#Ballad (oot/mm)
kheprriverse · 1 year
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Time's ref is done!
Also decided to give a cleaner look at their sword and it's sheathe. Especially since the only time I drew the sheathe was in this post and it was a rather quick and mindless doodle.
ANYWAYS— I’ll probs end up adding more eventually, I always end up adding more. I have other versions of them on the way :>
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heros-shade-fanclub · 5 months
What is your favorite thing about the Hero's Shade? What is your least favorite thing about him? (How long we actually get to see him is not a valid answer because I also wish we got to see him more or that he appeared in pretty much every other Zelda game too.)
ooooooooohhh. oh anon i love you. saw this and started pacing around my room in excitement
I made a post about it before I think, but there's a quote that's like "in the end you become the person you needed that time when no one helped you" and that sums up my feelings well. In ocarina of time (and ESPECIALLY majora's mask), plenty of people teach you things and help you out here and there, but not in the same way the hero's shade watches you on your journey + actually teaches you to protect yourself*. There's almost a feeling of loneliness/isolation in oot and mm (<personal opinion), whereas one of the major themes of tp is that you're never alone in your fight. and what better representation of that than heroshade. turns into a kitchen appliance
He's got so many good lines too tbh. something about "go, and do not falter" makes me stick my head into a cement mixer. and we as a fandom are sleeping on the memeability of "A (blank) wields no (blank) unless the hand that holds it has (blank)"
My least favorite thing is probably how he calls Link a disgrace during their first meeting LIKE GIRLLLLLL. absolutely no reason to talk to him like that. i don't know that guy
I also think. and this is so nitpicky. the sword training music is very meh. it serves its purpose but as the track associated with him i think it leaves something to be desired. I love MajorLink and Brock Hewitt's choice to make his leitmotif the Ballad of Twilight/Courage Theme instead
*you could make an argument for Sheik or Kaepora Gaebora or even Navi here but their roles are still different i feel. and in majora's mask you very much have No One
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mememan93 · 1 year
As a Skyward Sword fan, do you hope to see Skyloft in Tears of the Kingdom? (I know I am)
No, I don't, to be honest. I don't want lots of skyward sword references in Tears of the Kingdom, mainly due to fears of retconning, but also, I want Tears of the Kingdom to be its own thing.
This got long so here's a cut, but TL:DR:
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(And listen, I am very VERY excited for Totk, for once this has nothing to do with my dislike of BoTW)
Skyloft was the epitome of skyward sword, it was a welcoming, warm feeling place, it was link's home, and it made the player feel at home. Skyloft was a reflection of Skyward Sword as a whole. Skyward sword is a game intended for newcomers to the series, being set at the beginning, and having Fi, who gives hints and information more in-depth than any other guide does, to help players who are stuck continue on the adventure. Skyloft is what makes Skyward Sword unique.
Now, I guess something similar would be the temple of time entrance in Twilight Princess. You walk into the time portal, and you're in the same temple as in Ocarina of time, even with the same music. It's stunning, but because you barely spend any time there, it's more of an homage to Ocarina of Time, rather than Twilight Princess being "Hey remember this thing you liked? What if I did that too?"
There's nothing wrong with small references, don't get me wrong. I liked that TP had the oot and MM songs (and one WW song I think?) With wolf howling, but it also made it it's own, when they howled the ballad of twilight together, symbolizing the growth of the hero of Twilight.
It's the same reason that I don't want Ghirahim in the game. Besides the fact that he's dead. His story is done, leaving the perfect amount of ambiguity to keep the intrigue of the game alive. Also, it's why I don't want Fi to speak. She has her arc, its tragic that it never finished, that she started her hints of growing emotionally near the end and never got to fully grow, its supposed to be tragic! Fi is a tragic character, and a perfect example of the moral ambiguity of Hylia (Don't worry, I'll get to her in a minute). I love Fi, I'd love for her to get her happy ending, but not like this. Not in a different game, with people she doesn't know, that feels like slapping the Sws cast in the face.
Hylia. Oh Hylia.
I cannot stand when people blame her for Zelda's lack of powers in botw shes dead shes dead she's dead. I know you know this but I should say it anyway.
And it's important to note, that I love skyward sword. I really have minimal issues with the game. However, not a lot of people feel that way. Having Skyloft and Ghirahim and Fi and Hylia and everything that made skyward sword unique makes me feel that Nintendo thinks they're justified in hating Sws because "Look, TotK has these things too! Now you don't have to try a game you don't 100% love!" And people will flock to it and love it and pretend Skyward Sword didn't do it first.
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A Potentially Comprehensive List of All The Cooking Songs Our Boi is Humming
(Will reblog with additions)
Zelda’s Lullaby (oot)
The OG cooking hum (botw)
Main Zelda Theme(?) (LoZ, many since)
Saria’s Song (oot, cameo in mm)
Epona’s song (oot, mm, botw, etc)
Kass’s song (botw)
The Champions’ Ballad(?) (botw)
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the-musical-cc · 1 year
Listen I will not apologize for loving TP so much, I was like 14 when it came out and I literally dreamed about getting it since I first saw a poster of it in like 2004 Game Planet in Plaza Loreto like 200 meters from the same hospital I was born in. I was THIS CLOSE to skipping a choral event to get home and play it right away when I finally got it and when I finally did get home it was already past midnight so my dad would only let me watch the intro for the time being. The way I CRIED legit tears at the majesty of that opening. I spent like a week playing it near-non-stop because it was christmas break, my mom and sisters had left for mom's hometown and my dad left for work for most of the day so I could literally act like a gremlin without any judgment on anyone's part (Except my dog) and I only stopped to get snacks/cook me or microwave me some proper food, drink water, go to the bathroom or sleep. The amount of times this game made me cry, even Breath of the Wild didn't quite reach the number. I have loved TP Zelda with my whole heart since I first saw her, I was so distraught when she does the life-force transfer thinguie with Midna that it was the only day I stopped playing early since I'd cried myself into a headache. When my mom and sisters did come back, I had to say I hadn't gotten all that far and reset my game file because my sisters got mad that I got to play first and they would have been furious had they known I'd finished, so I got to play through it twice back-to-back (Which is also why a lot of it I remember so clearly. Even Wind Waker or Four Swords that I'm certain I've replayed more times than this I can't remember as clearly.) The huge cast filled to the brim with all sorts of creatures and characters, the way the mission is not so much to defeat evil but to help the different tribes and groups unite and become community, to save the Kingdom by saving it's people. The way my heart soared the first time I got to ride Epona through Hyrule Field and listen to the Ballad of Twilight segment of the music for the first time. The Hero's Shade! Back then we didn't have the 'Canon confirmation' that this was OOT Link but as a kid who grew up with OoT and MM how could I NOT join the dots and KNOW that was him? How could I not feel deeply touched and devastated to see him trapped as a lost soul?! The way the world felt HUGE running through it and finding secret spots here and there, and it felt real because all sorts of people- people with bad sides and good sides, people who were afraid but found courage with a little push, people who were as passionate about helping others as Link himself. Midna's ultimate arc being about realizing that caring is hard and it's painful and it makes you vulnerable, but it's WORTH IT.
Zelda games with like, improved mechanics or bigger maps or whatnot have come and gone after that, but to me nothing beats TP and probably never will.
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rosecolouredheart · 1 year
Yo fam, for the Zelda ask: 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18(Skyward Sword), 18(BotW), goooo~
How in the heck do you keep managing to send messages after I’m asleep when I stay up to at least midnight most of the time my dude? Do you ever sleep? Did you become some sorta creature of the night w/out letting any of us know? 
3. Favourite and least favourite companion?Favorite is hard but I gotta go with King of Red Lions, WW. Least is either Tael MM or Ezlo MC.
7. How many of the main series games have you beat/completed?What’s the distinction between main series and spinoff? I’ve played OoT, MM, FS, WW, MC, TP, PH, ST, SS, ALBW, BotW. I’ve beat all of those many times except ST (fucking pan pipes) and SS (too repetitive) so I guess nine?
10. Favourite Zelda design?THEY’RE ALL CUTE.
11. Favourite Ganon/Ganondorf design?Probably OoT and WW. TP is interesting in the way when it’s actually properly lit and detailed like in SSBB so you can see shit it’s p neat but still very generic evil guy.
12. Top 3 items?Elixir soup, 
14. Top 3 masks?For abilities: Bremen, Captain’s Hat, Bunny Hood.For looks: Fierce Deity (also falls under for abilities but I didn’t wanna list it twice), Postman’s Hat, Couples Mask
16. Rank the BotW champions from favourite to least favourite.Urbosa is top, the other three are equal in second place. How can I pick between rock grandpa, teenage fish, and millennial bird? (Real talk I really disliked Rivali until the champion’s ballad. and don’t get me wrong he’s still a jerk but is more understandable. Mipha too, but she finally got some characterization more than “she really loves link, guys.”)
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havenofchaos · 2 years
So, I said fuck it and started concepts for my oc Link/LoZ Game
The name might not stick but I decides to go with "Ballad of the Triforce" for the title of my Loz original game/story because, since I love music, I want music to play a really big role in the story. Not quite sure how big of a role it'll be but it'll probably be somewhat like OoT & MM in how the music have significance to certain characters and abilities and what not.
Mind you, I haven't watched a play through of OoT & MM in a while so my memory is a little fuzzy concerning those two games. Considering I want to be able to make this story feel believable and want to insert my OC Link into Linked Universe I have to figure out where on the timeline(s) I want it to go. My thought was that it should come some times after Wild's game but at the same time, I don't really want it to be close enough to Botw 2 that I would need to rewrite the whole thing afterwords and I don't want the hyrule to be very technologically advanced that my concepts become redundant.
Another issue is that the only games I know even a little about are Skyward Sword, Four Sword, Minish Cap, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Breath of the Wild, and a Link Between Worlds. I own Breath of the Wild and I've played through Wind Waker and Twilight Princess a little bit but still.
I'm planning to freshen up my memory soon.
Anyway if you actually read this rant, congrats on acknowledging my obsession!
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mrslittletall · 4 years
Alright, a quick rating of the Zelda titles: 
The Legend of Zelda (NES) I actually only played this game when I was 15, because we didn’t had it on our original NES, then sold it and only got the game when we bought a used NES.  For such an old game, it holds up pretty well. It is fun to play, but it has some hiccups, like totally random bombable walls in the overworld. I was lucky to have found an old map from some 1989 Nintendo magazine.  I rate this game as a solid 7/10.  Adventure of Link (NES) Ah, the black sheep. For some reason, they thought they needed to make this game into a sidescroller which were pretty popular at the time, but imo took away from the Zelda experience.  It also is hard, super hard, one of the games that named the trope “nintendo hard”. I actually never made it past the second boss.  So I never played through the game, but watched others play. I think they shouldn’t have changed the formula so much after only one game, but it isn’t a bad game per se, just one that doesn’t fit.  I give it a 5/10.  A Link to the Past (SNES) Now that game took everything the original had and made it BETTER. The overworld is huge, the music is stellar, the game even tells a story, a bit hidden, but it is there, it established quite a few staples in the series like the heart pieces and some leitmotifs like Zelda’s lullaby and Hyrule Castle theme.  And then the game takes its huge world and makes it in a dark mirror, now that was amazing!  The only criticism I have? The Dark World dungeons are too similar, but other than that: 10/10
Link’s Awakening (GB/GBC) Ok, this game was my first Zelda, so it gets the nostalgia bonus.  I ADORE this game. Now that I am older, it is obvious, that the game started as fangame, but whatever. It works super well with the tiny console it came out on (the Game Boy), is super fun, has well thought out dungeons which revolve around a theme and also adds two new more staples in Zelda games:  The quirky characters and the creepy undertones.  LA has a really big twist in the second half and it is kind of depressing when you know it, but I love that scene and the music that plays in it. That game was surprisingly mature for it’s cute limited style.  It also gave us the ballad of the windfish, though... In my heart it gets a 11/10, but objectively it gets an 8/10. Ocarina of Time (N64) Ehhhh... Nah, it isn’t the best Zelda ever.  I liked the game, but even at age 11 it felt just like A Link to the Past in 3D, even less, because OoT is very linear. LA was linear too, but it had the game boy excuse.  What I like about OoT is the focus on more story, the races of Hyrule are more in the focus and the music is gorgeous, as well as the jump in 3D was well done, but I wished they hadn’t given Link the autojump. Ugh.  It’s a solid title, 7/10.  Majora’s Mask (N64) Now hold my beer, that game looks so stressful, but it is GOOD. Seriously, this game is amazing. It takes a timed countdown and makes it WORK!  It isn’t just a reskin of OoT, because of a lot of clever new mechanics, the transformation masks. The story is a bit weird and also dark. Jeez, this game is the darkest Zelda game ever, but wow, it’s also deep as hell.  Music? FANTASTIC! Actually my fav score from all the games.  Majora’s Mask earns a 10/10.  Wind Waker (Game Cube) Adorable, cute, has some really cool twists, music is fantastic, art style is timeless and the sailing wasn’t boring!  Like Majora’s Mask, that game lives a lot of sidequests, but I really liked it and I liked the slow reveal of just what the world of WW is.  I loved it on the Game Cube and even though I only played through it in like 2014 (because I deleted my save game and started over, wtf?), I think this is one amazing title. It get’s a 10/10. Because I loved the sailing.  Twilight Princess (GC/Wii)  Well, that game just screams OoT at me at every single moment.  I still love it. I played it after I had a a bit of a fallout with single player games and went raiding in WoW for a year straight. Going back to just being single player was amazing. Ok, the wii mote was a bit meh, but the game was good. I liked Wolf Link and Midna and the Twilight Realm and all the references. I felt at home and liked to see a more mature approach at the story, even though this game isn’t as dark as MM, it still counts to the darker ones.  But I don’t like every little thing about it... I give it a 8/10 though.  Oracle of Ages/Oracle of Seasons (GBC) Yeah, they are weird. Yes, I love them nonetheless. Music is a disappointment though, but love the idea, characters and dungeons as well as some of the new items. 7/10 for both.  Phantom Hourglass (DS) Oh, come on, the game isn’t that bad, but I admit, the phantom hourglass temple was uuuugh.  6/10 and one point is for Linebeck alone. Spirit Tracks (DS) Now that is what Phantom Hourglass should have been! A clever story, a nice inclusion of Zelda, the touch screen controls work well, the train is HELLA fun, tons of sidestuff to do, stellar OST, really fun villain.  This games works and it works well. 9/10, just because the pan flute was awful and I got dizzy by all that blowing.  Skyward Sword (Wii) Master, your batteries are low.  Shut up, Phai!  I want to like this game, I really want, but, but...  I had to recalibrate my Wiimote every 20 minutes! The motion controls made the game unneccesarry clunky and Phai is the most annoying sidekick of all time.  The story was cool though, I loved learning how the master sword came to be and it had some really clever dungeon ideas, like the time based ones. Also, Ghirahim as well as Ballad of the Goddess. I give it a 5/10 though, because of the damn motion controls!  A Link between Worlds (3DS) It is AlttP with a twist. A good twist. It used the 3D effect of the 3DS and played with 2D and 3D perspective for puzzles. It took the story of ALttP and made it good.  It made the OST better.  the dungeons were short enough to be played in a short session, good for a handheld fixed the same looking dungeons. 11/10, really, that game ist fantastic  BotW (Switch/Wii U)  I had some troubles with the game at first, but then? I started to adore it. The world is HUGE, like, never ever have we seen such a huge world, oof. And there is actually stuff to do. Shrines to find, Koroks to find, monster camps, animals to hunt, unfixed events! The game is super non linear and it’s amazing!  It is a whole new look on Hyrule and on the formula and it works. It has a few annoying things (climbing in rain, weapons breaking, some foes overpowered), but it is super fun and I want the second installment now. 9/10 
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fortheloveofloz · 6 years
Top five (or ten if it's hard to choose) Zelda songs???
Let’s see! I’ll try and do ten for you anon ;) I can also add the links later to a different post connected to this if people want? LMK!10. The great sea - WW! After hearing it for many hours on end, it kind of got annoying, but still a great song to play as you were on the water!9. Saria’s Song - OOT! It’s such a simple song to listen to! 8. Zelda’s Lullaby - OOT! Yet another song to listen to! In any LOZ game, meeting Zelda gives me chills!7. Majora’s Theme - MM! AH DO I LOVE THIS! It’s so creepy and wild and it’s just great! The music always adds to the mood!6. Hyrule Field - TP! it’s so different from the rest which makes it stand out the most! Any of the twilight music is breathtaking!5. Great Fairy Fountain - ANY GAME! They are super calming in there! So whatever game is your fav, just listen to it for a bit! 4. Main Theme - BOTW! WOW WAS I BLOWN AWAY BY THIS MUSIC! IT ALWAYS GIVES ME CHILLS WHEN I LISTEN TO IT! 3. Midna’s Theme - TP! One of my favorite companions! She reminds me a lot of me, which is why I put it in the top 3! 2. Song of Storms - MM! A CLASSIC! If you don’t like this song, WHY NOT?! The remixes to it are always good, sped up or slowed down are always great! 1. Ballad of the Goddess - SS! AND THE SONG THAT ALWAYS MAKES ME CRY! to make a long story short, Skyward Sword fucked me up so bad where I had to cry to my parents, I was so emotionally attached to all the characters and the ending never helped me at all! Coping was so hard! But this song is soothing and calming and made me feel so warm inside! PLEASE LISTEN TO IT!
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breath-of-the-gay · 7 years
What the Links are singin
oot/mm: ballads
skyward sword: celine dion
twilight princess: country. but like, good country music. like asking the goddesses for good pumpkin harvests country music
ww: pirate shanties. with bad words taught to him by tetra.
botw: i dunno but it’s wildly out of tune and yet somehow still sounds good.
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chemicalbrew · 7 years
For the LoZ ask! Goddess harp, OOT, master sword, whip, picori sword and lantern
Goddess Harp: Favorite piece of lore
a) BotW!Zelda forced Link to eat a frog once
b) The whole reincarnation shtick SS started, I love it soo much (though i bet you already knew it because of how much I love hylink lmfao)
c) The flashback to Zelda and the Song of Time in MM is a thing
d) Ezlo giving Link a new green hat at the end of TMC because Link doesn’t look the same without it to him anymore!! fuck that was so good!!!!
e) everything and anything that has to do with Zelda having prophetic powers (when the intro to BotW was unveiled at E3 2014, I knew the voice was her and immediately thought this idea was coming back from the glorious days of LttP and i’m still kinda upset it did not)
f) i still think Ravio’s existence is pretty cool, I want him & Hilda to be happy lol
Ocarina of Time: Favorite song
a playable song? Ballad of the Wind Fish, definitely. I’m still pretty far away from having an actual opportunity to play it in the game, i’m only halfway through LA
a piece of BGM?
idk I’ve just always loved the feeling this conveys and found it very easy and fun to hum for some reason. I’m hella biased towards this song and I’ll defend it to the end of time (coughs; no i didn’t mean it like that, that’s a different game)
Master Sword: Favorite version of Link + Whip: Most attractive character in your opinion (if applicable)
BotW!Link!! who cares if he hasn’t got nipples, he’s still valid and very pretty and beautiful and shit i’d known i was gonna love him the moment i saw him in that teaser
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how can you not love him with that awesome ponytail and GORGEOUS EYES AND BEAUTIFUL NEW TUNIC AND AAAA I’M HAVING FEELINGS FOR PIXELS AGAIN
(fun fact: i’ve had a picture of him (and also Hyrule Warriors!Link bc he’s a qt too) hanging in my room for like what, 3.5 years now?? in fact i just walked by it yesterday and casually thought ‘dam he looks good’ lmaoo
i remember myself blowing kisses at that poster several times, but shh don’t tell anyone else lolol)
Picori Sword: What is the most underrated game in the series?
the CD-I games the minish cap …probably the oracle games. I mean, it’s justified bc these two were made by capcom at the end of the handheld’s lifespan BUT?? i think these games deserve more attention and i should play them (or at least Ages) one day
Lantern: Scariest area of any game
a just answer would be the Shadow Temple from OoT, but i haven’t gotten there yet and can’t say for myself, so I’ll just go with a place that actually scared me: the castle town that becomes filled with redeads after link wakes up and becomes an adult... JESUS CHRIST WHY DOES THAT HAVE TO BE THE FIRST THING MY CHILD SEES?? esp compared to how lively it was in his time..
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kheprriverse · 1 year
With the second page of my what-if mini comic on kofi, I've decided to share some doodles of Time and a look at Malon's redesign :)!
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These images are designs that take place near or in the beginning of my au since its gonna probably focus on him a lot and were primarily made to get the design down in my head. Hence the lack of FD markings.
I'd show the full version of the second image, but I'm still figuring everything out. So things are still subject to change in the future.
Mini-comic peak below the cut! (I'm also primarily plugging my kofi so feel free to ignore it if you want)
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Pages can be viewed every Monday where they're released early on kofi! This page will be released here in about a week, but do feel free to support me if you like my work and wanna see stuff before tumblr does! It's $1/month and you get early content, shop/commission discounts, and WIPs/progress pages.
Page 2 will be uploaded here (Tumblr) on the 11th, which is my bday! Hopefully you guys like it :3
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kheprriverse · 1 year
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New fullbody for Time! + some info.
I'll work on his other outfits as well, especially the one I draw him in the most. Hero chart has also been updated!
Below the cut is some doodles of what FD looks like when Time uses the mask :>
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I've had a few people mention FD having Time's braid and it was smth on my mind for a while as well, especially while working on Time's ref. So I decided to indulge on the idea! Also that his appearance differs depending on who uses the mask so I was gonna mess with it eventually anyways lol.
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kheprriverse · 1 year
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“My, how flattering!”
I'm very normal about Time.
I’m sharing this before posting their finished ref because?? I felt like it.
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mememan93 · 10 months
Doing a quick poll bracket. It's gonna be this poll, a poll for best ocarina song in MM, a poll for Flute song in ST, Best ocarina song in OOT, and for best waker song in WW.
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mememan93 · 10 months
Doing a quick poll bracket. It's gonna be this poll, a poll for best ocarina song in MM, a poll for Flute song in ST, best harp song in SwS, and for Best Ocarina song in OOT. and you know what fuck it best howling song too
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