#Archadai Fantasy
luke0maker · 5 years
Grin Tairin -  Boldness.
    On one of several days of patrol of the Silver Knight’s fighters, Grin and Irin were placed on the same team, which was frequently happening again to train teamwork of the siblings, during the patrol a group of giblins was spotted, long before the Silver Knights react, Grin excited go to attack the monsters that were out of their territory.
Silver Knight: Grin, what are you doing? We should attack together as the-
Irin: Do not worry, he told the veterans that if something happened to him, he would be responsible himself, it looks like he wants to have fun today -Irin gives a little giggle-
    Going to the goblins, Grin starts with a scramble in the smaller ones and amends with a circular cut up while the bodies of the little ones are in the air, with a smile on his face he follows towards the big ones, the more nervous of the 3 that were present strikes a cut in the direction of Grin, who holds the great sword with his gauntlet, the force of the blow would throw him away, but the impact was gradually diminished as Grin's hand recoiled due to his control of the air element, using his other hand , he cuts the goblin's belly with his katana.
Grin: Man, it stinks, I will have to clean this later...
       The other two giblins with large swords revolt, one of them runs towards Grin and tries to hit him by raising his sword and using all his force toward the ground, the youth evade and in a gesture of mockery stands on the part without cut of the sword stuck on the ground.
Grin: You know I’m not a boar, right? It’s easy to evade that.
    He gives a mortal over the goblin using their head as support and throws his katana to the stuck barbaric Goblin. The other goblin, angry for how the boy was acting, tried to attack him with theirs sword but he uses a kick to defend himself from the goblin's weapon.
Grin: Hey, don’t turn your back on my partner!
    After saying that, he raises his hand a little and the crystal of his gauntlet shines, as response his sword goes back too his hand spinning fast, cutting in half the goblin that was left stuck behind, the other goblin watches the scene shocked, and Grin uses this to cut it from the bottom up, leaving only one remaining.
Grin: 3 Down, one left!
    Different from the first Gobrin, it stays unshaken and run in fury to strike the youth that responds in the same way causing a crash of weapons, small sparks goes off of Grin's weapon, they take distance and continue with the impacts of weapons. After some time, the sword begins to accumulate electricity from the Katana, making the goblin feels other type of shock, it was getting strong and strong with each blow, making it’s reactions slower, Grin takes tha chance to kick the monster towards the air, he raises his hand, making the space around the monster begins to feel heaviest, and with the last word...
Grin: 4... DOWN!
    The heavy impact makes the monster faint, as it was jumped from a house’s roof.
Grin: All clean, next time I will leave some for you Irin!
Irin: I doubt it but I can’t wait for it -she opens a smile showing that she’s proud of her brother-
Silver Knight: ... How he does that so easily...?
This is a retelling of an old story I made of Grin, it was a bit confused and tiresome to read so I hope it has improved a bit xP It was also removed from his Info to take less space. 
More About Grin and Irin here.
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luke0maker · 6 years
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Even before he was born, a witch cursed the couple who would give Jeff life, the curse would take away the child's sight and greatly reduce their life expectancy by having a child, the motive of the curse was envy, the witch envied the man for being with the woman she loved. When the kid had 5 years, the couple noticed that their lives would not last long and they started to find a new home for him, the only place who welcomed him was the Order of the Silver Knights, so he trained since he was child, being one of the best fighters in the order, even without his vision. During his workouts, he was able to make one of his training colleagues bleed with a powerful punch, the blood give him his sight back for some minutes... and this led him to his discovery of how to regain his sight, even if temporarily, he was entrusted with one of the silver knight’s fighting relics, the spear “Shinkai (深海)” and a fighter title, “Jeff, The Blue Dragon” but most of the members of the order without a title call him like “Jeff, The Blue Blood” or “Jeff, the Blood Dragon” due to his behavior in the missions and for being known for making his enemies bleed in all situations. He has not yet been expelled from the order for his behavior due to sentimental motives of his masters, but recently he is only in charge of defeating dangerous monsters, where blood can be spilled without problem.
Name: Jeff Seiketsu
Sex: Male.
Age: 18
Date of Birth: August 27 (Lion)
Height: 175cm
Current Powers/ skills / equipment:  -Shinkai: An ancient spear with the power of water, it can create semi solid items like chains that connect the carrier with the weapon or even create a kind of fortification against enemy attacks, can also make the carrier walk on water by touching the tip of the blade on the surface of the liquid, or even allowing breathing underwater for a period of time; -Silver Knights Fight Style: A varied fighting style with very different specializations from each other even with the same base, Jeff’s fighting style is very offensive, using his lance as a Bo Staff most of the times, but also likes to use the blade as an extra element, throwing the weapon and using it in various counter attacks, his unarmed fighting style is similar with Muay Thai, but with reduced use of the legs; -Witch’s Curse: Sharp hearing, however, he is blind, his vision can be recovered when in contact with blood; -Take Over - Blood Destruction.
More about Jeff here.
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luke0maker · 6 years
Irin - The Dark Wolf
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       Irin is a young explorer, trained in the martial arts of the Silver Knights, known by the title of "Irin, the Dark Wolf", for her perfection in teamwork, cunning and her power of "Cloudy Wind", usually the best ones of the Order of the Silver Knights receive a weapon based in the style of fight that was best assigned to them, but Irin already possessed a lot of elemental power in her hands (Water and "Cloudy Wind") they felt it was unnecessary to give her more power, and for her specialty being the unarmed corporal combat this ended up not having much importance. Irin is constantly traveling with her brother (Grin) in search of knowledge and new adventures. both have the wind power, because of that they were called to train with the "Silver Cross Thieves”, although both had no interest in becoming murderers and strictly follow the teachings, learned some tactics for when caution and precision were needed, Irin, being one of the most intelligent in her land, she used it in advantage of this training to improve your body combat and learn about the weak parts of the human body, it was very useful tactically.
Name: Irin Tairin
Sex: Female.
Age: 17
Date of Birth: June 7 (Gimini)
Height: 168cm
Current Powers/ skills / equipment:  -Water control: Can control and steal water from opponent’s bodies, she also can mix the water with her Cloudy Wind to create claws, spherical projectiles and little shields; -Cloudy Wind: is an element unknown by people, Irin is one of the few who knows and controls this element. Like the normal wind, it makes the user lighter and quieter, but it is not possible to form tornados with this wind or stable barriers, it is a more offensively used power. When mixed with water, The cloudy wind is able to enter the body of the enemies from cuts and exposed wounds, blocking the opposing movements and causing them damage like a virus; -Silver Knights Fight Style: A varied fighting style with very different specializations from each other even with the same base, Irin's fighting style is defensive and reactive, unbalancing opponents and throwing their own strength against themselves (Open Handed Style); -Take Over - Black Wolf Form.
Her mother is a semi deity, giving her some powers that are still unknown.
She really likes books, and always had a certain kind of adoration for princesses and how impeccable their behavior was in the books;
Trained by her father, Azin Tairin, many considered that she had a special treatment, but she was only trained by her own father due to the Cloudy Wind that she inherited from her mother, he wanted to be near so that no one would treat her badly;
Her parents are Azin Tairin (Aka Asin Tairin) and Lin Tairin (aka Rin, she did not had a surname before getting married), Lin became pregnant with Grin and Irin when she had 25 years;
The color of his mahoujin (soul) is black.
More About Grin and Irin here.
(P.S: Grin’s and Drake’s infos will have a little update in the next hours, I will change some things, try to make the information more self-explanatory and a little more information)
This Info should have a story, but the story got a bit long and was posted separately, here's the link.
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luke0maker · 6 years
The Bloody Peacemaker
Grin: ... Common, just today I wanted to have fun beating something.
Irin: Do not worry, little brother, we still have the patrol, and if you want we can train!
Grin: But I wanted a real danger, those goblins and monsters who leave their territories are always hungry, I think that's unfair!
Irin: ... (Unfair are they wanting to steal food out of their territory, and he always has fun facing them, but better not to argue) Ah ... I see.
Meanwhile, in a totally foggy place, several ghouls are gathered, apparently they are multiplying more than normal and a small group has separated, going in the direction of a village, one of the silver knights has been assigned to the place to eliminate them.
???: So these are the monsters? And to think that water is their weakness ...
After hearing the boy speaking, one of the Ghouls launches towards him, the boy stays static, as if he is not going to react, but at the last moment he raises his spear, and it crosses the monster's head, the boy with a sadic smile opens his eyes that were closed up until then.
???: Look ... So you really bleed ... At least something good in that smoky body.
Another ghoul is attracted by the sound of his companion's pierced skin, before he can approach, it mate's dead body is throwed towards it, but their bodies traverse, his smile disappears for a moment.
???: So that's really why they needed me ... But I've already proven that my blade cuts them off, so ...
At the end of the sentence, a smile even more sadistic than the previous one is demonstrated by the boy, his spear is thrown, piercing the thorax of the ghoul and incapacitating in a short time.
???: And to think that even your blood is worth something to my vision... This curse is not really selective... hahahahah!
The last monster of the group approached the boy behind him, taking advantage of his distraction, it advanced, but It was hit in the jaw by a punch, the boy's arm was covered with water, and a water chain was connecting his finger to his weapon, with a quick circular movement he makes the spear come back, but before he gets it, he manages to make the blade cut the monster sideways, cutting it in half.
???: That was a good warm up, thanks for the food.
He licks the blood that sneezed on his face after the last blow and leaves the place, his mission was done.
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luke0maker · 7 years
Grin - The White Tiger.
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Drawing by Wanderyen Erin, character by me.
      Grin is an adventurer trained in the martial arts of the Silver Knights, for his exquisite dedication, the young man was presented with one of the silver knight's fighting relics, "Sandashiruba (サ ン シ ー シ ル バ ー)" and a fighter title, "Grin, the White Tiger" nickname given by his differentiated hair color, his agility and his instincts in combat. Grin is constantly traveling with his sister (Irin) in search of knowledge and new adventures, both have the wind power, because of that they were called to train with the "Silver Cross Thieves", although both had no interest in becoming murderers and strictly follow the teachings, learned some tactics for when caution and precision were needed, something that was extremely necessary for Grin, sice he was considered very impulsive and inconsequential, it improved his posture but it is not something that totally suppressed the boy's emotions in combat.
Name: Grin Tairin
Sex: Male.
Age: 17
Date of Birth: June 7 (Gimini)
Height: 170cm
Current Powers/ skills / equipment:  -Air Control: He can make small tornadoes and use air to accelerate his speed, also can minimize the sounds of his steps, getting as light as a feather , it also can make him float, avoiding damage by falling, combined with his sword, he can cut the wind itself, increasing the range of his blade and making extremely thin cuts in the air that can reach a great distance; -Wind Armor: His air control is so precise that he is able to make a thin layer that acts like a natural armor, as if it were a second hardened skin, when it starts cracking, the armor loses its properties and regenerates slowly; -Sandashiruba: An ancient sword with the power of thunder, its blade has the form of a thunder that allows to stop attacks of other swords more easily, can throw rays of shock and be used to absorb electricity; -Polar Gauntlet: Light and easily malleable, with a magnetic sphere in the center made of a pearl that is directly attached to Sandashiruba, making it possible to use the sword as a boomerang or return it after being thrown away; -Silver Knights Fight Style: A varied fighting style with very different specializations from each other even with the same base, Grin's fighting style is very offensive, using stunts and leg strokes, learned to use the sword while doing the same, leaving a free hand to counter attacks and help with his stunts; -Take Over - White Tiger Form.
His primordial ability is the control of the air;
His mother is a semi deity, giving him powers that are still unknown.
He loves fights as much as food, A LOT!!!;
Not wanting to offer special treatment to his son, Azin did not personally train Grin as he did with his sister, it made him angry and made him want to travel around the world to learn new styles of combat, since he thought he knew more than his superiors;
His parents are Azin Tairin (Aka Asin Tairin) and Lin Tairin (aka Rin, she did not had a surname before getting married), Lin became pregnant with Grin and Irin when she had 25 years;
The color of his mahoujin (soul) is white;
More About Grin and Irin here.
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luke0maker · 7 years
Drake and the Tairin Siblings.
“It's more painful to stay alone than to get hurt.”
      Drake discovered this after meeting the Tairin Siblings , before he was treated just as a freak, someone who only brought a curse to everything and everyone around him. His youth was not easy at all, he acted like a peregrine, visiting monster’s and another race’s villages scattered throughout the Kingdom, he has visited from the simplest Slimes to demons and dragons who are not easily friendly. His vast journey had a purpose, to know all kinds of monsters and animals! why? His title makes everything clearer, "Drake, the Supreme Hybrid", he has descendants of all creatures, he was the first offspring of a Human with a Pure Hibrid (Descendant of all creatures except Humans) and he wanted to know more about his own powers.
      Grin and Irin, two young siblings who were also traveling in search of knowledge, invited him to travel with them, Drake refused the invitation with fear that they were only trying to catch him to make him a experiment like many others who had already crossed his path.       The refusal of the invitation was not enough for the boy, who challenged Drake to a duel with a bet, Grin would bet one of his bags of money if he lost, but Drake would join the group if he lost, the hybrid easily doubted the boy's abilities, but the battle ended in a draw after a slight slip, Drake broke Grin's Katana in half with a powerfull attack, which resulted in the largest shock ever seen in the realm (because Grin’s Katana is made with a powerfull energy of thunder) that ended with both boys unconscious. After awaking, they were surprised, no creature had destroyed a weapon of the Silver Knights, the same goes for Drake who had never been knocked out once, for being so surprised, Drake repaired the katana with mixed magic of Elves with Dwarves as a sign of sympathy, but the weapon was not only repaired, was strengthened to be stronger enough to deal with another battles in the future, both agreed to the conditions of defeat of each one, Grin lost the money and Drake joined his group.       After a long walk, the group encountered a village that was under attack from a Black Dragon controlled by a boy, covered with a cloak, they had to act and in the middle of the process, Grin was injured trying to protect Irin and Drake, even without being necessary because the hybrid is resistant, Drake had never seen anyone sacrificing for him, affected by this act, he multiplied in two using powers of the slime race to protect and heal Grin and to advance along with Irin to attack the Dragon.
      The battle was complicated but Irin manages to open a crack in one of the Dragon's legs with her attacks, taking advantage of the opening, Drake used demon’s magic to inject a poison produced only by 5th grade Imps (The maximum power rating of an Imp is 6 in this universe), this poison was different from the known ones and petrified the creature as it spread through the body of the same, is unknown how the creature was controlled by a simple boy, but nothing was discovered so soon because he flee in the middle of the battle.       After that, the hybrid began to trust the two siblings more and formed a friendship with them, being one of the strongest trios found in the region.
More About Drake and the Tairin Siblings
(For now, I will only put the design of Grin and Irin, it will take a time to put their backstory and more about them, sorry ;w;)
(Also, sorry, this is a old something that I write, so it don’t have a lot of Dialogue)
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luke0maker · 7 years
My First Serious OC
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First of all I have to say that the drawing is a commission, I wasn’t in the world of art yet so I paid for one friend do this, his name? Is Wanderyen Erin.
About the Creation.
Basically, this was my first OC, I was doind a concept of the hidrid of all type of living beings in one person, because of that he was and will be hated by humanity and other races.
The story of this character is already done, In the end, he dies like a hero and safe his friends, I won’t tell you how because I will translate his story here. After his death, he wakes up in another world with his powers reduced, now he have basically the same powers that he had in the begin of his adventure.
Name: Drake
Sex: Male.
Age: He looks like a teenager, since he’s orphan, his age is unknown even to himself, same for his date of birth.
Height: 173cm (1th Class).
Powers: He can change one part of his body to a part of any animal, beast or race, depending on the form he uses, part of his skin in his face changes color, shape and texture, leaving him with an appearance that usually scares other people, when he try to change more than one part of his body, he has the risk of losing control, this power increases progressively with its evolutionary line called classes, being originated from a game, Drake, Grin and Irin will possess these classes. ---/ 2th Class/Job - Nature Force: With this class he can mix 2 races in one part of his body, he can also transform more parts of his body and even create extra parts, like tails and wings, for one race, he can just transform 75% of his body when using this class.
A long time ago, one normal human who lived in a village started to travel through forests, one day she found a strange creature who had the DNA of almost all the creatures, after some days of talking, she fall in love for his kind way.
Some time has passed and they had a baby, the first living being with all the DNA of the world, the supreme hibrid. The villagers knew about the birth of the creature and killed Drake’s mom when she came back to the village, for them, she was a disgusting traitor of her own race. Not satisfied with death of the woman, they was going to kill Drake and his father. The father who was trying to protect his son, stayed betwen Drake and the villagers, he did not attacked back because he knew his lover would not like it and cast a spell to protect his son util he be capable of defend yourself, and after that, he died.
12 Years later...
Child: Hey Drake!!! We played for a long time, we can eat something?
Drake: Of course we can, but I’m out of food right now, I have to hunt something, you wait here for a bit?
Child: Okay, just be careful ok?
Drake: Of course!!
Drake came down from the treehouse to hunt animals and to found some fruits, 5 minutes after this, some of the villagers from a nearby village set fire on the treehouse, they was trying to kill the hibrid kid. Drake could smell the fire at the distance and ran to the house and saw the entire thing happening...
He jumped to see if his friend was safe but he just could see ashes of what was the old house.
Drake: Hahaha, you guys know that my friend was here? He was a child of your village...
Villager: Wait, what you did to your child?
Drake: I did nothing, but you... YOU KILLED HIM WITH THIS FIRE!!!
The villagers were scared and they pulled out their guns and swords of their clothes.
Drake: ...You killed your own type and I’M THE MONSTER??
In a moment of fury, Drake uses his powers and with the DNA of Fairys, could saw their souls to see ho impure they are, and he discovers that the villagers are thieves of the village.
Drake: Funny, you guys are thieves, and I should be killed just because I live? I’m really angry now...  I WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU!!!!!
With a single charge, Drake killed all the 3 thieves of the village, he never did something like that, this was the first time which he confronted humans and he was scared of what he did, he cried a lot and then... he runned away...
After that, he became a peregrine, without house and friends and some years later he found two persons who taught him the real meaning of friendship, then his adventure started.
His primordial ability is to mutate (transform or keep his body in a certain form)
His age don’t change his body so much, being the junction of countless species and races can slow down his physical aging because of the magic of some parts of his DNA, but he can change it if he wants.
His DNA is usually contained as much as possible to Drake not loses the control, using the system of classes that he have, he can use more DNA power without lose the control.
Every 3 months, Drake isolates himself from the others because his demonic part gets stronger, leaving him in a bloody frenzy, this can happen to other parts of his DNA, such as his human side, when Drake loses his powers for a while, when he become a friend of someone, he usually says that to don’t scares them. When he gets all his power back he will use his 4º class to solve this problem.
The color of his mahoujin (soul) is black and white (Reference to Ying-Yang, which means control of mind and body).
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luke0maker · 7 years
Drake - 2th Class
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Art By the Fantastic and cute ball of shadow @perfectshadow06 Color Version by me.
What is a Class for this Character?
Well, Drake is originally a OC for one game I played in the past, the game never accepted OCs but that isn’t important (Btw, the name of the game is Grand Chase).
In the game, we had a system of evolution with classes, almost every character had 4 classes, with new classes the character can had more powers and skils to use in the battle, they could change the class in the middle of battle for have more combos and variety and every class had different strong points.
New Drake’s Powers:
He can mix the DNA of two races in one part of his body;
He can use the DNA of just one race in 75% of his body (with the exception of the front of his torso and his face);
He can create extra parts for his body like tails, ears and wings;
He can change between his old class, regenerating his clothes when he haves energy, he still can swap for the clothes of his old class (also, this class uses more energy, soo Drake still have to use the old one).
Class Awakening:
Drake was patrolling the area while his old group was making a camp, in the middle of the patrol, he found a Dragon, the dragon was out of itself and being controlled by a boy, that was the second time that the boy used a dragon to attack people.
Drake: You again!? I thought I had killed your last dragon, why you keep attacking inocente people!?  
Boy: ... D, attack the children.
The dragon was going to use a fire breath on the children, but drake jumped in the front of the attack, the Dragon was stronger than the last one, poison of his Imp DNA killed last one but this new dragon have a helmet in the format of the dragon’s head, protecting the ayes.
Drake: Please kids, run, I just need space!!
The Kids ran to a safe place, the dragon was angry and tried to give a punch in Drake, he deviated and tried to use a counter-attak with his dragon arm, the dragon with a great force used the other hand to punch Drake, the punches collided and Drake losed the duel of  strength, being thrown into a wall that was near.
Drake: *gasping* This dragon is stronger than the last one, it needs to have a weak point... and the eyes are covered... why I’m soo weak!? I don’t have the same strength as a original dragon beacause I’m not 100% anything... I’m a mere hybrid... 
While he was thinking, the dragon tried to attack a Kid who was near the fight.
Drake: NO NO NO!!! Not again!!!! I can’t let another kid die because of me!!!
Drake jumped between the Dragon’s attack, his strong emotions awakened a new form, a shield of light blocked the dragon’s attack, Drake didn’t understand what was happening but when he thoughts about something stronger than a dragon, his hand changed for a mix form of Dragon’s and Slime’s DNA, he was confuse why his arm was like that but he instinctively punched the Dragon’s face and corroded the helmet and threw the dragon away, something was clear, he can use more DNA power now!
Boy: D, we have to go back to home.
The dragon flew away and with a scared hug the kid said...
Kid: Thank you sir!
Drake: ... You’re welcome kid, go hug your parents, they’re more important now.
Kid: Yes, I have to tell them how a awesome hero saved me today!!! *Run to home*
Drake: Hero...? Pfft, why I’m soo happy now?... Thanks kid.
Drake has 173cm in this class (He had 167 in the first one);
His base form in this class it’s with Demon’s DNA, that’s why he have horns, a black hair and blue Eyes (when using a weaker DNA, the colors of his eyes and hair are light brown);
If you want the reference of his clothes, here comes the link!!! (Btw, disregard the horns in the clothing because it only appears in his demon form).
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