#Au (Nelliel): ᶜᵃᵘˢᵗᶤᶜ ᶰᵒᵇᶤˡᶤᵗʸ & ᵃ ʳᵉᵛᵒˡᵘᵗᶤᵒᶰᶤˢᵗ ;;
nyota-sungura · 7 years
Au (Nelliel): ᶜᵃᵘˢᵗᶤᶜ ᶰᵒᵇᶤˡᶤᵗʸ & ᵃ ʳᵉᵛᵒˡᵘᵗᶤᵒᶰᶤˢᵗ ;; [ Modern ( Human ) Verse ]
❀Bavarian Empire | Karakura Town❀
Nelliel Tu Odelschwank, a simple college exchange student. She held no animosity for anyone, was always kind and sweet. No one ever really had problems with her. It likely helped that they were all aware of what she did for a living outside of school, and outside of that small library she occupied often. As well as where she came from, to what they were told anyways. It was given that she transferred from Deutsche Schule; Kunst des Fechtens. A German school that primarily taught the art of Swordsmanship and Fighting.
Many questioned why she would transfer to a school that had nothing but Kendo if her intention was to Swordfight. However, she never really answered them outright. Instead, she always said “I just love to be able to protect people.” It was as though her only intention in life was to help. Despite this though, her history and reasoning were far more cruel towards her. Her father was not a very protective nor helpful man. He felt that if she were to become a swordsman, it would only disgrace their family. The years she spent in Kunst des Fechtens were absolutely hellish. All of her instructors would push her to the limit, then even further, because she was a woman.
Because her father demanded she be treated cruelly to show her that she was not made to be a swordsman, and instead, should simply reside in the home of whomever he shipped her off to marry. Having been in a family that lined up with near Royalty for over seven hundred years, she was never seen as a person. Simply a woman to be given or taken as anyone else pleased, and that was never something she could find herself accepting. So she battled through the school, fighting and struggling to get her place and to remain there.
But eventually, it all wore down on her. Her father was becoming more and more aggressive towards her and challenging her daily, her mother the only light in her life at that moment as her father cursed even her for not baring a son instead. So, she began to plan their escape. Yes, she would take her mother with her, there was no hope for a man as cruel as he, and they both knew that. From every little scar, every jagged line, she knew escape was the only option.
It took her a year to plan everything and get it all set up. To gradually funnel the funds and change their currency without detection was probably the hardest part. After all, she couldn’t leave her mother, and she couldn’t put her in a situation where they had nothing. In this, she concocted a plan to ruin her father. To ruin all of his legacy and all that he loved, because it wasn’t them. No, he was a cruel ruler, and she would make sure to crush him beneath her iron heel. To show him what a true empress could do. If he wanted to groom her to be a silent queen, if he wanted to treat her mother so poorly, she would gradually ruin his kingdom and destroy his beloved Monarchy.
Over the year it took to get things set up, she made sure to pay off guards and to sway loyalties where ever she could. To get them all to turn a blind eye as she set up the destruction that would soon take place. Once she had acquired all the funds necessary, she set those aside and began to funnel more out. Changing the currency over and over, she would sneak out and begin delivering boxes of it to the poorest areas. To flip the Monarchy on it’s back, she would turn the tides of society to their own hands rather than a Monarch’s. When the time came and all was set up, she had established a rule of her own.
But she would not stay to keep it, instead, she gave it to two men more deserving who could stay and keep it going. She turned her “army” over to the warriors that had been by her side all along. Pesche and Dondochaka. Her loyal men who had been with her every step of the way, who cried when the time came for her to take her mother and flee Bavaria. They left in the dead of night, taking roads only she and the ‘commoners’ would know to escape the border. With her mother’s hand tightly clutching hers, they were soon boarding a flight to leave the country entirely and head to Japan.
It was there that she found a school that had accepted her transcripts with discretion and where she could find work to take care of her mother even if their finances ran dry some how. From that point on, she had begun her life in Karakura Town. She was questioned regularly about the scars that lined her flesh, the choice of attire she picked from time to time, and why she had chosen this place. But she gave no solid answer for anything and used her silver tongue to change the subject all the time. She sported her scars without hesitation, she earned them, but her stories were her own to keep. 
And that was how it stayed. Her mother and her got a small house with enough yard to work up a garden and she would work every day despite their overflowing finances. She went to school and competed in Swordsmanship competitions as well. Her regal training didn’t go to waste as she even participated in Equestrian sports. However bad her life had been before, it was far better now that she and her mother were safe. That they could live freely without concern for whether or not they would be poisoned by the cooks to be replaced with a mistress and her child on her father’s orders.
However, all was not well in a sense of having constant peace. Nelliel’s ability to see and hear the spirits as a soul with plenty Reishi caused conflict for her sometimes. Her mother had the same abilities, but at a lesser rate. It seemed to run in the family. However strange it was, she would become easily annoyed by the spirits that constantly flocked to her sometimes. She didn’t mind them usually, but when she was in the middle of important tasks, she would quip with them and send them off. She felt bad for these times, but would apologize afterwards and explain.
In the end, her peace wasn’t as peaceful as she’d like, but it was a much happier way for her to be.
❀ Things to Know ❀
❀ The most prominent scar she had visible at all times is the scar across her nose and cheeks. ❀ She has scars all over her from her countless fights. However, the area they congregate most in is on her back where her father and teachers would strike her across the back and even further down the back of her legs with the flat of their swords. ❀ She is a fierce protector of her mother. Cause her any harm and she wont hesitate to slice and dice you like chopped onions. ❀ Nelliel is human but possesses high Spiritual Pressure. Causing her to constantly be a target. Which is why she takes great care in where she is and how to act if she is spotted by a Hollow. ❀ She is technically an enemy of the country, so she changed her name from her Father’s last name to her own personal one “Odelschwanck.” Her mother did the same.
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