#Arvind Limited
tsasocial · 5 months
Arvind Limited appoints Susheel Kaul as Managing Director & President (Textiles Cluster)
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Arvind Limited, India’s largest textile-to-technology conglomerate, proudly announces the appointment of Mr. Susheel Kaul as its new Managing Director & President – Textile Cluster, effective 1st April 2024. Mr. Kaul, who currently serves as the President & CEO of Textiles and Apparels at Arvind Ltd, brings a wealth of experience and leadership to his new role.
Commenting on his appointment, Mr. Susheel Kaul Managing Director & President – Textile Cluster said, “I am honoured and excited to take on the role of Managing Director & President at Arvind Ltd. It is a privilege to lead such a reputable organization with a rich legacy of excellence and innovation. I look forward to building on our successes and driving sustained growth and value creation for our stakeholders.”
As Managing Director & President, Mr. Kaul will continue to drive Arvind Ltd’s strategic priorities, focusing on innovation, sustainability, and customer-centricity. He will work closely with the Board of Directors and the executive team to further strengthen Arvind Ltd’s position as a global leader in the textile and apparel industry.
With a distinguished career spanning over 30+ years in the textile and apparel sector, Mr. Kaul has demonstrated exceptional vision, strategic acumen, and a deep understanding of the industry. His strong leadership qualities and commitment to excellence have been instrumental in driving Arvind Ltd’s growth and success in recent years.
Mr. Kaul holds a Masters of Technology degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, complemented by extensive professional development and executive education programs. His comprehensive knowledge of the industry landscape, coupled with his innovative approach to business challenges, makes him the ideal candidate to lead Arvind Ltd into its next phase of growth and expansion.
The Board of Directors at Arvind Limited expresses confidence in Mr. Kaul’s ability to lead the company to new heights and extends their full support as he assumes his new responsibilities.
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mitigatedchaos · 2 months
The Floating Causation of Vulgar Anti-Racism
Post for August 12, 2024 ~7,400 words, 36 minutes
The late 20th century and the early 21st century were an excellent time for 'catch-up' development in under-developed countries. For example, the GDP per capita of the People's Republic of China rose from $312 in 1980, to $12,720 in 2022, more than a 40x increase. This is despite the People's Republic being nominally communist, 92% Han Chinese, and one of the largest potential geopolitical rivals to the United States. This is not a one-off – exports from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the United States rose from $50 million in 1994 to $114 billion in 2023.
While the ideologically liberal government of the United States did invade Iraq and Afghanistan, and placed strict limits on Iran, in practical terms, the United States was willing to direct hundreds of billions of dollars of demand, for everything from disposable gloves to rice cookers, to countries that were neither majority white nor, officially, capitalist, which allowed these countries to build up their industrial base.
Inside the United States, as of the early 2020s, Americans of Indian descent, Americans of Asian descent, and a number of other non-white groups are outperforming the median household income of white Americans. It's not uncommon to see an Indian-American as the CEO of a major US corporation, such as Microsoft's Satya Nadella, Google's Sundar Pichai, or IBM's Arvind Krishna. And while Americans of Nigerian descent aren't earning quite as much money as Sundar Pichai, they are doing better than the U.S. national average. [1]
The American economy is willing to award non-white Americans and non-white immigrants with average pay higher than that the average pay for white Americans, and American society is willing to award members of these same groups with highly prestigious positions – Google is one of the most famous American companies, and to be its CEO is highly prestigious indeed.
Why is it that vulgar anti-racists aren't content to leave well enough alone on negative racial messaging, and take advantage of this opportunity to focus on personal development, ingroup development, and national development? Why is it that they have a strange totalitarian bent, such as Ibram Kendi proposing to give veto power over all government policy to a body of unappointed race experts, which would de facto end democracy?
Last month, @max1461 wrote a post, attempting to find a balanced compromise between the social justice movement and its critics in the discourses on racism over the past 10 years. Perhaps this was intended to close the books and allow the participants to move to a saner footing going forward. Subsequently, Max flagged the post as unrebloggable in order to prevent it from being beat up like a piñata. Near the end of the initial chain, Max wrote:
I can’t stress enough that, for all the excesses of DEI seminars and modern anti-racist academia and whatnot, for however unhelpful or even regressive these things may often be, what they exist in response to is fundamentally a horror of an entirely different and incomparable scale; something unspeakably evil and destructive. And, after 200 years of such an evil world order, which only really began to melt in 1945, I think it would be incredibly naive to believe that all the wounds are now healed.
It would seem that for the most part, the wounds that Japan suffered from America in World War II have already healed. The country already went through reindustrialization, followed by a boom period (which startled Westerners), and then a subsequent crash and the 'lost decade' of the 1990s. The Japanese have a favorable view of the United States, as perhaps they should – Japan has prospered in the Post-WW2 international order, in which they can simply purchase whatever materials they need on global markets with no need to invade or occupy anyone.
Yet for others, the past lingers on.
Ibram Kendi is one of the most famous contemporary self-identified anti-racists, a New York Times bestselling author (his most famous book was titled "How to Be an Anti-Racist") who was not only platformed by major corporations such as Microsoft (in 2020, an advertisement on the login screen of Windows 10 computers linked to a search for "anti-racism books," with his at the top), but even received funding for his own anti-racism center (now under attack for its ineffectiveness).
At one time, Ibram Kendi thought that white people were aliens. A roommate talked him out of it, asking how it was that white people could have children with everyone else if that were the case. To his credit, Kendi did change his mind.
...but how could anyone have come up with Kendi's conclusion in the first place?
In school in the United States, children are taught that the Spanish conquered the Aztecs. It is true that Spanish military forces brought about the downfall of the Aztec Empire, but often people forget the details of what they learned in school, and often what they learn in school is itself a simplified story, designed to be told to children. Encyclopedia Britannica's summary of the Battle of Tenochtitlan largely agrees with the gist of Wikipedia's more detailed article on the Fall of Tenochtitlan, which is littered with instances of "[citation needed]."
Wikipedia, however, provides more numbers. In particular, Wikipedia's version provides one of the Internet's favorite parts of wiki battle articles, a listing of the balance of opposed forces (with citations):
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There is a racist narrative of the conquest of the Americas in which the brave Spanish explorers overcame the savage, human-sacrificing hordes of the Aztecs. There is an inverted, anti-racist narrative of the conquest of the Americas in which the powerful, cruel Spanish showed up to oppress the weak, innocent Aztecs.
And then there is a third narrative - a narrative that politics happened. A number of tributary states had grievances with the Aztecs, and the small number of Spanish probably didn't seem like enough to conquer the whole territory from the perspective of the tributaries, but did seem powerful enough to rally around to fight the Aztecs and win.
Nobody comes out looking good in this third narrative. The Spanish brought about a brutal war with tens of thousands of casualties, and devastating disease followed their arrival. The Aztecs and tributaries combined failed to overcome a foreign invasion due to (relative to the foreigners being from another continent) local infighting. The Aztecs were awful enough that a number of tributaries sided with an army of foreigners against them.
Now, suppose that we delete the 200,000 native allies from the balance of forces above, but still record a victory for the Spanish. The effect of the native allies remains, but the cause of that effect disappears. This creates an effect without a cause – unattributed causation, which is disconnected from what came before, or what we might call, "floating causation."
Some might call overcoming a force of 80,000 with only 1,000 or so men a miracle. For those not so inclined, the 'floating' causation gets attributed to the Spanish soldiers – their equipment, their valor, their tactics, and their discipline. Each of a thousand Spanish infantrymen is now somehow worth 200 native warriors.
In this cartoon version of history, the Spanish are an unstoppable psychic warrior race. Their steadfast will in the face of danger and their unit cohesion are quite nearly inhuman, and their technological advantage is overwhelming. The natives have not merely made a political miscalculation similar to others of the pre-modern era, such as the decisions of states facing Genghis Khan, but are buffoons to the slaughter, incapable of putting up any real defense.
In this cartoon, the Spanish can go anywhere. They can do anything. And because of this, they are the only people with agency in the whole world.
They sound... like aliens.
Trying to rebalance this cartoon only leads to greater absurdities, such as the idea that only Europeans ever meaningfully engaged in conquest (contradicted by Genghis Khan), or that industrial technology and its resulting pollution are "European" in nature (China has been quite aggressive about industrializing), or that only "European" countries waged modern and industrialized wars of conquest (the Empire of Japan used guns, bombs, and tanks as part of its project to create the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere).
All three of the above counter-examples are from Asia, which is usually conspicuously absent from self-identified anti-racist thinking, but none of them are obscure.
It is my belief that floating causation is a source of distortions across the ideological spectrum.
Ideology is not independent from human beings. Manifestos, one might say, do not print themselves. From the other direction, it is not a piece of paper which murders somebody – it is a human being who pulls the trigger.
There is ideology, which is a system of related rules and beliefs, and there are adherents who adopt ideology, spread beliefs, and put ideological rules into practice.
An ideology can contain taboos which prohibit noticing or explaining the true cause of some outcome, separating the cause from its effect. Practitioners can then attribute that effect to a preferred ideological construct instead, making it seem much more powerful, and often dangerous, than it really is.
The Elephants
Imagine (as this example is entirely made-up) that there is some village in which elephants are considered sacred, but the elephants in the area have a habit of trampling crops in the night. To avoid loss of face, the damage to crops is attributed to "bandits" by an initial group of elders. The young children who do not know better are then taught this explanation. Later, after the death of the elders, the initial truth is lost. Anyone claiming to have seen elephants trampling the fields is denounced as choosing the vile bandits over the virtuous elephants. An outsider who did not realize what was happening might be quite impressed to hear that a bandit in the region ruined a dozen fields in a single night, and assume that the bandit has tremendous physical stamina.
But floating causation is not necessarily the result of an ideological taboo. Someone may be ignorant about the cause of an effect, unable to understand the process by which an effect came about, have powerful emotions about the topic which they are unwilling to confront or may not even be aware of, or may simply have poor judgment. An adherent may be drawn to an ideology for these reasons.
Continuing with our example, a fresh-off-the-boat colonial administrator arriving at the village might be unaware that elephants exist, or trample crops, and conclude that there were ongoing feuds driven by animosity among the villagers, with bandits as the cover-story. Alternatively, the new colonial administrator might love the elephants and hate the villagers, and be unwilling to consider the possibility that the elephants are trampling the crops, including cooking up rather elaborate rationalizations.
Issues with not understanding a process are more likely to come up with things like economics – occasionally a worker will post a video to social media complaining that he is not paid the full value of the items he sells or creates, ignoring all the money that went into the construction of the facility, the work from other workers putting together the input materials, and so on.
Liberals in the late 00s and early 2010s had an interest in memetics, which concerns the replication and spread of ideas. (This field is where the term "Internet meme" comes from.) Then, as now, they had a tendency to treat people as too similar to each other, and some of them leaned towards the idea that any person could hold any ideology. Ideologies do (in my judgment) influence behavior – there are far fewer monarchists around these days, and far fewer monarchs with real power, for example – but how a set of beliefs is expressed depend on the emotions, motives, and temperament of the person who holds those beliefs.
So do people choose ideologies, or do ideologies choose people?
One way to view this matter is as a cycle. Someone's social environment is partly a matter of choice, and partly a matter of circumstance. The ideologies that show up in someone's environment are generally going to be ones that spread (as ideologies that don't attract new adherents will die out), but which ideology someone actually chooses and how they practice it will be influenced by what type of person they are.
Another way to view this matter is that emotions, motives, temperament, and beliefs are all things that make certain actions or thoughts either easier (and cheaper) or more difficult (and more expensive). A drug addict who believes in hard work and free market capitalism, but finds himself stealing to feed his habit, may find that the influence of his beliefs is not enough to overcome his addiction. (He is likely to feel miserable.) However, when a religious person is choosing what time of day, or day of the week, to worship, the explicit belief of their religion is likely to have a great deal of influence.
Yet another way to view this matter is to treat things like social relations, ideology, and temperament as interacting layers, and then propose that politics spans multiple layers.
Human Talent
I don't believe that all human beings are equally talented, and I don't believe that they all have identical temperaments. Therefore, one of my beliefs is what might be called the "human capital theory of movements." Ideologies consist of networks of related beliefs which can be used to interpret the world, to guide behavior, or to create arguments. But ideologies do not create beliefs or arguments themselves. Humans do.
When a movement has a lot of talented, virtuous people working for it, these people can create new arguments in order to win debates, and change parts of the ideology, the network of beliefs, to adapt the network to changes in conditions. Without talented people, the ideology of a movement will drift farther from environmental conditions, causing its responses to become more misaligned with conditions on the ground.
Talented people are also needed for the implementation of an ideology. An ideological book is just an inert text. No matter how complex it may be, it is fundamentally limited in its complexity. Applying that text in the environment, bridging the gap between what the text says and what that means in the reality of a specific situation, requires both intelligence and good judgment. Not every person is equally talented, and not every person is equally informed. If someone more talented and with better judgment is around, they can read the situation and come up with some simpler rules or orders for others to follow.
The less talented the adherents of a movement are, the lower the ability of the movement to adapt to conditions over both the short-term and the long-term.
A shift in the distribution of talent can precede other forms of political change. Ideologues may smile as the most disagreeable members are driven out of their movement, but at the same time, the lack of criticism will reduce the movement's ability to respond to change.
There are trade-offs. The use of floating causation may make an ideology less aligned with reality, but it may also be useful for the movement to stoke the emotions of their followers in order to drive action. (This emotional motivation bit is why every election in the United States is "the most important in your lifetime.")
Beliefs are not intelligence. Nonetheless, a person with a belief may act as though they are smarter (or even wiser) than they actually are. This is just the nature of knowledge (as cached intelligence, wisdom, and observation).
I developed the talent theory in the prior section by observing opposition to racism in the United States prior to 2014. In the United States between 2000 and 2014, there was substantial support for individualist "colorblindness," while at the same time, there was immense social pressure against overt white racial organizing.
Racial organizing takes time and effort. Because white Americans were not subject to racial discrimination, they could simply go out into the market and earn what their work was worth. For talented white Americans, the gains from white racial organizing would be marginal, so the penalties could easily overcome those gains. The less talented would have the most to gain due to the ability to reduce the amount of economic competition they would be up against, but they were also less able to organize. [2]
There was somewhere famous for white racial organizing in the US during this era: prisons.
Racial prison gangs have been particularly noted in the California prison system. Prison gangs offer inmates a credible threat of retaliation if the inmate is harmed, so every inmate has an incentive to join one, and the bigger the gang the better that threat of retaliation is, so every gang has an incentive to recruit. If you're a gang member and a new guy comes in and starts causing trouble, and you don't want to escalate (and thus risk extra charges for your guys or reduced privileges), what are you to do? You would prefer to negotiate with someone that has leverage on him. Race is very visible, even if inmates move around between prisons, so if all inmates get sorted into gangs by race, then someone is responsible for this guy, and by talking to the right people, you can make sure he knows it. (If the troublemaker still doesn't respond, and his own gang cut him loose, then you can punish him without fear of retaliation from other inmates.)
Different incentives produce different results.
Four Options
Glenn Loury is a black man, and an economist at Brown University. He views himself as an American and therefore an inheritor of human rights philosophy of the American founders and their English forebears. He has his own show on YouTube in which he regularly discusses matters with John McWhorter, another black man, who is a linguistics professor at Columbia University. (John strikes me as more liberal, and I heard that he was frightened of Donald Trump, a sentiment shared by many white American culturally liberal Democrats.) Both of these men are quite smart, and if you watch the show, you'll see them easily consider arguments from various perspectives and toss hypotheticals back and forth.
Neither of these men are vulgar anti-racists.
Roland Fryer is a black man, and is an economist at Harvard (although he was suspended for 2 years) who I have discussed previously. He thinks like an economist, and has conducted studies such as paying children to read books. In previous appearances, it seemed that he believes that education gaps can be closed through extremely rigorous selection of teachers and other methods.
Mr. Fryer does not appear to be a vulgar anti-racist.
These men are all relatively prominent voices. If you go looking for the sort of content they produce, they aren't that hard to find. And they're all smart. They might have disagreements with each other and with some of my readers, but smart people can disagree.
However, during the 2014-2022 era, when it was decided to push a black academic to prominence, political forces settled on Ibram Kendi instead. There must have been dozens of other candidates.
When I think about why that happened, I suspect that the answer is that while the first three men care about the interests of black Americans, all three of them are willing to say, "No." Although I doubt they would phrase it in exactly these terms, I suspect that all three understand human rights as rooted in high-order consequences, limits on information, and human bias.
If you proposed to John McWhorter that we should give veto power to a committee of unelected race experts, he would immediately recognize the problem with just that.
Why Vulgar Anti-Racism?
With all of that said, I believe we can think about vulgar anti-racism by means of comparison.
a. Economics
Loury and Fryer are both economists. They know about gains from trade, prices as a distributed form of economic planning, property rights as enabling investment, specialization of labor, economies of scale, and dozens of other things. They understand where wealth comes from.
The typical vulgar anti-racist that you will encounter on an Internet discussion board has little knowledge of economics, and tends to think of total production as fixed. From their perspective, if someone has more resources than another person, it has nothing to do with production, and is purely the result of hoarding.
The typical vulgar anti-racist also doesn't think in terms of entropy, the tendency of things to break down over time. They tend not to discount temporally-distant advantages. (If a well was built 400 years ago, they treat that advantage as retained today.) They tend to think of capital as fixed and not as something that is constantly being rebuilt and adjusted. They don't understand that the ability to create new capital is generally more important than the initial capital in the long-run.
Thinking about production is probably why we see Fryer focused on educational gains. His theory is likely that if the children have a good base of education, they'll be able to produce more, avoid losses, overcome entropy, and net accumulate wealth. If they don't have a good base of education, then they'll be less productive, and entropy will eat a higher percentage of their earnings, leading to reduced wealth.
If someone doesn't know economics, then the wealth of developed countries is "unexplained," and so are the motives of many people within developed countries.
b. History
I don't know about Fryer specifically, but Loury and McWhorter seem to have a good grasp of history.
A solid understanding of history leads to seeing actions as emerging from their historical contexts. This places a limit on the range of expected behavior.
For example, for most of history up until about the 1900s, the child mortality rate was about 50%. That example is relevant for feminism, as under such brutal conditions, we would expect any society that didn't push for women to have at least 4 children to die out. Gender-based oppression didn't occur for no reason, or because of pure male greed, but was influenced by material circumstances.
If we run this understanding backwards, it follows that 1700s or earlier gender norms would be unlikely to return without 1700s or earlier child mortality rates.
Likewise, some basic historical knowledge would reveal that wars of conquest have happened pretty much everywhere, so it's quite unlikely that Europeans are uniquely conquerors. You end up having to declare everything from feuding Chinese kingdoms, to the Māori, to chimpanzees, be "European" in order to fit the model.
The typical vulgar anti-racist's position is, implicitly, "Everyone lived together in peace and harmony, until one day, for no reason at all, the Europeans became possessed by the spirit of greed, and attacked."
If someone somehow doesn't know that war existed outside of Europe prior to 1492, then the wars of colonialism are "unexplained," and so are the motives of the people who fought them.
When vulgar anti-racists do research history, they generally focus on collecting racial grievances in order to build up a case that the group they favor are poor, oppressed, not responsible for anything bad their group has ever done, and are owed indefinite benefits for incalculable harms. They don't proceed from the idea of, "How does this work?" They don't, say, look at the tremendous economic success of South Korea, and ask, "Based on how South Korea obtained their wealth, how can our group achieve such riches?" (They don't even look at South Korea's birthrate and ask how they can avoid such a fate!)
Even before World War 2, Japan did look afar to ask how they could become rich. That kind of mentality is part of how they were able to become a developed country (who could threaten other people with tanks) in the first place.
Looking to Asia is useful for people making comparisons to figure out how things work, but is not useful for collecting racial grievances in order to build up racial claims to make demands. That's why vulgar anti-racists often don't know basic facts about Asian history, like that state testing to determine government positions was practiced in ancient China. [3]
c. Racial Attachment
Even during the individualist colorblindness of 2000-2014, there were still white Americans with some talent engaged in racial organizing. In general, these were people to whom race was very important, and thus who were out-of-step with the mainstream of white America.
It's my opinion that there is a natural range of tribalism among human beings. Sometimes, the rival tribe on the other side of the mountain just want to trade. Other times, they really are out to kill you. The trait doesn't disappear, because wars still happen, and even if they didn't happen, someone could just reinvent war and start it all back up again.
In my view, this tribalism trait isn't attached to race specifically. It can attach to religion. It can attach to sex. Some of the rhetoric from radical feminists sounds the same as rhetoric from hardcore ethnic nationalists – or at least it would, if we treated men as an ethnicity. In our modern environment in which race is highly legible due to intercontinental travel, for a lot of people, it gets attached to race.
Rather than assigning people a single number on a scale from "moral" to "immoral," it's probably better to think of people as having virtues and vices, strengths and weaknesses.
Some level of racial attachment itself is not inherently evil. Based on his research topics, for example, Roland Fryer seems interested in bringing about the success of people with a similar background to himself. His virtue (his interest in truth) and his strength (his intelligence) convert that attachment into something that's beneficial to society.
High levels of racial attachment fly much closer to the wire. A highly racially attached individual might do good work in other domains, but there's a risk that they'll end up routing too much of their sense of self-worth through their race, and become obsessed with guarding their race's self-perceived reputation. For such a person, any information deemed unflattering to the group may be interpreted as an attack on himself (or herself).
The Mayo Clinic (a network of hospitals in the United States) describes narcissism as:
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.
A number of users on Twitter (now known as X.com) began using the term "ethnic narcissism" to describe this sort of disordered thinking when done on behalf of a racial or ethnic group rather than oneself specifically.
2019 and 2020 were banner years for platforming this sort of behavior, with the nation's leading newspaper arguing, in its own words, that we should make the suffering of a particular racial group the core narrative of American history, that everyone should define their identities around:
The 1619 Project is a major initiative from The New York Times observing the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe the country’s history, understanding 1619 as our true founding, and placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.
Obsession with self-perceived ethnic reputation is part of what leads to the "rebalancing the cartoon" behavior I discussed earlier:
Trying to rebalance this cartoon only leads to greater absurdities, such as the idea that only Europeans ever meaningfully engaged in conquest (contradicted by Genghis Khan), or that industrial technology and its resulting pollution are "European" in nature (China has been quite aggressive about industrializing), or that only "European" countries waged modern and industrialized wars of conquest (the Empire of Japan used guns, bombs, and tanks as part of its project to create the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere).
How does someone end up so ignorant that they don't know that Genghis Khan existed? By being the kind of person that doesn't want to know that Genghis Khan existed. They don't look it up. If you tell them, they either forget or they take a conflict theorist approach and think that it's some sort of trick.
Unfortunately, while a fairly accurate description of the behavior at issue, the term "ethnic narcissism" can also be used as an attack by ethnic narcissists themselves, as well as people engaged in ethnic conflict. This makes it of limited utility in practice.
The Mysterious Anglo
Option #1: In general, the right wing would consider the vulgar anti-racists to be liars working to selfishly advance their own personal interests and those of their preferred groups. Left-wingers would tend to take a negative view of this, as they believe that right-wingers are unjustly dismissive in order to 'protect the unearned and unquestioned advantages of the privileged.'
In this version, vulgar anti-racists won't drop the issue and hit the GDP gym because they're bullies who think the particular groups they dislike are easy targets. The appropriate response is to become a harder target by systematically defunding any institution that supports them, putting them on the same footing as conventional racial supremacists in the US.
I tend to agree that many of the vulgar anti-racists are just being selfish. There is a question of just how consciously aware of it they are, however.
Option #2: A left-wing view would be that the vulgar anti-racists are "good people, just a bit misguided." Right-wingers tend to take a negative view of this, because if a right-winger published a book titled "Black Fragility" that was as circular in its reasoning as the "White Fragility" of Robin DiAngelo appeared to be, he would be hounded as a racist.
In this version, vulgar anti-racists just need patient guidance to put their empathy back on the right track.
I tend to believe that a good chunk of the vulgar anti-racists are just low-tier progressives who get their opinions socially. If the social consensus changes among progressives, they'll forget ever fretting about "microaggressions." Arguing with them individually mostly won't work, though, because it doesn't override their social consensus, and it won't make them think harder about the issues.
Many left-wingers would disagree with me on this assessment.
Option #3: A more centrist view would be that vulgar anti-racists are a mix of people with excessively high racial attachment, enthusiastic people who are underinformed, and people who serve their niche of the information and political economy, and that this isn't that different from the lower quality wings of other left and right political movements (look how bad "degrowth" is, for example), except that race feels much more core to people's identities (it's certainly not easy to change one's race), so it evokes more powerful emotions. A centrist would likely say that there are more academically and philosophically serious opponents of racism out there, but because the things they say are more serious, they're less controversial, so they get less coverage. ("You wouldn't expect a textbook in the Sunday paper.")
A person with this perspective would say that the appropriate course of action is mostly just to wait for it to blow over.
I would disagree. If vulgar anti-racism is taught in schools for a generation, it would create an expectation that racial blame is the default course of action. This would create a situation which is much more favorable for racial conflict, so it should be shut down now to prevent that from happening.
However, I feel that this does not adequately explain the totalitarian bent. What about other values society might have? What about trade-offs? [4] I would like to throw a fourth possibility into the ring.
Option #4: Life inside the vulgar anti-racist worldview is anxiety-inducing and subtly terrifying.
I don't fully endorse this view, because I think that vulgar anti-racism is a coalition of multiple groups (see the previous three options).
However, while I learned from school that racism and ethnic conflict are extremely dangerous in general (e.g. they can boil over and result in mass murder), the susceptibility of vulgar anti-racists to, "It's impossible to be racist to white people," which is very obviously racist, strongly implies that what they learned was, "Jews good; Germans bad" – basically just a list of which groups are acceptable, and which groups aren't. [5]
I reverse-engineered a sophisticated moral worldview, and when I was young, I assumed that everyone else had done so, too. And for a little while, society approximated that view closely enough for that misconception to kind-of work.
I think that a significant number of people in the vulgar anti-racist coalition don't understand white people.
In terms of anxiety, a number of them seem to think that Europeans and their descendants think about race as much as the vulgar anti-racists do – that they are silently passing judgment, or saying nasty things when others are not listening.
I've been around middle-class and above white Americans my entire life. I've seen some kids make stupid racist jokes, and I can imagine bullying targeting race if it looks like an axis of vulnerability, but in general, among themselves, they don't talk about race much at all.
A skeptic reading this may say that that's just anecdotal. However, according to surveys, "white conservatives" have about the same "racial/ethnic" "ingroup favorability" as either "hispanic moderates" or "asians." "White liberals" were the only group on the chart to have a "pro-outgroup bias."
If we interpret these ingroup favorability measures as racism (which is a stretch, because a favorability measure is not itself a discriminatory policy), then white conservatives have a "normal" (as in typical of most groups) amount of racism. White liberals (probably in the sense that the label "liberal" is used for the entire left in the US) are the only ones who loop around into what might be called "anti-racism." (Razib Khan has his doubts about the stability of this arrangement of anti-racism as opposed to non-racism.)
A vulgar anti-racist doesn't know this, and doesn't want to know this.
Now, for the "subtly terrifying" part. If someone accepts, for instance, that the British were sincere in sending warships to intercept slave traders, then there are all sorts of explanations that they can come up with for that behavior, such as it being a natural result of industrialization, or maybe a result of rising literacy, or motivated by Christianity in combination with previous political developments in England, and so on.
From Wikipedia, here's a map of the British Empire, a map of the Spanish Empire, and a map of the Portuguese Empire. While from the perspective of Europeans at the time, the European states were in competition with each other, if taken together as a group, they were closer to achieving true world conquest than anyone else in history. (Sure, the Mongol Empire was huge, but they didn't make it over to the Americas.)
If someone believes that the Europeans turned off the slave trade for some sincere or enduring reason, then the 1700s are unlikely to come back. If someone believes that the Europeans turned off the 1700s for no reason, or for a secret reason, then one day, they could just... turn the 1700s back on.
And maybe that thought isn't entirely conscious. Maybe it just sits quietly, at the back of the mind.
And they get stuck, much like people who are still focused on "overpopulation" as birthrates plummet in industrialized countries throughout the world.
Whether they consciously intend to or not, vulgar anti-racists leverage social taboos to make it difficult to argue for one group's innocence without making another, generally more vulnerable, group, look worse. People don't want to be mean and say mean things about a vulnerable group. Vulgar anti-racists exploit this. (This kind of behavior is immoral, but I'm not sure how much vulgar anti-racists consciously understand that.)
Online Tactics
I've developed tactics to argue with them in online space, but I haven't tried them out in in-person institutional spaces where they have institutional influence (power).
In general, you cannot argue with vulgar anti-racists grievance-for-grievance. Building up an ammunition depot of racial or ethnic grievances on behalf of "overperforming" groups won't work – vulgar anti-racists will dismiss you as irrationally motivated by racial hatred and dismiss your entire collection, and normal people will also think it's weird (even though they still don't think many racial or ethnic minorities collecting grievances is weird). [6]
A better approach is to pick one or two grievances to shut down the idea that the group you're defending are "invulnerable." Morally, you shouldn't have to point to, say, children or minors being mass victimized, because it should be obvious that people of any race can be victimized. But that's just the world we live in.
Collect examples of institutional policy, such as by governments, corporations, or universities, that is racially discriminatory against the group you're defending, in order to show that the intent of vulgar anti-racists is racial discrimination. Use center-left, mainstream sources to prevent dismissals. The goal is not to show major harms; most Democrats who are not social justice critical will initially attempt to deny that racial discrimination is a goal of vulgar anti-racism.
(If necessary, it can be emphasized that not wanting to be racially discriminated against is a normal thing to want.)
Vulgar anti-racists will try to shut you down by reciting their list of grievances. Memorizing racial grievances is something that they are strong at. Redirect the conversation to where they are weak: demand that they show whatever policy it is that they want will actually improve things and permanently close racial outcome gaps.
If you find someone who has memorized a list of successful academic or nutrition interventions, you've likely found a philosophical liberal. In my experience, almost no vulgar anti-racist has any even modestly-successful intervention memorized. If they propose an intervention, demand evidence that it will work.
It's possible that they could propose something scientific, but science is undergoing a replication crisis, and 'race scholars' have come under fire for scientific misconduct. If a vulgar anti-racist does come up with something, the next step is to get a binding commitment to close the racial claims against their target group.
If their political leaders will not agree, in writing, with binding mechanisms (and punishments with teeth if they don't follow through), to close out the racial claims against their target groups, conditional on some social intervention going into effect, then they don't believe that the intervention will work.
A working intervention is win-win. Outcomes improve, and the odds of conflict (over this particular issue) decrease.
IRL Tactics
X user CantonaCorona must live somewhere very different from me, because I never hear vulgar anti-racism from people in real life. His advice?
100%. I can’t even tell you the number of times I’ve been in a friendly/polite mutual friend gathering, and someone who knows 10% of the room will add “gawd, white people, gross” etc.
The issue is they are also the person lacking social skills to see the room gets uncomfortable
In 2023ish I started responding by asking them very honest seeming questions and leading them into saying really crazy stuff.
Takes a lot of finesse to not sound like a schizo, but if you can pretend to be genuinely curious it works wonders and someone else will call them out
It does, indeed, take a lot of finesse, even online. Because vulgar anti-racists are exploiting taboos, they have a huge terrain advantage in most encounters due to normal people not wanting to touch reputationally-damaging information. Successfully navigating the situation without sounding "schizo," and without sounding cruel, is difficult.
The advantage of the tactics discussed above are that you don't have to attack the reputation of the vulnerable group that vulgar anti-racists are using to justify their own bad behavior. It isn't surprising that, like a successful hostage rescue, it requires being more careful than the hostage-takers.
"Corrective" racial discrimination that does not permanently close racial outcome gaps is not actually a correction, it's just extra harm for no reason, and the motives of people who support it are suspect.
While the online tactics I've discussed above are reasonably effective for an online debate or argument format (and vulgar anti-racists are increasingly retreating to protected contexts where they don't have to engage in open debate), the long-term goal needs to be demobilization. Ethnic conflict interferes with stability and good government.
There are some supporters that don't recognize the logical errors in their positioning, but they can sense, "Wait, this guy isn't like the others," and flee rather than risk being split off from the social approval of their group.
I propose the fear theory for the potential to develop new angles. If the real motivation is fear, then addressing most of the intermediate arguments won't work, as the intermediate arguments are just products of the fear.
Reportedly, black musician Daryl Davis demobilized many Klansmen just by befriending them. [7] I suspect that most vulgar anti-racists already know a number of white people personally, so that tactic probably won't work here.
I have not conducted field experiments (either online or offline) on using the fear theory during encounters, so I can't provide solid information on its tactical use, yet.
[1] Stylistically, I have chosen to capitalize nationality while not capitalizing racial groups. On a quick reading, the tables provided by Wikipedia don't appear to disaggregate between first-generation immigrants, who have foreign nationality of origin and American citizenship, and second-generation immigrants who only have American nationality. All three CEOs listed were born in India.
[2] The ability to buy off competing talent is one of the reasons for the endurance of capitalism. Capitalist systems tend to be extremely productive. They can offer wages from increased productivity that are higher than the wages that other systems offer from rents.
[3] This is one of the reasons I got into writing about politics. It became common to find people whose professed opinions implied they'd never even heard of Genghis Khan, and at that point, I figured the bar was set pretty low.
[4] Positions on migration appear related, but I'll touch on that in another essay.
[5] One reason it wasn't obvious that people were just making an acceptable targets list at the time was that quite a few people from all over the world have a tendency to get wacky about Jewish people specifically, so putting antisemitism off-limits looked like it was backed by more sophisticated reasoning than it actually was. Obviously, people shouldn't hate Jewish people. The problem with the acceptable targets list approach is that it's fragile – since the list is based on social approval rather than deeper philosophical principles, it can end up being "readjusted" later.
[6] I also suspect that continuing to constantly expose yourself to the worst behavior of other groups may be corrosive. Watching a video where a man is shot on some other street, in some other city, may give you a jolt of adrenaline while you sit helplessly in your chair. Reading about atrocities may make you feel helpless and doomed.
[7] This behavior is morally praiseworthy, not morally obligatory.
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wolfliving · 1 year
IoT “dark patterns”
*Of course.
When researchers at Northeastern University and Boston University examined 57 IoT devices in a variety of categories, they found that every single one contained at least three dark patterns—and that the average device had more than 20.
The permanent rows of Prime content on the Fire TV home screen are an example of “nagging self-promotional content,” according to the researchers—an advertisement for a paid product that you can never hide. It was one of 60 types of dark patterns they identified. (Consumer Reports funded part of the research.)
Older people and younger children might be particularly susceptible to tricky design. But a seasoned gadget head might fall prey, too, if they’re more excited by a new tech purchase than they’re wary of it, says Johanna Gunawan, one of the study’s lead authors and a doctoral student at Northeastern.
Experts say it’s worth being extra aware of the way smart devices quietly nudge your behavior. Internet-connected speakers and cameras often record audio and video in or around your home, so a push toward an invasive data-gathering feature could be particularly harmful. Plus, the simple controls on many devices mean that users have less access to important settings like privacy options. For example, you might have to go exploring deep in a companion app to a video doorbell to find a setting that would be easily accessible on a website.
“IoT dark patterns are harder for consumers to evade because IoT devices have limited user interfaces,” says Arvind Narayanan, a computer science professor at Princeton University who studies dark patterns but wasn’t involved in this research. “They are also harder for researchers to study because most IoT devices can’t be studied using the automated browsing tools that are used for web-based dark patterns. That’s what makes studies like this all the more important.”...
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mark-matos · 1 year
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The Risks of ChatGPT Hacking: A Growing Concern in AI Security
As AI systems like ChatGPT become more widespread, security concerns emerge. Researchers like Alex Polyakov of Adversa AI are finding ways to "jailbreak" these systems, bypassing safety rules and potentially causing havoc across the web. With AI models being implemented at scale, it's vital to understand the possible dangers and take preventive measures.
Polyakov managed to bypass OpenAI's safety systems by crafting prompts that encouraged GPT-4 to produce harmful content. This highlights the potential risks of AI systems being manipulated to produce malicious or illegal content. As AI becomes more ingrained in our everyday lives, it's essential to consider the ethical implications and security challenges they present.
One significant concern is the possibility of prompt injection attacks. These can silently insert malicious data or instructions into AI models, with potentially disastrous consequences. Arvind Narayanan, a computer science professor at Princeton University, warns of the potential for AI-based personal assistants to be exploited, resulting in widespread security breaches.
AI personal assistants have become a popular technology in recent years, offering users the ability to automate tasks and access information quickly and easily. However, as with any technology, there is a risk of exploitation. If an AI personal assistant is not properly secured, it could potentially be hacked or used to gather personal information without the user's consent. Additionally, there is the risk of cybercriminals using AI assistants to launch attacks, such as phishing attempts or malware installation. To prevent exploitation, it is important for developers to implement strong security measures when creating AI personal assistants. This includes encrypting data, limiting access to sensitive information, and regularly updating security protocols. Users can also take steps to protect their personal information, such as using strong passwords and being cautious of suspicious messages or requests. Overall, while AI personal assistants offer many benefits, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and take appropriate precautions to prevent exploitation.
To protect against these threats, researchers and developers must prioritize security in AI systems. Regular updates and constant vigilance against jailbreaks are essential. AI systems must also be designed with a strong ethical framework to minimize the potential for misuse.
As we embrace the benefits of AI technology, let's not forget the potential risks and work together to ensure a safe and secure AI-driven future.
About Mark Matos
Mark Matos Blog
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smilestonedentist · 3 days
Major Causes and Remedies for Sensitive Teeth
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Sensitive teeth are a common dental issue that many people experience at some point in their lives. This condition can cause sharp, temporary pain when consuming hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and drinks. While sensitivity can be frustrating, it’s essential to understand its causes and remedies to prevent it from worsening. With guidance from dental experts like Dr.Arvind Ashtankar, one of the Best Dentists near you in Nagpur, this article explores the causes of tooth sensitivity and how to treat it effectively.
What Is Tooth Sensitivity?
Tooth sensitivity occurs when the protective layers of teeth, such as enamel or cementum, wear down or become damaged. This exposes the dentin, a soft layer beneath the enamel, which contains microscopic tubules leading to the tooth's nerve. When the dentin is exposed, certain stimuli like cold air, hot beverages, or sugary foods can trigger pain or discomfort.
Dr. Arvind Ashtankar, an expert in dentistry in Nagpur, emphasizes that while tooth sensitivity can be a minor issue for some, it’s important not to ignore it. Early intervention at the Best Dental Clinic in Nagpur can prevent further damage and improve your quality of life.
Major Causes of Tooth Sensitivity
There are several reasons why someone might develop tooth sensitivity. Here are some of the most common causes:
1. Enamel Erosion
The enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, protecting the outer layer of the teeth. However, it can wear down over time due to poor oral habits, acidic foods, or excessive brushing. When enamel erodes, the sensitive dentin is exposed, leading to discomfort. Visiting a reputable clinic, such as the Best Dental Clinic in Nagpur, can help you prevent further enamel damage with professional treatments and advice.
2. Gum Recession
Gum recession occurs when the gums pull back from the teeth, exposing the roots. This condition is often a result of gum disease or aggressive brushing. Since the roots of the teeth do not have enamel to protect them, they are more susceptible to sensitivity. Expert Doctor Arvind Ashtankar recommends regular dental check-ups to identify early signs of gum recession and prevent it from progressing.
3. Tooth Decay
Cavities or tooth decay can expose the dentin, leading to sensitivity. In some cases, decay may also reach the nerve, causing more severe pain. Regular visits to the Best Dentist near you in Nagpur can help detect cavities early and prevent sensitivity.
4. Brushing Too Hard
Using a hard-bristled toothbrush or brushing your teeth too aggressively can wear down the enamel and cause gum recession, both of which contribute to sensitivity. Dr. Arvind Ashtankar advises using a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle brushing techniques to avoid these issues
5. Teeth Grinding
Bruxism, or teeth grinding, can wear down the enamel over time, leading to tooth sensitivity. Many people grind their teeth at night, often without realizing it. Wearing a custom-made nightguard from the Best Dental Clinic in Nagpur can protect your teeth from damage.
6. Cracked Teeth
A crack or fracture in the tooth can cause pain when chewing or when exposed to temperature changes. If the crack extends to the root, it can lead to sensitivity and even infection. Seeking treatment from the Best Dentist near you in Nagpur as soon as you notice any discomfort can prevent the issue from worsening.
7. Recent Dental Procedures
Certain dental procedures, such as teeth whitening, fillings, or crowns, can temporarily cause tooth sensitivity. This type of sensitivity usually resolves on its own within a few days or weeks, but if it persists, it’s advisable to consult with Expert Doctor Arvind Ashtankar for further evaluation.
8. Use of Acidic Foods and Drinks
A diet high in acidic foods and beverages, such as citrus fruits, sodas, and wine, can erode the enamel and lead to tooth sensitivity. Limiting your intake of these substances can help preserve your enamel and reduce sensitivity.
Remedies for Sensitive Teeth
Fortunately, there are several effective remedies for treating tooth sensitivity. With guidance from an experienced dentist, such as Dr. Arvind Ashtankar, patients can find relief and prevent further discomfort.
1. Desensitizing Toothpaste
One of the most common treatments for tooth sensitivity is the use of desensitizing toothpaste. These toothpastes contain compounds that block the transmission of sensations from the tooth surface to the nerve. Regular use can significantly reduce sensitivity over time. Your dentist at the Best Dental Clinic in Nagpur can recommend the best product for your specific needs.
2. Fluoride Treatments
Fluoride strengthens the enamel and helps protect the teeth from decay. Professional fluoride treatments at the Best Dentist near you in Nagpur can help reduce sensitivity by reinforcing the tooth’s outer layer. Over-the-counter fluoride rinses and gels can also be used at home to complement professional care.
3. Dental Bonding
If sensitivity is caused by exposed tooth roots, Dr. Arvind Ashtankar, an Expert in Implant Dentistry in Nagpur, may recommend dental bonding. In this procedure, a tooth-colored resin is applied to the exposed areas, covering the dentin and protecting it from further sensitivity.
4. Custom Mouthguards for Teeth Grinding
For patients who grind their teeth, wearing a custom mouthguard at night can prevent enamel wear and reduce sensitivity. The Best Dentist for Implant Dentistry in Nagpur can create a custom-fit guard that will protect your teeth from further damage.
5. Gum Grafts
In cases of severe gum recession, a gum graft may be necessary. This surgical procedure involves taking tissue from another part of your mouth (or using synthetic material) and attaching it to the affected area. Gum grafts protect the roots of the teeth, reducing sensitivity and improving the overall appearance of your smile. This specialized treatment can be done by the Best Dentist near you in Nagpur.
6. Avoid Acidic Foods and Drinks
As mentioned earlier, acidic foods and drinks can contribute to enamel erosion and sensitivity. Limiting your intake of acidic substances and rinsing your mouth with water after consuming them can help protect your enamel. For personalized dietary advice, consider consulting with Expert Doctor Arvind Ashtankar.
7. Dental Implants for Missing Teeth
For patients experiencing sensitivity due to missing teeth, Dr. Arvind Ashtankar, recognized as the Best Dentist for Implant Dentistry in Nagpur, may recommend dental implants. Implants provide a permanent solution for missing teeth and prevent the surrounding teeth from shifting, which can reduce sensitivity and improve overall oral health.
Preventing Tooth Sensitivity
While there are several effective remedies for sensitive teeth, prevention is always the best approach. Here are some tips to protect your teeth and avoid sensitivity in the first place:
Brush Gently: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid aggressive brushing to prevent enamel wear and gum recession.
Use Fluoride Toothpaste: Fluoride helps strengthen your enamel and protect against decay, so be sure to include it in your oral care routine.
Regular Dental Check-Ups: Routine visits to the Best Dental Clinic in Nagpur are essential for detecting early signs of sensitivity and addressing potential problems before they worsen.
Avoid Teeth Grinding: If you grind your teeth, consider getting a mouthguard to protect your enamel and reduce sensitivity.
Limit Acidic Foods: Reducing your intake of acidic foods and drinks can help preserve your enamel and prevent future sensitivity.
Tooth sensitivity can be a frustrating issue, but understanding its causes and taking the right steps to address it can make a significant difference. Seeking treatment from a qualified dental professional, such as Expert Doctor Arvind Ashtankar, will ensure that you receive the best care for your sensitive teeth. Whether you’re dealing with gum recession, enamel erosion, or cavities, visiting the Best Dental Clinic in Nagpur can help you find long-lasting relief. Remember, early intervention and regular check-ups are key to maintaining healthy, pain-free teeth.
For Enquiries Contact us on – 9823154023,Visit our website- www.smilestonedentist.com
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jcmarchi · 9 days
Can AI automate computational reproducibility?
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/can-ai-automate-computational-reproducibility/
Can AI automate computational reproducibility?
Last month, Sakana AI released an “AI scientist”, which the company called “the first comprehensive system for fully automatic scientific discovery”. It was touted as being able to accelerate science without suffering from human limitations. 
Unfortunately, the “AI Scientist” has many shortcomings. It has no checks for novelty, so generated papers could rehash earlier work. And Sakana did not perform any human review (let alone expert “peer” review) of the generated papers—so it is unclear if the papers are any good (apparently they are not). While these flaws are particularly flagrant in Sakana’s case, the lack of good evaluation affects most AI agents, making it hard to measure their real-world impact.
Today, we introduce a new benchmark for measuring how well AI can reproduce existing computational research. We also share how this project has changed our thinking about “general intelligence” and the potential economic impact of AI. Read the paper.
Visions of AI automating science are enticing, but aren’t within reach, and lead to flawed science. In contrast, using AI for well-scoped tasks such as verifying computational reproducibility can save a lot of time and redirect effort towards more productive scientific activity. AI could also help find relevant literature, write code to rapidly test ideas, and perform other computational tasks.
In a new paper, we introduce CORE-Bench (Computational Reproducibility Agent Benchmark), a benchmark for measuring how well AI can automate computational reproducibility, that is, reproducing a paper’s findings when the code and data are available. The authors are Zachary S. Siegel, Sayash Kapoor, Nitya Nadgir, Benedikt Stroebl, and Arvind Narayanan. CORE-Bench is a first step in a larger project to rigorously evaluate progress in automating research tasks of increasing difficulty.
Computationally reproducing a study is a far more limited task than replication, which requires re-running experiments that might involve human subjects. Even the limited reproducibility task is hard: In the 2022 Machine Learning Reproducibility Challenge, over a third of the papers could not be reproduced even when experts reproducing the papers had the code and data. 
If AI could automate this mundane yet important task, researchers could automate the implementation of baselines, reviewers could more easily assess if a paper has flaws, and journals and conferences could more easily verify if submitted and published papers are reproducible.
We created CORE-Bench using scientific papers and their accompanying code and data repositories. We used Code Ocean to source papers that were likely to be reproducible. We manually reproduced 90 papers from computer science, medicine, and social science, and curated a set of questions for each paper to be able to verify the answers. 
We release CORE-Bench with three difficulty levels. Tasks in all three levels require the use of both language and vision capabilities. The hardest version closely resembles real-world reproduction attempts, and we expect that improvements on the benchmark will translate to agents that are actually useful to scientists.
To implement baselines, we tested the generalist AutoGPT agent and also implemented a task-specific modification to AutoGPT, which we call CORE-Agent. While the task-specific version improved accuracy significantly, there is still massive room for improvement: the best agent (CORE-Agent with GPT-4o) has an accuracy of 22% on CORE-Bench-Hard.
Computational reproducibility requires setting up the code environment correctly, running the code, and seeing if it produces the same results as reported in the paper. Using the shell and other tools correctly is still tricky for LLMs. When we evaluated generalist agents like AutoGPT, we weren’t surprised by their poor accuracy (less than 10% on CORE-Bench-Hard). 
Yet, with a few person-days of effort, we were able to build CORE-Agent by modifying AutoGPT, which more than doubled accuracy on the hardest level. We also built a task-specific agent from scratch, but modifying AutoGPT was far less time consuming while also resulting in a stronger agent. We are cautiously optimistic that this approach can be pushed to yield agents that perform well enough to be useful in practice. 
Simple task-specific modifications allow CORE-Agent to outperform AutoGPT. 
If this pattern of being able to easily adapt a generalist agent to produce a task-specific agent holds in other areas, it should make us rethink generality. Generality roughly translates to being able to use the same model or agent without modification to perform a variety of tasks. This notion of generality underpins how Artificial General Intelligence (or AGI) is usually understood and the hopes and fears that accompany it. 
But at least from the point of view of economic impacts, generality might be a red herring. For a task such as computational reproducibility on which expert humans collectively spend millions of hours every year, being able to automate it would be hugely impactful — regardless of whether the AI system did so out of the box, or after a few person days (or even a person year) of programmer effort. 
In the AI Snake Oil book, we define generality as the inverse of task-specificity, and analyze how the history of AI (and computing) can be seen as the pursuit of gradually increasing generality. Increasing generality means decreasing the human effort it takes to build an AI system to perform a given task. From this perspective, systems like AutoGPT may be more general than most people (including us) gave them credit for.
Yet, definitions of AGI typically insist that a single system be able to do everything out of the box. There is no systematic effort to track how the human effort needed to build task-specific AI is changing over time. Just as we’ve argued against flawed conceptions of generality that overestimate AI progress, we should avoid flawed conceptions of generality that underestimate it. 
Read the CORE-Bench paper here.
In our recent paper, AI Agents That Matter, we found several shortcomings with AI agent evaluations. While building CORE-Bench, these shortcomings informed the design of our benchmark.
We recently organized an online workshop on useful and reliable AI agents where leading experts shared their views on better agent design and evaluation. The workshop videos are available online.
Ben Bogin et al. released the SUPER benchmark to evaluate if AI agents can set up and execute tasks from repositories accompanying research papers. It is another interesting benchmark for measuring AI agents’ capability to automate research tasks. It differs from CORE-Bench in many ways: 
CORE-Bench consists of tasks across scientific disciplines (computer science, medicine, social science) whereas SUPER consists of tasks from AI.
CORE-Bench requires the use of both vision-language and language models, and consists of multiple languages (Python and R) as opposed to SUPER (language models, Python).
Tasks in SUPER require access to a Jupyter notebook. In contrast, tasks in CORE-Bench require shell access and allow the agent to modify the sandbox arbitrarily.
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orthotv · 17 days
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Guest Faculty: Dr. Ayush Sharma, Dr. Umesh Shrikanta, Dr. Niraj Vasavada, Dr. Ajay Kothari, Dr. Siddharth Aiyer, Dr. Pramod Bhilare
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WhatsApp Group: Engage in live discussions, share materials, and resolve queries
🔹 Curriculum Overview:
Weeks 1-2: Anatomy & Instruments
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ismedusoftsol · 25 days
Sustainable IT Solutions for Educational Institutions: A Green Approach
Mr. Arvind Kumar, principle of Redfield High School, always firmly believed that education may help to form a brighter future. But in recent years, a rising concern about the environmental impact of his school sapped his excitement. Driven by too much paper used, antiquated computer systems requiring too much energy, and ineffective data management techniques, the school’s carbon footprint was increasing despite best efforts. The very technology meant to progress education was starting to pollute the surroundings.
Driven to solve a problem, Mr. Kumar looked at several paths, but each seemed to either be financially unworkable or unsustainable. Finding an IT solution that not only fit the school’s dedication to lower its environmental impact but also was quick and efficient presented a difficulty.
Based on a survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Education, it was found that a significant number of educational institutions, approximately 68%, are currently engaged in sustainable IT initiatives. These initiatives encompass a range of practices such as the adoption of energy-efficient data centers, utilization of cloud computing, and the incorporation of eco-friendly devices.
The Green Revolution in Education
In education, sustainability is no more a slogan; it is a need. The environmental expenses connected with these developments have become very important as educational institutions depend more and more on technology. Major consumers of paper, electricity, and electronic equipment, schools and colleges help to contribute to a growing carbon footprint. In order to solve this, educational institutions have to implement sustainable IT solutions that reduce their environmental effect yet improve operational effectiveness.
Pioneering Green IT in Education, ISMEDU Software Solutions is a firm leading front-edge integration of sustainability with technology in education. INTELS (Integrated Education & Learning System) is not just a futuristic education experience for a school, it is a complete, environmentally friendly solution meant to satisfy the particular requirements of contemporary educational institutions.
A Green Approach to School Management with INTELS
Built on a basis of sustainability, INTELS provides a set of technologies meant to lower administrative process requirements, cut energy usage, and limit paper demand. INTELS is unique as a green solution in that:
1. Digital Transformation — Moving Away from Paper-Based Processes:
INTELS helps to smoothly move from paper-based procedures to digital ones. Everything — from student records to attendance tracking and assessment management, is kept and controlled electronically. This guarantees data accessibility and security in addition to cutting paper use.
2. Energy Efficiency — Leveraging Cloud-Based and Eco-Friendly Servers:
The program is set to run on energy-efficient servers, therefore lowering the total power consumption of the IT system of the institution. INTELS also enables cloud-based operations, which are by nature more energy-efficient than conventional on-site servers.
3. Resource Optimization — Data-Driven Analytics for Sustainable Resource Management:
From controlling classroom energy use to ensuring that IT equipment is used effectively, INTELS comes loaded with sophisticated analytics that enable schools to maximize resource allocation. By means of this data-driven strategy, organizations may make wise decisions supporting sustainability.
4. Reduction of E-Waste — Consolidating School Management Systems:
INTELS lowers the need for several, sometimes redundant IT systems by combining several school management tasks into a single platform. Less devices are required to run school operations, therefore reducing electronic waste in addition to hardware expenses.
5. Grow with Artificial Intelligence — INTELS Enables Sustainable Learning with AI:
INTELS utilizes the capabilities of artificial intelligence to establish a learning environment that is both sustainable and tailored to individual needs. With the help of AI-driven insights, INTELS is able to analyze student performance data, pinpoint individual strengths and weaknesses, and provide personalized learning paths. This not only enhances educational outcomes but also minimizes resource wastage by directing efforts to where they are most needed.
6. Green Procurement — Commitment to Eco-Friendly Hardware and Software:
ISMEDU Software Solutions is dedicated to sustainability and sources hardware and software components from suppliers following green policies. This guarantees the lowest possible environmental effect from the whole IT ecosystem.
Could This be an Other Chapter for Redfield High?
Had Mr. Kumar implemented INTELS in its school learning system, he would have experienced administrative and academic chores migrating online with paper use dropped to null. Furthermore, the school’s energy costs could drop significantly, with the teachers easily picking up the user-friendly platform right away.
Mr. Kumar could have revolutionized the learning experience at Redfield High! Not just him, but if you are someone looking for a similar revolution for your school, college, or any other educational institution, ISMEDU Software Solution’s INTELS has got you.
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Using solutions like INTELS will help educational institutions make major progress toward a sustainable future in which technology enpowers learning without endangering the earth.
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exportimportdata13 · 25 days
India's Export Landscape: Key Insights and Major Exporters
India has firmly established itself as a prominent player in the global export market, thanks to its diverse range of products and robust industrial base. This article explores the key highlights of India's export performance, major exporters, and top export companies, shedding light on the factors that drive the country's trade success.
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Key Highlights of India's Export Performance
In October 2023, India saw a notable increase in its total exports, reaching USD 62.26 billion, a 9.43% rise from USD 56.90 billion in October 2022. This growth underscores the resilience and expansion of India's export sector amid global economic uncertainties. The fiscal year 2023–2024 marked a record total export value of USD 778.2 billion, with a slight increase of 0.04% from the previous year.
However, while the overall export value has grown, there was a 3% decrease in the export of goods, which fell to USD 437.1 billion. Conversely, exports of services saw a significant rise to USD 341.1 billion, highlighting a shift towards service-based exports.
Exports by Major Products:
Leather and Its Products
Petroleum Products
Gems and Jewelry
Automobiles, Equipment Parts, and Electronic Goods
Pharmaceutical Products
Organic and Inorganic Chemicals
Dairy Products
Handloom and Cotton Yarns
Top Exporting Countries:
China - USD 3,380 billion
United States - USD 2,019 billion
Germany - USD 1,688 billion
Netherlands - USD 934 billion
Japan - USD 798 billion
Italy - USD 717 billion
France - USD 676 billion
South Korea - USD 648 billion
Mexico - USD 593 billion
Canada - USD 569 billion
Major Exporters in India
India's export sector is characterized by a few key players who dominate various industries. Here’s a closer look at some of the major exporters:
1. Reliance Industries
Reliance Industries is the largest exporter in India, contributing to 15% of the country's total exports. The company excels in refining and petrochemicals, exporting petroleum products such as chemicals, polymers, and refined fuels. Its primary markets include Europe, Africa, and the Americas.
2. Tata Steel
Tata Steel stands out for its extensive steel production capacity, with an annual output of 35 million metric tons. The company's operations span from mining to manufacturing and marketing finished products. Tata Steel exports its products to a diverse range of markets, including the United States, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Jordan, and Qatar.
3. Sun Pharmaceutical Industries
Sun Pharma is a global leader in pharmaceutical exports, specializing in APIs, generic drugs, and specialty medications. The company’s research-driven approach has expanded its reach to markets such as the USA, Belarus, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar.
4. Rajesh Exports Limited
Rajesh Exports is unique in its complete integration across the gold value chain, from retail branding to mining. Processing about 35% of the world’s gold, the company exports gold and jewelry to over 60 countries, including the USA, UK, Singapore, and UAE.
5. Tata Motors
Tata Motors is a leading automaker known for its diverse range of vehicles, including electric, commercial, and passenger vehicles. The company’s export markets include Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Vietnam.
6. Vardhaman Textiles
As the largest vertically integrated textile manufacturer in India, Vardhaman Textiles exports a significant portion of its yarn production. Its major markets are South Asia, Europe, Africa, Japan, and the United States.
7. International Lace Trade Center
The ILTC facilitates the export of handmade lace products, showcasing Indian handicrafts to the global market. The center supports artisans and exporters by providing various facilities for exhibitions and craft bazaars.
8. Bajaj International Private Limited
Bajaj International Pvt. Ltd., part of the Bajaj Group, exports a range of electronic products, including irons, gas stoves, ceiling fans, and room heaters.
9. Arvind Mills
Arvind Mills is renowned for its textiles and denim, including brands like Flying Machine and licensed international labels. The company operates retail chains such as Megamart, Unlimited, and Arvind Store.
10. Kiran Gems Private Limited
Kiran Gems is the world’s largest producer of natural diamonds, known for its advanced manufacturing systems and broad product variety. The company exports diamonds globally, setting industry standards in quality and precision.
India's export sector demonstrates impressive growth and diversity, driven by a range of industries and key players. From refined petroleum and high-quality textiles to pharmaceuticals and automobiles, India's global trade footprint continues to expand. The country’s top exporters play a crucial role in shaping its economic landscape, leveraging technological advancements and market diversification to maintain their competitive edge.
For businesses and individuals interested in exploring India's export opportunities, platforms like ExportImportData.in offer comprehensive insights and data to facilitate informed decision-making.
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melcirsium · 27 days
Studying discrimination in decision making has been criticized as a narrow perspective on a broader system of injustice for at least two reasons. First, as a notion of discrimination it neglects powerful structural determinants of discrimination, such as laws and policies, infrastructure, and education. Second, it orients the space of intervention towards solutions that reform existing decision making systems, in the case of machine learning typically via updates to an algorithm. As such the perspective can seem to prioritize “tech fixes” over more powerful structural interventions and alternatives to deploying a machine learning system altogether. Rather than predicting failure to appear in court and punishing defendants for it, for example, perhaps the better intervention is to facilitate access to court appointments by providing transportation and child care.
-FAIRNESS AND MACHINE LEARNING: Limitations and Opportunities, by Solon Barocas, Moritz Hardt, and Arvind Narayanan
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seairexim · 1 month
The Growth of Textile Exports from India: An Informative Overview
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India, a country with a rich history and cultural heritage, has always been renowned for its textile industry. With a legacy that spans thousands of years, the Indian textile sector has not only served the domestic market but has also made a significant impact on the global stage. In recent years, there has been substantial growth in textile exports from India, driven by various factors such as government policies, technological advancements, and international trade agreements. This article delves into the dynamic growth of textile exports from India, highlighting key aspects that have contributed to India's success in the global textile market.
Overview of Textile Exports from India
Textile exports from India have seen a remarkable surge over the past decade. According to recent data, India is one of the world's largest exporters of textiles and apparel, accounting for a significant share of the global market. The country's diverse range of textile products, including cotton, silk, wool, and synthetic fibers, has enabled it to cater to various segments of the international market.
Several factors have contributed to the growth of textile exports from India. First and foremost is the availability of abundant raw materials. India is one of the largest producers of cotton, jute, and silk, which has provided a stable supply of high-quality raw materials for the textile industry. Additionally, the country has a large and skilled workforce, which has further bolstered the sector's competitiveness in the global market.
Leading Textile Exporters in India
Textile exporters in India have played a pivotal role in driving the country's export growth. These exporters range from large conglomerates to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), each contributing to the sector's success. Some of the leading textile exporters in India have established themselves as global players, with a strong presence in markets such as the United States, European Union, and the Middle East.
Among the top textile exporters in India, notable names include Reliance Industries, Arvind Limited, Welspun India, and Vardhman Textiles. These companies have invested significantly in modern manufacturing facilities, research and development, and marketing efforts to enhance their global footprint. Furthermore, their commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability has earned them a reputation as reliable suppliers in the international market.
The Textile Export Industry in India
The textile export industry in India is characterized by its diverse range of products and strong manufacturing capabilities. The industry encompasses various segments, including spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing, printing, and garment manufacturing. Each segment contributes to the overall value chain, making India a one-stop destination for textile products.
Moreover, the industry has benefited from favourable government policies aimed at promoting exports. Initiatives such as the Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks (SITP), the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS), and the Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS) have provided financial incentives and support to textile exporters. These policies have not only stimulated investment in the sector but have also enhanced its global competitiveness.
Technological advancements have also played a crucial role in the growth of India's textile export industry. The adoption of modern machinery and automation has improved production efficiency, reduced labour costs, and enhanced product quality. Furthermore, the industry's focus on sustainability and eco-friendly practices has resonated well with international buyers, who are increasingly seeking sustainable and ethically produced textiles.
Comprehensive List of Textile Products Exported from India
India's textile exports encompass a wide array of products, reflecting the country's diverse manufacturing capabilities. A list of textile products exported from India includes:
Cotton textiles
Including cotton yarn, fabrics, and garments.
Silk textiles
Including silk fabrics and garments.
Woolen textiles
Including woolen yarn, fabrics, and garments.
Synthetic textiles
Including polyester, nylon, and acrylic yarns and fabrics.
Handloom textiles
Including traditional handwoven fabrics and garments.
Technical textiles
Including industrial fabrics, medical textiles, and agro textiles.
Home textiles
Including bed linen, towels, curtains, and upholstery fabrics.
Including men's, women's, and children's apparel.
This extensive range of products has enabled India to cater to diverse market segments and meet the varying demands of international buyers.
India Textile Exports Data Analysis
The analysis of India textile exports reveals some interesting trends and insights. The country's textile and apparel exports have grown consistently, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 10% over the past few years. The key markets for Indian textile exports include the United States, the European Union, the United Arab Emirates, and China.
The data also highlights the increasing share of value-added products in India's export basket. While traditional products such as cotton and silk continue to dominate, there has been a noticeable shift towards higher-value products such as technical textiles and garments. This shift is indicative of the industry's focus on innovation, quality, and branding, which are essential for competing in the global market.
Furthermore, the export data underscores the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in driving export growth. SMEs account for a significant portion of India's textile exports and have shown remarkable resilience and adaptability in responding to market changes. Their agility and entrepreneurial spirit have been instrumental in tapping new markets and expanding India's global footprint.
In conclusion, the growth of textile exports from India is a testament to the sector's robust capabilities, strategic initiatives, and relentless pursuit of excellence. The combined efforts of government policies, technological advancements, and the dedication of textile exporters have propelled India to the forefront of the global textile market. As the industry continues to evolve, it is poised to seize new opportunities and overcome challenges, ensuring sustained growth and success in the years to come.
For stakeholders in the textile industry, understanding the factors driving this growth and staying informed about emerging trends will be crucial for navigating the dynamic landscape of international trade. Whether you are a business owner, investor, or industry professional, leveraging the insights provided in this article can help you make informed decisions and capitalize on the vast potential of India's textile export sector. However, if you need textile HS codes, export data, or global trade data, you can connect with ExportImportData.in
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. What are the primary factors contributing to the growth of textile exports from India?
The primary factors contributing to the growth of textile exports from India include the availability of abundant raw materials, a skilled workforce, favorable government policies, technological advancements, and a diverse range of products. Additionally, India's focus on quality, innovation, and sustainability has enhanced its competitiveness in the global market.
Q2. Which countries are the main importers of Indian textiles?
The main importers of Indian textiles include the United States, European Union, United Arab Emirates, China, and several other countries in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. These countries have a high demand for Indian textiles due to their quality, variety, and competitive pricing.
Q3. What types of textile products does India export?
India exports a wide range of textile products, including cotton yarn and fabrics, silk textiles, woolen textiles, synthetic textiles, handloom textiles, technical textiles, home textiles, and garments. This diverse product range allows India to cater to various market segments and meet the demands of international buyers.
Q4. How has technology impacted the textile export industry in India?
Technology has significantly impacted the textile export industry in India by improving production efficiency, reducing labour costs, and enhancing product quality. The adoption of modern machinery and automation has enabled textile manufacturers to produce high-quality products at competitive prices. Additionally, technological advancements have supported the industry's focus on sustainability and eco-friendly practices.
Q5. What government policies have supported the growth of textile exports from India?
Several government policies have supported the growth of textile exports from India, including the Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks (SITP), the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS), and the Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS). These policies provide financial incentives, subsidies, and support for infrastructure development, technological upgradation, and marketing efforts, thereby enhancing the sector's global competitiveness.
Also Read: The Rise of Basmati Rice Export from India
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upseducation · 2 months
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exim-pedia · 2 months
Exploring the World of Indian Textile Exports: Key Insights and Trends
India, a global leader in textile exports, contributes significantly to the global textile market. With a diverse range of products influenced by its rich cultural heritage, climate, and geographic diversity, Indian textiles are highly sought after worldwide.
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This article explores the latest statistics, key players, export destinations, and future trends in Indian textile exports.
Indian Textile Export Statistics 2023-24
The 2023-24 fiscal year saw Indian textile exports valued at a remarkable 36.7 billion US dollars. Projections indicate that this figure will exceed 65 billion dollars by 2026. Indian textile exports include 191.7k shipments, facilitated by 4,043 exporters to 13,893 international buyers. This robust performance highlights India's pivotal role in the global textile market.
Top Textile HS Codes for Indian Exports
The most significant textile HS codes for Indian exports are:
5208: Woven fabric of cotton
52085190: Other woven fabric
5407: Woven fabric of synthetic filament yarn
54077300: Woven fabric of yarn of different colors
These codes represent the backbone of India's textile export economy, covering a wide range of products that meet global demands.
Leading Indian Textile Exporters
India's textile export industry boasts several leading companies known for their high-quality products and extensive international reach:
Arvind Limited: Specializes in cotton, woven cotton, and other cotton products, exporting primarily to Hong Kong, the US, and Sri Lanka.
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Raymond Limited: Renowned for garments and fabrics, with major markets in America, Europe, and Japan.
Alok Industries Limited: Offers apparel fabrics, home textiles, and textile accessories, targeting the USA, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.
Bombay Dyeing and Manufacturing Company Limited: Focuses on polyester, polyester staple, and home textiles, with significant exports to New Zealand, Switzerland, and the UK.
Loyal Group: Known for cotton fabric, exporting to Peru, Colombia, and Australia.
Sutlej Textiles: Specializes in cotton-processed yarn, synthetic, and blended yarn, with exports to Germany, France, and Switzerland.
Export Destinations for Indian Textiles
The primary markets for Indian textile exports are:
United States: 29% of total exports
Bangladesh: 7%
United Kingdom: 6%
United Arab Emirates: 6%
Germany: 4%
These countries demand Indian textiles due to their quality, diversity, and vibrant designs.
Role of Indian Textiles in Global Markets
Indian textiles play a crucial role in the fast fashion industry, meeting the demand for a wide variety of fabrics and garments. The global adoption of Indian fashion reflects its unique appeal and the country's ability to produce textiles that cater to diverse markets.
Types of Textiles Exported from India
The primary types of textiles exported from India include:
Readymade Garments: Especially those made from cotton.
Cotton Fabrics: Including woven and processed cotton.
Synthetic Yarns: Such as blended and synthetic yarns.
Home Textiles: Like bed linen, towels, and curtains.
These products highlight the versatility and quality of Indian textile manufacturing.
Region-Wise Textile Exporters in India
India's textile industry is geographically diverse, with key production hubs in various regions:
Delhi as a Textile Export Hub
Delhi, known as the fashion capital of India, has a thriving garment industry supported by skilled manpower and Special Economic Zones (SEZs). Top exporters include:
Ram Ji Sons
Alpine Expo Tex Pvt Ltd
Mumbai's Role in Textile Exports
Mumbai's humid climate is ideal for producing long thread textiles, making it a major hub for apparel exports. Key players include:
Manglam Fabrics
Kotwala Synthetics
Surat: India's Silk City
Surat is renowned for its high silk production, catering to the global demand for various fabrics. Major exporters include:
S. Goyal
Silk India Corporation
Bangalore: The Garments Capital
Bangalore excels in the production of silk and cotton textiles. Known for Bangalore silk, it houses top exporters like:
Leaf Clothing
Walrus Seer Textile Mills
Chennai's Contribution to Textile Exports
Chennai is famous for mulberry silk and madras cloth. Leading exporters are:
Pothys Hyper
New Mani Textile
Top Export Products from Leading Companies
The top export products from India's leading textile companies include:
Arvind Limited: Cotton and woven cotton fabrics.
Raymond Limited: High-quality garments and fabrics.
Alok Industries Limited: Diverse apparel fabrics and home textiles.
Bombay Dyeing and Manufacturing Company Limited: Polyester textiles and home products.
Loyal Group: Cotton fabrics catering to a global market.
Future Trends in Indian Textile Exports
The future of Indian textile exports looks promising with anticipated growth in market value and volume. Innovations in textile production, sustainable practices, and expanding markets are key drivers of this growth.
Challenges in Indian Textile Exports
Despite the promising outlook, Indian textile exports face challenges such as trade barriers, competition from other textile-producing countries, and sustainability issues. Addressing these challenges is crucial for maintaining and enhancing India's position in the global market.
Government Support and Policies
The Indian government supports the textile industry through various incentives, trade agreements, and export schemes aimed at boosting production and export capacities. These policies play a vital role in the industry's growth.
Technological Advancements in Textile Production
Technological advancements such as automation, digital printing, and sustainable manufacturing practices are transforming the textile industry. These innovations improve efficiency, quality, and environmental impact.
Case Studies of Successful Exporters
Success stories from top Indian textile exporters illustrate the industry's potential and highlight strategies that have led to significant achievements in international markets.
FAQs on Indian Textile Exports
Which textile is most exported from India?
Readymade garments made of cotton are the most exported textile from India, followed by man-made fibers such as jute and silk.
How much production of the Indian textile industry is exported?
Around 13% of total textile production, 12% of total exports, and 2.3% of India’s GDP are attributed to textile exports.
Who is the top clothes exporter?
China leads in textile exports with 377,699 shipments, followed by Germany and Vietnam.
Who is the biggest importer of clothes in India?
The top export destinations for Indian textiles are the United States, Bangladesh, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, and Germany.
Who is the largest exporter of cloth in India?
Arvind Limited is the largest clothes exporter in India, exporting primarily to Hong Kong, the US, and Sri Lanka.
Indian textiles, known for their quality and diversity, are a significant contributor to the global textile market. With robust support from the government and advancements in technology, the future of Indian textile exports looks bright. For more detailed insights and data, visit Eximpedia.app.
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cxolanes · 2 months
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smilestonedentist · 25 days
7 Tips to Care for Your Teeth after Turning 30
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As we age, our bodies undergo numerous changes, and our dental health is no exception. By the time you hit your 30s, your teeth may start to show signs of wear and tear, making it more important than ever to prioritize oral care. Dr. Arvind Ashtankar, recognized as the Best Dentist in Nagpur and an expert in implant dentistry, offers insights on how to maintain a healthy smile well into your later years. Here are seven essential tips to care for your teeth after turning 30.
1. Maintain a Consistent Oral Hygiene Routine
A solid oral hygiene routine is the foundation of healthy teeth and gums at any age. By your 30s, it’s crucial to ensure that your routine is not only consistent but also effective. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, and make sure to brush for at least two minutes each time. Don’t forget to brush your tongue, as it can harbor bacteria that lead to bad breath and other oral health issues.
Flossing daily is just as important. Flossing helps remove plaque and food particles from between your teeth and along the gum line, where your toothbrush might not reach. If you haven’t made flossing a habit by now, it’s never too late to start.
2. Regular Dental Check-ups and Cleanings
One of the best ways to keep your teeth in top condition is by visiting your dentist regularly. Dr. Arvind Ashtankar, who practices at theBest Dental Clinic in Nagpur, emphasizes the importance of scheduling dental check-ups at least twice a year. These visits allow your dentist to catch potential issues early, such as cavities, gum disease, or signs of oral cancer, before they become more serious.
Professional cleanings during these visits also help remove tartar buildup that brushing and flossing alone can’t handle. Regular cleanings can prevent gum disease, which is a common issue as you age.
3. Watch Your Diet
Your diet plays a significant role in your oral health. As you age, it becomes even more important to be mindful of what you eat and drink. Limit sugary foods and beverages, as they can lead to tooth decay. Acidic foods and drinks, like citrus fruits and soda, can erode your enamel over time, making your teeth more susceptible to decay and sensitivity.
Instead, focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Calcium-rich foods like dairy products, almonds, and leafy greens are especially beneficial for maintaining strong teeth. Additionally, drinking plenty of water helps wash away food particles and bacteria, keeping your mouth clean and hydrated.
4. Consider Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry
In your 30s, you might start noticing that your teeth aren’t as bright or even as they once were. Discoloration, chips, or gaps may become more apparent. This is where cosmetic and restorative dentistry can make a significant difference. At Smilestone, the Best Dental Clinic in Nagpur, Dr. Arvind Ashtankar offers a range of services, from teeth whitening and veneers to implants and crowns, to enhance the appearance and function of your teeth.
If you have missing teeth, considering dental implants is a smart option. As the Best Dentist for Implant Dentistry in Nagpur, Dr. Ashtankar specializes in this procedure, which provides a durable and natural-looking solution to tooth loss. Dental implants not only improve your smile’s aesthetics but also help maintain your jawbone’s integrity, preventing bone loss and other complications associated with missing teeth.
5. Protect Your Teeth from Grinding and Clenching
Many adults grind or clench their teeth, often without realizing it. This condition, known as bruxism, can lead to a host of dental problems, including worn enamel, tooth sensitivity, and even cracked or chipped teeth. Stress and anxiety are common triggers for bruxism, which often occurs during sleep.
If you suspect that you grind your teeth, it’s important to address it sooner rather than later. Dr. Arvind Ashtankar recommends wearing a custom-fitted nightguard, which can protect your teeth from the damage caused by grinding and clenching. Additionally, stress management techniques like meditation, exercise, and proper sleep hygiene can help reduce the frequency and severity of bruxism.
6. Address Gum Health Seriously
Gum health is a critical aspect of overall oral health, especially as you age. In your 30s, you might be more prone to gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. Symptoms of gum disease include red, swollen, or bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, and loose teeth.
The Dentist in Nagpur, Dr. Arvind Ashtankar, advises regular dental check-ups to monitor gum health. If you notice any signs of gum disease, it’s essential to seek treatment immediately. Treatment options range from deep cleaning procedures like scaling and root planing to surgical interventions in more advanced cases.
To maintain healthy gums, make sure to brush and floss regularly, and consider using an antibacterial mouthwash to reduce plaque and bacteria in your mouth. Additionally, quitting smoking can significantly improve gum health, as smoking is a major risk factor for gum disease.
7. Stay Informed and Educated
Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to your dental health. Staying informed about the latest developments in dental care and understanding the specific needs of your teeth as you age can help you make better decisions for your oral health. Dr. Arvind Ashtankar and the team at Smilestone, the Best Dental Clinic in Nagpur, are committed to patient education, ensuring that you have the information you need to care for your teeth effectively.
Don’t hesitate to ask questions during your dental visits or to seek advice on the best practices for maintaining your smile. Whether it’s advice on the latest toothpaste or insights into advanced dental procedures, being proactive and knowledgeable will help you keep your teeth healthy and strong for years to come.
Turning 30 is a milestone that brings new responsibilities, including taking extra care of your dental health. By following these seven tips, you can ensure that your teeth remain healthy and beautiful as you age. Regular dental visits, a balanced diet, good oral hygiene, and being mindful of potential issues like grinding or gum disease are all essential practices.
If you’re looking for the Best Dentist in Nagpur or considering advanced procedures like dental implants, Dr. Arvind Ashtankar at Smilestone is the expert to consult. With his extensive experience and commitment to patient care, you can trust that your dental health is in the best hands. Taking care of your teeth after 30 doesn’t have to be challenging—just a few proactive steps can make all the difference in maintaining a bright, healthy smile.
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outdoor-fabrics · 2 months
Outdoor fabric manufacturers in India | outdoor fabrics
Outdoor fabric manufacturers in India
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Finding specific manufacturers in any industry can be quite dynamic due to changes in the market and company statuses. As of my last update, here are some outdoor fabric manufacturers in India that you might explore:
1. Mafatlal Industries Limited - They are a well-known textile manufacturer in India and produce a range of fabrics including those suitable for outdoor use.
2. RSWM Limited - Another prominent textile manufacturer in India with a diverse range of products including technical textiles that might include outdoor fabrics.
3. Welspun India Limited - Known for their home textiles, Welspun also manufactures outdoor and technical textiles.
4. Sutlej Textiles and Industries Limited - They produce a variety of textiles including those used in outdoor applications.
5. Arvind Limited - One of the largest integrated textile and apparel companies in India, Arvind manufactures a wide range of fabrics including outdoor fabrics.
6. Reliance Industries Limited - While primarily known for their petrochemicals, Reliance also has a significant presence in textiles including technical textiles.
It's essential to verify the current status and product offerings of these companies directly or through their official websites, as their focus and capabilities might have evolved since my last update. Additionally, trade directories and industry-specific websites can also be valuable resources for finding manufacturers tailored to your specific needs.
Also Read : outdoor fabric supplier india
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