#Autobot Touchdown
autoacafiles · 20 days
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starset21 · 1 year
Sincerely, Yours
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Standard disclaimer: I only own my original characters, I've done some research but there will likely be Navy/military inaccuracies, and I do not consent to the posting, translating, or publishing of my work to any 3rd party site, the only place it may be found is on tumblr and Wattpad under @.itswildflower Warnings: N/A Summary: Time for some good old dogfight football Looking for previous chapters? Sincerely, Yours Masterlist  
Chapter 5:
Monday morning Ria woke to the sound of her phone buzzing on the table. She didn’t even look at it. The phone buzzed a few more times and she groaned before rolling over and grabbing her phone from the nightstand. Morning Tempest, meeting on the beach outside of the Hard Deck at 1 for training. Wear clothes you can move in. Ria blinked a few times before processing that it was a message from Maverick. She looked at the clock, seeing she had 5 hours until she needed to be anywhere, and didn’t reply. She threw her phone to the end of the bed and laid back down with a groan. She laid there for half an hour before she actually got up, put some music on, and made herself some tea. She got ready, ate some lunch and soon enough Elliot was knocking at her door. “I’m driving,” he said swinging his car keys around as soon as she opened her door. Ria hung her truck keys back up before making sure she had her house keys in her small bag and then locked the door behind her. “Nadia called last night, Vi’s getting so big,” he told her climbing into the car he affectionately named Bumblebee. Yes, his yellow Camaro is modeled and named after the transformer, complete with the Autobot insignia badges on the outside and in the interior. “I bet,” Ria replied, sliding her sunglasses on. His wife and 4-year-old daughter were waiting for him at home back in Colorado. “Why do you think Maverick is having us meet on the beach?” Elliot asks her. “Who knows?” she shrugged, staring out the side window as they pulled out of her driveway. 
The aviators all stood in a semi-circle around Maverick and Hondo, both men holding footballs. “What are we doing here Maverick?” Payback asks. “A little bit of a team building exercise. Dogfight football,” Maverick said tossing the ball he was holding up in the air. “Two balls, offense, and defense simultaneously,” Maverick explained as he caught it. The teams were determined. Both quarterbacks snap at the same time. Both teams scramble. In an instant, it is chaos. Maverick is a quarterback on one team, Bradley on the other. Bradley manages to make a pass. Maverick is sacked. In fact, the opposition seems to care more about sacking the teacher than they do about scoring. Yet, in the midst of the hard hits, it’s clear to see something they haven’t seen before, the camaraderie between all of them. Hondo made an epic attempt at a touchdown despite half the class clinging to him. Jake looks down at a prone Maverick, relishing a kill. Bradley walks past, stops, and grudgingly helps him up. It is the first remotely friendly moment they’ve shared since the start of the detachment. Maverick, a little sore, tenderly heads off the field, waving Bob in as his replacement as he sits in one of two low lawn chairs, watching the chaos, mildly amused. He helps himself to a beer from a cooler as he watches the team. He chuckles as he watched Ria manage to trip Bradley and steal the ball before running for the goal. Ria, Callie, and Natasha cheered and came together for a high-five when she scored. Jake helped Bradley off the ground. Another truce of sorts. The aviators have split into two huddles once again, strategizing, and working together. They break for the next play. Both balls snap and the entire class clashes. Anarchy. Mav feels almost at peace. 
A shadow falls over Maverick causing him to look up. “Sir.” Cyclone is standing just beside Maverick, sunglasses hiding his eyes. He stares at the game, perplexed. “What is this?” he asked. “Dog fight football. Offense and defense at the same time,” Mav told him. “And who’s winning?” Cyclone asked watching as Javy and Jake jumped and chest-bumped after scoring. “Oh, I think they stopped keeping score a long time ago,” Maverick chuckled. “This detachment has training to do, Captain. Every available minute counts,” Cyclone said simply. “Yes, sir,” Maverick replied. “So why are we out here playing games?” Cyclone asked. “You said to create a team, sir. There’s your team,” Maverick said, gesturing toward the aviators. Cyclone looks again. Bob had caught the ball thrown by Bradley and the entire group ran to him, chanting his name as Bradley hoisted him up on his shoulders. “The mission has been moved up one week. The last phase of training starts tomorrow.” Maverick looks back at the class as Cyclone walks away, Bradley’s team is rallying around him.
He gets up and begins walking up the beach behind the pilots, keeping the news to himself, they’d find out tomorrow anyway. “You’re good with them.” He turns and sees Penny standing by the back door of the Hard Deck, having just walked out after retrieving a water bottle. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re taking to this job. Maybe even enjoying it,” she told him. “I’ve always liked football,” Mav told her with a lopsided grin. “That’s not what I mean and you know it. If you’re not careful you could find yourself getting used to this,” Penny told him. Mav considers this and nods, a little uncomfortable with the thought. “You okay?” Penny asks him. “I’m okay, it’s just... Time, you know? There’s never enough,” he told her watching as Jake threw Ria over his shoulder, causing her to demand to be put down. Jake laughed while dropping her into the cold California waters where Ria cursed and splashed him repeatedly. They were soon joined by the rest of them. “That’s for sure,” Penny replied empathetically, following his gaze to the scene. 
The sun was almost down when Ria and the rest of the aviators decided to settle down and start a bonfire. Penny had left with Maverick, leaving the bar open and in the capable hands of Mike, the older gentleman who bartended whenever Penny was out, and Tessa, who picked up serving and bartending as a side job. Elliot and Ria had taken the task of getting the alcohol while the others set up chairs and got the fire started. “You doing ok with everything?” he asks her while they wait for Mike to come back from getting their order from the back fridge for them. “Yeah, you?” she asked. “Yeah, I am, I know you’ve got my back,” he tells her. Ria smiled and squeezed his hand, “Just as I know you have mine.” Mike came back and set the 2 cases of beer and case of hard lemonade and one of regular lemonade on the counter. “Here ya go, all good to go, Penny said you paid ahead,” he told them and they nodded. Ria left a $20 tip before they each took two of the cases and headed back out to the beach. The fire was going really good when they walked up, the aviators spread out in chairs and on logs, laughing and talking. Someone had gone and got snacks and a table so there was a variety of chips and other snacks on it. Ria and Elliot placed the alcohol and lemonade on the end of the table before each grabbing a drink of choice and joining the others. Bradley saw her sit down and moved from where he was talking with Nat and Bob to sit down beside her. “I’m sorry.” Ria raised a brow but didn’t turn to him, keeping her gaze on the flickering flames. “I’m sorry for what I said the other day to Hangman. I shouldn’t have brought Rhett up like that,” he told her and she finally looked at him. “You’re right. You shouldn’t have brought it up in retaliation, this is the second time in a week. You had no right,” she told him. “Whatever stupid rivalry you have with Jake needs to end before one of you gets seriously hurt. I care about you Bradley but I also care about him.” A moment of tense silence passed between them. “I apologized to Seresin, we’re working on it,” he told her. “Good. You’re forgiven.” 
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randomthefox · 1 year
Megatron after being dissected and experimented on by Eggman: I've been violated by that accursed egg-shaped human! *Has flashbacks*
There's this great part in Fall of Cybertron where during a Megatron mission they find out that the Autobots basically started parasitizing Tryptacon after the end of the previous game, keeping him alive in a catatonic state so they can syphon the Energon out of his living corpse, and Megatron goes "Bold move. I didn't think Optimus had it in him." Like, Optimus did something unquestioningly fucked up, and Megs reaction is "damn fr? nice one bro" lol
I think if he got enslaved by Eggman he would be mostly really really really really pissed off and enraged about being PERSONALLY used like a tool in that way. But also probably a good chunk of him might be like "well, the IDEA was good, he just shouldnt have done it to ME" and if he ever got free of that control he'd probably try using the same techniques to just. Do the exact same thing, but to everyone else including his own decepticons to ensure complete and total obedience to his rule.
Kinda pick up the villain football in the last yard before the touchdown, after the protagonists cause Eggman to fumble it.
I don't think that there's any conceivable way to get Megatron and Eggman willingly cooperating in a mutual partnership whatsoever, lol
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ultimateoptimus · 3 years
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Autobot All-American Megaheroes
Autobot Flagborn America Futura's Man of Tomorrow - OF Tomorrow! Origin: Mutation/Technology Archetype: Original Alignment: Hero Primary Power Set: Invulnerability/Super Strength/Luminous Blast Secondary Power Set: Empathy/Energy Blast/Luminous Aura Ancillary Power Pool: Energy Mastery/Body Mastery/Power Mastery Inner Robot Alt Mode: Cybertronian Rocket Flying Cadillac Autobot Touchdown America Futuran Gladiators' #1 Breakthrough and Conquer Star Player! Origin: Mutation/Technology Archetype: Tanker Alignment: Hero Primary Power Set: Invulnerability Secondary Power Set: Super Strength Ancillary Power Pool: Energy Mastery Inner Robot Alt Mode: Cybertronian Monster Truck Autobot Merrymaker From Zero to Cyberpsycho Mischievous Megahero! Origin: Mutation/Technology Archetype: Scrapper Alignment: Hero Primary Power Set: Street Justice/Titan Weapons Secondary Power Set: Regeneration/Invulnerability Ancillary Power Pool: Body Mastery/Weapon Mastery Inner Robot Alt Mode: Cybertronian Custom Racecar Autobot Torchlighter The Red-White-and-Blue Torchlady of Liberty! Origin: Mutation/Technology Archetype: Tanker/Defender Alignment: Hero Primary Power Set: Fiery Aura (Tanker)/Empathy (Defender) Secondary Power Set: Fiery Melee (Tanker)/Fire Blast (Defender) Ancillary Power Pool: Pyre Mastery (Tanker)/Power Mastery (Defender) Inner Robot Alt Mode: Cybertronian Twintail Rocketfighter Autobot Goldenager Real America Futuran GI Joe Hero, Plastic Army Man Body! Origin: Science/Technology Archetype: Scrapper/Blaster Alignment: Hero Primary Power Set: Martial Arts (Scrapper)/ Assault Rifle (Blaster) Secondary Power Set: Bio Armor (Scrapper)/ Martial Combat (Blaster) Ancillary Power Pool: Weapon Mastery (Scrapper)/ Munitions Mastery (Blaster) Inner Robot Alt Mode: Cybertronian Armored Hummer Humvee Autobot Tankhead The Super Heavy Metal Living Tank Guy! Origin: Mutation/Technology Archetype: Tanker/Scrapper Alignment: Hero Primary Power Set: Invulnerability (Tanker)/ Street Justice (Scrapper) Secondary Power Set: Super Strength (Tanker)/ Titan Weapons (Scrapper) Ancillary Power Pool: Energy Mastery (Tanker)/ Body Mastery (Scrapper) Inner Robot Alt Mode: Cybertronian T28 Super Heavy Tank
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hasbr0mniverse · 2 years
The Cybertron Archives 1980’s - Autobot Eject - Function: Electronic Surveillance - An Earthen sports fanatic ... sports cliches clutter his conversation; A surprise attack is a "fast break," a victory is a "touchdown." Few Autobots understand what he says, but they like the enthusiasm with which he says it. Could be a play -by-play announcer, if given the chance. In cassette mode, can monitor and record local radio and TV, decode scrambled signals, tap telephones. In robot mode, uses electrical overload guns. Sometimes his internal tape snaps when he's excited.
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thanksjro · 5 years
Last Stand of the Wreckers, Issue #2: Overlord is Bad at Communication
Way back in the day, when Kup was still old as hell, there was a bit of a scuffle with Overlord, who was just as awful then as he is now.
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Holy shit, that one guy just got turned into a Gusher. Good thing Overlord didn’t get ahold of Kup, because he would have snapped his skinny little ass in half just by looking at him. He’s just a spine in the middle, honestly.
Overlord’s been picking these guys off pretty easily, and while it’s been fun, he’s got appointments to keep up with, so he peaces out. He’s got a meeting with Megatron, him and the other two guys who will end up being the Decepticon Phase Sixers- the real heavy hitters who finish off collapsing planets and bring glory to the Decepticause. Megatron doesn’t say Decepticause, but he might as well.
Because he’s an equal-opportunity bastard, Overlord questions this plan, believing himself to be a bit above the whole “attack dog” shtick. Megatron says that’s fine, and Overlord doesn’t HAVE to be a Phase Sixer. He just better be prepared to be hunted down like an animal for it. This gives Overlord pause.
Over in the present with the Wreckers, the new guys are discussing battle cries, and what the most effective one might be. Pyro’s really leaning into plagiarizing Optimus “Freedom is the right of all sentient beings”, which, as they point out, doesn’t exactly strike fear into the heart of one’s enemy. Pyro here is laying some groundwork for the eventual Lost Light plot bunny that is primus apotheosis, a personality disorder that causes the afflicted to emulate Optimus Prime.
You know, because he’s just the best, and also space Jesus.
Ironfist, of course, doesn’t think that anything they could come up with will ever top the Wrecker staple “Wreck ’n' Rule”. Which brings up Impactor, the guy who coined the term, and who, despite being the long-time leader of the Wreckers, dropped off the face of the earth (so to speak) after a mission on Pova. Ironfist, being the massive nerd that he is, really, REALLY wants to know why.
Over with the more seasoned members, Perceptor’s poking around in Impactor’s head, as he and Springer discuss the last time they met: when Impactor was being sentenced to life in prison, over something Springer testified against him for.
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I know Perceptor’s smart and all, but does he actually have a medical degree? Transformers as a whole seems to lump the engineers and the doctors together, and that makes enough sense, considering they’re robots, but I think they might be stretching it a bit with the science sniper here. I’m just saying that maybe the Wreckers wouldn’t have quite have the revolving door of members if they had a medic on the ship, that’s all.
The thing Perceptor’s found in Impactor’s head is a deterrence chip, a souvenir from his time on Garrus-9, meant to go off if he escapes. The fact that he still has a head at all seems to imply that Fortress Maximus was the one with the codes for all that, and he’s currently busy with Overlord.
Which brings up the question: just how the hell did he escape Garrus-9?
Turns out that the tall-chested Decepticon Snare had a little idea after the whole hunting incident- why not use one of the most terrifying and ruthless Autobots in the joint, the one most likely to survive an escape, to go get help?
So, here he is, warning the Wreckers about what they’ll be up against.
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Always with the death camps! It’s like a fixation, honestly.
Seeing how dangerous this will be, Ultra Magnus suggests that they perhaps delay the journey to Garrus-9, but Springer’s into danger, I guess, and says they ought to press on. He dismisses Impactor so they can talk shop, and that pisses Impactor right off. Impactor’s still really mad about being sent to jail, but it seems like he’s even more mad about the fact that whatever happened in the past, Springer would have done the same as him. Or, that’s what he thought. Now he’s not so sure.
Then he poses. He likes to pose, Impactor does. Specifically like this:
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As Impactor stalks off, Ultra Magnus and Springer discuss the plan: Magnus is going to take a shuttle with Verity to drop her off at home- a plan she’s really not on board with, as stated by the woman herself as she oh-so-rudely eavesdrops- and will leave the Wreckers to do their thing. Ultra Magnus has Prowl-related things to attend to, but he does have a part plot-point for Springer: the name Aequitas.
Timeskip, and we’re just a few hours away from touchdown on Garrus-9. Yay! Everyone’s gathered, and Ultra Magnus breaks the tough news: Overlord’s here. Not yay.
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Oh hey, there’s a Robertsism. The guy loves the little snippet “not so”, it’s been peppered throughout all his other writings. Neat that I can catch things like that now.
Of course, Overlord’s being at Garrus-9 puts a bit of a damper on the fun. Verity, our resident newcomer, asks just what the hell an Overlord is, and gets the rundown from Kup.
Turns out after Overlord went to his meeting, he came back to kick more ass, before he decided he was going to use Kup as a messenger.
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Looks like Overlord decided to do things the hard way. Not exactly sure how he expects Kup to get that message to Megatron, considering he’s an Autobot.
Kup’s little yarn seems to have had an effect on poor Verity.
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Still, terrifying triple-changer or not, the Wreckers have a job to do. There’s two objectives for this mission: first, find and free the Autobot guards. Second, find Aequitas. Most of the guys don’t know what Aequitas is, but rest assured that it cannot remain in the hands of the Decepticon forces for any longer.
Before they can do any of that, however, there’s the issue of getting through the forcefield. They’ll be using an old play, slamming two ships into the field at the same time to break it, then load all the imprisoned Autobots into one of the Garrus-9 shuttles and get the hell out of there. Rotorstorm will be manning both ships, because he’s just that good.
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Shut up, Rotorstorm.
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Okay, so maybe nothing terribly flashy or clever, but they’re the Wreckers, not the Delicate Maneuverers.
Crunch-time, and we get a series of little vignettes, chock full of foreshadowing and self-loathing.
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It’s always the guy who acts like he’s hot shit, isn’t it?
It’s go time. Everyone, save Ultra Magnus and assumably Verity, load into one of the two ping-pong ball-looking ships and get ready to go. As they rocket away from the main ship, Verity drops out of the ceiling vents, because of COURSE she does, decked out in full body armor- those arm covers she was wearing earlier are part of a set.
The ping-pong ships bust through the forcefield without a hitch. Now it’s time for the hard part: everything else.
Ping-pong #1 gets a hole blasted in it, and Perceptor reacts by being fucking cool as hell.
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Fuck yeah, Percy. Fuck yeah.
Unfortunately, being rad as hell only gets you so far- just ask Rodimus- and both of the ping-pong ships crash and burn under fire. No one seems to have died YET, but now they’re on the ground with a butt-ton of blood-thirsty Decepticons.
And things are especially bad for Verity, because she’s managed to crash into the throne room, and who should be there other than Lord Nasty himself.
Thus ends issue #2 of Last Stand of the Wreckers.
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g1octane · 7 years
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Today’s Underappreciated TF of the day is G1 Eject!
Eject lives in a perpetual state of being ready for some football! He debuted as one of Blaster’s cassettes in the 1986 film “The Transformers: The Movie.” Eject operates as a surveillance agent, but his assignments are often fouled up by his tendency to spend more time listening in to sports broadcasts than paying attention to the Decepticon activity in his vicinity. He has the particular quirk of littering his speech with sports-related jargon and phrases, such as “touchdown” and “goal.” Eject genuinely believes that sports hold the key to ending the gruesome battles between Autobots and Decepticons. The idea is that all Cybertronian conflicts could be solved through games and competitions rather than death matches or military campaigns. He’s had a difficult time selling his fellow Autobots on his theory though.
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