#Based on a writing prompt
brynthewriter · 2 months
A Message From the Dead: Discussion Post
I'm going to keep all of this series in the same post, since I have too many ideas to make a whole post for each one. I'll update this post each time a new fic in this series is posted.
Works Total in Series: 4
A Message From the Dead (completed, chapters: 1/1, words: 459, written by me) A Message From the Dead: Looking for a Ghost (chapters: 2/?, words: 1,759, written by me) A Message From the Dead: Biggest Regret (chapters: 1/?, words: 1,877, written by @rin-may-1103) A Message From the Dead: A Sister's Love (chapters: 1/?, words: 686, written by me)
Words Total: 4,781
Based off a prompt I posted on my main blog, @op-sys-chaos, I decided to write this out as a full fic. Other people also wrote their own versions, so I offered for them to join me in posting them together on AO3! So far, @thevoidstaredback and @rin-may-1103 are the only two people in the series, but if anyone else wants to be involved, let me know!
This is the post to leave notes on if you want to discuss the fic! I love seeing what y'all think, so please leave notes with feedback and such!
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acim-ed-ortsac · 2 months
The Necromancer and their Minion
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Inspired by this prompt Second POV Gender-neutral Necromancer Reader Fluff and Fantasy Wordcount: 547
When the leader of the Hero party killed you, you were certain you were gone forever, to walk in this eternal darkness until you reached the afterlife. You were certain you were going to the Underworld, for you were one of the people who went against the laws of nature and raised the dead. It was no surprise, yet you will miss your minions. You wonder how they will function without you, their master?
Perhaps they’ll live out their lives or possibly find a new master.
So regaining sensation to your beings was the last thing you expected. Nor was the sudden air that filled your lungs that had you coughing and heaving. Nor was the sudden sense of sight as light flooded your eyes and blinded you for just a moment. You were in your body. You were breathing. You were alive…
You were alive.
Panicked confusion had you choking at the revelation before you blink your eyes to adjust to the light. That’s when you notice the things before you, the creature that resurrected you from the void. An Elder Lich, you realized when you caught sight of its bony limbs and face, a white robe that’s torn at the ends of the seams. Pearls adorned around its neck and wrists, buzzing with magic and power. In one of its skeletal claws was a book, jewels embedded with elegant swirls carved and engraved on the cover, the pages were worn yellow yet the leather was still put together. But what caught your attention was, amongst the hauntingly majestic outfit of the Lich, was a nametag that stood out like a sore thumb. Old and torn, yet still stuck on, and on it was the faded ink writing.
…This was BOB!?
You looked at the Elder Lich in immense shock and surprise. “Bob!?”
A nasal rasp from the Lich confirmed your suspicions. You scratched your head as you looked around, noticing the crumbling stone pillars and ceiling, the torched banners, and behind your minion was an army of the dead and the night. Lycanthropes, goblins, undead warriors, and even a few wyverns flying above. The army crowded the hall. And around the altar that you were resurrected on were blood-written runes scrawled on the floor, a ritual of resurrection. But to do that, you would need a human sacrifice…
A glint of steel caught your eye behind you and you turned to meet the eyes of the lifeless head of the Hero and his party. Brown hair is dirty and matted with blood, hollow green eyes stare at you, and deathly pale skin.
Your minion killed the Hero and his party to resurrect you…as revenge…
An overwhelming sensation of warmth as you turn back to your minion. “Bob, you did this for me?”
Bob nodded.
You couldn’t help the chuckle as you attempted to stand up, the elder lich assisting you. The army in front of you watched curiously as the leader helped you onto your feet. You couldn’t believe how loyal your minion is; getting stronger to defeat the Hero and to bring you back to life. You almost felt like crying. After releasing a shaky breath, you looked at Bob with a smile. “It’s good to be back.”
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maxwell-jay · 1 year
Weiss: “Would you kiss me for $100?”
Ruby: “Sorry, Weiss, I’m totally broke. :(”
Weiss: “No, I mean I would give you $100 to kiss me.”
Ruby, in complete confusion: “Why would you pay me money to do something I would pay money to do?”
Based on this post:
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sapphistoryteling · 1 year
[Based on This prompt here]
The flames licked at her feet and white robes, crawling on the wood surrounding her, but she was not afraid. The chanting of the mob beholding the blaze held itself louder than the roar of the fire, but she was not afraid.
She breathed in and out, urging the flames hotter like a bellows for a forge. The men and women, judges and juries, the fools who lit the fire backed away with wicked grins thinking their god was aiding in the burning of the witch. The single soul who knew of the Witch's might and power was drowned by those he was attempting to warn. There was no reason within the maddened people, their irrationality had stollen their hearing.
The irons that held her fast to the stake began glowing red hot, then melting, but not a single mark on her skin came from the molten metal as it cascaded down to her feet. She climbed to the top of the stake, hidden by the fire, now burning far higher than any had seen before.
With a sudden snap of her fingers the fire flew to form a massive inferno above her head, casting a warm light upon her figure. The fools' grins had quickly turned to mouths agape in horror. Had they listened, perhaps they wouldn't be so afraid.
"I am Pyrea of the Gentle Flame! I am she who frees souls of their earthly bindings so they may go and know peace! I am she who healed your sick and sent off your dead!" She declared. "Yet at the arrival of these fools, you closed your heart to me, lost sight of my good deeds, and forgot the times I was there when you were most in need!"
"HERETIC!" the priest screamed.
"Those of foreign power and judgement have no right to tell me of heresy. Nor do you have the right to demolish memories of the good and bad. For the attempted murder of an innocent soul, I curse you to never remember the good deeds done to you, nor will you be able to do any good to others. This shall be, until one of you can perform a good deed to someone else, even if it may take lifetimes after you."
As she proclaimed her judgement, the fire scattered into the crowd singing a cursed brand upon their skin. She disappeared into the night, now not a single soul could remember her name or who she was.
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somanywhatifs · 1 year
It is early still Dawn barely breaking Dew drops emerging Rooster slowly awaking
It is early still The show yet to begin Lights out, curtains down Before the crowd filters in
It is early still Pen capped, contemplating The story unwritten The blank page awaiting
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eddiestommy · 4 months
wait so apparently some people get mad if someone else writes fanfiction based on headcanons they shared on tumblr??? so now i got to ask
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dumplingsjinson · 11 months
List of “not-so-random suggestive and non-suggestive” prompts 
“How was your sleep?” “Mm.. It was good. Better.” “Better how?” “Better because you’re here.” (THE WAY I GOT SO FLUSTERED WTF)
“That’s my girl/boy,” Character B murmurs in a hushed voice, stroking their fingers through Character A’s hair while Character A rests their head on their chest, trying to catch their breath. (THE SCREAM I SCRUMPT INTERNALLY, THE AUDACITY HE AUDACITIED??? WHAT THE FUCK??? EXCUSEEEE MEEEEEE??? BTW, SIR, HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS IN THE MORNING-)
“Fuck, you turn me on so much with the noises you make,” Character B groans, thrusting their hips up into Character A’s and Character A whimpering softly at that. (Okay so I added the fuck at the start because it’s hotter this way bUTTTT WKGKSKFS PLSSSSS I JUST- OH MY GOD, I think I just realised that dialogue to me is SO IMPORTANT LMFAOOO)
“There are two hot things in this room right now: you, and the temperature.” (LET ME BREATHE, DAMNNNN) 
“Mmm, I’m gonna hog the bed so you can’t get on,” Character A murmurs, laying sprawled out on the bed. “That’s fine, I can just lay on you,” Character B says, making their way to the bed. “…Are you calling me a bed?” Character A questions as Character B gets on top of them, careful not to crush them under their weight. “Yeah, you're my bed,” Character B murmurs, snuggling close to Character A. (FUCKCKKCKXKDKKSKGKAKD HE’S JUST OUT HERE FLIRTING TO THE MAX WITH ME AND LEAVING ME SPEECHLESS TF)
“I told you my bed’s cozy,” Character B says, chuckling as they make their way over to Character A, who’s snuggled up under the covers. They pull the cover back and climb into the bed next to Character A, wrapping their arms around them. “And now it’s even cozier,” Character B murmurs into Character A’s neck. “Because you’re here?” Character A questions playfully. “Yeah,” Character B answers.
A laughter filled tickling play fight session somehow turning into them making out, turning into Character A straddling Character B, head thrown back in pleasure as they grind their hips against Character B’s while Character B holds onto their hips, thrusts matching the momentum of Character A’s movements.  
Spending way too much time tickling each other, peals of laughter coming from them both as they both try to attack each other’s sensitive spots. (His laughter is so cute AND I REALLY MISS HIM PLS WJDSK)
Morning cuddles and kisses as sunlight spills into the room.
“I’m gonna fuck you so good once we get there, yeah?” (MY HONEST REACTION WAS LITERALLY “???” I JUST?? WHAT?? SINCE WHEN WAS HE- AND HIM SWEARING? HOT HOT HOT HOT WKGKAKS)
Character A taking Character B’s hand into theirs while they’re driving. “You can drive with one hand, right?” they ask with a little grin, and Character B chuckles and nods. “Of course I can.” (HIM DRIVING WITH ONE HAND IS SO HOT BYE)
Character B guiding the speed of Character A’s hips as Character A grinds against them. (can he PLEASE manhandle me-)
“Okay, I’ll let you tickle me wherever you want if you give me one kiss.” (He lied a few times AHAHA, dodged my attacks instead after I gave him his kisses bruhhh) 
Character B lending their clothes to Character A since Character A’s staying the night. (The way I smelled like him AHHHH)
The soft “yeah?” Character B would mutter in response when they’re messing around with Character A and noises would fall from Character A’s mouth, involuntarily.
Stopping their play fight every now and again to kiss each other. 
Character B flirting with Character A and Character A not knowing how to respond other than half groaning and half laughing and calling them insufferable (affectionately). (Like I said, I’m romantically constipated-) 
Character B laughing every time Character A calls them annoying and insufferable whenever they flirt with them. 
Character A leaning in to kiss Character B… And then using that opportunity to tickle them when Character B’s guards are down. 
Them just laughing with each other at the dumbest shit until they’re out of breath; finding comfort and joy in each other’s company. 
Character A teasing Character B with how ticklish they are on certain spots. 
Character B tugging at the hem of Character A’s top, wanting to take it off, but Character A shakes their head and Character B immediately respects that by backing off a bit. (I’m including this because I don’t think people understand that any signs of no means no. Some people need to take notes for real)
“So… Are you going to stay over tonight?” “…Mm, maybe next time.” “You always say next time, though.” (EWLKNFWELN He really wanted me to stay, and I clearly folded so um pwnfewklnf) 
“I’m sorry if I’m like… Slow with all of this? I’m not experienced with any of this, and I don’t know what I’m doing. And I don’t think I’m ready for… You know.” “And that’s fine. Like I said, we’ll take it slow; we’ve got all the time in the world to get comfortable with each other, hm?” (WHEN I SAY I WAS GOING WEKJFNEWJKNEWFLN WHEN HE REASSURED ME, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AHHH)
Character B climbing back into bed after taking their morning shower to get more cuddles in with Character A before they have to go to work.
“You can just change in here if you want.” (WO4HKLWFN THIS FUCKING MAN LMFAOOO, the way I didn’t listen and went to the bathroom to change because I’m still feeling too embarrassed to change in front of him even though he’s kind of seen me topless before)
Hugging each other a little tighter, and Character A mumbling, “God, I really don’t want to leave” before they part ways.
“The way you keep running around in my mind everyday… How dare you?” Character A mumbles. “Well, is there a problem with that?” Character B questions with a chuckle. (I’m bold for this one, praise me LKNEFKLNWG)
The constant check ins from Character B, to make sure Character A’s all good and well. (every prompt list has this because it’s something I’ll always fucking harp on about lmao)
Character B grasping Character A’s wrists so they’d stop attacking their ticklish spots, pulling them in for a kiss instead. (He did this SO MANY TIMES AND FAILED SO MANY TIMES AHAHA, I’m a sneaky menace) 
Character A pulling the Spiderman kiss on Character B while Character B’s lying down. (I WANNA KISS HIM MORE FUCKSLKFNES’F)
Character A waking up in Character B’s clothes and in their bed, hair all mussed up and sporting a faint mark on their neck. (I think I uh… I think I like having marks on my neck?? Made by him, specifically, IDK wpeofnew;nf)
Get home safe! Love you lots and lots, Character B texts Character A. (THE WAY I SMILED WHEN I SAW HIS TEXT WHILE HEADING TO THE STATION AHAHA, it wasn’t even ten minutes since we parted and he sent me this and I was fangirling about it to my friends AHAHA) 
“Aren’t you going to get up now? You gotta get to work,” Character A says, poking Character B’s side. “Mmm, five more minutes,” Character B murmurs, pulling Character A closer to them. (HE’S SO CLINGY AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH AHDFOEKNF)
Character A realising they might actually be falling in love, slowly but surely, with Character B. (YEAH SO THIS IS A REVELATION AND A HALF AND IDK HOW TO FEEL ABOUT IT) 
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stealingyourbones · 2 months
Never will I stop with the steadfast notion that folks in the DPXDC fandom should interact with at least some form of canon DC media.
There are comics, tv shows, radio dramas both old and new, podcasts, movies, magazines, so much shit that intentionally avoiding the media is simply preventing yourself from spawning new ideas and gaining a new appreciation for a fandom that you’re already in.
The Superman Radio Show has episodes 11 minutes long. A lot of the TV shows don’t have episodes that surpass 30 minutes and most are nearly fully clipped on the official DC YouTube channel. The amount of fan made motion comics is astounding. The amount of fanmade animations is equally as incredible.
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katfantastico · 2 years
Devil's Playground (Working Title)
A Ghostbusters Fanfic
"What the hell is wrong with it?" Venkman dropped the Muon Trap to the floor and shook his hands out as though they were caked in mud.
The entity he and Ray had just captured seemed normal enough. It was a routine call, human possession, and everything seemed to have gone by the books. That is until the moment the trap closed.
Once settled on the floor, the trap began to hum against the hardwood of the tiny apartment. Small arcs of electricity jumped across its surface. This was unprecedented.
Carefully, so as not to get the same jolt his cohort had just received, Ray gripped the device with a pair of silicone coated tongs he'd found in the kitchenette and placed it in a canvas sack.
"I've never seen this kind of reaction before. It's fascinating! We better got this thing back to the containment unit." Ray's expression turned from that of a giddy school girl to one of grim purpose in an instant. He rose, holding the sack out at arm's length as he exited the home. The child and her parents traced his egress with their frightened and confused gazes. Without even looking down to acknowledge them, Ray patted the girls head, just once, as he passed.
"You'll have to excuse my partner, he has the emotional intelligence of tree bark." Venkman took a knee beside the girl, still in shock and lying on the floor with her head on her mother's lap. Moments before she had been levitating three feet off the floor, shouting obscenities and some nonsense about seals breaking. For a five year old, she had quite a vocabulary, he thought. "Here kiddo, have a balloon".
"Mom, Dad," he turned his head and pointed finger pistols as he addressed each. "Make sure you give my office a ring and schedule a follow up eval with my secretary. Little Susie will be back to her old self in no time." He flashed a slick smile at the girl.
"Samantha!" her father protested as he rose to his feet.
"Yeah, well either way..." Venkman brushed himself off as he stood up. With a pat on the back, he shook the father's hand, turned, winked at the mother, and left the residence.
Egon was sitting at his desk sifting through the pages of Genes, Brain and Behavior when Ray returned to the firehouse. He dropped the sack on the desk in front of his colleague.
"What do you make of this?" Ray asked, taking a seat on the opposite side of the desk.
"Fascinating," said Egon as the items on his desk began to shift about its surface with the vibrations emanating from the trap. His face and voice gave away no emotion. He simply moved in closer to investigate further.
"I wouldn't touch that if were you," said Ray with a bit of a smirk. "It gave Venkman a pretty good shock.
"I see, ongoing plasma discharge." Egon reached into the drawer beside him and removed a pair of rubber gloves. He put them on and removed the trap from the sack to get a closer look. His hands tingled with the intensity of the pulsations. "We'd better empty this thing before the reaction escalates."
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Red Robin Writing Prompt
Tim only told Jason that Jason had been cleaning up Gotham the ‘easy way’ is because Tim knows for a fact how easy killing is. He had his first kill before he was even 7 years old.
No one realizes this until Joker makes Tim “choose” between shooting one of two batfam members and Tim just picks up the gun without hesitation and shoots the Joker in just the right spot for it to be fatal but for it to not be an instant death.
Tim turns to Jason, “Like I said: Easy way out.”
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eloquent-edits · 7 months
🗡️ “I can assure you, we are just friends.”
definitely not something that’s a little more than friends 🗡️ friends with benefits prompts 🗡️ 18+ prompts
While Person A is chatting with their friends, Person B sidles up to A and subtly trails a finger up their spine (does A stutter? go completely silent at the electricity going through their body? start to get red but manage to keep their composure? TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS)
B begs A to not leave any marks because they just can’t let this secret get out
For that beach episode: A takes off their shirt, exposing scratch marks from a recent session… B hides a sly grin as A is questioned about who they’re with
A is very physically affectionate in general, but has fallen into the habit of only bothering B in public with it
^ A wants to interact with B in many ways and just ends up biting their arm jokingly to satiate that desire (yes, their friends think this is weird)
B needs to be held accountable for finishing their work, so A comes over to hang out… they do not get work done for a while
At a party, B can’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy when they spot A flirting with someone
A’s childhood friend is in town and A is super excited to have them meet B (B is quietly panicking over making a good impression and wondering what A has said about them)
A and B are in the same anatomy class and they spend a lot of time studying together (A is most certainly a hands-on learner hehehehe)
“Is that B’s shirt?” “What? Oh, uh, yes… My shirt got dirty the last time I was over there so they’re washing mine for me.”
“Is that A’s shirt?” “Yes. What about it?” “…Does A know you have their shirt?” “Nope!”
They really only planned on the midnight rendezvous, not falling asleep afterwards, so A and B go get morning coffee together (they are both very grumpy but still enjoying each other’s company)
Inside jokes during sexy times bleed into their normal banter, leading to some questionable looks from their friends
A gets a little drunk and B expects them to slip up and expose their true relationship, but instead A is very wholesome and remains steadfast on their boundaries; B is so proud of them for this
B is desperately trying to get something off their mind, so A offers a distraction for the night… it’s Mario Kart and whoever loses owes the other a favor
Any of their plans to go out have to include wiggle room in case they get preoccupied (soon it’s not just B that’s always late to events)
While their friends are occupied in another room, A and B intertwine their bodies and try to stay quiet—key word here is TRY
“I bet A would really like [insert kink here]…” “Nah, they’re not really into that.” “How the fuck do you know that?”
All their friends take the BDSM test as a joke and A and B secretly take notes on what the other person likes/dislikes to make the benefits side better
If given the choice, A will always pick the seat next to B so they can tease them under the table
During a passionate session, A accidentally draws blood while gripping B’s back (A apologizes over and over while tending to B, who just has a shit-eating grin the whole time)
Whenever B cracks yet another terrible joke, A has to refrain from kissing it off their face
A and B take a break from the benefits whenever one of them wants to pursue someone else (your characters can have healthy boundaries and communication!!! I am BEGGING y’all to write characters that actually communicate with each other)
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brynthewriter · 2 months
Gavin Song and The Hunted: Discussion Post
Since story is completed it doesn't need a subscription post, but here's the discussion post for it!
Based on this writing prompt: "The leader of a group of vigilantes" [note: I completely ignored the "leader" part of this prompt] "has to reveal who they were before they put on the mask to save their crew. But they know their crew will never see them the same way once they know..." (Writing prompt by @your_local_writer_friend on TikTok/Instagram.) A team of vigilantes known as The Hunted lost a friend of theirs, Gavin Song, a long time ago. But when they get their first lead on him in a decade, their most mysterious team member starts freaking out. Why, and how is he connected to Gavin?
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 9,419
A short one-shot superhero story!
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akakumoeteru · 1 year
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Bringing him back to Gusu.
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ghostbsuter · 10 months
"And then– I kicked ass and got crowned for it!" Danny sobs, the air around them filled with fear gas, Tim trying everything he can think of to console his little brother.
It's interesting to witness the way danny reacts to the gas with his biology–
Not now, Tim. Crying brother first.
"How about riding back to my apartment, hm? I'll get some takeout, and we watch movies." The mask makes it difficult, nothing he couldn't handle however.
The sobs don't decrease and Tim feels like sobbing himself now.
In a swoop, he's cradling danny, walking to his bike and driving off.
So much for getting to know your long estranged little brother.
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wing-grayson · 3 months
Apprentice!Dick shows up in our "normal/standard/regular" DC universe and everyone (batfam, titans, whoever) is shocked and upset by his physical and mental state. Everyone is assuming it is dimension travel and wants to try to help him get back to his dimension, while also kicking Deathstroke's ass to get Dick out of this situation. However, our Dick recognizes that it is Not, in fact, dimension travel, but rather time travel, and he just never let anyone know that the apprentice trauma had happened to him. Our Dick Grayson goes along with everyone else's reactions while trying to hide that he went through this and never let anyone find out.
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somanywhatifs · 1 year
My house is never clean No room ever pristine Dishes collecting in the sink Until there's no mug left From which to drink
My house is never neat Clutter covers every seat Dust collecting everywhere But unless I'm expecting guests I just can't seem to care
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