep having to talk about star wars in my avatar reviews, but there are a lot of truly bizarre connections between the two considering i don’t think there’s any real cross-pollination between them aside from disney having a stake in both of them? but, yeah.
a lot of star wars fans are probably familiar with the story of splinter of the mind’s eye. this was a novel by alan dean foster (the ghostwriter of the first film’s novelization) that george lucas commissioned as a book that could be easily adapted into a low-budget sequel for star wars if the first movie didn’t make enough money to finance a sequel. of course, that was before the first movie totally redefined expectations for a summer blockbuster, so foster’s novel ended up not being needed for its original purpose, and it just sort of existed as a kind of awkward entry in the canon of the eu until disney nuked it. dark horse did a comic adaptation of the novel in the 90s with some of that gorgeous coverart that the dark horse star wars comics always had, which is the way i found out about it.
avatar: the high ground, on the other hand, was james cameron’s first pass at an avatar sequel script. it doesn’t appear that cameron altered the trajectory of the sequel for budgetary reasons, but rather due to a combination of just deciding to break the story differently and possibly technological breakthroughs in convincing underwater cgi? regardless, rather than wasting his first script idea, a decision was made to adapt it into a series of three hardcover graphic novels.
the resulting comis are… honestly not great, immo? i’d actually say this is my least favorite avatar comic i’ve read so far. like, even adapt or die which wasn’t great at least felt like it was something different? this felt like “avatar 2, but worse.” and repurposing it as a prequel is also kind of fraught because they obviously had a lot of the same storytelling goals in this version of the sequel so you end up with weird stuff like jake & meytiri’s kids running through what should’ve been their parents’ entire budget of “telling them to stay & wait in a place, them not listening & getting kidnapped” patience before the first movie? like, when the kids first get captured by blue!quatritch in the sequel, it’s this big shocking moment, but imagine if they had just been kidnapped & daringly rescued, like, last week? it would totally change how that would feel, right? there’s a very real feeling in the movie that this is the first time their innocence has been challenged like this.
… come to think of it, that’s actually another parallel with splinter of the mind’s eye? because towards the end of that book, luke has a lightsaber fight with darth vader, and when splinter of the mind’s eye was still considered canon that just made it really awkward that their confrontation in the empire strikes back was clearly supposed to be the first of its kind? i think this comic is just avatar’s splinter of the mind’s eye. i think it’s best to just pretend it doesn’t exist, because it’s definitely not going to impact the movies–i mean, no one’s really thinking “this is awkward becasue splinter of the mind’s eye got there first” when they watch empire, right? but it just makes the high ground pretty unsatisfying at the end of the day.
even ignoring those sorts of issues, it’s also just super obvious that this story wasn’t intended for a comic book format? it’s just a series of honestly pretty flat action scenes that don’t really translate all that well on the page. and it isn’t helped by the fact that the art, while pretty enough to look at, doesn’t actually do a great job of conveying the action in a way that’s painless to follow? it’s sometimes hard to tell characters apart except for in extreme closeup. so yeah, on the whole, really not a huge fan of this one, unfortunately.
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pickyourpop · 10 days
Affordable Apartments for Sale in Mysore : Get Flats in Mysore
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How to Buy Affordable Apartments for Sale in Mysore
Apartments for Sale in Mysore, renowned for its wealthy ancient beyond and serene surroundings, has become one of the most sought-after cities for real estate investment. Known for its greenery, spaciousness, and coffee residing fees in evaluation to metropolitan towns like Bangalore, Mysore is attracting many homebuyers and consumers. Whether you are a primary-time client or a pro-investor, much less high-priced apartments inside the marketplace in Mysore offer remarkable possibilities for very personal belongings in a city that mixes cultural legacy with modern-day centres.
This manual will provide important suggestions on purchasing reasonably priced houses in Mysore, Apartments for Sale in Mysore, with a focal point on securing the best offers, understanding centres, and finding residences positioned near the Ring Road and key hospitals for comfort.
Why Choose Mysore for Buying Affordable Apartments?
Before purchasing a condo in Mysore, it’s essential to understand why this metropolis is gaining popularity within the real estate region, Apartments for Sale in Mysore. 
1. Growing Infrastructure
Mysore’s infrastructure has grown drastically in modern-day years, with the improvement of huge roads, new flyovers, and the increase of the Ring Road, making commuting tons much less hard than ever, Apartments for Sale in Mysore. Mysore’s proximity to Bangalore and its well-established connectivity through NH 275 gives more attraction for specialists operating in each town, Apartments for Sale in Mysore.
2. Affordable Real Estate Prices
Affordability is one of the most important reasons for the surge in demand for houses in Mysore. Compared to one-of-a-kind towns in Karnataka, Mysore offers much less luxurious real estate without compromising on amenities or quality of life. Whether you’re searching out budget-friendly 2 BHK homes or luxurious 3 BHK houses, there are plenty of low-rate alternatives in the market, Apartments for Sale in Mysore.
3. Peaceful Living Environment
Unlike the bustling streets of big towns, Mysore offers a peaceful, nonviolent environment perfect for families, retirees, and running specialists. The town’s clean air, inexperienced regions, Apartments for Sale in Mysore and slower tempo of life make it perfect for those looking to escape the strain of metropolitan dwellings, Apartments for Sale in Mysore.
4. Proximity to Healthcare and Educational Institutions
Mysore is home to top-notch healthcare centers, including Columbia Asia Hospital, JSS Hospital, and BM Hospital, Apartments for Sale in Mysore, making it an outstanding area for households and senior citizens. Additionally, the city has many educational establishments, including prestigious universities and faculties, making it a pinnacle location for families with youngsters, Apartments for Sale in Mysore.
Factors to Consider When Buying Affordable Apartments in Mysore
When looking for a reasonably-priced rental in Mysore, Apartments for Sale in Mysore it’s essential to hold in thoughts high first-rate elements to ensure you get high-quality value for your funding:
1. Location
One of the maximum vital elements of buying real property is the place, Apartments for Sale in Mysore. In Mysore, there are numerous key localities to keep in thoughts:
Vijayanagar is a properly evolved residential place recognized for its wonderful connectivity and proximity to the Ring Road and primary hospitals, Apartments for Sale in Mysore.
Hebbal: An unexpectedly growing region, Hebbal offers low-cost houses with smooth access to faculties, hospitals, and shopping centers.
Hunsur Road: Apartments alongside Hunsur Road are best for those seeking homes near the Outer Ring Road and the city center.
Bogadi: A suburban place with many residential complexes, Bogadi offers inexpensive residences with easy access to the Ring Road and the IT corridors, Apartments for Sale in Mysore.
Proximity to hospitals, colleges, and essential roads such as the Ring Road complements the rate of the assets, making it extra convenient for daily living and ensuring higher returns on investment in the future.
2. Price Comparison
The pricing of apartments in Mysore varies depending on the place, center, and developer’s popularity. Researching and comparing costs in wonderful localities is critical. Here are some key factors to consider, Apartments for Sale in Mysore.
3. Available Facilities
While affordability is a key element, it is also important to ensure that the rental you’re searching for offers all the important centers. Look for residences that provide:
24/7 water and energy supply: This is a should, mainly in developing areas where the facilities might occasionally be inconsistent, Apartments for Sale in Mysore.
Parking centers: Ensure the condominium complex has adequate parking for residents and area website visitors.
Security: Gated organizations with 24-hour safety, CCTV surveillance, and intercom structures offer a more secure dwelling environment, Apartments for Sale in Mysore.
Proximity to crucial services: Look for homes near colleges, hospitals, shopping facilities, and public transport centers, ensuring that each one’s daily desires are met.
4. Legal Documentation
When looking for actual belongings houses available on the market in Mysore, usually make sure that the crook elements are so as. This consists of:
Title Deed: Ensure the vendor has a clear name for the property.
Sale Agreement: Read the sale agreement carefully and ensure it covers all important data, including the sale price, rate terms, and ownership data.
Occupancy Certificate: Ensure that the older has acquired an occupancy certificate from the neighborhood authorities and that the building is built according to authorized plans.
Encumbrance Certificate: This document guarantees the assets are loose from legal dues or disputes.
Prime Areas for Affordable Apartments in Mysore
When searching out low-value apartments on the market in Mysore, advantageous areas stand out for their location, connectivity, and fee for cash. Here are a number of the great places to keep in mind:
1. Vijayanagar
Vijayanagar is one of the most well-known residential regions in Mysore. It presents amazing connectivity to the Ring Road and key centers like BM Hospital and Columbia Asia Hospital. Apartments in Vijayanagar combine affordability and luxury, making them satisfactory for households, professionals, and retirees.
2. Hebbal
Hebbal is a fast-growing location known for its low-rate housing options and proximity to educational institutions and healthcare facilities. Its strategic vicinity near the Outer Ring Road guarantees proper connectivity to the town centre, making it a remarkable choice for first-time buyers and traders.
3. Bogadi
Bogadi is a suburban area that provides a nonviolent living environment and occasional pricey residences. It’s best for families and professionals who need to be close to the city but experience a quieter community. With its proximity to colleges, hospitals, and the Ring Road, Bogadi is a good place for belongings funding.
4. Hunsur Road
Hunsur Road is a properly established residential area that offers many low-priced residences. It provides easy access to the city’s fundamental components through the Ring Road, and the proximity to educational establishments and hospitals adds to its appeal.
5. Nanjangud Road
Nanjangud Road, located south of Mysore, is quickly becoming a famous area for low-priced housing. With numerous new residential developments underway, this area is right for those seeking budget-pleasant homes with all the essential amenities and near proximity to hospitals and public services.
How to Find the Best Pricing for Apartments in Mysore
To discover low-priced homes at exquisite expenses, keep in mind the following tips:
1. Consult Local Real Estate Agents
Real estate dealers familiar with Mysore’s market can offer insights into the splendid offers and help you negotiate with builders or dealers. They can also guide you through criminal documentation and price strategies.
2. Use Online Real Estate Platforms
Online systems like MagicBricks, 99acres, and Housing.com provide a big style of condo listings. These structures will let you clear out what you seek with the resources of price, area, and facilities, assisting you in locating the first-class deal.
3. Negotiate with Developers
Some developers provide reductions or incentives, particularly if they are nearing the final contact of a task or seeking to close sales for a current release. Don’t hesitate to negotiate for a better deal, mainly in case you are looking for it right away from the developer.
4. Attend Property Exhibitions
Property exhibitions frequently exhibit the modern-day actual belongings tendencies in Mysore, offering reductions and special pricing for early customers. These activities offer a first-rate possibility to discover multiple options and negotiate with builders.
Why Choose Apartments Near the Outer Ring Road and Hospitals?
Apartments positioned near the Outer Ring Road in Mysore are in excessive call for because of the super connectivity they provide. The Ring Road hyperlinks key regions of the town, making sure clean get right of entry to places of work, colleges, hospitals, and buying centers. Additionally, being close to essential healthcare institutions like Columbia Asia Hospital, BM Hospital, and JSS Hospital offers a superb comfort stage, mainly for families and senior citizens.
Properties within the pinnacle place not most effectively offer consolation; however are also much more likely to comprehend in rate over the years, making them legitimate funding.
Mysore offers many opportunities for the ones looking to buy much less highly-priced flats in serene but present-day surroundings. With its expanding infrastructure, proximity to Bangalore, and growing actual property marketplace, Mysore is becoming a high holiday spot for asset investments. By specializing in key elements along with region, rate evaluation, centers, and legal documentation, you could secure a less expensive rental within the coronary heart of this beautiful metropolis.
Whether you’re looking for residences near the Ring Road for ease of travel or near hospitals for healthcare comfort, Mysore offers the proper combination of affordability, quality, and long-term growth capability.
For More Information Visit : Apartments for Sale in Mysore.
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estatedekho26 · 10 days
2bhk apartments/flats for sale in kondapur hyderabad
Finding Your Dream 2 BHK Apartment/Flat in Kondapur, Hyderabad
Picture this: you’re sipping your morning coffee on your balcony, enjoying the chirping of birds, and the hustle and bustle of Hyderabad is a distant hum. Sounds perfect, right? Well, if you’re looking for 2 BHK apartments/flats in Kondapur, Hyderabad, this could be your reality. Let’s dive into the perks of living in this vibrant area and how to snag the perfect 2 BHK that ticks all your boxes.
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Why Kondapur?
A Growing Hub
Kondapur has transformed from a quiet suburb to one of Hyderabad’s most sought-after residential and commercial hubs. Thanks to its strategic location near IT corridors like HITEC City and Gachibowli, Kondapur has become a magnet for professionals and families alike.
Connectivity at its Best
Forget those hair-pulling traffic jams. Kondapur boasts excellent connectivity with major roads like the Outer Ring Road (ORR) and multiple public transportation options. Whether you're commuting to work or heading out for a weekend getaway, getting around is a breeze.
Amenities Galore
From shopping malls and supermarkets to schools and hospitals, Kondapur has everything you need within arm's reach. Imagine having a leisurely brunch at a nearby café, running errands without the hassle of long drives, and knowing that top-notch healthcare facilities are just around the corner.
The Allure of 2 BHK Apartments/Flats
Perfect for Small Families or Couples
A 2 BHK apartment/flat, which stands for 2 bedrooms, a hall, and a kitchen, strikes the perfect balance between space and affordability. It's ideal for small families or couples who need just enough room to live comfortably without feeling overwhelmed by too much space.
Compared to larger apartments, 2 BHKs tend to be more budget-friendly. This means you can enjoy all the perks of living in Kondapur without breaking the bank. Plus, you’ll have some extra cash to splurge on that fancy coffee machine or a cozy reading nook.
Low Maintenance
Let’s face it, cleaning a massive apartment can be a chore. With a 2 BHK, you get just the right amount of space that’s manageable and easy to maintain. More time to binge-watch your favorite shows, less time scrubbing floors. Win-win!
Hunting for the Perfect 2 BHK apartment/flat in Kondapur
Do Your Homework
Before you dive into the sea of property listings, take some time to figure out what you really want. Make a list of must-haves and deal-breakers. Do you need a balcony to nurture your inner plant parent? Is a modular kitchen non-negotiable? Knowing what you want will help you narrow down your options.
Visit Multiple Properties
Sure, virtual tours are convenient, but nothing beats seeing a place in person. Visit multiple properties to get a feel for the space, the neighborhood, and the overall vibe. Trust me, you don’t want to sign a lease and then discover that your new neighbor plays the drums at 3 AM.
Check the Amenities
When checking out potential apartments, pay attention to the amenities offered. A gym, a swimming pool, and 24/7 security can make a huge difference in your living experience. Also, look for practical amenities like parking space, power backup, and water supply.
List of Must-Have Amenities
Gym: Because fitness goals don't achieve themselves.
Swimming Pool: Perfect for unwinding after a long day.
24/7 Security: Safety first, always.
Parking Space: No one likes circling the block for a spot.
Power Backup: Essential for those unexpected power cuts.
Water Supply: A constant, reliable water supply is a must.
Table of Popular 2 BHK Apartments/Flats in Kondapur
Apartment Name
Price Range (INR)
Key Features
Cozy Nest Apartments
50-60 Lakhs
Swimming Pool, Gym, Kids' Play Area
Elegant Heights
55-65 Lakhs
24/7 Security, Power Backup, Modular Kitchen
Urban Oasis
60-70 Lakhs
Rooftop Garden, Jogging Track, Clubhouse
Green Valley Residency
65-75 Lakhs
Eco-Friendly Design, Solar Power, Smart Homes
Sunshine Residency
70-80 Lakhs
Spacious Balconies, Indoor Games, Party Hall
Making the Move
Get Your Finances in Order
Before you start dreaming about your new life in Kondapur, make sure your finances are in check. Secure a pre-approved loan to know how much you can afford. This will save you from the heartbreak of falling in love with a place that’s out of your budget.
Negotiate Like a Pro
Don’t be afraid to negotiate. Whether it’s the rent, the deposit, or even the maintenance fees, there’s usually some wiggle room. Channel your inner haggler and you might just score a sweet deal.
Seal the Deal
Once you’ve found “the one,” it’s time to seal the deal. Read the agreement carefully, understand all the terms, and don’t hesitate to ask questions. After all, this is going to be your home, sweet home.
Final Thoughts
Living in Kondapur, Hyderabad, in a cozy 2 BHK apartment/flats is a dream come true for many. The perfect blend of urban amenities, great connectivity, and a welcoming community makes it an ideal place to call home. So, grab your checklist, put on your detective hat, and embark on the exciting journey of finding your dream 2 BHK apartments/flats in Kondapur. And remember, the perfect apartment is out there, waiting just for you! Happy house hunting!
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about 2 bhkApartments/Flats for Sale in Hyderabad Telangana. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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propertyscroll · 10 days
Find the Best Property Listing Sites in India: A Comprehensive Guide
Are you in search of the best property listing sites in India to buy, sell, or rent properties? With the Indian real estate market booming, it’s more important than ever to use the right platform that can showcase your property to a larger audience. Whether you're a buyer, seller, or real estate agent, choosing the right property listing site can make all the difference. In this blog, I’ll walk you through some of the top property listing websites in India.
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Why Choose Property Listing Websites?
In today digital world, more people prefer browsing real estate online before visiting in person. With property listing websites, you can search for homes, plots, apartments, commercial properties, and more with ease. These platforms provide you with detailed information, images, and even virtual tours, helping you make informed decisions from the comfort of your home.
Now, let’s dive into the best property listing sites in India that can help you find your dream home or help you sell your property faster!
1. Property Scroll
If you're looking for a user-friendly and reliable platform to list your properties, Property Scroll is the perfect choice. This website is quickly gaining traction in India, thanks to its easy-to-navigate interface and extensive property listings. Whether you are searching for a flat, a villa, or commercial space, Property Scroll ensures that buyers and sellers have a smooth experience.
Key Features:
Free Listing Options for new users
Verified property listings to ensure reliability
Easy-to-use filters for specific property searches
Regularly updated listings, ensuring up-to-date market data
Property Scroll is an emerging name in the real estate listing market, and it’s definitely worth checking out if you want fast and effective results.
2. 99acres
One of the biggest players in the real estate industry, 99acres has a massive database of properties for sale, rent, and lease. It is one of the most highly searched property listing sites in India, boasting millions of monthly visitors. Whether you're looking for residential, commercial, or industrial properties, 99acres provides an array of options.
Key Features:
Detailed listings with HD photos and virtual tours
Thousands of verified listings across the country
Neighborhood insights and nearby amenities
Customized alerts for new property listings
3. MagicBricks
MagicBricks is another highly ranked real estate platform in India. Known for its intuitive interface and extensive listings, this site is a favorite among homebuyers, sellers, and real estate agents. It has everything from affordable housing to premium villas and office spaces.
Key Features:
Property evaluations and price trends
Extensive listings in both metro and rural areas
Buyer’s guide for first-time property investors
Real estate news and market updates
4. Housing.com
Housing.com has quickly become one of the most popular real estate websites in India. With its innovative features such as 3D models and real-time tracking, it’s a great choice for tech-savvy buyers and sellers. Their platform offers a clean and streamlined interface that’s perfect for discovering both residential and commercial properties.
Key Features:
3D visualization of properties
Comprehensive neighborhood data
Verified listings to avoid scams
Mobile-friendly experience for on-the-go users
5. PropertyWala
PropertyWala is a solid option if you are looking to list properties with high-quality visuals and detailed descriptions. This platform allows users to post photos, maps, and videos, giving potential buyers a clearer idea of the properties.
Key Features:
HD images and video uploads for property listings
Maps and detailed locality insights
Low-cost listing plans for budget users
Fast and easy listing process
6. NoBroker
If you're tired of dealing with brokers and their commissions, NoBroker is a great platform. This innovative website eliminates the middleman by allowing buyers and sellers to connect directly, which is a huge advantage in saving on brokerage fees.
Key Features:
No middlemen, no brokerage fees
Direct communication with property owners
Extensive search filters and alerts
Verified listings to avoid scams
Conclusion: Choose the Right Property Listing Site
Finding the best property listing site in India depends on your specific needs—whether you're looking to buy, sell, or rent. Platforms like 99acres, MagicBricks, and Housing.com are great for extensive listings and market analysis, while NoBroker is ideal if you want to avoid paying brokerage fees. For a fresh, user-friendly experience, Property Scroll offers a great mix of functionality and convenience.
With Property Scroll, you can explore a variety of property types, whether you’re looking for residential homes or commercial spaces, all with transparent listings and a straightforward process.
So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring your options today and make your next property transaction a breeze!
Q1. What is the best property listing site in India for affordable homes? For affordable homes, Housing.com and 99acres offer excellent filters to find properties within your budget.
Q2. Is Property Scroll good for commercial listings? Yes, Property Scroll offers a wide array of commercial property listings alongside residential options.
Q3. Can I list my property for free? Yes, platforms like Property Scroll and NoBroker offer free listing options for sellers and landlords.
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tridentrealtyseo · 20 days
Discover Luxurious Living in the Lap of Nature at Trident Hills Panchkula
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Nestled in the scenic foothills of the Shivalik range, Trident Hills offers an unparalleled living experience, combining the best of luxury and nature. Spread across 200 acres of lush green land, this residential project is a haven for those seeking tranquility and modern living. Designed to cater to the diverse needs of contemporary families, Trident Hills provides an array of housing options, including residential plots, low-rise premium floors, villas, and group housing. Whether you're searching for spacious flats in Tricity or luxurious apartments in Tricity, Trident Hills promises to be your ideal destination.
A Serene Retreat with Modern Amenities
Trident Hills is more than just a residential project; it’s a community designed to enhance your quality of life. The amenities at Trident Hills are thoughtfully curated to cater to every member of your family:
Fitness & Wellness: For the health-conscious, Trident Hills features a state-of-the-art gymnasium, a refreshing swimming pool, and a well-maintained jogging track. Whether you're an early riser who loves morning jogs or someone who prefers evening swims, you'll find facilities that meet your fitness needs.
Children’s Play Area: The project includes a dedicated play area where children can engage in fun and physical activities in a safe and secure environment.
Landscaped Gardens: The beautifully landscaped gardens offer a peaceful retreat for the elderly and those who enjoy leisurely walks surrounded by nature.
Community Facilities: A multi-purpose hall is available for community events, fostering a sense of togetherness among residents. Trident Hills also ensures 24-hour security and power backup, providing peace of mind to all its residents.
Thoughtfully Designed Living Spaces
The apartments in Tricity at Trident Hills are designed to provide maximum comfort and convenience. Each living room is spacious and filled with natural light, thanks to large windows that also offer stunning views of the surrounding greenery. The bedrooms are cozy yet functional, providing ample storage space for all your belongings. Kitchens are modern and modular, equipped with top-of-the-line appliances that make cooking a pleasure rather than a chore. The project’s diverse housing options cater to different lifestyles and budgets, ensuring that there’s something for everyone.
A Prime Location in Panchkula
Located in Panchkula, a city renowned for its clean, green surroundings and well-planned infrastructure, Trident Hills enjoys excellent connectivity to the rest of the Tricity area, which includes Chandigarh, Mohali, and Panchkula. Major highways and roads are easily accessible, making commuting a breeze. The project is also in close proximity to reputable educational institutions, hospitals, and shopping centers, ensuring that all your daily needs are within easy reach.
Uncompromising Quality and Durability
Trident Realty, the developer behind Trident Hills, is known for its commitment to quality and excellence. The company employs the best materials and construction techniques to ensure that every home is built to last. The high-quality fittings and fixtures used in Trident Hills apartments are not only aesthetically pleasing but also designed for long-term durability.
Sustainability at Its Core
One of the standout features of Trident Hills is its emphasis on sustainability. The project has been thoughtfully designed to minimize its environmental impact. By choosing Trident Hills, you’re not just investing in a luxurious lifestyle; you’re also making a positive contribution to the environment.
A Customer-Centric Approach
Trident Realty has built its reputation on a foundation of customer satisfaction. The company’s customer-centric approach is evident in every aspect of Trident Hills. From the initial inquiry to after-sales service, Trident Realty ensures that your experience is smooth and hassle-free. Whether you need assistance with financing or have questions about your new home, the team at Trident Realty is always ready to help.
Your Dream Home Awaits at Trident Hills
Trident Hills in Panchkula is more than just a residential project; it’s a lifestyle choice for those who value luxury, comfort, and sustainability. With its luxurious amenities, natural surroundings, and eco-friendly features, Trident Hills offers a living experience that is both fulfilling and responsible. The apartments are designed with your comfort in mind, ensuring that every moment spent at home is a joy.
If you’re searching for the perfect blend of luxury and nature in the Tricity area, look no further than Trident Hills. Whether you’re interested in residential plots in Tricity or apartments in Tricity, this project has something to offer every discerning homebuyer.
Don’t miss the opportunity to own your dream home at Trident Hills—experience the best of modern living in the lap of nature today!
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estatedekho04 · 30 days
2 BHK Apartments/Flats for sale in Kondapur Hyderabad
Finding Your Dream 2 BHK Apartment/Flat in Kondapur, Hyderabad
Picture this: you’re sipping your morning coffee on your balcony, enjoying the chirping of birds, and the hustle and bustle of Hyderabad is a distant hum. Sounds perfect, right? Well, if you’re looking for 2 BHK apartments/flats in Kondapur, Hyderabad, this could be your reality. Let’s dive into the perks of living in this vibrant area and how to snag the perfect 2 BHK that ticks all your boxes.
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Why Kondapur?
A Growing Hub
Kondapur has transformed from a quiet suburb to one of Hyderabad’s most sought-after residential and commercial hubs. Thanks to its strategic location near IT corridors like HITEC City and Gachibowli, Kondapur has become a magnet for professionals and families alike.
Connectivity at its Best
Forget those hair-pulling traffic jams. Kondapur boasts excellent connectivity with major roads like the Outer Ring Road (ORR) and multiple public transportation options. Whether you're commuting to work or heading out for a weekend getaway, getting around is a breeze.
Amenities Galore
From shopping malls and supermarkets to schools and hospitals, Kondapur has everything you need within arm's reach. Imagine having a leisurely brunch at a nearby café, running errands without the hassle of long drives, and knowing that top-notch healthcare facilities are just around the corner.
The Allure of 2 BHK Apartments/Flats
Perfect for Small Families or Couples
A 2 BHK apartment/flat, which stands for 2 bedrooms, a hall, and a kitchen, strikes the perfect balance between space and affordability. It's ideal for small families or couples who need just enough room to live comfortably without feeling overwhelmed by too much space.
Compared to larger apartments, 2 BHKs tend to be more budget-friendly. This means you can enjoy all the perks of living in Kondapur without breaking the bank. Plus, you’ll have some extra cash to splurge on that fancy coffee machine or a cozy reading nook.
Low Maintenance
Let’s face it, cleaning a massive apartment can be a chore. With a 2 BHK, you get just the right amount of space that’s manageable and easy to maintain. More time to binge-watch your favorite shows, less time scrubbing floors. Win-win!
Hunting for the Perfect 2 BHK apartment/flat in Kondapur
Do Your Homework
Before you dive into the sea of property listings, take some time to figure out what you really want. Make a list of must-haves and deal-breakers. Do you need a balcony to nurture your inner plant parent? Is a modular kitchen non-negotiable? Knowing what you want will help you narrow down your options.
Visit Multiple Properties
Sure, virtual tours are convenient, but nothing beats seeing a place in person. Visit multiple properties to get a feel for the space, the neighborhood, and the overall vibe. Trust me, you don’t want to sign a lease and then discover that your new neighbor plays the drums at 3 AM.
Check the Amenities
When checking out potential apartments, pay attention to the amenities offered. A gym, a swimming pool, and 24/7 security can make a huge difference in your living experience. Also, look for practical amenities like parking space, power backup, and water supply.
List of Must-Have Amenities
Gym: Because fitness goals don't achieve themselves.
Swimming Pool: Perfect for unwinding after a long day.
24/7 Security: Safety first, always.
Parking Space: No one likes circling the block for a spot.
Power Backup: Essential for those unexpected power cuts.
Water Supply: A constant, reliable water supply is a must.
Table of Popular 2 BHK Apartments/Flats in Kondapur
Apartment Name
Price Range (INR)
Key Features
Cozy Nest Apartments
50-60 Lakhs
Swimming Pool, Gym, Kids' Play Area
Elegant Heights
55-65 Lakhs
24/7 Security, Power Backup, Modular Kitchen
Urban Oasis
60-70 Lakhs
Rooftop Garden, Jogging Track, Clubhouse
Green Valley Residency
65-75 Lakhs
Eco-Friendly Design, Solar Power, Smart Homes
Sunshine Residency
70-80 Lakhs
Spacious Balconies, Indoor Games, Party Hall
Making the Move
Get Your Finances in Order
Before you start dreaming about your new life in Kondapur, make sure your finances are in check. Secure a pre-approved loan to know how much you can afford. This will save you from the heartbreak of falling in love with a place that’s out of your budget.
Negotiate Like a Pro
Don’t be afraid to negotiate. Whether it’s the rent, the deposit, or even the maintenance fees, there’s usually some wiggle room. Channel your inner haggler and you might just score a sweet deal.
Seal the Deal
Once you’ve found “the one,” it’s time to seal the deal. Read the agreement carefully, understand all the terms, and don’t hesitate to ask questions. After all, this is going to be your home, sweet home.
Final Thoughts
Living in Kondapur, Hyderabad, in a cozy 2 BHK apartment/flats is a dream come true for many. The perfect blend of urban amenities, great connectivity, and a welcoming community makes it an ideal place to call home. So, grab your checklist, put on your detective hat, and embark on the exciting journey of finding your dream 2 BHK apartments/flats in Kondapur. And remember, the perfect apartment is out there, waiting just for you! Happy house hunting!
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about 2 bhkApartments/Flats for Sale in Hyderabad Telangana. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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gssoftwareposts · 1 month
Great 3 BHK Flats for Sale  within 30 Lakhs in Kolkata 
Nest Finder online property search platform
Nest Finder online property search platform offers a diverse real estate market with options catering to different budgets and preferences. If you're looking for a spacious and affordable home, you’ll find several great 3 BHK flats for sale within 30 lakhs in Kolkata. This price range provides access to a variety of residential options, especially in areas that offer good connectivity, amenities, and a pleasant living environment.
One of the most sought-after locations for budget-conscious buyers is South Kolkata. Known for its well-established infrastructure, greenery, and vibrant community life, South Kolkata is home to numerous residential complexes that provide excellent value for money. If you're specifically looking for a 3 BHK flat in South Kolkata in Nest Finder, you'll be pleased to know that many properties fall within this budget range, offering a balance of affordability and comfort.
In South Kolkata, Low Budget 3 BHK Flats in Kolkata are often found in emerging neighborhoods or slightly older buildings that offer more space for a lower price. These flats might not have the latest amenities or finishes but offer the advantage of a more spacious layout, which is ideal for families seeking room to grow. Many of these properties are located in well-connected areas with access to essential services such as schools, hospitals, and shopping centers.
When exploring options for spacious 3 BHK flats on Nest Finder online property search platform , you can expect to find homes that offer generous living areas, well-sized bedrooms, and often a separate dining space. Such flats are designed to accommodate families comfortably, providing ample room for relaxation and socializing. The size of the apartments in this budget range usually offers a good balance between cost and living space, making them an attractive option for those who prioritize roominess without exceeding their budget.
Another important aspect to consider when buying a flat in Kolkata is the quality of the residential complex. For many buyers, the Best Residential Complex not only includes modern amenities like parks, gyms, and security services but also ensures a good standard of living. Within your budget, you can find several residential complexes in South Kolkata that offer well-maintained facilities and a community-centric environment. These complexes are designed to provide a comfortable lifestyle with added conveniences, which enhance the overall living experience.
Property in Kolkata varies widely in terms of location, amenities, and price, so it's important to research thoroughly and visit multiple options before making a decision. In your budget of 30 lakhs, you can find properties in both newer developments and well-established areas. Newer developments might offer modern designs and amenities but may be smaller in size or located further from central locations. Conversely, older properties might offer more space but could require some renovation or upgrading.
When searching for great 3 BHK flats within this budget in no 1 house searching platform online , be sure to consider factors such as the age of the building, the quality of construction, and the reputation of the developer. It’s also wise to check the amenities offered within the complex, such as 24/7 security, power backup, and recreational facilities. Ensuring these aspects can help you find a property that not only fits your budget but also meets your expectations in terms of quality and comfort.
Overall, Kolkata's real estate market provides numerous opportunities for those seeking affordable yet spacious living options. With careful consideration and thorough research, you can find a 3 BHK flat in South Kolkata that fits your needs and budget. Whether you prioritize space, modern amenities, or a well-located residential complex, the market offers a variety of choices to suit different preferences.
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aceprojectsnoida · 1 month
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dialurbanpunjab · 1 month
Unlock Punjab's Best Real Estate: Homes, Plots, and More
Are you on the hunt for your dream property in Punjab? Whether you're looking for a spacious home, a prime plot of land, or a modern flat, the Punjab real estate market has something to offer everyone. With its diverse range of options, from bustling city centers to serene countryside, Punjab stands out as a prime destination for property seekers.
Homes: Dialurban Punjab offers an array of housing options to suit various lifestyles and budgets. From luxurious villas with state-of-the-art amenities to cozy, family-friendly homes in well-established neighborhoods, there is a home to match your needs. Many residential areas are equipped with parks, schools, and shopping centers, ensuring a comfortable and convenient living experience.
Plots: For those interested in building their own dream home or making a wise investment, Punjab’s land market presents numerous opportunities. Whether you’re looking for plots in urban areas with excellent infrastructure or in tranquil rural settings, there are choices available that cater to both commercial and residential aspirations. Investing in land in Punjab can yield substantial returns due to the region's growing economy and development.
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Flats: If you prefer a low-maintenance lifestyle, the flat market in Punjab is thriving with modern, well-designed apartments. These flats often feature contemporary amenities such as fitness centers, swimming pools, and security services. Located in prime areas close to transportation hubs and commercial zones, these properties offer both comfort and convenience.
Punjab's real estate market is booming, with options that cater to a wide range of preferences and budgets. Whether you’re buying your first home, looking to invest in land, or searching for a stylish flat, the perfect property is waiting for you. Explore Punjab's best real estate opportunities and unlock the potential of this vibrant region today. Visit us : https://www.dialurbanpunjab.com/property
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5 Benefits of Booking Your Student Housing Early: 2025 
With the academic year about to start, the students are preparing themselves and doing their best to leave their mark in the upcoming academic world. Essentially, besides the study course names and academic tasks that must be done, finding the right accommodation should be the number one concern for every student. Booking student housing early guarantees ample benefits that could make you a winner in the oncoming academic year and make you stress-free. So, here are the top five reasons why you need to book your student residence in advance for 2025. 
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1. Prime Location Selection 
The primary advantage of early booking is that you can choose the nicest locations among the earlier ones. The study found that the students who went ahead and booked themselves a housing six months before the study period expressed 78% satisfaction with their respective housing situation, according to the 2024 survey by the National Student Housing Association. 
Upsides of a prime location include: 
- Access to all primary facilities on the campus 
- Use of public transport is made easy 
- Living in a walking distance area with many such facilities as coffee houses and grocery stores 
The early bird gets not only the best but also the one that is on the fly and in line with his/her likes and budget. 
2. Less Expenditure 
Usually those who are early in seeking good student housing also have the greatest chances of winning the best deals. Besides, suppliers of such facilities usually have discounts for those who book far ahead or they may offer special promotions as an incentive for earlier booking. 
Benefits of Early Booking and How This Can Save Money: 
- Annual rent is lowered by an average of 10-15% if a client books 6+ months in advance 
- Keep from paying any potential extra charges by fixing the current low rates in your lease 
- Getting more time to pay out the bills which you planned for extra activities 
A study conducted by the International Student Housing Institute revealed that students who booked their accommodation early, were able to save on average $800 to $1,200 per academic year compared to those who left it until the last minute. 
3. Wider Range of Options 
The opening period of the booking gives a broad assortment of places to live while signing up for student's housing. Those students who are looking for a private studio, a shared apartment, or a space in a student community would rather book early so they can immediately get the room that fits their preferences. 
Statistics show: 
- 65% of the best student houses are sold within the first three months of subscription. 
- Empty single rooms and studio flats are usually the first to fill. 
- Adapted rooms for students with different needs are restricted and they line up early. 
Getting on the process and get ahead of the game, you are also more likely to find housing that suits you perfectly. 
4. Reduced Stress and Better Planning 
Pinning down your place of residence then and there is a sort of a bridge over the troubled waters when the apocalypse draws near. This way, you can then better handle other aspects of your preparation for the university. 
Benefits of early planning: 
In a real estate sense, that is a situation where you are going to have more time to organize the moving process. As a positive note, this is also the time when you have a good chance to meet the other half of the world. 
According to a freshly conducted study, the school pupils, who  were able to secure their accommodation no later than four months before classes began, experienced 30% lower stress levels than their counterparts. Thus, they lived happier and healthier life throughout their uni life. 
5. Time to Customize Your Space 
By confirming your booking early, you will be able to prepare your place and individualize it to your own satisfaction. Among other things, you will do the following: 
- Look for and buy furniture or decor 
- Share the things you need with your roomies 
- Interim reformat the space you intend to live in both has been the time and the freedom to do so. 
The ones who have a chance to make their rooms exactly as they want to are more glad users and adapt to the higher education well. A 2024 survey showed that 82% of the freshmen who registered early felt "at home" in their quarters within the initial 30 days, which is only true for 54% of the the students who came their late. 
Advantages of booking your student housing early 
The advantages of students pre-booking accommodations early on the campus for the 2025 academic year are truly clear and important. In addition to getting the best locations, saving money, and chances to make your own space, the time will be in your favour. Booking a place early is a critical and important step to a positive life in college. 
For your home quest, be sure to contemplate platforms such as Uninist. This student accommodation/housing provider is well known for the broad range of accommodation options that it provides, as well as its consumer-based approach. It is a perfect setting for students as they will have a variety of tenancy agreements to choose from, due to the variety of the provided options, that suits their taste while at a very reasonable price. 
The accommodation that the early bird catches can be more than just a student accommodation – they provide comfort, convenience and peace of mind to be had in the field of student housing. Resty your search with Uninist and concrete yourself for a fantastic academic year ahead! 
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kunalrealtyservices · 2 months
Discover the Ideal 3 BHK Flats in Mohali
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Are you on the hunt for a spacious and comfortable home in Mohali? Your search ends here! The market for 3 BHK flats in Mohali is flourishing, offering numerous options to suit every family’s needs. Whether you’re a growing family, a couple planning for the future, or someone looking to invest in property, 3 BHK flats in Mohali provide the perfect blend of space, luxury, and convenience.
Why Choose Mohali?
Mohali, also known as SAS Nagar, is a rapidly developing city in Punjab, next to Chandigarh. It’s known for its high quality of life, excellent infrastructure, and a peaceful environment. The city offers a perfect mix of urban amenities and natural beauty, making it an ideal place to call home.
Spacious Living
One of the main reasons to consider 3 BHK flats in Mohali is the ample space they offer. These flats usually have three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and two or more bathrooms. This layout ensures that every family member has their own space while also providing common areas for family time.
Modern Amenities
Modern 3 BHK flats in Mohali come with a wide range of amenities. Many residential complexes offer facilities like swimming pools, gyms, parks, and community centers. These amenities enhance your lifestyle and provide plenty of opportunities for recreation and relaxation without leaving your home.
Excellent Connectivity
Mohali has excellent connectivity to major cities like Chandigarh, Panchkula, and Delhi. The city is well-connected by road, and the upcoming metro project will further enhance its connectivity. This makes commuting to work, school, or any other place convenient and hassle-free.
Educational and Healthcare Facilities
For families, access to quality education and healthcare is crucial. Mohali is home to some of the best schools, colleges, and hospitals in the region. Reputed institutions such as the Indian School of Business (ISB), Chandigarh University, and Fortis Hospital ensure that residents have access to top-notch education and healthcare services.
Investment Potential
Investing in 3 BHK flats in Mohali is not only about finding a comfortable living space but also about making a smart financial decision. The real estate market in Mohali has shown consistent growth over the years, making it a lucrative investment option. The demand for residential properties in Mohali is on the rise, ensuring that your investment will appreciate over time.
Affordable Luxury
While 3 BHK flats in Mohali offer a luxurious lifestyle, they are surprisingly affordable compared to similar properties in larger metropolitan cities. This affordability, combined with the high quality of life, makes Mohali an attractive destination for homebuyers.
Peaceful Environment
One of the standout features of Mohali is its peaceful and green environment. The city is dotted with parks, gardens, and green spaces, providing residents with a tranquil and healthy living environment. Living in Mohali means enjoying fresh air, open spaces, and a slower pace of life, which is often missing in larger cities.
Diverse Options
Whether you prefer a high-rise apartment with a stunning view or a low-rise building with easy access to the outdoors, Mohali has it all. The city offers a diverse range of 3 BHK flats, catering to different tastes and preferences. You can find flats with modern designs, traditional layouts, and everything in between.
Safe and Secure
Safety is a major concern for any homebuyer. Mohali is known for its low crime rate and secure neighborhoods. Many residential complexes offer 24/7 security, CCTV surveillance, and gated entrances, ensuring that you and your family feel safe and secure at all times.
How to Choose the Right 3 BHK Flat in Mohali
With so many options available, choosing the right 3 BHK flat in Mohali can seem overwhelming. Consider these pointers to guide you in making a well-informed decision:
Establish your budget before beginning your search. This will help you narrow down your options and focus on properties that fit within your financial plan.
Location: Consider the location of the flat. Proximity to schools, workplaces, healthcare facilities, and other amenities is crucial. A centrally located flat can save you time and make daily life more convenient.
Amenities: Look for a flat that offers the amenities that matter most to you and your family. Whether it’s a gym, swimming pool, or children’s play area, make sure the property meets your lifestyle needs.
Builder Reputation: Research the reputation of the builder. Choose a builder with a proven track record of delivering quality projects on time.
Future Prospects: Consider the future prospects of the area. Look into upcoming infrastructure projects, development plans, and other factors that could influence the property’s value over time.
Resale Value: Think about the resale value of the flat. Even if you plan to live in the flat for many years, it’s important to consider its potential resale value in case you decide to sell in the future.
In conclusion, 3 BHK flats in Mohali offer a perfect combination of space, luxury, and convenience. The city’s excellent infrastructure, peaceful environment, and affordable living make it an ideal place for families, professionals, and investors alike. By considering your budget, location preferences, and the reputation of the builder, you can find the perfect 3 BHK flat in Mohali that meets all your needs and provides a comfortable and happy home for years to come.
So, if you’re looking for a new home, explore the options available in Mohali. With its growing real estate market and numerous benefits, investing in 3 BHK flats in Mohali is a decision you won’t regret. Originally Published Here:-https://kunalrealty3.wordpress.com/2024/07/19/discover-the-ideal-3-bhk-flats-in-mohali/
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