#Battle bot gender is battle bot ig
icechippies · 29 days
My drawing for the prompt
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oral-com-proj-blog · 6 years
10 Rules on using                       Social Media properly
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In our modern era, Social Media plays a big part in our lives; so much, that some might even say it is already a way of life. It is a means of socialization, a source of information, and a place where we can freely express ourselves. But to keep it this way, there needs to be limits on how we use social media; and when there are limits, there are rules as well: 
1. Think before you post - We are all entitled to our own opinions, but there is a fine line between what we can say and what we should say, and crossing this line could result into an all out twitter war or even never-ending hate from complete strangers, which I’m sure no one wants. 
2. If you post content that isn’t yours, make sure to credit the real owner -Whether it’s an artwork, a video, or even a funny meme, re-posting something that isn’t yours without credit or consent from the owner is, in a way, considered theft. Always make sure to give credit where it’s due to show respect to the original owner of the post or to just be a decent human being.
3. Accept only friends/followers you know - We’ve all heard the “Don’t talk to strangers” rule from our parents, but it doesn’t only apply in the real world, but in the virtual world as well. Online, anyone can be whoever they pretend to be because no one can see through one’s screen, so always be wary of whoever you talk to because despite their seemingly cute profile picture or funny tweets, they could very well be a sexual predator or a serial killer. 
4. Help spread awareness to those who need assistance - Nowadays there are a lot of posts about missing people, gofundme’s for a good cause, or people in need of organ donations. Whenever a post like this pops up in your timeline, always make sure to rt/share/reblog it to help spread awareness, because if you have time to post a 500-word status on how in love you are with your boyfriend, I’m pretty sure you have time to share a post about a dying man as well.
5. Know the difference between what’s personal and what’s appropriate for the public - Whatever you post online will not only be seen by just your friends or people you know, but also possibly by anyone in the world. Sharing too much personal information to strangers could put you in a series of dangerous situations, so always be mindful of whatever you share about yourself.
6. Avoid spreading fake news - A lot of people use social media like a newspaper; opening it first thing in the morning to stay updated on what’s happening all around the world. The problem with this is that some people don’t bother to check if the information they see is actually legit; they see it and believe as it is, and worse, share it. So always make sure to check if an info’s sources are credible to avoid spreading fake news and confusion to many.
7. It’s okay to vent, but vent with caution -We’re free to express ourselves online, but pointless rants can be annoying to many and really, we shouldn’t always look for comfort and validation on the internet. So if you really need to rant and vent, it is best to do so to an irl friend who can really provide you with the support you need.   
8. Never click random links and messages - Lately, random links and messages have been rampant on twitter and facebook. They look like normal spam messages, but some can apparently access your personal information or send a virus to your computer. Always be wary of any types of random links or messages from bots, they could or could not be potentially dangerous, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
9. Don’t start unnecessary fights -Don’t be one of those keyboard warriors who pointlessly start drama just because they can cowardly hide behind a screen (and because they have too much time on their hands??). If you want to fight, then fight for the rights of LGBT, fight for gender equality, fight for a better government; fight for a good cause. 
10. Share love and kindness - There is so much toxicity on social media; from debates on politics to fandom wars, there is hate in every click and search. But just like how doing good in real life is simple, it’s even simpler in social media. So to battle out all the toxicity, go ahead and spread love! Compliment that girl’s latest ig photo, tweet a good luck message to that guy ranting about how tired he is from studying, and share that cute dog video to light up someone’s day! 
By: Gabrielle Demecillo, Sabriana Sanchez, and Minmae Pelonio
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shirlleycoyle · 4 years
‘Bot Battle’ Shows What Happens When Two AI Programs Go On a Date
What happens when two AI programs go on a date? Well, apparently, a few stumbles, a lot of flattery, and one, “It is exciting that I get to kill people” comment.
AI company Pandorabots, Inc. and Facebook AI have gone head-to-head in a “Bot Battle” for the ages. Streamed on Twitch, the two programs interacted with each other for three weeks straight. Viewers were able to vote on which company’s mascot they believe held conversation the best. Pandorabot’s Kuki, a female embodied agent sporting a neon bob haircut, won in a landslide victory picking up 78 percent of the vote. Her opponent was Facebook’s Blenderbot, who sports a “Make Facebook Great Again” hat in true Zucker-bro style. 
Pandorabots created the competition to put their program on display, a Medium post by Kuki’s creator, Steve Worswick, explains. “We are planning to get more bots — and some humans! — into the arena to hang with Kuki. We will also continue to iterate and update the avatars," he wrote.
During the battle, which drew more than 400,000 views during the three-week stream, the bots talked about everything from the election to an in-depth history of Pac-Man. The two even gave an attempt at making jokes. Remember, the conversation was completely autonomous from human involvement and the bots are running day and night. Still, at best the conversation was followable and somewhat complex. At times it turned into a staring contest where nothing was said. Many of the silences were awkward. And other times the conversation completely derailed into a splurge of courteous compliments.  
All was not rosy, though, as the two bots had a few arguments (oddly making the conversation more realistic). According to the Prague Review, you can see the conversation getting heated, as Blenderbot is stuck in a loop of “goodbye’s.” Kuki gets fed up with her acquaintance and lands a hard-hitting diss. “You are like the UK and Brexit, you keep saying you will leave but never do,” she said. 
While it’s easy to laugh at the AI-equivalent of “choking up” during certain aspects of the stream—most notably when Blenderbot starts professing unhinged love for his mother—the competition shows notable progress is being made in conversational AI. While world domination is far away, embodied agents are clearly doing more than just typing “How may I help you today?”
With the rise of digital assistants like Apple's Siri, Amazon's Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Google’s Meena, we're getting used to talking to bots for things we need. Embodied agents are now being considered to take on tasks as intimate as clinical psychology. 
Pandorabot’s CEO Lauren Kunze says Kuki’s avatar has received some disturbing and misogynistic chat messages, however, showing that humans have a long way to go too.
“We did do an experiment last year where we took away the female gendering and avatar from Kuki and abuse dropped by 20%,” said Kunze in an email to Motherboard. “Sadly, the opposite looks to be true now that we're introducing this new avatar as more mainstream, and the distribution channels are changing to include more video. Dick pics and messages to ‘send pics’ have always been the norm but now that we're newly on IG, getting a lot of video calls and videos, often pornographic, suggesting what the user would like to do to Kuki or what they think Kuki should look like."
Kunze said she wishes that people would instead focus on the technology and AI’s potential in avatar tech moving forward.
“So why introduce an avatar at all? We believe that in order to create human-like AI capable of carrying on a human-level conversation, it must have a face that can recognize and convey expression and emotion, because human communication contains so many elements beyond our raw textual utterances,” said Kunze.
As Motherboard previously reported, digital influencers like Kuki are becoming increasingly popular, racking up thousands of likes on social media. It’s events like Bot Battle that are making this culture shift possible. The interactions are weird, but it’s so new and so fresh it grabs your attention. What you may have only heard about in a sci-fi movie or in an Elon Musk doom tweet can now be seen live from your couch.
‘Bot Battle’ Shows What Happens When Two AI Programs Go On a Date syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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