#Apricot Portable
digitalesleben · 9 months
Tag 33: Mobile Schwergewichte der 80er Jahre
Dies ist der letzte und 33. Beitrag meiner Serie über mein Computermuseum. Ich schließe mit mobilen Schwergewichten, die ich in meiner Sammlung habe. Für alle, die jedem meiner Beiträge gefolgt sind, danke ich. Es war wirklich viel zu lesen. Bis bald.
Der dreiunddreißigste Beitrag in meiner Reihe von Beiträgen zur Neugestaltung der Ausstellung in meinem Computermuseum. Heute ist der letzte Tag an dem ich die Zusammenstellung meiner Ausstellungsstücke vorstelle. Puh, war das eine Herausforderung. Dreiunddreißig Abende am Stück einen Beitrag nach dem anderen vorzubereiten und pünktlich für 20 Uhr abends einzuplanen. Jetzt bleiben euch noch ein…
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classictechnology · 1 year
Title : Apricot Publisher : ACT (International) Limited Language : English Year : Probably 1985 Subject : Apricot Point 7, Point 32, F1, Portable
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yodaprod · 10 months
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Apricot Portable (1984)
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grapehyasynth · 1 month
Wilmon + "Here, try this one"
continuation of this!! (dare: "you have to guess what flavor lip balm someone is wearing just by kissing them")
I've mostly been following the 5-sentence rule but I chucked it out the window for this one lads!!!
"Here, try this one," Simon can hear Fredrika murmur to Wille where they're huddled together in a shadowy corner, and he watches Wille's shirt stretch across his back as he stoops to look in the hand mirror Fredrika is holding between them.
When they return to the circle, Wille's lips are an iridescent pink and he's blushing under his freckles and acne. He keeps meeting Simon's gaze and then looking away, and he's pushing back his eternally disobedient bangs like a nervous tic. Which it probably is, Simon is realizing, and he wants to lean forward and rub Wille's knees reassuringly over his jeans, but that would be - that would be weird, certainly.
"What should I do?" he and Wille both ask Fredrika at once, and they glance at each other and share a small smile; Wille's mouth glistens, and Simon doesn't know much about the difference between lip balm and lip gloss but he thinks Fredrika is pushing the boundary here.
"You don't do anything," Fredrika, standing above them, says sternly to Wille. "Don't kiss him back or touch him or anything, it'll just distract him."
"So he just sits there like a wet fish?" Henry demands.
Fredrika ignores him. "You do whatever you need to figure out the flavor," she tells Simon.
"Within reason," Wille huffs.
"What are you afraid I'll do?" Simon teases him quietly, and it helps; Wille's shoulders soften on a laugh.
Simon shifts forward, still sitting cross-legged so their knees are touching. He can hear Wille swallow, even over the music playing on the portable speaker in the corner of the room. He lifts a hand to Wille's shoulder but waits for a small nod from his friend before he makes contact. Then he slowly slides his hand over the soft fabric of Wille's t-shirt and onto the warm, tense side of his neck.
He's afraid to move too quickly, but there's also a circle of people around them watching, so he ducks in, presses his lips to Wille's. He can feel Wille's mouth twitch against his, obviously wanting to respond, but he seems to remember Fredrika's rules and Wille's lips sort of freeze in an open-mouthed pout. Simon giggles into the kiss, he can't help himself, and Wille makes a slightly affronted noise in response.
Refocusing on his goal, Simon drifts down to suck Wille's bottom lip. One of Wille's feet twitches against his leg. He gets a good taste of the lip balm's fruity flavor, but for good measure, he slides his tongue along the surface of Wille's lip, then uses the tip to trace his top lip as well. Wille's chin tilts up, and something molten gushes through Simon's veins as an answering tongue - warm, slick - brushes his, and then Fredrika is clapping her hands together and announcing, "Time's up!"
"You didn't say there was a time limit," Simon protests, and their friends are laughing, and his hand is still curled around the back of Wille's neck.
"What's the flavor?" Stella calls.
"The lip balm," Felice says, exaggeratedly slow.
"Oh, um." Simon finally releases Wille and brings his thumb up to his own lips, rubs at the moisture there, and tastes it. "Apricot?"
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Just splitting this up because you're limited to one video per post.
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A strange stillness fills you as you look ahead. You should *walk* here, not run.
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More of the forked lightning pattern you saw outside.
Bark beetles? No, it looks intentional. Some long forgotten style.
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This grotesque wooden figure looks half-finished.
Feels like it's trying to become one with the church.
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The blackboard is filled with complex equations. They look recent.
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Two decks of reel-to-reel tapes spinning on empty.
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A portable Harmon Wowshi tape recorder.
Is it possible it's... *recording* something?
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Someone's siphoning electrical current from outside... into this antenna.
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MAINFRAME - A machine stands in the corner, watched over by the figures on the stained glass window. It's turned on and quivering with soft electricity.
KIM KITSURAGI - "A radiocomputer," says the lieutenant, stepping closer. "And it's turned on." He seems cautious around the machine.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - These machines sometimes harbour traps, he thinks -- alarm systems and the like. Let's be careful.
KIM KITSURAGI - "We should leave; I doubt this place bears any connection to the case."
"Yes, but what is this strange thing?" (Point at the machine.)
"Wait, let me just investigate it..." (Step behind the computer.)
"You're right, let's get out of here." [Leave.]
KIM KITSURAGI - "A radiocomputer," the lieutenant repeats a little impatiently, "we have one down at the station."
And before you have time to ask: "No, I don't know how to operate it or what it's used for. Let's go."
INTERFACING [Medium: Success] - This is the Rehm Prefect radiocomputer, a model number RC7024, equipped with a Feld mainframe and a Rehm-compatible Interim printer.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] - The Rehm Prefect is the governmental version of the commonly used Rehm Civic model. Although mostly based on the same technology, the Rehm Prefect is equipped with better noise attenuation circuits.
3. "You're right, let's get out of here." [Leave.]
Let's not mess with this *just* yet, I want to look at the stained glass window first.
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STAINED GLASS WINDOW - In white, silver, and apricot faïence, the young mother of humanism stands above you. A crack runs across her body. She is impossibly tall, oval-faced and sad -- a dark and radiant majesty.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Easy: Success] - This is Her Innocence Dolores Dei.
STAINED GLASS WINDOW - Cradled in her arms are a pair of glowing lungs, clearly visible from underneath her flowing dress. You should kneel.
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Delicious Vegan Gluten-Free Back-to-School Lunchbox Snacks
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Back-to-school season is upon us, and that means it's time to start thinking about lunchbox snacks. But what if your child has dietary restrictions, like being vegan or gluten-free? Don't worry, I've got you covered! In this post, I'm sharing 5 delicious and nutritious vegan gluten-free lunchbox snacks that your kids will love.
**1. Energy Balls**
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These energy balls are the perfect way to start the day or refuel after a long morning of learning. They're packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats to keep your kids energized throughout the day.
* 1 cup pitted dates, soaked in hot water for 10 minutes
* 1/2 cup almond butter or other nut butter
* 1/4 cup rolled oats
* 1/4 cup shredded coconut
* 1/4 cup chia seeds
* 1/4 cup ground flaxseed
* 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
* Pinch of salt
1. Drain the dates and add them to a food processor along with the almond butter, oats, coconut, chia seeds, flaxseed, vanilla extract, and salt.
2. Pulse until the mixture forms a sticky dough.
3. Roll the dough into 1-inch balls and store in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving.
**2. Mini Veggie Pizzas**
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These mini pizzas are a fun and healthy way to get your kids to eat their veggies. They're also a great way to use up leftover veggies from the fridge.
* 1 whole-wheat pita bread, cut into 4 wedges
* 1/4 cup marinara sauce
* 1/4 cup shredded vegan mozzarella cheese
* 1/4 cup chopped vegetables (such as broccoli, carrots, bell peppers, and onions)
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
2. Spread a thin layer of marinara sauce on each pita wedge.
3. Top with shredded vegan mozzarella cheese and chopped vegetables.
4. Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
**3. Fruit and Nut Bars**
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These fruit and nut bars are a delicious and portable snack that's perfect for on-the-go. They're also a great way to get your kids to eat their fruits and nuts.
* 1 cup dried fruit (such as raisins, cranberries, and apricots)
* 1/2 cup chopped nuts (such as almonds, walnuts, and cashews)
* 1/4 cup chia seeds
* 1/4 cup maple syrup
* 1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted
1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until the mixture forms a sticky dough.
2. Spread the dough into a rectangular pan lined with parchment paper.
3. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before cutting into bars.
**4. Hummus and Veggie Sticks**
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Hummus is a delicious and versatile dip that's perfect for pairing with veggie sticks. This snack is packed with protein and fiber, and it's a great way to get your kids to eat their veggies.
* 1 cup chickpeas, rinsed and drained
* 1/4 cup tahini
* 2 tablespoons lemon juice
* 2 tablespoons olive oil
* 1 clove garlic, minced
* 1/4 teaspoon cumin
* Pinch of salt
* 1 cup chopped vegetables (such as carrots, celery, and cucumber)
1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.
2. Serve with veggie sticks.
**5. Yogurt Parfaits**
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Yogurt parfaits are a classic lunchbox snack that's both healthy and delicious. This vegan version is made with plant-based yogurt and is packed with protein and probiotics.
* 1 cup plant-based yogurt
* 1/2 cup granola
* 1/4 cup fresh fruit (such as berries, bananas, or mangoes)
1. Layer the yogurt, granola, and fruit in a reusable container.
2. Enjoy!
These are just a few ideas for vegan gluten-free lunchbox snacks. With a little creativity, you can come up with endless possibilities!
Comment below which one you will be trying out
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deanwax · 1 year
Find the Word Tag
Cheers for the tag, @ahordeofwasps! My words are mend, metal, mere, and manage.
No presh tag 2 @bones-and-rainbows @joeys-piano @dyrewrites @andromeda-grace and @wmlittlemore-is-writing
Your words are: fire, water, earth and wind.
let's goo
His eyes snap open on the third step. I can see the whites of his sclera gleaming in the dim light. My lips twitch as I look back at him. “I appear to have lost my footing,” I whisper, chuckling at my own wordplay. The relief it brings me is fleeting. My smirk already begins to sour as I crawl the rest of the way to Shins’ bedside. The way I kneel before him is almost beseeching. He can’t speak to me, of course. But I can speak to him, words to be locked away in the void of his non-communication. Like whispering sweet nothings into the abyss. “I never cared for my feet,” I confess. “Not in the emotional sense.” My eyes dart away briefly. The tar of puns is sticky. “I suppose I appreciated the practice of mending their wounds, but the pain was… unpleasant.” And the memories of ballet practice were… something else entirely. I look back into his eyes with renewed exhilaration, high on the thrill of confession. “And they were so ugly. Hideous. You never saw them, but if you had, you’d agree.”
The doors are very loud when they open: the warehouse is an echoing concrete space, the kind of dusty that has a grit to it, suggesting manufacturing. The only furnishings, however, pillars and rafters excluded, are a few husks of crates and buckets, two portable lamps on metal tripods, and one large pane of mirror propped up on an X frame. Strung up before this mirror, surrounded by a handful of Michaels Boys ranging in demeanor from disgruntled to harried, is one disgraced Caporegime. His hands are tied behind his back and there is a black cloth bag over his head. They have already removed his shirt.
Back in our bedroom, we have the door closed. I do not read aloud for fear of surveillance, but Shins has not asked me to, anyway. He seems interested merely in closeness, his head laying in the cradle of my crossed legs as I read above him. I removed my prostheses so the plastic would not jam into his shoulders.
"Ready!" Alistair's sing-song charges through my reverie as he returns to the room. My eyes widen when I see him. I knew that Rigo had taken him to the tailor, but I had not known that Alistair had taken liberties with the order. He's wearing a suit, yes - but in powder blue. "Isn't it darling?" He asks, fixing the peak on an apricot pocket square.  I do not know what constitutes as 'darling' when it comes to apparel. "It is something," I remark dryly, still reeling from the sight of it. I manage to drag my eyes to Rigo. "Perhaps the familia will not notice my height after all." "I doubt that."
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jointhearumanati · 2 years
Midoriya: Female Black Astrex Rabbit named Yuna(meaning Kindness)
Ochako: Male Brown Capped Rosy Finch named Newton(after Issac Newton who invented the theory of gravity)
Iida: Female White Cheetah with blue eyes named Tenchi(means Heaven and earth I've noticed The Iida brothers have Ten in their name I found the female version)
Tsuyu: Male Dark Green Tree Frog named Ren(means Lotus)
Todoroki: A female Snow Leopard named Yukina(means Fortune and Endure I know Yuki means snow but I thought this fit him better)
Bakugo: A lioness named Homare(meaning Victory, Glory, and reputation)
Kirishima: Female Pangolin named Akane (means Deep Red I debated wether to give him a Pangolin a crocodile or a Komodo Dragon I decided on a Pangolin because it looks cute and approachable and fit him better)
Kaminari: Female Electric Eel named Nariko(meaning thunder I decided he has a portable rectangle tank on his arm for her)
Sero: Female Brazilian Black and white tarantula named Jorōgumo(meaning woman spider a Yokai that can transform into a beautiful woman)
Mina: Male Aruba Island Rattlesnake named Haru(meaning born in Spring I didn't know a Pink Rattlesnake existed until now I was looking for a pink snake and if it didn't exist it'd be a Pink Toe tarantula I was pleasantly surprised it's also extremely venomous I was so Happy🌸🐍 I learned something new)
Jirou: Male Panda bat 🐼🦇 named Hibiki(meaning Echo panda bats are adorable they are black and white like a panda so cute)
Yaoyorozu: Female Asian Small-Clawed Otter name Ume (meaning Apricot because Momo means Peach I wanted to include fruit also Otters are highly intelligent)
Aoyama: Female White French Poodle 🐩 named Belle (means Beautiful in French I wanted to really emphasize his French heritage)
Tokoyami: Female Crow named Amaya(meaning Night Rain it's just goth enough with a poetic touch and one of my favorite Japanese names)
Shouji: Female Octopus 🐙 named Kairi(meaning Ocean Village I like to think she'd be in a tank on his back)
Ojiro: Female Capuchin Monkey named Kiai(meaning energy or mood and is used as a shout during an attacking move in Japanese martial arts I myself have an red belt in Akido but Ojiro uses Karate)
Hagakure: Male Chameleon named Akio(meaning bright a tribute to her light attack)
Koda: Female White Bunny named Yuwai(I have no idea what it means but it's the name of his bunny)
Sato: Female American Belgian Draft Horse named Anzu(meaning sweet Child not only are American Belgian Draft Horse the strongest horse in the world they fit his color scheme and love Sugar)
Shinso: A Female Russian Blue Cat Named Kiko(meaning Hope it's what got Shinso through to being a hero he never lost hope)
Aizawa: A Female Black Jaguar named Mamoru(meaning Protector I think it fits well panther means melanistic cat I had to be specific)
Yamada: Female Sulphur Crested Cockatoo named Setsuko(meaning melody I read a fanfiction where he lives his life seeing music In everything and I never went back)
Midnight: Male Black Cougar named Ayumu(meaning walking dream and it couldn't be more perfect I chose a cougar because I could come on you get the joke 😂 but also black cougars don't exist but damn it I'll make them exist)
All Might: Male Lion named Musketeer(One for All joke 😂 I had to)
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tinyshe · 1 year
Garden Report 23.07.15
The Garden Report & Frugal Living
I’ve decided that I am going to revamp/ rename the Garden Report into The Garden Report & Frugal Living since they are part and parcel to our life. In part it is to jot down a garden journal and also a way to encourage others.
We are having (still) a run-in with creatures from the green zone and surrounding area (the four legged kind). My lack of urban tidy is just too irresistible. We seem to be keeping the rodent population in check. Some have wondered what we do with the carcasses ... I plant them under flower or shrubs to become compost. I don’t put them in places that I will be digging nor that the chickens will dig up. I could let the chickens have but others in the area may be using poison bait and I’m not into taking a chance with my lovelies -- they can have our table scraps. I try to place a good size rock on top of the burial spot as a marker.
The plums off the fruitless plum are ripe and ready. I hope we can get those off this weekend. Much of the produce/fruit I am putting through the dehydrator this year is from the grocer.  It has to be a good deal aka ‘affordable’ in this economic climate. I don’t have the pocketbook weight to donate to their cause. I would love to have cherries and apricots but the market price is out of bounds. At the end of the season (if I can catch it) I will buy a small lot to dry so I can make holiday breads. I do compare to the already dry fruits but often they are treated (preservatives).
The season is still running slow. The elderberries are just now coming into full bloom! I am contemplating: do I pick the blossoms and dry or see if they can pull off a crop before the migratory birds/rains. Part of me wants the fruit because I add them to the fire cider I make. We use that more than the luxury of the dried blossoms for tea. None of the tays nor red raspb’s produced but fingers crossed for a double crop of the golden raspb’s. The crop that is coming off now is crumbly and a fight to get before the other creatures get them. There is one night visitor that is breaking down the canes and I am not happy with that! The blueb’s are coming off scant and the birds take a bite just before they are ripe. Luckily the grocer has plenty at a reasonable price. The dahlia is lovely this year with multiple heads. I love seeing rising above the sea of weeds. The seedlings of greens I brought home from the nursery are not doing well -- the same as my own seedlings. The exception are two tomato starts I got from a friend along with a cucumber. Still no flowers on those plants.
Going through my ammo can aka my seed container I have pulled these packets to plant: beets, peas, mustard greens, swiss chard, radishes, parsley, arugula, turnips, jericho lettuce, carrots. I want to do them in trays to plant out because we have some work to do in the grow beds and around the veg patch and I don’t want the seeds/seedlings destroyed in the process (need to clean the coop, distribute used bedding and lay in new shavings for winter).
This year I am doing less canning and more drying. It kills me in the budget for utilities but BUT I can store more food in smaller space and it can keep longer than the canned/bottled goods. For us, it is more useful as not only less space in pantry/fridge but easy portable and less clean up. In the long run, i think it will become not only the preferred module in keeping the pantry stocked but also more diverse in use. I don’t have to worry about broken seals, broken glass, having it freeze and a whole host of issues. Dried foods, if process properly and stored well, can last a lot longer. And as I slow with some health issues, putting food through the dehydrator is so much easier for me right now.
Sewing more is on the agenda. The new machine we got just started having troubles so that needs to be addressed asap. Unfortunately it was one of those amazing deals from a well known manufacture that is now making everything in china. Made in China: ALWAYS problems. I know better but it was cheaper than taking my husqvarna/viking into the shope for a service. Have some patterns coming in that were being discontinued/ worn envelopes  -- the price was steeply discounted just because of this (new patterns, never used).. Will be sorting through the clothes we have now to see what can be altered, adapted or recycled to quilt or to the rag bag. I collect t-shirts to make a rug (crochet/braided) once they are too worn/ get ripped. I want to start on one soon as the last one was a dense mat for the cat and that just wasn’t satisfying imo. She didn’t like how it felt and I didn’t like how it looked.
So hope you can get out and garden or maybe even get bit by the sewing bug :). Both are very satisfying and bring a bit of self sufficiency into your life.
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jlilycorbie · 2 years
I acquired beef bones, so I’m making stock for Chinese noodle soup. 
I need bacon grease to tempt my elderly dog to eat, and the easiest way to render the most beautiful bacon fat is to bake it in the oven, which I am also currently doing.
Also, I need something portable to eat for lunch at work, so I’m making cottage pie.
Also also, I made a big jug of apricot tea to drink iced.
And there’s a Glade plug in that smells like apples and cinnamon going.
In short, my house smells delightful and confusing.
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ir0n-angel · 1 year
"put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer ok go"
Also foods and/or recipes
My second-most all-consuming passion! I spend a lot of time developing my own recipes, either from scratch or by improving old ones that I find.
Again, it no particular order...
Sheet pancakes: Basically a giant oven-baked pancake with swirls of jam/preserves. Shown here is 4-berry and apple butter, but you can use anything. It's a low-spoons breakfast for weekends when we have a little extra time. Bonus, it also freezes and reheats very well.
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Fruity rice crispy treats (a.k.a. Shut-up Rice Krispies): This idea was given to me by my beloved @crackinglamb because I was tired of cake for my birthday. She used to do it with cheerios, but the special part is dried apricots, cranberries, blueberries, and cherries. Everything this Angel loves in one dessert. 😋
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Sausage pinwheels: Another low-spoons breakfast/anytime meal that also freezes well and is very portable. I first came up with these when I was working the midnight-8am shift. I had very little time to stop for food, so a ziploc baggie of these in my pocket kept me going.
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Porcupine meatballs: This one comes from my SO, and I joke this is why I agreed to marry him. Ground beef mixed with rice-a-roni and then cooked in the gravy. Very meat-and-potatoes kind of meal that sticks to your ribs. One of my favorite things to eat during cold months. (Presentation needs a little work.)
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Lamb's super-awesome, most delicious pizza in the whole wide world!: My bestie makes the best pizza I've ever had. It's a labor of love, so it's for special occasions, but she's had decades to perfect the technique. It's wonderful!
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Honorable mention, because I don't have photos of either: Chicken pesto orzo and spinach bacon frittata. Two more low-spoons meals I developed that's easy on the stomach. CPO doesn't keep quite as well because the lemon juice will break the cream if you're not careful, but the frittata is one of those make-once-eat-for-the-week dishes.
Thanks again for the ask! I enjoyed this one. 🌼
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sakshamgarg · 14 days
"Boost Your Wellness with Organic Dry Fruits: A Natural Source of Energy"
Organic dry fruits are a powerhouse of nutrition, offering a natural and wholesome way to boost your energy levels and overall well-being. Free from pesticides, chemicals, and artificial additives, these nutrient-dense snacks are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants that provide a sustained source of energy throughout the day. Here's why incorporating organic dry fruits into your diet can enhance your health and vitality.
1. Rich in Essential Nutrients
Organic dry fruits, such as almonds, walnuts, raisins, and apricots, are loaded with vital nutrients like potassium, magnesium, iron, and calcium, which are essential for maintaining good health. They are also an excellent source of vitamins, particularly B-vitamins and vitamin E, which support energy production, brain function, and skin health. Whether you're at work, on a hike, or in need of a quick energy boost, organic dry fruits offer a natural alternative to processed snacks.
2. A Natural Energy Booster
The combination of healthy fats, natural sugars, and fiber in organic dry fruits makes them a great source of sustained energy. Unlike refined sugar snacks that cause a quick energy spike followed by a crash, dry fruits release energy slowly, keeping you fueled and alert for longer periods. The natural sugars in raisins, dates, and figs provide a quick energy boost, while the fiber helps regulate blood sugar levels, ensuring stable energy throughout the day.
3. High in Fiber for Digestive Health
Organic dry fruits are rich in dietary fiber, which is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. The fiber content helps prevent constipation, promotes regular bowel movements, and supports gut health. Regular consumption of fiber-rich foods like organic dry fruits can also aid in weight management by keeping you feeling full for longer periods.
4. Packed with Antioxidants
Dry fruits such as apricots, prunes, and figs are rich in antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and protect your body from chronic diseases. Antioxidants play a crucial role in neutralizing free radicals, reducing inflammation, and promoting heart health. Organic dry fruits, grown without the use of harmful chemicals, contain higher antioxidant levels, providing a more potent dose of these protective compounds.
5. Convenient and Versatile
One of the best things about organic dry fruits is their convenience. They make for an easy, portable snack that requires no preparation, making them ideal for busy lifestyles. You can also add them to smoothies, salads, breakfast cereals, or baked goods, making it simple to incorporate their nutritional benefits into your meals.
Incorporating organic dry fruits into your diet is an easy and delicious way to boost your energy and overall wellness. Their rich nutrient profile, combined with their convenience and versatility, makes them a perfect snack or ingredient for anyone looking to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Whether you’re snacking on the go or enhancing your meals, organic dry fruits are a natural and nutritious way to stay energized and healthy.
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deal4shop · 14 days
OCHEAL Small Makeup Bag,Portable Cute Travel Makeup Bag Pouch for Women Girls Makeup Brush Organizer Cosmetics Bags with Compartment-Beige Apricot
Price: (as of – Details) From the brand Makeup Case for Hairstylist Plastic Dividers Makeup Case Small Makeup Bag with Handle Roll-up Makeup Brush Organizer Clear Makeup Bag Organizer OCHEAL is the brand all beauty bag organizer lovers choose. Providing global consumers with high-quality, value-for-money and practical makeup bags has always been our pursuit. Users can choose with…
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orgaincproducts · 1 month
Pregnancy Healthy Snacks: What to Eat for Baby’s Best Development
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Pregnancy is a time when your body needs extra care and nutrition, not only for your well-being but also for your growing baby. What you eat plays a crucial role in ensuring your baby’s healthy development. Along with your regular meals, incorporating healthy snacks during pregnancy can help meet your nutritional needs, maintain energy levels, and support your baby’s growth. In this blog, we’ll dive into the best pregnancy healthy snacks, focusing on those packed with essential nutrients for optimal baby development.
Why Are Healthy Snacks Important During Pregnancy?
Pregnancy demands a higher intake of nutrients, including folic acid, iron, calcium, and protein. Healthy snacks can bridge the gap between meals, preventing hunger pangs while nourishing both you and your baby. Additionally, regular snacking can help manage pregnancy-related issues like morning sickness, fatigue, and heartburn.
Key Nutrients for Baby’s Development
Before exploring the best snacks, it’s important to know the key nutrients that support your baby’s development:
Folic Acid: Helps in forming the neural tube, which develops into the brain and spinal cord.
Calcium: Vital for the development of strong bones and teeth.
Iron: Supports the production of hemoglobin and reduces the risk of anemia.
Protein: Essential for the growth of tissues and organs.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Crucial for brain and eye development.
Top Pregnancy Healthy Snacks for Baby’s Best Development
1. Greek Yogurt with Berries and Nuts
Greek yogurt is an excellent source of calcium and protein. Adding berries gives a boost of antioxidants and fiber, while nuts provide healthy fats and additional protein.
High in protein and calcium for bone development.
Rich in antioxidants that protect cells.
Contains healthy fats necessary for brain development.
2. Apple Slices with Peanut Butter
This classic snack combines fiber-rich apples with protein-packed peanut butter. Apples are also a good source of vitamin C, which aids in iron absorption.
Helps in keeping blood sugar levels stable.
Supports the immune system with vitamin C.
Provides healthy fats and protein to sustain energy.
3. Hard-Boiled Eggs
Eggs are a powerhouse of nutrients, including high-quality protein, choline, and essential vitamins.
Choline supports brain development.
Protein helps in tissue growth.
Contains vital vitamins like B12 and D.
4. Carrot and Cucumber Sticks with Hummus
This crunchy, satisfying snack is packed with vitamins and fiber. Hummus, made from chickpeas, offers a good dose of protein and healthy fats.
Provides fiber to aid digestion.
Rich in vitamin A from carrots for eye development.
Hummus offers plant-based protein and iron.
5. Whole-Grain Crackers with Avocado Spread
Whole-grain crackers are a great source of fiber, while avocados provide healthy fats and folic acid, essential for preventing neural tube defects.
Supports brain development with healthy fats.
High in fiber to prevent constipation.
Offers a tasty, nutrient-dense option for on-the-go snacking.
6. Smoothies with Spinach, Banana, and Almond Milk
Smoothies are a versatile way to pack in nutrients. A mix of spinach, banana, and almond milk provides essential vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.
High in iron and folic acid from spinach.
Potassium from bananas helps reduce leg cramps.
Almond milk adds calcium and vitamin D for bone health.
7. Trail Mix with Dried Fruits and Nuts
Trail mix is an easy, portable snack that’s rich in nutrients. Opt for a mix with almonds, walnuts, and dried fruits like apricots and raisins.
Offers iron and healthy fats from nuts.
Dried fruits provide fiber and vitamins.
Helps in balancing blood sugar with a mix of healthy fats and carbs.
8. Oatmeal with Fresh Fruits and Chia Seeds
Oatmeal is a filling, fiber-rich snack. Adding chia seeds boosts omega-3 intake, and fresh fruits add natural sweetness and vitamins.
Stabilizes blood sugar levels.
Rich in fiber for digestive health.
Omega-3 from chia seeds aids in brain and eye development.
9. Cheese and Whole-Grain Crackers
Cheese provides calcium and protein, while whole-grain crackers offer fiber and complex carbs for sustained energy.
Calcium is essential for bone development.
Provides high-quality protein.
Keeps you full longer with fiber-rich crackers.
10. Almond Butter on Whole-Grain Toast
Whole-grain toast offers fiber, while almond butter adds protein, healthy fats, and vitamin E, which is important for skin health.
Offers sustained energy with complex carbs.
Rich in vitamin E for skin development.
Healthy fats support brain growth.
Tips for Incorporating Healthy Snacks into Your Routine
Prepare in Advance: Keep ready-to-eat snacks like cut veggies, trail mix, and boiled eggs handy for quick access.
Balance Nutrients: Ensure snacks are balanced with protein, healthy fats, and fiber to keep you satisfied and nourished.
Portion Control: While snacking is important, be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating.
Foods to Avoid as Pregnancy Snacks
Not all snacks are created equal, and some foods can be harmful during pregnancy. Avoid the following:
Raw or Undercooked Meat and Eggs: Risk of bacteria like salmonella.
Unpasteurized Dairy: May contain harmful bacteria.
High-Mercury Fish: Certain fish like swordfish and mackerel are high in mercury, which can affect brain development.
Processed Junk Foods: High in unhealthy fats, sugars, and sodium with little nutritional value.
Choosing healthy snacks during pregnancy is an easy way to ensure you’re getting the nutrients you and your baby need. From calcium-rich yogurt to protein-packed nuts and fiber-loaded veggies, there are plenty of options that are both delicious and beneficial. Prioritize snacks that are balanced and nutrient-dense, and you’ll be supporting your baby’s best development while staying energized throughout the day. Remember, every bite counts towards a healthier pregnancy and a healthy baby!
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luxurybeautyreviews · 2 months
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seobud · 3 months
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Boost Your Energy with Adishtu’s Apricot Energy Bar
For those seeking a nutritious and delicious snack, energy bars in India are a popular choice. Adishtu offers high-quality energy bars that are perfect for any time of day. Our Apricot Energy Bar stands out for its taste and nutritional benefits.
Nutrient-Packed Snack
Adishtu’s energy bars in India provide a balanced mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The Apricot Energy Bar is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it a healthy choice for a quick snack or post-workout boost.
Health Benefits of Apricots
Our Apricot Energy Bar features premium apricots, known for their antioxidants, vitamin A for vision, and vitamin C for immune support. This bar helps with digestion and promotes healthy skin.
Perfect for Busy Lifestyles
Whether you’re a busy professional or a fitness enthusiast, Adishtu’s energy bars in India are convenient and portable. The Apricot Energy Bar offers natural sweetness and sustained energy without a sugar crash.
Why Choose Adishtu?
At Adishtu, we prioritize quality and customer satisfaction. Our energy bars in India are made from selected ingredients, free from artificial preservatives. The Apricot Energy Bar showcases our commitment to health and flavor.
In conclusion, if you need a nutritious and tasty snack, try Adishtu’s energy bars in India. Experience the perfect blend of health and flavor with our Apricot Energy Bar today!
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