#Band Jacket [Wy]
wyehub · 2 years
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Posting my doodles [Part I]
Fun Facts about my ocs:
- Who knows if Raindrop Cake's umbrella is really sentimental or is just there for some wild imaginations.
- Danya has strange obsessions to poops.
- Ayuka almost died in a war.
- Kasane is half-irish.
- Dot knows about hacking on a basic-level.
- Depending on what situation, Shiroko can scream with her lungs out, usually she doesn't talked much.
- Kurozo is kinda dumb.
- Band Jacket comes from a marching band, working as a color guard.
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rukiakwashere · 3 years
Chasing Last Summer
An amazing experience while working with talented artist for the @grishaversebigbang 
@anubem (link to art), 
@bookish-ginger (link to art),
@wellwatersurprise  (link to art)
As Jesper is trying to settle down, away from cards on the Van Eck estate with Wylan alongside him as a work partner, wondering what to do with his father’s empire, they both start thinking of what they want. The Summer they left behind them went great so maybe it was time to get something serious going on. While busy reordering their priorities, Wylan receives a letter (more like hides it) and it all goes downhill after that...
Jesper boards a ship... The Wraith makes a visit and convinces some cane-dude to tag along... Some Grisha appear... And Wylan may or may not fulfil one of Kaz’s lifelong dreams
tl;dr Post-Crooked Kingdom Wesper making their best to figure out themselves and each other.
Ao3 Link : https://archiveofourown.org/works/33678499/chapters/83698627
[Chapter one under cut]:
Jesper looked at the clock on the wall for what seemed like the twentieth time in the meeting. He fidgeted on his seat looking left and right spotting both familiar and unfamiliar faces. Men and women, mostly old, everyone much older than he was.
Wylan was on his left, completely still and focused on the woman speaking loudly,  moving her hands animatedly to make her point. Jesper thought that her hands were too distracting, he really couldn’t make what the point was with so much waving around. Wylan on the other hand seemed to perfectly understand. He nodded a lot when anyone paused, he offered his opinion when asked and he conversed easily with all the businesspeople around him. It suited him, Jesper thought. Wylan Van Eck looked like a businessman in his own right. His young and calm presence made people trust him and his ironed black and white suit made them believe he was one of their own, refined elite. 
Jesper, on the other hand, didn’t know what to make of himself. His long legs never remained in the same place for more than mere seconds and his awkward posture as he tried to fit on the chair always brought on curious and sometimes annoyed stares. People weren’t used to seeing someone like him sitting on their expensive and elegant chairs. They simply weren’t made for him.
Still, Wylan never commented on anything. Sometimes he caught Jesper’s stare in a meeting and all he did was nod- like he was on autopilot. Jesper didn’t know what to make of it. Was he just another face in Wylan’s business-related crowd? Sometimes he wasn’t that sure if Wylan was only keeping him around because of the promise they had made months ago. Was he just pitying him? 
Jesper didn’t know if being Wylan’s secretary was the lowest or highest point of his life to date. 
Occasionally, he wondered what life would be like if he had never made that deal, not being Wylan’s eyes. Nina’s offer echoed in his ears. Ravka… Would he dare to leave home and become a Grisha? Probably not. 
He would have been back at the Barrel, sitting at a gambling table spending the money he had till it vanished. At least working with Wylan saved him from going broke again, he concluded. Still, was he happy with where his life was at now? Spending his days waiting for the next meeting, talking about things he had little interest in with people that didn’t interest him?
Wylan though… The ginger’s presence was steady and when they weren’t in a meeting, he was okay to be around. Jesper didn’t mind his presence, he rather enjoyed Wylan’s witty remarks and random facts. 
The past few days though, the ginger seemed less and less enthusiastic about anything. Dark circles seemed to have formed permanently below his eyes and he seemed to be sighing a lot – and it didn’t seem to be because of Jesper’s breathtaking presence.
“Wy?” Jesper mouthed, poking the ginger’s shoulder lightly. Wylan didn’t seem surprised, turning discretely towards him with a tired smile. 
“What happened?” Jesper read the ginger’s lips. 
“You cool?”, he mouthed back.
Wylan had the audacity to snort, suppressing his laughter at Jesper’s question. He opted for a small hands-up and a smile that nearly reached his eyes. Sincerely, he felt tired and spent.
He didn’t know business. Kaz had taught him the basics, which felt more like the principles of manipulation, bribery and theft – which Wylan had decided pretty quickly, were better than nothing.
His father had given up on him early on, realizing Wylan’s bad relationship with letters would make him a bad businessman and would let people exploit him freely. His father never imagined, though, his son would have found Jesper, the only person Wylan could put his trust on fully - and did so every day. 
Jesper was the one responsible for what came in and what went out, who might prove beneficial and who was to be avoided. He read stacks of papers daily, and even though his legs wouldn’t stop moving and tapping the floor, he read them all and reported every line he found even slightly useful back to Wylan. While all Wylan could do was sit and wait, pretending the numbers he could make out at the sheets in his hands were enough.
He didn’t understand why Jesper was still there. His awkward fidgeting at the meetings they attended together made it clear that he felt out of place. Wylan was sure Jesper was longing for action, his revolvers out, not hidden inside his jacket. Sure, they were sharing their profits but was Jesper missing the Slat? Did he want to go back to risking his life every day? To feel the thrill of chasing and being chased? Was Jesper still around him out of pity, trapped in a promise he had made while in action, when he wasn’t sure if he would make it out alive to see the next sunrise? 
Maybe, it was the same as his awkward confession, a stupid phrase that kept replaying in Wylan’s mind even though he had hit stop months ago. Maybe I like your stupid face. 
Wylan was annoyed with himself about how a six-word sentence that nearly insulted him made him feel so tingly and weird inside. He soon realized though, as the battle came to an end, as his dad backed off, as Kaz won whatever feud he had with Pekka Rollins, that some things that are best left unsaid can rise in the heat and uncertainty of a battle and what happened between him and Jesper had been one of them. 
We were fugitives, bounties on our heads. Of course, some emotions would be misunderstood, Wylan repeated in his head.
What happened with Jesper was one of them. Wylan was passable and the time they had spent together just- was like that. It meant nothing more. Jesper might have kissed him twice, or once – damn Kuwei – but as things calmed down and they went back to their lives, old and new, he didn’t approach him again in that way - apart from the occasional flirting - and Wylan… Wylan felt really stupid to have expected something more.
Wylan poked the side of his cheek, annoyed with himself. This wasn’t time for his thoughts to be drifting. The meeting… He had to speak with Lady Kadrir and make sure their agreement held,even though the head of the Van Eck family had changed and he needed to speak with that white haired man and give his condolences to that Lady and so many things he had never pictured himself doing ever before.
He never expected to be here. When his father still tolerated him, Wylan dreamed of a music school and maybe joining a theater orchestra with his flute. Even when his father decided otherwise, he still hoped for a demo-related work at the Crows or maybe someone reaching out and joining a traveling band… never business. His father had made it clear early on that he was not suited for that and it was the only thing Wylan and his father had agreed upon. He wasn’t sure he would like it… and he had yet to decide.
Business was… weird. Wylan’s perspectives of it had been two; one when he was growing up, seeing his father busy with paperwork he was always signing… and then, there was business the way the Dregs did it. Meetings under the fold of darkness, sometimes gunshots sounding along, a gambling parlor expecting tourists and sailors from far away…
Yet, what he felt he was doing on his own, was different. Sure, Jesper seemed to be writing and reading tons of stuff but Wylan thought of business as constant meetings, a lot of useless information in his head and a relentless bell ringing in his head reminding him to be polite yet entitled. That was the way. 
At first, he liked being good at it, memorizing estates, meeting people that didn’t look at him down their noses, because Wylan Van Eck possessed property the same way they did. He sat and talked and traded in the language they understood.
Still, that feeling had slowly drifted away, as the bell in his head rang louder and louder. He felt lost and disconnected, yet he wouldn’t stop. He was more determined than ever not to give up. Those meetings had come to be the only place where he felt like he proved his worth. The only thing he could be good at and be of use.
“Mister Van Eck.” 
It was his turn to speak.
“As my father retired and passed me on new property, I’ve made the decision to establish a reliable network around the Van Eck brand.” Words scripted and exercised in front of a mirror, delivered to an audience just like in a theater. 
It’s fine. I can work like this. At least that’s what he convinced himself as he went on with his speech.
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steviecarrington · 4 years
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ariana grande, bisexual, female + she/her  ➸ hey look, it’s ( STEVIE CARRINGTON ) ! they’re an ( TWENTY-THREE ) year old originally from ( MANHATTAN ) . i heard they’re pretty ( RECLUSIVE ) , but i think they’re so ( OPTIMISTIC ) at the same time. while they’re terrified of being harmed, they’re perhaps more afraid of people finding out ( SHE ACCIDENTALLY KILLED A FRIEND WHEN SHE WAS EIGHT ) . they had no idea what they were getting themselves into when they moved to wrenbury. //
TRIGGER WARNINGS: death, mafia, murder, car accident, blood
really likes sex, it might be an addiction
TW: MAFIA. she’s sweet as can be and you’d never guess that her family is part of the mafia, but they are. her grandfather is the leader, her father is second in command, and she and her siblings (all 11 of them) fall behind that. she herself is an ‘executioner’ back home, but while she’s in wrenbury, she’s been laying low
TW: DEATH, MURDER, BLOOD.so, obviously no one knows this, but she accidentally killed a friend when she was eight. they were playing tag in an abandoned lot. stevie tagged her friend, pushing her a little too hard, her friend fell and hit her head on a rock and she bled to death. she knew the basics to check for breathing and a pulse, but there was none. the only thing she knew to do was tell her older brother. so, she told him, he helped her hide her friend’s body, and mum’s the word. no one knows what happened to her and no one ever will. when stevie was asked where she last saw her, she told the police that she and her friend split up to go to their own houses and that’s the last time she saw her. no one will ever be able to find her body because of how they disposed of her, but she’ll never tell that story. it’s too traumatic
TW: CAR ACCIDENT. she was in an accident when she was 12 and had to have her chest cracked and a tracheotomy, so she has two very noticeable scars on her chest and where her trachea is. she was put into an induced coma to make the healing process go a bit faster. she recovered perfectly fine and once she did a few weeks of physical therapy she was up and running around like a regular kid
she was born completely deaf in one ear and 80% deaf in the other, so she uses a hearing aid. and if you make her mad or start to annoy her, she’ll turn it off. so if it seems like she’s ignoring you, she’s not. she just can’t hear you bc she’s being a petty brat
stevie can normally be found in leather jackets, band tees, jeans and combat boots. she’s all tatted up and has piercings, and her hair is sometimes colored, but is naturally brunette
but even tho she looks like a lil punk, she’s a sweetheart and she’s a child at heart. like she loves to color
but don’t piss her off cause she’ll go off and unless you know italian, you won’t understand a word she’s saying
speaking of italian, she often mixes english and italian so if she says something you don’t understand, tell her to speak english. it’s a habit because they only spoke italian in the house
has two little girls named brooklyn (brooke) and josephine (josie) and a little boy named wylder (super wy). they aren’t biologically hers, they’re actually her youngest siblings. she ended up with custody of them because she told her parents if they didn’t transfer guardianship over to her then she’d go to the authorities about the mafia business. they didn’t want to get caught, so they gave up their rights and stevie ran with them to a few towns over from wrenbury. they currently stay with one of stevie’s brothers that agreed to come stay with them while she went to camp
she was a cheerleader her entire life and she did a lot of gymnastics and dance. she was an acro dancer so she’s very flexible (ur welcome, ladies and gents)
you’ll find out more about her as she’s developed, but if you wanna plot, hit me up!
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the prequel you almost got
With Stage One I wrote a mini-long-fic just to explain the groundwork of their relationship for Lucky Star by just making the events of the canon story take place over a longer amount of time but there was a scrapped idea that I had:
When the two meet in game, it’s not the first time they’ve been introduced.
It’s the seventh.
She was given a company android to run maintenance on as part of her interview process with WY, and there’s something off about him. He’s friendly. He asks her what she’s doing and why, and how she ended up working for WY and you know what? He has just little enough of a perosnality that she lets it all out. Her mother, her shit father, her lack of funds, her hating herself for crawling back to the company that acted like it owned her when really it just owed her.
“They aren’t the best people to be property of,” he says with a half smile.
“Are there any good ones?”
“If you ever need anything, feel free to put it in as a request with me.”
“You would do that? Don’t they have like...teams of you?”
“Well--you don’t have to ask for me specifically, but--a lot of humans have favorite synthetics to work with, it helps ease the uncanny valley if they’re dealing with the same person, for lack of a better word, every time they’re in.”
“I might do that then,”
They meet once about her case, and he makes the mistake of telling his human superior that he’s upset by it.
That he’s feeling about it.
The next time Amanda comes back, a bit more hopeful than she’s been for a while, he doesn’t even remember her, just a few details about her case. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you in person.”
Ripley doesn’t tell him what happened, or the next two times it happens.
After the third time it happens, three times she’s watched his eyes light up with something that could even be affection alongside human care, she suggests they discuss the case in a more casual setting. WY hears “public setting where she’s less likely to make a scene” and approves the request.
And her next four requests. Cafes, a couple diners, the restuarant over looking the tourist docks.....A bar where the music is so loud the next couple over can’t hear them.
“You seem so real,” he tells her, taking the cap off her beer with one hand, a trick show of strength that makes her grin.
“Because I am?” she clicks her bottle to his when he passes it to her.
“No...it’s like you’re in my coding--I’m sorry, it’s... Almost like you’re my operator or you wrote my programming. I don’t think I have a better metaphor for it. I feel like I know you, more than I actually do.”
“You get more human every time we meet.” she smiles.
“What does that mean?”
It’s that fourth time that they’ve met, the longest it’s lasted that she actually tells him, but not for any real reason other than the fact that it’s never gotten this far and whatever ‘it’ is isn’t something she wants to chance at not getting back.
On one hand he doesn’t want to believe her, on the other, well...he’s seen it happen to his peers, seen their vacant eyes and confused faces when he tries to remind them of their brief and lifeless small talk. He’s so much more lifelike than the others and he finally admits that to himself, and Ripley--Amanda--has put forth this effort so many times. She even has screen shots of emails that WY has long since hidden. Conversations that they’ve had, all terse and businesslike but speaking of a familiarity below the ‘with all due respect.’
Christopher Samuels leans over to her, pauses; if the proximity bothered her she had room to lean back, and he continues on and instead of talking at her ear so she could hear him over the guitar from the live band, he kisses her on the mouth, and when she doesn’t pull away from him, he puts his hand on the side of her face, and the other around her back, holding her close to him until she holds him back. They’re just another couple making out to the music.
Ten hours later, he kisses her on the hand before getting out of her bed, finds his clothes, and finds his way around her kitchenette enough to find something food-related. Humans eat first thing in the morning right? 
“That was....a lot.” Amanda says before anything else when she slumps across the room to collapse into a chair.
“At some point last night you said I should stay.”
“I know I did,” 
“I meant you said I should stay...for good. Because if they find out why I was away last night I’m facing much worse than a reformatting.”
“They’ll figure out where you are.”
“I can wander. Hide sometimes if needed.”
“Okay. Alright. You don’t have to stay with me, I know a few guys that could help with getting you IDs, and--”
“Thank you... For now though, I think you should have something to eat, I don’t remember you having anything last night.”
“You’re good.” she smiles, crosses the tiny apartment room to hug him tightly, “And you’re welcome to turn that into a two night stand if you want.”
“I might have to do that.”
It’s two weeks of wearing civilian clothing with Amanda Ripley, two weeks of seeing her in settings other than professional, seeing her relaxed, seeing her happy. Two weeks of nights spent testing the limits of his protocols, and stroking her hair as she falls asleep, her arms tight around him.
A jacket he bought for himself with money he might have stolen/withdrawn from a company account is now draped around her shoulders on a walk home, arms linked, when some idiots think he’s a synthetic and call her out on it.
“Does she look artificial to you boys?” he says, accent morphed into that of an actor from the old movie they just saw.
“I meant you, asshole.”
“Fuck off,” Amanda interjects before a fight gets started. It’s not the first time someone’s recognized him. Glasses, sun glasses, the leather jacket, skipping a few days of shaving, none of it has made him look different enough. He knows they’re going to get caught, and he knows she’ll be in trouble when they do.
If he turns himself in though, the humiliation that she’ll face knowing that some sick creeps at WY now know what every part of her body and heart look like? Not worth it. 
“Amanda?” he wakes her late that night,
“I’m going out for a walk. Feeling a little overheated.”
“mmm sorry about that.”
“Don’t be,” he kisses her softly, then pulls her up to sitting next to him 
“Just saying goodbye,” he kisses her tenderly, holds her close.
“Are you okay?”
“I am, I promise.” she doesn’t seem satisfied with his answer “If I ever forget again--if something ever happens... Please tell me again?”
“Of course.”
“No matter how much I do or don’t believe you, how many times it happens, keep reminding me?”
“You’re freaking me out, Chris...”
“Okay, fine, I promise.”
“Thank you. Because I don’t know if I can or not, but I do feel compelled to say I love you.”
“It’s okay, I don’t know if I love you or not either, but I feel ‘compelled’ to say it back to you.” she kisses him again, afraid she knows what he’s about to do.
“I’ll be right back,” 
“You’re getting more human. I don’t think you’ve lied to me yet.”
“I’m not--”
“I love you. Be careful.”
“I will.”
He does a base reformat to himself, and then goes back to the offices. 
Ripley doesn’t sleep for the week, and nearly has a heart attack when WY rings her to come back.
“Is the synthetic I usually work with back yet?”
“I want to talk to that one.”
They show her a fake, she catches it after a few minutes, and tells the supervisor that there must be a mistake, and she’s then shown another one.
It’s him, she’s sure of it, but she’s not going to tell him either, not yet. Maybe not ever. Still, whatever is there shows up again and again, and finally she’s done. She’s ready to move on, to hope that he gets away some day, but maybe it’ll be easier since she’s the reason they always seem to catch him on the verge of self awareness, when he shows up to her work with a golden ticket. 
also I realized today that there’s now room for a joke about “what do u mean you knew I give off electric shocks when im....” “Becuase we’ve done this like twelve  times before.” “wait what.”
a;sdlkfjadsfkj just that whole idea of it doesn’t matter how/when/why they’re gonna keep finding each other and he’s going to be increasingly head over heels every time 
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toomanysurveys9 · 6 years
How much time do you spend putting on makeup daily?: usually i don’t spend any time on makeup. on the rare occasion i wear it, maybe 5-10 minutes.. i don’t wear much...
Do you own a webcam?: there is a built in webcam on my computer.
What is your favorite perfume, fragrance, cologne?: i like the blackheart perfume from hot topic..
What does your favorite jacket look like?: i don’t have a favorite jacket.
Have you ever been to Savannah, Georgia?: i don’t think so.
On average, about how many notecards do you think you use per month?: none.
Did you watch Barney when you were younger?: yeah. i used to be obsessed with him.
Do you have a drink sitting nearby that is yours?: my water bottle. that has water in it.
How many bracelets do you wear on average?: usually none.
How many lightbulbs are currently on in your room?: none.
Have you ever heard of a band called The Afters?: i think i’ve heard of them. i don’t know if i’ve heard any of their music though.
Do you play any instruments?: not well enough to answer yes.
Have you ever worn faux eyelashes?: i have not.
What is the shortest that you’ve ever cut your hair?: a little bit past my chin.
What is your favorite flag from any country?: i don’t really have a favorite..
What type of cell phone service do you have?: xfinity. they use verizon towers.
Is it true that ginger ale can help cure a stomach ache?: i don’t know that it really cures it but it can help i feel like.
How many pairs of glasses (not sunglasses) have you owned?: none. i have never needed them.
What color is your flash-drive?: black and red.
Do you own any of those thick rubber bracelets? not anymore. i used to.
Have you ever built a sand castle?: oh yeah. many, many times.
When listening to a song, what do you listen for (lyrics, bass, beat, etc)?: lyrics and rhythm mostly.
Do you own more than 20 guitar picks?: i do not.
Have you ever worn a bandanna?: when i was a lot younger. What is the color of your toothbrush?: mostly pink.
Do you wish you owned a ray gun?: can’t say i ever thought about owning one of those.
What is your favorite color(s) of eye-makeup?: natural colors for eye shadow... and then black for eyeliner and mascara.
Do you own a pair of white converse?: i do not.
Are pink erasers really all that great?: i never really cared about erasers or their colors..
Have you ever worn a thumb ring?: i have not.
Is Katy Perry overrated?: i mean, i’m not really a fan, but i don’t know if she’s overrated.
Have you ever tried a Root Beer barrel?: i have not.
Do you agree with the phrase, “Hugs! Not drugs!”?: i mean... whatever.
What is the longest pair of earrings you own?: i don’t think i even own any earrings.
What brand of TV do you own?: i’m not sure what jacob’s tv is. i don’t actually own one myself.
Do you like My Chemical Romance’s album, Danger Days?: i don’t have that one, so i don’t know.
What is the color of your bedroom walls?: uh. tan-ish with a green accent wall thing.
How often do you use sharpies?: like, once every few months or something?
Why is there always a light in the fridge but not the freezer?: i don’t know.
Do you have a subscription to Alternative Press?: i do not.
Are high school football games fun?: i only went to a couple. they’re not my most favorite thing in the world. never have been.
Do you think Kanye West is a dick?: i guess he can be. but i don’t know. i don’t pay that much attention to him.
Do you own a dog?: we have two dogs. although we are probably going to have to find cocoa a new home because she keeps starting fights with phe and the last thing we need is to take another dog to the emergency vet.
At what size do ear gauges become gross?: when they super stretch out someone’s ear lobes.
How many concert posters do you own?: none.
You walk into Starbucks. What do you want to order?: small caramel frappuccino. i rarely order anything from starbucks though. it’s so expensive.
What type of car are you in most?: my parents’ toyota.
Is there a cork board in your bedroom?: nope.
Are you currently using a laptop?: i am.
Do you obsess over the Super Bowl on a yearly basis?: i do not. i’m not all that into football, or any sports.
What color is the shirt you are currently wearing?: mostly dark gray.
If you wear a necklace, do you keep it on for over a month?: i don’t really wear necklaces much.. but i don’t usually wear them that long without taking them off.
What is your favorite type of flower?: lilacs. but i love any pretty colored flowers. :)
How old will you be in 15 months? twenty-six.
Who was the last person who texted you? jacob. he just now told me he wants clothes washed before he gets home so he has shorts to play basketball and whatever else...
What is your current status? like, relationship status? i’m married.
What are you listening to? the kiddos playing and ashley is watching law and order: svu.
What are your plans for tomorrow? not a thing besides paying bills.
Who is the last person you had a face to face conversation with? i told lilli not to plug in the vacuum (wyatt is playing with it - all the toys and he wants the things that aren’t toys lol).
Do you believe in love at first sight? something like that. i’m a mom. i loved my babies before i actually saw them. but i don’t believe in romantic love at first sight.
Was yesterday better than today? not really. but it wasn’t really bad either.
What did your last text message say? i was just telling jacob that his clothes should be done right around six, which is when he gets off, and that i loved him.
Do you prefer to call or text? text. calls kind of freak me out.
What’s the nearest green object to you? there is some green on some of the toys not too far from me.
What were you doing at 12 am last night? i think i was sleeping by then?
When is the last time you saw your mom? a few hours ago.
Have you kissed someone in the last 2 weeks? i have.
How many houses have you lived in? at least nine, but it’s actually been a few more than that even (including trailers and apartments)...
What are you doing for your next birthday? i have no idea and it’s only a little over a week away.
What is your favorite color? blue, black, and gray.
What are you thinking about right now? that lilli is being especially frustrating today.
Any plans for this weekend? saturday i might be meeting two cousins - my grandpa finally found his twins that he has been searching for for years. unfortunately, terry passed away a few months before grandpa found them... jerry is still living. but we are probably meeting terry’s kids this weekend. either tomorrow or saturday. and saturday kayla’s parents rented a cabin for her for her birthday, so she invited jacob, wy, and me to go hangout with her there which we said we would do. jacob and kayla have plans of getting trashed. so i’m not sure what wy and i will be doing. but brittany and john will also be there, and brittany is also pregnant, so i won’t be the only sober one at least. i might drive wy and myself home when things start getting too crazy.
Do you have anything bothering you? not really at the moment.
Do you smile often? i smile a lot more now that wyatt is around. he’s the light of my life.
When was the last time you cried? i don’t remember.
Have you ever had a life threatening injury? not injury, no. i’ve had illnesses/health things that almost killed me though.
Do you wear any jewelry 24/7? nope.
Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? yeah. but it’s been a long time, thank goodness. being up that long straight isn’t my favorite. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? nope. i sleep with wy and jacob. i’m kind of excited for our room to get finished so i can start transferring wy to his own bed, and then his own room, before ellie is born. How often do you remember your dreams? pretty often, which kind of sucks sometimes. because they get weird, and sometimes just plain bad.
What is the main ring tone on your phone? just some preset ring tone.
What is something that you do too much? procrastinate.
Do you shut off the water while you brush your teeth? yeah. i do.
Are there any hobbies you have that you don’t perform in front of others? i mean. i don’t read for other people, but i will read with people around. but nothing comes to mind that i wouldn’t do ever around people. What’s one bad or inconvenient habit you used to have but no longer do? i haven’t self-harmed in a very long time. the urge still arises though. sometimes it’s strong. but i don’t because my babies. Do you find it difficult to kick a habit or a routine that’s detrimental? yeah. kind of. When was the last time you had a particularly hectic day? when we closed on our house on june 28th.
How often is your schedule busier than you would like for it to be? rarely. we rarely have anywhere to go or anyone to come over. Is there anyone in your life who expects a lot out of you? i mean, jacob kind of does. he expects me to do EVERYTHING besides actually get a job outside the home, and that will probably be added to the list after ellie is born. but i already work myself to complete exhaustion... he goes to work and then goes out with friends or comes home and plays video games. if he sees wy needs anything, i’m told. plus i have to make sure he (jacob) is fed, has work clothes, pack his lunch, etc. and eliana isn’t even here yet.. Are you more inclined to listen to your own intuition and/or desires, or to be persuaded by the suggestions and coercion of others? eh. i guess my own intuition. i’m not really around people for the suggestions and stuff. Where’s one place you’ve spent a lot of time lately? home. which isn’t all bad because i love our house. just gets a little lonely i suppose sometimes. Is there anywhere you wish you could spend more time? not really. What do you do when you simply don’t know what to do? try to get wy to play. lol. Are there any choices that make you particularly indecisive? where to get food. or what to make for dinner. lol. When was the last time you felt you were in an impossible situation where, despite what you did, you couldn’t win? when we thought we weren’t going to be able to get this house. What’s something weird that you do when you’re alone? i don’t know that i do anything weird, besides these. and i’m technically not alone when i do them... people are around. How did you find out about your current favorite band? i don’t know that i really have a favorite these days. Where are you most likely to go when you need clothing? walmart. close and inexpensive. Is anything significant weighing on your mood right now? not really, no. When was the last time you tried to do something yet failed? i don’t know. Does failure bother you much, or do you just try again? it bothers me. so very much. i want to do well in all things i do, so if i fail or feel as though i didn’t do good enough, it really messes with my head.. Do you think your life is comprised more of success or failure? more success than failure, i think. What does success mean to you personally? when you work hard to accomplish something, and do that thing satisfactorily i guess, if that makes sense. Does your definition differ from the general consensus? i don’t know. maybe. What’s one personality trait you clearly exemplify? shyness. What’s one personality trait that’s not strong in you? outgoing. Are you a difficult individual to get to know? i’m kind of more difficult to get to know now than i used to be i think. i’ve been used and let down so many times.. lied to.. it just doesn’t seem all that worth it i guess anymore? When was the last time you opened up to someone and about what? i don’t remember. it’s been awhile. probably jade and some of the issues i’ve been dealing with with jacob... To whom do you feel the most important? wyatt and eliana. What makes someone especially important to you? i don’t really know.. the people who are important to me are my kids, husband, rest of my family, and a couple friends. i feel like the reasons would be pretty obvious. When was the last time you changed your mind? today. i thought about walking to the store but then decided not to since wyatt was too tired. Is there something you want but might not ever have? a job that i really love.... when i’m ready/can go to work. i’m content to take care of my littles for the time being. What’s something you’re working to obtain? i don’t know.. How do you console yourself when you’re distraught? i don’t really. my coping skills are definitely lacking.
What last occurred to make you feel particularly bitter? i don’t know. i guess jacob just leaving and not even having to worry about wy..
How would you describe the most interesting cloud-shape you’ve witnessed? my favorite was one that was shaped as a dog running. Do you tend to enjoy your dreams? not so much. most are nightmares or just plain weird. What would you do if you did not require sleep? i don’t know. probably read more... maybe surveys. maybe watch movies or tv. probably definitely read. Are there any projects or goals you’ve recently abandoned? none come to mind. i haven’t really started any projects or anything. What in life serves to keep you going? my kids. How frequently, if ever, do you want to give up? pretty often. but i can’t. i have little ones that need me. What was the last good news you received? the last good news i got was that my grandma gets to come home today! she’s been in the hospital for a couple days for testing because they are afraid she had a stroke or TIA... i also found out i do not have gestational diabetes today, too, which was also very good news. What’re some of the important things around you? things... i guess that would be my phone. i’m still paying it off. and my computer. it has a lot of pictures. How long has your favorite song been your favorite? i don’t know what would be my favorite song right now. lol. During which time of day are you at your best? i guess the afternoon. i’m usually not overly tired at that point yet. Are you more inclined to appreciate sweet or savory foods? usually more savory, but there are some sweet things i crave and whatnot. When’s the next time you’ll cook a meal? i don’’t know. Do you prefer more hot or cold types of food? depends on my mood and what the food is. How about hot or cold types of beverages? usually cold.
What’s one disgusting habit you have or have had? i didn’t shower as much as i necessarily should have when i was younger just because i couldn’t get myself to care about anything. Do you tend to be harder on yourself than you need to be? oh definitely. About what are you exceptionally confident or self-assured? that i’m a good mom to my kids. and i make some awesome pancakes. lol. Who last told you to do something and did you do it? jacob told me to do his laundry, and it’s drying as we speak. What was the last situation or person you “got over?” i don’t know that i’ve gotten over anything or anyone lately... work in progress. Are you generally good at letting go of people who’re bad for you? not usually. Have you ever felt as though you were unrecognizable to yourself? pretty often, yes. What’re some things people could guess by looking at you? i’m tired. lol.
Are you bothered by any of your physical features? my weight. my overall face.
Are romantic relationships important to you at this point in your life? well, yes. not that it seems all that important to him.
Who was the last person to apologize to you for something they did? i don’t remember.
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sunburntgypsy · 7 years
It’s 3 AM on Thursday. I haven’t slept enough, or at all. But there’s this energy inside of me, it’s a mix of anxiety and excitement. I’ve been back from backpacking for a while, and I’ve been working pretty hard for the last few weeks. But, there’s been this restlessness, this itch to get away, from my friends, from my family, from the responsibilities. But get away where? I need newness, somewhere that’s different, somewhere outside my comfort zone. So, I pull out the map and start looking at cities east of Seattle, with the goal being to find the next big city (or town) and start traveling my way east. I see Missoula, MT. OK, I don’t know much. Let’s do it. And that’s why I haven’t slept. It’s the rush of somewhere new, but at the same time, the anxiety of dealing with the unexpected, the unpredictable.
I won’t bore with the details of how I got here, but I’m here, in front of my hostel. Wait, one detail. The first person from Montana who I meet is Hundley. She’s 75 going on 28, coming back from a solo excursion from Mexico. She’s my co-passenger on our journey from Seattle to Missoula, and she loves me, advises me, and hugs me and wishes me good luck. She’s spunky, full of stories, and just radiates good vibes. I’m going to find her on Facebook and connect. People like her fill my life with contagious love, unconditional love, positive love.
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This is my home for the next day or two, we’ll see. My latest obsession while traveling has been hostels. There’s just so much…life. It’s a constant flux of people going in and out, and with them, constant flux of different expressions, emotions, perspectives, food, culture, and life. Each hostel I’ve stayed in has been a good metaphor for its people, community, and culture. I’m hoping this one is the same.
I enter the place. Chris, the owner/manager/employee/guest welcomes me, with such an utmost smile and warmth. I needed that too, as anything but warmth would’ve frozen me right there in the Montana cold. He gives me a hug, a warm blanket, and shows me my bed, and gives me a rundown of the place. It looks like it’ll be only me staying that night, and Dennis, who’s been there for the last 6 weeks. He’s from the Netherlands, and he’s here to host the 41st International Wildlife Film Festival. He tells me that he hasn’t found a more stable place, and the people who have come and gone through this place have been interesting, fun, and in some cases, difficult to deal with. Great, the whole gamut. I’m already in!
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It’s Friday morning now. Last night, Dennis and I talked about art, politics, sustainability, the rings on his fingers, and life over some Brazilian vegan food. At some point, we must have gone to sleep. I don’t know what I want to do today just yet, this place is so new. I try making coffee for the first time ever using this strange machine, and it doesn’t go well. Chris is up now, and he just laughs at my struggle. It’s his turn to show me the way, and now, we’re just chatting, over this locally sourced coffee that his friends grow right in town. Pretty soon, I realize that this whole hostel is a culmination of some very inspired, artistic, and enthusiastic people who are from this community. The logo of the hostel is based on a cross stitch that his friend made for him, the pictures on the wall, well, they’re just shot by an aspiring photographer who captures people on their bicycles. And the folks who pick you up from the airport are just dudes who owe Chris some beer money, and this is their way of paying him back. The whole thing is so smooth, yet so chaotic. There’s no process in place for any of the stuff, but the whole operation is smooth sailing. And Chris, always full of smile, and armed with topics ready to jumpstart any conversation, is there to guide people through this journey. I tell him about my dreams of having my own hostel one day, and he embraces me like a brother, as if I’m already part of this tribal group. Wow.
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It’s time for me to go out and see some of this place. It’s gorgeous, a winter fantasy. I’m bundled up, hiding under two jackets, three shirts, two pairs of socks, and a leather boot, but none of that is enough. I need some food, fast.
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This is Market on Front Street, a cafe/organic grocery/performance venue/reprieve from the cold. I get a cup of Americano and a Hot Hippie. Good food, good drink, good music, and good people. I’ve encountered 15 or so people since I’ve been here, and everyone, everyone has been so nice. It’s a different kind of nice. Like, that’s just how the people are; it’s not a face to put on when one goes out to deal with the world; that’s just how they are.
I ate too much. I have to head back to the hostel and get ready. I’m meeting up with an old friend tonight.
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I’m back at the hostel. This is my last night here. I’m going to miss it. But, I’ll be back again, I know it.
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I’m ready for my friend. She’s going to take me to ALL the bars in Missoula, which is a dangerous proposition. But, I play along. 
She drives a van now. We go to Stockman’s. Everyone knows her, and she knows everyone. This is her favorite place, and it shows. I’m treated to this concoction, which is vodka mixed with basil and lots of sugar. This is just our first drink. Before I know it, we are at our fifth bar, on our seventh and/or ninth drink, catching up. She’s doing well now, with some boy troubles. I meet Dan, who drove eight hours to come to party in Missoula. Dan is 68, and his wife is back home, so he’s having fun. 
I think it’s time to go back. She drives me back, and I run into Dennis, as we both stumble into our quaint temporary home together, both out of our minds, but never out of wit. We drunkenly, over some grilled cheese, decide to drive to Jackson Hole, WY at six in the morning. It’s three right now.
It’s 11 AM on Saturday. I wake up. Dennis is still sleeping, and snoring. Neither of us are going to Jackson Hole, WY today. 
I can make coffee now. Chris wakes up, and I treat him to coffee that I made. It came out strong and bitter, just right. I pack up, hug Dennis and Chris, and head out. There are some new people coming in, and they’re already here. There’s a guy serenading his girl. He has a raw and soulful voice. I want to hike in the mountains today.
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I’ve passed so many people to get here. Everyone seems ready for this. I’m not. I have my backpack, my camera, my clothes, and my vanity with me. I’m only wearing a pair of sneakers, some shorts over compression tights, and two jackets. I’m simple and I travel light, but this is impractical. But, I’m here, and I want to do this. I start walking up the M. It’s the iconic hilltop of Missoula, and I want to see how the valley looks from up there.
I don’t make it up. Quarter of a way through, the girl coming down tells me to try walking down, just for fun. I do, and fall on my ass. Going down is harder, more slippery, and full of treachery than going up. I look down from where I am. It’s nice, I really wish I could’ve gone higher. But, it’s OK.
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I’ve made it to the base now. I didn’t fall any more, although I would’ve been OK with it.
I’m staying with Cat and Jed, a couple who I met through Couchsurfing, today. This is my first time Couchsurfing. I don’t know what to expect.
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I’m here. I knock on the door. Jed opens the door. Kind eyes and a warm smile. He takes me in, shows me around their place, and gets me settled in. I’m lucky enough to get the private room. 
I settle in, and head to the common room. There’s another Couchsurfer there, Verena and she’s from Austria. She’s been in the country for a few months, studying geography. She’s doing a talk at the campus soon, and then, she’ll head back. She’s an experienced Couchsurfer, and I’m not.
Jed and his band the Dodgy Mountain Men are playing at the Top Hat tonight, and we’re all invited. He calls their music Stompgrass. I don’t know what that is…yet.
Jed is rehearsing and doing the final run through as we all chat about where we come from, what we’re doing, where we’re going, etc. I try some of Verena’s roasted tomato chips from Trader Joe’s. They are really good. Jed gets a call from Kacie and her boyfriend. They Couchsurfed the night before, and they’re still in town. We all should go to the distillery, and so, we go.
We’re here, on the same street I was getting drunk last night. Jed parks on the street, and it’s OK. That’s what people do here, and everyone is OK with it. No stress.
Verena, Jed, and I meet Kacie and hers. They’re from Rapid City, SD. They’ve already had a couple of drinks. I sit across from Kacie, and Verena sits across from the guy. Jed separates us from them. We order our drinks. I get Nightburner, it’s fused with tobacco rinse. We start talking, getting comfortable with each other. There are lots of travel stories between the four of them, some good, some horrific, all being great stories to share. Kacie travelled through India, and her train was robbed, so the only guard on the train naturally decided to protect the one lone American girl, who’s the only person in that cabin. The boyfriend, while teaching English, had food poisoning and had to learn to squat poop in Central America. Verena, in Sri Lanka, had interesting experiences all around, traveling by bus, sometimes on train, always on the edge of death. Now, she’s traveling through the States on the Greyhound, and she tells us that it’s a very similar experience to her travels in Sri Lanka. And Jed, who met Cat through Couchsurfing, had a horrible time finding anywhere to stay in South America. And, I’m here, enjoying these wonderful humans and soaking in some parts of their lives.
It’s time for the show. Jed, Kacie, and the rest of the gang is already there. Verena and I, after getting some food, walk over. The music is already happening. Jed is on the stage, strumming along with his group. There’s Cat, cheering on her man. I go up and tell her that I’m here. She introduces me to Desi, her friend, who thinks I look like Nash, another guy who stayed with them through Couchsurfing, and who also must have come to one of Jed’s shows.
The Dodgy Mountain Men are so good. It’s Bluegrass with spunk. Everyone is dancing. Kacie shows me to dance and just groove to the music. I fail and everyone laughs; I do too. I’m feeling the music, the people, the drinks, the town, the love. 
It’s close to 1 AM now. Verena wants to head back, and I accompany her. We talk about her life, her parents, Austria, the politics and the philosophy, her purpose, her wants and needs, and I share some of mine too. I tell her about some good music, and she tells me to listen to The Glitch Mob and IAMX. One day. She has tattoos from Harry Potter. She’s very interesting and easy to talk to. She tells me that in Austrian, Tramp Stamp translates to Butt Antlers. I like it.
We’re home. It’s cold, and we fall asleep. At some time, everyone else gets back. We realize that Kacie and her plus one don’t have a place to go to, so we decide that they’ll Couchsurf with us for one more night. I give the private room to them, they deserve it.
It’s 10 AM on Sunday. Everyone is still asleep. I miss them already. I miss this town already. But now, it’s time. Time to go somewhere else. I’ll be back.
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dying-tragedy-blog · 7 years
Modern au six of crows
Just some hcs about the dregs gang in modern times I guess
Kaz Brekker -black coffee -lock pick -honestly like the rest of them will Come in and he’ll already be inside -I’ve been waiting for you -magician -pick pockets his “allies” all the time -gloves? Yes -has a slight fear of touch -it used to be really bad but he’s Overcoming it -cane? Yes -he fell out of a tree when he was little and broke his leg so he uses his cane -plus It’s fun to hit people with - has the dregs tattoo because he loves crows and he’s an extra little shit who’s an edgelord -he’s in fights like all the time -they don’t call him dirtyhands for Nothing -so smart -has social media but only posts cryptic aesthetic shots or out of context remarks -uses his talent for evil mostly -his teachers still love him tho???? -very fascinated in psychology -and business - b o o k s -mostly crime but he’s such a closet Nerd. -you can pry Harry Potter from his Cold dead hands -hacker -loves the stars -and the moon -and Inej -has to put up with the constant -points to random crow -kaz it’s u -actually the originator of #getbrekked -will never admit it -all started when Jesper pranked him -covered every inch of his room with post stick notes. It blew up on YouTube -well the is kaz Fucking brekker -was he going to stand for that -no. -so he sets up his own YouTube account -films his first video -his revenge -he tinfoils all of jespers room. Even the socks. -the video blows up he gets tons of subscribers and his revenge -but most important from this one comment. From one account that has never been active since the tag -#getbrekked -was born. Inej Ghafa -ultimate secret keeper -knows everything tbh -the one who can just turn up out of nowhere?? -where did you come from -this place called outside -instagram queen -it’s usually loads of aesthetic shots and sunrises but every now and again there’ll be a video of her shouting parkour and chasing after a squirrel -loves to dance -jackets -hats -earrings -the best at hide and seek -only uses Snapchat for blackmail -Kaz?? Sleeping??? S n a p -keeps a photo book you can fite me on this -poems -cats -her parents took her to the circus when she was little and she fell in love with the tightrope and the acrobats -so she became great at it -really good -sometimes she does it to scare kaz -he pretends it doesn’t work but sometimes he’s so freaked out Like how are you bending your body like that??? Wtf???? -doesn’t swear -the original fricketyfrack -interested in culture history language and photography -aspiring poet -social justice - plans to start a movement when she’s old enough -tea over coffee -marshmallows
Nina Zenik -one word: queen - her and Matthias are everyone’s otp - social justice in high heels - every social media - YouTube? You bet ya - fashion hauls make up tutorials and The ever growing list of videos Featuring Matthias - likes indie music would die for Ed Sheeran - really interested in languages and fashion - she wants amazing designs to stay the same in plus sized clothes -high heels - cannot cook - at all - blew up a microwave trying to Warm up leftovers - hot chocolate and blankets - binge watching tv -somehow knows everyone??? - hey Nina - hey zoya - who’s she - oh just somebody - smart but will never revise - why revise when I can eat - grades Nina - waffles matty - red - once tried to start a band - can speak three languages Jesper Fahey - ADHD? I’m gonna say ADHD - danced but doesn’t do it seriously - mostly does it to embarrass Wylan - Jesper please - what? My hips don’t like wy - listens to shakira - huge gamer - debates - politics - he’s smart but he never tries. Prefers to argue about homework then do it - finger guns - with sound affects - 80s music - and you better believe that he once entered the classroom singing all star - constantly flirting with Wylan - freakishly good aim - hey kaz, do you bet I can throw this pencil in ninas bun from here - do it - worst and best taste in fashion simultaneously - one day it’s great. Shorts and t shirts, hats and then the next it’s lime green checkered pants. - red cowboy boots - farmer sayings - loves it when Kaz gets them - p r a n k s t e r - youtube Chanel is literally just pranks but he has so many subscribers - always puts things on the highest shelf Wylan van Eck - Wylan van sunshine or Wylan van rekt there’s no In between. - usually quite sweet and innocent but every one Knows he’s anything but. Eveynow and again these comments just slip out like - yeah that’s not the only thing Kaz wishes he could be doing - r u n - was bullied pretty bad for his dyslexia but now he just doesn’t really care??? - I’ll just draw my bullied drowning - a r t I s t - his art teacher adores him - only has tumblr to post his art work - really big on tumblr - dog person - massive nerd - superheroes?? Sign me up - amazing at chemistry and maths - puns - so many puns - you think you can beat me at mariokart? I was a lonely kid with no friends and too much free time. You will never beat me at Mario kart - fuck - watch your fucking language Wylan - sweaters - always covered in ink??? Kuwei yul bo - the odd one - he’s always there but he’s always not - the child of the group - he’s basically the weird thought you have at 4 am - not innocent - not at all - he kinda just sits back and observes - but that means he knows everything - he and Inej share so many looks - he’s a nerd in every imaginable level - him and Wylan fight over things all the time but they’re bros - has memorised the entire periodic table song - somehow has kissed more people than both Nina and Jesper - it’s 3 am and there’s a murmuring voice in the darkness - this is the periodic table nobl- - shut u p - chemistry and physics - can actually cook - rly close to matty and Nina - that one kid who purposely makes things explode - fire? FIRE - rlly bad at comebacks sometimes he just walks away
Matthias helvar - sports fan - all sports - doesn’t actually play them that much? He mostly just hits the gym - long hair - very philosophical - the mum friend - when I’m the voice of reason you know something’s wrong - can cook really well - always baking for Nina - gives the best piggybacks - everything looks so high from up here - Wylan loves it - tattoos - so many deep meaningful - he can’t go a day without saying they’re all horrible - he’s always searching for the truth - can tolerate really cold temperatures - plants - the sea - stands up for what he thinks is right - is actually how he met the crows - he was beating up some kids who were mocking someone with dyslexia - so he bears them up and when he rounds the corner guess who’s there - Kaz Fucking brekker - and so the induction starts
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bootz-n-catz · 7 years
Read it here or on AO3
It wasn’t her...finest moment. To say the least. But Waverly chose to find solace in the fact that it could have been worse. But now she was standing in front of a pretty girl in a cop uniform who was looking up at her like she was crazy.
“Can I get a menu, please?” the red head had asked from her spot at the counter.
Waverly gaped at her for at least three seconds too long before nodding and scurrying away to get a menu from the pile near the register. She took a deep breath and peeled the top menu off the stack. She grimaced at how sticky it was and wiped it down with shaky hands. She shook her head and told herself to get it together. It was just a girl. A woman. A very very attractive woman. In a cop uniform.
Another deep breath.
In the years she’d been working at Shorty’s, she’d never encountered anyone as attractive. She had always been horrible with flirting and playing it cool, but maybe this time it could be different.
She turned on her heels and smiled, walking over to the officer and handing her the large plastic menu. Say something, say something, she told herself before blurting out. “How do you spell menu?”
The officer looked up at her for a moment before her eyes darted down to the plastic in her hands where the word “MENU” was printed in large obnoxious letters. “Um…”
“Me-n-u,” Waverly chuckled awkwardly, twisting her pen between her fingers, “Get it? Like...me and you, like...together. It’s...dumb.”
And that’s how they ended up here, is some sort of odd stalemate of awkwardness. Waverly kept saying words and thoughts that didn’t quite make sense. The officer was just blinking up at her with big brown eyes that she could drown in. A slow smile spread across the other woman’s features and Waverly let out a sigh of relief.
“I should um...help the other customers,” Waverly said with a wave of her hand as she gestured to the...empty diner. Except for the one man in the corner who’d been there all day just ordering coffee refills and her sister at the other end of the counter who was paying far too much attention to the interaction.
Nicole nodded slowly, “Yeah, I...don’t want to keep you from your customers.”
“Yeah,” Waverly said backing away slowly. She pointed vaguely behind her, “I um...yeah I’m gonna...take your time!” She bumped into the counter and spun quickly, her sneakers squeaking on the linoleum floor. She walked over to Wynonna at the other end of the counter and ignored the look she was giving her.
“Hey, freak,” Wynonna said pulling a flask out of the inside pocket of her leather jacket, “I saw your little stunt over there.”
Waverly groaned and leaned both elbows on the table. “I can’t talk around pretty girls, apparently.”
Wynonna looked over at the officer who looked back. The eldest Earp waved flirtatiously and Waverly hissed at her. “Stop it!”
“Why?” she asked pouring the contents of her flask into her coffee.
“Just stop being you for two seconds and tell me what to do.”
Wynonna shrugged, “Talk to her like a normal person. Try a better pick up line. My go to is, ‘Hey, wanna fuck?’”
Waverly blushed a deep red. “That’s it. No free nachos for you!”
Wynonna gasped. “You wouldn’t.”
“I just did,” Waverly said with a smirk as she straightened up, “That’s for being no help at all.”
“You’re the worst sister.”
Waverly shrugged and walked back over in the officer’s direction. The redhead smiled up at her and she felt herself swoon just a little. “What can I get you?” she asked pulling her order pad out of her apron.
The officer looked down at her menu for a moment before looking up at Waverly through her lashes. Then that charming dimpled smile was back and it suddenly felt very very warm in the diner. “Well, your name to start.”
“Waverly,” she said softly, fiddling with her pen nervously.
“Waverly,” she said as if testing the name on her tongue, “I’m Nicole.” She held out her hand and Waverly dropped her pen almost immediately. She chuckled nervously and shook Nicole’s hand, hoping her palm wasn’t too sweaty.
“Nice to meet you,” she practically breathed, “Oh, um-” she bent down quickly to get her pen. A little too quickly and without thinking because she hit her forehead on the edge of the counter and hissed in pain, eyes squeezing shut. “Shit balls!” She could hear Wynonna cackling as she straightened back up, hand soothing the inevitable red mark on her forehead. Peeking one eye open, she looked at Nicole who looked genuinely concerned but undoubtedly amused. “Is there any chance you didn’t see that?”
Nicole shook her head, “I definitely saw that. Are you okay? Can I-” she cautiously reached for Waverly’s wrist, pulling her hand away from the bump on her forehead. “Okay, it doesn’t look too bad.”
“I think my pride is wounded more than anything,” Waverly grimaced. Nicole smiled sympathetically. Waverly noticed that Nicole’s hand was still holding her wrist gently and blushed.
“You’re cute,” Nicole said, letting her fingers drag lightly on the inside of Waverly’s wrist as she pulled her hand away. Goosebumps ran all up Waverly’s spine and she pulled her arm back towards herself. She reminded herself to be cool and not do something stupid again. But it was almost impossible to do when she was blushing this heavily and Nicole kept smiling up at her.
She waved it off and just chuckled nervously, looking up at the ceiling. “I-...thank you, um-...you’re also,” she took a deep breath, “You’re very-...attractive. So, um...what can I get you?” Waverly squinted down at her order pad and took a deep breath.
Nicole smiled and leaned forward on her elbows. “Well, you already gave me your name,” she said tilting her head like some kind of confused puppy. Waverly melted. “I guess I just need a coffee to go and your number now.”
Waverly blinked at her for a moment, trying to process that this woman had just asked for her number. She opened and closed her mouth a few times but no sound came out. She willed herself to speak and a little squeak came out instead. “Um,” finally, some discernable sound, “S-sure.”
She scribbled down her number on her order pad and ripped it off to give to Nicole. As soon as she handed it to her, she turned around and poured her a cup of coffee. Her hands were shaking so much that she probably got more coffee on the counter than in the cup, but that didn’t matter. She put a lid on the styrofoam cup and turned around just in time to see Nicole folding the paper and put it in her breast pocket. The styrofoam squeaked on the counter as she slid it over to the officer and she smiled down at her. “Here you go.”
“Thank you,” Nicole said pulling some bills from her wallet.
“It’s on the house,” Waverly managed, her smile widening.
“Tip then,” she said getting up from her seat, “I’ll call you.”
“Sounds good,” Waverly breathed out as she watched the other woman stand up. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth nervously, Nicole’s gaze unwavering.
“You free Saturday?” she asked, eyes scanning over Waverly’s body in a way that made her stomach twist in the most pleasant way, “There’s a cool band-”
“Yes,” Waverly said before Nicole could finish, “I’m free.”
Nicole smiled even wider. “Good. I’ll um...call you.”
“Sounds good,” Waverly said bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement.
The little bell above the door rang as Nicole walked out of the diner and Waverly finally took a breath. “Wow,” she whispered to herself.
“Barf,” Wynonna said from the other side of the counter. Waverly was too happy to even care. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she pulled it out. It was a message from an unknown number and she opened it to see:
I’m looking forward to Saturday. :) - N
Me too. :) - W
She typed back quickly before saving Nicole’s number.
“Don’t barf all over yourself on Saturday.”
“Screw you, Wy!”
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zechssl · 7 years
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OOTD: Flower Power
Sale haul! Hit up that sale at Foxes, was not disappointed! Also scored some goodies at REIGN since the gachas were on sale as well. (I bought these jeans at the last Blueberry sim sale but they are on sale again if you’re interested.)
Hair: !Oleander ~ Libby (7/7 FLF)
Headband: REIGN. - Studded Bow Band 
Neck: REVOUL - WY Mood? F Pendant/Flirty (New gacha @ Souled Out)
Jacket: Foxes - Free Love - Leather Jacket - Tassle - Floral
Top: Foxes - Lacey Top - Rose
Pants: Blueberry - Mia Jeans
Shoes: REIGN - Coven Ankle Boots RARE
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jouissezduprintemps · 8 years
For the ask, 1, 3, and 4 :D
1: a video game you’d recommend
Bioshock. If you haven’t played it, do it. Trust me.
3: an odd thing from your room
Backstory: Dave was in our high school marching band. My school was (is) wayyyyy behind in politiccal correctness, and our mascot is an indian chief. The land this city was built on was his, and the school is named after him personally.
Dave was a section leader, and they had the option of buying a headdress to wear at games.. Idk why, or wy we still have it. But it’s in the room, and it’s certainly odd.
4: if you made a gang what would the design/text on the back of our matching jackets be?
Drawing from my good man Will Shakespeare for this one.
We would be the shrews, and our jackets would rock this gem from Katherine: If I be waspish, best beware my sting.
ask thing because most of the others are about kissing and stuff
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proudofmy · 3 years
Wynonna S5
Italian style ep 1
Day, the interior of the sheriff's station.
The shot that tightens gradually on the office and on a figure just ahead of the sheriff's office door
. are you really sure?
N:. absolutely, tomorrow is my day off!
. but…
N:. we have had reinforcements the new recruits have passed the tests, the BBD has given its approval! What do you worry about?
. but not them!
N:. so what?
. I don't eat, at noon they always steal my anchovy sandwich!
A voice is heard
. we throw it away because she smells nauseating Reggie!
. and we always give you something of ours!
. Clint, I don't eat raw meat!
N:. keep Raggi, here's my lunch, it's not raw meat!
. thanks, sheriff!
N:. for tomorrow then?
. all right, go and you enjoy it ...
N:. I have my doubts!
Outside, Shorty, day
Wynonna and Doc are arguing when Nedley is seen walking out the door with papers in hand and trampling something.
Wy: What's? old didn't they give you the pill today?
Doc: Wynonna!
Ne: There is a new singer in town who stops here for a Tour!
Doc: Did the BBD give the green light?
N: apparently yes!
Wynonna takes Doc's forearm
Wy: We can ask you
Ne: Them!
Wy: Should we give her theirs?
N: no! Hard-headed, it's not just one ... oh well I'll show you it's easier.
Purgatory border, day:
Zoom in on Waverly and Jeremy talking
J: I assure you it's very good!
Wa: but the doses!
J: Trust me my mom did it exactly like that
Wa: for how many an army?
J: actually… feel half the doses and don't forget anything!
Wa: ok alright!
They say goodbye and Waverly gets into the car, puts the rear wheel, and sweeps away waving at the window with his hand
Jeremy takes his cell phone and writes something.
Internal shorty
Doc: what is an army?
Ne: there are only about ten!
Wy: a dozen?
Ne: yes!
Wy: And are they all on stage?
Ne: not that! Only the girl with the guitar who is also the voice, and 3 others
Wy: and those who remain what do they do?
A girl from the group with dark hair turns around
. I'd say that's fine here!
. so I prepare for the photo?
She says another with a green T-shirt and a camera!
. How long can we stay here?
. the permit is for two weeks, but the guy who told me the permit was sulking, but her boss was very nice said that if we don't mess up we can increase the permit!
. I like it! here! It has nice acoustics, it would fit for videos too!
. ok ready?
The camera clicks
Wynonna Doc and Nedley are at the counter waiting for the hustle and bustle to end!
A girl in an ACDC jacket and shirt comes over and holds out her hand to Nedley
. I was keen to thank you again for the chance Mr. Nedley, we look like a mess but I assure you we are good girls!
Nedley shakes her hand
N: you have a great band and I like you to stay as long as the songs are all like the one I heard before they are great!
Wynonna coughs
N: Let me introduce Wynonna Earp
Girl: nice to meet you!
Displaced Wynonna shakes her hand that has been placed in front of her and mumbles a pleasure of mine!
Wy: listen! Are you the manager?
. we all are ... for various tasks ...
Wy: oh well listen, we miss a group for an evening outdoors, we eat and have fun but the group that was supposed to act as a sound column is...
Doc comes to the rescue
Doc: they all got sick ...
Girl: a moment I ask!
She approaches the girls and talks to two of them, one in a sleeveless denim jacket and one in a blue t-shirt with the Canada symbol printed on the back.
Then they call the singer, chatter, and finally nod
The girl comes back
. I have two questions!
Wy and Doc: Go ahead and tell us!
. 1 is it outdoors?
Doc: yes!
. 2 is there alcohol?
Wy: YES!
. well, we accept! When would it be?
Ne: tomorrow!
That's why those lights and the club's closing tomorrow, Mr. Nedley.
Ne: That's right, and just call me Nedley.
. okay, Nedley!
Next round Outside Afternoon
Waverly talks to everyone and Jeremy is on a video call in the BBD office.
Wa: lets a recap, Nedley to bigoli; Doc at target shooting; Wynonna to drinks; Nicole (sweet pie) grilled; bunny in the lottery I tell him when he arrives, Jeremy, I'm sorry but you're fishing for swans, and I go to the cashier.
Everyone does an Ayay and goes to change.
Nicole is left alone with Waverly and they join hands.
N: grilled?
Wa: and yes beBy ...
N: it goes wonderful, but I'll be super sweaty!
Wa: which I don't mind at all!
Waverly approaches her Nicole gives a winking smile, kiss.
Wa: I'm going to tell Wynonna not to drink all the alcohol
N: her escort is under the counter!
They hold hands until Wynonna starts messing with the bottles and Waverly runs to Nedley's rescue.
The girls arrive bringing tools and various materials.
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wyehub · 2 years
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I remember when i tried doing the whole ‘perspective-shading’ thingy. 
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toomanysurveys9 · 7 years
What is the title of the strangest book you own?
i would have to look, and most of my books were taken to storage, so i have no clue.
How often do you actually wake up in a good mood?
pretty often thanks to wy.
What can we usually find you doing on a Friday night?
staying home with wyatt or out with jacob, wyatt, jon, and jade.
What would you say is your guiltiest pleasure?
i honestly don’t know anymore. i guess sweets sometimes.
Tell me all about your special lady/gentleman.
he can be such an asshole, but he’s been so supportive of me and he’s currently working two jobs to help support us (he got the second job because he’ll be off a couple weeks soon).
What is the highest outdoor temperature you’ve ever had to endure?
i don’t know. maybe a little over 100 degrees when we visited florida.
And the lowest?
negative degree weather.
What is the funniest thing a child has ever said to you?
oh gosh. i don’t even know. some of the things lilli and rose come up with kill me though.
Do you let your pets on your furniture?
when we didn’t live with my mom, yes. but she’s doesn’t like them being on her couches..
Can you usually tell when someone has feelings for you?
not really. i’m bad at that kinds of stuff.
Do you know what things your pet(s) prefers to eat?
yeah... i’ve had her long enough, so i should know.
What would you plant in your dream garden?
vegetables we could eat.
Do you believe in fairies, gnomes, or elves?
lol, as much as i would love for them to be real like in the books i read, no, i don’t.
What does your wallet look like?
black and white zebra stripes.
What is your favorite thing to cook for someone else?
i like using the crockpot. it is so much easier with a baby and things to do. i miss cooking and my crock pot.
Tell me about the last book you read.
it’s young adult fantasy, and i’ve only been able to find in on the kindle store, which bums me out. it’s the first one in a series i’ve read a few times, or at least, i’ve read the first three books a few times. there are several more now. it’s relentless by karen lynch. a girl finds out she’s not quite as human as she thought she was and she gets in all sorts of trouble/adventures, and it’s a good read
Who was the last person to leave you flustered?
jacob i guess.
What’s the last thing you ate that was made with phyllo dough?
i don’t know. i don’t think i’ve eaten anything made with it but i could be wrong.
Have you ever bought underwear simply because it made your underwear drawer look nice?
no i buy underwear i will wear..
Describe the outfit that makes you look and feel your best.
i don’t know. i prefer just jeans and a hoodie.
What can you see from where you’re sitting?
lots of things. i’m sitting on the couch in the living room.
When you have a chance at happiness, do you allow yourself to take it?
What are some bands others would be surprised to find in your music library?
i don’t know, to be honest. i don’t think i have anything that would surprise people...
How do you feel about kettle cooked chips?
i don’t really like them much.
Tell me something about yourself that you’re most proud of.
i was the first in my family to go to and graduate college.
What do you like to dunk in your coffee, if anything?
nothing. i rarely drink coffee though.
What was the subject of the last documentary you watched?
i don’t recall.
What sort of things do you do when you have the entire evening to relax?
cuddle wyatt. read. this. watch tv. whatever.
Are there any books I should check out next time I’m at the library?
depends what you’re into.
Opinions on cold pizza?
i can’t do it anymore.
Do you have a favorite brand of tea?
i don’t drink tea. it hurts my stomach.
What’s the last stupid question you were asked? (Besides these.)
i don’t know. i can’t think of it right off hand.
What’s been on your mind lately?
i just want to run away. just jacob, wyatt, and me.
Tell me about the best thing you created with your own two hands.
he’s not a thing, and i didn’t make him with my hands, and not by myself... but wyatt. haha. hmm. uhm. i guess my papers i wrote for school, if those can count? i do really well with writing essays and things. otherwise, i don’t think i make much..
How strong do you like your coffee?
i don’t know. i don’t care as long as i can add enough creamer so it’s not an overpowering bitter coffee flavor.
Do you feel like you need to get something off your chest?
i guess not.
Describe your morning routine.
get woken up by my alarms, so i wake jacob up for work. i feed wyatt. i go back to sleep for a couple hours. then i wake up and feed wyatt again. i go back to sleep. i get woken up by wyatt hitting my face, arms, stomach, or chest. we play a little. then i get up, get dressed, take wyatt out to the living room and change his diaper.
What strange food combinations do you thoroughly enjoy?
i don’t think i eat any strange food combinations. some people in my family think it’s strange when i eat peanut butter and banana sandwiches, but i mostly did that when i was pregnant.
What’s your favorite Elvis song?
teddy bear. my dad used to sing it on karaoke and i loved when he did. he doesn’t really sing anymore even though he should.
Are there any songs you wish your favorite band would cover?
none come to mind.
Do you enjoy talking on the phone?
no. i hate it with a passion. i would rather someone just text me.
Are you currently waiting for something to come in the mail?
yes. i swear to god if hot topic cancels my order again because they end up not having what i ordered in stock, even though it doesn’t say it’s out of stock, i will be pissed. it has ashley’s now super late birthday present, and the main parts of erin and ashley’s christmas gifts, which they likely won’t get until the day after christmas, assuming it doesn’t get cancelled on me AGAIN.
Would you rather see someone of the opposite sex naked or nicely dressed?
nicely dressed, to be honest.
What makes your best friend the best?
she puts up with me and even if we don’t talk for days, when we do start back up, it’s like we haven’t stopped.
When was the last time you felt incredibly stupid or embarrassed?
probably last weekend when i went ice skating for the first time. but i got it pretty quickly and had fun.
How do you go about cheering someone up?
depends on the person i’m trying to cheer up. different things for different people.
How would you react if someone told you they had feelings for you?
that’s always weird.
Serenade me with some lyrics from the song currently stuck in your head.
i don’t have a song stuck in my head.
What is the last thing you wrote down?
little note i put in jake’s lunch box. just thanking him for being awesome.
Tell me something great about the day/night you’re having.
wyatt is silly and adorable, and he didn’t poop up his back even though it was really close.
Would you ever participate in a suspension?
?? no..
What was the last thing to annoy you?
rose kept giving wyatt her spoon she was using to eat breakfast and then she’d freak out because wyatt had her spoon.
Name five things that begin with the letter C.
camel, coconut, cow, chef, and crayons.
What’s the title of the last book you bought?
i bought two books.. one as part of ashley’s christmas gift, and one as part of my grandma’s christmas gift. i don’t remember the titles. but i do remember the one i got ashley was by lisa jackson.
Would you ever consider visiting Texas?
i would love to go there actually. check out jensen ackles brewery.
Where do you go when you need to escape?
bedroom or i get in the car and leave with wy.
How big is your town’s library?
i think it’s pretty decent size. i’m sure there are ones a lot bigger, and i’m sure there are ones that are smaller.
Which bands would play in your dream concert?
ed sheeran, lee brice, a.f.i., and maybe mcr.
Do you know of any home remedies that work surprisingly well?
uhhh. spoon full of sugar gets rid of hiccups. it tastes gross though.
If you could make a movie, what would it be about?
i’d want to make a movie about the relentless series i enjoy reading. it’d make a good movie.
Tell someone something they need to know.
you’re part of the reason i can’t wait to get out of here. you’re toxic and i’ll be glad when you won’t be around my child so much (not my family - but jacob’s).
What’s something you’ve never been able to live down?
when i was driving as a teenager. my whole family was in the van, and the entire wheel flew off and went across the street.
What’s something that’s been on your to-do list for awhile?
move out of indiana. it will happen though . we’re actually getting money saved.
How do you take your mind off things?
i don’t. lol.
Tell me a joke.
all the jokes i know are lame, so i’ll spare you.
Do you own a battle jacket?
no. i don’t even know what that is..
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