killjoystwt · 1 year
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partypoisonofficial · 2 years
Remember that if you take your BL/ind prescribed meds, bees will eat your nose!
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(I have proof)
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frnkiebby · 3 months
i like ur blog, it's a sideblog designated specifically to a shared love of frank and it shows me that adults can still be cool and love things
thank you 😭😭
it really does exist to be able to just scream with other people about frank and sometimes other music shit.
someone pls take me out if i ever become the type of adult that is dour and grey and flat.~🎃
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elexnorislingtxn · 1 month
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mark in THESE
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holy fucki just realized my husband & i have that physdisabled4physdisabled swag
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eggbagelz · 1 year
Poison and kobra resenting their parents in this bittersweet sort of way because they knew that they were under the control of the city but didn't try to break out like the twins did. ghoul not really caring about his parents cuz he was basically raised by cherri and to him that's all he needs. the girl missing her mother in an abstract sense bc she never knew her but desperately wishes she could have. jet missing his family with everything he has. Can u hear me
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dilfcherricola · 1 year
just purchased the clean version of the danger days cd
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queersrus · 8 months
Gore theme
includes: medical, slasher, cannibalistic, horror and general gore content, feel free to request specifics
meat/flesh - zombie - blood
gore, gorette, goretta, goretto, gorine, gorina, gorino, gorelle, gorello, gorella, gorer, gory, gnaw, gnash, gut, gutz, gwyar, gruesome, grisly, gouge, guts/gutz, gutsy/gutzy, gutsie/gutzie, gutsee/gutzee, gutsine/gutzine intestine, intes, intine, inn, inna, innard entrail, entra, entrai, eye kill, killer, killian, killien, kid, kidney/kidnee/kidnie mort, morte, morty, morter, mortem, mortemer, mortimer, mortu, mortua, mortuary blade, bite, biter, bitten, bleed, blood, bloody, bleeder, bloodette, bloodine, bloodetta, bloodina, bloodelle, bloodella, brain, brainy, brainette, brainetta, brainelle, brainella, braine, brutal, bloodlust, bloodshed, bloodlet, bloodless, bloodlette, bloodletta, bloodletter, bloodbath, bowel cut, cutter, capil, capillary, cava, claret, clot, carnage, colon thrash, thrasher, tear slash, slasher, slice, splatter, spill, stab, stomach, spleen rip, ripper, rippley, ripley, razor fang, flesh, fleshy venus, vis, viscer, viscera, visceral, viscerally, vei, vein, vendet, vendette, vendetta, vessel, vital orga, organ, organa liver, lung art, arter, artery, ana, anat, anatom, anatomy, arteriole wound death hema pan, pancrea, pancreas, pierce, plasma, puncture
1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
gi/gore/goreself, gi/guts/gutself bli/bleed/bloods/bloodself vi/vie/veins/veinself, vi/ve/ventettas/vendettaself, vi/visce/viscerals/visceralself i/inte/intestine/intestines/intestineself wi/wou/woune/wounds/woundself fli/fle/fleshs/fleshself oi/ore/organs/organself ci/carne/carnages/carnegeself, cli/clot/clots/clotself, ci/cor/corpse/corpseself li/lungs/lungself, li/live/livers/liverself ai/arte/arteries/arteryself pi/pancrea/pancreas/pancreaself sti/stomachs/stomachself, spli/splee/spleens/spleenself, ki/kidne/kidneys/kidneyself
2nd person: you/your/yours/yourself
go/gore/gores/goreself, gu/gutr/gutrs/gutrself blo/bleedr/bleedrs/bleedrself vo/veinr/veinrs/veinrself, vo/vendettar/vendettars/vendettarself, vo/viscer/viscers/visceralself oi/intestir/intestirs/intestinself wou/woundr/woundrs/woundrself flo/fleshr/fleshrs/fleshrself o/or/organs/organself co/cor/corpse/corpself, co/car/carnages/carnageself, clo/clotr/clotrs/clotself lo/lungr/lungrs/lungrself, lo/liver/livers/liverself ao/arter/arteries/arteryself po/pancr/pancreas/pancreaself sto/stomachr/stomachrs/stomachrself, splo/spleenr/spleenrs/spleenrself ko/kidneyr/kidneyrs/kidneyrself
3rd person: they/them/theirs/themself
go/gore, go/re, gore/gores, gu/ts, gu/gut, gut/guts blood/bloods, blo/od, blood/bath, blood/bloody, bloo/dy, blood/dy, blood/pit, blood/vessel, blood/shed, blood/less, blood/bond, blood/pact, blood/lust, blood/bleed, bleed/bleeds, ble/ed, bleed/ing, bleeding/out, blood/clot vi/vein, vei/vein, ve/in, vein/veins, vein/veiny, ven/detta, vendet/ta, ven/vendetta, vendetta/vendettas, visc/era, visc/eral, visc/visceram visc/visceral, viscera/visceral, visceral/viscerally inte/intestine, intest/ine, inte/stine, intestine/intestines large/intestine, lu/lung, lung/lungs, lun/ng, li/liver, li/ver, liv/er, liv/liver, liver/livers small/intestine, sto/mach, stomach/stomachs, sto/stomach, splee/spleen, sple/en, splee/een, spleen/spleens wo/wound, wou/wound, wou/nd, wo/und, wound/wounds fle/sh, fle/flesh, flesh/fleshes, flesh/fleshy o/organ, or/gan, org/an, org/organ, organ/organs co/coprse, cor/pse, cor/corpse, corplse/like, corpse/corpses, car/nage, carn/age, car/carnage, carn/carnage, carnage/carnages, clo/clot, clo/t, clo/ot, clot/clots art/artery, ar/tery, art/ery, artery/arteries pan/creas, pan/pancreas, pancrea/pancreas, pancreas/pancreases kid/ney, ki/kidney, kid/kidney, kidney/kidneys
the gore, the gored, the gorer, the visceral, the bleeding, the organ, the one with missing organs/limbs, the flesh eater, the wounded, the mortally wounded, the bleeding/bloody corpse, the half eaten corpse, the rotting flesh, the one with missing arteries, the one with bleeding arteries
(prn) whos skin peels, (prn) whos organs/limbs are missing, (prn) who's intestines are exposed, (prn) who brings carnage, (prn) whos flesh rots, (prn) who is gravely wounded
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furresquid · 5 months
ok chat I have a theory
this could also b a headcanon but I think NA NA NA NA NA is like the killjoy war cry or something along those lines
think about it, the first song you listen to in the album (besides Look Alive, Sunshine) is NA NA NA, it’s your first introduction to the killjoys
and then there’s Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back, which is a pretty obvious title to tell what exactly the song is about, but you can hear NA NA NA NA NA in the song like the killjoys are yelling it while saving the girl/yelling it while attacking BLI/nd
so yeah just a short thing I was thinking about
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i-am-iron-man-3000 · 1 year
Mkay so I get that we all really want a killjoy movie but consider this too, a killjoy video game. You get to create your own killjoy, join the Fab Four or make your own group, fight against the BLI/nd, complete mini side quests that also add even more to the lore and idk just be a killjoy.
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ur-local-flesh-hive · 2 months
Ah, the infamous Jane Prentiss.
I can't say I'm a fan of la Saleté, but I have enough respect for the other Fears to reach out and introduce myself.
Cordelia Bouchard. It is... interesting meeting you.
-C. Bouchard ( @until-death-and-beyond )
ah, an oth er on e of e li a s's ha rem ? so u nfo rt una te for yo u
go od to me et y ou, eve n if y ou 're bli nd to the be aut ie s of the ro t. o h wel l . i c ou ld cha nge tha t ;)
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absolutelyzoned · 5 months
your killjoy oc is so cool and I love his name too
drop some lore about him I’m very interested he looks awesome
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gonna bullet point this shit cause my thoughts absolutely will NOT connect(maybe they will but still.., im so bad at explaining things)
he doesn't have a gang or anything just because he's fucking AWFUL to work with
he's so bad at being serious and genuinely cannot tell that people don't like him
SELF DESTRUCTIVE AS HELL he does NOT care for consequences and will do things just for the fun of it
he's ambidextrous and actually a really good shot
he absolutely LOVES getting into firefights cause he knows he'll most likely win
he's not at all bothered by blood or anything - he's called red thrill cause of like the excitement of getting injured and whatnot
he tried to join the ultra v's at one point and was initially with em for a bit, then got kicked out when he lied about there being a small amount of dracs that they could easily take down. there was NOT a small amount of them. long story short they almost fuckin,,. died and val got pissed that red made a reckless decision an kicked him out
i haven't posted any art of his jacket yet,.. but it's like greyish and the sleeves have caution tape on em.
the back of his jacket has BLI/nd's logo with an x over it. in red paint. totally. (he crossed it out in blood,,.. who's blood? you'll never know.)
he fuckin LOVES being the center of attention. he would kill to be in the spotlight. and has
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life-love-and-lotr · 1 year
Some headcannons for my Danger Days story because I just need to get it out of my head..
Jet has a really slow burning anger. He was taught from a young age that anger is a useful tool when used correctly, but a dangerous weapon if left unchecked. So he kept his anger to himself until he was alone and able to deal with it. The only time his anger almost hurt people was the day Motorbaby got taken. He let it all loose, almost attacking Party when he tried to calm him down.
Jet might be the most level headed of the team, but it dosnt mean he can't let loose and have fun. His favourite activity is wind up Doctor D by bringing Motorbaby into the radio station saying that he needs to go somewhere for a bit at the exact time a broadcast is due to be on. He let's her loose in the booth then listens to the chaos from the comfort of the Trans AM parked a little way down the road. It never fails to crack him up.
Ghoul is actually the softest person behind closed doors. When he lived in the City, his job was to help city folk who wanted to escape get ready for their new lives in the desert. He knew that these people had so much to learn and if he could help teach them then thats all that mattered.
Ghoul has severe dyslexia and needs people to teach him to read. He wanted to be able to tell the children he worked with stories, but couldn't read them out of books. So he developed an amazing imagination and told stories that the children at the orphanage would make time to listen to.
Kobras love language is food. He is a man of very little words and struggled to find ways to show his friends that he loves them. He is also very sensitive to the texture of foods so knew that he wouldn't touch Power Pup with a fifty foot pole. The one thing from the city he held close was the ability to cook and he was amazing at it. It took Ghoul being injured by a blaster to the face and needing a liquid diet for Kobra to realise that making a nourishing meal was the easiest way to say I love you.
Kobras transition started in the City which as you can imagine was a difficult thing to do. He couldn't change his appearance at all nor could he tell people his pronouns. But he did decide on a name for himself, one that only his brother and their friend Emily would call him. That name was Mikey. It was close enough to be considered a nick- name for his dead name Michelle, but masculine enought to fit the image of who he really was.
Party didn't refuse to take the BLI/ND pills to be rebellious. He actually forgot to take it one day when his parents left early for work. Everything seemed extremly overwhelming and he didnt know why. He had to carry on with his day as if nothing was wrong so he went to school as and saw that a schoolmate of his, Emily was acting the same way. She was able to explain what was happening to him and that actually it was a good thing. He didn't take anymore pills and even persuaded his brother not to.
Party has crippling anxiety. It manifests itself when he is around people he loves. He gave himself the role of leader and that means protecting everyone. He frequently has panic attacks especially when either Kobra or Motorbaby get hurt. He shuts down every time and only Jet is able to calm him down
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fangsup-cobrastyle · 5 months
Danger Days phase number 2, courtesy of me breaking through OCD barriers that I didn't know existed until a few days ago 🥳
outrunning BLI/ND = outrunning the horrors created by your own mind
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postsofbabel · 11 months
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majormeilani · 1 year
there's a few gf aus i honestly don't like just based on premise alone (one of them being bli//nd faith au and this other one called 'the man d//ownsta//irs'
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