#Answer fully depends on what kind of beach
keiththecat · 1 year
Most Vicious Animal
Pairings: Platonic Sam Winchester x Reader (You), Platonic Dean Winchester x Reader (You)
Summary: You're bored and ask the Winchester brothers a silly question.
Word Count: 521
Author's Note: Hello friends! Just a short little something inspired by a real conversation. As always, Y/N is your name, and feedback is always welcome. Thanks for reading <3
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, or any of the related characters. The Supernatural series is created by Eric Kripke and owned by The CW Network. This work of fan fiction is for entertainment only. I am not making a profit of any kind from this story. All rights of the original Supernatural series belong to The CW Network.
AO3 link here
You had run into the Winchester brothers several times over the years before you finally moved into the bunker with them. There wasn’t really a discussion that led to it either; you all clicked so well that you just went back with them after a hunt, and now you’ve been living with them for months. Sometimes the three of you hunt together, sometimes it’s just them or just you, and sometimes it’s you with one of the brothers. You got along equally with both brothers, and you often spent your downtime hanging with one or both of them.
Now, you are having a slow day with both brothers in the bunker library. Sam has his face buried in a book and Dean is scrolling on a laptop. You are sitting sideways in a chair, legs hanging over the arm of the chair and your back against the other arm. You’re staring at the ceiling in boredom. “Hey Sam?” you ask.
“Hm?” Sam responds, acknowledging you but still reading his book.
“What is the biggest, most vicious animal you think you could beat in a fight?”
“Um, I don’t know, maybe like a wolf or something,” he answers, brushing off your question.
A few moments of silence pass, Sam absorbed in his book again. “You’re no fun,” you accuse. “Dean, what about you?”
“Depends,” Dean closes the laptop, clasping his hands and setting them on top of it, giving you his full attention. “Can I pick the fighting arena?”
“Uhhh, sure, why not.” You figure it can’t hurt, and you want to see how far Dean will take this.
“A great white.” He states confidently.
You stare at him in disbelief, eyebrows raised. “A shark?”
He nods as if it’s the most obvious answer, “on land. A beached great white. I could throat punch it.”
Sam’s attention now fully on the conversation, he looks up from his book to give Dean the most are-you-kidding-me glare, and you burst into laughter. “The lack of water would kill it before you could! That doesn’t count!”
“Not if I throat punch it fast enough! I’ll kill it first!” Dean argues, seeming offended.
You are laughing so hard there are tears forming in your eyes.
“What?” Dean asks. “You didn’t give any rules. I could fight a shark!”
“If Dean gets to do that, I’m changing my answer,” Sam says. “I could fight a frozen mammoth.”
“Mammoths aren’t real, Sam!” Dean yells, making you laugh even harder, tears pouring from your eyes.
“Not now, but they were, Dean! You said it yourself, there aren’t any rules!” Sam yells back.
“Boys! Boys!” you interrupt, trying to calm down and catch your breath. “You’re both cool and strong, no arguing.”
“Yeah, I’m so strong I could fight a great white,” Dean smugly states, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.
“Well what’s your answer?” Sam asks you.
“I wouldn’t,” you shrug, smiling, “I’d trip both of you and run away from whatever it is.”
Dean’s jaw drops and he places a hand on his chest, pretending to be offended. “How rude.”
“Smart though,” Sam says, nodding.
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🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸
96 for Long Death!
“No luck,” Eddie sighs. 
“Me neither,” Maddie frowns. That surprises Eddie. “He turned it off for me.”
“I have it,” Sophia says.
They both turn to look at her. Eddie feels slightly betrayed, honestly. He imagines Maddie does, too. But then he remembers all Sophia and Buck went through, together. Maybe he thinks she’s the only person willing to do the same batshit crazy stuff in Eddie’s name. Maybe he’s right. 
Sophia turns the screen to show them.
“Here,” she says. “He’s here.”
Maddie grimaces. “Alright. Let’s go.”
If he had wanted to, Buck could have waited until Kim was home to kill her. 
It was easy to narrow down Kim’s neighborhood, based on her very active Instagram feed. Easy enough to find her from there. Buck hates that it was easy, actually. He hates that things he learned in the interest of keeping Eddie safe, of being a protector, have turned him into a predator. Someone dangerous. Someone vile. Because that’s what this will be right? A vile, horrible act. 
Buck knows that. 
He just had to keep in mind, she started it. She hurt Eddie first. She destroyed things. 
This isn’t all Buck’s fault. 
Although, deep down, he knows… It kind of is. 
He’s not sure how he wants to play this exactly. He can’t just show up at her work and what? Shoot her. That’s a surefire way to get caught. He can’t break into her house while she’s there. That is also ending in a 9-1-1 call and Buck’s arrest. He considers waiting behind her house for her to get home, and coming from behind as she unlocks her door. But again, that leaves a lot of risk. Anyone could see him. 
Instead, he thinks about where the police first found Eddie. Abandoned, near the Long Beach Marina, bleeding to death. Truck left in a parking lot not far away. And he thinks that’s fitting. 
Kim drives a Prius. Buck knows this because she’s posted it to her Instagram several times. It’s baby blue and the license plate starts with 2Y. He doesn’t know the full plate because it’s never fully visible, but he knows that much. That’s enough, he thinks. 
He ensures Kim is working. He calls the store and she answers. He hangs up without saying anything. He parks far enough away from the main sea of Long Beach Promenade parking that his license plates won’t be caught on any nearby cameras. 
Crime is hard, he’d once said. 
Time to find out. 
The sun is setting and he’s dressed in dark, concealing clothing. He walks to the Promenade parking, and scours the large, seemingly endless lot for the right vehicle. He finds four Priuses, but only one of them is baby blue. When he is confident no one is looking, Buck uses a knife to flatten two tires. She won’t be leaving here on time. Maybe he should have researched how to cut brake lines. But that comes with the risk of her crashing and hurting or killing someone else. He really doesn’t want anyone else to get hurt. Plus, when Eddie hears about this - there will be no way around that - he doesn’t want the image of her involved in a vehicular death. That’s just a little bit more fucked up than it already needs to be. 
So here’s the plan. Kim will be done work in approximately fifteen minutes, based on store hours. Maybe a bit longer, depending on how long it takes to close shop. Even now, as business is winding down, the parking lot is beginning to empty. People are leaving from a long day of shopping, eating, and generally hanging out. Kim will be one of the last out. Buck will wait for her to arrive. He will keep low, behind a nearby EV charging station, and wait. When she bends down to check her tires, he will approach from behind, inflict a fatal wound with his hunting knife, and walk away. Fast. He will book it away, actually. 
Kim will die. At home, Eddie will die. Kim won’t wake up. Eddie will. Whatever happens from there, happens.
Buck knows he could get caught. Go to prison. He knows this will fuck him up, haunt him, either way. He knows Eddie may be angry with him. Hate him, maybe. But he still has to do it. He has to do it, so he doesn’t find Eddie staked to death one day. He has to do it, so Eddie doesn’t have Chris taken from him if his parents ever find out there’s a vampire in the house. He has to do it, so no matter what happens with vampires, it doesn’t ruin Eddie’s life. He has to do it, because he loves Eddie more than he loathes the consequences. 
And that love is a hill he’s willing to die on.
It all goes according to plan. The parking lot empties. There are only a few scattered vehicles by the time he sees Kim walking towards her Prius. 
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
Lunch is happening right?
Part two of Two Hearts by the Ocean
Javier Gutierrez x Abigail (plus size OFC)
This part is for general audiences - rating will depend on individual parts. Overall will be 18+ MDNI
Word Count: approx 2.1k
Warnings: Javier being a sweetheart, anxiety, overthinking, more fluff! 🥰
Summary: Our kind pair meet up and go for lunch…eventually. Once they do, they finally eat and it leads to an important question that Javier needs answered.
Notes: Nerdie is fully in her soft fluffy marshmallow era. This fic so such a joy to write. I’m glad people are enjoying the softness. Some of you may be surprised to know that I do enjoy the fluff at times. ☺️ Hehe!
Main Masterlist/ Javier Gutierrez Masterlist/ Two Hearts by the Ocean Series
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Javier returned to his compound and checked in on the chef who kept it simple by making grilled chicken, a blue cheese salad and sliced some bread he bought from the market in town with garlic butter. Javi requested for regular butter instead, just in case. Not an expectation of course, but it never hurts to plan for these things. After squaring things away with the chef, he returned to his quarters and undressed, showered and put on his favorite red relaxed button down shirt with tan slacks and brown loafers. He checked on the chef once more and went to inquire what was for dessert when he saw a chocolate cake coming out of the oven. The question of whether to frost the cake or not was put on hold as Abigail texted Javi that she was ready. Gutierrez left it up to the chef as he headed to his golf cart, replying that he was on his way to get her.
Abigail stood in front of the resort where Javier had parked the golf cart not too long ago. Her excitement was matched by her anxiety over putting herself out there and agreeing to lunch with a man she didn’t know. But it was fine, right? Treat it like a date, at his enormous compound, villa house that has a private beach. That happens every day. She did text her girlfriends and let them know that she wouldn’t be at the beach or resort. That she was out exploring, which was as vague as she could be. She thought about it and added that she would be touring some of the buildings and architecture of the island, she might be back late. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. She brought a smaller tote back which she stuck her sunscreen, a bottle of water, her phone, wallet, charger, her notebook and a few pens, hand lotion and sanitizer. Javier appeared to be a sweet man who was kind enough not to kick her off his beach and was inviting her to lunch, things should be fine. Great even, when’s the last time she had lunch with someone who wasn’t a friend, family or for work?
Pulling up to the curb, Javier spotted Abigail holding her brown tote back in front of her. She was wearing the same yellow wide brimmed sun hat from earlier but this time, she wore a strapless blue dress that was the same light shade as the cloudless sky above. Her red matching nail polish on her fingernails and toes stood out against the quiet blue of her dress. She wore simple brown thong sandals and waved when she saw him. He returned her wave as he slowed the golf cart to a stop and practically beamed, “I have come back for you Abigail. I take it you have an appetite for lunch now?” He asked as he got out of the cart and rushed to the passenger side to ensure she was in all the way along with her dress that rose above her knees when she sat down. Once settled in, she nodded and smoothed out her dress, patting her thighs softly to remain calm. Javier was back behind the wheel, but didn’t take off yet.
“So you did Javi. I certainly am hungry. Um, what are we having for lunch?” His hand covered her left one and squeezed, her patting stopped. Javier could tell that she was nervous, he didn’t want her to be. His cousin’s frightening one, not him, though they do not know each other and hopefully never will. The smile he had on his face waned a bit as he turned toward her.
“Abigail, are you sure you still want to have lunch with me? You do not need to feel pressured into doing so.” The woman’s head shook quickly and she placed her right hand over his hand that held hers.
“No, no! It’s not that I don’t want to have lunch with you. I’m just nervous. I tend to anticipate the worst, but I know you’ve shown me none of that. I’m learning to let go and relax. I find it difficult. Please, let’s eat lunch Javier.” Her face still showed some reservation to Javi, but he would see how lunch went at the very least, she appeared a little less anxious than when she first got in the cart. With a nod, he released her hand for a moment and started the golf cart, then held it again.
“Alright Abby, but please, if you feel uncomfortable at any point let me know. You are going to be my guest in my home so it is my job to make sure you are at ease. Yes?” His face was serious as he informed her of his expectation. The view of his home was even more impressive from the front given the long driveway and lush greenery. She wondered how many landscapers it might have taken.
“Yes, I’ll make sure to let you know, I-I think I should be okay now though. Sorry about that.” Abigail apologized again, she may not have needed to, but it was very clear that he was much kinder than even she initially thought and understanding. He added that she didn’t need to apologize for how she feels, that it’s alright.
“I must confess that I feel nervous as well. I’m going to have lunch with an enchantingly gorgeous woman this afternoon. My day has improved greatly.” Javier pulled to a stop near the bottom of the steps that lead to the front door of his home. The heat to Abigail’s face was not from the sun. What had he been nervous for? He’d be able to convince a leopard that they would look perfect with stripes. Should I be concerned with my lack of concern? Might have something to do with the fact that I can see nearly all his teeth in that pretty smile he has on his face. I might be staring…that’s rude, but I also feel like he knows how attractive he is.
“…And that makes him all the more alluring. Such a stunningly warm man.” Her thoughts spilled from her lips. Javi’s smile turned to a grin.
“Do you mean me Abby? You find me alluring? This makes me swell with joy and relief.” He stepped out of the cart and walked over to the passenger side where he extended his hand. “I suppose I did take to you rather quickly. It may have been the work of your polka dots and red bathing suit at first, talking with you is a delight.”
Keeping further thoughts on any swelling he mentioned, Abby placed her hand in his. “Yes you are Javi. I believe you know that though.” She chuckled, stepping out of the golf cart and walking up the stairs with him to meet two towering cherrywood doors that a butler opened. “I enjoyed seeing you in your speedo too and I like the burnt orange against your skin. You look amazing with and without clothes.” They stepped across the threshold and her grip tightened on his hand. That was way too suggestive, we haven’t even eaten yet. That’s not the impression I wanted to give him.
“You have quite a way with your words Abigail.” Javier added a playful rasp to her name and brought her hand closer so he could hold it with both hands. “I understand what you meant. Do not fret. Tranquilízate (calm down) Abby.”
Javier gave Abby a brief tour on the way to the dining room to which her head turned in every direction to marvel at the house itself, the artwork, the hardwood and marble. Arriving in the dining room, Javier pulled out the chair for her, which she was momentarily confused by but sat down. His seat was set on the far side of the long table, but Javi picked up his place setting and moved it to the chair next to Abby.
“It appears to be a bit silly to be all the way over there. This is much better, do you agree?” He took his napkin and placed it in his lap as she nodded giggling. This is good, Javier thought to himself, she almost looks as she did on the beach. Ella está tranquila (She is calm).
The chef and a maid brought out the meal and served the pair. Abigail complimented the chef and thanked both him and the maid before starting in on her chicken. She was actually hungry and if she chewed a bit slowly, she may not say anything else embarrassing to this nice handsome man. Just act like you’ve spoken to another person Abby. It’s not that hard. Small talk was made over the meal about the food, the beauty of the house and beach. Her throat cleared when Javier asked how long she would be in Spain. She hadn’t been expecting the question, but it wasn’t a strange one, especially since it seems like he wanted to get to know her. “We arrived this week, Sunday, so we’ll be here for the next rest of this week and two additional ones. It’s a miracle we were actually able to coordinate our schedules.” She explained, it sounded like a joke but it wasn't. The group, half thought they were imagining things when everyone had the same block of time available.
“So Javi, I take that to mean you’d like to have other lunches?” Setting her fork down after finishing her chicken and half her salad, she was curious.”With me?” She maybe didn’t mean to add that last question, that was out of her own shock. They hadn’t finished lunch yet.
Javier took a few sips of his water and used his napkin to wipe his mouth though Abby didn’t see anything on his lips. She had been keeping track, and trying to be subtle about it. Not that she was quite sure what that looked like. The man has these beautiful strands of chocolate-cinnamon swirls that match his facial hair along with his large nose that fits his face. Though, where else is it supposed to fit? Focusing on another part of Javier didn’t work so well either, his neck has a vein that kinda jumps out at times when he’s chewing and-
“I am unsure who else I would be having lunch with Abby.” The soft chuckle matched with a mischievous look in his eyes had her palms flat on the table near her plate. She was more aware this time so she didn’t move them. “I do have a question for you, it is of the utmost importance.” Javier clasped his hands together and set his chin upon them, pausing for dramatic effect. “Have you seen ‘Paddington 2’?” Blinking, she tilted her head to see if he was going to say he was kidding. The man across from her did not appear to be, he was waiting for her to answer.
“I have not. Is this a dealbreaker Javi?” Her mind is still trying to catch up. She knows of Paddington, she hasn’t seen either movie, her nieces had been into Monster High and the Bratz so she didn’t take them so see it.
“Not if you are open to watching it with me.” His eyes remained trained on Abby, curious to her answer.
“I haven’t seen either Paddington movie. Should we watch one today and another one another day?” She proposed, if he wanted to watch a movie or two, that was more than fine with her. She might even suggest a couple herself. She wasn’t prepared for Javier to pop up from the table and knock his chair back. He took both her hands into his and planted one kiss on the back of each.
“You would be willing to watch both of them with me?! My enjoyment of this day has increased tenfold! Vamos al cine! (Let’s go to the movie theater)!” Abigail was up on her feet and with Javier’s arm around waist before she realized her point of view had changed. He was guiding her out of the dining room as she looked up at his bright face.
“Espera (wait) Javi! ¿Qué pasa con la comida?! (What about the food?!)”
“I can tell them to bring whatever you like! Estoy muy contento porque voy a ver la película contigo (I’m excited to watch the movies with you)!”
Moving quickly down the hallway, all Abigail could do was mutter to herself with a soft smile that Javi missed in both his explanation of why he enjoys the movies, especially Paddington 2 and hurry to make it to his private theater.
“Eres un cielo (You are very cute) Javi. Estoy metido en un lío (I am in trouble).”
Part One Part Three
Peeps who pass the Paddington 2 test 🧸: @innerpersonunknown @trulybetty @tinytinymenace @maggiemayhemnj @megamindsecretlair @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @grogusmum @secretelephanttattoo @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @morallyinept @lady-bess @readingiskeepingmegoing @gwendibleywrites @avastrasposts @bitchwitch1981 @missladym1981 @anoverwhelmingdin @inept-the-magnificent @i-own-loki
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twistedtummies2 · 9 months
The Scarlet Pirate - Chapter 2
This is the second of a six-part "Chapter Story" for my OC for Twisted Wonderland, James Killian - based on Captain Hook from Disney's Peter Pan. (Also featured are Smitty McCarthy, based on Smee, and Matthew Satyr, based on Peter himself...oh, and Nakoda - my Kaa OC - also has a role here.) The basic premise of this story has been in my mind for almost as long as James has, but for numerous reasons, it wasn't till just within the past few weeks I finally got a chance to develop and write it out.
The result is, I think, the single longest "Chapter Story" for any of my OCs for TW I've created so far. Take that information however you will. So long as this tale, that it went from a planned three-parter, to a planned five-parter, to now being a six-parter, standing at approximately 150 pages in total! Hopefully, all the work and length will be for the best. XD
As is typical for my Chapter Stories, I will be posting this one chapter at a time per day over the course of this week. For future reference, you can find the previous chapter here.
You can find the next chapter here.
WARNING: While this story, throughout all six parts, does not FOCUS on my kinks, there are instances of very mild stuffing/belching related content sprinkled throughout, as well as various instances of implied or near vore situations. If you're into these things, good on ya. If you aren't, just be warned they will show up here and there, although not with any degree of spectacle.
With that said...I hope you enjoy.
Nakoda was dressed in his preferred costume of casual clothes: a vest with a pattern like a Burmese python’s scales, and black denim trousers hiked up by a snakeskin leather belt, which matched the boots upon his feet. Black leather bracelets adorned his wrists, and about his neck was a simple necklace with snake fang pendants dangling from it like beads. A loose-fitting, cream-colored tank top was beneath the vest, which left little to the imagination as Nako’s arms and a portion of his chest were quite visible under the clothing he chose to wear. His hips were all in motion as he strutted along the beach towards the rest of your team. “Avast there, serpent!” barked James, looking rather alarmed. “What are you doing here?!” “I think I can guess,” you smiled, and called to Nako as he drew closer. “Are you here to replace Ruggie?” “Very assstute, my little ssscrumptiousss friend!” teased Nako with a wink, and tossed his dark locks dramatically. “Ssseems like I’ll be going on thisss little treasure hunt with the ressst of you. Sssounds like a good time, yesss?” “Well, that depends on the kind of good time you’re talking about,” you answered, very carefully. Nakoda just smirked his usual flirtatious smirk. Then his golden eyes slid towards James, who was staring at him with something akin to shock. The snake-boy grinned, showing off just a hint of his fangs. “Sssurprised to sssee me, sssweetheart?” he teased. James seemed unsure of what to say. Finally, his expression calmed. “Well,” he answered. “I suppose one Savanaclaw student is as good as another.” “Don’t tell me you two know each other, too?” you piped up, just as surprised. Both Nakoda and Smitty opened their mouths to answer, but James intervened. “We met, briefly, at the previous Beanfest Event. Nakoda actually was responsible for putting me and Billy Geant out of the running, as I recall,” James explained, giving the serpent a sort of half-hearted glare. Nakoda seemed momentarily surprised, though you weren’t sure what he was surprised about. Finally, he smirked and shrugged. “Hey, rules of the game,” he said, slyly, slinging his arms behind his head. “Well, at any rate, we finally seem to be fully assembled,” Azul remarked, and looked towards Crowley, arms crossed and his own face now in a scowl. “Really, though, I can understand why the Headmage is upset. You’d think even RSA would have more diligence than this.” “Oh, please,” scoffed James, and inspected his cane. “If I know the student they’ve chosen for this event’s captain, he’s being late just because he thinks it’s amusing.” “How do you know who they’ve already chosen?” Sebek sputtered. “Because I CHECKED, Crocodile,” sneered James. “Royal Sword chooses their students a whole week earlier than we do,” Smitty added with a nod. “James wanted to see for certain.”
“Well, who is it?” you asked, wondering if it was one of the RSA members you’d met in the past. Che’Nya, perhaps? Or Harmonia? It couldn’t be Neige, could it? “No one of great importance,” sniffed James, and made a thrust with his cane, as if practicing for a duel. “He had to be important enough, if you wanted to know,” Azul pointed out, sounding skeptical. “Pshaw!” coughed James, swiping his cane through the air. “With the seven of us in cahoots, rest assured: no matter who it is, he shall be but a notch in our collective scabbard!” “ONLY IN YOUR DREAMS, JAMES!”
James Killian turned around fast…then yelped and dove to the ground. “TAKE COVER!” he yelled, and Smitty pulled his hat down over his eyes and dropped beside him. Sebek yowled and toppled off his rock, while you and Azul ducked low, Grim hiding behind you both. All these reactions were in response to some huge, green blur quite literally flying out of the forest and soaring over the beach, swooping towards your party with a wild-sounding laugh. The green something then flew towards Dire Crowley…and the headmage let out a shrill yelping sound, comical in nature, as the thing snatched the feathered hat clean off his head! “HEY!” Crowley yelled, angrily. “That’s private property!” The something just laughed again, and finally came to a stop, hovering some ten feet over all of your heads. All of you looked up. You weren’t quite sure you believed your eyes. The mysterious something that had dive-bombed you all, like some overgrown bird of prey, turned out to be… “A boy?” The boy in question had to be within the same age range as you all, but he looked a few years younger. He had a slender yet fit physique, and wore a floppy sort of green beret upon his head, with a red feather pinned to it by a button. The button bore the crest of Royal Sword Academy. This was the only sign of his heritage one could see, as he was dressed in clothes quite unlike those of any other RSA member you’d met up till now. He was dressed in a forest green vest, with a collar that resembled a bundled collection of fresh leaves. Under this was a pale green shirt, with the sleeves rolled up past his elbows, and trousers of a shade of green so dark it was almost black. On his feet were brown leather shoes, with long, plain white socks showing beneath them, and a plain brown leather belt with a nickel-plated buckle was fastened about his waist. On one side, tied to the belt was what looked like a wooden pendant, resembling a set of pan pipes; at his other side, a fighting baton - similar to the kind you’d seen Silver wield now and again - was sheathed inside a special leather hanger. His hands were partially covered by brown leather gloves. Eyes as green as springtime sparkled with a mischievous light behind a messy mop of red-orange hair…while a pair of pointed ears wiggled with cheerful, impish glee as the youth beamed down at your company. He removed his beret and popped Crowley’s hat onto his head. “Ha Ha! Y’know, I think this kinda thing suits me!” he sang out. “Whaddya think, Kes?” The one the boy addressed as Kes made her presence known with a sound like tinkling bells: it was a little golden pixie, who clutched her belly and kicked her legs as she giggled in that strange, jingling way that all pixies did. Her dragonfly-esque wings fluttered, a gleaming aura emanating from them as her tiny face fixed you all with a mischievous smile that matched those of her human companion.
“Give that back!” called Dire Crowley, stomping one foot angrily. “Why, I never…of all the rude, infantile…!” “Hey, hey, easy there, ol’ timer!” giggled the young man, holding his hands out in a placating gesture before floating downwards…though his feet never once touched the ground, even as he swept the hat off of his head and gave a mocking sort of bow, before offering the hat to Crowley. “Here you go, sir! Just some harmless fun!” Crowley growled and snatched back his hat, dusting it off and checking it for damage. “And I thought some of my own students could be childish,” he grumbled to himself. “HEY!” snapped Grim, angrily. “WE HEARD THAT!” “If the shoe fits, wear it,” smirked Azul. “Nya-ha-ha! Joke’s on you, I don’t wear shoes!” cackled Grim, much too triumphantly. You just sighed and shook your head wearily. Already you could tell this was going to be quite the experience… “SATYR!” The sharp, shrill shout from James Killian caught all of your attention. He marched forward, glaring up at the green-dressed Royal Sword student. The boy in green blinked and tilted his head…then his smile widened and brightened, looking less mischievous and more elated. “James!” he cheered, and drifted over, beginning to circle the red-dressed Heartslabyul student in mid-air. “Ha Ha! Wow, it feels like it’s been forever! How are ya doin’? Didja miss me, Little Codfish?” “Little what?” Grim couldn’t help but snort with laughter. Azul gave a sly smile and shushed him, wordlessly. James flushed and took a breath before answering, moving his eyes to meet the green-eyed gaze without turning his actual head. “More than you’ll ever know,” he practically purred, clutching his cane tightly in his hands, as he jabbed its ferrule into the sand beneath him, standing in a prim, proper sort of fashion. “Awww, that’s great to hear, I’m so flattered!” said the red-haired fellow, and then his smirk returned. “You’re lookin’ kinda the worse for wear, though…you humans get old so fast! Sure you feel up to the challenge?” James’ right eye twitched. He took a deep breath through his nostrils, and gave the phoniest, fakest smile anyone could imagine. “I certainly pray so,” he hissed through his teeth.
A hooting sort of chuckle, like that of an owl, interrupted the scene. Finally, the Royal Sword recruits had all arrived: six of them were marching towards the spot on the beach to join the mysterious “Satyr” fellow. They were dressed in costumes that seemed to be made largely out of faux animal hide, with images of a fox, a bear, two raccoons, a rabbit, and a skunk emblemized upon their various assorted outfits. They were led by the familiar figure of Headmage Ambrose the 63rd, the dean of Royal Sword Academy. The white-bearded sorcerer smiled a grandfatherly sort of smile as he approached, old eyes crinkling behind his spectacles as his blue robes fluttered about him. “Come now, Matthew!” he called out to the green-garbed boy. “Let’s not irritate our fellow mages any further! I’m sure they’re quite frustrated by our lateness as it is.” You and Grim felt your eyes widen. “Matthew.” That was the name that, apparently, Smitty and James had forbidden themselves to ever say. You looked towards James as the boy flew back and hovered over Ambrose and the other six RSA members’ heads; the scarlet cavalier’s eyes were filled with a boiling hot fury, and you could see his cheeks flex as he ground his back molars together. You looked back at the one he glared at. Matthew Satyr. So this was the person James Killian seemed so set against. “As a matter of fact, I, for one, AM quite frustrated!” Crowley snapped. “Honestly, Ambrose, allowing a student to steal a fellow Headmage’s personal belongings, and showing such insane impunctuality! What sort of example are you setting for your pupils?! Does your irresponsibility know no bounds?!” “Look who’s talking,” you mumbled to yourself. “What?” Crowley whirled about. “Nothing!” you smiled innocently, while the rest of your classmates all snickered…all, that is, except for James. His eyes remained razor-focused on the face of Matthew Satyr, who smirked back in a sort of challenging way, hands on his hips as he levitated over the others. You couldn’t help but wonder how he was able to do that; he had no broom with him, after all. Perhaps it was the work of a spell or potion you didn’t know about? In any case, the two Headmages soon settled their differences - however temporarily - and smiled as they addressed both of your teams. “Now, gentlemen, the rules of the Scavenger’s Hunt are simple,” said Ambrose the 63rd. “Headmage Crowley and I will give each of your teams a clue on where to begin hunting for the treasure chest. A few days ago, the chest was hidden by a neutral party of islanders. We know where to send you to start, but not even we know where the treasure has been properly hidden.”
“That’s where all of you will come in,” Crowley continued. “You will search within a radius, which we will dictate, around the area in question. Once you locate the chest, either by digging it up or otherwise finding its hidden spot, you will carry the treasure back to this exact spot on the beach. You have till tomorrow at twilight to achieve this task.” “You will, as you were previously warned, likely need both days to find the treasure. It is up to you if you wish to set up camp before you begin hunting, or at a later time,” Ambrose added. “But do remember,” added Crowley, “That the other team may not make the same decision that you do.” “Both teams are allowed to engage in direct combat with each other, provided it is non-lethal in nature,” Ambrose warned. “Use your strength and your wits to the best of your abilities to retrieve the chest we seek.” “The winning team’s captain - meaning Mr. Ashengrotto on my side…” Azul bowed gracefully. “...And Mr. Satyr on mine,” Ambrone put in. Matthew winked and pointed finger guns at you and your teammates, playfully. “...Will receive a trophy for their victory, and all those who participated in the winning team will get credit in a photo of the Hall of Fame in each school. Any questions?” asked Crowley. Grim raised a paw. Crowley pointed to him and checked: “Yes?” “Um…yeah, one little thing,” Grim meowed, tilting his head and twitching his tail into a question-mark shape. “What happens if neither team finds the treasure? I mean…if you guys don’t even know where it is, what if it’s not even there, or just super hard to locate?” The headmages looked at each other, then shrugged. “Everyone wins!” Ambrose chortled. “Everyone loses!” Dire Crowley said, at the same time. Grim facepawed. You heard Nakoda and Azul groan in unison. Matthew just rolled his eyes above you all.
“If that’s all, then here are your clues,” Ambrose said. He and the other headmage thus handed over rolled up pieces of parchment to both Azul and Matthew. They also named the multi-kilometer radius in which both teams would have to search, once they found the starting point. “Now, we’ll leave you all to your own devices. Remember, you must deal with all problems yourselves, and fend for yourselves accordingly,” said Crowley. “Good luck, Students of Sage’s Island!” boomed Ambrose with a broad smile. He and Crowley then faced each other, and said into each other’s face: “May the Best Team Triumph!” The pair snapped their fingers…and summoned a pair of brooms seemingly out of nowhere. Still giving each other daring expressions, the headmages hopped on and flew away out of sight. From this point on, you realized, you and your allies - as well as your rivals - were on your own. “Well!” Azul declared, as Sebek stood up to move closer to the rest of your group. “I think it’s time we begin our search.” “Ssseconded,” agreed Nakoda, with a nod. Azul stepped towards the Royal Sword team and extended a hand up towards Matthew Satyr. “I trust we shall enjoy this challenge!” he grinned, with his usual pretense of false friendliness. Matthew chuckled and scratched the back of his head, as Kes flitted about his head, glaring down suspiciously at Azul. “Ha Ha! Yeah, no. Sorry, Mr. Octopus, but I don’t do handshakes!” said Satyr, cheerily, then swept his hat off his own head. “But hey, good luck trying to beat me! I mean, yer gonna lose, but hopefully trying will be fun, right?” Azul’s grin became tight as he retracted his hand. “Yes. Perhaps,” he said, while Nako and Sebek glared at the cocksure boy in green from behind. Matthew smirked, arms over his chest…then raised an eyebrow in James Killian’s direction. “Hey, James!” he called down, and gave a mock salute. “May the best man win!” “There is only one real man here,” James answered, in a voice so frigid it was almost shocking. “And I promise you, Satyr, he intends to.” Satyr just laughed, as if what James said was a very funny joke, then spun around in mid-air as he waved for the other six RSA students to follow him. “Come on, everybody!” he cheered. “Let’s set up camp and then start hunting!” So saying, Matthew Satyr - and Kes - flew towards the woods, heading Eastward, with the animal-coat-wearing boys following close behind them.
James Killian glared after them…then blinked and looked down as he felt Smitty McCarthy tug at his coattails. He relaxed slightly, and nodded, as Smitty gave his companion a gentle, soothing smile. The rest of you watched the exchange curiously, but none of you ventured to address it verbally. “Well,” Azul coughed importantly, and stepped forward before turning to face you all. “As the assigned team captain, I vote that we begin our search immediately.” “Shouldn’t we set up camp first?” Sebek grunted. “Not at all,” smiled Azul, and gestured with a thumb in the direction the Royal Sword team had gone. “While we could save daylight by doing so, we’d lose valuable time to begin searching when our enemies won’t be.” “I concur,” James agreed, shouldering his cane with a flourish. “If we’re going to beat Satyr, we’ll want to get ahead of him.” “Right!” Smitty piped up. “And it’ll be easier if all of us are looking, in case of trouble.” “That’s one perspective,” Sebek said, in a slow, skeptical voice, clearly unwilling to trust anything either of them said. “Well, where should we sssearch?” Nakoda hissed, as he lounged back on the rock Sebek had been sitting on, like a lazy snake, soaking up the sunlight on his belly. You flushed and forced yourself NOT to look. “Nya! What does the clue say?” Grim asked, pointing to the little scroll Azul had been given. Azul held up a finger in a “one moment” gesture, then unraveled the scroll. He looked the contents up and down quickly, then frowned. “I don’t know,” he said at last. “What do you mean you don’t know?” Nakoda frowned, opening one eye where he lay. “I mean, I don’t know,” replied Azul, and showed all of you the contents on the scroll. “Unless a recognition of pure gibberish counts as knowing.” All of you peered with confused curiosity at the words on the page: Egattoc S’frawd Eht. “That’s not English,” mumbled James. “It’s not fae language, either,” Sebek added, nudging James aside rudely. “Nya…I dunno if it’s any language,” Grim put in, scratching his scalp with one paw. “For once, I think Grim’s lack of knowledge is correct,” Azul nodded. “I don’t think these are actual words. My guess is it’s some sort of code.” “Well, how do we solve it?” asked Smitty, adjusting his glasses.
“Maybe it’s based on letters of the alphabet?” you suggested, taking the paper from Azul to examine it more closely. “Like, maybe each letter stands for a number.” “I very sincerely doubt it,” muttered Azul, as he moved beside you, the rest of the team turning away with thoughtful expressions. “Translating that into numbers wouldn’t give us any kind of meaningful data.” “Thisss is all backwards.” The hiss made you yelp and jump. Nakoda had seemingly popped up out of nowhere peering over your shoulder, his face very, VERY close to your neck. You flushed at the close proximity and sputtered out: “Um…b-beg p-p-pardon?” “The words,” Nakoda said, and pointed at the paper. “It’sss all backwards.” “Well, we know it’s weird, but that doesn’t help us!” snapped Grim, puffing out his cheeks. Nakoda smirked. “I don’t mean backwards as in ssstrange, my fuzzy little meatball,” he cooed. “I mean it’sss literally written backwards.” “Brimstone and Gall!” James suddenly boomed, and slapped his forehead. “By Jove, I think the serpent’s got it! Look here…!” He snatched up the paper, and pulled his magic pen out of some inner pocket of his coat, hooking the crook of his cane onto his arm as he worked. After hastily scrawling away, he grinned and offered the paper to Azul. Ashengrotto inspected his work, and grinned. “‘The Dwarf’s Cottage,’” he read aloud, and grinned at the pair. “Excellent work, both of you!” “So the treasure has to be around there?” Smitty checked, curiously. “Well, it’s where they’ve told us to start,” sighed Azul, rolling up the paper and stuffing into a pocket of his large coat. “However, there’s a lot of ground to cover in the general vicinity of the cottage, including the old mines. If it was as easy as this, there wouldn’t be a need for a second day, would there?” “At any rate, if that’s where we need to start, that’s where we should go,” grinned Sebek, cracking his knuckles. “We’ll show those Royal Sword buffoons the power of Night Raven, and make proud the great Malleus in the process!” “You are literally the only one concerned about that sssecond half,” Nakoda yawned. “Regardless, Sebek has a point,” you said. “Let’s go, gang!” “Hold on. I’m the Captain,” tutted Azul with a wink. “Everyone, follow my lead. To the Dwarf’s Cottage!” So saying, the seven of you jogged off the beach and into the woods, heading in the direction of the old cottage. The Scavenger’s Hunt had officially begun.
“Well, here we are!” you exclaimed, as your team approached the Dwarf’s Cottage. “Not ssso loud!” hissed Nakoda, and glanced around. “We don’t know how far those Royal Sssword fools have gone.” “Nakoda is right,” Sebek agreed. “WE MUST USE STEALTH! QUICKNESS AND QUIET ARE OUR ALLIES!” Everyone flinched. “Maybe when you ssstart using that, everyone elssse will,” hissed Nako with a sneer. “What do you mean? I AM THE MASTER OF STEALTH!” boomed Sebek, thumping a fist to his chest proudly. “You’re the Master of Nincompoops, more like it,” mumbled James. Sebek growled, bristling like an angry dog. You heard Smitty and Grim giggle softly; you had to hold back from doing the same. “The treasure is within a certain radius of the Cottage,” Azul reminded everyone, clearly trying to keep all on task (and stop Sebek from shouting at random). “That doesn’t mean we’ll find it in the cottage itself.” “I doubt it would be,” you said, and gestured to yourself and Grim. “The two of us have been in that cabin a few times, we’ve never noticed anything.” “Nya…not out in the open,” Grim suggested. “Maybe it’s under the floorboards?” “As was pointed out before, I doubt it’s that simple,” sniffed Sebek. “Well then,” smirked Nakoda, strutting forward and leaning against the door as he gestured to it. “Why don’t we peek inssside and sssee if there’s anything elssse to help us?” “An excellent suggestion!” James cheered, and began to march forward. “Come on, mates! We’ll find that-” A gloved hand on his chest stopped him short. Azul Ashengrotto smiled patronizingly into his face. “Who is the Captain here, Little Codfish?” he cooed. James’ smile fell. For a moment, he just…stared at Azul, with an unreadable sort of look. Then, he bowed respectfully and stepped back. “Of course,” he said, in a type of snakish way that Nako might have been jealous over. “You’re the boss.”
“Indeed I am,” smirked Azul, then turned serious. “Prefect? Grim? You two and Nakoda will accompany me inside the cottage to search for any further evidence.” You and Grim gave the octopus a mock salute. Azul then turned his gaze to the rest of the party. “As for you three,” he said, firmly, “I want you to stay outside the cottage. Keep an eye out in case there’s trouble.” “Sure thing, Azul!” Smitty cheered, giving a salute of his own. James and Sebek, however, each looked mortified. “Me? With him?!” they both exclaimed at once, then glared daggers at one another before yapping at the same time again: “HEY! I SAID IT FIRST!” “This is a team,” Azul reminded both, mildly. “Working together comes with the territory. Keep watch.” Reluctantly, James and Sebek muttered agreements to follow orders, but each still glowered at the other out of the corners of their eyes. Nevertheless, Azul seemed satisfied, and gestured for you and Grim to follow him. Nakoda threw open the door as you all approached, and gave an exaggerated bow. Azul smirked and returned the gesture, and the four of you stepped in with Azul taking up the lead. “Well,” huffed Sebek. “If we must work together, I’ll mind the back of the cottage. You two humans can watch the front.” “Works for me!” Smitty smiled, chipperly. James just grunted noncommittally.
Sebek scoffed through his snout and then stomped around the side of the cottage. James and Smitty then began to pace around the front. None of the three were aware, however, of a tiny figure - glistening like gold - watching them from behind a leaf in a tree. The little thing grinned with excitement…then flew off to find its superior… Meanwhile, you and your party closed the cottage door, and glanced around the dusty, cobweb-infested space within. “I think we’ll cover more ground if we split up,” you suggested. “I agree,” Azul said, then stepped slightly away from the group, addressing you all. “Any volunteers on where to go?” “I’ll ssstay down here on thisss level,” yawned Nakoda, rather carelessly peering around the parlor. Azul frowned but nodded, then looked at you. “Prefect,” he commanded, “I want you to stay down here as well. Keep an eye on him-I mean, an eye out for hints.” You smirked and nodded, before placing a hand in a casual, friendly manner on Nako’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Azul, I’ll keep an eye out for both,” you winked. Nakoda stiffened, eyes widening at the amiable gesture…then his scale-dusted cheeks flushed pink, and he let out a soft hiss, shrugging off your hand grumpily. You couldn’t help but smirk a little more at his embarrassment. “I guess I’ll go with Azul,” Grim announced, and smirked up at the octopus. “If I find the clue first, you’re gonna owe me a tuna sandwich! Capisce?” Azul grinned. “Is that a deal?” he questioned, ominously. Grim’s cocksure expression immediately changed. “N-Nya, uh…no, j-just…a figure of speech, heh heh…” Azul chuckled and adjusted his glasses before beckoning Grim to follow him. “We’ll take the upstairs area,” he announced, and led the fuzzy little fire-eared monster away to do just that. As you heard Azul and Grim’s footsteps creaking and squeaking upon the stairs, you looked at Nakoda. He was eyeing you somewhat suspiciously. “You? Keep an eye on me?” he hissed. “Well, those are my orders,” you shrugged, with an innocent smile.
Nako looked you up and down, then smirked and began to prowl towards you. Knowing he was trying to corner you, you stood your ground, even as he smirked in a predatory manner into your eyes… …But you felt something inside you tremble as one of his hands reached out and cupped your face, his fingers and palm split between your cheek and your chin as they curled around your jawline. “And what if I keep my eyes on you, inssstead?” asked the naga in disguise, in a seductive croon. You felt dreadfully nervous, but you managed to hold yourself steady. “I don’t think you could get away with eating me right now,” you replied. “And if you used your hypnosis for any reason beyond the game, I’m pretty sure the others won’t be happy. Do you really want to take the whole group on?” Nakoda pouted and removed his hand. “You’re no fun,” he huffed, childishly. You smiled with a sense of victory, and beckoned for Nakoda to follow you. “C’mon, let’s start our search in the kitchen,” you suggested. The snake-boy’s smile returned. “Mmmmm…my sssecond favorite place to be,” he murmured, and followed obligingly. Soon, the pair of you were poking around in the kitchen. You began to sort through the cupboard, looking at all the dishes inside; you wondered if perhaps a message had been stored inside of a cup or bowl, or perhaps tucked between the plates. You could hear Nakoda messing about with some cutlery behind you, and the thump and “swish” of him pulling out drawers and then closing them again. “Nothing in here,” he reported. “Any luck on your part?” “Not so far,” you sighed. You moved to shut the cupboard…and then heard a groan from behind you. It was a grating sound, like rusted metal. Alarmed, you turned around quickly to see the source… …And felt your face heat up immediately as you saw Nakoda bent over, peering into the oven he had just opened. The posture gave you a VERY good view of his backside. You could even see the crease between the cheeks in the back of his trousers… “Nothing in here either,” Nakoda murmured, and shut the oven door. He dusted his hands off on the back of his pants, which made his rump jostle from the impact of his hands against his glutes. A squeak left your mouth, unbidden; you quickly coughed to cover it up as Nakoda rose to his full height and looked back at you in surprise. “Ahem…uh…just the dust, sorry,” you muttered. Nakoda blinked…then smirked his usual serpentine smirk. “Yesss,” he hissed. “Jussst the dussst.” As he spoke, he ran his hands over his rump cheeks, where his dark pants were pale from the slight sheen of dust in question. You had to force yourself not to stare. “Sss-sss-sss-sss! You’re ssso cute,” Nako cooed.
“I’ve been told,” you mumbled, then shook your head, eager to change the subject. You moved away towards a pantry. “Um…ahem…since we’re both here, I have a question to ask you.” “Oh?” Nako returned, raising an eyebrow as he crossed his arms and leaned back against a counter. “When you joined the team, James seemed particularly surprised to see you. And you seemed pleased with that,” you remarked, keeping your eyes on the pantry as you scanned it. “I know you said the two of you met at Beanfest, but I got the impression there was something else on both your minds.” “Ssso?” “So, I’d like to know what it is,” you said, and shut the pantry, having found nothing of interest. You turned to face Nakoda fully, mimicking his pose and posture as you leaned against the closed pantry. Nakoda smirked wider. “Awww, you don’t trussst me?” he crooned. “Not as far as I can throw you, and that isn’t very far,” you droned back. Nakoda seemed momentarily hurt. He paused, looking you up and down…then tilted his head slightly. “Can you keep a sssecret?” “That depends on what it is.” Nakoda nodded in understanding. He glanced towards the exit of the kitchen - and the staircase beyond - then sidled closer to you, speaking in a hushed tone. “The Little Codfish offered me sssome of the money in the chessst, if I would rig the choices to let him join in the fun,” the naga confessed. Your eyes widened. “You’re both planning to steal the money?!” you hissed through your teeth, feeling anger bubble up inside you. “You wound me, Prefect,” Nakoda replied, and seemed like he meant it. “You think I want MONEY? Yesss, money is nice; it’sss what letsss me attend ssschool, it’sss a thing I never had much of, it’sss not sssomething I’m AGAINSSST having��but it’sss not what I really care about. Besssides, you really think the ssschools would ALLOW anyone to get away with it? Those chesssts are counted up to make sure not a sssingle coin is missssssing: James was offering a falssse promissse to begin with.”
While you doubted Nakoda’s first point, the second, you had to concede, made sense. A chest full of cash would tempt just about anybody to pocket at least a small amount. There had to be strictures set in place to make sure nobody - especially not those at NRC - tried to pilfer any of the prize you all sought. So the chances of James telling the truth, and being able to pull it off, seemed unlikely: after all the headmages themselves were directly involved in this. “Okay, fair enough,” you nodded, still doubtful. “But if that’s the case, why did you still rig the game for him?” Nakoda’s eyes danced. His grin was wide and wicked. “Because what I did,” he explained, “Was mesmerize the Headmage. I put the teeny-tiny sssuggessstion in his head that he deliberately choose James and SSSmitty for the firssst two players. It’sss the sssame way I was able to get people to hurt themssselves when I went after Viper’s reputation: I learned away to keep my influence jussst long enough to make them pull off a sssingle action, then completely forget they even did it, or what happened.” Your eyes widened even more, and you felt your jaw drop. “Then…you hypnotized CROWLEY and made him choose the two?!” “Yep!” Nakoda said, cheerily, and snickered. “Sss-sss-sss-sss! Honessstly, it was ssso hard not to LAUGH when it worked! His mind is absssolute PUTTY when you really get hold of it! I couldn’t resissst a chance to see if I could do sssomething like that!” You were thoroughly speechless; gobsmacked. “Wow,” you gulped at last. “That’s…I’m looking for a word, and ‘brazen’ is the best that comes to mind.” “I take that as a compliment,” purred Nakoda, holding his nose up high, then winked. “Don’t worry, by the way, I won’t make a habit of it. It wasn’t easy to find an opportunity to even DO that without getting caught. But as you can imagine, it’sss not sssomething I want getting out if we can all avoid it.” “Our little secret,” you promised, unable to deny you were having trouble not giggling at the idea of Dire Crowley himself being under the hypnotic sway of one of his own pupils. Perhaps you get Nako to help you convince him next time something needed fixing at Ramshackle Dorm. “Well?” Nako inquired, making a show of checking his nails. “Do you trussst me now?” “I believe you’re telling the truth,” you conceded, then frowned as you looked away. “But if James and Smitty were that eager to get into this contest, then we’ve definitely got to keep an eye on them. Even if they can’t steal the money, that doesn’t mean they don’t have other issues.”
“I think we know what the other issue is already,” Nako said seriously. “The Little Codfish didn’t ssseem very happy when he sssaw that SSSatyr guy, y’know.” You nodded; you had actually been thinking the same thing. Then your brow knitted in confusion. “One more question,” you inquired. “Why do people keep calling him that? First Satyr, then Azul, now you!” Nakoda grinned widely. He seemed eager to answer that question, and opened his mouth and lifted a finger as if he were about to… …But before he could get the words out, hurried footsteps came dashing downstairs, along with the sound of a yowling voice calling out: “MINION! MINION, IT’S HERE!” In a flash, Azul and Grim came darting into the room. Ashengrotto was holding another rolled-up piece of paper in one hand. “Is that the next clue?” you checked. “Yeah!” Grim cheered, grinning proudly. “I found it under one of the beds upstairs!” “Correction,” Azul interjected, clapping a hand to his heart. “I’M the one who actually SPOTTED the clue. YOU just climbed under the bed to get it, on account of being much smaller.” “Eh, minor details,” Grim replied, waving a paw about flippantly. “What does it sssay?” Nakoda asked. “I think it’s best discussed when all of us are gathered together and have found a place to camp,” Azul answered, and tucked the paper into a pocket of his long, large coat. “Let’s get out of here and make our way to a clearing where we can do just that. We have no idea how long it will take Royal Sword to get here, and they’ll want the clue as well.” “Sounds like a plan to me,” you smiled. “Ha! Seems like the game goes to us, so far!” “SCURVY LOUSE!” All of you jumped as you heard the sound of a particularly harsh shout from James. You then suddenly recognized the sound of other voices, whooping and hollering. “What in the world…?!” you gasped, as you and your three allies hastened to check on what was going on outdoors…
While you and your party had been inspecting the cottage for clues, James, Smitty, and Sebek were standing guard. James, however, had averted his gaze from the woods beyond, smirking as he inspected the hook-shaped tattoo on the back of his left hand. Smitty noticed this. He adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat. “Ahem! Uh…James?” “Yes, Smitty?” “Doesn’t it worry you?” he asked. “Doesn’t what worry me?” James responded, turning to look at his henchman. “The serpent in there,” Smitty said, tossing his head back towards the cabin. “What if he talks, James?” “Oh, there’s little he can do about it, if he does,” shrugs James. “It’s already too late now that I’m in the game, and after all, admitting it to too many people would get him in trouble, too.” “But…we made him a promise, James.” “Of course we did. Am I not a man of me word?” “Aye, James,” Smitty nodded, without an ounce of sarcasm. “Always!” “Quite right. And I have given me word that if we return with the money chest, I’ll give him a share.” James Killian sniggered and smirked. “One thing you can always say for me, Smitty: I never break a promise.” “I guess that’s true!” Smitty beamed, evidently quite cheered up. James grinned wider, clenching his hand into a fist, once more inspecting the hook. “I’ve got him this time, Smitty,” he vowed. “I’ve waited years for this…” “That’s not counting the holidays, either,” giggled the smaller fellow. James nodded,barely seeming to hear him. He changed his focus, now looking at his reflection in the gold topper, his eyes lost in a faraway place. “OI!” The pair of sailor-like Heartslabyul students jumped as Sebek appeared from around the corner, glaring suspiciously at the pair. “Keep your eyes peeled, you Stinking Codfish of a Human!” he bellowed at James.
“Aye, my eyes are keen, you errant Crocodile!” James yelled back. “And if you insult me sight again, I swear I’ll cast anchor in ye!” “Oh, is that so?” Sebek smirked. “Well, if you wish to use nautical jargon, you’d better do good by my liege and our prestigious school! Otherwise I’ll send you to David Jonathan!” Sebek snapped back. James just blinked back. “...Send me where?” Sebek blinked in return. “Um…Daniel Johnstone?” he tried again. James just tilted his head slowly. “...Donny Jamestown?” Sebek almost peeped. James looked at Smitty helplessly. Smitty leaned up and whispered: “I think he means Davy Jones.” “Oh,” James frowned, then glared up at Sebek. “Learn the expression properly, THEN make the threat, you blasted reptile!” Sebek blushed and ground his teeth together, clenching one fist. “Once this contest is over, I swear I’m eating you, human! See if I don’t!” he roared, and disappeared again. “Don’t threaten me with a good time,” muttered James to himself. “What was that?” Smitty asked, curiously. “Never mind, you fool,” James mumbled back, cheeks pink. “Ha ha ha ha ha…” The moment was interrupted when, suddenly, a dark, forbidding laugh seemed to echo through the area, coming down from the trees above. James and Smitty jolted to the alert, James clutching his cane and once more holding it like a sword…while Smitty ducked behind his associate with a mousey squeak. “Who goes there?” James barked out. The voice came again; cold and black as the North wind by night… “Bewaker, Great Spirit of the Mighty Green Wood Speaks. Beware, James Killian! Beware…!”
Smitty whimpered as he hid further behind James. “It’s an evil s-s-spirit, James!” he keened out, clearly VERY frightened as his knees knocked together. James Killian, however, though not unperturbed, seemed much less sure of that fact. “Is it, though?” he murmured, then lightly nudged Smitty away from him. “Stay here and keep guard.” “Y-You’re leaving me alone?” “Only for a moment,” James insisted. “Whatever you do, do NOT leave this spot. I sense dirty work afoot.” “If…if you say so, James,” Smitty replied, nervously looking around. “I do!” James rapped. “Now stand by, Smitty, while I take a look around.” So saying, James began to stalk towards a nearby tree, muttering to himself: “Spirit of the Mighty Green Wood, indeed…” James peered around the base of the large tree and hummed, then prowled past it and disappeared into the bushes, vanishing into the woods. Smitty was left alone at the front of the cottage. He tapped his fingers together nervously, glancing about, afraid of meeting some malevolent ghost. After a bit, he heard a familiar voice call to him… “Smitty!” “Uh, y-yes, James?” “Come over here! I need your help!” “Oh! Okay, James, I’ll…wait. But…but you just told me to stay here no matter-” “THOSE ARE ME ORDERS, SMITTY!” “Eep! Aye-Aye, James! I’m coming!” Smitty scampered off in the direction he’d seen James go. James, for his part, was frowning as he knelt down, spotting a set of footprints. They weren’t those of any of the Night Raven crew, he was sure… “Odds fish!” he gasped to himself. “What have we here?” “I dunno! You tell me, James!”
James blinked and turned…to see the blithe, oblivious smile of Smitty McCarthy inches away from his own. James gaped at his partner…then slowly began to smile, eyes narrowing. “Smitty,” he began, much-too-patiently. “Just exactly what do you think you’re doing?” “Helping you, like you wanted me to, James!” chirruped Smitty, brightly. “Carrying out your orders, and all that!” James felt one eye twitch. “My orders?” he returned, through gritted teeth. “Uh-huh!” Smitty nodded, oblivious to the way one of James’ fists began to twitch. “Didn’t you just call out to me and ask me to-?” “GO STRAIGHT BACK!” roared James, jumping to his feet and pointing off in the direction of the cottage again. “GUARD THE COTTAGE, YOU BLITHERING IMBECILE!” With a shrill squeal - “I’MGOINGI’MGOINGI’MGOING…!” - Smitty scrambled back in the direction of the cottage and disappeared. James Killian seethed as he watched him go, and tossed his head contemptuously. “‘My orders,’ he says!” he grumbled sourly. “In Chernabog’s name, whyever do I put up with that bumbling…?!” “Smitty. Just exactly what do you think you’re doing?” James froze…as he heard another voice, the very mirror of his own, echo from somewhere nearby. He looked in the direction…and smiled a slow, crooked sort of smile. “There you are,” he cackled to himself, and tip-toed in the direction of the voice. He soon found himself at the base of another tree. Looking up, James spotted the end of a brown shoe, and a hint of pale grin amidst the forest camouflage, which didn’t quite fit in. With a satisfied sort of growl, James took hold of the lowest branches and began to climb the tree… Meanwhile, Smitty skidded to a halt as he heard the voice call out again. “J-James?” he eeped. “Of course! Now answer my question, you fool!” demanded the voice. “W-Well, I…I’m returning to the cottage to help guard it, j-just like you said!” “Harumph! I said nothing of the sort!” “Wh-wha…? But J-J-James, d-di-didn’t you, I-I thought…!” “For the last time, Smitty!” thundered the voice. “Forget your post! Come here to my side, where you can be of some use to me!” Smitty gulped…then sighed and threw up his hands helplessly. “As you wish, James,” he mumbled, dourly. “Good man,” the voice said. “Oh! And one more thing: tell that DARLING, handsome Crocodile to join you. There’s something both of you ought to see.” Smitty blinked owlishly, looking around to try and spot his friend. “Um…c-c-come again, James?” “Human!” “YIPE!” Smitty turned fast to find Sebek approaching him with a scowl.
“Who are you talking to?” the crocodile-man huffed, hands on his hips. “Um…James, I…w-well, I think,” Smitty answered, scratching his head and looking around fretfully. Sebek arched a single eyebrow. “You think?” he repeated. “Y-Yes,” Smitty nodded, and removed his cap, nervously fiddling with it in his hands, revealing his messy, pale hair. He blushed bright red, not sure how to break the words to Sebek. “You see…uh…h-he told me to tell that you’re…um…w-well, that is, he wants us to-” “HERE’S YOUR SPIRIT, SMITTY!” Suddenly, the treetop above McCarthy and Zigvolt seemed to explode into a flurry of activity. James Killian came leaping out of it, swinging on a vine, much as he had when he had assisted you not so long ago. He landed on the ground as something else came zooming out of the tree, followed by a ball of golden light. As James nimbly landed, Smitty and Sebek could see that, in one hand, a familiar green beret was held in his grasp. “LOOK!” James called to the pair, and pointed upwards with his decorative stick. The pair looked to see the thing that had flown out of the treetops now circling above them like some bizarre parody of a vulture. Sebek gasped in alarm as Smitty sighed with relief. “Oh,” Smitty said, clutching his chest. “It’s just Satyr!” “Hi there, Smitty!” Satyr cheered, waving down mischievously, then turned to the yellow pixie beside him. “Y’know somethin’, Kes? It’s kinda fun being James!” The pixie flitted her wings and jingled something in return. “Hee hee! You’re right: it’s even more fun being ME!” So saying, Satyr swooped down towards the trio. Smitty and Sebek jumped aside to avoid a collision. James, however, swung his cane in a blind, sweeping arc to try and strike at his rival. The pointy-eared youth dodged it easily, and snatched his hat back out of James’ hand. “SCURVY LOUSE!” James screamed up at him, face red as his coat, and nearly apoplectic with rage. “Thanks for holding onto this, James!” Matthew returned, brightly, and popped the beret back onto his head. “Next time I’ll get more than that!” spat James.
Matthew Satyr smirked, and reached into the special holster at his belt, whipping out the collapsible fighting rod he carried at his side in place of a dagger or sword. Then, he put two fingers from his other hand to his mouth, and whistled shrilly. Once he did, with a whoop and a holler, the six other Royal Sword students all appeared, holding out their Magic Pens, ready for action as the fur of their animal skin capes whistled in the breeze. “Tricked!” Sebek exclaimed, realizing what had happened. “They didn’t go to camp at all: they followed us here!” “Right, Mr. Crocodile!” Satyr grinned. “And after we scare you all off, we’ll be taking whatever other clue is here, too!” “We’ll see about that!” James yelled, brandishing his cane like a cutlass. “Come down, Satyr! Try my steel!” “With pleasure, James!” Matthew grinned, and pointed his rod down at the crimson cutthroat. “Come on now! Let’s have some FUN!” So saying, Matthew Satyr dove downwards, and thrust out his weapon at James. Killian sidestepped the attack, and swung at the flying Royal Sword member…but Satyr spun away like a top. A moment later, James let out a shrill “YIPE!” as - WHAPP! - the baton smacked him in the rear. He whirled about with a ferocious glare as Matthew hovered a little bit off the ground, so he was eye-level with his NRC opponent. “Bad form!” James snapped. “Ready to lose again?” Satyr returned, tauntingly. “Not. This. Time!” James snarled, and thrust out with his own weapon. “EN GARDE!” With many a shrill crack and “thrack,” the baton and the cane locked with each other, then unlocked again; the pair of duelers swinging their blunt instruments like they really were proper, sharper weapons. Every blow James struck out, Matthew blocked it; every lunge from Satyr was parried by Killian. Back and forth they went with each other, each seeking an opening as they battled. While the pair were sorting out THEIR differences, the other Royal Sword students were closing in around the outnumbered Smitty and Sebek…but not outnumbered for long. By now, yourself, Azul, Grim, and Nakoda had popped out of the cottage to see what in the Underworld’s name was going on! You were all quite startled with the image spread before your eyes. “An ambush!” Nakoda hissed. “Blindsided by a cheap trick!” Azul groused to himself. “Ugh…if Jade and Floyd knew this, they’d never let me hear the end of it…” “You hold onto that clue,” you said to Azul firmly. “That’s what they have to be here for.” James pushed Satyr away from him just long enough to notice all of you. He roared out, pointing at Smitty and Sebek, who were holding up their own Magic Pens in defensive positions. “DON’T JUST STAND THERE, YE BILGE RATS!” he hollered. “STOP THOSE SCURVY SCALLYWAGS!” Azul sighed. “And here I’d hoped to avoid combat for as long as possible,” the team captain mumbled, then reached for his own Magic Pen. Nakoda did the same at his side. “It seems there’s no help for it.” “Come on, guys!” Grim cheered, ears sparking with cerulean flame. “LET’S GET ‘EM!” And so the four of you charged forward. You weren’t entirely sure what you would do, yourself, to help, having no magic…but you’d find a way. “I always do,” you muttered to yourself with a sigh. “It’s moments like this I almost wish I went to a normal school…”
To Be Continued in Part 3…
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Hi there! I had a question about writing alters co-fronting and swapping. How does it generally feel? If multiple alters want to converse with a single person, do they just each kind of "take control of the microphone"?
Please don't feel pressured to answer this, but I want to write Mike and his system as correctly as I can. I'm writing an AU where they play a significant part, and they've all gotten therapy and cohabit the body pleasantly.
hiiiiiii!! id love to answer your question actually im honored that you asked me
yk at the beach, when the waves come up to high tide and wash over the shore? that's kind of what switching feels like to us. like a fresh wave going over your head. and it can occasionally feel different depending on who it is. like when danny fronts, it feels like a nice cool feeling resting over your head. its not actually there, but you can kinda feel it.
switching in and out of co is also kind of like that, but less intense since the person switching is only in co and not fully fronting. like when waves hit the shore at low tide. they're still there, but not as intense as the high tide. sometimes the feelings are so unnoticeable that you could be co-fronting with someone the whole day and not even know they're there! trying to figure out who's in co is a bit of a silly experience bc it's basically asking "hmmmm... who do i kinda feel like" to yourself
and yeah, it kind of is basically "taking control of the microphone." you can still kindaaaaa hear the others who don't have the hypothetical microphone, but the person w/ the microphone is the most loud and clear. sometimes this can cause headaches bc a bunch of ppl yapping at once in the back of your mind when you're in the middle of a math test kinda sucks.
tysm for asking!!! if there's anything i should clarify on a bit more or if you have any more questions let me know!!
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spook-study · 1 year
Humanoids from the Deep [a.k.a "Monster"] (1980) starts with every content warning you can possibly have in a movie. Don't bother checking Does the Dog Die, because if you are someone who needs to check, this movie isn't for you. Humanoids from the Deep explodes onto your screen, starting with the killing of a child, resulting in an ungodly amount of blood in the water, and the subsequent explosion of the boat he was on, taking his raving, sobbing father who just watched his son die down to the depths with him. Not to mention a few deckhands for good measure. Following this up we have the visible death of a dog, followed by a shot of his mutilated corpse, then being shown the corpses of at the other fishermen's dogs sprawled all over the dock and their boats. Top off that rapid succession with casual racism, using a slur for Native Americans that some may not have even heard, and there's little room for doubt about what kind of movie you're about to witness.
If you even make it that far.
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The movie isn't one for resting, however. The classic call of teenagers having sex on the beach is one heard loud and clear by the titular creatures. Just because they're kept mostly hidden, as is the usual case when it comes to lower budgeted horror, doesn't mean you don't see exactly what happens between the proverbial sheets. The filming leaves no room for questioning: a young woman gets abducted and sexually assaulted by a monster, so clear you can count the thrusts. Humanoids from the Deep straddles the hard line of 80s schlock and full exploitation, and it's swaying from side to side drunk on its own craziness. Depending on the night, or the person, it could very easily fall to either side.
While we don't get a nice clear view of the monsters upon their first introduction, where would the fun in that be, that doesn't mean we don't get a good look. A lot of B-Horror is embarrassed by their creature effects, latex prosthetics and masks mushed with paint and goo in an attempt to make the monsters look scary. If you're lucky, you'll get some tentacles waving around by fishing line. But the full body suits of Humanoids are pretty gross and definitely gross enough for the crux of their existence. It's a nice change of pace to see a monster that actually looks good enough to do what it does. Not great, but definitely good enough.
Not only that, the movie swings hard with gore effects. Blood and guts abound in Humanoids, so if that's your bread and butter, you'll have plenty at the table. It's definitely a pleasure when a lower-budget movie puts the money into grossness. A lot of modern horror has a strange sense of dryness to it- even the blood looks clean. But fish monsters at a fishing town with a fair going on? All the juicy goodness you could be looking for is right here waiting for you.
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When it gets down to the movie itself, Humanoids fully places itself in the film oeuvre of the sexy female scientist with Dr. Susan Drake. Stunningly beautiful and stunningly frazzled, intelligence and dogged pursuit of the truth is all of a sudden incredibly hot. Yet, unlike her contemporaries, Dr. Susan ends up being appropriately dressed, for the most part. She wears full outfits that are quite modest for a movie in which its very premise is monsters attacking and sexually assaulting women. When she explores, trying to find the answer to this hormonally mutated mystery, they have her in a full yellow fisherman's garb and boots tromping around in the water and mud.
And tromp around she does, much to the chagrin of the newly implanted cannery she's working for. That's right! She's working for the very company, cleverly named "Canco," that's the direct cause of the monsters. Far too literal to be ignored, the movie starts off with one of the leading men stating the cannery will ruin the town, and he certainly isn't wrong. Going against the grain for company-employed scientists in horror, scientific integrity becomes the sexiest thing that Dr. Susan brings to the table. She doesn't care who did what, her employer or otherwise, she wants to solve the problem because of the ecological implications of crazy fish men running around raping unsuspecting teens who all seem to think the beach is the place to be when it comes to sex.
The scene surrounding the second couple of teens is one of the craziest seductions ever put to film. The young man seduces a lovely young lady with his ventriloquist dummy.
It works. It just. It works?
Well, works up to the point of those good monsters showing up and crashing the party. And they're not the only ones who fall victim to these crazy fish. While the monsters collect ladies they impregnate (if they even survive the initial attack) that doesn't mean they don't kill indiscriminately. And there will be blood- galore. Spraying, shooting, tearing, ripping, bashing, spurting, flinging, flying, you name it. It's gushy and wet and and it all looks so damn good. And the Humanoids certainly do not care who is subject to their wild ways. Brothers, boyfriends, friends, women, children: if it breathes, the Humanoids are coming.
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While the plot may be thin, how much do you truly need when walking full tilt into a movie called Humanoids from the Deep? Hormonally enlarged salmon being eaten by some other big fish out in the sea and those fish turning into air-breathing bipedal sex maniacs in no time flat? Why not. And, despite all the sleuthing and mystery-solving and heavy handed dialogue about the displacement of indigenous populations and destruction of small town America, the climax at the annual festival is definitely full of climaxes. Some brain-bashing and gasoline later, what we know of the Humanoids have been defeated. Toss in a classic horror end-of-movie stinger and the movie wraps.
So what does a movie like Humanoids from the Deep have to offer? This is the kind of movie your mother would tut-tut at, or yank from VHS and send you to your room with a harsh word, and maybe that's all that it is. Humanoids feels secret, subversive. As horror comes more and more into the light of public acceptance, so too have harsher and harsher low-budget horror movies touting "Old-School" appeal. It's movies like Humanoids they're referring, but what people tend to forget is that there's always more. There's an evil corporation, there's people fighting to help, there's fear and there's pain and there's dread. More than hack-and-slash gore effect after gore effect without anything else going on, Humanoids from the Deep keeps its silly little plot clipping right along for all 80 of those minutes.
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It seems there's some disconnect with what "Old-School" horror was and did. Modern day effects and society means things you could never have shown when Humanoids came out is now being called "Old-School." Humanoids is shocking not only because of what it presented, but because of what it couldn't present. Imagination is the strongest producer of fear, after all. When the limits are pushed and pushed and broken completely, there's nothing left of the original dark-alley appeal that made these movies so cool. There are some things in Humanoids that might have you shocked even today, and that's staying power. Will we be able to say the same for the shock violence being put to film today? Will we be able to see a monster riding a carousel filmed in 2023?
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Humanoids from the Deep is a perfect example of what all those middle-aged men call old-school horror, but don't let that deter you. Ignore the film bros and holier-than-thous and, if you have the stomach for it, give Humanoids from the Deep a try for yourself. Be grossed out, laugh, have fun, because that's what movies like this are for. They're for late-night slumber parties with your friends and midnight screenings in the woods at night. Watch it while you're camping or while your out on a boat. Watch it with all the atmosphere you can and remember how fun fear can be.
Sure, it may not reinvent the wheel, but this collection of creature and gore effects, a sexy female scientist, a rugged Native-American hero, a bunch of racists getting what-for and a bunch of innocent women being attacked is certainly a prime example of everything horror was and everything horror can be.
From well-known schlock producer of the best gutter trash Roger Corman, it certainly won't be everyone's cup of tea. Still, Humanoids from the Deep (1980) gets a fond 3/5.
Go ahead. Live a little.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 2 years
Some of your statements seem contradictory to me. You said "Azula had neither of those things(one being knowledge)" and "Azula was old enough to understand, at least to some degree, that what she was doing wasn’t morally right." So, did she know what she was doing or not? Also, if what you mean by free will is "You could have lived a more moral life with the experiences you had" then you're saying she could have lived a more moral life with the experiences she had. You cite the mirror scene...
... and The Beach episode as evidence that on some level she knew better. If neither of these moments existed, would your opinion change? If so, would she be "morally accountable" for her actions in your eyes?
That might be because I have explaining stuff that I think. I kind of just give unorganized blurbs and hope that they make sense.
Did she know what she was doing or not; the answer is yes and no. To some extent I think that she did. Like I think that she knew on some level that what she was doing was morally wrong. But I don't think that she fully grasped what to do with that information. I think that she was conflicted. I think that she thought that she was doing right by her father and her nation but that she has a skewed version of right and wrong because she was always praised for doing morally bad things. Doing the right thing for her father and nation weren't exactly the best for the rest of the Avatar world.
So in essence she knows right from wrong but her sense of right and wrong is kind of warped. At least in some regards--things like hunting Aang down.
Whereas in other situations like how she treated Mai and TyLee as well as using fear to coerce them into certain things she knew, at least on a subconscious level, that it was wrong. I'm not saying that she is actively aware of it, but the mirror scene implies that she is conflicted. And that conflict comes from some sense of knowing what is right and wrong.
Azula has an innate sense of right and wrong like everyone else. But environmental influences can and have skewed that sense, creating a situation where her values might clash--a cognitive dissonance of sorts.
So yeah; to answer your question simply, yes. All two of those things. She's got this paradox going on inside of her mind regarding whether she knows right from wrong and (perhaps this is a stretch) but that confusion probably had a hand in her snapping in the finale.
If those moments didn't exist my opinion probably wouldn't change too much (it would depend what they chose to do with her instead), but they do in fact exist so I stand firm on my opinion that she should be held accountable but not in a way that is inhumane (such as bending loss and physical suffering).
Even if those moments didn't exist she's still a 14 year old and we shouldn't be holding teens and kids to the same standards as an adult like Ozai. Teens and kids are still developing mentally and rely heavily on role models to shape their view points. That's the difference between Ozai and Azula; she's a child. He isn't. She and him shouldn't be held to the same standard. Iroh and Zuko shouldn't be held to the same standard.
So even if those moments didn't exist, just by the fact that Azula is still just a kid I would stick to my opinion that she is responsible for her actions and should have some accountability but it shouldn't be put entirely on her because she's just a kid and she was raised in an environment that altered her sense of right and wrong.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
025 of 2023
lol I’ve never thought I’d actually do it, but here we go XD gonna be ashamed later.
What tends to feel better for you, sex or masturbation?
Well, I don’t desire any partnered sexual activities, so here’s your answer.
Your 5 favorite spots to be stimulated that aren’t genitals.
5? I’m not gonna find that much XD maybe neck and thighs and that’s all.
Have you ever had your prostate stimulated?
Yeah. Such a weird feeling, kind of overwhelming.
Have you ever had an orgasm from anywhere other than your genitals?
I don’t think so.
Do you prefer clitoral or vaginal stimulation?
I’m afraid I have neither, so n/a.
Can you touch your clitoris directly, or does that hurt?
Are you well-acquainted with your G-spot?
Well, I’m aware of it, that’s for sure.
Are handjobs boring, or underrated?
Do you like having your balls touched?
Not by others.
Do you like having your nipples touched?
No. It’s one of the areas of my body that tends to be oversensitive.
Have you ever been fisted (anally or vaginally)?
God no. Doesn’t sound appealing at all.
Do you like mild roughness (scratching, spanking, hair-pulling, etc.)?
Not into such things.
Do you have any kinks?
I don’t think so. I’m pretty boring on that matter.
Are you into anything under the BDSM umbrella?
Not at all. It even puts me off.
Do you pee in the shower?
Who doesn’t, honestly.
Do you ever masturbate in the shower?
Tried maybe twice. Feels weird and quite difficult, too.
Have you had sex in the shower?
Tried once, didn’t work.
Do you like being naked?
I’m not overthinking it.
Do you sleep partially/fully naked?
Yeah, most of the time.
Have you ever skinny dipped?
No, never.
What’s the most unusual thing you’ve done nude?
Does peeing count?
Have you ever to a nude beach, naked party, or other situation involving casual nudity?
No, but my husband wanted to take me to the only nude beach in our country. I just don’t feel like going.
Are you comfortable being seen partially/fully naked by family or friends (i.e. getting dressed, etc.)?
Not really. I don’t want anyone to comment on how my bones stick out. And especially fully naked is a no.
Are you comfortable with partners seeing you nude in non-sexual contexts?
It’s normal. I don’t mind it at all.
Have you ever showered with someone (non-sexually)?
Yeah, that one time with my husband when sex didn’t work out XD
Do you care if a partner sees you going to the bathroom?
What’s shameful in going to the bathroom? Everyone does it, after all XD I’d rather be alone on the toilet, though.
Do you have naked pictures/videos of yourself? If yes, have you sent them to anyone? Are they online?
No, no and no. I’d rather die than post anything like that anywhere.
How many sexual partners have you had?
Two, and that’s two too much already. I’ve only ever had sex to please them.
How often do you masturbate?
It depends. I can go months without it, and then I do it multiple times a day for a short period of time.
Age you started masturbating? How did you discover/learn about it?
I don’t even remember. I guess getting hard lead to it somehow.
What position do you typically masturbate in (laying on back, on stomach, sitting up, etc.)?
All of them, but mostly lying on my back, it seems easier.
Describe your masturbation routine, technique, etc.
How do guys typiczlly do it? I’m no different.
What do you masturbate to (porn, smut, imagination, etc.)?
Imagination, if ever, but I typically don’t need it at all.
Have you ever masturbated to the point you got sore?
Yeah, happened several times.
Your thoughts the first time you got up close and personal with the opposite set of genitals?
Never seen any “in person” as I’ve only had boyfriends and not girlfriends, but I’m aware of how they look like. I thought they looked weird. Still I do, to be honest.
Have you ever “compared" (genitals, breasts, whatever) with a friend?
Lol no. It’s so lame.
What kind of underwear do you normally wear?
Just normal guys underwear.
Do you ever go commando?
No. I don’t get it anyway.
Have you ever had a wet dream/orgasmed in your sleep?
No idea, but I don’t think so. I’ve only ever had one sex dream that involved me personally.
How big is your penis?
Oh lol it’s getting too personal XD not too big, honestly, but I don’t care about such things. Not gonna say half a meter because it’s ridiculous XD
Does your penis curve at all?
Not really.
Which testicle hangs lower?
One of them, haha.
How big are your breasts?
I don’t have breasts.
Do you have long or short labia? Are they even or uneven?
I don’t have any.
Do you have a particularly large or tiny clitoris?
I’m a dude lol.
Are you circumcised or no? Are you happy with it?
I’m not, and I’m better off this way because some of my parts seem to be too sensitive.
Are you turned on or off by foreskin, or don’t care?
I don’t care either way. Not turned off, though.
What are you more into (or like more about yourself), boobs or butts?
I don’t have boobs and I’m not into women, so.
Do you find genitals physically attractive, or weird/gross, or not feel strongly either way?
It depends. I’m indifferent about male genitals and I find female genitals gross. I can’t help it.
Do you like the way your genitals look?
I’m not overthinking it. Just the fact they are there is much enough.
Would you be able to pick out your genitals from a lineup?
Lol what?
Do you like your butt?
I don’t care. My husband likes it, though.
What do you do with your pubic hair (shave, trim, wax, nothing, etc.)?
This tends to be the only part of my body that I actually shave, except my face.
Do you care/have a preference what partners do with their pubic hair?
No, I don’t. It’s their body.
Do you tuck your penis a certain way (i.e. left or right) when you get dressed?
Thankfully it’s not that big so it doesn’t cause burdens.
Do you have or want any genital piercings? Do you like any on other people?
No and no. And no.
What is the quickest you’ve ever brought yourself (or been brought) to orgasm?
I don’t know actually, I’m always easy on that.
Do you ever “edge" (repeatedly stop and start) when masturbating?
Did it a few times. The end result was too intense.
What’s the longest masturbation session you’ve had? Longest sex session?
I tend to keep my sex sessions as short as possible so my husband feels good, but for alone times it was a few hours.
What’s the most orgasms you’ve had in one session (of anything)?
Three, but it took really long. It’s not thayt usual for guys.
Do your orgasms tend to be full-body, or crotch-centric?
It depends on many things, but they’re mostly overwhlming and intense.
Spit or swallow?
I don’t do that. Rubbers or not at all.
When you ejaculate, do you more shoot or dribble?
Ooh haha. Shoot and make a mess.
Is it hot or gross to get ejaculated on?
Well, I’m not a big fan of bodily fluids. Even my own.
Have you ever attempted (or succeeded) to give yourself oral?
Lol no. I’d have to be two meters long or something.
Have you ever given/received a footjob, boobjob, etc.?
No and no. I don’t see the appeal.
Have you ever had sex in a public place?
I’ve once had sex with my husband in our car somewhere in Germany, but it was at night and hopefully nobody saw us.
Have you ever had sex in a bed/on a couch that didn’t belong to either of you?
Yeah, at my parents’ place.
Have you ever had sex/masturbated while somebody was sleeping near you?
Once. I was really stressed about it, though.
How many rooms of your house/apartment/etc. have you had sex in?
Living room and bedroom. And bathroom, if that failed shower attempt counts XD
Strangest/most unique place you’ve had sex? How about masturbated?
Our car for sex, otherwise I can’t think of any.
Have you had any sexual experiences that were downright gross?
Yeah, this whole sex thing in general.
Are you particularly “vocal" when masturbating/having sex?
No, I’m actually really silent. I don’t make any sound at all.
Have you ever been caught masturbating/having sex?
No, but it almost happened once.
Do you own any sex toys?
I do own some that have been gifted to me by my husband, but I have no use of them and no interest in them.
Have you ever used a homemade sex toy, or a regular object as a sex toy?
No. I don’t think so.
Can a dildo feel as good as a penis (assuming the person with the penis is good at what they do)?
Even better because it’s not attached to a living person.
What are your favorite positions?
No particular favourites.
Worst place/time you’ve ever gotten a boner?
In February last year, when I saw the guy I liked and he has helped me with something, it was at the hospital after ergotherapy. I still hope he hasn’t noticed.
Have you ever had any genital injuries?
Nothing more serious than getting sore from doing it too much.
Have you ever had a sexually transmitted infection?
No, thankfully.
Have you ever had a non-sexually transmitted genital infection (yeast infection, etc)?
Yeah, urinary tract infection from a catheter in the hospital.
If you lack a penis, have you ever tried to pee standing up?
“Lack a penis” lol. I don't lack it XD
If you lack a penis, how familiar are you with how you look down there?
Do you think you’re “good" at sex, or your performance/skill could use improvement?
I know I’m not good at it, but I couldn’t care less. It’s not important to me anyway.
Have you “sexted" (whether through text messaging or IM chat)?
Tried with my first ex, but I couldn’t focus and I lacked creativity. This has only convinced me I’m not into such things.
Have you masturbated for or with someone via webcam?
Oh my God, no. Never would.
Have you have phone sex?
No, I don’t.
If you had the opposite set of genitals for a day, name 5 things you would do.
I can think of one thing, crying or hating myself.
What’s something you like about your body?
That I’m tall, and maybe my eyes.
What’s something you dislike about your body?
Everything else.
What body parts do you find the sexiest?
Not ‘sexy’ in any way, but I’m fond of eyes. And arms.
What was your most recent sexual thought?
How much I don’t fancy sex.
When did you lose your virginity?
I was 24. Quite late, but it was with the right person.
Rough sex or soft sex?
No sex.
Do you have any unusual kinks/fetishes?
I don’t think so.
Weirdest place you’ve had sex?
Our car.
Do you like to be dominant or submissive?
No thanks.
Have you ever had any one night stands?
No, and I don’t intend to.
Sex on the bed, couch or the floor?
No sex.
Have you ever had sex in a public place?
Answered this already.
Have you ever been caught masturbating?
I got almost caught once.
What does your favourite sexy underwear look like?
I don’t own any ‘sexy’ underwear.
How often do you have sex?
As rarely as possible.
Is there anybody right now you’d like to have sex with?
No. I’ve never been into partnered sex.
Do you prefer giving or receiving oral sex?
I dislike both.
Most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you during sex?
Probably farting XD nothing worse, thankfully.
A song you’d listen to during hard/rough/kinky sex?
Lol the idea of music during sex is weird to me.
A song you’d listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex?
Are you into dressing up for sex?
Not at all.
Would you prefer sex in the bath or sex in the shower?
Never tried in bath lol.
If you could have sex with anyone right now, who would it be?
No one. Although I must admit there is one guy who kind of makes me curious how would it be to sleep with him, but I don’t think I would ever act upon it. It’s much better in theory.
Have you ever had a threesome? If not, would you?
No and no.
Do you/would you use sex toys?
No and no.
Have you ever sent someone a dirty text/picture?
Yeah, to my husband as a joke. We do it a lot, honestly, and just fot lolz.
Would you have sex with your best friend?
My husband is my best friend, so yeah, but only for his benefit.
Is there anything you do after sex? (for example, smoke, eat, drink)
Something that will never fail to get you horny?
Biology lol. Just being touched is enough, and I hate it.
Early morning sex or late night sex?
No sex.
Favourite body part on the opposite sex?
I’m not into opposite sex.
Favourite body part on the same sex?
Arms and eyes, I love guys with pretty eyes.
Do you watch porn? 
Did once or twice, couldn’t get into it. It was better when I watched solo play than watching two people having sex, though.
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drippingviolets3 · 8 months
I don’t know what kind of sleep deprivation drugs were created in my brain for this idea to spawn but do you guys know what would be the best and worst fucking crossover ever?
HxH and MHA.
Let me explain
Like, we got MHA and the chaos surrounding it’s world where you can be born with either the power of god or a lego head, or just not have a power at all and be part of the minority that gets their shit destroyed on a daily basis to fight the crazy bitches with powers.
And then we have HxH which has nen and can allow you to lean how do to all sorts of freaky shit like kill a fucking alien cat with a game of Rock Paper Scissors, magical beasts, confirmed countries, regions, creatures, ruins, AND treasure that are confirmed to be out there because the world hasn’t been fully explored, AND the anime equivalent of the 2020 election.
The world would be fucked.
Izuku would be teaching Gon to risk his fucking limbs
Killua and Bakugo enter a room and only Killua leaves (you can not convince me that Killua would NOT fold Bakugo like a beach chair)
And then we got the MHA girls meeting the HxH girls and everyone is comparing them and are like “Hmm….something is different about them…but what?” (The answer is that HxH can actually write decent female characters 💀).
Boss bitches Bisky and Machi meet Uraraka and start talking and Uraraka says “I’m gonna be a hero to get money for my parents!” And they’re like “aight, sounds cool”
But then Uraraka’s flashbacks and motivation only shows Izuku and suddenly Beefy Bisky has to make an entrance to knock some sense into the girl because that was NOT what she said her motivation was.
Aizawa meets the main four and Alluka and just sighs while handing out adoption papers 💀💀💀
This cross over is so stupid I need to see someone write/draw for it or I’ll do it myself 😭
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andyhoward · 1 year
Getting the best out of your vacations with vacation rentals.
It's that time of year again! I'm talking about that time each year when you can take a break from “real life” and do anything you want for a week or two. Take it easy, eat and drink well, spend quality time with loved ones, and get some rest. But before you check out and head home, maybe you should reconsider the typical hotel stay. You have choices, and the holiday rental is only one of them.
For your next trip, why not book a “home away from home” so that you may relax in a familiar environment while yet experiencing the excitement of a new place? That's the point of renting a house for a holiday. Vacationers will soon be able to rent out these houses. Rental owners have varying requirements for the sort of guests they accept, and Fort Lauderdale vacation rentals can range widely in terms of facilities and cost depending on seasonality and length of stay. It's a fantastic concept, but how do you put it into action? It's no big deal. Questions about renting a holiday home? We've got your answers here. My buddy, keep reading because I have just the “home away from home” for your next vacation.
Vacation Rentals: Answers to Your Questions
In what ways do vacation rentals excel above hotels?
Do you ever wish there was a bit more character in your hotel room? I figured as much. Then perhaps the Airbnb Fort Lauderdale beachis the answer you've been looking for. These vacation rentals aim to simulate the comforts of home and often provide more space than a comparable hotel room. Airbnb near Fort Lauderdale beach provide more privacy than hotels, and most of them include kitchens where you can cook, which might help you save money in the long run if you wind up eating in.
You won't have to cram the whole family onto a single bed as you would in a dorm. Many homeowners provide notes about nearby attractions and activities. The Airbnb Oakland Park available for rent is immaculate, welcoming, and full of kind hosts. This is because the owner often lives in them themselves for a portion of the year, making them doubly useful.
The nightly rate for Airbnb near Fort Lauderdale airport is lower than that of comparable hotels. You can save money on taxes, tips, and other fees by renting straight from the owner. The prices, however, vary widely depending on a variety of variables.
In a vacation rental, what facilities are available to guests?
Because each rental property is independently owned and operated, the facilities offered will vary. Some of them include access to equestrian facilities, golf packages, or even swimming pools and hot springs. Tickets to local attractions are sometimes included with rentals in cities that attract tourists.
Asking these questions will help you choose the right Airbnb Fort Lauderdale that has everything you need, including a TV, fully-stocked kitchen, towels, linens, and daily appliances. Before submitting a payment, be sure you fully grasp the nature of your transaction.
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rewirelessify · 1 year
Can Waterproof Speaker Be Fully Submerged in Water?
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Waterproof speakers are increasingly popular, as they allow users to enjoy music while relaxing in the pool or taking a shower. But can waterproof speakers actually be fully submerged in water?  Waterproof speakers can be immersed completely in water. Although this is dependent on their IP rating and the length of submersion. Speakers with greater IP ratings may tolerate submersion for extended periods of time. It should be noted, however, that prolonged submersion might still cause harm to the speaker's components. This article will explore the features of waterproof speakers, and answer the question: can waterproof speakers be fully submerged in water? We'll examine whether or not it is safe to submerge a waterproof speaker, as well as what you need to consider when shopping for a waterproof speaker.
Understanding Waterproof Speakers
I love to bring my music with me everywhere, like to the beach or the pool, so I know how important it is to have waterproof speakers. They not only let me listen to music without worrying about hurting my speakers, but they also make the whole experience better. Types of Waterproof Speakers It's important to know how waterproof speakers work because there are different kinds with different water resistance ratings. Some speakers are only water-resistant, while others are completely waterproof and can be fully submerged in water. Before buying a speaker, it's important to check its water resistance rating. This will tell you how much water the speaker can handle. Durability of Waterproof Speakers Another thing to think about is how long waterproof speakers will last. They are made to stand up to harsh elements like water, dust, and sand, which makes them last longer. This is especially important if you want to take your speakers with you on trips outside. Versatility of Waterproof Speakers In terms of how they work, waterproof speakers are flexible wireless speakers because they can be used in different places, like by the pool or on a boat. Also, some waterproof speakers are made to float on water, which makes them perfect for pool parties or hanging out in the ocean.
Submerging Waterproof Speakers
I love listening to music both inside and outside, so I bought a set of waterproof speakers so I can keep listening to music even when I'm close to water. At first, I didn't want to fully submerge the speakers.  I was afraid they would be ruined. But after I did some research and learned what waterproof speakers could do, I decided to go for it. Factors to Consider Manufacturers’ Guidelines on Submerging Waterproof Speakers Before I put the speakers in water, I carefully read the manufacturer's instructions and made sure they were set up and secured correctly. I also made sure that the temperature and saltiness of the water were in the right range. I was pleasantly surprised by how well the speakers worked even when they were underwater. When the speakers were submerged, the bass was stronger and the sound was crisper and clearer all around. Possible Risks of Submerging Waterproof Speakers While submerging waterproof speakers can enhance their functionality, it is important to understand the potential risks associated with this activity. One major risk is that water could seep into the speaker's internals and cause damage. Additionally, prolonged submersion could lead to overheating of the speaker's components, which could cause permanent damage. Water pressure could also affect the performance of the speaker, leading to distortion or reduced sound quality.Submerging speakers in water with high salinity levels could also cause corrosion of the speaker's components.
Benefits of Submerging Waterproof Speakers
I like music and swimming a lot, so at first, I wasn't sure if I should buy waterproof speakers. I was worried about how well they would sound and how long they would last if they were fully submerged in water.  But after making the jump and buying a pair of waterproof speakers, I can say with certainty that being able to submerge these speakers in water has changed everything for me. Improved Sound Quality One of the best things about submerging waterproof speakers is that the sound quality gets better. The speakers are made to make a good sound even when they are completely submerged in water. This means I can listen to my music while I'm swimming or taking a bath. Durability and Longevity of the Speakers Also, being able to submerge waterproof speakers has made them last longer and be more durable. The fact that the speakers are waterproof protects them from water damage and makes them last longer. I no longer have to worry about dropping my speakers in water by accident or letting them get wet. Enhanced Functionality and Versatility  Also, making waterproof speakers that can be submerged has made them more useful and flexible. I can now use my speakers while swimming, diving, and kayaking, among other things that involve water.
Precautions to Take Before Submerging Waterproof Speakers
As someone who enjoys water sports a lot, I've come to rely on waterproof speakers to play my favorite songs while I'm in the water. But there are important steps that must be taken before fully submerging these speakers to make sure they work well and last a long time. Proper Installation and Preparation First, it's important to set up and prepare the speakers correctly. Before using them in water, I make sure that all of the ports and connections are closed tightly.  And that the speaker's water resistance rating is right for the depth of the water and the level of activity. Reading the speaker's instructions is the best way to learn about its limits and how to use it correctly. Duration of Submersion Another important thing to think about is how long the object will be submerged. Even though waterproof speakers are made to handle water, being submerged for a long time can still damage them. So, it's important to limit how long they're in the water and take them out of the water when they're not being used. Water Temperature and Salinity Lastly, before submerging waterproof speakers, I think about how hot or salty the water is. Extreme temperatures and high levels of salt can damage the speakers, so it's best not to use them in these situations. By taking these steps, I've been able to get the most out of my waterproof speakers while also making sure they work well and last a long time.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About “Can waterproof speakers be fully submerged in water? ”
Here are some questions that are often asked about whether waterproof speakers be fully submerged in water?  What is the difference between water-resistant and waterproof speakers? Water-resistant speakers can handle splashes and light rain but may not be able to withstand full submersion, while waterproof speakers can be fully submerged in water. Are all waterproof speakers designed for full submersion? No, not all waterproof speakers are designed for full submersion. It's important to check the water resistance rating of the speaker to ensure that it's appropriate for the activity and water depth. Can all waterproof speakers handle different types of water? No, not all waterproof speakers can handle all types of water. Some speakers may be designed for freshwater use only and may not be suitable for use in saltwater environments. Can fully submerging waterproof speakers damage them? Prolonged submersion or exposure to extreme temperatures and high salinity levels can cause damage to waterproof speakers. Therefore, it's important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and take precautions when using them in water. Can I use my waterproof speaker while it's fully submerged? Yes, you can use your waterproof speaker while it's fully submerged. However, it's important to limit the duration of submersion and to remove the speaker from the water when not in use. How can I properly maintain my waterproof speaker after submerging it in water? It's important to rinse the speaker with fresh water and dry it thoroughly before storing it. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the speaker.
As someone who often uses waterproof speakers while doing water activities, I can say that you can put them all the way underwater.  But before doing so, it's important to take the necessary precautions, such as making sure the device is properly installed and prepared, limiting the amount of time it's submerged, and avoiding high temperatures and high levels of salt. It's also important to keep in mind that submerging waterproof speakers can pose some risks, like damaging the speakers if they aren't used correctly. So, it's important to read the manufacturer's instructions and use the product the way they say to. Even though there are risks, submerging waterproof speakers can improve sound quality and make them more useful. Overall, if you take the right precautions and use waterproof speakers in a responsible way, you can have a fun and enjoyable time listening to music while doing water activities. I hope you all liked the article. For more articles please follow: Rewirelessify Read the full article
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Jko Course Codes - Xp Course uses today Jko cheat code f12 Results 1 - 15 of 81 jko cheat code f12 The strong attack from this sword also yields a f12 cheat code. Tim has learned not to mess with Eddie, who has gained some kind of power over him. Murphey, Joel Soisson, Rhet Topham. Trick or Treat also known as Ragman and Death at 33 RPM in foreign markets is a American horror film by De Laurentiis Entertainment Group, starring Marc Price and Tony Fields, with special appearances by Gene Simmons and car accident rusk county wi may 14 ; sonoma county motorcycle clubs; aldinga beach shack for sale; alcanna stores; awful movies wiki celebrities; hc ; live2d download full crack; homestead exemption louisville ky; oc son of zeus fanfic; gacha club outfit codes; what happens when you get a dui in tennessee; Enterprise; Workplace; truwood. The area houses activities like Harvest Days, which includes horse-drawn carriage rides, a pumpkin patch, a corn maze, games, as well as a trick - or-treating events including one called. The eighties were the golden age of heavy metal and horror movies. Sellers with highest buyer ratings; Returns, money back; Ships in a business Entertainment; Tasmanian trick or treaters to hit the streets for Halloween. It is the directorial debut of actor At about , a TV scene of Mrs. Yes, it is silly, and over the top and crazy but it also has a strange amount of emotional truth and rich themes about the relationship between an artist and their fans. His idol, Sammie Curr, happens to share the same hometown as Eddie and Eddie writes the guy what seems to be on a daily basis. It's only seen for a minute when Eddie's friend steals the tape out of his car. Black Witch Portiere Halloween Prop. Hanging Latex Sinister Pumpkin Prop. Popular trick-or-treating hours are p. Fast Delivery. But as Hallowe'en night approaches, he discovers that he may be the only one who can stop Sammi from making a Satanic comeback from beyond the grave. Average Review. There are different types of model including, Print,Fashion,Swimsuit and Promotional. In her book, Dog Love, Marjorie Garber proposes the idea that fictional works that offer representations of canines are often used not to tell us about dogs, but to tell us about ourselves. Starring: Marc Looking for a 'Treat' at Kansas. The focus her is on a house that us haunted to the point of being a portal into the underworld of sorts. Pictures provided by: Jale. Murphy and music by Fastway, is another one of the most underrated films of. Max quickly became the boys' favourite obsession after beating Dustin's high score at Dig Dug in the Palace Arcade. Free returns. He declares himself the most powerful telepath and psychokinetic in the world. Car is driven off of a bridge at the end of the movie, however none of the characters are harmed in the scene. Produced by Paul Sabu. KJV: Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God , believe also in me. It seems silly, now, but y'know what was scary and unruly back in the day? Heavy metal music! Judas Priest was in the midst of a trial for alledgedly telling kids to shoot themselves! The special effects are particularly good, with a great scene where a character called Genie is seduced and stripped by a supernatural glow. A glam-rock movie needs a glam-rock soundtrack and Trick or Treat doesn't disappoint, with a superb nine track album recorded specifically for the film by rock group Fastway. Light Up Pumpkin Faced Man. Also, the house Sammi Curr busts through the window is located at Borden Ave, two houses up from Eddie's house. Entertainment; Tasmanian trick or treaters to hit the streets for Halloween. The movie centers on a teenager who is haunted by the ghost of his rock hero. A classic example of 80s comedy horror, author Roger finds himself battling odd demons, zombies and flying monsters. He chuckled as his hand snaked under my sundress to palm my cheeks, earning a small squeal, "I'll be back soon. So the show restructured the end of the season. The lighting in that scene was really very nice. Trick or Treat - Behind the scenes, making the movie. Performed by Only Child. She was introduced in season 2 as a new student who moved to Hawkins from California with her step-brother Billy Hargrove. Top Rated Plus. Trick or as this is occurring, a voiceover cuts in, reciting lines from the third scene of the play the tragical history of doctor faustus, by christopher marlowe, which is about a man who sells his soul to Here's a special early Halloween treat for all of you Trick or Treaters out there — a cool horror video featuring some behind-the-scenes footage from 's cult classic TRICK TRICK OR TREAT. The Adventures of Milo and Otis was the number one Japanese film on the domestic market in Occasionally the two worlds collided. Courtesy of Bug Music. Share photos and videos of your Halloween decorations or. Reception was particularly strong because of the A lot of his scenes had already been shot. Trick or Treat stars a metal fan named Eddie Weinbauer who Eddie brilliantly portrayed by Marc Price is the target for frequent bullying and public humiliation see the locker room scene. Trying to imagine what it was like for the animator who had to go through this frame by frame to add the green glow. Psycho Mantis possesses powerful psychic abilities. Creepy Hollow Halloween Accessories. Pickles Mining Dedicated division with over 60 years' experience providing asset valuations and disposal services for the mining sector across Billy groaned wantonly into my mouth, pulling down before away, "Got 30 seconds, baby. Performed by See Jane Run. One of the biggest questions Stranger Things continues in season 4 is, is Will Byers gay? It's a subtle character detail that has come up more and more as the seasons go on, and as the characters get older. Part of 8 pages of info for the movie from the award winning '80s Movies Rewind. Haldir said and gestured for you to follow the elf beside him. Now on Halloween, he wants to come back to life. Newtown, PA. A bullied teenage boy is devastated after the death of his heavy metal idol, Sammi Curr. Shoes not included. 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troquantary · 3 years
Cutting Hair as Punishment in the Twilight Saga
Okay, I���ve been trying to organize my thoughts around this into a sort-of-essay format for a while, because I find it disturbingly mean-spirited: Meyer has a pattern of using hair-cutting as a form of punishment for characters, especially female characters, who fail to embrace Bella and the Cullens with open arms. I’m talking particularly about Leah and Lauren, both of whom, while not outright antagonists like Victoria or James, are situated along with Rosalie as “against” Bella throughout the series. The Quileute pack, meanwhile, is situated largely “against” the Cullens, meaning Jacob and the rest of the pack get the Haircut of Shame, too.
(Also, I’ve been creeping through @panlight ‘s blog because I thought she had a recent post relating to this -- I was probably thinking of this submission and her addendum, which does discuss Meyer’s “punishment” of certain characters, but that post was about characters suffering for not waiting for True Love, or daring to do the Devil’s Tango before marriage. Still, it’s on-theme and very much worth reading, like all her stuff!)
So here’s the general outline: first I’m gonna talk about the shapeshifters and how their overall lack of choice frames cutting their hair as something forced on them and therefore punitive. Then I’m going to discuss Meyer’s FAQ response where she reveals that Lauren was tricked into cutting off most of her hair over the summer before New Moon, and how this adds an extra fun misogynistic element to the hair-cutting theme with respect to Lauren and Leah. I also use way too many words to do it, sorry.
Punishment | The Shapeshifters Are Given No Other Option
I don’t have the background or knowledge to discuss the significance of long hair to indigenous culture and identity in detail, and my understanding is that different tribes ascribe different meanings to it. What I’ve read it about it suggests that, generally, long hair represents strength of one’s individual spirit and of the community. It’s a source of pride, and is only cut off voluntarily in extraordinary circumstances, often as an expression of grief, or to mark a significant life change.
This sort of works in the context of the shapeshifters all cutting their hair -- phasing into a giant wolf, discovering the existence of the supernatural, and assuming the role of protectors is a major life event for these characters. But the negative associations make it a troubling choice on Meyer’s part, and that’s without even getting into the problem of her imposing her own worldbuilding onto the legends and culture of a real tribe. Because of the lack of choice involved in becoming a shapeshifter, the whole situation feels like a scenario in which the Quileute characters have their hair forcibly cut -- a degrading and traumatic act that (depending on their particular tribal belief) might symbolically sever them from their sense of cultural identity and connection with the rest of their tribe.
It all kind of begs the question: why does Meyer even have shapeshifting work this way? What narrative utility is there in having the length of their hair in human form determine the length of their fur as wolves, thereby compelling the shapeshifters to cut it so it isn’t a physical impediment? It’s another sign of the changes in Jacob, sure, but he’s already being uncharacteristically cold and distant, plus suddenly has the physique of a fit twenty-five-year-old; Bella already knows something’s very wrong. His short hair is just another jarring thing for Bella to notice and mourn, like the loss of Jacob’s “baby face” and general sunniness.
It does work as a symbolic thing, representing another sacrifice Jacob has to make and the change in how he now has to perceive himself -- but he’s already got a literal giant wolf form to represent that change in identity/self-perception. Forcing him to cut his hair too just feels like piling on. My argument here, which I hope will be supported when I discuss Lauren and Leah further in, is that it’s not just piling on, but actively punitive -- because much like Leah and Lauren are “against” Bella, the pack at large is “against” the Cullens pretty much through the end of the series.
The Quileute pack is definitely not a Cullen fanclub. The entire purpose of their existence is to destroy vampires, and the truce they have with the Cullens isn’t friendly. They still don’t particularly like or trust the Cullens even after allying with them in Eclipse, and in Breaking Dawn Sam is fully prepared to go to war against them to enforce the treaty. Bella expresses frustration with Jacob and the pack for not appreciating the Cullens more, yet is curiously less willing to scold Alice, Edward, or Rosalie when they call the Quileutes dogs and complain about their smell. (I think she might reprimand Edward for it at some point, but I don’t remember the exact passage.) Bella even starts throwing around “dog” and “mutt” as an insult herself -- I think we know whose side ol’ “Switzerland” is on, here, and whose side Meyer is on as well. The Quileutes aren’t exactly enemies, and in fact are crucial to the Cullens’ survival in both the newborn and Volutri conflicts, but they’re punished nonetheless because they aren’t wholeheartedly Team Cullen from the get-go.
So to explain why I’m so convinced that there’s a link between hair-cutting and punishment in particular, let’s talk about Lauren. There’s a definite gendered element to it this time, too -- by being tricked into cutting her hair, Lauren isn’t just diminished/shamed, but rendered (*thunderclap*) unfeminine.
Lauren Was Rude To Bella Like Twice, Let’s Humiliate Her
I think Meyer’s answer to the question “What happened to Lauren’s hair?” on her FAQ page speaks for itself:
Ha ha. I had fun imagining this one—I only wished that it had fit into the book somewhere. Lauren fell victim to the “model discovered in the mall” scam. An alleged modeling agent approached Lauren in a mall in Victoria, B.C., and told her she was a natural model. Lauren ate it up. The agent told her that if she did something edgy with her hair, and took some high quality head shots, her future was assured. Lauren followed the instructions—dropping fifteen grand on the pictures taken by the agent’s partner—and waited for her career to begin. She’s still waiting. Snort.
It’s pretty obvious that this was done spitefully. Here’s the list of Lauren’s crimes against humanity Bella at this point in the series: 1) she was jealous of the attention Bella was getting as the new girl; 2) she talked behind Bella’s back once, saying Bella might as well just sit with the Cullens now (and she isn’t wrong); 3) she eyed Bella “scornfully” the day of the La Push beach trip; and perhaps most damningly, 4) she’s blonde.
Post-haircut, she has the gall not to be thrilled that Bella’s deigning to speak to the lowly non-Cullens again, then sides with Jessica after Bella uses Jessica to make a point to her dad, is shitty company, and then risks getting them both raped and murdered in Port Angeles so she could get off on her hallucination of Edward’s voice.
I think it’s pretty common knowledge that long hair is tied to patriarchal notions of femininity and attractiveness. Women with short hair are still derided for being ugly, or assumed to be lesbians in a derogatory sense, or simply considered less feminine and therefore less desirable/worthy (because a woman’s worth depends on her desirability, after all). For many women and girls, losing their long hair -- whether because of illness, or gum getting stuck in it, or whatever -- is very upsetting and a hard blow to their self-esteem. Just look at Alice as an example of Traumatic Short Hair; her hair was shorn like that because she received electroshock “treatments” in an asylum. (Although in Alice’s case, I don’t think her having short hair is punishment, but a facet of the traumatic backstory all female characters in Twilight have to have for some reason. Plus, she started the series with short hair, which distinguishes her from the pack and Lauren, who were tricked or compelled into cutting their long hair during the series.)
But Lauren’s so bitchy, so she deserves it, right? Ha ha, she was mean to Bella and cared about her appearance too much, so now she’s ~ugly!
Leah Has It the Worst and It Makes Me Want To Burn Everything
The misogynistic aspect of hair-cutting as punishment is taken up to like, twelve with Leah. Not only does she suffer for being “against” the Cullens along with the rest of the pack (and Bella, too, so extra sinning), but she suffers uniquely for being the only female shapeshifter. A bunch of teenage boys regularly see her naked body against her will. Her previously devoted boyfriend imprints on her cousin/best friend, Sam dumps her and can’t even explain why, and the whole pack -- including her own brother -- resents her for being upset about it, even though she can’t help the lack of mental privacy. Because of that same lack of mental privacy, she has to hear every gripe the boys have about her, plus every enthralled thought Sam has about Emily while she’s still deeply wounded by their breakup.
She blames herself for her dad’s death, because she phased at the wrong time. We don’t get any indication that her fellow shapeshifters or the elders are trying to reassure her otherwise.
And of course, because she’s a shapeshifter, she has to cut her hair. In addition, because Leah’s a woman, this has the same misogynistic connotations as it did with Lauren. In Leah’s case, though, the de-feminization is compounded by her sudden infertility. It’s clear that Leah attaches her sense of womanhood to her fertility, rightly or wrongly -- she bitterly calls herself a “genetic dead end” in Breaking Dawn and thinks of herself as a freak. She feels like there must be something wrong with her, some un-womanly flaw, that made her one of the shapeshifters at all.
Then, just when Jacob starts to see her as a human being worthy of compassion, he imprints on Renesmee and doesn’t give a shit about anyone or anything else anymore. No more bonding with Leah, no blooming friendship to help her heal and come to terms with the new realities of her life. (This is one of those dropped threads that aggravate me to no end -- what was the point of having Leah opening up to Jacob, or starting Jacob on the path of realizing he was being a dick to her this whole time and that she’s a person with  value, if he was just going to spend the rest of the book as Renesmee’s love-zombie and never think about it again? Disgusting.)
Leah was a lot more forgiving of Jacob than he deserved at that point in the story, for all the good it did her -- I think she’s mentioned maybe once in Book 3 of Breaking Dawn. At least she got her god-tier moment of yelling at a deranged, pregnant Bella Swan.
Speaking of Bella...
I’m just going to note, for no particular reason, that in Breaking Dawn we get to hear explicitly that Bella’s got hair that falls “almost to her waist” and that she looks like “a freaking supermodel” because she’s so “beautiful and pale.” It just strikes me as a telling contrast at this point.
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orangeoctopi7 · 4 years
Buzzfeed Unsolved: The Suspicious Crash of Stanley Pines
The theme for @stanuary week 3 is Crime... what about... TRUE CRIME? I started watching Buzzfeed Unsolved this last summer, so I’ve been wanting to do something like this.
If you don’t watch Buzzfeed Unsolved, this is probably gonna seem like a lot of rambling.
On the morning of July Fourth, 1982 in the sleepy logging town of Gravity Falls, Oregon, there was a firey explosion that wasn't part of the fireworks and festivities. A car had gone over the edge of the town's famed floating cliffs.
"Floating cliffs?" Shane asked
"They're like, giant overhangs. They're not just floating up in the middle of the air like Pandora or something." Ryan explained, showing Shane a photo on his phone.
"Oh, that's pretty."
"It is really pretty."
"What a beautiful place for a car to careen over a cliff."
Ryan cracked up.
"You get a lovely view as you plummet to your death." Shane imagined.
Between 6:15 and 6:20 PM, the Gravity Falls Police Department received six separate calls reporting seeing a yellow car in flames drive off the edge of the cliff and crash to the valley below.
When investigators arrived on the scene, they found the remains of a crushed and burnt 1971 Subaru DL Coupe. The police report notes finding that the brakes were cut, and evidence of gasoline being poured into the driver’s seat to start the fire. Strangest of all, no body was found in or around the crash, only a few burnt strands of hair.
“So, right off the bat, real suspicious.” Shane commented.
“Yeah, and it only gets more suspicious from here.” Ryan assured his co-host.
“And I’m assuming there’s no chance that they guy, y’know, got up and walked away from the crash?” 
“Oh, no, no way. You saw the picture of the cliffs.”
“Oh yeah, no way.”
“There’s no way anyone in the car would have survived that fall.”
“And it was on fire.”
“And it was on fire.”
Despite the lack of a body, the police determined from the few burnt strands of hair and an anonymous tip they received at 6:15 PM on the day of the crash, the driver of the car was one Stanley Pines, a 31 year old man from Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey. Allegedly, he had been coming to Gravity Falls, Oregon to visit his twin brother, Stanford, who lived just a ten minute drive from the cliff Stan’s car had driven off.
“Wait, wait, wait--” Shane interrupted Ryan’s explanation, “Twin brothers. Named Stanley and Stanford.”
“Who the f___ names their kids like that?”
“I know, right?”
“Were they identical twins?”
“Uh, I couldn’t find anything saying they were definitely genetically identical, but, uh, with the way this case goes, it’s safe to assume they were identical enough.”
“Yikes, I feel sorry for them growing up, can you imagine how often people got them mixed up?”
“Yeah, but imagine the kinds of shenanigans they must have gotten up to!”
“Oh, that’s true. There would have been plenty of shenanigans. Lots and lots of shenanigans.”
“If you had twins, would you give them cutesy twin names?” Ryan asked.
“No.” Shane answered firmly.
“I think I’d just do like, alliterative names. Nothing too similar.” 
“Yeah, no I think twins probably have to deal with enough confusion bull___ without having to throw similar names or the same initials into the mix.”
“Interestingly enough…” Ryan started.
“Yeah, I’m guessing from your comments that the twin thing plays into this.”
When interviewed by the police, Stanford claimed his brother never arrived at his house. However, testimonies of other townsfolk reported seeing a red 1967 El Diablo with a distinctive “STNLYMBL” vanity license plate driving up the road to Stanford’s house earlier that winter. The house is out in the woods, isolated from the rest of the town, so no one would drive up that way unless they were going to see the cabin.
“Well what if they just wanted to take a walk out in the woods?” Shane countered.
“It was in early February.” 
“In a blizzard.”
“Ok, you do not have a weather report for the exact day they saw this car!”
“Two of the testimonies mention there was a snow storm that day. Plus, the license plate says STANLEY MOBILE.”
“Well, Stanley is a fairly common name.”
“You-you’re just being contrary to bug me now, aren’t you?” Ryan accused.
Shane just grinned.
What’s more, that same red El Diablo was the car Stanford now drove. 
“What!?” Shane laughed with disbelief for a moment before putting on a mocking tone. “Uh, yeah, he never showed up, but, uh, I have his car. I’m still driving it. Y’know, seemed like a waste to just let it sit in the driveway.”
“He didn’t even change the license plate.” Ryan added.
“Oh, of course not!” Shane said sarcastically. “Why go through all that trouble?”
Upon further inspection, the car that crashed was registered to Stanford, and had been reported totaled almost seven years prior.
“It’s interesting that they say it was totaled.” Ryan commented. “Because totalled just means that the damage is more expensive to fix than the car is worth, so it could have still been drivable.”
“And if you’re trying to fake a car crash, what better to use than an already worthless car?” Shane agreed. 
Stanley Pines was declared dead by auto accident and the case was closed in September of 1982, due to lack of evidence and quote: “A lack of interest from the involved parties”.
“A lack of interest from the involved parties!? What the h___ does that even mean?” Shane asked in bewilderment.
“It’s odd, to be sure.”
It’s when we look into the background of the presumed dead Stanley, and his brother Stanford, that this case becomes truly bizarre. 
Stanley Pines left home at the age of 17, and had brief but unsuccessful careers as an amature prize fighter and as a salesman, before he turned to a life of crime. Prior to his reported death, he had been in prison five times, in three different countries, and had lived under at least eight different assumed names, with several others that were never confirmed. He had known ties to the mob and drug cartels.
“Quite the shady character. That might explain why the police didn’t look too closely into his ‘death’.” Shane put air quotes around “death”.
“Well, does it? I mean, if they thought his death might have been related to the mob…” Ryan argued.
“They know better than to mess with the mob, even in Oregon.”
“I mean, we have seen in several past True Crime episodes, what can happen if you mess with the mob.”
“Oh yeah.”
“You don’t wanna do it.”
His brother Stanford was no less strange. He was born with fully-functional polydactyly, meaning he had six fingers on each hand. It’s worth noting that after 1982, Stanford no longer had 6 fingers. He claims that he had them surgically removed, because, quote: “I was sick of people staring.”
“Uh-huh. Sure.” Shane said doubtfully.
“You don’t believe that explanation?”
“Let’s just say I find it highly suspect.”
Stanford was also a certified genius, graduating with the most PhDs Backupsmore University had ever awarded. As a graduate student, he worked as a researcher and inventor for the US Government. Some sources say he worked on top-secret experiments. 
In 1975, he received a $100,000 research grant, which he used to move to Gravity Falls and become a Paranormal Researcher. When he arrived in Gravity Falls, he was the subject of many rumors throughout the town, due to his reclusive nature and strange area of study. 
“Oh, so this guy was basically you.” Shane pointed out.
“He’s basically me if I didn’t have you.” Ryan agreed.
“Awww, that’s sweet!” Shane placed a hand over his heart.
Many residents reported seeing strange lights coming from Stanford’s home in the woods starting almost as soon as he moved in, as well as strange sounds.
“Well, it seems like Gravity Falls is a pretty small town. People gossip.” Shane reasoned.
“Ok, yeah, but people gossip about who’s cheating on who, or what business secretly sells drugs out the back. They don’t gossip about strange lights coming out of the new neighbor’s basement.”
“They could. It’s gossip. Gossip can be about anything.”
Reports of the lights stopped in late January of 1982. Just four months later, in March, Stanford began opening up his home for tours, and in a matter of weeks, transformed his home into a tourist stop called the “Murder Hut.”
“Oh my g__.” Shane stifled a laugh. “A little on the nose there, don’t you think?”
“He did rename it to the Mystery Shack about a year later.”
“Hmm, yeah I wonder why?” Shane asked facetiously. 
Stanford also exhibited paranoid behavior on several occasions before the crash, especially in the early months of 1982.
One local reported seeing Stanford screaming “No it isn’t, you creeps! I can see you just fine!” down an alleyway. Several other eyewitnesses reported seeing him fall out of his seat at the Triple Digits Truck Stop Diner on Route 14 and scream for something to “get out of his mind” before fleeing the building.
“So, he definitely seemed to think something was out to get him.” Ryan commented.
“Not the words of a sane man.”
“Unless something really was out to get him.”
“Eeeeh, even then…” Shane wiggled his hand in a so-so motion. 
Dan Corduroy, one of the few people who had regular contact with Stanford before he opened the Mystery Shack, had this to say about the sudden change from research lab to tourist trap:
“Oh, he’s definitely been acting differently. He was really shy before, hard to talk to even. He seemed uncomfortable spending a lot of time with people. I’d invite him over to one of my family’s cabins to visit, but he only ever wanted to visit the haunted one while we were all out of town. I’d say it was a good change, though. It wasn’t good for him to be alone all the time like that. I’m glad he’s finally spending time with other people.”
“He only wanted to visit our haunted cabin.” Shane repeated with disbelief. “Hey, do you wanna come over to visit one of our cabins?” He put on a voice. “Uh, that depends, what kind of cabins have you got?’ ‘Well there’s one by the lake, one with a nice view of the valley, and one that’s haunted.’ ‘Oh, I’ll take the haunted one!”
“What gets me is he only wanted to visit the haunted cabin while everyone else was out of town. We’ve stayed in our fair share of haunted places, and it was bad enough staying overnight, just me and you, but there is nothing that could convince me to spend the night in one of those places all by myself.”
“I mean, I’m pretty sure none of the places we’ve been to have actually been haunted, but I see what you mean. It’s not fun to go to a haunted house by yourself. It’s kinda boring.”
“Um, we’re not gonna get into this discussion now, because we still haven’t even gotten to the theories yet, but you’re wrong.”
The case came to light again in August of 2012, when Federal agents arrested Stanford Pines, and detained him for several hours for questioning. By the next day, he had been released, and officials stated that his arrest had been due to a false lead. What exactly that false lead was, however, was never stated.
Now that we’ve gone over the extensive background of this case, let’s get into the theories of what really happened that 4th of July in 1982.
Theory #1: The theory put forth by the police, that Stanley Pines died in a fiery car accident.
“So then how do they explain what happened to the body?” Shane asked.
“It doesn’t say.” Ryan.
“And why were the breaks cut?”
“No explanation given.”
“That’s a stupid theory, those cops ought to be fired.”
Ryan stifled a laugh. “You’re not wrong.”
Theory #2: That Stanley killed his brother, made it look like his own death, and took over his brother’s life. This would explain the loss of his extra fingers, the sudden change in behavior that led him to open up the Mystery Shack, and his sudden acquisition of Stanley’s car. It does not, however, explain the lack of a body in the crash.
“He could have disposed of his brother’s body somewhere else, and then just like, left an ice block on the gas pedal and let the car run itself off the cliff.” Shane theorized.
“That’s possible. I was also thinking, maybe the body was gone. Maybe Stanley didn’t necessarily kill Stanford, maybe they met up in the woods, Stanford got eaten by a bear, and Stanley, who was already in trouble with the mob, took advantage of the situation, and faked his own death.”
“How--why did you work your fear of bears into this?” 
“That’s just my variation on this theory.”
“Then why all the secrecy? Why not say that he was the one who got eaten by the bear? Why fake the car crash and then say his brother never showed up?”
“Because if the mob knew he’d talked to his brother before he died, maybe they’d come question him?”
“Oh, yeah, that’s a possibility.”
Theory #3: That Stanford killed Stanley and made it look like an accident. People who support this theory say the psychological trauma and guilt of killing his own brother may have driven Stanford to change his appearance and behavior to more closely resemble that of his dead brother.
“That’s… kind of a stretch.” Shane said slowly. “I feel like, Occam's Razor, theory 2 is more plausible.”
“What makes you say that one’s more plausible?”
“I dunno, just saying ‘He killed his brother and took his place’ seems a lot more likely than ‘The other brother killed him and the guilt drove him to act like his brother. I don’t think that’s how psychology works.”
Theory #4: Both brothers are still alive. Stanley, on the run from the mob, came to his brother Stanford for help. Meanwhile, Stanford was worried about someone or something that was out to get him. They came to a solution that would solve both their problems: switching places. They would fake Stanley’s death, throwing the mob off of Stanley’s trail. Then, Stanley would take Stanford’s place in the public eye, while Stanford went into hiding.
This theory is supported by photos that surfaced on Facebook in 2012. Several photos of Gravity Falls after a series of earthquakes did extensive damage to the town show what is supposed to be Stanford. However, another man that looks just like him is seen standing in the background. Interestingly enough, both mens’ hands are obscured in all of these photos. 
While the photos haven’t been analysed by any professionals to definitively determine if either of the men are Stanley Pines, it has been determined that the photos are not edited.
“Would the whole photo recognition software even work on identical twins?” Ryan wondered.
“I don’t think so?” Shane answered unsurely. “I mean, my Facebook facial recognition auto-tag doesn’t even recognize my mom half the time, so I wouldn’t be surprised if twins throw it off.”
“Just looking at some of these photos yourself, what do you think?” Ryan handed a few print-outs from his folder to Shane.
“Oh wow, yeah, they do look alike.” Shane nodded. “Alright, yeah, I’m convinced. We solved it, guys! Video over!”
“We actually do have one more theory.” Ryan informed him.
Theory #5: Stanford was abducted by aliens.
“Oh for f___’s sake--” Shane threw his hands up in frustration. “We have four perfectly good, plausible explanations, and you have to throw that in!”
“This one actually does have some evidence behind it.”
“Bull____, but go on.”
Stanford was a professional paranormal researcher. Although he was very secretive about his research, even to his grant committee, some of his research notes do list looking for proof of ancient aliens visiting the valley before European contact. Could it be the thing he was afraid of was aliens?
“... That’s it?” Shane asked. “When you said this one actually had some evidence behind it, I thought you meant there was a UFO sighting in the same area around the same time.”
“The negative space between the floating cliffs kinda looks like a UFO” Ryan pointed out.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean a random researcher in the 80’s was abducted by aliens! That’s like, if I found a ransom note for you in the office, but I said ‘Well, Ryan was afraid of bears. Bears used to live in California, there’s one on the state flag outside our building. He must have been eaten by a bear.’ That’s the kind of leap in logic we’re talking about!”
Was this a case of fratricide? Or is this the longest and most elaborate twin switch of all time? For now, this case remains… UNSOLVED.
 * * *
“It was really hard for me to stay on topic while I was researching this one.” Ryan admitted as they wrapped things up. “There is a lot of weird stuff related to Gravity Falls, we should go there for an episode one of these days.”
“I’d love to do that, it looks like a beautiful place to visit.” Shane agreed. “Are you sure you wanna do that though? It seems like the place is crawling with haunted cabins and bears.”
“Well, one could argue this entire series is about me conquering my fears, so… Why not?”
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heartfragment · 3 years
Heart Fragment Walkthrough: Kay
When you discover the secrets of your family's past, Kay is the first ally to appear. Kay does not define himself by the fact that he is blind; rather, he is dependable, energetic, and cheerful - like sunshine. But sometimes his happiness somehow feels like a mask that he puts on...
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Note: Most endings have multiple ways of getting to them. This is a guide to guarantee you get them all, but feel free to mix and match or experiment with your own ideas!
Endings Overview
(for those who don't want a full guide, just the general idea of how to get the endings; if you want a step-by-step guide instead, keep reading!)
Kay branch 1 criteria: Certain traits will add points towards this branch. Branch 1 can be unlocked by focusing on the following traits: cautious, paranoid, nosey OR by having a heart that is orange or lower.
Kay branch 1, good end, romantic: end the route with a pink heart or higher
Kay branch 1, good end, platonic: end the route with an orange heart or lower
Kay branch 2 criteria: Branch 2 can be unlocked by focusing on the following traits: extremely high trust (bar to full is dark colored or almost fully dark colored), extremely low ego/selflessness (bar is pastel colored or almost fully pastel colored) OR by avoiding the traits paranoid, cautious, and nosey OR by heart that is pink or higher OR by selecting dialogue options that reinforce Kay's dependence on you.
Kay branch 2, good, romantic: end the route without any bad endings and you are guaranteed this, as there is no platonic end in branch 2
Kay bad ending 1: two potential moments can bring on this ending. 1st option is to keep your points with Kay low (a green heart or less is recommended) OR have the paranoid trait unlocked during Friday of Act 2. 2nd option is to have the paranoid trait unlocked during Sunday of Act 3
Kay bad ending 2: on branch 2 of Kay's route, have the nosey trait OR select to "search a bit more" when prompted
Kay bad ending 3: on branch 2 of Kay's route, have a dagger heart next to Kay's name
Kay bad ending 4: on branch 2 of Kay's route, choose "leave now" when prompted
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Full Walkthrough - Common Route
Speak your mind
Steam achievement granted when meeting Shannon: "Best Friends Forever"
Talk to her anyway
Ignore him and say nothing
Sit across the room
Search your father's name
Read the obituary as well
Steam achievement granted when finishing on your laptop: "Finding Answers"
I guess that wouldn't be so bad
Don't ask her
Nice to meet you
Steam achievement granted when meeting Kay: "Mr. Sunshine Smile"
This is a bit too much to take in
3 updates will show up on your phone in the bottom right corner, check all of them
Knock first
Say you don't care
ask all the questions available
Pull away
Have a quick nap first
Steam achievement granted shortly after choice: "Nightmare or Daymare"
Tell Kay about it
You can
1 update will show up on your phone in the bottom right corner, check it
Wait for him to speak
Admit that's the reason
Go back home
Steam achievement granted shortly after choice: "Can you hear me!?"
RELOAD SAVE POINT 1 after getting the achievement
Go look at clothes
I'll try some things on too
The black and white one
You look great
The pink and blue star print one
You look great
The aqua blue one
You look great
Ask if you can draw Kay
Talk about something else
It would have been bad either way
Don't disturb them
1 new update will appear in the bottom right corner phone at night time after a scene transition, click it for a bonus CG
Search anyway
Try turning it back on
1 update will show up on your phone in the bottom right corner, check it
Steam achievement granted shortly after viewing phone update: "Project NMCI"
The panacea
...a good power to have
I won't do it again
I hope you open up to me more
Your father
Where have you been?
Your father
Not really
Sure, let's go
Sit down beside him
Nice outfit
Steam achievement granted when meeting Natalia: "Fancy Outfit, Odd Demeanor"
The smoothie bar is nearby
Something simple/classic
You can come tonight if you want
Suggest joining StarxSocial
Who are you chatting with?
Talk about Kay
What was that post all about?
1 update will show up on your phone in the bottom right corner, check it
Tell me more about his powers
Am I going to survive this...?
Shannon will worry if I'm late...
Tell Shannon about Kay going missing
Why would I tell you that?
Steam achievement granted when meeting Clive: "Suspicious Werirdo"
1 update will show up on your phone in the bottom right corner at night in your bedroom, check it
Steam achievement granted when meeting Jasper: "Knife-Wielding Antagonist"
type in the name "Ceaton"
Steam achievement granted when you type in the name Ceaton: "That's Your Name, Right?"
Reach out to the hand
Steam achievement granted when you grab the hand on the first choice: "Trust in the Hand"
I don't trust him enough to tell him
You can come again
Select the orange/red fragments
Steam achievement granted when you select the fragments: "Fantasy Select"
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Fantasy Intro / Act Zero
I don't think so
Tell him about the dream with Kay
Don't text her
I'm going to stay inside
I am scared, to be honest
Ask her about it some more
an eye symbol will appear at the bottom right of your screen, click it to read Lana's heart
I'm sorry for my outburst last time...
Touch his arm
I promise
Mention Kay going missing
Refuse to be friends with him
I don't trust him
Pancakes are great!
I don't want to talk about it
Walk in silence with him
an eye symbol will appear at the bottom right of your screen, click it to read Clive's heart
I need to keep an eye on him
when the beach search screen appears, find the orange feather in the water towards the center left of the screen
I'm happy
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Kay Act One
So... what shells did you find?
Fine, I admit defeat
I should plan my next move
I need to look eventually!
Don't set it up for him
Cream and sugar
I'm not sure
I really miss him
Make something up
I prefer you don't pry anymore
I need to save Kay!
an eye symbol will appear at the bottom right of your screen, click it to read Jasper's heart
Find the letter on top of the cliffs, close to the center of the screen
Climb anyway
I dunno...
Don't give up
I still want him back!
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Kay Act Two
We are friends
Maybe a little... (for romantic ending) OR Quit teasing me (for platonic)
We'll just say we're friends
I'll get a sleeping bag for you
Whisper that he'll be okay
Ask Kay if it's okay
I'll help him interact with others
Go somewhere with Kay
1 update will show up on your phone in the bottom right corner in the kitchen during breakfast, check it
Don't offer
I liked your smile
Yours makes me feel different
Tuck him into bed
Wake him
I promise
I do
Hold onto his hands (boosts romance) OR emphasize that he's safe (for platonic ending)
1 update will show up on your phone in the bottom right corner while in the living room prior to texting Shannon and/or calling your father, check it
Don't text her
It's rough
The Pirathon nature trail
I'm trying my best
Romance (boosts romance) OR happiness (for platonic ending)
Their music helped me through a lot
I wish I could show it to Kay
That is a reason
I don't think of it that way
Grab his hand (romantic) OR reassure him (platonic)
They're not you
Run away
Steam achievement granted when you choose 'go back to him' or if you have high enough romantic points: "I Believe In Him"
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Kay Act Three
Jasper is your past
...raised to hate me
...he's kind of cute (romantic) OR he's a good person (platonic)
1 update will show up on your phone in the bottom right corner when you get the Kay chibi CG, check it
You were pretty close
Say you aren't sure
I like short people (note: option boosts romance. If you want the achievement but want to ensure you get a platonic ending, create a save point here and then reload to choose the other option)
Steam achievement granted when you choose 'I like short people': "Short = Cute"
Go check on him
Stay back
Don't beat yourself up about it
I am afraid
Hand them to Kay
Ask Kay if he wants to tell her
You ARE Kay
Steam achievement granted if you selected all the choices above so far: "Come To Terms With It"
Why would you want me to do that?
I don't mind
Tell him what he wants to know
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Kay End Branch 1
Hold him close (romantic) OR continue holding his hand (platonic)
I don't mind (romantic) OR either other option (platonic) (note: choice only occurs if you have at least a yellow heart with Kay at this point)
Ask him again if he has a preference
I want to see you (romantic) OR Yes, definitely (platonic)
I feel that way too (romantic) OR I care about you, as a friend (platonic)
Steam achievement granted for reaching Branch 1 ending: "The Sun Will Rise"
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Fantasy Intro - Guide to Branch 2
Maybe we can hang out
Tell him about the dream with Kay
Text her
let's meet up soon
I guess I'll go sit outside for a bit
I am scared, to be honest
Leave the subject alone
I'm sorry for my outburst last time...
Touch his arm
I promise
I definitely don't regret it!
Mention Kay going missing
Give him the benefit of the doubt
I do prefer waffles, actually
Yes... I want to talk about it
Ask about his interests
Maybe I should give it a try someday
find the feather in the water near the center left of the screen
I'm happy
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Kay Act One
So... what shells did you find?
Fine, I admit defeat
I should get some rest
I need to look eventually
Don't set it up
I'm not sure
I really miss him
Make something up
It's alright
I need to save Kay!
Rest for a while
I still want him back!
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Kay Act Two
We are friends
Maybe a little...
We'll pretend to be dating
Steam achievement granted when you choose 'pretend to be dating': "Fake Date"
You can sleep in the bed
Whisper that he'll be okay
Ask Kay if it's okay
I'll help him interact with others
Spend the day together at home
1 update will show up on your phone in the bottom right corner in the kitchen during breakfast, check it
Of course you can
I liked your goofiness
You will
Because I trust in you
I like having you around
Let him sleep on your shoulder
Wake him
I do
Hold onto his hands
Send a message to Shannon
I'm safe
It's rough
The Pirathon nature trail
I'm trying my best
Their music helped me through a lot
Maybe I'll redraw it someday
You're right, it is
1 update will show up on your phone in the bottom right corner soon after the concert, check it
I don't think of it that way
Grab his hand
They're not you
You don't mean that
Tell the truth
Lay beside him
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Kay Act Three
Jasper is your past
...raised to hate me
...he's kind of cute
1 update will show up on your phone in the bottom right corner while you speak with Gray in the kitchen, check it
It's okay
Agree with Lana
Approach him
Hold onto his arm
I felt afraid
Hand them to Kay
Ask Kay if he wants to tell her
That's for you to decide
You'd be happy I'm having nightmares?
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Kay End Branch 2
You don't need to prove it
I don't see it that way
Go back upstairs
Search for Kay
I will be
Hand him the phone
Steam achievement granted if you have been consistently checking the phone for updates: "Kay Fan"
I'll go with you
1 update will show up on your phone in the bottom right corner while at Shannon's party, check it
Steam achievement granted for reaching Branch 2 ending: "Brighter Days"
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Bad Ending #1
The Pirathon Beach
Steam achievement granted for reaching bad ending: "Goodbye, my friend"
Bad Ending #2
Search a bit more
Steam achievement granted for reaching bad ending: "The demon's lover"
Bad Ending #3
Leave now
Steam achievement granted for reaching bad ending: "Death By Blonde"
Bad Ending #4
Note: There is an achievement in this ending that can only be achieved by having a low relationship with your father. If you've followed this guide so far, you should have the right stats to get this achievement.
Let him sleep
Tell Lana
I want to keep him close
Spend the day at home together
Of course you can
I liked your smile
You two aren't anything alike
I want to look out for you
Let him sleep on your shoulder
Let him rest a bit more
I do
Hold onto his hands
Send a message to Shannon
I'm safe
It's not that I need a break
The Pirathon nature trail
You're right
I had a crush on the lead singer
Maybe I'll redraw it someday
Stay quiet
It's not because of him
You aren't difficult
Say nothing
They are you
Run away
Lie to him
Lay beside him
Jasper doesn't exist anymore
... a hateful person
Steam achievement granted for having a low bond with your father: "He's Not Important :)"
... he's kind of cute
It's okay
Say you aren't sure
I have a preference for tall people
Approach him
Stop in front of him
I'll stay
You're not Kay
You'd be happy I'm having nightmares?
Just stay by my side
Any reason to get better counts
Go back upstairs
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sand-worms · 3 years
Hi how about bom, gnocchi, agnolotti, ris and Maggio 🥰 a completely random combo of characters
Why don’t you just send me in an ask to do every single character in vento aureo oh my fucking lord
Bombolone 💕
- She’s SOOOOO fucking pink she’s so pink…
- I think she has a nice balance of her emotionality and her patience being both strengths and weaknesses for her
- She’s honestly fairly simple and it doesn’t take much to make her happy. I love that for her
- Her stand is such a pain in the ass to draw but I think it’s really pretty shakdbcj
- ummm she’s bisexual and she keeps winning!
- Her backstory is my favorite of my 3 girls I put the most thought into it I think and I like the kind of character she’s become from it
- Her stand is also my favorite of the three ahdbfksb I just think it’s a neat concept and I tried to challenge myself with the design and I’m happy with what I came up with
- I like that she’s a little bit going through it in her life. She has a lot of room for growth and depending on the canon she doesn’t get to go through it <3
- She’s really easy for me to draw AHDKFB…
- She collects knives which I think is fun and all of them are illegal
- She went through a big punk phase in college and was in a band with two of her friends which I think is very fun and epic of her
- I tried to challenge myself with her design a little too and I like what I came up with but on the downside she never agrees with me when I try to draw her
- She’s highly independent and smart and she doesn’t really put up with shit from anyone ahandndsgs
- I like the way her stand works hdjsvsj idk I just think it’s cool and like a mix of Beach Boy and Stone Free and yea
- I like that she’s sort of calmed down from her punk phase since she was younger but never fully let go of it so she’s still got most of her piercings from the time and still likes to dress that way when she can idk it’s a silly thing but I enjoy it.
- He’s so so fucking huge and large I love that (canon can say he’s 6’1” all they want I know in my heart he’s 6’7”) His boobs are so big because that’s where he stores all his love for his team
- Metallica is so cool I think it’s such a neat stand and the little beans are so cute hggshs
- I like that he very obviously cares for his team despite sort of acting like he doesn’t. Idk they’re just a weird fucked up family in a sense like sometimes they can’t stand each other but they care about each other
- My brain is starting to get scrambled from answering all these asks but Hsggshssh His dimples when he smiles… ok king….
- He really had sm potential I really think he should’ve beat Doppio in the Metallica fight and taken over as the main antagonist of part 5 I think it would’ve been so good and tied together so nice with La Squadra wanting revenge for sorbet and gelato.
- Stupid idiot king who’s so so smart actually. I’ve been over it before I will not explain again.
- I genuinely think his stand is cool if I was in Vento Aureo I would throw hands with Illuso for making fun of it. I’d hype Formaggio and little feet up here comes a special boy you better fucking cheer and clap!!!
- He’s everyone’s friend and I love that. He’s so chill and easygoing I would love to hang out with him.
- I love his colors in the manga he looked so fun and punk and then the anime made him a circus clown :(
- I think everyone overlooks that he has very pretty eyes actually :)
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