#Apple's iPhone Is No Longer China's Favorite
tcmpcral · 4 years
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1. FIRST NAME: masha.
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: my father’s birthday is the day before mine :v
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: i mean, i’m asexual and aromantic but aesthetically i guess i could say the quintessential. roman?? nose for some reason fjfeka; i just like the look of them lies down also certain kinds of genuine smiles get me right in the heart. dark eyes are also very nice. or perhaps i should say like. when someone has dark eyelashes?? i think that’s it. also i’m always reminded of a girl i went to ireland with who had a seriously endearing case of doe eyes, and i’m still not sure if her eyes were just naturally that shape or if she used makeup to get that Look but either way i thought she was extremely pretty the whole time lmao the fact that she was also very sweet and thoughtful didn’t hurt either
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: rice and eggs fjjfiea; eggs in general, tbh. possibly also noodles. and dumplings. cheesecake. lotus paste. smoked cheeses hhhh sALMON. sweet potatoes. maybe pears and apples listen i’m sorry i love food, there can’t be Only One
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: hominy fjfkda; cauliflower. uhhhh also tuna casserole blegh. asparagus jfjkf;da oh YEAH I HATE BOLOGNA TOO i can’t. i can’t do it hhhhghg. and yet i love vienna sausages and deviled ham...
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: whispers taking the long way home so i can spend more time listening to the radio and singing along with it probably lmao
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: whatever i wore the previous day fjfjiea; I’M SLOPPY
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: technically neither, but i guess i’d take flings over the other
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: lies down i do kinda wish i hadn’t dropped out of high school. on that front, it’s worked out in the end, but. still. it would have been nice to have kept up with my friends orz on a different front, i’m conflicted about it, but. sometimes i wonder how much better my life might be today if i’d gone straight for nursing instead of getting an art degree ._.
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: i. think i can be
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: yeah it’s still the kung fu panda trilogy lmao. but also tokyo godfathers, shutter island aaand. idk jurassic park? tremors? a good chunk of the x-men movies bc i’m not very picky with them and there’s things i like about most of them?? thinking emoji oH there’s also that movie push from 2009. the one with chris evans :v
12. FAVORITE BOOK: a little princess, war of the worlds, uhhh on the beach, house of stairs, the secret garden. i was once weirdly attached to this book i read in jr. high called where the lilies bloom. i also loved heidi uhhh. see, there were all these obscure books i read in late elementary school and jr. high that i loved that i often have trouble recalling rip. like there was one called eva, and another called home before dark. one named belle prater’s boy. the crystal garden. sweet sassy tree hhhh almost anything written by robert cormier ahaaa
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: i’m honestly very happy keeping dogs as pets, but i’ve always wanted to. like. idk, maybe pet a wolf or a fox or other wild canid. i’d also like to maybe have a cat someday. and parrots and other birds are adorable and i love them, but. oof. they just seem. Intimidating pets. maybe someday i can have ducks or geese again, tho. oh, and. i’ll admit i’ve always been amused at the thought of having a pet goat, bc my grandmother apparently did as a child lmao
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: oh boy there’s. a Bunch. let me think... i. still have a very big soft spot for germany/italy hhh. uh. i hope the rest of them don’t have to be canon bc..... yeah. anyway still attached to beerus and whis... wheezes and both euroshipping (kaiba/bakura) and what’s apparently called stormshipping now (fubuki/manjoume). and ok i have to go with another hetalia one bc i’m such a sucker for france/russia lies down i was also once a big lex/zex shipper, and i still have a soft spot for. what it once was. not entirely too comfortable actually shipping it now since i haven’t Kept Up with kh and i’m not 100% on zexion/ienzo’s age anymore squints
15. PIE OR CAKE: ....whichever one cheesecake falls under :v
16. FAVORITE SCENT: ohghfjfkda there’s A BUNCH. aloe vera, bleach, lysol, sweet pea, tea, tires, sawdust, cucumbers and melons, ginger, beer
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: yeahh, i still don’t really have one but. i do have a lot of affection for weird al lmao
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: whispers i would love to go to russia some day, but i think everyone knows that lmao. i’d also love to revisit ireland, especially killarney and blarney castle. and i’d love to revisit sorrento. and possibly italy in general tbh aaaa. i’ve also always kinda wanted to visit china 6_6
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: pretty sure i’m an introvert, but i also happen to be one who really loves crowds
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: i’m a. very jumpy person kffja; also certain topics Disturb me way more than others, and ngl i have something close to an Actual phobia of the dark rip
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: i’ve never had an iphone, so probably android
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: animal crossing. also tetris when i’m bored. i love puzzle games like poppit and bejeweled lmao i used to play kingdom hearts and super smash brothers, and i miss them both tbh. i also played crisis core, two star fox games, and the world ends with you at some point. and uh. a handful of legend of zelda games when i was a kid. my favorite game is probably majora’s mask :v
23. DREAM JOB: comic book creator orz or some kind of concept artist for animated movies. but. i’ve come to terms with the fact that i’m not really. Good(TM) enough for that, so nowadays i’m much more interested in something more mundane like nursing. as long as it’s night shift, i want it
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: SO MUCH. get my car back in shape, pay off my grandparents’ house probably, go back to school fINALLY, move out lies down there’s so much i could do with that money lmao
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: there. aren’t any tbh lies down the most i usually get to is feeling neutral toward a character lmao except i just remembered umbridge exists so she might count
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: not counting the ones i keep coming back to, there’s uhhh. gundam wing, star wars (waaaay back when the phantom menace was first released lmao), digimon, x-men evolution. i was in the MCU fandom for like a month before i lost interest XD;; i might count yugioh and yugioh gx as part of this, but. i’m still kind of invested in those tbh
all of these i’ve just kinda fallen away from thinking emoji i’ve never really had a bad fandom experience, so. you know
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marudeinu · 5 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
tagged by: no one, i snagged it from @fearfcrged​ tagging: be gay. do crime  
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1. FIRST NAME: I still need to get it legally changed, but Jae-Seung 2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I have a natural resistance to certain anesthetics? I always wake up WAY too early and they keep having to add more until they get scared I’m gonna OD. When they tried putting me in a ‘Twilight’ state during extraction of my wisdom teeth, they could only get halfway through the procedure before they had to stop. The oral surgeon I was referred to just knocked me out entirely and it went fine. This understandably makes me really nervous about needing any major surgery in the future... 3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: Uhh... Usually stuff like their eyes? I also LOVE toned and/or veiny forearms, idek why. Muscular AND veiny? HUBBA HUBBA. But soft is also great, I do love a person that actually like, looks like they enjoy food like I do. 4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: Soon dubu jiggae... omg. I eat that shit no matter what time of year it is, always boiling lava hot. And Boba Tea. And like, breakfast sandwiches. 5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Jellyfish and sea cucumber, the texture bothers me greatly 6. GUILTY PLEASURE: Buying stuff for my main on FFXIV...  7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: pajama or sweat pants and a tank top 8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Serious, but I’m definitely not in any hurry atm. Monchichi is my girlfriend, all I need is my cat to spoil and lavish affection on. 9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: I think I might have reached out to my birth family sooner, re-learned my native language sooner, just... been more interested in reclaiming my heritage and identity a LOT sooner than now. I mean, there are other things I kinda wish I had done, but I also don’t believe they would have changed the outcome? But maybe how I felt about trying wouldn’t have been so... regrettable.  10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: I am affectionate in that I’ll verbally support you and genuinely talk about what I love about you and will go out of my way to help and buy/make you thoughtful things. Physical affection seems to be an area I’m still very awkward at and my own discomfort with being touched doesn’t help that I don’t especially think about it mattering so much to other people. 11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: I’m going to agree with Ray and say The Hunchback of Notre Dame! I also SUPER loved Into the Spider-Verse? And The Last Unicorn, OMG- AMAZING ANIMATED MOVIE. 12. FAVORITE BOOK: The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie 13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: Maybe a tiger or snow leopard? Cheetahs are VERY nice, as well. I guess they also wouldn’t be so much like PETS and more “a wild animal who is also my friend” since I would hate to keep them in captivity. So whenever I go out into their territory, they remember me as a human they can trust and want to spend time playing or relaxing with me. 14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS: Booster Gold/Bruce Banner (only the RP portrayals that Turk and I wrote tho), Soriku, Todoiideku, Pullo/Vorenus, Taiga Saejima/Majima Goro 15. PIE OR CAKE: Cake. 16. FAVORITE SCENT: “Wasabi”, it’s a soap I use that smells like mint, lime, eucalyptus, and ginger. Also, Sugar Lychee is an AMAZING scent. Burberry Brit Sheer is nice sweet, but SPICAY. Also Candy by Prada. 17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Robert Downey Jr., Salma Hayek, Bryce Dallas Howard, Choi Min Soo, Mads Mikkelsen 18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: ALSO, EVERYWHERE. But my big ones would have to be Italy, China (again), Japan, Thailand, and back home to Korea.  19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Introvert 20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: No, I was raised on horror movies and am not easily spooked, so I kind of am ATTRACTED to the possibility of actually being scared. But I also am a wuss when I truly believe there is a hostile supernatural presence around me, like I will be the first one to admit I’d run and pee myself. 21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: Android, I just... don’t like Apple anymore as a company.  22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: So many... 24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Help my parents finally retire, get all my dental work done, TRAVEL, buy a huge house where all of my friends can come visit me and have a smaller manse for each cat I own (priorities). 25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: DC movie Joker iterations, Griffith from Berserk, Tyler Durden from Fight Club, canon Bkg from BNHA, The Comedian from Watchmen. 26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: ATLA/TLOK, Joss Whedon’s Firefly, Harry Potter, uh... I’m sure there are others but I can’t think of them right now.
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squipitme-blog · 7 years
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Apple's iPhone Is No Longer China's Favorite
Apple’s problems have been compounding lately, from their anticipated 2017 gadgets release to falling revenues. For the latter, China may have a hand in that, as the iPhone no longer seems to be the go-to smartphone in the country. In fact, Sleeping Giant sales, as well as Hong Kong and Taiwan, have decreased to an all-time low.
For the second quarter of the current fiscal year, Apple’s revenues in Greater China dipped to $10.73 billion. According to Quartz, this is the fifth time the company has recorded a negative growth in the region. CEO Tim Cook blamed the disadvantageous exchange rates between the U.S. dollar and the region’s currencies.
Further, Cook cites the falling number of tourists to Hong Kong, a shopping hotspot in Asia. This is likely due to disparaging release dates and even price difference. However, the real cause could be is that everyone who wanted an iPhone now has one. This is the same reason a Counterpoint Technology Market Research blamed for the declining sales. Aside from that, there are plenty of users who do not upgrade fast enough or are simply waiting for the next release. In addition, homegrown China brands have been rising in popularity, thereby further hurting Apple’s revenues.
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Cupertino will have to be wary, then, of these local Chinese smartphone brands. The Silicon Valley’s main gizmo still remains at in the top 5, but homegrown phone manufacturers dominate the list. Even Samsung has fallen out of favor with the masses. Now, Huawei, Oppo and Vivo dominate, CNet points out.
The three names have been pushing the iPhone down the rungs since 2016. One in every two phones purchased in China come from one of the top three homegrown names. Although Apple and Samsung still dominate globally, competition is getting tough for the two as Chinese manufacturers are right behind them. Source : itechpost
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sharengayonline · 3 years
iPhone 7 – Technical Specifications
Sharengay Trang Tin Tức Độc Đáo VIDEO iPhone 7 – Technical Specifications
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Rose Gold
Jet Black1
(PRODUCT)RED™ is exclusively available in 128GB and 256GB models.
Bạn đang xem: iPhone 7 – Technical Specifications
Size and Weight3
Height: 5.44 inches (138.3 mm)
Width: 2.64 inches (67.1 mm)
Depth: 0.28 inch (7.1 mm)
Weight: 4.87 ounces (138 grams)
Retina HD display
4.7-inch (diagonal) widescreen LCD
Multi-Touch display with IPS technology
1334-by-750-pixel resolution at 326 ppi
1400:1 contrast ratio (typical)
Wide color display (P3)
625 cd/m2 max brightness (typical)
Dual-domain pixels for wide viewing angles
Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating
Support for display of multiple languages and characters simultaneously
Display Zoom
Splash, Water, and Dust Resistant4
Rated IP67 (maximum depth of 1 meter up to 30 minutes) under IEC standard 60529
A10 Fusion chip
12MP camera
ƒ/1.8 aperture
Digital zoom up to 5x
Optical image stabilization
Six‑element lens
Quad-LED True Tone flash
Panorama (up to 63MP)
Sapphire crystal lens cover
Backside illumination sensor
Hybrid IR filter
Autofocus with Focus Pixels
Tap to focus with Focus Pixels
Live Photos with stabilization
Wide color capture for photos and Live Photos
Improved local tone mapping
Exposure control
HDR for photos
Auto image stabilization
Burst mode
Timer mode
Photo geotagging
Image formats captured: HEIF and JPEG
Video Recording
4K video recording at 30 fps
1080p HD video recording at 30 fps or 60 fps
720p HD video recording at 30 fps
Optical image stabilization for video
2x optical zoom; digital zoom up to 6x (iPhone 7 Plus only)
Quad-LED True Tone flash
Slo‑mo video support for 1080p at 120 fps and 720p at 240 fps
Time‑lapse video with stabilization
Cinematic video stabilization (1080p and 720p)
Continuous autofocus video
Take 8MP still photos while recording 4K video
Playback zoom
Video geotagging
Video formats recorded: HEVC and H.264
FaceTime HD Camera
7MP camera
1080p HD video recording
Retina Flash
ƒ/2.2 aperture
Wide color capture for photos and Live Photos
HDR for photos
Backside illumination sensor
Auto image stabilization
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Touch ID
Fingerprint sensor built into the Home button
Apple Pay
Pay with your iPhone using Touch ID in stores, within apps, and on the web
Send and receive money in Messages
Complete purchases made with Apple Pay on your Mac
Learn more about Apple Pay
Cellular and Wireless
Model A1660* FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30) TD-LTE (Bands 38, 39, 40, 41) TD-SCDMA 1900 (F), 2000 (A) CDMA EV-DO Rev. A  (800, 1900, 2100 MHz)  UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz) GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
Model A1778* FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30)  TD-LTE (Bands 38, 39, 40, 41) UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz)  GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
All models 802.11ac Wi‑Fi with MIMO Bluetooth 4.2 wireless technology NFC with reader mode Express Cards
Assisted GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and QZSS
Digital compass
iBeacon microlocation
Video Calling5
FaceTime video calling over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Audio Calling5
FaceTime audio
Voice over LTE (VoLTE)6
Wi‑Fi calling6
Audio Playback
Audio formats supported: AAC-LC, HE-AAC, HE-AAC v2, Protected AAC, MP3, Linear PCM, Apple Lossless, FLAC, Dolby Digital (AC-3), Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC-3), and Audible (formats 2, 3, 4, Audible Enhanced Audio, AAX, and AAX+)
User-configurable maximum volume limit
Video Playback
Video formats supported: HEVC, H.264, MPEG-4 Part 2, and Motion JPEG
AirPlay Mirroring, photos, and video out to Apple TV (2nd generation or later)7
Video mirroring and video out support: Up to 1080p through Lightning Digital AV Adapter and Lightning to VGA Adapter (adapters sold separately)7
Use your voice to send messages, set reminders, and more
Get intelligent suggestions on your Lock screen and in Messages, Mail, QuickType, and more
Activate hands-free with only your voice using “Hey Siri”
Use your voice to run shortcuts from your favorite apps
Learn more about Siri
External Buttons and Connectors
Home/Touch ID sensor
Volume up/down
Ring/Silent switch
Side button
Built-in stereo speaker
Built-in microphone
Lightning connector
Power and Battery9
Lasts up to 2 hours longer than iPhone 6s
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Talk time (wireless): Up to 14 hours on 3G
Standby: Up to 10 days
Internet use: Up to 12 hours on 3G, Up to 12 hours on LTE, Up to 14 hours on Wi-Fi
Wireless video playback: Up to 13 hours
Wireless audio playback: Up to 40 hours
Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery
Charging via USB to computer system or power adapter
Touch ID fingerprint sensor
Three-axis gyro
Proximity sensor
Ambient light sensor
Operating System
iOS 12 iOS is the world’s most personal and secure mobile operating system, packed with powerful features that help you get the most out of every day. See what’s new in iOS
Accessibility features help people with disabilities get the most out of their new iPhone 7. With built-in support for vision, hearing, physical and motor skills, and learning and literacy, you can fully enjoy the world’s most personal device. Learn more about Accessibility
Features include:
RTT and TTY support
Siri and Dictation
Type to Siri
Switch Control
Closed Captions
Speak Screen
Built-in Apps
iTunes Store
App Store
Voice Memos
Find My iPhone
Find My Friends
Free Apps from Apple
Pages, Numbers, Keynote, iMovie, GarageBand, iTunes U, Clips, and Apple Store app are preinstalled.
iTunes U
Apple Store
Apple TV Remote
iTunes Remote
Music Memos
EarPods with Lightning Connector
SIM Card
Nano-SIM iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are not compatible with existing micro-SIM cards.
Rating for Hearing Aids
iPhone 7 (Model A1660, A1778): M3, T4
Mail Attachment Support
Viewable document types .jpg, .tiff, .gif (images); .doc and .docx (Microsoft Word); .htm and .html (web pages); .key (Keynote); .numbers (Numbers); .pages (Pages); .pdf (Preview and Adobe Acrobat); .ppt and .pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint); .txt (text); .rtf (rich text format); .vcf (contact information); .xls and .xlsx (Microsoft Excel); .zip; .ics; .usdz (USDZ Universal)
System Requirements
Apple ID (required for some features)
Internet access10
Syncing with iTunes on a Mac or PC requires:
Mac: OS X 10.11.6 or later
PC: Windows 7 or later
iTunes 12.8 or later on Mac and iTunes 12.9 or later on PC (free download from https://ift.tt/3qWINtC)
Environmental Requirements
Operating ambient temperature: 32° to 95° F (0° to 35° C)
Nonoperating temperature: ‑4° to 113° F (‑20° to 45° C)
Relative humidity: 5% to 95% noncondensing
Operating altitude: tested up to 10,000 feet (3000 m)
Language support English (Australia, UK, U.S.), Chinese (Simplified, Traditional, Traditional Hong Kong), French (Canada, France), German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish (Latin America, Mexico, Spain), Arabic, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
QuickType keyboard support English (Australia, Canada, India, Singapore, UK, U.S.), Chinese – Simplified (Handwriting, Pinyin, Stroke), Chinese – Traditional (Cangjie, Handwriting, Pinyin, Stroke, Sucheng, Zhuyin), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian, Japanese (Kana, Romaji), Korean, Spanish (Latin America, Mexico, Spain), Arabic (Modern Standard, Najdi), Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cherokee, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Emoji, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, Flemish, Georgian, Greek, Gujarati, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi (Devanagari, Transliteration), Hinglish, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Kannada, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Malayalam, Maori, Marathi, Norwegian, Odia, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Cyrillic, Latin), Slovak, Slovenian, Swahili, Swedish, Tamil (Script, Transliteration), Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, Welsh
QuickType keyboard support with predictive input English (Australia, Canada, India, Singapore, UK, U.S.), Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish (Latin America, Mexico, Spain), Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Thai, Turkish
Siri languages English (Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, UK, U.S.), Spanish (Chile, Mexico, Spain, U.S.), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian (Italy, Switzerland), Japanese, Korean, Mandarin (China mainland, Taiwan), Cantonese (China mainland, Hong Kong), Arabic (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Danish (Denmark), Dutch (Belgium, Netherlands), Finnish (Finland), Hebrew (Israel), Malay (Malaysia), Norwegian (Norway), Portuguese (Brazil), Russian (Russia), Swedish (Sweden), Thai (Thailand), Turkish (Turkey)
Dictation languages English (Australia, Canada, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, UK, U.S.), Spanish (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, U.S.), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland), Italian (Italy, Switzerland), Japanese, Korean, Mandarin (China mainland, Taiwan), Cantonese (China mainland, Hong Kong, Macao), Arabic (Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch (Belgium, Netherlands), Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi (India), Hungarian, Indonesian, Malaysian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Shanghainese (China mainland), Slovakian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
Definition dictionary support English, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish
Thesaurus English (UK, U.S.)
Bilingual dictionary support with English Arabic, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Spell check English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Turkish
In the Box
iPhone with iOS 12
EarPods with Lightning Connector
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
iPhone and the Environment
Apple takes a complete product life cycle approach to determining our environmental impact. Learn more about iPhone and the Environment
iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus embody Apple’s continuing environmental progress. They are designed with the following features to reduce environmental impact:
Arsenic-free display glass
Mercury-free LED-backlit display
Brominated flame retardant‑free
Recyclable aluminum enclosure
Apple and the Environment Learn more about Apple’s dedication to reducing the environmental impact of our products and process. Or read our Product Environmental Reports for detailed information on the environmental performance of every Apple product.
Xem thêm: Cuộc Sống Người Việt Về Đêm Ở Cali – Little Saigon Cali By Night- Cuộc Sống Mỹ #79
Apple GiveBack If you’re ready for your next iPhone, Apple GiveBack is a great way to let go of your old one. If it’s in good shape, you can trade it in for Apple Store credit. If it’s not eligible for credit, we’ll recycle it responsibly at no cost to you. Good for you. Good for the planet. See how it works
* To identify your iPhone model number, see https://ift.tt/2SWTPlP. For details on LTE support, contact your carrier and see https://ift.tt/2SW5mC1. Cellular technology support is based on iPhone model number and configuration for either CDMA or GSM networks.
The high-gloss finish of the jet black iPhone 7 is achieved through a precision nine-step anodization and polishing process. Its surface is equally as hard as other anodized Apple products; however, its high shine may show fine micro-abrasions with use. If you are concerned about this, we suggest you use one of the many cases available to protect your iPhone.
Available space is less and varies due to many factors. A standard configuration uses approximately 10GB to 12GB of space (including iOS and preinstalled apps) depending on the model and settings. Preinstalled apps use about 4GB, and you can delete these apps and restore them.
Size and weight vary by configuration and manufacturing process.
iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are splash, water, and dust resistant and were tested under controlled laboratory conditions with a rating of IP67 under IEC standard 60529 (maximum depth of 1 meter up to 30 minutes). Splash, water, and dust resistance are not permanent conditions and resistance might decrease as a result of normal wear. Do not attempt to charge a wet iPhone; refer to the user guide for cleaning and drying instructions. Liquid damage not covered under warranty.
FaceTime calling requires a FaceTime-enabled device for the caller and recipient and a Wi-Fi connection. Availability over a cellular network depends on carrier policies; data charges may apply.
Data plan required. LTE Advanced, LTE, VoLTE, and Wi-Fi calling are available in select markets and through select carriers. Speeds are based on theoretical throughput and vary based on site conditions and carrier. For details on LTE support, contact your carrier and see https://ift.tt/2SW5mC1.
Standard Dynamic Range video content only.
Siri may not be available in all languages or in all areas, and features may vary by area. Internet access required. Cellular data charges may apply.
All battery claims depend on network configuration and many other factors; actual results will vary. Battery has limited recharge cycles and may eventually need to be replaced by Apple service provider. Battery life and charge cycles vary by use and settings. See https://ift.tt/36lvJ7n and https://ift.tt/2TOc2SX for more information.
Wireless broadband recommended; fees may apply.
Some features may not be available for all countries or all areas. Click here to see complete list.
Published Date: Apr 20, 2021
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iPhone 7 – Technical Specifications
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aiweirdness · 7 years
Slashdot headlines written by neural network
The news site Slashdot (“news for nerds, stuff that matters”) is celebrating its 20 year anniversary this October. What could be geekier than celebrating with the help of an open-source neural network?
Neural networks are a type of machine learning program that learn by example, rather than by a human programmer feeding them rules. Whatever the headlines contain, whatever common words and rhythms, a neural network will do its best to imitate. I’ve trained an open-source neural network called char-rnn to imitate all kinds of human things, like paint colors, guinea pig names, and craft beer names.
Slashdot sent me a list of all the headlines they’ve ever run, over 162,000 in all, and asked me to train a neural network to try to generate more.
I used a neural network called char-rnn, an open-source neural network by Andrej Karpathy, and trained it separately on the first and second decades of Slashdot headlines. Let’s see what it learned!
Decade 1: 1998 – 2007
Alternuting Your Computer The Internet Spectrum Violated Microsoft To Develop Programming Law Star Trek Creates Free Memory Launching the Linux Group Socially Microsoft Releases New Months More Pong Users for Kernel Project Nintendo Goes Canadian Edition to Customers New State of Second Life Sexual Security To Allow Australia Programming Supercomputer Library In Star Wars What are The Final Fantasy Review of the Wireless Monster? Portable Mail With Spidey Law New 5400 GPL Formed into An Internet Dvorak on Mario Games? Half-Life 2X Speed Released Ban Manhunt 2 Better than Linux? Vista Releases Denial of the Mumble New Company Revises Super-Things For Problems The Dead of Managing Moneys? Judge Releases Sony Practices in Death Doom's On Worldwire Networks Sun Releases Enterprise in Smackware I Wants To Control of the Net Nintendo Can Start in the Wild Button? Secondors Talk Open Source For Super-Bork? AOL On Beam Doubt
Some familiar personalities of the tech industry make an appearance:
Microsoft Releases Bill Gates Service Start Steve Jobs To Be Good Shatner Awards Up Towards A Game Car Challenge
Cell phones appear to be have been weird in the early days:
Stem Cell Phone Standards in Space Why Are Blow Systems Taking Your Phone? New Unreal Tournament Phone Reviews Doubts Forget To Support Flat Spam Phone
And you find companies doing rather unexpected things: 
Microsoft Announces Mac OS X Released Intel Releasing Linux In A Networks Sun Upgrades Apple Devices Corel Launches $100 Laptop Microsoft Announces Firefox Portal Mozilla's Audio Caroffice Apple Finally Launches Microsoft
I produced the above headlines by allowing the neural network a high creativity setting, so it could range over many different headline topics that it’s seen over and over. But it’s also fun to turn the creativity down near zero, so the neural network can try to generate the most quintessential headlines:
All The Company Programming Software Software? Some Computer Computer Solution of the New Company Computer More Anti-Spam For Software Computer Mac OS X Interview with Linux Computer Mac OS X Accused of the Business Sony Plans To Start Patent System For All Time Security Hole For Security Hole Security Hole in the Star Trek Computer Computer Computer Computer Software?
Decade 2: 2007 – 2017
The neural network had a tougher time with decade 2 – it seems the headlines became longer and more complex, as Slashdot experimented with new formats and new topics.  The neural network struggled to create grammatical headlines as a result. But it still did its best to reflect the new topics of the last decade. Compared to the late 1990s and early 2000s, some companies and topics disappeared, while the coverage of Apple in particular exploded. Star Trek and Star Wars, however, remain perennial Slashdot favorites. Here are some neural network-generated headlines for 2007-2017:
Twitter Discovered In the Pirate Bay Google Bacon Medal To Contract Computational Lab Scientists Discover Free Wi-Fi Store In the US Steve Jobs Sues Death of the Future Apple Seeks To Be Become Windows 10 Has Been Control the Desktops Stanford Computer Scientists Develop Super Man Sales For Computer Science Star Wars Hacked In Life On the iPhone Computer Finds Court Broke Math For Secret Company How Do You Design To Stay Them Bomb Ask Slashdot: How Clinton Uses Display For Android Chips On Netflix Court From the Jobs People 'Fork" At a Flaw Refused The Pirate Bay Tracking Storage Security For Windows 10 German Porn Update To Compete At CNSR Healthy Court Says Supreme Court Can Be Lingeries Apple Says the Moon Project To Pay $1.7 Billion For Free Software Steve Jobs Allowed To Deal With Solar Power Apple Sues Apple To Get Flash Mathematics Microsoft Slashdot: How To Build a Bad Privacy For Windows 10 Twitter That We Use Facebook To Receive The Life Linux Kernel 3.1.0 Launches In Late, Facebook To Sue Star Trek The One-Department For Alleged For Connectivity: 3-D Printed Baby Black Hole Proposed
My favorite part, though? The Slashdot headlines that appeared to come from an alternate, much more advanced, somewhat terrifying timeline:
Google Returns To the Space Station Mac OS X Project Announces Space Station Sony Announces Mars Rover Release Google Patents Intelligent Space Telescope Officials Release Android Apps For New Space Telescope Star Trek Control of the Wild Start Up Scientists Army Interviewed Company Computer Releases Cloning Crime Building A Nano-Tech Back Full Life On The Linux Chernobyl Announces Company And Educators SGI Launches Space Station FreeBSD Base Scientific Hits the Moon Red Hat Releases Linux Games And Moon Apple's Moon Review About New Moons of a Company Looking For Mars Landers to Linux Mars Rover Set for Alien China Congress To Buy Mars Mister Building a Top 100 Company For Mars Apple Considering Debut in People Processors Apple vs. Biology Details An Android Bans Secret Project For Console Devices Your Own Portals U.S. Considering Death of the Solar System Black Holes from Digital Dell Black Hole Sension of the Linux Microsoft's Lab Changes "Space" IBM Moves to The Matrix Super Planet Wars Solved
The quintessential headline, though? When I trained the neural network with all 20 years of Slashdot headlines, then turned down the creativity level to near zero, I reveal the following essential Slashdot headlines, distilled from 20 years of technology news:
Sun Sues Open Source Project Content Sun Sues Anti-Spam Computers Sun Sues Security Flaw Contest Sun Sues New Star Trek To Stop The Math Sun Sues Anti-Spam Standards And The Star Wars To Stop Computers Star Wars Companies Are Streaming the Star Wars Star Wars To Support Linux Development Apple Settles The Future of Star Wars Apple Releases Secure State of the World Apple Sues Apple To Start The Solar Power Project Sony Sues Apple Server For Seconds Off From SpaceX Project Ask Slashdot: Do We Want To Be the Computers? The Desist of the Planet
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sambilling · 3 years
What Is the Future of the Stylus Industry?
What Is the Future of the Stylus Industry?
The stylus has changed drastically since its introduction to the stylus industry in 1990. The stylus has reached the market with a variety of stylus publishers competing with each other to provide stylus with different features. As a stylus writer, what are the features you should look for in a stylus?
What is an Anti-Racist White Supremacist stylus? In S.C. & M.H. Books, L.C: stylus publishers (forthcoming), becoming a white conservative anti-racism advocate: a practical guide for educators, leaders and activists.
Which stylus publishers industry will be around in the next few years? Will the stylus publishers industry continue to grow for the next couple more years? A few stylus publishers that are on my "buzz" list are Architrave, Solidigator, Think Acer, iizo and Coaching Wooden Laces.
What is the best stylus for photo editing and printing? Currently I have my favorite stylus - the Hitachi USB Digital Photo Editor. It is super-fast for taking high quality photos and it can transfer them to your computer with amazing clarity. Plus the built-in software lets you edit, crop, rotate and delete your photos in order to get the perfect result. Plus the cost of the Hitachi is a lot less than other USB digital photo editors!
Can the stylus publishers industry please make a stylus with a fingerprint scanner? The fingerprints of users are quickly becoming a "must have" feature for any good digital camera. Plus, many stylus models are also "diverse" stylus like rubber grips for typing or virtual keyboards. Why not add these features to a stylus so that the photographer doesn't need a separate device for taking photos? I have heard rumors that Apple may be planning to include this feature in future updates to their iSight camera. Who knows, but this would be an interesting addition.
Will stylus publishers be able to use augmented reality technologies in their pens? Recently Google purchased the mapping company Earthdata and will become the stylus publishers industry leader. With Earthdata, stylus publishers will be able to manipulate map data on the go. I am not sure what the battery life will be like but it appears to be longer than most stylus sensors. Since the stylus can act as a stylus and also act as a GPS/RFID reader, it would be easy to bring the mapping capability along in a stylus.
Will stylus publishers  marketing research report be able to design and sell applications for electronic pens via the stylus? Apple is working on the iPad and has announced that applications will be available soon after the device goes on sale. It would be great to see if stylus manufacturers could help promote these new applications and sell them directly to consumers.
What can stylus publishers do to stay in business? Sell physical copies of their apps, sell extended warranties, and collaborate with other stylus manufacturers. Can the stylus industry deliver? Well, right now it can because the market is small. But it will be interesting to see if the industry grows in the future. Stylus publishers should keep innovating.
Can stylus publishers work without physical space? It seems that some stylus manufacturers are working from home and through social media. They use a stylus technology from companies such as Apple and Nokia and modify their own products. This may be beneficial for the stylus publishers and assist them in providing a more expansive customer base. But will it be easy for them to sell their applications and to market their product?
Will the stylus publishers have the resources to support their own development and expansions? Well, yes, they probably will have staff to do this. But will those staff to be efficient enough and knowledgeable enough to write stylus application and stylus interface applications? It might be difficult for stylus publishers to find talented stylus application developers and stylus interface developers in the marketplace today.
Will stylus publishers enter the iPhone market? Probably not, that industry is so crowded already. But it's not impossible. The stylus industry has been increasing steadily, especially with tablets. In fact, if the stylus publishers can find applications developers who are skilled in working with touch screen displays, they might be able to take advantage of this trend and develop applications that run on the screens of tablets.
As you can see, the stylus industry is changing. And the stylus publishers must adapt with it. They must find ways to develop innovative new applications and stylus interface controls and stylus hardware. If they don't adapt, the stylus industry will fail.
Summary According to XYZResearch study, over the next 5 years the Book Publishers market will register a xx% CAGR in terms of revenue, the global market size will reach xx Million USD by 2026, from xx Million USD in 2020. In particular, It should be noted that the impact of the epidemic has accelerated the trend of localization, regionalization and decentralization of the global industrial chain and supply chain, so it is inevitable to reconstruct the global industrial chain. Faced with the global industrial change in the post epidemic era, enterprises in various countries must take precautions. This report presents revenue, market share and growth rate for each key company. In this analysis report, we will find below details: 1. Full in-depth analysis of the market structure along with forecast from 2021 to 2026 of the various segments of the Global Book Publishers market. 2. Who is the leading company in Book Publishers market, competitive analysis of key companies, mergers and acquisitions, market dynamics. 3. Which region has become the biggest growth area in Book Publishers market? 4. The Most Potential segment in each regional market. 5. Insights about factors affecting the market growth, including the impact of COVID -19. 6. Global Book Publishers market based on value chain analysis, and SWOT analysis. 7. Regional market analysis to the current revenue (Million USD) and future prospective. Major players operating in Book Publishers market-Competitive Analysis: Penguin Random House Hachette Livre The Holtzbrinck Publishing HarperCollins Publishers' Scholastic China South Publishing & Media Reed Elsevier (RELX) McGraw-Hill Global Education Interme Wolters Kluwer Simon & Schuster(CBS) Phoenix Publishing and Media Regional Segmentation (Value; Revenue, USD Million, 2015 - 2026) of Book Publishers Market by XYZResearch include: China EU USA Japan India Southeast Asia South America Type Outlook (Value; Revenue, USD Million, 2015 - 2026): Traditional Print Format Digital Media Format Application Outlook (Value; Revenue, USD Million, Market Share, 2015 - 2026): Publishing House Newspaper Office Others For any other requirements, please feel free to contact us and we will provide you customized report.
For more details contact as  https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php
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bigyack-com · 5 years
DealBook: BlackRock Puts Climate Change Center Stage
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BlackRock’s big move on climate change
In an exclusive interview with Andrew, the money management giant’s chief, Larry Fink, discussed his decision to make climate change a focus of BlackRock’s investment strategy. The shift could reshape how Wall Street invests.What BlackRock will do, according to Mr. Fink’s latest letter to C.E.O.s:• Exit certain investments that have a “high sustainability-related risk” — but not all, since fossil fuels remain central to the global economy.• Start to press corporate managers on their environmental goals, including leaning on companies to adhere to the Paris climate accord’s targets.• Introduce more funds that avoid stocks related to fossil fuels.“This is a much more structural, long-term crisis,” Mr. Fink writes in the letter. He said he had come to that conclusion after talking with business leaders and scientists and having BlackRock model the economic effects of climate change.The decision was strictly business, Mr. Fink (a major Democratic donor) told Andrew: “Politics isn’t part of this.”Critics may not be satisfied. Last year, lawmakers and activists criticized BlackRock for continuing to invest in fossil-fuel companies and staying quiet on climate-related disasters. And a website launched by the Sunrise Project, a climate-change group, has called on BlackRock to commit this year to tighten its policy on coal investments and make fossil-free funds a default option for investors.Still, the move could change how other money managers operate, given BlackRock’s influence with nearly $7 trillion under its belt. “I believe we are on the edge of a fundamental reshaping of finance,” Mr. Fink writes.____________________________Today’s DealBook Briefing was written by Andrew Ross Sorkin in New York and Michael J. de la Merced in London.____________________________
Round 2 in Apple’s fight against Justice Dept.
The federal authorities have again demanded that the iPhone maker unlock devices used by a gunman who carried out a deadly shooting, renewing a standoff between the government and the tech giant over encryption and privacy.The focus now is on iPhones used by the gunman in a shooting in Pensacola, Fla., last month, that left three sailors dead. Attorney General Bill Barr said yesterday that the shooting was an act of terrorism. And of Apple’s refusal to open the phones, he said, “This situation perfectly illustrates why it is critical that the public be able to get access to digital evidence.”Apple said it had already given investigators plenty of help, including access to the gunman’s iCloud account and transaction history. It did not commit to helping crack open the phones themselves.The conflict boils down to this:• Supporters of Mr. Barr’s position argue that Apple is letting iPhones become a haven for criminal activity by using encryption technology that the government can’t crack.• Apple maintains that privacy is a human rights issue and that Americans “do not have to choose between weakening encryption and solving investigations.”What may be next: The F.B.I. has a court order to open the phones, though Apple defied one related to a 2015 shooting in San Bernardino, Calif. Mr. Barr may turn to lawmakers for help, though many are wary of broadening the F.B.I.’s surveillance powers.
Pieces fall into place for a China trade deal
The Trump administration took another step yesterday to prepare for the signing of a U.S.-China trade agreement this week. But like other measures in the proposed deal, it’s unlikely to lead to long-lasting change.The Treasury Department said that China was no longer a currency manipulator, shedding a designation made last August in the depths of the trade fight. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the move had come after Beijing agreed not to devalue its renminbi for competitive reasons.Fact check: The renminbi actually rose for most of last year, with China allowing market forces to influence its value. And Beijing propped up the currency at points to prevent it from falling too far.It’s another step toward a deal that falls short of what either side wanted. The U.S. didn’t force greater liberalization of China’s markets, and tariffs remain on $370 billion worth of Chinese exports. (The WSJ has a deep dive into the monthslong negotiations.)Now the U.S. will turn its attention to another trade fight that it started, this time with the E.U. The political bloc’s new trade chief, Phil Hogan, arrived in Washington yesterday for meetings — and Europe hopes his blunt style will help in dealing with the White House.
U.S. turns the screw on Britain over Huawei ties
American officials reportedly warned their British counterparts that any sharing of intelligence would be at risk if Britain used Huawei technology in its 5G wireless network, Dan Sabbagh of The Guardian writes.• A U.S. delegation “presented an incendiary dossier they said featured new evidence of the security risks of relying on Huawei technology in future phone networks,” Mr. Sabbagh writes.• The campaign comes after Britain said it would allow nonessential Huawei equipment, like antennas and phone masts, into the next-generation wireless network.• Giving the Chinese company that sort of access would be “nothing short of madness,” U.S. officials reportedly said.• They added that Congress and President Trump would evaluate intelligence sharing if Britain moved ahead.
Will this be Netflix’s year to win best picture?
The streaming service collected a leading 24 Academy Award nominations, including two for best picture, Brooks Barnes and Nicole Sperling of the NYT write. It’s Netflix’s best chance yet to claim a serious victory over Old Hollywood.Netflix’s Oscar nominees include “The Irishman” (which is up for 10 awards) and “Marriage Story.” The company has two films up for best animated feature, while Disney’s “Frozen 2” was shut out of that category.It was a matter of time — and money. Netflix is spending billions on content, including on projects from awards magnets like Martin Scorsese. Its spending spree is also extending to Oscar campaigns.Traditional Hollywood is fighting back. The big movie chains AMC and Regal won’t screen Netflix’s movies at their theaters, once again citing the service’s refusal to give them a monthslong window to show films exclusively before they are streamed.Yet it still might not be Netflix’s year, at least for best picture. Online oddsmakers have the chances of “The Irishman” winning at about 12 to 1, while “Marriage Story” is at 33 to 1 for some bookies. Sony’s “Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood” is the favorite, with odds of about 7 to 4.
Harry and Meghan’s exit casts a spotlight on royal finances
Queen Elizabeth II said yesterday that she was “supportive” of the desire of Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, to become part-time British royals. But there’s still plenty of wrinkles to iron out on the financial front, Max Colchester of the WSJ notes.• “The couple say they want to become financially independent. But given the web of tax, security implications, royal protocol and the political sensitivity of royal finances, it is unclear whether that is possible.”• Harry and Meghan write on their website that they expect to keep state-funded security and continue to live in a cottage owned by the queen, which the WSJ notes was “refurbished at a £2.4 million ($3.1 million) cost to taxpayers.”• And the family doesn’t have unlimited money, based on what we know — even if they still have a sizable purse. They received about £125 million from publicly disclosed sources.• “They are millionaires, not billionaires,” David McClure, who has written about royal finances, told the WSJ.
The speed read
Deals• The Treasury Department announced new rules that expand oversight over foreign investments into U.S. companies that could raise national security concerns. (WSJ)• Visa agreed to buy Plaid, which provides services to financial-tech companies, for $5.3 billion. (Reuters)• The grocery chain Albertsons is reportedly again preparing to go public. (WSJ)Politics and policy• Iran’s economic woes are limiting its leaders’ willingness to escalate their conflict with the U.S. (NYT)• New Jersey is poised to enact a law that would compensate workers who lose their jobs in mass layoffs, a move that was inspired by the bankruptcy of Toys “R” Us. (Bloomberg)Tech• Russian hackers have targeted Burisma, the Ukrainian natural gas company at the heart of the Trump impeachment. (NYT)• Dating services like Grindr and Tinder are exposing users’ personal data to marketers in ways that may violate privacy laws, according to a new report. (NYT)• Alphabet’s market value is close to surpassing $1 trillion. (FT)Best of the rest• Boeing’s new C.E.O., David Calhoun, could receive a $7 million bonus if the company’s 737 Max resumes flying. (Business Insider)• Drug companies are seeking new ways to lower the price of their most expensive treatments. (WSJ)• American wine purchases dropped last year from 2018, the first time in a quarter-century. (WSJ)Thanks for reading! We’ll see you tomorrow.We’d love your feedback. Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected]. Read the full article
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afroavocadowitch · 3 years
News reports & helpful tips on POS System Equipment & POS.
If you have just migrated to a Magento 2 website and haven’t got a mobile version of your website yet, the most concerning question to you is probably “How to optimize my website for mobile devices?”
The simplest and fastest way is to build a progressive web app (PWA), which meets mobile-first standards and has an app-like interface. In case your Magento version is 2.3.x and above, you’ve already had free access to PWA Studio, Magento’s full set of tools to build PWA for your website. However, this article won’t go into technical details. Instead, we’ll help you understand the definition and importance of PWA from a business perspective.
What is PWA?
PWA features
PWA benefits from a business perspective
Successful PWA examples in retail
What is PWA?
Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a web standard that uses design patterns and advanced technologies to deliver a fast and reliable experience to users on both mobile and desktop devices. It can work on any platform using standard-compliant browsers with the aims to:
Increase customer engagement
Boost conversion rates
Diversify revenue streams
Bonus facts:
In 2015, the term PWA was coined by a designer and a Chrome developer as a “deep shift in our understanding and tools” to “build better experiences across devices and contexts within a single codebase”. Then, it was quickly adapted and developed by Google, Windows, and Apple.
However, the initial idea of a PWA didn’t come not from any of the named software providers. It was Steve Jobs who invented and presented it during the annual iPhone launch in 2007.
PWA features
Simply put, PWA provides a website with the characteristics of a native app and beyond.
App-like interface
Customers tend to have expectations for native apps experience when using mobile devices to browse websites. Therefore, the website interface should be designed to accommodate seamless and fast interactions. This is where PWA’s design strengths come to the fore.
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Full responsiveness
PWA sites provide a consistent experience through all kinds of devices, including tablet, mobile, and desktop.
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Cross-browser compatibility
Most of your customers usually visit your website first. PWA has a consistently high performance on popular browsers such as Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Therefore, it has the widest reach to any customer segmentation.
Easy installation and add to home screen
Convincing users to install an app is challenging and very expensive for businesses. Most mobile users have chosen their favorite sets of applications. While they value the mobile experience of native apps, customers are not willing to download and install new apps. PWA avoids the middleman step of searching in app stores, requiring no download or installation:
Customers can surf PWA websites on any browser.
On the first access, the browser will display a prompt to remind customers to add it to the home screen.
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Regarding the fact that customers prefer tapping app icons to access their favorites rather than navigating to a website using a browser, PWA’s add to home screen feature is valuable in this situation.
Offline mode or connectivity independent
Thanks to its Service Workers technology, PWA can work offline.
When your customers first visit your website, your site’s content will be cached. Customers can continue to interact without interruption, even if they lose their network connection.
On the next visit, your device will reload the saved content without the internet, making the page browsing speed very fast.
The Service Worker update process keeps the PWA site updated automatically and continuously. You don’t need to submit your updates to the App Store or Play Store and wait for review before releasing a new version.
Mobile perks
PWA has the ability to access the home screen and send real-time alerts and push notifications to engage customers, even when the application isn’t running.
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Performance optimization
PWAs use less data than native apps and load content fast. With faster loading times, PWAs reduce server load and minimize the risk of slowdowns or crashes during high-traffic times, like major year-end sales.
HTTPS connections of PWA are the highest level of security, served via TLS to block snooping.
Shareable content
With one PWA’s unique URL link, you can share it for others to access on any platform via social media or other apps.
PWA sites can be indexed by Googlebot so you can optimize them based on Google’s guidelines and best practices.
PWA benefits from a business perspective
In turn, PWA brings outstanding advantages for businesses:
Increase organic search traffic to capture new sales
One of the hardest tasks on the planet is to make customers know that your store exists. According to a recent survey, more than nearly 60% of search queries come from mobile devices. As a result, Google has shifted its priority to returning results for mobile-first websites.
In that situation, it’s best to help your business get more mobile traffic with mobile-friendly features. PWA can increase the ranking of websites by much faster page load times and consuming less device memory and network data.
Boost brand awareness to engage more with customers
Large businesses and brands have taken up most of the number of apps on customers’ screens. With the add-to-home-screen feature, PWA sites open the opportunity for small and medium businesses to put their brand on the home screen of more users. This ensures brand visibility and enhances the top position.
When using PWA, SMEs can expect much higher customer engagement. Customers add your PWA site after they’re sure your site has everything they need. This brings you one step closer to your customers. When the PWA is placed in their home screen, it’s easy for customers to see and remember your store as soon as they unlock their device. Specifically, user sessions on PWA sites are 78.25% longer than websites and apps.
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Remarketing leads to get more returning customers
Businesses often find it difficult to capture accurate and detailed information about customers. With a PWA, you can see how your customers interact with your website from the moment they install it.
After they pin the PWA site to their home screen, you can keep sending them information about the latest products and services with instant pop-ups. These offers are delivered on the basis of the pages the customer has visited, the number and duration of each session, and their location.
In short, you can refine leads much more easily and directly with PWAs than with traditional websites or native apps. Your sales and marketing teams can utilize the information to target your audience better, so you’ll enjoy lower Cost of User Acquisition (CAC) and higher marketing ROI.
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Enhance customer experience to improve conversion rates
Google mentioned 3 key factors of PWA that can improve customer experience and reduce bounce rates on your website:
Reliable: Load immediately and never display the dinosaur jumping through the desert, even in unstable internet connection
Fast: Respond instantly to customer interactions with smooth moving images and no complicated scrolling required
Engaging: Feels like a native app with a rich UI/UX on all devices, equally in desktop, tablets, and mobile
All of the above benefits lead to higher levels of customer engagement and overall performance, increasing conversion rate and revenue growth.
Offer more affordable alternatives solution to native apps
PWAs vs native apps? Both of them deliver great customer experience on mobile with different strengths and weaknesses. Retails can use native apps to engage their loyal customers who are willing to install them, but PWAs makes it easier to reach new customers. Depending on the selection factors and priorities, you can judge which is the better choice.
PWA wins the fields of:
Shorter development time
Smaller budget
Strong SEO profile following website best practices
Native apps win the fields of:
Credibility certified by App Store and Play Store
More security options
Advanced mobile features
You can read more details from the developer’s perspective and the user’s perspective in our article PWA vs Native App.
Successful PWA case studies in retails
Now you may be wondering if any companies have succeeded in implementing PWA, and how effective is it? The answer is “Yes”. They are familiar brands that you may have visited and purchased some products from their PWA sites. Let’s take a look at 5 interesting examples of PWA in retail and how they improve their bottom line.
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Industry: Retail coffee and snacks store. PWA launching time: 2015. Business requirements:
Provide customers with faster and responsive performance than the previous apps
Allow customers to access the nutrition information, browse the menu, and customize their orders without network. This is very subtle considering the cases where Starbucks customers take the subway in the morning and often lose their internet connection in the middle of ordering.
Solution: Starbucks built an app-like PWA website with smoothly animated images and the ability to work offline.
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Efficient results: Starbucks reported:
A 2x increase in their daily active users
A huge data storage saving by 99.84% (the PWA needs only 233 KB while the previous app requires 148 MB)
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Industry: An one-stop website to shop everything from refrigerators to baby clothes in China.
PWA launching time: 2016.
Business requirements:
Build a compelling website experience like their previous mobile app, but provide a faster loading speed
Not require customers to download and install to start interacting with them
Solution: AliExpress combines the best features of their app to build the new PWA site with a wide reach. As a result, they delight their customers with PWA’s benefits such as offline working and productivity.
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Efficient results: With their new PWA, AliExpress registered:
43% more sessions per user
20% increase in ad viewability
Triple scroll depth
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Industry: Luxury cosmetics.
PWA launching time: 2016.
Business requirements:
Drives more traffic and sales
Increase conversion rate, which was only 15% in 2015
Allow customers to search and purchase products more easily on mobile
Solution: Their PWA works as a fast app-like solution for more mobile-friendly and also right user experience (UX) on all kinds of devices. Its performance is stable on a weak internet connection and provides push notifications that engage customers.
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Efficient results: Lancôme’s new PWA achieved:
18% open push notifications
8% of customers tapping on a push notification and purchase
More than 50% rise in the number of mobile sessions
15% decrease in bounce rate
51% increase in mobile sessions
17% increase in conversions rate
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Industry: The largest eCommerce store in India.
PWA launching time: 2016.
Business requirements: Optimize loading speed because most of the mobile users in India use 2G network to access the site.
Solution: PWA’s add to home screen, offline mode, and fast loading feature are incredibly valuable here.
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Efficient results: Flipkart Lite that plays an important role in boosting their revenue:
3x more spending time on site (3.5 minutes for the new PWA vs. 70 seconds for the old website)
40% higher engagement rate
70% increase in rate conversions
3x lower data usage
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Industry: A leading UK clothing brand, part of Walmart.
PWA launching time: 2018.
Business requirements:
Revamp the outdated mobile website
Improve the offer for customers
Solution: George.com adopt a mobile-first approach, focusing on speed, design, and functionality to increase mobile conversions.
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Efficient results: After transforming to a PWA site, George.com gained:
31% increase in mobile conversion
3.8x faster page loading time
2x lower bounce rate
31% increase in conversion rate
20% more page views per visit
28% longer time on site for “Add to Home Screen” prompt
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There are many other success stories of PWA that you can find via the website PWA Stats indicating its benefits from a business point of view.
PWAs are the latest trend in the digital world and can replace native apps in many situations. They are extremely fast and use only a single codebase across platforms, making their coverage broad and diverse with every set of customers.
Offline capacity, short loading times, native-like UX, push notifications, icon on the homepage, and offline access make PWA increase engagement and boost customer experience on mobile.
PWAs are a direct answer to the needs of mobile customers and enable businesses to increase mobile conversion rate. Investment in PWA can result in significant measurable benefits. With a PWA Storefront, you can develop an app and a web page at the same time with a shorter time-to-market and lower costs. So, let’s try and keep up with this technology in 2021!
The post What is PWA & its benefits for retailers appeared first on World’s #1 POS for Magento.
This post was first published here.
We trust you found the article above of help or of interest. You can find similar content on our main site here: northtxpointofsale.com Let me have your feedback in the comments section below. Let us know what subjects we should write about for you in the future.
0 notes
pezonesnegros · 3 years
News reports & helpful tips on POS System Equipment & POS.
If you have just migrated to a Magento 2 website and haven’t got a mobile version of your website yet, the most concerning question to you is probably “How to optimize my website for mobile devices?”
The simplest and fastest way is to build a progressive web app (PWA), which meets mobile-first standards and has an app-like interface. In case your Magento version is 2.3.x and above, you’ve already had free access to PWA Studio, Magento’s full set of tools to build PWA for your website. However, this article won’t go into technical details. Instead, we’ll help you understand the definition and importance of PWA from a business perspective.
What is PWA?
PWA features
PWA benefits from a business perspective
Successful PWA examples in retail
What is PWA?
Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a web standard that uses design patterns and advanced technologies to deliver a fast and reliable experience to users on both mobile and desktop devices. It can work on any platform using standard-compliant browsers with the aims to:
Increase customer engagement
Boost conversion rates
Diversify revenue streams
Bonus facts:
In 2015, the term PWA was coined by a designer and a Chrome developer as a “deep shift in our understanding and tools” to “build better experiences across devices and contexts within a single codebase”. Then, it was quickly adapted and developed by Google, Windows, and Apple.
However, the initial idea of a PWA didn’t come not from any of the named software providers. It was Steve Jobs who invented and presented it during the annual iPhone launch in 2007.
PWA features
Simply put, PWA provides a website with the characteristics of a native app and beyond.
App-like interface
Customers tend to have expectations for native apps experience when using mobile devices to browse websites. Therefore, the website interface should be designed to accommodate seamless and fast interactions. This is where PWA’s design strengths come to the fore.
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Full responsiveness
PWA sites provide a consistent experience through all kinds of devices, including tablet, mobile, and desktop.
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Cross-browser compatibility
Most of your customers usually visit your website first. PWA has a consistently high performance on popular browsers such as Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Therefore, it has the widest reach to any customer segmentation.
Easy installation and add to home screen
Convincing users to install an app is challenging and very expensive for businesses. Most mobile users have chosen their favorite sets of applications. While they value the mobile experience of native apps, customers are not willing to download and install new apps. PWA avoids the middleman step of searching in app stores, requiring no download or installation:
Customers can surf PWA websites on any browser.
On the first access, the browser will display a prompt to remind customers to add it to the home screen.
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Regarding the fact that customers prefer tapping app icons to access their favorites rather than navigating to a website using a browser, PWA’s add to home screen feature is valuable in this situation.
Offline mode or connectivity independent
Thanks to its Service Workers technology, PWA can work offline.
When your customers first visit your website, your site’s content will be cached. Customers can continue to interact without interruption, even if they lose their network connection.
On the next visit, your device will reload the saved content without the internet, making the page browsing speed very fast.
The Service Worker update process keeps the PWA site updated automatically and continuously. You don’t need to submit your updates to the App Store or Play Store and wait for review before releasing a new version.
Mobile perks
PWA has the ability to access the home screen and send real-time alerts and push notifications to engage customers, even when the application isn’t running.
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Performance optimization
PWAs use less data than native apps and load content fast. With faster loading times, PWAs reduce server load and minimize the risk of slowdowns or crashes during high-traffic times, like major year-end sales.
HTTPS connections of PWA are the highest level of security, served via TLS to block snooping.
Shareable content
With one PWA’s unique URL link, you can share it for others to access on any platform via social media or other apps.
PWA sites can be indexed by Googlebot so you can optimize them based on Google’s guidelines and best practices.
PWA benefits from a business perspective
In turn, PWA brings outstanding advantages for businesses:
Increase organic search traffic to capture new sales
One of the hardest tasks on the planet is to make customers know that your store exists. According to a recent survey, more than nearly 60% of search queries come from mobile devices. As a result, Google has shifted its priority to returning results for mobile-first websites.
In that situation, it’s best to help your business get more mobile traffic with mobile-friendly features. PWA can increase the ranking of websites by much faster page load times and consuming less device memory and network data.
Boost brand awareness to engage more with customers
Large businesses and brands have taken up most of the number of apps on customers’ screens. With the add-to-home-screen feature, PWA sites open the opportunity for small and medium businesses to put their brand on the home screen of more users. This ensures brand visibility and enhances the top position.
When using PWA, SMEs can expect much higher customer engagement. Customers add your PWA site after they’re sure your site has everything they need. This brings you one step closer to your customers. When the PWA is placed in their home screen, it’s easy for customers to see and remember your store as soon as they unlock their device. Specifically, user sessions on PWA sites are 78.25% longer than websites and apps.
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Remarketing leads to get more returning customers
Businesses often find it difficult to capture accurate and detailed information about customers. With a PWA, you can see how your customers interact with your website from the moment they install it.
After they pin the PWA site to their home screen, you can keep sending them information about the latest products and services with instant pop-ups. These offers are delivered on the basis of the pages the customer has visited, the number and duration of each session, and their location.
In short, you can refine leads much more easily and directly with PWAs than with traditional websites or native apps. Your sales and marketing teams can utilize the information to target your audience better, so you’ll enjoy lower Cost of User Acquisition (CAC) and higher marketing ROI.
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Enhance customer experience to improve conversion rates
Google mentioned 3 key factors of PWA that can improve customer experience and reduce bounce rates on your website:
Reliable: Load immediately and never display the dinosaur jumping through the desert, even in unstable internet connection
Fast: Respond instantly to customer interactions with smooth moving images and no complicated scrolling required
Engaging: Feels like a native app with a rich UI/UX on all devices, equally in desktop, tablets, and mobile
All of the above benefits lead to higher levels of customer engagement and overall performance, increasing conversion rate and revenue growth.
Offer more affordable alternatives solution to native apps
PWAs vs native apps? Both of them deliver great customer experience on mobile with different strengths and weaknesses. Retails can use native apps to engage their loyal customers who are willing to install them, but PWAs makes it easier to reach new customers. Depending on the selection factors and priorities, you can judge which is the better choice.
PWA wins the fields of:
Shorter development time
Smaller budget
Strong SEO profile following website best practices
Native apps win the fields of:
Credibility certified by App Store and Play Store
More security options
Advanced mobile features
You can read more details from the developer’s perspective and the user’s perspective in our article PWA vs Native App.
Successful PWA case studies in retails
Now you may be wondering if any companies have succeeded in implementing PWA, and how effective is it? The answer is “Yes”. They are familiar brands that you may have visited and purchased some products from their PWA sites. Let’s take a look at 5 interesting examples of PWA in retail and how they improve their bottom line.
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Industry: Retail coffee and snacks store. PWA launching time: 2015. Business requirements:
Provide customers with faster and responsive performance than the previous apps
Allow customers to access the nutrition information, browse the menu, and customize their orders without network. This is very subtle considering the cases where Starbucks customers take the subway in the morning and often lose their internet connection in the middle of ordering.
Solution: Starbucks built an app-like PWA website with smoothly animated images and the ability to work offline.
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Efficient results: Starbucks reported:
A 2x increase in their daily active users
A huge data storage saving by 99.84% (the PWA needs only 233 KB while the previous app requires 148 MB)
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Industry: An one-stop website to shop everything from refrigerators to baby clothes in China.
PWA launching time: 2016.
Business requirements:
Build a compelling website experience like their previous mobile app, but provide a faster loading speed
Not require customers to download and install to start interacting with them
Solution: AliExpress combines the best features of their app to build the new PWA site with a wide reach. As a result, they delight their customers with PWA’s benefits such as offline working and productivity.
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Efficient results: With their new PWA, AliExpress registered:
43% more sessions per user
20% increase in ad viewability
Triple scroll depth
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Industry: Luxury cosmetics.
PWA launching time: 2016.
Business requirements:
Drives more traffic and sales
Increase conversion rate, which was only 15% in 2015
Allow customers to search and purchase products more easily on mobile
Solution: Their PWA works as a fast app-like solution for more mobile-friendly and also right user experience (UX) on all kinds of devices. Its performance is stable on a weak internet connection and provides push notifications that engage customers.
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Efficient results: Lancôme’s new PWA achieved:
18% open push notifications
8% of customers tapping on a push notification and purchase
More than 50% rise in the number of mobile sessions
15% decrease in bounce rate
51% increase in mobile sessions
17% increase in conversions rate
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Industry: The largest eCommerce store in India.
PWA launching time: 2016.
Business requirements: Optimize loading speed because most of the mobile users in India use 2G network to access the site.
Solution: PWA’s add to home screen, offline mode, and fast loading feature are incredibly valuable here.
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Efficient results: Flipkart Lite that plays an important role in boosting their revenue:
3x more spending time on site (3.5 minutes for the new PWA vs. 70 seconds for the old website)
40% higher engagement rate
70% increase in rate conversions
3x lower data usage
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Industry: A leading UK clothing brand, part of Walmart.
PWA launching time: 2018.
Business requirements:
Revamp the outdated mobile website
Improve the offer for customers
Solution: George.com adopt a mobile-first approach, focusing on speed, design, and functionality to increase mobile conversions.
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Efficient results: After transforming to a PWA site, George.com gained:
31% increase in mobile conversion
3.8x faster page loading time
2x lower bounce rate
31% increase in conversion rate
20% more page views per visit
28% longer time on site for “Add to Home Screen” prompt
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There are many other success stories of PWA that you can find via the website PWA Stats indicating its benefits from a business point of view.
PWAs are the latest trend in the digital world and can replace native apps in many situations. They are extremely fast and use only a single codebase across platforms, making their coverage broad and diverse with every set of customers.
Offline capacity, short loading times, native-like UX, push notifications, icon on the homepage, and offline access make PWA increase engagement and boost customer experience on mobile.
PWAs are a direct answer to the needs of mobile customers and enable businesses to increase mobile conversion rate. Investment in PWA can result in significant measurable benefits. With a PWA Storefront, you can develop an app and a web page at the same time with a shorter time-to-market and lower costs. So, let’s try and keep up with this technology in 2021!
The post What is PWA & its benefits for retailers appeared first on World’s #1 POS for Magento.
This post was first published here.
We trust you found the article above of help or of interest. You can find similar content on our main site here: northtxpointofsale.com Let me have your feedback in the comments section below. Let us know what subjects we should write about for you in the future.
0 notes
afrolatinxsunited · 3 years
News reports & helpful tips on POS System Equipment & POS.
If you have just migrated to a Magento 2 website and haven’t got a mobile version of your website yet, the most concerning question to you is probably “How to optimize my website for mobile devices?”
The simplest and fastest way is to build a progressive web app (PWA), which meets mobile-first standards and has an app-like interface. In case your Magento version is 2.3.x and above, you’ve already had free access to PWA Studio, Magento’s full set of tools to build PWA for your website. However, this article won’t go into technical details. Instead, we’ll help you understand the definition and importance of PWA from a business perspective.
What is PWA?
PWA features
PWA benefits from a business perspective
Successful PWA examples in retail
What is PWA?
Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a web standard that uses design patterns and advanced technologies to deliver a fast and reliable experience to users on both mobile and desktop devices. It can work on any platform using standard-compliant browsers with the aims to:
Increase customer engagement
Boost conversion rates
Diversify revenue streams
Bonus facts:
In 2015, the term PWA was coined by a designer and a Chrome developer as a “deep shift in our understanding and tools” to “build better experiences across devices and contexts within a single codebase”. Then, it was quickly adapted and developed by Google, Windows, and Apple.
However, the initial idea of a PWA didn’t come not from any of the named software providers. It was Steve Jobs who invented and presented it during the annual iPhone launch in 2007.
PWA features
Simply put, PWA provides a website with the characteristics of a native app and beyond.
App-like interface
Customers tend to have expectations for native apps experience when using mobile devices to browse websites. Therefore, the website interface should be designed to accommodate seamless and fast interactions. This is where PWA’s design strengths come to the fore.
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Full responsiveness
PWA sites provide a consistent experience through all kinds of devices, including tablet, mobile, and desktop.
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Cross-browser compatibility
Most of your customers usually visit your website first. PWA has a consistently high performance on popular browsers such as Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Therefore, it has the widest reach to any customer segmentation.
Easy installation and add to home screen
Convincing users to install an app is challenging and very expensive for businesses. Most mobile users have chosen their favorite sets of applications. While they value the mobile experience of native apps, customers are not willing to download and install new apps. PWA avoids the middleman step of searching in app stores, requiring no download or installation:
Customers can surf PWA websites on any browser.
On the first access, the browser will display a prompt to remind customers to add it to the home screen.
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Regarding the fact that customers prefer tapping app icons to access their favorites rather than navigating to a website using a browser, PWA’s add to home screen feature is valuable in this situation.
Offline mode or connectivity independent
Thanks to its Service Workers technology, PWA can work offline.
When your customers first visit your website, your site’s content will be cached. Customers can continue to interact without interruption, even if they lose their network connection.
On the next visit, your device will reload the saved content without the internet, making the page browsing speed very fast.
The Service Worker update process keeps the PWA site updated automatically and continuously. You don’t need to submit your updates to the App Store or Play Store and wait for review before releasing a new version.
Mobile perks
PWA has the ability to access the home screen and send real-time alerts and push notifications to engage customers, even when the application isn’t running.
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Performance optimization
PWAs use less data than native apps and load content fast. With faster loading times, PWAs reduce server load and minimize the risk of slowdowns or crashes during high-traffic times, like major year-end sales.
HTTPS connections of PWA are the highest level of security, served via TLS to block snooping.
Shareable content
With one PWA’s unique URL link, you can share it for others to access on any platform via social media or other apps.
PWA sites can be indexed by Googlebot so you can optimize them based on Google’s guidelines and best practices.
PWA benefits from a business perspective
In turn, PWA brings outstanding advantages for businesses:
Increase organic search traffic to capture new sales
One of the hardest tasks on the planet is to make customers know that your store exists. According to a recent survey, more than nearly 60% of search queries come from mobile devices. As a result, Google has shifted its priority to returning results for mobile-first websites.
In that situation, it’s best to help your business get more mobile traffic with mobile-friendly features. PWA can increase the ranking of websites by much faster page load times and consuming less device memory and network data.
Boost brand awareness to engage more with customers
Large businesses and brands have taken up most of the number of apps on customers’ screens. With the add-to-home-screen feature, PWA sites open the opportunity for small and medium businesses to put their brand on the home screen of more users. This ensures brand visibility and enhances the top position.
When using PWA, SMEs can expect much higher customer engagement. Customers add your PWA site after they’re sure your site has everything they need. This brings you one step closer to your customers. When the PWA is placed in their home screen, it’s easy for customers to see and remember your store as soon as they unlock their device. Specifically, user sessions on PWA sites are 78.25% longer than websites and apps.
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Remarketing leads to get more returning customers
Businesses often find it difficult to capture accurate and detailed information about customers. With a PWA, you can see how your customers interact with your website from the moment they install it.
After they pin the PWA site to their home screen, you can keep sending them information about the latest products and services with instant pop-ups. These offers are delivered on the basis of the pages the customer has visited, the number and duration of each session, and their location.
In short, you can refine leads much more easily and directly with PWAs than with traditional websites or native apps. Your sales and marketing teams can utilize the information to target your audience better, so you’ll enjoy lower Cost of User Acquisition (CAC) and higher marketing ROI.
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Enhance customer experience to improve conversion rates
Google mentioned 3 key factors of PWA that can improve customer experience and reduce bounce rates on your website:
Reliable: Load immediately and never display the dinosaur jumping through the desert, even in unstable internet connection
Fast: Respond instantly to customer interactions with smooth moving images and no complicated scrolling required
Engaging: Feels like a native app with a rich UI/UX on all devices, equally in desktop, tablets, and mobile
All of the above benefits lead to higher levels of customer engagement and overall performance, increasing conversion rate and revenue growth.
Offer more affordable alternatives solution to native apps
PWAs vs native apps? Both of them deliver great customer experience on mobile with different strengths and weaknesses. Retails can use native apps to engage their loyal customers who are willing to install them, but PWAs makes it easier to reach new customers. Depending on the selection factors and priorities, you can judge which is the better choice.
PWA wins the fields of:
Shorter development time
Smaller budget
Strong SEO profile following website best practices
Native apps win the fields of:
Credibility certified by App Store and Play Store
More security options
Advanced mobile features
You can read more details from the developer’s perspective and the user’s perspective in our article PWA vs Native App.
Successful PWA case studies in retails
Now you may be wondering if any companies have succeeded in implementing PWA, and how effective is it? The answer is “Yes”. They are familiar brands that you may have visited and purchased some products from their PWA sites. Let’s take a look at 5 interesting examples of PWA in retail and how they improve their bottom line.
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Industry: Retail coffee and snacks store. PWA launching time: 2015. Business requirements:
Provide customers with faster and responsive performance than the previous apps
Allow customers to access the nutrition information, browse the menu, and customize their orders without network. This is very subtle considering the cases where Starbucks customers take the subway in the morning and often lose their internet connection in the middle of ordering.
Solution: Starbucks built an app-like PWA website with smoothly animated images and the ability to work offline.
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Efficient results: Starbucks reported:
A 2x increase in their daily active users
A huge data storage saving by 99.84% (the PWA needs only 233 KB while the previous app requires 148 MB)
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Industry: An one-stop website to shop everything from refrigerators to baby clothes in China.
PWA launching time: 2016.
Business requirements:
Build a compelling website experience like their previous mobile app, but provide a faster loading speed
Not require customers to download and install to start interacting with them
Solution: AliExpress combines the best features of their app to build the new PWA site with a wide reach. As a result, they delight their customers with PWA’s benefits such as offline working and productivity.
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Efficient results: With their new PWA, AliExpress registered:
43% more sessions per user
20% increase in ad viewability
Triple scroll depth
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Industry: Luxury cosmetics.
PWA launching time: 2016.
Business requirements:
Drives more traffic and sales
Increase conversion rate, which was only 15% in 2015
Allow customers to search and purchase products more easily on mobile
Solution: Their PWA works as a fast app-like solution for more mobile-friendly and also right user experience (UX) on all kinds of devices. Its performance is stable on a weak internet connection and provides push notifications that engage customers.
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Efficient results: Lancôme’s new PWA achieved:
18% open push notifications
8% of customers tapping on a push notification and purchase
More than 50% rise in the number of mobile sessions
15% decrease in bounce rate
51% increase in mobile sessions
17% increase in conversions rate
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Industry: The largest eCommerce store in India.
PWA launching time: 2016.
Business requirements: Optimize loading speed because most of the mobile users in India use 2G network to access the site.
Solution: PWA’s add to home screen, offline mode, and fast loading feature are incredibly valuable here.
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Efficient results: Flipkart Lite that plays an important role in boosting their revenue:
3x more spending time on site (3.5 minutes for the new PWA vs. 70 seconds for the old website)
40% higher engagement rate
70% increase in rate conversions
3x lower data usage
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Industry: A leading UK clothing brand, part of Walmart.
PWA launching time: 2018.
Business requirements:
Revamp the outdated mobile website
Improve the offer for customers
Solution: George.com adopt a mobile-first approach, focusing on speed, design, and functionality to increase mobile conversions.
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Efficient results: After transforming to a PWA site, George.com gained:
31% increase in mobile conversion
3.8x faster page loading time
2x lower bounce rate
31% increase in conversion rate
20% more page views per visit
28% longer time on site for “Add to Home Screen” prompt
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There are many other success stories of PWA that you can find via the website PWA Stats indicating its benefits from a business point of view.
PWAs are the latest trend in the digital world and can replace native apps in many situations. They are extremely fast and use only a single codebase across platforms, making their coverage broad and diverse with every set of customers.
Offline capacity, short loading times, native-like UX, push notifications, icon on the homepage, and offline access make PWA increase engagement and boost customer experience on mobile.
PWAs are a direct answer to the needs of mobile customers and enable businesses to increase mobile conversion rate. Investment in PWA can result in significant measurable benefits. With a PWA Storefront, you can develop an app and a web page at the same time with a shorter time-to-market and lower costs. So, let’s try and keep up with this technology in 2021!
The post What is PWA & its benefits for retailers appeared first on World’s #1 POS for Magento.
This post was first published here.
We trust you found the article above of help or of interest. You can find similar content on our main site here: northtxpointofsale.com Let me have your feedback in the comments section below. Let us know what subjects we should write about for you in the future.
0 notes
afriendlypokealien · 3 years
News reports & helpful tips on POS System Equipment & POS.
If you have just migrated to a Magento 2 website and haven’t got a mobile version of your website yet, the most concerning question to you is probably “How to optimize my website for mobile devices?”
The simplest and fastest way is to build a progressive web app (PWA), which meets mobile-first standards and has an app-like interface. In case your Magento version is 2.3.x and above, you’ve already had free access to PWA Studio, Magento’s full set of tools to build PWA for your website. However, this article won’t go into technical details. Instead, we’ll help you understand the definition and importance of PWA from a business perspective.
What is PWA?
PWA features
PWA benefits from a business perspective
Successful PWA examples in retail
What is PWA?
Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a web standard that uses design patterns and advanced technologies to deliver a fast and reliable experience to users on both mobile and desktop devices. It can work on any platform using standard-compliant browsers with the aims to:
Increase customer engagement
Boost conversion rates
Diversify revenue streams
Bonus facts:
In 2015, the term PWA was coined by a designer and a Chrome developer as a “deep shift in our understanding and tools” to “build better experiences across devices and contexts within a single codebase”. Then, it was quickly adapted and developed by Google, Windows, and Apple.
However, the initial idea of a PWA didn’t come not from any of the named software providers. It was Steve Jobs who invented and presented it during the annual iPhone launch in 2007.
PWA features
Simply put, PWA provides a website with the characteristics of a native app and beyond.
App-like interface
Customers tend to have expectations for native apps experience when using mobile devices to browse websites. Therefore, the website interface should be designed to accommodate seamless and fast interactions. This is where PWA’s design strengths come to the fore.
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Full responsiveness
PWA sites provide a consistent experience through all kinds of devices, including tablet, mobile, and desktop.
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Cross-browser compatibility
Most of your customers usually visit your website first. PWA has a consistently high performance on popular browsers such as Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Therefore, it has the widest reach to any customer segmentation.
Easy installation and add to home screen
Convincing users to install an app is challenging and very expensive for businesses. Most mobile users have chosen their favorite sets of applications. While they value the mobile experience of native apps, customers are not willing to download and install new apps. PWA avoids the middleman step of searching in app stores, requiring no download or installation:
Customers can surf PWA websites on any browser.
On the first access, the browser will display a prompt to remind customers to add it to the home screen.
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Regarding the fact that customers prefer tapping app icons to access their favorites rather than navigating to a website using a browser, PWA’s add to home screen feature is valuable in this situation.
Offline mode or connectivity independent
Thanks to its Service Workers technology, PWA can work offline.
When your customers first visit your website, your site’s content will be cached. Customers can continue to interact without interruption, even if they lose their network connection.
On the next visit, your device will reload the saved content without the internet, making the page browsing speed very fast.
The Service Worker update process keeps the PWA site updated automatically and continuously. You don’t need to submit your updates to the App Store or Play Store and wait for review before releasing a new version.
Mobile perks
PWA has the ability to access the home screen and send real-time alerts and push notifications to engage customers, even when the application isn’t running.
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Performance optimization
PWAs use less data than native apps and load content fast. With faster loading times, PWAs reduce server load and minimize the risk of slowdowns or crashes during high-traffic times, like major year-end sales.
HTTPS connections of PWA are the highest level of security, served via TLS to block snooping.
Shareable content
With one PWA’s unique URL link, you can share it for others to access on any platform via social media or other apps.
PWA sites can be indexed by Googlebot so you can optimize them based on Google’s guidelines and best practices.
PWA benefits from a business perspective
In turn, PWA brings outstanding advantages for businesses:
Increase organic search traffic to capture new sales
One of the hardest tasks on the planet is to make customers know that your store exists. According to a recent survey, more than nearly 60% of search queries come from mobile devices. As a result, Google has shifted its priority to returning results for mobile-first websites.
In that situation, it’s best to help your business get more mobile traffic with mobile-friendly features. PWA can increase the ranking of websites by much faster page load times and consuming less device memory and network data.
Boost brand awareness to engage more with customers
Large businesses and brands have taken up most of the number of apps on customers’ screens. With the add-to-home-screen feature, PWA sites open the opportunity for small and medium businesses to put their brand on the home screen of more users. This ensures brand visibility and enhances the top position.
When using PWA, SMEs can expect much higher customer engagement. Customers add your PWA site after they’re sure your site has everything they need. This brings you one step closer to your customers. When the PWA is placed in their home screen, it’s easy for customers to see and remember your store as soon as they unlock their device. Specifically, user sessions on PWA sites are 78.25% longer than websites and apps.
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Remarketing leads to get more returning customers
Businesses often find it difficult to capture accurate and detailed information about customers. With a PWA, you can see how your customers interact with your website from the moment they install it.
After they pin the PWA site to their home screen, you can keep sending them information about the latest products and services with instant pop-ups. These offers are delivered on the basis of the pages the customer has visited, the number and duration of each session, and their location.
In short, you can refine leads much more easily and directly with PWAs than with traditional websites or native apps. Your sales and marketing teams can utilize the information to target your audience better, so you’ll enjoy lower Cost of User Acquisition (CAC) and higher marketing ROI.
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Enhance customer experience to improve conversion rates
Google mentioned 3 key factors of PWA that can improve customer experience and reduce bounce rates on your website:
Reliable: Load immediately and never display the dinosaur jumping through the desert, even in unstable internet connection
Fast: Respond instantly to customer interactions with smooth moving images and no complicated scrolling required
Engaging: Feels like a native app with a rich UI/UX on all devices, equally in desktop, tablets, and mobile
All of the above benefits lead to higher levels of customer engagement and overall performance, increasing conversion rate and revenue growth.
Offer more affordable alternatives solution to native apps
PWAs vs native apps? Both of them deliver great customer experience on mobile with different strengths and weaknesses. Retails can use native apps to engage their loyal customers who are willing to install them, but PWAs makes it easier to reach new customers. Depending on the selection factors and priorities, you can judge which is the better choice.
PWA wins the fields of:
Shorter development time
Smaller budget
Strong SEO profile following website best practices
Native apps win the fields of:
Credibility certified by App Store and Play Store
More security options
Advanced mobile features
You can read more details from the developer’s perspective and the user’s perspective in our article PWA vs Native App.
Successful PWA case studies in retails
Now you may be wondering if any companies have succeeded in implementing PWA, and how effective is it? The answer is “Yes”. They are familiar brands that you may have visited and purchased some products from their PWA sites. Let’s take a look at 5 interesting examples of PWA in retail and how they improve their bottom line.
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Industry: Retail coffee and snacks store. PWA launching time: 2015. Business requirements:
Provide customers with faster and responsive performance than the previous apps
Allow customers to access the nutrition information, browse the menu, and customize their orders without network. This is very subtle considering the cases where Starbucks customers take the subway in the morning and often lose their internet connection in the middle of ordering.
Solution: Starbucks built an app-like PWA website with smoothly animated images and the ability to work offline.
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Efficient results: Starbucks reported:
A 2x increase in their daily active users
A huge data storage saving by 99.84% (the PWA needs only 233 KB while the previous app requires 148 MB)
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Industry: An one-stop website to shop everything from refrigerators to baby clothes in China.
PWA launching time: 2016.
Business requirements:
Build a compelling website experience like their previous mobile app, but provide a faster loading speed
Not require customers to download and install to start interacting with them
Solution: AliExpress combines the best features of their app to build the new PWA site with a wide reach. As a result, they delight their customers with PWA’s benefits such as offline working and productivity.
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Efficient results: With their new PWA, AliExpress registered:
43% more sessions per user
20% increase in ad viewability
Triple scroll depth
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Industry: Luxury cosmetics.
PWA launching time: 2016.
Business requirements:
Drives more traffic and sales
Increase conversion rate, which was only 15% in 2015
Allow customers to search and purchase products more easily on mobile
Solution: Their PWA works as a fast app-like solution for more mobile-friendly and also right user experience (UX) on all kinds of devices. Its performance is stable on a weak internet connection and provides push notifications that engage customers.
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Efficient results: Lancôme’s new PWA achieved:
18% open push notifications
8% of customers tapping on a push notification and purchase
More than 50% rise in the number of mobile sessions
15% decrease in bounce rate
51% increase in mobile sessions
17% increase in conversions rate
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Industry: The largest eCommerce store in India.
PWA launching time: 2016.
Business requirements: Optimize loading speed because most of the mobile users in India use 2G network to access the site.
Solution: PWA’s add to home screen, offline mode, and fast loading feature are incredibly valuable here.
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Efficient results: Flipkart Lite that plays an important role in boosting their revenue:
3x more spending time on site (3.5 minutes for the new PWA vs. 70 seconds for the old website)
40% higher engagement rate
70% increase in rate conversions
3x lower data usage
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Industry: A leading UK clothing brand, part of Walmart.
PWA launching time: 2018.
Business requirements:
Revamp the outdated mobile website
Improve the offer for customers
Solution: George.com adopt a mobile-first approach, focusing on speed, design, and functionality to increase mobile conversions.
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Efficient results: After transforming to a PWA site, George.com gained:
31% increase in mobile conversion
3.8x faster page loading time
2x lower bounce rate
31% increase in conversion rate
20% more page views per visit
28% longer time on site for “Add to Home Screen” prompt
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There are many other success stories of PWA that you can find via the website PWA Stats indicating its benefits from a business point of view.
PWAs are the latest trend in the digital world and can replace native apps in many situations. They are extremely fast and use only a single codebase across platforms, making their coverage broad and diverse with every set of customers.
Offline capacity, short loading times, native-like UX, push notifications, icon on the homepage, and offline access make PWA increase engagement and boost customer experience on mobile.
PWAs are a direct answer to the needs of mobile customers and enable businesses to increase mobile conversion rate. Investment in PWA can result in significant measurable benefits. With a PWA Storefront, you can develop an app and a web page at the same time with a shorter time-to-market and lower costs. So, let’s try and keep up with this technology in 2021!
The post What is PWA & its benefits for retailers appeared first on World’s #1 POS for Magento.
This post was first published here.
We trust you found the article above of help or of interest. You can find similar content on our main site here: northtxpointofsale.com Let me have your feedback in the comments section below. Let us know what subjects we should write about for you in the future.
0 notes
anagamitofotografia · 3 years
News reports & helpful tips on POS System Equipment & POS.
If you have just migrated to a Magento 2 website and haven’t got a mobile version of your website yet, the most concerning question to you is probably “How to optimize my website for mobile devices?”
The simplest and fastest way is to build a progressive web app (PWA), which meets mobile-first standards and has an app-like interface. In case your Magento version is 2.3.x and above, you’ve already had free access to PWA Studio, Magento’s full set of tools to build PWA for your website. However, this article won’t go into technical details. Instead, we’ll help you understand the definition and importance of PWA from a business perspective.
What is PWA?
PWA features
PWA benefits from a business perspective
Successful PWA examples in retail
What is PWA?
Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a web standard that uses design patterns and advanced technologies to deliver a fast and reliable experience to users on both mobile and desktop devices. It can work on any platform using standard-compliant browsers with the aims to:
Increase customer engagement
Boost conversion rates
Diversify revenue streams
Bonus facts:
In 2015, the term PWA was coined by a designer and a Chrome developer as a “deep shift in our understanding and tools” to “build better experiences across devices and contexts within a single codebase”. Then, it was quickly adapted and developed by Google, Windows, and Apple.
However, the initial idea of a PWA didn’t come not from any of the named software providers. It was Steve Jobs who invented and presented it during the annual iPhone launch in 2007.
PWA features
Simply put, PWA provides a website with the characteristics of a native app and beyond.
App-like interface
Customers tend to have expectations for native apps experience when using mobile devices to browse websites. Therefore, the website interface should be designed to accommodate seamless and fast interactions. This is where PWA’s design strengths come to the fore.
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Full responsiveness
PWA sites provide a consistent experience through all kinds of devices, including tablet, mobile, and desktop.
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Cross-browser compatibility
Most of your customers usually visit your website first. PWA has a consistently high performance on popular browsers such as Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Therefore, it has the widest reach to any customer segmentation.
Easy installation and add to home screen
Convincing users to install an app is challenging and very expensive for businesses. Most mobile users have chosen their favorite sets of applications. While they value the mobile experience of native apps, customers are not willing to download and install new apps. PWA avoids the middleman step of searching in app stores, requiring no download or installation:
Customers can surf PWA websites on any browser.
On the first access, the browser will display a prompt to remind customers to add it to the home screen.
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Regarding the fact that customers prefer tapping app icons to access their favorites rather than navigating to a website using a browser, PWA’s add to home screen feature is valuable in this situation.
Offline mode or connectivity independent
Thanks to its Service Workers technology, PWA can work offline.
When your customers first visit your website, your site’s content will be cached. Customers can continue to interact without interruption, even if they lose their network connection.
On the next visit, your device will reload the saved content without the internet, making the page browsing speed very fast.
The Service Worker update process keeps the PWA site updated automatically and continuously. You don’t need to submit your updates to the App Store or Play Store and wait for review before releasing a new version.
Mobile perks
PWA has the ability to access the home screen and send real-time alerts and push notifications to engage customers, even when the application isn’t running.
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Performance optimization
PWAs use less data than native apps and load content fast. With faster loading times, PWAs reduce server load and minimize the risk of slowdowns or crashes during high-traffic times, like major year-end sales.
HTTPS connections of PWA are the highest level of security, served via TLS to block snooping.
Shareable content
With one PWA’s unique URL link, you can share it for others to access on any platform via social media or other apps.
PWA sites can be indexed by Googlebot so you can optimize them based on Google’s guidelines and best practices.
PWA benefits from a business perspective
In turn, PWA brings outstanding advantages for businesses:
Increase organic search traffic to capture new sales
One of the hardest tasks on the planet is to make customers know that your store exists. According to a recent survey, more than nearly 60% of search queries come from mobile devices. As a result, Google has shifted its priority to returning results for mobile-first websites.
In that situation, it’s best to help your business get more mobile traffic with mobile-friendly features. PWA can increase the ranking of websites by much faster page load times and consuming less device memory and network data.
Boost brand awareness to engage more with customers
Large businesses and brands have taken up most of the number of apps on customers’ screens. With the add-to-home-screen feature, PWA sites open the opportunity for small and medium businesses to put their brand on the home screen of more users. This ensures brand visibility and enhances the top position.
When using PWA, SMEs can expect much higher customer engagement. Customers add your PWA site after they’re sure your site has everything they need. This brings you one step closer to your customers. When the PWA is placed in their home screen, it’s easy for customers to see and remember your store as soon as they unlock their device. Specifically, user sessions on PWA sites are 78.25% longer than websites and apps.
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Remarketing leads to get more returning customers
Businesses often find it difficult to capture accurate and detailed information about customers. With a PWA, you can see how your customers interact with your website from the moment they install it.
After they pin the PWA site to their home screen, you can keep sending them information about the latest products and services with instant pop-ups. These offers are delivered on the basis of the pages the customer has visited, the number and duration of each session, and their location.
In short, you can refine leads much more easily and directly with PWAs than with traditional websites or native apps. Your sales and marketing teams can utilize the information to target your audience better, so you’ll enjoy lower Cost of User Acquisition (CAC) and higher marketing ROI.
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Enhance customer experience to improve conversion rates
Google mentioned 3 key factors of PWA that can improve customer experience and reduce bounce rates on your website:
Reliable: Load immediately and never display the dinosaur jumping through the desert, even in unstable internet connection
Fast: Respond instantly to customer interactions with smooth moving images and no complicated scrolling required
Engaging: Feels like a native app with a rich UI/UX on all devices, equally in desktop, tablets, and mobile
All of the above benefits lead to higher levels of customer engagement and overall performance, increasing conversion rate and revenue growth.
Offer more affordable alternatives solution to native apps
PWAs vs native apps? Both of them deliver great customer experience on mobile with different strengths and weaknesses. Retails can use native apps to engage their loyal customers who are willing to install them, but PWAs makes it easier to reach new customers. Depending on the selection factors and priorities, you can judge which is the better choice.
PWA wins the fields of:
Shorter development time
Smaller budget
Strong SEO profile following website best practices
Native apps win the fields of:
Credibility certified by App Store and Play Store
More security options
Advanced mobile features
You can read more details from the developer’s perspective and the user’s perspective in our article PWA vs Native App.
Successful PWA case studies in retails
Now you may be wondering if any companies have succeeded in implementing PWA, and how effective is it? The answer is “Yes”. They are familiar brands that you may have visited and purchased some products from their PWA sites. Let’s take a look at 5 interesting examples of PWA in retail and how they improve their bottom line.
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Industry: Retail coffee and snacks store. PWA launching time: 2015. Business requirements:
Provide customers with faster and responsive performance than the previous apps
Allow customers to access the nutrition information, browse the menu, and customize their orders without network. This is very subtle considering the cases where Starbucks customers take the subway in the morning and often lose their internet connection in the middle of ordering.
Solution: Starbucks built an app-like PWA website with smoothly animated images and the ability to work offline.
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Efficient results: Starbucks reported:
A 2x increase in their daily active users
A huge data storage saving by 99.84% (the PWA needs only 233 KB while the previous app requires 148 MB)
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Industry: An one-stop website to shop everything from refrigerators to baby clothes in China.
PWA launching time: 2016.
Business requirements:
Build a compelling website experience like their previous mobile app, but provide a faster loading speed
Not require customers to download and install to start interacting with them
Solution: AliExpress combines the best features of their app to build the new PWA site with a wide reach. As a result, they delight their customers with PWA’s benefits such as offline working and productivity.
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Efficient results: With their new PWA, AliExpress registered:
43% more sessions per user
20% increase in ad viewability
Triple scroll depth
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Industry: Luxury cosmetics.
PWA launching time: 2016.
Business requirements:
Drives more traffic and sales
Increase conversion rate, which was only 15% in 2015
Allow customers to search and purchase products more easily on mobile
Solution: Their PWA works as a fast app-like solution for more mobile-friendly and also right user experience (UX) on all kinds of devices. Its performance is stable on a weak internet connection and provides push notifications that engage customers.
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Efficient results: Lancôme’s new PWA achieved:
18% open push notifications
8% of customers tapping on a push notification and purchase
More than 50% rise in the number of mobile sessions
15% decrease in bounce rate
51% increase in mobile sessions
17% increase in conversions rate
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Industry: The largest eCommerce store in India.
PWA launching time: 2016.
Business requirements: Optimize loading speed because most of the mobile users in India use 2G network to access the site.
Solution: PWA’s add to home screen, offline mode, and fast loading feature are incredibly valuable here.
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Efficient results: Flipkart Lite that plays an important role in boosting their revenue:
3x more spending time on site (3.5 minutes for the new PWA vs. 70 seconds for the old website)
40% higher engagement rate
70% increase in rate conversions
3x lower data usage
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Industry: A leading UK clothing brand, part of Walmart.
PWA launching time: 2018.
Business requirements:
Revamp the outdated mobile website
Improve the offer for customers
Solution: George.com adopt a mobile-first approach, focusing on speed, design, and functionality to increase mobile conversions.
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Efficient results: After transforming to a PWA site, George.com gained:
31% increase in mobile conversion
3.8x faster page loading time
2x lower bounce rate
31% increase in conversion rate
20% more page views per visit
28% longer time on site for “Add to Home Screen” prompt
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There are many other success stories of PWA that you can find via the website PWA Stats indicating its benefits from a business point of view.
PWAs are the latest trend in the digital world and can replace native apps in many situations. They are extremely fast and use only a single codebase across platforms, making their coverage broad and diverse with every set of customers.
Offline capacity, short loading times, native-like UX, push notifications, icon on the homepage, and offline access make PWA increase engagement and boost customer experience on mobile.
PWAs are a direct answer to the needs of mobile customers and enable businesses to increase mobile conversion rate. Investment in PWA can result in significant measurable benefits. With a PWA Storefront, you can develop an app and a web page at the same time with a shorter time-to-market and lower costs. So, let’s try and keep up with this technology in 2021!
The post What is PWA & its benefits for retailers appeared first on World’s #1 POS for Magento.
This post was first published here.
We trust you found the article above of help or of interest. You can find similar content on our main site here: northtxpointofsale.com Let me have your feedback in the comments section below. Let us know what subjects we should write about for you in the future.
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sharengayonline · 3 years
iPhone 7 Plus – Technical Specifications
Sharengay Trang Tin Tức Độc Đáo VIDEO iPhone 7 Plus – Technical Specifications
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Rose Gold
Jet Black1
(PRODUCT)RED™ is exclusively available in 128GB and 256GB models.
Bạn đang xem: iPhone 7 Plus – Technical Specifications
Size and Weight3
Height: 6.23 inches (158.2 mm)
Width: 3.07 inches (77.9 mm)
Depth: 0.29 inch (7.3 mm)
Weight: 6.63 ounces (188 grams)
Retina HD display
5.5-inch (diagonal) widescreen LCD
Multi-Touch display with IPS technology
1920-by-1080-pixel resolution at 401 ppi
1300:1 contrast ratio (typical)
Wide color display (P3)
625 cd/m2 max brightness (typical)
Dual-domain pixels for wide viewing angles
Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating
Support for display of multiple languages and characters simultaneously
Display Zoom
Splash, Water, and Dust Resistant4
Rated IP67 (maximum depth of 1 meter up to 30 minutes) under IEC standard 60529
A10 Fusion chip
Dual 12MP wide-angle and telephoto cameras
Wide-angle: ƒ/1.8 aperture
Telephoto: ƒ/2.8 aperture
2x optical zoom; digital zoom up to 10x
Portrait mode
Optical image stabilization
Six‑element lens
Quad-LED True Tone flash
Panorama (up to 63MP)
Sapphire crystal lens cover
Backside illumination sensor
Hybrid IR filter
Autofocus with Focus Pixels
Tap to focus with Focus Pixels
Live Photos with stabilization
Wide color capture for photos and Live Photos
Improved local tone mapping
Exposure control
HDR for photos
Auto image stabilization
Burst mode
Timer mode
Photo geotagging
Image formats captured: HEIF and JPEG
Video Recording
4K video recording at 30 fps
1080p HD video recording at 30 fps or 60 fps
720p HD video recording at 30 fps
Optical image stabilization for video
2x optical zoom; digital zoom up to 6x (iPhone 7 Plus only)
Quad-LED True Tone flash
Slo‑mo video support for 1080p at 120 fps and 720p at 240 fps
Time‑lapse video with stabilization
Cinematic video stabilization (1080p and 720p)
Continuous autofocus video
Take 8MP still photos while recording 4K video
Playback zoom
Video geotagging
Video formats recorded: HEVC and H.264
FaceTime HD Camera
7MP camera
1080p HD video recording
Retina Flash
ƒ/2.2 aperture
Wide color capture for photos and Live Photos
HDR for photos
Backside illumination sensor
Auto image stabilization
Burst mode
Exposure control
Timer mode
Touch ID
Fingerprint sensor built into the Home button
Apple Pay
Pay with your iPhone using Touch ID in stores, within apps, and on the web
Send and receive money in Messages
Complete purchases made with Apple Pay on your Mac
Learn more about Apple Pay
Cellular and Wireless
Model A1661* FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30) TD-LTE (Bands 38, 39, 40, 41) TD-SCDMA 1900 (F), 2000 (A) CDMA EV-DO Rev. A  (800, 1900, 2100 MHz) UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz) GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
Model A1784* FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30)  TD-LTE (Bands 38, 39, 40, 41) UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz)  GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
All models 802.11ac Wi‑Fi with MIMO Bluetooth 4.2 wireless technology NFC with reader mode Express Cards
Assisted GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and QZSS
Digital compass
iBeacon microlocation
Video Calling5
FaceTime video calling over Wi‑Fi or cellular
Audio Calling5
FaceTime audio
Voice over LTE (VoLTE)6
Wi‑Fi calling6
Audio Playback
Audio formats supported: AAC-LC, HE-AAC, HE-AAC v2, Protected AAC, MP3, Linear PCM, Apple Lossless, FLAC, Dolby Digital (AC-3), Dolby Digital Plus (E-AC-3), and Audible (formats 2, 3, 4, Audible Enhanced Audio, AAX, and AAX+)
User-configurable maximum volume limit
Video Playback
Video formats supported: HEVC, H.264, MPEG-4 Part 2, and Motion JPEG
AirPlay Mirroring, photos, and video out to Apple TV (2nd generation or later)7
Video mirroring and video out support: Up to 1080p through Lightning Digital AV Adapter and Lightning to VGA Adapter (adapters sold separately)7
Use your voice to send messages, set reminders, and more
Get intelligent suggestions on your Lock screen and in Messages, Mail, QuickType, and more
Activate hands-free with only your voice using “Hey Siri”
Use your voice to run shortcuts from your favorite apps
Learn more about Siri
External Buttons and Connectors
Home/Touch ID sensor
Volume up/down
Ring/Silent switch
Side button
Built-in stereo speaker
Built-in microphone
Lightning connector
Power and Battery9
Lasts up to 1 hour longer than iPhone 6s Plus
Xem thêm: Sony Xperia M4 Aqua – Wikipedia
Talk time (wireless): Up to 21 hours on 3G
Standby: Up to 16 days
Internet use: Up to 13 hours on 3G, Up to 13 hours on LTE, Up to 15 hours on Wi-Fi
Wireless video playback: Up to 14 hours
Wireless audio playback: Up to 60 hours
Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery
Charging via USB to computer system or power adapter
Touch ID fingerprint sensor
Three-axis gyro
Proximity sensor
Ambient light sensor
Operating System
iOS 12 iOS is the world’s most personal and secure mobile operating system, packed with powerful features that help you get the most out of every day. See what’s new in iOS
Accessibility features help people with disabilities get the most out of their new iPhone 7. With built-in support for vision, hearing, physical and motor skills, and learning and literacy, you can fully enjoy the world’s most personal device. Learn more about Accessibility
Features include:
RTT and TTY support
Siri and Dictation
Type to Siri
Switch Control
Closed Captions
Speak Screen
Built-in Apps
iTunes Store
App Store
Voice Memos
Find My iPhone
Find My Friends
Free Apps from Apple
Pages, Numbers, Keynote, iMovie, GarageBand, iTunes U, Clips, and Apple Store app are preinstalled.
iTunes U
Apple Store
Apple TV Remote
iTunes Remote
Music Memos
EarPods with Lightning Connector
SIM Card
Nano-SIM iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are not compatible with existing micro-SIM cards.
Rating for Hearing Aids
iPhone 7 Plus (Model A1661, A1784): M3, T4
Mail Attachment Support
Viewable document types .jpg, .tiff, .gif (images); .doc and .docx (Microsoft Word); .htm and .html (web pages); .key (Keynote); .numbers (Numbers); .pages (Pages); .pdf (Preview and Adobe Acrobat); .ppt and .pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint); .txt (text); .rtf (rich text format); .vcf (contact information); .xls and .xlsx (Microsoft Excel); .zip; .ics; .usdz (USDZ Universal)
System Requirements
Apple ID (required for some features)
Internet access10
Syncing with iTunes on a Mac or PC requires:
Mac: OS X 10.11.6 or later
PC: Windows 7 or later
iTunes 12.8 or later on Mac and iTunes 12.9 or later on PC (free download from https://ift.tt/3qWINtC)
Environmental Requirements
Operating ambient temperature: 32° to 95° F (0° to 35° C)
Nonoperating temperature: ‑4° to 113° F (‑20° to 45° C)
Relative humidity: 5% to 95% noncondensing
Operating altitude: tested up to 10,000 feet (3000 m)
Language support English (Australia, UK, U.S.), Chinese (Simplified, Traditional, Traditional Hong Kong), French (Canada, France), German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish (Latin America, Mexico, Spain), Arabic, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
QuickType keyboard support English (Australia, Canada, India, Singapore, UK, U.S.), Chinese – Simplified (Handwriting, Pinyin, Stroke), Chinese – Traditional (Cangjie, Handwriting, Pinyin, Stroke, Sucheng, Zhuyin), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian, Japanese (Kana, Romaji), Korean, Spanish (Latin America, Mexico, Spain), Arabic (Modern Standard, Najdi), Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cherokee, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Emoji, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, Flemish, Georgian, Greek, Gujarati, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi (Devanagari, Transliteration), Hinglish, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Kannada, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Malayalam, Maori, Marathi, Norwegian, Odia, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Cyrillic, Latin), Slovak, Slovenian, Swahili, Swedish, Tamil (Script, Transliteration), Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, Welsh
QuickType keyboard support with predictive input English (Australia, Canada, India, Singapore, UK, U.S.), Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish (Latin America, Mexico, Spain), Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Thai, Turkish
Siri languages English (Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, UK, U.S.), Spanish (Chile, Mexico, Spain, U.S.), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian (Italy, Switzerland), Japanese, Korean, Mandarin (China mainland, Taiwan), Cantonese (China mainland, Hong Kong), Arabic (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Danish (Denmark), Dutch (Belgium, Netherlands), Finnish (Finland), Hebrew (Israel), Malay (Malaysia), Norwegian (Norway), Portuguese (Brazil), Russian (Russia), Swedish (Sweden), Thai (Thailand), Turkish (Turkey)
Dictation languages English (Australia, Canada, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, UK, U.S.), Spanish (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, U.S.), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland), Italian (Italy, Switzerland), Japanese, Korean, Mandarin (China mainland, Taiwan), Cantonese (China mainland, Hong Kong, Macao), Arabic (Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch (Belgium, Netherlands), Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi (India), Hungarian, Indonesian, Malaysian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Shanghainese (China mainland), Slovakian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
Definition dictionary support English, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish
Thesaurus English (UK, U.S.)
Bilingual dictionary support with English Arabic, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Spell check English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Turkish
In the Box
iPhone with iOS 12
EarPods with Lightning Connector
Lightning to USB Cable
USB Power Adapter
iPhone and the Environment
Apple takes a complete product life cycle approach to determining our environmental impact. Learn more about iPhone and the Environment
iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus embody Apple’s continuing environmental progress. They are designed with the following features to reduce environmental impact:
Arsenic-free display glass
Mercury-free LED-backlit display
Brominated flame retardant‑free
Recyclable aluminum enclosure
Apple and the Environment Learn more about Apple’s dedication to reducing the environmental impact of our products and process. Or read our Product Environmental Reports for detailed information on the environmental performance of every Apple product.
Xem thêm: Đồng hồ Apple Watch (VN/A) | Giá rẻ, hỗ trợ trả góp 0%
Apple GiveBack If you’re ready for your next iPhone, Apple GiveBack is a great way to let go of your old one. If it’s in good shape, you can trade it in for Apple Store credit. If it’s not eligible for credit, we’ll recycle it responsibly at no cost to you. Good for you. Good for the planet. See how it works
* To identify your iPhone model number, see https://ift.tt/3jUCYLz. For details on LTE support, contact your carrier and see https://ift.tt/2SW5mC1. Cellular technology support is based on iPhone model number and configuration for either CDMA or GSM networks.
The high-gloss finish of the jet black iPhone 7 is achieved through a precision nine-step anodization and polishing process. Its surface is equally as hard as other anodized Apple products; however, its high shine may show fine micro-abrasions with use. If you are concerned about this, we suggest you use one of the many cases available to protect your iPhone.
Available space is less and varies due to many factors. A standard configuration uses approximately 10GB to 12GB of space (including iOS and preinstalled apps) depending on the model and settings. Preinstalled apps use about 4GB, and you can delete these apps and restore them.
Size and weight vary by configuration and manufacturing process.
iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are splash, water, and dust resistant and were tested under controlled laboratory conditions with a rating of IP67 under IEC standard 60529 (maximum depth of 1 meter up to 30 minutes). Splash, water, and dust resistance are not permanent conditions and resistance might decrease as a result of normal wear. Do not attempt to charge a wet iPhone; refer to the user guide for cleaning and drying instructions. Liquid damage not covered under warranty.
FaceTime calling requires a FaceTime-enabled device for the caller and recipient and a Wi-Fi connection. Availability over a cellular network depends on carrier policies; data charges may apply.
Data plan required. LTE Advanced, LTE, VoLTE, and Wi-Fi calling are available in select markets and through select carriers. Speeds are based on theoretical throughput and vary based on site conditions and carrier. For details on LTE support, contact your carrier and see https://ift.tt/2SW5mC1.
Standard Dynamic Range video content only.
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glenmenlow · 4 years
61 Ways To Differentiate Your Brand
Everybody wants a brand that’s different. The irony of that statement is intentional. It belies the conservative manner in which most brands approach competitive difference.
They say they want to be distinctive to consumers but often, in their heart of hearts, they actually want to align (read conform) with the rest of the industry. One of the key issues for that is an uncertainty on the part of brand makers and decision makers to find a starting point.
In some ways that’s actually less difficult and daunting than it first appears. Begin with a premise that is truly one degree away from your rivals. By logically progressing that premise over time, and with strong discipline, you will build a brand that is consistently and markedly different.
Here’s 61 ways you can create a meaningful difference for your brand:
1. Go Slow In A World Of Speed. Each Rolex takes a year to manufacture. The perception that a longer process is needed to build the world’s best timepiece also reinforces the value.
2. Use Country Of Origin To Your Advantage. Brands from Switzerland are highly associated with precision and fine craftsmanship. Seek to build brand associations with countries that support your reputation for service, manufacturing, innovation etc.
3. Behave Differently. Online shoe retailer Zappos has built its advantage on an iron clad return policy and customer service that goes above and beyond, breaking down the perceived barriers of selling and buying shoes online.
4. Look Different. Apple always looks like Apple. Diesel always looks like Diesel. Absolut Vodka always looks like Absolut. They’re in a category but they are distinctive in that category.
5. Be The Underdog In A Category Where Everyone Else Wants To Be Top Dog. Nantucket Nectars started “with only a blender and a dream,” and Clif Bar proclaims that its founder once lived in a garage. Underdogs win the compassionate consumer. Look for the underdog story you can tell.
6. Be Truly And Unapologetically Shocking. Benetton’s “Unhate” campaign ruffled feathers on almost every front. But – and this is critical – the outrage you generate must link to a solution and that solution should be your front. Otherwise, you simply risk shouting into the wind.
7. Expand Your Appeal. “Discover” an untapped audience in your category and, by drawing them in, intensify the sense of community around your brand and the interaction that people have with the brand. Enterprise Rent-A-Car did just that by offering leasing at a time when competitors did not. By serving this unmet need with attention to customer experience, Enterprise became the world’s number 1 car rental company. Apple too saw what others did not. No one was asking for an iPhone, but an untapped audience emerged when new value in the form of a cell phone was introduced.
8. (Re)Invent A Category – And Own It. UFC became the fastest growing sports organization in the world by redefining the reach and the audience for mixed martial arts. Today, UFC produces more than 30 live events annually and is the largest pay-per-view event provider in the world. Swatch differentiated from other watch brands by focusing on self-expression rather than precision.
9. Create A New Category. Airbnb, The Toyota Prius, the Nintendo Wii, and Red Bull are all brands that created new categories, outside the established norms of their product category. By stepping outside the bounds of their categories, these brands created a space that they can call their own.
10. Tell A Story That Defines You And Is Unique To You. The story may be about your founder as in the case with Virgin and Richard Branson, your heritage like Hickory Farms or the value you bring to the world like Coca-Cola’s Open Happiness. It may also be based in imagination – like the thought that Keebler elves make Keebler cookies. Or perhaps it’s a story based on your highly guarded secret – only two people in the world know Coca-Cola’s formula. Your story may also be about the source of your product, service or inspiration.
11. Forge New Ground In The Spirit Of Your Founder. Chanel continues to personify the philosophies, ideals and legend of Coco Chanel long after her death.
12. Leverage Your History To Define Tomorrow. National Geographic have redefined what it means to experience the world we never see by expanding their channels and offerings while still holding their history close.
13. Own An Eternal Idea. Red Bull expresses in every action its belief in, and addiction to, excitement. Ingredients, spirit, sponsorships and the human desire to do things that make the heart race are inextricably linked. Dove owns and serves the idea of real beauty. lululemon finds its eternal idea in the mind state of yoga and has built a powerful athleisure apparel brand on that concept.
14. Change The Possibilities. This is about more than just product innovation. It’s about the introduction of technologies that completely change how people can live. Boeing redefined travel forever with the 747. LinkedIn brought business people together so that they could network and share ideas. Dyson changed the possibilities by reinventing old technologies like the vacuum, hand dryer and fan.
15. Make Active Plans To Be Where Others Aren’t (Yet). This article looks at the fact that while Chinese consumers are now overwhelmed by Western brands and doing business in Greater China has become very expensive, other countries in Asia with booming economies like Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines remain largely overlooked.
16. Solve A Global Problem. “Big bang” solutions in areas like pharmaceuticals or biotechnology require huge investment and scary timeframes, but when they work, they deliver huge distinction, kudos and profits. A “Big Bang” solution can come from any brand — TOM’s seeks to solve the problem of children without shoes. TOM’s matches every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes for a child in need. One for One.
17. Build Groundswell. Do something startling to generate attention. Use attention to build a crowd. Use a crowd to gain credibility. Use credibility as the jumping off point for your next distinctive act. Red Bull, Virgin and Apple should come to mind.
18. Redefine How People Buy. With millions of products, 24/7 access, superior search and browse technology, user reviews and many other sources of in-depth product information, Amazon offers a superior purchase experience.
19. Bring Unprecedented Optimism To A Category. Nike redefined what people believed they should be capable of.
20. Connect The Previously Unconnected. LinkedIn brought business people together so that they could network and share ideas in a way that was effortless, credible and global. In doing that, they resolved a problem that no-one realized they had until they saw the potential for what they would now be able to do.
21. Rewrite The Experience. Southwest Airlines put the fun, the quirkiness and the savings back into the serious and process-packed world of travel. Starbucks differentiated not on coffee, but a ‘third place’ – a respite between home and work.
22. Make What You Sell Feel Even More Personal. This great infographic hints at how much further retailers could take personalization.
23. Link Your Brand To Specific Occasions. Habits are powerful, but occasions may be even more so. They engage us so effectively because they combine time and focus. And because of that, they provide permission – it’s OK to behave this way or that. It’s OK to do something you wouldn’t do on any ordinary day. De Beers, Hallmark, Mercedes, Hershey, Cadbury, MACY’s and others have tapped into occasions or created occasions and have made themselves synonymous with the celebration of those occasions.
24. License To Brand. Brand licensing can bring valuable new meaning to a brand, further differentiating it from its competitors. Pillsbury licenses the Cinnabon brand to do just that for its cinnamon rolls. Colgate licenses Disney characters to increase its brand appeal.
25. Break Away From Conventional Wisdom. Breakaway brands bring new meanings to the party and make the most of the stretch, holding on to enough of the old to avoid category defection. Breakaway brands stretch the boundaries and live as outliers. These brands are the opposite of the well-behaved brands in the category and consequently provide radical differentiation from the status quo. Cirque du Soleil is one such brand. It falls into the “circus” category, but this brand has skillfully crafted a highly valued and differentiated positioning as everything a circus is not. There are no tents, tigers and elephants. No ringmasters. Instead it borrows attributes from other entertainment categories like, dance, music, opera and theater. It becomes something all together different–far outside the bounds of a conventional circus.
26. Change The Name. Sometimes your original brand name works against its appeal. Take the Chinese gooseberry. When the name was changed to kiwi fruit, the world suddenly had a new favorite fruit. New names are opportunities to create new brand associations.
27. Personify. The Green Giant character became the difference in a family of vegetables in many forms. Frank Perdue became the tough man behind the tender chicken. The Gecko became the much-loved spokesperson for GEICO.
28. Create A New Item. The cantaloupe people wanted to differentiate a special, big cantaloupe. But rather than call them just plain “big,” they introduced Crenshaw melons. Tyson wanted to sell miniature chickens, which doesn’t sound very appetizing. So it introduced Cornish game hens.
29. Reposition The Category. Pork was just pig for many years. Then the industry jumped on the chicken bandwagon and became “the other white meat.” That was a very good move when red meat became a perceptual problem.
30. Identify, Identify, Identify. Ordinary bananas became better bananas when a small Chiquita label was added to the fruit. Dole did the same for pineapple with the Dole label, as did the lettuce people by putting each head into a clear Foxy lettuce package. Of course, you then have to communicate why people should look for these labels.
31. Be The Expert Or Specialist. The specialist can focus on one product, one benefit, and one message. This focus enables the marketer to put a sharp point on the message that quickly drives it into the mind. Domino’s can focus on home delivery. Pizza Hut has to talk about its different pizzas, home delivery, and sit-down service.
32. Price With Pride. Starbucks prices its coffee higher to raise perceptions of the quality of its coffee. Singapore Airlines, the most profitable airline in the world, does the same thing and always sells at a premium. In each case, the price is a signal of supremacy – differentiation via perceived quality.
33. Use Ingredient Brands. The North Face uses Gore-Tex technology to differentiate. In the PC space the Intel brand adds to the product’s perceived performance. Each brings noticeable differences in their own right.
34. Highly Target A Market. Who you focus on can create a unique point of difference. Consider FOX News, an American news outlet designed to serve the Republican Party and its supporters. This laser focus has made it synonymous with conservative views and policies, creating by far the strongest commercial brand associated with those views. Wegmans Supermarkets believes that happy customers are generated by happy employees. They have built their powerful brand on the mantra that their employee’s are number one.
35. Change The Reach. How your product or service reaches a customer can set you apart. Redbox specializes in the rental of DVD’s and video games. Through an easy to use kiosk it differentiates from its competitor Netflix and helped seal the fate of Blockbuster. Amazon has a futuristic plan to deliver some orders via drone.
36. Give Unprecedented Access. The reason people flew Concorde was the opportunities that could come from who you would sit next to. You weren’t paying for a faster flight, you were paying for the company. Country clubs in Asia are the same. It’s not about the game of golf; it’s about the networking. For Citibank’s Citi Private Pass card holders the unique value is in the preferred access at entertainment events.
37. Share Values. When a brand is built on shared values it can differentiate on those values and enjoy perhaps the strongest bond in the marketing world. Think of any brand that really matters and you’ll discover the type of people buying the stuff are the same type of people who design, make and sell the stuff. This is the power of brand values and brand identity alignment. Apparel brands like Patagonia, L.L. Bean, and The North Face understand the importance of shared values. The bond that binds is a deep inter-personal connection between the users and the makers.
38. Stand For Something Your Customers Want To Stand For. In the same manner as the enthusiast apparel brands mentioned in #37, Kashi cereal customers see themselves, their values, and their identities in complete harmony with the Kashi brand. They’re one and the same. Likewise, the Kashi people care about the same stuff as their consumer– greater health and well-being for themselves and the planet. For Kashi, making food that enhances life is sacred business. For Kashi customers, living well is sacred business. More people are waking up to caring more about others and our planet, and buying Kashi products too. Your brand can differentiate as being the do-good brand in your space.
39. Give Them Something To Unwrap. Package design offers one of the biggest opportunities for brand differentiation. Color, shape, size, functionality, texture and materials can influence purchase decisions. There’s no mistaking a Tiffany & Co. box and its distinctive blue. Innovative packaging proves another signature differentiator for Apple as well as Tropicana which learned the value of this difference when it attempted to redesign its packaging.
40. Engage The Senses. Every marketer should explore the senses when ideating brand differentiation strategies. Each of the five senses offer a channel to connect with your target customer and flex a point of difference. The more each of these are engaged at any one time during customer contact the more your brand and what it stands for will be remembered. Scent branding in the hotel world is one example. Sofitel, Le Meridién, The Ritz-Carlton, Westin, Sheraton and Marriott are some of the hotel brands employing a signature scent strategy to further move away from their competitors.
41. Put A Famous Face To Your Brand. The age-old strategy of pairing products and services with a well known celebrity continues to be a viable option for brand differentiation. However, the rules have changed. There must be an authentic alignment between the brand and the celebrity. Case in point: Tiger Woods and Nike Golf: Yes. Tiger Woods and Buick: No. The association between brand and celebrity must be clear and obvious.
42. Redefine Usage. How your product is used can serve as a key differentiator. Arm & Hammer Baking Soda became much more when customers discovered it also made for a powerful air freshener. This helped Arm & Hammer not only extend into new categories but also create a multi-use brand that is more meaningful to its target customers.
43. Introduce Simplicity And Purity Into People’s Cluttered Lives. Stand for good things. Market highly valued values. With deep customer insight you will know what your target customers value most. That insight can help create highly valued brands. Honest Tea was born from the insight that simple and pure refreshment was missing from the market. The Method brand came to life through a quest to create household cleaning products that were not harmful. The Honest company challenged unhealthy compromises made in the manufacture of products.
44. Tap Into The Power Of Emotions. Linking your brand with customer emotions can prove an effective differentiator. It was humor that helped GEICO pull away in the me-too world of insurance brands. While their competition focused on fear, GEICO used witty and funny campaigns to differentiate itself and gain an advantage. Brands like Hallmark found brand differentiation based on human emotions could lead to a 92% mind share.
45. Control The Accessibility. Brands can differentiate on when they make their products and services available and who they make that accessibility for. Elite luxury brands will limit how many of its signature products are manufactured. The most influential customers will have access to those products first. This all builds into the frenzy that drives desire and purchase of the brand. It also helps command a premium price. Brands like Coca-Cola use accessibility on the other end of the spectrum. They desire to be the most accessible brand and have distribution channels into the deepest regions of the world.
46. Focus On Design And Aesthetics. Consider Hermès scarves, Vilebrequin men’s swimwear, Robert Graham shirts and Alexander McQueen fashion wear. Or how about the Michael Graves Design’s collection at Target? This helps college and university brands too. Beautiful campuses tend to attract students. For municipality brands, “attractive neighborhoods” rates as one of the top things people consider when deciding where to live. Camden, ME, Niagara-on-the-Lake (ON, Canada), Quebec City (QC, Canada) and Bruges, Belgium are very popular as tourist destinations, in large part due to their superior aesthetics. Never underestimate the power of superior aesthetics to differentiate.
47. Convey A Higher Status. If you knew I went to Philips Academy, Andover, Harvard and Stanford, lived in Atherton, CA, summered in Nantucket, drove a Mercedes-Benz model S-class, and sailed a Nautor’s Swan53, would these brands effectively communicate my social status?
48. Create A Unique Product Purchase Experience. How different is purchasing a teddy bear with a child in a Build-A-Bear Workshop versus buying one off the shelf in a typical toy or department store? Very different. And very differentiating.
49. Create An Unusual Theme Or Context. Consider the following unusual restaurant brands – Opaque (dining in the dark), Ice Restaurant (in Dubai), Underwater restaurant in Maldives, Magic Restroom (toilet-themed) Café in CA or Dinner in the Sky (suspended 50 meters above the ground). For more creative restaurant themes, see here.
50. Treat People Differently Than Your Competitors Do. We love Ritz-Carlton’s “Ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen” mantra. This alludes to a level of gentility, civility and respect not often experienced in product purchase or usage experiences. If an opportunity to serve your customer better does not exist — create one.
51. Create A Brand Ritual. Associating a brand with a <a href
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cryptobrief · 5 years
The article was written by Vladimir Malakchi, CMO at 482.solutions, marketing expert in the blockchain sphere.
In this article, there will be no news about the launch of any iCoin or Applecoin, but today we will look at several facets of the blockchain technology through the prism of its introduction into such a global and, not afraid of this word, giant corporation.
Of course, Apple Inc is associated with its flagship products, such as the iMac and the iPhone. However, if to characterize this corporation, we can call it a great specialist in the design and development of various hardware and software products, as well as the only true competitor of Microsoft in terms of technological dominance. More than 200 billion dollars in turnover per year, 132,000 employees worldwide and billions of users. Behind the scenes of stylish iStores is a tremendous work that does not subside for a minute and constantly produces technological innovations.
Blockchain – sooner or later: that is the question
Trying not only to follow the latest trends but also to create them, Apple could not bypass the blockchain technology anyway. For several years, the media have covered official corporations’ patents for researching or developing various blockchain solutions, but we are not observing any specifics.
For example, in February of this year, it became known that the Cupertino guys were thinking about introducing the blockchain into the supply of materials, even notified the US Securities and Exchange Commission about it. However, this fact is not mentioned in a separate document, but in a report of the corporation on ensuring human rights within the supply chains of minerals. Moreover, attentive report’s readers found a reference to the Blockchain Handbook, which is already being developed by Apple as part of the Alliance for Responsible Business.
I propose to switch on a little imagination and suggest how globally the blockchain technology can influence the multi-level processes of the most popular tech giant.
There is no perfect thing: vulnerabilities in the world’s best supply chain
Apple is a company which logistic system is always set as an example. Despite the incredible supply volumes, the corporation manages to always be one step ahead of its competitors. Tim Cook continues Jobs’s strategy for efficiency. As Apple’s head of the logistics department, John Martin, says: “Nobody wants to buy milk the day before yesterday.”
Interesting fact: the company focused on developing such a supply chain in 1997, just then Steve Jobs returned to the head’s chair of Apple. John Martin claims that then Jobs did not spare $ 50 million for the first iMac shipments during the Christmas holidays, leaving their competitors in this way overboard, because they most often used sea routes.
Apple is called the company with the most excellent supply chain in the world, since the tech giant does not stint on prepayments and advances, providing itself with everything necessary. It’s no secret that a partnership with Apple can provide the supplier company with a bright future, but to establish a business relationship with such a market’s shark is not an easy and very responsible task. For example, there was a case where one of the potential suppliers did not take a prepayment of $ 1 billion, not wanting to be too dependent on a global corporation.
It is also worth mentioning the important mystery that covers each stage of the supply process, ensuring its effectiveness. Moreover, all parts of the supply chain adhere to secrecy, Apple has to put control in the form of its employee in each of them. Moreover, there are rumors that once Apple even wrapped up its new products in juice boxes to protect them from third parties.
However, even in this seemingly well-tuned mechanism, the details fail. For example, in 2012, Apple was at the epicenter of the scandal because of an audit by the independent public organization China Labor Watch, which discovered a violation of several laws of the Pegatron Group, which was responsible for assembling the iPhone and iPad at that time. The investigation revealed that the Pegatron Shanghai factories (assembled the iPhones), Riteng (produced iMacs) and AVY (provided the iPads with details) violated China’s labor laws. Among the main complaints against the Pegatron Group was the use of child labor. Such a case was not the only one and always had an effect on the value of the goods for the end users, then on the enormous losses of Apple itself.
Also, we cannot but recall the numerous information leaks from both the suppliers and the employees themselves, who, under the threat of fines and even prison sentences, have not once distributed to the media information about new products that have not yet been released.
You will agree that the blockchain’s possibilities within such a logistic machine would be useful both in cases involving the struggle with the use of child labor and in the case of leaks of important data for the company.
By implementing the blockchain in every enterprise that is a link in the supply chain, we can create a secure registry of all employees and their employment contracts. At the same time, it is possible for each company to provide access to viewing, but not changing this information in real time. Thus, each Apple’s partner will meet the labor laws’ requirements of the country where its production is located, and corporation’s representatives do not have to spend tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to investigate and examine their suppliers without incurring reputational risks.
With information leaks can also fight the blockchain but with limited access rights. For example, the technology will allow to enter only certain data and to those employees who will have this right, while other information relating to the development will be hidden from unwanted eyes. Of course, it is possible that an employee who has access to specific information can spread it, however, it becomes much easier and faster to determine the source of the leak, which is important in those moments when there are only a few minutes to take control of the situation.
The fight for the original devices on the market
Apple is always in the favorites of copies’ manufacturers. On popular Chinese websites, you can easily buy an iPhone X for $150, though it’s not a fact that after receiving the package, the user can at least turn it on. Of course, such a counterfeit atmosphere also affects the reputation of the original manufacturer, since the potential buyer will postpone the purchase of the device, tormenting himself in doubts about the authenticity of the new and such a desired smartphone.
Apple is not satisfied with this state of affairs, therefore, since 2008, an operational group has been operating in China to combat the illegal copying of their devices’ design. But this is only a drop in the ocean of fakes, which can not dissolve multibillion-dollar flows of fake devices.
WikiLeaks published documents showing that Apple attempted to influence the Chinese government in order to take tough measures against sales and the production of counterfeit products. At the same time, Chinese officials refused to close the production of fake iMacs, explaining this concern for the employment of local residents.
Citizens of the Celestial Empire with a good imagination are no longer limited to devices of only one kind, a few years ago, photos of entire fake Apple stores appeared in the media.
Apple has problems with counterfeit, not only in China but also in their home states, where you can meet fake accessories and devices which are often cheaper than originals. In the war with fakes help only point battles, which give results only after time-consuming litigation and ongoing costs for legal services.
Since Apple is an international company whose devices are used by millions of users from different countries, where the legal bases for the regulation of counterfeit goods differ from each other, it is rather difficult to track this problem on different continents.
Consumer activity is significantly reduced due to the fact that to distinguish a fake from the original in appearance is sometimes not an easy task, so Apple can successfully integrate the blockchain into its production and solve all of the above problems with one technology.
Creating its own blockchain chain, where data on each unit of goods will be entered, allows buyers to still track the entire path of a device or accessory while standing at the store shelves. To implement this method of protection against counterfeiting, the product can be assigned its own unique code with which users can identify the original products at any time.
Information that a potential buyer will receive by entering this code will contain all the characteristics of the device. At the same time, the authenticity of this data is guaranteed by the blockchain, since it is impossible for unscrupulous manufacturers to change or delete the information from it.
It is possible that distributors of fakes will be able to purchase several units of original devices and extend their codes to fake goods. The way out of this situation is to place in the blockchain the status of the good and the transition status of its owner (for example, manufacturing plant, distributor, and the end customer). Such a method would eliminate a full-scale problem that Apple is struggling from the very beginning of its history.
Despite the smooth production and enormous popularity, Apple still spends part of its profits on those processes that could be optimized. For me, it is strange that such a trendsetter in the technology industry is only looking closely at introducing a useful blockchain technology, fueling public interest with the unrealized patents. The implementation of the blockchain in Apple’s business processes could be the starting point in the company’s new history and the beginning of the global adoption of technology around the world.
The post No, not about Applecoin: what could create a Blockchain within Apple Inc? appeared first on ZyCrypto.
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