#Benefits of using Shower Filter
teknovus · 1 year
Benefits of using Shower Filter
A shower filter can provide several benefits, including skin and hair softening. Shower filters are a simple and inexpensive solution to improve the showering experience and safeguard your health. But the question is, which is the best shower filter to use? Akira Magnetic Water Softener is specially developed by Teknovus as a water filter for bathroom showers. You can take a shower with clean, fresh water after this potent filter removes the pollutants from your water.
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happyk44 · 2 months
hiiii happy!!!! how do you feel abt jason's adhd? in my opinion, the books didn't really do a job illustrating it. how do you think it would manifest and affect him? i'd love to hear your opinion ☺️ i love you!!! 💖💓💗
Personally, I think of Jason as being autistic versus having ADHD. We know through Frank that having ADHD and dyslexia (both of which Frank does not have) is not an exclusive requirement to being a demigod. On top of that, Rick’s use of ADHD is not… great. My sister has been diagnosed with ADHD since she was five – she is very much the inattentive subtype, and I think Rick’s use of ADHD as a superpower of hypervigilance does sort of exclude people who primarily experience inattentive symptoms.
But those kinds of symptoms are not easily rewritten as “benefits” (which. yeah. It’s a disability), so I get why he didn’t include it. I remember reading a while back that when the books were first published, rewriting ADHD as a superpower/benefit to kids who had it was a common narrative, so, like, okay, but also. It’s been two decades.
But anyway. Jason. Yes! In general:
He gets easily distracted by different tasks, but to other people it just looks like he’s multitasking
He forgets to take care of himself a lot, forgets to eat, shower, drink water, sleep, talk to people and be social, etc
Auditory processing issues. During long speeches he starts to zone out because the sound eventually merges into all the other background noise he’s trying to filter out (wind powers and wolf vigilance amplifies the sound of everything) so he often encourages people to just get to the point and be upfront, and gets frustrated when people won’t. Also can’t stand people who talk in monotone (which is ironic because I think Jason doesn’t inflect or shift his voice very much)
Leo definitely uses his voice in various tones during conversation, so while Jason is like “oh my god, please stop talking in circles I have no idea what you’re saying”, it’s a lot easier for him to listen to Leo’s rambling monologues because he doesn’t speak in one or two tones
If it doesn’t interest him, the conversation can start to blur together as well because he struggles to focus on what’s being said. Fortunately, just because of how CJ and New Rome are structured, most topics at hand are things he likes (ancient Rome, gods, politics, etc). Unfortunately, Jason doesn’t really have strong human connections and his position as the golden boy of Camp Jupiter, champion of Juno, son of Jupiter, etc, etc, etc distances him from a lot of people so casual topics, like video games or TV shows, rarely get brought up to him in the first place
The onslaught of sensory issues makes it hard for him to focus. He’s taught himself how to filter things out, but it’s a constant practice to do and gets very tiring
Object impermanence – if he can’t see it, it doesn’t exist. Luckily for him, he doesn’t own a lot of things, but for things he has to keep tucked away in a drawer (like clothing), he slaps labels onto the container/drawer. Everything else, like the couple of misc trinkets he owns, he keeps out and obvious
One of things he does to help it avoid blending into the background is using sharp colour contrasts. So if its important – like medication or something, he might use a bright yellow basket on top of a black dresser or whatever because the yellow stands out so sharply it’s hard for the basket to blend into the background and so he remembers to take his meds.
Another thing is moving location. So he might move the basket from one side the dresser to the other and back again every so often
He’s pretty good at maintaining habits and routine (autism), but also if something happens that throws off the routine it takes months to get back on track and it is the worst thing ever, it is grueling and he hates it. Habits and routine are not innate, they are a constant active conscious choice he makes every day
Making plans can be difficult, even in battle or on quests when strategy is key. He can get tripped up on the small details and overlook the larger picture, or be so focused on the larger picture, he doesn’t see the small details. Because people have been so reliant on him for strategy, he’s more or less managed to get away with looking competent, but it’s always a competition with himself to remain on task, instead of narrowing into something that doesn’t matter
People will often comment on how fast he can get things done but its literally that he gets things done fast because sometimes he waits too long to do the thing (procrastination) and now he’s got like five seconds to the deadline, OR he has a burst of focus and gets that thing done as fast as he can before the executive function dips
He does get bored easily, so he'll flit between task to task, but it’s really that he needs stimulation, needs to be doing something, and if he’s not doing something, he’s losing his mind, and because he lacks a core sense of identity, he flits from task to task to find something that interests him (but there’s so little that does because he does not know who he is and he’s just mimicking people and it’s not the same)
Emotional dysregulation
He gets lost in his own head a lot. Part of it is just standard dissociation, but the other part is that his brain is always on, everything is firing at all cylinders, there is no quiet, it’s just noise and reminding himself of things he needs to get done on repeat, 24/7, loud as can be and he can't turn it off or lower the volume. His brain is full of bees and they won't stop buzzing
As a result, he probably has pretty bad insomnia
I think he has a lot of trouble getting stuff started. Body doubling encourages him to get started on stuff, and he’s never not been surrounded by at least one other person, so when he starts living alone in Cabin One after The Lost Hero, he is so confused that he can’t seem to force himself to pick up his shirt off the ground. And it just stays on the ground for days. Until he runs out of clean underwear and has no choice but to pick it up to get laundry started
He doesn’t own enough stuff to be fully disorganized, but if he does, he’ll have the most organized areas in his room ever, and then his closet is a mess because “well I don’t go in there a lot”
I think he tries to keep a spreadsheet/list of items he owns that he doesn’t use very often, but he still has doubles of a few things. Also so many batteries. He’s constantly like “I don’t think I have enough batteries” and then he buys the batteries and comes back, goes to update the list on the back of the door and it’ll be like “you have batteries. Stop buying batteries. There are too many batteries” and then he throws the batteries in the box that’s overflowing with batteries and forgets they exist again, but then, when he does need the batteries, it takes him so long to find the box
He would self-medicate on coffee if he didn’t hate the taste. He also doesn’t like soda. Or chocolate. So, you know, RIP to him. He’s rawdogging life. At least Leo can inhale caffeine like his life depends on it
He has the waiting mode problem, where if he has something scheduled at a certain time, it doesn’t matter how much time he has until that thing, he just. Waits. For the thing. Like he could get so much done in that time, but he can’t. Again, body doubling has helped, but living alone makes it so much harder
Reward systems don’t work with him. He doesn’t get the same sense of satisfaction that a neurotypical would after getting a reward after task completion. So when he absolutely needs to get something done but his brain is like “nah we gotta sit here and stare at this wall for seven hours while dissociating”, he just ends up screaming at himself a lot
Jason’s probably in a burnout so intense that if he took a minute to rest, his body and mind would shutdown for like three years.
He forces himself to get things done and screams at himself the entire time, and it hurts in a way he doesn’t understand but he has to do these things because there’s no other choice and people are relying on him.
Since he’s been groomed for leadership since day one, he’s never really had a chance to breathe that the other kids would get, so even when he finally has the chance to rest, it’s like his mind knows how unsafe that would be because shutting down completely would never be safe for him (trauma!!) so he just refuses to rest, which involves a lot of him getting lost in his own head or hyper-focusing on something (like spreading recognition of minor and forgotten gods) instead of. You know. Breathing
I think a lot of his issues with ADHD become more present after TLH when the quest is over and he’s alone. CHB has structure, but its not as narrow as Camp Jupiter’s routine and structure, and Jason lives alone, operates his own schedule, doesn’t really have other people to remind him of things, etc, etc, so the sudden shift makes him start to spiral a bit in his fears of incompetence.
It’s not that he’s incompetent, he’s very competent, but his problems were never as evident because other people had his back as he had theirs. He’s kind of like people w/ undiagnosed ADHD or autism who leave their support systems for university and suddenly school and life is the most difficult thing in the world, when before it was a lot easier
Timeblindness does affect him a lot, especially when he's doing something he enjoys. He wears a watch everywhere. And has a lot of backup watches
A lot of these probably overlap with autism but like, lol, I do primarily view him as autistic.
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reality-detective · 8 months
If you're lööking for a water filtration system and that lööks good I would recommend this 👇 one and you get the benefits of the copper.
If you want to go a little cheaper 👇
I have the Pro-One and I have filtered salt river water through it and the water tasted great. Both of these filter out fluoride, chlorine and other contaminates for drinking.
Or you could make your own using 2-5 gallon buckets, just buy the filters and the tap.🤔
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ruiniel · 1 month
This storm
II. Silver lining
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen | Rating:🔞| Geto Suguru x fem!Reader | Count: 1.5K | Summary: This AU was a oneshot at first. More or less out of my control it's now a multichapter, not least because I wanted a Geto POV in here, and I'm a sucker for pining. | On AO3 | Tags & Warnings: my first fic for JJK, fem!reader, Second Person POV, Geto didn’t defect AU, But still has it rough, Set four years after Hidden Inventory, Friends with some benefits, Light angst, Feels, Mutual pining, Geto Suguru POV, Mentioned Haibara Yu, He lives too, Alternate Universe - Canon divergence, Did I add Geto is not ok
< I
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Just friends:
he watches my gauze dress
blowing on the line.
—Alexis Rotella
Morning light shivers across your eyelids, warms your cheek, and consciousness returns from its restful seclusion. The sheets and pillow cozily hug your naked form, as does the arm coiled about your waist and the body curled around yours. Memories from the night emerge, and your eyelashes flutter as you bask in this element of intimacy: his face hidden in your hair, nose touching the nape of your neck; his soft, regular breathing tickling your skin. As far as you can tell, Suguru’s not awake yet, his arm resting heavily around your middle. 
But when you try to rise, that arm slowly pulls you back in, accompanied by a low voice, roughened by sleep. “Stay… a little longer…”
You’d be lying if you said this awakens nothing in you, something safe, peaceful, and tender—but neither of you signed up for any of that. “Working early today,” you say through a smile. “Have to get ready, Suguru.”
“Mm… right,” comes a drowsy mumble, and his hold weakens as you slip off the bed. 
In the shower, you remember more fragments, aided by the aching muscles in your thighs and the bruises on your hips. You like that side of him, more than you thought you would. The subtle, controlling notes in his voice as he drove you insane, that ‘please’ spoken so eagerly by the end… 
You turn the water temperature even lower. That was then, this is now. Wake up. Nothing will change between the two of you, just like it didn’t last time—you’re aware enough to realize that, and you know he feels the same. Or, you think you know. Right, no use dwelling on that.
When you enter the living room and kitchenette area, Suguru’s there too, standing with his back to you, handling the glass water boiler. He’s pulled on his dark house pants and a gray t-shirt, his loose black hair draping over his shoulders. 
“Hey,” you yawn, dressed and ready, sitting at the table with your bag and trying not to groan at the slight muscular ache felt with each movement. He didn’t spare you at all, damn it.
But what are you going to do? Complain about giving you what you asked for? ‘Harder’, huh? The thought makes you smile and roll your eyes at yourself. 
“Tea or coffee?” Suguru asks, looking over his shoulder at you. “... what’s the smile for?”  He’s visibly relaxed, unburdened by the restlessness of the evening.  
“Oh, umm… nothing. Tea please… hibiscus! If there’s any left.”
“As long as I’m around, there will always be stock of that,” he turns back around. 
The lightness of his tone feels good, the choice of words less so. You choose not to ponder too much on it, though, instead rummaging inside your bag to ensure you have everything for work. “Heh, forgot you love the stuff.”
Suguru comes over and takes a seat opposite you at the table, pushing a cup of crimson tea within your reach.
“Thank you,” you say without looking his way, fiddling and arranging this and that object inside your workbag. 
Feeling watched, you pause and raise your eyes. Sun rays filter through the open blinds, softening his features with a warm glow. He’s propped leisurely against the backrest of the chair, cup of tea in hand. You find yourselves in the same position at the table as the night before, though the mood is wildly different.
“... what?” You like the geniality of his stare, an infrequent sight lately.
Suguru shakes his head, then drinks from his tea and leans forward, setting the cup aside. “We’re fine, aren’t we?”
Oh, is that what this is about? “Of course we are. I am. You…?”
A faint smile. “Never better.” 
You raise an eyebrow. “... then why ask?”
“Just… checking,” his gaze drifts towards the balcony, the smile still pulling at his lips. 
Suguru, ever the thoughtful one. You think this fondly, though with half a mind to make a joke about what he’s done to certain parts of your body. You’re not sure how he’d take that, though, so… better not. You’ve known each other for years, sure, but this was only the second time you’ve had sex, after all.
Distance means safety. 
But ever since you’ve started benefiting from each other this way, as much as you’d like to not think about it… there is a subtle, barely discernible change in that liminal space that separates you and him. You realize you’d been lost in thought as the door to the balcony closes, and you turn briefly to see Suguru outside, lighting a cigarette.
Suguru watches you rise and continue to prepare, arranging your shirt and going back to your bedroom—likely having forgotten something. He follows your silhouette with his eyes, taking a long drag of smoke into his lungs and holding it. On an exhale, his hand grasps the rail, eyes closing. 
Not for the first time he wonders what the hell he’s doing, and why. Last night, when he came home, he wasn’t tired; he was angry. Some curses he subdues do cause states he has to purge somehow afterward to regain his balance, but this was not one of them.
No, he was at the end of his tether, again. Nothing, nothing has ever been the same since his failure four years ago and he’s tried so, so hard and for so long. He tried to accept the consequences, to keep to his principles after Riko, even after finding Mimiko and Nanako. He often returns to that evening in the village, to that sight that made his heart drop to his feet, wondering how it could’ve been different. He’d done the right thing, he’d called Jujutsu officials that very moment to take the girls away but… 
He clenches his fist, turning briefly to the streets, where endless streams of people rush about. Is this all for them? Fear makes monsters of people. Fear of the unknown, of things they envy or can’t understand. 
He’d been alone for most of the time since those days, year after year. But he understands—like him, both Shoko and Satoru have their hands full with the ever-rising tide of curses, and sometimes the sinuous side of dealing with Jujutsu Tech politics. He doesn't envy Satoru at all in that respect.
Suguru raises his head, staring at a clear blue sky. It all used to be different, but then... change is the only constant. He does miss those moments with his old friends, sometimes painfully so. A sunny spring. Satoru. A chance missed. But then he forgot about all that when a girl's blood splattered his tunic. Sometimes, he still hears the gunshot and the clapping, intermingling in a mocking symphony. In his dreams she dies over and over again; and they all smile wider and applaud, hovering over her lifeless body.
He grits his teeth, shakes his head as though to free himself of his own mind. Is this all for… them… 
Suguru takes another drag of his cigarette. Yes, he’d been angry last night, his mind fogged with the taste and slime of negative emotions being absorbed by his cells and his spirit. And then he saw your face, and your worried glance depleted him of that helpless, overwhelming fury. Someone who cares, who knows nothing of his failures. You thought he was exhausted, and he let you. He took what you were willing to give, let himself be cleansed by your nearness, the scent of your skin and the heat of your body. Even now his heart beats faster remembering the way you cried his name.
If only he could freely express the relief he felt and tell you all that lies beyond it, but a part of him is ashamed; you hold him in so high esteem, you’ve let him so close, trusting him with so much, most of all your friendship. Suguru chews on his lip. Luckily for him, it appears you didn’t actually hear what he said to you at the end. That might’ve uselessly complicated everything.
He sighs. 
“I’m off, then.”
Your voice has him looking up. You’re standing there, on the balcony threshold. 
“Who are you working with today?” he asks.
You snap your fingers. “Haibara-san.”
“I see. That’s good.” He’s dependable enough. “Be careful.” 
You roll your eyes, nodding. “Am I not always? And right back at you, all right? See you today maybe—in one piece, hopefully.” 
“Hopefully,” Suguru snorts. “Hey, wait!” he calls after you, remembering. “Are you heading to the campus at all today?”
“I am. Setting out from there, why?”
He follows you inside, returning with two small satchels. “I might not make it. So, will you please stop by the dorm, and hand these over to Mimiko-chan and Nanako-chan for me? Small gifts from my trip to Nagoya.”
Your eyes smile. “Of course! Suguru, you…”
He tilts his head, expectant. 
You stare at him for a moment longer. “Those girls care for you deeply.” 
“As I do for them.” 
“You’re really something else.”
Oh, if only you knew. But his eyes turn to crescents as he smiles that benign, cheerful smile. 
“Well…” you stuff the satchels inside your bag. “See you later!” 
“Yes... later.” 
Each day either of you leaves for a mission, there’s no certainty of tomorrow. He’s never pulled you in, to urge you to be prudent in other ways, to show you his worry and embrace you like he wants to lately, outside the bounds of mutual convenience.
Hah… coward.
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Get Off Your Ass and Start Shaking It
Tough love for creators who need a push
I need to get my head out of my ass and start believing in myself again, so I’m writing this for myself - but sharing it for anyone who might benefit from seeing it. Enjoy a little slap from yours truly - free of charge. 
1. Accept that you’re starting from “scratch”.
The internet is different now. Sex work is different now. If you’re an OG, it’s important to recognize that burnout isn’t just OnlyFans burnout - it’s industry burnout. We didn’t get a chance to catch our breath between having had ManyVids and MFC and then OnlyFans and now the biggest bitch of them all, visibility on social media. Our tweets used to show up and now they don’t. Our followers used to see us on Instagram, and now they don’t. We can cry about this all we like (and I do so frequently because it’s more healthy than just bottling it all up), but tears won’t pay the bills, baby. Time to pull up your socks and get moving. 
2. Do your best not to overthink it.
There are a million and one theories on how to do things “right”, when in reality, sometimes a single Reel about absolutely nothing with zero effort involved will hit the algorithm and pop the fuck off. Strategizing can be good, but staying up to date with the theories surrounding advertising should be inspiring, not crippling. We’re doing away with creation paralysis. Brush yourself off, and focus on making content to the best of your ability. Who cares if it’s only selfies and low effort shit for now? People will pay for pretty much anything, and if you have any semblance of a following, they want to see what you put out even if it’s not “to your standards”.
3. Switch up your routine.
This sounds brutal because it is, but this is what I’ve been doing as of late: and it’s helping. You’ll come up with justifiable reasons why this may not be right for you - but ask yourself if what you’re doing right now is right for you. Are you achieving what you want to achieve with the routine you have? Do you even have a routine? This is tough love, but it’s meant to be a realistic look at where you’re at, followed by support to get you to where you want to be. 
A month ago I started plugging my phone in across the room and setting an alarm for 5:30am. I have to physically get up to turn it off. It’s a brutal way of waking up (even though the alarm I have is all peaceful and cute, but still) - but it gets me up. I have my robe and slippers waiting for me, and I do not allow myself to get back into bed. I do my best work in the morning after coffee and before my first meal of the day. I’m not saying you need to work with this timeline, but if you’re a sleep-until-nooner, set your alarm for 10am. If you’re a work-later-on, set an alarm for when you need to start work - and then get your ass up. It’s hard to build a routine but much easier to maintain it once the habits are in place, so have a little faith in yourself. I don’t care how many times I’ve started, hit the ground running, and then crashed and burned, because guess what happened while I was running? I made money. Focus more on the positives of when you are functional, rather than moaning about the times when you’re not. If you’re in this industry it means you have, at some point or another, made it work for you. You can do it again. 
I get out of bed at 5:30am, rinse off in the shower, make my coffee and do a beauty routine that makes me feel really fucking pretty. Sure, messy hair and an instagram filter can do just fine, and again - any content is better than no content - but I feel my best after dry brushing my skin (hello cellulite and the obvious signs of ageing, lol) and then applying a really nice smelling lotion all over my body. I have been listening to Ariana Grande instead of my usual lofi (or just fucking silence, which also isn’t great for my motivation levels). Pump yourself the fuck up. You’re a bad bitch under the weight of all of this self imposed pressure and comparison, you just need to wake that energy up again, and you can do it. Take your meds and drink your water. After coffee I’m in my most positive state to work through my inbox. Yeah, a neglected inbox on OnlyFans is going to take a hot fucking minute to get through but once you actually do it, it’ll be easier moving forward. Buck up, baby - you can do hard things, and the payoff will be worth it. 
Setting actual times to get shit done is helping me immensely. I work on OnlyFans until noon. At noon, my second alarm goes off and I get up and eat and stretch and do something other than look at my phone. Most importantly: PAT YOURSELF ON THE FUCKING BACK! If you’ve done something more than you did the day before or the week before or the month before, you’re moving. You’re going. You’re doing. Our nasty little brains can always tell us we could be making more of ourselves but you know what, fuck that shit. Focus on doing 1% more than you did the day before. Rome wasn’t built in a day and again: you’re starting fresh from this moment forward. Kick the shit out of that voice in your head that wants to compare you to other people or, worse, compare you to what you “used to be able to do”. Fuck it, whatever, we are where we are - all we can do is work with that and make the most of it. 
4. Schedule, schedule, schedule
Instagram allows you to schedule posts. If you do your makeup to shoot for OnlyFans, make two or three reels. Schedule them to post over the next few days. If you manage to shoot a few photos for OnlyFans, make a semi-SFW one and queue that up as well. Places like TweetDeck will allow you to even schedule Twitter posts in advance. Pound an energy drink (or take your meds, if you need that extra focus as I know many of us do) and get ‘er done. That way you can focus on working for shit down the line rather than trying to do everything day by day. OnlyFans lets you queue, so utilize it! Setting aside even one day to sit in your grubby sweatpants and just hammer out scheduling can be so fucking advantageous not only to building your success, but to strengthening your confidence and mental health.
I’m not going to blatantly call justifiable reasons excuses, but sometimes you need to really look at what your internal monologue is saying and whether or not it’s advantageous. If you’re depressed as shit, there are so many strategies out there to get you moving even while you’re depressed. If you’re ADHD or neurodivergent, there are strategies for you, too. The playing field is not level and if you’re starting from a rough point in your life, working will be really hard - but what’s the alternative? Not working, and making it even harder? I know you know this already, but you’re probably using this knowledge to beat yourself senseless. Stop. Even for one day, actively shout (out loud or into a pillow, whatever) at the nasty voice in your head that tells you that you’re too limited by your current position to crawl out of the hole you feel like you’re in. You can handle a scheduling day. Tell yourself, over and over again, that you can handle it. Even if you take breaks every hour to screech like a banshee or cry onto your keyboard, you can push through it. Send it. I believe in you in the same way I push myself to believe in myself. It’s not easy for any of us - but nothing ever is. 
This isn’t bullshit coming from someone who’s doing well. I struggle so, so much. This shit is a grind for me, too. I berate myself and compare myself and am so fucking self critical that it can be immobilizing - but I have to smack some sense into myself once in a while and remind myself that I can grind even when I feel like I can’t. Sometimes I lean into being outright delusional. I love lucky girl syndrome. Shove your head into the clouds and pretend that you’re the absolute best version of yourself, even if you feel like absolute dogshit. The vibes may not last long, but if they last long enough for you to make something happen, then you’re pulling off that 1% improvement that you’re striving for. 
5. Plan for breaks
Give yourself a light at the end of the tunnel, whether it’s relaxing at the end of the day or planning a “do absolutely nothing but lay around” day at the end of the week. As much as it may feel like you’re staring into an abysmal black hole demanding you to do more and more forever and ever, you’re not. You can hustle while taking breaks: in fact, you need to take breaks to make the hustle happen. Just be cautious not to let the downtime turn into a downturn. I put a limit on my rest periods because I am prone to lying face down and just … not getting back up, for weeks or months on end. Saturdays are my sleep in days. Sundays are my do nothing (except for a lil chores or whatever) days. Then I’m back to the grindstone on Monday, knowing that after my “end work day” alarm goes off, I can simply vibe out. 
6. Stop looking at the numbers for now
Analytics are great, but also … not great. Story only got 500 views even though you have thousands of followers? It’s still 500 views. Reel didn’t hit the explore page? Whatever, at least a few people saw it. Recent PPV only sold once? It’s more money than you had before you released it. The best way to handle the restart period is to just focus on output and let any number motivate you to keep on keeping on. Everyone started somewhere. The biggest accounts started at 0 followers and the most successful OnlyFans pages started at 0 subscribers. You started from nothing, too. 
7. Revisit your dreams
Do not stop yourself from dreaming big. What do you want? You can have it. Setbacks are setbacks, not finish lines. A break is a break, not an end. Write your dreams out and put them somewhere you can see them and fucking CELEBRATE every step you take toward them. If you need to start small to feel good about yourself, then do that. If your goal is to post once a week, push yourself to make that happen. If your goal is to make a certain amount of money in a week, do what you need to do to make that happen, whether it’s more posts, more messaging or more advertising. I like to set my goals small but keep my dreams big. I want to buy a condo, which is a big dream, but in order to do that, achieving all my little goals will put me closer to that every time I cross it off my “to do” list. 
8. Fucking believe in yourself, goddamnit
You can do it. You can do it. You CAN do it. Do what you need to do, as your unique and individual little self, to put the systems that support you in place. Trust that you can rely on yourself. Even if that trust is frail for now, it will build as you build yourself up. Berating yourself isn’t helping, is it? I didn’t think so. You’re beautiful, interesting, worthy and so fucking capable, even on days where you think you aren’t. We’re in this together. 
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whirlpoolsingapore · 4 months
Dehumidifier: Do You Really Need One for Your Home?
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Singapore, only 1.5 degrees away from the equator, has a tropical climate all year long. It's hot, humid, and has rain showers throughout the year. Imagine stepping into your home after a long day, only to be met with a stifling and damp feeling you cannot escape. This discomfort is a sign of excess moisture in the air, which can lead to a host of problems. Dehumidifiers work by removing excess moisture and controlling humidity levels, creating a healthier and more comfortable living environment for your family in this tropical climate. But, do you actually need one? Let’s find out.
How Do I Know if Excess Humidity is a Problem?
According to studies, the ideal level of humidity in your home should sit between 30% and 50%. Anything above this range leads to dust mites, mold, and mildew, which not only leave musty odors but can also trigger allergies and respiratory problems. Best-rated dehumidifiers for the whole house draw in moist air, condensing the water vapor into a collection tank, and then releasing drier air back into the space.
If you're unsure whether you need to buy dehumidifier for your house, there are simple ways to check your home's humidity levels. Signs like condensation on windows, a musty odor, or visible mold growth can all indicate excessive moisture. Humidity monitors are also readily available in the market that can provide you with the necessary data for surety. 
Dehumidifier and its benefits
There are other benefits of using a dehumidifier beyond just preventing mold.
Dust mites and other allergens thrive in humid environments. A dehumidifier helps control these allergens, making breathing easier for those with allergies and asthma. It also saves your electricity bill for running an air conditioner. In humid climates, a dehumidifier can ease the burden on your AC, potentially lowering your energy bills.
Excess moisture can damage furniture, books, and electronics. If you buy a dehumidifier, it will prevent warping, peeling, cracking, and rust on your household items by keeping humidity in check.
Last, but not the least important benefit of buying a dehumidifier is that it boosts the comfort of your home. Dehumidifiers create a more comfortable feel by removing dampness from the air. Dehumidifiers are particularly useful in areas prone to high humidity, such as basements, bathrooms, and laundry rooms.
Factors to Consider When Buying a Dehumidifier
Hopefully, we have convinced you to buy a dehumidifier. But here are some factors to consider when deciding the best dehumidifier for a house.
The size of your home:  Larger homes may require a more powerful dehumidifier.
Your lifestyle:  Taking frequent hot showers or drying laundry indoors, and other such activities can contribute to increased humidity. You can consider smart dehumidifiers with ionizer technology. It releases negative ions that attach to airborne particles like dust, allergens, and even some germs, making them heavier and easier to capture by the dehumidifier's filter or fall to the ground. This can result in improved air quality without needing an air purifier.
So, if you're struggling with excess moisture in your home or office space, consider investing in a dehumidifier and breathe a sigh of relief. You can find various best-rated dehumidifiers in the market. Consider your needs and budget, and keep this blog in mind while buying a dehumidifier and create a healthier and comfortable home for you and your family.
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5-seconds-in-heaven · 2 years
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Bad Teacher, pt 3
Mid-morning sunlight filtered into the room through the windowpanes, flooding the floor and furniture with light, and I watched specks of dust float helplessly through the stagnant air before floating off into shade through still-sleeping eyes. After making a mental note to vacuum, I reached my arms up over my head to stretch as I laid appreciatively in the warmth of my blankets. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I propped myself up on my elbow and reached for my phone. 10:42, the time on the screen read. I never claimed to be a morning person.
I set my phone aside then, sitting up fully and stretching my body more before swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I stood, taking in my surroundings more: the dirty socks on the floor, the long-haired calico — that’s Momo — curled up at the foot of the disheveled bed, the books and vinyls and plants all in their places being gently kissed by light sunshine and dust. Inhaling deeply, I realized a small smile had formed on my face.
In the bathroom, steam slowly clouded the mirror as the streaming shower water hesitantly came to temperature — just below 3rd degree burns, that is. I moseyed back to the bedroom to get my portable speaker, because I can’t do anything without music. My own naked form in the full-length mirror beside my bed caught my eye on my way back to the bathroom. I paused and took a minute to admire myself; the curves on my body reminded me of winding backroads and bountiful hills. I used to spend a lot of time hiding my body and myself, I allowed my insecurities to rule my life. With time, I have learned to love being me. As I traced my silhouette slowly, with purpose, I surrendered to my thoughts, giving them access to roam. With my aforementioned insecurities came little luck in love throughout my teenage years — my home life definitely didn’t help. When I got to college, I found more freedom in escaping my family and the constraints of my hometown. I dabbled in going out with different guys, and I even had my first hookups. I was friends with benefits with this one guy I spent a while talking to, but it never amounted to anything more. That is the story with all of my sexual escapades.
However, it had been a long time since I was that chubby-cheeked, freckle-faced, cut-in-half-2x4-plank-of-wood of a girl. I was still small in stature of course, but I had gained some hips and bust thus far in my young womanhood. I was 23 now, and I finally found a decent job after searching for two years; I graduated early from my university with a major in journalism and a minor in women’s studies. I’d been reporting for an up-and-coming music magazine that specialized in underground rock and alternative music. Basically the best job ever. Being that I chose to go to university half the country away from my family in Minnesota, I obviously had to move out at the start of freshman year. I welcomed this move with open arms, although I know I’ll be working my ass off for the rest of my life to pay off my student loans; it was still worth it.
I smiled fully at myself in the mirror, thinking I looked pretty fucking good, if I did say so myself. I did a little dance and gave myself a small spank on the butt, giggling to myself, “To think there are people out there who didn’t want all of this.” Tossing my head back and letting out a laugh, I left the supermodel in the mirror behind to go wash the eye boogers and drool off of my face.
Speaking of those who got away, my mind drifted through my old crushes. The skater boy with the beanie who I used to see skateboarding past my house in the summertime who I never spoke to but made longing eyes at as I lazed in the hammock or the grass by the tree, the boy who played guitar for me who I discovered was not as down to earth as he portrayed himself to the world. My cheeks heated as I thought of one specific crush.
Mr. Hemmings.
I groaned and held my head in my hands, cringing internally as the scalding water ran over my frame. Late nights on Tumblr with my hand between my thighs came rushing to mind — along with pages upon pages of smut featuring this certain high school creative writing teacher. Smut-filled stories written by yours truly, the same shy, insecure virgin who didn’t talk to a boy until college you know and love.
I’d like to act like this wasn’t a common occurrence for me, that I had the ability to walk through my life without inwardly punching my own face for my past actions, but I am plagued by the memories of my own hormonal, criminally horny prepubescence every day of my life. Before I knew it, I found that my hand had again made its way between my thighs at the image of Mr. Hemmings’ face in my head: his lips trailed light kisses along my jaw and down my neck as his arm reached around me and held my body closer, tighter to him. His other hand teased my hardening nipple between his fingers, and he smirked against my skin as I tossed my head backwards, breathing out a sigh of relief at his touch. Lightly, he dug his fingernails into my skin as he dragged his hand down my back. That same friendly hand now snaked it’s fingers down my front to separate my folds and, light as a ghost, tease my —
Yeah… this is gonna be a long shower.
Squeezing my hair in the towel, I strode back into the bedroom, feeling refreshed. On the nightstand, I could see my phone lit up from a notification. It was a text message from an unknown number.
Unknown Number
You know, you’re a pretty talented writer.
I stared at the message, puzzled. Possibilities ran through my mind — past clients I’d written pieces for, old friends. Deciding to deal with it later, I put my phone down and set to starting my skincare routine. As I moisturized, my phone buzzed again.
Unknown Number
I suppose I can thank myself for getting your creative juices flowing.
Now I found myself intrigued. Who is this mystery man sending me vaguely flirty, vaguely ominous texts? Should I be horny or changing my locks? Either way, I’m horny. My fun time in the shower didn’t cut it. Alright, I’ll bite. I shoot back a quick text and make my trek across the quaint apartment to the fridge to chug some orange juice out of the jug. Why dirty another glass when I’m the only one who drinks it anyway? In the pocket of my sweatpants, I felt my phone vibrate. At least this mystery texter is quick to respond.
you can thank yourself, but who should i thank?
Unknown Number
The man who got you started in creative writing, of course.
Creative writing. My stomach hit my feet and my heart jumped to my neck, immediately halting my breathing by lodging a lump securely at the base of my throat. I felt my heart beating fast and hard, my cheeks and ears heating promptly, as I paced the hardwood flooring and chewed on my fingernail. Why on earth would my 11th grade creative writing teacher have sought out my phone number? and then texted me with it?!
Alright now, get ahold of yourself, YN. It’s not out of the ordinary for an old mentor to reach out to past students, especially to congratulate them on their success, right? It’s no secret that I had been able to achieve great things thus far in my work, and I’m sure I help myself in that aspect by reposting my work on my social media platforms occasionally. Obviously, he had seen one of my articles. I’m still getting ahead of myself here; I haven’t even confirmed that the person on the other end of the phone is Mr. Hemmings. Mr. Tousled-Hair Hemmings. Mr. God-The-Things-I-Would-Do-To-Run-My-Fingers-Through-Those-Golden-Locks Hemmings. It could be someone else entirely, for all I know. Better get to work.
many people have helped me get to where i am today.
Unknown Number
Alright, I secede. This is Luke Hemmings. Or Mr. Hemmings, if you still prefer that.
Heat rushed to my face all over again. I let out an audible scream before slapping my hand over my mouth and flinging myself onto the bed, flailing my extremities and squealing as I dove my face into the pillows to silence my episode, certain the paper-thin walls would inevitably fail to keep the sounds from my neighbors curious ears. Rushing to sit upright, I stared at the message through wide eyes. The confirmation was there, directly in front of me on the screen in my trembling hands, but I refused to believe it. I continued to stare at message, dumbfounded and confused. I wondered what piece he had seen that had made him want to reach out to a student he hadn’t seen in six years. I’d better respond, I didn’t want to be rude.
I stared at the message, nose crinkled. Is it less weird to refer to your old teacher by their first name or the name you called them by years ago? Does being sexually attracted to them influence the decision making process? I deleted the text, deciding to try a different approach. I also decided to bypass the questions about how did you get my number and whatnot.
Mr. Hemmings, it’s great to hear from you! your class definitely had a great influence on me.
Unknown Number
I can see that in your work. I have to say, I’m impressed. It is tough to find good reading material these days. Your story definitely has some plot holes, and it ends on a cliffhanger, which is obviously problematic. A good author doesn’t leave their fans hanging indefinitely, you know. But for your age at the time, I’m quite happy with the quality of writing.
Panic shot through me. I felt the soles of my feet tingling as all of the air left my lungs, like wind rushing out of a clearing of trees. My mind raced through every piece I’d ever written — every editorial, every fluff piece. There was only one story he could have been talking about. But what did he mean he was impressed? He was happy? Is there any world, any universe in the metaverse of universes, where my old high school teacher would have actually been into the smut my prepubescent self wrote involving the two of us? That he would have found it years later and sought me out?
Just then, my phone buzzed from another text notification. This one contained a file.
Unknown Number
attachment: The Bad Teacher.wordx
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rootedincuteness · 1 year
Every Day is Earth Day!
Graer: “For those who didn’t know, Earth Day was yesterday. It’s the one day of year when everyone loves our Earth and environment and does nice things for them.”
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Graer: “But you know... the Earth really deserves far more than just one day... Why can’t every day be Earth Day?”
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Graer: “Well... it can! Did you know there are many small ways that you can love our Earth and do something good for the environment in your everyday lives? I’m going to show you how!”
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Graer: “You can say hello to your favorite tree. Appreciating nature is a great way to learn about it. Learn to identify trees and other plants and how to care for them!”
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Graer: “You can eat more locally produced and organic foods. Locally produced foods have a smaller carbon footprint because they don’t need to be shipped as far to get to you, and organic farms sometimes use less pesticides and fertilizers. Always read produce labels to be sure! Also, having a garden and growing your own food is the best way to eat locally... right in your own backyard! These um... these are just weeds, but you get the point. We’ll be planting soon!”
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Graer: “Plant flowers in your yard that will stimulate the local ecology of your area. For example, trees that attract beneficial insects and birds.”
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Graer: “This one here is a fan favorite with bees. Look at this pudgy, fuzzy bumblebee having a great time!”
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Graer: “You can also plant flowers that will help encourage endangered or struggling species. Look! This honey bee likes these flowers too!”
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Graer: “Dead plants from last Winter in your way? Don’t bag them up and throw them out with the trash. Mulch and compost them! Doing so will return valuable nutrients back into the soil for the next generation of plants, insects, and small animals to use. It’ll also create less waste!”
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Graer: “You can do your part to help control the spread of harmful, invasive species as well. See these? They’re spotted lantern fly egg clusters. Scrape them off and throw them in the trash or they’ll voraciously decimate trees and crop plants. Quickly now, they’re going to start hatching in the next couple weeks!”
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Graer: “You can also tell plants that they’re beautiful and doing a wonderful job. Trust me, it helps! It doesn’t only spread positive energy, but you humans breathe out carbon dioxide when you speak, and that’s something plants can breathe and use to make energy. So talking to them regularly actually can benefit their health!”
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Graer: “There are plenty of indoor things you can do as well to love the Earth. Turn lights, appliances, and electronics off when you’re not in the room or not using them. Saving power reduces your carbon footprint!”
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Graer: “Buy a water filter for your faucet or a filtering pitcher for your refrigerator... or both! Not only will you be drinking nice filtered water, but you’ll reduce plastic waste by not buying bottled water! Also, conserving water in general is a wonderful thing for the environment. Don’t leave it running for a long time while doing the dishes or brushing your teeth, and try to take shorter showers if you can.”
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Graer: “These are just some of the ways you can help the environment in your life. If you think you can’t make a difference, you can! Start today! The Earth will thank you.”
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hakesbros · 2 years
Just a short drive southwest of Austin, San Antonio has plenty of opportunities for employment development, in addition to having the most important focus of navy bases within the US. In terms of entertainment, San Antonio has a lot to offer. You can enjoy the many things to do at Market Square, Schlitterbahn, SeaWorld, and Six Flags Fiesta Texas. The star of San Antonio is the well-known homes for sale san antonio River Walk, a lush community of walkways along the San Antonio River the place you'll have the ability to stroll, dine, and sightsee year-round. Sports lovers can enjoy reside action hockey, soccer, baseball, and skilled NBA games featuring the 5-time world champion San Antonio Spurs at the Alamodome.
On the first flooring, there's an owner's suite with a full rest room, in addition to an open concept household room, with a kitchen, lounge and eating area. Upstairs are three bedrooms that focus on a loft, excellent for kids, as a casual front room or study space. This single-story home has every thing a modern family needs with three bedrooms in total, including homes for sale san antonio tx the proprietor's suite. The two secondary bedrooms are on the entrance of the house and share a hall bathroom, whereas the open concept dwelling area includes a household room, dining room and kitchen, all in one space. With us, you may have your alternative of home flooring plans with open concepts and Life Tested Home Designs® that make it simpler to live the means in which that you actually want in San Antonio.
The house owners retreat is situated downstairs and options its non-public bathroom with the upgraded full walk-in shower. Home office with French doors set at two-story entry. Open formal dining room simply new home builders san antonio off the kitchen space. Two-story family room with 19-foot ceilings and a wall of home windows. Kitchen options an island with built-in seating space, a 5-burner fuel cooktop, a walk-in pantry and opens to the morning space.
There are several actions that would trigger this block together with submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed information. When you select to build your home within the greater San Antonio area, you should have access to loads of exceptional neighborhoods and destinations. Take within the distinctive German architecture and rich historical past of the Gruene Historic District, where you'll find new homes san antonio a way to get pleasure from every thing from antiquing to kayaking. At Starlight, we make the journey to homeownership one thing to rejoice with a simplified home shopping for course of and a helping hand to guide you every step of the means in which. If you're seeking to promote your home within the Far West Side area, our listing brokers might help you get the best price.
Experience a handcrafted life-style designed particularly for you. New Braunfels is known for its wealthy German tradition as properly as its shut proximity to the Guadalupe and Comal rivers, which attracts many guests and tourists. The city is among the quickest growing cities in the state and is home to the oldest bakery in Texas. With loads of attractions and much to do, residents at Homestead will benefit from the brief 20 minute drive to New Braunfels. Try eradicating some of the filtering options to see communities.
“We’re actually in the bullseye of what Houston will look like 10 or 15 years from now. Many of the projections say that Cypress will be the middle of metropolitan Houston within the next 20 years. Residential and business development as well as transportation tasks and new schools are planned in Cy-Fair all through 2023 to accommodate a rising inhabitants.
Johnson last year added greater than 1,600 heaps to the Houston market and recently acquired 1,four hundred acres in Magnolia for a new neighborhood. The yet-to-be-named neighborhood is expected to break ground within the second quarter with preliminary tons delivered to builders within home builders in san antonio the fourth quarter of 2024. New Western gave me a chance to purchase property on Day One and now, because of them, I give up my job and became a profitable, full-time investor. And now I’m able to control my life and work for myself. I constructed a staff around me and a reputation that I stand behind now.
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Creative Applications For Window Safety Films
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Window safety films, which provide more than just protection against broken glass, are becoming an essential part of contemporary home and workplace security systems. These films are adaptable and may be imaginatively tailored for a wide range of applications beyond conventional security. This blog post will discuss creative uses for window safety films, also letting you know how you can pair them with other home security measures for better benefits.
Creative and innovative applications of window safety films
Although window safety films are frequently thought of as strengthening glass and reducing accidents from broken glass, they have a variety of other useful and inventive applications. Here are a few creative methods to maximize the benefits of window safety films.
Decorative and design enhancements
Window safety films can be enhanced aesthetically while fulfilling practical needs by adding decorative elements like tinted or frosted patterns. Frosted films are perfect for areas like restrooms, workplaces, or conference rooms since they offer seclusion while letting in natural light. Conversely, tinted coatings provide a clean, contemporary look while lowering glare and increasing energy efficiency in homes and workplaces. These films can be printed with unique images, logos, or advertising messages in business settings, transforming windows into powerful branding opportunities without sacrificing security. Window safety films can also be used on shower enclosures, glass furniture, and interior barriers to increase safety by preventing breakage in high-traffic areas.
UV protection for artwork and valuables
Over time, UV rays can fade and harm valuable items like artwork and furniture. Without the need for bulky drapes or blinds, window safety films that filter harmful UV radiation help safeguard these products and ensure that the aesthetic appeal of your house or place of business is maintained. Window safety films can protect products from UV rays in retail environments while preserving natural light for product displays. Large glass windows and doors in stores are a great place to apply this.
Energy efficiency and temperature control
Reflective window safety films help lower heat gain in hot weather, increasing your home or place of business’s energy efficiency. These films save energy costs, lessen the need for air conditioning, and reflect solar heat to assist maintain a constant temperature indoors. Insulating window coatings can help retain heat indoors in colder areas, improving comfort and lowering heating expenses. Window safety films are an all-year investment in energy efficiency because of this dual usage.
Soundproofing and noise reduction
Although soundproofing has not historically been linked to window safety films, certain types of sophisticated films have the ability to insulate against sound. These films are perfect for homes or workplaces in noisy locations, like those close to busy streets or airports, as they can help reduce outside noise.
Storm and weather protection
Window safety films offer an additional layer of defence against flying debris and strong winds in places that are prone to extreme weather. They can keep the interior safe and lower the chance of injury by preventing windows from breaking during storms, hurricanes, or strong winds. Window safety films can be used in conjunction with other storm-protection strategies, like reinforced glass or shutters, to provide a stronger barrier against severe weather.
Combining window safety films with other home security measures
When paired with other home security systems, window safety films can be much more beneficial than they would individually be as a security measure. Here are some ideas for combining window safety films with other safety precautions to improve your security.
Reinforced glass and double glazing
Considerably while window safety films can substantially improve the resilience of regular glass, they provide considerably more protection when combined with tempered or reinforced glass. Safety films make tempered glass even more impact-resistant and tougher, making breakage considerably more difficult. Applying window safety films to double-glazed windows in homes or offices provides an additional degree of security. In addition to improving insulation and energy efficiency, safety films assist shield glass from breaking in the case of an accident or break-in.
Security cameras and alarm systems
Windows provide a visual and tactile barrier to potential burglars when window safety films are integrated with security cameras. The film will prevent access if there is an attempt to shatter a window, allowing security cameras extra time to record the event and notify you. Alarm systems and glass-break detectors can also be used with window safety films. The film further prevents the glass from breaking, slowing down the intruder and giving you time to react.
Smart locks and automated shutters
You can add more layers of security by integrating window safety films with automated shutters or smart locks. An effective deterrent against infiltration can be created by using smart locks to restrict access to windows and doors and automated shutters that are set to close automatically at certain periods or in response to security warnings. Your house is protected even when you’re not there, thanks to smart home technologies that let you operate the shutters and locks from a distance. When combined with window safety films’ impact resistance, this arrangement can successfully prevent unwanted access.
Window safety films are now used for purposes beyond the conventional. They have developed into multipurpose solutions that improve energy efficiency, security, and aesthetics. Window safety films are a vital update for any structure because of their inventive applications, which range from protecting priceless artwork to providing privacy, noise reduction, and storm protection. Homeowners may create a safe atmosphere that is both functional and innovative by integrating window safety films with other security features like reinforced glass, smart locks, and automated shutters. For those in Bangalore, Southmen provides professional installation services and a selection of premium window safety films in Jayanagar, guaranteeing that your house or place of business is outfitted with the newest innovations in window protection and technology.
Resource: Read more
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creative9blogs · 2 days
The Best Water Softener For Bathroom: A Buyer’s Guide
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If you’re tired of dealing with hard water issues in your bathroom, you’re not alone. Hard water can lead to limescale buildup, dry skin, and dull hair. Fortunately, investing in the Best Water Softener For Bathroom can make a world of difference. In this guide, we’ll explore what to look for in a water softener and highlight some top options on the market.
What is a Water Softener?
A water softener is a device that removes minerals like calcium and magnesium from your water supply, which are responsible for hardness. By replacing these minerals with sodium or potassium, water softeners help reduce limescale buildup, improve soap lathering, and enhance the overall quality of your water.
Why You Need the Best Water Softener For Bathroom
1. Improved Skin and Hair Health
Hard water can strip your skin of natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. The Best Water Softener For Bathroom will help soften your water, making showers and baths more enjoyable while promoting healthier skin and hair.
2. Reduced Limescale Buildup
Limescale can accumulate on your faucets, showerheads, and tiles, making them look dirty and worn out. A water softener minimizes this buildup, ensuring your bathroom fixtures remain clean and functional.
3. Enhanced Cleaning Power
Softened water makes cleaning products more effective. When you use the Best Water Softener For Bathroom, you’ll notice that soaps and detergents lather better and rinse away more easily.
Key Features to Consider
When looking for the Best Water Softener For Bathroom, keep the following features in mind:
1. Capacity
Choose a water softener with the right capacity for your household size. Consider how much water you use daily to find a model that suits your needs.
2. Regeneration Process
Look for a system that offers efficient regeneration cycles. Some models use salt, while others use potassium. Assess which option is better for your preferences and health considerations.
3. Installation and Maintenance
Consider how easy the unit is to install and maintain. Some systems are designed for DIY installation, while others may require professional help.
4. Size and Space Requirements
Ensure the water softener fits in your bathroom space. Compact models are available for smaller areas, while larger units may require more room.
Top Picks for the Best Water Softener For Bathroom
1. Fleck 5600SXT
The Fleck 5600SXT is a highly-rated choice known for its efficiency and ease of use. With a digital control head, it’s easy to monitor and adjust settings. This model is perfect for larger households, offering high capacity and excellent regeneration features.
2. Aquasana Whole House Water Filter System
For those seeking a two-in-one solution, the Aquasana system filters out impurities while softening water. It’s an ideal option if you want to improve both the quality of your water and reduce hardness.
3. Waterboss 220
The Waterboss 220 is a compact and efficient model perfect for smaller bathrooms. It offers a unique design that fits well in tight spaces and boasts a user-friendly interface for easy operation.
Investing in the Best Water Softener For Bathroom is a smart move for anyone looking to improve their water quality and overall bathroom experience. By considering factors like capacity, regeneration process, and installation ease, you can find the perfect water softener for your needs. With the right system in place, you’ll enjoy softer water, healthier skin, and cleaner fixtures—making your bathroom a sanctuary of comfort and relaxation.
Explore your options and take the first step towards a better bathing experience today!
Ready to experience the benefits of softened water in your home? Contact Chanson Water today at 1147042098 or visit our website at chansonqualitywater.com for expert advice and top-quality water softeners. Don’t wait—transform your bathroom experience now!
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designonglass · 3 days
Laminated and Tempered Glass: The Ideal Choice for Safety and Style
When it comes to enhancing both safety and aesthetics in architecture and interior design, Laminated and Tempered Glass stands out as a premier option. This type of glass not only meets safety standards but also adds a touch of elegance to various applications. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Laminated and Tempered Glass, compare it to Normal and Tempered Glass, and discuss its role as Safety Glass and Tempered Glass.
Understanding Laminated and Tempered Glass
Laminated and Tempered Glass is created through a process that involves layering sheets of glass with a special interlayer, typically made from polyvinyl butyral (PVB). This combination not only improves the glass's strength but also enhances its safety features. The tempered glass undergoes a heating and cooling process, which increases its durability and makes it resistant to impact and thermal stress.
Benefits of Laminated and Tempered Glass
Enhanced SafetyOne of the primary advantages of Laminated and Tempered Glass is its superior safety features. In the event of breakage, the interlayer holds the glass pieces together, preventing shattering and reducing the risk of injury. This makes it an ideal choice for areas where safety is a concern, such as in schools, hospitals, and commercial buildings.
Sound InsulationThe layered construction of Laminated and Tempered Glass provides excellent sound insulation. This makes it a great option for urban environments or noisy areas, where reducing external noise can significantly improve comfort levels.
UV ProtectionAnother benefit of Laminated and Tempered Glass is its ability to filter out harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. This feature helps protect furnishings, flooring, and artwork from fading and damage caused by prolonged sun exposure.
Aesthetic AppealBeyond safety, Laminated and Tempered Glass offers a sleek and modern look that can enhance the aesthetics of any space. It can be manufactured in various thicknesses, tints, and finishes, allowing for a high degree of customization in architectural designs.
Comparing Laminated and Tempered Glass with Normal and Tempered Glass
When evaluating options for glass installations, it’s essential to understand the differences between Laminated and Tempered Glass and Normal and Tempered Glass.
Laminated and Tempered Glass is significantly stronger than Normal Glass due to the tempering process and the additional interlayer. This makes it less prone to breakage and thermal stress.
Normal and Tempered Glass, while stronger than standard glass, does not provide the same level of safety as laminated glass. In case of breakage, tempered glass shatters into small, blunt pieces, but it does not hold together like laminated glass.
Safety Features
Laminated and Tempered Glass is widely recognized as Safety Glass and Tempered Glass because it meets stringent safety standards. Its ability to remain intact after impact is a critical feature that sets it apart.
Normal and Tempered Glass does not offer the same level of safety; although tempered glass is safer than standard glass, it can still break and pose a hazard.
Cost Considerations
While Laminated and Tempered Glass generally comes at a higher price point than Normal and Tempered Glass, the added benefits of safety, durability, and aesthetic appeal often justify the investment, especially in high-traffic or high-risk areas.
Applications of Laminated and Tempered Glass
The versatility of Laminated and Tempered Glass makes it suitable for a variety of applications:
Commercial Buildings: Used in facades, office partitions, and glass doors to enhance safety and aesthetics.
Residential Homes: Ideal for windows, shower enclosures, and glass railings, adding a modern touch while ensuring safety.
Automotive Industry: Commonly used in windshields and side windows for its shatter-resistant properties.
Public Spaces: Employed in schools, hospitals, and transit stations to provide safety and noise reduction.
In conclusion, Laminated and Tempered Glass is an excellent choice for those seeking a blend of safety and style. With its enhanced durability, sound insulation, UV protection, and aesthetic appeal, it proves to be a versatile option for various applications. When compared to Normal and Tempered Glass, the benefits of choosing laminated options become clear, especially in terms of safety features as Safety Glass and Tempered Glass.
Investing in Laminated and Tempered Glass not only elevates the visual appeal of your space but also ensures peace of mind. Whether for residential or commercial use, this type of glass stands out as a smart, stylish choice for any project.
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apexsalaesarena · 7 days
Lonic High Velocity Pet Hair Dryer
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Introducing the Lonic High Velocity Pet Hair Dryer
Give your furry friends the pampering they deserve with the Lonic High Velocity Pet Hair Dryer! This professional grooming tool is a game-changer when it comes to keeping your pets clean, comfortable, and looking their best. With its advanced features and thoughtful design, it's the perfect addition to your pet care routine.
Key Features:
- Big Blow Force and Low Noise: Powered by a robust 4.3HP/2800W motor, this pet hair dryer delivers quick and efficient drying for dogs of all sizes, from giant breeds to petite pups. Plus, it operates at a whisper-quiet noise level of less than 60dB, ensuring a stress-free grooming experience for your pets. - Adjustable Temperature and Speed: Customize the drying process with a wide temperature range of 35°C-70°C (85°F-150°F) and a stepless adjustable airflow from 56mph to 167mph. Start with gentle airflow for smaller dogs and gradually increase as they get used to it. - 4 Nozzles and Flexible Hose: This kit includes 4 deshedding nozzles and a dog shower grooming glove, making it versatile for various grooming needs. The 90.6-inch flexible hose ensures convenient and efficient drying without needing to move the dryer around. - Ergonomic Design and Durability: The pet dryer features a thick composite grooming vacuum hose with a soft jacket that can withstand high temperatures. Non-slip legs keep it stable, and dual filters resist dust, extending the dryer's lifespan. The insulating shell and built-in motor circuit isolation minimize failures. - Anion Function: Enjoy the added benefit of anion technology, which makes your pet's fur softer and smoother while repelling dust and promoting overall health.
Benefits You'll Love:
- Save Time: Say goodbye to long drying sessions. Our high-velocity dryer gets the job done quickly. - Quiet Operation: Keep your pet calm and comfortable during grooming with the low noise level. - All-Season Use: Adjustable temperature settings make this dryer suitable for any weather conditions. - Healthy Fur: Anion function ensures your pet's coat is soft, smooth, and free from dust. - Easy to Handle: The larger carrying handle allows for effortless transport. - Comfortable Grip: The soft tubing sleeve ensures a comfortable hold during use. - Versatile Nozzles: Achieve various grooming styles with the included nozzles. Upgrade your pet grooming routine with the Lonic High Velocity Pet Hair Dryer and give your pets the care they deserve. Whether you have a small cat or a giant dog, this dryer is designed to meet all your grooming needs. Say goodbye to wet and uncomfortable pets, and say hello to a happier, healthier, and more beautiful fur baby!
Product Specifications:
- Smart Device: No - Type of Motor: AC - Plug Standard: EURO - Power Source: Electric - Voltage: 210-240V - Function: Anion - Number of Gears: ≥ 5 - Max. Power: More than 2000W - Certification: CE Upgrade your pet grooming game today with the Lonic High Velocity Pet Hair Dryer. Your pets will thank you for it! Read the full article
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nzhotwatersolutions · 15 days
Slash Your Energy Bills with a Hot Water Heat Pump
As energy costs continue to rise, many homeowners are searching for ways to reduce their energy bills while maintaining comfort. One solution that is gaining popularity is the hot water heat pump. These systems not only provide hot water efficiently but can significantly cut down on your monthly energy expenses. Let’s dive into what makes hot water heat pumps an excellent choice for your home and how they can help you save money.
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What Is a Hot Water Heat Pump? A hot water heat pump is a device that uses electricity to move heat rather than generate it. It works by extracting heat from the surrounding air or ground and using it to heat water, which can then be used for domestic purposes such as showering, washing dishes, and laundry.
Unlike traditional water heaters that consume a lot of electricity or gas to heat water, heat pumps are far more energy-efficient because they transfer existing heat rather than creating it from scratch. Think of it as the reverse operation of an air conditioner, where instead of cooling down air, the system heats up water.
How Does It Work? Heat pumps work by absorbing heat from a source, typically the ambient air, and then transferring that heat to the water. Even in colder climates, the air still contains heat energy that can be captured and utilized. A refrigerant circulates through the system, picking up heat and moving it to the water storage tank.
Here’s a simplified breakdown:
Heat Absorption: The heat pump extracts heat from the air. Heat Transfer: The heat is transferred to the refrigerant. Compression: The refrigerant is compressed, raising its temperature. Water Heating: The hot refrigerant releases its heat into the water storage tank. Since this process requires significantly less energy than heating water directly with electricity or gas, hot water heat pumps are much more efficient.
The Energy Savings: How Much Can You Save? One of the primary benefits of switching to a hot water heat pump is the potential for substantial energy savings. Heat pumps can be up to three or four times more efficient than traditional electric water heaters. This means for every unit of electricity consumed, you could generate three or four units of heat.
Depending on your household size and water usage habits, switching to a hot water heat pump could reduce your water heating costs by up to 60-70%. In many cases, homeowners can see savings ranging from $200 to $600 or more annually, depending on local electricity rates and the efficiency of their existing water heating system.
Eco-Friendly Benefits In addition to saving money, hot water heat pumps are also an eco-friendly choice. They help reduce your carbon footprint by consuming less energy. In fact, because they rely on transferring existing heat, they can significantly reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with water heating.
For those who want to take it a step further, combining a hot water heat pump with solar panels can make your home’s water heating system nearly emission-free. Solar energy can provide the electricity to power the heat pump, maximizing both cost savings and environmental impact.
Installation and Maintenance The installation of a hot water heat pump is similar to that of a traditional water heater, though it does require some additional considerations. Most heat pumps work best when installed in a well-ventilated area where they can easily absorb ambient air. Garages, basements, or outdoor spaces are common locations for installation.
While heat pumps generally cost more upfront than traditional water heaters, they pay for themselves through energy savings over time. Depending on your usage and the efficiency of your system, the payback period can range from 3 to 7 years.
Maintenance requirements for hot water heat pumps are minimal, typically including an annual inspection to ensure optimal performance. Cleaning the air filters and checking the refrigerant levels are usually the most significant tasks required to keep your system running smoothly.
Is It Right for Your Home? Before deciding to install a hot water heat pump, it’s essential to consider whether it’s the right fit for your home. While these systems are highly efficient in a variety of climates, they do tend to perform best in areas where the ambient temperature is relatively moderate. In extremely cold climates, the efficiency of air-source heat pumps may decrease, although ground-source options remain effective even in harsher conditions.
Additionally, if your household has high hot water demand or you’re looking to reduce energy consumption as much as possible, a heat pump is a great investment. Many utilities and government programs also offer rebates or incentives for installing energy-efficient systems like heat pumps, making the initial cost more affordable.
Conclusion Switching to a hot water heat pump can significantly slash your energy bills while contributing to a more sustainable future. With their ability to reduce water heating costs by up to 70%, these systems offer an excellent return on investment for most homeowners. Plus, with minimal maintenance and long-lasting performance, a hot water heat pump is a smart choice for anyone looking to save on energy costs and reduce their environmental impact.
Contact Us Hot Water Solutions 3d Taid Place, Rosedale, Auckland 0800497658 [email protected] Social Links: https://www.facebook.com/Hot-Water-Solutions-100885308035357/ https://www.instagram.com/pete_hotwatersolutions/?hl=en https://www.youtube.com/@HotWaterSolutions_NZ
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ocemida · 21 days
The Benefits of Installing a Shower Filter: Healthier Water for a Healthier You
In recent years, increasing awareness about water quality has led many to reconsider what they’re using to cleanse and nourish their bodies. One key area that often goes overlooked is the water we use in our showers. Installing a shower filter can significantly enhance the quality of water, leading to numerous health and wellness benefits. Ocemida, a company renowned for its commitment to innovative health solutions, offers advanced shower filter technology designed to improve your shower experience and overall well-being. Here’s a closer look at why installing a shower filter is a smart choice for a healthier you.
Understanding Shower Filters
Shower filters are devices designed to remove impurities from water before it reaches your skin and hair. These impurities can include chlorine, heavy metals, sediment, and other contaminants commonly found in municipal water supplies. By filtering out these substances, shower filters help provide cleaner, fresher water, which can make a noticeable difference in your health and comfort.
The Health Benefits of Using a Shower Filter
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Improved Skin Health
One of the most immediate benefits of installing a shower filter is the improvement in skin health. Chlorine, a common disinfectant in municipal water, can strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness, irritation, and exacerbation of conditions like eczema and psoriasis. By removing chlorine and other harsh chemicals, a shower filter helps maintain your skin’s natural moisture balance, reducing irritation and promoting a healthier complexion.
Healthier Hair
Just as chlorine can damage your skin, it can also affect your hair. Chlorinated water can lead to dryness, frizz, and discoloration, especially for those with color-treated hair. By filtering out chlorine and other chemicals, you’ll notice that your hair feels softer, looks shinier, and maintains its color longer. A shower filter can also help prevent scalp issues like dryness and itchiness.
Reduced Exposure to Harmful Chemicals
In addition to chlorine, municipal water can contain other harmful chemicals such as heavy metals (like lead and mercury) and sediments. Prolonged exposure to these substances can have adverse effects on your health. Shower filters designed by Ocemida utilize advanced filtration technology to remove these contaminants, reducing your exposure and helping to ensure that your shower water is as clean as possible.
Improved Respiratory Health
The steam from a hot shower can release chlorine and other chemicals into the air, which can be inhaled and potentially cause respiratory issues. By using a shower filter to remove chlorine, you can minimize the amount of these chemicals that become airborne, leading to better respiratory health and a more comfortable showering experience.
Enhanced Comfort and Enjoyment
Beyond the health benefits, a filtered shower provides a more enjoyable and comfortable experience. Cleaner water feels fresher and more soothing on your skin. If you’ve ever experienced an unpleasant chemical smell from your shower water or noticed a gritty feeling, a shower filter can address these issues, leaving you with a more pleasant and refreshing shower experience.
Why Choose Ocemida’s Shower Filter?
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Ocemida is a leader in health-focused technology, and our shower filters are designed with both performance and convenience in mind. Here’s why Ocemida’s shower filters stand out:
Advanced Filtration Technology
Ocemida’s shower filters use cutting-edge technology to effectively remove chlorine, heavy metals, and other contaminants from your water. Their multi-stage filtration systems ensure that you get the highest quality water possible, without compromising on flow rate or performance.
Ease of Installation
Ocemida’s shower filters are designed for easy installation, fitting most standard shower heads without the need for professional assistance. This means you can start enjoying the benefits of cleaner water quickly and effortlessly.
Durable and Long-Lasting
Constructed from high-quality materials, Ocemida’s shower filters are built to last. Their durable design ensures that you get consistent performance over time, providing ongoing protection for your skin and hair.
Commitment to Health and Wellness
Ocemida is dedicated to promoting health and wellness through innovative solutions. Their shower filters reflect this commitment, offering a product that not only improves your shower experience but also supports your overall well-being.
Installing a shower filter is a simple yet effective way to enhance your health and comfort. By removing chlorine, heavy metals, and other contaminants, a shower filter helps improve skin and hair health, reduces exposure to harmful chemicals, and enhances the overall shower experience. With Ocemida’s advanced shower filter technology, you can enjoy the benefits of cleaner, fresher water, ensuring that your daily shower routine contributes positively to your health and wellness. Investing in a shower filter is a proactive step toward a healthier, more enjoyable life.
Contact us:
1706 STATE RTE 11, MOOERS, NY, 12958, United States (833) 526-503 https://ocemida.com/ [email protected]
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glass-expert123 · 24 days
Uses and Advantages of Laminated Safety Glass | AIS Glass
A ground-breaking material called laminated safety glass has altered how we prioritize safety and security in many industries. There are numerous uses for this laminated safety glass in various industries. This blog discusses the varied applications and wealth of benefits of laminated safety glass, illuminating its relevance in promoting safety and peace of mind.
What is Laminated Safety Glass?
To create laminated safety glass, a polyvinyl butyral (PVB) layer is fused between two or more layers of glass. Strong adhesion is ensured by the use of heat and pressure, producing a substance that is both resilient and beneficial.
Uses of Laminated Safety Glass 
Learn about the various ways that laminated safety glass is used in different fields: 
Automotive Industry
Laminated safety glass makes windshields in the automotive industry one of its most widespread uses. The PVB interlayer is a barrier that stops the glass from shattering in the event of an impact. This vital component considerably lowers the possibility of serious injuries to car occupants in collisions.
Architecture and Construction
In architecture and construction, laminated safety glass has become a standard for building components like windows, doors, and skylights. It is the perfect material for high-rise buildings because of its increased strength and safety features, giving residents and builders a sense of security and dependability.
Safety Glazing
Laminated safety glass is a wonderful choice for use in safety glazing applications. Among the many applications for this glass are balustrades, glass railings, and shower enclosures. Sharp glass fragments are less likely to cause serious injuries due to the interlayer’s capacity to keep the glass together even when fractured, improving safety.
Bulletproof Glass
A key element in making bulletproof glass is laminated safety glass with additional layers of PVB and glass. These sophisticated windows and doors protect against potential threats and are used in security facilities, embassies, and prominent structures.
Advantages of Laminated Safety Glass
Examine the remarkable advantages of laminated safety glass:
Enhanced Safety
Laminated safety glass’s amazing safety qualities are its most noticeable benefit. The interlayer guarantees that the glass will remain unbroken even when subjected to extreme force, offering people inside structures or vehicles an unrivaled level of safety.
Its solid construction makes it challenging to penetrate as a barrier against forced entrances and burglaries, providing residents and businesses with greater peace of mind.
UV Protection
In an era where skin cancer and UV radiation are significant concerns, laminated safety glass is crucial to safeguarding occupants from harmful ultraviolet rays. The PVB interlayer filters out a substantial portion of UV radiation, reducing its penetration into the interiors of vehicles and buildings.
Noise Reduction
Noise pollution can harm one’s health in the busyness of urban living. By efficiently reducing outside noise levels, laminated safety glass helps to create a quieter indoor environment, improving comfort and concentration.
Storm and Hurricane Resistance
In areas subject to extreme weather, laminated safety glass has proven to be valuable. Its capacity to withstand strong winds and the impact of flying debris during storms and hurricanes improves occupant safety and reduces property damage.
AIS Glass has emerged as a game-changer with our laminated safety glass in the race for improved safety and security across sectors. Its adaptability and efficiency in automotive, architecture, and safety glazing emphasize its crucial function in safeguarding people and assets. Our laminated safety glass is a popular option in various situations due to its many benefits, including improved safety, security, UV protection, noise reduction, and storm resistance. We are positioned to continue evolving as technology develops, solidifying our status as a ground-breaking substance in safeguarding people’s safety and peace of mind worldwide.
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