#As if they and the whole batch and literally every clone aren't all suffering the injustices of the Empire with extremely limited options
eriexplosion · 2 years
One of the things that intrigues me about TBB and I think is kind of the source of a lot of the things people get most heated up about arguing is that...
A lot of the conflicts don't have an easy person to point at for whose Fault it is but that doesn't take away the consequences.
Like, an example, the very first thing that we see happen is, of course, Caleb nearly getting murdered by Crosshair. And on first watch I didn't know anything about Star Wars besides my vague memories of the movies, so it was easy to find a place to put fault - obviously Crosshair right?
Well, he's mind controlled. Very clearly and obviously when you know more about the canon. And now it's a three way fight with a boy that's done nothing wrong, the clone being influenced to try to kill him, and a freaked out sergeant trying to keep both of them alive.
And from what we see in Rebels... this never gets fixed. It can't be fixed! Kanan is still traumatized by this and it takes him over a decade to trust any clones at all. We don't really get to see Crosshair's take on the whole experience, but I assume he's not like, super pumped about the whole ordeal given that he spends all his unchipped time looking morose. He will probably never get an opportunity to make amends for it. Hunter has this as one of his last memories (so far) of all of his family being together.
They all just have to move on with their lives. No one did anything wrong. The source of this awful, awful moment came from so far above any of their heads. There wasn't a way out of it, and now they just have to live with the consequences.
Same thing with Crosshair's whole feelings of abandonment. You can argue all day over if it's his or Hunter's fault but ultimately... neither of them. The situation was entirely crafted by the Empire's actions. It doesn't remove the hurt on either side though. It can't remove that. They will need to figure out how to heal from it anyway, and hopefully season two gives them the chance.
A lot of people really like simple morality, they want there to be a Person Who's At Fault and the solution is either punishing this person or for that person to make amends. And so the argument over who needs to make amends gets to rage on and on, when the only entity at fault is the fucking Empire.
Anyway, it's just the kind of thing that haunts my brain on a daily basis, and it's part of why I use Recovery Arc more often than Redemption Arc when it comes to Crosshair, because for all his flaws the biggest things that he did weren't his Fault. But they weren't the fault of anyone he's blaming for it either. It's just easier to be angry at one person than it is to try to grapple with the weight of the injustice done to everyone involved.
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