#Atmos mew
ask-toto-and-co · 2 years
Atmos@Toto: "So. The green thing on your ear. Its a halo yes? Is it something you got even after you were born? Or is it something else? A gift? A curse? Other reason? Perhaps" (*The mew asked the eevee*)
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"holy shit thats a mew-"
the eevee mutters to herself in surprise, it takes faer a few seconds to regain composure
"y-yeah it was a gift, from Sapphire- or Kyogre I guess- sapp's kind of just a nickname"
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"I got it in my 18th birthday. its a sort of symbol, that despite-" toto abruptly stops, as if she was about to say something she shouldn't "despite some, circumstances, I reached adulthood" toto speaks as if getting a gift, or anything, from a god is perfectly normal
(mod note- hi im experimenting with visuals, still no clue what the fuck im doing)
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ask-meitra · 2 years
(Pokespacegang) Atmos @ Meitra: The space mew doesn't seem to look too puzzled. "Nemi? Aegis? Are them both arceuses. I wouldn't be too surprised if you got 2 creators in your universe. But my my, i would like to know more" His voice is quite calm.
Meitra sat staring at the mew for an awkward while, a bit starstruck to say the least, before composing herself red in the face, "Oh, sorry... I've never seen a mew such as yourself... Well, my universe has multiple creators just most of the creating gets pawned off to more uhm... how should I put it 'specialized' individuals. Those two ended up laying the foundations starting with Aegis, a mew, creating Nemi and my ancestors. Nemi, an Arceus, created Peri and Azael to lord over space and time. Afterwards came Ny- Afterwards, came the other, lesser legends that helped form the stars and planets and life on Earth. Things were balanced and peaceful until humans arrived, or so I was told."
[ @pokespacegang / @askthe-eleazars ]
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pokespacegang · 2 years
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have this dood
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satellite-blossom · 7 months
(If you were on several of these pick the one you dislike the most)
Feel free to reblog if you'd like, no pressure though. ✌︎
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phantomguild · 2 years
Atmos @ Acacia:
(*the mew hovers beside the shaymin. He looked a bit puzzled*) "Say. This type of place seems unfamiliar to me. But is it to you, fellow earthling shaymin? I somehow get some strange vibes around here tch...."
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Acacia is attempting to climb through the tunnel she'd originally come in from, with Echo floating behind her. Upon hearing the Mew's comments, it gave a brief wave.
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"Yo, that'd be me."
Floating around to lie on their back, they pointed at the Relic Mirror.
"Either me, this mirror, the protective fog around the village, or the relic Aster hid under the village centuries ago. Take your pick."
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naturalbornlosers · 3 years
Neopronouns List
Here you will find lists of gender-neutral pronouns/neopronouns I collected in a wordpad document in 2014. I've organized the categories by alphabetical order to make navigation much easier! Hope you guys enjoy!
◾bun/buns/bunself ◾squeak/squeaks/squeakself ◾roo/roos/rooself ◾gull/gulls/gullself ◾fur/furs/furself ◾pup/pups/pupself ◾cub/cubs/cubself ◾ham/hams/hamself ◾squid/squids/squidself ◾fluff/fluffs/fluffself ◾baa/baas/baaself ◾lamb/lambs/lambself ◾rat/rats/ratself ◾pan/pans/panself ◾woof/woofs/woofself ◾scale/scales/scaleself ◾roar/roars/roarself
◾avi/avis/aviself ◾ae/aes/aeself ◾chir/chirs/chirpself ◾dove/doves/doveself ◾aqui/aquis/aquiself ◾fei/feis/feiself ◾tweet/tweets/tweetself ◾chirp/chirps/chirpself ◾coo/coo/cooself ◾Chi/Chik/Chik/Chickself ◾avi/(avis/aves)/aveself ◾Cor/Cors/Corself ◾Jay/Jays/Jayself ◾Twe/(Twes/tweets)/Tweetself ◾Caw/Caws/Cawself ◾Rav/Ravs/Ravenself ◾Bird/Birds/Birdself ◾Bi/Bir/Birdself ◾Bir/Bir/Birdself ◾Avi/Avis/Avianself ◾Aer/Aers/Aerself
◾bug/bugs/bugself ◾wor/wors/wormself ◾spide/spides/spiderself ◾bee/beets/beetleself ◾bu/buz/buzzself ◾scor/scorps/scorpself
◾meow/mews/meowself ◾purr/purrs/purrself ◾paw/paws/pawself ◾kit/kits/kitself ◾whisker/whiskers/whiskerself ◾fel/felis/feliself ◾leo/leos/leoself ◾tig/tigris/trigriself ◾lynx/lynx/lynxself ◾panth/panthes/pantheself ◾ail/ailous/ailouself
◾jel/jels/jelself ◾dai/dais/daiself ◾coo/coos/cooself ◾mew/mews/mewself ◾pez/pezze/pezelf ◾pep/peps/pepself
◾fawn/fawns/fawnself ◾mun/munt/muntself ◾mun/muns/munself ◾roe/roes/roeself ◾cer/cers/cerself ◾el/elks/elkself ◾prox/prox/proxself ◾sik/siks/sikself ◾sit/sits/sitself OR sit/sit/sitself ◾hart/harts/hartself ◾stag/stags/stagself ◾doe/does/doeself ◾fawn/fawns/fawnself ◾hhrūt/hrūts/hrūtself
◾dino/dinos/dinoself ◾rapt/raptor/raptself ◾ty/tyra/tyself ◾rex/rex/rexself ◾steg/stego/stegself ◾tric/tricer/triself
◾gold - au/aur/(aur/aurs)/aurself ◾silver - ag/ag/(ag/ags)/agself ◾aluminum - al/al/(al/als)/alself ◾neon - ne/ne/(neo/neos)/neself ◾xenon - xe/xe/(xer/xers)/xeself (xerself) ◾lithium - li/lith/(lis/lis)/liself (lithself) ◾sodium - na/nar/(naer/naers)/narself (naself/naeself) ◾iron - fe/fer/(feir/feirs)/ferself (feself) ◾oxygen - o/oxy/(oxys/oxys)/oself (oxself) ◾nickle - ni/nic/(nic/nics)/nicself ◾bismuth - bi/bi/(bir/birs)/biself
◾eth/eths/ethself (ethereal) ◾cele/celes/celeself (celestial) ◾ete/etes/eteself (eternal) ◾gala/galas/galaself (galaxy) ◾clow/cloud/cloudself ◾ser/sera/seraself ◾cher/chers/cherself ◾cae/caem/caes/caeself ◾ely/ely or elym/elys/elyself ◾de/dem/der/demself ◾dae/daem/daer/daemself ◾dai/daim/dair/daimself ◾dei/deis/deiself ◾glit/glitter/glitter/glitterself ◾gem/gem/gems/gemself ◾mag/magi/magis/magiself ◾kyuu/kyuu/kyuus/kyuuself ◾neb/neb/nebself ◾voi/void/voidself ◾sol/sun/sunself ◾lun/lun/lunself ◾sy/sky/skyself ◾nov/novs/novself ◾star/stars/starself ◾spark/sparks/sparkself ◾astrum/astrums/astrumself ◾plan/plans/planself ◾merc/mercs/mercself ◾ven/vens/venself ◾ter/ters/terself ◾mars/mars/marself ◾jup/jups/jupself ◾cro/cron/crons/cronself ◾cae/caer/caerself ◾nep/neps/nepself ◾plu/plur/plurself ◾er/eris/eriself ◾ce/cer/cerself ◾cie / cir / (cir/cirs) / cirruself ◾cie / ciel / (cier/ciers) / cielself ◾atmos / atmoself ◾ai / air / (air/airs) / airself ◾win / wind / (wind/winds) / windself ◾nim/nim/(nimbu/nimbus)/nimbuself ◾stratos / stratoself ◾fog / fog / (fog/fogs) / fogself ◾mi/mist/(mist/mists)/mistself ◾haze/hazeself
◾mage/mages/(mageself or maguself) ◾sor/sors/sorcelf ◾wi/wits/witchself ◾ele/elems/elemself ◾sum/sums/sumself ◾dru/drus/druidself ◾mon/monks/monkself ◾tem/tems/tempself ◾fi/fighs/fiself ◾kni/knights/knightself ◾bar/bards/bardself ◾pal/pals/palaself ◾cor/cors/corself ◾cler/clers/clericself ◾seer/seers/seerself ◾chem/chemis/chemiself ◾ro/ros/rogueself ◾thi/thies/theifself ◾sa/sass/sasself ◾hun/hunts/huntself ◾ar/arcs/arcself ◾gu/guns/gunself ◾en/ens/engiself ◾tec/techs/techself ◾mec/mechs/mechself ◾ki/kin/kins/kingself ◾pri/prin/prins/princeself ◾heir/heirs/heirself
◾faun/fauns/faunself ◾taur/taurs/taurself ◾nym/nyms/nymself ◾harp/harpys/harpyself ◾mera/meras/meraself ◾hy/hydras/hydraself ◾ber/berus/beruself ◾tyr/tyrs/tyrself
◾Mi/Min/Mines/Mineself ◾Chi/Chik/Chik/Chickself ◾Oce/Ocem/Oces/Ocelself ◾En/End/Ends/Enderself ◾Cre/Cre/Cres/Creeperself ◾Zo/Zom/Zos/Zombself ◾Di/Dim/Dis/Diamself ◾Co/Cob/Cobs/Cobbleself ◾Cra/Craf/Crafs/Craftself ◾Mo/Mob/Mobs/Mobself
◾ecto/ects/ectself ◾necro/necrom/necself ◾spiri/spirs/spirself ◾dae/daem/daeself ◾haun/haunts/hauntself ◾ghost/ghosts/ghostself ◾gheist/gheists/gheistself ◾wer/weres/wereself ◾sir/sire/siren/sirenself ◾fran/franke/franken/frankenself ◾dra/drag/drago/dragoself ◾mer/mers/mermai/merself ◾boo/boo’s/booself
◾chime/chimes/chimeself ◾ce/cell/celloself ◾hum/hums/humself ◾chord/chords/chordself ◾clef/clefs/clefself ◾do/dos/doself ◾rei/reis/reiself ◾mi/mir/mirself ◾fa/fahs/fahsself ◾so/sohs/sohsself ◾la/lahs/lahsself ◾ti/tis/tisself ◾Note/note/noteself ◾Song/song/songself ◾dy/score/dynself
◾petal/petals/petalself ◾sprout/sprouts/sproutself ◾stem/stems/stemself ◾leaf/leafs/leafself ◾bud/buds/budself ◾fleur/fleurs/fleurself ◾bloom/blooms/bloomself ◾fern/ferns/fernself ◾wreath/wreaths/wreathself
◾Pi/Pika/piself ◾Bul/bulba/buls/bulbself ◾Char/charm/chars/charself ◾Squir/squirt/squirs/squirtself ◾Syl/sylv/sylvs/sylvself ◾Esp/espe/esps/espself ◾Umb/umber/umbers/umberself ◾Pi/Pika/piself ◾Bul/bulba/buls/bulbself ◾Char/charm/chars/charself ◾Squir/squirt/squirs/squirtself ◾Syl/sylv/sylvs/sylvself ◾Esp/espe/esps/espself ◾Umb/umber/umbers/umberself
◾dre/droid/droids/droidself ◾cy/cyb/cyber/cybself ◾mechie/mechien/mechs/mechself ◾au/aut/auto/autself ◾whomp/whizz/whirr/whizelf ◾wy/wir/wire/wirself ◾tech/techne/techan/techself ◾bo/bots/botself ◾ai/ain/aire/aiself ◾compute/computes/computeself ◾inter/inters/interself ◾ware/wares/wareself ◾ram/rams/ramself ◾giga/gigias/gigaself ◾byte/bytes/byteself ◾steam/steams/steamself ◾gear/gears/gearself ◾cog/cogs/cogself ◾tik/tiks/tikself ◾tok/toks/tokself
◾mer/mers/merself ◾mer/merm/mers/merself ◾fin/fins/finsself ◾sea/sear/seaself ◾sea/sear/seas/seaself ◾gill/gills/gillself ◾pearl/pearls/pearlself ◾gup/gups/gupself ◾guppy/guppys/guppyself ◾glub/glubs/glubself ◾blub/blubs/blubself ◾squid/squids/squidself ◾shark/sharks/sharkself ◾mers/mer/merself ◾eel/eels/eelself ◾wave/wave/waves/waveself ◾kelp/kelps/kelpself ◾shell/shell/shells/shellself ◾aq/aqu/aqus/aqself ◾dol/dolphi/dolphiself or dolphinself ◾ceta/cetus/cetaself
*e/h*/h*s/h*self ce/cir/cirs/cirself co/cos/cos/coself e/em/eir/emself ey/eim/eir/eirself ey/em/eir/emself fey/fer/fers/ferself fey/feys/feyself fey/feyr/feyself fir/firs/firself he/him/his/himself hir/hir/hirs/hirself hu/hu/hume/humeself hen/henom/hens [swedish neutral] it/it/its/itself jee/jem/jeir/jemself jam/jam/jams/jamself jhey/jhem/jheir/jheirself kye/kyr/kyne/kyrself kir/kir/kirs/kirself lee/lim/lis/limself mae/mair/maes/maeself ne/nem/neir/neirself ne/nem/nir/nemself ne/nis/nimself ne/nym/nis/nymself per/per/pers/perself she/her/hers/herself she/sheer/sheers/sheerself sie/sier/siers/sierself sie/hir/hirself ou/ou/ous/ouself tey/tem/ter/temself thae/thaer/thaers/thaerself this one/ that one thon/thon/thons/thonself ve/vir/virs/virself ve/vis/vir/verself xe/hir/hirs/hirself xe/xim/xis/ximself xe/xir/xirs/xirself xie/xem/xyr/xemself xe/xem/xyr/xyrself yre/yres/yreself zay/zir/zirs/zirself ze(or zie)/zir/zirs/zirself ze/hir/hirs/hirself zij/ze/zijn/zichzelf [danish neutral] ze/zir/zirs/zirself ze/zan/zan/zanself zed/zed/zeds/zedself zed/zed/zeir/zedself zhe/zhim/zhir/zhirself zhe/zhir/zhirs/zhirself ◾They/them/their/themself ◾tey/tem/ter/temself ◾ey/em/eir/emself ◾e/em/eir/emself ◾thon/thon/thons/thonself ◾fae/faer/faers/faerself ◾vae/vaer/vaers/vaerself ◾ae/aer/aers/aerself ◾ae/aem/aers/aemself ◾xae/xaer/xaers/xaerself ◾ne/nym/nis/nymself ◾ne/nem/nir/nemself ◾xe/xem/xyr/xemself ◾xe/xim/xis/ximself ◾xie/xem/xyr/xemself ◾ze/zer/zer/zerself ◾ze/zem/zeir/zeirself ◾ze(or zie)/zir/zirs/zirself ◾zhe/zhir/zhirs/zhirself ◾ze/hir/hirs/hirself ◾hir/hir/hirs/hirself ◾sie/sier/siers/sierself ◾sie/hir/hirself ◾zed/zed/zeds/zedself ◾zed/zed/zeir/zedself ◾ce/cir/cirs/cirself ◾co/cos/cos/coself ◾ve/vis/vir/verself ◾ve/vem/vir/vemself ◾jee/jem/jeir/jemself ◾jhe/jher/jher/jherself ◾lee/lim/lis/limself ◾kye/kyr/kyne/kyrself ◾kie/kir/kir (or kirs)/kirself ◾kai/kair/kairs/kairself ◾per/per/pers/perself ◾hu/hum/hus/humself ◾hu/hume/hus/huself (or humeself) ◾nix/nix/nix/nixself ◾one/one/one’s/oneself ◾mys/myr/myrs(???)/myrself ◾mae/mer/mims/merself ◾yo/yo/yos/yoself ◾yt/yt/yts/ytself ◾mo/mo’s/moself ◾sho/shom’s/shomself ◾sho/sher/sherself ◾re/rhir/rhirself ◾fir/fer/ferself ◾mix/mex/mexself ◾aos/aes/aeself (faekin) ◾ja/jem/jemself ◾ne/neo/neoself ◾o/oxy/oxyself ◾bleu/bleus/bleuself
◾♈ - ari/aries/arieself ◾♉ - taur/taurus/taurself ◾♊ - gem/gemis/geminiself ◾♋ - cancer/cans/canself ◾♌ - leo/leos/leoself ◾♍ - vir/virgos/virgoself ◾♎ - lib/libras/libraself ◾♏ - scor/scorpios/scorpioself ◾♐ - sagit/sagits/sagittself ◾♑ - cap/capris/capriself ◾♒ - aqua/aquas/aquariuself ◾♓ - pi/piscs/pisceself
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coeurdastronaute · 6 years
Either/Or: Krypton 6
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Previously on Krypton 
“We can’t keep meeting like this.”
“Yes we can.”
Despite her words, Kara melted with Lena’s smile. She melted with a touch of a hand on her waist and Lena’s body slipping between her and the shelf she was curating. There was an indescribable lightness that came with Lena. Something about her smile or her lips or her eyes or her nose or her shoulders or her knees-- something that Kara just couldn’t really fathom, but that made her feel better, even if she was never feeling bad.
“I’ll never get any work done if we do.”
Hovering close, Lena pressed against the shelf, Kara’s eyes darted from her lips to her eyes and back again, a mischievous grin growing on her own lips. The proximity was torture, but she stood strong, debating what her next move was going to be.
For the past week they’d been hovering. Like atmos rubbing against each other, sharing an electron here and there, they toyed with each other, enjoying this new level of intimacy. Kara knew what the curve of Lena’s hips felt like. She knew what her neck tasted like. She knew how soft the skin of her ribs was, and the scar on her knee, and how sh liked to pull hair when Kara kissed her a certain way between her legs.
Kara blushed slightly when she thought of that part. All was quiet in the Archives, but her heart was thundering in her ears.
“I just thought I’d stop by for more culture lessons about my hosts. You said you wanted to talk about the research you’d been working on,” Lena explained, her eyes doing a similar trail.
Hands toyed with Kara’s clothes and she felt her lungs start to stutter. There was this thing with proximity that just made it hard to be near Lena and not feel like her entire body was being burned alive in the most delicious way.
“I was actually hoping to talk to you later about things.”
“It’s always later,” Lena huffed. “And then we end up talking about nothing and making out.”
“Is that such a bad thing?”
Kara smiled, amused at the mild annoyance she earned by putting off the conversation she knew she had to have because the girl that she liked taking to for hours and hours was soon supposed to be across the universe. That thought was honestly too much to really think about.
“Not, I suppose not.”
“How are the results of your most recent attempt?”
“I don’t want to think about it.”
“You really did come here for a distraction then, didn’t you?” Kara grinned.
“I really did,” Lena sighed, finally tugging Kara close enough to get what she wanted.
Never before had Kara spent much time imagining the feeling of kissing someone in the Archives. She was someone who followed the rules and who never had those urges. Kara behaved herself and never let thoughts of a pretty girl distract her from her tasks and duties in the shelves.
But now she was kissing Lena in the aisle and she didn’t want to do anything else ever again in those shelves. She pushed forward, leaning her whole body against Lena’s. She pressed their hips together, and she moved only to hold Lena’s hand against a book, earning a sigh of approval and a languid shift in the formerly rigid body she helped keep up.
Before she could get carried away, the nagging thought of where they were reared its head in the back of her mind, and Kara pulled away, oddly breathless and distracted by the puffiness of Lena’s lips.
“This was insanely hot, and we should pick it up later,” Lena swallowed and took a deep breath. They didn’t move, still pressed close. “But is it wrong that I can’t stop thinking about the lack of progress of our tech we’ve sent back. Things are getting worse.”
“You’ll fix it.”
“We’re running out of time.”
“You can just stay.”
“And let my entire world kill themselves?”
The grip that Kara held loosened, but she kept close to the girl who looked both worried and flushed. She very much wanted to say yes, despite the fact that allowing an entire planet to ruin itself went against the fabric of her being, she wanted Lena to stay.
“That seems a bit drastic.”
“It’s not.”
There was never the right time to talk to Lena about leaving. It often reared its head, interjecting itself into thoughts and conversations, both not acknowledging that there time together was rapidly coming to a close. But Karan had so many things to say and explain and ask. She just couldn’t ever start because they were big words and big explanations and big questions.
Hands moved to her cheeks, to her neck, and Kara felt the world come back into focus and she was met with a cocked head and a small smile.
“You disappeared again,” Lena whispered. She tugged on Kara’s ear lobe and earned a smile despite the serious thoughts. “Come back.”
Sweet. Tender and sweet were the parts of Lena that Kara was infinitely infatuated with. Tiny, quiet moments like that, the ones she was sure Lena wouldn’t remember, the ones that she was sure were lost to the world and anyone else except herself.
“I’m here,” Kara grinned.
“Would you like to go grab lunch before you’re back to work?”
“Only if you promise to come by my wing after dinner.”
“That can be arranged.”
“Want to make out a little more first?” Lena offered, wiggling her eyebrows and pulling Kara’s neck.
“That can be arranged.”
The windows were tall, measuring at least fifteen feet and facing the wide expanse of land and trees to the south. In the morning, it was like the sky was on fire, all orange and gold before burning red and softening to a lilac that stayed throughout the day. But at night-- at night, the windows were dark, showing all of the stars and three moons. It was a sight that never ceased to make Lena feel simultaneously a peace with and overwhelmed by the entirety of the universe.
But the view from Kara’s room, as huge and swallowing as it was, came with strong arms and a naked, warm body in a comfortable bed, so the stars and the moons were just romantic.
“You smell so good,” Kara mumbled against Lena’s hair.
Hands slid around ribs, warm and smooth, they moved and held onto her, feeling the lungs as they caught their breath.
“Mmmm, you are entirely too good at sex,” Lena mewed and stretched, rolling over to slip a leg between Kara’s. “I can barely move.”
“Don’t move. Stay here forever.”
“You make that offer quite often. I’m beginning to think you might mean it.”
Adjusting slightly, Kara smiled softly as Lena’s fingers danced along her cheeks and jaw and neck. Lazily, she played with the soft skin of her hip, trailing up and down and shifting her hips closer to the warmth.
Though it was dark, Kara could make out the shapes of Lena’s curves against the backdrop of the universe. She hummed happily.
“I do mean it.”
Lena faltered, her hand stilling, though she tucked cold toes under a warm calf.
“You only know the best parts of me. Not the bad stuff.”
“What bad stuff is there? Have you not been yourself for the past year?”
“I have… I just… I’m not good. I’m not someone people want around for a long time. My appeal wears off very quickly,” Lexa explained.
Kara felt the body in her bed grow slightly rigid at the outpouring of information. There was a kind of nervousness mixed into the confession, though she did her best to soothe it away by hold on even tighter.
“I haven’t wanted to not be near you once.”
“That’s because we have sex all the time.”
“No,” Kara disagreed with a smile. A palm rested against her neck. “That is nice though.”
“Shut up.”
Lena tried to twist away but let herself remain caught, pressed closer to the naked body she shared some sheets with, closer to the body she’d just spent a long time completely covering in kisses, closer to the body that made her own completely melt.
“I’ve been wanting to talk to you, actually,” she explained, clearing her throat as it grew quite dry and so very suddenly, too. “About… us.”
“Us?” Lena whispered, tasting that word.
Pressed so close together in the dark, Kara felt as if they were one being. They took up a sliver of the entire bed, and they were woven together, pressed skin to skin and beyond.
“I, uh. See. So… On Earth,” Kara began. “One might argue we are dating.”
It felt like forever, but it was in fact about three seconds before Lena nodded and hummed her agreement.
“I would agree with that,” she offered.
“We do dating slightly different here. There’s a process called Choosing, and it involves the Matrix as a calculator for the pairing.”
“Wow. That’d actually be fantastic. I can’t imagine empirical data supporting a match and feelings. That’s--”
“It decides if you continue on a path toward commitment,” Kara interrupted how oddly excited Lena was for that.
“Early on, you approach the Matrix, and work toward a lasting life with someone. There are steps to the entire process.”
“Sounds daunting.”
“It is. It can be,” Kara nodded. “I don’t even know if the Matrix would work for you, as you’re not xactly fr--”
“You want me to go to the Matrix?” Lena parked, sitting up slightly, the surprise acting as a jolt that woke her from the lulled peace of storytime and Kara’s body.
“I don’t want you to go away.”
It was simple and honest, and though she was still surprised, Lena softened ever so slightly at the honesty and how quiet Kara’s voice grew with the confession.
“Oh, darling,” Lena whispered, hugging Kara, holding her tightly and allowing herself to be embraced so wholly. “You precious, perfect thing.”
“It is a lot quicker than your culture,” Kara attempted to retreat toward the science of it, her eyes allowing a traitor tear that she wiped away quickly. “But this is… You are…. I think that this is it.”
“I broke the rules of the Host when I came to your room that night. It ate me up and I told my mother. I told her months ago that I was Choosing.”
“But how did you-- how could you know?”
“Because every single ounce of research I did into these feelings, every poem felt like I wrote it about you.”
“Kara, you’re--”
She felt claustrophobic but Kara didn’t want to move at all. Not when she had Lena holding to her, clinging there around her shoulders and kissing where she could reach.
“I know. It’s a lot.”
“You want me to stay on Krypton forever?”
“Very much.”
“Kara…” Lena began, her voice full of sadness and regret.
Before she could hear an answer, Kara shook her head and ducked it, hiding it in Lena’s neck, shaking it gently the entire time as she growled against practicality of the very rational answer she was bound to receive.
There were curls that smelled like lilacs and sunflowers and something sweet, like oranges and sugar, but Lena couldn’t quite find it. Instead, she smiled into Kara’s hair and let her hide against her neck and clavicle.
“You have to go, I know,” Kara mumbled after a moment of stillness.
“I was actually going to ask if you could really want me for forever.”
“I want to Choose.”
“With me?”
“Lena, I-- I really-- you are my favorite person ever.”
Kara pulled away to find some air, suffocated from the warmth and fleeting feeling of the woman she was absolutely infatuated with. She heard the way Lena’s voice faltered when she asked for clarification.
“I don’t want you to go away,” Kara whispered. She placed her hand on Lena’s chest, then her neck. She felt Lena tug her ear again, saving her from melancholy. “I always thought I was happy, and then I met you, and I feel like I was miserable by comparison. I never knew I could feel so light. And it’s because you are absolutely spectacular in every form. You’re kind, you’re fair, you’re smart, you’re beautiful, you’re funny, you’re devoted. You are absolutely everything I’ve never knew I needed.”
When she moved her thumb, Kara felt the tears on Lena’s cheek, and she kissed them gently as she swallowed a noise and whimper.
“I can’t ask you to give away your life and your family. I admire your dedication to them and to your world. I just… I hope you know that you are mine. And as devoted to it, is how devoted I am to you.”
Lena swallowed and shook her head, pushing away slightly, though Kara held firmly, knowing that she was running too much of a risk by confessing these things.
“You can’t say those things to me,” Lena disagreed. “I am not someone who gets those things. I don’t get someone like you.”
“But you’ve got me.”
“I can’t fall in love with you,” she tried to talk herself out of it. “Just because you say pretty things, and you are here. I have things to do. I have a planet to save.”
“I know.”
Neither moved at all. Kara closed her eyes and felt the softness of Lena’s hair between her fingers. She closed her eyes and she savored what she wanted and had and would soon lose.
“If I go to the Matrix and it tells us that I’m a match, what would that do? What if it says I’m not, and your affection is misplaced?”
“It won’t.”
“How do you know?”
“Because there’s no way this isn’t it. I did the research.”
“Poems aren’t research,” Lena scoffed. “I just met you.”
“I should have kept quiet.”
“We should have never done this.”
“Do you mean it?” Kara furrowed.
“No. I wish I did.”
A warm palm rested on Kara’s neck. Fingers toyed with the soft skin and baby hairs there at the nape, soft and distracted and so very much in love they didn’t know what else to do to say such things.
“I have to go home,” Lena sighed.
“I know.”
“I don’t want to go away from you.”
“Maybe you can come back?”
“Maybe I can.”
Lena smiled as she clutched Kara to her chest, content to think of that to herself. Maybe it was true. Maybe she could come back. More importantly, she thought about the idea of a calculator for affection.
“Kara, do you really feel all of that for me?”
Kara moved her leg, bumping the soft, tender spot that made Lena gasp slightly. She earned a hum and a moan and she kept moving, slowly at first until she had her.
For a day and a half, Lena found herself thinking. She didn’t mean to, and her brain was supposed to be devoted to such things as alternative fuel sources and replenishing the water supply of her planet.
But she couldn’t think about it.
That was a problem considering she was bound to leave in just a few weeks time. The numbers were terrible, and she hadn’t really heard from her family, which should have occupied her time even more, and yet, all Lena could do was lean back in her chair, bite her pen, and think about naked Kara and how she could possibly be in love with her.
There was part of her that didn’t want her to believe it. But she had to know. She had to know what would happen.
“Zor-el, do you know what the Matrix is?”
The words made the patriarch look up from  his work for a moment, furrowing his own brow as the surprise left him and he realized what he was being asked.
There was no more nonchalance. Lena sat there and looked at him, waiting for the answer, as if they were discussing one of the great debates of their research.
“Of course.”
“Would it work for me?”
He smiled to himself, a half smile, full of amusement and almost disbelief.
“She told you, then.”
Lena clenched her jaw and nodded.
“What do I do?”
“Are you ready for the result?”
Lena took a deep breath and nodded.
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googlepluscamp · 5 years
Attention Fellow Gamers
And furries I Guess
How long has it been? Weeks? Months? Years? I want my home back and it’s still under construction, at least that’s what they’ve been saying. I feel like I’m stuck in limbo. I can barely remember my family. This. This is hell. I’ve been trying to migrate to other sites, Instagram, even Mewe (it was terrible), and now Tumblr. My friends, I have stooped to the lowest of lows just to find a home. Project Atmos have been building itself but they won’t be finished anytime soon. So I’m now stuck in an enteral nightmare of moving. I don’t think I can continue anymore.
I’m calling for anyone who feels this, let us hope for a brighter future soon.
And maybe Google will stop fucking us in the ass
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techaddictsuk · 4 years
Tech Addicts Podcast - 17th January 2021 - BREAKING - Ted moves his Taskbar
Tech Addicts Podcast – 17th January 2021 – BREAKING – Ted moves his Taskbar
With Gareth Myles and Ted SalmonJoin us on Mewe RSS Link: https://techaddicts.libsyn.com/rss Direct Download iTunes | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | Tunein | Spotify  Amazon | Pocket Casts | Castbox |  PodhubUK Show Notes: Feedback Chris Kelly The Sony Reality Audio operates on the same concept as Dolby Atmos. Individual sounds/instruments are recorded and then when mixed not only is their…
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"Well, I'm not really the type who gets seduced...I'm more of the type who does the seducing, If you know what I mean. That's going to stay pretty much the same even If I'm a tomcat. Hm. And in an erotically-charged atmos-fur like this, I should be the full-on Demon King of Sexy...! So sexy it'd blow their mew-niscule minds."
— Blair (above) as she describes herself to Kilik Rung in "Salvage (Part 2)", Soul Eater
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pokespacegang · 2 years
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new icon nyehehe!
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pokespacegang · 2 years
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upcoming character
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