mileapo · 1 year
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Khem - Man Suang
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puniyo · 2 years
Kinnporsche Episode 7 Theories – Reading too much into the unreadable (actually just too bored waiting for a doctor’s appointment like Kinn) Part 2
Part 1 Here (because Tumblr apparently has a word limit per post)
Is the minor family compound the one they used for the first family in the old trailer?
I hope to see Porsche asking Kinn about Tawan (and not replay Vegas’s manipulative message in his head). I don’t believe that Tawan is dead. Something I’m expecting Tawan and Vegas to have some sort of agreement to mess with Kinn, whether is revenge or obsession.
I also want to see a situation where Kinn holds Tawan at gunpoint and Porsche stops him from shooting him (or he is the one to shoot Tawan to protect Kinn instead). Not for pity but because he will not allow Kinn to further dirty his hand and have to put closure to a past love of his, which is an inherent shaping factor of Kinn’s personality. Porsche wants Kinn to accept his past feelings but then move on with Porsche. This is maturity for me. It would also give a lot of jealousy material for Kinn to tease Porsche about (and Porsche to shut him up with his superiority over Tawan and for him to also realize how much power he has over Kinn. Actually, it would be even better for Kinn to realize this and be willing to relish that power to Porsche).
Kinn going to the second family’s compound at night to see Porsche is literally confirming to Vegas how special Porsche is. In order words, he just put a target on Porsche's back.
A huge round of applause for the glimpse of the bandages on Kinn under his black shirt when he visits Porsche on the balcony. A gunshot wound won’t heal this fast. The bandages are necessary. Love realism. (The sadistic in me would have loved to see Porsche lightly punching him in the wound and Kinn sort of releasing some sort of whimper and then Porsche laughing and then planting a kiss on his shoulder).
Tay and Time are precious. Give them more screentime (they are both so gorgeously attractive). I wonder about their and Kinn’s shenanigans in school. How did they meet? Did Kinn meet Tay first and then Time was introduced to them? Was there ever a proposal of a threesome between them? How about Tay and Time flirting in class, ignoring the teacher’s warnings? The alluded car crash incident mentioned in episode 2? Give us another side story please BOC.
Pete is for me one of the most interesting characters and one that I am deeply invested in knowing more about. Because we basically know nothing about him. Well, we don’t know about others too but Pete is Tankhun’s head bodyguard and I’m assuming he is very efficient in his job. Kinn chooses him as the spy for the minor family. He sounds like he is on the edge every time Vegas approaches him but is it really fear? He always has that smiley aura to him but we know how the saying goes (it doesn’t actually, I’m inventing these) – be careful with the happy, merry-go-round ones.
“Aren’t you going to say something supportive to me?” Porsche wants comfort from Kinn. Along these lines, let me selfishly add approval and praise. We can see Porsche trying to get Kinn to vocalize his feelings or be honest with words. Kinn, though, is a man of actions and is not used to words (again, due to Korn’s upbringing and the idea that a knife needs to be ruthless and not sweet-talking). However, let’s notice how vocal Kinn is during their sexual moments. He repeats Porsche’s name as a mantra and his moans are loud. To Porsche, that is the confirmation and affirmation that he needs. To Porsche, that is way more enticing than anything else.     
Let me escape from this back hole and go back to life. *sigh*
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aleniksimmer · 4 years
Paranormal Stuff
As usual, at this point, some things I noticed in the new trailer.
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Curtain, dreamcatcher and small old picture frame are nice, but I’, not convinced about the fireplace look, despite the side shelves. Also, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the moon so big??
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I hope lights actually do this.
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The doll is so cute. Also the cube boc and the written hand are nice.
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Again, I hope candles actually turns black/blue. The bird thing is also nice, reminds me of Egypt.
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I mean, it’s nice I guess, but I wasn’t expecting this “style” to go with this pack. Remove the ghosts and you’re actually going to have Movie stuff 2.0. I’m kinda tired of this “bohemian/country style and desaturated clothes” like Movie, Laundry, Strangerville, Batuu etc. I wish there had been a more “edgy” approach in terms of clothes/furnture like RoM and Vampires.
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Initially I thought these were the captured ghosts, but apparently they are just decor?
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The “2020 mood” ghosts. And a, what appears to be, african statuette? Also, another hanging plant finally.
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OMG so fricking scaaaryyyyyyy *sarcasm* but at least the hands plant on the background is cute. More of that kind of stuff please.
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The small cowplant is cute and the fact that they used Strangerville plant on the frames is nice too.
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Johnny Depp, is that you? At this point couldn’t it have been Tim Burton’s aesthetic?
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Uhm, nice I guess? But still the style doesn’t scream fortune teller nor creepy dark witch to me. The characters dressed like this seem out of place.
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I hope you can actually see the face inside and that’s not just a video effect.
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I’m not really sure if I like the animation overall, seems a little stiff and repetitive? Idk.
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Bob is me right now. Not fazed at all.
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Gnomes and bees 2.0.
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Apparently the ghosts are going to mess the place and the the new career includes being a maid.
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Don, don’t try to flirt with the new dead maid. The candy vases remind me of Coraline, the cups are nice but probably just decore, and I hope the cupcakes aren’t made with actual ghosts.
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What a nice bonding activity to do with your kids! I mean, they can’t take care of plants but I’m sure trying to break the wall between the living world and the realm of the dead is way less dangerous!
In conclusion, my personal opinions are: I don’t like the style of the pack, nor I like the fact that the ghosts are more cute than anything (at this point it seems they aren’t even trying to appeal to the older players, but just to the very young ones). I really would have liked a more dark/creepy/edgy approach. The evoke/banish ghosts alone seems boring in term of visuals and I think making it a career is the only right thing to do to make this feature more useful. I speak as a player who loves supernatural and occults, but this pack doesn’t inspires me that much. I admit, before the Disney ad pack I really really loved TS4 and I couldn’t stand all the negativity surrounding it, but after that extremely urequired pack the game didn’t appeal me that much anymore. Each announcement after that, except for the skintones and sliders, never really made me excited for the game again, and I know at the moment TS4 isn’t really pleasing family nor occult players with the new releases. I, at least, will hardly call this supernatural/occult and I hope they are not going to hide behind this SP and say that they’ve fulfilled occult players wishes. I’m still hoping that this year we’re going to get another proper occult type (like fairies, werewolves, maybe helves, zombies etc) and the preview pics of the skintone update kinda hinted at that, I distinctly remember there were a pink and yellow swatch on the unnatural category, something we don’t have and can’t achieve with the sliders and existing skin colors. Maybe this is just a precursor of something bigger since the year just begun. In the end I’ll still buy it cause I like some things and I’m a collector (except for batuu) but I’ll wait for a 50% sale at least.
PS: I’m probably going to write a post about life and stuff in the next days. I needed some time off for myself and I’m sorry I left you like this.
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